#Ganondorf I hate you more with each passing day
myststone · 2 years
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Right ya’ll? ;-;
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catyo90 · 1 year
Fighting Fate: Chapter 2
(Wow you guys really wanted a continuation of this....well who the heck am I to deny yall. Consider this a confirmed series that I will write out. Enjoy!!!)
Ganondorf smiled to himself as he overlooked his kingdom, to see the women and children going about their days as the sounds of the desert surrounded the area with the sun beginning to set for the day. He looked over his shoulder to see Zelda at his desk writing out a letter to be sent to all of the realms as to inform of the union that would come to pass. He couldn’t help but find it a bit funny that she needed a plush pillow in order to sit properly as the desk was much bigger.
He knew that this union would be a difficult one to accept, but if he was truly to insure his peoples freedom then he would be willing. But in the back of his mind he knew this union was not entirely unwelcome. She was a fair and wise girl for such a young age and his attempt to wed Sonia was never going to come to pass, he scoffed at the memory of when he first saw Queen Sonia when both of them were teens. She was just as beautiful as she was now, but years of being apart caused them to drift apart, especially when he found out her betrothal to the Zonai. A memory that would haunt him for the rest of his days.
A small tap on his arm made him flinch ever so slightly as he looked down to see Zelda holding the finished letters.
“You wished to over look the letters did you not?” She asked as he nodded to her and took them to read them. In short they were a simple and none showed of any fear or warning of their union. The ones to the Zora, Goron and Rito were straight to the point and offered comforting words in showing that the union was agreed by both parties. The one written to the hyrulian though were written more as a sign of peace, saying more how the Gerudo were treating her fairly and how no hostility was found with him. It was strange to see how she wrote positive words of his people when many hyrulian saw most Gerudo as thieves and warriors with no mercy.
“They are acceptable. I will have my fastest riders send them to your guards at the border then they can deliver them to each realm.”
“Before you do there is one matter you still need to do.”
He gave her puzzled look as she handed him the quill. 
“A show of good faith with your signature and mine on each of them will show that there is no hidden agendas or tricks for the others to worry for.”
He scoffed.
“As if they would care for what I think. They will never truly trust us.” He gestured out to the kingdom.
“Then make them. I promise you...it will help. They will see that you truly wish for peace, trust me on this matter King Ganondorf.”
He was about to speak out once more but he knew there was no point, she was quite headstrong and stubborn, she would make a better Gerudo than Hylian with such traits. He walked over to the desk and signed his name at the bottom of each letter and she signed her own name next to his.
“Perfect, now they may be sent out. She said walking up to one of the women guards who kneeled down and took them bowing her head to both of them leaving them in the room by themselves.
Ganondorf simply shook his head pinching the bridge of his nose realizing that there would be even more political matters in the future. Something a warrior king truly hated...maybe even more the idea of swearing fealty to Rauru.
Zelda turned her gaze to him and softly coughed to get his attention.
“If you would be willing...I would like to see more of your kingdom. Perhaps a walk around the city before it gets too dark.”
He thought on it for a moment before walking over to the throne grabbing his blade in hand. As he motioned for her to follow him. She did so trying to match his speed, every step he took would be equal to three of her own. She watched as he walked ahead of her down the main stairs to see the women guards she had come with were being offered some fruits and drinks as some of the Gerudo women placed fabrics down on the ground clearly showing good faith. The guards noticed her walking with him and for a moment were about to stand up at attention until she waved a hand at them for them to be at ease. It pleased her to see that not all of the Gerudo seemed to hate the Hylians, perhaps staying in his domain would truly help the kingdoms relations.
They both turned at the corner of one of the alleyways to where she saw a few of the small shops, most with food and clothes where she saw other traveling hylians offering trade. She had heard that Ganondorf was open to the trade of the people who were wondering the deserts as not all Hylians were sworn to the crown and preferred the life of being on the open road.
“King Ganondorf!” She heard the sound of multiple small footsteps running their direction to see many young kids run up to their king were he leaned down smiling at each of them gently rubbing their heads messing up their hair in the process. One of the children snuck up behind and climbed up his back making him sigh as they tried to topple him over with no success. Zelda smiled and couldn’t help but laugh at the sight. She saw his gaze fall on her for a moment before the children stood behind him looking over at her. Clearly a bit nervous to see a hylian of her stature. She could see them whispering to him and suddenly he chuckled to himself as he pointed to her and whispered them something that made them all smile and run up to her.
“Lady Zelda come with us! Please you’ll want to meet them.”
“Yes please miss you with love them they are the cutest sand seals.”
“oh I suppose...alright...woah” She said as the girls gently pulled her hand forward and some gently pushed her legs forward. The sigh made Gannon smirk to himself as he walked behind them carrying two of the girls on his shoulder as they gripped his hair laughing as he walked.
Zelda saw the children bringing her to a side stable where a large pen was. The children let go of her hands and ran to the fence to look at the sand for any vibrations. Zelda as well was a bit curious as she looked at the sand with them until a small rumble could be seen but then disappeared.
“Aw no fair, they must be sleeping.”
“Well perhaps all they need is to hear his call.” one of the children said looking up at Ganondorf. He rolled his eyes for a moment as he spoke.
“They are not sleeping children...they are simply waiting.”
Zelda looked curiously at her and then back at the sand when suddenly two of the biggest sand seals she had ever seen pounced out of the ground bringing their heads to the top of the pen.
“In the name of the goddess...they are huge. I never imagined they grew this big” Zelda said as the children laughed and smiled as they walked up to them giving them pets. Ganon walked beside her putting the two children on his shoulder on the ground.
“They have to be, they are mine to command and ride. None of the smaller ones could handle me.”
“Oh...” She said as got a better look at them as they licked the children's hands and faces. One had much more grey than brown fur with a red mane with larger tusks than the other. The other while the same size had blueish fur with a white mane to match. She saw one of the children pick up a whole melon from the side of the pen and offered it to them, eating it in one big bite.
“Miss, here  here your turn.” one of the children offered a smaller piece of melon to her pulling her closer to them. Zelda smiled as she broke the piece in half offering both of them. The seals hummed to themselves as they each ate them so quick that it almost surprised her. They licked her hands and gently nuzzled their mouth toward her hands trying to lick up the juice left on them. She started to laugh at the feeling as she watched the children smiling and laughing with her. Ganondorf watched with a bit of surprise and curiosity. 
Most hylians were not used to sand seals yet she seemed to be completely at ease around them, it was as if she had seen them before yet he knew she had never been to his kingdom before, he simply chalked it up to her having seen them when she arrived but still it was a bit odd.
Suddenly the sound of a spear hitting the ground was heard as two women stood behind looking to the children.
“Children the moon is out, you should head home for the night. You will all need your rest to become great warriors.”
The children looked a bit disappointed as they simply nodded as Ganondorf held a hand out to the warrior women giving the children a moment before leaning down to them and putting his blade away from their sight as he opened his arms out to them and offered a giant hug making each of them smile and laugh as he lifted them from the ground as if they weighed nothing. They all laughed as he placed them down on the ground running off into the directions of their homes. he smiled to himself before looking over to Zelda who was utterly shocked.
The demon king that she knew would never have done that, heck it was almost impossible for her to even imagine. Yet here he was offering them kind actions like a father would to his children. 
“So surprised to see such acts from their King...” He said a bit coldly to her thinking the look she gave him was one of judgement.
“No. Its...its just nice to see they are enjoying their childhoods...I never really had such an option.” She grew a bit saddened as the memories of her father constantly criticizing her for her interests in the tech and the loss of her childhood when her mother passed. She honestly couldn’t recall the last time her father made her smile like that. 
He looked ashamed of himself for what he said. He should have known that being related to the royal hyrulian family was no easy task, after all the responsibility was not unknown to him. She looked to see Ganondorf facial expression change as he looked at his sand seals and then out at the gate leading into the desert and immediately a thought came to his mind.
“Did you still wish to see the lands of my kingdom?”
‘Of course.”
He hummed to himself for a moment as he whistled to the his seals that perked up their ears and immediately ran to the front of the gate. She watched as Ganon tied a small supply back on to the back and checked the ropes tied to the gigantic sled, he stood on it and checked the ropes before offering his hand to her.
“Your not afraid now are you? Tough girl.” He said with a small smirk.
She shook her head as she took his hand letting her stand in front of him with his arms on either side holding onto the handle of the sled. He kicked up the reins and in an instant the seals ran off into the vast ocean of the sand. She felt her whole body hit into the front of his as she tried to keep herself stable until she felt his arm wrapped around her midsection. She couldn’t help herself by grabbing his arm, to be both surprised and maybe perhaps a bit welcome at the gesture . The sand seals rushed into the dunes past multiple sinkholes almost too close for comfort, jumping out of the sand so quickly made her whole body lift off the sled a bit making her laugh but also scream surprisingly as she saw them climbing through the thick desert sand up the hills to see a small oasis that seemed to be void of any people. The cool desert air pricked her skin as she felt the grains of sand cling to her skin and clothes. The seals stopped just a bit short of the small oasis shaking off their fur as Ganondorf looked down at her only to laugh loudly at the sight. Her hair was slightly a mess and still she clung onto his arm with her legs shaking a bit.
“That was....that was not what I expected.”
“Hahaha. Perhaps you would want to try it again so you get used to it.”
“No, no, I'm fine with us stopping here...” She said looking down at her hand on his arm, immediately feeling her ears getting a bit warmer as she quickly moved it to fix her hair. 
“You...you can let go of me now.”
“Are you sure about that?” He said moving his arm lower so she was sitting on it lifting her up to his eye level.
“I wouldn’t want my new bride to hurt herself.”
“Y.....yes I am very sure...please.”
“As you wish.”
He smiled to himself as he placed her back on the ground as he stood off of the sled untying the ropes allowing the seals to drink from the oasis. He looked behind him to see Zelda looking out into the now illuminated sands by the moon. The wind howling into the night as the faint hue of the kingdoms lights could be seen. He breathed in the night air, moments like this reminded why he was fighting so hard for his people. He knew what the other realm thought and in truth he couldn’t have cared less. All he really wanted was freedom, both for his people and himself. For years he hated that the knowledge of Demise’s curse flowing through his blood made all those who looked upon him as nothing but a monster. The moment from his birth he was told that he would lead the people to their true value...yet he would be hated and feared by all. Perhaps it was foolish of him to hope that he could change his fate. 
Suddenly he felt his sand seals leaning on him offering a comforting nudge of their heads as he pet them. He leaned over to the sled and untied the rug that he kept with him in case he was to scout for days on end along with his troops. He placed it down on the hard ground as he watched his older seal sitting behind him as the  younger seal lay down beside him breathing slowly knowing fully well the children must have fed them more than they thought they could handle.
As he looked over Zelda and noticed she was shivering. The moon light glazed over her skin making her look almost like a holy spirit as the dress she wore which was lightly covered in sand blew in the air in time with her hair. Yet she was still a sight for sore eyes, truly one he didn’t expect to enjoy.
“Lady Zelda...” He said seeing her turn around gripping her arms as she noticed him sitting down beside his seals with an arm gesturing to the spot next to him. The moon illuminating his body in a low glow as the gold accessories he wore gleamed in the light. His vibrant red hair surrounding his frame as the loose Gerudo clothes blew in the wind. She was now completely nervous. Why was he being like this to her? They were not wed and yet he was acting completely differently than she ever expected. This man was the reason for all the pain in her time, Mipha, Urbosa, Revali and Daruk. All of them died by his hand, the pain inflected on her kingdom and Link.
Link... She had almost forgotten that he was searching for her in their time. But she knew the choice she made was for the best. By marrying him, all the deaths and suffering that happened will never come to pass. But then again there was no true guarantee that it would happen...after all with the blood of the goddess in her veins and Demise in him...fate might be cruller to them than any past incantations. She would not allow such a fate to happen again...not if she could stop it. 
“You’ll freeze if you just stand there.” He said this time patting the rug as if it were no big deal.
She simply nodded in agreement as she sat next to him as the younger of the seal cuddled up to her allowing all the warmth to return to her body. She looked up at Ganondorf and spoke.
“...Thank you. In truth I did not think you to be like this to a woman you barely knew...seeing as we both have strange fates...”
“You should know by now that I am not a complete and utter monster. I am a man first and a king second. Whatever the other realms see in me...I will change that fate. No matter how it must be done.”
He looked down at her.
“I can see in your eyes that you wished at some point that you never had the blood of the goddess in your veins...for what reason you need not tell me...but clearly your family sees you as thing to be relished on a pedestal...a holy figure.”
She saw him look up at the stars and sighed. She knew what he meant, living a normal life was never going to happen. She had to grow up fast and learn to fight off the Calamity since she was very young. While the protecting the realm was more than enough a reason to do it...it was never truly enough for those around her. Only the champions and Link truly understood her and yet...here she was sitting with their enemy so to be wed and in truth felt that he too understood her struggle. 
“I do hope that this...” She gestured to both of them.
“Will truly work.”
“We will have to wait and see.” He said leaning back. When he felt her lay her head against his arm which surprised him seeing her gently petting the younger seals head making it hum in appreciation. He could feel his heart beat ever so quickly at the sight as a small blush came upon his face as he ran a hand through his hair trying to ignore it. 
“King Ganondorf....”
“I meant to ask, what are there names” she said pointing to the seals.
He pointed to the bigger one and then to the smaller one.
“ Cerbofog and Tuguk.” the seals moved their heads in response but soon calmed down and layed back down in the sand.
“What? They are Gerudo warrior names. What would you name them?”
“Well...personally they look more like Blubber and Flipper to me...”
The look on his face was one of pure cringe at the idea of the names for him being so...casual. It didn’t help that when she called them that they actually looked up with wide smiling faces barking in excitement. 
“See...even they like the idea of nicknames like that.” She said rubbing their fur causing them to roll over in pure joy as she ruffled up their manes in a friendly manner. He was never gonna the hear the end of this from her. But the sight of her laughing as the newly appointed Blubber and Flipper loved on her even more than before made him sigh to himself...for once...in a very long time did he feel peace.
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ijustwantcoffee · 6 months
So this is one of the first times writing for any fandom really. But I just love LU stuff and I thought I’d try it out. This is a little beginning of chapter 1 for a fic I wanna write! If you have any suggestions or comments I would love to hear them, I’m always open for constructive feedback! :)
It was dark, terrifyingly so. This darkness compares to the kind he faced in his early days in depths; dark, cold, and haunting. He wanted to rationalize, wonder about what was happening, where he was; but it seems he’s lost the ability to think. He could only exist. This darkness resembled the depths in another way too, it held a sort of tenseness or anticipation. He held his breath, like he has before the release of an arrow, or as he’s going in for a sneak attack. Only this time, he's waiting. Waiting for something to happen, and it did. Pain, surging hot, crawls up his right arm in a fast succession, draining him from what seems like anything. Taking whatever it can in a matter of seconds. It's hot, boiling, like the heat on Death Mountain. Up his arm it crawls, burning, making him twist and turn in agony. It's all his hazy mind can think about, the pain that shot through his system.
Link suddenly lurches forward, eyes wide and breathing hard. He realizes he’s gripping fabric, more specifically the blankets he's currently under. ‘Ah.’ he thinks, ‘just a dream, of course’. Rubbing his eyes he notes how that's been a recurring dream for a while now, he should have guessed at this point. Although it was just a dream, his right arm is slightly sore and achy, from what? Link hasn’t a clue. He’s still trying to get used to having his real arm back, yes with some alterations like Rarus’ markings, but still it wasn’t too much to handle.
It seems to be early morning, Link deduced, not just because of the clock; but also because the sun is still rising over the hills and from the looks of it not many people are up in TarryTown. Despite it still being early, it seems Zelda has left the room. To that, Link begrudgingly gets up.
Walking out of his bedroom, he walks down the upstairs hallway. The relocation was nice, Link always adored TarryTown, he helped build it after all. Plus two houses? That’s two places he could stay for free! Win win in his book. Walking down the hall he passed by several doors. Another thing he liked about TerryTown was that he could customize his house. Having his own kitchen, study, and bedroom, he loved it. Getting to design something was his main joy in the project, before he just put weapons on the walls. Now he still did that, 100%, but he decorated too, Zelda was rather thrilled her decorating lectures didn’t go to too much waste. Something he made sure to add to this house was guest rooms. Four to be exact, each situated with two beds. Perfect to hold, altogether eight people. Link saddened a bit at the reminder. It was true, he did add those rooms in the thought of them, on the off chance that they’d ever be able to come back to his own era. Thinking he could do something for his team, even while he wasn’t with them, put some ease into his mind and heart about the whole situation, which made it easier to move on.
Walking down the stairs, Link's thoughts still went on. He hated how much he thought about them, how much he was affected by the departure. Link would often catch himself thinking ‘Twi would hate this plan’, ‘Legend would want that’, ‘That’s something Time would say’, and so on. It got tiring, everything reminded Link of them. He hated it. He hated how even after the countless months, a little over half a year, he was still haunted by the thought of them. Like Hylia herself wanted to keep rubbing in the fact that he didn’t succeed, and that he had to leave them. It had only gotten worse after the battle with Ganondorf. Up until a few days ago, he could keep the thoughts and memories out, focus on the mission. Leave those moments in the back of his mind, continue forward because he had more important things to worry about, he wanted to have more important things to worry about. But now? After the journey? After catching Zelda in his arms a week or so ago? The chain was all he could think about.
Getting down the stairs to the first floor was a struggle, he was still sore from his second adventure and his muscles and bones ached like all hell. Old scars that covered his left side pulling and itching. ‘This sucks’ He decided. Making his way to the kitchen he starts pulling out ingredients. Just because he was sore didn’t mean he still couldn’t cook, no way! After the battle Zelda, and everyone else, put him on strict bedrest; something he said he didn’t need. However he couldn’t have argued that much if he tried, Teba was already giving him a stern dad glare from the first rebuttal. As boring as it was, he was able to get around to doing some things he needed to. One of those being cooking, specifically trying new recipes. Link gained many new recipes over this journey and he’s set on perfecting and personalizing each and every one. What else is he to do with his time? However he unfortunately didn’t get a chance to even gather everything, before he felt something. A sensation flowed through the house, with it carried a familiar and eerie feeling. A strong magic went from room to room, and seemed to be stemming from outside, so ever the brave, Link went towards the front door with nothing but a wooden spoon and a small dose of ‘not wanting to deal with this kind of bs’. Opening the door Link was greeted by-
‘Well that was extremely anti-climatic’ he thought. It was the same old grassy hill and just below it was a view of TarryTown, just how he liked it. Sighing Link turned back around, acknowledging the whole ordeal as wishful thinking, and started back into the house. Well, he almost did, if it wasn’t for a familiar sound. Link knew this sound all too well, it was what led him to meet his family, and what led him to leave them too. He could remember the sound of space splitting and time warping anywhere. After turning so fast that he was surprised his head didn’t twist off, Link was met with an equally welcoming and overwhelming sight. A portal. Right on his lovely front lawn.
