#Galvani's residence
mynonsenseistingling · 7 months
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huruftimbulpekanbaru · 3 months
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PROMO! 0822-8435-6020 (T-Sel)  Huruf Timbul Residence Huruf
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ALamat : Jl. Putra Panca Kel.Air dingin Bukir Raya Pekanbaru.
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bonkle · 3 years
Some Bionicle Names Etymology
Right I’ll just make a whole post about this. I’ve had a lot of linguistic revelations about some of the names from the Ignition trilogy lately, in that members of the same groups seem to share thematic origins for their names. Figured I’d share them and look for some additional input, Biosector and other wikis don’t seem to note a lot of these. 
Some locations and also the Kanohi Ignika: These are probably the most obvious that most people know, but I’m putting them here anyway since I only realized Karda Nui’s and the Ignika’s etymology recently.
Mata Nui: “Mata” seems like one of the Māori words that got used early on, which means “surface,” which is fitting for an island. Though it  apparently also can mean “face,” which, wow, that foreshadowing.
I am aware “Kanohi” also means face in Māori.
Coincidentally, “Mata” does sound like “matter,” which thematically works with... *waves hands vaguely.* Matter, existence, Great Being, yknow...stuff.
Metru/Voya/Mahri/Karda Nui: Metro/voyage/marine/cardiac.
Bara/Aqua/Bota Magna: All terms relating to their states as a desert, ocean, and jungle. “Magna” is literally just Latin for “great” as well.
Ignika: Ignite (should’ve realized this earlier, considering its whole plotline is called the Ignition Trilogy).
The Barraki: Most of them have names based off their associated marine animal. Also pretty obvious, save for some exceptions.
Carapar: Crabs/carapace.
Ehlek: Eels/electricity.
Kalmah: Squids, calamari.
Mantax: Manta rays.
Pridak: Okay I thought this was derived from “a pride of sharks” but turns out a pride is a group of lions. So I actually have no idea, other than I guess Pridak is a prideful being or whatever.
Takadox: Weirdly, Takadox is associated with bugs. My best guess is that his name might be based from “tacklebox?” Cause bugs -> bait -> fishing.
The Karda Nui Makuta: Generally nasty names. The Mistika Makuta have a bug theme, but also maybe a spooky theme (spirits of the mist, after all).
Antroz: Antagonist? “Ant-” as that general negative prefix, at any rate.
Chirox: No idea. Google says “chiro-” is a prefix referring to the hands (like “chiropractor”), but I don’t think that relates to his character at all.
Mutran: Mutate, as our resident mad scientist (okay I guess all the Makuta are technically mad scientists, but you know what I mean).
Vamprah: Vampire.
Bitil: Beetle.
Krika: Cricket? I’m not sure he really looks like a cricket though. Maybe from “creak,” to fit in with the spooky mistika theme.
Gorast: Wasp for bug theme? Gore/ghast for spooky theme?
The Karda Nui Av-Matoran: Seem to have names all related to light and energy, surprise surprise.
Gavla: Galvanize. Fun fact, this is one of those words that isn’t from a Greek/Latin root or whatever, but some guy’s name, Luigi Galvani, the father of bioelectromagnetics. Particularly relevant considering Karda Nui’s thematics.
Kirop: No idea. Sounds like “corrupt” which is thematically relevant to his character, but that doesn’t fit with the overall naming theme of light. My other best guess is like...a backwards “spark” (symbolically reflecting his state as a shadow matoran?...).
Photok: Photon.
Radiak: Radiate.
Solek: Sol.
Tanma: ...Gamma? Like gamma radiation? This one is a bit of a stretch, I’ll admit.
Vican (Ok I know Vican isn’t an Av-Matoran but I’m putting him here since he’s still a 2008 Matoran): A shortening of Victor Frankenstein maybe, as befitting of his role as Mutran’s assistant.
Anyway if anyone has any other thoughts or examples, I’d love to hear them!
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josefavomjaaga · 3 years
Helfert, Joachim Murat, Chapter 6, Part 1
Waiting won’t make it any better. Let’s get this over with.
6. The tragedy of Pizzo.
October 1815.
Ferdinand's unfortunate adversary had landed in the gulf of Frejus on May 28th, had stayed a few days in Cannes, then had gone to Toulon and had taken up residence nearby in a country house belonging to General l'Allemand. He had lived here as a simple private, but some of his followers had started to join him: in addition to his travelling companions Bonafour and Roccaromana, General Rosetti, all three of his former adjutants, the naval officers Blancard, Donnadieu, Langlade, one of his former orderly officers Obrist Maceroni, and finally a Corse named Galvani, whom Joachim later appointed as his confidential secretary.
It seems that Murat wrote to his imperial brother-in-law soon after the catastrophe at Tolentino, asking him for permission to come to Paris; Napoleon, however, had Monsieur de Baudus tell him that he was to choose a place to stay between Sisteron and Grenoble until the people of Paris were sufficiently prepared to see him again in their midst; it would also be advisable for the queen to appear before him "so that the public might become accustomed to his obscurity".
Here the author inserts a footnote in which he doubts the date of the letter he has just quoted from, April 19, 1815, and suggests dating the letter later, to April 29 or even May 19. Napoleon's current correspondence still lists the letter under the old date:
Paris, April 19, 1815. Note for the Minister of Foreign Affairs Baudus is to leave at once to go to the Gulf of Juan. He will tell the King of Naples that His Majesty wishes him to choose a suitable place between Grenoble and Sisteron to live in until the arrival of the Queen and until the news from Naples is determined. He will testify to him in honest and reserved terms the regrets the Emperor feels because the King attacked without any consultation, without treaty, without any measure taken to be able to instruct the faithful subjects of Italy of what they should do, nor to direct them in the direction of the common interest. The king decided last year the fate of France by paralysing the army of Italy, since it resulted in a difference of 60,000 men to our disadvantage. It is not very suitable that the king comes to Paris. The queen must come there before him, so that the public becomes accustomed to his disgrace. Baudus will console him and assure him that the Emperor forgets all his wrongs, however serious they may be, to see only his misfortunes. But he does not want him to come to Paris until everything that concerns him has been decided. Baudus is charged with this mission of confidence, because it is known that he is very agreeable to the king. He will correspond directly with the minister. He can tell everything about the private and political conduct of the king. Baudus, agent of the Emperor, must make him feel: That, if the Emperor had wanted him to enter Italy; he would have made known to him his understandings; That proclamations dated from Paris would have produced a completely different effect; That he lost France in 1814; in 1815 he compromised it and lost himself; That his conduct in 1814 lost him in the minds of the Italians, because they saw that he was abandoning the Emperor's cause.
This is, if the date is indeed correct, only four days after he ordered an investigation into Murat’s conduct in 1814. The tone seems to be somewhat friendlier. So, did Napoleon have a change of heart? Helfert continues:
From Toulon, Murat had sent a courier to Fouché to offer the Emperor his arm and his sword, but he had received a cool, evasive reply. In the meantime the ex-king's stay had grown more uneasy with each passing day, until at last the news of the event of Waterloo, June 18, brought the whole of south-eastern France into arms against Napoleonic rule. Murat had to find a hiding place, wrote to the departmental authorities, to whom he pledged calm behaviour, and wrote to King Louis XVIII, whose magnanimity and generosity he invoked. He turned again to Fouché, who might procure him a passport to England, where he would live quietly and subject to the laws as a private citizen while waiting to see what the sovereigns would decide about him. For the same purpose he sent Colonel Maceroni to the Duke of Wellington in Paris and approached Lord Exmouth with the request to take him under the protection of his flag. But Maceroni was arrested in Paris, and word came from the Admiral that he could only receive the ex-king on board his ship as a prisoner.
