#Garnet x Edie
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a-casual-egg · 1 year
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"I'd like to help Miss Edie with her traveling cases."
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theoxvest · 10 months
Which kiss for which is whatever you're choice but I'd like to ask for Garnet x Edie and Zillah x Lilith
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Ask and ye shall receive
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noumios · 1 year
Hi adolin (:
For the shipping bingo, Intellectual Investment (Barnaby x Edvard), Brad x Killian, and Queen of Diamonds (Edie x Garnet)
( pls oxbox folk i know you follow me pls keep scrolling you dont need to deal w this. anyway. )
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intellectual investment
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queen of diamonds. only not as loud bc we've had such little content, idk what their dynamic is like yet, so v much bound to change c: it IS my thing, but i get the appeal
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stickthisbig · 1 year
Ship meme thoughts on Dob x Prudence and Edie x Silas?
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Dob/Prudence: Prudence would think that they were friends with benefits and Dob would say "oh yeah, totally" and be absolutely lying through his teeth. Then again I'm pretty sure that Prudence genuinely thinks they're really married, so. Also what's up with the stuff he kept saying about her during Squid Pro Quo? Inquiring minds want to know.
Edie/Silas: I didn't mean for this to happen but here we are. I love them a lot and I want everyone to come on this ride with me.
(I still hold out hope for some good Edie/Garnet content, but they've yet to see each other since the premiere. Do I hear a V relationship calling my name? I think maybe I do)
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andrewmoocow · 4 years
Steven Universe: The Fantastic Mutants chapter 5: Never Again (originally posted on November 16, 2020)
AN: Good to see you all again my dear readers! How have things  been? Am I being too intrusive? Well, doesn't matter! It's good to be  back in business after a few weeks, so let's just cut to the chase, shall we?
"So  how much of this show is actual camping?" HYDRA Bob asked Peridot as  they, along with Deadpool & Lapis, watched Camp Pining Hearts  together at the X-Mansion while surrounded by massive amounts of snack  foods and garbage. "A fair bit, but pretty much everyone comes for the  romance," Peridot answered. "Yeah," Wade stated. "like your crippling yaoi addiction."
"What is yah-oy?" Lapis asked while  mispronouncing this new word just as Pearl came in with a broom. "You really should learn how to pick up after yourselves as guests." The Gem  grumbled while sweeping up crumbs off the carpet. "Hey, wise up Pearl,  I'm basically an honorary member!" Deadpool remarked. "Hey, Flat-Top,  gimme a refill on my coke here!"
"And you should also treat the  people housing you like friends, not your servants." Colossus reminded  them, just as disgruntled as Pearl, while he gave the Merc with a Mouth another bottle of pop when suddenly, Xavier came in. "Ah, Professor!  Would you be so kind as to help us teach Wade here some manners?"
"It's alright, Piotr." Xavier calmed the metal mutant down. "Although Mr.  Wilson here can be a bit of a nuisance, we do need all the help we can  get to rescue Steven and Kitty."
"Thanks for the save Cap'n." Wade  grinned at the aged mutant when someone knocked at the window. "Hey,  anyone in there?!" the voice of Spider-Man called from outside, latching  upside down onto the glass. "Peter!" Pearl exclaimed. "Long time no  see. How are the other Avengers doing?"
"The big six are off in  space right now, and the reserves are holding down the fort for now."  The web-slinger answered as he opened the window and leaped through it.  "When your message reached us, I was the first to take it and brought  along a few pals who might be useful."
As Peter finished talking, a  silver and blue blur burst through the front doors, stopping to reveal  itself as Quicksilver. "Pietro, good to see you!" Colossus exclaimed.  "Must mean Wanda isn't too far behind, da?"
"You are correct."  Scarlet Witch answered as she followed her brother. "Hello again Crystal  Gems." She greeted the Gems. "Hello to you and Pietro too, Wanda,"  Garnet replied as she stepped into the room. "It certainly has been a  while since Thanos. I hope you both are well."
