#GOSH I remember loving Yuma's song
emmalanna · 7 years
Diabolik Lovers Music Tag ♥♫
I was tagged by @ghostykae and @littleladysuzanne ! Thank you sweety <3
Rules: List ten songs that you are obsessed with at the moment and then tag ten other blogs! ღゝ◡╹)ノ♡ (Or as many as you like)
Omg this one is just so hard for me because I don’t listen to Diabolik Lovers’s song anymore ‘-’ I’ll do my best I promise, I think I might even look for them in Youtube because I really forgot them (except the openings and endings). I’ll write the one I loved the most before.
1. Eclipse - Mukami Kou, Mukami Yuma and Mukami Azusa (MB ending)
Let’s talk seriously, this song is amazing. The instrumental is beautiful and dark; the singers are absolutely perfect. The song is long but worth it, I got stuck for months and I’m sure I can still be obsessed with it two years afters discovering it.
2. Midnight Pleasure - Sakamaki Ayato, Sakamaki Shuu, Sakamaki Subaru (HDB opening)
Okay, this song is a LEGEND, like the first opening of the original game. It is so perfect for the game and I still can’t believe they did such a job. The instrumental just feels right and our seiyuu are perfect singers (Subaru my baby)
3. Kyouai Labyrinth - All the Sakamaki’s brothers (VC opening)
Okaaay I was so obsessed with this song when I heard it the first time and I still like it. We can feel that the mood is really lighter but it just suits the game. VC was a just a fan-disc and the song was perfect for it (I love the end so much because the CG are perfect!!)
4. Unlimited Blood -  Sakamaki Ayato, Sakamaki Shuu, Sakamaki Subaru (MB opening)
WOW I still love this song, I’m listening to it now and I’m surprised that I still like it. I mean... MUKAMI FIRST APPEARANCE ?! That was too much for my heart. The song is good and I don’t think of a better opening for MB.
5. Guilty x Guilty - All the Sakamaki’s brothers ? I forgot, correct me please. (DF opening)
I love this song, it’s beautiful and suits the game. It’s a little more dynamic than the other one and I think that’s good because in term of storyline (not development just storyline) I think DF is the best game. I mean the Tsukinami’s really are better ennemies than the Mukami.
I’ll stop here because I’m lazy and I have finals to work xD I won’t tag anyone because I’m lazy but if you want to do it don’t hesitate doing it !!!
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haro-hawayu · 6 years
Fruits Basket (2019) ~ Premiere Screening Report
Yesterday I went to watch the premiere screening of the first two episodes of the new Fruits Basket anime! Went with two of my friends that I’ve known since HS (we were in our HS’s anime club together too)--to think that we could see this series revamped 10+ years later is like something from a dream.
Anyways! Just sharing what I remember as well as some of my thoughts/comments so word vomit & spoilers ahead~~~
From the Cast: Prior to the actual episodes, we got to see an interview featuring the Japanese cast for Tohru, Yuki, and Kyo (Iwami Manaka, Shimazaki Nobunaga, Uchida Yuma). Some of the members of the English cast also had a segment video too right after (Yuki, Kyo, I think Shigure, and the voice acting director). 
For the Japanese cast (whom I shall refer to as Manaka, Zakki and Yuma), they answered some questions. Some of the questions (from what I remember) included the following: were they familiar with the original manga prior to the auditions, what animal from the zodiac they would want to be, which character do they find themselves similar to, what was something memorable from their recording sessions (afureko), if they knew how popular Furuba was overseas. 
It’s so funny that all three of them admitted that they only started to read the original manga just prior to the auditions... LOL. And Manaka is the same age as the series so she had no idea how popular it was ^^;; gosh, makes me feel super old. For the animals question, Zakki said he wanted to be a Dragon, while both Manaka and Yuma wanted to be the Cat ^^ ehehe. The funny afureko-memory they sorta collectively talked about at length was whether “Yuma-kun will eat or not”---which was so hilarious (and according to Nakamura Yuichi’s logic, donuts are shaped like O = like a zero = zero calories = totally okay to eat) XD For characters they are similar to, Yuma shares that rather than someone he’s more similar to, he would love to be like Momiji, and that’s such a sweet thing he said! Zakki mentions Kakeru, which was totally unexpected (in the sense that I thought he was going to limit himself to just those in the Souma family); it really gives the feel that this series will be covering the entirety of the manga series and we WILL be meeting those characters too! Yuma and Zakki were such nice senpai for complimenting Manaka and saying how to them, she is really mabushii and has that “healing effect”--heheh. 