Murat's situation became increasingly dangerous. The royal commissary in Toulon, Marquis de la Rivière, whose life he had saved years before when he was one of Cadoudal's co-conspirators, but who now could not show himself sufficiently devoted to the old dynasty, ordered a police officer, Joly-Claire, to seize the person of the he-king; the latter, however, refused to carry out such a spiteful measure, for which he later lost his job. Even a price was offered on Murat's head, and the idea was spread among the populace that he was carrying immense treasure, in order to incite them still more against him. It was now decided by Murat's followers that the "king" should remain hidden on the lonely coast nearby, while they themselves would find an opportunity to bring him to Havre-de-Grace, from where he should return to Paris and place himself under the protection of the allies. The pursued man now wandered about for two days and two nights without a morsel of food, until he found lodgings with poor people, who recognised him, but did not betray him; for patrols passed through the whole region. He stayed in a hole in the ground, the entrance to which was covered by his protectors with wood and dry leaves.
In the meantime, his aides had managed to hire a merchant ship in Toulon, while the three naval officers were supposed to scout out his hiding place with Galvani and bring him to the beach. However, due to a misunderstanding, the rendezvous failed; by the time Murat arrived at the appointed spot, his men had long since set sail again and could no longer see the man wandering on the shore, who was now forced to return to his good-natured lodgers. Finally, on the 22nd of August, on the same day that Murat sent a new letter to Fouché from his deep concealment "du fond de son ténébreux asyle", the three naval officers succeeded in providing him with a small vehicle from Toulon, on which he entrusted himself to the waves with them. The waves were very high, however, so that the journey was fraught with danger. Then they discovered a merchant ship sailing for Toulon, towards which they drifted, calling to the captain to take them on board and, for good money, to set sail for Corsica instead of France. But they were not heeded and the ship brushed against them as it sailed past, so close that their frail craft was about to tip over and bury them in the waves. The daring sailors were already beginning to despair when, towards evening, they spotted the Balancelle, which provided the regular mail service between the French south coast and Bastia. The captain seems to have been in agreement or at least to have known that the Muratists were seeking passage to Corsica, had them approached and took them on board while the vessel they were leaving was sinking before their eyes.
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evilblot · 4 years
King Francis Petty here. Tell me more about your Self Insert.
Last time I've replied to a similar ask, I went with vague yet overly specific one liners, this time allow me to use one of the most abused and uncreative stratagems to describe a character, that iiiiiiis..... ✨TV Tropes✨!
Despite the general overuse though, I have to admit the site actually forces you to critically think about and ultimately deconstruct your OC at their basic core, so it's not completely useless. It also took me way longer than I want to admit, but at least I've had the opportunity to define a couple of things that have remained idle for too long. Also it allowed me to describe my son's without having to contextualize everything, because if I actually tried to I'd still be here writing synopsis after synopsis completely missing the point of the ask lol.
Anyway without any further ado ~
Main/Canon - Silvia Garzetta: Literally me. More Deadly Than the Male. Whale Egg (good luck with this lol). Co-owner of your typical Bad-Guy bar. ACAB despite her father being a former one. The Dragon. The Nose Knows. Undying Loyalty. Occasional Friendly Enemy. Acrofatic. The Snark Knight. Bilingual Bonus. Darker and Edgier.
🍆 As the story arc progresses, she evolves from  Insecure Love Interest to the Violently Protective Girlfriend within the Outlaw Couple dynamic. Meaning she has yet to get kinky with the man.
Darkenblot - “...”: Same as main but worse, meaning if the OG is darker, this one is straight up Bloodier and Gorier. Almost Spurned into Suicide. Bitch in sheep’s clothes. Torture Technician. Murder the Hypotenuse / Removing the Rival.
Wizards of Mickey - Griselda “Gris” Thaar / Murias: She has the most complete story arc and in-depth lore, and still she doesn’t have an official design yet. Anti-Villain. The Dragon with an Agenda. Phlebotinum Rebel. Power Degeneration. While Rome Burns. Driven to Villainy. Appearance Angst. Secret Legacy. Fatal Flaw. Sealed Evil in a Can. Guinea Pig Family.
🍆 A little spoiler maybe, but she’s the only one of the bunch to have unlocked the achievement Unholy Matrimony. Also, she fucks 😏.
Resident Evil AU - Doc. Morana Galvani: She means no harm but she won’t hesitate, bitch. The Chain of Harm. Distress Call. Raising the Steaks. Maker of Monsters. False Innocence Trick. Gross-Up Close-Up. Once Is Not Enough. Trapped in Containment. Staking the Loved One. Came Back Wrong.
🍆 She fucks as well, but has an actual relationship with another character before the events with the Blot. I can’t tell you who they're, but they're a canon character too and you def don't expect them playing this role so the answer will shook you lol.
Monstersona: God, I wish that were me. Animalistic abomination. Voluntary Shapeshifting. Quizzical Tilt. Fully-Embraced F(r)iend. Occasional The Mind Is a Plaything of the Body. Phlegmings. Contextual Transformation Horror. Signature Roar, although I've yet to flesh it out. A nice combo of both Super-Persistent Predator & Suspiciously Stealthy Predator. Tribute to Fido, but we don’t talk about this.
🍆 She too fucks, but not solely with who you’re thinking of 😏.  
Of course the list is in no way set in stone since I'm still working on most of them, so take it as it is, but be aware that changes may eventually happen, especially in the name department.
