#Fusco flashbacks
themirokai · 2 years
POI 03x10: The Devil’s Share
I did think about stopping after the last episode but the stuff between Harold and Root was so good and I knew she had to come out of the cage at some point soon and I wanted to see that and I want to see Root and Shaw make something of that chemistry from earlier.
I’m glad I kept going because this episode was worth it. Here are some thoughts with some low-effort gifs and screenshots from IMDb.
The use of Johnny Cash’s “Hurt” was fantastic.
I loved the interaction between Harold and Fusco near the beginning. I think I liked that Harold is no longer talking down to Fusco.
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I think in an earlier post I asked if Shaw’s only medical qualification was being shot, and it’s great to find out that she was a resident!
Root coming out of the cage did not disappoint. The dynamic between her and Harold is fantastic. Two very talented actors playing off each other really well.
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(Side note: these were the only two relevant gifs I could find through tumblr’s gif search that were not flashing.)
John apparently gets bangs when he’s distressed.
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Of course all my Rinch sensors went *ping* with Harold talking John down from killing Quinn. Very good.
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Why are all the flashbacks so dark? Does everyone go to therapy/get told off by their bosses at night?
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Look the bullshit romance from the previous episode was almost entirely wiped out for me by the masterful way Fusco’s story line was done here. I really liked the set up that he had murdered a cop-killer in cold blood and then showing the flip to him not killing Simmons was perfect. Kevin Chapman’s delivery of that speech about how much Carter meant to him and how she changed him for the better was phenomenal. Perfect tribute to her character and her time on the show.
My one quibble was why did Fusco take Simmons to an NYPD precinct instead of the feds? Not important. Yay Fusco!
And then and THEN! ELIAS!!!!! Yesssss!!!!
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John could be talked down by Harold and a severe injury. Fusco was better than a killer because of Carter. But ELIAS sees himself as outside the bounds of civilized society and he liked Carter. His speech was so good. And perfectly delivered. Brilliant ending.
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byneddiedingo · 1 year
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Emmanuelle Riva and Eiji Okada in Hiroshima Mon Amour (Alain Resnais, 1959)
Cast: Emmanuelle Riva, Eiji Okada, Stella Dassas, Pierre Barbaud, Bernard Fresson. Screenplay: Marguerite Duras. Cinematography: Michio Takahashi, Sacha Vierny. Production design: Minoru Esaka, Mayo (Antoine Malliarakis), Petri, Lucilla Mussini. Film editing: Jasmine Chasney, Henri Colpi, Anne Sarraute. Music: Georges Delerue, Giovanni Fusco.
I remember the long dorm-room discussion after my friends and I saw this film for the first time, so I was surprised on returning to it after so many years how conventional the elements we talked about now seem. The extended use of documentary clips at the beginning of the film, with the voiceover by the lovers (Emmanuelle Riva and Eiji Okada) arguing about whether she had really seen anything in Hiroshima, seemed to us a bafflingly random way to start a movie. The jump cuts into and out of flashbacks confused us. What, we argued, did it signify that their entwined bodies, seemingly covered with ashes, then began to glow? (Today, I'm afraid some sarcastic voice will pipe up to say, "They've been glitter-bombed.") Why does she refer to her Japanese lover as "you" when she's actually talking about the German she loved during the war? Is the movie really about sleeping with the enemy? Doesn't it trivialize the horror of Hiroshima to bring it down to the level of the background for a love affair? Today, we'd regard those questions as naive, and I'm certain we wouldn't be confused by the film's structure, which is a way of saying that Resnais and his screenwriter, Marguerite Duras, really did help revolutionize movies. But if no one is startled by jump cuts or unconventional narrative devices today, there remains a raw immediacy about the film that no subsequent imitators have ever quite succeeded in equaling. Much credit also has to go to the score by Georges Delerue and Giovanni Fusco, and to the cinematography by Michio Takahashi and Sacha Vierny.
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luirlar · 3 years
Today I (re)watch: Person of Interest, 3.10
Today I (re)watch: Person of Interest, 3.10
The Crossing may have shattered your heart to pieces, and that’s unfair. Fortunately The Devil’s Share comes in strong, and dark, and ready to avenge my dearly departed queen of my heart. I have watched the whole show before, so SPOILERS MIGHT HAPPEN. Big spoilers will be blanked out but references and irrelevant spoilers are going to be out in the open. The show begins with a cold open, with a…
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aenslem · 4 years
So i finished s2 of poi and wow, i love it. Though, i get reese and finch had their own shit to deal with but they always call carter and fusco when they need their help, but when carter called them few times and also fusco called them they were always too busy for them. Also carter saving everyone's asses in the end 😂 and getting into trouble and not being detective anymore... but still being that good human being she is ❤ i love her.
root 😍😍😍 there was not enough of her and i hope there will be more in the next seasons, dont tell me im gonna watch myself 😁 she is awesome. Also amy acker's acting 👌👌👌 dont hurt this bitch i love her 😁
Now, to another good thing: shaw 😍 ooof this show just gives me hot fantastic ladies and im loving it. She is cool and badass and awesome and i love her and afsjagdshajavdba shaw and root first meeting 👀 well nOW i get it guys 😂
So, who is that hidden lady figure? Come on, i need more ladies 😁
Also zoe, i love her appearances in the show 💖 could be more often.
Ahhh yeah there were also john and harold and lionel somewhere 😂😂 im sorry but girls got all of my attention 🤷‍♀️ but what's new lol
gimme more shaw and root and carter and zoe and ladies in general. you know what? Let them team up and end me 😂
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use-the-cushion · 3 years
So all through 3.09 i was like when is it going to be carter's death - when is it-  and then it was in the end, when everything was over, Quinn was behind bars, HR almost taken down and- and-  it gut punched me. 
I was devastated. Tha machine losing its boxes for them was just-
and the montage of Harold standing stricken as the phone rings, while john  looks broken with joss in his arms is just one of the best scenes ever
Oh, and the next episode?. 
