#GOT7 reading
astroyongie · 5 months
GOT7 April Reading 2024
note: please take it lightly
 Jay B
Love: I really can’t tell when it comes to his situation, as he doesnt feel like he is in a relationship but at the same time he isn't single either. from what i can gather, i think JayB is having some type of affair but it's something that he is keeping under the low radar, something he doesn't want anyone to know about 
Career: So he is in military, however i do see that JayB has already worked on a  few projects before he left for his service, probably to get things ready for when he would come back
Self: He isn't in his most perfect form physically speaking. i believe that he is doing well mentally and emotionally and as a person, but physically his energy is restrain and he probably wakes up with sore muscles on the mornings 
Love: He is seeing someone but things aren't going well between them. there’s some money issues involved in the relationship and Mark has also been focusing more on his career than on his love life which often brings problems 
Career: things have also stopped for him. Mark has been working on a few things but he has no green light in releasing what he wants. Mark has also been fighting some issues when it comes to relationships while working, as many people don't appreciate him as much as one could think which puts a lot of stops on his goals.
Self: Overall he is okay despite having some turbulence on his emotions. Mark is someone who can get easily affected by things around him and as far as i can see, he has been clinging onto things that aren't good for him. he needs to be careful in order not to dive into something darker 
Love: Without any doubts, this man is dating someone and the relationship seems to be going well. It's someone he had a crush on for a long time and they are finally going through their life together. also it feels like they have been together probably for 9 months? although i cannot be sure 
Career: however career wise things aren't going well and they aren't going as planned. Jackson probably got into arguments with either his company or a high up which is costing me a  lot of money in projects that he had already invested in. also i feel like his sponsor is reclent when it comes to his promotions 
Self: he is divided. on one hand his relationship brings him comfort and happiness but on another hand, his career means alot to him and benign unable to do what he likes and wants kind of puts a restrain on him, chains that could pull him under the bus
Love: He also is in a relationship but things aren't going as planned. i feel like Jinyoung had plans for his partner and him (probably a moving together, a marriage or anything he would put the relationship higher) however his partner has not accepted it. they are still together and working out things by his partner doesn't seem to share the same goals than he does
Career: his sponsor is his worst enemy at this point because everything that he has been working on for, all the things she has invested his energy on has been monitored by his sponsor and not his company which often provides little insight. basically i believe that his sponsor doesn't want to promote or invest in things he does because they believe it wont bring any earning to them 
Self: however despite all of that Jinyoung is someone positive, and he is someone that likes to keep their head high no matter how hard things are. Thus, he has been trying to see things from another perspective. 
Love: Yougnjae is equally in a relationship with someone but i believe that he likes insight on this person. I feel like he is with them because he loves them, because they find them attractive but he doesn't know anything about them in an intimate and close way. Youngjae is probably only invested through his own feelings without taking in consideration his partner 
Career: when i say i feel the dark energy of wealth here, isn't something to brag about. everything that he does has to do with money and Youngjae isn't doing any project that won't bring him earnings. it doesn't feel like he is here for the liking of music but mor its earnings and its fame 
Self: he lacks long term success perceptive which will probably come to bite his butt. the end of the group in a way has affected him and pushed him in roads that he should have not taken 
Love: he is probably single at the moment we speak, mostly because bambam has crushed all over but he is unable to commit to one person in particular. also i see that his ex has been very present on his life but on a negative way (they probably stalk them or blackmail him in a certain way) which also impacts the way he relations himself with others 
Career: there’s good things coming for him and his career, and he has been working on a  few things. bambam will try to use his image to promote his music and his projects but hr needs to be careful this year because everything that he will publically say will be used against him
Self: mentally i don't think he is doing well, he feels vulnerable and low in energy. bambam probably struggles a lot with mental health and he hasn't been searching for any professional helps which is a mistake 
Love: he is single at the moment, he went through a very hardore breakup not long ago and that impacted him a lot as a man and as who he believes he is (like ego wise). Yugyeom will need some time to heal form this 
Career: he juggles too much, he doesn't know what he wants in life or what he needs for his career. Yugyeom is the type to work out for the status instead of the music but at the same time he doesn't have any particular goal as long as it brings hm money which can often cause some complications when it comes to going projects 
Self: despite everything that has been happening t hi, he seems to be holding on pretty well and as always he is focused on his well benign and on how he enjoys his life. he doesn't want to stay behind and cry for things that no longer serves him
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lagoonalake · 8 months
I was just wondering if you are going to post about enhypen please?