The cast also talked about their thoughts on Fruits Basket, and I really loved what they shared about it. It is a timeless work of art, and despite being shoujo manga, it’s also human drama (thanks Yuma for using this term, couldn’t have said it better). It gives me so much joy knowing that we will be seeing this aspect of Furuba that we didn’t in the original anime series.
Also, we get some comments from the English cast. I’m not super familiar with the dub, but it was nice to hear their thoughts, since some of them are the original voice actors from the first anime series, so a lot of their thoughts and opinions really resonate with the fans of the series from way back when. 
Thoughts on the Episodes: LOVE ITTTTTT!!! I only wish we also got to see the OP/ED, but alas, those were cut from the premiere. The interview/message segment from the English voice cast did feature a bit of the ED song in the background though, and so far, I liked what I heard so I am pretty optimistic about it! The opening scene was breath-taking, with Manaka/Tohru voicing about the “original promise” and we see the Zodiac animals, along with the cat, and another character (the “God” who threw the banquet). The music, art, and animation was amazing~~it’s so surreal seeing a familiar scene being brought to life again, and literally in a new light because the colors are so warm, hehe.
The pacing of the episodes were rather good imo, and I only hope the rest of the series gets the same kind of treatment. I did notice some changes here and there, but they weren’t particularly bad, some I thought even made more sense. For example, we meet Minagawa (who now sports black hair instead of brown, but I do remember reading a tweet from Takaya Natsuki about this---I think she said something along the lines of how she was meant to have black hair or something, early versions I guess?) whom in the original series appears a little later on; we also already know the major Yuki FC rules too, lol. Another change, which I thought was rather smart, was when Yuki and Tohru talk privately and in the original manga/anime, this happened in the hallway while Tohru was waiting for her clothes to get washed or something, but this was changed so that it was happening in an empty classroom, the scene itself just has a different feel overall (different time the day, different lighting/ambiance), and I think it’s pretty nice :3 
I think some of the changes we will see is to make things flow, and also try to “fit the times” (I wonder if they will do away with a lot of the things from the late 90s/early 2000 era---will we see flip-phones?? Are the rotary ones forever gone???! LOL.) and also for the sake of better flow. Not everything from the manga could be added to the new series panel-for-panel, and since Takaya-sensei is overseeing all of this, I trust in what they choose to give us in the new series.
Off the top of my head, there were some things I appreciated was the attention we get from random items, like Tohru’s cap, Kyo’s bracelet, and even in the flashback to Kyoko/Tohru, we see a furin outside that had a red butterfly design on it! This is rather random but I think I liked how the animal forms for Yuki, Kyo and Shigure were animated too, lol. One little tidbit I enjoyed was the little text comments that are added---since I watched the subbed version, they also translated those texts, and it gave me that nostalgic feel of when overseas fans main exposure to anime was watching fansubs and some these fansubbed episodes would have a whole lot of translation notes thrown in there. 
The original Furuba did add a whole lot to the comedy aspect, and I know it’s going to be toned down a bit (because a huge part of it was exaggerated in the original anime), but I’m glad not all of it was lost. I appreciated the stuff that was kept like the part where Yuki drops his bag on Shigure, when Shigure couldn’t stop laughing over Tohru living in a tent, when Shigure cried about his broken doors, and Shigure’s sing-song “Kyo is a pervert~~” (lol all Shigure scenes). We got some new too! Like Shigure pacing around the dining table after Kyo who was upset that he got tricked into transferring to Kaibara HS. 
Thoughts on the Voices: The voice-acting was superb! I think Yuma’s was the best---his portrayal of Kyo was just 💯!! (I heard the voice actor for Kyo was the best too, yay) And speaking of spot-on performances--Sawashiro Miyuki IS Kyoko, LOL. An analogy I had in my head was “Sawashiro Miyuki is to Fruits Basket’s Kyoko as Matsuyama Kenichi is to Death Note’s L”--this is how serious I am. When I heard her voice I literally thought in my head: AH! KANPEKI DA! Leave it to the two orange-haired characters in the series to have the perfect voice actors for them. Manaka’s portrayal of Tohru was great too, and I’m definitely excited to see how she will portray the other facets of Tohru once we delve more into the “human drama” aspect of this series. I couldn’t hear as much of Hana’s voice because a lot of the people around me were laughing when she started chasing after the Yuki fanclub members with her denpa powers, but Uo’s voice I heard enough, and I think she was really great too! I was actually not sure how I felt about Uo initially because her seiyuu voiced for characters like Chise from Mahoutsukai no Yome, and Mizore from Hibike Euphonium---and they’re both very very very different from Uo---but hearing Uo’s voice just makes me think how seiyuu are truly amazing at what they do. I love Sakamoto Maaya so I only look forward to more of her portrayal of Akito ^^
Finally, the two I want to talk about here are Zakki and Nakamura Yuichi’s portrayal of their characters. Prior to the screening, I was still sorta on the fence about both characters because I knew that I would have such a hard time getting used to their new voices. Like Okiayu and Hisawaka are just legends and I can always imagine their voices and everything too. Anyways, my final verdict is that I definitely can see myself getting used to their new voices and even appreciating them in a new light! For Shigure, I think the new character designs kinda helped because they’re so different from the original series that seeing this “new Shigure” helped me separate old-Shigure and new-Shigure, truly. For Yuki, up until the part where Tohru asked Yuki how he was able to dig up her buried-up tent, I still had Hisakawa Aya’s “hi-mi-tsu” in my head; however, I forgot what line it was, but the way Zakki delivered that line, it kinda changed the way I viewed the scene, and soon after I had completely stopped imagining (mentally dubbing over?? lol) Hisakawa Aya’s version of Yuki in my head. 