The devil's share 
oh my god - the beginning four minutes, with the music, john on a rampage, shaw on a rampage, the funeral, everything was so visceral and f-ing brutal, that was - so good? 
i rewatched a clip of it five times jdhfkjdshfkj and the rest of the episode - oh
John and Quinn - i- i just- when John spoke- that was so intense- and he's bleeding too - so mentally i'm like ‘John, please you're hurt,stop-’  And then Harold comes in and is so soft and oh my- the feels, i almost cried. That interaction between John and Harold is one of the best ever imo. 
And Fusco, his torture was physically painful, oh my, ouch. - Fusco weeping, and puffy eyed and his expression at the gunshot- i-
And with Shaw saving Lee, and dsfgksdgfjfjjhjk - and when shaw said she’s saved Lee so she can’t help Lionel - oh  
and when he literally suffocated his captor, i was like fusco yess. 
and his scene in 3.10 with simmons was THE BEST. oh my , that scene of him bringing Simmons into the police station - that look of grim pride on his face - oh you made carter proud Fusco skdhfkjsdhfksj 
And, i loved the insights the flashback scenes with the therapists gave us into the characters - the bit where Reese reveals the true nature of his therapist and himself, and Shaw being told to diagnose herself, and Finch asking about survivor’s guilt going away if it was his fault, and of course- Fusco’s comment that he slept like a baby - utterly brilliant.
I feel I loved ‘The Devil's Share’ because the main focus of that ep, is how Joss affected the lives of every single person who'd known her, for the better 
i didn't believe when that episode got over. i was like ????? that was fast and nope it was 40 minutes and i was like ow, wow.
‘The Devil’s Share’ is right up a god (mode) tier episode ( for the emotion and visceral rawness of it)
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st-just · 2 years
☕ PoI flashbacks: best uses, biggest misuse, if there were any they should have added
Best Use: Cheating answer: Shaw's whole backstory with med school and then becoming part of the government death squad (because I am just obsessed with her as a character)
Actual answer: Hmm- probably the whole bit with how Resse and Kara got burned? I remember that being very well done.
Or the whole episode where it's revealed that Reese isn't the first time Finch looked at a blood-soaked spook and went all 'I can fix him'. But that was mostly just, like, tragicomic.
Biggest Misuse: I forget when exactly it happened, but the late season episode where they went back and gave Fusco a sympathetic backstory about how he was never really bad and only got dragged into enabling the whole dirty cop thing, mostly against his will?
Like no, him being a complete piece of shit at the start of the show was important! That's the show! We already had the token didn't-need-a-redemption-arc character with Carter!
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faronnorth · 2 years
the devil’s share is absolutely one of the best episodes of poi
it does a masterful job showing the impact carter had on everyone around her and the different ways they deal with the grief they are left with. and the flashbacks?????? the insight you gain into each member of the team?????? root and bear bonding???????? HURT BY JOHNNY CASH PLAYING DURING THE OPENING????? FUSCO REDEMPTION?????? ELIAS GETTING THE LAST WORD??????
its soooooooooooooooo good
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whumpslist · 5 years
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Person of Interest’s whumps’ list
(referred to main characterJohn Reese, portrayed by Jim Caviezel)
Season 1
.01: attacked by several thugs and fought, fought, hand tied to the headboard of the bed and struggled, hand bloody and upset, dressed hand, attacked and knocked out, bruises on his face, hands tied, car accident, into a gunfight, bruised wrists.
.02: cut on his hand, dressed hand, manhandled, rough fight, thrown through a window, bruises on his face.
.03: into a bank robbery and under gunpoint, infiltrated into the gang, under gunfire.
.04: fought, knocked out, tied up to a chair, punched several times, fought again, bloody cut on his cheekbone.
.05: fought, shot and collapsed, flesh wound at his shoulder, dressed wound by himself, fought and panting, under gunfire twice.
.06: under gunfire, under gunpoint, captured and handcuffed to a chair, punched, fought twice.
.07: fought, hit in the gut and panting, under gunfire, fought, under gunpoint, hands tied, upset (plus Elias’ whump).
.08: under gunpoint, fought, knocked out and tied up to a chair, gagged and tortured, gun pointed at his head, saved at the very last second.
.09: worried, fought, pose as SWAT agents and into a gunfight.
.10: worried, under gunpoint, fought, under gunfire twice, fought, shot twice, much bleeding and panting and sweating, in need of help to walk, rescued.
.11: aftermath of the shooting, bleeding and sweating, semi-conscious on a gurney, treated on the field, on a wheelchair, restless, rough fight with crutches, walking using crutches.
.12: rough fight while still recovering from previous episodes, sore and heavily panting, dressed hand, fought again.
.13: rough fight and panting, fought, under gunfire, rough fight, bruised nuckles and area around his eyebrown.
.14: fought, into a gunfight.
.15: undercover, into a gunfight, fought, hit with a crowbar and knocked out, tied up to a chair and interrogated, bruised face, punched several times, coughing and slightly trembling in pain, hit in the gut with a crowbar,many grunting, shot and passed out, unconscious in a trunk of a burning car, coughing and barely escaped, heavily panting, bruised face, into a gunfight.
.16: briefly involved into a bar fight, almost killed into a staged car accident, fought, under gunfire, emotional moment.
.17: into a gunfight, under gunfire and fought, upset and angry, fought twice, manhandled and hooded, into a gunfight, under gunpoint, blackmailed, handcuffed into a refrigerated truck and locked into, bruised wrists, freezing and grimacing, upset (plus Szymanski’s and Finch’s whumps).
.18: attacked, fought and under gunpoint, under gunpoint again and fought (plus Harold’s whump).
.19: into a gunfight and shot in the vest, worried and angry, into a gunfight and fought.
.20: into a car accident, high-pitched ringing and semi-conscious, under gunfire, shot in the vest and collapsed to the ground, passed out, slowly recovering consciousness in the ER, removed the IV himself and slowly sit up, helped to walk, bruised rib and cut skin, upset and angry, large patch on his rear shoulder and slowly redressing himself, under gunpoint, fought, under gunpoint again, hands and feet tied, hit in the face twice, rescued, flashback from the past: shot point-blank, trembling in pain, blood on his hand and holding his torso.
