#Food Extrusion News
pentacentric · 3 months
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ruby in all her glory
(please please wait for the gif to load i promise it's worth it 🥺)
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I know demons' true faces are supposed to be horrific. i think she's still gorgeous, though.
her horns are inspired by fiddlehead ferns, which are both lovely and somehow horrific, just like our girl (they are also delicious - real 'food of the elder gods' kind of thing imo). the pink extrusions could be brain matter, turned inside out and proudly displayed in the open
i started working on this a while back but didn't have time to get back to it till recently. i was originally just going to do a series of 3 pictures - human ruby, black eyes, and hellform. but i've been trying to learn after effects so decided to animate it and try some new techniques. and then it got way out of hand (as things tend to do for me). it also took me waaaay too long to make a usable gif from the animation. damn you, tumblr, and your 10MB (or 5? or 3??) convoluted and draconian gif size limits
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monstersdownthepath · 25 days
Homebrew Horror: Kooks
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(Art from The Book of Unremitting Horror, pg. 50)
It always begins within the first few days of summer. An open window facing the wilderness, letting in the fresh breeze and the warm air of a new season. That's when the first whisper will start, flowing in on the wind to call to children who are lonely, bored, or who are looking for any reason to leave their home. The words crook into a beckoning finger, luring the child from the safety of home and into the woods, or the hills, or the pond, or whatever natural environs are present to link the world of man to the world of Fey.
The child is not in danger, not when they first meet the Kooks. Disguised by a radiant haze of sweet summer days and tasty treats, the Kooks appear as cherubic children to their chosen targets, bearing gifts of delicious fruit, amazing pastries, and all the candy they could possibly eat. A stranger in the woods handing out candy would certainly raise alarm in most societies, but a child coming home and talking excitedly of other kids inviting them to play and have a picnic? No, it would take a strict and suspicious parent indeed to suspect something is wrong. Most parents may simply believe that their children have made new friends, even if these new friends do seem a little kooky.
It is strange how these new friends never come visit the child at their home, though. It's always the child going to visit them, far out of sight or supervision of any adult, and these friends never, ever seem to be around when an adult (or even an older sibling) comes to investigate. The Kooks are careful when choosing their targets to avoid victims with overly suspicious relatives, but sometimes mistakes happen. That's when things tend to get messy, as anyone above the threshold of being a teenager can see a Kook for what it really is, but the Kooks try to avoid such messes whenever possible. It's easier to just find new prey than to risk the whole of the hive cleaning up a stupid mistake.
The targets of the Kooks are drained slowly, becoming gradually paler and sickly even though they seem completely happy and carefree when outside. Such children grow listless when indoors and shrink away from most normal stimulus, including foods they once enjoyed, not because they dislike it, per se, but because being outside with their new friends is just so much better. The affected children spend less and less time indoors, leaving to play with their new friends for longer and longer stretches of the day... until one day they simply never come back.
They're not dead, mind. No, far from it! In fact, they need not fear death, or sickness, or starvation ever again. They join hands with their kooky friends, smiling so widely that their face can barely contain the grin, and become kooky themselves, disappearing from the world and joining the rest of their new family in the Sweet Summer Days.
Kooks are not natural creatures, but creations of a powerful and bizarre fey entity which they collectively refer to as the Gummy Tree, which sits perfectly in the center of a miles-wide stretch of rolling hills, beautiful woods, and babbling brooks known as the Sweet Summer Days, a wonderland realm that Kooks can enter and exit at will.
The massive, twisting fey aberration at the center towers over a hundred feet into the air, its branches lacking leaves but instead growing thin, ropy extrusions equal parts cotton candy and true cotton, the Kooks making liberal use of it as both food and crafting material. Massive flowers along the branches and colorful knots among the roots surround pods of pastries, cakes, and other desserts which slowly but persistently regrow their supplies, while fruits, candies, and fruit-shaped candies grow liberally from the branches, falling like rain throughout the day to the waiting populace below. Fresh water is always available from the brooks and ponds, but taps installed along the Gummy Tree run freely with a sweet, sticky, fizzy drink that makes Kooks burp amusingly and always tastes different from the last cup.
The trunk of the Gummy Tree is decorated with and surrounded by artwork all made by the Kooks, which provides them with the candybark and candywood they need to make whatever toys they desire and whatever homes they see fit for themselves, should they not be happy frolicking through the Sweet Summer Days and require some alone time. Should one somehow draw close enough to the Gummy Tree to brush aside the artwork and the outer layer of candybark, they would see that the whorls on the startlingly gory inner wood form ghoulish, grinning faces much like those of the Kooks themselves, faces which are very much alive and very much animate, and which violently dislike being seen by anything but its children.
The Gummy Tree is a being with ambitions of becoming a being equivalent in power to an Eldest, but its childish mind gives it a very twisted understanding of what it means to be an Eldest. It believes that an 'Eldest' must be old, and to be old you must "have a lot of years behind you." Thus, it sends its Kooks out to gather years, stealing them from mortal children that have years to spare, which serves the dual purpose of making more Kooks. Every time a mortal child is transformed into a Kook, all the years that they would have lived are drawn into the Gummy Tree, slowly but surely allowing it to amass the years it believes it requires to reach the ranks of the Eldest Fey.
The Gummy Tree itself has a limited understanding of how anything works, requiring the assistance of its own Big Kids for guidance, and as such most of the Archfey and the Eldest consider it an amusing curiosity rather than any form of threat or even a nuisance, as it and its Kooks generally keep to themselves... but its resolute belief in its mission and the unwavering, childish faith its Kooks have that it will succeed may yet grant it some form of power once it manages to somehow gather the millions of years it requires to consider itself an Eldest. It has a long, long while to go, but it's got all the Sweet Summer Days it needs, and plenty of Kooks to frolic among its branches besides to help pass the time.
Kook CR 4 Chaotic Neutral Small Fey Init +2; Senses low-light vision, scent; Perception +8 ------ Defenses ------ AC 13, touch 12, flat-footed 12, (+1 deflection, +1 natural, +1 size) HP 23 (5d6) Fort +1, Ref +6, Will +6 DR 3/Cold iron; Immune: Aging effects, disease, poison; Resist: Fire 5, Cold 5 ------ Offense ------ Speed: 30ft, Climb 10ft, Swim 10ft Melee: Improvised weapon +5 (1d3), bite +0 (1d4) Ranged: Gummy Ball +5 (1d2) Special Attacks: Essence Drain, Gummy Ball, Radiant Haze Spell-like Abilities (CL 5th; concentration +9) At-will: Prestidigitation, Dancing Lights 3/day: Whispering Winds 1/week: Fabricate ------ Statistics ----- Str 10, Dex 14, Con 10, Int 11, Wis 15, Cha 19 Base Atk +2; CMB +3; CMD 15 Feats: Catch Off-Guard, Throw Anything, Weapon Finesse Skills: Acrobatics +10, Bluff +12, Climb +13, Craft (any one) +5, Diplomacy +11, Escape Artist +8, Perception +8, Perform (Comedy) +9, Sleight of Hand +7, Stealth +11 Languages: Sylvan, Common, plus one language from its previous life SQ: Radiant Haze, Sugar Rush ------ Ecology ------ Environment: Forests, plains, hills, and lakes (Summer only) Organization: Solitary, pair, playdate (3~5), daycare (6~8 plus a Big Kid) Treasure: Incidental (keepsakes, toys, candy) ------ Special Abilities ------ Essence Drain (Su): Once per week, a Kook may drain the essence of a child it has spent a total of at least 8 hours interacting with within the last 7 days. This manifests as a simple, friendly pat, and causes the child to take 1 point of Charisma damage, which does not heal naturally unless the child has not had physical contact with a Kook for 7 continuous days. A child can only have their essence drained once per week even if there are multiple Kook's present, but a playdate of Kooks playing with the same child raises the damage to 1d4. Once a child has taken an amount of Charisma damage equal to their Charisma score, they are permanently and irreversibly transformed into a Kook and retain only scattered memories of their previous life.
Gummy Ball (Su): Kooks can summon or dismiss a translucent, rubbery ball at will as a move action. In addition to being fun toys they may alter to their whims with Prestidigitation, they may use the balls as unusual ranged weapons. Whether they hit or miss their target, the ball always bounces or rolls back to the Kook which threw it at the end of the Kooks' turn, as though it had the Returning property. As a free action upon hitting a creature, the Kook may cause the ball to melt into a semi-liquid state which quickly flows over the victim's face, gluing itself in place with a sugary stickiness that's difficult to break. It may order the ball to return to its toy form and then to its hand as a swift or move action on its turn.
A victim gummed up in this way cannot speak, see, or breathe. A nearby creature can help a gummed up creature, or it may attempt to free itself, by succeeding a DC 14 Strength check to tear the ball away as a full-round action, at which point it returns to its spherical shape and rolls back to the Kook. The gummed creature or a nearby ally can also attack the ball with a weapon or spell (AC 9, 5 HP; DR 5/slashing, vulnerable to acid and cold damage) to destroy it. If a Gummy Ball is destroyed, the Kook cannot summon another until it returns to the Gummy Tree to receive a new one, which typically takes 1 day.
Radiant Haze (Sp/Su): A Kook can use Charm Person as a spell-like ability at will (DC 15), but it can only target a given creature once per day. If the target creature is a child, the charm effect lasts 24 hours and can affect the target regardless of its creature type--Kooks prize the chance to get ahold of Native Outsiders, as they offer more potential years to their tree!
Children charmed by this ability see all Kooks as perfect, angelic, trustworthy children around their age. Any creature considered a teenager or older sees all Kooks as average, mundane children, and the Kooks must rely on their skills to maintain the illusion. If they perform any overtly supernatural or inhuman act, such as using a spell-like ability or climbing up a sheer surface, a non-child creature witnessing the act may make another saving throw against the charm. If a Kook performs a violent act in front of a charmed creature of any age, that creature may make a saving throw against the charm. A Kook which damages a creature automatically ends the charm on that creature. If the charm ends for a creature, they see the Kooks for what they truly are and are immune to Radiant Haze for 1 week.
