#Full Speed Ahead is actually my favorute Troy Saga song
isp-annafer · 4 months
I love "Open Arms" from Epic the Musical. The main singer's voice sounds like he's smiling, WHICH I LOVE, and it always cheers me up. But also, like, it's so fucking funny.
So Polites is like, "This life is amazing! Greet the world with open arms! Show trust, and be trusted!" All that fun stuff. And then they meet the lotus eaters, and he goes, "Odysseus be nice." And Odysseus just. threatens them into giving him what they want (food). And I know a lot of people interpret Polites's next few lines as "See? Being nice worked!" But for me, I see it as "Okay, okay, okay. That's a little wrong, but you've kinda got it. Okay, okay. We can work with this!" Especially with the enthusiastic way it was sung. IDK man I just found it super funny.
Of course, they learn it's mind controlling lotus, so Polites tries it his own way (asking nicely), which is what he likely preferred Odysseus had done. And he got an answer! (Non mind controlling food!) Also jives with the softer way he sung, "This life is amazing when you greet it with open arms," in the next chorus. Because look! He did it gently! And so he repeats his message in a gentler tone.
Anyway, Im gonna relisten to it again because I love Polites's voice.
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