let-haru-rest · 4 years
ep 3 let’s GOOOOOO
in which spin is late to the party but shhh better late than never, my dudes (also, spoiler warning if you haven’t been spoiled or watched already! and also? warning for simping. LOTS of simping.) 
grandmother: “haru-san, thank you for taking good care of daisuke” WOOH obaasan knows what is UPPPP
YESS GRANDMA CALL HIM OUT NO HARU it’s ok daisuke san is a grade A jerk you don’t need to coddle the man
grandma: DAISUKE-SAN wtf i trembled
that narrowed-eyes though “i lOoK forWArd to Ur CoaCHING” what sort of coaching are you talking about hmmmmmm 👀👀👀👀 this line is gonna get used in a smutty fanfic somewhere i’m calling it
wow it rly be like, haru: make sure to refrain from any actions that would trouble your coworkers daisuke: MAKE 👏 SURE TO 💦💰 REFRAIN FROM 👩 ANY 💦 ACTIONS THAT WOULD 😂 TROUBLE YOUR 🅱😡 COWORKERS 👴🖕 meanwhile suzue watches this play out with that face of hers lmao 
oh god all this happened before the opening song this does not bode well for the length of this post lmaoooo wait. wait they changed parts of the op. subtle differences. but i notice. i notice them. i am a simp i see these things
aww haru offering his neighbor sushi warmed the cockles of my heart
has anybody ever said that the background sounds of fkbu are very immersive? because dang I felt like i were in a bullet train, sitting right there... next to haru... absorbing his kindness, his food, his gift 🥺 and honestly? that red haired kid is such a little punk i’d never do that to haru katou godDAMN it child
oh nuts not those little bitches and their red haired gang leader again, why all these anime ginger men be so rude??
haru rly just said PARKOUR in that flashback and omg haru in that black suit oh MY oh god he’s gonna have nightmares... damn this was a whiplash
“The sinews of war are infinite money” -- Sun Tzu, Art of War no im jk pls i want daisuke to speak this from his lips. Cloverworks, pls manifest pls
honestly? daisuke stopping and offering to give haru his overkill expensive weaponry after haru screams “stop!” a second time is SUCH a delicious trope, the shippers are very well fed 🙏 we thank you, cloverworks
i can’t be the only person who cringed when the kidnapper grabbed the camera with his entire goddamn hand like... how many finger smudges do you want on your lens bruh? it does not bode well for the start of your youtube career
i have a theory that fugou keiji’s directors utilise jazz music to signal to fans that we should activate our daisuke simp, it’s very considerate of them
“Reimburse all damages at double the cost” somebody pick me up with this line, it’s the sexiest line of the year
actually, haru giving directions to HEUSC right in front of daisuke might be a strong contestant to the above statement
daisuke: * kicks down door * me: no, daisuke, kick me
old lady, please do not talk about the farewell concert in the middle of a high stakes hostage what... what are they doing
daisuke stepping in between haru and a gun pointed at him.... my fan fiction dreams, they are coming true
aw, haru :,) u deserve all that validation, old man
dear cloverworks marketing team, i would be willing to purchase a poster of daisuke kambe backlit by the sunset in a train
OH MY GOD, “he’s not the type to kill people” ... daisuke...  🥺 🥺 🥺
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mogoona3000 · 5 years
Irondad & Spiderson Extravaganza—Fanfic Author Appreciation Day Edition
In honor of Fanfic Author Appreciation Day, here’s the fic list that haunts me at night, that list I cannot stop reading even if I wanted to. There are a few more but this was going to run too long, so I’ll just add my AO3 bookmark link because wow. Everything I bookmarked deserves the look over. Promise.
Lights to Guide You Home - @jolinarjackson
This is that story I cannot stop reading, and I love it more each time I do. It introduces other characters from the MCU, and honestly, Jules can give the Russos a run for their money with the way storylines are connected here. It’s elegant and perfectly paced. It’s one of my favorites. I recommend the entire series wholeheartedly. 
What We Are - @yellowdistress
A sucker for biodad Mr. Stark = me. 
Guys. The very first chapter--the very first line in this story holds right at your PULSE. And it doesn’t let go, not until it wants to. Which is never. Precious Peter Parker is an UNDERSTATEMENT. You want some AU Stark boys going through their lives as best as they can? With your canon “chaotic & heart of gold” Tony, and “walking disaster & too pure for this world” Peter? This. This is it. The whole series. The whole thing. 
The Third Option - Uncertainty_Principle
My very first fic in this fandom and it was, indeed, the best start I could’ve possibly gotten. This AU is outstanding. Man, what a job well done. I have so much to say that I can’t even begin to express it all. This fic blew the door wide open for me. It’s..yeah. This is masterful. 
Hydra’s Not a Home - @tempestaurora
Ugh. There is something about biodad Tony that just fills my lungs with air. This entire series was so complete, so well done; it was fun, and witty, and hurtful and feelings were everywhere. Also, also..Pepper is everything and more in here, and I love when she’s heavily involved. And it’s done well. It makes me FLY. Needless to say..yes. So much yes. The entire series. The whole entire thing. A must read. A muuuuuust. Yes. 
Webcams and Webshooters - @losingmymindtonight
I’m trying very hard to keep my composure because THIS SERIES RIGHT HERE, MAN. WOW. These two chaotic messes are being ridiculous on Peter’s YouTube channel and it’s the funniest, the most enjoyable thing. Nothing short of the most loving and endearing clips until it punches you in the mouth, leaves you bleeding, and then patches you up. All at the same time. If you listen closely, you can still hear my love and tears over this. Goodness, this was outstanding. 
It’ll Be Over (And I’ll Still Be asking When) - @jbsforever
My heart. The jokes. The tears. The Bruce. The way this story is handled, the way Peter Parker..I just..And there is that one scene that I just go back to all the time, because y’all just write the coolest things, and my nerd tears are LOUD. Someone read this and geek out with me. Message me right after you’re done. RIGHT AFTER.
Reviving Peter Parker - @yellowdistress
Here’s what happened: I read this and it took me the h out. 
You know, some times we wish for things that we know cannot take place. And when they actually do happen, because in the world of Tony Stark, aliens and gods walk amongst him so nothing can really surprise him anymore, it’s not all it’s cracked up to be. Denni has a way to tell a story with such very human-like emotion, and responses from our boys, that it’s almost too much. The tears were present right with their sibling pain. Read it all. All the parts. You won’t regret it. 
The Closest Thing He’s Got - @ grilledcheesing 
The..things I underwent with this wonderful work..All the emotions in the spectrum. Just so many things to feel. 
You love Steve? Read this. You hate Steve? Read this.
You love Spidey? Read. This. You hate Spidey? Read this, but good luck.
You love Irondad & Spiderson trope? Read this!!!!!
You love Tony Stark? Read this right now. Because he’s dong his best and everyone needs to back off. 
You hate Tony? Read this and eat your heart out.
Read this. Read this read this read this
5 Times Peter Parker Saved Tony Stark - @madasthesea 
There is a special place in my heart for all things “Peter Parker saving himself + others” and Tony just impressed with him each time. Because yeah, Tony. You found a good one. And he loves you just as much as you love him. “Ugh. So proud of that Spiderbaby” was what I murmured throughout this whole thing, with the occasional scream :)
5 Times Peter Made Tony Laugh Out Loud - @ grilledcheesing
There were tears rolling down my face when I read this. It was the funniest thing. I love Peter, that walking disaster. I’m just glad Tony is in his corner. Please read this and have yourself a good laugh. It is the best. But beware that all jokes must stop at some point.
