#GREAT takes anon thank you
chuuyanakaahara · 1 year
People thinking Dazai looks down on or doesn’t think Chuuya’s smart or interesting. People who think Mori is a mustache-twirling supervillain out to ruin Dazai’s life or something. Like seriously, people thinking Mori would abuse his two favorite blorbos just don’t understand the character. For one, that’s just not the kind of character he is! It’s not in his character, and it would be incredibly stupid of him to do that and he would know that! And I think it’s been shown pretty clearly through his interactions with Dazai and Chuuya that that’s not the case?? And fics where teenage SKK are scared of or wary of him and constantly on edge around him out of fear… none of that is canon at all. Young Chuuya was respectful but not unquestionably subservient, and Mori doesn’t expect him to be! Mori likes that they were rude teenagers, he found them hilarious! And now adult Chuuya has nice conversations with Mori and Kouyou over tea and indulges Mori’s weirdness. If we’re counting the mobile game as canon, then iirc at one point Chuuya goes to the aquarium with Mori and Elise, to protect them, but Mori is encouraging him to lay off a bit and have fun! Fics where Mori overworks Chuuya or coldly disregards his health upset me because that’s not it! If Chuuya is overworked, it’s because he’s a workaholic and won’t listen to Mori telling him to take a break! Mori gives his higher up subordinates a large amount of freedom as long as they get their jobs done, he doesn’t even really try to get Kouyou to come back during the Kyouka stuff, and he lets Akutagawa do whatever as long as he gets results. He’s not a saint but he’s not the devil, that’s his whole thing, and protecting Yokohama and the mafia itself is his whole purpose.
Wow this segued into a whole lot about Mori. My other thing is people who think Kunikida is the voice of reason or the stick in the mud rule follower. He is not. He is just as insane as the rest of them! Oh, and “ukeified” Chuuya, for lack of a better term. I will not go into detail on that because it enrages me but it is always so obvious and disconcerting to see
come off anon can we be friends
i truly think that a lot of people just villainize mori because the translations got a bit screwed up in terms of him + elise's interactions and because he's the easiest scapegoat. they ignore that he's easily one of the most important parts of the tripartite agreement that keeps yokohama and all your fave blorbos safe, or at least safe when it's being upheld. i don't think he's a saint, but he isn't the demon that everyone makes him out to be.
also. the point on kunikida. yes. kunikida is the voice of reason in the way that. where's that meme that's like "it's odd to think that the average person doesn't know this much about x topic." "oh, yes. but surely they know about [ insert thing about x that the average person certainly doesn't know ]" "yes, of course they would." he broke into the meteorological bureau because the weather was wrong, canonically. he's so self-sacrificial it's insane. people tend to reduce him to a "rule follower" and he is to the extent that he follows his own laws and morals. one of his dislikes in his canon character profile is "authority".
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somegrumpynerd · 1 day
I really do like your Dadmare AU
It gives me comfort & I'm a huge fan of the Dadmare concept ❤️
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Eeeeeee thank you!! <3
I'm glad to hear it brings somebody comfort, if there's two things I want my art to be in this fandom it's silly and soft so I'm happy it's working so far :D And yeah, I know a lot of people aren't into it cause it's super fanon and ooc but I'm just a huge sucker for criminal found family, so I'll keep on clocking in for my shift at the dadmare factory o7
Also I wanted to do a couple of dadmare doodles for you since this ask made me happy and uh, one of them kinda got away from me I don't know if you can tell
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^A picture Dream captions: My brother and the son he "doesn't have"
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tswwwit · 9 months
i think about bill telling other bill “i’m happy” in bill vs bill like seven times a day actually i’m very normal about them
And you know that two-word phrase keeps Other Bill up at night roiling in jealous fury!
Our Bill, meanwhile, is smugly resting with his head gently pillowed on a twunk's great butt.
