#From your favorite(?) ace and butch lesbian popoto.
-After a trip through the Palace of the Dead- Squallall, staring out of the palace's entrance: New record! 'Tis wondrous! Never thought I'd see the day where we'd make it ta level 168. New Hyuran Recruit: Excuse me, Boss? Squallall: Yeah? What's up, kiddo? Recruit: I have a question. Squallall: Shoot, sniper. Recruit: Uh, what's the ratio of men to women in the crew, if you don't mind me asking? Squallall: In the Fellowship? Whoo... Uh... [makes calculations on fingers] 'Bout... Oh, two women to every man. [pauses] Nope, crap, I foggedaboutta few. It's three to one. Oops, tryin' ta not be biased. [sheepish back of head scratch] Recruit: That skewed? [pauses to count in head] I can't think of that many women. Squallall: Did you exclude the alliance only persons? Recruit: Yeah, of course. Squallall: Who ya got? Recruit: [lists off names of female fellowship members] Squallall: Oh, ya missed me. That's why your list was off. Recruit: [is puzzled] You're a woman?
Squallall: Yeah, 'tis be. Recruit: [still puzzled] But... [gestures at his chest] You... You don't do anything to look like a lady! Squallall: So? Recruit: How... How do you identify, if you don't mind me asking? Squallall: [wistfully] I identify as the gender I was born as... [bluntly] Female. Squallall: Yeah, 'tis be. Recruit: [still puzzled] But... [gestures at his chest] You... You don't do anything to look like a lady! Squallall: So? Recruit: How... How do you identify, if you don't mind me asking? Squallall: [wistfully] I identify as the gender I was born as... [bluntly] Female. Squallall: Yeah, 'tis be. Recruit: [still puzzled] But... [gestures at his chest] You... You don't do anything to look like a lady! Squallall: So? Recruit: How... How do you identify, if you don't mind me asking? Squallall: [wistfully] I identify as the gender I was born as... [bluntly] Female. Squallall: Yeah, 'tis be. Recruit: [still puzzled] But... [gestures at his chest] You... You don't do anything to look like a lady! Squallall: So? Recruit: How... How do you identify, if you don't mind me asking? Squallall: [wistfully] I identify as the gender I was born as... [bluntly] Female. Recruit: But... [gestures at his chest] Your... Squallall: Just 'cause my desire to be as flat as the floorboards in the Fellowship's base of operations doesn't change anythin'. Your boss is still a woman. Recruit: But people call you Sir! Squallall: So? [pauses, comes to a realization] John... You sweet spring sapling... You've not left the grove you were planted in much, huh? John: No... Squallall: [sighs] Whelp. Uh, crouch for me, please. It's more polite when you're at equal eye level when speakin'. John: [obediently crouches] Squallall: Good. Thanks, kid. Now, you wanna just ask me all the questions ya want, so you can better understand one of the many flavors of people a bit better? John: Yeah... Squallall: [gestures for him to speak] John: Oh! Right. Uh, romantic preference? Squallall: Women. I'm simple; I stick wit one option. John: Uh, sexual preference? Squallall: I'd rather filet myself like a good steak than partake in any o' that. Gives me a feelin' of sharp discomfort. John: Oh... But people call you Sir, and Mister. And you dress like a man! Squallall: [stuffs hands into noir coat pocket] Yeah, that's just people makin' a mistake; I've heard it too much ta care at this point. As for clothes... Personal preference. It's why I latched ta the term of butch. John: Huh. [genuinely curious] Squallall: Now, come. Stand up. Let's talk and walk. You can ask all the questions ya want ta on the way home. I hear Twilly's cookin' somethin' fierce tonight. Heard rumors it's a monster ov ah steak. John: Ooh. That sounds good.
-The two walk off, John asking questions, and Squallall answering as best as she can. Occasional talk about what Twilly's cooking breaks up the talk about her identity and what terms mean.-
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