sasukimimochi · 2 years
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The second jade approached the bubbling immortal quietly, waiting until he was close before speaking. “Wei Ying.” He greeted.
“Lan Zhan.” Wei Wuxian mimicked, bringing his arms back in front of himself and shoving an entire armful of flowers into the man's chest.
The jade angel stumbled, staring with wide eyes at the colors filling his arms and spilling over his sleeves. “Wei Ying, what’s all this for?” He could feel his heart thrumming wildly from the gesture, but on the outside he still looked the same as always. The small change in the other’s expression had been enough for Wei Wuxian however, who beamed.
IMBSB has officially went live, and the first chapter is available on Ao3! I hope you guys like it so far!! ❤✨
“In My Blood, Stardust Blooms” / IMBSB - Rated Mature* *(Rating may change depending on if I don't add anything explicit).
IMBSB is a short project that not unlike COI is about the afterlife, but centered on angels pretty exclusively this time [while COI is mostly centered in hell]. It delves into the mysteries of the forbidden land of Yiling and loss, and of course a particular couple of angel’s love for each other.
You can find the first post on Reddit here and Tumblr here!
Previous Artwork or segments / previews!
-Wen Ning first concept drawing [WIP]
-A gift for the second jade of Gusu [you're here].
-IMBSB preview 3 [contains all previews & snips] -preview 1 -preview 2
IMBSB music playlist. My favorite IMBSB song is this one: "Galaxies" by Amarante.
Find more MDZS art/projects on my masterpost! ❤
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lostcybertronian · 5 years
28/29 with marvin and chase? I love trick shot so much lmao
Trigger warnings for blood and violence
Commission Me
Tags: @authorsathenaeum @tiny-yan-an @darkstache-iplier @redraspberrycats @holyshitsnakesandspace @cookieface678 @bing-iplier @storm337 @sketchy-scribs-n-doods @pixelenchanter @itsjustkyss @darkiplurrr @demonnightmareangel @moonysmayhem
Prompt 28/29: “You’re being dramatic.” / “Carry me.”
    “Hurry, Marv! The app says he’s not far from here!”
    Marvin’s breath was ragged in his throat and his muscles burned, but still he pushed himself to run faster. Because he could hear Jackie’s urgency, even from the ground. Could feel it himself, the panic and fear, the dread and anticipation of what state Chase might be in when they found him.
    He glanced up, caught a glimpse of red as Jackie jumped from the roof of one building to another, caught the glowing square of his phone screen, a beacon of light in the night sky, and hoped that the hero knew what he was doing. What if he was tracking a completely different phone?
    A few more blocks passed before it became clear that Jackie was tracking the right phone; they found it lying face-up on the ground in front of a seedy-looking gas station, a dozen different messages flickering across its cracked screen.
    Marvin bent to pick it up. “You think he’s nearby?”
    “I’d count on it.” Jackie tucked his own phone into one of the many pockets in his superhero suit. Then, he cracked his knuckles. “I’ll check the back, you check inside.”
    Marvin nodded and watched him walk away, his heart thudding hard against his ribs.  Please let Chase be okay.
    A bell rang as Marvin cracked open the door, and he froze, listening to the cheerful notes echo around the silent space and waiting, waiting, waiting for something to happen.
    When nothing did, he ventured further in, easing the door shut behind him. 
    A simple snap of his fingers brought a green flame to life, and it wavered and jumped in his hand as he prowled the shelves, past expired munchies and rotten displays of fruit. The floor was scuffed and filthy beneath his feet. 
    “Chase?” He whispered, glancing around, searching for any hint of gray snapback. “Where are you?”
    “Marv!” Jackie’s voice came suddenly, and Marvin jerked up, his head popping over the top of the shelf. “Get out here!”
    “I’m coming!” Marvin lunged for the fire exit at the back of the store, ignoring the shriek of the alarms when he yanked it open. “Did you find-”
    “I found him.” Jackie was kneeling next to a dumpster piled high with trash, prodding at something lying against it. It took Marvin a moment to register that it was a body.
    It took him another to realize that that body was Chase.
    “Chase!” He shouldered Jackie aside, dropping to his knees. The ground was damp with who-knew-what, and would surely ruin his pants, but he didn’t care. Couldn’t care about anything besides the man in front of him. “Is he alive?”
    “Barely.” Jackie had removed Chase’s shirt, revealing pale skin mottled with lumpy, blue-black bruising. Even worse, there was a small, dark hole in his abdomen. It oozed thick blood. As he spoke, Jackie tore a strip off the shirt to bind the wound. “He’s hurt real bad.”
    “Here.” Marvin set his flame to hover in the air and light their work, then drawing a small shape in the air and speaking a few muttered words. The wound began to knit itself together, closing before their very eyes. “That should hold until we get back. Schneep’ll have to reopen it to get the bullet out.”
    “Guys?” Chase’s eyelids fluttered and he shifted, giving a soft cough. Then, his eyes opened. “Marv?”
    “Jackie’s here too,” Marvin said, relief rushing through him. “We’ve come to get you out of here.”
    “I-” He coughed again, and flecks of blood bubbled at his lips. “They-”
Marvin and Jackie exchanged a glance. “Don’t worry about what happened now,” Marvin hushed him gently, taking one of his hands and holding it up to cup his face. “It’s over. Do you think you can walk?”
It was a stupid question. Marvin realized this as Chase shook his head faintly no, wincing at even that small movement.
“It’s no big deal,” Jackie interjected, before Chase could try to speak again. “We’ll carry you.”
“I will.” Marvin shifted, sliding one arm under Chase’s knees, the other around his back. Then, he stood, cradling the ego to his chest. “Jackie’ll watch our backs.”
“Right.” Jackie confirmed, straightening. He forced a smile. “We’ll getcha back in no time.”
There was fear in his voice, echoing Marvin’s own; whoever had done this to Chase could still be around. Watching. Waiting to strike again.
Steely resolve washed through him. They wouldn’t get the chance. They wouldn’t get near Chase again. Ever.
“Now’s the part …” Chase’s chest shuddered, and his cracked lips stretched into something resembling a smile. “Now’s the part where you say … ‘you’re bein’ dramatic, Chase,’ and drop me.”
Marvin laughed quietly. They’d set off toward home, Jackie having taken to the rooftops again for a better vantage point while Marvin stuck to the streets. Every sense was on edge as he scanned their surroundings. 
“Schneep will fix you up,” he said. “You’ll be okay.”
Chase’s smile faltered. Maybe he detected Marvin’s worry, maybe it was his own fear.
Still, he replied, “I believe that,” and settled into Marvin’s arms, a grimace crossing his features before he seemed to relax, his eyes closing as he once more passed out.
    Marvin walked on, his little green light following his every step.
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saamerz · 8 years
Pretty stoned to be honest Dying from starvation because people keep reblogging food 😫
Getcha some food! Cure those munchies
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