Thanks again Fran for your ask, love how you force me to stop procrastinating about my S/Is and finally pull myself together to share my flights of fancy, I legit owe u my production efficiency lmao 💜💜💜
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1826 Sunday 28 May
7 20/60
12 40/60
No kiss last night or this morning
Got out of bed soon after awaking for fear of being bilious again, but sat by M-’s [Mariana’s] bedside talking till about 9 when the letter came 3 pages the ends, and under the seal, and 1/2 the 2nd page crossed (written small and pretty close as formerly) from Mrs Barlow, Paris - She is better has begged off going to Guernsey for change of air, and is going for this purpose to Anteil close to Paris for a little while (for a week) - Dr Tupper hopes this illness will have been a favourable crisis to her, and that she will be better now than she has been for years -
She writes as if she loved me as well as ever read her letter aloud to Pi [Mariana] all but a line or two where she regrets her want of pride in letting me see the state of her mind so plainly and altered some of the rest as I went along - she is expecting Mr Bell and adds ‘oh Anne pity me’ - she takes no notice of seeing me or not but evidently will not be out of Paris and I must go to her ‘I think my letters had better be burnt and destroyed there are some only fit for your eyes of other day’......’comfort welfare and happiness are words no more to be applied to me lavish them on those they suit much better but I complain not and want no reason for the decision which you have pronounced the influence which has swayed you can easily be traced to the Buxton visit where you were so lost in high admiration that I rave when I tread on this ground I wish I could blot out as I write may you be happy however I feel much obliged for the share you can still spare me of interest and friendship nothing can be kinder than all you express but what is the end of it all what is our acquaintance reduced to a limited paper effusion question or answer but excuse me forgive me a poor creature whose best affections have been sacrificed whose best feelings have been wasted I thought I had too much pride to pen so much but I either write too much or too little and that you have once pronounced I would not even wish to reverse’....she concludes with dated Tuesday twenty third ‘the strife within me is great I have much to struggle with and no doubt indifference and forgetfulness would be my best portion could it be attained you have said it would be your ‘bon heur’ to make your dearly beloved favorite may all your intentions be fulfilled and it will be some consolation to me to know that your happiness is thus really effected and will assist my own resignation tho I shall forever hat and detest myself for my weakness and credulity I am in a wretched mood and will leave off writing.......I reckon the days for answers to my letters I pace up and down the stairs for the arrival of the postman and I spend many hours and days lost in idle expectation I am vexed that I have exposed any of my feelings but I hope when my nerves are stronger I shall have acquired better ones I was ver very far from wishing to pen so much but this letter must go I have not strength to write another Doctor Tupper finds me much better get your mind amuse and you will be quite well he adds how can this be I am ever your very sincere friend CMB [Maria Barlow]’
This letter goes to my heart it made Pi [Mariana] very low she would do anything in the world for poor Mrs Barlow anything give me up if I wished tho it would soon break her heart it is indeed a bad business oh that the tyranny could pass by but I turned to Pi [Mariana] and said I would not give her up for all the world nothing should induce me to do this
Madame Droz has never been near Mrs Barlow during her ‘ill state of health’, but once she left her card at her door at 11 night ‘only for you would I have called, when I did, the beginning of much, to ask her the questions I did, and which I put to her separately - therefore you owe her no obligation for she could not avoid answering them - when I did call she offered me a little wine to enable me to get home, which I refused - she said I looked very ill - wrote the same to Mrs [Mid?] and yet never came near me - I am told she continued to speak with great regard for me, but the real fact is, they are a selfish couple, and I could do nothing for them, and was a whole bridge and 5 pair of stairs out of their way - Vide this good comment on French amitié - Mrs [Mid?] has taken an apartment on the Boulevard des Italiens ‘she recommended Pau as a delightful residence....would be happy to give you a letter of introduction to a charming English family’ - Mrs Barlow has formed (at Madame Galvanis) an acquaintance with a Colonel St Aubaire aetatis 77, who goes to drink tea with them twice a week -....’he is a great traveller, speaks several languages, and is remarkably well informed’ thinks ‘the air of Montpelier and Nice, from being too near the sea, ‘trop vif’ - he said he had lived a year at Tarbe, which town and the country around, he thought delightful - it is very near Bagnères, and 126 miles to the South of Bordeaux about - He remembers, Buonaparte admiring it much - Colonel St Aubaire also recommended Nismes - he said there was but one objection, the bigotry of the catholics - there are a great many protestants....but being a 2nd Rome almost in regard to its remaining ruins, I thought their mind might be ammused with these as well as the resource of a good library and establishments which a town like that must have - Her servant is lame at present and a thoroughly nouseless sort of woman - Jane quite well -
Letter also (3 pages and 2 or 3 lines) from Miss Pickford (11 Gloucester row Clifton near Bristol) - an indifferent account of herself - has heard we are, and supposes us in Bath, but not knowing where to find us, directs here - very kindly interested about us - has made many inquiries likely to be useful to us - has some thought of going abroad herself - wishes she may be able to accomplish it - ‘I have turned to good book authority and to well travelled people for information as to good winter quarters for the rheumatic and the literary, the result is Pisa - Geneva often too cold, sometimes delightful in the winter, good society of various sorts - Nice you heard of - rather vapourish air at times and not first rate in society - Naples more uncertain in all ways than Pisa, Florence often coldish, Turin rather too near the Alps etc etc etc’ was in train for good introductions for us but heard we were in Bath -
M- [Mariana] down to breakfast at 10, I at 10 3/4 - still so bilious, had cold roast beef and cold water for breakfast, and no bread and butter or milk - M- [Mariana] and I read aloud to my aunt and Mrs Veitch the morning service - we went out at 2 1/2 - sauntered up and down the terrace across the sown holme, there sat in the walk, and came in at 5 10/60 - tired and languid - lay down on 2 chairs in the little breakfast room for 20 minutes M- [Mariana] sitting by me - then went to dress. Dinner at 6 1/4 - Miss Walker of Cliffhill called before it was quite over and staid till 7 3/4 - then returned to the dining room and had our wine - tea and coffee at 8 1/2 - M- [Mariana] and I sat up downstairs talking over this thing and that - MacDonald’s coming - my going to York etc etc. Went up to bed at 10 3/4 at which hour Barometer 1/2 degree above changeable Fahrenheit 56˚. Fine day - O.. -
[Margin note] Madame Carbonier sends kind messages to me - hopes to see me in Switzerland -
Reference: SH:7/ML/E/9/0104 - SH:7/ML/E/9/0105
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artprintresidence · 4 years
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Electroetching, making a grey scale #electroetching #artprintresidence #copper #galvani (at Art Print Residence) https://www.instagram.com/p/CCY2yLRIFNo/?igshid=eqx1n0jm9olw
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vitosscaletta · 4 years
🍓🍓🍓🍓🍓🍓 Christian, Helena, Gina, Georgie, and Aaliyah!!!
THANK U!!!! sorry this is so late :(
IDK if I ever said this but his whole mansion in Bel Air is modeled after the interior in Versailles - still modern but with STRONG Baroque vibes
His favorite european city - besides Versailles of course - is Venice 😳 he lived there for some time in the 18th century and loved it there... he misses it a lot
He has a ghoul.... his name is Claude, the only living descendant of his favorite sister :(( Christian tracked him down in the early 1900s in Paris and eventually offered him to embrace him, but Claude was like nah... I wanna see the sunlight dude. They’re still living together in Bel Air since they’re the only family they have left :0 
Hangs out in LA nightclubs a lot - not the goth ones we see in the game.. the sexy ones where rich people hang out, he mostly feeds from them there.. slurp slurp!
Can speak english, french, italian, german and a few words in latin.. op king. being that old gives you time to learn languages ig
Went into an overdramatic state of fake depression after Helena dumped him.. didn’t leave his mansion at all, just hung around in his room, not eating (... drinking blood..), moping and talking about killing himself bc Toreadors are fucked up. Claude is like.. get up dude -_-
I also dont know if I ever said this but even though shes not the fledgling.. Heather is still her ghoul (she was in the santa monica clinic to get somehting done for la croy and yeah).. she regrets it because Heather is soooo annoying and does all of this shit for her like calling her her master and all that and it’s just so uncomfortable. Especially when she offers her her student loans. Helena is like “oh my god I can’t take this what the fuck?????????? this is yours. okay you know what.. if you insist.. i will take it 😏”
She doesn’t have the heart to kick her out though.. mostly because Helena misses having a roommate :c
The only people who were genuinely sad about her death are her mom and sister jhdsjhds.. the fake rich friends she had before her embrace didn’t really give a fuck about her until they realized they could get attention through it & started posting sob stories on myspace. Helena is mad about it.. those hoes treated her like a third wheel when she was alive 😤
she probably ends up “accidentally” telling her family she’s alive.. 
