iknowicanbutwhy · 1 year
12 hour shifts should be illegal. Holy hell.
#venting. Feel free to scroll past#so tired of being stuck in a hole of a town#you try to look for a job and it's like hey! your options are: 10 jobs where there's never enough people working and you have to do#5 tasks at once or 3 jobs where you slave your entire day away in a factory with hypersurveillance and no social interaction#and hey haha maybe you'll get a break?? It's totally not guaranteed in your first 10 options hahaha#FUCK#the nearest marginally okay job is an hour away#gas cost is up the fuckin roof#but hey! there's ways of getting around earning money. You could buy something and make other people's lives more miserable by letting them#borrow it and holding power over them because there's no place to escape to except for another person who owns their shit :)#LIKE YOUR FUCKING HOUSE#AND YOUR CAR#AND THE MONEY YOU SAVE FOR YOUR HEALTH AND YOUR CAR THAT YOU'RE NOT EVEN ALLOWED TO USE MOST OF THE TIME#GOD KNOWS I CANT FIX MY GODDAMN TEETH#you could join the shitshow that is online investing- sorry i mean advanced pyramid scheming with a little bit of actual stake in the world#please. please oh my god#the only way to make things even a little easier is to live in a housefull of 5-6 working people but god. At least kids don't have to#work anymore because of government assistance. But once you're an adult with anything a tad over minimum wage? You're on your own buddy#Life was never supposed to be about living hand to mouth. We surpassed that way of living as soon as agriculture became a thing.#automation. surplus. the ability to relax can be mass produced.#please. i just want a job to support the few people i have without turning into some stressed asshole that either sleeps or rages at them
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presleyluvschris · 5 months
Hey I got a request for jj
That jj is a single dad to a baby girl and he is to scared to hold because he will think he will drop her and John b everyday will try and get jj to hold her then one day jj was holding her on his chest then he takes her everywhere With him hope that make sense
Koala Care
dad!jj x fem!reader x daughter
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a/n ahh this is so cutie! thank you for the request anon, love you bunches!
desc JJ holds his baby girl for the first time
wc 1.2k
warnings cursing, grammar, fluff
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"Peaches?" JJ comes in through the back door of the chateau, carefully shutting it behind him as he walks through the kitchen to set down a box full of baby supplies.
The usual. Diapers, baby food, her favorite yogurt melts, more of his old band & surf t-shirts to wrap her up in.
He notices Aria crying her eyes out behind him in between the white rails of her bed. he must have forgotten to change her when he left. He also noticed it was pissing off John B who was trying to work on something probably useless and he caught the hint that he's been listening to her cry for at least an hour.
"Shit," he mutters, messing with his backwards hat as he turns his attention away from Aria for a split second to glance at John B. Turns out he was fixing a cooler for the boat.
"Bro." he goes over to him, kicking him in the leg slightly, "You seen Y/n? I really need her help knowing what measurements of tit milk I'm supposed to feed mini me."
John B rolls his eyes to the ceiling as he screws in the side of the cooler handle.
"First of all," he says through a gritted tone from a bolt in between his teeth.
"You gotta stop with the teenage boy, language wording shit."
He spits out the bolt and screws another nail into the bottom.
"You're like a dad now. Its your dick and your daughter, buddy. You really want your kid to go around saying, tit milk?"
JJ tuts. "Bro she cant even talk yet. Plus, I don't remember half the shit i said as a fucking baby. Maybe thats cause my dad probably beat the shit out of me where I like- lost half my cells, but i ain't changing. Plus, daddy will raise her to be the best hooker of man kind. Shes a Pogue, shes not gonna be a goody two shoes if my life depends on it."
John B turns his head around and gives him a look.
"Jesus Christ JJ, did anything click when your girlfriend popped a living thing out of her ass?" He purses his lips.
JJ points his lips downwards and shrugs.
"Or are you always gonna be known as the dad who raised a stripper?" John B rolls his eyes again, taking a weird clear plate out of his box, "Y/n is a doctor for fucks sake, she's the only hope for raising her I swear to God."
John B shakes his head, "I've told you everyday now. You haven't even held her yet."
JJ grips his hat, "Thats because im gonna drop the kid!"
John b slaps his forehead.
"You're litterally her DAD, JJ! Y/n popped a baby out of her kitty sack and you seriously didnt even touch her the day she was born." John B raises his eyebrows. "Do you remember that? Y/n cried in Kie's room FOR AN HOUR thinking you didnt want the kid!"
JJ opens his mouth to respond then stops.
"Whatever. Go back to fixing your cold box and shit," He turns his back to walk away.
John B changes the tip on his screwdriver, "You're gonna have to hold your own ass daughter eventually, dude."
"I hope you screw a nail in your dick!" JJ calls out and tuts again, mumbling under his breath, "teaching me how to handle my own kid..."
"im the one fixing this goddamn cooler so you can drink your shit ass blue moon chilled!" John b yells back, JJ opening the door and slamming it shut to try and find you again.
"y/nnnn," he groans, calling out your name, finding you sitting on the steps outside.
He kneels down and wraps his big arms around you, kissing the side of your head gently.
"Hi baby," he mutters, "How was work?"
you felt your head pulsating before forcing yourself to give a response.
"Hmmm fine. it was busy."
"Yeah?" he strokes your head, "Real quick."
You sigh slightly, "Hmm?"
"how much ti-" He stops, and clears his throat.
"How much milk do I need to feed Ari?" He says in a soft voice, knowing you had a blaring headache from your shift.
You exhale, leaning your arms on your knees.
"theres about 7 oz in the fridge."
He nods, "thank you sweets," he kisses your hair one last time before leaving you in peace to rest your mind.
He goes back inside the chateau, opening the fridge and taking out the bottle, reaching over Aria's crib and putting the tip to her mouth.
"there we are, sweet girl.." he holds the back of her head while she drinks gently, her cries settling down.
After Aria is finished, he stares at her for a moment.
Why was it so hard for him to hold his own daughter? He feels a wave of guilt floods over his spine.
He reaches his hands out, then stops.
"God damnit," He sighs.
"Okay." He stares at Aria one more time. "3, 2.."
"Fuck this."
He picks Aria up gently in his arms, his heart jumping as he does so.
"Holy shit," he breathes. "Oh my God."
He holds her to his chest, making sure to support her back, something he learned in a parenting book he found online as he feels his soul melt in his stomach.
"There we go," he coos softly, rocking her up and down gently.
"Hi love." he holds her up to look in her eyes with the biggest grin on his face.
"You have your mommas eyes, don't you?"
It's like he fell in love with you all over again. Just this time, it was a baby. And it was his baby.
He holds her to him again, hearing you opening the screen door to come back inside the chateau as he looks at you with the stupidest smile on his face.
"JJ.." you breathe, a grin full of your white perfect teeth filling the room as you jog over to him.
You rub his arm gently as you stare at Aria in JJ's arms.
"im so glad." You said, tears slightly filling the bottom of your eyes as your breath catches in your throat.
"She has your eyes," He repeats the observation he made earlier.
You nod with a sniffle, chuckling slightly.
"She has your lips."
JJ presses another soft kiss into the side of your neck.
A few days later, you noticed that JJ dorkily bought one of those baby carrier things to attach to your chest, and you had to admit it was pretty cute seeing Aria giggle with him, taking her everywhere he went.
John B was relieved her finally built up the balls to hold his kid, and if you were honest, you were relieved too.
Kiara bullied him everyday for taking Aria with him everywhere because the baby holder he chose was literally hot pink. Really hot pink.
He was so happy everyday. To be the dad that he never had. The one he had prayed and wished for everyday as a kid.
JJ was such a tough guy, tough face, tough love, tough soul.
but I guess not when it came to you and Aria. You and her were his new world and there was nothing in the entire universe that could take that away from him.
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☆ divider & gif credits to @viixcyre @baby-bearie
my navigation ♡
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mxbitters · 4 years
hm.  this building that was like sort of in my neighborhood (i don’t typically walk that far but yeah i guess same neighborhood) that was like, old but kinda beautiful to me, apparently it used to be a casket place, but like they were gonna convert the building into a train station which would’ve been fucking great considering all the goddamn stigma against my neighborhood has left it so empty so like it would’ve been nice to at least have someplace to go!!!!  transportation is good and i don’t like driving!!! also my whole thought was hey!!!  maybe train = more people = yada yada demand for stuff = opportunity to bring back arts culture to the neighborhood like finally getting that theater moved in and also oh idk getting a music venue like we’ve been trying to do for years,,,,,,,, but lo and behold!!!!  yesterday morning that building got into a MASSIVE fucking fire and is gonna be demolished and like.  oh the town sure as HELL isn’t gonna be building something new for the possibility of a train station because they absolutely hate our neighborhood.  they absolutely loathe it.  so like there goes that like entirely.  damn.
#i just.  i dont understand why the people running this damn town cant get it through their thick fucking skulls#that these problems they have with our neighborhood can only be fixed if things get fucking better!!!!!!!!!#god if i was in town and knew literally anybody other than literally like.  me and my friend.#god ok yeah that's a bad excuse.  but i have absolutely zero experience organizing but like.#my neighborhood is the kind of place that ABSOLUTELY needs some sort of mutual aid thing#but the whole THING about mutual aid is you need to be communicating with your community and so many people keep to themselves#better yet im also just really bad at talking to people#there's also the language barrier concern and mind you if my friends got involved that'd be helpful there but like!!!!!!#UGH this is so so so stressful.  i just wanna help better my community and this entire ffucking system is in the way#and then people wonder why i'm an anarchist?????#i'm just.  SO sick of the goddamn town's racist classist bullshit and for what???  what good is coming out of it????#MORE old white people getting retirement homes??????  more cishet white people moving in starting families and yelling at retail workers????#more chain stores?!!!  i mean lmao no stores are coming here bc yknow capitalism and leases and all that#like i feel like in the not even two decades i've been alive my neighborhood though not perfect was still like..#it was a little thriving community when i was like 4-5.  but like as time went on i've just been watching life get shittier and shittier for#people because nobody wants to help!!!!!!!!#and then you got board of ed with their classist and transphobic bullshit#i'm just.  so sick of it.  why in the absolute FUCK do old white men get to be in charge of everything???  old white men who know nothing!!!#i'm just. i'm gonna shut up and go brush my teeth or something.  do my history work.  clean my desk idek i just need to stop thinking abt th#this*
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lacroixqueen · 3 years
arcane academia (chapter 2/?) cait x vi college AU, 18+
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Summary: vi and ekko go to jayce's frat house party lmao. vi bumps into her newfound crush, drama and chaos ensue yada yada yada
Word Count: 2176
Pairing: caitlyn x vi, vi & ekko (platonic)
Ao3 Link
Tags: college AU, university AU, house party, useless lesbians, wlw, fluff, slow burn, love at first sight
Warnings: brief mentions of dubious/noncon!
Author's Note: this chapter took me FOREVER to write and im so so sorry. i've just been having major writer's block again. med school has been insane, just exam after exam after exam and i cant catch a break. also im going to like 3 concerts this week so i probs wont have that much time to write. but anyways, pls enjoy this update.
Vi shuffled begrudgingly after Ekko as he led her down the brickstone path to what he claimed to be was “the biggest party of the year”. Vi was never a big partier, even back in Zaun. Now, don’t get her wrong, she was an alcoholic to be sure, and would have been more than content hitting up a bar or a club and drinking the night away.
But some schmoozy house party sounded like, and in her words, a “lame rich kids thing”. To which Ekko responded that she should loosen up and be a bit more open-minded.
Vi shoved her hands into her red jacket’s pockets. Shit. Why was it so goddamn chilly tonight? Out of all the days of the week to throw a party, it had to be the coldest night ever. The only reason she agreed to come to begin with was the free booze.
Ekko eventually approached a sizable frat house that looked like it was about to combust with all of the epilepsy-inducing strobe lights and obnoxiously loud trap music it emitted. He strode up onto the porch and knocked the door with a feigned air of confidence.
Some beefy, clearly irritated fraternity brother answered the door. He had neat, slicked back dark hair and some stubble. And probably the grumpiest expression Vi has seen since she stepped foot onto PiltU.
“Jayce! My brother!” Ekko gave him a warm, half-hug to which the other man barely reciprocated.
“Do I uh, know you?” he asked sheepishly, scratching the back of his head. He appeared to be slightly inebriated, which was understandable given the circumstances.
“Aw, come on dude!” Ekko was trying really hard to play the buddy-buddy thing. “We sit next to each other, remember? In Engineering 301. We also did a group project together last semester.”
Meanwhile, Vi was absolutely freezing. She rubbed her hands over her arms, looking up expectantly at the conversation, praying for this buffoon to just let them inside.
“I mean…” Jayce took a swig from the beer he had in his hand. “I guess?”
“You are the best, my dude!” Ekko gave him an enthusiastic fist-bump, grabbing Vi by the hand and leading her inside. “I owe you one, man!”
Jayce nodded slightly, lifting up his beer to give him a lukewarm cheer. The pair eventually found themselves loitering awkwardly around the jungle juice table.
“Ekko, don’t leave me by myself,” Vi hissed through gritted teeth, visibly annoyed as Ekko winked over at a group of cheerleaders who just walked past them. “I literally don’t know anyone here.”
“Violet, my girl!” Ekko gave her a reassuring pat on the back. “You need to relax. Take a shot. Hell, take three shots. We are here to mix and mingle. Besides, I can’t have you attached to my hip this entire time.”
“Ekko, I swear to God. Don’t ever call me that again,” Vi rolled her eyes as she poured herself a shot of tequila, sending it down the hatch without a second thought.
“There we go, see? Now you’re getting the hang of it!” her roommate encouraged. “And hey, if it makes you feel any better, no one here is paying attention to you. Everyone is drunk out of their damn minds. They will forget you even existed the next morning.”
Ekko fixed himself a mixed drink before patting Vi on the shoulder. “Good luck out there, soldier. Report back to me in the dorm at 5 AM sharp. That’s your curfew.”
“Ha ha, very funny,” Vi groaned, pushing him away. “Just get outta here, I don’t even wanna look at you.”
“I’m telling you Vi,” Ekko laughed while shaking his head. “Just be yourself! Meet someone new! You’ll be fine.”
“Don’t count on it,” she called back over her shoulder as she walked deeper into the party, making sure to grab a beer off a nearby table.
Shit. Now she really was left to her own devices. Not that Ekko could give a fuck. He was here to, in his words, “talk up some hot babes and maybe go home with someone, who knows”. So, there you have it.
The back den looked like the main area where people were chatting and drinking. The music still blared painfully loudly through the speakers. Vi looked around the crowded room, with low but still existent expectants that she would spot a familiar face. But to no avail.
Until she felt a tiny jab poke the back of her shoulder. She whirled around, and to her surprise, it was that girl she met at the gym the other day.
“Fancy seeing you here,” Caitlyn greeted, a small smile wrinkling the corners of her eyes.
Fuck. Fuckfuckfuck. She looked kind of good. Really good, actually. The student council president donned a purple strappy dress and matching heels. And a silk black choker tied around her neck. Vi tried to avoid running her eyes up and down those perfect legs and sultry hips. She took a moment to look the other direction and clear her throat, taking a sip from her beer to collect herself.
“Since when did little miss goody two shoes party?” Vi said with a goofy smirk on her face.
“Since whenever the hell I wanted,” Cait shot back confidently, grabbing the beer from her hand and taking a sip. “Why, what did you think I did on the weekends?”
Holy shit. Either it was the alcohol talking or this girl was really willing to test Vi’s limits.
“I don’t know? Read books? Take notes on the gymnasium rental guidelines?”
“Hilarious,” Caitlyn nudged her shoulder playfully, and handed back her beer.
“I’m just playing around,” Vi replied. “You just caught me off guard, that’s all.”
“Well, this won’t be the first, then,” Cait countered. “Cheers, by the way.” She raised a cocktail glass she had in the other hand.
“To?” Vi raised an eyebrow out of curiosity.
“To… you transferring here to PiltU. And to two girls who just so happen to be at the same party in the same frat house on this random weekday night.”
“Cheers,” Vi said, clinking her beer against Cait’s drink, and taking another generous swig. Her head started to feel slightly hazy from all the alcohol, but she quickly shook it off. “I’m.. sorry by the way. I was kind of a dick to you the first day we met.”
“Oh, that?” Cait chuckled. “Don’t even worry about it. I figured you were probably just stressed out or something.”
“Okay, thanks,” Vi smiled to herself. Huh. So she had a heart after all. “So what the hell are you doing in this shithole anyway?”
Cait nodded her head over to a group of girls who Vi remembered being part of her dance team fooling around in the center of the room. “I’m sort of on babysitting duty tonight.”
“Sounds like such a fun time,” Vi teased sarcastically. “They make you do this?”
“Oh, no no..” Cait denied quickly. “I sort of.. make myself do this, I guess.”
There was a slight pause. The boxer didn’t really know what to say. Shit. The tone took a bit of a sour turn all of a sudden and she wasn’t really sure how to come back from it.
“You don’t have to.. you know that right?” Vi suddenly interjected into the deafening silence.
“Yeah..” she replied wanly.
Vi cleared her throat, feeling the awkwardness beginning to swell and leak over the sides of her beer bottle.
“I should uh, go find my friend,” she said quickly. “He’s probably fooling around somewhere and I don’t want him to get in trouble.”
“Yeah, you should go do that,” Caitlyn nodded. “You know where to find me.”
Vi gave her another halfhearted smile, before disappearing back into the milieu of the party.
Damnit. Why did it have to get so weird at the end? She was doing so well too at the beginning, carrying the conversation, making her flirtatious nature known and then bam it all went to shit the moment she tried to push a little deeper. Oh well. It’s not like she expected anything different. Now where the hell is Ekko?
She eventually found him fooling around with some girl on the cheer squad in the back of a broom closet somewhere.
“Ugh, really dude?” she said after slamming the door back closed.
“Vi!” Ekko called after his roommate while pushing the other girl off. “Wait up!”
He eventually caught up with her as she leafed through the crowd.
“Hey! Is everything alright? I’m sorry I ditched you back there, I just needed to uh, get something done..” Ekko blurted out quickly, trying to keep up with her pace.
“It’s fine, I’m fine..” Vi sighed, finally stopping and leaning up against a wall. “I just… finished talking with Caitlyn that’s all.”
“Oh yeah?” Ekko’s tone immediately took a teasing turn. “How did it go?”
“It was good, and then it turned out not so good,” Vi said, pinching the bridge of her nose while shaking her head in disappointment. “I don’t really wanna talk about it. Whatever, I wasn’t expecting anything anyways.”
“Do you wanna go home, Vi?” her roommate took her by the hand and gestured toward the door. “We can totally leave. I really don’t care that much.”
“No, no, it’s okay,” she replied. “You are having fun, and I don’t want to ruin this for you. Besides, I-”
Their conversation was quickly cut short by some rowdy commotion coming from the living room.
The pair hurried into the main area to assess the situation.
“Jayce, get off of me!” Cait cried, trying to peel away from the clearly very inebriated and handsy jock. He was clutching her a bit too close against his body for comfort.
“Come on Cait..” he slurred in a drunken stupor. “You know I’ve been wanting to do this since the tailgate.. Just make this easy for me now, why don’t you?”
Some sort of unspecified rage completely took over Vi’s body the moment she saw Jayce’s beginning to reach between her legs to feel under her dress. Before she even realized what she was doing, she found herself sucker punching Jayce square in the jaw. It was like a force took control over her and she didn’t have any say in what her fists were doing.
“Vi, no!” She could hear Ekko’s voice ringing out in the background, but somehow, she didn’t listen. Punch after punch was thrown against Jayce’s face until he started bleeding profusely from his nose.
“What the fuck?” he cried, immediately letting go of Caitlyn to wipe his bloodied face. His eyes shifted over to Vi. “Who the hell are you?”
“Vi, come on,” Ekko hissed, grabbing her by the arm and pulling her towards the hallway. “Just leave it, it’s not worth it.”
She ignored him, of course, and proceeded to take Cait by the hand and lead her out of the party.
“I’m Vi, by the way,” she called over her shoulder. “I’m from the undercity.”
Cait followed her out the entrance without another word, allowing the door to slam behind them. They walked down the path back towards the dorms without speaking for a few minutes. Vi decided to break the silence midway through.
“Are you okay?” she asked softly, still holding onto her hand.
Cait still wasn’t saying anything, so Vi leaned over and carefully brushed her hair out of her face. Her face was glistening under the moonlight, and it was clear she had been crying.
“Do you want me to take you home?”
The dancer nodded, a small teardrop streaming down her cheek. She folded her arms across her chest to keep warm. Shit. It was a pretty damn cold night. Vi shrugged off her bomber jacket and draped it gently over Cait’s shoulders.
“Here, take this,” she said.
“Thanks, Vi,” Caitlyn smiled, wrapping the jacket over herself. Her blue eyes were still sparkling beneath the dim glow of the streetlight.
The two didn’t exchange many words on the walk home. Vi could tell she wasn’t really in the talking mood, and given the circumstances, forcing small talk would have been unwise.
“Um.. this is me,” Cait finally said as the pair approached an ivy-covered, brickstone building.
“Oh, uh, okay,” Vi replied, quickly shoving her hands into her jean pockets to warm up.
“Thanks, by the way..” the dancer whispered. “I have no idea what I would have done if you weren’t there..”
“Don’t mention it,” Vi said, trying her hardest to avoid eye contact. God, why was she being so weird. “It was nothing, really.”
“Okay,” Cait tried to hide her smile as she handed back her jacket. Without warning, she gave her a quick peck on the cheek before running back to her dorm. “I’ll.. see you around school I guess?”
“S-see ya,” Vi stuttered, blushing furiously as she stuck up her hand to give an awkward little wave.
Cait waved back before gently closing her door behind her.
Goddamnit. What the hell was that?
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fruitcoops · 4 years
More “biting” 😉 stories of coops please?
Anon 1: Do you think you’d be willing to do more kinky coops? Maybe a follow up to truth or drink where Sirius gets tied up again?
Anon 2: Mixed prompts 80-83 pls!!
