manysquidsandoctos · 5 years
It was a simple day in the Octarian Realm. Octarians were busy with their daily duties. And one individual seemed busy himself.....
Though they weren’t aware that he was Agent 4 of the New Squidbeak Splatoon.
He seemed to avoid detection for the most part, but not everyone was that dumb...
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Kamabo co lore gets retconned to be less fucked up 😔
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ask-the-vixuls · 5 years
TIME TO RUIN THAT, *punches them* -RHine
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You will be immediately killed by this action.
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octowussabi · 5 years
Because none of the staff had questioned Sabi hanging around with Tay at the palace, the two had become lackadaisical about being seen together. Not completely of course; Sabi had taken to disguising himself as a soldier if they ever left the palace, but while inside he’d stopped covering his face at every footstep and door creak. He didn’t act lordly enough to be mistaken for the emperor, anyway – whereas Tay spent every given moment lounging and leaning on any comfortable surface like he owned the place. Because he did.
At this current moment, however, Sabi was reflecting on one of the few times he had been mistaken for Octavio. And he’d rolled with it, too. How embarrassing. It’d worked, but he still cringed to think of how he’d lied to that soldier. They’d been so enthusiastic.
No use worrying about it, though. Sabi tries to focus on the book he’s reading, but can’t amidst his thoughts, so raises his head to speak to his brother.
“Tay, er… do you think if you shaved your moustache, you’d look like me?”
The Emperor doesn’t look up, as his attention is focused on a small handheld gaming device. Instead of playing it, he’s unscrewing it.
“Perhaps. All the more reason not to, eh?” He carefully places one of the screws on the little table before them. “But we’re very different in our mannerisms. You could always try growing one instead.”
“Yes – And no. I am not doing that.” Thinking he heard shuffling at the door to the little library they were in, Sabi glances over his shoulder. “Do you – did you hear something? Someone?”
Tay doesn’t seem fazed in the slightest, and responds,  “it might be teatime. Or Lulu. Or the cleaners. Like the other fifty times.”  
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salmonidparty · 5 years
(( @fishyrp ))
“Are you sure about this? I somehow doubt we’d be able to find any help down here...”
“I can’t think of anywhere else to go...”
Agent 8 and Agent 3  made their way into the Deepsea Metro. 8 Couldn’t help but scrunch up her nose when they were met with the stifled air of the underground. She quietly reminded herself that this was for her friend’s benefit, not her own... 3 was right, the best place they could check first was what was left of Kamabo.
How else was 3 supposed to explain the odd phenomena of his skin turning a pasty green, and his ink permanently shifting to a green-tipped blue to a doctor? Not to mention the horrible headaches, and the hallucinations. The agent adjusted the bandages that were presently wrapped around the right side of his head, covering his eye and the nasty looking chemical burn that surrounded it. Just from under the edges of the bandages, one could see green-tinted skin poking out.
“Ah...” 3 took in a sharp breath through his beak, “S-sorry... I’ve gotta...” hand pressed against his eye, he hobbled to a nearby wall, and slid down to take a seat on the floor. Hands covering his face, he couldn’t help but wiper. A headache must have been coming on. He curled up, gritting his beak.
8 nodded. She walked beside the other, leaning her back against the wall and folding her arms over her chest, “Take the time you need.” she replied. Glancing at her friend, her brow creased with concern. These headaches were getting worse and worse.
With an alert and watchful eye, she turned to watch the tracks, hoping that the train would arrive soon. She couldn’t help but wonder, however... Were any of those strange Octolings around? Would they be around the metro? She certainly hoped not. Pushing a curled tentacle out of her face, she suddenly wished she had brought a weapon along with her, just to be safe. 
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psychic surge and steev :)
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why him
why my handsome squidward-esque version of steve
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corltax · 5 years
        @fishyrp      sc.
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ah  ...      an    octarian    affiliated    inkling  ,    was    it  ?         the    scientist    was    never    overly    keen    on    those  .         still  ,    corltax    was    not    in    the    position    to    be    pointing    fingers    ───    and    so    behave    he    shall  ,    for    now    at    least  .          ❛      good    evening  ,    my    dear  .         and    to    what    do    i    owe    this  ...      pleasure  ?      ❜
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asksquidbeakagents · 5 years
“Sure. I’m always done for a fight,” Marigold said with a smirk. “Any rules I should know before hand?”
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splattales · 5 years
Brine was on his lunchbreak.
He'd decided to take it outside, as being inside the work building only kept him thinking about-- well, work, and he actually enjoyed seeing the bustle of the city streets. The chatter of background noise helped him sort out his thoughts.
One thing he hadn't had time to think about recently was whatever happened back at Finn and Molly's hatchday party. The whole event had been pretty normal, except for that one guy he'd spoken to ... the inkling in Octoling armour; the one that'd run off and left his hoodie.
Brine still had the hoodie back home. He didn't want to get rid of it, it belonged to someone! But... would he ever see that 'someone' again? 'Marvin’ had been in quite a hurry last time, having caught himself up in his own lies. Because of that, Brine didn’t even know where to find him! He didn’t blame the guy, of course, 'Marvin’ seemed kinda awkward, but the young lawyer had to wonder what he was doing there in the first place. Again, especially in Octoling armour. Speaking of which…
…by some miracle, he saw someone in the crowd pass by wearing the exact same gear – and upon closer inspection, there was no mistaking it, that was the guy! Brine quickly packed up his lunch and called out to him, hurrying over.
“Hey! You, there! Wait up! Can you come here a sec?”
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ask-ai-agent-3 · 5 years
💉 for carolina
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“I think that’s self explanitory.”
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ba-nana-8 · 5 years
YOU... Stinky - Rhine
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“!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! NO U!!!!!!!!!!”
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manysquidsandoctos · 5 years
Nurse holding ratrat (rat tartar)
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R  A  T  R  A  T
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massive retconing of all the weird/cool lore
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octowussabi · 5 years
you're invited to my festivus party then. be in good shape for the fight
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In good shape for the what
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salmonidparty · 5 years
(( @fishyrp ))
The Salmonid territory was always an interesting place for Stinky to visit, if not a bit stressful at times. Being an Inkling, he could feel their eyes bearing into him... And yet due to his escapades in Inkopolis to help return Golden Eggs to the rightful parents, many had accepted him into the Salmonid school. It felt as though he could be chased out at any time, and yet so many grateful families invited him to more dinners than he could possibly handle. It was a strange feeling. 
A few of his friends were giving him a tour of the wilder parts of their territory--living in a city, he didn’t get to see the more natural parts of the world all that often. It was fascinating, and he found himself preferring the quiet of the wilderness over the bustle of the city... However, it didn’t take long for him to realize that he had been separated from his group. Fear struck the lanky Inkling’s insides, knowing well that he couldn’t just call someone or jump to them... Carp, how could he have lost a group of fish?! He must have not noticed that they moved on after their lunch break... He was so busy drinking in the surroundings.
Well, he’d best get to a point where they’d be able to find him easily, however he figured they’d be able to find him easily just through smell alone. All the same, he couldn’t help but jump at the slightest of noise, on edge while he was in a location completely alien to him, when just about anyone could mistake him for an enemy... Or worse yet, dinner.
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primordial-tartar · 5 years
Master, What should I pray to you for? -Nurse
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