autumnslance · 11 months
Roevember 2023 Day 9: Spring
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Felina: Eternal Spring
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seaseren · 6 months
Was inspired to try to write something about Entlona's reflection on the First but have been STYMIED by the lack of in depth naming conventions in EE3. How can I be betrayed like this
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ferrocyan · 9 months
with how naming conventions work for multiple races in the First the culture of this world seems to place a lot of importance on a person's geographical origin. mystels append it to their first name: lue(birthplace)-reeq(first name) chalah (surname), humes and elves have it in their surnames: ardbert hyll(hills)+fyst(soldier), taynor lak(lakeland)+plowe (while galdjent and drahns seem to have a noble house system)
how tragic is it that their world ends up losing 90% of its landmass in the Flood
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ffxivxd · 2 months
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Galdjent and Drahn names reflect their Voeburtite roots.
Drahn clans- Aldermere, Birchwell and Ashgrave
Galdjent clans- Oakbridge, Pinehome, Elmsby and Cedarford.
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fisherrprince · 8 months
for the ffxiv specbio stuff, do you headcanon the people on the First as having physically different traits from the people on the Source, or are they pretty one to one? and if so, were there any strange looks/social faux pas regarding the scions while on the First?
THIS IS REALLY INTERESTING ACTUALLY I think… that the species are all the same, mostly, but since they evolved/grew/colonized in/from different environments, there are definitely differences because of that. Like, say, dwarves not having any of the lalafells’ adaptations to sand, and instead having darkvision in their mining environments and more of a mole snout than a slit snout. Maybe being fuzzier overall. Or elves not having that split between duskwight (colorful, variant cave animal) and wildwood (forest animal). Heck there’s not a lot of elves at all, are there? Was their homeland just so concentrated that most of them were wiped? Another hard thing about this is the complete lack of knowledge we have of the regions before the Flood outside of Norvrandt! Or maybe just knowledge I have. Lol. I don’t have encyclopedia eorzea 2 or 3 just the first one… if anyone can hook me up with a First Lore Historian. I’d love to learn. Or with 50 bucks so I can grab the encyclopedia
And then, even, after the Flood, a lot of culture broke down in favor of communication and survival, so people just souped together. In short… ok. I think the First had a very fairytale vibe, so their designs should reflect that. I know drahn and galdjent have like a kingdom thing going on. There’s probably WAY less sea imagery and ocean features on roe in the first. More puppies than sea puppies, vaguely. More mountainy? Drahn I think are much more draconic than most Auri people, think fairytale dragon guys. They have the kind of customs that fairytale dragons and fae have, too, so it’s historically easy to say something odd to them and vice versa. Giants and dragons! I haven’t met a single elf except Ardbert’s friend. That’s an exaggeration but like no important npcs were elves. They seem very isolationist to me, very used to solo travel. Humes seem to have been mostly in kingdoms as well, like Ishgard, but less Catholic. They’re probably the most same. Garleans as a race of people do not exist on the First which is interesting. Ronso seem much more family-oriented, work-oriented, still cowboys, but very similar. I think the coeurl type hrothgar would be replaced with something else. Viis we know a lot about! They seem to be very similar as well, though I think just for fun for me, they’re Bigger. Like, taller, they’re isolated in a warm forest with plenty of prey and big magic energy. Viis big. Mystel I don’t know about, but they don’t SEEM to be desert cats, so I actually think. They don’t have undereye markings. Some of them have fold ears or domestic triangle cat ears rather than wild cat features. Familiar-like, not a lion pride — so they don’t have the same family structure miqote do either, it’s more like wolves where location and family are top tier. And Dwarves for sure have more mole than mouse features - thick claws on their toes and fingers, a little snoot, and very reflective eyes that are a bit sensitive to light. 