Happy Valentine’s Day, everyone! This is part 1 of today’s fics--hope you enjoy! Coops credit goes to @lumosinlove, whom I love and adore.
TW for restraint kink, edging, smut, and hickeys
Mixed Prompt 80:  “ You’re going to regret that sweetheart.”
81: “Are we clear?”
82: “Try to stay quiet, understand?”
83:  “Don’t hold back, baby.”
“Did you see Coach’s email?” Remus asked as he scrolled through his inbox and reached for another piece of chocolate; they were shaped like little hearts, because Sirius was a sweet, sweet muppet of a man and had a romantic streak wider than the continental US.
“I did, yeah,” Sirius said from the doorway to the kitchen. “It’ll be pretty nice, having two days off in a row.”
Remus read through the rest of the message. Too much snow, unsafe conditions, practice cancelled, yada yada yada. A sudden thought struck him and he glanced up. “Hey, maybe we could try something a little more…”
Sirius grinned as the chocolate clattered to the countertop, along with Remus’ phone. “Happy Valentine’s Day, sweetheart.”
Remus swallowed around the sudden dryness of his mouth. Chest. Arms??? THIGHS. FUCK. “Huh?”
“I was saving these for our actual day off, but it seems fate had other plans.” Sirius’ grin became a downright smirk as he quirked an eyebrow and bent his knee.
“When—how—what?” Remus couldn’t tear his eyes away from the tight, dark red fabric that covered Sirius’ legs up to his thighs. Bows. The socks had bows on the top, and they matched his underwear. “How long have you been standing there?”
Sirius shrugged. The upper half of his body was bare, and Remus tracked the movement of every muscle. “About five minutes. Your email must be very exciting.”
A soft whine escaped his throat. “Where did you get those?”
“Online.” Sirius flexed his thigh and all the air rushed from Remus’ lungs. “Why, do you like them?”
“I want to take them off with my teeth,” he blurted. “Fucking hell, Sirius.”
“That can be arranged.” Mischief played at the edge of his mouth as he began backing away. “Though you’ll have to catch me first.”
And he ran. Remus stood there in shock for a moment before sprinting after him, skidding on the floor as he grabbed the bannister. Sirius was already on the bed when he made it to their room and snapped the top of one thigh-high at Remus playfully.
“You’re going to regret that, sweetheart.”
Remus was on him in an instant, sucking a bruise into the side of his neck as he pushed Sirius’ arms over his head and settled between his thighs, grinding his hips down. “How long have you had these?” When Sirius smiled instead of responding, he bit down on his shoulder. “Tell me.”
“Four days.”
“Where did you hide them?”
Sirius gasped at the pressure on his wrists. “Nightstand.”
“Do you have any idea what you look like right now?”
A slow, smug look covered his face and he nipped Remus’ bottom lip. “Yes.”
“Turn over.” Sirius bucked his hips up instead, and Remus let go of his hands to flip him hard enough he bounced a bit, then attached his mouth to his shoulder blade. “God, you look fucking incredible in red, baby.”
“You think this was an accident?”
“Somebody’s feeling bratty.” Remus dragged his blunt nails down Sirius’ ribs, and he shivered. “Just for that, I’m going to finger you until you’re begging for it. Are we clear?”
Sirius turned his head to the side and rolled his hips back. “I’m not begging for anything.”
“We’ll see.” Remus continued mouthing along the strong line of his shoulders as he fumbled blindly in the nightstand drawer for the lube, then paused. He straddled Sirius’ waist and leaned over to sift through the various items that they had tossed in without thinking—playing cards, a book, Sirius’ tie, a few condoms that they hadn’t touched in months… “What the fuck?”
“Where’s the lube?”
“Are we out?”
Dread pooled in Remus’ gut. The mere thought of trekking through the snow to get lube or—even worse—finding out all the stores were closed was almost enough to kill his boner. Almost. Sirius was still in red underwear and fucking thigh highs, after all. “No. We can’t be out. Didn’t we just buy some the other day?”
Sirius shrugged. “It’s been a while, I don’t know.”
“It has been a while,” Remus muttered.
“I think I put some in the laundry room so we would have extra.”
Relief made butterflies erupt in his chest and he kissed Sirius’ cheek. “You are so smart and I love you. Hang on one second, okay?”
Remus’ hands shook a little bit as he hurried back downstairs and down the hall, standing on his tiptoes to see into the cupboards. Laundry detergent, Windex, fabric sheets, two pairs of Jules’ socks…
He pushed the detergent aside and felt around for the familiar bottle. “Where the hell did you put it? Come on, baby, work with me here.”
Clear plastic caught the light on the highest shelf and Remus thumped his forehead against the washing machine. He got the stepstool with minimal grumbling and grabbed the lube, making a mental note to block that entire shelf and remind Sirius that he was five foot fucking eleven, which was well above average.
“Baby, we need to have a discussion about—” He stopped cold in the bedroom doorway, then sighed. “Really?”
Sirius arched his back as he pressed two fingers back into himself, his jaw going a little slack. “You were slow.”
Remus took a deep breath when he saw the half-full bottle of lube on the bed next to him. “Where’d you hide that?”
“Under my pillow. You didn’t even check.” Sirius’ breath caught as his hand changed angles, but his smile remained. “I thought you’d call me on it for sure.”
“You know, most people wouldn’t play terribly mean tricks on their fiancé on Valentine’s Day, especially when that fiancé was already going to fuck them so hard they can’t walk straight,” Remus said as he walked slowly toward the bed and tossed the other bottle next to Sirius. “You’d better count your lucky stars we don’t have practice for the next two days.”
“Oh?” Sirius eyes fluttered shut for a second and he reached for more.
Remus smacked his hand away. “Yes. Was the shelf really necessary?”
“I had to delay you somehow. Did you use the stepstool, or did you climb on the dryer?”
“None of your fucking business, tall-ass. Turn over.”
“Make me.”
Remus reached back into the nightstand and pulled the tie out, manhandling Sirius’ arms over his head and tying them to the small ring they had put in the headboard for that exact purpose. Sirius made a confused noise when Remus grabbed his silky-soft underwear off the foot of the bed and slid it back up his legs until it was snug and tight again. “Much better.”
“Wait, wait, wait, what happened to fucking me until I can’t walk straight?” Sirius’ eyebrows drew together and he nudged his leg against Remus’ side, only to have it guided back down by a firm hand. “Come on, sweetheart, it’s Valentine’s Day!”
“Is it? I hadn’t noticed,” Remus said drily as he squeezed the thin strip of bare skin on Sirius’ thighs. “Between the super fun game of tag and then hide-and-seek, I thought you didn’t want me to touch you.”
“But you will, right?” Nervousness laced his voice. “Right?”
“Maybe. Might get myself off and then leave you here, though.” He leaned over and dragged his lips down Sirius’ chest. “I’m still on the fence.”
“Non, non, non, get off the fence. The fence is not a fun place to be.”
“Really?” He continued to the edge of Sirius’ waistband and dipped his tongue under the satiny fabric, then feathered his mouth along the outline of his dick until Sirius’ knees started inching upward in pleasure. “Hmm. I think it’s a great place to be, actually. You could beg yourself hoarse and I wouldn’t have to do a goddamn thing.”
“What do I have to do?” Sirius panted. The front of his boxers was already darkening with precome and his pupils dilated when Remus palmed himself through his pants.
“Try to stay quiet, understand?”
Sirius clenched his thighs around Remus’ waist as he pulled his shirt off, only to shakily straighten them out again when Remus fixed him with a withering look. His dick looked painfully hard as Remus got off the bed and slid his pants down his legs, giving Sirius a great view of his ass under the tight black underwear he was wearing.
“Oh, yeah, that was supposed to be a surprise for you,” he said mildly when Sirius whined. “It’s Valentine’s Day, after all. One of us was getting railed tonight.”
Sirius perked up. “Really?”
“That was the original plan. Now that you’ve got these—” He plucked the edges of the thigh-highs as he knelt on the mattress again. “—I might need to rethink that idea.”
“Nope, no you don’t.” Sirius wrapped his legs around Remus’ hips and tugged him down. “You really don’t need to rethink that, it sounds like a fantastic idea—”
Remus pressed his palm over Sirius’ mouth and pushed his legs down with the other. “What did I say about being quiet?”
A soft noise tore from his chest as Remus ran the heel of his hand up Sirius’ dick and felt it twitch beneath the fabric. “Desolée,” he said as Remus scooted backwards a few inches. “Desolée, mon coeur.”
“Good job.” Sirius sighed happily as he worked a hickey onto the bit of skin between his underwear and his socks, but his chest hitched when Remus moved barely an inch to the side.
“What’re you doing?”
He sighed and bracketed Sirius’ ribs with his elbows, resting his chin on his hands. “Yes, you. You’re beautiful, and I’m just making sure people know you’re appreciated. Now be quiet.”
“Nobody’s going to see those. They’ll be gone in three days.”
“I’ll know.” Remus placed a slightly darker bruise on his inner thigh and Sirius’ hips canted to the side with pleasure. He hummed against his skin, then pulled away. “I’ll have to finish these when I turn you over.”
“Oh, come on,” he scoffed with a smile, leaning up for a brief kiss. “You know me better than that.”
Sirius’ eyes crinkled. “I do.”
“Let me enjoy myself in the meantime, yeah? I think I deserve it after everything you’ve done today,” he teased, adding new hickeys to Sirius’ other thigh until the bare skin was mostly dark lilac. He skimmed kisses down both his legs, paying special attention to the backs of his knees and the cute little bows at the tops of his thighs. “I love these.”
“Yeah?” A pink flush spread to Sirius’ chest.
“Yeah. Somehow, they’re both adorable and sexy.” Remus reached up and tapped his nose. “Just like you.”
And then he licked a long, slow stripe up the front of Sirius’ underwear, which made him shake from head to toe. “Oh, fuck me.”
“Not yet.” He did it again, this time giving his hips a squeeze. A choked moan slipped through and he shushed him softly. “Quiet, baby, remember? I’ll tell you when you can make noise for me.”
“Oh.” Sirius’ eyebrows pitched upward as Remus slowly slid the sticky fabric down and replaced it with his tongue. “S’il vous plait. S’il vous plait, mon cœur, je le veux, s’il vous plait. ”
“What did I tell you?”
“I—I—” Sirius clenched his teeth as Remus sucked just the head of his dick into his mouth. His abdomen jolted under Remus’ palms.
“You’re getting all accent-y.” Remus smirked, leaving a mark on the crest of his hipbone. “I told you that you could beg yourself hoarse and I wouldn’t have to do a god—” He kissed the soft skin below Sirius’ ribs. “—damn—” Another kiss, just under his sternum. “—thing.”
A tremor ran through Sirius and he pulled on his restraint for a moment, hard enough that the headboard creaked. “Ngh. I love you.”
“I love you, too. I think it’s time to finish those decorations, hmm?”
Sirius nodded enthusiastically and Remus untied his hands, flipping him by the hips for the second time. He practically purred as Remus tied him up again and pressed his hands into that broad back; Remus pushed his knees until they bent and Sirius propped himself on his elbows, breathing heavily and bare but for his thigh high socks.
“Green.” There was no hesitation in his voice.
“Good.” Instead of going straight to his legs again—which were flexed in the new position and doing absolutely wonderful things to Remus’ thought process—Remus grabbed the half-empty lube and poured some on his fingers.
“What’re you doing?” Sirius asked, trying to shift around and see. He froze when the first finger pushed in without an issue. “Huh. But—but you said—”
“I didn’t tell you to start making noise.” Sirius pressed his face into the pillow and his knees jerked inward as Remus added a second finger. “You already did this part for me, didn’t you?”
“But I didn’t tell you to.”
“No.” The word was barely a whisper.
“And as much as I love you—” He kissed Sirius’ lower back and scraped his teeth along the dimples there. “—and want to make you fall apart, I can’t let you do whatever you want without consequences.”
“Yes, you can,” Sirius gasped, tightening around him as Remus pressed upward. “You can, I don’t mind.”
“No, I can’t, and you’d better be quiet before I drag this out even longer.”
There was a beat of silence while Sirius got ahold of himself again. “How long? The usual?”
“Since it’s Valentine’s Day, eight minutes.” Remus smoothed a hand up his spine and pressed down between his shoulder blades until most of his upper chest was on the pillows before slowly dragging his fingers in and out, pushing just next to his sweet spot until Sirius quaked with the effort of suppressing his moans. He added a third finger a moment later and Sirius’ thighs knocked together. “Hold yourself up, baby.”
Sirius pulled his elbows in once again, supporting his chest as Remus added a few new hickeys to his thigh and stretched him slow and deep. He gave his wrist a twist when he moved to the right side and Sirius dipped for half a second, one leg threatening to give out.
“Hold yourself up,” Remus reminded him, wrapping an arm around his lower belly and lifting slightly; Sirius’ breath caught and his shoulders folded in a bit. “You okay?”
“Alright. Two minutes left.” He pushed his fingers in further and felt the ripple of pleasure roll through Sirius under his mouth, then kissed the middle of his back. “Like that?”
“Uh-huh.” Sirius’ voice was tight with pleasure and wavered with swallowed moans.
Remus flexed his fingers and brushed against his prostate; Sirius nearly collapsed onto the bed and a whining noise was half-muffled by the sheets. “What was that?”
“ ‘s nothing, ‘s nothing, keep going.” Sirius tried to get to his elbows again, but even though Remus had stopped moving, he seemed to be having trouble. “Sweetheart, please.”
“You know the rules, baby. Five more minutes.”
“I can’t—I can’t—”
“You will.” Remus rubbed Sirius’ side to soothe him, but didn’t take his fingers out. “How about this: if you can hold yourself up and make no noises for two full minutes, I’ll fuck you and you can come whenever you want. Sound good?”
Sirius nodded frantically and struggled to get his knees under himself. “D’accord.”
“Time starts…now.” Remus kept his eyes on the clock as he plucked at Sirius’ seams, spreading his thighs to get a better angle when it looked like he was starting to relax into the feeling. One minute left. Something that would have been a moan if Sirius had a little less willpower lodged in his chest and he tensed around Remus, legs shaking with arousal. He was damn near dripping onto the sheets.
Forty-five seconds. Remus bit his lip and ran his free hand up Sirius’ thigh, digging into the bruises just enough to get his attention. “You look so pretty with these,” he murmured, leaving a trail of small bites down his spine. “It must have been hard finding thigh highs that fit, huh? You’re so strong, so beautiful, and I love that about you.” He made sure to run over Sirius’ sweet spot on every drag until his breaths got shallower and his dick twitched. Twenty seconds. “You don’t really want to come right away, do you? You like it when I take control. You like being tied down and edged until you’re a mess. Ten seconds left, baby.”
Sirius’ back bowed as Remus’ hand brushed his dick. “Pas juste,” he blurted, then groaned when Remus paused. “Fuck.”
“Was that a sound?”
“No, no it wasn’t.” He pushed back against Remus’ hand and whined when he pulled his fingers out. “Re, I only had five seconds left.”
“Bummer, isn’t it?” Remus said with mock-pity, rubbing wide circles along Sirius’ ass and thighs.
“One more chance?”
“We had a deal, love. Two minutes, no sounds, no falling. You did so well and then you tripped at the finish line.”
“You touched my dick.”
“Was that against the rules?”
Sirius huffed and glared over his shoulder, though the effect was somewhat ruined by the pink of his cheeks and the pleading look in his eye. “It was in my head.”
Remus made a sympathetic noise. “It’s a shame you’re not in charge today, then. Chest down.”
“I want to see you.”
“Later. Down.” Sirius rolled his eyes, but complied so his back sloped in a gentle curve; Remus smacked his thigh lightly. “Don’t roll your eyes at me.”
“Apologize.” When he stayed silent, Remus slid two fingers back into him. “Sirius, apologize or I’ll get you off by fingering you.”
“I’m sor—sorry.” His hips jerked as Remus pushed on his prostate one last time.
“That wasn’t so hard, huh?” He pulled his own underwear down and tossed it to the side, reaching down to push Sirius’ thighs apart while he lubed up. “Don’t hold back, baby, you can be loud now.”
“Oh thank God,” Sirius breathed, shuddering a bit as Remus pressed in and began to move. “Oh—oh, oh fuck.”
“Fuck—green.” He gripped the poor necktie and twisted it in his hands while the pace made his knees slip. Remus put his arm around Sirius’ midsection once again while the other hand splayed on his back and held him down into the pillows.
The thigh highs began to bunch from all the movement and Remus slowed, reaching down to adjust them while Sirius clenched and unclenched his hands, mumbling out a string of pleas in English and French alike. Remus stilled for a moment and kissed the side of his neck as he relished in the heat.
“Move,” Sirius moaned, pushing back weakly. “Please, please move.”
“I love you so much,” Remus said into his sweat-slick skin as he started again, angling up on each thrust as he lifted Sirius’ hips into the right spot. “I do, baby. And I can’t wait to have two whole days to ourselves so I can admire those pretty bruises all over you.”
“Lemme—lemme see you. S’il vous plait, mon amour, I wanna see you.”
“Alright, shhh.” Remus combed a hand through his hair and untied his wrists; they were a bit pink from all the pulling, but otherwise looked fine. He gently pushed on Sirius’ shoulder so he could roll over and was met with glassy silver eyes and lips bitten so red they almost matched his socks. “Bonjour. Do you want me to tie you up?”
“Non.” Sirius smiled and pulled him down for a slow kiss, and Remus could feel his heartbeat hammering against his shoulder. “Je t’aime.”
“Je t’aime,” he murmured back as he lined himself up again. Sirius’ eyes fell shut with a moan when Remus pushed in and he inhaled deeply, winding one leg with Remus’ and letting the other splay to the side.
“There, there, there,” he pleaded, grasping for a hold on Remus’ arms as his eyes flickered between open and shut. “Oh, fuck, je veux—je veux—”
“Do you think you deserve to come?” Sirius made a conflicted noise and pressed his knee into Remus’ thigh, only for Remus to pull it straight once more; the sock rolled down with each rocking movement. “Sirius, look at me. Do you want to come?”
It took a moment before Sirius made eye contact with him and nodded, struggling to get enough breath to speak. “Yes.”
“You were so rude earlier, but I did make you wait a long time.” Remus thought for a second, but didn’t slow his brutal pace that made Sirius turn his face into the pillows. “Can you come like this?”
“Touch me—touch me please—”
Remus lifted his lower back up and ran his teeth along Sirius’ pulse point, then wrapped a hand around his dick and jerked him quick and tight until high, incoherent sounds slipped through his lips. “Now.”
Sirius nearly kicked him in the shin as he arched his back, mouth falling open, moans muffled in the hollow of Remus’ throat. He babbled some string of whimpered words, caught between pushing Remus away and pulling him closer until their warm skin pressed across his entire front and his knees bumped together over the small of Remus’ back.
Remus followed him a moment later, sliding his mouth along Sirius’ collarbone before he came so hard his arms shook with it. A soft hand trailing through his hair brought him back to earth, though Sirius still looked dazed and shuddered every few seconds as Remus stroked a hand down his cheek and slid the thigh-highs back up with the other. “Shh, mon amour. Ça va, chérie, respire. Je t’aime tellement. ”
Sirius smiled and kissed him again, holding him close and warm as he pulled out. “I love it when you speak French,” he murmured. “Si beau.”
“Happy Valentine’s Day.” Their quiet laughter buzzed against his chest and he littered Sirius’ face with kisses until his silver eyes cleared. “Are your wrists alright?”
With a heavy sigh, he let go of Remus and held them up. “All good.”
He kissed those, too, for good measure. “And the rest of you?”
Sirius raised an eyebrow. “I think you achieved your goal.”
“Which one?”
“There is no way I’m going to be able to walk straight.”
Remus hid his laughter in Sirius’ neck and rolled to the side, gathering him into his arms. “It’s a good thing we have all weekend, then.” He checked the clock and sighed. “I should make dinner soon.”
“No? I’m not allowed to make us food?”
“But that’s my present for you.”
“Your present to me is currently on my thighs and won’t disappear in half an hour.” He felt Sirius smile and nuzzle closer, then gentle pressure on his neck.
“What are you doing?”
“Payback.” Sirius rolled him onto his back and began speckling his neck and shoulders with small love bites, outlining his ribs with featherlight touches. Remus reached down and snapped the edge of his thigh high. “Hey!”
He grinned. “Couldn’t resist. You’re going to keep these, right?”
“Duh.” Sirius wound their legs together and cuddled into Remus’ side. “Mmm, you are so warm.”
Remus wrapped both arms around him and kissed the top of his head, closing his eyes. Naptime sounded good. Naptime, then dinner, then back to bed for more snuggles, or maybe something more. It was Valentine’s Day, after all.
The Next Morning
The first thing Sirius saw when he woke up was gray. The second was Remus’ shocked face, followed by an ‘oh, fuck’.
“What’s wrong?” he asked, propping himself on his elbows with a wince. His backside ached from yesterday’s activities, and his thighs were still incredibly sensitive—he noted that the matching rings of hickeys had not diminished much overnight with a sense of satisfaction. Remus was staring down at his phone as rain drizzled softly outside.
Wait. Rain.
Silently, Remus passed him the phone. Sirius squinted at the screen, blinking the drowsiness out of his eyes, then froze.
Hello team,
Due to improved weather conditions and snow melt, practice today has been rescheduled for 4 pm. Thank you for your flexibility.
A. Weasley
“Oh, fuck.”
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sazc94 · 3 years
Bad Idea, a Bucky Fanfic
Requested by @lannycleave
A/N Sensitive themes including injury, smut and kidnapping/suggestions of abuse. 18+
Also I'm still new at this so any feedback is appreciated.
Prologue, Part 1
Words 2886
Part 2
Present day earlier that evening, NYC.
It had been six months since that mission in Boston, Bucky never came back into the bedroom that evening and had been avoiding you since. The intel you and Bucky had gathered had been a huge help in bringing down the trafficking ring of HYDRA. You had gotten back from a Mission with Tony, Steve, Wanda and Nat earlier that day which had been the big take down, to your disappointment but not a surprise Bucky hadn’t attended.
