#Frank Rubio
jaymiejess · 8 months
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captious-solarian · 10 months
In March, some tomatoes were grown and harvested on the ISS. One of the tomatoes went missing, and has now been found. I admire the astronauts' restraint: I would absolutely have devoured it.
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nedoliveira1 · 1 year
Astronauta da NASA bate recorde espacial após um ano em órbita
NOTÍCIA: Após um ano no espaço, astronauta da NASA Frank Rubio volta à Terra e bate recorde dos EUA. Ele e dois cosmonautas russos enfrentaram problema técnico na cápsula que os traria de volta.
Um astronauta da NASA e dois cosmonautas russos voltaram à Terra na quarta-feira, depois de passarem mais de um ano no espaço. O americano Frank Rubio estabeleceu um novo recorde para o voo espacial mais longo dos EUA, resultado de uma missão que foi prolongada devido a um problema técnico na cápsula que os traria de volta. Uma missão que durou o dobro do previsto Rubio, 47 anos, médico do…
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ainews18 · 1 year
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Is over a year "in space" Healthy?
Too long in outer space is dangerous because of the micro-gravity that the human body is not made for… But, we need to know what to do if anybody is stranded in orbit because of the micro meteor strike to the landing craft. In 2023 the Soyuz space shuttle was struck by a piece of the satellite that was blown up by Russia to show US they could. ‘I’m guessing, but it would serve them right.?? Just…
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indianflash123 · 1 year
Frank Rubio Sets New Record for Longest Single Spaceflight
Frank Rubio, currently on a year-long mission aboard the International Space Station (ISS), has achieved a remarkable milestone in space exploration. Today, he surpassed NASA astronaut Mark Vande Hei’s previous U.S. record of 355 days in space, officially becoming the American with the longest single spaceflight. 371 DAYS ABOARD THE INTERNATIONAL SPACE STATION As he prepares to return to Earth…
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indianflashnews · 1 year
Frank Rubio Sets New Record for Longest Single Spaceflight
Frank Rubio, currently on a year-long mission aboard the International Space Station (ISS), has achieved a remarkable milestone in space exploration. Today, he surpassed NASA astronaut Mark Vande Hei’s previous U.S. record of 355 days in space, officially becoming the American with the longest single spaceflight. 371 DAYS ABOARD THE INTERNATIONAL SPACE STATION As he prepares to return to Earth…
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nmotypdfsfg · 7 months
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michaelgabrill · 1 year
Frank Rubio Returns to Earth
NASA astronaut Frank Rubio landed in Kazakhstan on Sept. 27, 2023, after spending 371 days in space aboard the International Space Station. Rubio’s mission is the longest single spaceflight by a U.S. astronaut in history. While on the space station, Rubio completed 5,963 orbits of the Earth. See the highlights of his year in space. […] from NASA https://ift.tt/P2JvtrU
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aglennco · 10 months
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I've got a little 3 page comic about objects, tea, and memory debuting in Hungry Zine's Issue 07: Funeral Foods, which you can pre-order now.
Hungry Zine's Issue 07: Funeral Foods, features 60 pages of writing and art by: Jessica Truong, Cree Stoney, Virginia Boudreau, Elisia Synder, Ryan Lacanilao, Kyla Pascal, David Kahane, Marco Melfi, Jin He, Wendy McGrath, AGLENNCO, Jeff Ku, Meghan Klak, Sophie Gareau-Brennan, Michael Filtz, Ivy Lerner-Frank, Emmanuelle Chateauneuf, Brotherhood of Plates, Haley Pukanski, Andy Rubio “No-Body:)”, Marie-Eve Bernier, Christine Wu, Carmen Smith, aina z. paguergan, Hailey McCullough.
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universeofmemes · 10 months
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twistedtummies2 · 4 months
Top 10 Portrayals of Renfield
The time has come to cover our last supporting player in Bram Stoker’s Dracula. I’m skipping over Arthur Holmwood and Quincey Morris, on account of a lack of really great interpretations for either, which means our next major character of note is Renfield: the deranged lunatic who acts as the Count’s mortal servant.