Sugar Rush (Su): Kooks can survive off sugary foods of any sort without any problems. The high-energy foods they eat also give them the power to, once per day, enter a dramatically enraged state as a move action on their turn. In this state, they receive a +4 morale bonus to attack and damage rolls, their bite damage dice raises to 1d6, and their movement speeds double. They may remain in this state for a number of rounds equal to their hit dice, and become exhausted once it ends. Kooks typically never enter this state unless their true nature is discovered by more than one person, or the Gummy Tree is approached by an adult.
A designation given to around a dozen of the older Kooks in the conclave, the Big Kids are the de-facto leaders of the Kooks as a whole and advisors to the Gummy Tree, whom they see as both their creator and a treasured sibling... even if it's a little goofy sometimes. Their home base is a massive treehouse in the boughs of the Gummy Tree, fittingly called the Klubhouse, which other Kooks are rarely allowed to enter.
The Big Kids are generally content to follow their creators' loose orders, and are usually in charge of organizing which Kook goes where in the network of fey portals along the Sweet Summer Days to bring back new friends. If an intelligent plan or unusual scheme occurs among the Kooks, one can be assured it was a Big Kid who thought it up, even if their plans and schemes usually amount to getting ahold of a new book or toy or tool to amuse themselves and their friends with, or unusual crafting material for some project they have. On rare occasions the plans and schemes result in a magical item falling into the Kooks' hands, though what's done with it can be anything from benign (a Wand of Lightning Bolt used to sky-write at night) to the deadly (the same wand used to eliminate witnesses who saw through the Kooks' disguise or destroy a town in which a Kook was slain).
A Big Kid is an Advanced Kook with 3 to 6 class levels, typically in Rogue, Barbarian, Brawler, or Slayer, but there are at least two or three Bards or Sorcerers among their number... and rumor has it that the Biggest Kid who lives at the top of the treehouse, an individual fearfully/mockingly referred to as Big-Brain Brin, may be some form of occult caster such as a Psychic or Mesmerist with as many as 8 class levels. All Big Kids can hold open fey portals to and from the Sweet Summer Days, allowing Kooks (and only Kooks) to enter the Material Plane and return to home base at will. If a Big Kid is killed, the Gummy Tree can return them to life (as if using True Resurrection) by giving up 100 of its precious gathered years, something it always hems and haws about doing but inevitably does anyway because it wants them around. Other Kooks are rarely as lucky.
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nmsc-market-pulse · 2 months
The Art of Building Meat: Bioprinting Techniques in Cultured Meat Market Production
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The future of food is taking shape in bioreactors and 3D printers. Cultured Meat Market, also known as clean meat or lab-grown meat, emerges as a revolutionary solution to the environmental and ethical concerns surrounding traditional meat production. This article delves into the fascinating world of bioprinting techniques, a key component in creating complex, delicious cultured meat products.
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Cultured Meat: A Sustainable Disruption
Traditional meat production carries a significant environmental burden, contributing to deforestation, greenhouse gas emissions, and water pollution. Cultured meat offers a promising alternative, growing meat from animal cells in a controlled environment.
Here's a simplified breakdown of the process:
Cell Collection: A small sample of muscle stem cells is obtained from an animal through a minimally invasive procedure.
Cell Culture: These cells are multiplied in a nutrient-rich medium within bioreactors.
Differentiation and Maturation: Controlled growth factors in the medium stimulate the cells to differentiate and mature into muscle tissue.
Bioprinting: This innovative step allows for precise arrangement of the cells to create the desired structure and texture of meat.
Maturation and Processing: The bioprinted meat undergoes further maturation and processing to achieve the final product.
Inquire before buying: https://www.nextmsc.com/cultured-meat-market/inquire-before-buying
Bioprinting: Engineering the Future of Meat
Bioprinting takes cultured meat production to a whole new level. Here's how it works:
Digital Design: A computer-aided design (CAD) model is created to define the desired structure of the meat product, such as a steak or a burger patty.
Bioink Preparation: A biocompatible material, often containing a mixture of cells, nutrients, and scaffolding materials, is prepared for printing.
3D Printing Process: The bioink is loaded into a bioprinter, which uses computer-controlled mechanisms to deposit the bioink layer-by-layer, replicating the designed structure.
Cell Culture and Maturation: Once printed, the bioprinted cells are allowed to mature and grow within a bioreactor, mimicking the natural development of muscle tissue.
Benefits of Bioprinting for Cultured Meat
Bioprinting offers several advantages in the production of cultured meat:
Complex Structures: Bioprinting allows for the creation of complex, multi-cellular structures that mimic the texture and marbling of traditional meat cuts. This is difficult to achieve with traditional culturing techniques.
Fat Distribution: Bioprinting enables precise control over fat distribution within the meat, allowing for the creation of leaner or marbled cuts as desired.
Customization: Bioprinting paves the way for personalized meat products tailored to specific dietary needs or preferences.
Vascularization: Bioprinting can potentially be used to create vascular networks within the cultured meat, promoting cell growth and mimicking the natural delivery of nutrients and oxygen.
Types of Bioprinting Techniques for Cultured Meat
Several bioprinting techniques are being explored for cultured meat production, each with its own advantages and limitations:
Extrusion-based Bioprinting: This common technique uses a pressurized system to deposit bioink through a nozzle, creating a filamentous structure. It's suitable for high-viscosity bioinks but may have limitations in resolution.
Inkjet Bioprinting: Similar to an inkjet printer, this technique uses a jet of bioink droplets to create a patterned structure. It offers high resolution but may be limited in the types of bioinks it can handle.
Stereolithography (SLA): This light-based technique uses a laser to solidify layers of bioink resin, building the desired structure layer-by-layer. It offers high accuracy but may require specialized biomaterials.
Challenges and Opportunities in Bioprinting for Cultured Meat
While bioprinting holds immense promise, some challenges need to be addressed:
Cost Reduction: Bioprinting equipment and bioink development are currently expensive, requiring cost optimization for large-scale production.
Bioink Development: Creating bioinks that are biocompatible, support cell growth, and allow for precise printing remains an ongoing area of research.
Scalability: Scaling up bioprinting processes to meet commercial production demands requires further advancements in technology and infrastructure.
However, these challenges offer exciting opportunities for innovation:
Advancements in Biomaterial Science: Development of affordable and efficient bioinks specifically tailored for cultured meat is crucial for large-scale adoption.
Bioprinter Design and Optimization: Improvements in bioprinter design can increase printing speed, resolution, and efficiency for cost-effective production.
Collaboration Between Researchers and Industry: Collaboration can accelerate research and development efforts to overcome technical hurdles and improve bioprinting techniques.
Conclusion: A Bite of the Future - Bioprinted Cultured Meat
Bioprinting represents a transformative leap in the world of cultured meat. This technology holds the potential to create delicious, sustainable, and ethical meat alternatives, replicating the textures and flavors we crave.
While challenges remain in terms of cost reduction, bioink development, and scalability, ongoing research and collaboration are paving the way for advancements. Bioprinting paves the way for a future where:
Cultured meat becomes readily available and affordable for consumers.
Bioprinting techniques can create a wider variety of meat products, from steaks to sausages.
Consumers can enjoy the taste and texture of meat while making a positive environmental impact.
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vezlayfood1 · 4 months
Why Veg Meat is the Future of Sustainable Eating
Have you ever wondered about the future of food and how we can make our diets more sustainable? One exciting development in this realm is the rise of Veg Meat. Also known as plant-based meat, this innovative food product is poised to revolutionize how we think about eating sustainably. But what exactly is veg meat, and why is it generating so much buzz?
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The Environmental Impact of Traditional Meat
Land Usage
Traditional meat production is incredibly resource-intensive. It requires vast amounts of land to raise livestock and grow feed crops. This extensive land use leads to deforestation and loss of biodiversity.
Water Consumption
Producing meat also demands significant water resources. From watering feed crops to hydrating animals, the water footprint of meat is staggeringly high. For example, producing just one pound of beef can require over 1,800 gallons of water.
Greenhouse Gas Emissions
Perhaps the most concerning environmental impact of meat production is its contribution to greenhouse gas emissions. Livestock farming produces large amounts of methane, a potent greenhouse gas, contributing significantly to climate change.
What is Veg Meat?
Definition and Overview
Veg meat, or plant-based meat, is designed to mimic the taste, texture, and nutritional profile of traditional meat but is made entirely from plant ingredients. It's crafted to satisfy meat cravings without the environmental and ethical issues associated with animal agriculture.
Common Ingredients Used
The magic behind veg meat lies in its ingredients. Common components include soy protein, pea protein, lentils, grains, and various vegetables. These ingredients are often combined with natural flavors, fats, and binders to create a meat-like texture and taste.
The Benefits of Veg Meat
Environmental Benefits
Switching to veg meat can significantly reduce our environmental footprint. It requires less land, water, and energy to produce compared to traditional meat, and it generates fewer greenhouse gas emissions.
Health Benefits
Veg meat is generally lower in saturated fat and cholesterol than animal meat. It's also rich in fiber, which is beneficial for digestion and heart health. Some plant-based meats are fortified with essential vitamins and minerals, making them a nutritious choice.
Ethical Considerations
For many, the ethical benefits are a major draw. Veg meat eliminates the need for animal slaughter and reduces animal suffering, aligning with the values of many consumers concerned about animal welfare.
Technological Advancements in Veg Meat Production
Innovation in Food Technology
The production of veg meat is a testament to how far food technology has come. Scientists and food technologists are using sophisticated methods to replicate the taste and texture of meat, from extrusion processes to fermentation techniques.
Companies Leading the Change
Several companies are at the forefront of the veg meat revolution. Brands like Beyond Meat, Impossible Foods, and others are constantly innovating to improve their products and expand their market reach.
Consumer Trends and Market Growth
Rising Demand for Plant-Based Alternatives
There's a noticeable shift in consumer preferences towards plant-based diets. More people are becoming aware of the benefits of plant-based eating, driving demand for veg meat products.
Market Statistics and Projections
The market for plant-based meat is growing rapidly. According to recent reports, the global plant-based meat market is expected to reach new heights in the coming years, reflecting a significant change in eating habits.
Nutritional Comparison: Veg Meat vs. Traditional Meat
Protein Content
One common concern is whether veg meat can match the protein content of traditional meat. Many veg meat products are designed to provide comparable protein levels, often using soy or pea protein as the primary source.
