#Free Bible study material
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Hello friends, every few months I’m able to give away free Kindle copies of my books on Amazon. I take advantage of this opportunity to share biblical teaching with as many as want it. Twelve of my digital books are free for five days starting April 11th through April 15th, 2023. The books are available on Amazon at: https://www.amazon.com/stores/author/B005FSY6XO This posting will be deleted…
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reality-detective · 3 months
Frankincense (Boswellia Carteri) and DNA Repair🧬 💉🤯
Frankincense, or Boswellia carteri, has been revered for its therapeutic properties across various cultures and religious texts, including the Bible. Its usage dates back thousands of years, cited for its capacity to heal and purify. Interestingly, modern scientific research has begun to uncover that the resin of Frankincense may have properties that contribute to cellular health, including DNA repair.
Properties of Frankincense:
Anti-inflammatory: Boswellic acids, the active compounds in frankincense, are known for their powerful anti-inflammatory effects.
Antioxidant: Frankincense is rich in antioxidants, which help protect cells from damage caused by free radicals.
DNA Repair:
Recent studies suggest that frankincense may contribute to DNA repair mechanisms. The presence of compounds in frankincense can potentially support the body's natural ability to heal and regenerate by:
Reducing Oxidative Stress:
Antioxidants in frankincense mitigate oxidative stress, which can damage DNA. By reducing such stress, frankincense helps preserve the integrity of genetic material.
Anti-inflammatory Effects:
Chronic inflammation can lead to DNA damage and subsequently, various diseases. The anti-inflammatory properties of frankincense reduce such risk factors, indirectly supporting DNA repair.
In the biblical narrative, particularly in texts like Genesis and the Book of Enoch, it's mentioned that fallen angels (Nephilim) sought to corrupt mankind's DNA. If seen from this perspective, the concept that frankincense—a substance already revered in biblical times—can contribute to restoring and repairing DNA is compelling and symbolic.
Purification: Frankincense has traditionally been seen as purifying. In the spiritual sense, using frankincense to "repair" DNA could symbolize the restoration of divine order and purity, aligning humanity closer to what some might interpret as the original creation by God.
Spiritual Healing: This idea ties into the broader spiritual and healing properties traditionally ascribed to Frankincense. It represents not just physical, but also metaphysical restoration.
A Fascinating Intersection: The intersection of ancient spiritual beliefs and modern scientific findings presents a fascinating scenario. The idea that a substance mentioned in the Bible as sacred and healing could, in fact, have properties that support DNA repair underscores the timeless nature of traditional wisdom, harmonizing with contemporary science. 🤔
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germiyahu · 7 months
Actually don't listen to me. I'm an impulse buyer with credit cards. You want a nice looking pitcher and basin to perform the hand washing mitzvot? That's an excellent opportunity to go thrifting! You might even find Judaica there, like a Chanukkiyya perhaps?
You don't want to wait 8 years for Shabbat candles to arrive from Israel? Ask your rabbi! When I asked her if you can reuse a Havdalah candle, she sensed I was worried about the cost of buying all these candles and said her shul has tons of extras.
You absolutely do need a Chumash, a Tanakh, and probably a study Bible too... but Sefaria has all that and more! Especially the Talmud and other Rabbinic sources! It literally blows my mind that this site exists and is free.
But what about all the books on Jewish history and philosophy? What about textbooks for Modern and Biblical Hebrew? See if there are scanned versions online, or go to your local library. Invest in notecards, you're going to want to write down prayers and such, this will especially help if you don't own the books you're studying from.
It's a good idea to have a Siddur, but your shul will most definitely have their own, and as others have told me, you can ask your Rabbi if you can borrow one to take home (make sure to treat it with reverence).
If you want to start baking Challah and are living on your own, or maybe in a dorm room, see if there are community cooking spaces so you don't have to buy your own materials, or just ask your parents if they can gift you some kitchenware because "You want to get into baking."
You literally don't need anything other than a cup that you think is pretty and has meaning to you for the Kiddush. And don't splurge, I've seen hundreds of very attractive Kiddush sets and candle holders and all that for modest prices.
And take it slowly! Don't buy everything at once. We're nowhere near close to Chanukka right now, so don't even put that in your mind. If you want to acquire holiday items, focus on Pesach and worry about other festivals in their due time, let your wallet recover a little. This also goes for Shabbat! You don't need a pristine set of everything all at once, I'm just an idiot. You can slowly build up your perfect beautiful intricate table as the months go by.
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beirarowling · 6 months
I believe a woman is a human being who belongs to the sex class that produces large gametes. It’s irrelevant whether or not her gametes have ever been fertilised, whether or not she’s carried a baby to term, irrelevant if she was born with a rare difference of sexual development that makes neither of the above possible, or if she’s aged beyond being able to produce viable eggs. She is a woman and just as much a woman as the others.
I don’t believe a woman is more or less of a woman for having sex with men, women, both or not wanting sex at all. I don’t think a woman is more or less of a woman for having a buzz cut and liking suits and ties, or wearing stilettos and mini dresses, for being black, white or brown, for being six feet tall or a little person, for being kind or cruel, angry or sad, loud or retiring. She isn't more of a woman for featuring in Playboy or being a surrendered wife, nor less of a woman for designing space rockets or taking up boxing. What makes her a woman is the fact of being born in a body that, assuming nothing has gone wrong in her physical development (which, as stated above, still doesn't stop her being a woman), is geared towards producing eggs as opposed to sperm, towards bearing as opposed to begetting children, and irrespective of whether she's done either of those things, or ever wants to.
Womanhood isn't a mystical state of being, nor is it measured by how well one apes sex stereotypes. We are not the creatures either porn or the Bible tell you we are. Femaleness is not, as trans woman Andrea Chu Long wrote, ‘an open mouth, an expectant asshole, blank, blank eyes,’ nor are we God’s afterthought, sprung from Adam’s rib.
Women are provably subject to certain experiences because of our female bodies, including different forms of oppression, depending on the cultures in which we live. When trans activists say 'I thought you didn't want to be defined by your biology,' it’s a feeble and transparent attempt at linguistic sleight of hand. Women don't want to be limited, exploited, punished, or subject to other unjust treatment because of their biology, but our being female is indeed defined by our biology. It's one material fact about us, like having freckles or disliking beetroot, neither of which are representative of our entire beings, either. Women have billions of different personalities and life stories, which have nothing to do with our bodies, although we are likely to have had experiences men don't and can't, because we belong to our sex class.
Some people feel strongly that they should have been, or wish to be seen as, the sex class into which they weren't born. Gender dysphoria is a real and very painful condition and I feel nothing but sympathy for anyone who suffers from it. I want them to be free to dress and present themselves however they like and I want them to have exactly the same rights as every other citizen regarding housing, employment and personal safety. I do not, however, believe that surgeries and cross-sex hormones literally turn a person into the opposite sex, nor do I believe in the idea that each of us has a nebulous ‘gender identity’ that may or might not match our sexed bodies. I believe the ideology that preaches those tenets has caused, and continues to cause, very real harm to vulnerable people.
I am strongly against women's and girls' rights and protections being dismantled to accommodate trans-identified men, for the very simple reason that no study has ever demonstrated that trans-identified men don't have exactly the same pattern of criminality as other men, and because, however they identify, men retain their advantages of speed and strength. In other words, I think the safety and rights of girls and women are more important than those men's desire for validation.
J.K. Rowling
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reverieaa · 2 years
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Now let's first get honest with ourselves. I am sure when you first found out about this material, you were imagining yourself on a beach somewhere. Something like that. I remember when I first heard Neville, I thought he was satanic, Lol. Then I heard him quote the Bible, and I was intrigued. I studied his interpretation of the Bible and I did not really care about the Law. Then I got interested in the Law and I remember I started to imagine myself in Hawaii. Things of that nature.
Edward art.
It’s only natural to crave the best after something as powerful as the law. The perfect face, the perfect body, and life, It’s what we always wanted. These are desires we have labelled as “big”, and there are also desires we have labeled as “small”, things we think about that would be nice but don’t pay attention to because we don’t believe it would bring the same wave of satisfaction.
But these things aren’t “uninportant desires”, but dead ones. One’s you had a long time ago, and they lie within you, buried deep like the version of you, that once desired those things also is.
Maybe what you want is not the perfect technique, not the perfect full proof advice, nor the physical manifestation of those desires.
What you want, is proof that you are God.