Yes I plan on reposting the Enhypen reading but I have lost Niki's part. Even though I broadly remember it, I would appreciate people's help if they can still see that reading when they reposted it on their own blog. 🙏 Because apparently it's possible, someone kindly helped me with the P1harmony reading. And same for GOT7 reading, I have lost the last part for Yugyeom.
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ravenbloodshot · 5 months
I assume got7 Jay b is a hoe/player.
He used to be. He's definitely cooled down now.
The type to have a girl in every county, city and timezone. But now, he just take em down one at a time. (That could still be considered a player but compared to how he used to be, he's chilled out a lot). I'm getting pervert vibes , very visual man. Doesn't matter if he's in a relationship, if he sees someone good-looking walk by him, he'll be watching them like a hawk. Giving them that scorpio staredown (lol).
But fr, this man used to be WILD. The drama of living such a life most likely caught up with him and caused him to cool down on that lifestyle, but he will always have player tendencies. (He's a "the grass is greener on the other side" type of person).
Overall, your right.
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fxirybun · 13 days
Hi fxiry! Hope you are doing well :)) Have been loving your readings so much! Could you do a reading for Jackson Wang like you did for fujii kaze? Thank you so much!
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hello there anon ꒰◍ˊ◡ˋ꒱੭⁾⁾ i'm doing great and def hydrated ! i heard about jackson wang because of his collab with the female singer who sang "i love you 3000".
ෆ⸒⸒ how jackson wang acts when he's in love
death 𖦹 eight of swords rx 𖦹 six of pentacles
"set it free". when he's in love jackson wang is willing to let go of his bad habits or behavior that he may have done in the past. i feel that being in love inspires him to change for the betterment of himself and his significant other. before he may have held himself back due to some form of fear that he experienced and how he decided to seclude himself from love. once he met the person that he can be romantically involved with jackson wang became more open to this connection and would even try to step out of his comfort zone , all because of this person changing his mindset.
i sensed that he's love language could be acts of service / gift giving or just being the provider in the relationship. he will make sure that the person feels love and would try to reciprocate as to what his significant other did to him. an example would be if the person gave him a love letter , jackson wang may try to make one but a better version of it via composing songs. i do think that he's a very supportive man and would do the means to make the relationship receive equal treatment.
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skylinesnsunshines · 5 months
jackson wang and bibi reading: their povs and their energy together
hi everyone, im doing a reading on jackson and bibi! they recently dropped a collab and their chemistry has been off the charts, and i am just so curious on their dynamic and what they're like together. i hope you enjoy and let me know your thoughts!
personal readings
DISCLAIMER: this is all speculative and for entertainment purposes only, so take it with a grain of salt :)
(italicised is the card on the bottom of the tarot deck which is meant to represent the subconscious/blind spot of the situation + rx means reversed)
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2 of pentacles, ace of cups, 4 of wands, knight of wands | spider, jupiter: grow and expand, femme fatale
basically to make a long story short bibi finds jackson very attractive and she sees him as a new love interest, ok done. LOL but no, she definitely is interested and does see potential for commitment in the future. she sees jackson as someone who has a talent for multitasking and sees him as someone who is very prosperous materially. she’s kind of amazed at how jackson manages to juggle multiple projects at once, while simultaneously having various stable income streams. she does notice that jackson is a really busy person and it's hard to get his full attention on something as he is constantly on the go. she does admire jackson's joy and positivity, and she finds it endearing that jackson isn't afraid to wear his heart on his sleeve. it's amusing to her that it's easy to read jackson's emotions, and that his empathy and compassion is rare to find. bibi does see jackson as an incredibly positive figure, and sees him as a sort of "husband figure". jackson seems to embody the traits that bibi looks for in a long-term partnership. when the rose-coloured glasses are off, bibi sees jackson as someone who could be quite impulsive and jump from one idea to another. although it’s clear that she sees potential in him, i think she’s still wary of the fact that jackson is quite hard to pin down. she does enjoy the thrill of the chase though, cause she sees jackson as someone incredibly charming, sexy and passionate. i get the feeling that jackson can easily sweep bibi off her feet, and she finds that very attractive.