what annoys her the most about her death isn’t even the fact that she was killed.. it’s the fact that she didn’t die in a beautiful way, she was just some random nobody with no friends or fame who may have been killed by her boyfriend (except that the official story is that she never arrived at his house). Christian couldn’t have waited until she was an established actress so it could have been more poetic, nah he had to embrace her when nobody cared :((
She liked Christian’s Bel Air mansion but honestly?? her weird old apartment was still better - it wasn’t big and the furniture was a mess but it was still her home
Grew up with a single mother because her father died early in an accident... he was a construction worker or something :c her mom worked as a maid for a rich family until she got fired for stealing from them jdfkjsd
gets to rapture by assuming some rich girl’s identity. idk how she does that but.. somehow she does. Of course nobody knows about that, it’s her big secret 🤫 to the other rapture residents she’s just a rich heiress who acts a little different from New York’s high society because she lived abroad
she dislikes Rapture’s upper class for living so large when the poor have nothing just like she had nothing growing up.. doesn’t do much about it though..  Gina: *donates like a tiny amount of her wealth to an orphanage* wow helping people feels so good :)
Doesn’t have any real friends in rapture either except maybe Diane.. ironically because she thinks everyone else is fake 🙄
She didn’t like F*ntaine AT ALL because she thought he looked creepy but also because the Bronx accent scared her.. she’s really paranoid that he might have run into her while she was still living there and remembers her even though that’s soooo unlikely 😒 every time they’re in the same elevator together she turns away and pretends to look for something in her handbag
The civil war is just the worst for her bc she doesn’t want to align with the rebels they’re all freaks but there’s also no way in hell she’ll be on Andy Ryan’s side.. she’s just like *reluctantly joins rebels because she thinks its the winning team and because she thinks A**** is hot and doesn’t realize its the same guy she hid from at parties* *doesn’t do shit* 
has a weird relationship with her mom... she died when she was very very young and Georgie really doesn’t remember much about her - almost everything she knows is from her father reminiscing about how beautiful and loving she was but that’s not.. true.. its just how he remembers her, in reality she was a very cold & narcissistic person. she’ll never know the truth though :/
does NOT care about any politician or noble whatsoever but had a soft spot for Jessamine mostly because she made a friendly impression on her (from what she’s seen on posters and all that stuff).. Georgie liked to imagine she wanted to make things better for people like her. (the heart when pointed at Georgie: this bitch digs through garbage cans. freak.)
has little pots with flowers all over her little clinic in the distillery district, it adds a little life to her weird looking little home and makes it look even more goth-ish because they’re all dried out :/
is one of those people who are pretentious about drinking tea
has a weird rivalry with dr Galvani that he doesn’t know about 😒 her clinic is near his home and she's mad jealous of him, this dude has money to fund his research and expensive tools and what does he do with it?? dissect fucking rats? (she heard about it from Granny Rags and yeah she believes everything she says).. she’s out there calling him an idiot, meanwhile Galvani doesn’t even know she even exists
used to be a pickpocket as a kid.. mostly when her dad didn’t make enough money, she still got into trouble for it most of the time though and stopped when she got older -_- its ok though because she got to steal family heirlooms at the Boyle mansion during their masquerades because one of the sisters called her ugly
unlike the game wants you to believe she’s from Nevarra City rather than Ostwick 😳 the youngest of 5 siblings and the only mage in the family - since Nevarra is pretty chill about magic and has no circles, she grew up without the whole oppression thing that’s going on in the rest of thedas, thus all this templar shit is nonsense to her. We’re fine back home, thank you! Your mages are just fucked up because you put them in prisons!
She was supposed to become a Mortalitasi and have a pretty powerful position in the Nevarran court until idk something political that involved the chantry in one way or another happened and she got shipped off to ferelden’s circle (post blight duh). She managed to escape after a few weeks in its weakened state and joined the mage underground - she never really was a circle mage like in the game 🙄
She and a group of other mages she was friends with were supposed to go to the conclave together to.. vote for mage rights but you know what happened! Also you know this excerpt from a very angry person’s journal you can find in the fade? that was from her best friend who died in the explosion :c She still misses her a lot
The only people she’s close to within the inquisition are Sera, Varric and Dorian.. the rest are either more acquaintances or outright hate her (especially Vivienne.. i love her but BOY did they not get along).. She likes the advisors a little more, Josie is cool they’re not like bffs or anything but they like each other.. Leliana and her got along soooo well I think they were really good friends. Cullen was.. unfortunately her boyfriend but they also hated each other in the beginning. more on that later
The worst thing for her was the attack on Haven it fucked her up sooooo bad :c All those innocent people she wanted to protect dying, she tried her best to save them but it was still too late for some of them despite her best efforts.. it just really messes with her and she hates thinking about it.. she actually tried to run off on one occasion after that 😳
Feels sooo weird about the fact that she’s nevarran because on one hand that’s her home and she’s proud of it!!! on the other hand everyone acts like she’s the biggest freak bc they think she was in a death cult or something and she HATES it :((
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maxismatchccworld · 6 years
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Engineering Career Mod
Created for: The Sims 4 by Simply_Sims8
Hey all! I've been looking around recently and I've noticed at lack of engineering careers so I decided to make one. This has four main branches your sims can choose form. These branches include: Chemical Engineering, Civil Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering. Hope you guys have fun with it.   Blurb: You have always been partial to the sciences and mathematics have always been easy for you. It was no surprise to anyone when you decided to become an engineer. From roads to mobile phones, engineers have been highly influential in shaping society. As an engineer, you will applying your mathematical and scientific knowledge to come up with innovative and creative solutions to today's problems. Career Details: 1. Intern Ideal Mood: Focused Hourly Pay: $20 Work Schedule: M T W T F - - Start: 8 am (9 hrs) Objectives: Logic 1 Landing a job even before graduation was surprising. Now, you are prepared to roll up your sleeves and put in the work to succeed. Get ready to work long hours in the field learning from the best in the business. It would probably be beneficial to use this time improving your logic skill to ensure you can keep up with the professionals. 2. Graduate Engineer Ideal Mood: Focused Hourly Pay: $40 Work Schedule: M T W T F - - Start: 9 am (8 hrs) Objectives: Logic 2, Charisma 1 You've finally graduated and landed your first professional job at a world-renowned firm. You have the opportunity to work with and learn from the best. Use this opportunity wisely to form networks and make connections to your colleagues. Don't mess this up! 3. Associate Engineer Ideal Mood: Focused Hourly Pay: $60 Work Schedule: M T W T F S - Start: 8 am (8 hrs) Objectives: Logic 3, Charisma 2 As an Associate Engineer, you perform routine engineering work and you are in charge of a few interns. Now would be a good time to pick a specialty and advance in your career.
Chemical Engineer
Chemical engineers apply their knowledge of chemistry, biology, and engineering to carry out chemical processes on a commercial scale. Covering an incredibly diverse field, chemical engineering would suit sims with interests that extend beyond chemistry and mathematics. 1. Material Investigator Ideal Mood: Focused Hourly Pay: $83 Work Schedule: M T W T F - - Start: 9 am (8 hrs) Objectives: Logic 4, Charisma 3, Programming 1 Your first task as a chemical engineer is to determine the best materials to use in order to manufacture items. Keep you nose to the grindstone and you might get promoted soon. 2. Process Designer Ideal Mood: Focused Hourly Pay: $94 Work Schedule: M T W T F - - Start: 9 am (8 hrs) Objectives: Logic 5, Charisma 4, Programming 2 Congratulations on your promotion! As a process designer, your job is to come up with easier manufacturing processes that can be accomplished over a shorter period of time. 3. Biomolecular Manufacturer Ideal Mood: Focused Hourly Pay: $102 Work Schedule: M T W T - - - Start: 9 am (8 hrs) Objectives: Logic 6, Charisma 5, Handiness 1 Biomolecules have been employed in drug design. Biomolecular engineers focus on molecular level solutions to issues and problems in the fields of agriculture, food production, biotechnology and medicine. Your job involves designing new drugs that can combat human diseases faster and more effectively. 4. Plant Constructor Ideal Mood: Focused Hourly Pay: $108 Work Schedule: M - W T F - - Start: 9 am (8 hrs) Objectives: Logic 7, Charisma 6, Handiness 2 A new production plant is in order at your company. You have been placed in charge of designing a new plant that would improve the company's chemical manufacturing branch. 5. Project Leader Ideal Mood: Focused Hourly Pay: $168 Work Schedule: M T - T - - - Start: 9 am (8 hrs) Objectives: Logic 8, Handiness 3, Programming 3 It's time to step up your game here. As project leader, you've been given bigger responsibilities. Now instead of running around getting coffees for other colleagues, you have interns and fresh graduates of your own for that. 6. Senior Engineer Ideal Mood: Focused Hourly Pay: $200 Work Schedule: - T - T F - - Start: 10 am (6 hrs) Objectives: Logic 10, Handiness 5, Programming 5 All that hard work has paid off it seems as the company appears to be doing very well. You have proven your worth and your loyalty to the company. It is now your job to ensure that everything runs smoothly. 7. Chief Engineer Ideal Mood: Focused Hourly Pay: $290 Work Schedule: - T W T - - - Start: 10 am (6 hrs) Objectives: N/A Congratulations! After years of hard work, you have finally reached the pinnacle of your career. As a chief engineer, you oversee many other project teams. You are the person other colleagues turn to when they require any assistance.