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yujeong · 18 days
What are your thoughts about the pacing of the story? I've seen a lot of people saying that it wasn't well distributed I mean they didn't get enough GreatTyme for them to build this Real Connection between them. I see people saying they don't feel the connection between the characters. And then for Korn and Tonkla, people were saying they were such a big deal on the past episodes and suddenly no interactions between them after that fight. What do you think?
Anon, I would be lying to myself and everyone else if I expressed any negative thoughts or feelings about 4 Minutes, because I genuinely don't have any. The way Sammon and BOC chose to present this story is breathtaking and I'm so impressed and proud of what they've done with it.
I've seen all the complaints you mentioned and it makes me sad, I'll admit. 4 Minutes is a show that should be judged as a whole, not in fragments and certainly not in the way many fans have chosen to talk about it.
Especially about TymeGreat the complaints are pretty unfair, because we've gotten soooooo much about them and about their bond and about who they are as people, individually or together. It's a shame to judge a story this way and it makes your experience watching it worse.
About KornTonkla, it's pretty logical why their story is laid out the way it is. I don't know why someone would not like how their relationship has developed when that was the whole point to begin with.
I'm not delving into any of this further because I don't have the brain power right now, but basically what I want to say is that the pacing is perfect, if not a little too fast, all the characters have gotten their time to shine, all their stories are interconnected in a way that's deeply satisfying and fascinating to watch, and all the relationships make me want to eat my skin and light my house on fire.
I hope the final episode will conclude this wonderful show in a way that will stay with me for a long time, as the rest of the show has achieved so far.
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squidcave · 24 days
what would skuldugerrys meltdown/shutdown look like (also can i have more stimming headcannons)
first of all, sorry this took forever to answer, everything started happening all at once and now we're here 🤙
I feel like he's more prone to shutdowns. While he doesn't need to sleep, he does need to rest and he's bad for just going and going until a breaking point is reached, at which point he just disappears.
This could go for both meltdown & shutdown but in the lead up to said breaking point, his patience gets incredibly thin and he'll start snapping at people. The difference is that in the case of a meltdown, this continues to escalate rather than suddenly stopping as with shutdown.
Ghastly's really good for noticing when things are getting bad and making skulduggery take a break, even if he has to be sneaky about it.
It takes Valkyrie a bit to fully catch on but when she does, the most subtle she gets is "I'm taking a day off and so are you, no arguments." which honestly works about 80% of the time (this method is especially effective in phase 2 when yk, Val actually takes time off sometimes).
As for more stimming hc's 👀, I'm so glad you asked!
I feel like after he died, a lot of stims just (literally) don't hit the same yk? like I can see him when he was alive, playing with his hair a lot, just generally very sensation seeking. Which is unsurprisingly quite hard to do as a skeleton whose ability to feel various sensations is limited - non existent ( he feels pain perfectly fine, regular touch is unclear, and I don't think he can feel the difference in temperature?? I might be wrong on that but you get the point). So he's gotta switch it up.
Enter Visual Stimming! you ever catch yourself staring at a candle for Too Long and think "I've gotta stop, this is gonna damage my eyes"? Well guess who has no eyes to damage and can summon fire at will! Or just watching traffic go by at night, stuff like that.
Speaking of traffic (and idk how much this counts towards stimming so much as just generally a comfort thing), driving is like peak chill time. Idk how much sense this is gonna make but
Skulduggery's probably been driving as long as cars have been around - it really is not something he has to think about while doing. And while I don't personally drive, I would hope, it's a fairly engaged activity if you know what I mean? like you're watching the road, listening to traffic/music/a passenger. there's a tactile element in the steering, the gear shift, the clutch and pedals, the mirrors, indicators etc. Just it being something he's so familiar with, has complete control over and is fairly often alone during, makes it an excellent de-stressor (and even when Valkyrie's there, at this point she fits into that space so perfectly that it doesn't change much. Most of the time, anyway)
I think we kinda circled back round at the end here but yeah 🫶 thank you for continuing to indulge me
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asteria7fics · 3 months
Aside from ewily
What is your stanky/style headcanons?
