#Felix mallory
magspy · 11 months
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Three years of dnd character themed Halloween art
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prntrink · 1 month
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goog boy bad bitch
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vineboom-sfx · 1 year
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Current Ink Chains designs (hopefully I won’t change their dumb asses again)
I soldiered though these on a wave of random motivation, and I’m fucking proud of them >B]
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queen-scribbles · 9 months
 #I'm gonna CRY #the GENTLENESS #the YEARNING #there's so MUCH they're not saying and like they KNOW but #and now I'm wondering when exactly Adam started carrying a first aid kit #did anyone notice? did he try to brush it off as practical? (of course he did) #I'm fine I'm fine I'm Normal about all of this #gonna keep feeling things about this au until the end of time bye (captainofthefallen)
AAAAAAAHHHHHHHHI'm fine this is fine I'm so normal about themthe callback to 'what if we don't break?' and everything they aren't saying and adam carrying a first aid kit when his team is 4/5 vampiresthey CARE SO MUCH and they know it but it's not enough (yet) but also they can't help but be drawn to each other 😭😭this is so gentle and sad and sweet and I'm dying 💀(also I love seeing the differences between mallory and aj and kira in regards to their post-book 3 relationship with adam)(haledamage)
(Glad to see I am not alone in the insanity this AU drives me to🙃💀)
Listen. LISTEN. The inherent, eternal optimism of "what if we don't break?" is so perfectly AJ it makes me scream internally and die a thousand deaths. The "What if it's great instead of awful?", what if it's worth it, what if this Worst you're always planning for never comes and we WASTE THIS?! Especially in response to Adam's "I am not strong enough to be broken again" when his Thing on the team is leadership and STRENGTH. This is what he fears will be Too Much, he's not Strong Enough for if this ends badly. (Also ALSO ALSO that he says "I am not strong enough and AJ says "what if WE don't break" bc he's thinking in terms of toughing it out on his own and she's saying No Actually, We're In This TOGETHER. We Are A Team, du Mortain. Yeah. Can you tell that exchange wrecked me almost as much as the Mason Shower Scene? :) ) It's gonna be v hard to do post book 3 stuff for them that doesn't invoke a callback to that bc it's just. YEAH.
There's definitely a gentleness to AJ/Adam(esp on his end) that's lacking in Mallory/Adam for obvious reasons but ALSO bc with AJ he's so blown away by her genuine care and sweetness and knows how rare that is bc 900 years of interacting with people has TAUGHT HIM how rare it is and he wants to protect that, keep it safe from everything even him and AUUUGGHHHHH And AJ is so sad for him that whatever happened, whatever he lost, hurt him so deeply that he's this scared of it happening again, with her. They both know there's Something There. They both WANT to do something about it, but Adam is too afraid of losing her, of being broken, and AJ doesn't want to press forward until they're doing it together(She Will Convince Him. She is water wearing away rock and just as patient)
Does it make it better or worse wrt the first aid kit that I kinda h/c he starts carrying that regardless of if he's romanced/bff or not bc he's Adam "preparedness is a virtue" du Mortain, and it's just how it's utilized that changes based on his relationship with MC? Like, if you're not bffs/romancing he'd just hand it over and asks if you want help(at which point your LI or bff could step in, if present) + there's a lecture on Being Careful if he does help you. BFF gets lecture + Snark about you being careful bc you aren't invincible(that would be fun with Kasey :P) and romanced gets some variation of like AJ.
(also I love seeing the differences between mallory and aj and kira in regards to their post-book 3 relationship with adam)
Do you want me to ramble about AJ/Adam vs Mallory/Adam and how they're gonna play out post-bk3, Rhi? bc that's how you get to ramble about AJ/Adam vs Mallory/Adam and how they're gonna play out post-bk3
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stephschoices · 10 months
since sai updated the ros heights for us i wanted to compare my mc heights and 👀
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sendrew · 11 months
Sen's Skeletons - Senderverse
• San (Undertale Sans) • Percival (Undertale Papyrus)
• B (Underswap Sans) • Daryl (Underswap Papyrus)
• Rhett (Underfell Sans) • Parlo (Underfell Papyrus)
• Felix (Horrortale Sans) • Oliver (Horrortale Papyrus)
• Mallorie (Swapfell Purple Sans) • Russell (Swapfell Purple Papyrus)
• Cobb (Fellswap Black Sans) • Mack (Fellswap Black Papyrus)
• Johnny Copperhead (Gunruntale Sans) • Knox Copperhead (Gunruntale Papyrus)
• Sparks (Lusttale Sans) • Pan (Lusttale Papyrus)
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poisonfireleafs · 2 years
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The crowd♥
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foxsoulcourt · 2 years
One year ago tonight (in the US)...