Civil Engineer
With buildings, roads, and infrastructures being incredibly prominent and important in modern life, a civil engineer is always in demand. With an ever-growing population, civil engineers aim to merge ecologically-friendly designs with economical-friendly and sustainable builds. If coming up real-world solutions to environmental problems excite you, civil engineering would be an excellent choice. 1. Underground Dweller Ideal Mood: Focused Hourly Pay: $82 Work Schedule: M T W T F - - Start: 9 am (8 hrs) Objectives: Logic 4, Charisma 3, Handiness 1 Your company has recently been contracted by the town's board to create a safe and efficient train system connecting the town with it's close neighbors. Tunnels need to be made and tracks need to be laid down. Good luck with your first task! 2. Water Resource Planner Ideal Mood: Focused Hourly Pay: $96 Work Schedule: M T W T F - - Start: 9 am (8 hrs) Objectives: Logic 5, Charisma 4, Handiness 2 The growing population of your town means more buildings are being built. Your job is to create an new water distribution system that will provide for all residents of the town. 3. Urban Designer Ideal Mood: Focused Hourly Pay: $104 Work Schedule: M T W T F - - Start: 9 am (8 hrs) Objectives: Logic 6, Charisma 5, Fitness 1 Urban sprawls are the new thing now with an ever growing population. Your recent promotion means you have a bigger responsibility now and your first job is to create long-term and sustainable housing plans. 4. Structural Analyst Ideal Mood: Focused Hourly Pay: $110 Work Schedule: M T - T F - - Start: 9 am (8 hrs) Objectives: Logic 7, Charisma 7, Fitness 2 Your hard work has paid off it seems as you have been handed the reins of the data analysis team. As a structural analyst, you are required to determine the feasibility of buildings and roads. The future of the city is in your hands. 5. Project Leader Ideal Mood: Focused Hourly Pay: $172 Work Schedule: - T W T - - - Start: 10 am (6 hrs) Objectives: Logic 8, Fitness 3, Handiness 3 It's time to step up your game here. As project leader, you've been given bigger responsibilities. Now instead of running around getting coffees for other colleagues, you have interns and fresh graduates of your own for that. 6. Senior Engineer Ideal Mood: Focused Hourly Pay: $195 Work Schedule: M - - T F - - Start: 10 am (6 hrs) Objectives: Logic 10, Fitness 5, Handiness 5 All that hard work has paid off it seems as the company appears to be doing very well. You have proven your worth and your loyalty to the company. It is now your job to ensure that everything runs smoothly. 7. Chief Engineer Ideal Mood: Focused Hourly Pay: $285 Work Schedule: - T W - F - - Start: 10 am (6 hrs) Objectives: N/A Congratulations! After years of hard work, you have finally reached the pinnacle of your career. As a chief engineer, you oversee many other project teams. You are the person other colleagues turn to when they require any assistance.
Electrical Engineer
A rapidly growing field, electrical engineering involves the design and study of various electrical and electronic systems. From Luigi Galvani to Thomas Edison, electrical engineers have contributed to our understanding of the world around us with their discoveries and inventions. If improving technology for health and communication is your passion, electrical engineering is right for you. 1. Circuit Tester Ideal Mood: Focused Hourly Pay: $85 Work Schedule: M T W T F - - Start: 9 am (8 hrs) Objectives: Logic 4, Charisma 3, Programming 1 Your first task as a junior electrical engineer is to design and test circuits for systems. These systems can range from wiring for houses to more complex systems such as electrical train lines. Work hard and you might just earn a promotion. 2. Controller Designer Ideal Mood: Focused Hourly Pay: $94 Work Schedule: M T W T F - - Start: 9 am (8 hrs) Objectives: Logic 5, Charisma 4, Programming 2 Congratulations on your first promotion! Using the power of electrical signals and digital algorithms, your job is to design and test electrical systems to come up with lighter and more efficient motor systems. 3. Signal Analyst Ideal Mood: Focused Hourly Pay: $105 Work Schedule: M T W - F - - Start: 9 am (8 hrs) Objectives: Logic 6, Charisma 5, Programming 3 With an increasing rise in signal systems, there has never been a better time to be a signal analyst. Your job as an analyst is to understand and improve signal transmission and wireless communication. 4. Robot Builder Ideal Mood: Focused Hourly Pay: $110 Work Schedule: M - W T F - - Start: 9 am (8 hrs) Objectives: Logic 7, Charisma 6, Programming 4 Bzzt bzzt! What's that? It's your new robot creation. Automation is a growing field and your boss wants in on it. You've been given the task of designing functional robots that operate in a wide number of fields such as medicine, and manufacturing. Don't mess up and create a killing machine though! 5. Project Leader Ideal Mood: Focused Hourly Pay: $175 Work Schedule: M T - - F - - Start: 10 am (6 hrs) Objectives: Logic 8, Charisma 7, Programming 7 It's time to step up your game here. As project leader, you've been given bigger responsibilities. Now instead of running around getting coffees for other colleagues, you have interns and fresh graduates of your own for that. 6. Senior Engineer Ideal Mood: Focused Hourly Pay: $180 Work Schedule: - T - T F - - Start: 10 am (6 hrs) Objectives: Logic 10, Charisma 8, Programming 9 All that hard work has paid off it seems as the company appears to be doing very well. You have proven your worth and your loyalty to the company. It is now your job to ensure that everything runs smoothly. 7. Chief Engineer Ideal Mood: Focused Hourly Pay: $300 Work Schedule: - T W T - - - Start: 10 am (6 hrs) Objectives: N/A Congratulations! After years of hard work, you have finally reached the pinnacle of your career. As a chief engineer, you oversee many other project teams. You are the person other colleagues turn to when they require any assistance.
