#Flight Rising Lore
mudpuddle-fr · 3 months
All current issues in Sornieth (as far as I can get from the encyclopedia, and in no particular order)
The Shade is free and active (as of Epilogue: Flight Rising, reinforced in several other stories)
Infighting among the Oculus of the Eleven - inter-flight distrust is seemingly quite high (as of BotE: Ten Eyes)
Large strike/rebellion in the Ashfall Waste (as of BotE: Temper, Temper)
Portal connection between Tangled Wood and Sunbeam Ruins (as of BotE: Kindred Crossing, reinforced in Unveiled)
Suspicious disappearances in Earth Flight excavations (as of BotE: Ancient Fascinations) (I did not have the chance to participate in Dustcarve Dig, but from what I've been able to read on the site itself, these disappearances, while part of the setup, were never resolved)
(Intentional) destruction of the Stormcatch Sanctum (as of BotE: Workplace Hazards)
High tension between the Nature and Plague Flights, due to the breaking of the Armistice by use of The First Seed. Plague ambassador has still not been found, and has taken The Final Infection with her. Implied to be part of a larger conspiracy. (as of BotE: The Seed and The Sickness)
Tidelord is missing, and no divination magic can currently be practiced. (as of BotE: Hear Today, Gone Tomorrow, reinforced in Mixed Elements, Echoes of the Deep, and Unfathomable Oddyssey)
There is a three-headed Emperor (Luminax) in the Sunbeam Ruins. (as of BotE: Raising A Family)
Major change in the energies of Auraboan nests due to the events of The Seed and The Sickness, allowing younger Auraboas to experience linear time, and causing a worrying partial disconnect from the Loop. (as of Ancient Arboriculture Observations and the Auraboa breed article)
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ack-cough · 7 months
He/him lesbian StormCatcher apon thee!!
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spongyspingy-rising · 2 months
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my baby GIIIIRLLLLL i hatched her on the last full moon, she's a wegg from my barghest/naomi pair! she was too cute not to keep especially since i had this accent on hand.
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comical-fr · 8 days
Lightning Flight has the phrase, "Don't trust lightning that doesn't strike twice." The phrase is akin to 'waiting for the other shoe to drop' and with Lightning citizens being so used to multiple, rapid succession lightning strikes due to the multitude of metal spires, each bolt is met with anticipation for the one that usually follows. Outside of Lightning this phrase isn't popular, due to the previous.
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figfull · 3 months
A few years ago, I went through a phase where I tried writing dragon nursery rhymes for lore, lol. They’re pretty old, but there are still a few I like.
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mewwfr · 10 months
Oh my god, staff.....
This auraboa issue with the lore being (most likely) unintentionally racist is especially maddening to me, because the concept they seem to want to portray (based purely on the encyclopedia entry) is very similar to an OC I have, and so I can say with experience, it's incredibly difficult to convey! ESPECIALLY when you try to portray it inside a short story where you're cutting lines for word count (their forum reply mentioned they left out some lines to keep it short)
Instead of getting across the concept the encyclopedia entry seems to allude to, the short story just accidentally walks into like 10 racism rakes in a row and its truly agonizing for me to watch, knowing what i assume the actual lore's intent is.
encyclopedia quote: "Older generations of Auraboa existed in a constant state of communion with their fellows. They refer to this connection as The Loop. In this persistent state they perceive time and memory in a non-linear manner; their intertwined considerations for past and present events are such that it became difficult for a dragon outside The Loop to grasp the intentions of these ancient wyrms."
what seems to be the intention is that the auraboa are a hivemind that doesn't experience time the same way other dragons do- they experience past, present, and future all at once and thus cannot communicate well NOT because they have a different language, but because they aren't experiencing TIME ITSELF in the same fashion as the dragons! However, in practice, in the story, the auraboa seem to speak with words in the proper order, just haltingly, since otherwise the story itself couldn't work at all.
another encyclopedia bit: "The newest generation of Auraboa is not linked to The Loop in their waking hours. While they move through the world, they are less directly accessible and read as "silent" to Auraboa who are within the communal state. This disconnection has allowed the young Auraboa to experience time in a linear fashion, and with this new understanding they have begun to form connections with other species of dragon that have never before been possible."
The encyclopedia seems more clear about the Linear Time thing, and that being why they can actually communicate sensibly, but in the act of having a story where the older ones DO communicate with the outside dragons and get a point across, they've kind of not shown the reason why dragons and auraboa COULDNT communicate before! which is! a big thing!
If they'd implemented the auraboa speaking with everything in the wrong order instead of halting single words at a time, i feel like the intention would get across better. As it is, it just smacks them directly into the 'simple native' stereotype with a truly awful tripping into the 'having our kids be taught by outsiders' which is. a really wretched parallel, as many native people have spoken of the unimaginable violence of residential schools.
