#Florida Scrub Lizard
rabbitcruiser · 1 month
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World Lizard Day 
World Lizard Day is celebrated on August 14 every year. The day may not be a well-known one, but it’s still celebrated on local levels with schools, parks, and reptile enthusiasts being the main groups celebrating the occasion. Educational and fun events remain a staple of the holiday. Reptile enthusiasts use the internet to spread information about their love for the scaly critters. The day hasn’t been adopted by higher-level conservation organizations like the World Wildlife Fund (W.W.F.). Instead, it is mainly focused on awareness about reptiles as pets.
History of World Lizard Day
Like many odd holidays, the origins of World Lizard Day are unclear. Don’t let its murky beginnings dissuade you from celebrating this wholesome day though. The species is dying out worldwide due to ignorance and lack of attention. The day may be about lizards, but we can’t pass up on the opportunity to tell you more about reptiles in general. It’s the spirit of the day after all!
All reptiles are air-breathing vertebrates covered in scales, plates of bone, or a combination of both. Species of this family include snakes, lizards, crocodiles, and tortoises. All of these shed their skin and depend on the environment to regulate their body temperatures. This dependence on outside factors when it comes to regulating their core body temperatures means that reptiles have to find sun and shade in order to warm up or cool down. In areas that have colder winters, reptiles generally experience a period of inactivity until the weather grows warmer again.
Lizards are no different, which is why you see them sunning themselves in your warm garden or on the bricks that soak up the sun throughout the day. For pet lizards, staying warm or cool is a different matter entirely. People who own lizards as pets need to heat their tanks with heating lamps or pads without overheating the space. In fact, preparing and maintaining a tank for a lizard or any reptile requires a great deal of initial and continuous effort. Each subspecies of reptile has specific needs and preferences. It’s recommended that aspiring and even current reptile owners do research on exactly what their pet needs to be happy and healthy. Doing research before you buy or adopt a pet lizard will help you to figure out what kind of lizard would suit you and your budget constraints. This before you buy stage is crucial in ensuring that you make the right choice when it comes to being a pet owner.
World Lizard Day timeline
312 Million Years Ago The First Reptiles
The first proto-reptiles evolve during the Carboniferous period.
13th Century Frogs and Reptiles
The first classification system groups amphibians and reptiles together with worms.
19th Century Reptiles in a Class of Their Own
Reptiles are recognized as a completely separate category from amphibians.
21st Century Skin Trade
The lucrative trading of reptile skin results in reptile farms becoming rampant, forcing conservation efforts and heavy policing of these farms.
World Lizard Day FAQs
Why do we celebrate World Lizard Day?
The day is an opportunity for reptile enthusiasts to celebrate their fascination and share it with others.
What’s a good lizard for beginner reptile owners?
Bearded dragons and leopard geckos are two of the most popular beginner-friendly lizards to own. A bearded dragon is known to be one of the most outgoing and friendly lizards.
What do lizards eat during the day?
Lizards may not drink much water throughout the day. They have a varied diet that provides them with nutrients. This includes grass and leafy plants, small insects like crickets and beetles, and berries and seeds.
World Lizard Day Activities
Visit your local reptile park
Donate to conservation efforts
Get a pet lizard
If you want to celebrate the day but don’t have any reptiles of your own then why not support the local reptile park or farm. There will definitely be a fun and educational event being held, and you’d be supporting a local business.
N.G.O.s and organizations like the W.W.F. are doing crucial work when it comes to rescuing and conserving animals and habitats of the world. If you’d rather see your money work on a small scale then why not inquire if your local shelter or park has any reptiles you can sponsor.
We don’t suggest this lightly but if you’re reading this then you must love lizards! Why not start researching what it’s like to own one, so you can see if it’s something for you.
5 Facts About Reptiles That You’ll Think Are Awesome
They used to be amphibious
Most reptiles are carnivorous
They’re not that smart
Temperature determines sex
Extinction crisis
Reptiles actually evolved from amphibians.
Only iguanas and turtles subsist on a plant-based diet.
Reptiles have about one-tenth of the intelligence you’d find in animals like rats, cats, and hedgehogs.
The sex of reptiles is determined by the temperature of the environment outside the egg as the creature grows.
Nearly one-fifth of all known reptile species are considered endangered or dangerously close to extinction.
Why We Love World Lizard Day
Reptiles need some love
They’re great pets
It’s fun
Of all the animals, reptiles are the ones that need some extra love and attention after all the years they’ve been misunderstood. Most people still view them as dangerous and cold creatures when that isn’t the case.
Reptiles make for excellent pets and here are some reasons why: they don’t need training or regular exercise, they’re quiet, and are very low-maintenance. Most importantly, they’re interesting creatures.
Having an excuse to visit the reptile park or spend extra time with your own pet reptile is always a good thing. World Lizard Day is a fun day with no pressure, and we really love it for that.
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apsciencebydan · 7 months
One endemic creature I'm always happy to see when I visit central Florida is the lovely Florida Scrub Lizard (Sceloporus woodi). That blue deserves to be on the state flag
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keithcurrypochy · 6 years
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Six-lined Racerunner (Aspidoscelis sexlineata). Usually they are just a blur running across the trail but this one seemed to stick around despite our presence. 
Allen David Broussard Catfish Creek Preserve State Park, FL
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datingintampafails · 4 years
Chapter 16: Ethan*: Part One
Ethan* was the one where when I said to my friends, “I don’t want to have to write a stupid ‘dating in Tampa’ chapter about this guy…. He’s a good egg.” But here I am, writing it. 
I matched with Ethan* on Bumble during a super busy work week, we chatted about things briefly on the app, and I mentioned that I might be able to do a video chat rather than an in-person date easier that week because of my schedule. He agreed to it and asked if that night would work. So our first date is a rather spontaneous video date. I made dinner for myself and was eating it about 20 minutes before our time we picked up, when a piece of mozzarella got stuck in my throat and I was choking. I managed to dislodge the mozzarella cheese stuck in my throat, but was afraid my voice might be weird since I had just stuck my hand down my throat to save my own life.
He had said that he tended to be a little awkward on the phone. Despite the disclaimer, I found him to be perfectly fine on the phone. I told him about my near death experience prior to the call, and we had a laugh about it. We gave each other tours of our homes. He owns his and has completely renovated his place, which is pretty cool. I admired the handiwork of his home, especially the “shiny floors” that he had redone. I learn some quirks about him, such as being homeschooled until college and that he doesn’t like chocolate (weird). He also had mentioned that he was born in Northern Virginia, about ten minutes away from where I grew up and lived there until he was five, before moving to St. Pete. He never had typical pets, but did take care of some squirrels and some lizards, straight Florida kid shit. We ended the call recognizing we got along and generally understood each other. I knew he was 26 but turns out that I was like ten days short of exactly a year older. He immediately after said he was “excited to hang out... soon.” and that we seem to have a lot in common. Agreed.
I let him know that I have some questions for him before that, but that I’ll get to them. The next day, rather than doing that, my friend Lauren inspires me to make a legitimate dating application. I create this thorough Google form, which includes serious questions, as well as some less serious questions which are unfortunately inspired by my previous dating experience, i.e. do you chew with your mouth open? are you a warlock?, etc. I send this to him, and he hesitantly does it after I ask him to. His comment at the end is “I thought this was dumb, but I actually had fun.” From this form, I learn that truly Ethan* does have some similar goals to me. He also doesn’t want children. I ask what people are looking for and he responds with “Unsure yet, but I am open to anything from casual friends with benefits all the way up to a long term relationship if we are a good match. I don't have any future goals but I enjoy companionship and sex and seek these out in a partner.“ Seems like a fair expectation, which is kind of where I am at too. I send that same application to different people that I’ve matched with at the time, but Ethan* is definitely my front runner.   