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nycmess · 4 months
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ICYMI: We were also able to see some of our local messes’ Tinder messages. You’re in for a real treat with this one as we share with you some of the correspondence between Felix Kelly and Mallory Hawke. Apparently, the two have history outside of the dating app, as implied by the conversation they had. They talked for quite a long time, so if you want to skip the filler, here are the highlights of the talk:
Felix and Mallory go way back. They went to high school together.
Their conversation got explicit pretty fast. Felix asked Mallory why they never hooked up and implied he was not a big enough mess in the past to turn her on. He definitely is one now (which he admitted).
They made plans to “get lunch” together. Sure. Lunch.
Felix called Mallory a “good girl” and everyone in the world gagged.
Felix said Mallory is hotter now than she was in school. She blamed the lighting. He said she had an awkward phase. She said that she didn’t, but that Felix definitely did. Rude, but probably accurate.
Felix pulled a typical male manipulator tactic by asking Mallory if she wanted to impress him because “pretty girls love to be thought of as pretty” and she’d “hate it” if he didn’t think she was “the prettiest thing in the room”.
The conversation ended with Felix telling Mallory, "then i guess you better finish getting hot and come see me”. We have to assume she did just that, and the two probably had a wild night together, right?
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conradrasputin · 1 year
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via @abusivelittlebunny
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erythristicbones · 2 years
okay i said i'd ramble about my original stories a bit, so let's jump into my changes to the Nameless
1. Aliens vs Myths
The original drafts all worked with the idea that the creatures brainwashing the town were aliens, as that was what happened in the dream that became this story. But since it exists in my Earth universe and all of my other creatures in said universe are based on actual mythical creatures/cryptids, it felt weird to throw in aliens. Like technically there are ways I could work aliens in and have them be lore accurate, it just didn't fit in a way that I liked.
So, my main thought now is that they are going to be based on a mythical creature(actually considering two different mythical species working in tandem), it's just that they aren't well-known ones yet. The idea will be that the protagonists don't know what they are and never do find out an actual name/species for them...but they reader can then extrapolate what they think the creatures are. If I do a good job of my descriptions/lore then it will, ideally, be relatively easy to figure our what they are.
2. Switching up OC species
The vast majority of the original cast was human, with a handful of them being werewolves/lycanthropes, like the dream I had. This time around I definitely want to make that vary a bit more, since this takes place in the time period of this universe where mythical humanoids are very prevalent in society and obvs no longer just myths/rare sightings. Even an isolated town like Hobbysfell should have a decent population of non-humans within it.
So, the notable changes will be: Cori's best friend and love interest(Brooke and Daley), her rival(Mallory) and maybe a couple supporting characters(Felix and/or Lilias). Brooke & Daley are being changed from werewolves/general lycanthropes to Kushtaka, or specifically otter-shifters(Daley will be based on the congo clawless otter, Brooke on the sea otter). Mallory will be a Dryad, although I haven't settled on which tree to base her plant characteristics on. I think it would be neat to make Felix a Cyclops, but that also hinges on me doing research and then figuring out how those will function in my lore. Alicia/Nat will remain werewolves and Cori will remain a human.
I have like...two more plot related things still ruminating in my mind, but these are the big changes that I've defs settled on 👀
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scarnarara · 2 years
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prntrink · 4 months
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happy pride <3
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queen-scribbles · 1 year
For couples questions: 3 of your choice for Tragen/Jaesa since it seems you're in the mood 😛 and 3 each for AJ/Nate and AJ/Adam
Haha, yeah, that mood hit hard(would you believe it was just over a prompt fill? I just love them so much and was missing them, I guess) And picking my own questions is gonna be interesting, since I already got asks for them. :P
8. What do they find physically sexiest about each other?
Jaesa's torn between Tragen's voice and his nose. She loves his nose a lot, but that voice is incredibly sexy and she'd be lying to deny how frequently it gives her extremely pleasant goosebumps.