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guideoftime · 6 months
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▴ — @lunarisdeus ;; Sheik & Kasus. " I'm not lying, I'm just omitting things no one needs to know. "
   Becoming the Sage of Shadows was a path that Sheik had taken for himself when he felt it was the healthiest solution for everyone involved. Since the beginning of the new lifetime that they were living through, Sheik had always felt at some point that taking Impa’s place as the Sage was the best choice he could make. For himself, for everyone involved, and each passing fight with Amaron and darkening day had made it still feel that it was his only choice sometimes. 
   It could be seen as running away, he knows, and maybe to some regard it was. But if doing it made things better than he didn’t see the downside of it. Everyone seemed to get what they wanted in the end, and he was content in knowing that a life of servitude might make amends for some of the things he did in his life. Not everything, there was no taking back some of the mistakes he made, but some of them at the very least might be forgiven. 
   His time spent as a Sage wasn’t horrible, mostly Sheik would think of it as coldly numb. The Shadow Temple was a dark place and it tried constantly to eat away at you. To consume parts of your soul and pick you to pieces. As time passed, he eventually grew numb to the tricks it played and the haunting shadows that tried to pick him apart. He plays and he prays, he tries to fill the role he had taken up to the best of his abilities and for the most part–he feels like he does alright. Despite the loss of Princess Ruto and their dwindling numbers, he feels like he holds his own end of things together rather well. 
   And then one day, the temple has an intruder. 
   Sheik–has no idea how long it’s been since he’s seen Kasus and the Deity’s haunting silver-bluish gaze from across the Temple Sanctum was rather starling. Of course he reached the Sanctum with hardly any effort, though he did look a little banged up, and of course he found Sheik. But the question of why he found Sheik was what really started tugging on him. Sheik stilled the vibrations of the string of the harp, asked the questions of “what are you doing here” and “why are you here” to which he feels like Kasus spins him in circles or lies. Lies to not state the truth of what was going on. 
   Which he admits by saying he’s omitting certain things. Despite his careful wording, that says more than anything else possibly could. He was here because enough time had passed. They both knew eventually it was bound to happen, perhaps Sheik hadn’t thought he had been here long enough for that to have happened yet. But then, immortality, elongated life and invulnerability are never the same things. He closes his eyes and lets out a breath as the harp is adjusted in his arms once more, settling it in the crook of his hold as he places his fingers against the strings once more. 
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   Steadily, he starts playing it, the gentle notes filling the space of the Sanctum and chasing the silence that had stretched between the two of them away. 
   As he plays he tries to relax a bit, focusing on the music and the sound of it as it dances around them. Music was always the most calming thing, the one thing that Ganondorf could never take away from him, the one thing that made him feel alright at the end of the day. And when the song loops around, he gently speaks into the quiet space between them. 
   “I hate being lied to.”
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presenting: time'ed universe, the one with four Times
Link lay on the ground with a groan, praying to every god he knew that his headache would go away. It was probably too much to hope for though, since most of his headaches seemed to come from gods (or hangovers, but he was pretty sure he hadn’t been drinking last night; he wished he was drinking now, though). Maybe Ravio had finally decided to just drug him and fake his death so he could take over his house.
…Nah, he probably wouldn’t do that.
A bush rustled near him, and he nearly decided then and there to just let whatever it was kill him, as long as it would get rid of this damned headache. Unfortunately, if he did that, Zelda would reanimate him and then kill him again for having the audacity to die. Then she would do it again and make him suffer through the headache (his sister was just nice like that).
So, with that clear and present threat in mind, he pulled himself to his feet, drew the dagger from his boot– and pointed it at a teenager who looked even worse than he felt.
“Din’s balls, kid, what happened to you?”
“What happened to you?” The kid shot back, but the impact was lessened by the way he swayed on his feet.
He snorted. “Were you run over by a horse or something?”
“It was a boar.” He frowned. “With swords.”
(Oh, so he was delirious. This was going to be a fun conversation.)
“A boar?” He raised an eyebrow skeptically.
“Yeah, I think it–” his face paled rapidly. “I think it killed me.” And then he turned, heaving into the bushes.
Link walked over, patting his back as the kid threw up the meager contents of his stomach. Probably drunk, if he was seeing boars with swords.
“You okay?” He asked when he was done.
“No.” The kid wheezed, and pulled up the side of his tunic.
What Link had previously thought was just an overly baggy shirt turned out to be a large gash in the fabric, straight through the chainmail underneath. The hole exposed the kid’s side, and the massive scar on nearly his entire torso.
“The hell?” He asked, already knowing what he was seeing. “That should’ve been fatal.”
“It was.” The kid repeated. “He killed me.”
“The… boar?” Dread filled him. Maybe the kid wasn't delirious.
“Ganondorf.” He spat, utter malice in his voice.
He froze, thoughts running into each other like drunken rats, and that was when another teenager walked out of the brush (because his day couldn't get much worse), chewing on a mushroom Link was pretty sure was poisonous. He stared at them for a moment, wide-eyed, before turning and running back through the forest.
Hylia. He really needed a drink.
Link rubbed his temples, wincing at the harsh sunlight. Time travel again, with his luck. Waves lapped at the sand, washing over his boots, and he glared at a seagull, willing it to shut up.
It's a few minutes later, when he was considering shooting the damn thing, that he heard voices. He didn't do a thing, and just continued to stare at the blasted bird. It might have been mocking him.
The bushes rustled, and he turned, accepting that he would have to talk to whoever it was, or maybe stab it. Instead, he was met with the face of the teenager who had given him so many headaches not unlike the one he had now, most from an unnecessary amount of stress.
"Captain?" The sailor said, staring at him in shock.
He sighed, resting his head in his hands. "Goddammit."
They found Mask half-passed out further down the shore; he seemed to have the same horrible headache Link did, and had just resigned himself to a fate of becoming one with the sand.
"Please kill me." Mask signed, barely opening his eyes.
"Only if you kill me first." He agreed.
"This your fault?"
The sailor squinted at him suspiciously. "Yeah, is it?"
He rubbed his eyes with the palm of his hands. "Why would I do this?"
"Why do you pretend you actually have an ass?"
"My ass isn't flat, stop telling everyone that!"
"Heh." He pointed a finger at him. "That rhymed."
"I hate you."
"Not more than I hate myself."
"I worry about you." Link told him. He just gave him a thumbs up in response.
In five words, Link would describe his current experience as "I want to take a nap".
(Yes, that was six words, but "a" didn't have rights, no matter what Malon said.)
As the years went on, Link’s tolerance for bullshit slowly decreased, and his desire to take a nap and sleep his problems away increased.
It worked the first time, right? Surely if he just… fell asleep for seven years he could pretend he hadn't time traveled.
However, Link was nothing if not determined, and this time he was determined to beat up whatever caused this, go home, kiss his wife, and then take a nap.
Oh, a nap. Glorious, glorious sleep. He hadn't slept at all in Termina and his body was finally taking its revenge; he couldn't even find it in himself to be upset about it.
No! He slapped himself awake. Beat the shit out of whoever caused this first!
He reluctantly stood up, leaving his warm bed of leaves and rocks, and started walking towards the town in the distance.
The town turned out to be farther than he thought, and he was considering taking a midday nap in the middle of the road when he heard voices.
"Vio, get on Red's shoulders."
"No." Presumably Vio said. "I am not participating in your clownery."
"Get on his damn shoulders before I drop them on you."
"Have a heart, Vio, he's practically strangling the thing."
"Looks pretty comfortable to me, Green."
Intrigued, Link turned off the road to investigate. Perhaps these color themed strangers would know where the nearest inn was.
(Bad Link! His inner voice chided. You have shit-beating to do!)
The strangers were a little ways off the road, crowded around a tree. There were four of them, identical except for the color of their clothes (red, green, blue, and purple). The red, green, and blue clothed ones were standing on each other's shoulders, which made sense considering their short stature.
(Well, a lot of people were short to Link, but he thought they would have been short to others as well.)
The strangest thing, however, wasn't their apparent attempt at a totem pole, but rather what was in the tree; a man had fallen asleep, cuddling a hawk of all things.
"Fascinating." Link said.
The totem trio stumbled as the base blue one turned to face him in shock.
The purple one merely raised an eyebrow. "Isn't it? It's not distressed at all."
Link stepped closer, inspecting the bird. It did seem to be quite content in the man's arms.
"I still think we should move it." The red one said, crossing his arms. "I doubt he'll appreciate waking up with a hawk in his arms."
"Not my problem."
"Vio." The green one said sternly. "Get on Red's shoulders."
"No." He pointed at Link. "Ask him to do it."
"Sure." He shrugged. Maybe they knew the owner of the inn and could ask them to give him a discount for his good deed.
"Cool." The blue one said, and abruptly shoved the other two off his shoulders.
"Hate you." The green one groaned, face down in the grass.
"You are the entire circus." The purple one informed them.
"What's that even mean?"
Link ignored them, instead focusing on freeing the hawk. The man whined a little once it left, and he shoved part of his cape into his hands before turning to face the colored quartet.
"Shouldn't we wake bird boy over here up?" The blue one asked.
"Not my problem." The green and purple ones said in unison. Link wholeheartedly agreed.
As far as bad days went, Link thought this one was pretty high up on the list. First, he had woken up on top of a tower, which was a bad experience all around; when he got to the bottom, some freaky spider shaped beamos thing had tried to kill him using the power of big laser to the head. After that, he was ambushed by a scarred teenager with leaves in his hair who kept talking to himself.
That’s it. He decided as the teenager tried to ruffle his ears for the fourth time. I don’t care if he tries to shoot me, I can’t take it anymore.
He leapt away from him, transforming between one moment and the next. When he turned around, instead of the terror he expected, the teenager was just staring at him in fascination.
“Dog boy?” He asked.
“What? No.”
The teenager pulled the corners of his mouth back, baring his teeth. “Fangs. Dog boy.”
“I don’t have fangs.”
He nodded.
He probed his teeth with his tongue. “They’re just a little pointy.”
“No. Fangs.”
“I must agree.” A raspy voice said from behind him. “They are fangs.”
Link jumped around, yelping in a totally not dog like manner. “Shade?”
“Hello, young ones.”
“Hi.” The teenager waved, apparently not fazed by the talking skeleton either. His eyes flitted to the side, listening to something only he could hear. “You aren’t a ghost.”
“No.” Shade agreed, which was news to Link. “I am something else entirely.”
“You aren’t a Stalfos, either.” He said. “They don’t talk.”
“Perhaps you aren’t listening.”
The teenager considered his words. “Okay.”
“What are you doing here?” Link asked. “Didn’t you pass on?”
“I did, and then I woke up here.”
“Urbosa says once you move on you can’t come back.”
Shade nodded behind the teenager. Link felt like he was only getting half the conversation. “You are a wise woman. Indeed, I should not be here.”
“You can see her?” He asked. “I thought you weren’t dead.”
“I am dead. But I am not alive, either.” He laughed. “Yes, Master Rito, it is a skill that comes with age.”
“So, uh.” Link said, trying to steer the conversation back to something he could follow. “Do you know where we are?”
"Hm." Shade said, examining the landscape. "I don't know."
“Hyrule Field.” The teenager said.
“This isn’t Hyrule Field.”
“Perhaps not your Hyrule Field.” Shade gazed solemnly out at the ruins. “One far past your own.”
“What– you don’t mean time travel?” He asked incredulously.
“Exactly.” Shade nodded. “I’ve traversed the pathways of time often. The feeling of being brought here was not dissimilar.”
“Oh. Well. That’s… fun.”
“Sometimes.” He acknowledged. “I would imagine the reason we were brought here was far from pleasant, though.”
Honestly, as days went, this one wasn’t too bad. Shadow mused. He could talk to people, for one, something he couldn’t usually do (actually, he couldn’t usually do a lot of things except see and hear); not that he wanted to talk to those idiots. Of course, it would have been better if Vio was there, and maybe even those other three guys.
“For the last time, no.” The idiot who insisted his name was Dark Link said (Shadow thought Dink suited him and his stupid voice better). “I will not be buying your overpriced scam, no matter how many times you say it will let me get drunk.”
Dink was truly a shadow in ways he himself wasn’t, actually coming from the Hero of Time’s shadow rather than just being a recreation like Shadow was. How he knew that, he wasn’t sure, but what he did know was that their differences meant Shadow could get drunk and he couldn’t, something he was taking great delight in shoving in his face.
Shadow swung the bottle of cheap whiskey he’d bought off the merchant around. “Are you sure? This is some truly delightful drink.” It tasted like horse shit, and Ravio clearly knew it tasted like horse shit.
“Yes, it is, and I have many more bottles like it, along with other fantastic wares.” Ravio said, holding his coat open with a flourish. What it was supposed to do, Shadow had no idea.
“Do you have something that will make the Hero of Time fall on his own sword?” Dink asked hopefully.
“Ah, regrettably, no.”
“Disappointing.” He sighed. “I’ll take the potion.”
“An excellent choice, my good sir.”
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cosmetichorror · 2 years
Too old for this
TLDR Link(Wild) is 44 and gets dragged on an adventure with a bunch of other Links and he’s not pleased.
To say he was too old for this would be an understatement. Link has lost everyone, died more times then he can count, fought every monster at least twice, defeated Ganon twice, and now Hylia wants to send him on another damned adventure. Yeah, quick question. What, how and why the hell?
Do these other Links seriously expect him to go along with them?
It all started one sunny morning. After the defeat of dehydrated Ganondorf a good twenty-five years ago, he was determined to settle down. About fifteen years ago, he gave his house in Hateno up to Zelda and built himself a little cottage out in the forest of spirits on the great plateau, far away from civilization. While, yes, Link was happy Hyrule was returning to its glory days, that doesn't change the fact that he hates crowds. And when Hateno became too much for him to handle, he decided to go live the one place that only those who could fly could reach. Robbie and Purah did an amazing job destroying the stairs to the great plateau, it's not climbable unless you have great stamina- like he does- or if you have the sheikah slate.
For a while Link moved around everywhere, trying to find the perfect place where no one would bother him. He lived in the lost forest with the great Deku tree for a while, but there were too many Koroks. The beaches were good, until people started flocking to them. Near the great fairies were cool, but people started going there too! The great plateau was really a last resort, but kind of poetic in a way. This was where it all started, and he was sure this would be where it all ended. By all means, he intended to live out his life in that old cottage he built from the ground up, but of course he couldn't get even that.
The sun rose early that morning, birds chirped and squirrels ran about. It was a perfect morning. Link got up with a stretch and went to make his morning cup of tea (he gathered the herbs himself) and added in honey (that he also got himself). Really, the only things Link didn't get himself was all the furniture. (He commissioned Bolson his finest furniture and took it up here with the sheikah slate)
As he drank the hot, yet not too hot tea, he reminisced of his past. He brought animals up here with him using a fine mixture of octorock ballon's and planks of wood. Some chickens (his sister loved them. That is all he remembered of her), a beautiful dog (what would Daruk think?) and his beloved horse, Epona (I miss her)
Over the years, each one passed on, and he gave them all a propped burial. (He'd be lying if he said he didn't think about using the shrine of resurrection on them. But that would be just cruel of him. They don't deserve to go through what he went through)
So now he lives alone. It's not so bad, Zelda comes to visit him every week to check up and make sure he isn't dead yet. The silence was terrifying at first. It wasn't right to not be surrounded by the noise of all his critters (I miss them) but he learned to live like that. It took time, but he's made it this far, and he's been through far worse. All it takes is time.
After he finished his tea, he got up and put on his hylian tunic, trousers and cloak and went out with a bow and some shock arrows. He walked to the nearest pond that was full of hylian trout. (A whole lot of things are named "hylian", he wonders what the other races think of that) knocking a shock arrow in the bow, he aimed carefully and shot. A wave of electricity shot out from the pond, sending some sparks his way. He doesn't hesitate to jump in and grab all the fish. This should last breakfast and lunch.
Hyrule is coming back to an advanced civilization, new technology was being invented everyday, like things called "stoves"
Call Link old fashioned all you want, but he just prefers the old cooking pots. It gives him a sense of nostalgia, bringing him back bit the early days. Back when he wasn't sure if you could eat bokoblin guts and bugs, back when making an edible dish made his whole week. Now that he's an amazing chef, he doesn't really have that same feeling of euphoria after cooking a good meal, but that doesn't mean it's not enjoyable. It's just not the same. The smell of roasted fish fills the air, making his mouth water. One thing he can never tire of is the smell of a delicious home cooked meal.
Another thing Link learned in his journey is ideal hearing. He could hear a twig snap from a mile away, and right now, he hears seven- no- eight people? They're talking to each other about... something. Okay, his hearing may not be as good as it used to, but that is to be expected with age. He quickly stands up, placing his half raw fish on a plate so it won't burn, placing it on the window sill before running off in the direction of the voices. He had a bit of a limp, but despite that he was still fast. One question was on his mind- how in the three did so many people get up on the plateau? Are they professional climbers or something? When he gets close enough, he can eavesdrop in on the conversation.
"This place is familiar. Time, do you think...?"
"Could be, pup. If what you told me is true, then we may have a new member."
"God I hope there's a way off this stupid lump of earth."
"We'll be fine Vet, stop your bellyaching."
"Hey, no fighting!"
"Well excuse me, but being here has me on edge."
"He has a point for once, we haven't seen a single person or exit."
"Well, maybe our visitor knows a way off this place?"
Link winces from his place behind the trees. How was he spotted that easily?
"Visitor?" One of them question.
Link sighs and walks out from behind the trees. "I believe that visitor is me." He says, his voice rough and grainy, either from age or disuse, maybe both. The group eye him wearily, he supposes he may look a little threatening.
He has long since abandoned his old blue hair tie, instead letting his slightly tangled hair go free. His hylian clothes were still soaked from when he jumped into the water. He was covered in scars, most notably the large burn mark that goes from his left ribcage all the way up to his face. And most noticeably, his arms. One arm had a hand with only four fingers (he can thank the yiga for that) and the other- how could one describe it.... It looks like it had been burnt to a crisp, then adorned with golden lining. While that hand has all its fingers, his nails are look unnaturally sharpened, even though it's very much natural. (He tried shaving it down, but they just grew back just as sharp)
"How did you get here in the first place?" He asks, his eyes stone cold and his scratchy voice unwavering. "We climbed, but now we're lost." The oldest one says. He has golden hair, bares silver armor, and he's got a scar right over one of his eyes. He appears to be the same age as Link, if not a bit younger,
He narrows his eyes at them. The yiga were almost completely destroyed a decade ago, but then again, he wouldn't be surprised if a few rouge ones came back to take the rest of his fingers. "You sure about that?" He has a right to be suspicious, the yiga have gave him more then his fair share of scars.
