#GW2 GvG
tonkiads · 2 years
Luciform guild black desert
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#Luciform guild black desert upgrade#
#Luciform guild black desert full#
At every guild upgrade, you will gain slots: small size 3 spots, medium size 5 spots, large size 8 spots, extra large size 10 spots. If you pay 3 guild points, you will unlock 1 slot up to 10 people. When guilds are at war, players are able to attack each other regardless of whether PvP is activated or not, except player under protection. If your guild reaches the medium size, all guild members will achieve Guild Attendance Reward.
#Luciform guild black desert upgrade#
What matters are the effective people in the guild.įor example: if you have 35 slots and 25 players (25/35), you will have small sized guild if you will invite other 6 players in your guild, it will automatically upgrade to the medium sized guild. He comes to drag from the darkness the black successor of Ahriman.
#Luciform guild black desert full#
You can upgrade your guild spending Guild Points: when you spend 2 Guild Points, your guild gains 5 slots, but that is not enough to upgrade the guild size. The masses know it full well, and hence they desert so readily the chair of doctors. A guild can be small (from 0 players to 30 players), medium (from 31 players to 50 players), large (from 51 players to 75 players), extra large (from 76 players to 100 players). Luciform/Black/GetOut/Paintrains/Lupinotuumes vs FoE/Flex/Rage/Infernal/Aetherea battle for Calpheon Castle.Special thanks to all our amazing allies for th. The name of the founder or the name of the player to whom the previous guild master appointed it. Your guild name can be up to ten characters and may not use special characters. In the first square, you can find information about guild name, guild master's name, scale, protection, guild points, guild mount, occupying, funds On this Discord server we can also keep you Updated on things going on in the game. We offer channels and roles to any guild requesting them. We are also a center of Guilds to meet up and play together. We are a big Community here to Support all BDO players. Here you can find general information about the guild, guild description, war status, S aying of the Day. Hello everyone, Id like to invite you all to our Discord server. The first data sheet is about general guild information. You can disband the guild only when there is no member. To disband the guild, the guild leader simply clicks the disband button from the guild management window. After which you will then promote your clan into a full-blown guild and retain your name and ranks. After, we were a founding guild in the very successful Titan Alliance on GW2s Henge of Denravi server. Originally, the guild was formed for the CBT and launch of TERA, where we had tons of success in early PvP and GvG. You need enough people and 100 000 silver. Luciform is an experienced, serious, organized, and efficient PvP-focused guild reformed after a long break for the NA launch of Black Desert.
speak to the Guild NPC's located in major cities and promote your clan in a guild.
visit the Guild Manager in a city, it will cost 100 000 silver.
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thisiskitta · 5 years
supposed to get our special secret reward from Mike Z himself this week (for the GvG tournament we won) and I just can’t wait to see what it is. Last year, he offered gems but he said this year he wanted to do something different and that has me incautiously curious and excited as to see what he had in mind. I know it will likely not be something that would be too crazy but I’m still speculating haha.  I thought it could be a title, something like ‘God of GvG’ or ‘GvG Champion’ that would make me happy and I am not a title fan but it would be so unique and exclusive. I’d feel proud. Other idea I had is maybe a Tournament of Legends box? since it was a tournament too... but yet again don’t think that would be it. What even could be cooler than gems?! Mind you this isn’t coming from Anet but Mike Z, from his own pocket so it’s an odd place. I hope we can get it today ^-^
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meowgai · 6 years
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nefyfeiri · 6 years
GW2 friend/ships
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This is gonna be long :D
I started playing guild wars 2 shortly after it released because my friend got me in to it. She kept taking screenshots of the beautiful world and finally my curiosity got the better of me and i had to purchase it. The first halloween event is the most unforgettable to me, i leveled my first character to 80 just by grinding the labyrinth. My friend helped me get the backpack skin that was at the time hard to get, mostly due to us both being very under level for the map, and where the last piece of it was, is filled with ghosts, who will all just swarm you. Luckily we had a friendly player who was at an appropriate level to help us out, cheers!
Later on when she became more inactive i found the joy of playing world vs. world, which would soon enough become my most favorite part of the game and i would spend hours just having some of the best fights and raids I've had during my whole time in gw2. I remember the mesmer only raid all so well, it was so much fun! Confusing the enemy and ourselves with dozens of portals was definitely memorable. My boyfriend was leading this raid which takes us to the second ship!
