notfocks · 1 year
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just two best friends who kiss
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dhampiravidi · 9 months
🎉❤️ (For Hestia~)
"Alright, Rem, let's do this. We're five minutes away," Hestia said, coming over to stand with her husband and wife. Renée saw them and sighed loudly, knowing exactly what they were up to--but she went back to her conversation with her friends. Remy just grinned.
"Ain' none betta den fightin' for ma chere," he replied.
"Mm, Annie's my chere too, mon cœur [sweetheart]. Two out of three, like always," Hestia huffed, though there wasn't any anger in her words. Anna simply stood there, looking gorgeous in the silver dress she'd picked for the evening.
"Three!" Remy chose scissors, putting two fingers out. Hestia had chosen paper. "Dammit." Her rival cheekily "snipped" at her hand, a suggestive look in his fiery eyes. "Yeah, yeah. Let's go." He just chuckled. "One--"
"Three!" He chose scissors again, and Hestia gently smacked his two fingers with her fist, winning with rock. "We're even."
"Look like it. Un!"
"Trois--" Remy purposely waited until Hestia had already chosen paper, then chose rock and tapped her hand. "I win. Sorry, girl."
"Remy! Paper beats rock!" He raised an eyebrow, innocent.
"Den why we got paperweights?"
"Rem, each thing beats another thing--tell him, Anna!" Anna Marie bit her lip to keep from laughing. She grabbed Remy's balled-up hand in her own and gently squeezed.
"Think Ah can beat yer rock, Cajun?" He blinked.
"Point taken," he said, though he knew she'd never hurt him. "Fine. Since I happen t'be such a high-class gentleman...Hestia, you got de honor."
"Thanks so much." And with that, Hestia waited until it was exactly 11:59, one minute before midnight, then snogged the hell out of her wife, hand in her hair. Renée called for it to stop, and they did, chuckling. "Happy New Year, guys. I love you."
"Love ya, even if you cheat--" Hestia leaned in close, and he leaned down to make up for their height difference.
"You're being a brat on purpose, aren't you?" He grinned.
"Gotta ring in de new year some kinda way," Remy purred, very much looking forward to the part where he and his wives snuck off to celebrate on their own. He'd worn his sparkly briefs for the occasion, not that they knew (yet). Hestia just sighed. "Ah, my turn," he said, at 12:01. He placed a gentle kiss on Anna's neck, only for her to dip him and kiss him firmly. "...neva' a dull momen' wit you two."
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(I know this gif doesn't fit the ficlet, but WAHOO)
in case this is complete trash: ok so they basically "fight to the death" for the honor to kiss 1 lucky member of the OT3, who happens to be Anna Marie this year. so they play rock-paper-scissors because it's fast, not deadly, without playing cards & Remy likes that some people named it after a French dude (Rochambeau, lol). winner gets a kiss 1 minute BEFORE midnight, while the other gets the kiss 1 minute AFTER.
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ninjautizm · 3 months
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x3n0-is-loading · 2 months
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render practice :3
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pineappical · 1 year
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would calling this something like "the sun to his earth" be a little bit too cliche? maybe...
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mushtoons · 6 months
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fuck it (/silly) posting the girlies I drew as a gift for @/geodenes here cuz....girls 🥺💖
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splatattackz · 9 months
a little bit of a ramon character analysis in all of this;
(from someone whos watched him basically since the start of the egg event)
let me preface this by saying BOTH sunny and ramon are very valid in how they feel right now, i just want to go through and explain how things are from ramons point of view.
lets start off. imagine youre a kid. its just you and your dad, because your other dad left you before you had really begun to speak. you're a kid, and youve never really gotten to have a childhood. from a mix of one of your dads leaving (and how he treated you before he left), to feeling isolated from every other egg (besides a few, a little), to feeling like you have to protect and save everyone else - youve never gotten to be a kid. you still remember that day, when the party exploded, and you were hailed a hero for saving all your siblings. you hadn't felt like a hero, you were scared you were going to die before you had done anything you deemed useful. the worlds loneliest hero. you are only 3 months old at this point. youve died already and live life on one life, a life that threatens to slip away every. single day. youve watched siblings die. youve watched worry swamp your dad, and youve heard his greatest secret. you are only a kid. this is not a childhood. youve never even had a sleepover.
and then enters the picture 3 new siblings. and you love them. you realize, youre now a big brother. and you take that with pride. you care for them. you protect them. youre trying to protect them from your own fate, of not having a childhood. and bad things happen. and you fail. and you fail. and you fail. and youre sorry, and it adds to emotional stress thats been building up for months with no escape hatch in sight.
and then something amazing happens! youve helped your dad find someone to love. you have a pai now. now neither you nor your dad are truly alone, you cant be. you feel amazing. you feel like you can be a kid now, your biggest worry gone. you feel like youve finally done something useful. you can be a kid now. ... except, you can't. not really. because one of the people you considered a big brother, alongside your little sister, are trying to ruin what youve accomplished. theyre trying to destroy your happiness, you think. everything youve worked for - theyre trying to make a rift between your dad and your pai. and your angry. so unbelievably angry. and you shouldn't be angry at your little sister, you know this. you shouldnt feel salty. your dad explained you cant be mad at the child for the parents' actions. but you cant find yourself to stop this anger. the emotional stress that has been building is breaking and being let out at someone you dont want to be mad at. but you cant bring yourself to face her and talk to them. you just want to be happy why cant they see that? why cant her dad see that?
you are finally being happy, you have such a big family now, and theyre trying to ruin it - and turn you and them both are beginning to lose family (eachother) but you cant help it. youre just a kid! youre just a kid seeing 2 peoole you love try to break up your dad and your pai! how are you supposed to feel? youre done being the grown up. after all these months you get to finally be a kid in a proper family. you just want to be a kid. why cant they let you be a kid?
tl;dr; ramons just a kid whos never gotten to be a kid and when he finally does get to be one he sees two of the people he loves the most try and ruin that. how can he NOT be salty and angry? he just wants to be a kid, is it too much to ask?
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meenawashere · 6 months
Mk1 nightwolf this, Mk1 fujin that-
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Are they a doomed ship? Ehhh not technically, but if I'm feeling angsty enough they are.
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comvi · 1 month
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g;leep glop (ZARPLINGS BELONG TO @razzle5tazzle !!!!)
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niightfiend · 5 months
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Colored version of my recent Midas x Montague fanart, this time with my wife @snakegills beautiful coloring!
It’s for her fic titled “Ghosts That Don’t Know They are Dead” on AO3, check it out!
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enden-k · 8 months
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ROBIN AND SUNDAY !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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squishlamb · 2 years
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twin puffs for gus tho cuz i can ✨
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princesskealie · 4 months
taking my mom to the doctor again tomorrow~ please send any good vibes/prayers/thoughts her way that all goes smoothly! 🙏🙏
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tokogung19 · 1 year
Y'all ocs are so freaking cool I wantta collab with 'em sm!!2₫:7jwjeuxijwiwiw
But lemme finish all my ocs design first gah it will take me very very long time,, anyway here are 6/16 first! I will post the others as soon as I finish 'em :]
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22194isbestboy · 10 months
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crowvainn · 5 days
im binge listening to ajr again. the hyperfixations coming back guys
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