Stark had insisted on throwing a party to celebrate the take down of one of the most despicable HYDRA divisions he’d ever had the mis pleasure of dealing with. Nat had pulled you into her room before you’d had time to slip out after the debrief knowing you would ditch the party to avoid Bucky given half a chance.
So that was how you ended up wearing the slinky black strappy dress and black thigh high boots, sat at the bar on your fifth glass of wine, moping. The party was dying down and you had put on a brave face but seeing Bucky actively avoid you had hurt more than you were willing to admit.
“Y/N!” Said Steve joyfully, bending down to kiss your cheek, “mmm you smell delicious” he said before sitting down on the empty barstool next to you. You offered a small sad smile in return.
“Y/N? What’s wrong” he asked. He placed his hand on your knee in a comforting gesture. You knew you should not have mixed your wine with those two tequila shots, suddenly the damn burst and you were spilling the entire story to Steve about Boston, including the part about how you’d nearly blown your cover, how if he hadn’t called Bucky and Tony called you then your certain you would have fucked each other there and then.
By the time you had finished the story you had sobered up but Steve, seeing you so emotional had insisted on driving you home, the super soldier couldn’t get drunk on normal Alcohol and as Thor hadn’t been around with his Asgardian wine, he was sober. Handing you his keys and advising you he was just going to grab his jacket you said your goodbyes to Wanda and Nat. Little did you know Bucky saw you leaving with Steve wearing his jacket and arm round your waist.
Steve dropped you off insisting you keep his jacket and drop it off at the compound in a few days. You brushed your hair out, cleaned your teeth and make up off. You were exhausted the combination of: alcohol, a mission and your tears had worn you out. So, you shimmied out of Nat’s dress and climbed into bed in your underwear. As you snuggled down into your bed exhaustion pulled you under.
Against better judgement, knowing that Steve and Natasha would never let you live it down if you got your ass handed to you. You opened the door without hesitation, gun pointed.
You woke up with a start, you looked at the time on your alarm clock. 02:30.
The rain was crashing at your window. *Thump Thump*. You jumped at the sound of someone banging on your door, they were banging so loud it sounded like they were about to break the door down. At least you knew you hadn’t been imagining the sound in your sleep.
“Who the fuck is banging on my door at 2:30 in the goddamn morning” you mumbled to yourself, grabbing your gun from your bedside table and silk robe of the door you made your way quietly to your door.
“Bucky, what the actual fuck, you scared the shit out of me” you yelled. Bucky was stood at your door, pale and soaked through. This whole scene made no sense Bucky had been ignoring you for 6 months.
“Are you insane?” You asked.
“Look Y/N. I know I fucked up back in Boston, but you didn’t have to go home with my best friend!” Bucky shouted his face bitter and twisted with pain.
“Fuck You Bucky” You shouted you went to slam the door in his face but he wedged his foot between the door and frame.
“No, where is he?!?!” he demanded to know, “Steve? I know you’re here I saw you leave with her” Bucky shouted pushing past you to your open bedroom door.
You didn’t follow, Bucky had been ignoring you since that night in Boston and suddenly he’s here accusing you of sleeping with his best friend, like he had a claim on you. Bucky returned after a few seconds; anger flared in his eyes when he spotted Steve's jacket on your sofa.
“Where is he? Y/N!?!” Bucky whispered looking betrayed.
“He’s not here you fucking idiot! He brought me home after I poured my soul out to him about how you have been avoiding me for 6 months, he lent me his jacket because I didn’t have one, now if you don’t mind, I’d like you to leave” you said snatching Steve's jacket from Bucky’s hands. You started to walk back to your bedroom, you didn’t want to spend another second more in Bucky’s presence, you may not have slept together back in Boston but you thought he would at least think of you with enough dignity to not sleep with his best friend.
Before you could make it to your bedroom Bucky grabbed your wrist and spun you round crashing his lips on to yours, the kiss took you by surprise you welcomed his kiss for a few seconds before you came to your senses. You shoved Bucky away from you and walked towards the door.
“Repeat that last bit again” he said his piercing blue eyes had clouded over. You felt your breath catch, not sure whether James sorry Bucky was pissed or turned on, you swallowed slowly,.
“I cant do this James, I am not something you toy with, you may I am not a doll that you will break if you touch me, but I will not have you ignore for me for six months, turn up here in a rage and kiss me just for you to ignore me again. Either fuck me or leave but do not fuck me over James.” You said, your chest heaving.
You could not believe you had called Bucky James. Bucky walked over to you and pushed the door shut with one hand.
“Either fuck me or leave but do not fuck me over James” you said. Bucky growled a low moan and pushed himself against you. You squeezed your legs together as you felt your cunt throb and betray you. Bucky grabbed you by the throat, not with enough force to cut of your air supply but with enough of a grip to send a buzz to your head.
“One more time doll” Bucky moaned.
“Either fuck me or leave but do not fuck me over James” you whispered.
“Oh god, fuck yes, that feels amazing” you managed to squeak out, Bucky, smirked. Slowing his pace down he once again pulled almost out entirely before slamming back into you, repeating this a couple of times, he felt your walls tighten around him your back and neck arched, crying out for him to fill you up with every single delectable inch. Bucky kissed your neck and dug his right hand into your hip.
With that Bucky undid his trousers letting them fall to the floor with his boxers, whilst he stepped out of them, he ripped your panties from your body, he swiped one finger along your slip and then pushed his throbbing cock into you. You cried out at the surprise and intrusion; Bucky waited a few seconds before he ordered you to lift your legs. You complied and brought your leg up whilst Bucky cupped your ass urging you to bring your other up and wrap them round him, reassuring you that he had hold of you. Just as you had wrapped your legs wrapped around Bucky’s waist he pulled back and slammed into you, Bucky undid your bra pulling it down and throwing it to the side. Bucky once again pulled almost all the way out before slamming back into you, grabbing your breasts in his right had whilst his cool Vibrainium arm cupped your ass.
He quickened his pace the feel of his cock stroking your insides over and over had you mewling. You grabbed your hands around his neck and kissed Bucky moaning his name into the kiss, you leant back as Bucky pounded into you over and over, lowering his mouth to your breasts he took one of them into his mouth swirling his tongue over your nipples.
“Fuck Y/N that feels so good do it again” he said bringing his Vibrainium hand down his thumb began circling your clit, you felt yourself tighten again, that coil inside you was close to snapping, remembering Boston and feeling how close you were you lifted your head and fixed your eyes on Bucky.
“Bucky I’m so close, please let me cum” you whined. Bucky sped up once more, harder and faster the cool Vibrainium rubbing your clit compared to the polar opposite feel of his warm cock rearranging your insides was too much and you were just about hanging on. Bucky felt you tighten around him again and he nearly lost it there and then, but this was about you and making up for the six months he had ignored you, god it had been torture for him.
“Cum for me doll” he said and with that the coil in you snapped, Bucky’s pace slowed as he coaxed you through the orgasm as you screamed his name over and over in ecstasy.
Bucky slowly pulled out before untangling your legs from around his waist. In one swift movement Bukcy chucked you over his shoulder and walked into the bedroom. Throwing you down on the bed you squealed. Before you could even get comfortable Bucky had flipped you over so you were on your back. He left a trail of blazing hot kisses down your neck, breasts and stomach before ducking his head down between your legs.
“Oh-god” you squeaked. You felt Bucky chuckle as he wound his tongue inside you making you squirm. That familiar coil was building in you and as if Bucky could tell his thumb brushed your clit, slowly but then it started building whilst Bucky drank every last drop you offered him up. Bucky suddenly pressed his thumb into your clit and began rubbing back and forth, it was too much and before you could ask for permission you were cuming again. Bucky didn’t seem to mind though as he continued fucking you with his tongue.
“Oh doll, look how gorgeous you look glistening like this for me” Bucky said, before pushing a finger inside of you. “Really doll I had no idea just how much of a slut you truly are” Bucky hummed against your sensitive bud. He slowly curled his finger up and started pumping stroking your G Spot watching you squirm as he hit it over and over, then he lowered his mouth to your cunt. He started by kissing you, then he moved to slowly swirling his tongue around your clit. Whilst one finger became two and then began to suck your clit, you felt your legs shake, this was even better than the first time he had touched you those six months ago.
Your fingers tangled in Bucky’s brown hair as you started to grind against his face. Bucky moaned, removing his fingers before replacing them with his tongue.
Bucky lifted your ass slightly allowing him to get that bit deeper this new position had you clenching around him again, every inch of you still on fire from the previous two orgasm’s you knew you wouldn’t last long especially as he kept stroking your G spot with every purposeful stroke.
Bucky slowly withdrew his face and stood up, his eyes looked at you with an animalistic hunger, removing his top he then gave his cock a few quick tugs before spreading your legs with his vibranium arm, the feel of the metal and anticipation of having Bucky’s cock inside you again made you shiver. Bucky slowly lowered himself onto the bed using his arm to prop him up so he didn’t crush you, he leant down and kissed you. You could taste yourself on Bucky and that only made you groan, without breaking the kiss you felt your way down to Bucky’s cock guiding him into you, he entered slowly until every single inch of you sheathed him.
Bucky started to rock back and forth slowly whilst you adjusted to him again, there was touch of passion mixed within his hunger this time, the urgency of wanting to be inside you slightly subdued after you had fucked his face. Once Bucky was confident you had adjusted to him his pace quickened again. He kissed you again wanting you to swallow him hole, fuck it felt so good to be fucking you, he had wanted nothing more than to claim you like this since Boston but like the arse he is, he had convinced himself he would break you if he touched you again. He hadn’t realised he had already broken part of your soul by ignoring you for six months.
“Bucky” his name caught in your throat as Bucky once again sped up and pounded into you.
“I’m close not sure I can hold out” you said between gasps for breath. Bucky moved his thumb down to your clit again, knowing this would throw you over the edge he began to swipe slow purposeful circles round it.
Bucky waited a few moments for your breathing to steady before he withdrew from you, he kissed your head before pushing of the bed. You felt a brief stir of panic when he didn’t immediately wrap you in his arms, before you could panic too much he returned with damp wash cloth and gently cleaned you up. You couldn’t help but breathe a small sigh of relief when you realised he wasn’t leaving you. After he returned the washcloth to your bathroom he chucked his shirt at you with a smile.
“That’s not a problem Y/N, I wanna feel your tight little pussy milk my cock dry, now cum for me Y/N” he said with that you slammed yourself up to him chasing the orgasm you knew was about to rip through you. Suddenly you just didn’t feel quite full enough and pulled Bucky into you with your legs, Bucky slammed into you hard and fast and with that the orgasm ripped through you.
Your cunt tightened around Bucky’s cock and he couldn’t hold back any more moaning your name he let himself release his hot cum inside you. Thrusting into you as he released his pace slowing as he emptied himself.
“Put that on Y/N I want to wake up to the sight of you wearing it in the morning” he said whilst he lowered himself on to your bed.
You felt a lump form in the back of your throat had you hoped he would stick around after? Yes. Did you expect him to stay the night? Hell no. Were you ecstatic about the fact he wanted to wake up next to you. Fuck yes.
You pulled his shirt on over your head and curled into Bucky’s side nuzzling into the crook between his neck and chest. He snaked his arm around you pulling you that bit closer, he then kissed your forehead before lightly kissing your lips.
“Look Y/N. I’m sorry about the last 6 months and how I acted after Boston I should have treated you with more respect than I have been, I know you’re not a breakable little doll and I do genuinely care about you. I just” Bucky sighed. You lifted your head to look at him with your eyes baring into him.
“I just, worry about hurting people I care about, what HYDRA did, it fucked me up pretty good and I sometimes feel like I don’t deserve to have people like you care about me” he finished. Seeing Bucky so vulnerable made your heart ache.
Knowing in this moment he didn’t need words he need actions, you pushed yourself up so you were sitting up, you straddled him, before gripping his face in between your hands. You stroked his face gently with compassion and adoration, you lowered your face and kissed him, passionately, slow and firm. Pouring your heart into the kiss. Bucky pulled you closer to this kiss encasing you with his arms.
He broke the kiss first and you rolled of him pulling him with you as you rolled onto your side. He snaked his arm over you pulling you close to him till you were flush with him. With his left arm he snaked his cool metal fingers into yours. You smiled to yourself and snuggled your back that bit closer to him wanting him to know you were his and he was yours.
Bucky kissed your neck and shoulder lightly which sent butterflies through your stomach. Eventually once your heart had finished pounding in your chest you drifted off to sleep.
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Prompt My Own Damn Self # :He’s Not the Guy You Marry, But He Is The Guy You [REDACTED] in the Night Club Bathroom at Two O’Clock in the Morning, Which is Also Important
Summary: Literally what it says in the title, except we find out what [REDACTED] means, which is very fun and exciting. That’s right, everybody, we’re 👏 going 👏 there 👏
Warnings: ‼️18+‼️ Extremely Explicit Sexual Content. Do NOT be uncool and read it if you’re not of age. Otherwise, there’s alcohol involved here (wow what a surprise 🙄), like one mention of drugs, and smoking. Aside from that, it’s pretty straightforward.
Genre: Mediocre Smut
Pairing: Hatter/Fem!Reader
Notes: There are two types of people in this world: people who are very attracted to the weird sexy hat guy who started a death-game pyramid scheme, and LIARS.
Real talk, though: this is pretty explicit. More explicit than I’ve gone in a very long time, so I’m a little rusty. It veers into “hate sex” territory, which was kind of fun to write, honestly. I live for the banter. (Also, the “you” character in this is kind of great? I like her.)
HEY! Just another reminder! This is 18+ so if you’re not of legal age, do yourself a solid and ditch this little thing, okay? Okay.
It starts with tequila shots.
Salt licked. From your wrist. His chest. The hollow of your throat.
Lime bitten. Held between your fingers. Between his teeth. Between your pushed-together breasts.
Music pulses. Lights flash. He’s got a hand on your ass. You’ve got your lips on his neck.
“Wanna go somewhere?”
And he leads you, hand on the small of your back, away from the bar. People stare. You like it.
‘Somewhere’ is, apparently, a two-stall women’s restroom, tucked away in a narrow little hallway which runs to the left of the bar. A place for shooting up drugs. A place for scribbling on the walls with permanent marker.
A place for sex. Hot, sweaty, anonymous sex.
...Well, semi-anonymous, anyways. It’s impossible to live at the Beach and not know who the man in red is, the man who sells a shot at salvation for nothing more than a few playing cards.
You lean against the tastefully cream-colored counter which hosts, among other things: a sink stained pink with cheap soap; three forgotten tubes of lipstick; a small mirror, holding an abandoned credit card and two small lines of cocaine; a crumpled up hand towel; a half-finished bottle of Asahi beer; and what was probably once a wedding ring.
“Great ambiance,” you murmur flatly. The harsh light of fluoresent bulbs burn your eyes, diverting your gaze to the white floor, “Been ages since I got fucked in a classy place like this.”
“Ages?” Hatter flicks the lock on the door with a low thunk.
“Hours,” you answer, mournful tone betrayed by a smirk tugging at the corner of your mouth, “Had you not come along, my dry spell might’ve gone on through the morning.”
“Perish the thought.”
And he does not so much approach you as he descends upon you, mouth sucking at your collarbone and leg pushing between your thighs.
“Tell me,” he pants into you ear, breath hot and fingers deft as he unties the strings of your bikini top, “How do you want me?”
“Now,” you hiss back, “Don’t care how, just—fuck, just give it to me.”
“Then, if you would be so kind?” He holds a condom between his index and middle fingers.
In truth, you’re glad for it—you’d rather not deal with the mess after all is said and done—but there’s no way you’ll give him the satisfaction of a ‘thank you.’
“Fine,” you huff, snatching the foil square from his grasp, “Don’t suppose you have anything better to—oh!”
Hands on your hips spin you around so you’re facing the mirror. You grip the edge of the counter, knuckles straining, and watch as he reaches around to palm your breast.
“Apologies,” he makes eye contact with you in the mirror, “but I seem to have my hands full at the moment.”
And that’s when you feel fingertips slipping beneath the seam of your bikini bottoms, an insistent press against the slick of your slit.
You spit a curse and fumble with the condom, desperation setting in as his hands continued to dance across your flesh. After some moments (too many for your liking), you’re successful in your endeavor, and pass the unwrapped nuisance over your shoulder.
“Much obliged,” he thanks, removing his hands to sort himself out, “You know, I appreciate—“
“I didn’t come here to talk,” you snap. He laughs in response.
“Ooh, you’re mean!”
And he’s sliding the crotch of your swimsuit bottoms to the side, exposing only what is necessary and lining himself up—and, okay, that’s the kind of semi-impractical hotness you were looking for from this particular encounter. Your muscles clench involuntarily around nothing and you cant your hips back to get him to move it along...but nothing happens.
God, what is this guy’s problem?!
“But, I wonder,” he whispers into your ear, “are you desperate enough to say ‘please?”
Of all the guys to pull for a quick fuck, of course you get the one who’s a total tease. So smug, arrogance blooming as he presses a soft kiss to your left shoulder. There’s no way you’re giving in to this asshole, so you glare at him in the reflection of the mirror.
“Fuck you,” you spit, teeth bared and mouth formed into a malicious smile.
He shrugs his shoulders.
“Close enough.”
You both cry out when he fills you with a single, fluid thrust. And—fuck, fuck, fuck!—that is good. One of his hands curls around the jut of your hip, while the other splays across your collarbone, thumb and forefinger framing the base of your throat in a firm but gentle touch.
Otherwise, he remains still—perhaps he’s being gentlemanly and allowing you time to adjust? No, no, he’s definitely being a tease again.
Seriously, what is his goddamn deal?
Since he seems content to take his merry time, you take matters into your own hands, moving against him in a somewhat-awkward but still satisfying rhythm.
“You,” he says between heavy breaths, “seem eager.”
There’s something in his voice that seems amused, as if he finds your candor endearing. You lean forward a bit, angling your hips so his length is able to sink deeper and, oh, that’s much better.
“Want something done right,” you pant, “gotta do it yourself.”
“You don’t think I’d do it right?”
“Sweetie,” you coo with a condescending smile, “I know you wouldn’t.”
And you’re lucky that guys like him are all the same—arrogant, showy, desperate to prove their sexual prowess—because he finally (finally!) decides to get his sorry ass into gear and make something happen.
The hand that was around your neck gropes at your breasts, the cool metal of that stupid-ugly-tacky ring catching on your skin in an annoyingly tantalizing way. The other shoves its way between you and the edge of the countertop, deft fingertips circling your clitoris in a way that makes your toes curl in your sandals. You bite your lip to keep from crying out as he fucks into you, hips snapping hard but steady against the plush of your ass.
“You know, the people I fuck usually try to be nice to me,” he says, “nicer than you, anyways.”
The hand on your breast pinches your nipple, earning him a sharp gasp.
“Why be nice?” You clench around him, causing his rhythm to falter, “You’re just the means to an end.”
“And here I thought we were making love.”
Teeth scrape down the length of your neck, and fuck—you’re getting close. Your arms are shaking. Your heart is racing. You hate to admit it, but he’s good at this.
“Darling,” he growls into your ear, “I do believe you’re about to come.”
“Shut up,” you snap, trying desperately to sound cool and unaffected despite the fact that your composure is about to shatter and there is not a goddamn thing you can do about it.
“Well, go on then. After all,” he hisses, “I don’t have all night.”
What starts as anger is quickly overtaken by pleasure—white-hot and blinding, enough to make your knees shake and your eyes spring with tears. It’s exactly what you were looking for, exactly what you had been expecting from the most notorious sex fiend at this God-forsaken place.
Apparently, he must’ve come too, because he’s pulling out with a surprising tenderness—gentlemanly in one way, at least. He even makes sure to right your bikini bottoms, making sure that they’re once again covering you completely before turning his attention to himself.
“You know, I didn’t know people could glare their way through an orgasm, but you made it happen.”
“I’m a woman of many talents.”
Before you choose to look in the mirror, you fix the rest of your bathing suit with a tremble in your fingers. You can feel him watching you, and honestly, you’re not sure how you feel about that. Good, mostly, but tinged a bit orange with annoyance. You try not to think about that too much and, with a deep breath, look at your reflection.
The first thing you do to assess the damage of your little liaison is check your makeup—your eyeliner is a bit smudged, but that’s easily fixed with a few swipes of your littlest finger. Your hair, however, is another story, so you set to fixing it with a dissatisfied huff.
You hear the snick of a lighter behind you and the scent of fresh-burning nicotine hits your senses. You turn around to see him leaning against the tile wall with a cigarette between his lips and smoke curling in wisps towards the ceiling.
He raises an eyebrow when you approach him, then chuckles when you snatch the cigarette right out of his mouth and take a long, deep drag. It’s almost as good as the sex.
“You know,” he says, “I think you might be a bit in love with me after my spectacular performance.”
That makes you choke, your lungs switching from laughter to coughing and back again.
“Spectacular?” You quell your sputtering with a gulp, “You were passable. At best.”
“Careful, sweetheart. You’re getting awfully close to giving me a compliment.”
You take a step closer to him, shoulders squared, fingers ashing the cigarette onto the floor.
“Not your sweetheart,” you say, taking one last drag and blowing the smoke directly into his face. You smile when he flinches.
“Now, if you’ll excuse me,” you say, pressing the mostly-smoked cigarette between his lips, “I have somewhere to be.”
You turn on your heel and begin to walk away, making sure to sway your hips just so as you do. There’s no way his eyes aren’t glued to your ass, and the thought makes you smile triumphantly.
“Until next time, then,” he calls—and it’s cute that he sounds so sure that you’ll come crawling back to him.
You exit the bathroom with a self-satisfied smirk, enjoying the thought of him lighting another cigarette and trying not to chase after you.
Three days, tops. That’s how long it’ll take for him to beg.
You can’t wait.
also just in case you were wondering, he DID leave the sunglasses on—BUT they were on his head kinda holding his hair back because I truly believe he would do that. also the kimono has pockets and he thinks it’s very cool to carry around all his stuff in there (for example he keeps a granola bar on his person at all times because sometimes you just get hungry yknow?)