Mechanical Engineer
Have you always been interested in machines and mechanical systems? Do you dream of developing a machine that is able to improve lives? As a mechanical engineer, you will be involved in the design and manufacture of physical and mechanical systems. 1. Device Designer Ideal Mood: Focused Hourly Pay: $80 Work Schedule: M T W T F - - Start: 9 am (8 hrs) Objectives: Logic 4, Charisma 3, Handiness 1 Welcome to mechanical engineering! As a newly chartered engineer, you are in charge of coming up with innovative ideas for the client. From medical equipment to television remotes, the exciting world of machines await you. 2. Appliance Tester Ideal Mood: Focused Hourly Pay: $95 Work Schedule: M T W T F - - Start: 9 am (8 hrs) Objectives: Logic 5, Charisma 4, Handiness 2 Congratulations on your first promotion. You are now in charge of testing the products that have come off the assembly line. Should a faulty equipment be detected, you are in charge of notifying the project leader. Try not to lose a limb! 3. Product Quality Analyst Ideal Mood: Focused Hourly Pay: $100 Work Schedule: M T - T F - - Start: 9 am (8 hrs) Objectives: Logic 6, Charisma 5, Handiness 3 As a quality analyst you are in charge of determining the feasibility of any potential projects and if there is any demand for it. This is an important job as the company only have so many staff to work on a project at one time. Prioritizing is key here. 4. Design Manufacturer Ideal Mood: Focused Hourly Pay: $105 Work Schedule: M T W - F - - Start: 9 am (8 hrs) Objectives: Logic 7, Charisma 6, Handiness 4 As design manufacturer, you are in charge of overseeing the entire process of manufacturing. Keep a sharp eye out for any signs of trouble. A single fault in the production line could mess up an entire day's work. 5. Project Leader Ideal Mood: Focused Hourly Pay: $160 Work Schedule: M - W - F - - Start: 10 am (6 hrs) Objectives: Logic 8, Charisma 7, Handiness 7 It's time to step up your game here. As project leader, you've been given bigger responsibilities. Now instead of running around getting coffees for other colleagues, you have interns and fresh graduates of your own for that. 6. Senior Engineer Ideal Mood: Focused Hourly Pay: $180 Work Schedule: M T - T - - - Start: 10 am (6 hrs) Objectives: Logic 10, Charisma 8, Handiness 9 All that hard work has paid off it seems as the company appears to be doing very well. You have proven your worth and your loyalty to the company. It is now your job to ensure that everything runs smoothly. 7. Chief Engineer Ideal Mood: Focused Hourly Pay: $280 Work Schedule: M - - T F - - Start: 10 am (6 hrs) Objectives: N/A Congratulations! After years of hard work, you have finally reached the pinnacle of your career. As a chief engineer, you oversee many other project teams. You are the person other colleagues turn to when they require any assistance.
Download: http://modthesims.info/d/619933/engineering-career-mod/
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fotoreklamekeren · 3 years
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archedfdey · 4 years
parc central residences condo
Although animal neuroscience is an established and accepted fact, the neurobiology of plants remains controversial despite the fact that electrical signaling in plants was described by M.L. Berthelon in De l'Electricité des Végétaux (Aylon, Paris) 1783, eight years before the first reference of animal electrical signaling by L. Galvani in 1791. This is likely because plant responses to environmental stimuli are significantly (1000 to 100,000 times based on measured refractory periods for action potentials (APs) in Lupinus shoots by Adam Paszewski and Tadeusz Zawadzki, Action Potentials in Lupinus angustifolius L. Shoots (Maria Curie-Sklodowska University, Lublin, Poland 1976)) slower than those in animals (with the exception of a few - the touch-sensitive mimosa (Mimosa pudica) and Venus flytrap (Dionaea muscipula) that require speed to close their leaves and shut their traps since in general, plants do not require the speed of animals to escape predators or capture prey) and because of flawed views that persisted until recently that plants are helpless, passive organisms at the mercy of their environment with little need for rapid signaling.
In reality, plants possess neurobiology analogous to cnidarian nerve nets, in which the existence of a brain or central nervous system is not a prerequisite. This should not be surprising when considering the identical nature between plants and animals as pointed out parc central residence developer  by Frantisek Baluska, Dieter Volkmann, Andrej Hlavacka, Stefano Mancuso and Peter W. Barlow in Neurobiological View of Plants and Their Body Plan (Communication in Plants, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2006) in that both rely on identical sexual processes utilizing fusion between sperm cells and oocytes (female egg cells), both develop immunity when attacked by pathogens, and both use the same methods and means to drive their circadian rhythms (patterns of biological activity synchronized to day-night cycles). In addition, plants and animals transmit electrical signals over both short and long distances and rely on the same pathways and molecules to control their physiological responses (e.g. movement in animals, growth in plants).
Cnidarians and Plants: Convergent Neurobiology
Plants and cnidarians (e.g. anemones, hydra, jellyfish) have analogous nervous systems, in which stimuli is communicated via a nerve network or web of interconnecting neurons. Neither have a brain (though some theories postulate that root apices may serve as a brain in plants) or central nervous system in the context of advanced animal life. Consistent with plant neurobiology, in which a network of electrical and chemical signaling is used to detect and respond to environmental stimuli (biotic and abiotic), cnidarians do not feel pain per se; they merely react to stimuli.
Cnidaria (a phylum of over 9000 simple aquatic animals) rely on decentralized nerve nets consisting of sensory neurons that generate signals in response to stimuli, motor neurons that instruct muscles to contract and "cobwebs" of intermediate neurons.[1] Hydras rely on a structurally simple nerve net to bridge sensory photoreceptors and touch-sensitive nerve cells located on their body wall and tentacles. Jellyfish also depend on a loose network of nerves located within their epidermal and gastrodermal tissue (outer and inner body walls, respectively) to detect touch and a circular ring throughout the rhopalial lappet located at the rim of their body. Intercellular communication occurs in cnidaria through electronic signaling via synapses or small gaps across which electro-chemicals (called neurotransmitters) flow.
Cnidarian nerves (unlike those in advanced species) rely on neurotransmitters on both sides of their synapses enabling bi-directional action potential (AP) transmission. Cnidarian neurons communicate with all other neurons wherever they cross with such communication utilizing at least three specific pathways without preference. Basically, in cnidaria, stimuli at any point results in an impulse that radiates away in every direction providing optimal intercellular communication throughout the organism.
In both plants and cnidaria, electrical signals are transmitted through non-nerve tissues, from cell to cell through utilization of gap junctions. These gap junctions in a plant's cell wall are called plasmodesmata.
Consistent with cnidaria, plants rely on action potentials (AP) and synaptic intercellular communication utilizing auxin as their primary neurotransmitter with vascular strands representing nerves. Like cnidarians, plants rely on electrical signaling and developed pathways (phloem and sieve tubes in vascular plants; non-phloem tissue in non-vascular plants such as algae and liverworts) analogous to a nerve net "to respond rapidly to environmental stress factors (e.g. insect herbivory, pathogens, mechanical damage, etc.)" and environmental conditions (e.g. changes in temperature, light intensity, water availability, osmotic pressure, and the presence of chemical compounds). Through electrical signaling, plants "are able to rapidly transmit information over long distances... at the tissue and whole plant levels from leaves to roots and shoots and vice versa through utilization of ion channels."[2]
Evidence of Plant Neurobiological Processes:
1. Voltage levels change when mimosa leaves are touched (causing them to close) and the hairs of a Venus flytrap are triggered (causing the trap to snap shut). Scientists have measured action potentials (APs) in both plants dating back to the 1870s. Furthermore based on studies involving electrical stimuli applied between the midrib and lobe of a Venus flytrap's trap (which results in closing without the need to stimulate the trigger hairs), Dionaea muscipula have demonstrated three stages of electrical responses - stimulus perception, electrical signal transmission, and induction of response - and the existence of a short-term electrical memory (in that the trap does not close if repeated sub-threshold charges are applied).
2. Wounding in one part of a plant initiates a response elsewhere, which is not confined to the injury site nor duration of the initial wounding.
3. Electrical activity consistent with that in cnidaria occurs in the shoots of tomato plants when their leaves are crushed. Such signals are strongest in the phloem, which carries nutrients from the leaves to the roots and triggers the release of proteinase, which serves as a defense mechanism against insect herbivory.