And i’m writing this to guide yourself through that, to understand what being your creator is. To show you, not even a glimpse of who you truly are, forget about your present desires that came along with your 3D circumstances and meditate on my words.
I came across an epiphany lately, one that i don’t think i can forget. I grew courious of desire of our inner world and went over my life. I forgot about my present wishes.
I closed my eyes and i was a child again.
Do you remember how you would go to the mall with your parents and whenever you entered a toy shop you were so excited to see all the big barbie boxes, shelves full of doll sets and cute clothes, You’d grab your parent’s attention asking for one, but often were denied, saying they didn’t have enough money, or just crying because you left empty handed and felt selfish.
Now, in my mind, i entered a closed toy shop in the mall again and found myself in the dolls section. Even if i’m not a child anymore, i hear my own voice whsiper to myself “ Go ahead, this is all yours” and play with those dolls, I dress and brush their hair.
When you were a child, you probably looked outside the window one night, bearly reaching your head over the window to look outside and were mesmerised by how dark and scary it was. You probably thought to yourself how cool it would be if you went out to play at night. But you were told outside i dangerous for a little kid like you to be out during this time.
So then you give it to yourself. Become a child again, and imagine yourself in a big field or park at night. You’re free to play, you’re safe to have fun. You’re away from the ones that abused you and the ones that hurt you.
When i was a child i wanted to play in the snow, i watched kids my age in hollywood Christmas movies laugh and play with their friends as snowflakes fell from the sky and covered their hair, i had nethier friends nor snow.
So i gave myself that. I was a child again, alone in a giant field covered in snow and just lied flat on the ground.
I gave myself something i might not desire now, but i remembered i once wanted that impacted me. Something as personal like this is something i can only give to myself. Only i can know how meaningful that is. No one with power or money could’ve done it for me. So do the same with yourself.
Mabye these are things you threw away because it was safer for you. You casted these things away without asking yourself how important they are, unknowing that you casted yourself away too.
This is God to me. It’s not something that gives me the perfect face, a big house or a shit load of money, not just some higher power able to make things happen, It’s when you give yourself something only you know it’s story, it becomes more intimate and powerful, it’s when you allow yourself to be heard by God, you.
Only God would know your story, only God would know the story behind your deepest desire, then if only you can give yourself these things, what else are you other than God?
Do you see how powerful that is to give yourself something that big that others can’t even comprehend? There is something very intimate about giving something to yourself that you once desired, but no one bothered to give. That is your proof of the existence of the God within you.
No one, with no amount of money or power, connections or face, could’ve done that for you, only you, only the God within you.
It is then you will realize that your greatness is too great for it to lie in some physical satisfaction of your desires.
It's preached that " God gives hope to the hopless," then do just that , give hope to the version of you that was the most hopeless, hear yourself with the ear of God when you wanted to be heard the most but stood silent, and feed yourself when you were the most hungry. Smile at the version of yourself that was its worst.
If you don’t understand now then meditate on what i’ve written later,there’s no need to rush in nothing, but i still hope you’re able to grasp what i’m trying to explain because i think it would benefit you especially if you’re stuck and confused, often times the confusion of the law turns into fear and we push ourselves in a corner amongst the endless, tiring loa advice.
Discovering loa does not mean that who you were before is unimportant and who you are now is just better. I'm not here to help you as you don't need my help, but here to remind you.
To fall in love with imagination is to fall in love with yourself. But how can you do that if you haven’t glanced your way first?
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teecupangel · 2 years
Just binge watched Lucifer on Netflix and now I present to you:
Desmond Miles survives 2012 (Desmond Miles Lives truthers, where ya at?), gets the hell outta dodge from the temple with new POE powers, and gets hired to work at Lux in LA. Meets his new boss and both of them are like, "!"
Lucifer instantly knows this boy is hella special because, damn does his soul reek of Isu Bullfuckery. (Headcanoned God and his Angels are sort of a rival interdimensional species to Isu, and God is the one who supposedly gave humans free will... idk I never paid attention to bible study anyway.)
Does the whole, "what do you desire?" schtick and Desmond, due to POE powers and Isu Bullshittery, wonders 'why the fuck is actual Satan here in LA?'
I imagine a platonic bromance relationship between these two. Y'know? 'Cause on the one hand we have the Reluctant Ruler of Hell and on the other hand the Reluctant Savior/Sacrificial Lamb of Humankind.
Lucifer could offer safety and protection from whoever Desmond is hiding from, while Des can be his bartender/bouncer/very much-needed BFF. And come on, I betcha good ole Lucy boy (and Maze) would absolutely enjoy dragging a couple a lot of Abstergo people Vidic down to Hell for multiple crimes against humanity(i.e. kidnapping and unethical human experimentation which results in mental instability.)
I’m all in for this idea. Desmond and Lucifer being bash brothers, yes please. Just imagine the chaos these two would get to because they're both morally dubious? XD
Also, just imagine how much faster Chloe would be finishing her cases with Desmond’s Eagle Vision? She would have two cheat codes with her this time.
Anyway, I’m going to focus on how we can integrate Lucifer into AC more in this one.
Before anything, just a sorta fun trivia: Lucifer has a little cameo in Crisis on Infinite Earths and he talks to John Constantine, implying they have some sort of history together. John Constantine is played by Matt Ryan who voiced and mocap’ed Edward Kenway XD
We will be keeping this contained to Lucifer though but you can totally add a John Constantine cameo and set it during the time Desmond is working in Lux (and you can totally add Desmond feeling some sort of longing and sorrow because John Constantine sounds and looks familiar to his Bleed of Haytham Kenway)
Alright, with that little trivia out of my system, let’s talk about how we can push Lucifer into AC canon.
(You might not have paid attention to bible study but my religion teacher was so boring he had to implement a rule that there should be no other notebook/books related to other subjects on our table during class because we kept doing other subjects when he’s lecturing us soooooo I was bored enough to read the bible he made us bring every class. I'm sure he'll be proud I'm using what I learned in his class for fic related things XD)
Let’s talk about God in Lucifer’s show. He’s obviously based on the Judeo-Christian God. Now, we have no confirmation if that said God does exist as an Isu in Assassin’s Creed BUT we do have a leeway we can use to make it easier to integrate the characters from Lucifer into Assassin’s Creed.
The Templar Order uses the phrase “May the Father of Understanding guide you”. Now, this is based on the Isu triad that pops up a bit.
The one we’re more familiar with is the Capitoline Triad where Tinia is known as the “Father of Understanding”.
However, there is an earlier iteration of this triad.
The Isus who created humans.
And the one to hold the title of ‘Father of Understanding’ during that time is Yaldabaoth.
From Wikipedia
Gnosticism presents a distinction between the highest, unknowable God, and the Demiurge, "creator" of the material universe.
Gnostic Christians considered the Hebrew God of the Old Testament as the evil, false god and creator of the material universe, and the Unknown God of the Gospel, the father of Jesus Christ and creator of the spiritual world, as the true, good God.
If we use the statements above and the fact that Yaldabaoth is considered one of the creators of mankind, we can set up God as another Isu scientist who had an alternate idea of a workforce but his idea was pushed aside and Yaldabaoth’s project with the other two Isu scientists moved forward.
God, in anger, created his ‘children’ together with the Goddess. And, to complete the triad, we’ll add Lilith as an Isu as well instead of Adam’s first wife. The three of them (although Lilith has a more advisory role to this entire thing and is actually working on her own workforce idea) created the ‘Angels’, trying to one-up all the data they could get from Yaldabaoth’s project to make them better than humans.
They are. Unfortunately, that meant they were also… shall we say… ‘freer’ than humans as well. God knew that the Isus would see them as defective and, not only that, many would find what they have done as some form of betrayal and being stripped of their rank and status would be the lightest sentence the Isu would give them. So God and Goddess kept the Angels a secret, and passed them off as human slaves while Lilith went her merry way and continued to work on her personal workforce.
And now we come to the whole ‘gave mankind freewill’.
So many like to point at Lucifer as being the serpent that gave Eve the forbidden fruit. Let’s use it. Lucifer, being one of God’s first children, takes an Apple of Eden and presented it to Eve who used it to start the Human-Isu war. Lucifer takes up arms to join the humans.
Things get super messy when they find out about the impending Solar Flare and God and Goddess decided to add their consciousness to a device called ‘Heaven’. (In this setup, Goddess!Charlotte would be like a more ‘questionable’ setup of an Isu consciousness overwriting a human’s consciousness). Their children (who did have the kind of body that would survive a solar flare and were more or less immortal) were tasked with guarding ‘Heaven’.