Vitamins and Minerals
Veg meat can be a rich source of essential vitamins and minerals. Many products are fortified with B12, iron, and zinc, nutrients that are typically abundant in animal meat but less so in plant-based foods.
Fiber and Other Nutrients
Unlike traditional meat, veg meat often contains significant amounts of dietary fiber, which is crucial for digestive health. It also tends to have a better fatty acid profile, being lower in saturated fats and higher in healthy unsaturated fats.
Taste and Texture: Bridging the Gap
Improving the Sensory Experience
Taste and texture are critical to the acceptance of veg meat. Advances in food science have led to significant improvements in how plant-based meats taste and feel, making them more appealing to even the most dedicated meat lovers.
Innovations in Taste and Texture
Companies are continually refining their recipes and production processes. Techniques like heme fermentation (used by Impossible Foods) and advanced protein structuring are helping to create products that closely mimic the experience of eating animal meat.
Common Myths about Veg Meat
Addressing Misconceptions
There are many myths surrounding veg meat. Some people believe it's overly processed or not as nutritious as traditional meat. However, many of these concerns are based on misinformation or outdated perceptions.
Scientific Evidence
Scientific studies support the benefits of plant-based meats. Research shows that they can be part of a healthy, balanced diet and offer environmental advantages over conventional meat.
Recipes and Culinary Uses of Veg Meat
Popular Dishes
Veg meat is incredibly versatile and can be used in a variety of dishes. From burgers and tacos to stir-fries and pasta sauces, the possibilities are endless.
Tips for Cooking with Veg Meat
Cooking with veg meat can be slightly different from cooking with animal meat. It's often helpful to follow recipes specifically designed for plant-based proteins to achieve the best results.
The Role of Veg Meat in Global Food Security
Feeding a Growing Population
As the global population continues to rise, finding sustainable ways to feed everyone is crucial. Veg meat offers a solution that can be scaled to meet global food demands without depleting natural resources.
Reducing Reliance on Animal Agriculture
By shifting towards plant-based meats, we can lessen the strain on our agricultural systems and reduce the environmental degradation associated with livestock farming.
Economic Impacts of the Shift to Veg Meat
Job Creation in New Industries
The rise of veg meat is creating new opportunities in food technology, agriculture, and retail. This shift can lead to job creation and economic growth in these emerging sectors.
Economic Benefits for Farmers and Producers
Farmers can benefit from the plant-based trend by diversifying their crops to include ingredients used in veg meat. This diversification can provide financial stability and open new markets.
Challenges and Limitations of Veg Meat
Current Hurdles
Despite its benefits, veg meat faces challenges such as consumer acceptance, price competitiveness, and scaling production to meet demand.
Future Improvements
Ongoing research and development aim to overcome these hurdles. Future advancements in food technology and economies of scale are expected to make veg meat even more accessible and appealing.
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formulaorange · 1 year
Cat Nutrition - An Off-Topic Post
I've worked in the pet food industry for the last 7 years and it always shocks me how little people know about the nutritional needs for their cats/ pets in general. A lot of people just follow what their parents did or whatever the vet or pet store recommends (often promoting their own brands). Here's a big blurb of everything you should know about feeding your fur beans. For those short on time here's the spark notes version: Kibble is really bad for cats and was really only made for human convenience and profit- it dehydrates them which is one of the main causes for kidney disease which affects 1 in 3 cats and is ridiculously high carb - 3-5x more than what they need. Even fancy feast or the lowest quality wet/canned food is better than the highest quality dry/kibble. While Raw can have it's downsides if fed improperly, there's lots of balanced brands that can make it easy and is really the best for them, it's what their bodies are made to eat! Picky cats: Add warm water to their food. Play with them before meal times. Find 4-5 different foods they like and rotate so they don't get bored. Do your own research! Find out what works best for you, don't blindly follow what vets tell you and what friends or family have been doing. Here's everything to know about Cat and their role in the Pet Food Industry:
1. Cat are desert animals! This means that they are made to be getting 80-90% of their moisture from their food! Most cats will only drink water from a bowl when they are severely dehydrated. This is why feeding wet food (canned) or raw is so much more important. 2. Kibble is a new invention for Human Convenience! Kibble has only been around for 67 years! The first kibble was invented in 1956. Back in the 40s during WWII there were sanctions put on the use of cans and metals, essentially removing the option of canned pet foods. This pushed companies to find an alternative, working with by products (left overs) from cereal companies they created a high-profit cheap food they could sell to customers that had a better shelf life. -How is Kibble made? Almost all kibble goes through a process called extrusion where the initial ingredients, meats, by-products and additives are processed under intense heat and pressure 4-5 times before they're cut to shape and sprayed with flavors and oils. This process removes nutrients, vitamins and pretty much everything from the original ingredients. Try cooking a high grade steak at max output on your oven 4-5 times and see if anything is really worth eating at that point. -Veterinary Diets In the late 60s, a generation after the invention of kibble, there became an increase in kidney and liver failures, prompting a French vet to create his own trademarked food - Royal Canin with Hill's Science Diet being created later in the US. (Fun fact, Hill's has actually trademarked the term "prescription diet" so that no other pet food brand is allowed to use it in their packaging.) 3. Cats vs. Dogs - What's the difference? While dogs are much more flexible in what they can eat, Cats are obligate carnivores. A Carnivore (Dogs) does well on meat based diets, while Obligate Carnivores (Cats) need a meat based diet in order to survive. Broken down in food- dogs ideally need 30% protein, 63% fat and 7% carb from their food cats need 53% protein, 35% fat and 12%. 4. Why does this matter and what does it mean for their food? Dry foods are primarily carbohydrates. 35-50% on average. This is 3-5x more than a cat needs in addition to the lack of protein, which is what keeps a cat functioning. Grains - or carbs can be extremely detrimental to a cats body: Carbohydrates turn into sugar in the body, meaning the more carbs a cat consumes, the more sugar, which increases their chances of getting diabetes. In the wild, most cats choose to avoid eating the intestines of their prey, where most of the grains and fibre are kept, indicating cats also use very little to no fibre in their diets. On top of that, the lack of moisture in kibble actually dehydrates cats, one of the primary reasons for kidney problems down the line, affecting 1 in 3 cats. 5. What do I feed my Cat? Feed wet or raw! At the end of the day, if your cat only eats fancy feast or whiskas, or if that's the only wet(canned) food you can afford, it's a huge step forward for their diets. These brands are going to be better than any of the highest quality dry foods you can find because it means they're getting the moisture and protein they need without the extra carb and salt content. Raw foods have come a long way. They aren't all the frozen patties or having to home cook the meal with all these added supplements. There's lots of complete brands out there in different formats that make it easy for everyone. Freeze-dried is a form of raw that you rehydrate and feed. Air-dried (most expensive) is fed like kibble, and is kind of a jerky texture. If you're on raw, or with any food, make sure to wash your hands with soap before and after feeding and I recommend getting your cat dewormed twice a year for precautionary actions. -Treats the common ones like greenies, tempations are all kibble like treats, filled with carbs and salt, that make them irresistible but also horrible for them. Single 1 ingredient treats are the best out there. Even a scrab of unseasoned chicken from dinner or salmon sashimi from a sushi night is a great alternative.
6. Reading the Label Once you get into canned foods, there's hundreds of options. Here's a few things that help me decide what's worth it and what to avoid. Starting from worst to best with the wording: "Flavor" ie - "Beef flavor Dog food" it doesn't even need a certain percentage of beef, as long as it's technically detected in the food. "With" ie - "Dinner with beef" - beef only has to be minimum 3% of the food. 25% rule - If the food has 25% or more of the main protein, it can be labelled as "Beef entree" or "lamb Dinner". If there's more than 1, they can be labelled together but must add up to 25% and be labelled in the order of their percentage. - ie "Lamb & Lamb Liver Entree" 95% rule - At least 95% of the food must be of the listed protein. "Chicken dog food" Often - those with a 95% label will proudly show it, while the others you'll have to read to notice. 7. Kitten vs. Adult vs. Senior food There's really only 4 categories a food can be put into - Gestation/Lactation (for Mama cats) Growth Maintenance All Life Stages "Senior food" does not have a category as there is no clear definition on a change of nutritional needs as a cat ages. While "Growth" is typically attributed to kittens, most wet foods will have kitten portioning as they are all life stages. The biggest difference is that kitten food is fattier and has some added nutrients needed for growth. These can also be found in any other canned food with the appropriate portioning. 8. Urinary Food There's a lot of misconceptions about this. Brands will advertise Urinary dry food or the vet line - Kidney food. But if it's dry, as we now know, it dehydrates them, furthering the damage to the kidneys, making it extremely counter intuitive. Any wet food will be better than a dry "urinary" food to help treat this issue, ideally a low phosphorous brand. - Weruva is the most popular and has a low phosphorous line as well. 9. Fish Fish is not a naturally occurring food for cats! Cats only started eating fish when fishing became prominent in human civilizations. Fish is the most common occurring allergy in cats! - some symptoms are constant itchiness, rashes, immediately throwing up, or butt dragging after a poop. I personally recommend avoiding fish in cat foods, especially Tuna, if it's bad for us in large quantities due to the toxic build up of chemicals and things like mercury, imagine what it does to them. 10. Pickiness and Meal Time Cats are notoriously picky or fussy or spoiled. This is because they have 4 stages of food preference that need to be just right. 1 - smell 2 - taste 3 - texture / consistency 4 - how it sits in their stomach
It's hard to find exactly what they want and unfortunately there's no shortcut. It's really just trial and error.
Hot tips: -Add warm water to their food - it's gross but cats like their food at prey body temperature, if it's cold to the touch for us, it's likely not that appealing for them either.
-Just like dogs, keeping a routine is incredibly important for cats. they're actually a lot more meticulous about routine than dogs are and will let you know exactly when breakfast and dinner time is. Leaving the food out makes it less appealing for them. If they don't eat breakfast, take the food away and they have to wait for dinner. Over time they'll eat until they're done during meal time.
-Play with them before food! Cats are hunters, their goal for survival is catch, kill, eat, sleep etc. Play with them near meal time, get them real worked up until they're exhausted, then put down food, they'll be much more likely to eat now that they're gotten all the hunting out of the way.