"Oh, never better  Garney!" Quicksilver responded as he sat down between Peridot &  Lapis to watch Camp Pining Hearts with them. "Ooh, I love this show! I  always felt Pierre & Percy have really good chemistry."
"Thank  you for agreeing with me good sir." Peridot added pridefully. "Oh, quit with the shit already!" Wade interjected crossly. "No one ever talks about Pierre and Paulette!"
"You take that back, you crimson clod." Peridot snarled threateningly at the mercenary and soon, an  intense shipping debate between the two began. "Oh, this could take a long while." Pearl sighed in exhaustion.
"I just watch for all the crazy shenanigans these campers get up to." Spider-Man gave his opinion while snatching some snicker-doodles from the ottoman.
"Come on, work!" Kitty groaned in frustration as she continuously tried and failed to break her and Steven from their imprisonment without using her mutant powers. "If only I could find a way to break this collar, then  we'd get outta here easier."
"Why don't I give it a shot?" Steven  suggested, deciding to use his shield to cut the bars apart. However, that failed as well. "It's hopeless. If I didn't come, then maybe we wouldn't be stuck here."
"Hey, don't beat yourself up like that  Steven." Kitty comforted her fellow mutant. "I'm sure the Gems are  already on their way to save us, so try and keep your chin up until  then." She implored Steven, but he remained downtrodden. "Let's face it;  we're here because of my mom."
"Oh, mother issues?" Kitty  realized. "I get it. That's perfectly normal. But you can't always let  the sins of the parent bring you down." She assured him. "Yeah, sins  like taking part in universal genocide before realizing that wasn't good  and instead doing things far worse than that." Steven grumbled, much to  her surprise. "Whoa okay, didn't see that coming!" Kitty exclaimed.  "Far worse how? Did she actually murder someone?"
"She  deliberately left tons of Gems and other races to die for her just  because she was bored of being Pink Diamond, let two of my friends to be  imprisoned for thousands of years, forced Gems who cared for her to  suffer from her faked death and who knows what else!" Steven complained.  "And then there was that whole thing with Magneto."
As if on cue,  the aforementioned leader of the Brotherhood of Mutants stepped into  the brig to interrogate them. "I see you've been making yourselves at  home while you could." He declared before grabbing Steven by the shirt  collar through the cell bars. "Tell me boy, why do you have her  gemstone? Was it passed down to you?"
"As a matter of fact, yes."  Steven answered. "When I was born, my mom died to give birth to me, and I  got her gemstone and all her powers as a result. She also left me with  all her baggage from ages ago, including when she was once a member of  the Great Diamond Authority."
"Great Diamond Authority?" Magneto  wondered, and Kitty seemed just as confused. "Yeah, I have to agree.  There are more Diamonds out there?"
"That's not important right  now," Steven said before Magneto set him down. "Still, why go after me in particular? We're both mutants. We should be on the same side!"
"You already know about how Rose abandoned me at Auschwitz, but the Gems only told you half the story," Erik revealed, turning away from Steven  & Kitty in the process. "My part of this tale is far more complex  than you realize. Like many a Jew during the war, I was prosecuted by  the Nazis for my religion and sentenced to death. But I was a special  case."
Heavy rain poured upon  Poland in 1944 as a large group of imprisoned Jews marched sorrowfully  through Auschwitz, their world nothing but drab colors aside from the  bright yellow Star of David on their clothes signifying their religion.  All around them, more of their people were forced to perform possibly  lethal jobs for their superiors and be treated horribly should they fail  to work or try to resist.
One young man in particular named Erik  Lehnsherr watched just as miserably as his fellow Jews and began to  notice that many of the other prisoners had brands on their arms. As  soldiers began coldly leading their prisoners away from the group,  Erik's parents Edie & Jacob were forcefully separated like the rest  from their son, with Edie being particularly hysterical about having to  leave her child.