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violetnotez · 4 years
Can I request a storyline where reader and Ms. Joke gives advice to each other to ask their crushes out. (Reader crushing on Bakugou and Ms. Joke likes Eraserhead). Also I love your Dabi fic it's so damn amazing.
Anon I know this took so long but I loved this idea ALOT. Like-literally GENIUSSSSSSSS!!!! And omg I’m so happy you liked my Dabi fics!!!🥺😭
Another fic for the @bnhabookclub event! If you wanna join in, heres the link!
Also pls ignore that Ms Jokes shoulder has disappeared I forgot to fix it 💀
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Bakugo x reader
⤷ Genre: Fluff
⤷ Word Count: 2000+
⤷ Warnings: cursing
⤷ Synopsis: As your helping your hero aunt Ms. Joke concoct a plan to win over Eraserhead, the conversation somehow turns to your crush on Bakugo. Even though you feel comfortable talking about the hotheaded boy with your aunt over the phone, you don’t realize how bad that idea is until a certain someone decided to eavesdrop outside the door.
Song Recs: ⤷ Leave This Place-Lione ⤷All This Time-Deorro ⤷Start It Over-NOTD
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“Okay okay, how about this one-
“Can you pass me my inhaler, because you just took my breath away!”
Ms. Joke made an over exaggerated attempt at swooning, her voice airy and theatrical. You couldn’t help but giggle at her antics, your nose scrunching at the terrible pick up line she just gave you.
“I don’t think that one will work Auntie,” you mused, your phone on speaker as you tidied up your UA dorm room.
Not many people were aware of it, but your aunt was Ms. Joke, the comedy hero. It was quite a shocker when you let that information out to your classmates, as they couldn’t understand why you had went to UA over her hero school. It was true you had entertained the idea of going, but as much as you loved your aunt-you could only tolerate her for so long. She was so fun and energetic to be around, but that energy quickly became draining after a few hours.
The thought of having to be around your aunt every day made you feel tired just thinking about it, so you had kindly opted to try UA instead. Your aunt was a little disappointed that you had picked UA over her school, but she was over the moon excited for you to finally follow her footsteps and become a hero.
It also didn’t hurt that you would be around Aizawa quite a lot-and she definitely used that to her advantage.
“Oh Cmon tho, Jitter Bug, he would love it!” She exclaimed through the phone. “That one is such a laugh riot!”
“I think you forget that Mr. Aizawa isn’t too big on jokes,” you gave her a short giggle as you began to fold the freshly cleaned clothes on your bed.
“Hm….” she hummed in thought.
“What about-I’m thirsty, and guess whose body is 75% water? I’d then give him a killer smile to go along with it-he can’t say no to me then!”
Your cheeks turned incredibly red-the thought of your aunt hitting on your teacher so openly like that? Revolting.
You made a gagging noise at the prospect, a nervous laugh spilling out.
“I swear if you do that, I will dig my own grave and lay in there from second hand embarrassment,”
A belly laugh erupted in the other end of the line, Ms. Joke’s chuckles high pitched and uncontrollable.
“You really are a hard one to impress, huh?” She said between laughter.
“That type of pick up line is a little too young though-you babies are the ones that say ‘thirsty’ all the time…”
You heard a little hum on the other side of the phone, signaling she was thinking deeply.
“Why don’t you use that one on that boy you like, what’s his name again?”
She asked good naturedly, a hint of sneakiness in her voice. “It’s-Bakugo, Katsuki Bakugo, right?”
Your eyes went wide like saucers, your body language going rigid.
“Auntie you cant say that so loud, I’m on speaker phone!” You hushed her.
Your cheeks went insanely red, your head swiveling to look at your door.
Damn you and not closing it properly-anybody walking by could have heard!
Your aunt only knew about your crush because she had noticed you staring quite intently at Bakugou at your provisional licensing exam, her questions hard to not answer truthfully. She had promised not to tell anyone, not even your parents, but she used it against you nevertheless.
You sighed a breath of relief once you were satisfied that no one had walked by, your head turning back to your phone call.
。・:*:・゚★,。・:*:・゚☆ 。・:*:・゚★,。・:*:・゚☆ 。・:*:・゚
Unknowing to you, someone had walked by-Bakugo.
It was later in the day and getting close to his early bedtime, so he had come up to tell you to be quiet.
It felt strange walking up to your room-Bakugo knew he was beginning to like you, more than just a classmate or a friend, yet he didn’t quite want to believe it.
He shouldn’t have all these vulnerable feelings, he should be focusing on training and nothing more. But the more and more he tried to ignore it the more and more he realized how much he truly admired you-you were so damn pretty to him, your laugh and smile always making a blush rise to his cheeks, and the way you would look at him so innocently whenever he spoke to you made his whole world light up.
He liked how you respected him, but you would also put him in his place if needed.You were really one of the few only people he would listen to, which made it even worse-you had a power over him you didn’t even know about. It frustrated him, but he cared about your opinion too damn much to openly defy your wishes.
It sucked how easily he’d fallen for you, but he couldn't make it stop, no matter how hard he tried.
Just as he trudged up the stairs to your room, he noticed the door unlocked, a strange thing for him to see since he had prepared himself to knock. Whatever-less time waiting outside your door. He lightly leaned himself against the adjacent wall, ready to yell his warning at you quickly until he heard the familiar voice of Ms. Joke speak his name from a phone call.
The hell were you even talking about?
He couldn’t help it, he had to listen in, it was him you were talking about after all. As much as he didnt want to care, he hoped it was only good things you were speaking of, his heart fluttering when he heard your aunt say “you like him.”
Was it true? Did you really feel the same for him?
Bakugo instantly felt himself to sweat, his vermillion eyes wide as he prayed the news he was hearing wasn’t a lie-you had to like him back. You just had to.
Ms. Joke laughed at your distress, her voice lighthearted and loud.
“Oops, sorry!” She said, not a single ounce of remorse in her tone. “But really, y/n, what do you see in that boy! He’s so-well-“
“Harsh?” You finished her sentence, shuffling on your bed.
“Exactly! He’s always so mean and entitled too-you can’t find another boy in UA? What about Shoto-hes a pretty one!”
You gave a giggle, your hands fiddling nervously with your hair.
“Shoto is just a friend Auntie, and besides, he’s quite reserved-Bakugo isn’t,” you sighed, “Ive never meant anyone like him before.
。・:*:・゚★,。・:*:・゚☆ 。・:*:・゚★,。・:*:・゚☆ 。・:*:・゚
Bakugo’s heart beat painfully in his chest from outside the door.
This was fucking wrong-he was being a total creepster eaves dropping in your private conversation.
He kept telling himself that this was all okay, because you were talking about him and it was your goddamn fault for speaking about him behind his back-
But he knew deep down it was because he wanted so badly to know. He just wanted to be reassured that there was a connection between you two and he could pursue it somehow.
。・:*:・゚★,。・:*:・゚☆ 。・:*:・゚★,。・:*:・゚☆ 。・:*:・゚
“He’s just so-different. He is really harsh and brutally honest-it makes him kinda unique in a way. He’s always so driven, trying to do his best to be the best-it’s infectious, ya know? I can't help but admire him for that.”
you admired him? god, hearing those words sent him over the moon. You sounded so sweet and so soft as you relayed all your inner feelings to Ms. Joke, his heart was practically swooning.
Your aunt gave a small nod at your words, her voice much more understanding.
“Have you talked to him? Tried to ask him out or do anything you little kiddies usually do when you have a crush?” She asked playfully.
You sighed, your hands combing through your hair.
“Oh I could never! He wouldn’t like me back-he’s too into his school work. And he is super harsh-god I don’t know what I’d do if he’d reject me….”
“I understand you full heartedly JitterBug,” she used your nickname again, a groan slipping out of your lips.
“Are you yiu ever going to stop calling me that!”
“Never!” She exclaimed, her voice loud and cheerful again. “Your my wonderful little JitterBug and I’m going to keep calling you that until I kick the bucket!
“But really,” she sighed, her tone much more serious. “You never know until you try! I got rejected myself many, many, MANY times-but Im still doing perfectly fine!”
You held back a small snicker-your aunt, the Jokester Hero, who can’t hold a conversation without cackling like a maniac, the one who wears the most ridiculous outfits, has a chaotic fighting style, and has been pinning over the same guy since her internship days as a rookie?
Yeah, perfectly fine isn’t the best way you would describe her.
You simply hummed a nod in order to satiate her a response, a small smile gracing your lips.
“Ugh, I just got a call-they need me to help out with some robbery,” you aunt huffed out, her tone clearly tired. You felt a little bad for the hero-she must have been having a pretty crazy day.
“I’m sorry we had to cut our call so short!”
“Oh no it’s no problem!” You reasuresed her happily, “stay safe out there!”
“You two Jitterbug! Byeeeee!” She practically yelled her goodbye into the phone, making you flinch.
You breathed a tranquil sigh, readying yourself to start studying for your tests when you heard a loud banging upon your door.
“Oi, dumbass, can I come in for a minute?” The gruff voice of Bakugo filled the room, making your blood shiver-
Bakugo?!? Wait-was he there the whole time?!?
You teeth were practically chattering from that overwhelming fear, your cheeks red and your eyes wide.
You seriously were going to crawl into a hole and never come out if he heard that whole conversation.
You crawled off your bed, your hand making their way to the door to peak it open slightly.
Bakugo’s heart was thumping violently in his chest-now he knew you felt the same for him, this was going to be extremely easy. But he still felt really nervous, especially when your hair was so perfectly messy like that and your cheeks were dusted with pink like you were already nervous yourself.
God damn, why did you have to be so attractive? It just messed everything up for him, making him feel like he couldn’t think straight.
“Hey Bakugo, I-Uh-what’s up? Did you need something?”
“Yeah,” he replied gruffly, his nerves making his hand sweat more than usual. “something like that,”
Damn quirk, he thought in annoyance, shoving his hands into his pants. “You gonna let me in?”
“Oh-uh,”you began to stutter, shifting away from the door and opening it up slightly, “sure, yeah!”
He grinned to himself at your adorableness-did you always act this nervous around him? How did he not notice you like him before-it was so obvious to see now when you were fidgeting like that.
He strutted into your room, a new found confidence in him as he shut the door of the room for you, practically trapping you in with him. A mischievous smirk graced his lips, making your heart thump against your ribcage.
“Don’t want anyone overhearing by accident cause you cant close a door right,”
You groaned in embarrassment.
Welp-he knew.
You gave him a small look, your eyes doe -like and scrunched up in uneasiness.
“How much of that did you hear?” You asked timidly.
Bakugo scoffed, that shit eating grin still plastered on his face.
“All of it, Jitterbug,”
You groaned yet again, plopping your body onto the bed in embarrassment.
How could this happen?! He was right-you should have closed the door! You covered your face with your hands, your fingers trailing against your forehead and your hair.
“God I’m so sorry, I probably sounded like a creep, I didn’t mean to-“ you tried to apologize and explain yourself, your cheeks a cherry red.
“Do you like me?” He interrupted you, his arms crossed in front of his chest.
You looked up timidly-god, was he always this intimidating?
He was standing right in front you, his overwhelming stature making you feel so small and overpowered. He was wearing this strange smirk, as if he was enjoying interrogating you.
That usually wasn’t a Bakugo thing to do, to smirk like that, but damn, was it kinda-hot. You could really only focus on that, on the way his lips curled up so softly like he was happy about something but trying to repress it. It was warm and inviting, and you couldn’t help but feel some of your awkwardness melt away.
“How would you feel if I said ‘yes’?” You tried your best to lighten the mood some what, a nervous smile slipping against your lips.
Bakugo knelt down, his body so much more closer to you. His hands went on each side of your legs, his thumbs just brushing your outer thigh. He caged you in to the bed with his arms, his face mere inches from yours.
Well shit.
You felt the blood rush to your face, your ears pounding-you never knew he felt this warm so close, and god-did he really smell like salted caramel? His vermillion eyes were boaring to yours, sending your senses into over drive.
“And how would it feel if I said ‘yes’?” He turned your words against you, his voice husky and deep form being so close.
You squirmed from nerves, your hands going to play with your hair. It was so strange being so close to him, and you didn’t know what to do.
You looked so cute flustered like this-Bakugo internally tried to remember this perfectly, mentally writing down your adorable mannerisms and facial expression to memory. As much as he loved this, you were taking too long for a reply, and he was getting a little annoyed.
“What was that? I’m still waiting,” he asked gruffly, his voice low and sultry.
You gulped, feeling a pang in your heart from hearing that type of voice come from him. Directed to you.
“I-Uh-yes, I-I do, I've liked you for a while now,” you revealed, your cheeks practically tomato red.
He smirked at your expression, slowly lifting his body with off the weight.
You looked up in confusion, already feeling cold without his warm body so close to yours.
“Good,” he replied, his voice prideful, “cause I feel the same way.”
“You do!” You practically shouted, your eyes wide with shock.
The Bakugo-“liked you” liked you? You could practically scream with happiness.
“Well yeah dumbass, why would I say that if I didn’t?” He chuckled slightly, his bright red eyes still drinking you in.
Now his nerves were coming out again, a heaviness feeling his stomach as he realized what he had to do now.
“I-I’m not good at this shit, but-
“Wanna go out tomorrow?”
You were practically screaming like a little girl internally. This was happening? Was this all just a cruel dream?
Only one way to figure out if this was real or not.
You stood up from the bed, bringing yourself close to the hot head.
Now it was Bakugo’s turn to be embarrased-he was getting too comfortable being the one to make you nervous. He forgot how you could make him so flustered, your warm smile and pretty eyes making his heart thump painfully and his mind go into a panicked standstill.
Your hands shakily wrapped around his neck, slow to see how he would react.
God, you had thought about touching his hair for so long now, it was even better than you imagined-soft and fluffy like a cloud, you ran your hands through the spiky locks. The faint smell of caramel wafted into your nose agaun, making you feel nervous and calm at the same time.
He was slightly rigid, staring at you with shocked eyes-but he seemed to not mind this. You smiled softly, your heart thumping-it was now or never.
You slowly got on your toes and leaned yourself into his lips, surprised how warm they felt. At first he didn’t move, which scared you-but he eventually began to move against your lips, a little rough but still pleasant. A flood of warmth filled your body, your hands relaxing against his body. You felt his arms wrap around your body, his lips now taking the lead and guiding you into him.
You couldn’t believe how good this felt, how perfect and surreal it was.
But you remembered-sadly- breathing was a thing, your lungs burning as you both reluctantly pulled away.
You thanked your aunt for her loud mouth in your blissful daze, because without her, you wouldn’t be kissing your crush now.
You smiled at the blonde, his cheeks dusted with red and his eyes drinking you in.
“Tomorrow sounds great.”
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supertransural · 3 years
okokok but hear me out here.
what if the whole link between “being happy”, “getting taken by the empty” and “i love you” did not compute in dean’s brain?
a): what if dean figured “he’s finally understood the meaning of happiness, the feeling, he’s been figuring it out for a while since we got Jack back (it’s gotta be because of Jack, why else???) and he’s speedrunning through the realization because he needs to summon the empty (is this really happening oh god no no no i’ve got things i need to say no no no). also, he’s about to die for real therefore he’s telling me stuff he won’t have the chance to tell me again. there is absolutely no link whatsoever between me and his sudden happiness. he loves me: HOW AM I SUPPOSED TO ANSWER TO THAT WHEN THERES BLACK GOO ABOUT TO COME SWALLOW YOU UP YOU GODDAMN WINGED IDIOT”
b): what if he thought the declaration was false but the happiness real. as in, “but maybe he’s lying through his teeth and is happy to be able to save me, but he’s gotta sell it to the empty, because surely i’m not all those things and i didn’t do all these things and how can he love me? yeah he’s probably lying but he’s so happy to die to save me i don’t know i don’t have enough time oh god i can’t- i don’t know I NEED TO SPEAK THERES QUESTIONS I NEED TO ASK YOU YOU CANT JUST DISAPPEAR I DIDNT UNDERSTAND”
c): what if he did the gay thing of “haha you like me? but like as a friend right lmao? guys if someone dies for you while professing their love for you, that’s like as a brother right?” because he couldn’t believe that his own (buried very deep) feelings were requited.
which. all of these three things could’ve easily been fixed by like. idk. a kiss. or just 5 more minutes. OR HM I DONT KNOW MAYBE SAVING HIM FROM THE EMPTY?????
and also my personal headcanon is that he was having a panic attack when all that was happening, therefore the few words he was able to blurt out weren’t the ones he actually meant to say, panic attacks don’t help when trying to think or speak clearly. he was so frozen in place and his eyes so focused, and then getting pushed is like a sudden snap back to reality but it’s too late and lemme tell you about the guilt this man must’ve felt from that panic (this is dean “everything is my fault” winchester we’re talking about here) thinking maybe he could’ve done something, just something, to save cas before he was taken.
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benexolence · 6 years
Holy (M)
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Professor!Kim Namjoon x Student!Reader
little bit of Jungkook x Reader in the beginning though :-)
Word count: 7.7k
Rating = M
SUMMARY: You get yourself into gnarly trouble with the young professor that lives in your dreams, and you must help him with some grading as a punishment. Little did you know, he’s not the only one who’s willing to commit a misdeed that doesn’t necessarily align with your school’s faith.
Warnings: rough sex, spanking, sir kink, daddy kink, slight exhibitionism, overstimulation, multiple orgasms, fingering, cunnilingus, choking, dirty talk, straight fucking FILTH
A/N: plz don’t judge me as this is my first written smut, i triED my best, ok :<
**STB = BTS backwards. 
At the moment, it felt like a sauna to you. Inside the tiny space, the room was hot. The wall touching your back would feel the sheet of sweat that you’re currently covered in. It felt like there was barely any fresh oxygen in the room, it left you close to breathless. With the way Jungkook’s hands started sliding the underneath your uniform skirt almost left you breathless. The way his nails dug into the back of your thighs almost left you breathless. His open-mouth kisses all over your jawline were getting you close to your demise. But you were ultimately out of oxygen when his lips pressed right into the sweet spot of your neck; you reached your doom, but you couldn’t help but moan for more. His teeth grazed against the spot with desperation. All he wanted to do is wreck your body until you couldn’t decide if you needed more or if you couldn’t handle it anymore. 
“Tell me what you want, baby” Jungkook moved his lips to whisper in your ear, only to nibble at it. “Daddy will give you whatever you want.” Jungkook’s hands moved his hands from the thighs to your ass, only to squeeze it in his palms. One hand moved to your hips, wrapping his fingers around the band of your panties, pulling at it and letting the band snap back to your hips. “You just have to tell me, baby.” You squirmed in his arms, desperate for anything. You didn’t care about who it was and what they did, you just needed someone to give you something to satisfy this frustration that built in your stomach. You were desperate enough to let an infamous fuckboy touch your body in the janitor’s closet of your school.  “Please, Daddy, t-touch me.” He slips his fingers down to your panties to touch your folds. Jungkook groans into your neck, “God, you’re damn so wet, Y/N. Were you thinking about me all day? Thinking about my fingers in your fucking panties?” You whine at his touch, bucking your hips for more friction. But that wasn’t enough for him. “Come on Y/N, tell me what you need and Daddy will give it for you” Jungkook spoke into your neck. You can feel his lips smirking, but you knew that you had to give into that damn cocky attitude to get what you want, even if you didn’t actually want him. Lying was your only way to get to your high, and you could easily do it. It wasn’t a problem for you because it was just so easy to imagine Jungkook as the man who actually made you drenched, who made you this frustrated, but also the man who will get you to your high, even if it’s your imagination. “Daddy, I-I needed your fingers, please” You whined. Thank the lord that you didn’t have to say Jungkook’s name; it would’ve been harder to get through this. It’s not that Jungkook isn’t good-looking. He is wildly attractive and charming, but he isn’t who you actually wanted. Jungkook pulls down your panties, letting them fall to your feet. He starts sucking at the sweet spot in your neck while his middle finger moves to your entrance, teasing it by circling at the rim of your hole. His thumb presses lightly on your clit. You moan out loud, so loud that you quickly cover your mouth with your hand. You want to cry out and stick his fingers inside you. You don’t want to wait anymore. It’s getting too much for you. It feels so damn fucking good, but it’s just not enough. “Please, Daddy, p-please” You whine a bit more as you move your other hand to his pants, cupping his groin. You begin to lightly squeeze his balls, and you hear a loud throaty moan. “Fuck, I need you right now. You want me too, right baby?” Jungkook groans as he starts to dip the tip of his finger inside you and lightly moving his thumb on your clit. “Yes! Yes! Always Daddy, please!” You cry out for him. Thankfully, he gives into pleads and slowly slides his finger inside out you, causing your mouth gape out and your eyes slam shut. You moan louder than before as you felt your walls clenching around his finger. Fucking finally, you thought to yourself. He lets his finger stay still inside of you, feeling how turned on you are, “Jesus fucking Christ, you’re so tight. You’re so naughty, baby. Do you think my thick cock can fit inside you?” Bucking your hips again, you whine for any movement on his part. “Please Daddy, make it fi--” Your pleads were interrupted by a bright light hitting the both of you. Your eyes slowly open and move in the direction of the light, only to find the man who caused you such frustration. He’s standing there, holding what looks to be a briefcase in his hands. For a second, you thought that Jungkook was so good, he got you to hallucinate, but you only realize you’re wrong when he suddenly yanked his hands away from you. “What the hell is happening here? Get out of this damn closet right now!” The man puts his briefcase down and roughly pulls Jungkook out of the closet, and his eyes move directly back to you. He scans your entire body, only to have his eyes almost bulge out at the sight of your panty-covered feet. He quickly moves his eyes in a different direction. “Ms. Y/L/N, make yourself look decent and put your undergarments back on,” He says with a stern tone. Reality hits you like a train, and you feel yourself being washed in humiliation as you quickly put your panties back on, but there’s a side that feels utterly thrilled heated when you notice the man possibly looking at your figure from the corner of his eyes. But you quickly dismiss that feeling when you try to fix your disheveled state. There’s no way he was looking at me. He’d never do that, you thought to yourself. “I’m decent, Mr. Kim” you spoke softly as you walk out of the closet with your head down and hands interlocked together in front of you. He turns to you and moves Jungkook next to you. He looks at the both you and Jungkook in complete disappointment. He grabbed open his briefcase and took out the university’s official notepad with a pen. He writes on two pieces of paper before tearing it out and handing each paper to both you and Jungkook. “I want both you and Jungkook in my office after you both confess your sins in the chapel. Immediately. I do not want to even look at both of you after what I just witnessed. Both of you must have the priest sign the paper with a timestamp after you are done, so I need that paper so I know that the both of you don’t continue this distasteful act.” “Namjoon Hyung, I’m sorr-” Jungkook tried to plead his way out of punishment before he got cut off. “Mr. Jeon, don’t you dare talk to me so casually after what you just did. Do it again, and I’ll make it worse for you. I might be a few years older than you but don’t ever forget that I am your elder and your professor, you must respect that, especially now.” Namjoon scolded Jungkook sternly. But even though you were witnessing a scolding, you couldn’t help but feel the frustration coming back. It was the way Namjoon talked to Jungkook, the anger and aggression in his tone; you felt the strength in your knees draining. Namjoon turned to you with the irritation heavy in his eyes, and you gazed your head up towards him. He spoke to you with a softer yet stern tone. “As for you, Ms. Y/L/N, I suggest you go down to the nurse’s office and change into a new uniform. You should also fix yourself up before going to the chapel. You must timestamp your visit to the nurse’s office as well.” Namjoon looked straight into your eyes after his spoke words and repeat his actions before, scanning your body with an intense glare. You quickly move your gaze back to the ground, unable about to look at him directly with the embarrassment and unintentional arousal flooding your body. You can’t control how you feel when he is around, and it’s so goddamn frustrating. “Yes, sir. I will do so.” You shyly utter the words, it was almost a miracle that he actually could hear you. But you can’t help but notice the subtle shudder of Namjoon’s body after you spoke. It was undetectable, faint. Jungkook was unaware of such a move, but you saw it. You’d bet money that if there were anyone else around you, they wouldn’t notice either. You wonder if he felt cold or if it was your words. But like earlier, you dismiss your thoughts, not believing in your unordinary beliefs. Namjoon moves to Jungkook and puts his hand on Jungkook’s upper back. His hands are covered in rings, which you find odd for him to wear at work, but your thoughts pull you into a sinister imagination. You snap out of your dreams as quickly as they came when he starts to move Jungkook as he slowly walks away. “Mr. Jeon, You will come with me to the locker-room. I’m feeling nice enough to give you a new set of clothes because you’re covered in sweat.” Namjoon stops for a second and turns his head back to you, “Ms. Y/L/N, I will meet you in my office ASAP. You can go down to the nurse’s office now.” You nodded your head and spoke, “Okay sir, I will see you then.” You looked back to Namjoon, only to find his momentarily still in place before he continued in the direction of the locker-room. You started to walk quickly in the course of the nurse’s office before any other student saw you.
