#French education system
arggghhhsstuff · 9 months
don't get me wrong, i can and will talk shit about the french education system at any given time because for the most part, it sucks. but god do i love the two weeks long winter break.
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rimaakter45 · 11 months
نگاهی به نظام آموزشی فرانسه
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این  نظام آموزشی کشور فرانسه  یک سیستم بسیار متمرکز است که به سه مرحله آموزش ابتدایی، آموزش متوسطه و آموزش عالی تقسیم می شود.
آموزش ابتدایی
آموزش ابتدایی در فرانسه برای کودکان 6 تا 11 ساله اجباری است. این دوره به دو دوره تقسیم می شود: دوره اول (maternelle) و دوره دوم (élémentaire).
در چرخه مادران، کودکان اصول اولیه خواندن، نوشتن و ریاضی را می آموزند. آنها همچنین در مورد رشد اجتماعی و عاطفی یاد می گیرند. در چرخه élémentaire، کودکان به یادگیری اصول اولیه خواندن، نوشتن و ریاضی ادامه می دهند. آنها همچنین در مورد علم، تاریخ و جغرافیا یاد می گیرند.
آموزش متوسطه
تحصیلات متوسطه در فرانسه به دو مرحله تقسیم می شود: دوره متوسطه پایین (کالج) و مرحله متوسطه عالی (لیسه).
مرحله کالج برای دانش آموزان 11 تا 15 ساله اجباری است. در مرحله کالج، دانش آموزان مبانی دروس مختلفی از جمله فرانسه، ریاضیات، علوم، تاریخ و جغرافیا را یاد می گیرند. آنها همچنین فرصت دارند در دروس انتخابی در موضوعاتی مانند موسیقی، هنر و زبان های خارجی شرکت کنند.
مرحله لیسه اجباری نیست، اما اکثر دانش آموزان شرکت را انتخاب می کنند. مرحله لیسه به سه جریان تقسیم می شود: Général (عمومی)، Technologique (تکنولوژیک) و Professionnel (حرفه ای).
در جریان عمومی، دانش آموزان موضوعات مختلف دانشگاهی از جمله فرانسه، ریاضیات، علوم، تاریخ و جغرافیا را یاد می گیرند. آنها همچنین فرصت دارند در دروس انتخابی در موضوعاتی مانند موسیقی، هنر و زبان های خارجی شرکت کنند. جریان عمومی دانشجویان را برای تحصیل در دانشگاه آماده می کند.
در جریان تکنولوژی، دانش آموزان موضوعات فنی مختلفی مانند مهندسی، کشاورزی و گردشگری را یاد می گیرند. جریان تکنولوژی دانش آموزان را برای مشاغل در این زمینه ها آماده می کند.
در جریان حرفه ای، دانش آموزان انواع مهارت های حرفه ای مانند لوله کشی، نجاری و آرایشگری را می آموزند. جریان حرفه ای دانش آموزان را برای مشاغل در این مشاغل آماده می کند.
آموزش عالی
آموزش عالی در فرانسه به سه نوع موسسات اصلی تقسیم می‌شود: دانشگاه‌ها، بزرگان مدارس و مدارس تخصصی.
دانشگاه ها موسسات دولتی هستند که طیف گسترده ای از برنامه های کارشناسی و کارشناسی ارشد را در زمینه های مختلف ارائه می دهند. دانشگاه ها معمولا برای همه دانش آموزانی که دارای مدرک لیسانس (دیپلم دبیرستان فرانسوی) هستند باز است.
Grandes écoles موسسات نخبه ای هستند که برنامه های بسیار گزینشی را در مهندسی، تجارت و سایر زمینه های تخصصی ارائه می دهند. ورود به دانشگاه‌های بزرگ معمولاً دشوارتر از دانشگاه‌ها است و دانش‌آموزان را ملزم به شرکت در آزمون ورودی رقابتی می‌کنند.
مدارس تخصصی موسساتی هستند که برنامه هایی را در زمینه خاصی مانند هنر، طراحی یا مد ارائه می دهند. مدارس تخصصی از نظر گزینش و شرایط پذیرش متفاوت است.