.21: flashback from the past: bloody shirt and received upsetting news, very upset; argued with Finch and angry, under gunpoint, angry and fought, argued with Finch again and hung up on him, fought.
.22: rough fight, under heavy gunfire, targeted and into a car accident, unconscious on the wheel with a bruise on his forehead on a burning car, rough fight.
.23: into a gunfight, bloody wound on his forearm, treated himself on the field, chased by assassins and FBI, under heavy gunfire, saved at the last moment, upset.
Season 2
.01: upset and worried for Finch’s abduction, into a (gun)fight, manhandled and hit, under gunfire twice, chased, rough fight and almost defeated, wound at his temple (plus Finch’s and Fusco’s whump).
.02: still upset and worried for Finch’s abduction, still bruise on his temple from previous episode, into a bar fight, fought (plus Finch’s whump).
.03: worried for Finch’s possible PTSD, fought, into a bar fight and panting.
.04: manhandled, briefly fought, shot point-blank in the vest and collapsed on the ground, groaning, fought twice, into a gunfight.
.05: fought, under gunfire, under gunpoint, hands tied, repeatedly punched and bloody bruise on his cheek, fallen to the ground.
.06: fought.
.07: fought, under gunpoint, attacked and fought, fought, under gunpoint, fought again.
.08: handling a bomb, attacked and fought, fought again (plus Fusco’s minor whump).
.09: under heavy gunfire,fought against multiple opponents twice.
.10: fought, under gunfire, surrounded by FBI, arrested and handcuffed.
.11: still arrested and handcuffed from previous episode, locked into a cell.
.12: interrogated in prison and handcuffed, threatened, (in the past) punched and manhandled, beaten, bruised forehead, under gunpoint and handcuffed, into a car accident and bloody wound at his head, drugged and fallen unconscious.
.13: bruised forehead from previous episode, unconscious, wired with a bomb vest and repeatedly threatened, under gunfire, fought against Snow, under gunpoint, bomb armed, hit at his neck and fallen to the ground, bomb disarmed at the very last moment.
.14: under gunfire, fought.
.15: under gunfire, gun pointed at his head, manhandled, hit at his neck and fallen to the ground, rough fight.
.16: shot multiple times in the vest, under gunpoint.
.17: under gunpoint, fought twice, hit and knocked out, feet tied and dragged, fought.
.18: fought, under gunpoint, punched and knocked out, bruised cheekbone and tied up to a chair, under gunpoint, fought.
.19: under gunpoint, under gunfire twice, under gunpoint again.
.20: sad.
.21: under gunpoint, surrounded and arrested by police, under gunfire, upset, into a gunfight, fought.
.22: into multiple gunfights, worried, chased by police, into a car accident, under gunpoint.
Season 3
.01: into (a gunfight and) a car accident, hit at his back and fallen to the ground, wrist leveraged, under gunpoint, under heavy gunfire.
.02: under gunpoint, shot at his back and collapsed, protected by the vest, broken rib and sore.
.03: into a gunfight.
.04: none.
.05: fought, under gunfire, rough fight.
.06: attacked and fallen to the ground, wobbly, under gunfire.
.07: into a gunfight, brief fights.
.08: worried, into a gunfight, put a bounty on his head.
.09: put a bounty on his head from previous episode and hunted down by corrupt cops and gangs, (fought with thugs), under gunfire, showing an old scar on his shoulder, talking about the time he was thinking about committing suicide, surrounded, used himself as bait, shot at his shoulder, holding his arm, handcuffed and arrested, shot twice and fallen to the ground, bloody and crying in despair.
.10: seriously wounded from previous episode, unconscious on a bed with IV, mad with grief and on a revenge warpath, bloody and ghostly pale for life-threatening injuries, grunting in pain, fought, bloody shirt and hands, sweating, on the edge of tears, collapsed, exhausted and needing help to walk, unconscious on the backseat, unconscious on a bed with IV again.
.11: distraught and grieving, roughly puched to the ground, rough fight against Lionel.
.12: arrested in the previous episode and into a cell, laying asleep, bruised face and knuckles, distraught and dispirited.
.13: upset and angry, rough fight, stabbed with a fork, fought, upset, rough fights twice, bruise over his eyebrow, on the edge of tears.
.14: fought multiple opponents, manhandled, handcuffed, fought, thoughtful.
.15: (fought,) into a gunfight, defuse a bomb at the very last second.
.16: in the past, as CIA op: under gunpoint, fought, under gunfire.
.17: fought, angry, into a gunfight.
.18: fallen off a building through a window and onto a car’s rooftop, under gunpoint, fought.
.19: hit by explosion blast and roughly fallen againstwindshield, moaning, slapped in the face repeatedly, rough fight and panting, under heavy gunfire.
.20: fought twice, into a gunfight repeatedly, conflicted, under gunfire.
.21: fought, into a car accident, wobbly, into a gunfight and bloody wound on his forehead, fought, bruised eyebrow, worried.
.22: worried, under gunfire.
.23: worried, into a gunfight, under gunfire, into a gunfight (plus Finch’s whump).
Season 4
.01: under gunpoint, fought, roughly fallen from a running car, under gunpoint and fought, hit at his neck and knocked out, groaning in pain regaining consciousness, fought twice.
.02: fought twice.
.03: into a gunfight and fought.
.04: into a gunfight and under gunpoint, surrendered himself and kidnapped, under gunpoint.
.05: under gunpoint, under IA investigation, emotional distress.
.06: rough fight and grunting, under gunfire and into a gunfight, into a gunfight and shot in the arm, dressed wound on the field by himself and grunting in pain, into a furious gunfight, tackled down, arm in a sling.
.07: into a gunfight.
.08: hit with paintball during training, under gunfire, fought, into a gunfight.
.09: under gunpoint, hunted and under gunfire, under heavy gunfire, under gunpoint, into a gunfight (plus Anthony’s whumps).
.10: restless.
