brujebutchdraws · 6 years
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[four gifs of the characters Chara, a small stimming human, sans, a small fat smiling skeleton, Frisk, a small winking human, and Papyrus, a tall slim skeleton chatting loudly. they are are dressed in all red outfits. 
upside of each of them is written the tag Go Red Instead. downside of each of them is written the tag actually autistic. both phrases are in big white or white letters. the humans have them white, on a red background, and the skeleton monsters have them red, on a white background. on each of their left is written “support autistic people” followed on their right right by different examples of autistic people who exist, and in frisk’s piece, examples of how to support them.
each of their individual posts, with written retranscription, are available to consult in bold links just below. please do mind each of their individual triggers, and the r slur will be censored such as  variations of “r.t.rd” in each.]
Chara’s piece, sans’ piece, Frisk’s piece, Papyrus’ piece.
companion pieces about allistic allyship: toriel, grillby, flowey.
this is april month, autistic people awareness’ month, so i’m here to teach anyone who’d listen a bit about smtg from autistic people.
#(Go)ReadInstead is a movement of the autistic community against autism speaks’ “light it blue” movement. autism speaks promotes the idea that autistic people are sick, compare us to cancer patients, and “light it up blue” to “raise awareness about the Bad Autism we must seek and destroy out of our children”. it is a logic of abuse apologism and ableist conceptions of a neurodivergency that is no illness and neither lethal nor dangerous to anyone, caused by old myths and outdated fears of demons and faeries/changelins.
do not just support the autistic people that fit are likeable to you, do not think of us for the comfort of your allistic narratives. value us all, respect us all and support us all.
Thanks you for your attention- Uidelsib E.N.
i invite you to course through my #actuallyautistic tag on my main, elitigre, for more insight on many things autistic.
my askbox on said blog is also open for you to ask some things on being autistic. do keep in mind i’d be answering on my free time, not as a job.
the character Chara, sans, Frisk and Paryrus, from the video game Undertale (2015), belong to Toby Fox.
this post is not invitation for debate on the autistic spectrum being an illness, harmful, or how Actually Autism Speaks Is Good And ABA Saves Lives.
all attempts to do so will be blocked. Go Read Instead.
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brujebutchdraws · 6 years
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this post features talk of abuse, ableism, pathologization, forced medication and dehumanization. please do skip it if this might put your mental health at risk. the r slur will be spelled as such “r.t.rd”.
spoilers for the Undertale game have to be looked out for too.
[three images of the video game Undertale’s character Papyrus, one being a gif, and the two others being the same images, but transparent and composing the gif. Papyrus wears an all-red outfit, his signature scarf tied around his waist, and is walking carrying groceries and a MTT purse, phone in hand. He also wears gloves, for tactile sensitivity reasons. He is talking, loudly, to Frisk, who he is helping with calculus, breaking the thales’ and pythagore’s theorems down for easy comprehension. He is smiling brightly and laughing in a abashed fashion, happy to help his friend and touched by their praise for his good maths skills.
upside of him is written the tag Go Red Instead. downside him is written the tag actually autistic. both are in big red letters. on his left is written “support autistic people” followed on his right by the following:
“who does not fit your conception of maturity and intelligence" 
“who are loud, extravagant, passionate, with redundant interests, energetic” 
“who are kind and extrovert enough to appear naive” 
“who always seem happy”
the two sets of phrases are framed within upside-down red-lined hearts.]
this is april month, autistic people awareness’ month, so i’m here to teach anyone who’d listen a bit about smtg from autistic people.
#(Go)ReadInstead is a movement of the autistic community against autism speaks’ “light it blue” movement. autism speaks promotes the idea that autistic people are sick, compare us to cancer patients, and “light it up blue” to “raise awareness about the Bad Autism we must seek and destroy out of our children”. it is a logic of abuse apologism and ableist conceptions of a neurodivergency that is no illness, and neither lethal nor dangerous to anyone, caused by old myths and outdated fears of demons and faeries/changelins.
Papyrus is a character who is very obviously autistic coded to autistic people, like me, for example. he is loud, moves a lot, has special interests in spaghetti cooking and puzzles, doesn’t like upsetting textures like greasy foods, has a particular speech pattern and social cues, who he does not always read right, and stem from him seeking outright, blatant validation. he is also of seemingly short temper, quick to get worked up, but always nice and considerate.
i personally find him very endearing and comforting, him being such a good person with an optimistic view on life, despite his shortcomings and loneliness, on top of being trapped underground, in a setting we know canonically causes monsters to lose HoPe, their will to live.
now, a lot of people, allistic (non-autistic) almost exclusively, who played the game, found him to be aggravating, childish, stupid, guillible and more of a laughstock than an actual character. he is often brushed aside for the sake of other characters.