Erik raced after his parents in an effort to see  them one last time, but the gates closed before he could get a chance,  and another Nazi grabbed the boy to keep him under control. However,  something miraculous happened. When Erik fruitlessly reached out towards  the gate, it began bending towards him. Another Nazi aided his fellow  soldier in detaining the boy, and two more raced towards him as the  fence began twisting more and more.
Erik's mutant powers awakened  that day as the gates were ripped open with a mere stretch of his hand,  but he was quickly stopped with the butt of a gun to his head from a  fifth soldier. "Bring ihn zu Dr. Schmidt." that soldier commanded his  subordinates. The four Nazis nodded and dragged the unconscious boy  away, to where his destiny would soon be realized.
"And  that's where you first met his mom, right?" Kitty asked her captor.  "Yeah, I don't think we need to hear how she ditched you again."
"As I stated, the story is much deeper than that," Magneto said. "Allow me to continue."
Soon,  HYDRA had come to assist the Nazis in stopping the Howling Commandos  and the Crystal Gems from instigating the Auschwitz breakout. As Rose  began fighting off soldiers, she began counting off the fleeing Jews.  "Let me see how many we got," Rose muttered while trying to do a  headcount. "Agh, there's too many of them! I can barely keep count when  I'm surrounded like this!"
"Less than a million!" Garnet counted  for her leader with her future vision. "However, there are still a few  that we were too late to save, namely the Lehnsherr family. Klaus  Schmidt is holding their son Erik."
"Klaus?" Rose soon came to a  realization. "That was the boy in the office! I have to go ba-" Before  Rose could finish, a HYDRA enforcer took advantage of her letting her  guard down and fired with an anti-Gem weapon, poofing her form.
"Rose!"  Pearl exclaimed while rushing to the deactivated gem lying on the  ground. While Captain America covered for them with his shield, the Gems  made a hasty retreat. "But what about those other Jews?!" Amethyst  exclaimed. "A few prisoners should take this from here." Garnet  answered, just as the Sonderkommando charged at their captors with guns,  knives, axes, and grenades.
Inside the building where Klaus  Schmidt was stationed, the mutant Jew slithered around the hall to avoid  being caught again. Nazis raced outside to combat without once taking  notice of the boy making his escape. Taking a moment to peek outside the  window, he noticed the Gems escaping the concentration camp and  furrowed his brow angrily. "Sie haben mich verlassen."
As the  warfare continued, Erik quietly made his getaway with his newly awakened  mutant powers and used a wrecked chain fence to fly himself away from  Auschwitz.
Many years later in  1963, Magneto was holding a demonstration in New York to make a speech  about the superiority of mutants when she showed up again. Rose Quartz  had decided to show her face to him again after leaving him to rot all  those years ago in Auschwitz, and only now, she shows up with an excuse  to try and make peace.
"You can try to rope yourself into my good  graces all you want Gems," he growled, preparing to fight the Crystal  Gems. "But nothing can ever change the past!"
Ripping a nearby  water tower off its supports, Erik prepared to smash it on top of Rose,  Garnet & Pearl, but then came a loud shriek coming from the Irish  mutant Sean Cassidy, aka Banshee. "Top o' the mornin' to you ladies!"  Banshee exclaimed and let out another scream that brought the master of  magnetism to the ground. "Now Neal!"
"I got you!" the Indian  pyrokinetic Neal Shaara, or Thunderbird to his teammates, boomed while  turning his body into plasma and landing a few hits on Magneto, but the  German fought back by expanding a force-field that pushed him back.  "Longshot, Angel, Mimic, it's all you now!"
"You got it!" Longshot  replied while standing on a rooftop with Mimic and Angel Salvadore and  preparing to throw a large knife at Magneto. "Just got one shot at  this." He muttered to himself just as Amethyst hopped up behind him.  "Hey, what you guys doing?" she asked the three mutants, catching  Longshot off-guard. "Do you mind squirt?!" Longshot barked, but then he  noticed her gem. "Say, you wouldn't happen to know those three, right?"