-I recommend having at least 4 or 5 different flavors or brands that your cat likes, to rotate through so they don't get bored and you don't end up at square 1 when they decide that one they like isn't good enough anymore.
Keep in mind: Beef, Lamb & Duck are often high in fat and should be used as a once in a while protein. Chicken & Turkey are the best proteins. Even if your cat doesn't like chicken from one brand, they could go nuts for one from a different brand or even the same brand with a different texture. Try them out and see, don't eliminate a whole protein so easily because of a few that get turned down.
I think that's a wrap. Food really makes a world of a difference for these guys, their whole world revolves around it and getting it right can mean years of a difference. - For reference, the average life expectancy for indoor cats is 15-20 years old! For the devils' advocates - yes there are cats that have lived long lives on the worst quality dry foods, but they're really the exceptions, same as people. There's definitely people who have lived to their 90s or older surviving off McDonalds or the equivalent, but that's not really the kind of quality of life or food you want to be giving your pet who is entirely dependent on your choices at the pet store. If you stuck around to the end, I appreciate you, and I'm glad there are other people out there who care just as much about their furry friends as I do. I'm more than willing to discuss any questions, even it it's not directly about their nutrition! Side note - some of the canned food brands I'm a big fan of: Feline Natural Rawz Tiki Cat Nature's Logic Identity Weruva/BFF
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foodresearchlab · 2 years
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Food Research Lab help you with an innovative beverage product (new to the world) which is entirely unique and different to pre-existing products. Example new technologies include genetically modified foods, extrusion, 3D printing, new ingredients etc.
The food industry is witnessing a new form of consumption. Keeping that in mind, we can formulate the products in the form of ready-to-drink, ready-to-mix, and ready-to-serve beverage products. We use ingredients that offer an added value to the development and improve its indulgence and sustainability in terms of its functional ingredients, plant-based food dyes, and natural preservatives with a clean label.
Reach us: https://www.foodresearchlab.com/what-we-do/new-product-development-service/beverage-formulation/
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trendingrepots · 4 days
Biopolymers Market - Forecast(2024 - 2030)
Biopolymers Market Overview
The Biopolymers Market size is projected to reach US$27.5 billion by 2030, after growing at a CAGR of 11.5% over the forecast period 2024-2030. The various benefits associated with the biopolymers such as polyesters, polylactic acid, polyhydroxy butyrate, polybutylene succinate and more include biocompatibility, biodegradability, renewability and more. These benefits make biopolymers a sustainable replacement for petroleum-derived materials. The bolstering food & beverage industry, including poultry products, dried food and more is the primary factor driving the biopolymers market growth. For instance, the FAO’s food outlook published in June 2023 expects global poultry meat production to reach more than 142 million mt, a 1.3% increase compared to 2022’s value. However, The COVID-19 pandemic resulted in restrictions affecting various aspects of the supply chain, including logistics, which had a detrimental impact on production activities in the biopolymers industry. Following the pandemic, government measures aimed at rejuvenating production activities played a crucial role in fueling the recovery and growth of the biopolymers industry. Moreover, the growth of the medical and healthcare industry is fueling the demand for biopolymers. As a result, the biopolymers market size will grow throughout the forecast period.
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Report Coverage 
The "Biopolymers Market Report – Forecast (2024-2030)” by IndustryARC, covers an in-depth analysis of the following segments in the Biopolymers Market. 
By Type: Bio-based Polyesters [Polylactic Acid (PLA), Polyhydroxybutyrate (PHB), Polybutylene Succinate (PBS), Polybutylene Succinate Adipate (PBSA), Polytrimethylene Terephthalate (PTT) and Others], Bio-based Polyolefins, Bio-based Polyamides (Bio-PA) (Homopolyamides, Bio-PA 6, Bio-PA 11, Copolyamides and Others), Polyurethanes, Polysaccharide Polymers (Cellulose-based Polymers and Starch-based Polymers) and Others.
By Molding Process: Extrusion, Injection, Melt compounding and Others.
By Application: Packaging (Rigid Packaging and Flexible Packaging), Fibers, Paper & Cardboard Coatings, Agricultural Seed Coatings, Automotive Interiors & Exteriors, Medical Implants, Circuit Boards, Insulators, Laminates and Others. 
By End-use Industry: Food & Beverage (Fresh Food, Bakery, Frozen Food, Dried Food, Poultry Products, Dairy Products, Confectionery, Alcoholic Beverages, Non-alcoholic Beverages and Others), Medical & Healthcare (Pharmaceuticals, Medical Devices and Others), Agriculture, Consumer Electronics (Computers, Smartphones, Refrigerators and Others), Automotive [Passenger Vehicles (PV), Light Commercial Vehicles (LCV) and Heavy Commercial Vehicles (HCV)], Textile, Aerospace (Commercial, Military and Others), Building & Construction (Residential, Commercial, Industrial and Others) and Others 
By Geography: North America (the USA, Canada and Mexico), Europe (UK, Germany, France, Italy, Netherlands, Spain, Russia, Belgium and the Rest of Europe), Asia-Pacific (China, Japan, India, South Korea, Australia and New Zealand, Indonesia, Taiwan, Malaysia and Rest of APAC), South America (Brazil, Argentina, Colombia, Chile and Rest of South America), Rest of the World [Middle East (Saudi Arabia, UAE, Israel and Rest of Middle East) and Africa (South Africa, Nigeria and Rest of Africa)]
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Key Takeaways
• Europe dominated the Biopolymers Market, owing to the growth of the fresh food industry in the region. For instance, according to the Federal Statistical Office of Germany,roughly 6,100 agricultural holdings in Germany harvested a total 3.8 million tonnes of vegetables in 2022.
• The government initiatives for green initiatives are fuelling the demand for Biopolymers such as polyesters, polyethylene and more are driving the market growth.
• Moreover, the increasing adoption of Biopolymers in packaging applications is also accelerating market growth. 
• However, the high cost of the Biopolymers is expected to create a retrain for the market growth during the projected forecast period.
  Biopolymers Market Segment Analysis – by Application 
The packaging segment held the largest Biopolymers Market share in 2023 and is estimated to grow at a CAGR of 10.4% over the forecast period 2024-2030. Biopolymers such as polyesters, polylactic acid, polyhydroxybutyrate and more are frequently deployed in packaging because they enhance the shelf-life of the product and also it reduces the overall carbon footprint related to food packaging. The films composed of biopolymers such as polysaccharides and protein-composed increase mechanical and optical properties. As a result, biopolymers packaging is employed across various end-use industries, including food & beverages, medical & healthcare and more. Thus, owing to the above-mentioned benefits, the adoption of biopolymers is surging in packaging applications, which is accelerating market growth. 
Biopolymers Market Segment Analysis – by End-use Industry 
The food & beverage segment held a significant Biopolymers Market share in 2023. The key properties of biopolymers are high strength, lightweight and heat resistance. As a result, biopolymers are frequently used in the food and beverage industry. Moreover, due to their superior quality, functionality, affordability and composability, they are an ideal replacement for single-use plastic food & beverage packaging. The surging development of food & beverage facilities, governmental initiatives and others are the crucial variables propelling the food & beverage industry's growth. For instance, according to Invest India, the food processing sector in India is one of the world’s largest, with output anticipated to reach US$535 billion by 2025-2026. Hence, the growth of the food & beverage industry is expected to fuel the demand for biopolymers. As a result, the market growth will accelerate during the upcoming years. 
Biopolymers Market Segment Analysis – by Geography 
Europe is the dominating region as it held the largest Biopolymers Market share in 2023. The economic growth of Europe is driven by the growth of the various industries, including food and beverage, medical & healthcare and other similar industries. The food and beverages industry growth are vital for food security in the European region. For instance, according to Food Drink Europe, the food and drink industry in Europe produced a 107.7 production index in the fourth quarter of 2022 and a 109.2 production index in the first quarter of 2023, an increase of 1.4 percent. Also, according to the European Union, in 2022, the production of fruits in the European Union countries was about 35.9 million metric tons and out of this, apples and pears production were the highest at 14.7 million metric tons, which was 40.9% of the total fruit production. Therefore, the booming food & beverage industry in Europe is boosting the demand for biopolymers. This, in turn, is proliferating the biopolymers market size growth.
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hollowaygroup · 4 days
Small-Scale Plastic Recycling: Innovative Solutions for Individuals and Communities
Plastic pollution is one of the most pressing environmental issues of our time. With over 300 million tons of plastic produced annually worldwide, much of it ends up in landfills, oceans, and other natural environments, causing significant harm to ecosystems and human health. Large-scale industrial recycling plays a crucial role in managing plastic waste, but small-scale plastic recycling can also offer powerful, community-driven solutions to this global problem.
Small-scale plastic recycling is essential for communities, businesses, and individuals looking to make a meaningful impact on reducing plastic waste. Whether it’s reducing your own waste footprint, supporting local businesses, or creating innovative products from recycled materials, small-scale recycling offers numerous opportunities for people to participate in the circular economy. In this blog, we will explore some of the best solutions for small-scale plastic recycling, how these methods work, and how they can be implemented in everyday life.
1. Home-Based Recycling Solutions
Home-based plastic recycling is an accessible way for individuals to reduce plastic waste and contribute to recycling efforts directly from their homes. While traditional recycling programs managed by municipalities may not recycle all types of plastics, home-based systems give people the ability to recycle different kinds of plastics, like bottle caps, bags, and packaging, that often aren't accepted in curbside programs.
a. Manual Sorting and Cleaning
Before any plastic can be recycled at home, it must be sorted and cleaned. Sorting plastic by type (e.g., PET, HDPE, PP, etc.) is crucial since different types of plastics require different processing methods. Washing the plastic is also essential to remove any food residue or contaminants that could interfere with the recycling process. While this method is labor-intensive, it is a fundamental step in any recycling process.
b. Shredding Plastic at Home
Shredding plastic is a critical step in home recycling. Small, affordable plastic shredders are available in the market that allow you to break plastic items into smaller, more manageable pieces. Shredded plastic is easier to melt or mold into new products. Shredding machines for home use vary in size and price, making it a viable option for households looking to reduce their plastic waste footprint.
c. Melting and Repurposing Plastic
Once plastic is shredded, it can be melted down and repurposed into new items. Small-scale plastic extruders and injection molding machines are available for home use, allowing individuals to melt shredded plastic and turn it into new products such as containers, tools, and household items. Some systems are specifically designed to work with DIY molds, making it easier to create custom products.