this reveals a stigma against autistic people. because, while he is not canonically autistic, papyrus acts like us. we know to recognize that; and we know to recognize the hostility against him as something we have to deal with often in our real lives, both outside in the world and online.
we are said to be idiotic, self-centered, “5 years olds in adults’ bodies”, reduced to one single emotion, either mindless happiness or animalistic anger, most of the time, a myriad of descriptives made to challenge our integrity as persons able of autonomy.
we are said to be oblivious, unable of judging good from bad, of not knowing what is good for us. that serves a very dangerous narrative that silences us, and  cuts our community into two parts, arbitrarily following allistic people’s judgement: “low-functionning” autistic people, that allistics would judge papyrus to be, and “high-functionning” autistic people, told to be geniuses, like moffat’s series’ Sherlock’s eponymic character have been theorized to be, because he is a genius, and a very disagreeable person because he is autistic. which actually very disagreeable benedict cumberbatch, his interpretator, debunked by a “let us not feed in their [us autistic people] desillusions they can be of great mind” logic. 
both of those cases people shove us in without our consent harms us. it rids the first from their own agency, and the second of having a say on our autistic struggles, since we are “of so high potential, capacities not comparable to those lowly r*t*rds.” this sorting out is dehumanizing, to both imaginary party.
it is important we are all acknowledged as people, with our own individual and group-patterned struggles, regardless of how we perform in our own preferred fields, and of which fields allistics value over others; like it is better-seen to be fluent at arithmetics than arts, for example, no matter the skills developped in arts by the person.
do not just support the autistic people that fit your view of a good one, of a great mind, jaded and porn-inspo for your allistic needs. value us all, respect us all and support us all.
Thanks you for your attention- Uidelsib E.N.
i invite you to course through my #actuallyautistic tag on my main, elitigre, for more insight on many things autistic.
my askbox on said blog is also open for you to ask some things on being autistic. do keep in mind i’d be answering on my free time, not as a job.
companion pieces about autistic people: sans, chara.
companion pieces about allistic allyship: frisk, toriel, grillby, flowey.
the character Papyrus, from the video game Undertale (2015), belongs to Toby Fox.
this post is not invitation for debate on the autistic spectrum being an illness, harmful, or how Actually Autism Speaks Is Good And ABA Saves Lives.
all attempts to do so will be blocked. Go Read Instead.
13 notes · View notes
brujebutchdraws · 6 years
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this post features talk of abuse, ableism, pathologization, ABA therapy, forced medication and dehumanization. please do skip it if this might put your mental health at risk. the r slur will be spelled as such “r.t.rd”.
spoilers for the Undertale game have to be looked out for too.
links will be in bold.
[seven images of the video game Undertale’s character Flowey, one being a gif, and the six others being the same images, but transparent and composing the gif. Flowey is on his pink-reddish computer browsing internet resources. there is a gay flag sticker on his computer’s logo. he also has various reactions, an ‘owo what’s this’ one, a surprised one, contemplative ones, a sceptical one, and an angry one, when the computer brings up the puzzle piece symbol.
upside of him is written the tag Go Red Instead. downside him is written the tag actually autistic. both are in big red letters. on his left is written “support autistic people” followed by “by learning about us ! especially if you hate us ! don’t hate stuff you don’t know, jerk !!”, then on his right by the following:
“browse tags about us” 
“respect our identity regardless of how nice we are to you. disliking someone, even for good reasons, does NOT excuse ABLEISM”
“look up why ‘high/low functionning’ are bullshit, why our symbol is a horizontal 8, symbol of infinity, why autism speaks is BAD, consider joining a facebook group about autism open to allistics, or following blogs !”
“don’t use us as your personal educator or data base.”
“do your own research, google terms you don’t know, don’t ask us for easy to find definitions.”
each phrases are preceded by upside-down red-lined hearts.]
this is april month, autistic people awareness’ month, so i’m here to teach anyone who’d listen a bit about smtg from autistic people.
#(Go)ReadInstead is a movement of the autistic community against autism speaks’ “light it blue” movement. autism speaks promotes the idea that autistic people are sick, compare us to cancer patients, and “light it up blue” to “raise awareness about the Bad Autism we must seek and destroy out of our children”. it is a logic of abuse apologism and ableist conceptions of a neurodivergency that is no illness and neither lethal nor dangerous to anyone, caused by old myths and outdated fears of demons and faeries/changelins.
the character Flowey is a jerk. he is a liar, manipulative, plays with people’s lives and laughs at the player’s/Frisk’s misery in the game. he is, by all means, an antagonist, and a bully. he is also, canonically, able of doing good. of learning. trying to get better. he is not inherently mean, but was because it was easier for him. he is as such the best representation of ableist allistics i can think of in the game, and thus i illustrate my point with him.