For Tragen it's Jaesa's eyes. She has these incredibly gorgeous deep brown eyes and he just really loves them a lot. (Her arms aren't bad either :3)
18. Would they have kids together?
100% yes. There would definitely be thought and discussion behind it, bc the galaxy is a fucking MESS right now, but it's always a mess, and they both want kids with each other, so it's a very solid possibility.
26. How are they with PDA?
heh. It doesn't happen on purpose, but they will occasionally go in for what's meant to be a quick kiss only for it to turn into much, much more and not realize they're doing it until Vette or somebody hollers "GET A ROOM"
9. Are they a "we" couple?
Oh, absolutely. It's sickeningly adorable and makes Mason fake-retch(and Felix grin) CONSTANTLY. Neither will be deterred.
10. What was their last big fight? What did they learn from it?
Their only(so far?) big fight was after the Trapper ambush in b3, bc while AJ did hide at first, like Nate asked, she's almost as driven to protect as Mallory, so she came busting back out to help midway through when she got scared for them. They learned Nate is over-protective, which surely won't be a problem down the road :))))) and AJ isn't always rational when people she cares about are in danger(this is the woman who tried to FIGHT Murphy even with her lousy combat stat bc it was all she could think to do in the moment. which is why he got away :)) )
I'm sure it'll be fine. They made up. Nate deflected and AJ let him. (She knows he was worried about her, she's not a vampire and has limits/vulnerabilities they don't) There's no way that'll come up again and be a problem in the future. *cackles*
15. What habits or characteristics have they picked up from each other?
Nate's started carrying hairbands in his jacket/jeans pocket in case AJ forgets or hers breaks. AJ's started shoving her hands in her pockets like he does. They've both started moving in sync with each other when they're in the same room/space.
heheheheh yes, enable the AU, surely this won't emotionally compromise me at all :P
7. What's their most and least favorite thing about each other?
AJ's favorite thing about Adam is how much he cares about his team, even to the point of making all the hard decisions so it's His Fault on the rare occasions things go wrong. Her least favorite thing is that he's apparently extended that habit to making the call on not admitting they're in love bc... this current state they're in will hurt less than if a nebulous "something" happens down the road? Apparently?
She's sympathetic to what he's told her so far about his family, understands how much it can hurt to lose someone you love(she misses Rook the most out of my girls. Such an empath) But she's of the mind that since they clearly love each other, that's not going to go away through denial so why hurt themselves NOW refusing to enjoy it just in case something happens that could take them from each other ("What if we don't break?"). If refusing to pursue this has both of them in tears, what's the point???? They clearly care about each other enough that if this nebulous Something he's afraid of happens IT WILL STILL HURT LIKE HELL.
Adam's favorite thing about AJ is her genuineness and open heart. She is so heart on sleeve, so open, so optimistic despite everything that happens to and around her(full-blast "Sure maybe there's only a 2% chance you win if you go for it, but there's a 0% chance if you don't even try" girl here). He admires so much the strength of heart/will it takes to still be like that, especially after Murphy. His least favorite thing is her borderline self-destructive level of care for other people. She will "Take me instead, leave them alone!" she WILL throw herself into a fight she can't win to protect/help other people, she will work herself almost to a breaking point trying to save innocents. (even Bobby. The one person in the world she might possibly actually hate, and she'd still risk her life for him bc it's who she IS)
So yeah, that's gonna be just loads of fun moving forward :D so much pain headed my way
14. What little things remind them of each other?
Remind Adam of AJ: Smell of coffee, hairbands, teddy bears(part of him really wishes he'd accepted when she offered the one at the carnival)
Remind AJ of Adam: sunglasses(especially aviators, but any will do it), Dracula(she will die before she admits that to him. But it is one of her favorite books and they did talk about it on the research route :D), moonlight
27. What interests do they share? For interests they don't share, do they ever participate anyway?
They both like to read. AJ definitely likes it more than Adam, but seeing as a good portion of the books in the library are his, it's clearly something he enjoys. At least enough to do with her, if nothing else. :3 AJ is not a Car Person(she's the "I'm not into cars but I know a nice one when I see it" line on his date scene), but she's more than happy to go for a ride in Adam's car, let him talk about it/enjoy it when he wants to. She's very much the "If my SO is happy, I'm happy and want to support him" type.