Except Lucifer who, as punishment for starting the whole Human-Isu war, was tasked to guard a device called ‘Hell’. He guarded it together with Lilith’s ‘children’, the demons.
What these two devices do will be a mystery but they are connected to the Gray in some way and to the Calculations. Perhaps it’s even the actual database of all the Calculations and, by that very definition, it housed all the knowledge, memories and emotions of every living thing in the world.
What defines them as a person.
What defines their soul.
And, from there, we can just integrate all Celestial things in the show as this entirely more advanced workforce’s ‘code words’. (And the devices are connected and that’s why God could boot the Goddess into hell)
By the time 2013 rolls around, Lucifer already owned Lux for a few years now and Desmond applies as a bartender as he’s had enough of all these Assassin-Templar BS to last him a lifetime. He saved the world, this is his damn retirement plan.
Lucifer sees him and goes ‘how interesting, an actual human-POE hybrid.’ while Desmond sees him and goes ‘why does he feel… familiar?’ because his Isu genes and POE-hybridness is giving him signals that Lucifer is definitely not human BUT he ain’t an Isu too.
He’s… Isu-adjacent.
Like Maze.
So Desmond continues to work there and Lucifer finds the perfect time to do the whole “what do you desire?” and Desmond’s POE-hybridness just kicked in.
We’ll make it in this fic that all the Apples are connected to one another and they have a ‘shared memory space’ so Desmond ‘remembers’ that this is the smug bastard who gave the Apple to Eve.
And, because of his limited knowledge of religion, he goes “Why the fuck is actual Satan here in LA?!”
(side note: some count Satan and Lucifer as two different beings but, in this case, we’ll just make Satan another name for Lucifer)
So now they both showed their hands. Lucifer just blatantly showed he wasn’t human and Desmond just showed he has Isu-related knowledge.
Cue an entire night of trying to get drunk while talking about what the fuck happened to them (with special mention to their daddy issues and the whole reluctant ruler of hell and the ‘more-or-less pushed into it’ savior/sacrifice)
At the end of their heart-to-heart, Desmond becomes Lucifer’s main confidant and slowly becomes his BFF. Lucifer uses his mojos to keep Desmond hidden from both Assassins and Templars.
Also… it’s not just Abstergo’s that in his shitlist. William Miles is there as well, that’s for damn sure.
Another subplot we can add is that Lucifer ‘asking’ Chloe to look into Abstergo just so he can, you know… ask them… what they desire?
Other unorganized notes:
What do we do with Juno? I set it to 2013 so Desmond dealt with Juno before peacing out to be a random bartender. Hey, if Ubisoft can do it in the comics, we can take out Juno with one paragraph… maybe even one sentence.
Desmond could see through Maze’s shapeshifting. Whenever he uses Eagle Vision, he sees Maze’s true form.
Actually, Desmond’s Eagle Vision has been powered up by his POE-hybridness that he sees EVERYONE’s true form. His only description of Lucifer’s form? “Bright as fuck.” (this also means Desmond knows Michael by 'sight')
Also, Amenadiel? He looovvveess Desmond’s Shirley Templars.
Lucifer’s deals? He has a connection to Hell and, because of that connection, he’s connected to the Calculations as well. In this case, any deal he makes impacts the Calculations slightly so the person making the deal would get what they want.
Also, this:
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saras-devotionals · 10 days
Quiet Time 9/17
What am I feeling today?
Worried. I have an exam tomorrow that I have not studied for yet. I keep putting it off and I know I struggle a lot with the material and I’m just anxious about the whole thing. I was also feeling rather jealous last night, no particular reason. I just started thinking of a lot of what ifs and it was bothering me that I wasn’t making peace with it. I want to be solely content with Christ and not rely on my joy to come from anyone/anywhere else.
Bible Plan: Prayers for Contentment
Contentment is a concept that can be difficult to practice in our fast-paced, consumer-driven society, but it's an important virtue to cultivate for a truly fulfilling life. As we go through this plan, I encourage you to spend time meditating on these scriptures and let them sink deep into your heart.
Then each day we have a prayer starter laid out for you. Of course, feel free to modify as needed to fit your situation and communication style with God.
Here is today’s prayer starter:
Dear Heavenly Father,
Thank you for being my shepherd and guiding me through life. I know that I can trust in you to provide for all my needs. As Psalm 23:1 says, "The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want."
I confess that I have often worried about school and been discontent with the status of my relationships. I have sought after money, good grades, and men thinking that it would bring me happiness and contentment. But as Ecclesiastes 5:10 reminds me, "Whoever loves money never has money enough; whoever loves wealth is never satisfied with his income. This too is meaningless."
Instead, I want to seek your kingdom and righteousness, as Matthew 6:31-33 instructs. "Do not worry then, saying, 'What will we eat?' or 'What will we drink?' or 'What will we wear for clothing?' For the Gentiles eagerly seek all these things; for your heavenly Father knows that you need all these things. But seek first His kingdom and His righteousness, and all these things will be added to you."
Lord, help me to trust in you and find contentment in you, rather than in material possessions, wealth, or anything else. Help me to remember that true peace and fulfillment only come from you and will never come from the things of this world.
Thank you for your goodness and provision in my life. I pray that you would continue to guide me and lead me in your ways.
In Jesus' name I pray, Amen.
Psalm 23:1 NIV
“The Lord is my shepherd, I lack nothing.”
There may be a lot of things in this world that I don’t have but that is not the goal of my life. The goal is to be a disciple and make other disciples! God has given me all the tools for that, He provides for all my physical and spiritual needs so truly I lack nothing. What matters is to change my perspective in seeing that I already have everything!
Ecclesiastes 5:10 NIV
“Whoever loves money never has enough; whoever loves wealth is never satisfied with their income. This too is meaningless.”
In the world we live in, we need money in order to live our lives. It is not a bad thing to want to be financially stable. The issues lies when you make getting money your priority. You will never have what you deem as enough and to continue putting your full effort into something that is fleeting instead of something that’s eternal is foolish and meaningless. Yes money is important but not as important as God and His kingdom!
Matthew 6:31-33 NIV
“So do not worry, saying, ‘What shall we eat?’ or ‘What shall we drink?’ or ‘What shall we wear?’ For the pagans run after all these things, and your heavenly Father knows that you need them. But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.”
First we need to acknowledge that these are Jesus’ words. He is the one who reassures is that God knows what we need and if we seek first His kingdom and His righteousness then all these things will be given to us as well!
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jeffbiblesupremacy · 1 year
Chat with Bible Wichapas about his career as an actor - GQ Thailand Interview
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Translation below ->
The success of KinnPorsche The Series has become a turning point in many people's lives. One of them is Bible-Witchapas Sumettikul, who plays the role of 'Vegas’, and he’s gone from being an ordinary 25 year old guy to become a promising newcomer in the entertainment industry, catching the attention of many. 
Bible is from Chiang Mai. He went to an international school and he’s fluent in English. Before moving to Bangkok, he was studying Mechanical Engineering with a major in English at the Faculty of Engineering, Thammasat University, which he mentioned that he only has a few courses left to complete his studies. 
Previously, Bible did commercials and modeling until he got the opportunity to act in “Kinnporsche the series”, which was a leap in his life that opened a new chapter for him. He learned about the art of acting and unlocked his potential, breaking free from self-doubt. Slightly introvert, he has become an actor with a portfolio in fashion shoots and more. 
For example, Bible came today to do a photoshoot with RADO, a Swiss watch brand known for being "Master of Materials". He's featured with the RADO CAPTAIN COOK Special Edition, which stands out with its exposed mechanical movement under the “Art of Skeletonisation” series (Art of Internal Structure).
GQ: Tell me about your childhood and what it was like.
Bible: I’ve been in the international school community since I was a child, which has led me to have a lot of foreign friends. For example, the school I attended had around 90% of foreign students and the other 1% were Thai. It felt like studying abroad with such diverse of nationalities. However, during breaks, the lifestyle and the activities were like a typical kid from Chiang Mai. I like riding motorcycles up the mountains, visiting waterfalls, and exploring nature’s tourist attractions. 
GQ: That's why you speak English so well.
Bible: You can say English is my main language. I speak it more fluently than Thai because I have so many foreign friends, and I also speak English at home. But when I started working as an actor, I had to practice speaking Thai more. At first, it was difficult because I could think in Thai, but expressing it verbally was difficult. However, the more I practiced, the more I get use to it, so I'm more confident speaking Thai now and I feel better using it.