I feel like the encyclopedia entry Alone isn't nearly as awful (still not great, but not as bad) as the extremely poorly implemented story that managed to ddr dance onto a bunch of horrible tropes.
they were literally so bad at conveying the fact that the auraboa are a hivemind that is unmoored from time, that i see people misinterpreting the lore as auraboa having their own weird language that other dragons can't understand! there was not enough effort put into conveying the ideas they tried to convey, and what WAS put forward was literally chock full of the most unfortunate parallels physically possible.
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flarefighters-fr · 2 months
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The sillies have finally got completed bios!
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susurra-fr · 9 months
Speaking of the coli.
I think my clan lore will treat the Coliseum as an actual coliseum. It's an entertainment venue where dragons show off their combat prowess while an audience roots for their favorites.
All the different venues are magical stages or set pieces to add drama and indicate the level dragons are fighting at. The monsters are some kind of hologram inspired by Sornieth wildlife. (At one point, the coliseum captured actual animals, much like the real Roman coliseum. This practice was abandoned because it's unethical and, frankly, more expensive than the simulation is.) In-game "level" is a representation of a dragon's coliseum standing, and determines which stages they have access to. The goal is to survive as many rounds as you can. Rewards are randomized loot and increased standing, which allows access to more prestigious stages and perhaps better loot.
The Coliseum is run by Shadow dragons, probably Nocturnes. Shadow flight is all about games, entertainment, and winning, after all; what's blood sport if not an extremely high-stake game?
Night of the Nocturne is a promotional event designed to draw more traffic to the coliseum. The showrunners add high-value loot to attract more contestants, and a slew of fanciful mimic foes to add more spectacle and wow audiences. The whole thing is highly profitable and pays for most of the Coliseum's annual expenses.
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fiedlerite · 1 year
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i'm trying to make my lore follow fr canon and i think luminax is sick sooo why not set up a david vs goliath theme with my tiny veilspun progen :] aaaa i wish i was inspired enough to put my ideas into words
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cerillosvillage · 2 months
Lore Tarot Readings
It's been a while (over 2 years!) since I offered readings, but I finally have all my decks in a centralized place and have the urge to do reaings!
These are 3 card readings meant to help you create lore for a dragon by providing you with their personality, backstory, and goals. These work best for dragons with little to no lore.
The cost is 100g/kT per dragon.
Send me a CR (NOT a PM) to Maybelline #39268 with a link to the dragon you want a reading of and the required payment. You can get readings for multiple dragons, but please only send one dragon per CR (it helps me keep track better!)
No slots, I'll announce in a reblog of this post when I'm cutting off orders. Any order placed before the cutoff will be honored (though depending on how many orders I get, I may save some of them for tomorrow.)
Please include in your CR which deck you'd like me to read from. If you don't pick a deck, I'll choose one based on the dragon's vibes. Decks are pictured below:
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eyesearing-fr · 7 months
i'll cook up a solution with the knowledge I've accrued / they say a kitchen time saves nine, but i'm just saving two
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Happy sixth birthday to my flight rising dragon, Nitrogen :D Here's a quick drawing I did today :P
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skuabird-fr · 1 year
I haven't seen a post about it yet, so I'll do the math for y'all...
Acclaimed Achievements Association items total costs are as follows:
APPAREL ONLY: 1540 tokens
FAMILIARS: 240 tokens
800 for genes only
450 for vistas only
300 for scenes only
ALL ITEMS: 3330 tokens
So, if you wanted to buy one (1) of every single item in Avery's shop, you would need 3330 tokens. Whew!
Happy Anniversary everyone!!!
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quis-on-flightrising · 3 months
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Kinnian's Seaside Prophecies fortunes for Atrius and Qirlal, owned by YourLocalXbox!
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spongyspingy-rising · 3 months
does anyone else remember there being more of a community for lore & lore sharing on fr tumblr? I know I joined after it peaked (2019 for me) but I was talking with a friend & it seems like it's declined even since then. I guess the only way to try and return to it is to post more, but it feels kinda sad when even design sales are at an all time low. I barely even see them posted anymore! :(
anyway I think we should all come together & try to rebuild that again...
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crazydrawsblog · 3 months
I fucking hate the lore of my flight rising lair (mostly) can some of you guys tell me the lore of your lairs I need some inspiration
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figfull · 3 months
Gene origin headcanon-Brightshine/Sparkle
The original brightshine wasn’t a heritable gene. It was a gift the Lightweaver herself, bestowed on her most favorite and loyal children. These “brightmarked” were deeply respected and often given special privileges throughout the Flight.
However, it didn’t take too long for scroll artists to make imitations, some ranging from a weak sparkle to a nearly perfect copies of the brightmark. (In fact, one scroll maker flooded the market with them at a loss, purely to spite the elite.)
There was already some debate around “scrolled” vs “true” appearances, and whether using scrolls was cheating fate or dishonest etc, but the idea that any dragon with enough treasure could masquerade as a god’s chosen really set the debate into overdrive.
Scrolling fell out of fashion for a while, or at least, dragons claimed not to use them, but brightshine/sparkle had already circulated far and wide.
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