hinamie · 25 days
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tiramisuc0ffee · 1 month
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sanjisblackasswife · 9 months
Gojo’s body irl:
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argue with ur mammy about it.
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They live in my head rent free. Drop your headcanons in the reblogg tags
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shangerez · 4 months
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ch 261
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bodega-catto · 5 months
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heartsforseo · 1 year
Gojo will live Gojo will live Gojo will live Gojo will live Gojo will live Gojo will live Gojo will live Gojo will live Gojo will live Gojo will live Gojo will live Gojo will live Gojo will live Gojo will live Gojo will live Gojo will live Gojo will live Gojo will live Gojo will live Gojo will live Gojo will live Gojo will live Gojo will live Gojo will live Gojo will live Gojo will live Gojo will live Gojo will live Gojo will live Gojo will live Gojo will live Gojo will live Gojo will live Gojo will live Gojo will live Gojo will live Gojo will live Gojo will live Gojo will live Gojo will live Gojo will live Gojo will live Gojo will live Gojo will live Gojo will live Gojo will live Gojo will live Gojo will live Gojo will live Gojo will live Gojo will live Gojo will live Gojo will live Gojo will live Gojo will live Gojo will live Gojo will live Gojo will live Gojo will live Gojo will live Gojo will live Gojo will live Gojo will live Gojo will live Gojo will live Gojo will live Gojo will live Gojo will live Gojo will live Gojo will live Gojo will live Gojo will live Gojo will live Gojo will live Gojo will live Gojo will live Gojo will live Gojo will live Gojo will live Gojo will live Gojo will live Gojo will live Gojo will live Gojo will live Gojo will live Gojo will live Gojo will live Gojo will live Gojo will live Gojo will live Gojo will live Gojo will live Gojo will live Gojo will live Gojo will live Gojo will live Gojo will live Gojo will live Gojo will live Gojo will live Gojo will live Gojo will live Gojo will live Gojo will live Gojo will live Gojo will live Gojo will live Gojo will live Gojo will live Gojo will live Gojo will live Gojo will live Gojo will live Gojo will live Gojo will live Gojo will live Gojo will live Gojo will live Gojo will live Gojo will live Gojo will live Gojo will live Gojo will live Gojo will live Gojo will live Gojo will live Gojo will live Gojo will live Gojo will live Gojo will live Gojo will live Gojo will live Gojo will live Gojo will live Gojo will live Gojo will live Gojo will live Gojo will live Gojo will live Gojo will live Gojo will live Gojo will live Gojo will live Gojo will live Gojo will live Gojo will live Gojo will live Gojo will live Gojo will live Gojo will live Gojo will live Gojo will live Gojo will live Gojo will live Gojo will live Gojo will live Gojo will live Gojo will live Gojo will live Gojo will live Gojo will live Gojo will live Gojo will live Gojo will live Gojo will live Gojo will live Gojo will live Gojo will live Gojo will live Gojo will live Gojo will live Gojo will live Gojo will live Gojo will live Gojo will live Gojo will live Gojo will live Gojo will live Gojo will live Gojo will live Gojo will live Gojo will live Gojo will live Gojo will live Gojo will live Gojo will live Gojo will live Gojo will live Gojo will live Gojo will live Gojo will live Gojo will live Gojo will live Gojo will live Gojo will live Gojo will live Gojo will live Gojo will live Gojo will live Gojo will live Gojo will live Gojo will live Gojo will live Gojo will live Gojo will live Gojo will live Gojo will live Gojo will live Gojo will live Gojo will live Gojo will live Gojo will live Gojo will live Gojo will live Gojo will live Gojo will live Gojo will live Gojo will live Gojo will live Gojo will live Gojo will live Gojo will live Gojo will live Gojo will live Gojo will live Gojo will live Gojo will live Gojo will live Gojo will live Gojo will live Gojo will live Gojo will live Gojo will live Gojo will live Gojo will live Gojo will live Gojo will live Gojo will live Gojo will live Gojo will live Gojo will live Gojo will live Gojo will live Gojo will live Gojo will live Gojo will live Gojo will live Gojo will live Gojo will live Gojo will live Gojo will live Gojo will live Gojo will live Gojo will live Gojo will live Gojo will live Gojo will live Gojo will live Gojo will live Gojo will live Gojo will live Gojo will live Gojo will live Gojo will live Gojo will live Gojo will live Gojo will live Gojo will live Gojo will live Gojo will live Gojo will live Gojo will live Gojo will live G
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skullpuke · 7 months
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you guys
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sweet-evie · 1 year
Suguru Geto: I was incapable of laughing in a world like this.