the spider describes an ingenious creator who's hardworking and doesn't get impatient or tired. she's inspired by jackson's sense of creativity, as it seems that he gets inspired by many different things. bibi sees jackson as a mentor/teacher figure regarding artistry, and she finds him as a large source of inspiration. jackson also expands her views in life in general. she also sees him as someone with an abundance of resources and never lacking. now I find it interesting that jackson gets the femme fatale card, as usually men get the "don juan" card. this highlights the point that jackson evokes the erotic feminine energy, by that I mean he knows how to flirt to make someone go weak in the knees. jackson's flirting style can be said to be more gentle and he focuses on smaller gestures to remind the person that he constantly thinks of them.
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4 of cups, 4 of pentacles, justice, queen of pentacles | eagle, house one: individuality, self-image and approach to life, mystic
okay so there are two interpretations that i've grasped from these cards. one is that jackson may be distracted at the moment and cannot see bibi for who she truly is. he could be distracted or overwhelmed with his projects to the point that he sees his relationship with bibi as strictly business or surface level. either that or, bibi could be acting very nonchalant and seem disinterested when she's with him. i see that as her way of flirting or showing interest (a paradox I know). she could be more introverted or closed off when she's with him. bibi could be someone who focuses on long-term goals instead of short-term plans. bibi could be very difficult to sway when it comes to her views, so jackson always looks to her to ask for opinions. jackson does see her as his equal, and finds that he has found his match as a partner (artistically). bibi's a libra which is the opposite of jackson's fiery aries so it makes sense that the justice card came up. jackson sees her as someone very straightforward and blunt, which is a good thing, but she could also be inflexible as whatever truth that she feels is right, is the only way to go. she has a very balanced and unbiased point of view, which is a trait that jackson admires. jackson sees bibi as a nurturing and practical figure, as it seems that she loves taking care of those around her. he's amazed at how she manages to take care of her loved ones materially, while also having enough for herself. jackson admires her devotion and honour to her family, as its a trait that he also has.
jackson admires bibi's individuality, and that she is unafraid to stand out from her peers. jackson feels bibi pushes him to be his best and encourages him to expand outside his comfort zone. i also feel that bibi is a very detailed individual, and jackson appreciates that cause he's more of a big picture type of person. i get reminded of the phrase that bibi puts dots and crosses on jackson's i's and t's. they work well together because of their differences. bibi's unafraid to challenge the status quo, and that in turn helps jackson have a stronger sense of self (as his libra moon is often swayed by others' opinions). bibi's individuality and approach to life is something that jackson loves to learn, as she is unafraid to stand in her own. i feel jackson could struggle to see bibi for who she truly is, as I think he sees her as this mystic being. he does see bibi as someone who is very spiritual and has a close relationship to the divine.
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6 of cups, 5 of pentacles, king of swords, page of cups rx | i like you: someone likes you, romance is blooming, fun flirting, want to date, chemistry: there's a strong magnetic attraction here, just being near you is intoxicating
these two bring out feelings of nostalgia in one another, feels like those friends that you've just met but feel like you've known each other forever. their energy has a lot of innocence and joy, I envision them flirting like you would when you were a kid. i can see that when it comes to flirting, jackson expresses himself in a really gentle way and that bibi really feels like this connection makes her feel special. they bring out each others inner child and it feels like they can freely express their most vulnerable sides to each other. 5 of pentacles does tell me that one of them (i have a feeling its jackson) isn't fully invested in this relationship and its potential as his focus is currently still on his work. bibi could take note of this and feel isolated in this connection, as she feels jackson isn't fully invested or focused in this relationship. but, these two have bonded together because of their differences from the mainstream. i think jackson finds bibi's outspokenness very attractive, and bibi finds jackson's go-getter attitude intriguing. these two might feel alienated from their larger community, and seek refuge within one another. king of swords does tell me that these two love engaging in mentally stimulating conversations, but those conversations could lack in genuine emotion as one or both parties might struggle with expressing it. i think although these two have a lot of chemistry together, its still very surface level and hasn't reached the emotional depths as most relationships. i think bibi looks up to jackson and sees him as an authority figure, so there's a feeling of guilt or weariness when it comes to pursuing a relationship. one or both parties could be approaching this relationship through a very logical and rational standpoint, and denying or suppressing their feelings. i think both of them are not fully listening to their intuition and doubting themselves, I get the feeling of overthinking. they could be overthinking on how to interact with one another to not cause discord, which to be honest is quite normal for people who are starting to get to know each other. i do feel that due to this still being quite surface level, the emotions have no depth yet.