During your visits to the nurse’s office and the chapel, you can’t help but be pulled back into your thoughts of Namjoon’s hands, his rings especially. When the nurse was scolding you with phrases of how sinful this was and yelling about the lessons of early childhood Sunday school, you wondered how cold Namjoon’s rings must be on your hot skin. When you were listening to the priest telling you what you must for your penance of adultery, you wondered if Namjoon touches himself with those rings on. It wasn’t great that think about him as much as you do, especially since he’s your professor at the private Catholic University you attended. It was more ironic that he was your professor for your Theology 107 class, Intro to Catholic Moral Theology. What surprised you the most is no one made you feel the way he made you feel, just his presence put shocks through your body. You knew you were screwed from the moment you saw him walk into the lecture hall of your class. Namjoon had a towering figure; he was a tall man with a lean body type; it made you feel like he’s larger than life when he was near you. He had a slick ash-blonde undercut that complemented well his sun-kissed skin. Namjoon held a compelling aura around him, it left many people speechless at times, but it left you speechless and frustrated. His voice didn’t help your problem either. When he spoke, you would usually shiver at the way his baritone voice caused goosebumps to grow on your skin. Namjoon wasn’t just a pretty face either. The words he spoke were wise and thoughtful, a simple sentence he spoke could hint at his great wisdom and intelligence, despite only being five years older than you. He was stern in his words; the commanding tone made you want to get on your knees as fast as you possibly can. During his lectures, you can hear the passion in his voice, the love he has for the goodness in humanity. You knew his heart was kind when he shared all the possible resources for communicating with him to his class; “I don’t want you guys to pass my class, I want you to come out of here, understanding the morality of right and wrong. But I’ll still make sure that each person still passes this class anyway”. He was a caring, and kind person; it just wasn’t fair for you because there was nothing you could use to make yourself dislike him to any capacity. Kim Namjoon was the epitome of frustration for you. It made you confused on whether you wanted to withdraw his class to end your troubles or start attending office hours just to see him. You wanted to express your feelings to someone but it seemed like everyone around you would start spewing words of sinfulness and disappointment to you, even though those people are probably having the same lustful thoughts of him as well. Being at a small college that you attended, you forced to keep your shit together around him. Though it didn’t matter much about what you did with boys like Jungkook, the smallest mistake around Namjoon could jeopardize the friendships you created and the reputation at your school. It’s not that you cared about what other people think but you’d rather stay away from the possible name-calling and bullying that might occur.     All these things were filling your mind as you walked to Namjoon’s office. It was getting harder to keep your frustrations to a minimum; but today, you lost control of yourself. This morning was especially tough since your dreams were filled with nothing but Namjoon’s hands. You woke up, already extraordinarily irritated and frustrated, and from that moment, it seemed like everything around you tried to trigger you. People were irritating you, the lack of food in your apartment irritated you, a random pop-quiz irritated you, and the hot, dry weather irritated you. You were close to overflowing with irritation as you were walking past the football field until your eyes found Namjoon in the area. His coaching uniform stuck to him due to the sweat covering his body. He was teaching new tricks to use in the upcoming soccer game, and you watch as his body moved so smoothly through the field. It seemed like everything he was doing required no effort. But that notion quickly disappeared when he kicked the ball into the goal. The pride and sheer aggression he possessed when he kicked the ball made you think he might destroy the goal. You thought about if he might have the same aggression when he's touching someone, putting the same level of effort and power in his thrusts when he’s fucking someone, such thoughts making your knees almost buckle in return. After the boy landed in the goal, he turned to the team and gave a radiant cocky smile, and that’s when you snapped completely. Your frustration was overflowing covering the small bits of your weaken sanity, causing you to pull your phone and find the number of some boy that you know would satisfy your needs for the time being. Your thoughts silenced themselves as you approach the door of Namjoon’s office. You could hear Namjoon scolding Jungkook, and it becomes quiet when you knocked on the door. You hear Namjoon yell a “come in” and you open the door almost immediately. Once the door is open, you find a cowering Jungkook with his head down in fear and shame while Namjoon sits in his seat, calm and controlled. “Hello Ms. Y/L/N. Please hand in your timestamps and take a seat.” Namjoon spoke as he lifted his open palms towards you, hinting to place the notepaper in that hand. Your hands slightly shook as you set the paper in his palm. His fingertips accidentally graze your hand causing you to immediately mirror Jungkook’s figure, tilting your face down to hide your blushing features. You feel Namjoon’s stare burning holes in your mind as you continue facing the ground. “So, Ms. Y/L/N, I was just talking to Mr. Jeon about the consequences he must endure for such offense. Fortunately for you, this is your first offense so your punishment will not be as severe as Mr. Jeon’s, as he has committed adultery on campus-grounds multiple times.” Namjoon’s tone shifted from stern to downright irritated towards the end of his sentence, making you almost chuckle at how stupid Jungkook could be at getting caught many times. “Still, I must reprimand you for such an incident. This astonishes me because I expected better from you, Y/N.” At the sound of your name leaving his lips and you instantly shiver. Why the hell are you so damn turned on? You could literally get kicked out of your university right now. You shifted your thighs together for relief and took a deep breath before facing Namjoon and speaking. “Mr. Kim, I’m not sure what to say, but I would like to apologize for my behavior. I shouldn’t have done this to myself or Jungkook, so I will take whatever punishment you give me.”
“I know that you are a good student, Y/N. And I know how a student’s life can be busy at times so I will go lightly on you, this one time. You’ve always turned in lovely essays in my class so as your punishment, you will come into my office and grade the essays that will be turned in this week. You will grade all 273 essays this upcoming Friday, come in at 6pm. No earlier, no later. Do you understand what you have to do, Ms. Y/L/N?” Namjoon’s smile resembled a cheshire cat as he spoke more about your punishment. He’s utterly cruel, you thought to yourself. That essay has a 10-page minimum requirement, and so there are at least 1000 pages that you have to read. The pieces aren't even interesting, it’s basically nothing but the history of good morals, and it was already mind-numbing to write the goddamn thing. “Yes, Mr. Kim, I do.” You tried your best to hide your irritation in your tone. It’s hard not to be irritated; you have to spend your Friday night, grading essays even if your brain starts melting. “Then you are dismissed, Ms. Y/L/N. I will see you on Friday.” Namjoon says with a slight smile as you stand up and leave the room. You’re fucked. Not only is your mind going to die by the 50th essay, but you possibly wouldn’t be able to function well because you’re going to around him.
There were no words to describe how exhausted you were today. You’ve spent the past few days studying, and you were just mentally-drained. You just wanted to get all this grading done as fast as you possibly can so you sleep for the rest of the weekend. Your fatigue caused you to drag yourself to Namjoon’s office, groaning every other minute about how awful the next few hours would be. You’ve been dreading this day because you knew that this night would be filled with nothing but absolute frustration. It was hard to bring yourself to knock on his office door, wanting to stall time a bit longer; thankfully you received a text just in time to distract you for a bit. Jungkook [5:55 pm]: Hey baby, are we still on for tonight? As a present for yourself, you made plans with Jungkook to binge-watch some random Netflix series. Even though these activities were planned for the night, it seemed that both you and Jungkook knew precisely what would eventually happen tonight, finishing what both of you and him started in that closet earlier in the week. You went a step further and wore a shorter than appropriate skirt with a matching blouse, so he had easier access. You needed to get your frustration in your stomach to leave because it was just getting painful now. You [5:58 pm]: Of course :-) I’ll probs be done by 10pm, I’ll text you when I leave Namjoon’s office. You wanted to relish in the possible events that might occur when you see Jungkook tonight, but you knew better than to delay the inevitable. You wanted to zoom through these damn fucking essays. You lightly knocked on the door, immediately having Namjoon open it with a bright smile on his face. “Right on time, Y/N. Let’s get started. Please take a seat” He held the door open for you, and as you walked into the office, you kept the same pose you had the last time you saw him, face down with your hands interlocked in front of your thighs. Both you and Namjoon walked to your seats, and you sat in the chair opposing to his seat. As he sat down, he swiftly placed a grading sheet and a stack of essays in front of you. “So Y/N, grading these papers is pretty simple actually. You have to read them over and make sure that they follow the guidelines on the rubric.” He pointed to the grading sheet and continued, “And read them over for clarity and accuracy. If you have any questions or you need help, please don’t hesitate to ask.” Although his tone was stern, you can tell he was trying his best to be kind to you. “Okay, Mr. Kim, thank you.” You continued facing downwards as you nodded as your hands reached for a pen and the first essay of many, you just wanted to get through all of this quickly.
“Oh please Y/N, you can call me Namjoon. Although you’re here for outlandish reasons, you still don’t need to be formal with me right now.” Namjoon gave a soft smile, which caused you to blush a bit. You knew that you had to look at him to get through this night normally, but it was definitely easier said than done, especially with the way he looked at the moment. Often, you’d always see Namjoon in business-casual attire or his coaching uniform but today was a bit different because he was nothing but casual. Namjoon seemed to look ridiculously hot in everything he wore. He wore a plain black shirt, revealing his lean biceps and gave way for his broad shoulders, with light blue ripped jeans, which accentuated his legs nicely. You recognize his shirt as a merch from a K-Rock group you like, STB. “Is that an STB shirt?” You lift your head to speak to him, with confidence for the first time, which shocked you a bit moments afterward. “Yes, it is! You like them?” Namjoon spoke excitedly with the biggest grin on his face. “I think my favorite album by STB is ‘Hate Yourself: Him’ but my favorite song by them is probably ‘Cypher -69’. My bias is definitely RM, aka Red Mango.” “My bias is Seokjom, for sure. But I really like that album! I actually like the album, Burnt Wings, a bit better; I like the song, ‘BS&T.’ The choreography is absolutely wild.” You mentioned to Namjoon, hoping that he might care. “Wait, which song is BS&T?” Namjoon questioned. “BS&T is ‘Buns, Salt, & Tomato.’ It’s the song where all the members had an orange mohawk.” You clarified for him, surprised that he didn’t know the acronym for such a beautiful song. “Wait, I know that song! They all looked so good. I was a bit surprised they could all pull off an orange mohawk.” Namjoon chuckled as he placed more papers on your side of the desk. Feeling a bit more confident, you started asking Namjoon questions about himself, “So Namjoon, STB is a bit of a rated musical group. What’s a man like you doing listening to such bold music?” Namjoon seemed surprised when you asked, but it looked like he was happy to answer anyway. “To answer your question, I may be a professor who’s teaching theological morals at a Catholic college, but there’s nothing wrong with observing and occasionally diving in provocative acts.” He started to smirk at you as he leaned slightly closer to you. “But I can ask you the same question, Ms. Y/L/N.” “I, um, I--” You were shocked by such an answer, startled by the possible meaning behind his words. You practically froze in place, scaring yourself as you realize he can see you blushing from this angle. You could barely continue until Namjoon leaned even closer to your face and spoke lightly,  “What’s wrong, Y/N? Cat got your tongue?”. He waited a few moments for you to speak but instead, you quickly faced the ground again, hiding your face which caused him to chuckle. Namjoon stood up and started walked around his desk, “Ya know Y/N, I’ve always noticed you could never look at me for more than a few moments, let alone find the words to speak to me properly. I wondered what caused you to do such things around me.” Namjoon had a sly smile once he sat in the chair right next to you. “Do I make you nervous, Y/N?” He cocked his head to the side in question towards you. You couldn’t bring yourself to look at him, let alone answer his damn question. You were blushing profusely with embarrassment, but you couldn’t help yourself when he had such an effect on you with just his words. His hand lifted to tilt your chin in the direction of his face softly so that he can see your features. “Answer my question, Y/N,” Namjoon spoke with more force in his tone. “Y-yes” You stumbled over the one word because the feeling of his long fingers under your chins has small shocks moving straight to your core. “Yes, what, Y/N?” Namjoon moved your chin closer to his face, with his eyes taking the time to analyze the shape of your lips. “I’d like to speak a bit more formally with me right now.” You didn’t know what to say, but your mind couldn’t help go to the word that made him shudder and frozen in place. “Yes, s-sir” You felt like you were going to collapse, you just wanted to moan out and just starting begging him to touch you everywhere, but your lingering embarrassment was still in your veins and fresh in your face. “Good girl, I knew that you would get it quickly.” He let his hand fall from your chin to the legs. The pet-name made shivers run down your spine. Namjoon moved to sit in the seat next to you, the seat that Jungkook sat in only a few days ago. It almost caused you to started to squirm in your seat when you felt his ring-covered fingers digging into your thighs. “So tell me Y/N, why do I make you nervous?” The question makes your breathing erratic, The sounds of your breath coming out as heavy and uneven. Namjoon noticed your struggle to breathe, and so he continued, “Are you nervous because you find me attractive? Do I make your knees weak, sweetheart?” You slowly nodded your head, not trusting your voice because you knew the only thing that would come out is a moan. But it felt Namjoon squeezing your thighs, wanting a verbal answer. “Yes sir, you’re all I think about.” “Really? You’re such a sinful girl. Do you know how wrong it is to think of me in such a daring way?” You felt his hands slide under your skirt, moving slowly to your inner thighs. You started to squirm in your hands, needing to have his hands on you. “What is it, Y/N? Do you want me to touch you?” Namjoon’s fingertips moved to follow your panty line, causing you to whine. “Speak up for me, babygirl.” “Please sir, please touch me” You whine to him, slightly opening your legs up for him. As soon as you did that, you felt two fingers graze down your clothed core, only to realize how wet you are. “Such a naughty girl, I haven’t done a single thing to you, and you already ruined your panties” It seems as though Namjoon’s voice went an octave lower, causing you to drench your panties even more. Namjoon suddenly takes his hand from underneath your skirt and grabs your wrist. He stands up and pulls you up along with him, resulting in you standing between him and his desk. He closes the tiny gap between the both of you and grabs your hips with both hands to push you up on his desk. Namjoon slides his hand back to your core, moving your panties to the side to dip his fingers in your drenched folds. You sigh in nothing but relief because finally, your daydreams are coming true. You’re getting what you truly need, receiving the thing that will finally sedate the hunger that’s been haunting you for too many goddamn nights. The cheering in your head was momentarily interrupted when a shockwave runs through your body as you felt Namjoon press his thumb your clit. “Are you nervous now Y/N? Are you embarrassed with yourself?” Namjoon sneers his words as his thumb starts to create circles on your clit. He buries himself in your neck, leaving teasing pecks all the column of your throat. Your hands start covering your mouth, trying to conceal the moans that falling out. But Namjoon doesn’t like this one bit, so his other hand leaves your hips to grab your wrist with a tight grip and held it behind your lower back. He whispers in your ear, “Don’t hide yourself babygirl. Don’t you want people to hear you? You were definitely loud earlier with Jungkook. Did you want me to hear you, Y/N?” Namjoon lets his thumb fall your needy nub. He starts dipping his finger in your hole, moving it teasingly slow so he can bask in your whines. You nodded your head furiously, doing anything to get him to move faster. You might explode from the teasing that you’re starting to endure. But again, Namjoon didn’t like what you just did. So he shoves two fingers into your heat, until he’s knuckle-deep, only to still them completely. “Answer me right now or I wouldn’t fucking move.” You cry out from the sudden intrusion and shudder at the foreign feeling of coolness touching your walls caused by his rings. You force yourself to muster up an answer as your hips start buckling, “Y-yes sir, I-I wanted you to know.” Namjoon starts a slow pace with his fingers, curling them on the spot inside you, causing you to fall instantly on his desk. You start losing control of your free-falling moans at the feeling his rings sliding in and out of you. He just started, but you feel the coil in your stomach getting tighter quickly. “I wonder what everyone might think, to have such an unholy girl walk on our campus. To have someone among us, who is so easily influenced by their desires. A person that's willing to do anything to achieve them, even if it means getting finger-fucked in a messy closet or by your professor.” His pace starts getting faster, pulling his fingers all the way out only to slam them in deep within a second, making you lose all control over your moans. Your walls start clenching your fingers as the coil in your stomach gets ready to snap. You can barely understand how he’s got you so close in record time. His smirk was cocky as the soft tone of his voice meets your ears. “Babygirl, how are you ready so fast? Were you thinking about me doing this to you today? You probably think about me doing bad things to you often, huh?” “Yes! Yes! I do Sir, all the time” You cry out at the sudden urge to answer his question, hoping that would please him. “Are you gonna cum, Y/N? Are you gonna cum on my fingers shoved inside your needy little cunt? You better fucking beg for it” Namjoon snarled slightly at the words. “Please, sir! Please, let me cum. I’ll be so good for you. Sir. Please” Your legs start trembling uncontrollably as your high gets so damn close. “Then cum for me, babygirl,” You were a bit thrown off at the sudden change in tone from slightly rough to completely gentle. But your mind stopped working as Namjoon presses his thumb hard against your clit, snapping your coil. You felt your blood turn into lava as your high blessed your senses completely. Never have you came hard from someone’s fingers but Namjoon seemed to prove you wrong. There were only a few short moments of stillness before his fingers left your heat and started to rip off your blouse and skirt, leaving you in your bra and panties. Namjoon stepped back to take in your appearance, only to broadcast a small loving smile on his face. But his words immediately put you on edge again once they left his lips. “Babygirl, I can’t wait to ruin you.” His smile morphed into a sinister grin as he rushed back you and sent your bra flying across the room. He pulled open your legs and tore your panties off. He immediately got on his knees, so he was facing your sopping cunt. Namjoon traces the outline of your folds that send a wave of shivers throughout your body from the oversensitivity. “N-namjoon, please. I c-can’t”, but he immediately hushed your whimpers. You did something he didn’t enjoy, again. His unoccupied hand went straight to grip your chin harshly, and he sent a stare that both scared and excited you. “What did you just call me?” He growls as his intense gaze sends multiple spikes of adrenaline throughout your veins. “Sir please, I’m sorry, but I just can’t.” You spoke softly, not wanting to provoke him in any way. “Well unfortunately for you, Y/N, I already know that you can...” Namjoon’s voice went an octave lower as both hands sneaked their way to your calf muscles. “... And you will, anyway.” Before you could say anything, Namjoon dragged your legs forward and let go, letting them hang off the desk. He moved to tightly grip your hips and repeat a similar action, pulling your hips towards his face. Instantly, he dove into your core and licked a bold strip between your folds before his tongue started hitting your clit. Your moans were strained and filled the room as you arch your back. The pleasure was just so raw, you felt it throughout your body, and it was intoxicating. You thought it couldn’t get any better, Namjoon pushed his fingers moved back to your entrance, and you clenched at the feeling, whining loudly as your thighs shook. His fingers moved at a furious pace, hitting your sweet spot hard each time. “Goddamnit babygirl, how are you still so tight? I wonder, did Jungkook made you this wet? Did he make you cum this fast?” Namjoon started to groan when your walls were clutching harder onto his fingers. When you didn’t answer his question, his other hand smacked your ass, and you cried out. The pain of his ring-covered hands spanking your cheeks only added to the immense pleasure that you could barely handle. Your second orgasm was approaching, but you can hardly hold yourself together. “Answer me when I’m fucking talking to you” Namjoon’s voice dripped in raspiness. No man has ever been rough with you at this point, but Namjoon was seriously making you rethink all your preferences. “N-no Sir, Jungkook didn’t make me cum. H-he didn’t make me wet. You did, it’s a-all for you, Sir.” You barely had any control over the shakiness in your voice, but you didn’t care, not with the way he’s making you feel right now. “Awh babygirl, you’re so damn dirty. Thinking of another man when you’re being touched by someone else? I didn’t know you needed me so fucking bad.” His words continued igniting a fire that was growing through every part of your body. Namjoon was right, his words were exact. You’d do anything for this man, and you don’t think you can even go back to anyone else. Your thoughts were confirmed when he added a third finger to the mix, sending you straight to the end. Your release was fast approaching, but your hazy mind told you that you wouldn’t experience absolute bliss until you asked. “Sir please, can I please cum? I w-want it so bad” you whined for relief, you needed it so badly. “Such a good girl, asking for permission. Go ahead, cum for me.” As soon as the words left his mouth, your mind went foggy as the instantaneous pleasure migrate throughout your body, causing your body to fall limp. You felt exhaustion ease into your body, not noticing the sound of Namjoon unbuckling his jeans, or his pants falling to the floor. Your attention returned when he lifted you off the desk, only to turn you around and bend you over his desk. He held a vise-grip on your hips and pushed you against him. You felt his hard cock right behind your cheeks of your