Also Suguru Geto:
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This you, bruh? 🤨🤭
Update: 06.22.2023
MORE HAPPY GETO ALLEGATIONS in the CD Jacket Cover of JJK S2 Opening
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Bffr, Suguru... Gojo's not that funny. You just down bad. 😝
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sugurusfav · 1 year
i too would cry if i had such a gorgeous man inside me js saying
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i-keepmyideals · 1 year
Ayo, why do so many people think Gojo was lanky before his unboxing? He was stuck in a pocket dimension for nineteen days. Nineteen days is a lot of time but simultaneously isn’t when it comes to building muscle specifically. Also, the point of the cube was to trap him so he couldn’t move. He wasn’t deadlifting in the cube; he literally couldn’t do anything. At one point in time, Gege said time doesn’t even flow the same in the cube, and it’s more like there is no flow of time. Nineteen days for Yuji could have felt like a few seconds for Gojo. Gege could have changed their stance on that, idk, I haven’t read the chapter
My point is, Gojo hasn’t been lanky since high school, most likely. After Toji rocked his shit and nearly killed him, I imagine that would traumatize him at least a little lmao He improved his Infinity and gained, like, mast control over it and probably bulked up. This man is 28 and fights the strongest curses regularly. Aint no way he never gained muscle in the 11 years since his fight with Toji as a second year. I mean…even Yuji is shredded. The jacket Gojo wears is baggy. The black long sleeve shirt he wore? Kinda baggy. The blue button up? Pretty loose. Every time we see him in casual clothes, he’s wearing something loose or a jacket so we can’t see his frame very well. Plus, Gege drew this sketch two years ago so
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Yeah, not lanky by any means
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highdefhoetry · 10 months
jjk men getting tickled
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disclaimer: although this is pure fluff, the author is an adult & this is their kink. minors dni, do not reblog, do not like, do not follow.
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"Stop, please! I can't take it!"
Gojo isn’t used to physical affection, or the sensation of touch in general. Due to his constant application of his cursed technique as a defense mechanism, he often goes weeks or months without experiencing the touch of another. Because of this, it takes a while for him to let his guard down around you. When you finally build enough trust, he releases his cursed technique and lets you get close. That’s when you learn how ticklish he is.
While you’re cuddling, you notice the way he flinches when you wrap your hands around his waist, how much his body quivers when you brush your fingers across his bare skin. You really don’t even have to try and tickle him - he’s just that sensitive. Caressing his cheek, kissing his neck, stroking his chest and stomach. All parts of him give the best reactions. He can’t hold back his frantic giggles or stop himself from squirming around, especially when given light tickles. Those weaken him more than harder ones.
His laugh is airy and melodic, almost like a song. It’s absolutely precious and makes you wanna tickle him even more so you can keep listening to the sweet sound of his voice as it reaches higher octaves. His smile is bright and joyful, jarringly different from that cocky all-knowing smirk he usually wears. He flails around like crazy, rolls from side to side trying to escape, tries to beg you to stop but can't get the words out since he's laughing too hard. Pink blush dusts his cheeks, and seeing how embarrassed he looks when you're done makes you fall a little more in a love with him.
Mostly he hates being tickled, but part of him can’t help but enjoy the attention. He’ll pretend to be grumpy afterwards, but that can be remedied with a big hug and plenty of kisses.
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"Wait, nonono! Okay, okay, I give up!"
Geto is the king of “I’m not ticklish”. He swears it up and down, denies it when you ask, and goes out of his way to prove it by allowing you to try. He lets you discover this “fact” for yourself, smirking victoriously when you tickle his sides and underarms with no reactions. Even when you explore the rest of his body, testing out all of the usual spots, he remains unfazed. You start to feel discouraged when you look at his handsome face and see his pleasant, neutral expression has remained unchanged.
That is, unless you make a sneak attack. Later on, when he’s not paying attention, you creep up behind him and poke his sides, just to see what’ll happen. He lets out a shriek, yanks his arms down, but it’s too late. You’ve already seen the mask slip. You clamp your hands around his ribs, dig into them while he yells and tries to fight you off. That spot seems to be his worst.
His laughter is loud and booming, different from the one he makes when he’s cracking a joke or making fun. He starts begging almost instantly, tries to grab your hands to stop you, thrashes around in a desperate attempt to escape. When appeals to your mercy don't work, he starts making soft threats, says he’s gonna get you back good, but you can barely hear them through his spluttered laughter. When you finally stop, he pretends to be tuckered out, until you let your guard down. Then he pounces on you, pinning you down so he can give you a taste of your own medicine.
You pride yourself on what you've learned. It’s not that he isn’t ticklish. He’s just really good at hiding it!
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"Please, no more..."
Choso is the king of tickle fights, being a big brother and all. He almost always wins, being ridiculously strong and somewhat of a sadistic ler, plus he protects himself well enough that it’s almost impossible to get at his ticklish spots when you’re in the moment. If you’re patient enough, however, you can get him good when he lets his guard down. And when you do, the tables quickly turn.