Back then i was only in a pve guild and few of the guys from there played wvw as well. Eventually i heard from one of the guys in my guild that the open tag commander was interested in recruiting me to the wvw guild he was in. I was quite surprised and really happy to be invited! Later on i whispered him back asking why didn't he just ask me directly and apparently he was too shy, which i thought was adorable and funny considering he leads 50 man blobs in teamspeak.
I joined the guild and we got talking more actively. It wasn't too long though until i got randomly kicked out, the leader was known to do this, which was a bit odd but i didn't think too much about it. Shortly after the guild disbanded and we ended up going different ways.
I joined a different wvw guild and enjoyed raiding with then and my boyfriend joined a more hard core guild that did gvgs, so i knew where he went and we’d say hi and stuff if we saw each other on the borders.
Some time after we decided to make a gvg group in our casual guild and just have fun and go for it, i ended up messaging my boyfriend and asked him for some tips on gvg and what i should have equipped and so on. He gave me lots of tips and i watched them gvg multiple times and we chatted more and more.
Eventually we started doing stuff together like leveling in edge of the mists which was loads of fun (even though it was grindy), especially the graphic bugs and falling off map was funny. We’d start skyping each other and talking outside of guild wars 2. Eventually we were talking so much that i guess we both realized we had quite some feelings for each other. One thing lead to another and soon enough we were actually thinking of seeing each other.
Some weeks/months passed and he booked a flight to come see me. I was so nervous and yeah the first few days were so awkward. He was so shy and i could tell, so i tried to make him feel comfortable, after all he had took chance to come see me after all i could’ve been a scammer. 
We flew backwards and forwards some times, until we got really serious. I ended up leaving my home country to move in with him....or should i say with his family, since we didn’t have our own place back then.
Thinking about it now it’s crazy how welcoming his family was, just letting a total stranger to live with them! 
Eventually we got our own house and i got a job at the same company he works in. We’ve been together about 4 years now and still going strong!
Without this game and my friend we would’ve never found each other.
Picture above is my drawing of our matching characters we used to do dungeons with ♥
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areifirebloom-blog · 8 years
Funsies with the KGA guys. Until the [HATE] salt started overflowing onto our scrim lol. 
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khorren · 5 years
Day 10: How many guilds are you in? Do you have a main guild?
GW2 30 Day Challenge 
Capped at 5!
[fox] Fox Bunnies - A silly name. Back when town clothes were all in individual slots, before outfits, the boything and I would sit in Lion’s Arch (RIP OG LA.) with the winter outfit on, and bunny ears on our asura, and had the Mini Arctic Fox Kit minis out. We came up with the name as a throw away guild. I bought it a full guild bank one day, and we’ve kept it ever since as our 2nd Guild Bank.
[BPA] Blinkie Ponie Armie - My home Guild Wars (1) guild. Back in the days of LiveJournal, my friends and I dumped way too much time volunteering on the support team. The team, my team, who handled customisation / styling questions were referred to as the Blinkie Ponie Armie. Users would often ask for god awful things to be done to their journals, such as gaudy backgrounds, blinking things, journals with tiny 4pt font in baby pink, on a smoky pink background, etc etc. We always wished would could reply “and would you like a pony with that too?” So Blinkie Ponie became a thing, and when it came to the collective we became the “armie” (well aware of the correct spelling, thanks). Blinkie Ponie has become our collective name now ever since 2001 give or take. 