The scared man nods. "Positive." Another with scars and a wold pelt steps forwards, eyeing him up and down. Something about his eyes sparked nostalgia in him. "We haven't introduced ourselves. I'm Twilight, this here is Time, Legend, Hyrule, Warriors, Wind, Sky, and Four," he points to each one in turn "and you are?" A few alarms went off in his head, so he took some time to asses this. He had shock arrows on him, good, that could buy him enough time to run back to his house and grab a weapon. The only ones he feel he has to worry about is Time, Twilight, and Legend. The rest he could probably take. Time and Twilight look strong, but Legend is covered in strange magic, and so is Twilight. But then again, Hyrule's magic feels like... fairy magic? That can't be right.
"Link." He responds. The others look between each other, and Sky steps forward. "And are you by chance a hero?" Sky asks. Link thinks for a second, before nodding. Is he being smart? Absolutely not. But if it's his time to go then it's his time to go. He's not afraid of death, he hasn't been since Vah Ruta, and not having Mipha's grace won't stop that. "Link, this may be hard to understand, but... our real names are also Link, and we're hero's from the past. O-or future! We don't know your placement yet. I am the hero of the skies, the very first Link that we know of, and forger of the master sword." Sky says, unsheathing the master sword and holding it out for Link to see. Link stares wide eyed. it's really her, isn't it? She looks... and feels so new. Surely this is all a dream. "You can touch her, if you'd like. She doesn't bite!" He jokes, but the burn scars on Links hands from his first two times pulling her would like to disagree. Carefully, he reaches out, placing a hand on her sheath. A chime fills his head, one he only heard in his first final moments all the way back at fort Hateno. "Welcome, hero of the Wilds." She speaks, her robotic voice devoid of emotion. He yanks his hand back as if she burned him, not taking his eyes off the sword. "Hero of the Wilds, huh? Nice to meet you, Wild." Sky says. The others seem pleased by this.
"Wild, huh? I wonder if you'll live up to your name." Legend speaks. Twilight won't take his eyes off of Link- Wild.
"What do you want from me?" Wild asks, eyes still wide in shock. This is a lot to take in, after all! "We're chasing a being far stronger then anything we've faced so far through portals. These portals take us to different time periods and worlds, it's how we got here." Wild doesn't like where this is going. "We need you to join us and help us take down this foe." Wild thinks for a few seconds, this would mean leaving behind everything he knows with a bunch of past reincarnations of himself. Really, the answer was clear.
Wild turns and begins to walk away from all this bullshit. "Hey, wait!" The others just follow after him. "Look, I know you don't want to join us, believe me I didn't want to join either, but we don't really have a choice." Legend explains.
"There's eight of you already, you don't need me." Wild replies, not looking back. Sky speeds up as to walk closer to him. "But we do need you! Even with eight of us, we're still struggling! We need more fighters, and you're-" Wild turns around, glaring daggers at all of them, even the little kid Wind. "Then IM not who you're looking for! Go find another Link! Stop by here ten thousand years ago, there was a really good Link then! I'm not a fighter anymore, I'm rusty, and I'm old." Sky goes to speak again, but Link interrupts him. "Look, if you came by here twentyish years ago, I probably would have agreed. But the thing is, I haven't fought a thing in over two decades. Monsters don't spawn up here anymore. While your whole adventure thing sounds fun, I'm just not cut out for it anymore." Sky once again goes to speak, but can't make out a syllable before Wild interrupts him once more "I've been dragged through hell and back by the scruff of my neck on multiple occasions. I lost a finger, I lost my arm, I lost my family and friends, and if I go on this adventure I just know I'm going to lose my life. I may not be afraid of death, but I promised myself I'd die out here on this plateau. And I'm not one to break promises." He says, before walking away once more.
"Wild, Link, please understand that if it's Hylia's will, then it will happen. She'll find a way to bring you with us, she did the same with Legend and Warriors and it wasn't very pleasant." Sky explains. "Then Hylia better be knocking on my doorstep and dragging my out by the hair or else I'm not going." Wild replies. Legend rolls his eyes "At this point she just might." He mumbles.
Wild continues to walk all the way to his little cottage in the woods, ignoring all of their attempts to make him join. "Wait, are you injured?" Hyrule asks, probably noticing his limp. He sighs in response. "No, I just have a limp. All the more reason to not join you." He responds. A few years ago he had a nasty fall, breaking his leg in a few places, he hasn't been able to walk right since. Hylia, if he could still pull off that gerudo outfit he could probably get a message therapist to fix him up. it doesn't take them long to reach his cottage "Hey, this is your house? It's super cool!" Wind says, walking up to block him from entering. "But please, we need you! It's for the good of all hyrule!" He begs. "Move it, kid. You're twenty-five years too late." Wild responds, taking him by the shoulders and pushing him away.
"Wait, please listen-!" He slams the door on them so hard the pictures on the wall shake, and one particularly old one rattles a bit too hard and falls. Wild gasps and runs, skidding to a stop and catching it right before it hits the ground. He lets out a relieved sigh. He checks over it, making sure nothing broke. It was the only thing he had of the champions now. When he moved out of his old home in Hateno, he and Zelda agreed the champions weapons would be better in the hands of others. Revali's eagle bow went to young Tulin, who has recently mastered Revali's gale with much practice and help from Wild. Urbosa's scimitar went to Riju, and her daybreaker shield Zelda kept. Mipha's trident went to Sidon, and Daruk's boulder breaker went to Yunobo. In the photo, Daruk smiled brightly in the background, Mipha and Revali are falling forwards, looks of surprise forever plastered on their faces. Zelda is leaning back to avoid falling over as well, and Wild is in the process of falling as well. A small smile creeps up on his face as he reminisces about that day. He stands up and puts the picture back on the wall.
The bittersweet moment is interrupted by knocking on his door. He groans and walks to his room, ignoring them completely. He doesn't care what they say, there's eight of them already! He's forty-four years old and tired, he'll only slow them down. His bones ache and his scars burn when it rains, what about that says "adventure material"? Hylia's a clown if she believes he'll go along with this stupid plan of hers. He's been through enough, hasn't he? What if he dies? He's all Zelda has left! Impa passed on shortly after their second adventure, Robbie following after. When Purah fixed her de-aging rune and turned it into an aging rune, she only lived for another week before death took her too. He's the only person from before the calamity she has, he's all she has left just as she is all he has left. At least if he dies on the plateau she can rest easily after a proper burial. If he dies out there, he may never get a burial. Zelda may never even know he's dead! What if she lives out the rest of her life waiting for him to return? The mere thought makes his heart ache. He's not afraid of death, he's afraid of leaving his best friend.
A few hours pass, and the other Links don't leave. They try reasoning with him, but it all falls on deaf ears. He really wishes they'd just give up, he's starving and the fish he was cooking earlier are too raw for him to eat. Sure, he might have been able to eat raw fish when he was nineteen and be fine, but he's in his mid forties now, he just can't do that anymore. Oh to be young and carefree again.
Then, a strange, pulling feeling tugs at his chest. The others start knocking on his door even more. "Uh, Wild? You miiiight wanna come along with us. A portal has opened." Wind announces. "Good, time for you to go. Bye bye, see you never." He responds, plopping down on his comfy blue chair, it's the same shade as his champions tunic. He can't fit into it anymore, but it still hangs proudly on his bedroom wall. He reaches over and pulls out a book, deciding to read the strange feeling in his chest away. "Look, if you don't come with us, Hylia will still find a way to take you with us, it'll suck. Trust me, I'd know." Legend yells out. Wild ignores them, not even gracing them with a response.
"Your funeral." Warriors tells him from the other side of the door, and distantly he can hear them walking away. He lets out a sigh of relief, it took them long enough. Minutes pass and the tugging feeling only gets worse, until eventually it's exhausting to breath. He stands up on shaky legs and begins to walk outside for fresh air. One step after another, until one foot doesn't reach the ground. Is that a... portal? Well, shit. Wild is sent tumbling through a colorful portal, a similar feeling to teleporting via sheikah slate, just stronger.
Wild lands face first in the wet sand, his gasp only lets him inhale sand and sea water. He chokes and coughs, and soon enough he feels someone patting his back. After a few agonizing minutes, his airways are cleared. He wipes the tears from his eyes and looks up at whoever was patting him. It's non other then the hero of legends, Legend. "Told ya it wasn't pleasant. Should have just came with us when you had the chance." He tells him. Wild glares at him. "Oh fvck off, you." He replies. "Language." Time interjects. Wind laughs. "Oh please, let the old guy swear! I promise it's nothing I haven't heard before, I'm a pirate after all!" He announces. Wild sighs. "Where am I?" He asks.
"Welcome to Outset island! You're in my hyrule!" Wild groans. "This is how I die." He mumbles, struggling to his feet. Hyrule walks up, helping him off the ground. "I'm fine." He tells him, brushing the sand off of him.
Wild looks around and groans. "And of course, no weapons, no armor. Just dandy." Legend chuckles. "Once again, we warned you. Hylia's a little shit." He tells him. Isn't this great? Zelda was supposed to visit him tomorrow, she's gonna be worried sick! When will he be back? He needs to get back home! "Hey, you okay?" Wind asks.
"Obviously not." He snaps. Was that mean of him? Yeah, but he can't help it! This is the most stress he's been under in decades! He's not a fighter anymore! He has no supplies, he has zero idea what's going to happen, and he's on a random beach! What if these other hyrules have large crowds? Just the thought makes him anxious! And he's gonna need to be around eight other men? He's already feeling claustrophobic. How in Hylia is he going to manage?
Well, the only way out is forward, he supposes.
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itcantbe · 3 years
Zelink Week Day 6
We're nearly to the end of @zelinkweek2021! Today's prompt is "abnormality: malice/timeline alteration." I focused on the timeline alteration (in a roundabout way), though I suppose malice is in there a bit as well. The last two days of Zelink Week 2021 will be the last two chapters of "Under the Boardwalk." I've been so thrilled with how much excitement I've seen for this story and the great comments everyone has left here and on ao3. I appreciate it a lot! Today's chapter takes place during the events of chapter 2. It's a bit of a short one, but I promise I make it up to you in the final chapter.
Ch. 1 | Ch. 2 | Ch. 3 | Read on ao3
Under the Boardwalk: Down By The Sea
The past few weeks had been wonderful. And weird. And horrible. And frustrating.
After that first night, when their “date” had gone so horribly wrong, after Link had figured her out, after she had broken his heart, they had reached a sort of understanding. He answered any question she might have about park operations, Ganondorf, what went on in the castle. He helped her sneak around the park at night after it closed a few times: photographing broken rides, missing caution signs, and anything else she thought might be useful. Her pictures had gotten much better once she didn’t have to hide what she was doing.
And, since he didn’t have a car, she’d take him home. Or they’d grab a bite to eat together, and she’d pay because she was thanking him for his help. It wasn’t a date.
But they talked, since sitting in awkward silence was unpleasant even if Link did hate her. If he did hate her, that was fine, since she hated herself for lying to him. For still lying to him. Their conversation had been stilted at first, the specter of her deception hanging between them like a dark, heavy curtain. But over the course of a few weeks, it settled into something comfortable, something easy. Her lie still hovered in the back of their every interaction, but it became less noticeable as the days passed. At first they only talked about her investigation, and made plans on how to gather more information. But soon they started to talk about more, and started sharing about their lives.
They talked about school. She talked about how it had been hard to prove herself in journalism school since she was the daughter of the editor in chief of the Hyrule Star Fragment. How she didn’t want to coast on name recognition, but despite how hard she had worked, no one took her seriously. He talked about how hard school had been. How he had been trying so hard to juggle school and work that he ended up failing at both, quietly admitting to her one night that he had gotten fired from his job and dropped out of school. How he still wasn’t sleeping well because the anxiety and stress of it all kept his mind spinning, even now.
“I guess I’m glad the park didn’t seem to care when they hired me.”
“How do you mean?”
Link shrugged, swiping a french fry through the mess of ketchup on his plate before popping it in his mouth. Zelda watched each movement and may have stared at his lips for a few moments longer than necessary. He had such a nice mouth, with full lips that she briefly imagined pressed to her own. He finished chewing and swallowed, and her imagination followed, her lips traveling from his mouth, across the line of his chin and down his throat, and then down, down, down … A blush rose to her cheeks when she realized she was ogling him like a drooling creep. Instead she pulled her gaze up to meet his eyes. His beautiful eyes, such an unusual shade of blue, that she could easily lose herself in all day.
Thankfully Link continued to talk, pulling her out of her increasingly lascivious thoughts.
“Yeah, they hired me on the spot. Barely asked any questions, just told me when to come in and who to report to.”
“Wow, that’s …”
“Lucky, right? And I get paid right away, they just give me an envelope of cash at the end of the week.”
“Wait, what? Did you fill out any forms, leave any references, anything?”
He shrugged again, hitching one shoulder up before dropping it down again. Zelda thought about sitting in his lap, running her fingers over that shoulder and down his back. Digging her nails into that shoulder as he … Goddess, what is WRONG with you? she asked herself.
“No, just left them my name and phone number.”
“No tax forms? They don’t take anything out of your wages for taxes? Link, that’s illegal! That’s tax fraud!”
She hauled out her notebook and wrote down what he’d told her, as well as some questions to ask.
Look into Gdorf tax records Research Hrl/C-Town employment law Proof of tax fraud????
“So this helps? You can use this for your story?”
Zelda looked up from her notes, the hopeful look on his face going right to her heart.
“Oh, this is the best angle yet! It could be difficult to pin Ganondorf on these other issues, but if anything would get him shut down and investigated, it’s tax fraud!”
Link’s face lit up at her words, as if she’d handed him a gift of the thing he wanted most in the world. She wanted to shove the table aside, tackle him to the floor and kiss him all over.
“I’ll need to visit the municipal tax records office tomorrow. I could use your help … if you’re not busy. I’ll make it worth your while!”
He looked at her a moment, as if considering his answer. She kept her eyes on her notes, trying to look as if his response either way didn’t matter to her. Making it worth his while meant buying him food. The boy loved to eat, attacking his food with relish, delighting in every bite he took, in a manner that always sent her imagination spiraling off into heated territory. Zelda wished making it “worth his while” meant burying his head between her thighs and digging her fingers into his hair as she moaned his name. She shoved the image aside before she could go much further and squirmed in her chair uncomfortably. She needed to get home before she did something she regretted and drove him off for good.
Lunch. She would buy him lunch.
“Uh … yeah, I’m free tomorrow. I can help you.”
She gave him a brilliant smile, relieved that he wanted to help, that he was willing to spend more time with her. Zelda greedily concocted reasons to spend time with him, claiming she needed his help, that she couldn’t do any of it without him. Which was true, despite her desire to shoulder it all on her own so she could prove herself. His help made it all so much easier, so much more pleasant. Almost fun.
And she could revel in the occasional shy smile Link gave her before he remembered that he was still upset with her, in the heat and electricity that seemed to shoot between them every time they accidentally brushed together. The way he helped her organize her notes. The way he suggested new places to look for information, or new angles to approach the story. The way she could pretend they had something more than a working relationship, that she might have a chance to enact some of the fantasies she seemed to almost drown in whenever they were together. The way she could pretend she hadn’t treated him like crap from the beginning, hadn’t lied and led him on.
Then maybe they could have dated for real. Maybe she could have kissed him in every way she had thought of in the past few weeks. Maybe she could have had something meaningful with him. Or maybe she could have done the work herself, being honest and approaching him as a source and nothing more. Maybe then he wouldn’t have gotten as involved as he did. Maybe then she wouldn’t be watching Ganondorf dangle him by the throat over the mouth of the most dangerous slide ever built, Link’s legs and arms held together by zip ties so that he couldn’t do anything to help himself. Maybe then Link wouldn’t die because of her.
Zelda had planned to take Link somewhere a little nicer after they broke into Ganondorf’s office, to dig through the file cabinets and desk drawers. She had planned to tell him her true feelings. Maybe he would have forgiven her, and they could start over. Maybe she could have held his hand again. Maybe they could have been anywhere but here.
Zelda screamed as Ganondorf let Link go and he disappeared into the black depths of the slide. Nothing mattered any more except Link; not her reputation, not her story, not shutting down the park. Only making sure Link was okay, that he lived, that he didn’t regret the day they’d met, and every minute he’d spent with her after that.
She didn’t take time to think, or try to escape her bonds, or to call for help. She just acted, adrenaline surging through her as she counted every minute that passed as one less minute of Link’s survival. All she did was note how close Ganondorf was himself to the entrance to the slide, and how all it would take one good shove to send him down.
And she attacked.
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moefongo · 3 years
I just wanted to say that I love all of your headcanons (especially zants because I may be a simp) so I wanted to ask you if you could and want to write headcanons with them having a SO who hates the heat and basically melts in it while thriving in the cold and being generally a oven. You don't have to do all of the villains if you don't feel like it. just zant would be more than enough for me. Have a good day and thanks for reading this or doing it.
Thank you very much!🥺 This one is really nice❤️
I have a headcanon that Zant also hates the heat but also gets very grumpy in cold weather.
Which means that his S/O is the perfect companion to whine about melting in the heat with.As well as hugging in colder weather.
When its unbearably hot what they do is either in unison complain to Ganondorf about how they both are about to die because of the unbearable heat or somehow manage to find ice and fill their bath tub with it and spend as long as possible in the icy cold water.
When its freezing cold Zant likes to cuddle up with his S/O in their room just lounging enjoying each other’s presence.
One thing Zant likes to do is, since his hands get really during these times he likes to put his icy cold hands on his S/O’s cheeks just to see their reaction. But after teasing them he likes to wrap his arms around their waist so his hands and arms can warm up too.
On the other hand if he’s in any way upset because of the cold, the best thing that his S/O can do is come up to him and basically cling to him until he hugs them back and force him to cuddle with them. Also to make sure that this works, his S/O has to pepper Zant with kisses and he will be putty in their hands.
Ghirahim finds it hilarious when his S/O complains about the scorching weather at first, but then he actually feels bad about them being all sweaty and upset.
What he does to help remedy his S/O’s problems is to get an atomizer bottle filled with water and just spray them every now and then. He also makes sure that they stay hydrated, and will have water bottles at hand just in case.
Even though his S/O is not thrilled with the solution, it does help out a little and makes it a bit more tolerable. They will still complain though.