This guy didn’t really match up to my usual douchebag energy guy I usually go for. He was a college athlete, wide receiver and ran track, and definitely still kept up with his physique. He had curly bronde hair that was slightly receding on the sides, a six-pack, and nicely sculpted shoulders and back. I knew ahead of time he was on the shorter side, that is, not over six feet tall. He owns a boat and also has a pilot’s license and flies planes for fun. Things that were definitely unique and super cool. He asked me if I would ever go flying with him, to which I enthusiastically said that would be cool. He didn’t know that learning to fly is also something on my bucket list, I would actually never have the chance to tell him. 
That weekend, a few days after our virtual date, I was finally done with my marathon of working long days and said I would be down for meeting up. He mentions his plans with his friends were canceled that night, and we decide to do something that night. I let him know I have an appointment and can come over after that, around 6. We discuss what we are going to do, we decide on a night in. I suggest tacos, however, he responds by asking if I like Chipotle. I inform him that since we live in a place where there are much greater options for local taco places, which aren’t Chipotle and basic, we should get that instead.  He then suggests a place by him we can go to, and we agree on that. However, this is also coming from a guy who said Papa Johns was his favorite type of pizza. With pineapple. 
I go for a comfy but not trying too hard look for that night. Some athletic leggings from Uniqlo, and a crop top. Ironically, I believe that exact ensemble is in one of my photos on Bumble, in hindsight. I excitedly text him about it being 7/11, which is free slurpee day, and ask if we can go. He says there’s a 7 Eleven by him that we can go to. I finished my appointment, which was actually a lip and eyebrow wax, and drove to his place. He asks me to park on the street so that he can drive his car to the taco place, and I sarcastically tell him that he’s going to have to drive around my car in the driveway. I then mention I’m on the way and will see him soon.
Usually, by the time I am going to meet someone in person, I have given them my number or other ways to contact me outside of the original app. My friend had suggested to me that I try to stay on these apps communication wise, until a successful first date. I was trying to follow this advice and since Ethan* and I were still communicating exclusively on Bumble, I was following that advice. Granted, he hadn’t really asked me either to change communication methods, so it worked out.
 I message him “Aqui” when I pull up to his house, and as I start to get my things out of my car he emerges from the front door to greet me. Immediately as I walk up and analyze him, I feel bad as a wave of disappointment falls over me. He in no way lied about his height on his profile, but definitely I overestimated how tall his height was. Otherwise, he was 100% authentic and who he said he was. He meekly asks about my appointment and if everything is okay, specifically asking if it was a doctors’ appointment. I admit I was actually getting a wax, then he compliments me saying that my brows look really nice and he otherwise wouldn’t have said anything as it would seem weird.
I then say I’m hungry and we should go get food. I get out to his car, which is a super nice Jeep Grand Cherokee, with a leather interior. Despite the nice car, I look down at the floor of the passenger seat, which is entirely covered in discard receipts. 
I mention this to him, and he gets super embarrassed about forgetting to clear his car before I arrived. Upon looking at the receipts as I help him clean, I recognize many of them are from Taco Bell. We bond however over the amazingness of Baja Blast being the ultimate drink. I insist we go to 7 Eleven first to get our slurpees, since I don’t want the food getting cold/soggy. We find out it isn’t really free slurpee day, due to COVID-19, and instead it’s a get a medium free next time with your membership there or something. So I get a medium anyway, so at least mine is free.
Next, we pull up to the taco joint, which is basically you walk up to a door to order. We discuss the menu and agree that fish is gross. He orders for us both, which I love, and sit briefly at a colorful picnic table outside of the restaurant. We are there not even one minute, when he asks if we can go to the little market that’s next to the restaurant. I say sure, and we browse the market. He picks up some apples and some grapes, and we just sort of look around. We are joking around and I quiz him on the “best type of apple,” which is sort of an inside joke at my full time job. 
He finishes his purchases and we sit at a different picnic table, while waiting again for our food. They bring it out and we take it back to his place. In the car he’s going between rap and pop music. I’m more or less into anything but country, so it’s a fair vibe. I figure since he was on a football team, that was probably what he was used to listening to in the locker room. 
Now that we’re back at his place, I excuse myself to the restroom. A man’s private restroom always says something about the man. Does he clean his bathroom? How many products does he have? Does he have that singular shampoo/conditioner/body wash combo bottle in his shower? His toilet definitely could use a scrub, same with his shower, but otherwise pretty well kept and he had separate products in his shower. 
I’m still feeling iffy about the guy due to his height, and when I sit down on the cough with him, he asks if I like South Park. Unfortunately we find out that South Park has been taken off Hulu and so we look for a back up. Then he asks about Rick and Morty; I love that show, so we turn that on for us to watch while we eat. He too is a couch eater, which is good since his dining table literally has no chairs around it. 
We share some laughs, we eat the food, we drink the slurpees. Once there’s no longer food to eat, he asks if I want to cuddle. I say “uhm okay.” I remember a message he had sent me the day before where I said I hope he doesn’t try to cuddle in my lap like my dog, and he had responded “what if I did? jk. but really do you like to cuddle?” And I’m wondering if I’ve gotten myself into a stage 5 clinger situation. Somehow I become like the guy, as he is nuzzled onto my belly and I have my arm around him. Later he asks to spoon, and I’m like yeah that’s fine. As I’m sure that’s less awkward than what we’re doing now. Though if I wasn’t so uncertain about him, the previous position probably would have been cute and endearing. While we were cuddling, we talked about goals and briefly about my application. He talks more about how he flies planes on the side, and that his goal is to join the National Guard as a pilot. The cut off is 32, so essentially he wanted to gain more and more flying experience so he could join before the cutoff. I have never really been particularly interested in being involved with someone in the military, so that was almost a turn off for me. However, I did this it was good that he had solid goals he was continually working on.
Regardless, I’m still having a good time. He’s a nice and entertaining guy, and we mesh well. It starts to get late, so I mention it’s time I go. Before I leave, I remember we have still only been talking via Bumble, I ask him for his number. I then realize I also don’t know his last name, so I also ask for his last name. I realize his initials are “Eh,” which I find humorous, so I text him “eh” to let him know it’s me. Which also described how I was feeling at that moment. 
He then walks me to my car and I give him a hug, and then he kisses me. Even though I wasn’t really feeling kissy after this date, I realize it is actually a really nice kiss and tell him I’ll let him know when I get home. I think back to Aaron* where he wasn’t the best kisser, and think oh well that’s nice. 
I get home and stew over the date, thinking about what I’m going to do about this guy. He texts me the next day saying “Would it be bad if I already wanted to see you again tonight?” I tell him I have plans, which isn’t a lie, I do, and let him know I’m free the next night. We set up another hang out at his place. 
In my mind, I determine the way I’ll figure out my feelings is to sleep with him. “If the sex is good,” I think to myself, “then that should get me over the height thing. And if it’s terrible, then I’m outtie anyway.”
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a-dinosaur-a-day · 5 years
Venerator dementievi
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By Scott Reid
Etymology: Hunter (but spelled badly)
First Described By: Kurochkin, 1968
Classification: Dinosauromorpha, Dinosauriformes, Dracohors, Dinosauria, Saurischia, Eusaurischia, Theropoda, Neotheropoda, Averostra, Tetanurae, Orionides, Avetheropoda, Coelurosauria, Tyrannoraptora, Maniraptoriformes, Maniraptora, Pennaraptora, Paraves, Eumaniraptora, Averaptora, Avialae, Euavialae, Avebrevicauda, Pygostylia, Ornithothoraces, Euornithes, Ornithuromorpha, Ornithurae, Neornithes, Neognathae, Neoaves, Passerea, Telluraves, Afroaves, Accipitrimorphae, Accipitriformes, Accipitridae
Status: Extinct
Time and Place: Sometime between 34 and 28 million years ago, in the Rupelian of the Oligocene of the Paleogene 
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Venerator is known from the Hsanda Gol Formation in Mongolia 
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Physical Description: It is a bit uncertain what Venerator was, but most signs point to it being a bird of prey, something like a buzzard. As such, it would have been a fairly large bird, with strong legs and a strong beak. Beyond that, it’s only known from part of the wing, which is sturdy - so it probably utilized flight extensively in its lifestyle, but that’s about all we can say.