....now I wonder what Adam's reaction would be to all the random sketches AJ's done of him in the margins of her notes or when she doodles to clear her head >:3
Couples Asks
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pupsmailbox · 3 months
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NAMES ⌇ adeline. agatha. alastair. alex. alexander. alexandria. alisa. amber. ambrose. ambrosia. amorette. andrew. annabel. annabeth. annalise. anya. arden. artemis. arthur. ash. ashford. aspen. athena. atlas. atreus. augustus. avery. beatrix. blair. blake. blythe. bram. bronwyn. caspian. charles. charlotte. christopher. circe. claude. coraline. crimson. damian. damien. damon. daphne. darcy. demeter. diana. dorian. durant. ebony. eden. edgar. eleanor. elenor. elizabeth. elvira. emberl. enid. eris. everett. fantine. felix. fern. genevieve. george. grey. griffin. haven. hazel. hecate. henry. hester. holmes. hyde. inkesse. inkette. inkie. inky. isolde. ivie. ivy. james. jane. journalle. julian. julius. juno. kane. killian. lenore. lilith. lorelei. luna. magnus. malachi. mallory. maude. meredith. naomi. narissa. nicodem. nightesse. nightwing. nimue. noire. noiresse. noirette. odessa. odette. oliver. ophelia. orion. percy. persephone. peyton. phineas. phoebe. quill. quille. quinn. raven. ravenesse. ravenette. ravenne. remus. romero. rory. rosalind. rose. rowan. rowena. rufus. salem. scriptesse. sebastian. stoker. sylvain. tanith. theo. theodore. theodosia. trista. tristan. victor. victoria. vincent. virgil. wilhelmine. willow. wynona. xanthe. zoltan.
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PRONOUNS ⌇ acade/academia. amber/amber. an/antique. arch/architectself. arch/archive. art/art. art/artist. arti/article. arti/fact. artifact/artifact. baro/baroque. bea/beauty. bis/bisque. book/book. bookworm/bookworm. calligraphy/calligraphy. can/vas. candle/candle. cer/ceramic. char/charcoal. chess/chess. clas/classic. clay/clay. clock/clock. co/collect. coco/coco. cocoa/cocoa. cof/coffee. coffee/coffee. col/color. coll/collection. collage/collage. con/cept. crea/cream. crow/crow. cur/curate. dra/drama. dust/dust. essay/essay. fea/feather. feather/feather. fig/figure. fil/film. flicker/flicker. gal/gallery. glaze/glaze. globe/globe. gold/gold. hazel/hazel. his/history. history/history. hon/honey. hue/hue. hypo/hypothesis. illus/illustrate. ink/ink. journal/journal. ki/kiln. knowledge/knowledge. le/letter. learn/learn. letter/letter. li/library. lig/ligature. lit/literature. mar/marble. mur/mural. murder/murder. muse/muse. muse/museum. night/night. no/note. novel/novel. page/page. paint/brush. paint/paint. paint/painting. paper/paper. para/dox. pen/pen. pho/photo. pi/pigment. piano/piano. poe/poet. poem/poem. por/trait. porcel/porcelain. print/print. qui/quill. quill/quill. raven/raven. rea/read. read/read. ren/renaissance. rev/revolution. scrapbook/scrapbook. script/scripts. scroll/scroll. sculp/sculptor. sculp/sculpture. sketch/sketch. speci/specimen. spine/spine. sta/stamp. stai/stain. stamp/stamp. statue/statue. story/story. stu/dy. study/studie. study/study. surreal/surrealism. tea/tea. theo/theory. theory/theory. thes/thesis. time/time. tweed/tweed. violin/violin. wheel/wheel. ⌛/⌛. ⌛︎/⌛︎. ☕/☕. ✒︎/✒︎. ✒️/✒️. 🏛️/🏛️. 🏺/🏺. 📜/📜. 🕯️/🕯️. 🖼️/🖼️.
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sendrew · 11 months
Who’s your lightest/heaviest sleepers?
Okay so I'm answering this by ranking them from Heaviest to Heavier Sleepers, and then from Lightest to Lighter Sleepers, and including info about their sleeping styles and their preferred pajamas. We cool? Cool.