Ooooh, you want me to get abstract with it! Alright, let's see what I can do
( • ̀ω•́ )✧
Soulmates. Period. In every universe and in any capacity, as lovers or just as best friends, they are cosmically tied and I refuse to accept anything else.
They know too much about one another, to an annoying degree. Can order food for one another without hesitation and will finish each other’s sentences.
I'm partial to double verse style, but if I HAD to choose I do think Stan would top more often than not. I don't see Stan as being inherently more dominant, I just think it's sweeter to see Kyle relinquish control with someone he trusts.
Stan also takes on more of a protective role, if only because Kyle can get easily carried away and lose sight of his own safety.
They either remain close well into adulthood or separate in their early teens before reconnecting later in life, assuming we're in a universe where they knew one another to begin with.
Have been close for so long neither of them remember what it was like to not know each other on a deep level. They couldn't pinpoint the moment where they stopped feeling like just acquaintances.
I'm pretty flexible on their sizes, though I never see either of them as being much shorter than 6' in any of my works.
Besides Kyle and Cartman, I think Stan and Kyle are the two boys of the main 5 that disagree the most often. Unlike Kyle and Cartman however, they never stay mad or take much personally… unless the argument IS personal, of course.
This ask made me realize that I don’t have a ton of proper headcanons haha. I tend to lean very heavily into canon, and just sort of add small details as they come up. But here’s a handful of little things that did come to mind!
I suppose this might be a nice chance to extend the question to you guys (to you, dear anon, or anyone reading this post!) What are your favorite Style headcanons?
And of course, thank you for the ask, anon!!
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revvethasmythh · 2 months
I started playing BG3 bc of your post about it and I really love it! Who do you think Veth would romance if she played BG3?
I'm so glad you're enjoying it! Also, what a great question. i have thought about this somewhat extensively already, admittedly. There are a few options here and Veth does love to be horny about multiple people, so I think it'd be something like this: I think she would be unbelievably horny about Karlach in a Sunbreaker Olomon kind of way (but also genuinely love her because how can you NOT love Karlach), have a more Fjord-esque love/hate thing going on with Astarion, and Shadowheart is exactly the kind of pretty, mean, sadgirl that I think would utterly bewitch her (she loves mysterious people, she thinks it's sexy). But still at the end of the day i think she'd be head over heels for Gale. That woman LOVES a dorky, incredibly intelligent man who is physically weak and struggles with hubris. This isn't even a Caleb-specific theme, she's like with Yeza, too! Gale would be a great balance of the adventure and domesticity that she wants in life, in addition to being EXACTLY her type of guy
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gwandas · 6 days
Hey! I saw your Nessian commission and I think it’s beautiful art. I was wondering what your stance is on Nessian because I found it intriguing. I know you’re very Cassian critical (me as well). How do you manage it while still holding love for and engaging with the ship? I have a hard time doing it (as a former nessian shipper) and it made me wonder. What parts of Nessian do you enjoy, what makes it still worthy of love, what do you wish for them in the future? Such interesting topics.
Anyway love your blog have a nice day!
Uh honestly I don't love it 😅 and even pre-ACOSF I was neutral on both the ship and Cassian as his own character. The extent of me engaging with it is reblogging art where I think she looks hot. I commissioned that piece because I'm a big fan of that particular artist's versions of both Cassian and Nesta and I wanted to participate in a Nesta-centric event.