Diet: If it was a bird of prey, Venerator probably ate mainly prey like mammals and other birds.
Behavior: It is uncertain how Venerator would have behaved, especially since it isn’t certain what it was, but it seems likely it would have behaved like modern birds of prey - flying around a lot, using good eyesight to find prey, and using its beak and talons to hack apart food. It probably would have taken care of its young, though it’s especially uncertain what its behavior would have been.
Ecosystem: Venerator lived in an early-Oligocene central Eurasian environment, featuring many iconic mammals of the time, even if Venerator itself was something of a mystery. This would have been a desert-scrub environment, very dry and open - allowing Venerator to see and catch prey rather quickly. There were many rodents, Leptictids, Hedgehogs,  and rabbits that were good food for Venerator. There was only large browsing ungulate, Paraceratherium, which only migrated through the area; the wolf-sized predator Hyaenodon would have probably been a major threat against Venerator. There were also lizards for Venerator to hunt. There were also smaller predators, including cats, weasels, wolverines, primitive bears, and a false sabertooth cat called Nimravus, but they were all fairly small. Smaller hoofed mammals included gazelles and cows (naturally, none of these were living forms, but slightly weirder extinct kinds). As for other dinosaurs, the only known one was Heterostrix - an owl!
Other: Venerator was originally named Tutor dementievi, before being reassigned to the genus Venerator. Though Venerator means “worshipper”, it seems more likely that the original authors meant
~ By Meig Dickson
Sources under the Cut
Brodkorb, P. (1964). Catalogue of fossil birds: Part 2 (Anseriformes through Galliformes). University of Florida.
Dashzeveg, D. 1985. Nouveaux Hyaenodontidae (Creondonta, Mammalia) du Paléogène de Mongolie. Annales de Paléontologie 71(4):223-256.
Farmer, D. 2012. Avian Biology, Volume VIII. Nature. 113.
Fossil Mammals from the Oligocene Hsanda Gol Formation, Mongolia: With Notes on the Paleobiology of Cricetops Dormitor. Insectivora, rodentia and deltatheridia, Part 1, James Silvan Mellett, 1966.
Mayr, G. 2009. Paleogene Fossil Birds. Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg. 160.
Prothero, Donald R.. Life of the Past : Rhinoceros Giants: the Paleobiology of the Indricotheres, Indiana University Press, 2013. ProQuest Ebook Central.
Rothwell, Tom (2004). "New Felid Material from the Ulaan Tologoi Locality, Loh Formation (Early Miocene) of Mongolia". Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History (Chapter 12). 285: 157–165.
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noccalula-writes · 6 years
Dry Skin Product Round-Up
At the suggestion/request of no one - I just love talking about this shit. 
In case some of my friends/followers on Tumblr get as super-dry in the face as I do in the winter, a quick PSA re: the best products I’ve found - 
When we made the move from Florida to Ohio, it meant experiencing my first /real/ winter. I grew up in southern Alabama, which def gets cold as fuck and has hard freezes but nothing prepared me for the reality of the heat constantly running high in my house, my car, every store I set foot in and my skin reacted accordingly. I have perfectly normally balanced but sensitive skin in the humid climates of my home but the second it drops below 60 here, my face becomes a leather boot and my hands turn into deadly weapons as the callouses on my fingers begin to break apart and snag on literally every fucking thing I touch. 
So, for my other sensitive dry-babies, I posit unto thee some recommendations (and a disclaimer that I don’t fuck with drugstore brands much given how shady their ingredients tend to be) from the list of things that helped save me from my scaly lizard future during my first transplanted winter and well into my second now. Keep in mind, there’s quite a bit of Lush here because I worked there - they’re out of my budget had I not had an employee discount for the holidays but the products are still really, really good and worth the money if you have it: 
Lush’s Full of Grace serum is a delightful weirdo. It’s a solid bar that you rub between your fingers until the oils melt and you then apply them to your face (or you can put the bar directly on your face, whatever works). It’s loaded with portabello mushrooms and murumuru butter meaning it’s a heavy hitter with the antioxidants too - I have very sensitive skin and have to be mindful of weird shit but this one is so luxuriously moisturizing and smooth that I have replaced my night time moisturizer with this serum alone more than once. It’s 16.95 online or in stores so it’s a little pricier than drugstore but far less than designer brand, and like with all Lush products you can rest assured that it’s cruelty free and ethically sourced. For a toner, Lush’s Eau Roma spray toner is the most moisturizing, but I love Breath of Fresh Air so much that I’m reticent to change it. It’s the ultimate lazy skincare step - wash your face/get out of the shower, spray it on, rub on your moisturizer while it’s still damp and bam, done. The small sizes are like 10.95ish each and the big boys are something like 23ish but I have def made a full size of BoFA last a full calendar year before so it’s well worth it. 
During my No Buy Nine Months that started right after my birthday (Jan. 2nd), I’m going to work on phasing out brands I don’t intend to patron anymore, and one of them, sadly, is Clinique. They aren’t cruelty free and while their entire Moisture Surge line saved my goddamn life during my first winter here, I can’t justify the continued purchase. That said, the 72-Hour Replenishing Hydrator and Overnight Mask are easily duped with the drugstore brand Simple Water Boost Hydrating Booster and Sleep Mask - are they as good? No. Are they way cheaper and still pretty damn good? Yes. And, they don’t test on animals but they do use beeswax if that’s a non-starter for you. I’m forever looking for new moisturizers - especially night time ones - so I’ll report back eventually. When I had bad sensitivity spots I used one of my miracle go-to discoveries - Egyptian Magic, which I think is made in Belgium and has a really creepy racist ‘dIsCoVeR tHe SeCrEtS oF tHe AnCiEnTs’ sort of bent but is really just a shitload of royal jelly and food-grade oils that straight up killed the eczema on my eyelids and quelled any allergic reactions I had. 
A product I am super guilty of overbuying thanks to my tendency towards too many TJ Maxx trips in the summer to leech their air conditioning is moisturizer sprays. I had to put the moratorium on any more of them because there are currently like eight different ones from eight different brands in my home. I have a TonyMoly (another brand I’m gonna have to swear off of no matter how much I love it for animal testing reasons), two different ones by Nooni, Clinique and idk some other white one I can’t find. For ultra-dry skin though, I find that the Dirtyworks’ Play It Cool hydrating facial mist is the best - I am an obsessive lover of their Pure Beauty Facial Oil as my nighttime moisturizer in the summer, it is sincerely the best facial oil I’ve ever tried as it’s non-greasy and soft and nonirritating with its pleasant, gentle sweet almond oil scent. 
To slough off the ever-encroaching wall of dead skin threatening to suffocate my glow out of existence, I lean hard on Clinique’s 7 Day Scrub, which means I gotta find a better one when this one runs out.  Lush’s Angels On Bare Skin, which is their bestselling facial cleanser for a reason. It’s got lavender buds in it, which can be a bit much on sensitive skin (I can’t use it more than a few times a week as the lavender irritates my eyelids) but the ground almonds provide such a nice touch of exfoliation that’s not as harsh as some of the more salt-based scrubs. Their Ocean Salt face and body scrub is the real fuckin’ deal - harsh grain sea salt, lime oil, vodka extract - so you need to be sure your face can handle three different levels of exfoliation before you apply it. I have to be careful with it but I do use it on my face periodically and largely my calloused-ass hands. The Mask of Magnaminty is another excellent choice - I put it on before a shower and then rub it off with water so I get some extra exfoliation from the ground aduki beans in it. 
As for what that mouth do, the Nooni Water Blending Lip Oil is loaded with sea buckthorn oil and apple water and it is a goddamn delight. I am literally ALWAYS looking for moisturizing lip products because they’re the first things to scale up when the moisture gets zapped out of my house via the furnace; I burn through a lot of Hempz balms - namely Triple Moisture - and this year I completely used up one of the Ulta Juice-Infused Lip Oils in Cranberry & Pomegranate and I love it so much that if it’s still on the shelves when I finish my No Buy period, I’ll probably snag another. 