منابع مالی
سیستم آموزشی فرانسه توسط دولت تامین می شود. دولت برای تمام مدارس دولتی از جمله مدارس ابتدایی، دبیرستان ها و دانشگاه ها بودجه تامین می کند. دولت همچنین برای مدارس خصوصی یارانه می دهد.
سیستم آموزشی فرانسه با چالش‌های متعددی مواجه است، از جمله:
• نرخ بالای ترک تحصیل: تعداد قابل توجهی از دانش آموزان فرانسوی قبل از اتمام تحصیلات متوسطه ترک تحصیل می کنند.
• نابرابری های منطقه ای: کیفیت آموزش از منطقه ای به منطقه دیگر به طور قابل توجهی متفاوت است.
• کمبود معلم: در برخی نقاط کشور کمبود معلم وجود دارد.
ابتکارات دولتی
دولت فرانسه اقداماتی را برای مقابله با چالش های پیش روی سیستم آموزشی انجام می دهد. این ابتکارات عبارتند از:
• سرمایه گذاری در آموزش دوران کودکی: دولت در حال سرمایه گذاری در برنامه های آموزش دوران کودکی است تا به کودکان کمک کند تا پایه ای قوی برای یادگیری ایجاد کنند.
• کاهش اندازه کلاس ها: دولت برای بهبود کیفیت آموزش، اندازه کلاس ها را کاهش می دهد.
• بهبود آموزش معلمان: دولت در حال بهبود برنامه های آموزش معلمان است تا اطمینان حاصل کند که معلمان برای آموزش به دانش آموزان خود به خوبی آماده هستند.
• سرمایه گذاری در زیرساخت ها: دولت در حال سرمایه گذاری در زیرساخت ها برای بهبود کیفیت ساختمان ها و امکانات مدارس است.
سیستم آموزشی فرانسه یک سیستم پیچیده با تعدادی نقاط قوت و ضعف است. دولت اقدامات متعددی را برای رفع چالش های پیش روی سیستم انجام می دهد، اما هنوز کارهای زیادی برای انجام دادن وجود دارد. لطفا به اینجا مراجعه کنید  نظام آموزشی کشور فرانسه   برای اطلاعات بیشتر.
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hjemne · 8 months
The French are so funny because instead of having art as a general category meaning a creation with beauty, they listened to Hegel about there only being 6 distinct categories of art, but then as the world develops people kept on going 'well THIS is artistic, but it's distinct from those other kinds of creative categories' and then adding new categories. Like, my guys, there is beauty to be found in all of mankind's creations. Give up on the number system. If you can get your head around the holy trinity being one god in three forms, you can also get your head around there just being ART despite its many forms. But they won't change because their govt and society are conservative and white supremacist and adding increasingly bizarre numbers of art forms to a Eurocentric and classical model is preferable to any form of fluidity and change in the culture
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jellyfish-grave · 4 months
(screaming into a megaphone) I THINK THE FRENCH BAC IS BULLSHIT (huuuuge ramble under cut. Read at your own risk)
listen. I have arguments.
Finals are coming for me like. Right tomorrow, yeah? Yeah. The written trial consists of two options: You can either write a dissertation on a given subject (which you have studied through the year. There's only 4 parcours in the year) OR you can make a text commentary (but it's on a text you've never heard of before and it's not linked to any of the parcours you studied).
On paper it sounds okay (if not slightly unfair that both exercises are judged the same way, despite the fact that you have much more knowledge to back up your dissertation if you chose that). It tests the student's ability to think for themself, to use knowledge that was given through the year or to use personal culture in order to make an interesting reasoning!
The first time they tried this out they realised "hmmm wait everyone is failing, maybe that's cuz the expectations are too high" and yes! Exactly! That's cuz we're introduced to the exercise of dissertation the very same year that we're expected to make a full one. Before that? Barely mentioned. We make around 4 of them throughout the year, and we're never EVER given a full example. The only examples we get are detailed plans, but never a fully written out dissertation.