Final Thoughts:  So I guess what I want to say is that I am extremely excited for this new series, and I’m looking forward to see all those precious moments that didn’t make it into the first version. Of course I don’t want this to turn into a “old Furuba vs new Furuba--which was better” debate, although I will probably discuss the changes and how I feel about them. In some ways, it sorta resembles FMA and FMA:B. The original FMA was really good even though it kinda went a weird direction, the reboot FMA:B was absolutely fantastic, and although some stuff was changed here and there, it ultimately followed the original work to the end. Both are still really good and worth watching. 
The first Fruits Basket anime series is still a classic piece, and I know that some moments from the original anime series have touched and moved me in such a way that I don’t know if it’ll be the same in the 2019 version (probably a different experience that I can appreciate differently I hope), but I also know, from what I have seen in the premiere, that the 2019 version will explore more of the darker moments that readers have experienced in the manga. This part is really paraphrased, but I think it might have been Yuma who said this (or Zakki)---that even though the series does go into a lot of dark paths and whatnot, everything still comes back to the light. Lol, this part sorta made me think of CCS and how Sakura’s ultimate spell is that everything will definitely be all right :)  
The series will begin its air on April 5th!
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shadowrichu · 6 years
yugioh for the fandom thing- just in general, it can be any of the series
Oh no, You have given me to much power for this. (haven’t gotten to 5ds though so I’ll skip that) Unpopular opinions:  - I guess one for Arc-v is That I really dislike Reiji, I know he’s a big fan favorite but I just couldn’t bring myself like him.  
- One for Gx is well I’m not 100% sure if this is unpopular or I’ve just heard to many Sub haters complain about But Johan’s Japanese Voice actor is flipping amazing and she did an amazing job at portraying the character, while we’re at it she did an awesome job at voicing Camula too. 
- Zexal…ummm.. I kinda wanted to see more of Dark zexal I guess? I always a sucker for the evil versions of characters so it would have been cool to see more of them. 
- For vrains It’s that I don’t like revolver that much, like I don’t hate him I just don’t like him much as everyone else does, also I kinda random but I think his face is to long it looks kinda weird. 
- For Duel monsters it’s that there should have been an episode were Yugi accidentally stabs someone with his hair and they have to duel to determine the fate of Yugi’s hair.
Songs that make me think of a certain character: -Who are you Really by Mikky ekko Makes me think of Shark or just the Barians in general. In fits them so well with how there were questioning who they really are and how there being Controlled by don thousand 
-Another way out by hollywood undead make me think of Yuri, mostly because of this really awesome Amv Gimmickyugo made. 
-Judas By Lady Gaga makes me think of Judai only because Judai sounds close judas, so everytime I heard her say Judas in the song my brain autocorrects to Judai. There are some others but I can’t remember the song name at the moment sorry :/ 
Otp/Characters that make me giddy: 
Spiritshipping just gdqukkc I don’t know how to describe the happiness that spawns in me when I read a fic and see fanart of them is just fvuwgckbvb. There just so cute and happy and adorable that it’s just instant happiness. same goes for keyshipping and Puzzleshipping.there so so so SO CUTE just warms my heart and gives me so many feelings. Gosh I just love them so much sorry for not making sense I just have to many emotions about this.For Characters Johan and Yuma take the Cake at the moment, they’re just the biggest sweethearts. I kid you not I was so overwhelmed by my love for Johan yesterday that I just kinda layed on the floor going through his Instagram tag with the biggest smile on my face.it was crazy. Yuma just I dunno It’s hard to describe. its just with how he hold so much faith in people and with how he always wants to do the right thing, just makes me love him so much.
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