As for social faux pas… I think that Miqote, to show they’re unserious or apologetic, bunt or touch the other cat, lay down or sit next to them, put their tail on the other’s tail, something physical — and Mystel will lick their lips and look away and NOT touch, because further touching is To Fight. Ari FOR SURE tried to lean on and got smacked by Kai-Shirr and then smacked him back in betrayal. It took Alphy intervention to fix that. It is also way more common for humes to grumble and growl than it is for hyur (that’s bad manners. Imagine you bumped into someone at the store and they growled at you), so there was one point where Ryne actually (quietly like a kid swearing for the first time) grrrd at a monster and thancred had a whole 20 minutes of thinking to himself wether or not this was OK feral child behavior to let her keep doing or if he should tell her not to or. Or what. What do here. Is this OK. And lastly..,,, lalafellin alcohol is pretty strong, but their beer and mead taste great so it’s a popular party drink. dwarven alcohol is INCREDIBLY strong, it contains an ingredient mildly toxic to every other race except mord. You are SUPPOSED to, however you decide to do it, last a number of mugs (if you’re a bigger race, dilute the thing with soda or juice, you might get teased but it’s what you do). Some people were not aware of this and passed out after one mug, and got pitiful beards drawn on them (Urianger’s wispy stubble was quite silly to the rest of the party)
I’d love to compile more abt the First just in general. maybe my ideas would change with more info … anyways! Thank u for letting me drop a very large text bubble :]
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sunderedazem · 1 month
FFXIV OC Masterpost
Corrain Gealai de Fortemps
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(ffxiv screencap, art by @/aazulean, art by @/minpage)
Age: 16 (ARR start), 22 (EW end), 24 (DT start)
Race: Keeper of the Moon Miqo'te
Gender: trans man
Sexuality: gay, polyamorous
Primary role: (the) Warrior of Light/Azem shard, lead OC
Primary ships: emetwolraha, azemet-by-proxy
Unsundered name: Helios
Character intro link: PENDING, intro game link here, WoL Template link here
Various AUs
Soulshards - Solo Warrior of Light universe. Not cowritten
your boldness stands alone among the wreck - AU in which Corrain is co-WoLs with @azems-familiar's Lelesu Lesu, and is a shard of Helios, the man who was once Azem.
in the shadow of the sun - Ascian Azem AU. In which it is @azems-familiar's Seleukos who becomes Azem, and Helios perishes in the Final Days. Corrain is reborn thirteen thousand years later- and Azem cannot stay away from the fragments of their best friend.
Inara Oronir Dotharl
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Age: 25 (ARR start), 31 (EW end), 33 (DT start)
Race: Xaela Au'ra
Gender: cisgender, butch
Sexuality: lesbian
Primary role: Scion of the Seventh Dawn, Mercenary
Primary ships: Sadu, Cirina, and @azems-familiar's Yesuntei
Unsundered name: pending
Character intro link: here
Inara is a mercenary from the Steppe who possesses the Echo, and plays a supporting role in all of Corrain's (and Lelesu's) various AUs, though her role rarely changes. Originally a member of the Oronir tribe, she runs away to prove herself, and ends up working with the Scions of the Seventh Dawn until she (and Yesuntei) win the Naadam for the Mol, and she marries Sadu (and Cirina and Yesuntei).
Fraegeim Hezzfyrwyn
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Age: 29
Race: Galdjent
Gender: cisgender
Sexuality: lesbian
Primary role: Warrior of Light of the First/Thirteenth (AU dependent)
Primary ships: N/A. Renda Rae, but never acted upon
Unsundered name: Helios
Character intro link: PENDING
Fraegeim is one of the fourteen disparate shards that Helios became after the Sundering, but her world of origin varies by AU. While she is always a shard of Corrain, and thus shares many personality traits with him- such as a love of mischief and laughter, a too-quick temper, and a childlike awe for the world in which she lives - whether or not she hails from the First or Thirteenth varies based on whether or not the AU is shared with Lelesu or Seleukos, mentioned above. When it is shared- she is Corrain's matching shard from the First (as Ardbert is Lelesu's matching shard). When he is the only WoL, she hails from the Thirteenth, and was slain much like Golbez was, after succumbing to Darkness.