GQ: Is it an advantage, Especially for new actors who want to go international and success in the entertainment industry?
Bible: I think it's an advantage. However, currently the Thai entertainment industry may still prioritize the importance of speaking Thai. But I believe that, in the near future, actor may need to speak more languages.
GQ: How did the nickname "Bible" come from?
Bible: My dad became a Christian around the time I was born, and he wanted to read the Bible more often, so he used it as a nickname as a reminder to read the Bible more every time whenever he saw me.
GQ: People know you from the role of "Vegas" in "Kinnporche the series", where you played a charismatic and villainous character. But in reality, what's your personality?
Bible: If you get to know me and become close, you'll realize that I'm quite a playful person, but I can look calm and composed because I'm shy. I have a natural introverted nature.
GQ: Before becoming an actor, what kind of works did you have?
Bible: I was in a modeling agency so I got cast for various jobs, including ads and modeling, but I didn't get many opportunities. Even doing 30-40 castings, I would only get 2-3 jobs at most. When the casting for "Kinnporsche the series" came along, I saw it as a good opportunity to try acting, even though I had very little on-camera experience.
GQ: So it was a turning point in your life
Bible: I remember a lot of commercial casting where I had to speak with confidence but I could never do it, might be due to the pronunciation, or the language usage. However, I could manage some commercial with fewer lines. So playing the character "Vegas" in "Kinnporsche the series" was like a transformative experience for me. Apart from the character's strength, I unlocked many things within myself that I didn't know existed.
GQ: For example?
Bible: I understand myself better than before, in the sense of knowing what kind of person I am. Learning to act helped me to figure out what suits me best and apply it to my work and my real life as well. It has helped me to improve and become a more complete human being. 
GQ: Once you entered the world of acting, what did you come to understand?
Bible: I came to understand more about being a human being. I began to empathize with others, understanding what ordinary people need or what drives them to act in certain ways. There are reasons and consequences within themselves.
GQ: Has your introversion lessened over time?
Bible: I think it's like adjusting a mode within myself. It's like I'm not afraid of meeting people, but I just have a lack of confidence in myself. Everything comes back to myself. So changing my perspective that meeting other people is like meeting friends has made my work smoother and brought me more happiness.
GQ: What do you like about being an actor?
Bible: I love being on set. I appreciate the fact that everyone has important roles and responsibilities, and we all have to communicate and work together. With passion, we all strive to give our best. It's inspiring to fight together and create the best possible outcome for our work.
GQ: How do you see your career path in the entertainment industry, both as an actor and in other roles?
Bible: Honetly, I haven't looked too far ahead. I never really thought or dreamed that I would come this far. When I got cast for "Kinnporsche the series", I thought it was a good opportunity to show my acting skills, and I did my best. It was a great experience, and the series turned out to be more successful that I could have imagined. Everything has exceeded my wildest dreams. From that point on, everything has been a bonus in my life. No matter what happens in the future, I feel that it's all worth it.
GQ: And lately you've been working more in the fashion industry.
Bible: I think it's very fun. When I get to do fashion shoots, I feel like I'm just expressing my true self, and seeing myself as part of the complete picture makes the photos much more perfect.
GQ: How do you feel about doing the photoshoot today with a RADO watch?
Bible: It's my first time shooting with a watch brand, and I feel extremely proud to have the opportunity to shoot with RADO, a Swiss brand known for its fascinating innovations, especially their high-tech ceramic that is lightweight and durable. I'm delighted to work with GQ and RADO. Thank you very much.
GQ: Which watch do you like most and why?
Bible: The Captain Cook model, named after the explorer (James Cook), is very special because it has everything - from high-tech ceramic material, plasma color dial, skeleton-style display showcasing the watch's internal mechanism, sapphire crystal, to being water-resistant up to 300 metres. It's ready to go through anything. I think it's a watch that suits me well. It has a subtle appearance but with intricate details, which align perfectly with my adventurous lifestyle.
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jewwyfeesh · 2 months
Diffuse Reflection - 2
Writer: Mitsuki
Character(s): Nagumo Tetora, Sazanami Jun, Amagi Hiiro, Shiratori Aira, Kazehaya Tatsumi
Translated by: jewwyfeesh
Hiiro: Huuu, I’m free! I can speak again!!
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[ ♪ ]
Season: Summer
Location: Seishou Hall Common Room
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Jun: Place no. 7 on top of no. 10, and use no. 3 to attach them together like this? But I think we’re outta no. 3 components…
Goddamn! This is too hard. Even though mangas would sometimes contain panels that mess up the story’s timeline, or scenes that are so shockin’ even without containin’ a single line of dialogue—
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But this is a frickin’ instruction manual. Isn’t it a little too unrealistic for it to only contain pictures and zero words?!
Aah~, whatever. I’ll just set up all of these components first and have a look-see…
Tatsumi: It is rather difficult to comprehend.
Jun: ……
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UWAHH!HH!H!!! T-Tatsumi-senpai!? Y-you— When did you even get’ere?!?
Tatsumi: Apologies, I accidentally spoke out loud. I scared you, didn’t I?
I’ve walked past this area a couple of times by now. Seeing as you’re still hunched over, pouring diligently over some study materials, I couldn’t help but feel curious. So, what are you working on, Jun-san? This is an instruction manual, right?
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Jun: Erm… actually…
[A while later]
Jun: Hehe, it’s finally complete! It looks exactly like the sample picture, too.
Without Tatsumi-senpai’s help, who knows what it’ll end up lookin’ like. I’ll let Mary have her fun with this spray bottle toy while the weather’s still kinda hot.
All in all, I’m real thankful for ya, Tatsumi-senpai~!
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Tatsumi: None of that now. I’m glad to be of assistance to you, Jun-san. I’ve already tried summarizing the parts where instructions were unclear. Afterwards, I’ll have to trouble you to forward my feedback to the toy’s manufacturer in hopes that we’ll be able to assist those facing similar difficulties.
Even with that said, we managed to overcome some rather difficult portions through pure intuition alone. To err on the side of caution, shall we test out the toy before handing it over to Mary-san to play with?
Jun: Mm, that’s fair, Tatsumi-senpai. Lemme see… You’re supposed to pour water in here, select the power of the spray, and press this button—
Location: Seishou Hall Hallway
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Hiiro: Sorry, Buchou! We’ll need to reschedule the practice match…
Tetora: Ahaha, we can practice anytime, so don’t sweat it! Hiiro-kun, you’ve made plans to meet up with your unit mates later on, right?
Hiiro: Erm… Mayoi-senpai and Aira both replied the second they received the message, but Tatsumi-senpai hasn’t. Is he busy or something?
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Ah. I suddenly sensed Mayoi-senpai’s breathing — are they in the common room?
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Tetora: Hiiro-kun…?
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Hiiro: I’mma head off first, Buchou! Let’s find a time for that practice match, yeah?
Tetora: Sure thing, Hiiro-kun— Annnd he’s gone in the blink of an eye…
Location: Seishou Hall Common Room
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Aira: (Softly) Erm… I don’t really know why, but Tattsun-senpai’s looking kinda scary right now… He’s been going in circles while muttering under his breath or something for quite a while now… I don’t really wanna go any closer while he’s like that…
(Softly) Speaking of which… Mayo-senpai’s inching closer through the ceiling… Maybe he’ll know what Tattsun-senpai’s up to?
Mayoi: (Whispering) Eeeeek, if Tatsumi-san is chanting Bible scriptures or exorcizing evil spirits, I’ll definitely go up in smoke the second I get close, right?!
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Hiiro: If you want to know what Tatsumi-senpai is up to, you can just ask him directly.
Tatsumi-sen—Mhhgh?!? Mgh~mghhghM!!? (Aira, why did you suddenly cover my mouth?)
Tatsumi: Huff, I think I’ve pretty much cleaned up all the water stains in the room.
Thank goodness that Jun-san’s reaction speed is fast, having removed his jacket to wrap around the defective toy… it was because of that that we were able to minimise damage to our surroundings.
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Even though I myself also got splashed with water, it’s not to the extent where I must immediately go change into a dry set, unlike Jun-san. I’ll dry off eventually.
I should contact Jun-san first – notify him that the room has been cleaned and that there’s no need for him to rush back. Hm… where did I put my phone— Ah, found it ♪
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Ah, turns out there’s some water on my face as well? When I saw my reflection on the phone’s screen, I realised I looked rather… soggy at the moment, haha.