When its freezing cold, Ghirahim loves to sit them on his lap and just let them warm him up.
The best part is, when he nuzzles their warm neck and leaves a trail of kisses, which results in them giggling.
Ganondorf is used to hot temperatures so he often thinks that his S/O is exaggerating, but as soon as he sees them about to pass out he actually starts to worry about their well being.
What he does is, ask them what they want to do to cool down. No matter what it is, he will help them out.
In colder days, he just loves having them around 24/7 since they are so warm.
It doesn’t matter if he’s in a meeting, he will have his S/O on his lap as his primary source of warmth.
When they are in the intimacy of their bedroom, Ganondorf loves to hold them close while sleeping just to feel their comforting warmth. He also kisses their forehead before going to sleep.
He knows when his S/O is uncomfortable with the hot weather, even before they can open their mouth to complain about it.
What he does is, fly them to the nearest body of water so they can swim for a while and just cool down. Honestly Volga just finds it entrancing to see them swim as well, so this is a win for both of them.
If he’s in the mood, he will join them and just swim together and relax.
When the temperatures drop Volga will not leave his room, which by definition means that his S/O isn’t leaving either.
Since Volga is warm to the touch, when he cuddles his S/O its like having two ovens together.
They are each others source of warmth aside from a bunch of blankets.
What Volga likes to do is make a blanket fort on their bed and stay in there with his S/O.
The only times they go out is to get food and 100% of the time his S/O is in his arms.
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ashleyswrittenwords · 4 years
How to be a Queen [Part 26]
Summary: Princess Zelda is at a loss. Her handed royal responsibilities have begun to weigh heavily on her and she is eventually backed into a corner. Live a life she loathes or run away from everything she’s ever known? Navigating life is hard, and Link forces her to learn that she doesn’t have to do it alone.
Part 1
How To Be A Queen
I hated this.
She stared at me. My own staring had long turned to a steady glower; eyes squeezed almost shut as I tried to pick apart every stitch for some inkling of an answer. Maybe the real problem is that I didn’t have a coherent question.
The fire in my father’s mantle crackled to fill in my silence and illuminating my balled-up place on the carpet. I should be asleep right now, that was the plan anyway, but it was thwarted earlier in the day when my last bedroom was deemed a “risk”.
Still, I hated it all the more. The doll was in the same useless state where I placed it – a slightly slouched perch on the velvet loveseat. It intensely reminded me of when my tutors would make me find symbolism in a storybook where there obviously wasn’t, making me conjure some flowery explanation for why the author used this phrase or that description.
With my knees up to my chin, I fiddled with the hem of my night gown and wondered and wondered and wondered because a head full of pointless thoughts felt better than nothing at all.
There was commotion – arguing, then the door opened and I was met with the burning sight of Urbosa. In her hand was a page, crumpled by her fist, and I understood before she spoke.
“You can’t be serious!” she glowered. Urbosa was a woman who schooled her expressions masterfully yet now she was untamed.
My face reddened, embarrassment probably. “I can explain.”
“Explain what exactly? This man has threatened my life, my countrywomens’ lives, and now yours… and you want to give him a platform to speak on?”
She was outraged, flailing Ganondorf’s letter as she spoke. I pressed my lips together and let her rant on about what I had mentioned to Impa before. My toes pressed deep into the carpet.
“Your anger is something I can understand,” I finally said, frowning when she caught my gaze. “But I’m not a child and this is not an entirely irrational reaction.”
Urbosa watched me for a tense moment and stepped away to pace the room in an attempt to air out her feelings. When she did, I saw Impa accompanied her with a careful presence. I steeled myself for whatever it was she wanted to say.
My father’s quarters weren’t where I expected to be tonight, but at least he was in a safer (and more inconspicuous) part of the castle. If anything, the familiar setting was a slight comfort even if it wasn’t my own room. It was an airy space and not much had changed since the war started. I rose from my spot, trying to gracefully slip the doll into my gown’s deep pockets and perched myself where the toy once sat.
“Okay,” the Gerudo leader breathed again, sitting on the cushions with Impa across from me. “Okay, then explain it to me.”
I breathed in deeply. “No doubt you’ve read what he’s wrote, but I’ve read it more than you have. Let’s talk about it.”
The half impatient nod my way with born out of pure frustration. I could completely understand it, but it didn’t make the feeling of pressure any lighter.
“In his words, he wants to declare a form of parley,” I spoke, slowly choosing my words. “Meaning a temporary truce in war to sit down and discuss negotiation – or the start of them.”
I swallowed as I mentally scanned through the letter word-for-word in my head:
I doubt that my reputation holds well in your circles and it would be foolish to give a nobody’s word any weight.
“Traditionally, it would be held by one party sending an ambassador of sorts to the opposition. We would discuss terms at a distance, however he is willing to travel to Hyrule Castle himself.”
Urbosa scoffed, “That’s even worse.”
“It means he’s going in place of someone expendable. It was the whole point of ‘parley’ as a concept and he is willing to give us leverage to make this happen.”
I could tell there was more she wanted to say, but she chose not to. Impa spoke up instead.
“I realize that I haven’t told you this before,” she said. “But you should consider your image.”
My brow furrowed, “My image?”
“To history, Zelda, there has never been an enemy like this within the castle walls unless force was taken. No other ruler has offered an invitation like this before. Don’t you find that troubling?”
I felt my frown deepen. The fabric of my gown twisted around my fingers. I took another deep breath of the burning applewood in the hearth before saying, “The conflict we’re currently in has surpassed the amount of casualties in any other war I have lived through in half the time. Pray tell, do you find that troubling?”
They didn’t reply; they didn’t have to.
“I am afraid,” I spelled out. “I am afraid to see the country being torn with violence and bloodshed. To consider that I am assumed its leader is another type of fear I haven’t grasped yet, much less what historians will jot me down as. Better yet, let’s discuss how someone I know very dearly is out there; contingent to the choices I make.”
Roughly, I swallowed. My gaze went to the ceiling where engravings of old legends escaped the firelight.
“Let us discuss what I know will be his vehement disapproval of my consideration. My goal here is to mitigate as much as I can and if that means buying time at the cost of my reputation, then so be it,” I conceded. Impa stared at her hands and I could only feel shame, weak. I wonder if that’s what she had in mind. “Horrible rulers have preceded me and I don’t expect to be the last.”
There was a long moment of quiet that made it awful to resist squirming in my seat. I didn’t like our options either, but pride was my father’s forte. I wasn’t about to inherit it now that an opportunity like this is tangible, even if it came about through unconventional means. I’ll let them move me into the royal quarters and I’ll let them squander more of my personal time with increased security – I won’t let them pass this up without a single consideration.
Urbosa and Impa stood, I expected them to leave immediately but instead Urbosa said my name and took my hand in hers. Worry was in her eyes.
“You know I would never give you up,” I said softly. “I really hope you weren’t expecting me to abandon you so quickly.”
The sofa dipped slightly as she took a seat. “Tamen non obliviscar tui et filiae.”
At my slight confusion she merely smiled and said, “It means: Never forget your daughters. We say that when we underestimate our children after they’re grown. I am scared, Zelda.”
Our hand hold slipped into an embrace. She continued, “I worry constantly for you. As much as I want to, I don’t have all the answers. None of us do and maybe that’s why I reacted the way I did. I forgot that and, more importantly, I forgot you.”
  The next days brought sleepless nights. I wasn’t sure if I preferred them because in the darkness was the chilling vision of what Link had become. That dream wouldn’t fade as the days wore on, instead sharpening in the parts that struck me the most. In the mirror of my room, when Anju would prod at the dark circles under my eyes, I would see his eyes staring at me.
“It wasn’t real,” I muttered, almost angrily.
Anju grunted behind me with bobbypins caught between her teeth. “What wasn’t?”
“I had a dream,” I said. “And it wasn’t real, but I feel like it was and it’s ridiculous.”
“Well, ya look tired enough,” she replied with a nonchalant drawl, watching me in the mirror a moment before shrugging. “Everyone has nightmares, Zelda. Even Her Royal Grace Majesty Herself.”
The smile I tried to suppress fought hard. “It was about Link.”
“You’re worried! Welcome to the club. You already know the things Aryll writes to me, halfway between gloating and going stir crazy,” she laughed. “His next present to her has to be twice as shiny as the last.”
Her hands paused in their tugging. “If it’s bothering you, you should talk about it.”
I sighed, relenting quickly because she’d prod further if I hadn’t. I left out the odd parts about the strange man and the dancing and focused more on when I saw Link.
“It was probably me projecting…” I groaned. “But he seemed driven mad, Anju! And I caused that. The only reason why he isn’t with his family or living more peacefully is because of me.”
She considered it, seeming to weigh my words as she viewed me from the front. Her nose crinkled, “Zelda, you know that boy. I know that boy. When we were kids, he would always be the lead troublemaker leading the charges. Shocking, believe me I know, but you must be raving mad if you think he wouldn’t force himself into this mess regardless of your decisions.”
“With or without me?”
She hummed in thought, “Reckless is a word I would use  – no, wait – organized recklessness. But he has always needed help picking up the pieces. It used to be Aryll with scrapes and bruises.” Then, there was a glint in her eye that made me laugh, “I wonder who it’ll be now?”
  “There is no guarantee that the negotiations will come to anything,” Fierlin grimaced, reading through Ganondorf’s letter. “Though I won’t disagree that a truce, no matter how temporary, is a plus.”
He stroked his beard with a raised brow and met my eyes. “Do you… know how to send news to your right hand?”
We were in my father’s study with a long list of staff sitting on my desk, each with a detailed list of any possible connections to the opposition. I pushed it away.
“I have consulted every consultant at my fingertips at the moment; written out the pros and cons,” I said. My head rested on my fist in a dull way to help my sore neck.
“Well,” the man leaned back in his chair as old worn men tended to, “I know the tenacity and unwillingness to quit. I’ve gotten well acquainted with that side of him when he was my captain. Don’t get me wrong, Your Majesty, Link will follow any order you give him… but he will fight and kick every step of the way.”
“That’s only because Admiral Whitehurst is with him right now.”
He raised a hand to negate me. “Not necessarily. Link’s a fine remediator. He doesn’t show obvious favor to anyone under him and is constantly listening. He’ll tune out whatever sees fit. Any resistance you saw came from him alone.”
I glanced down at one of my desk drawers that contained some of Link’s letters and closed my eyes.
“I want him to travel back to the castle if we go through with it.” When, really, but it was hard to believe what was happening myself.
The look he gave me wasn’t remotely hopeful.
“I wouldn’t count on it. It’s not likely he would abandon his men because who is to say this truce lasts more than a day? We don’t know the temperament of this ‘Ganondorf’ and he is largely unpredictable in much else.”
“Will Link resent the idea that much?”
“I predict he will…” Fierlin stopped himself, then sighed. “He will have some complications with it.”
  That night, crumpled papers littered desk. They were filled with words that didn’t string together properly and thoughts that weren’t quite complete. The first letter was a formal inquiry of Ganondorf’s arrival. On the closed envelope, I pressed my father’s insignia with more pressure than necessary.
I kept it in a closed drawer because the second letter was both an order and request for counsel.
In this, my thoughts were far more frayed and there were countless drafts that kept the wick of my candle burning. It was a constant debate on whether I should even forgo pairing the first with it. I recalled his reluctance to retreat and the disappointment that came after. The ink pen felt heavier in my hand.
This was when I realized that this was what Impa was fearful of.
My hand dragged down my cheek and I forced myself to sit up straighter.
She has told me more than once, no matter how indirect, that whatever Link and I had would eventually conflict with my duties. Especially with the dynamic at play now, he was my Commander General and I was his Queen. I have asked the opinion of all my resources both past and present, why should my consideration of his opinion be so weighty?
It had grown to the point where I could barely put pen to paper.
An obstruction of my duties, that is a phrase Impa would say.
The words I ended up writing were addressing him formally. Though I was sure word had been sent about what had happened, I reiterated the events from what Lord Ibauna shouted about to the letter within my room. After that, in the most political way I could muster, I told him I was considering it with the counsel in mind. This time, I wouldn’t slip an additional note because I couldn’t think of anything that wasn’t me trying to influence him.
I bound the two letters and sent them the same night. Once I get the General’s counsel, I will make the final decision and either order him to send a messenger… or not.
  This is grossly miscalculated.
Urbosa was speaking, but it was difficult to truly listen to her. She was walking beside me. I want to say that her gentle suggestions to coax me off the ledge were helping, but it only pushed me to push my nails deeper into my palm. The sharp pain helped me more to keep my mouth shut.
“He was only trying to assert another option.”
I glanced to her and said through gritted teeth, “What he was trying to do was insult my integrity.”
My steps were heavier than they usually were when going to attend meetings with the admirals. On any other day, I would approach it with a cool head. It was a war room, I wanted to be as even keeled and level-headed as I could.
Now, I couldn’t stop seeing red.
Just barely, I turned my head towards her. “He acts as if he has had lifetimes of experience already,” I hissed, pausing briefly while passing a couple of maids with bowed heads. “Link is barely any older than I. Ridiculous.”
Urbosa and I bounded a set of stairs and before I entered the war room, I requested an ink pen and parchment as well as the awaiting messenger. It hadn’t been two days before I got a reply from Link. A set of officers stood when I entered the room.
I wasn’t exactly surprised to see Admiral Whitehurst return almost immediately after the letter arrived. His face was still red from his traveling and I politely acknowledged him.
“Your general isn’t happy,” he said. “He made the carriage ride through the night, gods willing my back is still intact.”
“Oh, no,” I uttered out, splaying the several pages Link had written me onto the table. “He surely is not.”
The admiral blinked considerably. I had never acted this way in front of them, but at this point I didn’t have the luxury to care. The only reason I took a seat was to keep them all from standing awkwardly.
“Groveling at the enemy’s feet, he says,” I glanced at the pages with a casted hand. “How, exactly, is he coming to these absurd conclusions?”
I feared that he would have tried to influence Link more in my disfavor, but I did trust what Fierlin had told me and the handwriting on the correspondence was unmistakably Link. Why he had sent John Whitehurst was a mystery to me altogether, perhaps in an effort to sway me even more?
Well, good, I thought. Maybe the one he is receiving will beat some sense into him.
Whitehurst grunted as he sat back in his chair and took a moment to adjust.
“General Forester is doing what he was appointed to do, fight to win. If we pause, especially in the terms he has relayed to me, I believe that he believes you have given up.”
I reeled back, “When has lessening the toll this war has taken meant ‘giving up’? Did he say those exact words?”
He looked uncomfortable. “Um, yes, perhaps, Your Grace.”
I breathed in deeply. Slowly, I counted from ten.
Tyrant was a bad look on anybody – more so me.
“Okay,” I said finally, calmer. “I think we can now say we have received all the insight we need to make a decision.”
A guard who was outside the door brought in a pot of ink, a pen and parchment. I thanked him quietly.
“I wanted to convene one more time before I decide to send this order,” I said, taking the pen between my fingers. The correspondence on the table, which Urbosa was now leafing through with Whitehurst, was missing the final page. It was burning in my dress pocket.
Reconsider, Zelda.
I caught Urbosa’s gaze while the officers and the sparse admirals had a last discussion about weighing the final options, or their lack of. She watched me with a solemn demeaner. Then, she nodded.
I will not be there to help you.
I don’t need his help.
“Is it decided, gentlemen?”
Delicately, I folded the paper twice just in time for the messenger to walk through.
My only words to him was an order to send my acquisition across enemy lines.
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twistytwine · 4 years
That One Hyrule Alien Concept Except I’m Gonna Actually Write Stuff About It? Maybe? Idk
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So everybody remembers that one Zelda panel that revealed these concepts, right? I am a lover of sci-fi adventure/horror/etc. and stuff so lemme just:
For several years, Hyrule, as well as the majority of the world, remained close to its culture and ways of life. They stuck to what we would call a “medieval fantasy” lifestyle, riding horses, having knights in shining armor, using magic, etc. etc. You know what I mean. And despite all that, their technology has reached far into the future with a combination of scientific and magical traits, fusing weapons and materials into successful tools and devices. A good example is the Guardians, created by the Sheikah as battle bots.
Hyrule has maintained this way of life for tons of years, through each cycle of Triforce reincarnations. It isn’t until one day, one particular day, months after the Hero defeated the Demon King, where a ginormous UFO appears and sends missiles and plotting devices crashing down upon the green, grassy fields.
Everybody, especially the Hylians, should be prepared. But they’re not. For the technology that this UFO possesses exceeds even further than the advancements of the Sheikah, to the point where these extra-terrestrial beings cannot even be seen by the naked eye. In fact, being in the presence of these aliens for quite a while is enough to drive someone into a long coma. It’s impossible to gaze upon these aliens unless they’re dead. 
In the game, you play as a young Hylian. Blond hair, blue eyes, mostly mute. You live in a world that’s overwhelmed with nature, but there’s barely anybody living on the planet. There are several unhealed craters and other damaged areas on this world. You are a reincarnation of Link. And your family managed to escape the aliens’ grasp as they plucked creatures from the world one-by-one into space, onto their own planets. You were born here on this earth, and several generations have passed before you, surviving the best they could on the limited knowledge they possessed at the time. The planet was abandoned by aliens after they got what they wanted, and who knows what happened to those they took so long ago?
In this, Link is a history nerd. He’s not strong. He’s not physically strong at all. He’s not good at fighting, he’s not agile, he’s not buff. He’s scrawny and doesn’t like to go outside. He spends a lot of his time searching up leftover scraps of mechanical parts that the aliens (and previous people) left behind and trying to take them apart, learn about them, learn about how they worked. 
The turning point for the game that gets everything going is that Link builds a rocket and uses it to travel to space, where he finds one of the alien’s many planets and gets captured. He finds out that the planet is inhabited with those who’s ancestors beforehand were kidnapped by the aliens, and now, they’re living in a sci-fi, incredibly futuristic society. Are the aliens good? Bad? No clue yet. I’ll write something for them, probably.
But in summary for the three main characters:
- Link is a big nerd who can’t fight for his life, but he’s got a good heart deep down and wants to help people. He’s very booksmart, but not streetsmart whatsoever.
- Zelda is an artificially-made half-alien, half-Hylian hybrid, and she is the princess of the alien planet Link arrives at. She’s been raised to be strong, agile, and clever. She believes in order and peace, but she can be very ruthless when it comes to defending her kingdom from other planets. Deep down, she’s actually very lonely, and she wishes for some contact with others. She has a soft spot you need to hit.