5 Times Everyone Thought Spider-Man was Iron Man’s Favorite Superhero -  @madasthesea
Mr. Parker deserves all the love, and all the support. All the encouragement. All the good and “doing his best to be good” Irondad. This is the fic where my boys are loving on each other and everything is right with the world. 
Here’s to All the New Beginnings - @groo-ock
There is no retired Irondad like this author’s retired irondad. Gosh, Tony is a MESS, but what a good one he is. This gives you origin pieces here and there, and Tony being comically distressed over Peter, and loving him so much, it’s almost unhealthy. Also, love me some Pepper Stark nei Potts. I laughed so hard and then cried just as much. Peter’s growing and Tony can’t handle much of it. 
Honey Bee Theorem - @ closingdoors 
There are so many ways Tony’s life could’ve been lived, so many things that could’ve happened, so many things that could’ve been said. Pepper explores all of them, and it leaves you breathless no matter which way she presents them. This was quick and painful and gorgeous. We stan Queen Stark nei Potts. And we might not be okay, but yeah, he can definitely rest now. 
Soul of Wit - @yellowdistress
Sometimes I’m in bed at night thinking, “hmm, Denni is out for blood.” And by that, I mean she’s out for mine specifically. This ridiculous one-shot shot me right in my chest. Leave it to Denni to literally show you the world as it is, and make you feel this..ache in your chest, and have you THANK HER FOR THE PAIN SHE’S CAUSED. I love her work so much, that talented bean. Read this. Till the very, very end. It’s gonna suck, but I promise you’ll love it. 
Holdfasts - @groo-ock
“I know this is just my under-treated anxiety talking,” Tony says, “but if I leave this chair or close my eyes even for a second, the kid is going to die. So I have to stay here.”
Tony and Peter are a walking disaster. It’s so bad, oh my gosh. It’s so bad. The laughing while simultaneously panicking as I read this was unbelievable. The things these authors make me FEEL. Y’all don’t understand how good this is. Like, lol, seriously. This is just straight up phenomenal. Phenomenal.
Four Paragraphs - @iron--spider
WOW. Okay. The softest thing in all the land is what takes place when this majestic author creates a story. I mean, seriously, these were the best four paragraphs I’ve ever laughed and cried through. The love, the pride, the longing, the gentleness. “Everything is alright. We’re okay” is always the theme with iron--spider and honestly? I STAN SO HARD, IT MIGHT BE ILLEGAL. Loved this so much. So much. 
Call This Fixer-Upper Home - @3wworms 
Amy has a way with words. It’s surreal how a simple one shot about a couch can have someone aching, eyes prickling, and long after the tab for the story is closed, the thoughts of it all produce salty tears. Maybe it was the note she left before the story started. But..nah, Amy has a WAY with WORDS. It’s unmatched. It’s surreal. 
I Am One of You Forever - @groo-ock 
Say goodbye to your canon broken heart because this is coming for it full force. This was entirely too beautiful; it was easy. Simple. Genuine. It was SO moving. The closing chapter to the brand new book. Like a dream. Mundane, loving, friendship, love. You name all good things, this one-shot has got it. The tears will be inevitable. On multiple occasions. 
Star Child - @iron--spider
This is so organic and so soft. It’s wholesome, so much so it made me cry. These two really deserved more time. And I will never thank this author enough for giving it to them. Always. My Pete is undoubtedly a star child. Don’t fight Tony on it. 
The First Birthday After - @iron--spider
Goodness. No words. Just tears. 
Happy Birthday, tincan. 
We miss you. 
Flight of the Navigator - @3wworms
Everything, and I mean everything Amy posts is truly organic, mature and just nothing short of phenomenal. This is my favorite from her. The level of detail and characterization displayed here leaves me speechless. Always. I literally run from her fics. She pushes things out of me with the most mundane, simple concepts. A conversation, a thought, a LINE. Goodness, did I cry when I read this. It’s elegant and intelligent, insightful. It’s just so great. There is a tone to everything she creates, and it’s always so heartfelt. Everything. Everything everything is truly a work of art. 
Blankets and Brain Melting Fevers - @hailing-stars
I love some ridiculous, overprotective, comical Tony Stark. And I love even more the way Peter’s heart always has a thing for showing something new to this man. Something as simple as spaghetti-o's, and to make me CRY real tears. This was so funny and truly wonderful. Uncalled tears! But wonderful nonetheless. 
On My First Son - pansley
I almost didn’t include this. There are some things some would say are better left..unread. But what a disservice would that have been to you, to us, to the author. 
I cried throughout the entire time I was reading this. Literally. The moment you meet Peter, you already lost. 
This is absolutely incredible. What a piece. 
This one is the definition of a tear jerker. Period. It will wake up things inside of you that you’d never even know you’d felt for these characters we grew with. 
I cannot emphasize this enough: I was dangerously dehydrated. 
Heavens, what a story. I was breathless. 
Read this, but sincerely do so with extreme caution. 
Hold on to everything, because this one-shot is coming like a tsunami. No ifs ands or buts.
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asselinssatan · 3 years
even though nobody needs this, i just thought I'd share how fucking long i am into shows/games that im in their fandoms now
the first thing ever is south park. uhh i was 3-4 y.o, and my older brother and sister were watching russian MTV and it had south park in it. they're 13 years older than me*
so they were told to watch after me, and they decided that's a good fucking idea to keep watching what they're watching now and bring me over here.
i remember vividly that it was jewbilee.
then when i turned 11 i thought i was so fucking grown up that i decided to rewatch sp, and my god did i love the fifth and the sixth season. that's why tweek's my favourite character lol. i was writing cringy fanfiction where my new kid character saved everyone's ass and i never ever uploaded it. thank god.
the next thing is the sims. the same as south park, i began playing the sims 2 with my older bro and sis when i was fucking 3 y.o.
i remember we made a human and a robot marry each other, then i created a vampire with a bunch of toddlers. also my cousin told me that i always made girls wearing pink outfits and i always called them Ella.
as i got older my parents bought me the sims 3. that's when i discovered internet and i was going over the sims wiki religiously. i always liked the premades, and since then always played only with them.
in 5th grade i began drawing fanart of the premades, but i never shared it because i was very nervous that other people will ridicule me. the same reason i never uploaded that sp fanfic.
the next is love live. i never thought that I'll like an anime. but my god these 9 funky dancing goddesses captivated my heart. nozomi tojo was my first gay awakening. through love live, honestly, i learned many things. and rin was the reason i started to be more confident in myself and love myself. im still in Idol hell and I'm trying to get fes rin, pray for me.
mlp. oh god. im not in the fandom anymore, but this all feels like a fever dream. my first ever real fandom experience came with it. i was searching youtube mlp videos 24/7, i was at equestria forums, i liked the fanarts, i read the fan comics, i listened to the fan music and watched pmvs. oh my god. i was 8.
i started playing danganronpa when i was in 7th grade, because everyone in the anime community wasn't shutting up their mouths about it. i decided to give a shot. and i got sucked in.
that's it. lol i shouldn't have had internet this early in my life, but i still don't know how i would've ended up if it wasn't for it.
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So, I’m completely in love with @keanureevesisbae fanfic “Mr. Cavill your dog is kinda fat” and that’s why I just had to read it again (although it’s not finished yet and from the looks of it and her masterlist, she writes longer things) and this time I also needed to take all my fav bits and write something on some of them when they really hit home or touched me even more than all these bits do at minimum. And for context, I’m an outspoken childfree woman and at the very most I have auntie fever, baby fever doesn’t exist for me. So, here goes:
I sit up straight, looking at the drawing she made me today in school. She always makes drawings for me, but they are always the same. She draws a house, with me in it and herself. And outside she draws a dog and a man, with suitcases and moving boxes next to them. ‘Because,’ she explains every single time, ‘one day you meet a nice man who has a dog and he can become my new daddy. A daddy that does want me.’