ass. “S-sir, I’m so sensitive.” You sighed in fatigue, only to have that interrupted by the feeling of his tip at your entrance. “Isn’t this what you want, Y/N?...” Namjoon slowly pushed himself all the way into your hole, having you mewl in oversensitivity. The cock was so thick, and you haven’t felt anyone so deep inside you, touching parts of you that you never knew needed to be touched. Namjoon groaned in pleasure, your hole tight around his cock. The exhilaration took his breath away briefly, momentarily forgetting about his surroundings. After of few moments of letting both of you adjust to the snug fit, he pulled all the way out, only to slam right back into you. Namjoon continued to speak with a bit of strain, “... To get fucked on my fat cock? To have me fuck you so damn hard that you pass out? Because that’s what I’m gonna do, I wouldn’t stop until you fucking pass out.” Your eyes welled up with tears of pleasure as his hard-hitting pace grew faster. Your moans turned into screams due to the massive amount of pleasure building in your stomach. Your senses were completely overloaded, and you felt fucking everything. “Look at you, taking my cock so fucking well. Letting me stretch out your greedy little cunt.” The growl of his words sounded sinister. You suddenly felt one of his hands leave your hip, slithering its way to your throat; he spread his fingers out as he wrapped them around your neck. Your withering walls clamped hard around his cock at the feeling, causing him to groan as loud as your screams. “Are you gonna cum for me, Y/N? Are you gonna cum hard on my cock?” Namjoon spoke as his grip on your throat became tighter, and his pace became harder. The insufficient amount of oxygen to your brain left you to choke out an answer, “Yes! Yes, sir!” “Then do it, cum all over my cock, babygirl” He releases his grip on your throat, letting the air race back into your lungs and head; almost immediately, you scream out a constant mantra of Namjoon’s name as your high hit you like a freight train. Your entire body shook as your mind went blank of only white burning pleasure. Your whole being was in a trance of nirvana, all you could do is bask in the sensations that froze the blood in your body. You could barely feel Namjoon pulling out and turning you around to face him, the daze having you laid there as you sigh in relief. However, it was interrupted completely when Namjoon turns grabs you by the thighs and lifts you, only to have you straddle his lap while he sits in the chair you previously sat in. Your eyes glanced and almost bulge out of their sockets when you see he was still as hard as a fucking rock. “N-namjoon, I--” Your shaky sentence was already cut short when you felt Namjoon’s cock against your leaking folds. “One more, sweetheart,” He cupped your tear-stained, blushing cheeks in the palms of his hands. Your eyes slowly glanced up to look into his, only to find a tenderness to them. Namjoon started to place soft kisses along both sides of your jawline. “I promise, okay?” As Namjoon spoke, he moved to gaze into your eyes, searching for any sign of discomfort. From the warmth in his tone and tenderness in his eyes, you nodded your head with a weak “okay.” Namjoon lifted you slightly only as he moved his one of his hands to rest his tip your entrance. The hand that was cupping cheeks pull you closer to his face, letting him plant the first actual kiss of the night. His lips were plush and soft against yours; his gentle kiss left you with a warmth growing in your chest, leading you to chase his lips for more. You tangled your fingers in his hair, tugging ever so slightly, causing him to moan. His lips distract you as he slowly pushed back inside you. You broke the kiss to shake out a broken gasp. Your oversensitivity left your body shuddering uncontrollably, along with whimpers falling from your agape mouth. Namjoon stays still for a few moments, placing kisses all over your neck and face with constant reassurances of how lovely you are. He rubbed your back, to comfort you. These actions left you confused; you were quite honestly dumbstruck at the sudden sexual change from rough to gentle. Namjoon started to move; his thrusts were nothing like the recent occasion. Instead of hard-hitting pace, he moved slowly and passionately; he wasn’t thrusting roughly, Namjoon grinded his cock into you at a pace where it seemed like he wanted to savor each moment he had with you. His grinding movement limited the amount of stimulation you felt, letting your high build at a slow pace. “Sweetheart, you’re doing such a good job, taking me so well.” Namjoon moved his lips to whispered in your ear, “You feel so good around me, so tight and wet. You’re such a good girl.” As he continues moaning praises into your ear, his pace started becoming uneven and sloppy. His breathing pattern became heavier and strained as he spoke, “Come on sweetheart, cum with me. You can do it, just let go.” Namjoon grinded his hips upward, hitting your clit in the process which caused you to snap and reach your high. You were only aware of body violently trembling as your orgasm soars through you. Your release was prolonged, as Namjoon colored your swollen walls in white, burying his head into your neck as he groans in the process. Both of you stay still in comforting silence, the sounds of erratic breathing only filling the room. After a few moments, Namjoon stands up to carefully lifts your body off of him, pulling out in the process, and lays you on his desk. He grabs a few tissues and opens your legs gently to clean the leaking cum from your heat cautiously. You’re unaware of your surroundings or Namjoon as you were completely and utterly fucked out. You were barely conscious when he sits you up and tries to get water down your throat. You start to come back to life when you felt your skirt being pulled onto you. You realize Namjoon put your clothes back on you, surprised at such the kind behavior. “Namj-joon...” You weren’t necessarily shocked to find your voice to be small and weak. Namjoon chuckled at the sound of your voice, “Well hi there, you were bit dazed out for a few minutes there. I was afraid that I actually fucked your brains out.” You huffed out, “I c-can’t help it, I came four times. I still feel a bit hazy honestly.” You moved to stand up, but your legs gave out on you, causing you to almost fall to the ground. Thankfully, Namjoon was quick enough to catch you.
“Woah there, you gotta be careful Y/N.” Namjoon lifts you back to his desk and hands you a water bottle while shooting you a smile, “Give yourself a few moments to breathe a bit and whenever you’re ready, I’ll get some food with you and walk you back to your apartment.” Namjoon starts to fix himself up a bit more afterward. You did by drinking the water steadily, relaxing your breathing a bit every few sips. While doing so, you decided looked at your phone, checking for any possible notifications you missed. You stifle a laugh when you look at the time, encountering a large number of messages from Jungkook, saying something along of the “where are you?” and “did you fucking dip on me?” and only to see that it’s 2 hours past the time you were supposed to meet up with the boy. You text him a quick “sorry :/, but i’m out” and put your phone down. You look around Namjoon’s desk, and you end up sighing in slight frustration. The essays you were supposed to grade were all over the place, and some papers even covered in sweat. Namjoon notices you looking around at the essays, so he turns towards you and speaks, “You don’t have to worry about that right now.” Unsure of what exactly to say, you decide to ask him questions about your possible grading, “Wait really? Are you sure?” “Yeah, it’s no problem Y/N” Namjoon walks to you, wrapping his arm around your waist. He pulls you down from the desk so that you’re standing steadily due to his grip. You glanced up to his towering face to find a cocky smirk. He starts chuckling as he walks you out of his office, “You just have to come in this weekend and grade them with me instead.”
7K notes · View notes
So I’m finally getting around to writing out a bunch of info about my Sander Sides au so I hope youre all ready--(its like 1 am im so sorry for any spelling mistakes and missed tags)
So its 1 am on a work night and I cant sleep and I’ve had lots of ideas and canon things for this au bouncing around my head for days and now TONIGHTS THE NIGHT ITS HAPPENING IM DELIVERING YOU ALL THE DETAILS AND EVERYTHING I CAN THINK OF AND TYPE 
Also please feel free to ask about this! I know I got a few new followers from all my recent sander sides art and also thanks to @sugarglider9603 reblogging some art I made of their au I got the biggest flood of exposure and attention on my art ive ever had and I have so much to thank them for, for all recent exposure ive gotten the past couple days( theyre so sweet and lovely and easy to talk to sugar deserves all the love--) and its given me a huge surge of motivation and confidence to post this. And please, my inbox is always open to talk about my aus or my art! Ask questions, send requests, send headcanons or ideas, send fluff angst im open to anything and I try to do all requests sent to me(sooner or later)
Oh oh! and please id you catch any and all the little inspirations or anything let me know
And finally this au is a LAMP au with Remile and Demus on the side
Ahem ahem anyway onto the au!!!
More under the cut so I dont flood your screen too bad!
Ok so! 
This Au was originally inspired by @residentanchor‘s amazing fanfic A Lesson in Practicality and also a little bit by @prettyinaccurate‘s fanged virgil au( I’ll get more into that further down) 
So it takes place in a (currently) unnamed bigger city I based off San Francisco and Sacramento( because I live in Cali and those are the two major cities ive really visited ya know?) The boys are all in various stages of their twenties when they move into a four bedroom apartment together: Patton Foster is the oldest of the roomies at 27, then Logan Masters at 26, Roman Prince at 24, and finally Virgil Collins at 22. They move in together because it all works out for them really, the apartment is in a good distance to all their current jobs, whether by bus or even in Pat’s case in walking distance and with all four of them it was well affordable and was pretty nice. I mean hey it even came with a little communal balcony ( since theyre on third floor of the building) 
Things are understandably a little rocky at first , i mean isnt it always though?
Virgil has alot of anxiety and so he tends not to talk really at all at the beginning unless he ABSOLUTELY had to, mostly communicating in noncomittal noises and soft grumbles, and he was fresh out of collage and barely two years into his job and out on his own for the first time and he wasnt really ready for it either like christ too many people
Patton was bright bubbly and caring. This wasnt his first rodeo with roomies, I mean cmon, hes been sharing a room with his older brother Damian(deceit) on and off almost all his freakin life, nor was it his first time living on his own with strangers(hes lived in two different parts of two when he was job hopping before he settled down in his current part time job)
Roman was extroverted loud and exciteable, he too was used to sharing his living space( he had TWO siblings after all) and before he had moved into the apartment he had tried living on his own and with other roommates while he attended collage, but those just didnt work out well ( he ended up staying with his older brother Remy in his studio apartment across the city while he finished out that semester and searched for a job to keep an income.
Logan was serious minded stern toned and confident, he had a minor degree in teaching that he was slowly repursueing and had been out on his own for awhile before he had moved in. And though cold at first he soon found his group of housemates...enjoyable.
Its about a month into them living together that they learn exactly why despite slowly getting close and getting to know each other Virgil still kept a wide distance: He had entirely sharp teeth.
“ I dunno....I was born with them..theyve always been a sharp pain in my ass...” - virgil, about his teeth
Of course just having sharp teeth wasnt bad enough oh no. You see a few years back when he was about 18 he was young and dumb and made horrifically stupid and reckless decisions under peer pressure and ended up doing something that not only pointedly (haha oh god im not funny) chipped his front teeth but it fucked up his teeth pretty majorly, he went from having a normal overbite to almost having a goddamn underbite and crooked all his teeth, and the only way to fix it( because somehow miraculous for all the damage done it turned out to be mostly reversable aside from the chipping) was getting braces to realign his teeth. So he’s had pretty purple braces over his fangs since he was 18 and they werent expected to come off until he was AT LEAST 25 and he was insecure about them. ( he got mocked for them through his two and a half years of junior collage)
Once the gang finds out they are understanding and helpful and dont make a big deal about it( though virgil gains a significant amount of more vampire related nicknames from roman)
Once they get close and comfortable around each other the apartment is pretty warm and lively! 
Virgil works at the art store as an assistant manager and head stocker( a bit of a dream come true since he was an art student)
Roman works as a part time waiter at a family resturant as well as working at a nearby theater( he was of course a lovely theater major) 
Patton worked at a nearby cafe and bakery as a bit of everything! He helped wait tables, serve behind the counter, and helped in the back in the kitchen( the owners were family friends and he’d been working there almost four to five years at that point, boi knows how to do everything) 
Logan worked at a big name bookstore, and also provided tutoring sessions for highschool students on the side by commision
More FACTS~~
Family ages for the big families go as follows:
Fosters: Damian(28), Patton(27)
Prince: Remy(26), Roman(24, older twin by 10 minutes), Remus(24, younger twin)
Emile is 27 and is a licensed therapist and works as a counselor for young adults that volunteers at the nearby library to ready to children
Remy works as a coffee barista in Emile’s building
Remus does alot of odd jobs, kinda working as an independent for hire and gets a surprising steady flow of work and pay. Hes still a trash man though, but hes a successful trash man( partly thanks to Damian calling in favors with connections)
Damian works at a law firm slowly moving into the position of prosecutor
Virgil doesnt really get along with his family and at some point Emile offers to take virgil in as his adopted brother, with Damian assuring him if he wanted concrete legal papers to start changing his last name, cutting ties with his family, anything needed for it he’d see to it that they’d be providing(something our boi really appreciates)
Remy visits Emile on his breaks since hes literally just...two hallways down and vice versa
Damian and Remus live together in the next, slightly smaller city over because Damian’s work transferred him to a different office in order for him to keep moving up in the ranks so to speak. 
Hes also good at what he does.
Family nights happen whenever they can
Patton got to teach them how to cook alot of complicatied dishes from scratch, a bonding time he adores
Roman got Virgil an Espeon hoodie after they all start dating and virgil loves it and wears it alot around the house because its a thicker hoodie and warm( though he tries to ignore the big ears and the obnovious tail
Virgil also loves visiting Roman’s work on what Ro likes to refer to as “ hellish days” AKA kids day which means goofy kid friendly theme days. His favorite was probably alice in wonderland day when Roman was Tweedle Dee
Roman played J.D at the local theater and likes to hum some of the his songs to switch up the Disney
The balcony is covered in houseplants and and a corner of old blankets and pillows to sit and chill on
Once a month Logan and Patton have what is affectionately referred to as the Cat Discourse
After any particularly rough days at work Patton tends to massage Logan’s shoulders and back to make sure Lo doesnt get any really bad stress knots
in return when Logan sees Patton’s head a hard day he makes Patton’s favorite drink and pulls him into a hug and let the older man fall asleep in his arms while they watch movies
Pat and roman sense each other’s bad days and order in some cliche diner food and hole up in pattons room with Pattons computer and relax the shittiness away with comedy specials and movies 
Likewise Virgil has a knack of picking up Roman’s bad days and always grabs a couple glasses and a bottle kinda cheap wine and they end up curling up together on Romans bed marathoning Disney movies on Virgil’s laptop 
and when Virgil closes himself off more than normal Logan manages to lure him out of his room and they end up sitting out on the balcony quietly talking and stargazing
so loving and fond and soft with each other
you hurt one of them you gonna get BEAT by the others. 
Speaking of getting beat, never EVER mess with Roman or Remus in Remy’s proximity
Remy Andrew Prince can and WILL fuck you right up if you hurt his little brothers. He’s protective.
and where Remy will rearrange your face Damian will ruin you mentally and legally if you so much as mistreat a single freckle on his little brother’s face, despite knowing that Patton is fully capable of taking care of himself. 
Everyone protects Virgil, dont mess with or hurt virgil or you have the pack coming for ya throat
aaaaaaaaaaaaaand thats all I have for right now! Of course more will be added but now its almost three in the morning and I have work at 1:30pm and im sleepy finally! But I hope you guys like this! And please, feel free to talk to me about it, my inbox is always open!!
Taglist: @phantommoonpeople @sweetsweetemo @loganberrysanders
28 notes · View notes
notveryglittery · 6 years
home for the holidays (& home is where the heart is)
summary: declan and patton spend the first night of winter break vacation together.  words: 3,300 / ships: romantic moceit  warnings: sympathetic deceit, slight panic, very brief alcohol mention, accidental burn injury. let me know if there’s anything else! author’s notes: ok this is the first thing i’ve managed to write in a month and i’m kinda proud of it?? it’s a human/college au in which the sides + thomas are on winter break, visiting and staying at a cute cabin in a small town near school. this is the snowed in prompt from @sanderssidescelebrations!! check the end for a few more author’s notes :) i hope you enjoy!!
read on ao3 / @fandersfic-patceit 
This was all going exactly according to plan.
Scowling out the window and at the storm outside, Declan huffed in frustration. His breath fogged the glass and he rolled his eyes. What was he supposed to do now? Not only was the snow supposed to have waited until tomorrow to come through, he wasn’t supposed to have been trapped in this cabin when it did. It wasn’t like they were at a loss for heat or supplies; everything was in working order and the kitchen was well stocked. It was that it was “they” to begin with.
Quite suddenly, the cheerful notes of a Christmas song he was only vaguely familiar with began to play from the entertainment center. Declan turned to face the sound to find Patton beaming at him, hands fidgeting with the hem of his sweater.
“I thought it was a bit quiet!” Patton chirped, gesturing to the speakers. “It was a little eerie with just the wind and well, uh, you know how I am with… uhm. Silence.” Patton’s voice trailed off as he looked away and the air in the room grew thick with tension.
Declan, despite his slightly foul mood and the unfortunate circumstance they were in, found himself gazing at Patton with an expression that Roman would call “twitterpated.” Shaking his head to snap himself out of it, Declan closed the distance between them, and threw an arm around Patton’s shoulders. He tugged Patton along towards the kitchen, gesturing with his free hand as he did so.
“If we’re going to be stuck here alone for the night,” and Declan prayed it would be just the one night and that the others would make it back by tomorrow afternoon because he was so sure he could handle any more than that, “we might as well make it worth it, right?”
Patton brightened instantly, nodding with fervor. “I was going through the pantry! There’s all the fixings to make cookies! Oh! There’s pizza in the freezer, too!”
Declan watched fondly as Patton slipped from his hold and hurried around the room, throwing open various cupboards to retrieve everything they’d need. Sure enough, the counters were soon covered in various containers of flour, sugar, and chocolate chips as well as enough mixing bowls to make four different kinds of cookies. Declan wouldn’t be surprised if it came to that.
While Patton got together the baking station, Declan prepared a frozen pizza (Hawaiian and Declan supposed he’d allow pineapple on pizza this time around since it happened to be Patton’s favorite) for when the oven finished preheating. Patton was going on about what a bummer it was for just the two of them to end up stuck at the cabin. This had been a winter break getaway for their group of six but the tragedies struck one after the other.
Roman forgot an entire suitcase worth of clothes at school and so he’d had to go back for it, insisting that Logan join him because his phone was low battery and what if it died while he was on the road, and he couldn’t find his way back without GPS? Logan knew the quaint little town like the back of his hand, having grown up in it. He hadn’t complained, claiming that he’d like to grab a few textbooks, anyway, so that he might get some studying in during their down time. Patton had, of course, insisted that there would be no school work during vacation and made Roman pinky promise he wouldn’t let Logan go anywhere near his own dorm.
Virgil and Thomas, on the other hand, went out to buy a few bottles of various cream liqueurs to mix in with their hot chocolate and coffee. None of them were heavy drinkers but just the right amount of alcohol in a warm drink sometimes made the difference, especially after finishing finals. Every time they’d nearly been ready to leave the store, a message would be sent to their group chat, asking for them to get this or that as well, which prolonged their trip just enough.
The storm hit so suddenly, the entire town seemed to go on lockdown in minutes.
Virgil was rapid fire texting them, panicking on whether or not Logan and Roman had made it back to campus in time, and asking if the cabin still had power. The pair weren’t finished with their drive just yet but they’d cleared the inclement weather by quite a few miles. Patton and Declan still had electricity but the snow was coming down far too fast and heavy for them to do much. Besides, there were only two cars and it wasn’t like they could get anywhere better.
For the next half hour, Thomas kept them updated on the fact that it seemed they would be stuck at the grocery store until morning, when the streets could be cleared. Virgil had argued with the store owners that they couldn’t just stay there but when a police officer arrived and deemed it too dangerous to be on the road, Virgil had finally relented. Besides, their car didn’t have snow chains on the tires, and after some coaxing from Thomas, it was decided. Thankfully, the proprietors were ridiculously prepared for such a dilemma, and had blankets to go around and keep their customers warm.
“Dee. Sugar?” Patton spoke, pulling Declan from his wandering thoughts.
Warmth spread along his cheeks as he gaped at Patton. “Pardon?”
Patton looked up from where he was pouring flour into a bowl. “The sugar?” He asked, tilting his head. “Or am I making these cookies on my own?” His tone was light and teasing and Declan wasn’t sure how much more of this he could take and it had barely been two hours.
“You’d burn them without my help,” Declan said, eyebrows raising in what was sometimes a pretty good tell that he was fibbing. Not that it would have mattered since Patton seemed to have a sixth sense in knowing whether or not Declan was telling the truth. This was obviously a blatant lie to anyone who would have heard, anyway, because Patton was literally majoring in culinary (pastry) arts.
Declan assisted where he could, even if that just meant cleaning up the dishes and workspace as they went. The pizza went in the oven while Patton was mixing in the chocolate chips. Declan leaned against the counter, arms folded loosely over his chest, and watched. The playlist Patton had turned on earlier was blaring Mariah Carey, because of course it was, and Declan let the sappy song wash over him. Patton hummed along, tapping his feet and bobbing his head.