The redeemable parts of canon!Nessian to me are all Nesta. I'd even say all the way back in ACOMAF she was doing all the heavy lifting to make the ship look good (@ae-neon wrote this post on pre-ACOSF Nessian that I think summarizes it perfectly). I've never once doubted that she loves that man. His POV feels very empty to me compared to hers. At the end of the day, she's stuck with him, so when I'm in an optimistic mood I'll try gaslighting myself into liking it 👍🏾 it's hard though when I was never obsessed with the ship in the first place. Like, I barely read fanon!Nessian because I'm not clinging onto what the stans wished it was (and because I'm picky and can't read fics where he's the exact opposite of who he is in the book. I basically only read the post-ACOSF/HOFAS fix its where there are some consequences for canon events)
I am pretty optimistic about the Ember and Randall chapter leading to some sort of reckoning for them. Although what gives me pause is that they're probably not getting another book, so I'm not confident SJM would write something as dramatic as Nessian temporarily being apart or whatever from another character's POV. I don't know. It's the only reason I'm interested in her finally announcing what the next book will be about because I'm hoping? It'll give us some clarity on what direction Nessian is going in? It's funny because after ACOSF I was ready to move on because I assumed SJM would pull her usual move and just make them randomly healthy going forward after the atrocities committed while getting together but then she wrote HOFAS which both pissed me tf off but also gave me an ounce of hope for some actual growth for Cassian who has been the exact same guy as when we were first introduced to him but like I said that all depends on what the next book is. My Roman Empire is SJM saying her reaction to rereading ACOSF was "wow I was really mean to myself back then" which made me go HUH like,,, should I get my hopes up that she sees something wrong with what she wrote? Maybe! The HOFAS bonus chapter makes me think there's a chance.
TLDR I'm not just Cassian critical I hate his ass but she's stuck with the guy so I'm willing to make the best of it.
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nomairuins · 29 days
i like overthink everything now it makes me feel so dumb. i used 2 be able to just talk 2 ppl but nowadays every single thing im like Is that actually going to make them hate me. Yes probably. and then i just dont respond which makes ppl hate me. this is how it is
#ive been overthinking 1 light and casual mildly funny response to something but im worried itll come off as disrespectful and dismissive And#make me seem stupid and uncaring all at the same time. and also be seen as insulting. but like idt itd be insulting right like. im not#saying what it is so ig for all you guys know im like I mean if i say All your shit suck ball and i hateit kys. <- thats not the thing i was#going to say#like it doesnt matter now the window for response is closed now but i feel stupid bc i shouldve just said it it was light and casual. im so#bad at keeping convos gojng im convinced im not going to survive. In like a light and casual way like in a He will not make it through the#winter joke way. dw. im not going to do anything bc i had One failed interaction. if i was going to do anythjng itd be bc of the 8000000#other failed interactions. But im not. anyways. it just makes me feel so useless 😭 like i want to respond i want to talk to ppl so bad but#i feel like i mess things up Irreparably every time i speak OR i take too LONG overthinking my response and then i just cant respond bc its#been too long and then its been 3 years and the only messages ive ever sent r my intro message and 1 message 2 years ago that nobody#responded to at all. or the conversation stopped immediately after. and like i used to be better at this i was lkke. talkative in a couple#muts servers like. i talked 2 ppl daily in those servers and i had fun and like. I was an important part of the group and i felt like it#but i just feel like such an outsider for Everything and its literally my fault bc i cant just like. Talk. The explosion. bc im always like#im gonna try im gonna do it this time im gonna get it back im going to finally be Good connor and im going to fix it all and make a Good#solid friend group and ill find HEALTHY LOVE and i wont selfsabotage and ill move out and have a job and ill balance it well and ill start#all my hobbies and ill have a great routine and be so loveable and on top of it and not stressed and content and happy and roll with the#punches and then theres a single hiccup and im like Well fuckinf whatever im going to be an unemployed hermit forever and im going to die b4#im 25 anyways so Who cares and also im digging a little hole for myself. and its like. AUGHH ik i just have to persevere and overcome but#even saying that feels so stupid its not fucking hard its Talking to ppl. like. i literally if ive ever said a word to you i had to think#avt it and strategize how to respond right even for like. like. it makes it sound like its not genuine it is#like for example i want to say hey i love your art! but then i freak out and im like thats not normal thats like a rly generic comment they#hear that all the time theyll thjnk im being polite and my brains like hrmmm rewrite Your art changed my life. It shaped me. Ill never be#the same. Nad im like ok too far overcorrected go back and the sentence generator is like Your art has colors 💯 like. GOD. WHY IS IT SO#difficult. and then usually i either just dont say anythinf and feel awful abt it 4ever OR i send it on anon and then i spend like 15#minutes ibsessively slightly tweaking the apelling and capitalization and punctuation to make sure it doesnt seem like its me just in case#it Is the worst possible thing to say but then i see the response and itll be like AWWW TYSM :] THIS MEANS A LOT or whathaveyou and i feel#stupid bc i couldve just Told them this to their face and it wouldve been a good positive interaction we had. but instead i had 2 hide and#tyoe entirely differently so they couldnt sniff me from my typing style. and it soesnt even feel like the thanks is actually 4 me bc i#tweaked the message sm. and it still makes me happy that the oersons hapoy but its like. that couldve been a nice mutual interaction#like not that i need a personal ty i compliment ppl when i Want to compliment ppl and when its genuine yk. i dont do it so i get mutualpoint
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crazybutgood · 1 month
ooh pick one or a few or all ( or none if you don't want to answer any of them or if there's so many it's overwhelming 😅 )
last fic you read?