Heavier Sleepers
Johnny Copperhead honestly should be a much lighter sleeper than he is. It would certainly make his brother’s life a lot less stressful. But this skeleton sleeps like, well, the dead. A bomb could go off in the vicinity of this guy, and all he’d do is roll over and grumble at Knox to stop testing weapons in the middle of the night. Knox will – and has, in fact – carry Johnny’s sleeping body out to their getaway car, in the midst of bullets flying and fire raging around them. Johnny needs his sleep. He won’t wake up until he’s damn good and ready. Knox used to try to get him to wake up, but he’s learned his lesson by now. When Johnny wakes up in a place he definitely didn’t fall asleep in, his first instinct is to check his brother for injuries. He actually hates being such a heavy sleeper, but nothing they’ve tried does any good. They’ve both come to accept this limitation and work around it in their chaotic lives. He sleeps in his clothes, boots included.
B is a heavy sleeper. Once he’s out, he’s out. He’ll wake up for midnight emergencies – if you need him, or (if you’ve got a kid in the house) for kiddo nightmares – but he’ll pass right back out once his head hits the pillow again, and he won’t remember anything that happened in between evening and morning. He doesn’t like to sleep anywhere except his bed, and it’s only partially because he gets terrible quality sleep anywhere except his bed. On top of the bad sleep, he also feels very foolish if he falls asleep, say, on the couch while watching magical girl anime. Just as a random example. Look, Sailor Moon is a classic, okay?? He sleeps in magical girl anime shirts and matching shorts. They may all have been marketed to women, but he isn’t bothered by that in the slightest. He knows he’s cute as hell.
San is quite a heavy sleeper, depending on where exactly he fell asleep. If he’s in his own bed, he’s out like a light. If he’s anywhere near Percival, he’s down for the count. Anywhere else? It’s a gamble whether he’s actually sleeping, or whether he’s just pretending to sleep to prank somebody. He’s extremely good at pretending to sleep. You won’t be able to tell the difference unless you do something silly, like try to balance hot dogs on his head while he’s asleep, or make an especially terrible pun within earshot. Then his snickering laughter will give him away. If he’s actually in bed, he sleeps in an old undershirt and boxers and either socks or the blanket tucked tightly around his feet. He cannot fall asleep with his hands and feet uncovered. There’s this entirely irrational fear he has that he’ll wake up to realize his phalanges are missing. If he’s not in bed, he falls asleep in his clothes. Sometimes he accessorizes for his joke naps with a too small sleeping cap.
Felix’s relationship with sleep is very odd. He’s a strange combination of a deep sleeper and an easy-waker. But he only wakes for certain sounds. The shifting of branches. The breaking of twigs. The susurrus of bushes being walked through. And especially the crunch of snow underfoot. When he hears those sounds, he’s instantly wide-awake, and he’s ready to hunt. It’ll take quite a lot of persuasion to get him back to bed without hunting whatever made the sound he heard, and you won’t always be able to manage it. Don’t worry. He’s not going to hurt anyone. Not now. But he won’t be able to resist play-hunting whatever or whoever made the noise. Just so he stays in practice. Just in case. Felix sleeps in a clean shirt and gym shorts, socks on and ready to step into his ‘sneakers’. He calls whatever footwear he’s sneaking around in his ‘sneakers’. Sometimes you will have to clarify which footwear he means exactly, especially if he asks you to pass them to him. He won’t wake you, he just thinks it’s funny to mess with people a little bit.
Russell sleeps the sleep of the heavily medicated. He’s been on sleeping pills for ages, and he probably takes an inadvisable amount of meds to get himself to knock all the way out. It’s something he needs to talk to his doctor about, but he’s quite reluctant. He likes sleeping deeply. And he’s pretty sure his body and mind just won’t rest without medication, at this point. He’s just starting to walk a long road to a healthy sleep situation, easing down from his current dosage to a more reasonable one, with help from his doctor. Russell sleeps in a long dress, an old style nightshirt that looks like a man’s striped dress shirt with a soft collar. It’s not a dress, Mallorie keeps telling him. He wears dresses, he knows what a dress is, but this is a night. Shirt. Say it with him Russell. Nightshirt. Dress, Russell will say back, shit-eating grin firmly in place.
Cobb doesn’t really sleep so much as he rests his eyes. He takes micro naps throughout the day, and he doesn’t really get any deep sleep. This probably influences a lot of his more absurd ideas, but if you try to bring this up to him he’ll just laugh at you. He’s going to have to crash and crash hard to consider that there might actually be something wrong with his sleep schedule. If you sit him down after a twenty hour long ‘nap’ and two missed shifts at work to tell him you’re worried about him, he’ll consider going to a sleep specialist. It’ll take a long time, because he’ll have to do a bunch of research on top of his already busy schedule, but eventually it’ll happen, and he’ll start trying to sleep more regularly. He’ll be incredibly bored laying in bed trying to sleep, so if you’re sleeping together, expect many bad nights ahead. He sleeps in various matching pajama sets, once he actually starts sleeping. He treats himself to a new set each week he stays on his sleep schedule at first, and then each month. Please do steal his pajamas and wear them around him. He’ll definitely appreciate it, whether they fit properly or not.