Renfield is interesting in that, much like Van Helsing, his role has become more pronounced over the years. In fact, Renfield caught on as a major character EARLIER than Van Helsing, as even the very earliest Dracula films included a Renfield character of some sort, and many movies that don’t have ANY of the other characters from the novel rather frequently feature either Renfield or some sort of “Renfield surrogate.” In the book, however, the madman is actually a relatively peripheral character: he doesn’t really DO a whole lot, in the grand scheme of things, but rather acts as a sort of “warning siren.” Renfield’s psychic connection to Dracula makes him a sort of living bookmark: someone who can track the vampire’s moves throughout the novel, even when the other characters aren’t physically near the Count. He also acts as an interesting counterpoint to Dracula and his Brides: they are powerful, seductive, grandiose figures of evil who represent a sort of decadent “gold standard” of vampirism. Renfield is a disheveled psychotic who scavenges for bugs and other small animals to feed his growing appetite, worshiping Dracula in a cultist-like fashion. He is the bottom-feeding parasite in comparison to the Satanical power Dracula seems to exude. Over the years, creators have built up Renfield’s character in a variety of ways, expanding his role in the story and giving him more depth and focus. It makes sense, when you think about it: if any character is going to be as memorable as the great and powerful King of the Vampires, it’s going to be his scurvy little henchman who eats insects in-between bursts of mad raving. For actors, it’s a great role to sink one’s teeth into (no pun intended), as Renfield allows a performer to go wild in ways other roles can’t provide, and make some interesting choices through. There are lots of vampire familiars to go through, so let’s waste no more time: these are My Top 10 Favorite Portrayals of Renfield!
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10. Roland Topor, from Nosferatu the Vampyre.
In the first remake of “Nosferatu,” French artist Roland Topor was cast - in a rare acting role - in the role of Renfield. I don’t know much about Topor or any other work he may have done as a performer, beyond this movie, but I will say this, he doesn’t do half bad! His Renfield is delightfully creepy and yet rather funny at the same time. I love the way Dracula just sort of shrugs him off, clearly irritated with his sycophantic servant, in the scenes they share together. My only problem is that Topor’s Renfield just sort of vanishes from the movie after a certain point; we never find out what happened to him by the end of the picture. For all we know, he could still be out there…dun-dun-dunnn…
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9. Tony Haygarth, from the 1979 Film.
Among other roles, I know Tony Haygarth for voicing a rather depraved version of the Mad Hatter, in the movie “Dreamchild” (which came out six years after the Frank Langella picture). I don’t know who decided to cast this man as two of literature’s most famous maniacs, but I’m glad it happened. In the film, Renfield first appears as a dockyard worker, who has a grudge against the Jonathan Harker and his family for past injustices. This makes him all the more fitting a stooge for Dracula. As the film goes on, Renfield grows increasingly insane, visibly changing from a relatively rational human to a broken mess before his final destruction.
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8. Pablo Alvarez Rubio, from “Spanish Dracula.”
Much like its English-language counterpart, the Spanish version of Universal’s acclaimed 1931 “Dracula” conflates the characters of Renfield and Jonathan Harker: Jonathan still appears, but it’s Renfield who visits Castle Dracula, and then returns to England with the Count aboard a doomed ship. This works as a sort of origin story for the character, which several other versions have taken influence from. Rubio may not be as iconic as Dwight Frye’s scene-stealing Renfield, but he’s not a bad interpretation, either. However, I think the Spanish version makes some choices in edits that ultimately hinder his performance, and bring it down in the ranks.
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7. Nicholas Hoult, from Renfield.
In this movie, the partnership between Dracula and Renfield is hamfistedly examined as a study in toxic relationships. More of a dark superhero film than a proper Gothic Horror outing, Hoult’s Renfield eats bugs not out of an urge to consume life, but because munching on insects and arachnids gives him superhuman abilities for brief periods of time. While not by any means the definitive version of the character, he is fun to watch and Hoult turns in a spectacular performance.
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6. Samuel Barnett, from Penny Dreadful.
In Season 3 of Penny Dreadful, Renfield goes beyond simply being a vampire’s familiar to slowly being transformed into a vampire proper. He starts off as a seemingly mild-mannered, proper Victorian gentleman…but when Dracula learns of some dark secrets in Renfield’s life, he uses that to his advantage and snatches Renfield up to act as a spy against his enemy. Barnett’s Renfield is deliciously creepy, mercurial, and runs the gamut from somewhat sympathetic to utterly detestable. He was easily one of my favorite parts of Season 3.