2. Community-Based Recycling Initiatives
While individual efforts are essential, collective action in the form of community-based recycling can have an even broader impact. Community recycling initiatives bring people together to work towards reducing plastic waste on a local level. These initiatives often involve education, workshops, and shared recycling equipment to allow for more efficient processing.
a. Precious Plastic: A Global Movement
One of the most well-known community-based small-scale recycling projects is Precious Plastic, a global initiative that empowers individuals and communities to start their own small-scale recycling workshops. Precious Plastic offers open-source blueprints for building plastic recycling machines, including shredders, extrusion machines, and injection molders, which can be built using locally available materials.
Precious Plastic workshops can be set up in community centers, schools, or even garages, allowing people to recycle plastic waste into new products such as furniture, building materials, and decorative items. The initiative encourages the creation of local businesses based on recycling, providing economic opportunities while promoting sustainability.
b. Collection Hubs and Drop-Off Points
Another effective community-based solution is setting up plastic collection hubs where individuals can drop off their plastic waste for recycling. These hubs can be located at community centers, schools, or local businesses. Once the plastic is collected, it can be sorted and sent to local recycling facilities or processed at community workshops using shredders and extruders.
c. Recycling Co-ops
Recycling co-ops are organizations where members pool resources to set up small-scale recycling operations. These co-ops can invest in shared equipment, such as shredders and extruders, which members use to process plastic waste. The co-op can then sell the recycled plastic or products made from it, with profits reinvested into the co-op to support further recycling efforts.
3. Plastic Recycling for Small Businesses
Small businesses can play a crucial role in reducing plastic waste by integrating recycling into their operations. There are several ways that small-scale plastic recycling can benefit businesses, from reducing waste management costs to creating new revenue streams through the sale of recycled plastic products.
a. In-House Recycling Systems
Small-scale plastic recycling systems, such as shredders and extruders, can be integrated directly into business operations. For example, businesses that generate a lot of plastic waste, such as packaging or plastic bottles, can set up an in-house recycling system to process that waste into reusable materials. These recycled materials can then be used to manufacture new products, reducing the need for virgin plastics and cutting down on waste disposal costs.
b. Creating Recycled Plastic Products
Many small businesses are using recycled plastic to create innovative products. For instance, companies are producing everything from eco-friendly furniture to fashion accessories using recycled plastic. Businesses can take advantage of small-scale recycling machinery to turn plastic waste into raw material for new products, allowing them to reduce their environmental impact while tapping into the growing demand for sustainable products.
c. Partnerships with Local Recycling Workshops
Small businesses that may not have the resources to set up their own recycling systems can partner with local recycling workshops, such as Precious Plastic workspaces, to handle their plastic waste. This can be a mutually beneficial relationship, as businesses can reduce their waste management costs while supporting local recycling initiatives, and workshops gain access to more plastic material to process.
4. Innovative Technologies for Small-Scale Plastic Recycling
Technology is playing an increasingly important role in small-scale plastic recycling, with innovative solutions emerging that make it easier, more efficient, and more accessible to individuals and communities.
a. Desktop Recycling Machines
Desktop plastic recycling machines, such as the ProtoCycler, are compact systems designed for home or office use. These machines can shred, melt, and extrude plastic, turning it into filament for 3D printers. The ability to recycle plastic waste into 3D printing filament opens up opportunities for individuals, hobbyists, and small businesses to create custom products, prototypes, or tools from their plastic waste.
b. Plastic-to-Fuel Systems
Another emerging technology in small-scale plastic recycling is plastic-to-fuel systems. These systems use pyrolysis to break down plastic waste into liquid fuel, which can then be used as an energy source. While these systems are still in the early stages of development, they hold promise as a way for individuals and communities to reduce plastic waste while producing renewable energy.
c. Micro Recycling Factories
Micro recycling factories, like those pioneered by researchers at the University of New South Wales in Australia, aim to turn plastic waste into valuable materials using small, portable systems. These modular, scalable recycling systems can be deployed in local communities or even remote areas to recycle plastic waste into usable raw materials like plastic filaments, pellets, or other industrial inputs.
5. Education and Awareness Initiatives
Education and awareness are vital components of small-scale recycling efforts. Many people are still unsure of how to recycle plastic correctly or are unaware of the possibilities for small-scale recycling. Educational initiatives, workshops, and outreach programs can help empower individuals and communities to take action.
a. Workshops and Training Programs
Hosting workshops on small-scale recycling methods can teach people how to sort, clean, and recycle plastic effectively. These workshops can include hands-on demonstrations of shredding, melting, and repurposing plastic into new products. Training programs can also teach individuals how to build and operate small-scale recycling machines, such as those designed by Precious Plastic.
b. Awareness Campaigns
Local governments, businesses, and community organizations can launch awareness campaigns to encourage more people to get involved in plastic recycling. These campaigns can provide practical tips on reducing plastic waste, information on local recycling options, and details on how individuals can start their own small-scale recycling projects.
Small-scale plastic recycling offers a range of solutions for individuals, businesses, and communities to reduce plastic waste and promote sustainability. From home-based recycling systems and community workshops to innovative technologies and educational programs, there are many ways to get involved in the circular economy and make a positive impact on the environment.
As the world continues to grapple with the challenge of plastic pollution, small-scale recycling represents a powerful tool for reducing waste, conserving resources, and fostering a culture of sustainability. By embracing these solutions, we can all contribute to a cleaner, greener future.
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ananya5400 · 30 days
Wheat Protein Market Size, Share, Trends, Future Growth, Challenges and Competitive Analysis
The global wheat protein market size is anticipated to reach a value of $2.5 billion by 2023 and $3.2 billion by 2028, representing a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 4.9% from 2023 to 2028. Owing to the increase in demand for meat-free diets, rising obesity cases resulting in demand for low-calorie foods, and consumers seeking healthy foods. Wheat gluten, being rich in proteins, is a suitable option and has boosted the demand for it in the global wheat protein market.
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Wheat Protein Market Drivers: Increase in consumer preference for meat analogues
The global market for plant-based meat alternatives has been expanding rapidly as consumers increasingly seek products that mimic the texture, structure, and mouthfeel of traditional meat. This growing demand has spurred the development of plant protein-based meat substitutes worldwide. As more consumers become aware of the benefits of healthy and nutritious foods, a new group known as "flexitarians" has emerged individuals who are actively reducing their meat intake. This shift in eating habits has driven the creation of innovative products that not only replicate the taste of meat but also offer comparable high-protein nutritional value. For example, under the European research initiative LikeMeat, academic researchers and various small and medium-sized enterprises have successfully developed fibrous, meat-like structures from plant proteins using a modified cooking extrusion process, which has been further processed into a range of food products.
Wheat Protein Market Opportunities: Growing role of wheat protein in the pet industry
The pet food market is driven by two primary trends globally. These trends are premiumization and humanization. There is a growing trend of pet humanization as a “family member” among owners. Due to this, there is a rise in the demand for premium pet food with nutritional benefits, better digestibility, and improved ingredient quality for pets. Considering this changing human tendency, the major players, such as Crespel & Deiters Group (Germany), are offering wheat protein as an ingredient that can be incorporated in pet food products.
In dry dog foods and biscuits, wheat is a grain that provides high-quality carbohydrates. In addition to giving us energy for daily tasks, it also gives food the ability to be processed. Wheat is a major source of nutrients and offers a wide range of advantages. Wheat-based products offer holistic, wheat-based solutions for optimizing pet food because they are rich in starches, vitamins, minerals, trace elements, and fiber, which aid in the formation of balanced pet food products.
How does the rise in plant-based meat substitutes influence the demand for textured wheat protein?
Textured wheat protein, also known as wheat meat, wheat gluten, or seitan, is a popular plant-based protein source used as a meat substitute for many years. A study published in the journal, Foods, in 2021 found that the demand for meat substitutes, including textured wheat protein, is increasing worldwide due to health, ethical, and environmental concerns associated with meat consumption. In 2019, a survey by the International Food Information Council found that 22% of US consumers reported consuming plant-based meat substitutes, including textured wheat protein, at least once a week.
Therefore, the demand for textured wheat protein is increasing globally, driven by factors such as the growing popularity of plant-based diets and the increasing demand for sustainable and ethical food products.
North America dominates the wheat protein market share.
Countries such as the US, Canada, and Mexico have been considered in this study. The market in the US is driven by growing consumer awareness about the importance of protein in the diet, which, in turn, has encouraged the demand for functional food & beverages. The versatile functionality of wheat protein has sustained demand in the baking industry, leading to constant growth in consumption. Research and technological developments in hydrolyzed wheat protein have also led to a long-term consumption trend of wheat protein in the US. However, the increase in discussion on gluten intolerance acts as a hindrance to the growth of the wheat protein market in this region. The high functional profile, low carbon footprint, and low price of wheat-sourced proteins are the key factors encouraging the consumption of wheat protein, particularly in baked products.
Top Wheat Protein Market Companies
The key players in this market include ADM (US), Cargill, Incorporated (US), Tereos (France), Südzucker AG (US), MGP Ingredients (US), Roquette Frères (France), Glico Nutrition Foods Co., Ltd. (Japan), Kerry Group PLC (Ireland), Manildra Group (Australia), Kröner-Stärke (Germany), among others. The study includes an in-depth competitive analysis of these key players in the wheat protein market with their company profiles, recent developments, and key market strategies.
Key questions addressed by the Wheat Protein Market Report:
What is the projected market value of the global wheat protein market?
What is the estimated growth rate (CAGR) of the global wheat protein market for the next five years?
What are the major revenue pockets in the wheat protein market currently?
What are the nutritional benefits of wheat protein?
What are the factors driving the growth of the wheat protein market?
What are the major players operating in the wheat protein market?