i already made a post about good allistic allyship in general with Frisk’s. it also has links to organizations to donate to. Toriel’s informs of good allistic parenting, and Grillby’s, of good allistic friendship and romantic/sexual relationship doing.
this, is a post of ressources.
i invite you to course through my #actuallyautistic tag on my main, elitigre, for more insight on many things autistic.
my askbox on said blog is also open for you to ask some things on being autistic. do keep in mind i’d be answering on my free time, not as a job.
then, the tags i mentioned a few times up here are at your dispostion, again, and so are #autism acceptance, #asperger, #autistic rant, #autistic voice, #red instead, #boycott autism speaks, #social model of disability, #asd. there are more to look for.
a list of online resources sites you want to know about (keep in mind some of these are held by benevolent people bloggin bout autism on the side. not your personal educators) :
The Autistic Self Advocacy Network’s tumblr blog
Happyhands.toys’ tumblr blog, to learn about stimming.
Safechewablethings , tumblr blog, about stimming too.
Sounds like you have a lot to learn about autistic people but ok, a facebook group, self-explanatory.
Growing up Aspie, tumblr blog, who makes comics about their own life.
Positivelyautistic, a tumblr blog.
Neuroqueerpositivity, tumblr blog.
Autistic-Answers, tumblr blog.
Autism in women, tumblr blog.
The Spoon Theory written by Christine Miserandino, something to consult to understand the spoonie culture, that applies to all disabled people.
more various resources, this good list first, by Bob Wood on facebook :
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why it’s cool and encouraged for you to stand up for us.
why you really got to let us define ourselves and even other autistic people should.
what kind of behaviour you really should avoid.
why autistic kids need to be left at peace.
why stimming is good.
why autism speaks is bullshit.
why functionning labels are b a d.
why trying to “cure” a child from being autistic is actually abuse.
why we sometimes talk in seemingly pretentious fashion.
why aba therapy and variations are disgusting.
why autism moms need to fucking stop.
a tidbit about “indigo child”.
why it’s important to learn about empathy and compassion and moral judgements and to not label autistic people as heartless.
why you gotta be critical about what “made-for-autistic-kids” brands you support and promote.
Thanks you for your attention- Uidelsib E.N.
companion pieces about autistic people: Papyrus, Chara, sans.
companion pieces about allistic allyship: Frisk, Toriel, Grillby.
the character Flowey, from the video game Undertale (2015), belongs to Toby Fox.
this post is not invitation for debate on the autistic spectrum being an illness, harmful, or how Actually Autism Speaks Is Good And ABA Saves Lives.
all attempts to do so will be blocked. 
11 notes · View notes
brujebutchdraws · 6 years
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this post features talk of abuse, ableism, pathologization, ABA therapy, forced medication and dehumanization. please do skip it if this might put your mental health at risk. the r slur will be spelled as such “r.t.rd”.
spoilers for the Undertale game have to be looked out for too.
links will be in bold.
[three images of the video game Undertale’s character Toriel, one being a gif, and the two others being the same images, but transparent and composing the gif. Toriel wears an all-red outfit, a short sleeved dress with a flame print on it, with crimson red heels. she also carries a small plastic bag with stimtoys in it. a grey sealion squishie, a green handspinner, a black and green music and sound-concealer headphones, a purple chewerly necklace, and a book of her child’s special interest, knights. she first holds her free hand to where her soul rests, eyes closed with a calm smile, and then she extends her free arm to her right, and ignites a flame in which a puzzle piece is scorched black. her eyes are also open with her mouth, in a friendly expression. 
upside of her is written the tag Go Red Instead. downside her is written the tag actually autistic. both are in big red letters. on her left is written “support autistic people” followed by “by being good allistic parents”, and then to her right by  the following:
“by rejecting the ‘suffering but courageous Autism Mom’ ableist fetishistic narrative and all of its variations.”
“by accepting your childd as they are by nature and stopping the pursuit of ‘cures’ when there is no disease.”
“by acknowledging your past mistakes and growing from them.”
“by reassuring your child that their worth is not defined by how ‘normal’ they appear to their peers.”
“by telling them ‘I love you’ without ‘even if you’re...’ following behind.”
“by learning to adapt to your child, and not have them to adapt to you, the advantaged adult.”
“by subsiding to certains of their needs/desires, even if they’re unconventional or unrelatable to you, so long they aren’t dangerous, of course.”
“by considering them as people first, your autistic kid(s) second. You are the only one able to truly protect their agency as a person in their formative years.”
“by letting them be the teller of their own story. if not vocally, sign language an alternatives exist. please use them.”
the phrases are all preceded by upside-down red-lined hearts.]
this is april month, autistic people awareness’ month, so i’m here to teach anyone who’d listen a bit about smtg from autistic people.