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Aira: (Whispering) Eh, hold on. Ehhh~? Hiro-kun, are you seeing what I’m seeing?!
Hiiro: Mghhgh~ Mmgmhhghmmm~? (Mhm— Only my mouth is covered right now?)
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Mayoi: (Murmuring) Aaah, even someone like me is permitted to see such a holy image~… Maybe I should close my eyes…!
Hiiro: Mmmghhhh~? Mmgmhhhh~ Mmmmghghhghh~ (Holy? In Mayoi-senpai’s eyes, Tatsumi-senpai wiping his face with his hands does make for a rather holy scene.)
Aira: (Muttering) Stupid Hiro-kun! What’re you saying?! Tattsun-senpai’s very clearly wiping away his tears!
Mayoi: (Softly) Eeek, Aira-san somehow managed to understand whatever Hiiro-san’s saying…!?
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(But… Back to the topic at hand… Hiiro-kun is surprisingly very calm about having his mouth covered, and isn’t even putting up a struggle…?)
Tatsumi: Eh? Hiiro-san sent a message to ‘Hall Hands’. Everyone has already replied – I should hurry and do so as well. Let me see – a gathering over here later?
“Apologies, I just saw your message. I’m currently in the common room, and will wait here for everyone.” —and send.
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Aira: (Whispering) Ah! Shoot, I forgot to mute my phone—
Aira: ……!?
Mayoi: …….!?
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Hiiro: Huuu, I’m free! I can speak again!!
Tatsumi: Oya? Turns out everyone’s already here.
So, Hiiro-san, why have we gathered here today?
Hiiro: Umu—! I have something I’d like to experience together with everyone in ALKALOID! Earlier this morning I met up with Anzu-san, and she gave me this—
Tatsumi: Ooh, it’s a photobook from the event we participated alongside Ryuseitai – Motor Show. It is a rather meaningful memento.
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Oh, right. A few days ago Hiyori-san gave me some tea leaves. How about I prepare some tea and snacks for us to enjoy alongside… ♪ Are there any special requests?
Aira: (If I were to request something from Tattsun-senpai, it’ll definitely be unreasonable… But I should eat food that’s cooling[1] for the body… This afternoon was a bit—)
Hiiro: Oh! I think the agency sent us some goodies – they’re in the fridge. There should be things we can use as tea time snacks.
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Aira: (Hiro-kun…!!!)
Tatsumi: That’s great. But I personally have not seen those gifts. Hiiro-san, would you mind accompanying me to go fetch them?
Hiiro: Umu! Of course—
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Aira: (Whispering) No. Don’t you dare. Hiro-kun, you stay! I have things to talk to you about!
Mayoi: T-those… I-I’ve seen them before, I’ll go help Tatsumi-san…!
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Aira: My goodness, Hiro-kun, how could you talk to Tattsun-senpai so nonchalantly?! He’s more sensitive and fragile than usual now, so you need to treat him gently and with care.
Hiiro: What’s wrong with what I said? “Sensitive and fragile”… what does this mean?
Aira: For someone like Tattsun-senpai to be so sad that he used both hands to wipe the tears off his face… Surely something absolutely terrible must’ve happened…!
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Hiiro: Ah, I’ve been ignored.
But, if you want to know what went down, Aira, you should just ask Tatsumi-senpai directly.
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Aira: Absolutely not~! Hiro-kun, did everything I say just go in one ear and out the other?
Hiiro: I was listening, though? You said to treat him gently and with ca—
Aira: Then again, what use is knowing what exactly happened? If Tattsun-senpai himself is unable to bear it, how delulu do I need to be to believe I can help in any way, shape or form…
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Hiiro: I’ve been ignored again…?
See, we don’t have the full picture, so we’re unable to puzzle out how we’re able to help. If Aira’s unwilling to go ask, then I’ll go.
Location: Seishou Hall Kitchens
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Tatsumi: Ah, Mayoi-san has already cut the cake? You’ve done a huge favour by dividing them up into such neat portions, thank you. Because they’re lava cakes, I was originally unsure what to do with them.
Mayoi: Nnnno, Tatsumi-san, you don’t have to go out of your way to praise me for such a small matter…!
Tatsumi: Haha. Speaking of which, Mayoi-san, your hands are very deft. I remember that you’re very skilled in making models and the like.
Actually, there’s something particularly troublesome that I require assistance with, and I’m afraid you’re the only one who can help me.
Mayoi: I-I’m t-the only o-one who can help…?
Tatsumi: I’m really sorry for requesting this all of a sudden. However, this is a personal matter of mine, so if you find it too bothersome and wish to decline, that’s fin—
Mayoi: ……N-no, it’s not that! Tatsumi-san came to me personally for help, I’m just worried that I myself am unable to deliver…!
Tatsumi: Haha, it’s great that you’re willing to help me out. Thank you, Mayoi-san.
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Mayoi: (Uuuu. Surely Tatsumi-san looking for me isn’t related to ‘That Incident’, right…? How did such an insignificant person like myself get chosen by Tatsumi-san to be the one he pours his heart out toooooo?! If I happen to let him down, I’ll go to Hell…!)
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Tatsumi: (The toy should still be with Jun-san. I’ll wait for him to return to the dormitory before requesting Mayoi-san have a look at it… ♪)
[ ☆ ]
← Chapter 1 | Story Masterlist | Chapter 3 →
sometimes i wonder who has the shared braincell in ALKALOID
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that-norse-pagan · 4 months
Hi. I don't know if you still use Tumblr, but I've came across you by coincidence and I really resonated with your posts. I've been back and forth about whether I should start studying paganism, and your posts kinda gave me the kick I needed to finally start researching. I wanted to ask if you have any recommendations on where to study or any materials, since the internet is full of information, but not all is reliable.
(I hope this doesn't come of as if I'm trying to find short cuts, I'm just really lost in where to start. And sorry if my english is bad, it's not my first language.)
Hello! My apologies for the late response and I hope you're still looking!
I have a few favorite books I can recommend, some have free online PDFs as well!
1. Taking up The Runes by Diana L. Paxson.
It's great for learning in depth how to communicate with deities through runes, and a good look at what runes mean!
2. The Way of Fire and Ice: The Living Tradition of Norse Paganism by Ryan Smith
It goes into again, a lot if detail around Norse Paganism as a whole!! It also touches on sensitive topics, like how to steer clear of Paganism symbols that have unfortunately been used by white supremisists and other excluding people.
3. Also by the same author, I recommend Spinning Wyrd!
Its another great book that expands on The Way of Fire and Ice!
4. Of course I must include the Poettic Edda, which us sometimes referred to as the Bible of Norse mythology. It has all of the original translated texts so you can learn everything yourself!
5. Outside of Norse, I recommend Of Blood and Bone by Kate Freuler! It goes deep into rituals for darker and more taboo Magic, but still very informative!
My DMs are also always open for personal questions and more guidance.
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justalowlyservant · 2 months
My Thoughts On: Genesis and Exodus
Okay, I'm coming into this partway through my reading of the Bible, so forgive me if my thoughts on Genesis and the earlier parts of Exodus are a little bit undetailed or fuzzy.
Genesis is absolutely INSANE. I fully understand now why God felt the need to create so many rules for His people. I know some people say that parts of the Mosaic Law are archaic in this day and age, but looking at what people were getting up to in the time of Abraham and his immediate descendants, you can still see how it was a major improvement at the time. I won't get into details on what kind of things went down in Genesis just due to lack of time right now, but I very much recommend you read it for yourself. If these people existed today, they'd be starring in the trashiest reality tv shows imaginable.
Well, I guess I can give ONE specific line. It's not one of the trashier ones, but I still think it might me one of my favorite quotes in the entire Bible.
Genesis 27:11 - 'But Jacob said to Rebekah his mother, "Behold, my brother Esau is a hairy man, and I am a smooth man."
Yes you are, Jacob. Smooth little baby man.
Also, to clear things up, I'm using an English Standard Version Study Bible for this read-through, if my avatar didn't make that obvious.
Exodus below!