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PET bottle market is expected to display steady growth by 2028
According to a new report published by UnivDatos Markets Insights, the PET bottle market is expected to grow at a CAGR of around 5% from 2022-2028. The analysis has been segmented into the technology (injection blow molding, extrusion blow molding, and others); color (transparent and colored); application (bottled water, carbonated drink, dilutable, fruit juice, sports & energy drinks, still & juice drinks, and others); region/country.
The PET bottle market report has been aggregated by collecting informative data on various dynamics such as market drivers, restraints, and opportunities. This innovative report makes use of several analyses to get a closer outlook on the market. The PET bottle market report offers a detailed analysis of the latest industry developments and trending factors in the market that are influencing the market growth. Furthermore, this statistical market research repository examines and estimates the PET bottle market at the global and regional levels.
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Market Overview
The global beverage industry is comprised of many drinks including carbonated soft drinks, dilutable, juice, sports & energy drinks, still drinks, bottled water, and alcoholic beverages to name a few. To offer these drinks to the final consumer a range of packaging products are used such as PET bottles, metal can, board carton, board bag in box, glass bottle, and polycarbonate bubble top. PET bottles are the most consumed packaging mainly in non-alcoholic beverages due to their various properties that support the beverage’s self-life such as being strong, resistant to attack by micro-organisms, does not react with foods or beverages, and will not biologically degrade. Moreover, companies prefer using PET bottles over other substitutes like glass due to their low cost, which also helps in improving operational efficiency.
COVID-19 Impact
The recent COVID-19 pandemic has disrupted the world and has brought a state of shock to the global economy. The global pandemic has impacted industrial operations in a negative way, which has impacted the demand for PET bottles as its highly dependent on industries’ performance.
The global PET bottle market report is studied thoroughly with several aspects that would help stakeholders in making their decisions more curated.
Based on the technology, the market is categorized into injection blow molding, extrusion blow molding, and others. Among these, injection blow molding held a significant share of the market. The technology produces bottles of superior visual and dimensional quality compared to extrusion blow molding as a result it is used for the production of PET bottles in bulk quantity.
Based on application, the market is categorized into bottled water, carbonated drink, dilutable, fruit juice, sports & energy drinks, still & juice drinks, and others. Of all, bottled water accounted for a lion share in the market owing to the high consumption of water on a daily basis. Further, in many countries, bottled water is the only source of drinking water, thus PET bottle demand in the bottled water segment is growing.
PET Bottle Market Geographical Segmentation Includes:
North America (The United States, Canada, and the Rest of North America)
Europe (Germany, The United Kingdom, France, Italy, Spain, and the Rest of Europe)
Asia-Pacific (China, India, Japan, and the Rest of Asia-Pacific)
Rest of the World
The Asia-Pacific region accounted for a prominent share of the market owing to the large food & beverage industry of the region. Further, the large and growing population of the region coupled with increasing disposable income are increasing the demand for packaged products which in turn increases the demand for packaged water, carbonated drinks, juices, and other beverages products. Thus, boosting the market for PET bottles.
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The major players targeting the market include
Altium Packaging LP
Amcor plc
Plastipak Holdings Inc.
Berry Global Inc.
Graham Packaging Company
Alpha Packaging
Novapet S.A.
Frapak Packaging B.V.
PT Indo Tirta Abadi
Fidelis International Private Limited
Competitive Landscape
The degree of competition among prominent global companies has been elaborated by analyzing several leading key players operating worldwide. The specialist team of research analysts sheds light on various traits such as global market competition, market share, most recent industry advancements, innovative product launches, partnerships, mergers, or acquisitions by leading companies in the market. The major players have been analyzed by using research methodologies for getting insight views on global competition.
Key questions resolved through this analytical market research report include:
• What are the latest trends, new patterns, and technological advancements in the PET bottle market?
• Which factors are influencing the PET bottle market over the forecast period?
• What are the global challenges, threats, and risks in the PET bottle market?
• Which factors are propelling and restraining the PET bottle market?
• What are the demanding global regions of the PET bottle market?
• What will be the global market size in the upcoming years?
• What are the crucial market acquisition strategies and policies applied by global companies?
We understand the requirement of different businesses, regions, and countries, we offer customized reports as per your requirements of business nature and geography. Please let us know If you have any custom needs.
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knackpackaging · 1 month
The Growing Influence of Polypropylene Bags: A Comprehensive Guide to the Industry
Polypropylene bags have become a cornerstone of modern packaging solutions. With their versatility, durability, and cost-effectiveness, these bags are used across a broad spectrum of industries, from agriculture and retail to industrial and food processing. As the demand for sustainable and reliable packaging solutions continues to grow, understanding the role and impact of polypropylene (PP) bags manufacturers is crucial for businesses and consumers alike. In this blog, we'll delve into the polypropylene bags industry, exploring the benefits of PP bags, the manufacturing process, and the leading trends shaping the future of this sector.
What Are Polypropylene Bags?
Polypropylene is a thermoplastic polymer used widely in various applications. Polypropylene bags, often referred to as pp bags manufacturers, are made from this polymer and are known for their durability, resistance to chemicals, and flexibility. These bags are produced through a process called extrusion, where polypropylene pellets are melted and formed into thin films that are then cut and sewn into bags.
Advantages of Polypropylene Bags
Durability: One of the primary benefits of polypropylene bags is their strength. They can withstand significant stress and strain, making them ideal for carrying heavy items or handling rough conditions. This durability is especially important for industries that require reliable packaging solutions, such as agriculture and construction.
Cost-Effectiveness: Polypropylene bags are relatively inexpensive to produce compared to other types of packaging. This cost-efficiency makes them an attractive option for businesses looking to balance quality and budget.
Versatility: PP bags come in various styles and sizes, including woven, non-woven, and laminated options. This versatility allows them to be tailored for specific uses, from bulk storage to retail packaging.
Resistance to Moisture and Chemicals: Polypropylene is inherently resistant to moisture, which helps protect the contents of the bag from damp conditions. Additionally, it can resist many chemicals, making it suitable for a wide range of applications.
Recyclability: As sustainability becomes more crucial, the recyclability of polypropylene bags is a significant advantage. Polypropylene can be recycled and repurposed into new products, reducing environmental impact.
The Manufacturing Process
The production of polypropylene bags involves several key steps:
Material Preparation: Polypropylene pellets are first prepared and mixed with any necessary additives. These pellets are the raw material for the bags.
Extrusion: The polypropylene pellets are heated until they melt and are then forced through a die to form thin, flat films. This process creates the base material for the bags.
Weaving or Non-Woven Fabric Creation: For woven polypropylene bags, the films are woven into a fabric. Non-woven PP bags are made by bonding fibers together without weaving.
Printing and Coating: Many polypropylene bags are printed with designs, logos, or product information. They may also be coated to enhance their properties, such as improving water resistance or providing additional strength.
Cutting and Sewing: The films or fabrics are cut into the desired bag shapes and sizes, then sewn or sealed to create the final product.
Quality Control: Before the bags are shipped, they undergo rigorous quality control checks to ensure they meet industry standards and specifications.
Key Trends in the Polypropylene Bags Industry
Sustainability and Eco-Friendly Practices: As environmental concerns continue to rise, there is a growing emphasis on making polypropylene bags more eco-friendly. Manufacturers are exploring ways to reduce the environmental impact of PP bags through improved recycling processes and the use of recycled materials in production.
Innovation in Design: Advances in technology have led to innovations in bag design. Features such as enhanced strength, better moisture resistance, and custom printing options are becoming increasingly common. Manufacturers are also developing new types of PP bags to cater to specific market needs, such as biodegradable variants.
Regulations and Compliance: Governments and regulatory bodies are implementing stricter regulations regarding packaging materials. Polypropylene bag manufacturers are adapting to these changes by ensuring their products comply with environmental and safety standards.
Market Expansion: The global demand for polypropylene bags is expanding, driven by growth in sectors such as agriculture, retail, and construction. Emerging markets are presenting new opportunities for manufacturers to explore and cater to diverse customer needs.
Technological Integration: The integration of advanced technologies in the manufacturing process, such as automation and digital printing, is enhancing production efficiency and product quality. Manufacturers are increasingly adopting these technologies to stay competitive and meet the evolving demands of the market.
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srekaindustries · 1 month
Plastic Packaging Products in Auckland: Modern Solutions for Your Business
Plastic packaging products in Auckland are essential for businesses that need durable and versatile packaging. These products are designed to keep your items safe while being flexible and lightweight. Whether you need packaging for food, electronics, or other goods, plastic options can be customized to fit your needs. With their strong protective qualities and ability to be tailored for branding, plastic packaging is a smart choice for businesses looking to enhance their product presentation and ensure safe delivery.
The Role of Plastic Extrusions Manufacturers
Plastic extrusions manufacturers in Auckland are key to creating custom plastic parts. They use special processes to shape plastic into various forms, from simple shapes to complex profiles. This means businesses can get exactly what they need for their products. These manufacturers use advanced equipment to ensure high-quality results, making sure that the custom plastic parts meet your exact requirements. Their expertise helps businesses get the right components to improve their products and meet specific needs.
Moulding Plastic Products in New Zealand
Moulding plastic products in New Zealand involves shaping plastic into different forms using moulds. This method is crucial for making many products, from everyday items to industrial parts. New Zealand companies are using the latest technologies to make moulding more precise and efficient. This means better quality and consistency in the products. By investing in modern moulding techniques, businesses can produce high-quality plastic items that meet current market demands and improve their overall product offerings.
Custom Extrusions in Auckland: Tailored to Your Needs
Custom extrusions in Auckland offer tailored solutions for creating specific plastic profiles and components. This process allows businesses to get plastic parts made to their exact specifications. If standard plastic products don’t fit your needs, custom extrusions can provide the perfect solution. In Auckland, you can find services that specialize in creating custom extrusions, helping you design and produce plastic parts that are just right for your application. This flexibility ensures that your products perform well and meet your unique requirements.
In Auckland and New Zealand, the plastic industry is evolving with innovative solutions like plastic packaging, custom extrusions, and advanced moulding techniques. These developments provide businesses with the tools they need to meet modern demands and improve their products. By using the latest plastic solutions, companies can enhance their product presentation, ensure better protection, and achieve specific design goals. Embracing these advancements can help your business stay competitive and meet the needs of today’s market.