last fic you read that you loved and wanna gush about? (please gush about it if u have one!)
is there a fandom you sort of faded from and then came back to and if yes is there a particular reason why you came back or did you just suddenly feel like getting into it again?
favorite drink? favorite drink that you don't get to have often (if the two are different)
what's a drink you have regularly (not necessarily your fave, could be water)
favorite snack
a food that you don't like and why and how many times have you had it
how'd you get into taskmaster?
have you watched/do you like the versions from other countries? (TM)
do you watch compilations or just the straight episode? (TM)
would you watch it in person if you had the opportunity and were easily able to go and come back? (TM)
do you have a favorite season of taskmaster?
is there any origami that you gave up on making halfway through and why? would you try again? have you?
what's the biggest origami project you've tried (objectively), whether you succeeded or not?
what's the biggest origami project you've tried (subjectively), whether you succeeded or not?
what's the smallest origami you've ever folded?
what's the most complex origami you've ever folded?
is there a fic that has a line in it that you adore (whether you can remember it word by word or just the general idea of it)
what hat style looks the weirdest
what's the weather like right now and how do you feel about that, if you feel anything at all?
if you could change the colors of a duck, would you? what would its new colours be?
Omg nonnie! 🥺 Thank you so much for taking the time to send these thoughtful questions, I really appreciate it❤️ Answers under the cut 😊
the best laid plans by @nanneramma! it's a sweet, delightful double drabble, very cleverly and wonderfully written. Longer gushy comment here
Both my favourite drink and drink I have regularly is tea! I love it sm~ I’m having it as I type this. Favourite drink that I don’t get to have often is bubble tea.
Oh hm,, I will try most foods tbh! I think sometimes it’s cos of certain foods being of too different a palate (even tho I’m chill with other foods of the same cuisine??). Like a memory that suddenly came to mind is of sushi. I’ve only tried it once, when I was 12. One of my classmates bought sushi for lunch once and offered some to me. The second I bit into it I knew I didn’t like it but she was so nice and earnestly asked how it was so I politely ate it anyway. That was years ago tho so maybe I will like it if I try now! 
Omg great question! I had come across a clip of James Acaster’s stand-up, and I loved it. I looked up some more of his clips on YouTube, including his appearances on panel shows like WILTY. Then I watched some iconic moments from Taskmaster S7 and decided to look more into it, and the rest is history. 
I have watched some tasks and some eps of Taskmaster AU and NZ! They are nice to watch but the UK one just hits different, esp re the Taskmaster himself. 
I watch both compilations and the straight episode! 
Omg I would say absolutely BUT I don’t like a lot of the food tasks ghkdjf so, yes on the condition that I knew in advance I wouldn’t have to watch any of those. 
I like many series for different reasons!! Probably recency bias + lots of rewatching of S16 has made me like it quite a bit. I think I’m more sure of the series I absolutely don’t like fkgjds,, it’s the only one that I haven’t been able to continue watching beyond a short while, and I don’t think I ever will. 