Syewell Denman
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Age: 39 (ARR Start)
Race: Hyur, Highlander
Gender: bigender, uses all pronouns
Sexuality: queer (otherwise undefined)
Primary role: Ala Mhigan refugee, companion and check on the Warrior of Light (possesses the Echo)
Primary ships: Elidibus (and Elidibus/Asklepios)
Unsundered name: Asklepios
Character into link: PENDING
(More OCs to come. This is a Certainty. Help me)
(SWTOR OC masterpost here!)
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the-littlest-kojin · 16 days
Blaidd - 2 skips of the playlist
(Mortal Reminder - Pentakill) Staggering back from the force of the Warrior's axe-blow, Blaidd spits up a globule of blood, hearing his greatsword clattering to the floor a short distance away.
"Light-blind wretches," he snarls, "Do you really think I will let you pass?" Watching the Galdjent step forward, shield raised, Blaidd let his lip curl back in a snarl - and let the Wolf burst forth, a sudden wall of teeth and fur and claws that the would-be heroes cannot help but step back in alarm from. "So-called Warriors of Light," the Wolf-man snarls, towering over them all before his front paws hit the stone flagstones, shaking the ground. "I will tear out your throats!"
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myrfing · 9 months
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- elfs and their theocracies again somehow. also added context with just how big the church of the first light was & norvrandt’s relationship with light
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nothingxs · 5 days
FFXIV Write // Duel
To anyone who was familiar with the bandits here, among the purple leaves of these trees, the sight of her was not so strange. But to anyone who was unused to the sight? In the front stood a tall, muscular Mystel woman, rendering her already an oddity. She was much taller than one of her kind, standing maybe a head shorter than an elf—making her stranger still. And the strangest thing of all was that she was not just one of the foot soldiers.
The woman slowly marched to the front of the caravan, massive axe slung over her back, the haft held between her shoulders as her arms hooked over it. She smirked, her wild, furious red hair dancing in the breeze as her ears leaned forward, alert, almost predatory.
She was leading this particular group.
The captain of the caravan had marched to the front of the group, weapon sheathed at his side, his heavy heater shield held firm in his left arm. "Hear me, Maia-Lea. What we carry is for the Crystarium, not for the likes of you and your ilk. Step aside and we can avoid unnecessary bloodshed." His armor was well-maintained, and his helmet obscured most of his features above his nose.
"Let me get this straight, ye filthy whoreson. Yer suggestin' that I take my lads here 'n go, and y' won't hurt us. That right?"
"That is correct." The Galdjent man rolled his shoulders, then tilted his head side to side.
A decent group of Hume and Elven bandits had surrounded the caravan from a safe distance in the trees, with many of them having already drawn their weapons—assortments of swords, spears, daggers, axes and hatchets sprung among them; perhaps nine to twelve in all.
"Well, from what I'm seein', yeah? We've got th' bloody upper hand." And with an upnod from Maia-Lea, a smattering of arrows landed around the caravan of goods, several of the wagons being pelted with arrows that splintered into the wood to bury themselves, and myriad more lining the ground around them. A number of the caravan guard around the caravan whimpered and cowered, shields raised defensively in terror at being outnumbered. Another dozen elves, making themselves known from the trees for just a moment before slipping back under cover and moving, putting into question the true size of the bandit forces assailing the caravan.
The captain snarled. "A spineless coward, as always—"
"Right," Maia-Lea suddenly interrupted, slamming her axe into the ground. "See, I'm real tired of hearin' you say that, again 'n again 'n all over again! So I've decided I'm…" She raised her right hand, her index finger sticking up. "I'm gonna give you and your own a way outta this one, lad."
It was hard to see, but one could imagine the captain raising his eyebrow in that moment. "Well, that's rich, coming from you. Very well, I'll humor you—what is this, so-called way?"
"We've done this a few times, Vers! Three times now, y' come here and think yer prepared, and three times now things have gone ta utter shit for you 'n yours. And every time y' keep yappin' about how I'm a coward. So! Here I am." She drew a line on the ground with the blade of her axe before hefting it back over her shoulder, and stepped over it. "You 'n me, one on one! Your men are tired of gettin' their shite kicked about 'n I'm tired of y' not understandin' that th' fee for passin' through these woods is half o' what yer carryin'."