You broke and mended my heart with this in one paragraph!
His mind keeps racing, constantly racing. The terrible reviews of his latest movie, the way how women kept saying how they want to have his kids, but none of them is good enough. He wants to fall in love with someone, someone who understands him, who loves him for who he is. A woman that he has an instant connection with. A woman where he can be himself.
This is so vulnerable omg
 ‘Hi Vanessa,’ Henry says in a soft voice, before holding onto her hand, that nearly disappears in his. ‘My name is Henry Cavill and this is Kal.’ Doctor Tran looks up from the bag of vomit. ‘Henry Cavill?’ she asks. ‘Isn’t there an actor whose name is Henry Cavill?’ ‘Yeah, there is.’ Henry chuckles, feeling a bit awkward, but also amused that she doesn’t recognize him. It’s nice to be unrecognizable, even if it’s for a short amount of time. ‘That actor would be me.’ Her eyes widen. ‘Oh,’ she says, but she can’t seem to find the right words to say. ‘Mommy, is this man famous?’ Vanessa asks, while not breaking eye contact with Henry. The little girl blinks her eyes, almost in disbelieve that someone famous is standing next to her. Doctor Tran pulls herself together. ‘Yes, sweetheart, he plays in some movies. He even played Superman.’ Vanessa widens her eyes as well and yet again she looks just like her mother. ‘Wow, Superman is here.’ She starts to giggle, a sound that Henry already adores. ‘So, if you are Superman, you are really strong.’ ‘He is,’ doctor Tran says, placing the vomit samples aside. ‘He carried his dog inside.’ Henry can’t help but beam with pride as he takes in the compliment from the doctor. ‘Wow,’ Vanessa says again. She holds out her arms and asks him if he can lift her up. Henry looks over at the doctor, who smiles and simply nods, a non verbal sign of consent. Henry lifts the little girl up in his arms and she wraps an arm around his neck. ‘I can’t wait to tell miss Sue that I met Superman.’
‘Doggy Herb,’ he answers, while Vanessa is tugging his curls, pulling on one strand until it’s straight, before letting it go and watching it curl together again. ‘Why?’
I wanna tug in his curls, probably everyone wants to tug on his curls
 He shouldn’t feel this desperate need to impress the doctor. However, he can’t help but flex his muscles a little bit, as he carries the dog to the corner of the examination room.
 Vanessa starts to frown and she takes a step to the side, so she’s standing in the doorway. ‘Mommy, can I tell Superman he is lying and that you’re not supposed to lie?’ He can hear doctor Tran laughing. ‘You can tell Superman that, sweetheart.’ Henry feels a little finger poking his thigh. ‘Superman, you are lying and you’re not supposed to lie. My mommy says that you should tell the truth, especially about your feelings.’
 ‘My mommy is also a superhero,’ Vanessa says. ‘Not like Superman of course, but she always saves animals.’ ‘Well,’ Henry says, unintentionally loud enough for doctor Tran to hear it, ‘your mom is an even better hero than Superman.’ That confuses her, because she frowns. ‘Why?’ ‘Because I play Superman. It’s pretending. Your mom is not pretending.’
 Her mouth falls open. ‘Well, my mommy doesn’t have a husband. I’ve always wanted a daddy,’ she admits with bitter sweet honesty. ‘But my real daddy didn’t want me.’
Again, you broke my heart
 ‘Mister Cavill, your dog is kinda fat.’ She could’ve slapped in across his cheek and he wouldn’t be as surprised as he is now. Kal is fat? ‘Excuse me,’ he says in a defensive tone, crossing his arms in front of his buffed out chest. ‘My dog isn’t fat.’ Doctor Tran doesn’t seem impressed by his facade at all. ‘He is,’ she tells him. ‘An average American Akita weights between the forty and sixty kilos. Your dog weighs seventy kilos, while he should be between the fifty and sixty kilos.’ ‘It’s muscle.’ Geez, he never thought he could get this defensive.
I mean, same
 Kal is finally feeling better and Vanessa has woken up again. She is hanging around Kal’s neck, giving him tons of kisses. Kal doesn’t seem to mind, because he continues to lick Vanessa’s face when he gets the chance. Henry knew that his loyal dog was good with children, but this is on another level.
 I want to think about something else, but I can’t. I simply can’t stop thinking about Henry Cavill and his strong arms. I’m convinced I was hallucinating when I thought he was flexing his arm muscles, when he carried Kal.
 I prepare myself for the well known drawing, that I can dream by now, but all the air is knocked out of my lungs when I see what she drew me today. I stop in the middle of the curb, earning me some annoyed groans from two old ladies who were apparently walking behind me, but I don’t care. I really couldn’t care less at the moment. Oh my God, what is it with this kid and desperately wanting a father? Okay, now I get that she wants a dad, I do, but did she honestly have to draw a Superman and a dog (where she wrote underneath KAL) inside of our house? Superman stands next to me and she tried to make it look like Superman and I are holding hands.
Excuse me while I’ll be screaming
 A bark pulls me out of my thoughts and I look over my shoulder. I not only see the chubby American Akita, but also his owner. Henry looked handsome Saturday morning, but he looks even hotter today. He wears a dark blue jeans that shows the world how thick his thighs really are and a cosy sweater, but not a coat, since men are apparently too cool to wear coats in the beginnings of autumn.
Where is the lie?
 ‘I believe you,’ he laughs. ‘You just tell owners their pets are fat.’ I involuntarily let out a laugh. ‘You are the first one in two months with a fat pet, so I just save it for the famous actors with who can’t say no to their chubby dogs.’ Henry licks his lips, before he sinks in this top teeth in his bottom lip. Goodness gracious. Next time I run into Henry Cavill, I should bring some extra pair of panties.
This could be said in a church as a religious truth!
 I want to tell her that she can’t just expect him to carry her, simply because he is strong and he is Superman, but without any difficulties he lifts her up with only one arm. If I tried that, I’d dislocate my shoulder, but obviously it’s a piece of cake for him. I spend my fair share on Pinterest and YouTube, admiring his arms. And that clip of him building that PC? That was the hottest thing on earth and is nearly illegal.
You’re preaching
 ‘He still believes in the Tooth Fairy.’ I bite my lips, to prevent myself from laughing out loud. ‘I think you should tell him.’ She nods and wraps an arm around Henry’s neck. ‘Mister Henry,’ she says, ‘the Tooth Fairy doesn’t exist. Mommy just gives me money when I lose another tooth.’ Henry looks at me, also visibly holding in a laugh. ‘The Tooth Fairy doesn’t exist?’ he ask in almost believable disbelieve, but then I remember: this man is an actor. ‘Are you serious?’ ‘Mhm.’ ‘I need to call my mother, to ask her why she lied to me all those years?’ Vanessa shakes her head. ‘Well, lots of kids still believe in the Tooth Fairy, so it’s okay that you did too.’ ‘It was just time for you to know the truth,’ I add. ‘Well, thank you, miss Vanessa,’ Henry says. ‘Thank you for being honest with me.’
How cute can this be?!
 I decide that I’m not ready for a head tilt by the one and only Henry Cavill. ‘Her biological father didn’t want her,’ I say. ‘He broke up with me and disappeared out of my life, if that’s what you wanted to know.’
No one is ever ready for the Henry-Cavill-Head-Tilt
 I don’t think I can ever understand those kind men. Did he honestly just say that? My entire body temporarily forgot how to function. Henry Cavill out there trying to steal my heart and with the rate he is going at, I’m willing to hand it over to him without putting up a fight. Her biological father doesn’t know what he is missing out on. That one went straight to my soul.