His laughter is deep, yet quiet. He doesn’t laugh loudly or erupt into fits of giggles, being able to control his vocal reactions better than most people, so most of the time it comes out as a soft snicker. But when he’s tickled, he smiles wider than you’ve ever seen and tries hiding it by clamping a hand over his mouth. That makes it easier for you to tickle him more, giving you an opening to get his underarms. He’s really weak to tickles there. He wiggles around like a worm, tries rolling up into a ball, and buries his face in his hands. Getting tickled makes him feel shy. If you tease him about how bashful he gets, his face will turn red and he’ll laugh even more.
He’ll half-heartedly beg you to stop, but not enough for you to take it seriously. You can tell he enjoys it for the most part - if he really wanted you to stop, he could easily overpower you. You wouldn’t dare tease him about it, though - you knew what would happen if you did.
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Nanami is one of those people who truly isn’t that ticklish. Any attempts to tickle him are almost always met with a deep sigh and an annoyed grumble rather than laughs. He’s immune to pokes, prods, and surprise attacks, and his stony demeanor remains unchanged no matter where you touch him. You almost give up, until one day you start paying a bit more attention and realize how hard he’s trying to keep it together. Specifically when you lightly graze his sides or his lower back. 
You notice how hard he grits his teeth, how red his face gets, how tense his muscles become the more you tease and torment his waistline. The corners of his lips twitch up, yet he refuses to crack a smile. He’ll whisper to you in a stern voice, “Stop,” or warn you with a threatening “Enough”, but otherwise he’s pretty quiet. He controls his laughter pretty well, keeping up his stoic facade until you're finished.
When you finally let up, he acts irritated and complains about how your childishness always gets in the way of his work. But you can tell he’s a bit more relaxed, his shoulders less tense, his mood a bit lighter. Besides, if he really hated it so much, he would have simply put a stop to it. You’ll never get him to admit it, though!
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"Fuck you!! Gahh, knock it off!"
Toji is surprisingly ticklish, and he really fucking hates it. He’s also great at hiding his reactions for the most part, but only for so long. He stifles his laughter when you claw at his ribs or dig under his arms, but keep it up for long enough and he’ll eventually crack. It’ll start as a quiet, rough giggle, then get louder and louder until he’s laughing his head off. He melts in your hand when you lightly spider his stomach, which ends up being his worst spot.
His laugh is just as scary as he is. He cackles wildly, thrashes around like an animal caught in a trap, spews out profanities and every swear word in the book. He’ll threaten to kill you, to break your fingers, all while giggling uncontrollably and attempting to fight you off. He won’t beg, ever, but you’ll hear the growing panic in his laughter the longer you tickle him. He’ll genuinely do whatever it takes to get away, so you have to be careful not to get hit by one of his flailing limbs. 
Tickling him will have dire consequences. He’ll get you back immediately, pin you down so tightly that you can’t move a muscle, then he’ll tickle you mercilessly until he’s satisfied with his revenge. It’s totally worth it, though. Seeing a giant, strong man like him taken down with tickles is oddly satisfying. 
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"I don't recall telling you to stop."
Sukuna also isn’t particularly ticklish. He prides himself on having no weaknesses, being the strongest sorcerer in all of history. You didn’t dare instigate tickles with him; you didn’t have a death with, after all. You only touch him when he commands it.
However, he does seem to enjoy your light tickles from time to time, sometimes even demanding them. He loves when you run your nails up and down his back, purrs when you caress his neck and ears, lets out little content noises when you lightly stroke his chest. His “moods” are random and unpredictable; every now and then he’ll bark out an order for you out of the blue, demanding your soft touches. He doesn’t really laugh or giggle, but you do see goosebumps lining his skin whenever you give him this treatment. You love the way he sighs from your gentle touches; he just seems so relaxed. Not many people get to witness the soft side of Sukuna.
Of course, he’ll never confess how much he likes it. He won’t even say “tickle” or any variant, instead opting to dance around the word. It dawns on you much later why this is - it embarasses him. If anyone were to discover that the King of Curses enjoyed something so silly and cute, his ruthless persona would be destroyed. You know better than to spill his secrets, so you keep your mouth shut. But you can’t help but laugh to yourself every time he asks you for more.
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onlyzizi · 11 months
i really don’t give a fuck if men on twitter are uncomfortable that jjk is “basically women fan service” because at the very least those characters are adults.
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nubelo · 4 months
I wonder if Gojo ever dreamt of a world where he was able to be Geto's.
Only Geto's.
Not the elders, not Sukuna's, not Kenjaku's.
Entirely, purely, and solely Geto's.
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katszzzz · 5 months
mfs be like “theyre my comfort character!!” then its the most traumatized character in the show (im mfs)
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moonliithe · 1 year
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Anatomy of the Brain
Gojo's brain composition was revealed to me in a nightmare (ch336)
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