Moving on to Exodus, I won't really talk about the plagues themselves, since pretty much everyone knows about those at least. What I will say is that Exodus helped me to solidify my position on the whole matter of Free Will vs God's Sovereignty. Basically, how I see it now is that we still bear responsibility for our own choices, and we make our own choices within the confines of the universe God created, but every choice that we make conforms to God's will. He exists outside of time, and even if we make our own choices, God has ALWAYS known what choices we would make, from the beginning of creation. Thus, nothing happens outside of God's will. Pharaoh was responsible for his own choice not to free the Hebrews, but from the beginning of everything God planned for that to happen. If a person accepts God, it's because He allowed it. If a person denies God, it's because He allowed it. Again, we still have responsibility for our own choices, but every choice we make is a part of God's plan. That's how I see it at least, I'm no Theologian or expert on stuff like this.
Moving on from Egypt (literally), we get to another one of my favorite parts of the Bible, and reading it, I realized there was even more to laugh about than I initially thought.
It's the whole situation with the golden calf. I already knew the part about Moses coming down the mountain, seeing the Hebrews worshipping the calf, and throwing down the tablets with the Ten Commandments in anger, breaking them. What I did NOT know what everything that happened immediately after.
So, Moses, angry with his people, smashes the golden calf. Understandable. Then he grinds the calf into dust. Again, I get it, he wants to get rid of every trace of it. Then he throws the dust into water. Uh... okay. And THEN, he forces the people who were worshipping the golden calf to DRINK THE DUST-WATER. Moses is a lunatic! I mean, I get that they were being stupid about worshipping a false idol after everything God had just done for them, but still. Moses really was not messing around.
Oh, and then Aaron, Moses' brother who fashioned the golden calf, gives perhaps the lamest excuse ever for how this happened: "uh, well, I just... threw some gold into a fire and out came a calf! Crazy, huh?"
Yes, that's what he said. It's not a direct quote, but still. What makes it even funnier is that an earlier verse explicitly said that Aaron fashioned calf with tools, like the Bible itself is calling him out.
Okay, I'm running out of time, so here's the last major thing I wanted to mention. I'll admit, reading through all the chapters about dictating the materials to be used for the Tabernacle, then gathering the materials for the Tabernacle, then building the Tabernacle was... a bit of a slog. But towards the end, I think I finally understood the importance of it all.
It was to show the loving care that went into building God's dwelling place among the Hebrews. How important it was to them, that they'd give up so many precious materials, gold and silver and fancy linens, to construct it.
I think there's this tension in Christianity between two view points. On the one hand, you have people who want to honor God by building big, elaborate churches. Beautiful, artistic buildings to show how much we love Him. Palaces for the Lord.
And on the other hand, there are those who believe we should keep church buildings simple, and use the extra money and resources in order to help the poor and underprivileged. After all, did Jesus not say that serving the poor was equivalent to serving HIM?
I can honestly understand both sides, and I think both view points have their time and place. On a personal level, I do think I agree more with the view point of saving the money for the poor over building elaborate churches; my church isn't exactly a work of art, but we don't have much money, and we do our best to help people in our community and beyond. At the same time, I won't begrudge those who want to honor God by building churches as beautiful works of art. I think it's a worthy pursuit in its own right.
Anyways, I'm rapidly running out of time. I have to leave for work in about half an hour. Thank you so much for taking the time to read this. I hope you enjoyed it, and that maybe you were able to learn something new in the process. May God bless you, and may you have a wonderful day!
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wutbju · 8 days
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The State reported this weekend that Ellen Weaver's Department of education "retained a private attorney" to help it limit schools from choosing their own books for their own libraries.
The attorney? Class of 2005 Miles Coleman.
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The State did a good job of covering Miles' deep ties with the "intellectual" side of Klandamentalism:
Miles Coleman, an attorney with the prominent Nelson Mullins law firm and president of the Columbia chapter of the Federalist Society, a conservative national legal group, was contracted by the Department of Education to represent it regarding the new regulation. Coleman, who the Education Department described as a nationally recognized expert in First Amendment law, was retained at a rate of $225 an hour, according to a request to employ outside counsel that state Superintendent Ellen Weaver filed with the state Attorney General’s Office.
They continued:
Coleman, a partner at Nelson Mullins in Greenville, also specializes in appeals, business litigation and complex civil and criminal litigation, according to his bio. Among other clients, he represented the Pickens County school district in a lawsuit brought by the NAACP concerning the district’s decision to ban the book “Stamped: Racism, Antiracism, and You,” by Jason Reynolds and Ibram X. Kendi. He also represented the Christian Learning Centers of Greenville, a private religious education provider, in their fight to obtain a $1.5 million state earmark. A 2009 graduate of the University of South Carolina School of Law, Coleman has been heavily involved in conservative organizations. In addition to being a member of the executive committee of the Federalist Society’s Religious Liberties Practice Group, Coleman was a fellow at the National Review and is currently the secretary of the board of directors at School Ministries, an organization that provides support for public school students to go off campus during school hours to study the bible. While in law school, Coleman also received a 2007 Blackstone Legal Fellowship. The fellowship is a summer legal training program run by the Alliance Defending Freedom, a Christian legal advocacy group, which was designated an anti-LGBTQ hate group by the Southern Poverty Law Center. The ADF has strongly denied this characterization and describes itself as a leading Christian law firm “committed to protecting religious freedom, free speech, marriage and family, parental rights, and the sanctity of life.” “Mr. Coleman is a nationally recognized First Amendment expert whose work has been cited by the U.S. Supreme Court. Mr. Coleman was engaged by the SCDE regarding the State Board of Education’s instructional materials regulation to help ensure it protected students’ and teachers’ First Amendment rights,” Raven said. While the Department of Education has a general counsel, it’s not unusual for state agencies to work with outside counsel when special expertise is needed, Raven told The State. Coleman also appeared to take a leading role in pitching the new rule to legislators. In April, Coleman appeared at least twice before legislators to explain the need for the new rule, saying that it aimed to fix a “patchwork quilt of 80 or more different policies,” according to the South Carolina Daily Gazette. He also defended the regulation’s sweeping prohibition on “sexual content” in library books and classroom materials. By keeping the definition broad, Coleman told lawmakers that the Department of Education was trying to avoid lengthy debates about what did or did not meet standards, according to the Daily Gazette. “It’s simple enough that it’s not going to get bogged down,” he told lawmakers.
We all know Miles. We know his parents:
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And remember his grandfather too.
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And do you remember what his grandfather said about Chuck Phelps after we alumni were up-in-arms about his defense of a violent rapist?
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This is "justice" in Klandamentalism. It's all connected. Tightly connected.
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gods-little-lamb · 4 months
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hi !! my name is emmie. feel free to msg me or send me asks <33
all are welcome here (i’m always looking for friends !!!) but i do not tolerate intolerance
this blog is to help tether myself to God and to push myself to be better. i’m also going to be using this blog as a personal diary and to help me study for the upcoming school year. also here to work on my atrocious attention span and just generally fixing my literacy.
my interests include child development, linguistics (even though i’ve just started and am quite horrible at it :>), marine biology, old furbies, new furblets, and the color pink!! i also really enjoy reading but haven’t had enough energy to lately ( • > •)”
extra information below ⬇️
next year i will be taking:
algebra 2
ap psychology
child development (1 semester)
personal finance (1 semester)
honors civics
world history
botany (1 semester)
zoology (1 semester)
early childhood education
ap language and composition
i’ve also just started studying the bible. my parents forbid it because they had bad experiences with religion but i’ve felt extremely drawn to christianity and to God. my mother used to be catholic so i figured id start there 💗
i’m getting my books and other religious materials from the thrift store so if there’s anything in particular i should look out for just let me know!!
i really enjoy making things with beads so i’ve half made myself a rosary but i don’t have the centerpiece or the crucifix so im making do as-is :<
i have a loving boyfriend that i absolutely adore ❤️❤️❤️❤️
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steveezekiel · 5 months
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God gave the Israelites victory, And that not by their own strength.
They conquered the Canaan land by the mighty power of God. He did smile on the Israelites, that was why they conquered the land. They did not conquer the land with their swords. GOD Who commanded victories for His people will fight for you also!
There is an inheritance for every individual Believer. And the land of inheritance could only be possessed through God's favour. And Favour supercedes labour!
Whoever wants to labour, God would not stop or hinder such. However, labour involves toiling, If favour is not embraced.
Through favour you possess your land of inheritance, and it announces you—your work.
Human efforts, which is labour, could be a waste without God's favour (Psalm 127:1). The effort or labour which favour is not added, cannot produce maximally.
When God's favour is depended on, you get better results in whatever you do, than when you solely depends on your effort or labour.
If you wanted to use your efforts, or labouring, which is your sword, to conquer or take your land of inheritance, God would permit you.