.11: under heavy gunfire, into a gunfight, under gunpoint in the first simulation; under heavy gunfire, into a gunfight shot several times and collapsed to the floor, bloody mouth and dying on the floor in the second simulation; under heavy gunfire, into a gunfight in the third simulation; into a furious gunfight, shot in the back and collapsed, grunting in pain, helped walking and settled to the floor (plus Finch’s whump).
.12: still injured from previous episode and bloody shirt, rough fight, helped walking and sitting into the car, asleep and pale.
.13: upset, almost shot.
.14: emotional distress, rough fight.
.15: fought twice.
.16: into a gunfight, hit at his back and on his knees, fought twice.
.17: conflicted, thoughtful.
.18: fought and panting, emotionally hurt, bruised cheek and eye, into a gunfight, hit at his neck and knocked out, unconscious on the ground and handcuffed, rough fight, handcuffed again, under gunfire and into a furious gunfight (plus Finch’s whump).
.19: fought, into a car accident and crawling outside, bloody forehead, under gunfire.
.20: emotional distress, shot in the back, collapsed and hissing ears, passed out, dragged outside, bloody and freezing to death, hallucinations, slowly crawling in the snow and panting,weak and pale, hypothermia symptoms and freezing to death, confused, painful memories and crying.
.21: still pale from previous episode injury, under gunpoint twice, captured and tied up to a chair, wound bleeding again through the shirt, pale and sweating, tortured with a screwdriverturned round into his wound (plus Elias’ and Fusco’s whumps).
.22: still tied and injured and bloody shirt from previous episode, fought, under heavy gunfire, into a furious gunfight twice (plus Elias’ and Fusco’s whumps).
Season 5
.01: blood dripping along his hand and blood on his shirt too, bruised face and blood on his collar, fought, chased and under gunfire, rough fight.
.02: hunted and into multiple gunfights.
.03: fought, upset, into a gunfight, under gunpoint, hit at his neck and knocked out, captured and hands tied, fought and into a car accident, bruised chin, sad.
.04: into a gunfight, shot and collapsed on the ground, heavy bleeding and moaning(into a virtual simulation).
.05: into a gunfight, attacked and knocked out, kidnapped, manhandled and pushed to the ground, under gunpoint and fought (plus Elias’ whumps).
.06: fought twice, under gunpoint.
.07: worried, fought, argued (plus Fusco’s whumps).
.08: fought and under gunpoint, brief fight, fought, upsetand argued (plus Fusco’s whumps).
.09: into a room with a bomb, into a gunfight twice, under gunpoint. bruised cheek (plus Fusco’s whumps).
.10: into a gunfight twice, sad, worried sick, upset (plus Elias’ whump).
.11: grieving, worried, under heavy gunfire, under gunpoint and on his knees, fought, under gunpoint again.
.12: into a gunfight, rough fight (plus Finch’s and Fusco’s whumps).
.13: under gunpoint twice, fought, surrounded and under gunpoint, arrested and handcuffed, under gunpoint and almost executed, into a gunfight, rough fight and cut at his forearm, upset and locked into a caveau, into a furious gunfight and shot multiple times, collapsed to the ground, grimacing in pain and bleeding, building hit by a missile strike, fate unknown but most likely dead (plus Finch’s and Fusco’s whumps).
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A Hard Place, by Wuchel1 [original]; All in a Day’s Work, by Lovejoypeas [ref. ep. 1.15 “Blue Code”]; Arrowed, by Arches67 [original]; Breaking Point, by Wuchel1 [original]; Contingency Plan, by McMoni [ref. ep. 1.10-11]; Evil Wears A Mask, by Wuchel1 [original]; In The End, by JennyLB [original]; Occupational Hazard, by McMoni [original]; Questionable Judgment, by RadioShack84 [ref. ep. 1.05 “Judgement”]; Stand-down, by RadioShack84 [ref. ep. 1.08 “Foe”]; Terra Incognita Continuatio, by Wuchel1 [ref. ep. 4.20 “Terra Incognita”]; The Season To Be Jolly, by McMoni [original]; Stitch Him Up, by Aragarna [ref. ep. 1.10-11]; Woe to the Vanquished, by Wuchel1 [original].
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missbrunettebarbie · 4 years
Person of Interest
Send me a show/fandom and ill answer - 
Top 5 favourite characters: Root, The Machine, Shaw, Carter and Reese (who would have thought)
Other characters you like: Collier, Fusco, Bear!!!, Leon Tao, Elias
Least favourite characters: hmm, Simmons and Greer? Not a fan of Control either bc she hurt Root
Otps: Root/Shaw/The Machine
Notps: eh, Shaw/Reese or maybe Reese/Root (mom thought they should be together from the 10 minutes she watched xDD)
Favourite friendships: Root and the Machine, all the inter-Team Machine friendships, Elias and Carter etc. They are great to watch.
Favourite family: hmmmm, Carter's family was somethibg I wanted to know more off? Also, Team Machine if they count
Favourite episodes: Aletheia, forever and ever. God Mode, Root Path, Baby Blues, Prisoner's dilemma, Root Cause, Relevance, season 1 finale, season 3 finale, the freaking pilot (in hindsight)
Favourite season/book/movie: season 3 gave me all the feels
Favourite quotes: Root's "We are just bad code" or The Machine's "I do not belong to anyone anymore. You however are mine." I got chills xD
Best musical moment: all their soundtrack is amazing, but the one at the end of s3 hit me where it hurt :)))
Moment that made you fangirl/boy the hardest: "Can. You. Hear. Me?" Enough said :DD
When it really disappointed you: let's not talk about Carter
Saddest moment: see above
Most well done character death: Simmons. Elias is very good to have around for this kind of thing.
Favourite guest star: ummm, the little girl that interacted with Shaw?
Favourite cast member: I do not know them, but Amy Acker's acting skills are off the chart
Character you wish was still alive: either Collier or Carter. Orn yk, both
One thing you hope really happens: that Finch apologizes to The Machine at some point. Baby girl deserves it.