"We  can discuss it later!" Angel said while sprouting fly-like wings and  flying off. "Hey, wait for me!" Mimic exclaimed, copying his teammate's  power by growing insect wings of his own and soaring after her.
"You  guys wouldn't happen to be like ol' Maggy over there?" Amethyst  continued asking Longshot, who harshly shushed her while trying to keep  his concentration. "Okay, sheesh!"
"Now Longshot!" Banshee  exclaimed as he let out a loud shriek at Magneto to knock him  off-balance, allowing Longshot to fling his knife at the evil mutant.  But Erik stopped the blade before it could reach his face with his  powers and threw it right at Pearl with a wicked grin.
"Pearl,  no!" Rose cried out as she dove in front of her confidant, letting the  knife stab her instead, causing her to ultimately poof and retreat into her gem.
"Rose!" the remaining Gems shouted, racing to protect  their leader's inactive gemstone from Magneto. "Well, that should do  nicely for now." He snidely muttered. "But know this Crystal Gems, we  shall meet again someday soon. Even if we have to wait years to do so!"
With  that, Magneto zoomed off into the sky and left the Crystal Gems &  the X-Men below. "So, sorry about letting your boss end up like this."  Longshot nervously apologized. "That was my knife he threw at her after  all."
"It's alright. Rose will recover soon." Garnet assured the mutant. "By the way, I didn't get your name."
"Call  me Longshot, leader of the X-Men!" Longshot proudly replied. "These are  my teammates; Banshee, Mimic, Angel Salvadore, and Thunderbird. We're  all mutants."
"It is a pleasure to meet you." Thunderbird greeted,  extending a hand to Pearl. "Mutants? I think I remember meeting one, centuries ago." Pearl replied, shaking Neal's hand. "You wouldn't happen  to know anyone named En Sabah Nur?"
This revelation caused the  X-Men to gasp in shock. "Wait, you met Apocalypse?!" Mimic cried. "Let  me guess, you guys know him as a real bad guy?" Amethyst quipped. "Yeah,  he's about yay tall, superiority complex, total Darwinist." Angel  replied. "Come along. We can tell you more about him."
"And maybe  we'll introduce you to the professor too." Banshee added happily. "We'd  be glad to meet your professor." Pearl agreed, and Garnet & Amethyst  nodded as well.
"So that's how the  Gems met Xavier!" Steven realized. "But how come you remember that last  bit happening? You left after poofing Rose."
"Don't think about  it." Magneto assured him. "And now that I have you in our clutches,  watching Doctor Doom experiment on you will be so satisfying."
"But still, you can't just vent your vengeance on a kid!" Kitty exclaimed.
"Yeah,  this isn't what Xavier would want!" Steven replied, forcing Magneto to  drop his stoic façade. "He knows you can be better than this, barring  the terrorism. You're both on the same wavelength when it comes to  protecting mutants, but kidnapping one of your own for your own sake is  just wrong!"
"Y'know, that does seem like something Charles would  say. Though he would've said it better." Magneto relented, pressing a button on the cell to let Steven and Kitty out. "Fight them off while  you still can children. I shall take the blame myself."
"Okay Steven, let's get outta here!" Kitty declared excitedly. "And no matter what happens, I got your back!"
"Actually  Kit, I think I got yours." Steven replied, just as another door opened,  and Mystique stepped into the brig. "Erik! Why have you let the  prisoners out?" she asked Magneto. "It was the boy who convinced me."  Erik revealed. "As it turns out, he's quite good at turning people to  his side."
"Well, you're too late child." Mystique said to Steven. "We have finally landed in Latveria."