Whatever you agitated for, you might be granted, or not be denied, but surely would not have the best of the results.
You are responsible for whatever choice you made. Favour will work for you, And would be released on you, If you submitted to God's Will or plan for your life.
Help or success by the power of God.
To experience helps, or favour, by the power of God: (i) Lead a prayerful life. Pray often, and that without ceasing (1 Thessalonians 5:17). And let the fastings be added to your prayers (Mark 9:29; 2 Corinthians 11:27). (ii) The knowledge of the Word of God would help you pray aright, a result oriented prayer. Thus, the study of the Word of God is of paramount importance to be successful in prayer. (iii) Knowing God's Will for your life, and be fully committed to it. After you had come to know God, accepted Jesus Christ as your Lord and Saviour; knowing what He wanted you to do should be the next thing to pursue. a. The truth is, favour of God rests on your life, when you discovered the purpose or plan of God for your life and made a commitment to it. b. A Believer who goes about fending for himself or herself, without caring to know what God has in plan for them, would find themselves labouring, toiling or struggling, with little or no results. (iv) Giving of your money, or material possession, which also known as seed-sowing, is important and should be part of your life, As a Believer; in order to experience favour and success in whatever you do. a. The Believers who shunned the principle of Giving, or Seed sowing; to God's work and things of His interest, might be experiencing toiling in whatever they do. b. Favour or walking in Abundance might be farfetched in the lives of the Believers who would not believe or subscribe to this biblical Principle. THIS does not stop God's faithfulness in other areas of the lives of such Believers, but when it comes to material Blessings, they might not experience or enjoy the best of God.
God is ready and more than willing to help whoever is following Him, who has genuinely accepted Jesus Christ as Lord and Saviour.
However, the attitude of such to God, His Word, and His Kingdom, that is, His work, equally determines God's response to such a person—Believer.
Favour of God is usually free, and always given undeservedly or unworthily, or unmeritedly, that is, when you do not qualify for it, however, it is usually, to a large extent, provoked.
The Israelites were favoured and smiled upon, and were empowered to possess the land of promise, because of covenant. But, the covenant was provoked or established through the Obedience and Sacrifices on the part of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, their fathers—the patriarchs.
In our contemporary Christian journey, If you also walk with God in a covenant relationship, favour of God would be on your life and your descendant—just as He did for Abraham.
It is not enough to profess Christ Jesus As Lord and Saviour, which is known as salvation or being saved; but your unwavering commitment and submissiveness is needed to strengthen or solidify the relationship you established through the confession that led to your salvation.
Your commitment and submissiveness which is known as Obedience will cause God to establish a covenant with you.
God commanded victory for His people: 4 You are my King and my God. YOU COMMAND VICTORIES FOR ISRAEL. 5 ONLY BY YOUR POWER CAN WE PUSH BACK OUR ENEMIES; ONLY in your NAME CAN WE TRAMPLE OUR FOES" (Psalm 44:4,5 NLT).
Covenant is the platform through which God works in the matters of the person, life and Ministry; of whoever is following Him.
If you are shallow in your relationship, or walking with God, a covenant with Him might not be established or cut, and without it, the covenant; outstanding things might not be made happen or done in your life.
Types of covenants. (i) Inherited covenant. It was on the platform of Inherited covenant that God did whatever He did for the Israelites—giving them the land of promise. THE land, power to get wealth, And all God gave to them, the Israelites, were given through the covenant He made with their progenitors—Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob (Exodus 2:24,25; Deuteronomy 8:18). (ii) A covenant initiated and established by God, through Obedience and unwavering commitment and submissiveness of an individual Believer. a. The covenant God initiated and established with Abraham was provoked through his Obedience, unwavering commitment, and submissiveness (Genesis 12:1-4; 22:1-3; Hebrews 11:8). b. Thus, you should aspire to grow in your walk with God to the point of establishing or cutting a covenant with Him.
Things to Note: a. What could not be gotten or done through labour, or toiling, would be gotten and done through the covenant God established with you. b. What, at times, could not be gotten, through spiritual exercises like fasting, praying, and whatever; would be gotten through the covenant which God established with you.
But establishing of covenant does not come cheaper, It has a price to pay. The price or prices would always be the Obedience, the unwavering Commitment, and the Submission of yours.
The truth is, trusting in the swords, to get or possess your land of promise or inheritance might fail, and be a mirage; but walking in a covenant relationship with God, which provokes favour, would not let you down.
Endeavour to pay whatever price is needed to establish a covenant with God.
You will not fail in Jesus' name.
Should there be any sickness in your body, receive your healing now in Jesus' name.
Whatever the burden that makes you groan and would not allow you to serve God with Joy and gladness is rebuked in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. Peace!
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thebroccolination · 1 year
Hey Key, do you have a favourite ship of all time or is it really hard to chose from certain couples? As I see you post about a lot of wonderful couples :)
Hi lovely Anon! :)
I got this yesterday morning and I’ve been thinking about it ever since because of course my brain went directly to WinTeam.
I mean, they’re definitely the ship I’ve written most about. 38% of the fics on my current AO3 account are about WinTeam. :’)
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Buuuut there were a lot of, like, formative ships that I didn’t write much or anything about. And they’re ships I always go back to whenever I’m between fandoms or just in the mood for something familiar and loved.
Like RayK/Fraser from due South! They were a massive part of my teen years in fandom. If you haven’t seen it, please give it a watch! It’s all remastered and up for free on YouTube! They still mean the world to me, and some of my favorite fics of all time are about them.
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And then there’s merthur, whose meteoric and enduring impact on fandom should be studied by science. I read Awake by Cori Lannam and cry at least once a year.
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There’s klance, who are loud and annoy each other and were never going to be canon and VLD was always going to be a catastrophe (who doesn’t keep a story bible to keep track of their own show), but the components for an incredible dynamic were there and fans did what fans do best and made gorgeous, heart wrenching fanworks that surpassed anything in canon for me.
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I also love Stony, but I want to clarify that, like, most of my love doesn’t come from the extremely bro-y Marvel movies. I was intrigued by Chris Evans and RDJ’s portrayal of Steve and Tony back when I first saw Avengers, so I came home, opened Tumblr, and looked for the movie fandom that surely already existed. What I found more of, unsurprisingly, was comic fandom, and the more I found out about Steve and Tony in the comics, the more I was underwhelmed by the movies. So basically, the main reason I’m not into Stucky is because Stony fans presented this canon head explosion from the comics first:
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There’s also drarry and wolfstar, and I love them the same way I love klance: the source material is disappointing, but the components for greatness were there, and fandom elevated them.
Okay so! Those were all fanon ships, and I always knew none of them were ever going to become canon (though Merlin’s, uh, debatable, maybe discussable—“the man he loves is dying so he’s holding him” REALLY), so I kind of think of them in a separate but equal category to the canon ships.
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Viktuuri is one of those ships that just feels like shelter for me. Just, Yuri on Ice was made with such devotion. Not just love, but passion. There’s no antagonist, just Yuuri’s own anxiety and Viktor painstakingly learning to understand and speak a mutual language so he can coax art and beauty and sincerity from Yuuri’s exhausted and heartbroken soul. I’ll always love them extra special.
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These two trainwrecks.
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KongArt! The whole arc of Kongphob and Arthit’s relationship in SOTUS is just so satisfying and beautiful to me, I just rewatched it with friends in January and I’m already rewatching it again with a different friend now. :’)
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WENZHOU. I’m also rewatching Word of Honor and just having a marvelous time re-experiencing just how unhinged they are for each other. “YOUR SON WAS KIDNAPPED WHILE YOU WERE ROLLING AROUND IN THE DAISIES” “ah” “thanks for killing the moment”
And honestly there are more ships I love, but that wasn’t your question!
Of all time.
I think it really is them.
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They’re everything I love in a ship: push and pull, vulnerability, sass, unhinged desperation for each other, and two characters I love equally.
WinTeam just has me by the soul, man.
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chimerinshine · 9 months
Got a fanon idea for Cuphead folks, folks but ofc i will start on my fav mini bosses yes it was only one royal chess folks The King's Leap!: Anywho,
Here's some symbols:
♟All of the Pawns (canon) are males and they all siblings and octoplets and 10 years old.
♟Even though they are just in the same age some of them considering themselves as the eldest or the youngest.
♟They love pranks, that's why they get their nicknames as The Pink Trolls.
♟Well as normal role of siblings they were between a love and hate relationship.