 ‘I do have to tell you, he isn’t the greatest with needles,’ Henry warns her. She nods. ‘Aren’t you projecting your own fears on your dog?’ she jokingly asks him.
Olivia glances at him, before she sticks the needle into Kal’s thigh. He doesn’t even whine, but Henry rubs his own face. ‘Are you okay, Henry?’ she asks, but he doesn’t hear what she says anymore, because he passes out.
 He tries to remember where he is and when he looks around, he sees he is at the animal clinic. The examination table, his own dog sitting next to doctor Olivia Tran, who walks up to him and crouches down in front of him. ‘You’re up,’ she says with a chuckle. ‘For such a big guy, I never assumed you’d pass out like that, simply because I was giving your dog a shot.’
‘No need to, it was kind of funny, especially when I had to drag you around this examination room and had to explain to the assistant that the loud thud she heard, was the owner that collapsed and not the overweight dog,’ she laughs, handing him a paper cup filled with some water. ‘Here, drink this.’
I was torn between laughing at that image of dragging Henry around but also, kinda, same?
 ‘Okay, mommy,’ Vanessa says. ‘Can Kal sleep in my room tonight?’ ‘He can,’ Olivia says. The little girl smiles and looks up at Henry. ‘Is that okay with you too, mister Henry?’ she asks. ‘Kal is your dog.’ ‘He can sleep in your room,’ Henry says, touched by the fact that she actually thought she should ask him about this. Olivia is raising such a lovely and polite girl. He truly admires her.
Henry gently holds my wrist. His hand nearly engulfs my wrist, only adding fuel to the fact that Henry is a lot bigger than me fact.
Size kink activated
 Henry brings a hand to his lips, to suppress some laughter, but he fails miserably. ‘And yet you agreed on going on a date with me.’ ‘Guess I have a thing for handsome men with chubby dogs.’ He lets out a chuckle. ‘Good thing I have a thing for veterinarians who drag me across the examination room after I passed out.’
 It’s impossible for me to keep my mouth shut now. ‘And you want to start a family of your own, right?’ His eyes widen. ‘How do you know about that?’ ‘You’re famous, Henry and I’m curious. Go figure.’
 I walk back to the kitchen when the cries have turned a bit softer, to see Henry chopping up onions into tiny pieces. ‘How is she?’ Henry asks, blinking his eyes fast, because of the onions.
There’s no cuter mental image
 ‘I can look after her,’ he says. Excuse me, what? ‘Excuse me, what?’ I say out loud. ‘I can look after her,’ he repeats. ‘I have nothing to do, so you can go to sleep and then tomorrow, you’ll go to work.’ I blink away some tears in my eyes, that start to collect there at an admirably fast speed. ‘Henry, I can’t ask that from you.’ ‘Good thing I’m offering,’ he says with a soft smile. ‘Really, I don’t want you to get in trouble and besides, I don’t want to leave Vanessa when she’s feeling like this.’
 He smiles. ‘Come here,’ he whispers, pulling me against his broad chest and when I feel his massive arms engulfing me in a hug, tension in my body that has been building up there for God knows how long, slowly seems to fade away. I wrap my arms around his waist and he places his chin on top of my head. Was a hug something I needed for all those years? Is that it?
Size kink activated and this also really hit home, because I also build up emotions/tears
 ‘What is that?’ Olivia asks. ‘What do you mean?’ ‘Is that a carseat?’ He blushes, but realizes that she would find out about it sooner or later. Henry clears his throat, before he admits: ‘Yes, I bought it this morning. Figured if we’re going to make a habit out of this, I should be able to take Vanessa safely with me.’
‘Henry, really?’ she asks and he doesn’t know if it’s from disbelieve, gratefulness or annoyance. ‘You bought her a carseat…’ She places a hand on his arm. ‘That is so sweet, you keep amazing me, you know that?’ His blush is intensifying at an alarming speed. ‘It’s nothing, really.’
Excuse me while I scream
 ‘Don’t say something like that,’ she tells him. ‘It’s not nothing, this is everything. You are honestly the greatest guy to come across my path. In these past week you’ve done more for her than her real dad or family for that matter. This is really quite something.’
My desire to punch Wesley just got even stronger
 ‘Olivia,’ he says and she looks up. ‘Why are these women staring at us?’ She glances over her shoulder and growls something under her breath. ‘Those are the perfect housewives, with their perfect kids and perfect husbands,’ she says, her brows furrowing. ‘They are probably in shock that I brought some male company with me.’ Henry can’t help but chuckle, as he looks at the feisty woman next to him. He gently places a hand on her shoulder, maybe because he feels like he needs to physically restrain her, maybe because he wants those women to be extra jealous of her.
 Henry sits behind the wheel and Vanessa says: ‘I made two drawings today. One for you and one for Henry.’ Henry waits with starting the car and just like Olivia, he turns around in his seat, so he can look at Vanessa. She hands them both a drawing and when the two of them look at the pieces of paper, it’s evident that she drew the exact same thing: All four of them, Henry, Olivia, Kal and Vanessa in one house. Olivia told him about the same drawings she has been making for such a long time and how after they met Henry, she drew Superman and Kal with them. Now he is not in Superman clothes, but in normal clothes. Now he is Henry.
This is like the “Being known is being loved post” but even better and more heart shattering in a good way
 ‘In that cafe, can I sit with Henry?’ Olivia smiles. ‘Of course.’ ‘You won’t jealous then?’ He notices out of the corners of his eyes that Olivia frowns. ‘Why would I be jealous?’ ‘Because he is your boyfriend.’
This kid I swear
 ‘You have baby pictures of Henry?’ Vanessa asks. They all start to laugh. ‘We have,’ his father says. ‘But be prepared, Henry was an ugly kid.’ Vanessa pulls her mother a little down and whisper shouts: ‘Is this a joke or is he serious?’ Olivia chuckles. ‘It’s a joke, sweetheart.’ ‘Good, because even if mister Colin is his dad, he shouldn’t be so mean to him, right?’ Henry pulls on one of her pigtails and she looks up at him. ‘Thank you, sunshine, for looking after me.’ She smiles. ‘No one should be mean to each other and if he does it more often, you should say something about him.’
Vanessa is the best and the cutest and just ahhhhhhhhhhh
 Vanessa tilts her head. ‘Mommy, I think you should give Henry a kiss.’ ‘Why is that, sweetheart?’ Olivia asks. ‘He seems like he needs it. Your kisses always help.’ Olivia chuckles, before she leans in and presses a kiss on his cheek. And Vanessa was right, he did need that.
This is a question that I do understand. It happens all the time: man wants the woman, but not the kid and Vanessa is not stupid. She knows that stuff like that happens all the time. ‘Then I’m going to leave Henry,’ I say to her, before he can say something. ‘Because if that is the case, he is not the man I thought he would be. I don’t want someone who doesn’t want you, because you are my number one and you will always be my girl.’
This hits kinda home, because for my best friend it was the opposite. Man meets woman with daughter, man and daughter detest each other, woman still chooses (to this day) the man. And can and could see what that did with my best friend.
 ‘Mommy, are you okay?’ I hear Vanessa ask, nearly causing me to yelp. I quickly dry my tears. ‘I’m fine, sweetheart.’ She frowns. ‘You’re crying.’ ‘I’m not crying,’ I tell her, but lying to her feels so wrong. ‘Okay, I was, but—’ ‘Superman, mommy is crying,’ Vanessa yells and it takes about a second before Henry is in the kitchen. Maybe he really is Superman, moving around like lightening speed. ‘What’s wrong, love?’
‘They are. I kept thinking about how lucky I am to not only have the cutest daughter in the world, but that Superman is here as well.’