4. Plants generate electrical signals in response to water and light/darkness conditions based on the results of studies involving fruit trees (namely, avocado, blueberry, lemon, and olive) in which electrical potential (EP) fluctuates between light and dark periods, decreases as water stress increases and increases as the transpiration rate rises per Luis A. Gurovich and Paulo Hermosilla, Electric signaling in fruit trees in response to water applications and light-darkness conditions (Journal of Plant Physiology 166, Elsevier, 2009). In addition, when a young leaf is exposed to light, such light elicits a release of action potentials (APs) that unleash a sequence of metabolic events that lead to growth.
5. Per Carol Kaesuk Yoon, Plants Found to Send Nerve-Like Messages (The New York Times, November 17, 1992) when electrical signals were permitted to flow freely from a caterpillar damaged tomato plant leaf, unaffected leaves initiated chemical defense mechanisms; when such electrical signals were blocked, no such defense response was initiated; and when movement of hormones was blocked, unaffected leaves still initiated defense mechanisms proving that electrical rather than chemical signals activate a plant's defense mechanisms.
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awhilesince · 4 years
Saturday, 6 December 1828
5 1/2
11 3/4
at my desk at 6 1/2, and reading Miller’s gardener’s dictionary Till 8 10/60 articles Luereus, Castanea Land, Gramen ploughing, Sorbus, Luick, Osculus, – Breakfast at 8 10/60 – 
went out at 9 – from then to 4 (came home while the men were at dinner) in the Cunnery plantation – found William Keighley junior just come – had him cutting down the upper Cunnery plantation hedge felling a few firs at the other end of the plantation, and the old black Italian poplar and valuing the 13 sycamores Mosey felled in the Clough Till about 4 1/2 about 66 feet of the sycamores at 1/4 per foot about 10 feet of wood in the poplar at 1/6, but a little hollow at the bottom so called it 14/. George Naylor came to me to me in the morning to ask to buy a few larches – found out they were for Womersley to build a shed of some sort at his stone quarry for 2 delvers soon afterwards came and chose out 6 larches at 1/3 = 716 and 2 ditto at 5/. = 10/. William K– (Keighley) to get me 2 bushes of acorns from Studley near Ripon – my intention to plant them around the young trees in the Coneyry wood – the 2 gardeners planting and helping to clear away – John and William and the horses charging away and snigging trees for Mosey and his man to saw up into railing –said William K– (Keighley) they reckon 18 feet of wood to yield a pack of bark – the allowance made for bark in measuring wood mentioned in Hoppus, it is not the Custom to make in Yorkshire – George Naylor appointed surveyor of the high ways in Southowram – 
I am brought me about 10 a letter 3 pages and the ends from Mrs Barlow (Paris) – is she besides herself 
‘anything relating to you brings on the fever ….. I think it right to say that I think it is more than my life is worth for me to remain here and to see you …. it would be very material to my health if you could remain away until I could be clear off in the spring …. for me to be seeking a new place of abode at this sseason of the year is more than I can undertake perhaps in my delicate state and yet in it better I should do so than witness your return here I shall tell Mrs S Barlow not to come and I can leave the field open to you early in the spring ….. if without too much inconvenience to yourself you could lengthen your absence it is the last favour I shall ever ask of you and an early answer would afford great relief to a suffering invalid   your poor aunt with tears begs to me to remain to triumph over Madame de Rosny alas she little knows the pearl beyond all price is gone lost forever she little knows that Madame de Rosny could say of her niece Miss Lister of Shibden that she feared from the character given her by Madame de Boive (Boyve) that her being under her roof might increase the ill fame her own character already possessed   good god and is it to such a none you have fallen from the path ….. am I to believe her statements true   and is your fall complete   oh how I have struggled to avert this believe me on my word I regret nothing for myself the agony is to have seen and perhaps again to see your degradation I feel no jealousy no malice no selfish motive as far as I am concerned it must be the same to me to whom you prostrate yourself’   then anxiety for my return to the paths of virtue invokes the blessings of heaven upon me and hopes I may never have one days bitterness as the many I am doomed to endure but I shall ever pray for you Anne my own dear lost one  oh good god support me in this ssevere trial oh how I loved honour and virtue and wished to see you enshrined in them I have still one consolation that if your good uncle could see the passing here below that he could never condemn me in any advice I have ventured to give you’  when well goes to see my aunt for her own sake   ‘she says you are going to remain in Paris two years Madame de Rosny had private conversations with Madame de Boive (Boyve) before I went to England they related to you the countess said she so pressingly asked her to call she could not refuse her   I did not mention any this gout of malice Anne but I think it my duty to point out that your new favorite is not blessed with much discretion and that I think it right to warn you to it cut of this I ssupose you have begun to be sensible that you will teach her to be more so for your own sake   a young Englishman  she tried for after you were gone and it quite turned her head because he was richer but he has cut her   she told Ferdinande her husband was much better with the Marquis Nicolai than with you who were not she thought ‘‘riche’’ 
the woman wont go to her when Mrs B- (Barlow) goes – Dr Tupper has not yet made up his mind about the apartment – the Senés anxious to keep such good tenants, and have carpeted my bedroom, Mrs B– (Barlow) thinking Miss MacL– (MacLean) would like it better –
(left margin: all emphasis dashes, marked in the original are always dotted, by me instead of lines under matter)
plenty of money to supply my aunt with – kept her bed since last week, and has not seen her ‘nor does she know I am writing; but I thought the fever might abate after this letter was written, and which hung upon my mind – would willingly die but for Jane 
‘but I must stay and endure all that my beloved god ordains do not be afraid that I shall be at or ment to you or trouble you in future   no doubt this is the last request I shall ever make you and it is to enable Jane to remain here this winter who very unwillingly gives up Paris oh Anne how happily we could have remained together if …. But it was decreed we should part   you love eclat to court the attention of the stranger and the far away (quoted from my last) and I shall soon be for gotten oh that I could as easily forget you   but I have been forgotten and put aside since last ….. this time twelve month you were still all you all to be  and I gloried in you  we took sacrament together on the twenty eighth of this month and I thought it would render our friendship still more sacred Anne are you happier now if you wish me to burn your next letter trust me to do it if it so requested oh I remember how you looked after your residence in Rue Matignon when you made believe to be in your sore throat   oh horror of horrors I rave again    I bear you no ill will my wound is too deep for that filled with poignant and deep sorrow bless you may the almighty bless you may I never see you again and may you find one as faithfully devoted as’ …. I cannot make it out – ‘how much I could tell you but will not plague you any more nor am I able to go through the horrible task    I should have been glad to have been spared the asking you to prolong your stay and at any other time I should have been off without saying a word    excuse this letter if I have said aught to offend you I intended it not cut my peace is gone and I know not what I write   