the first oracle card FLEW out of the deck when i was shuffling 🤣 i do have a feeling bibi flirts more obviously to jackson than vice versa, purely because i think jackson doesn’t want to seem too intense from the get go. i think currently bibi sees jackson more as a romantic interest, but that can always change with time. they do mutually enjoy each others company and it's still in the early stages of romance. they're still taking time to get to know each other, but it does come off like this relationship isn't strictly work related. pretty obvious what the chemistry card means. i think these two are aware of the physical chemistry they have with one another, and also emotional chemistry. however, its important to note that chemistry alone won't be able to sustain a healthy relationship. these two are aware of their chemistry with one another, but are still doubting themselves due to where they are at in their career currently. over time as they get to know each other, they have the potential to be a couple though. but we'll see where this road leads.
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so that's it for the reading! let me know if you have any feedback, questions or requests! my askbox is always open for a chat as well <3 sending you love and light always :) hope you enjoyed!
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dreamofmetoday · 1 year
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he wants someone he feels romantic and sexual chemistry with instantly, even if he were to start off as friends with someone he would ideally want it to be one of those situations where from the beginning you both technically felt that “spark” and knew there was something underlying happening (he really wants to be able to feel his feelings for someone, for it to be exciting and almost teenage-esque). he wants someone deep and complex, but also someone who knows how to have fun - a woman who is easy to get along with, can make jokes and relax but you know she also has a lot of deep thoughts and emotions, she’s intelligent and has opinions. he wants someone who is self-assured and knows what they want - he doesn’t seem to have a problem with some level of insecurity, but he wants someone who at least knows where they stand on some things and is their own person (e.g. if he wants to know your opinion on something, he wants you to able to tell him straight away and to be confident about it - vague or unsure answers are not something he likes and he would especially be annoyed if he thinks you copy all of your opinions from friends and family). he wants someone witty, someone who he can really talk to (engaging conversations) and is warm. he wants someone who values an equal give and take in relationships (he isn’t into someone that wants to be more of the giver but he doesn’t want someone who expects to be spoiled either). he wants someone who does their best to not be a victim and who can also motivate him to become (or stay) resilient.
turn ons:
someone who values privacy and keeping their relationship secret or low-key, someone who can form their own opinion on him (he doesn’t like when he can tell someone has preconceived ideas about him and he also expects that you respect him and let his actions and behaviour speak for itself), someone who has good manners, small waist and a big or firm butt (likes pear shaped and hourglass shaped women), someone who doesn’t edit their photos dramatically, sensitive and nurturing (not rough with things, knows how to be gentle and mature), when he can tell someone doesn’t act on their emotions (can push their emotions aside and do what is logical or professional), someone who isn’t needy for attention, someone who is tidy and cleanly, someone who doesn’t seem down in the dumps all the time (not really someone who’s all “sunshine and rainbows” but just someone who has the vibe that they're going to pull their socks up get on with things), someone who grasps opportunities and takes charge (even in small ways - e.g. if he can tell you’re easily bossed around by your friends he would think that’s sad, or another example: if you’re clothes shopping, he wants you to just buy the jacket you want, not consider if everyone else is going to think it’s ugly or something), someone who plans for the future (and if not a strict planner, someone who at least has a vision for what they want in the future), straight but feminine shoulders (could like when someone wears clothes that show off their shoulders and collarbones), someone who can admit when they’re wrong or come forward with mistakes, delicate feminine hands.
turn offs:
someone who causes or needs drama (he doesn’t want to entertain bullshit essentially, nor is he someone that sees this as “passionate” and exciting - causing arguments for no reason is a huge turn off), someone who always feels the need to tell him how much they love him or want him, someone who needs to be around him all the time or wants to “merge” (he really thinks people should maintain their independence), someone who is in love with love more than him (projects romantic ideals and expectations onto him that you should know don’t suit his personality or clearly don’t represent who he actually is), someone who acts pathetic around him and tries to be too sacrificing (if someone is like, “i would do anything for you. i would die for you” he’s kind of like, “ok, you need to get serious…”), someone who doesn’t value relaxing and peace, someone who’s bad at balancing and has a chaotic nature, someone who tries too hard to appeal to him (if someone says what they thinks he wants to hear and he can tell, this annoys him), someone who can’t stick by him in hard times (if someone is only a good partner when times are good then he’s very disappointed, he doesn't want someone who is only fun), someone with a bad reputation (and someone who doesn’t care what others think, someone who doesn’t care about behaving right), someone super jealous, too skinny, someone built too broadly, someone who doesn’t exercise or take care of themselves, big hands.