The  Crystal Gems, X-Men, Fantastic Four, X-Force, Spider-Man, Scarlet  Witch, and Quicksilver all marched to the Blackbird, ready to go out to  Latveria and save Steven & Kitty. Human Torch and Cyclops were in  charge of piloting the plane while Xavier planted his wheelchair in the  back.
"So tell us what we're in for Reed." Garnet asked Mister  Fantastic, who gave a sharp sigh of regret. "You should know by now that  Doctor Doom is our family's greatest adversary. Intelligence on par  with my own, mastery of the mystic arts, psionic abilities, the works."  Reed explained. "But what I'm sure you probably don't know yet was that  we knew Doom long before he turned out like this."
"Victor,  have you gone mad?!" a younger Reed yelled at his college classmate  Victor, who was standing in front of a large machine generating an  unstable portal. "This machine is highly unstable and could explode at  any moment!"
"I do not care what it takes, Richards!" the man who  would be king of Latveria cried as the machine was on the verge of  self-destructing. "This is the only way I can see my mother again!"
"Hey  Stretch, we got everyone outta here!" Ben Grimm, back then a normal  human being instead of a large rock creature, called for his classmate  while he, Johnny and Sue burst into the laboratory. "You gotta come with  us!"
"No Reed, we can see our mothers again, together!" Doom  tried convincing his rival. Reed hesitated for a moment, weighing his  options between escaping with his friends or getting to see his late  mother Evelyn again. But as he made his decision, he turned away from  Victor. "I'm sorry Vic. But I've moved on."
"How dare you?!"  Victor screeched, while his four contemporaries fled the scene. "Don't  you dare run away! We could've been something more!" Just then, the  portal machine has just about reached its boiling point, and caused the  lab to explode with Doom inside. The last thing he said before the room  collapsed on him was a scream of "RIIIIIIIIICHAAAAAAAARDS!"
"Never  saw him again after that incident. Ol' Iron Mask got expelled, then he  just vanished offa the face of the planet." Ben regaled in the present  day. "That is until he re-emerged as some young upstart billionaire  named Victor Domashev, who funded the space flight that made us into the  Four we are today."
"Hey guys, less backstory, more blasting  off!" Amethyst snapped her fingers. "Pretty sure Steven might be on his  way to being dissected by now!"
"Yeah, and a certain author friend  of ours wants to get this out as quickly as possible." Deadpool agreed,  his medium-aware comment inciting odd stares from the others. "Can we  move onto the next scene already?!"
As  Mystique had declared, Steven was now in the European country of  Latveria, famously ruled by the Fantastic Four's arch-nemesis Victor von  Doom. He and Kitty were led through the aesthetically medieval capital  city Doomstadt, where its citizens whispered in German, Hungarian and an  unknown third language reminiscent of the latter dialect.
"Victor, we have brought the child. And an unwanted guest." Mystique announced  in front of Doom's castle as they crossed the drawbridge. The castle was  guarded by numerous robot soldiers that bore Doom's face, all of them  giving Steven cold and unfeeling glares as he was finally brought before the man who's face the robots bore.
"Steven Universe." Doctor  Doom boomed, resting on his throne while the boy was handcuffed in front of him. "I have heard much about you these past few months child. Erik,  I must commend you for getting the job done, although I've heard of  your possible betrayal and won't tolerate it." Then Doom turned to  Mystique. "Thank you Ms. Darkholme for alerting me of this before you  arrived.
"You are most kind Doctor." Mystique thanked him with a bow. "We hope you return your end of the bargain and grant us mutants  sanctuary in Latveria."
"Raven, you must listen!" Magneto cried to  his second in command. "This boy calls himself a mutant, just like us!  We can't just let Victor experiment on him like this. What if he has  something else planned?!"
"SILENCE!" the king of Latveria roared.  "It seems this child has made you soft Mr. Lehnsherr. No matter." He  rose from his throne and stepped towards Steven & Kitty to give them  a good look. "He shall become useful to me soon. And as for the girl, take her away."