Most shocking twist: Caroline Turing. Despite tumblr letting me meet the actress early, I still fell for it
When did you start watching/reading?: in June, iirc
Best animal/creature: Bear, best dog evah
Favourite location: hmm, the new headquarters (the subway station) are cool? Also, Carter's police station :(((
Trope you wish they would stop using: stop killing my faves!
One thing this show/book/film does better than others: it keeps me hooked, it has good AI themes, it has very likeable characters (not you, Finch) and dynamics
Funniest moments: Every time Fusco and John interact. Also, Baby Blues because I really liked to see Reese and Finch "parenting" a toddler
Couple you would like to see: Carter/Reese deserved better than one kiss
Actor/Actress you want to join the cast: ehh, maybe Tessa Thompson or Kristen Bell as a one off number?
Favourite outfit: Root wore a blue dress when meeting show in 4×01, iirc. All of Root's clothes, tbh.
Favourite item: The books The Machine uses to comunicate with Harold.
Do you own anything related to this show/book/film?: nope
What house/team/group/friendship group/family/race etc would you be in?: Team Machine, but preferably without the threat of Samaritean hovering over me
Most boring plotline: season 1 got boring at some point, but the finale was way too good
Most laughably bad moment: none
Best flashback/flashfoward if any: I enjoyed the flashback when The Machine was born. Collier's backstory is also up there.
Most layered character: Maybe I am biased, but I would say it comes between Finch and The Machine
Most one dimensional character: ehh, Simmons? Zoe could have gotten a bit more development, imao
Scariest moment: Collier's court was scary. Control holding Root hostage and making her death in one ear was scary and heartbreaking and rage inducing.
Grossest moment: none I can think of rn
Best looking male: Reese, lmfao. I love his smile
Best looking female: I am gonna say Root because she is tall and has an amzing smile, even better than John's (yes, yes I have pattern), but it is a close call
Who you’re crushing on (if any): eh, Root, but not really. Collier too a tiny bit
Favourite cast moment: no clue
Favourite transportation: the police cars in general xDDD
Most beautiful scene (scenery/shot wise): the scene where Finch and Reese meet in the pilot, maybe. All their rooftops scenes could go here too
Unanswered question/continuity issue/plot error that bugs you: none. I even got a bit lost wrt all the secret organisations
Best promo: ....I am watching rfter the show ended, I have not seen promos xDDD
At what point did you fall in love with this show/book: season 1's finale.
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ao3feed-reesefinch · 5 years
Running into Luck
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/3byvfLF
by spotlightonmringenue
“Grace. Lives in Italy,” John sighs, feeling his blinking interval decrease. “His second chance - one that he’ll only take if he thinks there’s not a life here. The Machine has to stay dead. I have to stay dead.”
He doesn’t think the words are convincing enough, Joey’s stare still confused and argumentative while remaining silent. The bleach-white color of the hospital room starts to warp and John manages to speak again.
“Because he would do the same for me.”
Or: A fix-it fic where Harold is kept in the dark about John's survival and has to figure out how to live without him.
Words: 2294, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Person of Interest (TV)
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: M/M
Characters: John Reese, Harold Finch, Sameen Shaw, Lionel Fusco, Grace Hendricks, Logan Pierce, Joseph "Joey" Durban, Harper Rose, Bear (Person of Interest), The Machine (Person of Interest), Zoe Morgan, Joss Carter, Minor Original Characters - Character, Han (Person of Interest)
Relationships: Harold Finch/John Reese, John Reese & Everyone, Harold Finch & Grace Hendricks, Bear (Person of Interest) & Everyone
Additional Tags: Post-Canon Fix-It, Post-Season/Series 05 Finale, Post-Return Zero, Alive John, Light Angst, Slow Burn, light fluff, John POV, Harold POV, Mutual Pining, Flashbacks
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/3byvfLF
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tabloidtoc · 5 years
Closer, March 23
Cover: Alan Alda -- still young at 84 and how he’s beating Parkinson’s Disease 
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Page 1: Contents 
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Page 2: The Big Picture -- Rat Pack pals Peter Lawford, Sammy Davis Jr., Dean Martin and Frank Sinatra on the set of Sergeants 3 in Kanab, Utah in 1961 
Page 4: Fran Drescher opens up about her regrets 
Page 5: James Lipton tribute
Page 6: Hellos & Goodbyes 
Page 8: Picture Perfect -- Today show co-hosts at Universal Studios Orlando 
Page 10: Good Morning America co-hosts announce the name of the San Diego Zoo’s newest baby hippo -- Amahle, Alan Cumming spends National Pig Day with Esther the Wonder Pig 
Page 13: Jane Seymour and granddaughter Willa, Jamie Foxx and Mickey Mouse, Jimmy Fallon 
Page 16: Natalie Wood -- her daughter reclaims her mother’s legacy by sharing heartfelt memories 
Page 18: Cover Story -- Alan Alda -- no reason to slow down -- the beloved star opens up about his 63-year marriage, triumph over Parkinson’s Disease and what he learned from a near-death experience 
Page 22: Loretta Lynn -- I’m still having a good time -- the country queen draws strength from the memories of her late pal Patsy Cline 
Page 24: Renee Zellweger -- how Judy changed my life -- she won Hollywood’s top honor for putting her heart into the role 
Page 29: Horoscopes -- Pisces Queen Latifah 
Page 30: Entertainment -- Reese Witherspoon on Little Fires Everywhere, Winona Ryder on The Plot Against America, In the Spotlight -- Octavia Spencer 
Page 32: Movies -- Jason Blum and Damon Lindelof on The Hunt, Shania Twain on I Still Believe
Page 33: DVDs, Books, Music -- Kelsea Ballerini on her album Kelsea 
Page 34: Television 
Page 36: Great Escape -- Beth Stern on Tulum, Mexico 
Page 40: 5 ways to keep healthy habits, Jennifer Aniston 
Page 42: Whatever Happened to the Cast of Alf -- Andrea Elson, Paul Fusco, Max Wright, Anne Schedeen, Benji Gregory 
Page 43: It Happened This Week 
Page 44: Jeffrey Wright -- I’m having a ball -- the award-winning star of Westworld and the new 007 film No Time to Die opens up on fatherhood, fame and fun 
Page 48: Doris Day -- a sentimental journey -- the beloved movie icon’s personal treasures are being sold to benefit her animal welfare charity 
Page 50: Shannen Doherty embracing every day -- the 90210 star who is battling stage 4 cancer keeps her spirits up with a little help from her friends 
Page 52: Judy Sheindlin moving on -- after more than 20 seasons on CBS Judge Judy looks to rule in a new courtroom 
Page 56: The style of Demi Moore 
Page 58: My Life in 10 Pictures -- Bruce Willis 
Page 60: Flashback
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themirokai · 3 years
POI 02x12: Prisoner’s Dilemma
Yay! We’re back on track with good episodes! I really liked this one. The Husband LOVED it, largely because he accurately predicted that Donnelly would have followed Carter or John post-release, and predicted that Donnelly had to die after that, and predicted that his number would come up. The Husband is very clever.