#(Go)ReadInstead is a movement of the autistic community against autism speaks’ “light it blue” movement. autism speaks promotes the idea that autistic people are sick, compare us to cancer patients, and “light it up blue” to “raise awareness about the Bad Autism we must seek and destroy out of our children”. it is a logic of abuse apologism and ableist conceptions of a neurodivergency that is no illness and neither lethal nor dangerous to anyone, caused by old myths and outdated fears of demons and faeries/changelins.
the character Toriel is not hinted at, coded, or canonically autistic. she is, though, canonically the mother of Chara, a character who i interpret as being autistic. Toriel is far from being the perfect mother, in fact she made huge mistakes that failed her child. however, she is able of wisdom and humility, and i believe that given the chance, she would learn to be an excellent parent to an autistic child, even with their trauma on top of that. that’s why i deem it best to illustrate my point with this caring goat monster.
i don’t know much about good parenting from a carer’s point of view, i’ll admit, because of personal trauma. i do have insights from the child’s position. but first, i’ll quote an helpful fellow, who i will be calling C :
“from experience, I can tell you that the worst thing you can do for you autistic children is to prioritize managing their behavior over raising them in an open minded and loving environment that addresses their needs.
like if you have a kid that moves around a lot to stim and you pull the "quiet hands" bullshit to try to get them to sit down instead of giving them other opportunities to let out energy and teaching them to manage their own movements, for example.
bad parents, they don't care about their kids, they only care about garnering sympathy for themselves because "OH IT'S SO HARD BEING THE PARENT OF A DIFFICULT CHILD”.
well that's some stuff about bad parents but a good parent of an autistic child, or any child for that matter, would be able to not only address their child's needs but also would care enough to make adjustments to themselves and the way they approach a child care if this is something they're totally new to.
though in this day and age, even parents who don't have any autistic family members don't have any right to not know autistic kids and people exist.
basically look at Autism Speaks and do NOTHING that they do.
support groups that only deal with supporting relatives of people with autism and not communicating with autistic people themselves are bad news.
stay far away from any counseling or pediatric resources that treat children showing traits typical of autism as showing "symptoms" or try to determine of kids are "at risk".
you can either help them grow into an environment where they're allowed to achieve their potential for independence and happiness.
or you can suppress them into submission and condition them to not be an inconvenience to you, which is unfortunately what a lot of parents try to do, whether out of malice or ignorance.”
i don’t have much to add, to be honest. i asked for advice and they made a point by point explanation that just did the whole job.
the keyword is also ACCEPTING. not just tolerating. no, fullout, entire acceptance. and never trying to “cure” your kid. because they’re okay, in that aspect. sure, they’ll have a difficult life in a world that doesn’t want to acknowledge them, but by trying to suppress their very nature, you’d just be playing by this world’s rules. that makes you an executioner, simply put, not a saviour or a protector.
reject all movements linked to autism moms. you are no mom or dad or pam of autism. you’re an allistic parent of an autistic child. you do not have a special parent status. you have allistic privilege over your child. use it wisely. 
or you’ll get a child like me: actually unable to function properly due to traumatic pushes for me to be all-time allistic passing, an indigo child, having learned self-destructive behaviours to take out the frustration on myself, an extremely bad self-esteem, and anger issues, and a fear and hatred of authority without explanations, and ultimately, a broken adult who loathes their parents more than anyone else in the fucking universe, and disowned them.
you don’t want that. and the only alternative to my outcome of anger because of allistic abusive parenting is a scared, hiding child, who is bound to be a dead child, by suicide, exhaustion or murdered for not being good enough. 
because only my anger saved me. taking the path of dehumanizing your offspring can only result in them destroying you, metaphorically, or destroying themselves. no in-between of miraculously not autistic anymore youth.
consider that. 
do not just support the autistic people that you can control to make yourself look good, do not think of us as little mindless things to direct according to your allistic narratives. value us all, respect us all and support us all.
companion pieces about autistic people: Papyrus, Chara, sans.
companion pieces about allistic allyship: Frisk, Grillby, Flowey.
Thanks you for your attention- Uidelsib E.N.
i invite you to course through my #actuallyautistic tag on my main, elitigre, for more insight on many things autistic.
my askbox on said blog is also open for you to ask some things on being autistic. do keep in mind i’d be answering on my free time, not as a job.
the character Toriel, from the video game Undertale (2015), belongs to Toby Fox.
this post is not invitation for debate on the autistic spectrum being an illness, harmful, or how Actually Autism Speaks Is Good And ABA Saves Lives.
all attempts to do so will be blocked. Go Read Instead.
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