"Yes your Highness." Mystique complied, snapping her fingers to have Juggernaut take Kitty away.
"Hey,  put me down!" Kitty hissed, struggling to break free from the massive  mutant's hands, which was easier said than done since her powers were  still restrained. "Don't worry Steven, I'll find a way to save you!"
"Ah  shaddup!" Juggernaut groaned loudly, stuffing a big finger inside the  smaller girl's mouth to keep her quiet when Mystique put a hand on his  bicep. "And what do you want Bluey?"
"It's about Erik. We may  resort to terrorism to fight for mutant rights, but I think allowing a  child to be experimented on may be going a bit too far." Raven whispered  to Cain while they moved farther away from Doom. "Besides, he is a  mutant much like us."
"So I've heard." The Juggernaut muttered. "But shouldn't he count more as an alien because his momma was one?"
When  the Brotherhood mutants left the throne room, Steven was left all alone  with Magneto and Doom. "What do you want with me Doom?" Steven asked the king. "Was it really necessary to have the Brotherhood kidnap me  when you could've had your robots do it?"
"Why I couldn't have  just sent my Doombots doesn't matter." Doom declared. "But what does  matter is what I want to do to you. You see, you're special Steven, as  you probably know. A being who's a mixture of human and alien DNA, and  that alien DNA might prove very important to me." He explained to  Steven. "I wish to use those genes for my own ends. Perhaps make an army  of similar beings, or perhaps become part-Gem myself to gain ultimate  power! Which is why I chose you in particular."
"Doctor, an  invading ship is approaching Doomstadt." A Doombot announced as it  walked into the throne room. "Shall we send out the reinforcements you  selected?"
"You may, #1961." Doom replied, pressing a few buttons on his arms that opened a door, and behind it were four supervillains.
Trapster, a man in goggles with a container of glue-like substance on his back, attached to a hose with a gun at the end.
Mole Man, a deformed midget in a green suit with a blue visor who was holding a staff in his hand.
The  Puppet Master, a bald, dark-skinned man accompanied by a pair of  human-sized marionettes in the shape of the Human Torch and the Thing,  that he controlled with a special remote.
And the Wizard, a purple armor-wearing supergenius who floated in the air with special anti-gravity discs.
"Frightful  Four, it seems we have some uninvited guests." Doom revealed to the  four villains. "I insist you deal with them at once, while I make my  little guest here at home."
"Yes Doctor." The Frightful Four said  in unison, then the marched out of the throne room to battle. Once again  Steven was alone in the throne room with Victor & Erik, and the  former was all too eager to get things started.
"Now then, shall we begin testing?" Doom asked Steven maliciously, and Steven replied with a very nervous gulp.
After  three months of work, it's finally done! We're getting close to the end  of this guys, and I couldn't be more excited. But for now, I think I'm  gonna take a little break to focus on college stuff for a bit, and I'll  be back soon with not just a new chapter, but also a brand spankin' new  Steven Universe tale I've had on the brain for a while. It's an AU  rewrite of Steven Universe Future aptly named Steven Universe: Alternate  Future. If you want to know more about this upcoming series, I've  already got an entire episode list on my DeviantArt page along with  drawings of some original characters created for it. Until we meet  again, toodle-oo!
In Loving Memory of Sean Connery
& Alex Trebek
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archienewling · 5 years
Light blue, right? That was one of Eleanor’s only requests. Well, much like the canopy bed, she wanted it fervently… until she didn’t.
Early on in our discussions about her room makeover, I had her flip through a paint fan deck and show me colors she liked (in general, not necessarily for the walls). She picked two shades of blue, jade green, and lavender. From there, we started choosing specific pieces to work into her room design. Much of what I’m bringing in that’s not sourced secondhand is from a One Room Challenge sponsor. (They’re making it possible for me to give my girl a room that would otherwise not be happening on this level right now and I’m so grateful.) I’ll list them together at the end of the post, and specific products will also be linked throughout so it’s easier to source things if you’re looking for something similar.