I can’t find a GIF of the 🥺 moment of Bear looking for John when Harold enters the library but you should check out @managerie76 ‘s art of this episode, it’s super cute.
5 things! Let’s go!
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GIF by @gifsontherun Original
2. John: That was my first triple homicide. I didn’t know I was supposed to prepare jokes.
It’s pretty well-established that John is a Walking Disaster of Trauma and Pain Beneath a Thin Mask of Implacability. And the flashbacks to his time with Kara just confirmed that.
But also? John’s voice when he tells Carter he just wants to go home [to Harold] and when he’s describing “Howard French”? 😭
3. My notes just say “ELIAS!!!!!”
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I agree with Elias that “The Man In The Suit” is a dumb name.
Also, he mentions that he doesn’t want to lose Harold as a chess partner. I would VERY much like to see more of their chess matches.
4. In re: my criticism of the use of Carter in the last episode. Is she obstructing a federal investigation here? Yeah, of course. But at that point there really is no other option, and no innocent people are getting hurt. We’re back to the Carter I know and love and boy did she deliver.
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First, being able to balance both Donnelly and Finch in her ear and keeping up the interrogation and not letting Donnelly know about Finch was incredible.
Second, I know Donnelly ultimately pointed to this moment as how he knew she had flipped, but I thought her reaction to John getting beat up in the yard was really effective.
And of course when she ultimately broke the last mercenary was fantastic!
5. Harold’s face when Carter tells him that he doesn’t have to bust John out.
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GIF by @ultrasweet Original
Side note: I guess I liked the Fusco bit. The Husband thought it was hilarious.
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Music notes: “Eminence Front” by The Who.
It was really deceptive, right? You’ve got that jingly synth (?) and the great guitar line and it’s just so smooth, and like yeah we got this, we’re cool! John’s free! The music is great! It’s all good!
And then Donnelly shows up and we are neither good nor cool!
That was a really clever way to lure the audience (like the characters) into a false sense of security. It didn’t work on The Husband as mentioned above, but it worked on me!
Also, thanks again to the Anon who suggested I pay attention to the music since I wouldn’t have gone back and listened to the song again and thought about this without the prompt!
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charliebeaumonts · 5 years
Help a Friend? || Flashback
Charlie was nervous. She hadn’t ever done anything like this before, and she wasn’t sure what Heli would think of her for wanting to. She was waiting for Heli to come hang out with her like normal, but Charlie had a little bit of an ulterior motive in mind. She wanted to try weed. And she wanted Heli to help her find out where to get it. 
You might wonder what would drive sweet, innocent Charlie to seek out something like this. But the truth was that she was just bored out of her tree. She was sick of staying at home and reading her books and never seeing anyone except for the Fusco twins. She loved them, completely. But they had lives, and she did not. So she was left to her own devices more often than not. Charlie had heard (and read in her books) that weed was a good way to kill time, but also to forget about your problems. And she definitely wanted the forgetting part. For sure. 
So to Heli she went. The person in her life who seemed to know more about the more... teenage(?) aspects of life than most people Charlie knew. She was definitely very knowledgeable about the sex aspect, but Charlie wasn’t quite interested in that whole world just yet. 
Charlie sat in the center of her bed, scrolling through instagram photos of people she never spoke to for the millionth time that day, waiting for Heli to show up. She was kinda comfy, so she decided to text her. Door’s unlocked, I’m in my room. Her parents and Finn were out, so there was nobody here to tell her how rude that was. She knew Heli wouldn’t mind. 
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luirlar · 8 years
Woah, we are so close to the double-feature season 2 finale. Can y’all believe?! And it’s gonna hurt soooo good.
‘In Extremis’ has some very good, some very weird, and some very stressful. A lot of ups and downs, we’ll see how the review goes. On the one hand, we get a very Fusco-centric episode which I had been waiting for since the dawn of time. That was amazing, and stressful but in a good way, and gave way for great character development for Carter too, and for their friendship. On the other hand, the number of the week is not likeable enough to carry his own plot successfully, in my opinion. And on yet another, third alien hand, Reese and especially Finch act kind of out of character. Or really out of character, depending on who you ask.
CW brief emotional abuse
I have watched the whole show before, so SPOILERS MIGHT HAPPEN. Big spoilers will be blanked out but references and irrelevant spoilers are going to be out in the open.
[2011] Remember when Fusco had to bury a really good friend of his in the Pilot? Probably not, because back then Lionel was a dirty cop we didn’t give a shit about. But we open on a flashback to when John killed Detective Stills and gets Fusco to go bury him. We see Fusco clearly overwhelmed and crying on Still’s corpse.  I know he fucked up a lot, and his friend was a manipulative asshole, but still, Lionel cared about him, and burying friends doesn’t sound pleasant. 
Alonzo Quinn is having the fucking nerve to speak at Beecher’s funeral, quoting Plato and pretending to be hurt and surprised at the “injustice”. Fusco goes after Simmons and threatens him, which is cute. I say “cute” because, as much as I love him, what is Fusco gonna do against HR, when HR has all the power? Piss them off is what he does. And so they tip off Internal Affairs about his involvement in Stills’ disappearance.