You'd think "oh, then the simple solution is to either lower the stakes, or introduce the exercise earlier in the education, right?" and yeah that does sound logic. But what change was made, you ask? Oh. Simply give all the answers through the year.
That's right. We get full on answers for the full dissertation during the year, and you could argue that the subject isn't the same during the year compared to the end of the year's prompt, however. All subjects basically boil down to the same core elements but written out differently. They decided that since students of our age aren't capable of making clear and complex reasoning/analyses of a given subject, they should just. Give us the answer.
This kills the entire purpose of the exercise. I don't think of myself as some literary genius or some shit, but i do think I'm capable of basic reasoning. But that's not what's being tested here.
Besides, if your dissertation plan doesn't fit their exact expectation, your entire work will be labelled as out of subject, completely killing the idea that multiple people can think of multiple reasonings. Which is. Yk. The entire point of a dissertation.
I know I'm being overly dramatic, but for people like me who have horrible memory problems, I just feel like this is entirely unfair. This isn't constructed at all because I didn't try to, my brain is turned off after 5 hours of memorizing the exact order stuff should be brought up in. We aren't allowed the fucking books the subject is about during the trial. What's the point in that?? At what point in life will you actually need the skill to be able to make a literary commentary without the actual support???
Even funnier! Yk how I mentioned you can also make a text commentary? Yeah! You don't get the answers for the text commentary during the year. And the expectations haven't gone down. It's basically a suicide to pick that unless you've got huge personal culture to enrich your arguments. It's highly unrecommended by all my teachers so far for a reason.
Should I even go on about the oral trial? You need to site by heart the exact explanation of the text (one out of 12 extracts your studied during the year) line by line out loud. It's bullshit. You get 30 minutes to prepare (which. Btw. Isn't enough.), then you have a grammar question (really the only fair thing about this whole thing.), and then you need to present one of the 4 (8 for some people) books you had to read during the year. You can thankfully choose the book, but this is STILL learning a lesson by heart.
It's not teaching you critical thinking. It's not valuing your opinion, it's not valuing a student taking risks and talking about a subject in an interesting way, because you're expected to do the exact thing the teachers want. A very specific plan. Even the main question your entire work is centered around is just a rewording of the subject.
What is the point? What. Is. The point.
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br1ghtestlight · 6 months
i can speak a small amount of conversational russian and its very funny to think that i could someday have a stroke or brain injury and suddenly only be able to speak russian </3 which would piss everybody off bcuz NOBODY in my life knows russian except me
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smallest-turnip · 1 year
learning a second language formally like in school or whatever is so sad parce que je comprends la plupart de ce que les personnes disent mais je ne sais pas comment dire « fuck » :( :( :( :( :(
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ultimatebottom69 · 3 months
Hi just failed my degree and went to my two friends first and they both went "Oh you'l do better. Happens." For context none of us have suceeded in getting a single degree yet.
And when i went ot my dad he went "Well the first thing to do is acknowledge you also kind of fucked up by not attending some classes-"
Ok. Cool. I had litterally 5 hours to mull over that one bitch. I am discussing the "What do i do now" talk. Not who is at fault or what lessons to learn.
Like the lesson is I suck ass and my situation sucked ass and frankly i was suicidal at best and my only joy was finding tons of shitty mobile games and oh yeah a cockroach to interrupt my monologue about my shitty situationnand of course I have no fucking insecticide. And my shoes are not closed and that guy can fucking fly.
Like wow super cool analogy here. Couldn't have written it myself. Reminds me why I am desperate for money. And that cockroach is so fat I can hear him walk. Wtf.
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invisiblesketches · 4 months
Hey Americans, genuine question, what's a GPA???
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losttranslator · 5 months
throwback to my high school philosophy teacher trying to catch me with stuff like "actually Jesus never said he was God, did you know that" and smugly prove that I (kid who was read the bible from the age of 2 and got my own by like 7) didn’t know the gospels.
like my dude, what do you think "before Abraham was, I AM" was about? you don’t know and I’M clueless about the text?