For various and sundry splashes of moisture places other than my face: almost entirely Lush products because I was using that discount, goddammit. Sleepy Lotion is a fave at night thanks to that beautiful Sleepy/Twilight product smell of blended lavender and tonka bean, sweeter than the almost medicinal bite of lavender on its own. I spray the body spray on my sheets at night too. Their holiday line of in-shower body conditioners - Buck’s Fizz and Christingle in particular - are go-tos so I don’t have to waste time being frozen while I rub lotion on frantically as I cry for my robe. I used the shit out of Hempz’s Triple Moisture Whipped Body Lotion last year in my desperate bid for skin-survival and it did not steer me wrong - plus it lasted all the way into spring. Lush’s Handy Gurugu Hand Cream, Lemony Flutter Cuticle Butter, and Lollia’s 1000 Flowers Hand Lotion have been my front line aresenal as I fight to keep these gnarly ass, calloused hands of mine under control. I may have gotten to play with lotions and creams all day at Lush but I also spent a lot of time with my hands in super hot water, usually doing bath bomb demos, so I had to take extra care to keep the moisture on. Also, I finally sucked it the fuck up and dropped the cash on a humidifier for the bedroom but I keep forgetting to fill it because chronic illness and executive dysfunction. 
If you’ve got any tips I don’t know about I would de-goddamn-lighted to hear them. 
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rabbitcruiser · 1 year
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World Animal Road Accident Awareness Day
World Animal Road Accident Awareness Day is on October 10. It’s a fantastic opportunity to help raise awareness of the problem of animals getting hurt on the road and sometimes abandoned without assistance or much care. It’s a day to urge people to consider what they would do if they hit an animal while driving. It is hoped that through education and action, fewer animals will suffer, and more animal owners will be spared the anguish that traffic accidents entail. Driving with extra care and attention will save many lives, but accidents will happen — even to the most animal-loving drivers.
History of World Animal Road Accident Awareness Day
No animal deserves to be dumped on the side of the road after a car accident. Every day, 630 cats are killed in car accidents. Only 25% of these incidents will be deadly, leaving 75% with a possibility of survival, but only if the animal receives assistance. Many people attempt to educate the public on what to do if they hit an animal on the road. Fortunately, the Cats Matter Organization has made raising awareness of the issue easier. Cats Matter is committed to this worthwhile cause and is the driving force behind Animal Road Accident Awareness Day. Annual road fatalities are expected to kill 100,000 foxes, 50,000 badgers, 50,000 deer, 30 million birds, and hedgehogs, which formerly headed the fatality list with 29% of them killed by automobiles and are now critically endangered.
Authorities estimate the accurate death rate to be about 70 million animals based on a statistical study of those that may have gone undetected. Highways England claims that 2,143 dead animals were discovered on about 4,300 miles of roadway — less than 1% of the U.K.’s entire road network.
The Road Traffic Act 1988 in the United Kingdom specifies that drivers must notify the police if they strike any of the following animals: dogs, horses, cattle/cows, pigs, goats, sheep, donkeys, or mules. Although there is currently no requirement to record all animal deaths on roadways, police suggest drivers contact the owner of domestic animals, such as cats, to alert them of the situation. Whatever the regulations, the most important thing is that the animal is provided with the best opportunity possible if it survives the initial impact.
Today highlights the fact that many animals are disregarded for no other reason than a motorist did not value their life enough to give them a second consideration.
World Animal Road Accident Awareness Day timeline
Early 20th Century
The Beginning
Roadkill, almost non-existent before the introduction of mechanical transportation, is related to growing automotive speeds.
Insects are also in significant danger
According to research, insects are also in significant danger of becoming roadkill; insect roadkill is related to vehicle density.
Roadkill Observation Systems
In the United States, statewide roadkill monitoring systems are put in place, with hundreds of observers reporting roadkill on a website.
First World Animal Road Accident Awareness
Cats Matter launches World Animal Road Accident Awareness Day, which takes place on October 10th for the first time.
World Animal Road Accident Awareness Day FAQs
Which animal is responsible for the most traffic accidents?
Deer are responsible for around 260,000 collisions each year. More than 150 people are killed in these crashes.
What kinds of animals are discovered on the road?
Squirrels, birds, cats, dogs, rabbits, raccoons, skunks, turtles, and coyotes are the most common animals observed on highways.
How can I avoid colliding with animals while driving?
Keep an eye on your surroundings. If you are traveling in the rural countryside, thickly forested regions, or near bodies of water such as ponds, lakes, or rivers, take additional precautions and use your horn to scare the animals.
How to Observe World Animal Road Accident Awareness Day
Use social media to persuade others: Share your experience online to encourage others to commit to driving safely. Use the hashtag #AnimalRoadAccidentAwareness to convince individuals to take a personal pledge to drive carefully.
Immediately see a veterinarian: If you accidentally strike or locate an injured domestic cat on the street, take it to the nearest veterinarian, and you will not be penalized. The animal will be given the necessary care and scanned for a microchip, which allows the owner to be contacted.
Drive safely! Driving safely and improving your driving skills is an excellent way to commemorate the day. Learn about traffic safety precautions and other suggestions.
5 Facts About Animal Car Accidents
The majority occur in the fall:This is a mating and hunting season, and deer are most active at this time, thus they tend to wander outside their typical range.
Sunset and midnight are the peak hours: Keep in mind that animals also wander on the road before and after the sun rises, making all these high-risk times for animal-vehicle collisions.
Big animals rarely cross the road alone: If you encounter a deer while driving, expect to see numerous others nearby.
It’s become a big problem for Canada: Every hour, four to eight big animal-vehicle collisions occur in Canada.
One to two million collisions happen: Every year in the U.S., an estimated one million to two million collisions between motor vehicles and big animals such as deer occur, resulting in 200 human deaths, 26,000 injuries, and at least $8 billion in property damage and other expenditure.
Why World Animal Road Accident Awareness Day is Important
It raises awareness for a significant cause: One of the main reasons we observe Animal Road Accident Awareness is to emphasize the hazards of driving while distracted. With almost 1,000 animal deaths caused by traffic accidents each year, increased awareness urges individuals to take extra measures.
It emphasizes the importance of preventive interventions: This day educates individuals on how to handle a traffic accident if they strike an animal while driving. There are preventative methods to help reduce the danger of animals getting wounded, as well as guidance on what to do if an animal gets away, roadside first aid, and much more.
It saves lives: Not only are our lives important, but so are the lives of animals. It can assist to change the destiny of animals that have not yet landed in this situation.
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ls2swift · 6 years
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Florida Scrub Lizard (Sceloporus woodi) #herping #florida #nature #wildlife #fieldherping #wildlifephotography #herpetology #herpsofig #nature #biology #canon #lizard #citsci #herpmapper #insituherps (at Florida) https://www.instagram.com/p/BqlMHp9g6kg/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1myfphxe5hmc3
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emmaroulette · 6 years
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4/5 of the ecosystems I’ve illustrated for the Florida Trail Association! This one is the xeric sandhill scrub, which is common throughout north and central Florida, like the Juniper Prairie Wilderness in Ocala National Forest.  Species listed: Fauna Twin-flagged jumping spider (Anasaitis canosa) Black and yellow garden spider (Argiope aurantia) Golden orbweaver spider (Nephila clavipes) Dog-day cicada (Tibicen canicularis) Florida bark scorpion (Centruroides gracilis) Fence lizard (Sceloporus undulatus) Eastern coral snake (Micrurus fulvius) Red-cockaded woodpecker (Picoides borealis) Southeastern kestrel (Falco sparverius paulus) Pine warbler (Setophaga pinus) Florida black Bear (Ursus americanus floridanus) Eastern gray squirrel (Sciurus carolinensis) Flora Gopher apple (Licania michauxii) Prickly Pear Cactus (Opuntia austrina) Longleaf Pine (Pinus palustris) Saw Palmetto (Serenoa repens) Turkey Oak (Quercus laevis) Wiregrass (Aristida stricta)
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sofyasemyonovna · 3 years
i can’t imagine living in a place with big reptiles. i used to follow this blog of ppl from melbourne australia whose job was to go into ppls houses and remove reptiles like scrub pythons (very very large snakes) from ppls houses. i just watched a tiktok of a guy whose cat opened the sliding door and let a lizard into the house and i can’t stop thinking about how there are wild iguanas in florida now and if you leave the door open you could end up with a whole ass iguana in your house. the worst i have to worry about is like. a raccoon probably.