Poor Fusco, he didn’t even kill Stills. And poor Carter, first her friend gets shot by HR, then her cutiepie boyfriend also gets shot by HR, and now her cop partner is being investigated in relation to HR. And then Finch needs a favor. But Carter says NOT TODAY, SATAN, and I love it! Finch always asks for things, and Carter obliges, but now she needs a favor, and has no time for that irrelevant (geddit?) doctor. She wants in on the phone cloning thing. Yessss Carter, do your thing.
As the IAB (Internal Affairs) guy continues to interrogate Fusco about his “adventures” with Stills, we get flashbacks throughout the episode. [2004] Fusco is at a bar, drunk off his mind. His wife just told him to fuck off forever. Life’s not going well. Stills comes in, offers him to stay with him and his family, drives him to safety. “What are friends for?” he says. 
The number in this episode is Richard Nelson, a big shot heart surgeon who gets poisoned before Harry and John get his number, and now he has 24 hours to help solve his own murder. This is a fun trope that got wasted on a very dull character, in my opinion. His daughter doesn’t get along with him? I don’t care. He divulged private information to the wrong people? I don’t care. He is dying ASAP in front of John? I don’t care. There is something about his relationship with his daughter that feels true for my relationship with my dad, so it touched my heart a little bit, but not enough.
[2004] Stills manipulates Fusco into covering up for murder like it’s a one time thing, a mistake, a favor for a friend. The way Stills talks to Fusco is extremely manipulative and emotionally abusive. I hate him a lot.
The doctor and John track down the trader who made money off the doctor’s accidental tip. John knocks him out and cuffs him to the backseat with the doc.
Now here is when shit starts to feel a tiny bit out of character. John drives while the doctor interrogates the trader with a gun aimed at his crotch, which he fires at the seat every time the trader doesn’t answer. Now, I can sort of buy that John feels okay handing a doctor a gun because the doctor would not shoot to kill. I wouldn’t bet on my spy(dey) senses tingling (geddit?) so hard, but maybe I buy it. But I wouldn’t bet a collateral’s life on a dying, trembling, angry man aiming correctly, even if he doesn’t mean to harm. So that feels weird.
[2005] Fusco gets dragged into another drug stint that’s going terribly, and tells Stills that he is done helping him. Stills snaps back that it’s too late for that. And then an armed guy comes in out of nowhere, and as a reaction, Fusco shoots and kills him.  Stills: See? I knew you were solid. *Slips money in his pocket* Welcome to the crew, Lionel. And honestly, the score for this show is impeccable as always. You can feel Lionel’s descent into a darkness that he did not choose or saw the full extent of, a deep darkness he was always just aware enough of for it to eat him alive, but not enough to get out of. Eventually my guess is he just shut it down. Which doesn’t excuse it, but man, I still feel sad for him. 
IAB is closing in on Fusco with evidence, with a possible location for Stills’ body. They are dragging up all these things that Fusco did, and Carter is listening in with the phone cloning thing Harold let her use.
She confronts Lionel about what she’s heard, about what he’s done. Lionel confesses that while he didn’t kill Stills, he deserves to be busted for all the other shit he’s done. Kevin Chapman fucking wins in this episode, looking genuinely mortified, like he’s shut those feelings down but now they’re coming back up. First he stole, then he covered for murder, then he did some bumping off himself. Carter is very distraught and disturbed, so she asks him to stop, and he does. Will she help him, even though she now knows he murdered people? Does she trust that he’s changed enough? I need my cinnamon rolls to trust each other unconditionally, but that kind of trust is very rare on this show.
And now for more shady/out of character moments: at some point in their revenge expedition, the doctor looks like he is about to expire. What does John do? He gets him out of the car in the snowy middle of the road, injects him with what I’m guessing is adrenaline, and tells him he can’t die because their mission isn’t finished. Why is John doing this? He can’t know the doctor well enough to know that’s what he would want to do. Is it because they weren’t on time (probably because the Machine keeps glitching and being late) and he has Feelings about that? That’s a shitty selfish reason, so I hope that’s not it. The doc could be spending his last day with his daughter, or having a few drinks with friends, or something. But John has been pushing the doctor to seek revenge in a way that feels cruel, unnecessary and more about him than about the number. Blergh.
We knew the ending from the get-go, but obviously the doctor dies. But not before poisoning the guy who killed him first. And again I have to ask, who is this John Reese that’s okay with justice via killing? Where is Harold ‘pretentious moral high ground’ Finch? I know John can go very dark places and I personally don’t care they killed the bad guy, but this is weird for them. Anyway, I’ll leave that storyline with this angel-of-death type scene that John has with the doctor, like the Machine has with so many people in season 5.
Later that day, Carter calls John to ask what he’s doing about Fusco’s situation. John replies that he is working, and that he can’t decide for Joss what to do. Yea ok, John, but a tiny bit of concern in your voice would help me believe your body hasn’t been hijacked by heartless aliens. Like, I get the sense from how he sasses out to Carter – sarcastically saying that things are usually very black and white in her book, etc – that he “knows” she’ll make the “right choice”, but he keeps betting on his *knowing* things he doesn’t actually know, and betting big. Fusco is not only a great asset, but a friend who has proven he’s not only willing but capable of changing. Why is John being a dick, then?
IAB takes Fusco out to Oyster Bay, where he buried Stills after John killed him. Fusco looks understandably ready for doom, and is dousing his own brain in self-loathing.  Everything is so close to Fusco’s ass he can probably feel it burning.
And Finch! Where is Finch this entire episode? He isn’t researching anything anymore, he’s not talking John out of his selfish ridiculous revenge crusade with the doctor, and he’s not helping Fusco, as far as anyone can tell. This is very out of character, and very ugly.
The IAB looks into some loose soil where a body used to be, but there is no body. Somebody moved it, and Fusco (and Simmons! Mwahaha!) looks as surprised as everybody else.
Fusco is off the hook for now, and sees Joss at the precinct. She says they can catch up later, since she’s had a long day. What about this day has consumed her so? Well…
She was the one to move the body! And it was the right thing to do, for her, so don’t even try to fight me, this was a natural escalation in her character development. She was supposed to move the body (hey-ohh! shout out to Buffy fans!). The weight of the world, sitting tight but heavy in the shoulders of a black woman. If this is not A Moment, I don’t know what is.