- Ganondorf isn’t the main "villain” of the game, per se, but he later on becomes an (unwilling) antagonist. He isn’t from the planet Zelda rules over; he’s from another, a rival alien planet. But he escaped from it in attempts to hide; because surprisingly, he has a huge criminal record of attempting to overthrow the alien government... several alien governments several times. He’s not a bad person, but he can come off as a bit of a jerk at first. He prefers to work alone, and he’s a lot more observant than one might think. He hates feeling like he’s underneath someone else’s control, so he’ll do everything he can to get his way. 
Ganondorf ends up befriending Link in this story, sort of, to work with him to try and figure out how the aliens function. That explains that one comic up in the concept art. But Ganondorf himself isn’t aware that he isn’t free from Demise’s curse, just like Zelda and Link. And him being fed this rebellious power may drive him mad. But for now, he’s just a dude on the run from several governments who also wants the best for people. He also likes metal music.
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mrneighbourlove · 4 years
The Rising Sun: Ch 5. Power Exchanged
"Oh thank the goddesses we're here."
"I thought we'd never hear the prattle end from your grandfather about his glory days."
"Give him a break, he's old and just wants to give an impression that he can still kick ass."
"Can he still kick ass?"
"I... think so? To a degree? If you're close enough to hit with his cane, perhaps."
"Or his farts, those are lethal."
“Oh, hush the lot of you.” Ganondorf, former King of Hyrule, had grown older with age. Man was just over a century of age. Even kept his build up over all the decades. Up until Zelda passed away. His wife’s death shook him to the core, and over the last few years since her passing, he lost muscle mass. No need to work out, but also a loss of spirit. Still, he held joy for his family: children, grandchildren, friends. And this day was one of the most joyous he’d ever have in a long time.
With all his children and grandchildren finally gathered, with their significant others, they were traveling to Taiyo Town in a large caravan.
"We would have been here sooner if you didn't have to stop to pee ten times."
"Shut it, you were the one that kept complaining about being hungry."
"I was hungry! What's wrong with being hungry?"
"Ganonpa," Luimaya sighed in annoyance, listening to her siblings and cousins’ bicker. "How did you do it with Dad and his siblings?"
“To be honest, it was your grand mother that was the level headed one. I often encouraged some healthy bickering. Was also easy to haul you all by the scruffs when you’ve been misbehaving. Also helped to have Rinku and Leere step in once in a while.” The Mortuus had a nice cloak to protect her skin from the sun. Sunny was letting little Joy play with Skyla. “Well that became difficult when all our younger siblings become rebellious giants.”
"Hmph, when you could catch us by the scruff, old man."
"Remember that time when we pranked him with the stink bomb with Skull Kid?"
"He chased us through the halls for hours before giving up."
"I told you it wasn't a good idea at the time."
"What do you mean, Lui? It was your idea."
"Yes, my idea, just not at that time. He was in a mood that day and we set it off."
"What are we even doing here, anyway? I thought the future queen couldn't leave the castle unless it was for diplomatic reasons."
"It is." Luimaya clarified. "I'm here to meet the leaders of Taiyo Town."
"But you're going to be the queen, and you're Gerudo. So, doesn't that make you their leader?"
Revan cleared his throat, sitting next to Nakeso and Luimaya. There were so many grandkids he’d barely known here now. Not to mention, he was finally about to enter the town his father put so much time and attention into. The whole feeling was daunting, but he did his best to relax. Heck, Kanisa’s kids didn’t even look like Gerudo. “Well, yes and no. All the tribes of Hyrule ha e either sworn fealty to the crown of Hyrule or formed alliances. So technically, my father and anyone else who’s in charge here could lead without outright obeying Covarog and later Luimaya.”
Luimaya and Ganondorf both shot Revan a glare at his words. Like grandfather, like granddaughter, it seemed. She definitely inherited his scowl. Evidently, the two of them agreed on the premise that the Gerudo of Taiyo Town should still hold some respect for the original King, his son, and granddaughter. "We don't want a repeat of the past, Revan. We're going to ensure it stays peaceful, but there has to be some grounds of respect." Luimaya told her bodyguard. "Your father or another leader, it matters not."
“I never suggested that.” Revan drew closer to Nakeso, freezing when his thigh touched hers. “And I’m sure my dad isn’t a fool. Just stubborn. Something I’ve heard and know you two can have in common.”
The cart laughed as Ganondorf merely smiled lightly in agreement. It wasn’t something he could deny.
"That's right, you're the fool and he's just stubborn." Luimaya teased, earning another round of snickers from everyone in the caravan. "You've nearly gotten yourself killed numerous times, not counting the times you were trying to watch my back."
"I don't know who is the worst, Revan or you."
"Revan." The grandkids all responded in unisons.
"He has more tallies." Nakeso held up a notebook. "Revan has nearly gotten killed 158 times while Luimaya is only at 37."
"What? Really? I thought she'd have more."
"She's reckless, but she's not stupid enough to put herself in situations to die."
"Hey! Your future queen is hearing all this!"
"Yeah, yeah, yeah, you know it's true."
Revan was bright red in the face. “It hasn’t even been a year since- Wait, how long have you kept that book around for?”
"Since you were five and almost stuck your head into a forge to prove you were fireproof like your sister." Nakeso remarked, earning a snort from Donoma. "I still can't believe you did that."
"He was just jealous that I could walk in fire without getting burned." Donoma giggled. "And pouted when I held fire in my hands like a ball. Insisted he could do it too. I don't think I've ever seen Mama scold him like that for an hour."
Revan was growing uncomfortable. Pretty much every grandchild was not only older than him, Ralnor’s children themselves being in their mid thirties to cap the height of age, but they were all together on his misery. Even Donoma seemed to be more suited with them. “Yeah. Sure.” When he saw Skyla looking at him, he sighed, secretly signing to her. “ Least I’m not afraid of spiders.”
"You in trouble. A lot." Skyla signed in return with a small smile. She was still shy, like she was when a tiny girl, but had opened up to her cousins and was flourishing in her studies to be a veterinarian. "But good fighter. Luimaya lucky to have you. Don't worry. Everyone loves you. Just tease you cause love you."
“Could fool me.”
“Hey ya’ll!” Rinku shouted from the front of the horse cart. “We’re here. You all behaving back there? Hate to turn this ride around~”
"Hey, if we're not behaving, it's only because we learned it from you." Covarog snickered.
Orana jested with him. "Yeah, you tell her."
“Well, you got me there.” They could hear the putter patter of her feet walking on the sand to the doors. Opening them, sunlight poured inside. “To those unaccustomed by desert heat, please apply sunscreen that’s been provided. This mostly applies to my gothic sister pale as a vampire and Kanisa’s one eyed, blue skinned, always a pleasurable attitude husband and my adorable nephew and niece from Uskar. My sister in law Sunny has provided sun hats for those who prefer them.”
"Is your sister always this cheery?" Vidar grumbled in Uskarian to Kanisa. He absolutely loathed the desert and the heat. The poor man looked miserable. "I don't see how it's possible with all this sand and sun."
"Just deal with it a little while longer please, love." Kanisa assured her husband. "We'll be back in Uskar soon enough."
"If I don't melt first."
Leere addressed Skyla and Joy together with Tebanem. “Since you’re both the youngest, I’d like you both to stay together at all times. Stay within eyeshot of an adult.”
"Hey! I'm not a kid." Tebanam huffed. "I'm an adult!"
"She means Skyla and Joy, Teb." Faris clarified, amused, to his husband. "She doesn't want them wandering off."
The shit eating grin on Leere’s face filled up until she couldn’t help but keel over in laughter. “If you need the advice of the oldest siblings, talk to me or Luimaya, Tebby. I’m sure Kanny will love to be your pair buddy~”
"Oh shut it, I knew what you meant, I was just joking." Tebanam refused to look her in the eye, crossing his arms.
Once all the others had stepped outside, Ganondorf made his way out of the cart. It had been too long since he breathed desert air and tasted life upon the winds. With light robes he turned to the massive walls of the town. Was like a fortress. “Impressive.” The gates opened as Revan and Donoma handed out passes to the men that their father had given them in advance. What awaited inside amazed the old king. Gerudo of all shapes and sizes interacting as a community. Everyone of them shouted out one big greeting when they saw the family gathering. “VASAAQ!!! SAV’AAQ!!!”
Revan himself blinked, surprised by how many red headed women there were. He looked at his sister surprised. “You’ve been coming here?”
"Yeah, what of it?" Donoma was taken aback by her brother's surprise. "I've learned a lot about our history. Mama taught me all I needed to know of what we had of Lorleidian history. Dad taught us what he knew of Gerudo history, but there's only so much he can teach. The rest of it needs to be experienced. Besides," She waved at a few of her friends. "I've made a lot of progress in my studies and I have friends here. It's nice to have a second home."
“Must be nice.” Revan couldn’t help but let his bitterness out. Was he not Gerudo enough to belong here? The man of the hour appeared. Malik opted for stylized, yet comfortable robes. Beside him, Gali was wearing a nice Vai dress. The Lord of Taiyo Town smiled to Zarazu before addressing the group as a whole. “My extended family, and royal family of Hyrule. I am honoured that you can finally see the hard work all of our generations have worked towards. The Gerudo people prosperous once again. I welcome you to Taiyo town.”
Each family member extended their greeting politely before the King spoke. "I am impressed by the amount of work here, and absolutely delighted that we finally are able to see the restoration of our people." Covarog then noted Gali. "Please let me to express my thanks in allowing Lord Malik to help you oversee the construction of Taiyo Town. May I present my wife, Queen Zarazu of the Lorleidians," He gestured to his lover. "And my children. Marena and Syrena are the youngest twins, then Zahirog, then Turagor and Luimaya are my eldest. My Luimaya is next in line to rule our kingdom."
Gali bowed her head politely to Luimaya. “It is a privilege to learn the next high Queen will be a Gerudo Woman on the throne. Strong, and fiery from what Donoma has told me in her studies. You will make a remarkable queen, I’m sure. We encourage you to explore Taiyo Town on your own. We want to be an organic experience for all of you.”
"It is a privilege to be here in your town, to learn more of my history and to walk with the fierce warriors that I have read so much about in books. I feel like this is something out of a fairy tale, even though I know it's simply history." Luimaya returned a respectful nod of her head to Gali. "I ask that you teach me, my siblings, and cousins all that you know and anything you wish for us to learn; whether it be ways of combat or simple knowledge." Then the future queen gestured to Skyla. "I ask you have patience with my family, but especially my cousin, Skyla. She is deaf and reads lips. I don't suppose any of you know sign? She can write in Gerudo, but that takes a time." "Hi!" Skyla signed to Gali with a bright smile. "I do read lips, but accents make lips move odd. Please talk slowly for me." Luimaya then translated, "She is greeting you and asking for you and the other members of the town to speak slower for her, to give her time to read your lips."
Gali nodded, addressing the town in Gerudo to look out for the little one. Turning to Skyla, she got on a knee to kneel down to her and speak in Sign. “Hello Skyla. I am Gali. I think I’ve met you and your father’s people on my travels before. Hard to forget a tribe as pretty as you.”
"You tall lady." Skyla motioned to the women surrounding Gali. "All tall. Garai women like me, not so tall. Sister tribe, you come visit sometime." She then stomped the sand with her foot and made a sailing wave with her arm. "Ride Sand Rays! Learn of Gerudo now. You learn of Garai too. Too much time pass without sister tribe. Sand here. Stone there. Much to know." "Skyla, don't sign so fast, she might not get it all." Tebanam hopped down from his camel, Loogie, and signed to his daughter. "They go slow for you, you go slow for them. Not too fast." Skyla blushed and sheepishly signed, "Sorry. Excited!"
"That's more than fine Skyla. We'll get to learning about each others culture very quickly." Gali patted Skyla on the shoulder as she stood up. "We have tour guides in green patched shoulders who'd love to take you around our markets, bars, training grounds, schools, saunas, spas, and the rest of the joyous spots in Taiyo Town. If you'd like to explore on your own that's fine too. I hope you all enjoy the joys Taiyo Town can bring!"
Ganondorf was lost in thought as he looked around the town. While Gali was addressing the crowd, he watched small Gerudo children kick a ball back and forth. A woman was beating an old styled blanket he used to wrap himself in previous lives from her balcony. And there was a Hylian in the background laughing with a Gerudo. A union he had been working hard since with his wife to normalized. A view he knew his cousin had struggled to come to grips with. Yet here they were.
Donoma was struggling to pull her brother through the throng of women. This was a headache. She kept politely asking for the ladies to step aside, but they were more interested in talking to Revan. "Girls... girls, for fuck's sake!!!" Donoma shouted over the crowd. "You can feel his pecs later, we're going to see my mom now."
“Come on Donoma! This is the virgin brother you have! Can’t we just, you know, kiss him. For homework purposes?” Her roommate asked in a little sexy voice for her brother.
Revan wasn’t expecting so many of the girls around Donoma’s age to be so horny. This wasn’t the type of attention he wanted. “I have someone else...”
"No. At least, not now. Later." Donoma yanked Revan into the tent that her mother and father shared. Finally, maybe the crowd would go away. "Damn vultures, I swear..."
"Revan!" Asakonigei was on bed rest, currently trying her hand at knitting and failing miserably. Although, her face lit up when she saw her son and daughter. "Donoma! I'm so happy you're both here!"
“Mom!” Revan ran forward, hugging her close. “Are you ok? I can’t believe Dad got you pregnant again.”
"I'm fine, Revan, just a little uncomfortable with all this extra weight." Asakonigei hugged her son tightly. "We were not exactly planning this, but nonetheless, it happened. I've been very well cared for while I've been here."
"Do you know what the baby is now?" Donoma asked her mother. "I've been wanting to know for so long!"
"Yes, actually, I do know the baby is going to be." Asakonigei smiled widely. "You're both going to have a little brother."
"Queen Zarazu birthed three Gerudo boys and now, I suppose I'm lucky to have a second one." Asakonigei then added. "Though your father and I have been at odds about a name."
“You have?” Revan sat beside her, wanting to not leave her side. Been months since he saw his mother.
"Get a load of this," Donoma plopped onto the bed, opposite to Revan, their mother in the middle. "Dad says he wants another Gerudo name, but Mom is insisting on a combination between Gerudo and Lorleidian since my name is Lorleidian and yours is Gerudo."
"It's only fair." Asakonigei defended her point. "I doubt I'm having another baby, so half it, right?"
“Well knowing father, he most likely doesn’t want a Frankenstein name put together.”
"It's not that bad, I don't think." Donoma shrugged her shoulders. "Mufratir is all right, isn't it?" Asakonigei asked her son.
Revan couldn’t hide his displeasure at the name as his face contorted at the corners. “Keep it simple?”
"Or she could go all out like Zarazu and Covarog did with Zahirog and name the kid Malikonigei." Donoma snorted.
"Oh, hush you!" Asakonigei gently shoved at Donoma's shoulder.
“Could call him Dad’s first name?” Revan pondered on the possibilities.
"One Malik in the world is enough, the world has enough stubbornness." Asakonigei laughed.
"The world didn't need even more with Revan, what have you done, Mom?"
"Your brother is not that bad."
"He went into a match without magic."
"That's just his ego."
“Excuse me?!” The comment of the world not needing him stung Revan to his core. “I’m sorry I tried to prove that I had value in the skills I crafted for myself. I’m sorry I’m not daddies favourite child!”
"Oh, stop being a brat." Donoma snapped at Revan. "You know that's not what I meant. I implied the world doesn't need more of your 'I'm-undefeatable' attitude." She then scoffed and said, "Favorite? Dad doesn't choose favorites, but if you really believe that's true, it's only because I actually listen and behave."
"Hush, you two, stop fighting." Asakonigei scolded both of her children. "I shall not have you two fighting in front of me or your father. He has enough to worry about as it is."
“Oh you know what, fuck dad too. Too important with all of this to give a damn about me.” Revan gestured all around the village with wide arms. “Skipping dinners, celebrations, and ceremonies to be here. Except while I’m stuck out busting my ass, he chooses you to live here with him. You’re probably aware he’s never once invited me here.”
"He didn't choose me to live with him here, you dumbass! I'm a woman, for starters, and at least I look Gerudo!!!" Donoma spat back at Revan. "He's trying his best to rebuild some semblance of what our ancestors lost! If you're so upset about not receiving a personal invitation, it's not Dad's fault! The Gerudo women here don't trust men! The only reason they trust Dad is because he is Gerudo!"
"ENOUGH!!!" Asakonigei shouted so loud that Revan's ears and Donoma's rang something fierce. "If the both of you are going to squabble like children, then you can do so elsewhere! I do not need the stress of seeing you two fight and neither does your little sibling! Out! Right now!"
"But Mom---"
"I said, OUT!!!"
“You hit the nail exactly on the head. In his eyes I’m not Gerudo. And if I am, I’ll only carry the worst aspects. So how about you go crawl back to your sisterhood like the good little girl you are.” Revan looked to his mom, daring to glare at her something fierce. “A baby will kill you. Why would you risk putting us through something like that?”
"At least I don't follow around a girl who doesn't love me!" Donoma shot back. "Luimaya will never like you in that aspect and you think being her bodyguard will make her view you as some romantic hero? You're an ass." With that, Donoma tromped out of the tent.
Asakonigei gave Revan a hard stare. "I had complications with you, I lost too much blood with Donoma, and yet, both of you are still here and alive." Asakonigei said very sternly. "Your father and I didn't plan this. I did not even think I could get pregnant again with the trauma my body suffered. Yet, this baby is growing within me and will need you and your sister. I would gladly die for you and Donoma, and this baby. It's part of me and part of your father, and will be your sibling. Don't you dare patronize me, son."
“Is this because you want to give father his large family. You really think it’ll be fair to the baby to grow up in a world without a mother?” Revan sat down next to her, disbelief wrapped around his face. “You think that’s fair to me and Donoma to lose you for another one of father’s grand dreams? Honestly, are you even thinking properly here?”
"No, I don't think it's fair. Not for me, not for you, not for your sister or father, and certainly not the baby." Asakonigei stated as her son sat beside of her. "As I said previously, your father nor I planned this. It simply happened. And I am thinking very clearly. I am a mother. You will not be able to understand until you have children of your own, Revan. I want this baby to be born surrounded by love regardless of what happens to me. I may or may not survive... but at least this time, I will have more help."
“How? What makes you believe that? Your body will kill you. Dr. Bovier made that perfectly clear.”
"Yes, Doctor Boveir did. Yet, these women believe differently. So now, the only thing I have left is faith."
“Faith? Are you out of your mind?” Revan sneered at the very thought. “We should just get on our hands and knees and pray? Or perhaps we should get some shaman to throw flowers on top of you.”
"Don't. Patronize. Me." Asakonigei yanked her son forward by the collar of his armor. She was pregnant, but still strong enough to get Revan's attention. "I prayed to Kovina for you. You are here. If you are going to be like this, then you can leave. I will not have your attitude around myself or your new sibling-to-be when the time comes. Either you can support me, or go. What is it going to be?"