Before Declan could tear his gaze away, Patton spun to face him, holding the wooden spoon to his mouth like a microphone.
“Make my wish come true,” he sang, throwing one arm into the air. “Baby, all I want for Christmas is you~”
Declan couldn’t believe this was how he died.
Patton sashayed and shimmied around the kitchen. He certainly wasn’t coordinated when it came to singing and dancing but he was having so much fun and Declan felt very much so like he needed to stab something to earn back his cool and aloof exterior. His phone, thankfully, chose that moment to start ringing.
Patton looked to him curiously but Declan waved dismissively as he headed to a quieter part of the house to answer the call. The moment he was out of view, Patton returned the wooden spoon to the bowl and grabbed his own phone so quickly he nearly dropped it into the cookie dough. Opening Facebook messenger, he found his direct messages with Virgil, and started typing.
snow angel: ajskdfkjlhsf snow angel: viRGIL HELP snow angel: he’s so CUTE i dont know whAT TO DO snow angel: please can you mAKE IT BACK TONIGHT
For thirty agonizing seconds, the texts went unread.
Until they suddenly weren’t and a bouncing ellipses appeared as Virgil began to reply.
ghost of xmas present: oh my god ghost of xmas present: pat, seriously?????? ghost of xmas present: we have talked abt this. like… a LOT
Patton worried his bottom lip between his teeth and glanced in the direction Declan had left. Who knew how much more time he had??
ghost of xmas present: PLEASE just tell him already snow angel: WHAT snow angel: i canT DO THAT snow angel: i dont even know if he likes me back!!!!!!!
(Thomas watched, half amused and half intrigued, as Virgil slapped a palm against his forehead.)
ghost of xmas present: ok patton. listen. are you listening. snow angel: linda, listen ghost of xmas present: … ghost of xmas present: if you confess and declan doesn’t like you, then i will literally buy you all the ingredients to make your own cookies for the rest of our lives.
Patton was going to open his own bakery. This was a pretty big offer. He paced back and forth a bit, debating. Even if he told Declan how he felt and the feelings weren’t returned, Patton knew they could continue to be friends. Their group was too tight knit to let something like that tear them apart. Sure, it’d hurt for a little bit, but Patton could handle that. … Right?
ghost of xmas present: oh, speak of the devil
Patton jolted, rereading the message three more times just in case.
snow angel: virgil???? what do you mean?????
It remained unread.
ho ho homicide: this had better be good dec the halls: he’s jusT AWFUL what do i DO ho ho homicide: you goddamn disaster gay dec the halls: i absolutely hate him dec the halls: i can definitely handle this ho ho homicide: ok slow down dec the halls: everything is great dec the halls: the building is on fire and this is fine ho ho homicide: DUDE ho ho homicide: shuT THE HELL UP ho ho homicide: lisTEN TO ME dec the halls: linda ho ho homicide: wow you two are made for each other
Declan tripped over the rug in the bedroom he was currently pacing and nearly slammed face first into the corner of a dresser. He hated when Virgil said things like that, it wasn’t fair. He threw himself onto the bed and buried his face into a pillow until his phone buzzed, alerting him to another message.
ho ho homicide: i will let you have one of my most prized records if you confess to patton and he ends up not liking you back.
Declan thought about the Fall Out Boy vinyl Virgil had scored during Black Friday, the last of its kind without spending money (that no college student had) on shipping.
dec the halls: deal
He pocketed his phone and returned to the kitchen. Patton was rolling the cookie dough into balls, all perfectly sized and placed evenly on the baking sheet. His hair looked a little messier than it had when Declan left; there was flour in it that had not been there before. Patton paused and smiled at him. It was the soft smile they all knew he had reserved for things he was especially partial to, like cats and dogs and… Declan realized suddenly that he caught Patton very often looking at him with that grin.
“The pizza is done,” Patton said, gesturing towards the oven with a nod of his head.
Declan blinked out of his daze and pulled on a pair of oven mitts before turning the oven off momentarily, taking their dinner out from it, and setting it aside to cool.
“Important call?” Patton asked as he adjusted the oven’s temperature.
“Just Roman,” Declan answered, “he’s very excited about being back at school already.”
Patton giggled. “Poor thing. I think he was the most excited about this trip.”
“I don’t know,” Declan countered, dipping a finger into the bowl and scooping a bit of cookie dough out. He popped it into his mouth and let his eyelids flutter shut at the taste. When he opened his eyes, Patton was staring rather unabashedly at his lips. Declan smirked. “All this quality time together sounded terribly unappealing, if I’m being honest.”
Patton’s gaze snapped up to meet Declan’s. “Are you ever?” He asked quietly, shifting closer.
Declan hummed, brushing a hand against Patton’s forearm. “When it matters most.”
The oven beeped, re-preheated, and the two leapt apart as if electrocuted.
“These cookies aren’t going to bake themselves!” Patton exclaimed, grabbing the tray and, with movements far more uncoordinated than usual, went to open the oven door. Declan was no stranger to disaster (as Virgil had just so kindly reminded him) and so while he anticipated what would happen next, he wasn’t quick enough to prevent it.
The tray clattered to the tile as Patton yelped in pain, lurching away and shoving his thumb into his mouth. The balls of dough went rolling across the floor and the oven door slammed shut as Patton recoiled from it. Declan had an arm around him in seconds, guiding him towards the sink.
“Hurts,” Patton whined from around the digit, tears gathering in his eyes.
“I know,” Declan reassured, “I’m sorry. Here.”
He turned the faucet on, testing the water before tugging Patton’s hand down towards the stream. Patton hissed as the liquid first came in contact with the burn but only a moment later, he was half slumped against the counter and half into Declan as the pain lessened.
“You don’t need to apologize,” Patton said, looking up at Declan, who had him wrapped still in one arm. “It wasn’t your fault.”
“I could’ve been paying less attention,” he disagreed. 
“We were pretty distracted,” Patton offered, hesitantly.
For a moment, nothing followed but the sound of running water and Perry Como singing about how there was no place like home for the holidays. Declan thought that home is where the heart is a silly notion but Patton was notoriously referred to as the heart of their friend group and he actually liked the sound of that quite a bit—
Patton had looked away. He turned the faucet off and pulled from Declan’s embrace.
“I’m going to check the medicine cabinet in the bathroom for something to put on this,” he murmured, leaving before Declan could say anything else.
The playlist came to an end and silence fell once more over the cabin. Declan, almost mechanically, used the remaining dough to make another batch before carefully putting them into the oven. He set the timer for less time than probably necessary (better safe than sorry). He cleaned up the mess off the floor and set the dishes in the sink to soak.
Wandering out of the kitchen, Declan found the outlet in the living room that Patton seemed to have planned to plug the fairy lights into. He’d brought them from his dorm, hoping to make their stay feel cozier, and had strung them up when they first arrived. It hadn’t taken long with Roman’s help. Declan turned them on and they bathed the room in warm yellow.
“Oh,” came a gasp from behind him.
Declan looked to find Patton, hands clasped beneath his chin. His thumb was bandaged.
“It looks beautiful.”
“Not nearly as lovely as you.”
Patton, eyes wide in awe and mouth parted slightly in surprise, truly did make quite the vision. His curls were messy still with flour and his cheeks glowing just rosily enough. The purples and blues of his sweater complemented him nicely and Declan couldn’t take it anymore. If anything, he’d get that Fall Out Boy record out of this.
“I like you.”
“I like you!”
Spoken within the same breath, Declan and Patton stared at one other in disbelief.
Another moment of stunned silence before Patton began laughing.
“So much for never having to buy my own stock,” he said between giggles.
Declan would ask later.
“Yeah!” Patton answered earnestly, swooping so quickly into Declan’s space, it made him dizzy. “Yes! I do. I have! For… oh, it feels like ages. Do you remember sophomore year when they set up that event in the quad with just, like, all the dogs in the world? And they were letting any student that wanted to play for as long as they needed? To relax?”
Declan nodded.
“I saw you there with the smallest little yorkie and even as I made sure to meet every pooch I could, you still gave the most attention to her, and I was just… drawn to you, I guess.” Patton paused, before adding jokingly, “or maybe it was that she was the last one I needed to pet.” 
Declan nodded.
“You were kind of closed off and even when I did manage to get something out of you, I couldn’t make heads or tails of what you were saying. I remember thinking that you had the prettiest eyes…”
Declan blinked. He’d grown up with kids thinking his mismatched irises were weird and while that certainly wasn’t the case any longer, it tended still to be a sore subject for him.
“Eventually, you just handed me that pupper and walked off. I thought I’d never see you again.” Patton frowned. “Until… well, you know the rest!! Roman invited us to an after party for that year’s show and… there you were.”
“Here I am,” Declan whispered, feeling a bit like he couldn’t breathe.
Patton chuckled, glancing down long enough to find one of Declan’s hands and take it in his own. When he looked back up, he kept his gaze somewhere just over Declan’s left shoulder.
“I guess I sort of wanted something to happen on this trip but I didn’t wanna get my hopes up…”
A particularly strong gust of wind rattled the window panes and Patton flinched at the noise. Declan fully snapped out of his reverie. He pressed his free hand against the small of Patton’s back and pulled him closer, tucking Patton’s head underneath his chin.
“We were juniors and we had the same free time on our Tuesday-Thursdays,” Declan said, shifting so that it wouldn’t be as awkward to talk given their position. “Logan joined you sometimes in the library to study but… usually you found the sunniest spot and every time I walked by, you just…” Declan paused long enough for Patton to pull back in concern and look up at him.
Declan floundered. “You were just hideous, all radiant in the light and so relaxed and focused, it was the worst, my stomach flipped at the sight… Because I was just so. Nauseous.”
Patton snickered, using their still connected hands to lead the way to the couch. They settled into it comfortably, sitting closely. It took some time but they talked about their feelings and what they’d do next and how soon they’d tell the others. It was a bit of up and down, what with Declan’s penchant for lying, and Patton’s tangents, but they got there. Were it not for the oven reminding them of the cookies, they might have stayed curled up together forever.
Eventually, however, they were settled again with a plate of cookies and pizza, some Netflix original holiday movie on in the background while they flirted and teased. A selfie was sent to the group chat towards the end of the night from Patton and followed with a few winking emojis from Declan. Had they not silenced their phones and returned to their movie, they would’ve seen just how many messages came through afterwards.
(merry bitchmas ⛄️: aksjdfhlkdsjfhksjdfh jingle hells 🔔: FINALLY merry bitchmas ⛄️: i’m sCREAMING oh chemistree 🎄: He really is. thomistle toe 💋: !!!! congrats guys!!! merry bitchmas ⛄️: i thi nK I’m go nNA FAINT oh chemistree 🎄: Please do not. oh chemistree 🎄: Oh, and congratulations, you two. It is about time. jingle hells 🔔: this is absolutely thanks to me btw. yw.)
shout out to @purelyanxious, @nopartyuntilanxiety, and @moon-of-the-stars for the words “stab, gay, beautiful, lovely, fairy lights, yellow” and picking deceit and patton as characters for this fic ;) 
virgil’s nickname in his chat with patton is “ghost of xmas present.” patton gave it to him because he considers virgil and their friendship a gift. 
group chat in order of appearance goes: roman, virgil, logan, thomas. thank you to @moon-of-the-stars for logan’s nickname! 
this was intended to be background romantic logince and you’re free to see background romantic thvi as well, if you like! i’m also kind of imagining logan and virgil are brothers. 
“ho ho homicide” snatched from this art by @poppiesss
and finally, this moceit fluff is for @do-your-socks-have-holes-in-them <3
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lenin-it-to-win-it · 5 years
just gonna rant about my health issues to no one in particular for a bit under the cut sooo
im just so fucking tired of being sick all the time like. its been almost 2 years now of actively Going To Doctors And Having Tests Done And Trying To Get A Diagnosis and fucking!!! nothing works!!! and i only have until the end of this coming school year to get it figured out before my insurance runs out otherwise im just fucked!!! because im sure as hell not gonna be able to afford a fucking mri every six months making 10 bucks an hour at some retail shithole but so far ive seen SIX different fucking doctors (not counting 2 ER visits) because they all just keep shuffling me back and forth like “idk maybe have someone else deal with this? weird lol” or like “have you considered that maybe you might have anxiety :) you seem stressed :)” 
like yeah its a fucking stressful situation getting progressively fucking sicker for two goddamn years wasting thousands of dollars and reaching the end of a fucking ticking clock because almost every doctor ive seen is an incompetent jackass who does NOTHING but waste my time and money and then fucking condescend to me about anxiety like!!! yeah i probably DO have anxiety and depression and autism and what the fuck ever else but this isnt THAT 
and the literal ONE TIME i had ANY treatment that worked AT ALL helping with my eye spasms (literally One of Many Symptoms that i deal with on a fucking daily basis that still manages to completely fuck up my life) is something i cant take anymore because it damaged my fucking eyes!!! possibly permanently!!! i already HAD issues wtih light sensitivity that this medicine made WAYYY fucking worse and guess whats one of the WORST things at setting off my eye spasms??? anything to do with fucking light so YEAH thANKS for that @ the opthalmologist who had me take those damn eye drops for two months straight, which other neuro opthalmologist said was bullshit when i saw her again, not that im letting HER off the hook either since she REFERRED me to that incompetent bitch in the first place and then had NO solution other than “hm well you definitely shouldnt take that medicine again, but theres literally No Other Treatment, maybe blow another $400 in a few months to come see me again so i can continue to Not Help You In Any Way”
and its getting wORSE ALL THE TIME!!! and the best thing doctors can think of is “hm well maybe wait a bit to see if it gets worse? and maybe then we’ll know what it is?” well its getting worse!!!! but they still dont seem to know what it is!!! like at first it was just my vision going out of focus for a few seconds at a time, then it was a few minutes, then i was having visual distortion (or maybe hallucinations? who knows! certainly not any of the fucking doctors ive seen!), then awful fucking eye strain headaches, then spasms in my neck, then my jaw, then my arms, then my legs, now all fucking over, and now i get sick and dizzy just by moving my HEAD too far or too suddenly and like at work earlier today i was just stumbling around for two hours bc there was too much pressure in my head and everything felt tilted and i was just grabbing at every surface trying not to fall with my head like on my shoulder bc keeping my neck straight was too fucking hard and i swear to fuckign god a couple nights ago there was this weird buzzing on the side of my face??? and like it felt like my mouth was moving slower than it should??? but i dont even KNOW if thats a Real SymptomTM or if i was just freaked out and tired and imagining things or if i really am just getting to be a paranoid delusional nutcase about my health because every little thing terrifies me at this point, like ive been coughing for a couple weeks and instead of being like “oh its a bad cold” im like “maybe now my immune systems fucked up too maybe this is A New Symptom” i literally cant tell anymore i have no fucking idea 
and i dont WANT to think about all this All The Fucking Time but i do!!!!! i literally HAVE to bc it affects my life in every fucking possible way and i cant escape it like even rn the light from the fuckign computer is hurting my eyes and i cant even see what im typing half the time bc my eyes keep going out of focus and my teeth keep chattering and my head hurts or ill go to get a drink of water but then just Stand there for a few minutes bc i dont trust myself to hold a cup full of water and not spill it bc im having spasms or ill have to wear sunglasses at the dinner table bc my fucking idiot asshole dad got the BRIGHTEST possible lightbulbs for the dining room and i physically cant stand them 
or like im already dreading having to explain all this shit to my professors this semester about how like “oh so i probably wont be able to keep up with daily readings, especialyl not if theyre on physical paper and i cant scale up the text because my eyes just spontaneously stop working and i cant read..... and ill need a computer to take notes, i can Usually hold a pencil but one time i had a spasm in class and flung it across the room and it was super embarrassing and i ltierally skipped that class for weeks because of it so id really rather not deal with that again.... and even though im a fuckign AMAZING public speaker like, state champion debate level public speaking, ill still probably get super fucking nervous and suck at any kind of in class presentation bc ill just be thinking about my spasms the whole time and wont be able to focus....... and ill have to wear sunglasses all the time too so hopefully thats not an issue........ and also ill probably miss a lot of class bc whether or not i can handle walking half a mile Varies Wildly from day to day and also i have a lot of doctors appointments and sometimes im on medicine that completely ruins my sleep schedule so you know... looking forward to a great semester, hope i dont completely fail your class” 
and i have fuckign work tomorrow where ill have to deal with trying to pretend like even the most minor tasks arent painful and difficult and deal with awful btichy entitled customers complaining that im not SMILEY enough for you like the motherfucker who asked me how i was and i said fine and he was like “jUuUUuuuST fINE” like shut the everlasting FUCK UP with that ive met my obligation leave me ALONE my day isnt FINE im in awful pain and i HATE you and everyone like you or ill have to deal with my coworkers giving me weird looks while im having spasms or outright MOCKING me for them like the asshole that called me TWITCH (and a whore, but thats Another Fucking Story) or just not knowing how to deal and making bad taste jokes like when my teeth are chattering bc I Physically Cant Make It Stop like “haha are you chewing an invisible piece of gum lol” like no bitch im a neurological nightmare and my brain doesnt work and im Barely Holding Together would you PLEASE shut the fuck up 
and most of the time i just feel like everyone thinks im a fucking freak like even just sitting in the waiting room to see the neurologist or opthalmologist or whatever and everyone else there is Old and im the only person even remotely close to my age there and even the doctors dont seem to take me that seriously bc of it like “oh shes young, cant be that bad, all these old people out here are gonna die like tomorrow so why worry about this girl, its probably just anxiety from being on her period or having a test to study for lol” like straight up when the movement disorder neurologist was examining me she was like “im not used to seeing anyone this young or healthy’ and i know she meant it relatively speaking but like!!! clearly im NOT healthy or i wouldnt BE here like obviously something is wrong with me and its ruining my life and its serious and id like it fixed thanks!!!!! 
and i feel like No One Gets It like, obviously there are people wayyyy sicker than i am who suffer a lot more or people in similar situations but like. i dont Personally Know someone like that i can just talk to and like, of course i have friends who can Listen but.................................. theres a difference from being able to listen and being able to actually Understand and sometimes you just cant Get It unless youve gone through it like i really dont think ANYONE in my life has any idea how serious this is or how much it affects me and i know i cant expect everyone to just Always Think Of My IssuesTM but little things!!! like maybe NOT having the brighest possible lightbulbs in the dining room!!!! my brother NOT having his birthday party at dave and busters, which i had TONS of spasms at last time i went (and im even worse now!) AND the staff gave me shit about wearing sunglasses so now im nervous about That too or just! idk! people respecting and listening to me when i tell them that i Cant Do Something or that Doing That Thing Hurts and not just brushing me off or telling me im overreacting and then getting all shocked pikachu face when their dumbassery actually physically HURTS me and i get pissed with them for it!!!!
i dont think anyone gets how much it scares me all the time or how its Always on my mind and i literally cant think about anything else like. this could be the rest of my life. this could end my life. i dont know what i have. i might get diagnosed in the next month and have it completely cured, i might get a diagnosis and still be sick forever, i might not find out until its too late and i have LITERALLY NO FUCKING IDEA WHICH ONE!!!! ITS GREAT!!!!!!!! WELCOME TO MY LIFE!!!!!!!!!!!!
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tumblunni · 6 years
Me in the hospital: i cannot sleep for 24 hours, the slightest noise is blaring, i am perpetually anxiety adrenaline
As soon as i get home: has the best sleep of my life
I usually take an hour to get to sleep each night but i totally just curled up like a snail and dropped into dreamland instantly. And i woke up to a nice warm house cos the heating turned on while i was asleep, and now all the anesthetic is completely worn off so i feel energized and great! And my throat pain has eased up so thankfully i wont have to be liquids only for as long as i thought. I was all hyperactive and cooked a great fancy omelette and it tastes like heaven itself! Its so weird how stuff tastes slightly diffetent when its the first time youve been able to chew with the right side of your mouth in five years. I guess the tastebuds on the sides of your tongue are slightly different? When i eat everything now im gonna be rolling it all over my mouth like WOW ITS ALL SO NEW AGAIN! Will probably look nuts in the middle of mcdonalds with my cheeks puffed like a squirrel XD
Oh and this is also a great excuse to drink loads of chocolate milkshakes from my milkshake viking mug! I feel so energized with calcium and yums!! EVERYTHING TASTES SO NEWWWWWWW
Oh man i do feel a bit sleepy again now after just being up for a few hours tho. I have these good jaw pain specific medicines i have to take for the next two weeks til my followup appointment to check if theres any infection left. But man i feel SO ALIVE AGAIN im pretty sure all the rot is gone! It feels so wild having space in my mouth and not constant clenchy tightness. It actually hurts less recovering from the surgery than it did before, lol! I can feel all my teeth moving apart again and loosening up into normality and the gums healing up all their injuries and oh god i just love how they cleaned out all the broken parts of my teeth and capped them with these great replacements that look so real you'd never be able to tell! My smile looks not ugly!! My smile looks not ugly!! Aaaaa! I just expected regaining the right side of my mouth, i didbt expect to e like "holy shit it must have hurt even more than i realized cos this feels so amazing now". Like i guess i got used to putting up with it and forgot how it felt to not have painmouth? Underestimated how good a teeth can be! And man i never asked for reconstructive cosmetic stuff too but they did these caps and aaa my teeth never looked his good even when they were new!! My front teeth were always crooked even before they did the weird balogna slam together and shattered into a pile of crap. And now they look like perfect supermodel teeth!! The only side effect is that its a lil hard to get used to the lack of gaps between them now after so long dealing with the shattered mess. My tongue keeps being like "oh no did something get stuck in the gaps again oh wait there arent any" and then i subconsciously try to clean them after taking every bite and just bite my tongue instead. Man i never noticed i picked up a bunch of weird mannerismd cos of tje bad teeth! I was constantly paranoidly checking my mouth 24/7 in case the slightest thing made it even worse, and eating super gently so that nothing accidentally touched the Wrong Tooth and set off a jolt of pain. And i actually needed to get a filling put in on the leftmost back tooth that was the ONLY TOOTH I COULD USE TO EAT WITHOUT PAIN for all this time! Overuse of it meant that it got ground down a little and probably would have become painful too if i'd left it any longer. Then i really would have been all soups all the time and that sucks!! Soups are good but nothing but then gives u stomach issues. The bad poops!!