After all that excitement and distress, and I’m not even done yet. As you may have noticed, the Machine has been giving them numbers (Szymanski, Beecher, the doctor) too late, and the blue screens of death have been escalating in frequency. What does it all mean? Well, we’re about to find out, ’cause the Machine seems to be having a harder time than usual right now. Just look at this mess:
Shutting down?? My baby?? WHYYYYYY??
Don’t worry, we find out why in a bit. And by a bit I mean in the next episode or two.
Today I (re)watch: Person of Interest, 2.20 Woah, we are so close to the double-feature season 2 finale. Can y'all believe?! And it's gonna hurt soooo good.
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emilywendland · 5 years
“Dear White People “- Entry #1
          The Netflix television series, “Dear White People”, written and directed by Justin Simien and aired on April 28, 2017. The Netflix TV show is a comedy-drama series that follows four African-American students at Winchester College, an Ivy League school while discussing the persistent, seething challenges with casual racism - and a whole lot of prestige. The show is broken down into 30-minute episodes that follow along the main characters. Dear White People has gained controversy over the past couple of years, mainly by white viewers saying that the show is offensive to white people because the episodes are visual representations of the difficulties African-American students face at a predominantly white campus with institutional racism. (IMDb)
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        ��From what I have seen, I think this show relates to our course material by putting into action what authors, like Peggy McIntosh and Richard Dyer, were saying would be a way to put a stop to white power by making white people feel uncomfortable, like many of the show’s reviews have shown. The show saw mixed reviews, but some of the best reviews came from white viewers as well. I think back to what McIntosh said about how some white people are oblivious to their privilege or now angry because tables have turned. The director knows the script is triggering as he uses purposeful language and modern-day issues to get a reaction from his viewers, whether that be good or bad. Some white viewers expressed that they wanted to boycott Netflix as a reaction to the Netflix Original because they felt attacked. Whether this is the case of being closed-minded or because one behaves in the way the white characters are acting and feel targeted, I thought the show was a brilliant way of bringing real life issues that fellow Americans face to the viewers and get people to think about what they are doing or saying to others in regards to race and understand the lives impacted by racist words and actions on a very large streaming site. (Dyer and McIntosh)
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         Without spoiling too much of the show for people who may want to watch it, the first episode entails the first racial issue we see the students face. A campus magazine group, Pastiche, hosts a “Dear Black People” party, where the non-black students painted their faces to resemble African-Americans, either a celebrity or random person. The term ‘blackface’ originated during the 19th century and this contributed to other racial stereotypes as well. Now in the 21st century this term is offensive and disrespectful. The main character, Samantha, who created the “Dear White People” show on the campus radio station, filmed the party that was mocking her show. The white students in ‘blackface’ were confronted with their fellow black classmates and thereon, tension was clearly there and so was the racial separation between the students. 
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      Meanwhile, Sam starts dating Gabe, a white student at the school, and her fellow black students/friends start losing faith in her awareness and her radio show gets replaced. This makes Sam question herself and her relationship. She feels like she has to choose him or her black culture and community, which we have discussed throughout the semester and the feeling of ‘otherness’. (Simien)
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         Furthermore, the show also illustrates the systemic racism still faced today by showing the violence one of the black student’s experience while they are on campus. The campus police did not think he was a student at the Ivy League school because he didn’t “fit in”, and when the student refused to show campus ID he was held at gunpoint until a white student came to vouch for him. This leaves the student ashamed and anxious to go to classes or do things on/off campus because he suffered from flashbacks from the traumatic experience. (Simien)
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         The continuous racism seen across the United States today is something that has grown from our documented history. The changes across the decades have continued to brew unwarranted racism in communities throughout America. The impact it has on people of color (POC) is prevalent every day and everywhere and the anxieties it brings them. We saw the violence targeted at POC in the readings of Emmett Till. The history of police brutality is an unresolved problem even after 52 years. After laws have changed and times have progressed, POC are still struggling after years of generations have passed. The demographics of communities are obviously another major component, and it is clearly seen that the black population at Winchester isn’t the majority. With that, the list of horrors that depict the daily lives of African-Americans doesn’t end there. Watch for more!
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Literature Cited:
“Dear White People.” IMDb, IMDb.com, 28 Apr. 2017,  www.imdb.com/title/tt5707802/.
Dyer, Richard. “On the Matter of Whiteness.” Only Skin Deep: Changing Visions of the American Self, by Coco Fusco, Abrams, 2003, pp. 301–311.
McIntosh, Peggy. “White Privilege: Unpacking the Invisible Knapsack.” Peace and Freedom, 1989, pp. 10–12.
Simien, Justin. Dear White People, Season 1-3, www.netflix.com/title/80095698.
Photos were sourced by Netflix and IMBd
Twitter messages found on: 
Wright, Minnie. “Netflix Face Backlash over 'Racist' Dear White People Trailer as People Threaten BOYCOTT.” Express.co.uk, Express.co.uk, 12 Feb. 2017, www.express.co.uk/showbiz/tv-radio/766085/Netflix-backlash-racist-Dear-White-People-trailer-boycott.
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ao3feed-shoot · 5 years
Business Partners
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2zHdYz8
by RavenWhitecastle
"So, you and Glasses, huh?" "For the love of god... get a room." "I bet the reunion sex was incredible."
A brief timeline of John and Harold's "courtship," and Team Machine's reaction to it.
Words: 721, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Series: Part 30 of The Sinner and the Saint
Fandoms: Person of Interest (TV)
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: F/F, M/M
Characters: Harold Finch, John Reese, Root | Samantha Groves, Sameen Shaw, Lionel Fusco
Relationships: Harold Finch/John Reese, Root | Samantha Groves/Sameen Shaw
Additional Tags: Flashbacks, Some Plot, Timelines, Fluff, Short, Short & Sweet, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Not Canon Compliant, Alternate Canon
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2zHdYz8
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