Vers tilted his head. Maybe his eyebrow raising could not be seen, but the helmet did allow a visible smirk to cross his lips. "Oh? And what are the terms of defeat?"
"Well," Maia-Lea started, "I figure I'll just knock th' wakin' outta ya like I usually do, and then when that happens, I'll politely ask yer lovely fellows t' start unloadin' half th' cargo, and I won't touch a hair on their heads."
"And what's in it for us?" The other guards had started to murmur amongst themselves.
"Hmmm. Hadn't thought of it, since it ain't happenin', but sure, y' can have me, I guess, and we'll back off. If that ain't good enough, well, we can just kick y' shite up 'n down th' road as normal, and take our things anyway, so…" The crowd of bandits chuckled and laughed at the assertion.
Vers' smirk turned into a broad grin, and he slowly drew his sword. "You will regret your challenge to me. I will see you rot in a cell."
"Don't think I will! Lads, let's make a ring, why not?" The bandits lowered their weapons and moved, encircling the entire area a bit more carefully, setting the stage for Maia-Lea and Vers both, and they both started to circle each other.
"Make your move, cur." Vers dropped into a stance, sword at the ready, pointed forward in preparation.
"Gladly!" Maia-Lea leapt, axe at her side, a gleeful expression painted on her face as her axe came around.
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XIV. Clear
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“It’s not just me, is it?” Ryne asked, staring across the Wandering Stairs. “It can’t just be me. Gaia, tell me it’s not just me.”
Gaia followed her gaze, cupping her teacup with both hands. “It’s not just you.”
The man and the woman sitting together several tables away looked as if they could hardly have come from more different parts of the realm. The man was heavily muscular and wore little more than trousers and smithy gloves, both of which were smudged with coal dust. The woman across from him was slender and petite and dressed head to toe in golden, shimmering silks, her short hair and nails and generous layer of makeup all immaculate. The two were deep in conversation, smiling dreamily at one another.
Ryne folded her arms on the table and rested her chin on them, looking up at Gaia almost plaintively. “How can they not see it?” 
Gaia shrugged. “People are oblivious.” Her lips quirked with amusement. “They don’t all read every last romance novel from the Cabinet, either.”
Ryne sat up straight, blushing. “Gaia! That’s your fault.”
Gaia tossed her hair back and took another sip of tea. “I’m just saying.”
Ryne sighed, picking up her own cup. “I just want to reach out and–argh–help them. They look so happy when they’re talking to one another.”
Gaia smirked at her. “You are such a gossip.”
“It isn’t just you, lass,” said a silver-haired elf, setting a fresh plate of coffee biscuits in front of them. “Them being head over heels for each other is clear as day, but they’re both too damned shy to admit the obvious.”
Ryne started, her blush making a return in force at the discovery that she had been overheard. “I–uhm–”
The waitress just chuckled. “Here’s a little more for you: Every day those two come here and stare into each other’s eyes, all moony. No one in the whole world except one another when they get like that. Goes on for ages.”
“Cyella! Stop gossiping with the customers and take these orders!” barked the galdjent from behind the bar.
Cyella didn’t look the slightest bit bothered by the reprimand. “Anything else I can get you two lasses?” she asked.
“I’m fine, thank you,” Gaia said primly, and Ryne nodded in turn.
Cyella slung her tray under her arm and walked back toward the bar. “Aye, Glynard. Hold your amaros, I’m coming.”
Gaia and Ryne looked at each other. They both broke out into stifled giggles.
“Oops,” said Ryne between her fingers. “I hope I didn’t get her in trouble.”
Gaia flapped a hand at her dismissively. “I doubt it,” she said, snatching up a biscuit. “It doesn’t sound like anything she hasn’t been through before.”
Sure enough, when Ryne looked over, she saw Cyella and Glynard chatting amicably as Cyella loaded up her tray with a new round of drinks.
“You know,” Gaia teased, “when you said you wanted to go out for tea and maybe do some people watching, I didn’t think that meant just two people.”