Oh gosh probably some four-legged animal. I think it was a goat, or a llama, or both. I’ve only folded a few of those (somehow managing it), and I don’t know what possessed me to try them in those moments 😅 There’s a particular folding common to them (and even some birds) that’s required to bring about the symmetry that just makes it so hard to me. That’s the reason why I much preferred to fold a unicorn, cos that tutorial split the body of it down the middle into two different models that were then slotted together to form the whole thing,, I found controlling that much easier. 
Objectively, it is probably origami comics! I wasn’t sure if it would work, mostly re the reception of its execution, given the unusual medium. I sketched and brainstormed a lot to figure out how to work best with origami for it, and I was pleasantly surprised by how things went in the end :) I tried to push even further with subsequent comics I made. 
Subjectively,, is a bit harder to answer, because I’ve tried to go big in different ways at different points and stages of learning and brainstorming depending on what type of project it was, be it solo or collab. And so I’ve felt differently about what’s been the biggest endeavour. I’ll probably say tho as I’m sitting right in front of it rn + it means a lot to me, is probably the artwork I did on my room wall. I was itching to get started but I hadn’t even formed a concrete design beyond some vague concepts, and I was really pleased when it all came together. 
Oh hm interesting question, esp cos many things can be (feasibly) downsized into smaller dimensions, so I’ve tried to make tiny versions of whatever I could when I wanted to (one fave is stars, they’re already so small, I like to see how tiny it can go, especially with random scraps of strips I find). Off the top of my head, I rmb a very smol rabbit I made (as my first try of making it) using a little square torn from the corner of a hotel room’s notepad. 
Complex origami ahh umm ok uk what I would say this round twist bowl I made. I don’t rmb if I ever posted it because I just picked the tutorial when I was trying to focus and ground myself so that was the main objective. I honestly don’t know how I managed to somehow zone in and fold it and idk if I will be able to do so as easily as the first time! I will try it again sometime soon~ 
The line “Today’s sooner” from @rockingrobin69's fic “Favourite” is often on my mind! My friend @getawayfox and I quote it at each other sometimes too.
Haha this question made me pause and realise I've never thought about that,, I haven’t seen many types of (weird) hats I think
The weather here all year round is the same and gross af, climate change is making the tropical weather here especially gross,, high 30s (Celsius) with 70-88% humidity :’)))
Haha omg what an interesting question XD I would say pink, cos of this video. Or resembling Lolly Adefope’s “multicoloured kidney”
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cerise-on-top · 5 months
Hiii ik this is silly but imagen if after the los vaqueros split up ale and rudy got together and valeria after years sees them togeter being all lovely dovely and shes like what- bc she tought they didnt like each other
(Ofc val tells rudy of all men why did he choose ale and she feels sorry for him😭😭)
Anon, this is quite possibly the funniest ask I've ever gotten! I don't know if this is supposed to be a request or not, but I don't mind adding my two cents to this!
Valeria, as a resident Alejandro hater, would be surprised anyone would want to be with him in the first place. And yeah, I think she would call Rodolfo out on potential fraternization as well, but that's not the main issue. I want you to imagine Rodolfo and Valeria, both sitting at a bar together, and Valeria just starts listing all the reasons why Rodolfo should dump Alejandro. It's an impressive amount too, Valeria could probably talk about how much she hates Alejandro for at least an hour. Meanwhile Rodolfo is just sitting there, ordering some kind of absinthe because he cannot take this nonsense. He looks entirely unamused and just wants to leave. I think Alejandro would come in at some point and just start arguing with Valeria while she tells him that Rodolfo deserves better. Rodolfo grows tired of all of this and just leaves at some point. I know Alejandro is a colonel, but he's an idiot. But so is Valeria when it comes to him. The three of them share one braincell and Rodolfo has confiscated it since the other two don't know how to use it properly.