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5. Klaus Kinski, from the 1970 Film.
In this Jess-Franco-directed adaptation, Klaus Kinski - who might be the only actor to play Renfield who was probably insane in real-life (seriously, Kinski was…QUITE the piece of work, as a person, behind the scenes) - plays a mute Renfield. While he never speaks a word, and does relatively little throughout the film, he steals every scene he’s in, and is given a more sympathetic portrayal; this Renfield often seems more like a scared, confused child than anything else, and has a tragic backstory behind his madness. At the same time, he’s still dangerous, even trying to strangle Mina while under Dracula’s command at one point. Apparently, Kinski had no idea he was even in a Dracula movie during the making of the film, which seems a bit far-fetched to me…but if it is true, I guess there were worse ways to handle it than just giving this utterly demented individual free reign to just…do whatever the heck he wanted for a while. :P
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4. Alexander Granach, from Nosferatu.
Referred to as “Knock” in this version, Renfield is given a role that is in some ways expanded upon from the novel, and yet also somehow still very peripheral. He’s in a lot of the movie, but much of what he does is totally separate from the main plot of the film. At the start of the movie, the character is already clearly on an uneven keel, and is indicated to already be working for Count Orlok (Dracula): the Harker character is actually his employee, and Knock sends him out fully knowing what horrors await him. As the movie goes on, Knock goes increasingly more insane, desperate to find and reconnect with his Master. While delightfully over-the-top, there are actually a few legitimately creepy moments with the character too: at one point, he gets hit in the head with two stones, thrown by angry villagers, and…just…doesn’t even REACT to them. I don’t know why, but that particular moment always unnerves me when I watch it.
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3. Tom Waits, from the 1992 Film.
While Tom Waits is no stranger to acting, it was still surprising to see him pop up in this star-studded adaptation of the Bram Stoker novel, directed by Francis Ford Coppola. This version seems to take some subtle cues from the Universal films of 1931, as its indicated Renfield preceded Jonathan in doing deals with the Count, and returned to England a changed (and deranged) man. While his role is, once again, relatively set to sidelines, Waits is memorable every time he shows up, ranging from a relatively reasonable-sounding gentleman to a raving, bloodthirsty psycho at the drop of a hat.
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2. Jack Shepherd, from the 1977 BBC TV Film.
While this television production mostly sticks to the novel, one of the more noteworthy deviations it takes is with Shepherd’s portrayal of Renfield. In this version, slightly more focus is given to Renfield’s relationship with Mina, and the character actually goes through a sort of redemption arc. At the start of the story, he is Dracula’s bloodthirsty slave; more like a sort of two-legged dog than a human being. As the story goes on, instead of going more crazy, Renfield begins to regain his sanity and morality. Instead of helping Dracula and being slain by the Count as a way for the vampire to cover his tracks, Shepherd’s Renfield stands up to his Master in the end, effectively sacrificing himself to try and help the other characters. Eat your heart out, Nicholas Hoult: the BBC got there a lot sooner, and STILL made him crazy. XD
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1. Dwight Frye, from the 1931 Film.
For me, just as it’s next to impossible to separate Bela Lugosi (and Christopher Lee) from Dracula, it’s impossible to separate Dwight Frye from Renfield. In some ways, I actually think his performance is the best in the entire movie, trumping even the work of Lugosi and Edward Van Sloan as Van Helsing! Frye’s Renfield is legitimately scary, even by today’s standards, but is also a very sympathetic and tragic character (and at times genuinely funny, too). You really feel sorry for Renfield: an initially innocent man driven mad by Dracula’s corruption, who has to struggle between his loyalty to his Master and his desire to keep his soul clean of guilt. Frye maneuvers through all of Renfield’s moods and modes, from sane and gentlemanly to absolutely freaking off his rocker, with great aplomb. Without a shadow of a doubt, he is My Favorite Renfield.