Catch me screaming again
 I feel like I can handle a few nosey brothers, but hearing how he knows that Vanessa will be overwhelmed, nearly changes me into a puddle. We are important to him… I squeeze his hand. ‘You are the biggest sweetheart I have ever met.’
 I see Henry send a picture of the four of us on the couch. He desperately wanted to take a picture of us in our matching pajamas and the fact that he decided that this would be the best one to share with his family, warms my heart.
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bubbletimestories · 4 years
A kiss with a fist is better than none (Lokixreader)
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Summary: You are going to have a surprise when you go to bed with your cat. But not necessarily an unpleasant one. It's the beginning of a strange duo. Loki is not dead (surprise !) and he seems decided to return to Asgard...but it's not that simple and he has to deal with an unexpected companion (you).
Warnings: soft, hurt Loki, pain 
Themes: hurt/confort, magic, disguise, truth serum, travel, fever...
A/N. I’m slow on this one but I know what I’ll write next
Translated with Google traduction, sorry ^^’
"Loki? Loki! "
With the vocal elegance of a fishmonger, you continue to call your cat for a few minutes before giving up and accepting that it can make its life elsewhere, probably under a piece of furniture. It's often like that, it never shows when you have time to give it; obviously, it's so much more fun to slouch on your computer or your books when you're working. That will teach you to give it the name of the god of malice. This is something that always surprises your friends, especially after the events of a few years ago, the aliens, all that...
Maybe it's because you love these kinds of stories, or because you've read Slothbaby fanfics too much, but you cannot help but think that Loki -the real one, not your cat- wasn’t totally guilty in the destruction of Manhattan. It was still a particularly nagging approach, not really the kind of the god of malice and of stuffed blows. He is more of a kind to attack from behind, right? Add to that that he is far from being ugly and one will easily understand that you are a little bit, a little little bit fan. He has style, it's undeniable.
Mechanically, you tidy the leftovers of your meal while listening to the TV talking about the Avengers for the umpteenth time and how they ended what the media call "The Ashpocalypse". You weren't one of those who disappeared but it was an extremely dark time. Fortunately, now everything is over and that's good. Like a lot of people, you refuse to think about it too much, prefer to leave it behind you and move forward. It's not about closing your eyes but ... in short, you don’t want to talk about it, all’s well that ends well and we didn’t have to deplore too many losses.
Your bare feet make a funny noise on the lino, you like to imagine that they are suckers that stick to the ground as if you were an octopus. Yes, we have the delusions we can. With one hand, you push the door of the bathroom while scrolling a Youtube playlist of your composition. As you live alone and don’t like silence, your apartment is always filled with music, be it Powerwolf, Muse or soundtracks. Although with a great sense of humor, you avoid putting the theme of Psycho when you're in the shower, it's your only rule. Nonchalantly lying on the carpet, Loki watches you enter before continuing his toilet, polishing his black fur carefully.
"Are you coming to keep me company? Voyeur ... "
That he stays there does not bother you, you are used to pairs of eyes with all the posters that adorn your room. You cram the edge of the bathtub and slide the curtain, not without having pulled the tongue to your kitty cat, nah. Singing in a low voice to avoid disturbing your neighbours (it is already late), you enjoy hot water to the maximum before going out and wrapping yourself in a towel, ready to go to sleep. The cat has not moved, still contemplating you as if it was master in its house, which does not stop it from purring when you stroked its head and cuddled like an old lady before taking it in your arms and take it to your room. Some people don’t like their pet sitting on the bed but since Loki does not shed too much hair and never brings back fleas, you don’t mind sharing.
To save time, you throw the towel on a chair and slip directly under the comforter to put on you pajamas. As long as you are naked, you prefer to be warm. A few contortions later, you are ready to sleep. You have closed the door, all the lights are off, you have a big warm quilt and the cat is still purring in your back .... What better ask?
"Good night, Loki"
You close your eyes, begin to sink in the mists of sleep while thinking of a thousand things at the same time: the visit of your mother next weekend, your job, the next film that you're going to see, the feeling of the arms around your waist ... Wait ... WHAT?
Returning somewhat to reality, you frown and slide a hand to your hip, certain to feel only your pajamas and nothing else, as is often the case when you daydream. Your fingers brush something warm and hard on your stomach: a hand! It's a nightmare, a simple nightmare, it happens ... You open your eyes while continuing to gently feel this hand that is certainly not yours but which is rude to invite itself like that. Hand connected to an arm that surrounds your waist. If it's an erotic dream, it starts off veeeeeeery strangely. But if it is, it's really just that, a dream. You had to eat too much and it causes strange reactions in your brain. You knew that you should not eat this yoghurt, the expiry date was long passed.
"It's a yoghurt, nothing but a yoghurt", you start to repeat yourself mentally, without really knowing if it makes any sense. That's when a hot breath comes to rest on your neck, making your whole body stretch like a bow. This is when you realize that a hard mass is stuck in you back. It's not the wall, it's not the cat. Oh shit…
Suddenly, you turn and send your arm back, just to know once and for all if you're going to hit the blank or something. Your fist strikes a cheek and the unknown arm leaves your hip as a body falls from the bed with an expletive. The pain in your hand tells you you're awake. Shit, it's not a dream, it's not a dream! Your fingers take a moment to find the switch but they finally manage to turn on the light, because you refuse to be one of those horror movie gourds who decide to stay in the dark. In order to protect yourself from your attacker, you catch the first thing that comes to hand: a soft toy. Seriously?
" What the fuck is happening ?! "
Delicate, posed, feminine ... You stand up as you can on the mattress, your mini Sherlock brandished in a vain threat, and you finally detail the intruder. The first thing that jumps out at you is that he is naked. Oddly enough, that's the kind of detail that gets important at 2 A.M, when you live alone. Then, and it's probably worse than nudity, you think you recognize who it is.
"Loki ?! THE Loki of Asgard! "
Awe succeeds surprise, it's way too surreal for you to be scared. What should you be afraid of anyway? He is naked and you are not. The young man stands up and gives you a big smile as if nothing had happened, as if it were only a magic trick, quite predictable. You would be watching for a "tada". Suffocated by the shock, you stammer vainly before the anger rises and make your words more intelligible.
"But what ... What are you doing here? What ... oh shit, cover up! "
You throw your quilt at him, trying not to look too far down, waiting for explanations that the god does not seem wanting to give. It may seem strange but you would like to know what an Asgardian god comes to do in your apartment, naked as a worm and looking happy about it. He does not press anyway, wraps the blanket around his hips and then settle on a chair, on the verge of doing a remake of Basic Instinct. You put the soft toy on the bed-it was useless anyway-and stare the newcomer with all the wrath you are capable of. Task made difficult by the vision of his fine muscles and his mocking eyes, damn, he’s hot!
" What is happening ? "
No need to expand your question, you think it encompasses the whole brothel environment. Loki -wow, it's him! - settles comfortably before smiling at you, the kind of charming smile that must be his trademark.
"But you called me ... You invited me to sleep with you. "
He looks so proud of him, the bastard! Like you did that! Baloneys ... "Come on Loki, come sleep with me" ?! The only Loki in your life is your cat ... Oh no ... Your whole thread of thought must be read on your face because the young man bursts out laughing, shaking his head, folding his arms nonchalantly on his chest.
Your pillow misses his head a few inches, crashes with a soft noise against the wall before falling to the ground.
"You took the place of my cat ?! Are you serious ?! "
This time, you shouted but you don’t care to wake up neighbors, it's totally an incredible story. The worst thing is that the other bitch is far from denying and the more you look at him, the more you realize that indeed, there is a little air. The way to look at you especially, with attention, as when your cat waits a caress or when you walk in front of it. Wait ... Does that mean he was in the bathroom ?! You were naked in front of the god of malice! It's a bad joke, you're going to wake up ...