Man sorry im rambling so much im just so hyper and happy and also still kinda dopily sleepy! Im not still delirious or anything i just feel the happy kind of sleepy where the anesthetic is all gone and its not "oh god i cant stay awake" and more natural sleepyness of a long day being over and everything being okay. I had such a good long nap and i feel well rested after getting so little sleep beforehand due to all the dumb anxiety. And i still feel dozey but happy doze~
Anyway its awesometo be able to really chug and crunch a foods! With the other side of my mouth i forgot about! And taste milkshake to its fullest extent!! Oh and whats weird is that the reconstructive surgery capping on my front teeth means that theyre kinda one tooth now? The caps are all linked in a single piece to fill the gaps fully without even the natural ones you'd have on healthy teeth. So its like a solid tooth guard just sculpted to look like three teeth. Itll be tricky to train myself out of thts subconcious rubbing the gaps with my tongue when theyre not even there. But i expect once i get over the unfamiliarity this triple cap will be really useful! Theyre totes reinforced so that even if i do get tight mouth problems again and the front teeth take the brunt of the pressure, now theres no gaps to smash into each other and become a painful mess. Its like scaffolding reinforcing my whole mouth by fixing the loadbearing beam, or something.
Oh also these pain meds make u a little bit more sleepy than normal paracetamol so i'll probably doze off again soon. But hopefully i will have slept off most of the "healing debt exhaustion" tomorrow and will be able to go walk down the shops and buy some icecream and other soft food. I mostly stocked up on purely liquid food cos i tjought my mouth function would be more limited. But honestly the teeth are working so much better than before, they were already so swollen and painful that i couldnt crunch stuff! Now the mild discomfort of mid-healing from surgery feels like barely anything and i bet i could bite thru a goddamn rock right now! I just cant really swallow crunchy stuff or stuff thats too salty or citrusy. I didnt even know about the stabbity throat pipe so i didnt expect it to be the most painful part that takes the longest to heal. It feels so weird cos i keep coughing like my brain thinks theres phelgm stuck in my throat when its actually a skin flap/blister from the insertion. So obviously that aint going anywhere and i have to try and force myself not to cough or swallow or else i set off this cjain of "must get thing out of throat must puke" reflex. And the pain feels like a sore throat but it isnt?? Its not really inflamed ot anything its just an actual friction burn on the opening of my airway. Which is not a common occurance so the brain is justvlike "what the fuck is happening, must send all contradicting signals at once!" So sore throat medicine wont work cos that goes down your throat passage to your stomach when really this lil skin tag blister thing is in the lung throat opening thing. And sucking on throat sweets made it worse cos all the muscles were really tense around the area where the tube was inserted, hence why it was hard to swallow food even tho it was my windpipe that hurt. And sucking on something is kinda like perpetually swallowing nothing, when you think about it? Im glad that the muscle tenseness is mostly gone now and the painkillers are helping with the ouch, and my brainis getting usedto not coughing and making it worse. But still should eat soft easily swallowable stuff for a lil while and it'll be fun to go aroundthe shops with my last pocketful of change and find neat ingredients to stick in omelettes. Im so excited to taste all my favourite things in new HD functional mouth power!!! And i can smile at the shopkeeper!!!
And oh man i really do think that my sleeping problems with stiff neck and that kind of 'bloodrush to the head' migraine were indeed part of the bad wisdom teeth bleeding internally under the gum. I thought it had to be that cos nothing else in my life changed around that time aside from getting a better and healthier bed which should have been beneficial to my neck. And even going back to sleepong on the floor like before didnt make a difference so it definately wasnt the bed! And it kept getting worse while nothing was changing, and i kept trying different things like changing my pillows and headphones and cutting caffeine out of my diet and eating more salt and eating less salt and fuckin ANYTHING ELSE cos i knew if it really was the dumb tooth being infected then there was nothong i could do about it til my surgery day arrived. Itd be such a relief to know for sure that it was indeed the tooth and now that nonsense is gonna be gone forever! But also thats really worrying to know that it was getting so bad it could have spread an infection to my jawbone and the top of my spine if itd been left much longer. I kept sneezing up blood lumps like the size of a fifty pence piece! Had never had nosebleeds for a decade and now suddenly all the time! God it feels so good to be able to lay my head down and not feel all woozy and tense im the forehead or neck. I really hope this good neck untenseness continues and the awful aches really were just the tooth. But everyone in the hospital was so nice that i think even if i do need a second surgery to check for jaw infection then id be able to be less nervoud than i was this time
Man do u ever get that thing where youre so peaceful and contented that like you can breathe easier? Like subconciously taking bigger breaths and the middle of your chest feels slightly puffed out and warm. I guess thats what the "heart leaping in yout chest" idiom is meant to refer to, lol! Or maybe i can just literally breathe easier cos the tooth pain might have been passing into my nasal cavity too, lol. My entire head feels so less tense!! Its like all my bones were rebelling against me and now they're at peace again!! Man i feel so giddy happy like i chugged a giant energy drink or something but its the opposite its a good sleeps drink XD
So im gonna go lie down again and have a relax and watch a movie or something and see if i pass out when the medicine kicks in, or if its not too bad and i can still continue my hyper mood. But my nap was so long that its too late to go to the shops now anyway so i'll just make more plain omelette and milkshake if i get hungry. I mean it doesnt taste plain when all my sense of taste is so amplified likethis! I dont mind if its all i can eat all week. PURE MILKSHAKEY DECADENCE
Aaaaa im just so happy!! I missed my chance to get the new. Kingdlm hearts but ive beenwaiting fkr this surgery for ages too and it feels like just as much of an exciting relief!
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floramodus-archive · 7 years
begin disaster ==>
floramodus fuckfuckjfuck DAVE!!!!!!
clockworkkatana what whats up
floramodus my microscpe exploded i cant see theres glass and blood everywhere i dont wanna die again but i cant SSEE!!!
clockworkkatana whoa fuck wait what
floramodus the nuclear reactor battery in my scope combusted and i couldnt contain it all in time and it blew out my retinas and i think shattered my lens i dont know i dont know!!!!!!
clockworkkatana um fuck okay hold still ill be there in just a second
floramodus be careful i dontt know how b a d the glass went
clockworkkatana dont worry ill put on shoes just stay still a second okay? dont move
floramodus ggot that covered i kinda stopped trying when i got a shard of goddamn GLASS in my hands!!
clockworkkatana ill take care of that too just keep breathing for now im on my way
clockworkkatana "Keep breathing" is advice both to her and yourself, and you try best to follow it as the transportalizer warms up, dumping you unceremonious on the receiver pad a universe away. You swear to fuck, if another friend dies (or even is badly injured) you're going to have to break something. A fundamental force of the universe, maybe. You'res still workshopping.
"Flo?" you say, voice steady as you please, slowly opening the door to her room. You hear the crunch of glass underfoot and know you've found the right place. "It's me. It's Dave. Talk to me, Flo."
floramodus Even blind and panicking you can't help but hiccup a laugh at his voice. God, your a mess. "I know its you, Dave. It's not-" You spit out another mouthful of blood, voice wavering as you take off your glasses to cover your mangled eyes with your equally bleeding hand.
"It's not like I was expecting anyone else," you finish, twisting your body to face where you heard him enter. As casual as you tried to look you felt like you could scream; Thank fuck the explosion hadnt of hurt your ears, because seeing nothing but red and black reminded you too fondly of your time in the horrorterrors. You fumbled to find the chair with your other hand, gripping the leg when you found it. "I hope you werent working."
clockworkkatana You wince at the blood - fuck, there sure is a lot of that, huh? - and fail to summon a reassuring smile you know she can't see. "I don't know what your life's like," you counter, taking careful steps towards her, avoiding as much glass as you can manage, "best to make sure you knew it's me and not some rando, yeah?"
She turns to face you and oh good lord you think you've actually had this nightmare once or twice. How about fuck. "Jesus," you murmur under your breath before clearing your throat and raising your voice for her to hear: "Nah, don't worry about it. Not a lot's more pressing than this, don't stress about me." You reach out to place a hand on her shoulder, kneeling down beside her.
floramodus The contact snaps you farther back into reality, or breaks the overall shock. What ever the case, your still left with the throbbing pain actually hitting you for the first time. Fuck. You spend a minute trying to level your breathing. Maybe think of something witty and cool to respond with. You fail, but you'd doubt he'd give you shit for it.
"I didn't think I was doing anything dangerous," you whimper, taking your hand off your face as you try to push yourself up onto your knees. Your rewarded with surprise! More glass in your knees and the sensation of shards tangled in your tail. Keeping you head low trying to spare him more imagery then he has to see, you find his arm to touch something not laced with goddamn glass. You cant even feel yourself crying but you have an inkling you are. "I was just updating some information and I still managed to fuck up. I dont wanna die again.How else am I gonna fix this?"
clockworkkatana You are so bad at bedside manner. You take a breath and swallow down the discomfort, though, you have more important things to worry about. "We're gonna figure it out," you say, and you can almost believe yourself, saying it. "Just. Okay. First things first, we're gonna get you out of here and get you cleaned up. Sound good? Leave the worrying about to me, I can handle that."
You're still mumbling what are supposed to be reassurances when you rise slowly to your feet, sliding her arm around your neck. "Just relax and keep to breathing, yeah?" you say, carefully picking her up off the broken glass. "I got you from here." Your apartment hasn't needed to double as field hospital since Briar came back, but you've kept the kits well stocked just in case. "You don't have to fix this," you reassure. "Leave it to me. You're not gonna die again. You didn't fuck this up. S'not your fault. I'll handle this. Just let me do that, alright?"
floramodus "Don't you ever get tired of being the one to handle everything Dave?" you mumble, hissing through your teeth. Helpful as getting off a floor coated in glass was the urge to crawl right back into a ball was almost too tempting. Instead you grip tighter to him, trying to keep most of the blood off. From the smell alone you doubt its worth the work. Doesn't stop the worry from needling physical responses out of you.
"You spend so much of your time fixing things. Things that werent your fault and shouldnt be." You lean your head against him, ears flicking as you listen to him try- and fail- to appear as composed. "You can handle alot but do you ever ask if you should?" Before you even let that tangent fully settle you bring up your defense, with a breathy laugh. "I know this pickle I've gotten myself into isn't the time to question your motives I much appreciate not being a pin cushion till I expire. Your much warmer than the floor anyway."
clockworkkatana Don't you? But, then, if you won't, who will? (Or, you suppose, if you don't handle things, what are you supposed to do? Stand by and watch things happen? Never seemed your style.) "It's worth it," you reply, and you suppose it's answer enough.
It's difficult, carrying a goddess in your arms and scrolling through transportalizer coordinates to find the one that leads back home, but somehow you manage, face dour as Flora laughs. "I'd rather bear the brunt of it if it means you lot don't have to. And - don't talk like that. You're not expiring. We don't have expiration dates and you're hardly that far out if we did."
floramodus You'd roll your eyes if they werent throbbing with the rest of your skull. A classic Dave response, one you expected, but it had to be said. No use to argue with a knight after all. Instead you yawn, it twisting into a sigh. You were tired in many many ways. "I won't argue with the Time player about death dates but you know what I meant! I'm just saying being with you is a much better alternative than was my other options were."
You jump hearing the transportilizer whirring to life, having lost your awareness of your surroundings. It made you shiver, knowing where the thing was in the map in your head but not being able to pinpoint it visually. Especially when the smells switched in an instant, throwing your generally clear sense out the window. You shook your head, trying to stamp down the shaking. "And considering it feels like the horrorterrors are gonna tear me apart again, I don't particularly wanna see my other options if thats alright with you."
clockworkkatana You guess you smile at that, a lip curling with a huff of breath. "Yeah, I guess you got me there." Artemis and company give a chorus as you step inside, watching as you carrying Flora through the apartment towards Briar's room.
You still think of it as hers, anyway, and you've hardly touched it since she left, but she won't be back today or tomorrow or maybe ever so you guess it's alright to use it for its intended purpose when you rented this place. That is, a place to not bleed all over the floors and ruin your deposit. "Fine by me," you say, depositing her very gently on the bed. Talos appears in the doorframe, and you get him to go grab the medkits while you focus on getting her sorted. "Don't worry, alright? I'm right here and I got you. You're gonna be fine."
floramodus "I think at this point your saying that more for yourself than me," you chuckle, despite still shivering. Smooth, almost like you weren't having a panic attack so bad your chest felt like it was collasping. Like you couldnt feel your own pulse in between seizing pain. Tucking yourself close once you were set down, you cocked your head trying to pinpoint where you were in Dave's house. You have been here a million  times but this place smelled like Briar and stale iron more than the usual scents.
"This is Briar's old place isn't it," you murmur, wiping the collecting blood off your face with the back of your hand, clenched tight enough you felt your nails digging into the cuts on your palms. Normally you wouldn't even breach that subject if you could help it but he could throw you a bone here. He could have taken you to Briar's for all you know. Though you think you couldn't have paid him enough to do so.
clockworkkatana You scowl and shoot her a scathing glare that she can't see. "I might be," you reply, taking the hint and slowing yourself right the fuck down. "Doesn't mean I don't mean it, though." Talos returns, setting down a heavy bag and rifling through supplies you've had kept safe as a just-in-case ever since you got your own place. Thank your upbringing for that, you guess.
"Oh, uh. Yeah," you falter for a moment before you shake yourself and find the bandages to wipe away the blood. You cough, finding some tweezers to start plucking the shards of glass from her skin. "Her, ah. Old room, from when she crashed with me. Yeah, why?"
floramodus It takes you a minute to get coherent enough to reply to his discomfort, due to the fact as soon you heard metal you jerked yourself back on the bed. Of course when your arm doesnt want to take your weight you fall onto your side with a hiss. Right, at Dave's. Not a doctor. Doesn't stop your pulse from trying to escape your mortal coil.
"Uh, nothing, I just smelt her is all. I just wanted to know where I was." You hated how pathetic that sounded, how pathetic you were at the moment in general. "I just smelted blood and Briar and I know thats not something I've smelt here before. Ive never gone in here, haven't had to." You didn't have to ask if this is where she had been when she came back. You could smell it. Even coming to the internet after the aftermath you could almost picture the disaster from the mosaic the smells made. It was uncomfortable almost, not organic.
clockworkkatana Ah. Right. You'd been trying not to think about how the air in here was still a little stashed with the weight of her. "Oh. No, yeah. This is her room. I haven't gone in here much since she moved. Not for like a set reason or anything I just haven't. Really had a reason to I guess." Do you sound as pathetic as you think that sounds? Eesh. Maybe stop thinking about it and focus on the task at hand.
"But no, yeah. We're still at my place." You spare a glance at her eyes when you dab at the blood with another bandage, wince at the red film that sort of leaks from her ducts. "At risk of asking maybe the dumbest question ever, how, uh. How are you feeling? How's the pain? I have stuff for it. Advil, oxycodone, morphine, the works. I'm working on the glass right now but. Talk to me, Flo."
floramodus "You say risk like theres a chance it wasn't dumb, Dave," you huff in a good natured way, glad for a segaway over you two trying to fumble over a charred bridge still smoldering with embers. You were never good at that. Which is why you guess the bridge of how you ended up like this is still left dry rotted. At least you had enough answers to satisfy your morbid curiousity. "It hurts. bad. I'm cold and i cant stop shivering. I want go to bed. I'm sleepy. It hurts. Did I mention it feels like I shot myself?"
You try sit up but get as far as shoving yourself up an inch before your slip back down. The more tired you got the more sitting still made you nervous. Like every second that crawled past was gonna drag you with it. "Whats the diagnosis doc? Am I gonna have to go to the rainbow bridge to fix this?" you said, yelping at the last few words as he pulled out a sizable chunk. Note to self: bulletproof glass.
clockworkkatana "Do you want these fucking drugs or not," you fire back, cracking a grin as you reel back from potentially dive-bombing into angsty horseshit again. "But. Yeah. Okay, I can work with that. Just let me get the rest of these shards out-" the words are eclipsed by a particularly tricky sliver that feels bad just to watch abscond from her skin, nevermind how it must feel on the extraction, "-and I'll let you rest. I can give you something for that, too. I'll even let you borrow my good blanket, alright?"
She shifts as you drop another shard into the little bowl you're containing them all in, and you put a hand on her shoulder to ease her back down. "Don't move, alright? You're gonna be just fine. I'm gonna patch you up and you'll be right as rain, no rainbow bridge required."
floramodus "I've never had pain meds in my life but at this point I'll take anything- it'll keep me from BITING you at least," you growl, the irony of your bared teeth not lost on you even as you fight the urge to snap his hand. "I'm doing my best here ok," you continue, as if your hands werent aching from tension, "But you know damn well I'm not gonna take anything of yours unless were sharing it Dave." Were you afraid of being alone and blind? Maybe. He didn't have to know that. He probably already did. Your friendship was infuriating like that.
You tried to think of a conversation that would fit in between the silence and not sound stupid, but really, what wouldn't? Sure lets talk about the weather while your laying here, blind as a bat, whimpering as you scratch at your own eyes because they felt like goddamn sandpaper. Real casual.
"It's hell actually caring that you exist," you finally say, turning you head to look at him. "Before I made such progress when I didn't care if each time I died it could end up just. Now? its so frustrating that every option is a dead end! Even with all the knowledge and equipment I have I'm failing Bec again and again just like I failed David, Rose, John.........All of you when I couldn't just find a goddamn solution and be able to stop!"
Another piece, another panging spasm. "The saddest thing is theres solutions all around but guess what? I don't want any of you hurt. Not if I tried to play the game again, you using that damned book of yours. Why can't that be solace enough to quit? Why do I still do this? I've probably learnt too much from you." you conclude, turning your head back around with a sigh.
clockworkkatana “I know, I know,” you begin, though she beats you to the punch and drops you with a couple of bombshells that have you sighing and silent. The morphine is right where you left it from last time, and you rattle the bottle a little in your hand, toying with the cap. “I don’t need morphine.”
The hand on her shoulder cups her face - you don’t know anything about anything but you don’t think scratching at her eyes is going to help things - for a moment before pulling away, and you match her sigh with one of your own. “You aren’t failing anyone,” you say, and you mean it, really you do, but even to you the words sound tired. “The game just fucked you, straight up. You shouldn’t have to torture yourself over reworking and reverse-engineering this fucking. Planet-ending crock of eldritch horror straight from a Sims-addicted serial killer’s fantasy fever dream to try and undo what basically amounts to fate bullshit and destiny /fucks/. That shouldn’t be on you, Flora.”
You pluck what you think is the last shard of glass and drop it unceremoniously into the bowl, waving your hand in the air in a gesture she can’t even see. “Don’t even talk about playing again, dude. I know you’re hurting for answers but for real. Don’t mess with that. I’ll take the stupid book and whatever it did to Briar over you going back in there any day of the week.” At the mention of the tome, you glance over to see it resting on the cleared-out space of Briar’s desk. As though it’d been there all along, beckoning. “What could it do to me, anyway.”
floramodus You crack a small smile at his colorful tangent, knowing realistically he was right. It wasn't your choice to play. It wasn't your choice to die. And yet, here you were. Fumbling with your hand, you wave it like an unsure dog until you make contact with his arm, gripping it. "It could do a hell of alot to you Dave and you know it. You don't what it does you've said it yourself. Do you think I could live with myself if it did something?"
You let go, moving your blood stuck bangs off your forehead, wincing at the pang of pain that radiates up your forearm. "I survived losing everyone I care for Dave. I thought that was the worst that could happen. I know I'm wrong about that. If something hurt you id easily find something just without thought. You don't know how much you've made this life worth living. It's an option, yeah, but you've got to look at yourself and know that."
You lay your arm back down on your stomach, sucking air in through your teeth. Who knew being covered in glorified papercuts would sting so much? "But don't worry, I won't play the game again. That I can leave in the past and not be discontent."
clockworkkatana You shrug to that. Hypothetically, from what you know? It could do a great fucking deal of a lot. Briar’d only used it as last resort, and look what she had to show for it. Then again, so had you, and you’d seen no adverse side effects, aside from the one where she moved out. “It wouldn’t kill me,” you reply. “Besides, I’ve used it before. How do you think I brought Briar back?”
You wince in empathy, shaking out the morphine pills and pressing them gently into her hand while Talos exits to grab her a drink. Then you wince again, when her words process. “Come on, Flo,” you begin, a pang of guilt racking you as she carries on. “I care about you too, you know that. And that’s exactly why I’m bringing it up: I want to fix this, and the book is… it’s good at fixing things. You wouldn’t lose me for that - no one would.”
You make a hum of appreciation at the appeasement of that particular nightmare. “We don’t have to do anything right now. We don’t have to make any decisions yet. But we’ll figure something out. Maybe it’s the book, maybe it’s another way. But we’ll find a way to fix this. I promise that.”
floramodus You let the tension ebb out of your shoulders at his affirmations, but still let a frown creep through. Yeah, he had brought her back, but you knew things like that, never worked the same way twice. However, if he insisted everything would work out, you were inclined to believe him. Many drunken and wounded nights in the past year had proven his words correct; Everything would be ok if you believed him.
"Not like I'm in the right place to be making any important decisions" you joke, giving the pills a tentative sniff. Dave could have given you cyanide for all you care, but the sharp scent of sulfate and stale wrongness still sent a shudder down your spine. Gross. "But your right, nothing we can do tonight anyway. I just-" you pause, trying to prop and pull yourself up so you could take these pills without choking, and manage to pull yourself up just enough to be able to slump your weight on your elbow. You take  By then you didn't know how to finish that statement, so you throw the pills in your mouth and chase them down with the water Talos brings a few minutes later into your pondering. What did you wish for? To be able to be better at being the powerful god you wanted to be? Or that he would have been David, giving you someone that actually cared enough to try? "I just care too much, but thats always been my problem hasn't it?"
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