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NASA astronauts finally find 1-inch tomato that was 'lost in space' for 8 months | Live Science
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faerie-hideaway · 11 months
U.S. users email your representatives this, and make sure to include your zip code:
I am your constituent. I am strongly in favor of defunding Israel. I want my opinion logged on every single one of these pieces of legislation. It is an atrocity that the USA is sending our taxpayer dollars, weaponry, and other support to Israel in order to aid in the genocide of the Palestinian people. It does not reflect the will of your constituents, and I demand that you correct this by voting for/against the following bills, resolutions, and legislation.
To be frank, I will be basing my vote for you in upcoming elections on this issue. I will be watching closely to see how you vote on issues regarding funding to Israel. I will not vote for you in the next election if you vote to send any money, support, or weaponry to Israel. I will be voting for you if you vote to block money, support, and weaponry to Israel.
This is the current legislation I am for, and the current legislation I am against. I would like your office to record my opinion for each bill, and I would like you to take this into consideration when you vote.
I am FOR the following, and expect you to vote for this and co-sponsor, either now or when matching legislation reaches your office.
H.Res. 786: by Rep. Cori Bush
H.Res. 388 by Rep. Rashida Tlaib
H.R. 3103 by Rep. Betty McCollum
I am against Joe Biden’s proposal to spend billions of dollars on Israel via a package for Israel, Ukraine, Taiwan, and the US border. Biden is asking for $100 BILLION for this package and it is only 1 YEAR'S worth of funding. This is ABSOLUTELY unacceptable, and I am against you voting for ANY bill that spends even $1 on Israel. I do not care what else is in the bill. If it gives money to Israel, I am against it.
I am AGAINST the following, and expect you to vote against this and not co-sponsor, either now or when matching legislation reaches your office.
S. 3083 by Sen. Bill Hagerty [R-TN]
S.Res. 417 by Sen. Charles “Chuck” Schumer [D-NY]
H.Res. 797 by Rep. Cory Mills [R-FL7]
S. 3081 by Sen. Steve Daines [R-MT]
H.Res. 796 by Rep. Ernest “Tony” Gonzales [R-TX23]
S.Res. 413 by Sen. Marco Rubio
H.R. 552 by Rep. Lance Gooden
H.R. 5959 by Thomas Tiffany
S. 3081 by Sen. Steve Daines
H.Res. 789 by Rep. Jefferson Van Drew
H.Res. 771 by Rep. Michael McCaul
H.R. 5932 by Rep. David Schweikert
H.Res. 768 by Rep. Michael McCaul
H.Res. 770 by Rep. Zachary (Zach) Nunn
H.Res. 701 by Rep. Bradley “Brad” Schneider
H.Con.Res. 61 by Rep. Janice “Jan” Schakowsky
S. 2587 by Sen. Jon Tester
H.Res. 606 by Rep. Andrew Ogles
S. 2413 by Sen. Robert “Bob” Menendez
S. 2438 by Sen. Christopher Coons
H.R. 4709 by Rep. Josh Gottheimer
S.Con.Res. 14: by Sen. Tom Cotton
H.Con.Res. 57 by Rep. August Pfluger
H.R. 4665 by Rep. Mario Diaz-Balart
S. 2265 by Sen. Dan Sullivan
S. 2226 by Sen. John F. “Jack” Reed
H.Res. 581 by Rep. Gregory Steube
S. 2240 by Sen. Christopher Coons
H.R. 4564 by Rep. Claudia Tenney
H.R. 4365 by Rep. Ken Calvert
H.R. 4076 by Rep. Chris Pappas
H.R. 3932 by Rep. Michael Turner
H.R. 3907 by Rep. Lois Frankel
S. 1802 by Sen. Gary Peters
H.R. 3792 by Rep. Joe Wilson
S. 1777 by Sen. Jacky Rosen
H.R. 3393 by Rep. Carlos Gimenez
H.Res. 409 by Rep. Carlos Gimenez
S. 1637 by Sen. Marco Rubio
H.R. 3266 by Rep. Brad Sherman
S. 1504 by Sen. Tom Cotton
H.R. 3099 by Rep. Michael Lawler
S.Res. 188 by Sen. Robert “Bob” Menendez
H.Res. 346 by Rep. Randy Weber
H.R. 2973 by Rep. Cathy Anne McMorris Rodgers
S. 1334: by Sen. Jacky Rosen
S. 1300 by Sen. Benjamin Cardin
H.Res. 311 by Rep. Ann Wagner
H.R. 2670 by Rep. Mike Rogers
H.R. 2531 by Rep. Bradley “Brad” Schneider
S. 1143 by Sen. Jerry Moran
H.R. 1777 by Rep. Joe Wilson
H.R. 1218 by Rep. August Pfluger
H.R. 1102 by Rep. Chip Roy
S. 510 by Sen. Tom Cotton
S. 489 by Sen. Rick Scott
S. 430 by Sen. James Risch
S. 431 by Sen. James Risch
H.R. 987 by Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz
H.Res. 92 by Rep. Josh Gottheimer
H.Res. 76 by Rep. Max Miller
H.R. 687 by Rep. Gregory Steube
H.R. 211 by Rep. Gregory Steube
S. 224 by Sen. Tom Cotton
S. 189 by Sen. Marco Rubio
I am against any legislation that allows troops to deploy to the Middle East in support roles for Israel, as proposed by Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin.