♟They all have wooden double decks. Some of them didn't want to go to bed because darkness scares them they afraid that Devil himself might watching them to give them nightmares. So as for that they going down in the castle before nighttime and collect some fireflies to turn their own small lanterns into their nightlight even though...their heads glows in pink
♟They all have names base on a spanish number ofc (Uno, Dos, Tres, Quatro, Cinco, Sais, Siete and Otso)
♟They might be octoplets but they also have different personality type.
Uno always acting as the eldest and thinking he is the most intellegent and bravest but not really he get easily to get scared on loud noises like thunders or ghosts
Dos he was kind a like Uno but more wiser and like he reading books and discover things up yes he is kind of medieval nerd kid
Tres he is the bravest, toughest littel pawn in the castle he always doing a wooden sword fight with his siblings he doesn't need a night light cause he ain't afraid of anything at all
Quatro is a complete opposite of Tres he get easily to get scared and a cryer so Tres always protecting him and giving him courage
Cinco complete opposite of Dos he was a trouble maker really and leader of the pranksters. Sometimes he steal a coin gold to the Queen but got scolded by the Knight and run away only to make the Knight he the one who is stealing gold of the Queen. He also love to annoy Bishop by making loud noises while on his Bible Studying
Sais he is the most creative yes he is more like a crafter or an artist. He also responsible for pranking materials
Siete he is soft, quiet, nature lover one. He do nothing but to sit and read a book and sometimes go out in the castle to stargaze or cloudgaze. He always spent with others to learn and observe. He also wanted always to listen to Bishop's bible studies cause it feels like it was story telling to him
♟Pawns are like the younger version of the chess folks. So they keep studying and focusing on their skills to get their ranks once they get into their right age. They mostly wanted to be the Queen because of her power but according the rules Queen supposed to be a female so they need to marry one female someday and they can be the King and have a Queen
♟When the Pawns grew up the will lose their glowing pink stuffs and their heads can be attached or what depends on what position they got
♟They also be the butler or helpers of royal folks
♟Their height is around 2'4 it will increase once they have their positions at the future
♟Their really obsessed on sweets so yeah better hide the deserts when ya havin' dinner
🗡Knight was base off on Disney's Goofy The Dog (canonically). He is the bravest and toughest Knight in the castle but not that wise at all. He is willing to serve the royal folks and have a complete respect for them even though he hates the Queen which her corrupted issues
🗡He is 6ft tall yes HE IS A STALLION BABYY!!! Oh-uhm ahem- anyways
🗡His parents were from different areas his dad was a grey horse farmer and her mom was a beautiful white horse knightness. He grew up with his mom and sometimes visiting his father's farm on his free time just to do farm stuffs even though the Queen never allowed him to do that but he always find a way with a help of the Pawns ofc
🗡He is sometimes clumsy wumsy and dwumb yeah but he was trying his best
🗡He has crush on Esther Winchester and she was her chilhood farm friend
🗡His favorite foods are hays and apples
🗡He go alternative using his legs he can go for two or four one but he always run in four hooves
🗡As a horse one ofc he do horse stuffs
🕯Bishop is the most peaceful, faithful, holiest and wisest chess piece. He is Spanish too so yeah he sometimes expresses stuffs in Spanish. He has spanish accent.(canonically)
🕯He is around mid-age one
🕯He can fight and use his holy powers if it needed that's why he also known as the Holy Warrior
🕯Sitting on his altar it makes him in his height around 5ft but when he stand he is 7ft
🕯He is a nature lover and animal lover so sometimes when he is not busy he just coming out be a gazer or just sit in a tree and read a bible
🕯He love listening to choirs and peaceful instruments
🕯Many know him as holy figure. But he has countless secrets that others don't know. Like he can made miracles like healings, light aura that suddenly goes out, prediction or some visions like they can read what is front of him literally. So some of his folks suspicious him much like he hiding something. Or they just dozing it off see him as a weirdo
🕯He met the Devil himself back when he was a little younger and have a fight with him so he keep an eye and track on him just incase he will come back again
🕯He once seen angels and talk to God himself
🕯The Levitating candles was part of his skills actually. And depending on his life like if the candle light goes out that means he is not around or something bad happened to him
🕯He only has one floating head but Canonically he has 3 heads (which i thought at the 1st place it four) he can make duplicate 2 of his heads
🕯All of his heads has representation Front Head (Sees The Present) Left Head (Sees The Future) Right Head (Sees The Past)
🕯Each of his head when he summons all of it sometimes it has their own minds Left Head's voice tune is kind of a sad and soft however Right Head is more couragable tune and Present well just a normal himself. Sometimes they also talk in sync
🕯With his 3 heads he can make a whole choir and yes he is the choir leader and have a beautiful angelic choir
🕯He never met his parents and grew at the orphanage which later he was orphaned by an ex royal Bishop and stand for him as his non biological father
🕯As holyman himself he is willing and hoping to guide the Queen herself and be back at being herself again
🪓Rook is a medieval executioner and based off on peg leg pete but he is more nicer to him (canon) he is a quiet one he almost rarely speaks and he is a non smiler one and intimadating. Despite all of that deep inside he is sweet as honey and soft boi.
🪓He is an expert on build things that's why he is a crafter and a smith people go to him and pay him to make such weapons and stuffs
🪓Since when he was a little cub-kitty he never see his real father but his mother has tragic back story so the only thing he has is her pendant and the stuff toy she stitch and give to him
🪓Secretively he has crush on the Lady Guillotine (Canonically) he was very self concious and fear that she will hate him for what occupation he has because he saw her as sweety what he didn't know it's they have the same feelings and situations
🪓 All because he was a quiet guy Pawns prank him much but Pawns regret that too cause they keep ending getting almost axe
🪓He hates the Queen however he still being noble to her and following her commands even he's bigger he's rank and power isn't enough for the Queen's
🪓He has fully respect on all souls especially the royal ones
🪓Legend says that his father might the King of Vikings from the other Land
🪓He is 15ft in height so yeah he is big hybrid bear boi
🪓His favorite foods is honey, fish sometimes they mix them
🪓Like what i said he is self concious, so even his mask is removable he wouldn't dare to remove it unless he was all by himself which his true face was hybrid of a cat and bear thing
🪓He also a Major Chess Piece that's why he hardball to be defeat
🪓He is the protector of the castle and the royal folks there especially at the King
👑👧The Queen herself is literally the Heart Queen from Alice In Wonderland (canon) one of her famous phrases is "Off with their heads!" Once she yell that here comes the executioner they like it or not. The Queen has a very greedy personality so greedy that she started to hate poors and lesser ones.
👑👧She also very selfish and hate rats as they see them as a dirty thieves that keep stealing her precious golds and they are poor. Well they have a reasonable sentence why they invade their castle and steal it
👑👧Some say she once a nice Queen but since she started oversee herself on power and wealth got into her she became corrupted and greedy. But her trueself was still in there out there she just keep denying it.
👑👧She won't let anyone or anything literally touch her stuffs especially her golds
👑👧Since she was corrupted he started mocking others and have overpride and ego to herself
👑👧She once loved but she was now hated and misunderstood
👑👧She stand around 9ft tall (big wowman)
👑👧She love lions as pets because they see them as a big brave cats and fluffy and she believes it brings her a luck
👑🙎‍♂️ The King himself based off on a King Of Hearts too even though he has lesser ranking he is full of intellegence and have a big heart
👑🙎‍♂️He has a role of a good king it's just other didn't get him much attention because Queen has more appealing appearance and greater power than him
👑🙎‍♂️He stands around 4ft (smallkingforakingsize)
👑🙎‍♂️He always wished that his ol' good wife will be back or someone just heal her
👑🙎‍♂️He love play games and be a winner well as a chess folk ofc it was in his nature to win and battle
👑🙎‍♂️Even he has lesser rank and power he know many fighting skills and always winning at the war
👑🙎‍♂️The King and King Dice knows each other and he also know the Devil himself
👑🙎‍♂️He stands for everyone as friend and family
🏰Chess Folks that has floating heads it means they are high rankers and most respected by others (Queen & King Your Highness The Bishop Your Holiness)
🏰Less rankers has more removable heads comparison to highrankers
🏰Younger Pieces that has glowing pink heads are commons however the rare ones has different heads or shape like for ex Knight has a horse shape head he was rare
🏰They all have their own normal heights when it come to a play game they will get big
🏰If they were humans they all french and spanish people
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