#Fosco Culto
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Hecate in a Crown by Fosco Culto.
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persephonenthroned · 18 days
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Dream City #1
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Dream City #2
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Dream City #3
Karina Kulyk/ Fosco Culto
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talonabraxas · 3 months
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I am the first and the last.
I am the honored one and the scorned one.
I am the whore and the holy one.
I am the wife and the virgin.
I am the mother of the daughter.
I am the members of my mother.
I am the barren one and many are my sons.
I am she whose wedding is great, and I have not taken a husband.
I am the slave of him who prepared me.
I am the ruler of my offspring,
but he is the one who begot me before time was, and he is my offspring in due time, and my power is from him.
For I am knowledge and ignorance.
I am shame and boldness.
I am strength and I am fear.
I am the one who is disgraced and the great one.
Give heed to me!
Text: The Thunder: Perfect Mind, Gnostic gospel Art: Fosco-Culto
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mermaidenmystic · 2 years
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The Mermaids Under A Whirlpool Moon by Fosco Culto, aka Karina Kulyk
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arcane-offerings · 11 months
Kazim, editor. The Art of Fosco Culto. Commentary Essay by Per Faxneld. Hexen Press, 2022. Hardcover. 175 pages. Limited to 500 hand-numbered copies. 
Shop link in bio.
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aloneinstitute · 2 years
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Roma, polaroide de 1983. O Circo Massimo não era o Coliseu, era muito maior (mas agora quase todo em ruinas), era o hipódromo onde as bigas corriam para os Césares. Ao fundo, as ruínas iluminadas, à frente delas, o palco e um grande descampado, ocupado por uma plateia de 10 mil pessoas sentadas, que se levantaram quando a banda tocou a introdução de “Canta Brasil”. E gritaram e aplaudiram ao ouvir a voz cristalina de Gal e ao ver aquela bela figura de mulher, suas formas generosas e maduras mais reveladas do que cobertas por um vestido de Markito de um finíssimo tecido dourado, ora fosco, ora brilhante, que se colava ao seu corpo como uma segunda pele até os quadris, de onde descia fluido, revelando coxas e pernas fortes e morenas, que irrompiam pela fenda lateral da saia ou se revelavam através das transparências iluminadas. Quando ela cantou “Noites cariocas”, o choro de Jacob do Bandolim, chorei muito. Em parte pela rebordosa amorosa que vivia, em parte pelo Brasil. E, ao mesmo tempo, de alegria, infinitamente contente que estava testemunhando da arte refinada de Gal, de sua consagração por um público culto e exigente, rara oportunidade de desfrutar de um legítimo sentimento de orgulho nacional.
Provincianamente, imaginei que os romanos deviam estar perplexos: como pudemos, com nossa miséria cultural e nossa história curta e inglória, produzir uma arte tão rica e desenvolvida, uma arte tão moderna e sofisticada num país tão primitivo e atrasado?
Qualquer crítico de música bem-informado — e havia muitos ali — sabia que Gal Costa, como Elis Regina, era uma das melhores cantoras do mundo, que produzia uma música tão boa quanto a de Ella Fitzgerald ou Sarah Vaughan. O show terminou com uma ovação consagradora e diversas voltas ao palco. Feliz e emocionada, Gal se curvou em altiva reverência, a massa de cabelos escuros e ondulados emoldurando uma bocona vermelha e sorridente, os bicos dos seios avançando pelo tecido dourado que o suor lhe colava ao corpo. Na consagração de Gal, chorei a perda, um ano, de Elis Regina, Glauber Rocha e Hélio.Oiticica, os dois aos 42 anos.
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darkartfinds · 4 years
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Demon of the Moon by Fosco Culto
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magnetar1 · 5 years
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Unconsciously, they summoned you.  In the throes of a delirium you awoke.  Invisible to most, a bridge to nowhere – to some a real threat, & fewer still a necessity.  Meanwhile, the world sagged with nature’s reluctance becoming more vulnerable to a spectre’s alliance. 
She bathes in the glory of darkness even as the sun looms close.  To feel it on one’s face was never enough.  Internal (eternal) coldness metamorphosing into a visible threat.  Instead, they cling to God & seek the warmth they deserve.  Even as death piles up around them & the frozen epoch mounts.
My god is different.  Alone.  Who understands the human race has been isolated from itself for too long.  Abysses & chasms closed off while plague is born in the deepest rifts, but never enough to reach them.  Something holds them together which acts like God – but is not God.  Collectively defined, individually marked, even as winter enters their bones & they start to become hateful . . .
Artwork By Fosco Culto
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sakrogoat · 5 years
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Fosco Culto - Rising Above Self
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artfoom · 5 years
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Hecate, Queen of Witches by Fosco Culto.
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3y3 · 2 years
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Hecate, Queen of Witches, Fosco Culto
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Fosco Culto
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mermaidenmystic · 2 years
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The Five Mermaids by Fosco Culto, aka Karina Kulyk
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arcane-offerings · 2 years
Michael W. Ford. The Grand Grimoire of the Infernal Pacts Goetic Theurgy. Huánuco, Perú: Manus Sinistra Publishing, 2022. Hardcover. 175 pages. Limited to 250 hand-numbered copies. Artwork by Fosco Culto.
Shop link in bio.
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blackvenvs · 5 years
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East of the Sun, West of the Moon : Tales of the North, Kay Nielsen | The Wild Swans, Bernard Nast | Pagan Poetry, Baba Yaga Sings the Blues, Sandra T | Chelsea Bonestell | Lilith, Fosco Culto | We lead not accidentally but purposefully into the shadow of death, A Goddess Speaks. You Listen!, Sandra T | Anubis of May, Joanna Karpowicz 
@fluoresensitive @1kwordsand10littlecandies
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