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keithcurrypochy · 7 years
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Florida Scrub Lizard (Sceloporus woodi)
Like the Florida Scrub Jay this lizard is endemic to Florida Scrub.
Ocala National Forest, FL
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buckyscrystalqueen · 7 years
Family Matters: Part 1
Pairings: Chibs x Reader
Warnings: Mention of (canon) character death, swearing, angst, fluff, violence, Tara being a cunt.
Word Count: 6,254
‘It was supposed to be me first, D’ you sighed to yourself as you stood in the graveyard on the outskirts of the funeral. ‘This wasn’t supposed to be this way.’ Your little sister, Donna wasn’t supposed to die before you. You were the ‘renegade sister’, the ex Marine that got recruited by the DEA at 21. The sister that spent four years working undercover in prisons in Florida to break up a drug trafficking ring. You were the sister that “chose drugs over your family” as your baby sister had so eloquently put it when you spoke to her after your mothers death; not knowing you missed both of your parents funerals because you couldn’t blow your cover and leave prison. The sister that ignored you the last two years you had been home, begging your only family member to forgive you.
You were supposed to go first.
“Like what you’ve done with the hair.” A familiar voice said as it walked up behind you. You ran your hair through your long bright blue hair and shrugged.
“Her favorite color.” You said, your voice heavy with tears. Jax sighed and rubbed his hands over your leather jacket across your shoulder blades.
“You can go over there, ya know.” You shook your head as you stared at the picture of your sisters face displayed near her grave.
“She got her wish… she never wanted to see me again. I…” Your words were lost as tears began falling down your cheeks. Your childhood best friend; one of the only three people who knew you had been living in Charming again, draped his arms around your shoulder and kissed the side of your temple.
“You know she didn’t mean it…”
“Yea, well unfortunately that’s the way it went.” You shrugged him off, knowing that his girlfriend’s eyes were boring into the two of you and wiped the tears off your cheeks. Jax didn’t take offense and took a half step away as you looked at the group of your childhood family.
Your brother-in-law, Opie was on one side with your niece and nephew beside him. They looked so broken, lost without the matriarch of their family. On the other, as you expected, Tara’s face was bright red with rage, jealous of her boyfriend’s first girlfriend turned best friend in high school. But another face you didn’t recognize was the one that caught and held your attention. Unlike the other members of the group, he was looking at you. You were grateful you had your sunglasses on so he didn’t notice the curious look you gave him. Tara moved slightly, pulling you from your slight daze and pulled you from your stare.
“I gotta go.” You said as you looked over at Jax.
“You coming tonight?” He asked as you gave him a quick kiss on the cheek. With a small shake of your head, you turned your back on the funeral and shook your head.
“My presence here has caused enough trouble.” You said as you put your sunglasses on top of your head. Jax glanced over your shoulder; knowing exactly what you meant.
“She has rounds tonight. She won’t be there.” His blue eyes met yours again and he gave you a small smile. “I get it… but you don’t have to hide anymore.” You sighed as you put your hands in the back pockets of the black skinny jeans you had on.
“Guess I’ll see you at TM.” He smiled as you turned and headed toward your bike; wanting to escape the pain of loss you never knew how to deal with properly. You threw your leg over your Harley Davidson street glide and glanced back at the funeral; catching your mystery man’s eye once more. He gave you the slightest of nods; which you reciprocated as you put your sunglasses and helmet on. Your bike roared to life as you said one more final good-bye to Donna before you sped off to ride; wanting to clear the fog from your head the only way you knew how.
As you pulled into the over crowded parking lot of the Teller-Morrow parking lot that night, you had no idea what kind of reception you would receive. You grew up in Charming, California so most of the people in the clubhouse knew your name. Most of them knew you had spent four years in the Marines and then four years in prison on drug charges. But only two knew that you used to be a federal officer. Other than honoring your sisters (and Tara’s after she came back) demand that you stay away, that fact alone was the reason you never reached out to anyone in SAMCRO other than your childhood best friend and your brother-in-law.
You parked your bike along the front gate; hoping the shadows would conceal it from view for the most part. You sat there for a moment as you put your helmet on your handle bars, took off your jacket to reveal two full colorful sleeve tattoos and ran your fingers through your hair. You were wondering if this was really the best idea or not when a voice from the past called your name.
“You know, I was starting to think I was never gunna see you again.” Gemma Teller-Morrow said as she walked over. You smiled at the woman who was like a second mother to you and forced yourself to stand up.
“Hi mom.” You said softly as she came over and gave you a hug. She held you tight as a few tears slipped from your eyes.
“Welcome home, baby.” She took a step back and gave you a quick kiss, before brushing the tears from your cheeks. “I’m so glad your back.”
“Actually, I’ve been back for two years. Donna banished me to the outskirts of Charming…”
“Oh sweetheart, you should have never listened to that old hag.” Gemma said as she put her arm around your shoulder and guided you inside. She paused for a moment as she realized what she had just said and looked at you with a sheepish smile. “Sorry.”
“I expect nothing less from you, Gem. I know I have always been your favorite (Y/L/N) girl.”
“It’s true.” She said as she pulled open the club house door. Loud music, talking and the smell of stale beer and cigarettes slammed you in the face and you couldn’t help but smile as memories of your past came rushing back to you. “Hey everyone, look what the cat dragged in!” Gemma shouted, calling the attention of every single person in the room to you.
“Well… aren’t you a colorful sight for sore eyes.” Piney Winston, Opie’s father said as he pulled you in for a hug; the first of hundreds you would receive that night. “I’m sorry about Donna.” You nodded as you took a step back, forcing yourself not to cry as your name was called by someone else.
“Look at you all grown up and legal now.” Tig said as he walked over with a giant smirk on his face. “Just as pretty as the day you left.”
“And still not gunna happen, Tiggy.” You teased as he wrapped you in a hug and picked you up off the floor. He laughed as he put you down and kissed your cheek.
“A guy can wet dream. Welcome home, baby girl.” Your attention was demanded by someone else and you turned toward the shout as Opie walked over and handed you his beer.
“I’m gunna go hide out at your place.” He said softly. “I can’t…” You nodded as you wrapped your arms around your other childhood best friend’s neck. The only reason he was going to your house is because you both knew it would be the only place the club couldn’t bother him. Your house was Jax and Opie’s club free safe house when they needed a break.
“You know the code; I’ll be home in a few hours. Stay as long as you like and I won’t tell a soul. Just text me and let me know you made it.” He nodded and gave you a quick kiss before heading out the door without another word to anyone.
“I’m digging the ink, girl.” Happy said, bringing your attention back to the room. “But I’m your guy from here on out.” You laughed as he pulled you in for a hug.
“Good to know. I wanna do something soon, as is… for Donna.” He nodded solemnly as he brushed his thumb across your jaw.
“I’m sorry about your sister, baby girl. She was a good old lady.” You nodded as he kissed your forehead. You barely took a breath before you were passed off to Juice; wishing you condolences and just wanting to say high. As you gave him a hug, you caught a glimpse of the mystery man from earlier that day.
Handsome didn’t even begin to describe the older man at the far end of the bar. He had short ish brown hair with a touch of grey through it. A short beard and mustache circled his mouth and you could see two unnatural yet still adorable dimples on his cheeks from the two scars that ran up his cheeks; most likely from a Chelsea Grin. With a small, gorgeous smile, he tilted his beer toward you and you returned the gesture as Juice pulled back to chat. You went to ask Juice about him but as you turned to find him again, he had disappeared into the room.
You were standing at the bar, trading boot camp and war stories with Kip, a kid the guys had named ‘Half-Sack’ who was prospecting the MC, when all hell broke loose.