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inkykeiji · 4 months
As sad as I'd be if it turns out Dabi/Touya's dead I want him DEAD so bad. Like he deserves it😭 I don't even know if I mean that as in "he's a horrible person and deserves to die" or "he's been through enough and needs to be put out of his misery" but I want him deceased
LMAOOOO i am 100% with you on that anon!! & for me, it’s both—especially since death is what he wants. like he fully intended to die and take his father and possibly brother with him during that final battle. the man wore white on purpose; it was supposed to be his own funeral. in my opinion, the best end for him would’ve been him and enji dying together—this way, touya gets what he wants (to kill his father) and enji makes amends for all of his transgressions (with his life).
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chilschuck · 6 months
Do you ever think about how Chil is 110 cm while the average is 100? Which would be the equivalent to a 198cm tall-man (average is 180 and there is a 10% increase so add 18 and there you have it). My man is undernourished and tall as fuck. A bonsai beanstalk....
`✦ ˑ ִֶ 𓂃⊹ ANONNNNNN THANK U FOR REMINDING ME OF THIS. i think about it too much for my sanity… like this is in my camera roll forever bc wtf. i even wanted to point it out a couple days ago bc it makes me crazy:
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it makes me absolutely insane. rolling around on the floor rn over this man. it’s insane he would be 198 cm. that’s a little over a foot taller than me. WTF
ALSO A BONSAI BEANSTALK MADE ME LAUGH BC ITS TRUE. undernourished AND tall my god… imagine cooking so much for him just to try and get some meat on his lanky ass. he insists he’s fine but you just look at him with pleading eyes and a bowl in your hands and he just takes it with a sigh. or before you even try to go out with him, you find yourself cooking things for him out of concern. they say the key to a man’s heart is through his stomach….. i wonder how true that’d be with him…..
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parachutingkitten · 11 months
i’m not entirely sure if this counts as a sin or not or if you’re still accepting sin confessions but
i, an aroace person with PTSD, look at the most exaggerated versions of the ninja’s trauma (most noticeably the Ice Emperor) and genuinely think “i could fix [them]” abt it.
and i could! i could fix zane’s IE trauma and his childhood “built to protect” trauma and i could fix jay’s skybound trauma (or at least help with it) i could fix kai’s self esteem/constantly needing to be taking care of and protecting his family issues (not sure if it’s a trauma but it sure is something alright) i could fix some of lloyd’s trauma (not much i can do about the daddy issues unfortunately but i could so totally help with the morro thing and the harumi thing and the being aged up thing and others) i could fix nya’s anger issues i could FIX them let me into Ninjago for a year and i will improve their mental health so so much <- genuinely believes i am capable of this despite also having trauma and knowing that is not how it works (but i could tho i swear i could)
Oh... oh this one's bad. Honey, you can't fix them. I don't care how much you think you've got it figured out.
Now, no doubt the world is a better place with you in it, and that goes the same for the ninjago universe. I'm sure your presence would be good for them, but... you ain't fixing that. Especially not ALL of that. Like idk that some of those are necessary "fixable" in a meaningful way.
I charge you to challenge yourself. Write some one shots where a character tries to fix them- and see how quickly you run into problems.
if you have a sin you would like to confess, please direct it to @ninjago-sins
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icewavex · 24 days
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guess who just finished making wavey fanart!!!
(genuinely sorry i took so long on this i said i was gonna do it in JUNE.)
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that-foul-legacy-lover · 10 months
Heyy! You don't have to post this, but know that we mothlings love you vv much alr? 🥺 Your blog always brightens up my day when I get notifications holy moly. It's sort of a fluffy safe space, like how you'd imagine hugging/cuddling Foul Legacy himself feels.
That's it, that's the ask. A lil bit of appreciation to beloved person behind the blog. We love you. 🥰❤️
Is that creepy to say as anon asjfjfkdkskksksksks pls don't take it the wrong way omg
aaauugugghgh anon you are so sweet!!!!! i'm so glad my little blog feels safe, i try very hard to make it as welcoming and comfy as possible so i'm very happy that i've succeeded at least somewhat!! Foul Legacy is giving you all the hugs and snuggles right now!!!! :D
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