“I’ll leave when her royal highness deems it ready to go.” He held her hand, his fingers gentle, yet firm on her. His eyes were angry, but his lips trembled small hesitation. “I don’t want Klinge’s ego to take you away from me.”
"... you know I'll fight the Goddess of Death to stay here with you." Asakonigei held the side of his face with a small sigh. "If you don't have faith in the deities, at least have faith in me. Your mother is a tough old woman."
Revan’s eyes were heavy as he slowly nodded in agreement. “Alright...” Careful to not hurt her, he hugged his mother closely. “I don’t trust Father to look after you. So you have to be strong enough to look after yourself.”
As Revan hugged her, Asakonigei slowly stroked the back of his hair, trying her best to soothe him. "I have a lot of women here ready to help me. I'll have help, Revan. And if you decide to stay for a little while, then you can help me too."
Revan choose to ignore that last part. “I hope they can help you...”
The first day of the royal family visit was going smoothly. Malik was incredibly proud of his people. Seeing Luimaya, he waved the girl and her siblings over. “Young princess. Princes and princess’. How are you this afternoon?”
Luimaya had been exploring the town with her siblings and cousins. All of them were currently enjoying a recipe of the Gerudo heritage. Poor Turagor was coughing from the spiciness, the younger twins barely batted an eye, and Zahirog merely nibbled on his, trying to save face. "This is... a different experience for sure. It's not exactly what I've read in books." Zahirog admitted to Malik.
"I guess history left out a few parts." Turagor said in-between sputters from the spicy chicken leg.
"I really enjoyed seeing such beautiful custom clothes!" Marena smiled.
"And hearing the music!" Syrena added.
Luimaya stayed silent for a while, thinking. "Though... Ganonpa won't stay here to lead them." She then asked. "So I suppose Gail is going to?"
“Ganondorf is too old to lead. The man has lived long enough for this lifetime to be a ruler. Gali certainly makes a qualified Chieftain in my absence.”
The siblings exchanged glances.
"... you?" Zahirog appeared to be confused. "You're a man. I thought the Gerudo wanted a female leader like Nabooru in the old days?"
“There have been Kings and Queens in our past too.”
"Yeah, though Zahi and Turagor needed a pass just to come in here." Marena noted. "So... it's safe to assume they're not too trusting of men." Syrena pointed out to her uncle.
"I know Mom and Dad will probably want to talk to them about keeping good ties with Hyrule." Luimaya told Malik. "I know Dad is King and a descendant of Ganondorf, so surely there will be peace from here on out."
“That’s something we are working out. I just don’t want these people to be taken advantage of.” Malik smiled softly, speaking gently to them all. “Just how I didn’t want your father, uncles, aunts and all of you taken advantage. History can sometimes be tricky and like to repeat itself.”
"Do you think they'll allow Lorleidians here too? Maybe some Hylian civilians?" Luimaya inquired. "For trading purposes?"
“Yes. It’s what I want. It’s what we are already trying to integrate. Look closely, and you’ll be able to spot one or two amongst the town even now.”
"As long as there is prosperity and peace, that's what matters the most." Luimaya stated.
"Though, I really wish you wouldn't stay here."
"Yeah, the castle would fall apart without you." Turagor remarked as he chugged down some water, trying to wash away some of the spiciness of the chicken. "I mean, you did keep our aunts and uncles from arguing all the time. Sort of."
"I think what he's trying to say is you're a peacemaker and we don't want anymore food fight incidents between Uncle Corsaire and his crew against the Hylian guards." Zahirog blanched. "I was pulling noodles out of my hair for weeks."
“Children...” Malik tried to sound soft to counteract how tired he was of this particular conversation. “I’ve been a peacemaker before your parents were even born. If you still need to rely on my guidance, I fear for the stability of Hyrule.”
"What they're trying to say is, they're going to miss you if you stay here." Marena clarified.
"Yeah. It would suck, cause we wouldn't get to see you as often." Syrena added to her twin's statement.
“Your Aunt Kanisa lives a whole ocean away. I’m still less then a days travel away. Besides, distance makes the heart grow fonder.” He gently patted Syrena on the shoulder.
"Yeah, but at least she has a dragon to bring her here to see us." Syrena sulked slightly. "If you move away, you might not come back cause Uncle Ralnor annoys you."
"We all know that Uncle Ralnor can annoy anyone with his 'proper-ness'." Marena snickered. "I hold my pinky finger out when I sip tea, look at me, I'm so proper." The siblings did exchange giggles at that mentioning.
“What? You can’t travel here to see me?”
"We can but who knows when we'll be able to." Luimaya admitted with a heavy sigh. "Come on, Uncle Malik. Even Mom and Dad don't get out of the palace that much. You know that."
"And when Lui becomes queen, it will be harder for to do so." Turagor frowned slightly. "Maybe for us if we have to stay at home too."
"At least we have each other." Zahirog noted. "That's what counts."
"But on a lighter note, Mama told us that Aunt Asa is pregnant again." Marena smiled. "What are you going to name the baby?"
"Is it a boy or a girl?" Syrena asked.
“I don’t know yet.” Malik didn’t want to know, least, not quite yet. Sighing, he figured out how to approach their worries. “The same way home will keep you busy in central Hyrule, my home here will keep me busy. This is simply part of life though children.”
"We know." Zahirog shrugged, holding his siblings together with his arms around their shoulders. "Though you better find the time to visit if we do."
“I-“ Malik saw Ganondorf from afar. The man held an expression of light urgency, waving the Lord with the wrist of a hand. “If you will excuse me children.”
Reaching Ganondorf’s side, Malik still felt slightly humbled in his presence. “Is something the matter?”
“No. Not at all. However, there is something of great importance I wish to discuss with you.”
“I understand.”
“I think privately will be best.”
Privately? This intrigued Malik. “Very well. Inside the eyes of the goddess statue then?” Ganondorf looked to the edge of the town where a giant woman of stone observed the town.
“You can go inside?”
“Yes. I made it a place of pray and to chronicle our people.”
“How spiritual of you. Let’s not waste time. Still a night of celebration to share.” The two Gerudo men reminisced on their shared past as they made their way to the temple. Inside, Ganondorf and Malik took their seat in front of a mural of great Gerudo’s past. “Cousin, don’t think me rude, but I invited two others.”
"I swear, if Malik wanted me to drag my ass in here for another stupid test of his, I'mma choke him. Getting too old for that."
"Now, now, Rinku, I'm sure he just wants to talk without a ton of eyes upon us."
"I'm serious, I'm so over these tests of his, Zarazu! At least he learned his lesson with you."
"How so?"
"... you took the man's arm; he should be grateful you didn't take his dick." Rinku and Zarazu had no idea that the words in the temple could... echo.
Ganondorf turned to daughter as she made herself visible with Zarazu. “Colourful vocabulary.” Malik was surprised to see Zarazu and Rinku together. “I didn’t expect you both to be here.”
"You invited us?" Zarazu held a tone of questioning to her voice. "Unless I misunderstood, you wanted to meet with the holders of the Tri-Force?"
"Hey, I've heard worse from you, Ganondad." Rinku pointed a finger at Ganondorf.
“I did.”
“What is this all about?” Malik stiffened, uncertainty filling his being. His words said otherwise, but deep down his heart knew why they were all gathered now.
Ganondorf changed his gaze over to Malik, a deep and heavy look falling on him. “We are here to talk about The Triforce of Power’s new owner.”
Silence was cast over the room, and a shocking realization hit Malik now it was in the open air. “Me?”
"...?! WHAT?!" Rinku shook her head. "Wait, I thought Covarog was supposed to get the Tri-Force? He's next in line, no offense, Malik."
"I am... surprised myself." Zarazu stated slowly, not expecting this. "Might I ask why?"
“Rinku...” Ganondorf waiter until his eldest daughter was a little calmer before continuing. “Every child of mine, with the exception of you, carries a seed of darkness that I share. I fear the Triforce might corrupt them as it corrupted me.”
"Corrupt them?!" Rinku took offense to that. "All your kids are the best of you and Mom. Do you truly think that if you give the Tri-Force to Covarog that he'll turn dark?" She then said, "If you don't want to trust Covarog with it, then give it to Ralnor. Hell, give it to Orana or Kanisa, even Teb! They're not going to be corrupted! None of them are part of this curse that you, Mom, and I have repeated!"
“No. They both struggle with darkness in their choices. And I won’t expose Orana, Kanisa, or Tebanem to temptation of abuse. I need someone who’s motives are incorruptible. That knows the weight of true magic and power.”
"You have so little faith in them! Look at how much they all have overcome!" Rinku frowned and gestured to Zarazu. "They're married. They have families. They're happy! And not once ounce of lust for power within them! And you think Malik is the one? Good goddesses, look at what you both have done in the past!" Rinku exclaimed. "Look at how much bloodshed both of you have on your hands! He's a carbon copy of you, Ganondorf! This is not a good idea!"
“Have we not redeemed ourselves? Has he not suffered enough under my hands as much as any of my other past victims? He rose from being my tool to regaining his humanity.” Ganondorf sent a penetrating look at his daughter. “What’s more, he has never broken my trust. Even in the deepest depths of depravity he was always honest with his intentions.”
"Yeah, he regained his humanity, but not due to you." Rinku remarked with a glare of her own. "Due to her," She motioned to Zarazu, and then added, "And his wife. What do you think will happen if they're no longer around to keep him in check? Do you want me to have to strike him down like I had to do you in our past lives if he loses control?"
“I regained it due to me wanting my humanity back. I worked hard for it. I earned it.” Malik was about done with the hero talking down on him. “You speak as though you aren’t without blood on your hands. So many of your past lives ended entire bloodlines due and the ramifications can still be felt today. We keep each other in check. I was kept around to keep you in check since you were a child. So don’t patronize me.”
"I know I have blood on my hands and I regret my actions. Yet, I've never been influenced by power. That's your lot. You still seek it today, and you're blind to it." Rinku shook her head. "I don't agree with this. When Chaos comes, he'll use it against you to turn you to his side and you'll end up fighting with Luimaya instead of with her. I'm out of here." The heroine tromped out of the cave, steaming. Zarazu, on the other hand, had remained silent the entire time. Thinking.
Malik couldn’t help but laugh at the old Princess. Even now, she still had a young spirit. “You’re going down to a dead end.”
As she stomped around, Ganondorf was less amused. “Rinku. You aren’t being fair here. As Zelda trusted Zarazu, I trust Malik. Please... sit.” The old king was also tired. He didn’t want to argue this point.
Rinku was done with this conversation and refused to be a part of it further. She turned around, found another tunnel, and exited the cave to prove her point and kept walking.
"Maybe we should give her some space to think as well." Zarazu suggested, trying to keep Rinku and Ganondorf from arguing again as her sister-in-law left the temple.
“She’ll have to accept it.” With Rinku gone, Ganondorf sighed. “She’s in the dark, but I know you’re no fool to Ralnor’s darker actions in protecting Hyrule, even now. And for my eldest, I wasn’t completely sure until I heard Malik show Zannah respect where Covarog couldn’t let go of it his hatred of the Hasai. That is ultimately why I choose Malik over your husband Zarazu. Malik has shed his hate.”
Malik looked softly at Zarazu, wondering what she was thinking. “Rupee for your thoughts?”
"I can understand Rinku's view and your view, because I'm trying to be fair from a standpoint." Zarazu admitted to the men. "I'm well aware that my husband has flaws. Everyone does, we're human. However, I do think you should tell Covarog why he is not getting the Tri-Force of power. I won't lie, I'm sure it will hurt him. He has been looking forward to succeeding you in being a carrier because he wants to make you proud." She then continued, "Though, if Malik has the Tri-Force, I know you trust him and I know that he has more respect for the Hasai than my husband. I cannot help but wonder if you too will be immune to the temptation of power, my oldest friend." The queen was wise, for sure, though still cautious. "Many times in history, power has corrupted... are you sure that it's temptation will not affect you like it has Ganondorf?"
“I don’t know for sure. That’s why I want my friends and family to keep me honest. To use a seat and source of power for the betterment of all people.” Malik glanced over to Ganondorf, a sudden frown on his face. “If you give me your greatest source of power, you will lose your immortality. You might not live for long.”
“Who wants to live forever? No. Not me. As for Covarog, he knows how plenty proud I am of him.”
Finally, Ganondorf stood up from his bench. “Zarazu. I want your support on this. Do you think Malik is a good man? Do you think he can wield power in the name of peace?”
"... I do believe Malik is a good man. I do believe he sincerely wants the best for our people, for the Gerudo as well. Though, as said previously, there is always temptation." Zarazu looked at her own hand. There she saw the slight glow of the Tri-Force piece of Wisdom, reminding her there were always two sides to every tale. Those years ago before Zelda's death, she entrusted the Lorleidian queen with the Tri-Force of Wisdom. She did not want her daughters to carry the burden and trusted Zarazu to keep it safe. "Though we are only human, Ganondorf. Sometimes, even I feel the slight pull of the Tri-Force, calling me to use it. To dip into that magical essence that is so pure and addictive, that I have to be careful. I resist it for the sake of my family, my friends, and my kingdom." She held up her fingers glowing with magic. "If you want my support, and my utmost trust... then I must ask that we form a bind. This way, no matter where these pieces may end up... we will not let them fight against one another again." The queen then stated. "We'll revoke this curse."
“I can agree to that. If the pieces of the Triforce, ever, ever need to come together, then it will be for a wish of healing to the people.” Malik’s breath didn’t hitch as he reached a hand out to Zarazu to shake on this sacred pact.
"Not to destroy, but for peace." Zarazu took Malik's hand. "No longer destruction, but healing."
“For love, not hatred.”
"Agreed." Zarazu used her magic to implement the contract of the binding. A ring of runes in the Lorleidian language formed on her wrist and Malik's, identical in nature. "And if we break it... we die."
Malik nodded. When finished, he seemed almost somber when he spoke. Perhaps now was the time to tell his friend. “You should know that I’m not coming back to Hyrule. This is my home. With my people. They want to elect me to the position of Gerudo King. The sworn guardian. I’ve waited to be here again since I was a boy.”
"... I know." Zarazu simply replied to her friend. "I want you to be happy. Though I must be blunt with my next question." She took a small breath and said, "When the time comes... you will still remain loyal to my daughter?"
“I will be a friend that she can rely on.”
"She will need you." Zarazu actually looked... concerned. "As much as that snake gives me the creeps, I cannot deny his magic or his status. He said it will be soon... and I am worried."
“The Triforce bearers and the sages will need to protect the world.” Ganondorf stretched out, taking a deep breath. “Are you both prepared for that?”
"I am prepared for that. I am ready to give my life if it means my family will be safe." Zarazu clasped her hands together, her gaze downcast. "I am not ready to... to sacrifice my daughter. If what Bonegrinder says is true, and... his prophecy is correct..." It was hard for her to speak the words. "I've seen what has happened to Bonegrinder's mind. It is warped. He shares two souls in one body. He is a host for a deity and no longer his original self... if that happens to my Luimaya..."
“Bonegrinder is a freak. I won’t let him or anyone else hurt your daughter Zarazu.”
"... I trust you." Zarazu sighed, still thinking of what the future could hold. "I do think you need to check on Asa, Malik. From what Nakeso overheard when she went to take your wife some food from Gail, Revan and Donoma were... disagreeing."
“It is.” Ganondorf took a few sound breaths. Opening his right palm, a feint and soft glow emerged as a small golden triangle appeared. There was no celebration of grand ceremony behind it. The earth didn’t shake, and the sky didn’t change colour. It simply appeared. Ganondorf gently handed it to Malik to hold with both hands. “Take it.”
Zarazu simply waited in slight apprehension. She did not know what would occur once Malik took the piece.
Ganondorf stepped back as his cousin held the Triforce. Malik didn’t expect it to feel so warm, like a campfire. But with a squeeze of his right fist around it, he felt his heart light in a blaze of might. The Triforce connected to him physically, mentally, and spiritually. His breath felt freer, and he felt more alive then ever. One his palm, the triangle of the Triforce emerged from nothing, looking like tattoo. The top triangle lightly glowed, signifying the merger was a success. Malik, son of the desert and blade of the Gerudo, was now the weirder of Power.
"... Malik?" Zarazu finally spoke. "Are you all right?"
"I can relate." Zarazu took a slow inhale. It seemed he was still himself... for now. Maybe the fail-safe spell was keeping everything in check. Maybe Rinku was wrong and Malik would not be corrupted. Yet, personally, though she might not admit it, Zarazu was not willing to take that chance when it came to her daughter. If he tried to use it for evil... no, it was best not to think about it.
Malik took a few moments to self reflect. With the Triforce, he felt connected to life and magic on a deeper level in a near instant. To be truthful, it suddenly became overbearing. “I think I need to sit down.”
Zarazu formed a chair of ice for him to sit upon in the cave. "... the magic is overwhelming for a new holder." The queen then offered. "I can help you channel it for a bit to get you used to it."
“Give me a moment. I just need to adjust.”
"Close your eyes and try to imagine the flow of the magic." Zarazu instructed Malik, trying to make it easier for him. "You feel it within you, within your surroundings, and others... let it talk to you."
“Cousin, imagine the Triforce as a heart within you. It beats within you as a generator of life and magic. Ease into it. Should be similar to the magic you know.”
Malik nodded, feeling deep within and focusing on himself. Over the course of five minutes the man finally felt he had control over the new weight of his soul. “I’ll be fine now.”
"All right... let's just walk slow then. We'll need to help Ganondorf."
Malik took another breath, looking down at the yellow triangle burned upon his hand. He knew in his heart of hearts this was the key to bringing glory to the Gerudo and all of Hyrule.  
Previous Ch. https://mrneighbourlove.tumblr.com/post/622576982282141697/the-rising-sun-ch-4-uncertain-future
Next Ch. https://mrneighbourlove.tumblr.com/post/622772431507062784/the-rising-sun-ch-6-like-father-like-son
Crossover with @ridersoftheapocalypse
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insertdisc5 · 6 years
Yet Another Zelda Roleswap (the masterpost)
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✨what's this AU?
Check THIS POST I DID that started it all and also the AU’s tag
✨in this au, the previous legends about the triforce are the same, aka “zeldas are princesses links are heroes and ganon/ganondorf is always the same guy and the big bad”! BUT THIS TIME DESTINY DID AN OOPSIE and ganondorf forgot all about his previous lives while link is the one who remembers them all!!! zelda just wants to travel and read cool legends and didnt expect to be part of one
-trans girl, found the name zelda in very very very old royal records
-she's like 16 or something
-seventh heir to the throne who wants to prove herself, so she goes on an adventure to save the world!!!!