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dove-da-birb · 1 year
Bonjour, hello! :)
I'm going to snag the question you asked Sofia and send it back your way: Which languages do you speak? Do you have any you are learning or want to learn?
or, alternatively - if you would like to instead answer something else - do you have a favourite piece of your writing? (One you are most proud of or had a lot of fun creating?)
I'll actually answer both!
Currently, I am only fluent in English, as it was the language I was only immersed in growing up. Je parle un petit peu francais; but the education system is awful at really doing anything to cement it in if you didn't attend a French immersion school. I need to work on getting it back, but that's going to be a long work in progress. Just happy my accent is good (aka not a baguette accent).
As for languages I want to learn;
Spanish will be after French since both are based in Latin.
Ojibwe, as Indigenous languages are dying; there used to be over 3,000 distinct Indigenous languages in Canada and the handful that are left are dying too.
American Sign Language, since it is super useful; currently I just know a few signs. Another reason is that places rarely have someone who can sign and translate signs.
Dutch for family reasons.
Eventually I would like to know a bit of Mandarin, but that is far into the future.
Favourite Piece of My Writing
Right now it would have to be Ruggie's Soul Match story; first off it made me cry in the first 800 words and then I cried again later. I rarely cry while reading books, so I was very surprised that it happened twice.
Jade's Soul Match story is my second favourite and was only demoted off the throne once I finished writing Ruggie's; he got to be a lil shit in his story. Also, it was a great chance to get in his head.
I quite like how all of the Soul Matches came out, and it was my first time in years writing more long-ish form fics; each story is 5K. Had really bad art/writing block for years.
I really need to re-read some of my works; I don't really read them once I 'publish'.... Also in total, there are 69 pages so far for the Soul Match AU, and for the first round, there are 10 characters, 6 of which are now completed.
*Don't be like Dove and write 31K in 34 days. Don't do it. I just have a lot of free time rn
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melxncholyman · 1 year
me when my cousin told me there's a second derivative
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sparklehoard · 10 months
30, 31, 35
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30(already answered)
31) also already answered bur 3 facts are repeatable. 1. When I was a a kid my leg faced too far inward. The elementary school had funds for physical therapy but they over-corrected and then the funds ran out so now my right legs faces too far out in my natural stance and walk. 2. When I was 9 I was 5'9ft tall. Looking at my school photos where they made me stand with the teacher in school photos im almost a whole foot taller than the rest of my classmates. 3. I kind of stole one of those Herb growers that use solar light to grow herbs in the kitchen. My mom had it sitting in it's box for 3 years and I took it and zip tied it to my beds headboard. I've been using it to fight the winter depression and I think it's working quite well.
35. Favorite subject was art. I do love art still but looking back I kind of hated text based assignments. Having the teacher tell you yours was the most interesting to read. Having the teach use your essay in an example of a good job. And then getting it back and you got graded a c+ for grammar mistakes. Like I understand for English and language classes but it felt bad that even if you were excelling you couldn't get a decent grade for the little things as a young kid. Art was something I felt didn't hold me back in that way.
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croutoncat · 1 year
homework in french is 'devoir' which litcherally means 'must do'.... hmmmm food for thought
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maitanii · 2 years
AO3 was my English teacher and I'm not ashamed to admit it. In fact, I'm grateful.
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Im still salty about how french immersion was handled in my school. Like they actively prevented us from learning english the way all the other kids did, then in highschool they shoved us into the same classes as those English kids and were like "wait why are all of these french immersion students failing english, they're supposed to be the "smart" class," like what did you expect????? Did you think we'd absorb english grammar through osmosis? We were literally forbidden from engaging in anything that wasnt french for eight hours a day five days a week. We were very deliberately not taught english grammar rules. My ninth grade english teacher had a fit when she realized how little we knew and she dedicated like two entire classes to trying to catch up the FI students and even then most of the FI students only barely managed not to fail. Almost every student who came close to failing english was a french immersion student.
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vveris · 5 months
Devoting 9 years of my life to learning French only for a French Canadian to look at me dazed when I speak the language has to be the biggest punch in the gut ever 😭
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