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pranalip · 2 months
Thermoplastic Tapes Market Share, Trends, and Growth Reports | Global Insight Services
“Global Insight Services company has recently revised its global market reports, now incorporating the most current data for 2024 along with projections extending up to 2033.
Thermoplastic Tapes are tapes composed of plastic materials that can be repeatedly softened and hardened by the application of heat. They are commonly used in a variety of industrial and consumer applications. They are well suited for applications requiring good electrical insulation, chemical resistance, and a wide range of temperature performance.
Thermoplastic tapes can be divided into two broad categories: thermoplastic elastomers (TPEs) and thermoplastic films (TPFs). TPEs are generally softer and more flexible than TPFs. TPEs are generally used in applications where flexibility and conformability are needed, such as electrical insulation, sealing, splicing, and gaskets. TPFs are generally stiffer and more rigid than TPEs and are used in applications where strength and dimensional stability are important, such as protective packaging, labeling, and insulation.
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Thermoplastic tapes are available in a wide variety of materials including polypropylene, polyethylene, polyvinyl chloride (PVC), polyvinylidene fluoride (PVDF), polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE), and many others. Each material has its own unique properties and characteristics, and each can be tailored to meet the specific requirements of the application.
Thermoplastic tapes can be fabricated in a variety of ways. They can be extruded, cast, or laminated. Extrusion is the most common method and involves pushing the material through a die to form a continuous sheet or strip. Cast tapes are created by pouring the material into a mold and then curing it. Laminated tapes are created by bonding multiple layers of material together.
Thermoplastic tapes are widely used in a variety of industries and applications. They are used for electrical insulation, sealing, splicing, gaskets, and protective packaging. They are also used in medical and food packaging, labeling, and insulation.
Thermoplastic tapes are a versatile and cost-effective solution for a variety of applications. They offer good electrical insulation, chemical resistance, and a wide range of temperature performance. They are available in a variety of materials and can be tailored to meet specific application requirements.
Key Trends
Thermoplastic tapes are a type of adhesive tape that is heat-activated and used for a variety of applications. These tapes are made of a variety of materials such as polyethylene, polypropylene, polyvinyl chloride, polyester, and nylon. They are used in a variety of industries and applications, from medical and automotive to industrial and consumer products.
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The thermoplastic tape market has seen significant growth in recent years due to the increasing demand for lightweight, durable, and cost-effective solutions. This growth is driven by the rising demand for energy-efficient and sustainable products. As such, manufacturers are striving to develop products with improved performance and optimized cost. To meet this demand, manufacturers are exploring the latest trends in thermoplastic tapes technology.
One of the key trends in thermoplastic tapes technology is the development of advanced adhesive systems. Traditional thermoplastic tapes rely on solvent-based adhesives, which can be difficult to use and can have a negative environmental impact. To address this issue, manufacturers are developing new adhesive systems that are more user-friendly and environmentally friendly. These advanced adhesives are designed to provide superior adhesion and durability while also minimizing environmental impacts.
Another key trend in thermoplastic tapes technology is the development of new materials. Traditional thermoplastic tapes are made from polyethylene and polypropylene. However, manufacturers are now exploring the use of new materials such as polyvinyl chloride, polyester, and nylon. These materials offer improved performance characteristics and are more durable than traditional materials. As such, they are becoming increasingly popular in a variety of applications.
A third key trend in thermoplastic tapes technology is the development of self-adhesive tapes. Self-adhesive tapes are designed to be easily applied without the need for an adhesive. This makes them ideal for use in applications where an adhesive would be difficult to apply. In addition, self-adhesive tapes are also less expensive than traditional tapes, making them a more cost-effective solution.
Finally, manufacturers are also exploring the use of smart thermoplastic tapes. Smart thermoplastic tapes are designed to be used with sensors to monitor and control temperature and humidity levels. This technology can be used in a variety of applications, from packaging to medical devices. Smart thermoplastic tapes are also becoming increasingly popular in the automotive industry due to their ability to monitor and control temperature and humidity levels in vehicles.
In conclusion, the thermoplastic tape market is rapidly evolving, and manufacturers are exploring a variety of new trends in order to meet the growing demand for energy-efficient and sustainable solutions. Advanced adhesive systems, new materials, self-adhesive tapes, and smart thermoplastic tapes are some of the most important trends in thermoplastic tapes technology. These trends are helping to improve performance and optimize cost, making thermoplastic tapes an attractive solution for a variety of applications.
Key Drivers
The thermoplastic tapes market is driven by a number of factors. These include the increasing demand for thermoplastic tapes in a variety of industries, the growing use of thermoplastic tapes for packaging and labeling, the rising demand for thermoplastic tapes in medical applications, and the increasing availability of low-cost thermoplastic tapes.
The demand for thermoplastic tapes has increased significantly over the past few years due to their versatile nature and wide range of applications. Thermoplastic tapes can be used in a variety of industries, including automotive, construction, electronics, and medical. For instance, thermoplastic tapes are used for insulation in automotive wiring harnesses, sealing and joining in construction, and for protection against electromagnetic interference in electronics. In medical applications, thermoplastic tapes are used to secure dressings, catheters, and other medical devices.
The increasing use of thermoplastic tapes for packaging and labeling is another key driver of the thermoplastic tapes market. Thermoplastic tapes are used for sealing, labeling, and protecting products during shipping and handling. Additionally, thermoplastic tapes are used in a variety of labeling applications, including bar codes, product identification, and warning labels.
The growing demand for thermoplastic tapes in medical applications is another driver of the thermoplastic tapes market. Thermoplastic tapes are used in medical applications for a variety of reasons, including securing dressings, catheters, and other medical devices. Additionally, thermoplastic tapes are used in wound closure and as a barrier against infection.
The increasing availability of low-cost thermoplastic tapes is also driving the thermoplastic tapes market. Low-cost thermoplastic tapes are becoming increasingly available, which has enabled a wider range of customers to access them. This has increased the demand for thermoplastic tapes, as customers are able to purchase them at a lower cost.
In summary, the thermoplastic tapes market is driven by the increasing demand for thermoplastic tapes in a variety of industries, the growing use of thermoplastic tapes for packaging and labeling, the rising demand for thermoplastic tapes in medical applications, and the increasing availability of low-cost thermoplastic tapes. These drivers are expected to continue to support the growth of the thermoplastic tapes market over the coming years.
Research Objectives
Estimates and forecast the overall market size for the total market, across product, service type, type, end-user, and region
Detailed information and key takeaways on qualitative and quantitative trends, dynamics, business framework, competitive landscape, and company profiling
Identify factors influencing market growth and challenges, opportunities, drivers and restraints
Identify factors that could limit company participation in identified international markets to help properly calibrate market share expectations and growth rates
Trace and evaluate key development strategies like acquisitions, product launches, mergers, collaborations, business expansions, agreements, partnerships, and R&D activities
Thoroughly analyze smaller market segments strategically, focusing on their potential, individual patterns of growth, and impact on the overall market
To thoroughly outline the competitive landscape within the market, including an assessment of business and corporate strategies, aimed at monitoring and dissecting competitive advancements.
Identify the primary market participants, based on their business objectives, regional footprint, product offerings, and strategic initiatives
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Market Segmentation:
Thermoplastic Tapes Market is segmented into resin type, application, technology and region. Based on resin type the market is categorized into Polyethylene, Polypropylene, Polyvinyl Chloride, Polyamide and Others. On the basis of application, it is further segmented into Automotive, Aerospace and Defense, Electrical and Electronics, Building and Construction, Sports and Leisure and Others. Based on technology it is segmented into Hot-Melt Extrusion, Solvent Dipping, Pultrusion and Others. Whereas based on region it is divided into North America,Europe,Asia-Pacific and Rest of the World .
Key Players:
The Thermoplastic Tapes Market Report includes players such as 3M Company (U.S), Avery Dennison Corporation (U.S), DuPont de Nemours, Inc. (U.S), Toray Industries, Inc. (U.S), Teijin Limited (Japan), Nitto Denko Corporation (Japan), Sekisui Chemical Co., Ltd. (Japan), Tesa SE (Germany), Saint-Gobain Performance Plastics (France) and BASF SE (Germany), among others.
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Research Scope
Scope – Highlights, Trends, Insights. Attractiveness, Forecast
Market Sizing – Product Type, End User, Offering Type, Technology, Region, Country, Others
Market Dynamics – Market Segmentation, Demand and Supply, Bargaining Power of Buyers and Sellers, Drivers, Restraints, Opportunities, Threat Analysis, Impact Analysis, Porters 5 Forces, Ansoff Analysis, Supply Chain
Business Framework – Case Studies, Regulatory Landscape, Pricing, Policies and Regulations, New Product Launches. M&As, Recent Developments
Competitive Landscape – Market Share Analysis, Market Leaders, Emerging Players, Vendor Benchmarking, Developmental Strategy Benchmarking, PESTLE Analysis, Value Chain Analysis
Company Profiles – Overview, Business Segments, Business Performance, Product Offering, Key Developmental Strategies, SWOT Analysis.
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psatalk · 2 months
Amcor Flexibles goes for Vetaphone corona equipment
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Amcor’s Gent production facility is a giant, housing gravure printing in up to nine colors, digital printing, solvent and water-based coating, lamination, coextrusion, both cast and film up to nine layers, and Vision Systems for conversion and extrusion. It all began back in 1925 with the production of cellophane, which was the first plastic material used for food packaging.  In 1950, the plant became the first to extrude in Europe, and by the 1960s Amcor Flexibles was making strides in the pharmaceutical, films & packaging, and chemical sectors, with the establishment of a strong R&D culture.
Throughout the 1990s, the Group expanded with numerous acquisitions, including Danisco, A&R, Rexam, and Tobepal, with extruded volumes being consolidated at Gent and the UK plant in Ilkeston.  2008 brought a major 17m Euros investment program at Gent with four new extrusion lines and the construction of a new production hall, while the acquisition of Alcan in 2010 saw conversion and extrusion separated at Gent and in 2019, with the addition of Bemis, the group became a major global leader in package print production.
Today, the Gent plant has a broad product range including peel and barrier packaging that serves all sectors.  PE, PP, PA, and PETg are extruded in up to nine layers and on the converting side, gravure and digital printing combine with lamination, coating, and slitting.  Both extrusion and converting sectors are monitored by Vison Systems to assure quality.