- Oh shit…. Kind of pervert! You watched me in the shower! - And not that. You are rather shameless when you think yourself alone. - How long has it been? - A month. - A month ?!
You collapse on the mattress, digging into your memory to remember important events but nothing comes to you. You paid my rent, there was no attack of super-villain, nothing major in any case. Your cat lost its way ... So here it is! That's when there was an exchange! And you, you think about it as if it was normal ... Taking advantage of your silence, Loki explains, eyes sparkling with a fun that annoys you.
"When Thanos attacked the Asgardians' ship, I pretended to be dead and fled as best I could. It was not easy and I wandered a lot before I failed on Earth, in a country called Nepal. I finally managed to get here, tired, without really knowing what I was going to do. And I hear you calling me, or at least calling your cat. It was a simple way to have room and board. "
It seems so simple and normal when he says it ... His brother would have offered to compensate you. It's funny but now that Loki is in front of you, you have less desire to see him. Oh boy, you hope you did not talk about him in front of ... well, what you thought was your cat ... The red goes up to your cheeks for a brief moment before you calm down. It's better that you keep your head cool. Even if it's the most total shit ... With your most assured air, Iyou stand up to your full height (which is not high) and look at the god right in the eye hoping to keep your calm to the maximum in the face of this living fantasy.
"Listen ... we ... Well, you don’t seem to be able or want to go to where you came from so we have to live together. But don’t turn into a cat anymore. And never look at me again in the shower! We will find you some clothes and ... .and you will give me back my cat. Once it's done, we'll see. "
Have you been clear? No idea but it would be good because you're not sure you can express things more simply. You could have told him to leave. You should have. But you did not think about it. Part of you hopes to find a small compensation for this situation, he probably has ideas to be forgiven ...
" It's OK for me "
Loki gets up and holds out his hand with his most innocent look, letting the quilt fall down, which was nevertheless very practical for you to keep the ideas clear. And shit, you took a god as a roommate.
Next chapters on AO3 
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touchtoneteleph · 5 years
2010s minecraft things I'm convinced were a fever dream
All of these have come to me at random moments and I felt the need to compile them like a devout follower collecting the scripture of his god
iBallisticSquid making a cheesecake while drunk. At one point he was just whacking a pack of digestives with a rolling pin at 2am. Also his brother saying "you know how you told dad you wouldn't burn the house down because you're making a cheesecake and it goes in the fridge... yeah"
Stampy was on bbc breakfast????
One of them recreated eight pages
Squid starting a sky island and the tree burning down
G o o g l i e s
That seto drama that I was weirdly invested in despite knowing nothing about
Having to spam r click the signs on Hive in the desperate hope of getting into a lobby only to get kicked
That one house on one of the console tutorial worlds (the one with the medium sized stone brick and wood castle) which was 1x3 blocks on the inside
Herobrine sighting videos
Also this masterpiece
A bunch of YouTubers racing to the moon with the ugliest resource pack equipped
That daughter of herobrine fanfic that got like 10 million reads
Also adopted by teamcrafted fanfiction
Damn near any minecraft fanfiction
Mitch having a Winnie the Pooh skin but changing it because he was afraid of being sued by Disney
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madmen · 5 years
all of them pls jodie comer janelle monae phoebe waller bridge, have fun
do you have a crush on anyone? yeee on my grilled friend! bitches be havin girled friends.
what’s your favorite candy? i am cadbury dairy milk bar’s bitch! i also really like kitkats especially the mini ones those are so good.
favorite love song? aaaaa it changes with the weather i like so many but can’t take my eyes off of you is always a classic both it and let’s get married (mitski cover) make me feel Warm and the past few months i cannot stop listening to mr mika tiny love. yes this question asked for one but this is me restraining myself i promise. OH it might be being alive from company actually.
what was your first kiss like? technically my first kiss lasted for .0001 of a second in a public high school hallway and it was by accident so i choose to disregard that one because the one after that was very nice imagine. you are on a BEACH it is MIDNIGHT she tastes like some type of wine and you are not sober and do not know what you’re doing so you’re taking MENTAL NOTES and trying to imitate what it feels like she’s doing but you want to live in this moment forever.
what was your last kiss like? it was sweet! well, more like salty because we were crying but it’s because we are simply full of love!
sexual/romantic orientation? i’m a (fleabag godmother voice) LESBIAN
do you prefer poems or love letters? love letters hands DOWN
favorite fanfic trope? i like it when they’re both friends and in love and afraid to say anything for fear of ruining their relationship. there is a name for this but i hate it so i will not say it it’s two words, first one with an m and second one with a p. Don’t know what it is about that second word but. hate it.
have you ever been in love? yes, highly recommend
favorite milkshake flavor? I don’t like milkshakes I think they’re ice cream soup which is disgusting but my favorite ice cream flavor is mint chocolate chip if that counts
dinner dates or brunch dates? I prefer the idea of brunch dates but I wake up hungry so in practice probably dinner dates but like. to diners so I can have breakfast food.
favorite flowers? Pink carnations! Honorable mentions to bleeding hearts and roses that are light orange or light blue or light pink.  
favorite perfume/cologne? no clue
favorite candle scent? if it’s sold during fall i probably love it anything pumpkin-y or slightly-but-not-too-much cinnamon-y
what’s your ideal first date? we go on a funky lil adventure! we see some fancy house and get food together and then see something else maybe a beeg church i like the way they make me feel small and they make me feel Whole when i’m there with someone i care about. maybe go for a walk in my head this is some city we’ve never been to and we just walk and talk and hold hands and point out pretty architecture.
favorite love story? in real life i am still losing it every time i think about how ronan farrow proposed to jonathan lovett via his BOOK. in fiction i am unfortunately stuck at 11 still losing it over both the doctor and rose as well as mary and matthew crawley.
what’s the most attractive thing a person could wear? idk i think suits are hot but i also melt when my girlfriend wears her oversized hoodie she just looks so cute and cozy! i feel like most things are attractive when you’re into a person. also lingerie.
chocolate, vanilla, or red velvet? vanilla!
snow, rain, or sun? rain but not too hard just a nice light mist
sweetest romantic memory? she wrote me LOVE LETTERS!!!!
favorite dating sim (and favorite character)? I have played all of one dating sim, which makes it my favorite by default. Unfortunately, it is UmaPri/My Horse Prince. I did not finish it I got impatient and my apartment watched a playthrough on youtube you don’t even get to fuck horse boy I don’t think you even kiss but it’s still so funny horse boy is obviously the best character.
fictional crushes? leia organa, cheryl blossom or betty cooper (whichever one is more likely to commit a crime on that episode), joan holloway, betty draper, villanelle, all the big little lies milfs, among others.
what’s your dream wedding like? it takes place at the johns hopkins library if i can’t have that then like. some fancy house or library or museum somewhere thats super neat. i don’t know what i wear but i look very nice. all my friends are there and it’s Very Fancy. elegant and refined thats the general Vibe.
what makes you blush? i have no clue i think sometimes when i drink my face flushes so we’ll go with that
do you believe in love at first sight? only in romeo and juliet. i think theres like. a spark at first sight maybe but also not needed for love ya know?
do you believe in soulmates? i don’t know i feel like theres like. maybe a list of people who are your soulmate? like it couldve been this one yea but it also couldve been someone else had circumstances been different like the world is soooooooooooooo big and sometimes theres right place wrong timing i think? i don’t know. 
denim jackets, leather jackets, or bomber jackets? on me? all of the above. on hot gals? leather jackets.