Ryne reached for a coffee biscuit and took a bite out of it, pouting. “I didn’t plan for it…but just look at them.”
The man and the woman at the nearby table were talking without taking their eyes off of one another. Both reached for the bowl of sugar that had been served with his coffee and her tea, and their fingers touched. Both immediately flinched away, blushing. 
“Ugh, spare me,” Gaia said, rolling her eyes. Ryne once again began to giggle in that infectious way of hers, and Gaia’s own pursed lips could not suppress the way her own shoulders began to shake with shared mirth. 
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onwesterlywinds · 1 year
PROMPT #22: Fulsome
"Feo Ul," she whispered after half a bell of lingering outside the Crystarium's apartments. "I need you."
They appeared at Ahtyn's shoulder in a burst of magicks, and she had no doubt that they had been watching all along - watching and waiting, in the hopes of providing comfort. Neither would she need to explain to them the situation in full.
"I'm here, sapling," they said. "No matter what."
Ahtyn's first thought was that he reminded her of her grandfather in his own final week, with scarcely the energy to breathe.
"It's you," he murmured. "Warrior of Darkness."
She wondered if she would ever grow used to the title, even now. "Please," she said, and sat down in the chair at his bedside. "I'd prefer you call me Livvy." It was far easier to use her chosen name on the First; it was a strange experience every time she was made to remember that Galdjent could not pronounce "Ahtynwyb Eynskyfwyn" any more readily than the average Elezen.
"Livvy," he confirmed, and his eyes filled with tears. "Thank you for seeking me out. Thank you…"
"You should thank the Exarch. He was the one who told me you wished to meet."
The old knight nodded but did not elaborate.
"He said-" Ahtyn continued, then paused. Feo Ul placed a comforting hand along her jaw. "The Exarch said I reminded you of someone."
She recognized the words as euphemistic the moment they left her mouth. If she had simply reminded Emet-Selch of Sappho, perhaps two worlds might not have needed saving.
Silence settled over their gathering for a long while, save for the flitting of Feo Ul's wings beside Ahtyn's ear - and only the unsteady rise and fall of the man's chest indicated that he had not fallen asleep when he closed his eyes to his grief. "My sister," he said at last. "Not in blood, as I discovered far too late. But she was our family's pride and joy. I would tell you her name, but that would have mortified her; she always… always recoiled when she heard it."
Feo Ul gave an odd sort of hum - of understanding, perhaps.
"She was fae-touched, like you." Ahtyn opened her mouth to comment. "Yes, I can sense your companion. After a fashion. She taught me how mortals can see them, should one approach with honesty. Humbling, for the gift to return."
Feo Ul muttered a fond string of curses, and for the first time, a chuckle rose to the old knight's lips. All the same, she could not determine if he had actually heard them, or if he was simply lost in his own memories.
"I carried such an immense hatred in my heart for so many years," he mused. "For Branden and his failures, for that demon Tadric - but most of all, for this world that could not keep her safe." He gave her another once-over. "And now, here you stand. …Bearing her star globe."
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autumnslance · 10 months
Roevember 2023 Day 18: Sin Eater
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Felina vs the Forgiven - "No further!"
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atdutiesend · 2 years
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{ ALT! Vallaria, the Twilight Lily }
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In Dove's personal canon, rather than Ardbert, there was Vallaria. She was a Galdjent sorceress from Ahm Arang, primarily a master of Black Magic who later picked up a greatsword when needed. Rather brusque and cold at first brush, she quickly warmed to the persistent. On the Source, she used her unofficial title as a name to blend more effectively as a Roegadyn.
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When she was absorbed into Dove, her more studious nature and ability to concentrate left Dove with a surprise - their ability to concentrate on activities requiring stillness, such as reading, had vastly increased. While they still much prefer oral storytelling and lectures to reading, they can now do so without consuming obscene amounts of tea or certain Garlean medicines and regretting their life decisions afterwards.
Vallaria is currently Enyo's only cis female shard.
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ffxivxd · 1 month
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While Eulmore was originally a marketplace for refugee Hume and Mystel pioneers, it wasn't until the founders were joined by Galdjent sailors and shipwrights that their ramshackle town began to thrive.