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pictds · 2 years
𝐬𝐲𝐦𝐛𝐨𝐥𝐨𝐬 / 𝐛𝐢𝐨 🎏
• ⋆ ˚。⋆୨♡୧⋆ ˚。⋆. • ༺♡༻
•₊˚ʚ ᓚᘏᗢ₊˚✧ ゚. • ₊˚ʚ ᗢ₊˚✧ ゚.
• ꒷︶꒷꒥꒷‧₊˚꒷︶꒷꒥꒷‧₊˚
• *♡∞:。.。 love 。.。:∞♡*
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403tarot · 6 months
the two most voted results will get a general energy check for the month of april on the 1st nd 2nd <3
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psychicreadsgirl · 1 year
Can you do a reading on 97 line, what are they like as a group, do they have scandals hidden, like you said about mingyu, and what other idols think of this squad
Lots of questions mhm..
They are close and tight knit as a group. Some are more active than others in this group chat/group. They share a lot of their fun stuff with each other and information like where to party/eat/play etc. They can also share a lot of secrets/dark ones too with each other. If there's ever a convo fully leaked, that would be interesting to see. Some of the convos would be coded so you would think it's normal friends just talking but they actually mean something else.
There could be scandals - if the ent. companies don't cover them up or if their enemies/whoever they offended get pissed or if they somehow lose their phone(s), send it to repair, and then news gets leaked... or photos or videos.
Most idols think this is an exclusive boys' club. If you're in then it means you're popular or are well connected.
The 97 line really reminds me of those stereotypical frat groups presented in movies like lots of those weird/kinda toxic rituals. There's a hierarchy for sure - leader .. follower etc. initiation stuff??
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cheolsfae · 5 months
Debating adding another group to the masterlist... your choices are....
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blizzardfluffykpop · 6 months
could you direct me to some got7 writers?
-i sent the got7 ask i little while ago
Oh ofc!!! The first two that come to mind are:
@prettywordsyouleft - I will never ever be over airforce7 tbh- Chelle has wrote some of my favorite works! Got7 Masterlist
@proudahgase-exol - I did check Bunny's blog to see she updated like the 3rd of this last month! But I'll always favor dancing with a devil as a Yugyeom bias 🤭 Got7 Masterlist
These are the first two I can think of- if you want writers like me who no longer write for them but have their masterlists up- I could do that too- like @kpopfanfictrash has some vv good got7 fics- but I'm pretty sure Shana only writes for bts anymore? (not 100% sure) Got7 Masterlist
I hope this was satisfactory for now- but if you have any other questions on got7/fic recs/writer recs lmk~
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ravenbloodshot · 5 months
I assume Mark (got7) is a great lover
He's more sweet and attentive in the bedroom. Very giving and likes to treat his partner to nice meals before the act, he's giving earth vibes. Likes to make a nice and clean atmosphere, wants to move at a slower pace and then finally get down to business. I feel like he would prefer more long distance sexual relationships than anything, he's the type to like to yearn for his partner.
Definitely a munch and a pleaser. He's most sexually compatible with those who like a more romantic/sultry mood in bed. Those who like it more rough and fast-paced won't enjoy being with him.
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badbookkeeping · 7 months
seven seas just announced theyre publishing kinnporsche the novel in english and while im super excited we're finally seeing an official translation for a thai novel, i Do Not Want to read kinnporsche lmfao
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Jackson Wang's Soulmate
Hello dear. For the got7 readings can I please request a Jackson wang soulmate reading?
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Disclaimer: I’m a beginner with tarot and my readings could be correct and could be not. I am still learning so please take everything with a grain of salt. These readings are for fun and for entertainment purposes only <3
This is all alleged. I don’t want to hurt any idol or send them hate.