In Guild Wars (1) one of our guildies submitted a Paragon Henchman build to a GvG/HA contest and she won! (It was literally the para meta build. lol <_<). Since she was allowed to name the NPC as long as it fit within the GW-verse, she was called Blenkeh. :D Blenkeh lives on as an NPC, and the tonic said guildie received eventually got sold on for something stupid like 400 armbraces in the last few months of GW1 prior to GW2′s release. We spent those armbraces decking out pretty much anyone in the guild who wanted Obsidian Armor and anything else for their HoM’s. Then towards the end guildie and I just went on a spending spree buying all kinds of dumb things we’ve always kind of wanted, but not really. So we bought things like Bone Dragon staves, or Obsidian Edges. Since the guildie hated dealing with people in Kamadan I was the trader on her behalf. At the time armbraces were selling for 28-29 ecto, we found a guy who would do trades for 25e, as much as we could give him. So while we were gettting a lower price, going to the same guy over and over made it worth it. We spent way too much of that money on Balthazar loot boxes and zaishen keys. It was great. :D There’s still some of the armbraces left I believe, and I’m still sat on so much loot. :D
[ZAN] Zander - Boything’s guild he made just for some guild storage. He invited me to it, again, we built up the guild bank and use it for storing our every day shit. When we’re super active in game we can usually fill it up with materials in about a month, and sell them off for around 400-500g~ and that’s on top of money we make ourselves. It’s been a few months since we’ve done a big sell off. But our little joint bank account has funded many a legendary or what have you between us :)
[SF] Strike Force - My previous “home” guild. I’ve been with SF since about 2013. I joined them for WvW after my previous WvW guild went silent and am now just part of the furniture. I haven’t WvW’d seriously for about 2 years now, maybe a bit more? I had a year or so absence with them when the leader split off into his own guild and a lot of us followed said leader..... (getting to that in the next guild...) when that guild got abandoned I was invited back into SF by the new leadership and I’ve stayed ever since. I’m not active with them in game, but I do care abou tthem, and I do my part to not let them devolve into a total bunch of shitlords. I try... they make it difficult.
[CO] Celestial Order - The guild I consider “home”. I mentioned above that I spent about a year out of SF. Our guild leader at the time was unhappy with things and so left to make a new guild by the name of [CAIN]. We had this new leadership, were happy, things were calmer and nicer. A lot of us took a GW2 break to go play Black Desert Online, and uh, shit happened and many of us parted ways, but we still kept the GW guild alive. We pumped thousands of gold into building the CAIN Guild Hall while our guild leader was otherwise occupied IRL (to put it lightly) so I wasn’t willing to let that damn guild go. I was only an officer, but I put my heart, soul, and wallet into keeping that guild ticking.
Time passed and the owner of [CAIN] was 100% done with GW2 and “letting his friend” play on his account. So to avoid anything happening with [CAIN] he gave leadership to me. (Something that should have happened before he became otherwise occupied IRL, but I digress....) For about 2-3 years I sat on the CAIN guild. It had a lot of bad associations to it, but I didn’t want to just abandon it. Like I said, thousands of gold poured in. A few months back I finally got around to opening a ticket with support to change the name. The name I wanted was taken, but a little accent over the i was barely noticeable, and I really wanted the name. A nice GM helped me out and allowed the name change.
The guild is now home to a small bunch of cross-server WvWers who I’ve known through Strike Force and it’s amusing watching them when they’re fighting each other, haha. :D
So yeah. CAIN turned into Celestial Order [CO]. A nod to a friend I haven’t heard from in about 6 years, and I miss her dearly. She had a guild in GW1 (and remade in GW2) Celestial Order of the Bow. Her guild got me through some shitty times, and she gave me home and helped re-build me up after a catasrophic loss of friends. Secondly, chose the guild name as I felt it fit within the GW lore. I felt like there could be a group of people who studied the canthan Celestials. So Celestial Order it was :)
This got a bit rambly, but yes, these are my 5 guilds. For a while I would run around tag-less and I would get people PMing me to join their guilds. I would politely turn them down, telling them I was guild capped. I got mixed reactions from the logical “Oh! I’m sorry. Have a nice day :) “ or “No worries!” to the completely batshit “Well your guilds must all be shit if you’re not repping them! Join mine!” Yes. Go ahead and insult my friends, that will totally make me want to join you....
Ok I’m done. Really....
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juneboba · 7 years
gw2 wvw
the server we’re matched up with is made up of so many shitheads who spam team/map chat—they literally have a wvw guild called ‘triggered’ made up of jagweed neo nazis who constantly spam racial and homophobic slurs. not only that but they’re so fucking bad. how were they not banned yet like wtf anet. the downside of having to match up with other servers. like i don’t mind most of the time but we’re t1/t2 for a reason. we don’t like shit-tier spam and like to keep it that way. also i will never understand t1/t2 guild politics. they’re constantly moving around. that shit got too expensive so i stopped doing the gvg thing.
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thisiskitta · 6 years
Oh hey. I realize I actually have content to share. I’ve made (my first real one) compilation of highlights from our first month together as Rêquîem [rQm] from my perspective. We’re a hardcore WvW/GvG guild that strives to be the best, situated on | NA | Devona’s Rest (linked to Henge of Denravi) currently.
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meowgai · 6 years
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Every GvG has this guy... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=62NSeFxryQ8
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