Mack sleeps like he’s been knocked out. And considering that he has been knocked out quite a few times in the ring, that’s not hyperbole. It might be due to head trauma. He should probably get that checked out. He won’t wake until someone puts in quite a bit of effort to get him up and at ‘em. He’ll be yawning and scrubbing his eyes and falling asleep standing with toast in his hand. Better get him some coffee, because this skeleton isn’t waking up without some help. He’s rather resistant to the idea of getting himself checked out for the whole possible head trauma thing. He says the ringside docs are good enough for him. It drives Cobb bonkers. He’ll only agree if you bring up how dangerous diving is with a head injury for humans. Surely it’s not all that different for monsters, is it? He’ll be taking a day off to drive himself to the doctor if you bring that up. He doesn’t want anything to jeopardize his diving. Turns out he’ll need to take some supplements to keep his head on straight, but he’s generally okay. The supplements won’t help him wake up at all, that’s just him, but it’s a good thing you pushed him to check. That could’ve been dangerous. Mack sleeps bare bones. And socks. Mainly so he can watch the disgruntled and disgusted and confused expressions on the faces of people who ask. It comes up fairly often, especially because he’ll have to borrow pajamas for any sleepovers at friends’ houses after game nights or parties.
Sparks sleeps like a well-adjusted, well-exercised monster should. He falls asleep easy and only wakes when he’s meant to. He’s been using the same alarm for years and he’s never gotten tired of it or stopped loving the song. Some say it’s witchcraft. Some say it’s luck. Sparks just says that he’s a superior being, then winks and saunters away. It’s adorably infuriating. He sleeps in lacy sleep bras and panties. He loves the look of lace on his bare bones, and he’ll want you to love it too. He buys new sets all the time, so you’ll rarely catch him in the same set twice, unless it’s an obvious favorite of yours. He’ll keep those for special occasions. He won’t ever tell you what he does with all the old sets, or how he gets enough money to buy new ones all the time, but you can probably guess. It doesn’t bother him, so if you’re his partner, it shouldn’t bother you either.
Lighter Sleepers
Knox Copperhead lives in a time and universe where he has to be alert and ready to run at a moment’s notice. He is, by necessity, a very light sleeper. He would much prefer to be a heavy sleeper, but he simply cannot afford the luxury of truly deep sleep. He resented Johnny for his deep sleep for a time, but now he sees it as the disadvantage it truly is. The only time Knox truly sleeps deeply is when he knows someone else is on watch. If it’s Johnny, he’ll sleep in a bed or curled up on whatever comfortable surface he can find. If it’s you, he’s going to want to sleep curled around you like a cat. You’ll most likely be able to use him as a backrest, so hope you don’t mind that. Also please don’t mind the drool. When he’s deeply asleep for once, he’ll drool like crazy. Wear washable clothes, or strategically position a washcloth by his mouth. He won’t wake until someone says his name or shakes him, now. But once he’s up, he’s wide awake.
Parlo is a light sleeper out of worn necessity, and he’ll never change. He honestly doesn’t want to. He likes his ability to spring out of bed and into action at the slightest provocation. He thinks it’s a healthy and correct response to attack whatever wakes him up, though these days he’s attacking with his sharp tongue instead of his sharp bone swords. Maybe you’ll be able to convince him that he’s wrong about that? He’ll find himself yelling at you one day for waking him up, and he never actually wanted to do that to you. That’ll be his breaking point, and he’ll be willing to talk to a professional about it after that, and it’ll help him a lot. He’ll eventually get to a point where he’ll feel comfortable waking slowly, taking in the morning quietly instead of jumping up and into action right away, but it’ll take a long time. He sleeps in a fabric version of his uniform at first, but then he’ll buy himself nice satin pajama sets, to help him really enjoy and indulge in sleeping.