It was into this production environment that Vetaphone set about selling its surface treatment technology, as Dirk Den Haese, sales manager of Vetaphone Benelux explained, “The challenge of working with a large and diverse group like Amcor is knowing where to start! But I knew that the company valued its reputation for quality very highly, and that the accuracy of much of the packaging it produced was critical, so there was clearly no room for any weak link in the production chain.” 
Beginning in 1990, Vetaphone has supplied a diverse range of corona technology to the Belgian plant that ranges from 1400 to 2300 mm in web width and generators from 2 x 6kW for extrusion lines to 2 x 10kW for different lamination lines. For its food and pharmaceutical work, Amcor is using exclusively Vetaphone VP2 ceramic rollers to ensure no contamination from the silicone sleeves, vulcanized and aluminium backing rollers.
This has become a standard item for Amcor Flexibles in Gent, where the treaters have performed well, drawing praise for their low maintenance requirements and easy access, and reliable performance that provides the consistently even treatment essential for a quality end-product.
Speaking for Amcor, Andries Van Nieuwenhove, plant general manager at Amcor Flexibles Conversion Gent said, “It is key for us to have good partners who support us in our journey to be the reference supplier of specialty peelable and barrier laminates.”
Amcor is very proud of its customer engagement that takes a bespoke approach to the challenges of modern-day packaging. “From concept to prototype and onto production and recycling, the company works hard at being innovative,” according to commercial director Johan Van Wesemael.  “Using our in-house pilot line and all the analytical assets and expertise we have gathered we can speed up developments and through real-world testing deliver validated solutions.”
Proof of this attention to detail is the number of international quality recognition awards held by Amcor, including ISO 9001, 14001, 45001, 50001, along with ISTA, Ecovadis, and BRC accreditations.  They are, in fact, no more than one would expect from such a major player in the market, but are now the basic requirements for the food, pharma, and industrial sectors that Amcor supplies on a regular and global basis.
To put that size into perspective, Amcor employs 42,500 people across 220 locations in 43 countries – its packaging products are used by more than 4000 brand owners – it holds 3700 patents, trademarks, and registered designs, spends over €100m on R&D each year, enjoying an annual sales turnover of US$14 billion.  As Dirk Den Haese concluded, “If Vetaphone technology is good enough for Amcor, by association it makes us a global leader too – and it’s something we are very proud of!  I estimate we have now installed more than €1m’s worth of our technology at the Gent plant, making Amcor one of our largest customers in the Benelux region.”
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researchrealmblog · 2 months
Injection Molded Plastics Market Is on Track To Hitting USD 409.2 Billion by 2030
The word "injection molding" covers a wide range of processes, including the molding of metals, ceramics, polymers, and several other substances. Plastics and injection molding are frequently used together. Plastics can also be formed using a variety of different methods, such as extrusion and blow molding. But the most used method of forming plastics worldwide is injection molding.
It is predicted that the need for injection molded plastics would be driven by the rising demand for plastic components from a variety of end-use sectors, including consumer goods and electronics, packaging, and automotive and medical devices.
In addition, injection molding developments are also being focused on by businesses to reduce the rate of defective manufacturing, which has had a substantial effect on the demand for injection-molded plastic components globally. Thus, the injection molded plastics market is set to reach USD 409.2 billion by 2030, according to P&S Intelligence.
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Application in Packaging Contributes Majority of Revenue
With a market share of 30% across all applications, packaging will continue to rule the market; as a result, the expansion of the packaging industry will be a major market driver.
The gradual transition away from glass and metals in the consumer packaging market in favor of polymers is driven by the latter's reduced space need, decreasing weight, durability, adaptability, and cost-effectiveness.
Moreover, polypropylene holds the majority of the market share, at about 40%, as a result of its lightweight properties, moisture resistance, shock resistance, cheap cost, high molding capacity, and outstanding compatibility with food applications, particularly in terms of package safety.
Furthermore, it may be used in injection molding to create components and goods of all different sizes and forms. Due to its semi-crystalline structure and strong flexural strength, polypropylene also has this property.
Demand for Polymers Is Growing in Automotive Applications
One of the end markets for injection-molded plastics with the quickest growth is the automobile sector. The need for such materials would be boosted throughout the projected period by the expansion of the Asian automotive market, notably in China and India.
Thermoplastic elastomers and other injection-molded polymers are discovering new uses in the vehicle sector because of technological advancements in the production of automotive components. The majority of car parts up until recently were composed of steel. To lighten the total weight of cars, plastic is now quickly replacing steel.
In addition, as automotive manufacturing methods continue to advance, high-performance materials—such as thermoplastic elastomers, which combine the properties of rubber and plastic while also being lighter than steel and other polymeric materials—are replacing traditional polymers in an expanding number of applications.
APAC Is a Major Consumer of Injection Molded Plastics
With a 40% revenue share, APAC now holds the top spot in the market for polymers used in injection molding and will continue to do so until the year 2030. Demand for injection-molded plastics is anticipated to rise in the Asia-Pacific area as a result of rising infrastructure investment and rising vehicle sales in Indonesia, India, China, and Malaysia.
Due to its low cost of producing a variety of goods, China has the greatest revenue in the area, which will increase at a CAGR of over 5%. The important drivers driving the market's growth are China's vast population and its quick urbanization.
Source: P&S Intelligence
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spookysaladchaos · 2 months
Pet Food Extruders, Global Top 14 Players, Market Share and Ranking (2023)
Pet Food Extruders Market Summary
Pet Food Extruders are machines that are used to produce animal feed in the form of kibble or nuggets. These machines work by combining various ingredients, such as animal protein, grains, and vegetables, and then using heat and pressure to process and shape the mixture into bite-sized pieces. The extrusion process provides a uniform texture, shape, and density to the pet food, making it easier to digest and increasing its shelf life. Pet food extruders are widely used in the pet food industry to produce high-quality and nutritious food for dogs, cats, and other pets.
The main role of the pet food extruder is to cook and pasteurize pet food and feed in a very short time. Pet food processing technology forces the ingredients to mix via a helical screw and then through the die of the extruder. During the extrusion process, ingredients are ground, mixed and heat-treated. The result is a strip-shaped product (extrudate) which is subsequently dried.
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According to the new market research report "China Pet Food Extruders Market Report 2024-2030", published by QYResearch, the china Pet Food Extruders market size is projected to reach USD 149 million by 2030, at a CAGR of 5.9% during the forecast period.
Figure.   China Pet Food Extruders Market Size (US$ Million), 2019-2030
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Figure.   China Pet Food Extruders Top 14 Players Ranking and Market Share (Ranking is based on the revenue of 2023, continually updated)
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According to QYResearch Top Players Research Center, the China key manufacturers of Pet Food Extruders include Shandong Arrow Machinery, Coperion, Bühler, Baker Perkins (Schenck Process), IDAH, Brabender GmbH, Wenger, ANDRITZ, FAMSUN, Shandong Saina Machinery Technology, etc. In 2023, the china top 10 players had a share approximately 68.0% in terms of revenue.
Figure.   Pet Food Extruders, China Market Size, Split by Product Segment
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In terms of product type, currently Twin Screw is the largest segment, hold a share of 75.0%.
Figure.   Pet Food Extruders, China Market Size, Split by Application Segment
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In terms of product application, currently Dry Pet Food is the largest segment, hold a share of 61.3%.
Increasing Demand for Premium Pet Food:Now people's requirements for pet food are more high-end and personalized, and they are more interested in functional pet food with additional health benefits. The demand for premium pet food containing premium and nutrient-dense ingredients is increasing.
Technological Advancements:Continuously increasing R&D investments and advancements in pet food extrusion technology. Advances in extrusion technology enable the production of pet food with optimal texture, nutritional content and flavor. Advances in technology have made pet food extruders more efficient, reliable and cost-effective. Automation and the use of artificial intelligence (AI) are also increasing in the pet food manufacturing process.
Sustainability:As people become more aware of environmental issues, pet owners are also starting to pay attention to sustainable and eco-friendly products. Pet food extruder manufacturers now offer eco-friendly materials and packaging for pet food.
About The Authors
Jiashi Dong
Lead Author
QYResearch Nanning Branch Analyst, as a member of the QYResearch Semiconductor Equipment and Materials Department, his main research areas include automotive electronics, semiconductor equipment, materials and thermally conductive powders. Some subdivided research topics include automotive diodes, automotive inductors, automotive lidar, radio frequency power supplies, plastic sealing machines, high-purity non-ferrous metals, battery materials, precursors, electroplating equipment, thermal conductive ball aluminum, semiconductor chemical plating solutions, semiconductor coating devices, etc. At the same time, he is also engaged in the development of market segment reports and participates in the writing of customized projects.
About QYResearch
QYResearch founded in California, USA in 2007.It is a leading global market research and consulting company. With over 17 years’ experience and professional research team in various cities over the world QY Research focuses on management consulting, database and seminar services, IPO consulting, industry chain research and customized research to help our clients in providing non-linear revenue model and make them successful. We are globally recognized for our expansive portfolio of services, good corporate citizenship, and our strong commitment to sustainability. Up to now, we have cooperated with more than 60,000 clients across five continents. Let’s work closely with you and build a bold and better future.
QYResearch is a world-renowned large-scale consulting company. The industry covers various high-tech industry chain market segments, spanning the semiconductor industry chain (semiconductor equipment and parts, semiconductor materials, ICs, Foundry, packaging and testing, discrete devices, sensors, optoelectronic devices), photovoltaic industry chain (equipment, cells, modules, auxiliary material brackets, inverters, power station terminals), new energy automobile industry chain (batteries and materials, auto parts, batteries, motors, electronic control, automotive semiconductors, etc.), communication industry chain (communication system equipment, terminal equipment, electronic components, RF front-end, optical modules, 4G/5G/6G, broadband, IoT, digital economy, AI), advanced materials industry Chain (metal materials, polymer materials, ceramic materials, nano materials, etc.), machinery manufacturing industry chain (CNC machine tools, construction machinery, electrical machinery, 3C automation, industrial robots, lasers, industrial control, drones), food, beverages and pharmaceuticals, medical equipment, agriculture, etc.
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