I am against Netanyahu’s ground invasion of Gaza, which will inevitably lead to mass killings of Palestinian civilians and escalate violence. If there are any future bills supporting this, you need to vote against them and not co-sponsor.
The U.S. Constitution and the War Powers Act stipulate that only Congress can authorize the president to use military force in a foreign war, except in cases of self-defense. Previous administrations from both parties have ignored this, with unauthorized strikes in places like Syria and Libya. I want you to stand against ANY use of military force that supports Israel or hurts Palestine.
And of course, I am against the usual funding of $3.8 billion PER YEAR to Israel. This 10-year agreement began in 2016. I do not want a renewal in 2026, and in the next election, I will vote for representatives who WILL NOT VOTE TO FUND ISRAEL. I will be keeping track of how you vote now, and I will not vote for you if you decide to fund Israel in any way.
I am a single-issue voter for this. I want you to defund Israel. I do not want a single dollar spent on supporting Israel. I will be paying attention to how you vote in the upcoming weeks and months, and if you vote to fund or provide weapons, troops, or intelligence to Israel, I will NOT vote for you in the next election.
We are paying attention to the budget. We know when you're giving aid to a country committing genocide instead of helping your constituents in the USA. Both myself and tens of thousands of other constituents have spent years saying that we don’t want our hard-earned taxpayer dollars going to Israel. The lack of willingness to fund anything for American citizens, but the quickness with which you take action for Israel is telling. It is unacceptable.
As an elected official, you have the opportunity to listen to the public and stand against genocide. Israel is currently committing war crimes against Palestine. You can stop this by defunding Israel. THOUSANDS of Palestinian people have been killed, 1/3 of them children, in just a couple of days. One child every 15 minutes is being killed. YOU can prevent this by refusing to send additional weapons and funding to Israel.
We are currently spending BILLIONS of dollars EVERY YEAR on Israel. I do not want my money going towards the ethnic cleansing and genocide of Palestinians. Not a dollar more.
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daily-spanish-word · 3 months
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shoe el zapato
Do you know Zappos.com? They sell shoes, lots of them.
Mexican revolutionary Emiliano Zapata was feared because of his shoes.
Imagine that somebody, like an annoying nephew always pulling tricks, hid a zapper in the tip of one of your shoes.
Frank Zappa probably wore black shoes when writing: ‘Brown Shoes Don’t Make It’, or no shoes at all when performing: ‘Can’t Afford No Shoes’
You leave your shoes in the hallway for the overnight shoe shine service, but in the morning they’re gone! “In ze patio!” says the French receptionist, that’s where to leave them. House rules!
The Japanese take off their shoes when entering a house. Los japoneses se quitan los zapatos al entrar en una casa.