-adventurous and impulsive and naive
-main weapon is bows, she also knows magic and sheikah techniques
-has six siblings who dont really pay attention to her. shes probably the youngest
-her point of view is very black and white at first
-even when she gets in the middle of link and ganon’s story she still doesn’t believe she is The Zelda of legend
-how could she she’s just a zelda, one among many, just a kid playing at being a princess
-(she IS the zelda)
-she gets a bird AND a white horse!!!!
-if she sees a weird cave she WILL go into it 
-would probably eat moss if dared
-genderfluid, uses he/they
-hes in his early twenties
-a man zelda meets during her travels, who seems to know a lot about old legends
-he can see koroks and fairies, who can’t be seen by most people
-gets all his past lives' memories after he gets the master sword, over a period of a day or two
-maybe link does remember his past deaths along with his past lives, but past deaths are maybe more muted…. less like he experienced them and more like someone told him about it. still fucks him up tho
-i feel like he’d be pretty nice and sleepy all the time, until you mention something that has to do with his memories (aka, ganondorf, but also like “oh ive heard some hero in the legends went back to being a kid to save the world or whatever) and he’d get this super serious, focused look… something like that, little things that would make zelda go :^?
-he just really wants to kill ganondorf ya dig
-SO MANY BOSS FORMS probably one per main title (kinda like xant’s battle in TP) (strongest/hardest to fight is majora’s mask link), and final form is definitely some twisted looking fierce deity
-as for his past selves he has all of their memories and its kind of… they’re not him, he’s him, they’re just memories that he has, but when he is very very stressed its “memories become actual personalities for a sec” time. 99% of the time its just him and then ganondorf is there and its like WILL EVERYONE SHUT UP IM TRYING TO MAKE A MURDER HERE
-he’s not controlled by malice or anything because it would feel like a deus ex machina to me
-in the end he doesnt die and he gets redemption because he didnt hurt anyone he just tried to kill ganondorf a few times hes good, and also zelda is his friend and an heir to the throne he’s got immunity. poor guy just needs help processing all those lives and needs a cabin in the woods with some fairies!!!
-re: his past lives, oot link SUPER HATES ganondorf while ww link is more sympathetic. links who havent fought ganondorf are ambivalent about him
-endgame ship is either with ganondorf OR beedle. beedle is the secret ending
-will eat moss
-he's in his twenties i promise he just has resting old man face
-zelda’s old childhood friend
-doesn’t remember anything about his past lives
-gerudo king, very serious but fairly well loved
-lets not talk about malice it either doesnt exist/this ganondorf doesnt have any/this ganondorf knows how to control it. either way its not gonna affect the story
-”what are you wearing today king” “oh, just whatever” (its not whatever he spent hours finding the day’s outfit)
-found out about his past lives while reading a very very very old book, probably read it and stayed in his room for a week and then promised himself to never ever ever turn out like that
-genuinely a good person
-would never eat moss
-zelda and ganondorf actually knew each other as kids! Both being royalty and all. legends do talk about a hero a princess a beast or whatever but don’t use link or ganondorf’s names since it’s been so long- it takes zelda and ganondorf both finding old, old books on their own to be like “AH OOPS”!!! Ganondorf learns about his past lives much earlier than zelda, who finds out during her adventures, and she goes from seeing ganondorf as a dear friend to being like “…but what if he’s really bad though”
they’re old childhood friends, you know, the kind that were best friends before and then grew up and saw each other less often (different kingdoms and all) so they kinda grew apart, and then zelda starting her quest made them reconnect again! Ganondorf is a little older than zelda so he always saw her more as his little sister who just jumps into mud because she totally saw a sword there i promise, and zelda sees ganondorf as her cool older brother who actually pays attention to her, unlike her actual siblings
-when link and zelda meet, zelda’s like “weird dude but probably harmless” and link is like “weird girl but probably harmless” and then she’s like “oh my name is zelda” and link goes “ah just likeWAIT” and he kinda observes her to… gauge her abilities? My Zeldas Were Better kinda thing. i guess during their final battle he’s like “you’re really a zelda, after all” and its bittersweet
the second zelda figures out link is also part of those legends she goes full hero worship mode, which makes link’s fall from grace… really… hard on her. ive been admiring you and wanting to be a hero like you all this time, turns out you’re not a hero and also Not Okay
-re ganondorf and link, after everything that happened uuuh
human brain: it probably takes them both a long while to get used to each other, given that one was almost killed by the other and the other has vivid memories of having their world(s) destroyed by the one, but after a while they probably bond over their shared uuuuh memories i guess. link visits gerudo city once in a while and they catch up and become friends and
lizard brain: after 100k words they DATE
no i wont write how it happens you will NOT make me embarrass myself in front of everyone because i earnestly wrote about how link visits ganondorf every time he’s in gerudo country and at first link just passes by to give ganondorf news about how zelda is faring as queen and news about the world, and as time goes and years go by  they start talking about their lives and struggles and just taking walks across the desert together and having sand seal races and everyone in ganondorf’s court is like “so when’s that little voe coming back” and ganondorf is like “i neither know nor care that its been three months since his last visit” and everyone’s like (smirk) “okay” and when has he even started to look forward to link’s visits anyway how did this happen and then link comes back and smiles gently and shows ganondorf this cool rock he found that looks like ganondorf’s face and ganondorf is smitten
takes them both Y E A R S to realize their feelings and then date tho. slow burn or bust
-takes place in a time where the games’ adventures are only known as legends where they didnt even write down ganondorf’s and link’s names
-now that im thinking about it it wouldnt happen like THOUSANDS OF YEARS after any game because then ganon and link wouldnt be that worried about their destiny??? so maybe like 100-200 years after a game??? and the ppl writing down the legends were just terrible bookkeepers who couldnt even think write down link and ganon’s name
-(smash voice) EVERYONE IS HERE!!!!!!!! tingle and agitha the bug princess and sidon and especially groose who is uuuuum zelda’s rival who is totally not in love with her
-i think in botw its implied koroks are only seen by people like link and zelda??? so id say only people with uuuuh magical power??? can see them???? so koroks are just doin their thing, playing pranks, helping people without them knowing, and, in the case of makar, playing romantic music around couples
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katedoesfics · 5 years
Shadows of the Yiga | Chapter 1
A tedious stack of papers dropped on his desk. Link turned his gaze over to them casually, then up to the woman that stood over him.
“Special delivery,” Sera said cheerfully. “One stack of papers for a Mr. Hero.” She winked playfully at him and casually blew her sidebang out of her face.
Link turned his gaze back to his computer. He tapped his pen against his desk. It was just another day for him. Five years at that office, and each day simply blended into the next. He understood why people had midlife crises. Doing the same thing day in and day out was mind numbingly tedious. But it was a job, and he needed the money if he wanted to live in a house another month.
“For someone who faked his entire resume, you do surprisingly well,” she continued with a grin. “Can you get all this done by five like last week?”
Link shrugged lazily with one shoulder. “Sure.”
She sat on the edge of his desk, still grinning. “How do you do it?”
“Well, you see,” Link started, rolling back in his chair. He pressed his fingertips together. “It's all bullshit, Mr. Watson.”
Sera laughed. “Sounds about right. I mean, who cares about expense reports, anyway? Certainly not this company.”
“It takes years of practice to do what I do,” Link said with a smug grin.
“At this rate, you'll be at the top of the corporate ladder.”
“And all my dreams will come true,” Link said dryly.
“I could get used to the perks,” she said with a shrug. “Those company cars look nice.”
Link scoffed. “Suits. Not my style.”
“That's so Superman of you. Corporate slave by day, hero by night. Why isn't that on your resume?”
Link turned back to his computer. “Unfortunately, we're not exactly in an age of heroes. No one gives a shit.”
“They ought to.” She was quiet for a moment. She tapped a finger on the stack of paper she dropped on his desk. “This is no place for a hero.”
“Well, hero work doesn't pay the bills.”
“Hm. Touche.” She stood. “Up for another drink tonight?”
Link turned his attention to his phone as it vibrated against the desk. He sighed when he recognized the number of the high school. “Doesn't look like I'll be able to,” he said as he answered the phone. He turned his gaze to Sera as she walked away, waving over her shoulder.
“Link. I have Aryll in my office. Can you come by?”
“Again?” Link turned his gaze to the papers on his desk. They would have to wait until tomorrow.
“Yes,” the principal said dryly.
“Sure,” Link said. “Let me just take another personal day. I don't get tired of using those up.”
“I'm in no mood for your attitude, Link.”
Link sighed. “I'll be down in a bit.” Without another word, he hung up the call. He got up abruptly, leaving his chair spinning in his wake, and passed Sera's desk as he made his way out. She looked up from her computer screen as he passed.
“Aryll causing trouble again?”
“Cover for me?”
She saluted him. “Aye, aye, Mr. Hero.”
Link rolled his eyes at her before leaving the office. It wasn’t the first time he had gotten a call from the school about Aryll, but it was the first year she had really started to act out. He didn’t know shit about parenting, and as far as he knew, there was no how-to book on the subject. It may have been ten years ago, but he was sixteen once, too, and he never went through any sort of rebellious phase. Of course, he was a little preoccupied in his chosen destiny to stop Ganondorf and save Hyrule. So, it was very possible he missed out on the inductions into the rebellion club. He was convinced that such a thing existed, and it was all just a big plan to make his life even more miserable.
Regardless of why Aryll was acting out, she was, and Link had found himself at the high school on a more regular basis than he wanted to be. Fortunately, it was mostly for petty high school crimes. Aryll was found skipping class. Or skipping the day entirely. Or she was caught cheating on her test. A couple of times, she had apparently gotten into some fights, which left her suspended for the next couple of days. These were the worst, mainly because Link knew that being unsupervised at home would only allow her to get into more trouble. By the grace of Hylia, he had managed to sweet talk his way out of that with the principal, though he wasn’t sure how long that would last if she kept up.
He was bending over backwards for his sister, and she didn’t seem to give a damn. It apparently wasn’t enough that he dropped out of college to be with her when his father was discharged. Or that he had taken over everything when he died, including the unfortunate role of being some sort of father figure in her life. The two jobs he was working just to keep a roof over her head? Well, who needed that? Surely not him. She was going to get kicked out of school at this rate and never graduate, so why did he bother sticking around in the city? There was nothing there for him, anyway, and there would be nothing for Aryll if she wasn’t going to graduate high school.
So, really, who was it all for, then? What did any of it matter? How he wished he could go to the bar after picking up Aryll.
It would have felt odd to be back at the school if he hadn’t been such a regular appearance there. Every time, he would find himself looking at the corner of the building from his car where his friends used to hang out before and after classes. Sometimes, he would wander the hallways before making his way to the office, looking out into the courtyard where they once gathered for lunch. On one of the picnic tables, Revali had lovingly carved “Link sux” into the wood. Ten years was a long time, but it seemed a lifetime ago. He hated everything about high school, but in those recent years, he wanted nothing more than to go back and attempt to make a better future for himself.
And there was Aryll, all too happy to throw it all away. Everything he had done for her.
Needless to say, Link was in a less than stellar mood when he entered the office. The secretary behind the desk did not look up as he entered, but offered him her usual, monotone greeting. “Hello again, Link.”
“Did you miss me?” he said with a grin. The woman looked up slowly, meeting his gaze with a raised brow and otherwise emotionless face, and his grin quickly disappeared.
“He’s expecting you,” she said with a sigh, pulling her gaze away and back onto her computer screen.
“Right,” Link said. “Of course he is.” He walked around the desk and into the office without knocking, taking the seat in front of the desk. He stretched his legs out in front of him, settling in to hear of Aryll’s latest adventures.
The principal smiled to Link as he sat in the empty seat in front of the desk, but Link did not return the greeting. He crossed his arms over his chest and waited for him to speak.
“Nice to see you, Link.”
“Wish I could say the same.”
“Aryll told me not to call. She said you were busy at work.”
“Well, if she cares so much, maybe she'll stop causing trouble.”
“She's a good kid. She gets good grades.”
“So, what is it this time?”
He folded his hands on his desk. “She knocked a kid out cold.”
Link grinned. “Nice.”
The principal narrowed his gaze. “Do you really think that's appropriate?”
Link shrugged. “Depends. Did he deserve it?”
He sighed and pressed his fingers against his temple.
“He must have done something to piss her off,” Link continued. “What was it?”
He looked down at the papers on his desk and scooped them up. He flipped through them until he found what he was looking for. “Apparently there was a disagreement between them.” He adjusted the glasses on his nose as he read the report. “'He said that the legends of Hylia were nothing but bullshit and scare tactics that the government uses and if Ganondorf was ever a real threat, he would have been eliminated. I told the stupid bastard that if he paid attention to the world at all, he'd know that Ganondorf cannot simply be killed as long as he holds a piece of the Triforce, and the fucking prick said that the Triforce was made up by the royal family to keep themselves in control of Hyrule. He said Zelda and Link were frauds.'” He stopped and looked over his glasses, meeting Link's gaze.
“That's a good one,” he said. “I haven't heard that one yet.”
The principal placed the papers back on his desk and removed his glasses. “It seems Aryll has quite a temper.”
“Guess the kid shouldn't be talking shit. Sounds like he got what he deserved.” He smiled smugly. “Next time -” He snapped his mouth shut, thinking better of what he was going to say. Aryll could get away with throwing punches, but he was sure he couldn't make such threats lightly.
The principal raised a brow. “Next time?”
“Next time maybe he'll show a little respect.”
He leaned back in his large, leather chair, turning slightly from side to side in a rocking motion. “Is everything okay at home?”
Link groaned loudly and rolled his eyes. “Don't give me this shit.”
“I know things haven't been easy for the two of you these last few years, but you are responsible for her and her actions.”
“She's sixteen years old,” Link said. “And I'm not her father. I don't control her. She's old enough to know right and wrong and make her own decisions.”
“She needs guidance, Link.”
“Guidance with what?” Link snapped. “She's standing up for herself. I'm sorry if my little sister has a better punch than that asshole conspiracy theorist. Maybe he should grow a pair.”
He sighed and rubbed at his temple. “I've given her quite a few chances already,” he warned him. “I can't keep doing this. You need to do something about it. You need to talk to her.”
Link got to his feet. “Are we done, or are you going to keep lecturing me about how to raise a teenage girl?”
“I just want what's best for both of you. I don't want to see Aryll go down the wrong path. She has a lot of potential. You should be grateful she doesn't have the same work ethic you did in school.”
Link shrugged. “Just busy saving the world.”
“Mhm.” He turned his gaze away from Link and onto his computer screen. “If it keeps up, I will have to suspend her. Please don't let it come down to that.”
Link said nothing further. He made his way out of the office, closing the door behind him. In the main office, Aryll was sitting in one of the chairs against the wall, her hands behind her head. She stood when Link came out and without a word to her brother, she left the main office and made her way outside. There was still an hour left of school, but Link was too tired to fight with her. He nodded to the woman behind the desk as he walked after Aryll.
“See you next week, Link,” she said disinterestedly.
Outside the school, Link jogged after Aryll as she made her way toward the car. “What the hell was that about?” he said when he reached her side.
“What was what about?” Aryll kept walking, not meeting his gaze.
“You can't go around punching people.”
Aryll rolled her eyes. “I told him not to call you.”
“Who else is he going to call?” Link sneered.
Aryll stopped short and faced him. “Right, because I have no one else. No fucking family.”
Link's expression softened. “You have me.”
“Do I? You're never around!”
“I'm working two fucking jobs for you. What more do you want from me?”
Aryll stormed away from him, away from the car, and towards the road.
“Where are you going?” Link shouted after her.
“Get in the car!”
Fuming, Link got into the vehicle. He pulled out of the lot and followed Aryll onto the road. He rolled down the window as he slowed to her pace. “Get in!”
Aryll crossed her arms. “No.”
“Get in the fucking car, Aryll!”
Aryll stopped walking and glared at him.  She opened her mouth to speak, but thought better of it. Instead, she yanked the door open, slid into the seat, and slammed it closed. She folded her arms over her chest and turned to look out the window, ignoring her brother.
“What the fuck has gotten into you?” Link hissed as he pulled out into traffic.
Aryll shrugged with one shoulder and kept her gaze out the window. “I’m going through my rebellious phase,” she said. “I’ll probably dye my hair black or something. Get a lip ring.” She grinned to herself. “Fuck it. I’ll go all out and get my nipples pierced.”
“You’re not funny,” Link muttered.
“I’m actually hilarious,” she said. “But you have no sense of humor anymore, so you wouldn’t know.”
“You’re going to get expelled,” Link warned her.
“So what?” She glanced over to her brother. “What are you going to do about it? Ground me?” She rolled her eyes and turned her gaze back out the window.
“Sure,” he mumbled. “That’s what people do, right?”
“That’s what parents do,” she said. “And we’re sad little orphans.”
Link’s brows furrowed, but he didn’t respond to her.
Aryll took it upon herself to put an end to the silence that fell between them. “So, since you’re not my father, you don’t have that power.”
“No,” Link said slowly. “But I’m the adult. The only adult you’ve got. So that power transfers to me.”
Aryll shifted in her seat. “Right,” she muttered. “Let me know when you decide to act like an adult.”
Link stopped at a light, slamming harder on the breaks than he needed to. “When you stop acting like a bratty little twat, then we can talk,” he hissed at her.
“Fuck you,” she sneered at him.
“Get out and walk home.”
“No,” she said sternly. “And you can’t make me.”
“Wanna bet?”
“Fine,” she said. “Be a terrible guardian and they’ll take me away and stick me in an orphanage and we’ll never have to see each other again.”
“Stop being so dramatic,” he said. “You won’t go to an orphanage. Even they wouldn’t want you. You’ll just be a homeless little troll under a bridge.”
“You’re a fucking dick!”
The light had turned green, but Link hadn’t moved. The cars behind them started to honk in annoyance.
“Yup, that’s me,” he said. “The biggest asshole this world has ever seen.” He flipped a motorist the bird as he finally moved through the intersection.
“Being a hero doesn’t mean you get to act like a dick to everyone.”
“Thanks for letting me know,” he said. His knuckles whitened as he gripped the steering wheel. “I guess I misunderstood what being a dick was. Apparently giving up everything for you makes me a terrible person.”
“Right, go head,” Aryll said, rolling her eyes. “Play the fucking victim card again.”
“I can’t win with you, can I?” he barked at her. “Nothing I do is good enough!” They stopped at another light and Link turned to his sister. “What do you want from me, Ary? What the fuck do you want?”