what’s your sign? taurus sun, leo moon and rising
are you single? nope i have a grilled friend! i love her!
do you prefer to charm, or be charmed? both!
guitar or piano? normally i’d say piano but rianne used to play guitar so mixed thots here also it’s so fun to try and teach her piano and hear her lil laugh when i fix her fingers on the keys. answer foggy try again later
favorite romcom (or any romantic movie)? when harry met sally!!!!!! 
do you fall in love easily? i don’t think so but i’ve only done it once so i could be mistaken
valentine’s decorations: yay or nay? i think they’re cute!
would you prefer to propose or be proposed to? what’s your dream proposal? I wanna propose which throws a real Wrench in Rianne’s concurrent desire to propose. Gotta keep the proposal a surprise, soz gang.
cloud gazing or star gazing? Star gazing!
do you like to dance? I cannot dance to save my life but god if I don’t fantasize about it every second of the livelong day
what’s your OTP? please do not make me admit to being into harry potter on main, and worse yet being into dr*rry and w*lfstar it is rightfully embarrassing.
kittens or puppies? I am afraid of almost all living things which includes kittens and puppies but I prefer pictures of puppies
coffee, hot chocolate, or tea? Cofy!
favorite soda? i hate fizz > : ( why does everyone like it when it feels like theres ants crawling on your tongue?
do you prefer gazing wistfully out the window or lying dramatically over the sofa? is there someone to give me atten shun? if so, i’m lying dramatically on the sofa. if i’m on my own it’s window time babey
favorite ABBA song? this one also changes over the years right now i’m gonna say voulez-vous
fuck/marry/kill? (anons name 3 people of your choice) this is so MEAN okay so phoebe waller-bridge’s dad was named in the panama papers i know she has the most exorbitant amount of wealth and i trust her to treat me right. that leaves jodie and janelle cannot stress enough how much i haaaaate having to kill any of them okay at the oscars we saw what janelle’s tongue can do so unfortunately we will be sacrificing jodie comer : / jodie i’m sorry i love you.
favorite pajamas? I don’t own pajamas because I’m a weirdo who either sleeps in their clothes or an oversized long sleeve t shirt and leggings
favorite liquor? vodka for mixing, sourz for shots
do you think about love a lot? yeeeeeeeeeeee
a walk in the park or a walk on the beach? i don’t like sand. it’s rough and it’s coarse and it gets everywhere. Honestly I think I’d rather just walk indoors i am anti fresh air got that sweet sweet hay fever
hand kisses or nose kisses? nose kisses!
what’s your dreamhouse? i wanna live in the city in an apartment and due to the fact that i am american it is unfortunately so big in my head no apartment has ever been this beeg and if it did exist i could not afford it but. it’s so pretty i have fancy kitchen cabinets and my living room is filled with bookshelf upon bookshelf of used books and it has room for my piano and i have a beeeeeg sleigh bed and black cherry furniture and a dishwasher and a laundry room. i come home and am filled with calm.
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demigod-dems · 8 years
junghope fanfiction mistresslist
because i clearly don’t know when to stop
(previous yoonseok fanfiction mistresslist)
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Before you start reaping the fruits of this list, here’s some info you should know:
- The list is made up of fanfics I have personally read and thought worth reading (I have read a lot more than these, and a lot didn’t make the cut)
- This list is in no way finished and done, it will evolve and update as I gather more fics for you to enjoy (feel free to message me new ones or some that i’ve missed)
- I’m a fluffy marshmallow and enjoy happy endings, so 99% of these fics won’t have any tragedy / death / gore and mutilation or cheating AND it won’t have any mpreg, because I am just not into it, sorry
❤ Favourites
☆ New to the list
last updated: [19/09/2018 03:06AM]
☆ 11 Things To Do Before You Die (bucketlist, friends to lovers)
☆ 27 Kisses (Hoseok is confused)
☆ ❤ A Little Help (oh my god, just. Read it, I love it so much, WIP)
☆ ❤ A Sheep in Wolf's Clothing (A/B/O, beta Jungkook wants to be knotted)
❤  another life (wistful, nice, BonVoyage AU)
☆ An arrow to the foot and a bow to you (pretty ironic for Hoseok to shoot himself, him being a cupid)
☆ all because of you (sad hoseok, but overall uplifting fic)
❤  all tomorrow's parties (jungkook/jimin/hoseok, a common hobby, AU)
always nice to meet you (AU, ace!guk, platonic)
❤  all the world’s noise (ridiculously sweet AU)
☆ Are You Sure (you want to stay?) (Jungkook overthinks)
☆ baby, you're a caramel macchiato (fluff)
☆ Be a good baby, mr. bad boy (Jungkook is good just for Hoseok)
☆ Belt Loops (public)
Bloodflows (unplanned bath sharing with Jungkook)
Black Cat (ancient Egyptian deities, AU)
❤  bone + tissue (sex, tension, photos, AU, sssssooooo goood) 
☆ Boy Meets Boy - Boys In Luv (Hogwarts AU)
Brat (fluff)
breathe again (daddy kink)
Break Your Plans Tonight (sex worker hoseok, new gang recruit guk, smut, AU)
☆ Bunny Boy (hybrid AU, human Hoseok)
☆ Call Me Baby (Jungkook wants to be called ‘baby’ by one person only)
can you teach me how to feel real (drabble, robots/androids AU)
'cause i'm burning up, burning up for you baby (yoonkook/hoseok, pizza delivery boy AU)
☆ Come Over Here (And Overwhelm Me) (Jeongguk takes a yoga class on a lost bet)
☆ Coffee in the Morning (KookYoonseok, needy Jungkook)
☆ Creep (the famous shower incident)
crushworthy (awkward jungkook, teasing hoseok, AU)
☆ daddy’s good boy (Jungkook wins  a private skype session with camboy Hoseok)
☆ Daydream (Hoseok borrows Jungkook’s laptop and finds some personal videos, daddy kink)
❤  Dance With Me Hyung (sexual tension up to the sky)
- Pt. 2
- Pt. 3
Double Texting (AU, fluff)
Don't Say Goodnight (Don't Say Goodbye) (AU past lives)
❤  DOES/DOES NOT (both are oblivious and everyone’s frustrated, AU)
Dream Chaser (Members only, nightmare, fluff)
☆ Drip Drop (A/B/O, submissive alpha Jungkook)
E - H
even my name, knelt down inside me, asking to be spared (mentions of prev. char death, past yoonkook, mental health issues)
eventually (AU, awkward Jungkook)
❤  Fall and Recover (ONLY THE BEST JUNGHOPE AU EVER???)