Pan is a very light sleeper, and he hates it. He wakes up to every little noise, and it can make him rather irritable. He takes medication to help him sleep deeply, but he’ll still wake to loud enough disruptions, and once he wakes, he won’t be able to go back to sleep for some time, despite the medication he’s taken. It’s incredibly frustrating, and his dancers dread the days when he doesn’t get enough sleep. He finds aromatherapy to be very helpful in getting himself to sleep deeper, but again, it doesn’t always help him get back to sleep. He wears grotty old t-shirts and cotton briefs to sleep, and if you catch him wearing them you’re either trusted beyond measure or about to bear witness to an awful tirade about respecting his privacy. He’s very embarrassed to be seen in something so uncool. He doesn’t yet realize that this underlying nervousness is part of his sleeping problem. Once he starts wearing cool band shirts to bed, he’ll be much less embarrassed and stay asleep longer.
Rhett is a light sleeper by training, not by choice. He’d love to just sleep the days away, to let go and really indulge himself in sleep, but he just can’t. He’s been trained to be awake and available and ready to go at a moment’s notice, and it’s not like he can just turn that training off. He’s trying to teach himself to sleep deeper and more, now that he’s not in that toxic environment anymore, but it’s slow going. He’ll sleep deepest if you’re right beside him, snoring away, within arms reach where he can keep you safe. It’s a subconscious thing, and while he knows there’s not nearly as much to keep you safe from as there was before, he doesn’t really believe it. It’ll be years on the Surface before he can truly relax. He wears flannel cartoon pajama pants to sleep in. No shirt. He’ll joke that he wants to show off his impressive physique, but really he just hates how sweaty he gets at night if he sleeps with a shirt on.
Mallorie is a light sleeper. He’ll wake at the slightest out of place sound, so Angel help you if he catches you doing something random or strange in the middle of the night. If there aren’t any incorrect sounds to disturb his beauty rest, he’ll sleep the sleep of the just all the night through. Mallorie doesn’t need any help with his sleep. He doesn’t. You just need to go to bed as early as he does and that’s that. …He’ll figure out that that isn’t kind or healthy to ask of you eventually, but it’s gonna be a fight to get him to that point. He sleeps in a silk robe, on silk sheets. It’s all purple. He has multiple of the same robe, for when he ruins one somehow. They’re all purple.
Oliver sleeps lightly, but he won’t wake at sounds aside from his alarm. Instead, he’ll wake when something or someone with harmful intent walks into the range of his magic. It’s unconscious, the way Oliver spreads out his magic while he sleeps. It’s also the reason he sleeps so lightly. If he could just stop trying to protect everyone in his vicinity, he’d sleep a whole hell of a lot deeper. But he can’t. It’s an instinct that runs deep as his bones, one that’s sunk into his very soul. He had to keep up protection on all of Snowdin for so long that it’s beyond instinct by now. He’s used to living on the Surface, he doesn’t feel the need to spread out his magic while he’s awake anymore. But unfortunately, his subconscious mind won’t get the memo for years to come. Oliver sleeps in pajama shorts in the summer and pajama pants in the winter, with a contrasting and super soft tank top.
Percival is a rather light sleeper. He doesn’t sleep much at the best of times, and can often be found running around the track near his and San’s home instead of sleeping. He’ll run for miles, just to get himself tired enough to collapse into sleep. And then a barking dog will wake him up and it’ll all be for naught. Thankfully, his body has adapted to running on very little sleep. It’s not a healthy lifestyle, but he’s not too sure what can be done about it. Eventually he’ll go to a sleep clinic and get some medication, but it’ll be a very long time before he’ll feel comfortable taking that step. Percival sleeps in the shorts from his old battle body costume San made him way back when. They’re threadbare by now, but he loves them still. When they fall apart entirely he’s probably going to cry. And then San will make him another pair and the cycle will begin anew.
Daryl is a pretty light sleeper, but he makes up for it with the ability to fall asleep anywhere and everywhere. It drives B up the wall. Daryl does and will again fall asleep: beneath the kitchen table, on top of his desk, leaning against the piano, perched on the hood of the car, halfway beneath the hydrangea bushes in the front yard, stretched along the back of the couch, and curled up like a cat in the armchair. When he’s actually gotten ready for bed before falling asleep, Daryl sleeps in footie pajamas. He has a whole drawer full of various animals and characters and punny onesies to sleep in. He especially loves the ones with zip up hoods, because then if someone wants to talk to him they either have to wait for him to unzip his hood or do it themself. He will always respond along the lines of ‘and now i’m naked’, so be prepared for that ridiculousness.
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