pinkiepiebones · 3 years
Anyway here’s another post about Papa Emeritus IV being in Iron Maiden’s mobile game and the extremely important implications of Papa IV’s future costuming
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(this screencap is from yesterday pls don’t judge my team’s levels orz)
I was looking to give Papa some talismans to boost his already absurd strength in battles when I noticed his sleeves there.
As we’re all aware, Tender Father apparently personally OK’d the design for Papa in this game. The chasuble is the one we all know now, the mitre is fancy, the thurible (thing he‘s holding that’s billowing incense) is the one we‘ve seen designs for on shirts already, the one with the maul/morning star vibes, yeah?
So back to the sleeves. Under the chasuble, the Papas have worn albs (simple, dress-like garments). From how the fabric seems to land at Papa’s model’s ankles as he has his arms raised, I think it’s safe to assume that he too will be wearing an alb under his chasuble.
”Zombie,” you say, “get to the fucking point already.”
Okay, I say.
Notice the colour. Not blue, not gold. A red??? CARDINAL red, or, perhaps, rose?? You know, rose? The next colour in the Catholic liturgical cycle? Papa I was red. Papa II was green. Papa III was purple. Papa IV SHOULD be rose. I’ve written extensively about the significance of Papa IV’s blue and the symbolism of it already but that little bit of rosy red has me thinking that Papa IV’s blue chasuble is is coronation chasuble, and that we will see him in another, properly coloured one at some point. After all, the mitre he’s wearing with this blue chasuble is most likely a pretiosa mitre- a decked-out mitre worn only for coronations.
IN SUMMARY: Iron Maiden may have accidentally revealed that Papa IV’s blue is basically promotion material and he may very well get rose-coloured clothing later on.
Also in his little character profile picture he totally has his moustache again (RIP sideburns though)
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