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bloodsworn-marshal · 2 years
FFXIVWrite2022: Prompt 28
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Writing Prompt: VAINGLORY Words: 679
“Hup…!” Huffed a certain dwarven spark looking to bite more than he could chew. Hefting what had to have been more than twice his weight and size as he hauled around enormous boxes of cargo.
“Hyaaanngg…!” Another loud grunt as he set the pile of heavy packages aside to make ready for yet another hefty haul. Back and forth, a number of these heavy liftings that would make a galdjent jealous. All while their two friends simply watched. One excessively worried as their dwarven companion kept on taking higher stakes while the other simply capitalized on it. Making bets with nearby onlookers as to see how much more the tiny man could take in one go.
“Another box on yer next lugging.”
“Easy enough!” The Tholl would huff proudly before taking on even further burden. Until the very point it looked as though Zurott was fit the pass out from worry. “How about we put an’ end to this an’ call it a day…! You might end up--”
“No, no. Let him keep going.” Jarexx held up a finger to shush the smaller Tholl. “He’ll give in eventually, but we can make bank while he’s goin.”
Pipitt knew not when to quit. Nor would his vanity let him when there was a show to perform and the crowd was absolutely eating it all up. Cheering and jeering. Egging him on whilst foreseeing his downfall. As if he’d let them down when all eyes were on him!
It was supposed to be a simple job. Help carry a bunch of cargo from the crafter’s hub and bring it on over to the amaro’s transport station to be ready for pick up. Lots of mail and packages to be sent between here and Eulmore these days after all.
Then many of the townsfolk happened to notice the small dwarf running around with all these huge boxes. Mesmerized by the small little thing hauling around all these packages with ease… and Jarexx had easily noticed the growing crowd as they gawked.
“Oh no, he’s…!” Zurott had piped up again as he realized Pipitt might have taken one too many this time around. Having a trouble as it is holding everything in his hands, but the top of his towering boxes was beginning to teeter back and forth. “He’s gonna crash!”
The crowd ate it up, true or not, because it did indeed look as though Pipitt was struggling with the last batch. Body beginning to tremble as he tried to keep it going. He looked about ready to collapse indeed.
…Yet he pushed himself forward once more. Shuffling around for a better grip and managing, at last second, to straighten his hold and get the packages to where they needed be going. To employers of this dwarf just about having a heart attack from watching themselves, but all so relieved once the job finally complete.
The crowd roared in excitement, daring Pipitt to do more and more!
“Oh yeh like all that do ye? Well just wait until I—”
“That’s enough.”
Zurott had rushed over to slap a hand over his bearded friend’s face while Jarexx was absolutely cackling not too far behind. A good bit of coin and cash in hand as he joined the group.
“But I did amazing did I not!? I had the people on the ropes and I could easily handle more—”
“How About A Break.”
“Ah—” Pipitt stuttered as he saw the dangerous look in his friend’s eyes. If a rack of armor could be sweating bullets about now, he would be. “I getcha now. A celebration! Yes, a fine celebration for my exploits and conquerin’ the challenge. You’ve the right idea!”
Just like that, the Tholl strode on up to Jarexx and swiped about half the coin in his hand.
“Part o’ that’s mine and I’ll drink my fill thank ye! Drinks are on me tonight boys~”
The chieftain’s son was so insufferable at times like these… but at least he put on a good show for all his troublemaking.
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kootiepatra · 2 years
#FFxivWrite2022 - Day 29 Prompt: "Fuse"
Not me writing more angst of my WoL introspecting herself into a Big Sad.
It was often when Keimwyda laid in bed that her thoughts most caught up to her, giving her time and space to work through them when she was sure to not be disturbed. Sometimes these times were helpful and reflective. Other times… less so.
Tonight was one of the latter.
It had all started with a throwaway comment from Y’shtola at dinner, musing about whether their forthcoming exploration of the Thirteenth might bring them into contact with shards of people they had met on the First, or even shards of Ascians who had not been made aware of their past heritage.