“…So dude is trying so hard to stand at attention but this fucking lizard…” You were nearly falling off your seat you were laughing so hard when someone suddenly sucker punched you from behind.
“The fuck!” You shout as you turned around and stood up; coming face to face with a scrub clad, pissed off Tara Knowles.
“Thought I told you to stay gone.” She snarked as she eyed you up and down.
“This is my sister’s funeral, you dumb bitch!” You snapped as you held your hands out to the side. She shrugged.
“Don’t care…” You saw the wind up for the next punch coming and before you could think it through logically, you reacted to the rage coursing though your veins. Your right fist sailed into her nose as you caught her punch with your left. She stumbled back as you picked up your right foot and kicked her hard in the stomach, sending her flying onto her ass. You got another swift kick to her stomach as she writhed on the floor in a small pool of the blood pouring from her nose before you were lifted off the ground and carried backwards toward the back door.
“Oorah bitch!” You shouted as you pushed at the arms around your waist. “Alright, I got it!” You snapped.
“Nice punch ye got there, lass.” A Scottish voice you didn’t recognize said near your ear as he put you down outside. “Oorah… Marine Corps?” You turned toward the mystery man and tapped your nose in acknowledgement.
“First Battalion, eighth Marines. Eight years, Semper fi.” You pulled your cigarettes out of your pocket and sat down on the picnic tables the club had outside.
“British Army… ‘fore I was court marshaled.” He said as he sat down on the table next to you. “Chibs.” You looked over at your mystery man as he held his hand out to you.
“(Y/N).” He nodded his head as you shook his hand.
“Gorgeous name for an even more beautiful woman.” You felt a small blush creep up your cheeks and you looked at your boots as you exhaled your smoke through your nose with a laugh.
“Thanks.” You ran your fingers through your hair and glanced back up at him as the back door to the club flew open.
“The hell did you do?!” Jax demanded as he stormed out of the club. Your eye brows shot up to your hair line as an amused smile crossed your face.
“Your bitch sucker punches me and tells me I can’t be at my own sisters funeral and your asking me what I did?”
“You broke her nose and her ribs!” He shouted.
“Good! Maybe she will think twice next time she sucker punches a Marine from behind then!”
“Jackie, Tara did swing first.” Chibs said in your defense; receiving a scowled glare from your best friend.
“Stay out of it. (Y/N/N), you can’t go around beating people because…”
“You know what, Jackson, go fuck yourself. She sucker punched me and got what she deserved for it. I may not have been close to Donna recently but I have way more right than her to be here right now.”
“You weren’t ever close with her!” He shouted. His words ripped through you like a knife and you leaned back the slightest bit. Regret instantly crossed his face as he realized what he said. “Shit… (Y/N), I’m…”
“Save it.” You said as you took a drag of your cigarette before flicking it at him. “Took me 29 years but I just realized where your fucking loyalties lie, brother.” You got up as tears welled in your eyes.
“Darlin’, I didn’t mean…” He tried as he grabbed your wrist. You ripped your arm out of his grip and slapped him hard across the face.
“Do not show up at my house again. Go be with your trash.” You stormed away, ripping your keys from your pocket as Jax shouted after you. Your hands shook as you fought your tears not to spill over.
As you pulled on your jacket and your helmet, you heard a bike down the line turn over and you rushed to get your bike started to try to lose Jax. As you dropped your bike into gear, you looked up to see Chibs waiting for you on his bike and not Jax. He nodded as you revved your engine and with a nod from you, you sped off into the night with him following you home.
The 20 minute ride out to your house seemed to go by in a blur as your best friends words rolled around in your head. Despite the fact that you knew he didn’t mean it, you couldn’t even begin to fathom why he would say something so cruel in the heat of the moment. He knew better than anyone how hard you had tried to get close to Donna and her family the past two years you had been back despite the fact that your sister was the one who chose not to let you in. You knew you had tried but you now felt like you didn't try hard enough.
“You a'right, lass?” Chibs asked as you got off your bike in your garage.
“Not at all.” You looked up at him as you put your helmet on the handlebar. “Umm… I know I don’t know you but… I don’t really wanna be alone tonight. I mean, Opie is here…” You said as you gestured to the bike that was parked next to yours. “This has been his and Jax’s club free safe house since I moved back two years ago. But he’s probably passed out drunk in my spare bedroom and I just…” Chibs nodded as he walked his bike into the garage next to yours.
“I understand, dearie. I know loss is neva easy.” You nodded in agreement as tears welled in your eyes once more. With a sympathetic smile, the Scot turned off his bike and walked over to you, pulling you in for a tight comforting hug. You buried your face in his chest as your tears began to fall. The smell of tobacco, leather, a hint of Jameson and a deliciously masculine body wash flooded your senses and you had the fleeting thought that you wouldn’t mind smelling that every night before bed. After a moment, he gave you a gentle kiss on the top of your head and stepped back. “Let’s get ye ta bed, darlin’.” With a small nod, you wiped the tears off you cheeks and headed inside; closing the garage door behind you on your way.
“Let me just check on Ope real fast.” You said softly as you took off your jacket and dropped it on the kitchen counter. You walked toward the den you had turned into a bedroom with a bathroom for the boys and pushed the door open softly. Ope was indeed passed out in his boxers, cradling an almost empty bottle of Jack in his arms. You sighed and stepped into the room, pulled the blanket that was lying on the floor over your friend and reached for the bottle.
“Don’t.” Ope said, a hint of anger in his voice.
“Alright, sweetheart. Chibs is here.” Opie glanced back at you confused and you simply shook your head with a smile. “He’s here for me. Didn’t wanna be alone.” He nodded and curled back around his bottle.
“Good guy.” Was all he said as you kissed his temple. With a small sigh, you left the room and closed the door behind you.
“How is he?” Chibs asked as he gestured toward the door.
“Cuddling a bottle of Jack. He’ll be like that a day or two before the need for revenge kicks in.” You said as you headed across your house toward your room, lighting a cigarette along the way. “Thank you, for standing up for me.” You said as you pushed open your bedroom door.
“Aye, it was necessary. You did nothin’ wrong. ‘Bout time someone removed the stick from her arse.” You laughed as you sat down on the bed and took off your boots.
“You should have seen her in high school.” You glanced up at your visitor and smiled at how he was almost nervously standing in the door way. “You got two options here, Scotty. You can either get ready for bed or stand there all night and keep watch. Your call.” He chuckled as he stepped into the room and took off his kutte.
“Not used to bein’ someones warm body, dearie.” You giggled as you shamelessly stripped down to just your panties, completely comfortable in your own skin and grabbed an old SAMCRO shirt one of the boys had left in the spare bedroom that you had commandeered.
“Well I appreciate it all the same.” You looked up at him as you went to pull back the blankets on your bed and paused for a moment. He had only a wife beater and his boxers on and was distracting himself from staring by lighting a cigarette. You swallowed hard as your eyes danced across his muscular form that he had hidden under his baggier clothes. “Well shit… I may just make you more than just a warm body after tonight.” you teased. He glanced up at you with a full hearted laugh as you climbed into bed. His head tilted to the side as he tried to look around the blanket at the tattoos on your legs that were typically covered by jeans.
“Is that a bear on your leg?” You paused, and looked down at your right thigh with a smile.
“A koala.” You said as you pushed back the blankets and stretched your legs out to reveal the tattoos there. “They would be my favorite animal.” His eyes danced across the various designs that decorated your skin as he sat down on the bed next to you.
“How many tattoos do you have?” He asked as he gently put his hand on your knee. He pushed it away from him to get a better look at the weeping willow that wrapped around the lower portion of your right leg.
“Ummm… shit. Something like 30.” You said with a laugh as you looked at your arms. “It’s hard to count when you have sleeves like this.” He nodded as his eyes jumped from your leg to your arms and you made note of the fact that his hand hadn’t left your knee.
“Do you have a favorite?” You nodded and laughed as you took his cigarette from him, tapped the ash out in the glass ashtray on your bedside table before taking a drag and giving it back.