Picture by Jonathan Rubio H. on Flickr
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medium-observation · 10 months
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Boop! The Musical - Chicago Tryout
December 3, 2023 - Medium Observation
Video | Matinée
Jasmine Rogers (Betty Boop), Faith Prince (Valentina), Ainsley Anthony Melham (Dwayne), Erich Bergen (Raymond), Stephen DeRosa (Grampy), Angelica Hale (Trisha), Phillip Huber (Pudgy), Anastacia McCleskey (Carol), Lawrence Alexander (Ensemble), Colin Bradbury (Ensemble), Tristen Buettel (Ensemble), Joshua Michael Burrage (Ensemble), Gabi Campo (Ensemble), Daniel Castiglione (Ensemble), Rebecca Corrigan (Ensemble), Josh Drake (Ensemble), RJ Higton (Ensemble), Nina Lafarga (Ensemble), Morgan McGhee (Ensemble), Aubie Merrylees (Ensemble), Ryah Nixon (Ensemble), Christian Probst (Ensemble), Ricky Schroeder (Ensemble), Gabriella Sorrentino (Ensemble), Brooke Taylor (Ensemble)
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Notes: Nice video from the second week of previews and Version 3.0. Some scenes are majorly wideshot due to the nature of the show, along with usher activity. Some washout can be seen at times but it's not too bad.
NFT DATE: June 6th, 2024
Screenshots: https://flic.kr/s/aHBqjB5Cro
Video is $20
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Six - Second US National Tour (Boleyn)
November 19, 2023 - Medium Observation
Video | Matinée
Cassie Silva (s/b Catherine of Aragon), Zan Berube (Anne Boleyn), Aryn Bohannon (s/b Jane Seymour), Terica Marie (Anna of Cleves), Taylor Pearlstein (s/b Katherine Howard), Courtney Mack (t/r Catherine Parr)
Excellent video of a fantastic group of alternates and Courtney's unexpected final performance as Parr!
NFT DATE: December 1st, 2024
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Screenshots: https://flic.kr/s/aHBqjB3Ye3
Video is $20
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Mrs. Doubtfire - First US National Tour
November 16, 2023 - Medium Observation
Rob McClure (Daniel Hillard), Maggie Lakis (Miranda Hillard), Giselle Gutierrez (Lydia Hillard), Cody Braverman (Christoher Hillard), Emerson Mae Chan (Natalie Hillard), Aaron Kaburick (Frank Hillard), Nik Alexander (Andre Mayem), Romelda Teron Benjamin (Wanda Sellner), Leo Roberts (Stuart Dunmire), David Hibbard (Mr. Jolly/Ensemble), Jodi Kimura (Janet Lundy/Ensemble), Alex Branton (Ensemble), Jonathan Hoover (Ensemble), Sheila Jones (Ensemble), Julia Kavanagh (Ensemble), Marquez Linder (Ensemble), Alex Ringler (Ensemble), Lannie Rubio (Ensemble), Ian Liberto (s/w Ensemble), Lauryn Withnell (Ensemble), Julia Yameen (Ensemble)
Near perfect capture of the tour! Some washout is seen in wideshots due to primary robs doubtfire outfit being so Bright.
NFT DATE: June 6th, 2024
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Screenshots: https://flic.kr/s/aHBqjB3Z7Y
Video is $20
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Frozen - First US National Tour
November 29, 2023 - Medium Observation
Caroline Bowman (Elsa), Lauren Nicole Chapman (Anna), Erin Choi (Young Elsa), Annie Piper Braverman (Young Anna), Jeremy Davis (Olaf), Dominic Dorset (Kristoff), Collin Baja (Sven), Preston Perez (Hans), Jack Brewer (Oaken), Evan Duff (Weselton), Tyler Jimenez (Pabbie), Renée Reid (Bulda), Kyle Lamar Mitchell (King Agnarr), Katie Mariko Murray (Queen Iduna), Natalie Wisdom (s/w Head Handmaiden), Jack Brewer (Bishop), Kate Bailey (Ensemble), Kristen Smith Davis (Ensemble), Jason Goldston (Ensemble), Natalie Goodin (Ensemble), Zach Hess (Ensemble), Adrianna Rose Lyons (Ensemble), Alexander Mendoza (Ensemble), Nick Silverio (Ensemble), Daniel Switzer (Ensemble), Peli Naomi Woods (Ensemble), Michael Allan Haggerty (s/w Ensemble), Jessie Peltier (s/w Ensemble)
Absolutely gorgeous video of this tour! Lots of wideshots and close ups.
NFT DATE: June 6th, 2024
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Screenshots: https://flic.kr/s/aHBqjB5mqB
Video is $20
Videos can be purchased through me at [email protected]
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