Cards: Ace of cups, the devil, five of pentacles (rx), the hierophant, and ace of swords. Clarifiers respectively: knight of swords (rx), page of swords (rx), ten of swords (rx), six of swords (rx), two of cups, and queen of pentacles (rx). At the end of the deck the king of swords (rx).
Wow okay, so there are so many swords and reversals. This person is going through a transition, like their period through this phase hasn't ended, and feels like torture, it's so stagnant this energy. It's so toxic. It feels like they are in a toxic relationship like there was so much love and be always truthful but ended up in codependency. Until their partner was going to break up but he came back up, its like an on and off relationship. GOD is so toxic. There were so many false promises and also both of them are so immature.
I wish I give y'all the personality of Jackson Wang's soulmate but I received more like their current energy and it's depressing. I wish them the best.
This changes over time. Everyone has free will and vibrations change. Hope you like this reading <3
© rights reserved to timetraveldystopia
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theninthdoor · 2 years
jackson wang || ideal type; tarot reading
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disclaimer: in my Ideal Type readings, I look into what the person in question is currently (consciously and unconsciously) attracted to! it's not necessarily their perfect match or the one they will end up with.
✦ Impression (What is seen externally; Might not accuratelly represent the person):
cards: seven of cups, tower, four of wands
Jackson's ideal type is someone who might dress in an unique way or have something very distinctive about their looks. On the other hand, though, it could also be that he's open to pretty much anyone who sparks his interest by being different from what he's used to. Regardless, we're looking at the type a person who is unafraid to express themselves and try new things and, due to that, people would easily recognize that this individual has no lack of creativity or interests. Also, there's a sense that this person might come across as a little shocking, even. They would not limit themselves due to anybody's rules or concepts of what they should look or act like. Whatever made sense to them, they would do, and it would be done unapologetically! Finally, it does seem like his ideal type might also be that one person who motivates others to try new things and to express themselves freely, specially in terms of style and attitude. They would look like someone who was not there to judge others, but rather uplifted them and show genuine interest for people's unique personalities and lifestyles.
✦ Personality:
cards: eight of wands, eight of swords (ace of pentacles reversed, king of wands), four of pentacles
Personality wise, Jackson is attracted to people who are very motivated and always on the go. They never stop too long in one place, as there is a lot more to discover and experience; so they move at a fast pace, and lead a life full of excitement and change. Although this person might not stop pursuing their goals for anybody or anything, they are nonetheless very aware and respectful of their limitations. What's not up for them to tackle, they will not force their way upon. However, I do believe that it would cost them a lot to miss out on opportunities to challenge themselves, and so they would get stuck thinking about it for a long time afterwards. Ultimately, it would be a matter of pride - not being capable of doing something would register on their mind as a failure, even though they would surely respect the restrictions they were being faced with. Additionally, this might be someone who takes their boundaries and stability very seriously, even to the point of stubborness and possessiveness. They like to keep everything that's theirs very close to their hearts, so others cannot take it away from them or mess with them. On the more negative side, we're also looking at a person who finds it hard to let go of relationships and issues, despite the fact that those might be causing them harm.
✦ What his ideal type should provide in a relationship:
cards: six of swords, lovers, three of cups
For Jackson, someone who is willing to work with him harmoniously, on a level of equality, is his ideal type. They should always be available to solve relationships issues and then move past those without bringing them up every time they argue over something, as finding stability and healing ought to be a big priority for them. On that same note, someone who provides support and solutions for any challenges that may come up might also be something that he seeks in a partner. Next, but still tying back to what we just saw, comes respect and good communication in the relationship. They should be working together, as a team, to build a beautiful and loving union. Lack of accountability, dishonesty and indifference are big, big turn offs for him! At last, I do believe he would like his ideal type to be, if not extroverted, then willing to socialize and be around his friends and family. Or, from another point of view, this could mean that he would like it better if his partner felt more like a best friend to him, and that their relationship was kept pretty fun and free, instead of them pursuing an overly serious and traditional route. Nevertheless, in both cases there is a big theme of socializing and sharing happy times with his loved ones all together.
(Disclaimer: all readings are alleged and for entertainment purposes only.)
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prettyrealm · 2 years
did bambam and mina date or had a thing back then when those pics leaked?
Yes, they were dating. I think it was an extremely happy relationship as well where they were both really proud of their places in life at the time. It’s like the idea of them on paper (young famous idol couple) was really exciting to them.
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