“When I was in the Marines, I was originally supposed to be stationed in Albania as part of Operation Silver Wake. During prep time, my CO put me on a task force to be part of Operation Guardian Retrieval in Zaire because they needed bodies. It was supposed to be an easy search and rescue but for me, it wasn’t. The CO in charge of the mission hated that he had a girl on his squad; real sexist piece of work. He made me bunk by myself in a pop up tent that was a little ways away from the rest of the group so I didn’t ‘distract his men’.” You said using air quotes.
“Jesus Christ…” Chibs grumbled as he looked around for another ashtray. You pointed toward the dresser that was near him and continued.
“Yea… So I wake up one morning and it’s quiet… too quiet. I come out of my tent to realize that he had his men abandon me in the fucking jungle.”
“He left you?” Chibs nearly shouted. You giggled and shushed him with a nod.
“Yea. Good thing too, because my whole squad got kidnapped and killed that day. I walked back to base by myself.” You sat forward on the bed with your back to him and pulled up the back of your shirt. “One of the days I was walking, I found this.” You heard him whistle at the giant waterfall jungle scene that took up the top half of your back.
“I spent an entire day there, evaluating my life choices. I left Charming and enlisted the day I turned 18 to get away from bullshit. And there I was; 19 almost 20 years old, stranded in a third world country in the middle of a war zone… dealing with bullshit. Kinda put some shit into perspective for me.” When you felt his fingers leave your back, you dropped your shirt and scooted back against your head board. “After that, I finished my first tour and got recruited by the DEA.”
“You’re a fed?” He asked; a hint of nervous anger in his tone.
“Was a fed... sort of… not really.” You emphasized as you shoved your legs under your blanket and crossed your ankles. “I’ll tell you the story but obviously it’s not one I want getting out to the rest of the MC for obvious reasons. Jax and Opie know about it because they are my best friends but it is also the reason behind why Donna stopped talking to me.” You waited for Chibs to nod before you reached over and grabbed your pack of cigarettes and ashtray from the night stand.
“After the incident in Zaire, I was brought back state side to finish out my tour at a base in Florida; I became a secretary essentially. Because of the few tattoos I had already and 'the way I look’, my Commander and a guy he was close friends with who worked for the DEA thought it would be easy for me to infiltrate drug rings in Florida prisons as a Marine with a drug problem to find the source. So I spent a year in an O-town… excuse me, Orlando prison before I was transferred to a prison outside of Jacksonville for three years. Almost got killed twice before the case closed.” You leaned back and pulled up the front of your shirt to show off the scars you had across your stomach.
“While I was in O-town I missed my dad’s funeral. Caught a shiv in the yard because I didn't want to be someone’s bitch.” You said as you traced the long scar on the left side of your stomach. You then pointed to a small cluster of six scars on the right side. “This was when I got outed as a fed a week before my case closed in Jax. Good ol’ Duval county; bitch hit my liver good and I wasn’t even a fed. I was just a damn Marine doin’ a job.” You pulled your shirt down and finally lit your cigarette.
“I was in solitary for beating the shit out of a girl who tired to rape me when my mom passed away. When I got out of the hole and called Donna, she lost it. I couldn’t tell her I was undercover for the Marines and the DEA so she believed that I was really in for drugs. She told me that she didn’t want a junkie around her kids and that she never wanted to see me again.”
“Jesus, lass…” Chibs said as he leaned on his side and propped himself up on his elbow. You shrugged as you took a drag of your cigarette and scooted down in the bed next to him.
“Shit happens, man. I thought I was doing what was best at the time. Donna and I were never close growing up. Just a little too far apart in age, I guess. When my case closed, I spent a month in the hospital recovering and I tried calling her to explain every day. She didn’t answer. Ope was in jail so I called Jax to see if he could help. He got me set up here with the money the government gave me as severance pay for almost dying twice on the job. He tried to work on Donna but she never budged.” You couldn’t stop the tears that welled in your eyes as you took the last long drag of your smoke and put the butt out in the ashtray.
“I never wanted to hurt her. If I had known that taking that job was going to literally cost me my family…” Your tears spilled over and you ducked your chin to your chest. Chibs quickly grabbed the pack of smokes and the ashtray and put them on his table before pulling you in for a hug.
“She knows you love her, dearie.” He soothed as he pulled the blankets over his legs and pulled you too his chest. “I am so sorry for everything that has happened to you.” You weakly nodded as you wrapped your arm around his waist and for the first time since you got the call, you let yourself feel the loss of your sister until you cried yourself to sleep.
A sharp, double tap knock on your door, woke you up entirely too early for your liking.
“Yap.” Chibs called out. You groaned and rolled your face into chest as his arm tightened around your shoulder.
“Jax is here to see you.” Ope called through the door to your room.
“Tell him to fuck off.” You grouched loudly, your words still slightly muffled by the fabric of Chibs’ shirt.
“He said you’d say that and he said to tell you it’s impor…” You flipped your head over, sending your wild blue hair flying and propped yourself up on your arm.
“You can tell him that if he doesn’t get the fuck out of my Goddamn house, he’s gunna find out what a fucking 9-mil tastes like!”
“Oh come on, (Y/N)!” Jax shouted from your entry way. You lurched out of Chibs’ arms and went for your gun but Chibs was quicker. He grabbed you around the waist and pulled you back towards him.
“Easy, lass. Ope, I got her. Give us a second.” You scowled as the Scot rolled you onto your back and pinned you beneath his hips with a small laugh. “Are ye always so feisty in the morn’?”
“I just wanna shoot him once… just one little pop.” He shook his head as he gently released his grip on your wrists and thread his fingers in yours on the bed near your head.
“Sorry, love. I know yer angry but ye’ll regret it if ye do.” You rolled your eyes.
“What are you my dad now?” He laughed again as you smiled up at him, the sound easily replacing your anger with joy.
“‘Tis my duty as yer current warm body ta prevent ye from doin’ anythin’ rash.” His eyes searched yours for a moment as his head tilted ever so slightly to the side with a smile. “Though… I wouldn’t mind being more than jus’ a warm body ta such an interestin’ ’n’ bonnie burd like ye.” Your brow furrowed and a giggle bubbled up your throat.
“Hold on… did you just call me a bird?” His smile dropped to a forced scowl.
“Ye yank… b-u-r-d. T’means girl!” He said exasperatedly as you continued to laugh.
“You called me a bird!” Your laughter came out even harder as he tickled your sides and it only took you a second to concede. “Ok! Ok, you win!” He smiled down at you as you rested your hands on his chest with a smile. “If you want to call me a bird, you are more than welcome to.”
“Cheeky… Call ye Bluejay with that hair’a yers.” You smiled as you reached up and ran your finger down his nose, bopping the tip when you reached it.
“Call me whatever you want, darlin.” He smiled and leaned down and brushed his nose against yours.
“How ‘bout ‘mine’?” You smiled and nodded. You tilted your head so your lips brushed against his.
“I’d be OK with that, too.” He pressed his lips against your with a gentleness you had never felt before and you wrapped your arms around his neck. The kiss sent a jolt of electricity coursing through your body that was quickly interrupted by a knock.
“Will you please…” Jax asked.
“Fuck off!” “‘old on!” You and Chibs shouted simultaneously.
“Ok, maybe I’ll let ye shoot ‘im.” Chibs said as he gave you a chaste kiss and sat back. “Help ye bury the body, yeah?” You smiled as he rolled off you.
“Totally OK with that. I’ll be right back.” You grabbed your pack of cigarettes off his table as you rolled off the bed and lit one as you headed out into the living room.
“Is that my shirt?” Jax asked from where he was leaning against your front door waiting for you. You looked up at him with a scowl as he looked back at your bedroom. “Did you fuck him in my shirt?”
“God, shut up!” You snapped as you walked past him into the kitchen to start a pot of coffee. Opie was no where to be found but the back bedroom door was closed again. “I will shoot you, Jackson, make no mistake.”
“Look, I’m sorry about what I said. I was pissed and…” You turned to look at him and pointed at him with your cigarette.