The conversation had moved on, and Keimwyda had moved on with it. At least, she thought she had. But now that her thoughts had time to wander wherever they willed, she found them drawn to a gently smiling face, looking down at her against a white sky, his battleaxe extended towards her in offering. “Take it. We fight as one.”
The last time she saw her friend.
On rare occasions, she could have sworn she had heard his voice in her mind. Though perhaps it was just her imagining it. She cupped a hand to her chest and closed her eyes. Was he still in there? Was he still him? Was he happy? Did he have regrets? How much could he even see, hear, or comprehend about what was going on?
She tried to remind herself that he chose his path. Seto had seemed pleased and at peace with the arrangement as well. ‘Twas not her place to judge, nor less to choose for him. Yet if she had fully understood what Ardbert had meant in that final moment, she might have made an attempt to deny him. …Assuming she could think clearly enough to formulate a reply. 
Which is not to say she was not grateful to him. She was. She would be dead, or worse, without his intervention. She was glad to count him a friend, and she would like to believe that she would have done the same for him if given the opportunity. But at times still the creeping horror would gnaw on the back of her mind, causing her to wonder… was she not to him what Nidhogg had been to Estinien? 
Was not his aether suffused and lost in her own, which was much denser than his? He was gone, and she lived on, not feeling as if she had personally changed. He was no more justly her vessel to serve her purpose than Estinien had been for the wyrm. She had no right to him or his essence.
…But he had chosen her. It helped her somewhat to recall, but it did not fully save her from feeling a bit monstrous.
She could not help but think of Zenos, melded into the breast of Shinryu, or of Gaius’ children who bound themselves body and soul to their weapons. But theirs, she supposed, was a joining of unlike things—man to primal, man to machina. The shade of Hythlodaeus had cast a much different light upon the adventurers hailing from different worlds—they were two pieces of one sundered soul, coming together again.
A “rejoining”, the Ascians might say. 
She did not much enjoy that thought, either. 
Whatever—whoever—Azem had been, Keimwyda and Ardbert were very different people, and real people. While there were certainly ways that they identified with one another, they were in other ways quite unalike. She was a tall Roegadyn—or should she say Galdjent. He was an average-sized Hume—or rather, Hyur. Their genders were different. Their colorings were different. She was quiet and reserved, and he was more forward and bold. She often kept silence, sometimes to excess, and he was much quicker to speak his mind. She was more cautious, he was more reckless; she was more gentle, he was more blunt.
They were not direct opposites, by any means, but she could not fathom how anyone could look at them and say, “Oh yes, you are both just like one singular ancient person”. How much could the color of their souls truly come into it?
The Ascians viewed the shards as lesser beings. “Half-men”, Emet-Selch had called them. One could be absolved of their murder, he argued, as they were not truly alive. She still found such a concept revolting and she had spent so much of her strength fighting against it. The First—and all the shards—were full of real people, who deserved their own lives and their own self-determination. Was it not now vastly hypocritical for her to now benefit from being rejoined?
She could practically imagine what Ardbert would say in protest—and she was sure she was imagining this, rather than hearing it. He would have reminded her how he had wanted to do this for Minfilia, as his companions had, and had been denied the chance. He would have reminded her how he by no means wished to linger forever as a shade. He would have reminded her he could not live with himself had he done nothing as she perished to save his world. That if she could put her soul on the line for the sake of others, then so could he.
She still felt ashamed that he had given up his very being that she might live.
She could not deny that it had worked. She could not dismiss the good she had objectively done with her second chance. She hoped she was spending her strength in a way that would make him proud. But she was just—her. A person with a gift she never earned, thrust into the right circumstances at the right time, doing her best to not squander the moment. She was just a person, as he had been. She deserved to live no more than he.
Her eyes welled up as she tried, without success, to ignore the guilt clouding her mind. It all felt overwhelming. The ache of missing yet another lost comrade. The looming sense of unworthiness. The uncertainty about who she really was, when all was said and done.
- It is all right, my friend. Just take a deep breath. -
Keimwyda did as instructed and found a bit of calm.
She hoped she hadn’t imagined that one.
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