Hit Well With an Open Hand (dumbasses slapping each others butts)
☆ Faceplant (Jungkook crashes into Hoseok)
fallingforyou (short, sad)
Falling, Catching (A/B/O, knotting, mating cycles/in heat, AU)
Fever (Yoonseok/jungkook, crossdressing, smut)
☆ Five Months (very fluffy)
☆ footprint nostalgia (taehyung won’t have to go back to farming)
☆ Forever Seems Just Long Enough (Jungkook has been a permanent fixture in Hoseok’s bed lately)
☆ Golden (KookYoonSeok, Jungkook has a nightmare)
Hard. Rock. Steady? Rock. (Daddy kink)
☆ ❤ helping hand(s) (maybe Jungkook has a crush on his best friend that happens to have tentacles)
☆ Here in your arms ( sometimes the air is too quiet and his limbs are too restless, Jungkook sneaks into Hoseok's room)
❤  Hold Me Close (betrayal of a trusty heater, fluff, AU)
☆ hold me tight (KookYoonSeok, bondage)
☆ Hope is Last to Die (childhood crush, AU)
☆ #HopeKookWeek2017 (link to whole series ↓)
1 - how long, baby, have i been away? (oh, it feels like ages though you say it has been only days)
2 - your skin is so soft (kiss him once, kiss him twice to keep the night on)
3 - heaven’s on the backseat of my cadillac
4 - we can't hold back 'til the night escapes
5 - they'll hang us in the louvre (down the back, but who cares, still the louvre)
6 - you don’t have to leave (you could just stay here with me)
7 - shiver shiver (you strip the buttons off my coat)
☆ How to Make These Feelings Known 
I - M
☆ ❤ i wanna be yours (Jungkook has been in love with Hoseok since he's 15)
☆ If You Let Me In (soft and fond winter evening)
i'll take you on (established, sore loser Jungkook) 
i'm not a coffee drinker, but i lost sleep thinking about you (so pour me a cup, i need to wake up) (tired Hob, fluff)
☆ I’m bound up in you (Jungkook wants to ask something new, rimming, facesitting)
☆ i’m coming home to you (every night) (jungkook’s sensitive nose has trouble sleeping)
ineluctable (pool boy Hoseok, rich home-owner son Jungkook, AU)
☆ It’s Called Appreciating Beauty (lets admit, Jungkook is a liiitle obsessed)
☆ It's important to stretch before strenuous activities (Hoseok is a personal trainer and Jungkook has had his eyes trained on him)
is it me that you see? (tell me i'm not dreaming alone) (kookyoonseok, AU, fast paced)
Join US (vkook/hoseok, birthday present, smut)
☆ Joke (Jungkook needs to be punished)
Just a Boy (And boys have Needs) (hormonal teenager Jungkook, weak Hoseok)
Jungkook started a game (VHopeKook, Jungkook is shameless, really) 
Keep On Wanting (smut, established)
Young (pt. 2)
Cosmic Love (pt. 3)
Found You (pt. 4)
A Beautiful Mess (pt. 5 , Junghope/Yoongi, not finished)
The One (pt. 6)
Take a Breath, Take a Step (pt. 7)
I'll Give You Love (You Wanted Nothing) (pt. 8)
Love You (Even In My Sleep) (established, sleepwalking, kink negotiation, smut)
❤  less is more (less is a bore) (a lot of hickeys, feelings, AU)
❤  Lather Me Whole ( Prince Jungkook, Hoseok, his servant ↓ )
Mark Me As Your Own
Whisper In My Ear
Keep Me In Your Hands
Tie Me Up, Hold Me Down
Life with demons (should not be this hard) (exorcism AU, ending frustrated me to tears)
like everybody else (Daddy kink) 
Lionheart (aged up, established, AU)
☆ Lose My Cool (highschool AU, yearbook photographer Jungkook)
☆ Lucidness (daddy kink, the big red hoodie)
❤  Ma Tulipe (a BRILLIANT, soft glowing fic, AU) 
☆ Mountain Dew Me? (Jungkook is a bartender)
☆ Mommae (Jungkook gets caught watching something) 
☆ my favorite places (it gets too much sometimes)
N - R
Name The Stars (and know their dark returning) (getting together, fluff)
New Romantics (AU, piercings)
no mess, no fuss (aged up, AU, rough sex)
❤  Noge Do Poda (yoonseok, yoonkook - yoonseok just like Jungkook)
Noge u Zrak (yoonseok, junghope)
Dolje na koljena (yoonjunghope)
No One But Me (Jealous Jungkook, Oblivious Hoseok, established)
☆ ❤ not a booty call (the feelings, oh my god the feelings)
☆ now my bedsheets smell (like you) (5 times +1 one time)
☆ of white lies and autumn leaves (pretend relationship, ofc until it’s not)
☆ on the edge (wakeboarding, ‘rivals’)
☆ On My Life (I Swear) (Bodyguard AU, multichaptered)
one shot (is all i need) (bartenders, AU)
☆ one strange night in one strange city (rich young businessmen au) 
☆ Ousia (magic AU)
☆ pas de deux (growing old together, fics like this always make me sad even with happy ending)
☆ Perfect Ten (bowling AU)
petting (predebut)
☆ Pink Cushion (Jungkook needs some disciplining) 
☆ Room for Three (Yoonseok fall for Jungkook)
S - V
[second] (student/teacher relationship AU)
☆ Sing For Me (part of ot7, smut)
☆ Sixth Position (miscommunication, getting back together)
☆ share my life (it's yours to keep) (might as well marry they’re so domestic so fast)
Shelter From the Storm (fobias, jungkook trying to fix things, AU, slightly bdsm)
☆ ❤ Skip The Glory (demon AU, rough sex, some tentacle action)   
☆ Social Animals (nonsexual intimacy)
☆ Somebody’s Crying (Hoseok is the resident dorm advisor)
☆ ❤ sparkles in his eyes (my heart is jumping out)
stars (brotp, drunk jungkook)
study time (aged up, established, AU, piercings and tattoos, bottom hoseok)
☆ stuck (sometimes Jungkook’s mind gets.. stuck)
Stranger Dangers (rape kink) 
☆ stitch me up (you're so pretty) (Jungkook enrolls into an embroidery class)
sunshine (angst, character death)
☆ Sunshine next door (both Jungkook and his cat crush on Hoseok)
☆ sweeter than honey, softer than silk (no milk, however) (nursing kink and some awkward conversations, KookYoonSeok)
talk me down (petting, fluff)
☆ That Kinda Lovin' Turns A Man Into A Slave (they run away from Catholic boarding school)
❤  the underlying rhythm (favourite hyung, drabble)
☆ the feeling of getting you closer (is taking me under) (anal fisting)
the world is in your palm now so take a breath and calm down (Hogwarts AU)
The One (Hoseok steps in as a stand-in date)
The Stars In Your Eyes (Are Only For Me) (Space AU)
❤  these spaces between infinities (so so so good ;=;, AU)
❤  there and back again (sports therapist Hoseok, soccer player Jungkook, AU) 
☆ ❤ the world could use more of you (modern magic AU, multichaptered)
☆ this feels like falling in love (a step away)
☆ touch me in your own sweet way (Jungkook would not be lying)
☆ ❤ touch, my love. touch my heart. (Jungkook is into ASMR and Hoseok happens to make asmr videos on youtube, this is so nice)
too naughty to say no (Vhope/Jungkook)
☆ Tryna Count Me Out (who goes around kissing random strangers?)
☆ Twist of my Heart (misunderstandings)
Untraditional (A/B/O, kookyoonseok, AU)
☆ Up in the Sky (Hoseok is a businessman and Jungkook is on his first shift as a flight assistant)
W - Z
☆ wanna stay locked (between your fingers) (hair pulling)
☆ we could be together (if you want) (it’s been 2 years)
❤  What It Means to Know (breathplay, platonic)
☆ While You Were Sleeping (Jungkook is having a wet dream and Hoseok doesn’t want to interupt. much)
☆ Whipped Like Cream (they’re whipped)
wide awake (seokjunghope, jealous junghope, smut)
☆ world business (collars and bsdm, canonverse)
your warm embrace (AU, fluff) 
☆ you attack my heart (surely you're my destiny) (jungkook wants to be pretty)
☆ you got me catching feelings (they start as fuck buddies, but start catching feelings)
☆ you are my favorite "what if" (and my best "i'll never know") (junghope are hoeing w each other at a club)
☆ You Don't Need To Hesitate (so they’re handcuffed together)
☆ your love is bright as ever (Hoseok worries)
☆ you’re staring too much (Jimin sees straight away that Hoseok has a crush)
☆ you're the sun in my morning babe (KookYoonSeok, birthday sex)
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