M. Touchon’s apparatus for extracting the human calculus, much approved by Sir Astley Cooper – was to have operated (was sent for) upon a Mr Jordan ‘but by the time  he arrived Mr J– (Jordan) was too ill to submit to it’ – ‘the countess says you delighted in such conversations as I blush to hear – teach her discretion if you can and not to boast so much of your favours sso publicly’ – It seems my ‘aunt is remarably well’ – is she be sides herself  mused a few minutes as I stood by William Keighley cutting down the upper Cunnery plantation hedge but soon turned to him and occupied myself with what I was about just saying within myself is she mad   to quarrel with the little countess now would never do true or not as this I must be wary and mind what I am about my heart is not interested my head will have fairer play but shall I leave Paris and thus get out of it all would Dijon do for us for my aunt may indeed live these dozen years  came home when the men went to dinner and from one to two and a quarter no from    
from 12 50/60 to 2 10/60 at my desk – and wrote what I thought of writing and sending in the evening to Mrs B– (Barlow) in answer to her tirade – at 2 10/60 went back to the plantation staid there perhaps near 1/2 hour after William K– (Keighley) went then went down to the bottom of the walk – their ashes partly washed away by a flush of water from Charles Howarth’s – must this stopt – then measuring to see how much railing it would take to rail off the whole of Lower brook ing wood and the walk above (in Lower brook Ing) anew – about 200 yards in length – 
came in at 5 20/60 – dressed – Dinner at 6 1/4 – came upstairs at 6 55/60 (had my wine afterwards) and from then to 7 55/60 wrote and sent by John to
‘Madame Madame Barlow, Rue des Champs Elysées No. 6, Paris’ the following 2 pages with 4 or 5 lines on the end of the other side to my aunt – Shibden Saturday evening 6 December 1828. Maria! I have been out all day, and have just got your letter – my heart aches more than perhaps you think, but would ache still more were it not supported by a conscience comparatively void of offence – I have neither time nor spirit to enter into detail – my letter, to save the next mail, must be in the posting - office in an hour; and I have ordered the servant to have his horse standing ready in the stable – at all rates, I lose not a moment in complying with your request to write as soon as I can – you have always found me at least ready to oblige you to the utmost of my poor ability; and on this, surely, not when scandal can shake your faith – if after your receipt of these few hurried lines, you still wish me not to return, I will do all I can to oblige you in this, also – But I give you my word of honour, you are mistaken –Madame G– (Galvani) is, at this moment, forcibly recalled to my mind, whom I have heard more than once observe, that the French not only tell all they know, but much more – not only count over what they have received, but  boast of what they have not – to me considered individually and singly, all this is unimportant: – to me considered collectively and in connection with others, it has an importance exactly equal to the credit given to it by those whose good opinion and regard I value – Perhaps, Maria, I might  justly complain to find myself so precipitately condemned unheard – Presumptive evidence, however plausible, should always be received with caution; and even the positive assertion of those whose veracity we have in any instance been known to doubt, should be well examined, and well weighed, before we attempt to fix on it the stamp of truth – But if you continue to do me the injustice you do me at present, I shall not blame your heart for it; and this at least, will shed one little beam of light along the darksome cloud that you have thrown around me – If you still desire my not returning to Paris till you are gone, (and may I entreat you to spare me, as soon as you can, at least the misery of suspense) I will do my utmost to manage it, and will take all the care in my power never to intrude upon you more – my constant prayer will be for your happiness – and may you live to discover that your esteem has not been deservedly forfeited by your ever steadily and sincerely affectionate friend AL (Anne Lister) – will you be good enough to send the 3 or 4 following lines to my aunt – Shibden Saturday evening 6 December 1828. my dear aunt   I am in a hurry to send off my letter to Mrs B– (Barlow) I find Dr T– Tupper can still give no decided answer – without further hesitation, lose no time in taking our present apartment for 3 months longer – It delights us to hear such continued good accounts of you – very busy – I shall stay over the rent-day, at all rates – all quite well – ever most affectionately yours AL (Anne Lister) – my father and Marian send their love’ – 
went downstairs at 7 55/60 and had my wine – then asleep on the sofa above an hour, till 10 – then talking about my aunt’s return to Shibden (my father always wishes it and will see no objection – no difficulties in the way), the difference it would make to all parties, servants etc. etc. and came upstairs at 10 40/60 – then till 11 wrote (all but the 2 first lines) of the first 13 lines of today, etc. Highish wind now at 11 p.m. – Very fine day –
(SH:7/ML/E/11/0102) (SH:7/ML/E/11/0103) (SH:7/ML/E/11/0104)
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Cluster eklusif dengan konsep Villa, lokasi strategis dan kwalitas bangunan terbaik. Velue : 💰 Dp diangsur 🏛 Rumah Istimewa 🔁 Cluster 🛣 Jalan lebar 🏬 Dekat swalayan 🏫 Dekat kampus dan sekolah Spek : ✔ Pondasi batu kali ✔ Struktur beton bertulang ✔ Dinding bata merah ✔ Lantai granit 60x60 ✔ Finishing plester, aci, cat mowilex ✔ Plafond gypsum rangka galvanis ✔ Atap baja ringan galvanis sni ✔ Genteng mantili finishing cat ✔ Dapur meja granit ✔ Kusen kayu jati ✔ Kamar mandi closed duduk + shower ✔ Air bersih PDAM ✔ PLN 1300 watt Kantor pemasaran : Senin - sabtu 08.00-16.00 💌 WA : 0856.4752.5274 📲 Telp : 0853.2007.3434 Lokasi : Perum Villa Residence Blok B No.04 (di Perum Villa Residence) https://www.instagram.com/p/B57QjhShsEm/?igshid=z0y9ghvp5t11
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What It Really Means: Galvanize
In 1780, Luigi Galvani discovered — totally by accident — that applying electricity to a severed leg of a frog made the leg twitch. Accounts differ as to whether it was static electricity, a stray electrical spark, or an electrical current caused by connecting dissimilar metals.
We honor his name when we speak of galvanizing someone — meaning they jerk into action (literally or figuratively) as if they had received an electrical shock.
Galvani thought the electricity that made the leg move resided within the frog as a fluid. A colleague figured out that the current came from outside the frog. He built the first battery in order to prove it.
He was Alessandro Volta. We celebrate his achievements every time we measure the voltage of an electrical current. Or drive the hybrid electric car called the Chevrolet Volt.
There’s another kind of galvanizing: the coating of steel or iron with a corrosion-resisting layer of zinc. The zinc actually protects even if scratched. Because of its greater negative electropotential, it corrodes first, leaving the steel or iron undamaged. For a while, anyway.
We learned the electrical implications of dissimilar metals through Galvani’s discovery. That's why Stanislaus Sorel, who took out the first patents for zinc coatings in 1837, called the process “galvanization.” — Luigi Galvani, as painted by an unknown artist sometime in the 18th or 19th century; photo of painting via Wikimedia Commons 7/13/17
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fallengodofscience · 8 years
R O L E P L A Y   C H A R A C T E R   S T A T S   S H E E T
▍ FACE CLAIM: Bigglesworth Carrotdick ▍ NAME:  Victor Frankenstein
▍ AGE:  Early to mid-30s ▍ GENDER: Male ▍ NATIONALITY: Swiss ▍ BIRTHDAY: November 11th (Rebirthday: February 13th) ▍ SUN SIGN: Scorpio (Rebirthday: Aquarius) ▍ RESIDENCE: Verse-dependent ▍ MARITAL STATUS: Single ▍ ALIGNMENT: Chaotic neutral
▍ DRINK: Blood ▍ FOOD: ^^^ ▍ DAY OR NIGHT: Night ▍ SNACKS: See food/drink ▍ SONG: Lesser Of Two Evils - Bastille ▍ QUOTE: “Death is the golden key that opens the palace of eternity.” --John Milton
▍ HISTORICAL CHARACTER: Luigi Galvani ▍ PET: Kronk (His maker’s corvid familiar(?)) ▍ BOOK: Agrippa, Paracelsus, Flamel ▍ COLOUR: Auburn ▍ FLOWER: Amaranth ▍ SEXUALITY: Bisexual
▍ BODY TYPE: 6′1, skinny af ▍ EYE COLOUR: Iridescent red ▍ HAIR COLOUR: Black with ginger tint
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