“I want you to think long and hard about something, Teller because this is bigger than what you said about Donna. You told me yesterday that it was OK to finally come out of hiding knowing full well that part the reason I was hiding was because Tara was back. You know she doesn’t like the fact that we took each others virginity at 13. She hates that I’ve been best friends with you my entire life.
She came up to me at my sisters funeral, punched me in the face and you made me feel like the fucking bad guy because I defended myself. THEN you brought Donna into it. You know I gave up everything I had here; my family, my friends, my life just because I was tired of the drama Tara and my own sister created in my life because they wanted to be with you guys and didn’t like that you were friends with me. I missed funerals and the births of my niece and nephew. I lost everything and almost died multiple times all to help you make your lives a little better. You were like my brothers and I saw the choice you two had to make so I made it easier for you and that’s the thanks I get? Way to pick your side.” You shook your head slowly as you put out your forgotten cigarette and grabbed two coffee mugs out of the cabinet.
“Do me a favor, Jax and take whatever bull shit apology you have for me and shove it up your ass. After everything I have done through the years for you and Ope to avoid being the problem in your relationships, I deserve way more than what you gave me last night.” Without even looking back at him, you grabbed the cups of coffee and left the kitchen, almost running directly into Chibs. With a sigh and tears in your eyes, you handed him his mug. “Didn’t realize you were listening. If you don’t wanna stick around…”
“Stop.” He interrupted with a shake of his head. “I prefer sugar. I’ll see ‘im out?” You gave him a weak smile and nodded as he gently kissed your cheek.
“You left because of Donna?” You turn toward the sound of your friends voice and looked at Opie, who was standing in the doorway of the guest bedroom with blood shot eyes.
“See my two best friends happy and in love or be a constant source of conflict in their lives. That choice was easy to make, honey.” You looked away and headed to your room, closing the door gently behind you with your foot as a new wave of tears found their way to the surface again.
You could hear Chibs shouting at Jax in your kitchen and you sighed as you set your coffee down on your dresser. You walked over to your record player, flipped it on and quickly thumbed through the wood box of records looking for the one you wanted; the White Album by The Beatles. You didn’t even need to count spaces to find your favorite song, ’While My Guitar Gently Weeps’. You dropped the needle in place with a sigh as your speakers crackled to life. As the song softly filled your bedroom, you grabbed a joint from the little box you had on your dresser.
You let the music wash over as you lit the joint and sat down on your bed. You pulled your knees up to your chest and rested your arm across the top so you could look at the band of music notes you had wrapped around your forearm. You forced yourself not to cry as you took another long toke, letting the smoke fill your lungs and dull your senses for a little while.
‘With every mistake we must surely be learning.’ You huffed a laugh as you ran your finger tips over the notes inked on your skin as the played. It was fitting that that was your favorite line. You heard your front door slam closed moments before Chibs came back in your room.
“You forgot your coffee.” You told him as you held out the joint to him. He paused for a moment and you watched him shake himself out of the anger he felt.
“Why does it not surprise me that ye listen to The Beatles… on vinyl, no less.” You smiled and shrugged as he walked over and took the joint.
“I like things from Europe.” He chuckled as you scooted over in bed so he could sit down next to you. “Did you enjoy your shouting match?”
“Aye. Boyo needs ta learn some damn respec’.” You nodded in agreement as he passed you back the joint. “So, what are ye gun’ do t’day?” You shrugged as you took another drag of the joint.
“You’re looking at it. Get stoned, listen to music, watch movies. You gotta keep in mind, I don’t have to work, the military pays my bills and I’ve been banished to this little section of the outskirts of Charming for the past two years. I don’t do much.” He nodded as you handed him the last bit and you reached over him to grab your cigarettes and the ashtray.
“Well, I’ve some club business to ‘andle but once I’m through, what ye say ye and me go for a ride and get ye some fresh air. Get ye out this ‘ouse?” You smiled and nodded at him.
“I’d like that a lot actually.” He stood up and gave you a quick kiss before taking the last drag of the joint and putting it out. “Go out through the kitchen to get your bike. To close the garage, there is a panel on the wall by the house and the code is 1775… Year the Marine Corp was started.” He chuckled as he pulled on his boots and grabbed his kutte.
“Ye’re too cute, ye know that?” You shrugged as he leaned across the bed and kissed your cheek. “I’ll see ye later, my little bluejay.” You hummed contently as he headed out the door with a wink.
Part 2
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Aesthetic by @sorenmarie87
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prospecthummer · 7 years
@platedlizard i looked it up and he was a florida scrub lizard!
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______________________________ FLORIDA SCRUB LIZARD ______________________________ #florida_scrub_lizard #lizards #reptile #lizards #reptilephotography #lizard_macro #reptiles #bnwphotography #macrophotography #macro #macro_captures #canon #canon_photos  #canon_photography #canonusa #canonphotographer #blackandwhite_photography #canon_photos_daily #ig_photooftheday #ig_great_shots #ig_great_pics #ig_myshots  #natgeo #natgeoyourshot #natgeocreative #natgeohub #natgeophotos #natgeophotography #natgeofineart #natgeoshot #mylittleeyephotography ______________________________ ©My~Little~Eye Photography <@> ______________________________ (at North Fort Myers, Florida) https://www.instagram.com/p/B8FSCpqgffX/?igshid=1fcpy6kdmfr1n
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ainawgsd · 7 years
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Florida Scrub Jay
The Florida scrub jay (Aphelocoma coerulescens) is one of the species of scrub jay native to North America. It is the only species of bird endemic to the U.S. state of Florida and one of only 15 species endemic to the continental United States.  It is known to have been present in Florida as a distinct species for at least 2 million years.
The Florida scrub jay is found only in Florida scrub habitat, an ecosystem that exists only in central Florida and is characterized by nutrient-poor soil, occasional drought, and frequent wildfires. Florida scrub jays are omnivorous and eat a wide variety of acorns, seeds, peanuts, insects, tree frogs, turtles, snakes, lizards, and young mice. They routinely cache thousands of acorns a year, burying them just beneath the surface. The acorns are typically buried in the fall and consumed during the winter and spring. Acorns that are forgotten or missed may germinate, making the Florida scrub jay an effective agent for the dispersal of a variety of oak trees.
Florida scrub jays are one of the few cooperative breeding birds in North America. Fledgling Florida scrub jays remain in their parents' habitat for several years and help to rear young, watch for predators, and defend territory against neighboring Florida scrub jay family groups. These families can range in size from 2 to 8. After about 2 to 3 years, fledglings leave the group to form mating pairs of their own.
The Florida scrub jay was officially listed as a threatened state species by Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission in 1975 and it was listed as a threatened federal species by the United States Fish and Wildlife Service in 1987.  The IUCN classifies this species as vulnerable to extinction. In 2004, the population was declining and no more than 10 subpopulations were known. Both the number of adult birds as well as amount and quality of habitat were in decline, and local subpopulations were in danger of disappearing altogether.
An inquisitive and intelligent species, the most striking attribute of the Florida scrub jay's behavior is its remarkable tameness. As such, scrub jays willingly take food from human hands.
Unfortunately, this tameness is dangerous to the well-being of the species. Florida scrub jays that are fed by humans will reproduce earlier in the year than those that are not. However, fledgling scrub jays feed primarily on caterpillars present in the late spring and summer; if they hatch too early in the year when the caterpillars are not available, this can lead to their malnutrition or starvation. Another potential danger of feeding Florida scrub jays occurs when people feed them near a road, as one major cause of death for scrub jays in urban areas is collision with vehicles
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The Florida scrub jay is omnivorous, eating nuts, seeds, insects, frogs, turtles, lizards, snakes, baby mice, and even sometimes the eggs and nestlings of other birds.  Acorns are a particularly important part of its diet; during the fall, jays will hide thousands of acorns to be eaten through the winter, usually by burying them under a thin layer of soil.  Many of these acorns likely go uneaten and may sprout, meaning the scrub jay is an important agent in the dispersal and creation of oak trees and forests.
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