Aryll stared at her brother, her face whitening. When the cars began to honk behind them once more, she pulled her gaze away and slunk into her seat. She pulled her knees to her chest and held her breath in an attempt to steady herself, but the tears rolled down her face, anyway. They didn’t speak again until they pulled into the driveway and Link cut the engine. Neither of them moved to get out.
“Can you just talk to me?” Link said softly. “Tell me what you need. Tell me what I can do.”
Aryll glanced over at her brother, but he was staring out the windshield at nothing in particular. She pulled her gaze away and bit her lip to keep her sobs at bay.
“I’m sorry,” she said softly, though her voice broke. “I’m sorry I’m just a burden to you.” And with that, she opened the door, stumbled out, and slammed the car door behind her.
Link watched as she ran into the house. He punched the steering wheel angrily, and the car honked in response.
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pirateprincessaryll · 6 years
Who's Ganon?
A @linkeduniverse fanfiction based on their last comic because I couldn't help myself! I love Sky so much.
Minish = Four Sword
Hero = Hero of Hyrule (LOZ 1+2)
Word Count: 1,242
Sky was groggy. He could barely sleep the previous night, so he was trailing behind the rest of the group as the moves through the forest. He was walking behind Wind and Minish, who were sharing stories as they walked to their next destination.
“And then the King told me that it was the sword that I need to defeat Ganon!” Wind said to Minish, who seemed very interested in everything that he was being told. “I couldn't believe it! I felt honored, really.”
There was that name again. Sky had heard the same name said over and over again by every single one of them, which made him think he was the only one of the group that had no clue who they were even talking about. He had never asked before, but upon hearing that the master sword was what it took to defeat him, that made him a little too curious. So he took the chance.
“Who’s Ganon?”
Almost immediately, Wind turned around with a shocked expression on his face.
“You’re joking, right?”
“No?” Sky was confused. “Who’s Ganon?”
Upon him asking for the second time, the rest of the group had heard Wind’s loud exclamation, so they all heard the question the second time around, and each one seemed to react worse than the last.
Each one of them talked over each other, asking Sky how he could possibly not know who Ganon was?
“I think he’s serious.” Hero said to Wild.
“There's no way,” Wild said back to Hero before looking over at Sky, seeing how confused the poor guy looked. “Oh he’s actually serious.”
“We don't need to overreact.” Time started saying, trying to calm the group of boys down. “But I am curious, who did you think Ganon was?”
“How can you wear that sword on your back and not know who Ganon is?” Legend asked, pointing towards the master sword that was on his back.
Sky was taken aback, not quite sure what to say. He felt a rush of blood go to his head as he tried to figure out what everyone was saying to him. “I, I’m sorry I didn’t-”
“It’s fine, Sky.” Time stepped forward, shooting a glare at Legend. “Let’s just continue moving. We’ll explain it later.”
And that was that, the group kept moving, Wind kept telling Minish his story, and Sky felt a pit in his stomach as they continued walking. He definitely said something wrong, and while most of their reactions seemed more calm, Legend’s reaction cut through him like a knife.
The group eventually settled down and made camp in a clearing, where Time and Wild started preparing the group some lunch. Sky found himself sitting farther away from the rest of the group, silently eating his food while the master sword sat on the ground next to him.
The group made the decision to not move any further for the rest of the day, instead spreading out and exploring and spending the rest of the day to themselves, leaving just three people remaining. Time, Wild, and Sky.
The three of them sat in silence for a while. Wild sat up against a tree with his hood on, reading a book, Time was looking at a map, and Sky was trying to come up with an apology, not realizing that he had begun to hold on to the sailcloth he wore.
Wild looked up from his book and stared at Sky for a bit before deciding to say anything “Hey, are you okay?”
Sky’s eyes flicked over to Wild “Yeah, I think so.”
“If you’re worried about the Ganon thing, don’t be. Legend was overreacting.” Wild folded the corner of the book he was reading, closing it and setting it by his side. “I know who Ganon is and I’ve broken the thing.”
Sky let go of the sailcloth, letting it fall against the rock he was leaning against. “But the way you all reacted, I’m sorry for asking about it.”
Wild shrugged, standing up and brushing dirt off of his pants “There’s nothing to be sorry for. Sorry for not having to deal with Ganon? You obviously had to fight something, Hylia chose you for a reason.”
It was at this point Time looked up from his map and turned to Sky “Do you still want to know who Ganon is?”
“You don’t have to tell me if you don’t want to.” Sky’s gaze moved to Time.
“I think we’re over it by now.” Time looked over to Wild for confirmation, who just nodded. “Ganon was the holder of the Triforce of Power. He took the form of a Gerudo man named Ganondorf, who turned into the dark beat Ganon with the power of the triforce.”
It was at that moment that Sky knew exactly who Ganon was, and the realization felt like he was being stabbed in the stomach. “Oh.” Was all he could say.
“Is everything okay?” Time said, about read to get up and help Sky.
Sky couldn’t reply to him. He felt like he was about to pass out. He created Ganon. He created the man, the monster that all of his reincarnations hated so much.
“Is he sick?” Wild asked Time “Legend or Hero might have something for that.”
“No, I don’t think he’s sick.” Time had moved a few feet away from Sky by this point, kneeling down so he was face level with Sky and with Wild standing right behind him. “I think it’s something neither of us understand.”
Sky heard a noise behind him and he immediately reached for the sword on his back, before realizing it was just Wind and his wolf friend.
“Wolfie came running back here,” Wind sounded out of breath “So I followed him. Is everything okay?”
Wild pet the wolf on the head as he sat down, looking at Sky, who still had his sword drawn. “Yeah, we were just telling Sky about You Know Who, and I think he got a little shaken. Can’t blame him.”
Wind looked over at Sky, then back at Wild. “You think?”
“Hey I didn’t ask for your sass today!” Wild rolled his eyes. “Hey, Wolfie, do you want an apple?” Wild walked over to his bag, the wolf following him.
“Can wolves eat apples?” Wind asked, following after Wild and the wolf.
“This one can!” Wind called over his shoulder.
After Wind and Wild had sat down and fed their wolf friend, Sky put away the master sword and Time noticed his hand was still trembling.
“What’s going on?” Time moved into a more comfortable sitting position.
Time could easily hear that Sky was lying, and Sky knew that he could, so he corrected his statement soon after.
“Okay it’s not nothing, but I don’t think I can tell you what it is.” Sky’s hand reached for the sailcloth holding it to try and keep his hands steady. “Maybe later, but not now.”
“If you say so.” Time stood up. “But if you ever need to talk to anyone, we’re all here for you. And that wolf,” Time pointed back to the Wind, who had fallen asleep with his head resting on the wolf. “He’s a surprisingly good listener.”
Sky nodded “Thank you.”
“Don’t mention it.” Time smiled, turning back to where he was sitting earlier so he could continue looking at the map and figuring out where they were going to go next.
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aslaton8-blog · 5 years
Mario Universe
I'm a huge Mario fan. I received my very first Super Nintendo (SNES) when I was just five years old. I was sick and my dad was a fiend for new technology so this was his version of trying to make us both feel better. I loved it! Shortly after that I met my first step brother, Brandon, who was only three years older than me. He introduced himself to me by pointing finger guns up close to him on a mission to find the burglar in the house. So much personality! We bonded immediately. He was in an out of my life for a total of four long years as my father tried to figure out his relationship with his mother. We played video games together, got lost in giant sewer systems in (Kingwood) Houston, TX, chased ice cream trucks, rode bikes together, got in trouble together, played Barbies together and everything! He was like having a real brother. I miss our fun.
I still play video games today. I hate the idea of tossing away your childhood imagination and adorations to become a "mature adult". I just think maturity means handling your responsibilities and learning how to peacefully interact with other people and the environment. It doesn't mean stop imagining there are burglars in the house and using finger guns to stop them.
My two favorite stories in a video game are Twilight Princess and Super Paper Mario Wii. Both from #Nintendo.
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"Ahem! Today I'll tell you the story of the lost book of prophecies."
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"This prophetic book was a mysterious tome full of stories of future events. Of course, many people craved this book, wishing to glimpse their futures. But no person, after obtaining this amazing book, ever found happiness. The reason? The book held frightful secrets not meant for people's eyes. That book came to be called the Dark Prognosticus and was sealed away. This...is the tale of that forgotten book's last owner. It is a tale of love..." - gamefaqs.com
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"Prior to the events of the game, Count Bleck went by the name Blumiere and was a member of the Tribe of Darkness, a group that had broken off from the Ancients after stealing the Dark Prognosticus in an (ultimately misguided) attempt to prevent its powers from being abused. One day, Bleck was found injured at the base of a cliff by a human girl, Timpani, and nursed back to health. Despite his father's warnings to stay away from humans, Blumiere became captured by her kindness toward him, sneaking out of his castle frequently to meet with her, and the pair eventually fell in love.
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After learning his father had threatened Timpani and realizing their love could not survive there, Blumiere proposed to her, but before they could be married, his father abducted and banished the bride from their dimension, wiping her memory and cursing her to wander through worlds until the day she died, out of fear that her marriage to his son would dilute the blood of the tribe. Upon learning of Timpani's disappearance, Blumiere traveled through dimensions searching for her, unaware that she had been found barely alive by Merlon, a descendant of the Ancients living in Flipside, and turned into a Pixl known as Tippi in order to save her. It is implied by one of Carson's stories that he met Nastasia at some point during his search - after freeing a bat from a trap, he witnessed her transform into a woman and swear allegiance to him out of love.
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Blumiere eventually returned home convinced that his love was gone forever. Believing life and existence to be meaningless without her, he stole the Dark Prognosticus against the wishes and pleas of his father, used its prophetic power to destroy his dimension, and decided to do the same to every world." -mariowiki.com
Then There is Twilight Princess
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"The game begins with a youth named Link, who works as a ranch hand in Ordon Village. One day, the village is attacked by Bulblins, who carry off the village's children with Link in pursuit before he encounters a wall of Twilight. A Shadow Beast pulls him beyond the wall into the Twilight-shrouded forest, where he is transformed into a wolf and imprisoned. Link is soon freed by a Twilight creature named Midna, who offers to help him if he obeys her unconditionally. She guides him to Princess Zelda, who explains that Zant, the King of the Twili, invaded Hyrule Castle and forced her to surrender. The kingdom became enveloped in Twilight, rendering all its inhabitants besides Link and Zelda spirits. To save Hyrule, Link must first revive the Light Spirits by entering the Twilight-covered regions and recovering the Spirits' light from the Twilight beings that had stolen it. Once revitalized, each Spirit returns Link to his Hylian form. During this time, the ghost of a departed swordsman also appears to provide swordsmanship training that he had failed to pass on before he died, as well as information regarding Link's destiny in Hyrule.
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Link also helps Midna acquire the Fused Shadows, fragments of a powerful dark relic. In return, she aids Link, and during his journey, he finds Ordon Village's children and assists the monkeys of Faron, the Gorons of Eldin, and the Zoras of Lanayru. After restoring the Light Spirits and obtaining the Fused Shadows, Link and Midna are ambushed by Zant, who takes the fragments. Midna calls him out for abusing his tribe's magic, but Zant reveals his power comes from another source, and uses it to revert Link to his wolf state. Failing to seduce Midna into joining forces with him, Zant leaves her to die by exposing her to the light. Bringing a dying Midna to Zelda, Link learns from her that he needs the Master Sword to lift Zant's curse, and she proceeds to sacrifice herself to heal Midna, vanishing mysteriously. Moved by Zelda's selflessness, Midna begins to care more about Link and the fate of the light world.
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After gaining the Master Sword, Link is cleansed of the curse that kept him in wolf form. Deep within the Gerudo Desert, Link and Midna search for the Mirror of Twilight, the only known gateway between Hyrule and the Twilight Realm, but discover it is broken. The Sages there explain that Zant tried to destroy it, but merely managed to shatter it into fragments; only the true ruler of the Twili can completely destroy the Mirror of Twilight. They also relate that they once used it to banish Ganondorf, the Gerudo leader who attempted to steal the Triforce, to the Twilight Realm when executing him failed. Link and Midna set out to retrieve the missing shards of the Mirror. Once the mirror has been fully restored, the Sages reveal to Link that Midna is actually the true ruler of the Twili, usurped and cursed into her current form by Zant. Confronting Zant, Link and Midna learn that he forged a pact with Ganondorf, who asked for his assistance in subjugating Hyrule. After Link defeats Zant, Midna recovers the Fused Shadows and destroys Zant after learning only Ganondorf's death can release her from her curse.
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Returning to Hyrule, Link and Midna find Ganondorf in Hyrule Castle, with a lifeless Zelda suspended above his head. Ganondorf fights Link by possessing Zelda and then transforming into a massive boar-like beast, but Link defeats him and the power Midna received from Zelda is able to resuscitate her. Ganondorf then revives, and Midna teleports Link and Zelda outside the castle so she can hold him off with the Fused Shadows. However, as Hyrule Castle collapses, it is revealed that Ganondorf was victorious, as he appears before them and crushes Midna's helmet. Ganondorf engages Link on horseback; assisted by Zelda and the Light Spirits, Link eventually knocks Ganondorf off his horse and duels him on foot before plunging the Master Sword into his chest. With Ganondorf dead, the Light Spirits revive Midna and restore her to her true form. After bidding farewell to Link and Zelda, Midna returns home and destroys the Mirror of Twilight with a tear. As Hyrule Castle is rebuilt, Link leaves Ordon Village, heading to parts unknown." - wikipedia.org
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The goddess collection, a series of four books consisting of Hyrule Historia, Arts and Artifacts, LoZ encyclopedia, and LoZ: creating a champion, states that the overall timeline of the Legend of Zelda series spans so many years, that in present day Hyrule, it is uncertain which are historical fact, and which are fairy tales. While some are assumed to be fact based on things that still exist in present day Hyrule. The following is a timeline of the events that I believe are the factual events of Hyrule, using Breath of the Wild as “Present day” Hyrule I have bolded and italicized things that are not stated in these books, but are either fan theories or me trying to add context to inconsistencies
Era abbreviation legend PHK: Pre-Hyrule Kingdom  HKE: Hyrule Kingdom Era AFH: After the Fall of Hyrule
PHK ??? The events of Skyward Sword take place. The master sword is created, and the demon king Demise lays a curse that will begin an endless cycle of conflict between the hero, one with the blood of the goddess, and an incarnation of the demon’s hate.
Hyrule is founded. Beginning of the Hyrule Kingdom Era HKE ??? Ganondorf is born to an unknown member of the Gerudo tribe. Being the lone male of the Gerudo, he is made their king in accordance with Gerudo tradition. The child is raised by Kotake and Koume, a pair of exceptionally aged Gerudo women adept in the dark arts.
HKE ??? A civil war is fought in Hyrule. It is unknown exactly who the belligerents of this war were, or even what sparked the war, though the Hylians are believed to be major players. A gravely injured woman flees from the war with her baby and enters the deep forest where she encounters the Kokiri and the Deku tree. The mother soon passes away from her injuries and the baby is taken in by the Kokiri and raised as one of them.
HKE ??? The events of Ocarina of time take place. Ganondorf invades Hyrule to claim the Triforce for himself and seize absolute power. He is defeated by the hero, princess, and sages of the era. Historians disagree on the particulars of this event. Some believe the hero failed to defeat Ganondorf. Others say he was successful, while others believe that Ganondorf's plans were thwarted before he was able to find the triforce. Whatever the case, historians are in agreement that the actions of the hero, princess, and sages of the era were instrumental in the events.
HKE ??? Over countless centuries, Ganon revives and is pushed back by the hero and the princess of Hyrule again and again, sealed away, killed, reincarnated only to be sealed or killed again. Ganondorf eventually gives up on reincarnation, likely viewing his mortal body as a weakness that lead to his countless defeats.
HKE: 10,000 years before the fall of Hyrule 1. The guardians and the divine beasts are constructed using advanced Sheikah technology as a preemptive measure against the inevitable return of Ganon. Two of them are named for ancient sages; Ruto and Nabooru, who long ago helped the princess and the hero save Hyrule. The origins of the names of the other two machines, Vah Medoh and Vah Rudania, remains unknown. Lost to time. (Vah Rudania is likely named for Darunia, the Goron sage of fire in OoT who lived in the same era as Ruto and Nabooru. While there was a character named Mido in past games, he was a Kokiri, and more importantly, not a sage. The only known Rito sage was Medly, the sage of Earth in the Wind Waker. Curiously, combining the names of Medly and Mido gets you “Medo” I do have another theory on this though, which I will get into in a different post.)
2. Ganon returns as Calamity ganon, a being of pure malice and hate, but is again defeated by the hero and princess, with the aid of the guardians and the divine beasts.
3. Some time later, the Sheikah, who constructed the divine beasts, are banished from Hyrule, as the hylians grew fearful of them and their advanced technology. The Sheikah wandered as nomads for many years, and eventually abandoned their technology in order to return to Hyrule. A faction of the Sheikah split off and became the Yiga clan at this time, swearing themselves to Ganon to get revenge on the hyrulian royal family who banished their people from Hyrule.
Apparently, for the next several thousand years, Hyrule was peaceful, but legends of the demon, and the hero and princess who fought it again and again persisted. 
HKE: 16 years Before the fall Princess Zelda is born Link is presumably born in the same year.
Unlike past eras where the races were largely segregated, Hyrule of this era seems very unified. Urbosa, the leader of the Gerudo and the unnamed Queen of Hyrule, leaders of two races who were long ago bitter enemies, regard one another as sisters, with the queen even travelling into the desert with her newborn daughter to introduce the princess to the Gerudo chief.
HKE: 10 Before the fall The Queen of Hyrule dies of unknown causes.
HKE: Between 10 and 1 year(s) Before the fall The divine beasts and guardians, who had long since become legends, are rediscovered, excavated and studied in preparation for the return of Ganon. Champions are chosen from each of the four races of Hyrule to pilot the machines. Daruk, leader of the Gorons, Revali, the greatest flyer and marksman of the Rito, Urbosa the leader of the Gerudo, and Mipha, the Princess of the Zora. Link, the son of a knight and a knight in training himself, is chosen by the master sword to be the new Hero and Princess Zelda’s personal body guard.
HKE: The Kingdom of Hyrule falls Calamity ganon breaks free of its seal. Anticipating the divine beasts and guardians, it uses its malice to corrupt them and take control. The four champions are killed The King is killed The hero falls Princess Zelda’s powers finally awaken, and Calamity ganon is sealed away inside Hyrule castle, however, she too is sealed with it. Hyrule falls. The Divine beasts and guardians go dormant.
AFH 100 The events of Breath of the wild take place. Calamity Ganon is destroyed and the process of rebuilding Hyrule begins.
AFH 101~ A mummified male Gerudo is discovered by Link and Princess Zelda deep within a cave... He’s not dead.
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