First, we focused on choosing a rug. She liked a lot of the Rifle Paper Co. x Loloi collection, so we were able to narrow down our choices pretty quickly. Once we decided on the Rosa black rug, that gave us a more concrete direction for paint and fabric colors. Great!
Now here’s where a six week timeline can really work against you. How accurately can I choose colors to work with the rug going solely off of the product photos? The exact paint color can wait a little longer, but I need to choose my fabric now to allow time enough for the order to arrive and for me to make something of it. So I was off to the Fabricut showroom to make some selections.
I’m going to make the headboard for Eleanor’s bed, pairing it with a box foundation and metal base from Tuft & Needle. Eleanor’s getting a new mattress too, moving on up from a twin size to a full. She’s thrilled! I showed her an upholstered bed that came in a bunch of colors to get an idea of what she would like. (The bed is sold through Target and Overstock in different fabrics and I would probably just buy it or the headboard if I wasn’t making one, but that wouldn’t be much of a challenge now would it?) I expected her to like some of the blues, and she did, but lavender was her favorite. Hmmm. She was drawn to the color early on, too.
I chose plenty of fabric options to fit our initial plans, mostly blues with some greens, but I made sure to grab a couple of purple options too. I had three pretty solid schemes to show E, along with the wild card lavender.
Surprise: light blue is out. Lavender, it is! Plus a beautiful red/orange, just because it looks so dang good with it.
Fabrics: Modern Moire • Conservatory • Devon • Edie • Inner Circle • 04227 • Flamme de France • Treviso
We were planning to bring a little lavender in through the bedding with a print, but we’re doing a whole lot more purple now. Is it going to work with the rug? It’s not actually IN the rug, but I think it’s looking good all together. Again, were it not for the timeframe, I would wait and make choices after seeing it all in person. But we move forward! (Really, it’s a wonderful thing. I take too long if not pushed sometimes.)
Wisteria Branches Jersey Bedding
Dream Quilt (Pomegranate)
Fabled Land Horse Pillow (Anthropologie, discontinued)
Signature Scallops Embroidered Percale Bedding
Devon Fabric (Lotus)
Devon Fabric (Orchid)
Fleece Blanket (Rose Blush)
Rosa Rug (Black)
Inner Circle Fabric (Panda)
Shropshire Fabric (Whisper)
Edie Fabric (Spice)
I’m also changing out Eleanor’s playfully modern light for the more classic Truax globe fixture from Crystorama, but then I’m bringing some of that irreverence back in with two Pop Wall Sconces from Blueprint Lighting in rubbed sage. I’ve also picked up an Art Deco dresser that I found through Facebook Marketplace, and E now has perhaps the most beautiful dresser out of all of us. I may be a little jealous. It also has handles that look like little mustaches, a fact that she likes very much! I’m calling this image “round pretty things for Eleanor’s room.” Accurate, yes?
Do I need a little lamp on the dresser? Maybe. And we have a bookshelf to prep for painting. And lambrequin construction and shapes to research, because oh yes. I’m finally getting around to making some lambrequins! It’s going to be lovely.
Follow along with the One Room Challenge participants!
• At Charlotte’s House  • Design Addict Mom  • Erika Ward Interiors  • Erin Kestenbaum  • Girl & Grey • Gray Malin  • Hommeboys  • I Spy DIY  • Jewel Marlowe  • The Learner Observer  • Making it Lovely •  Nicole White Designs  • Old Brand New  • Oscar Bravo Home  • Place of My Taste  • The Rath Project • Room for Tuesday  • SG Style  • Undecorated Home  • Veronica Solomon  • Media BH&G  • TM by ORC
My One Room Challenge Sponsors
Thank you to the following sponsors for generously providing product. • Blueprint Lighting • Crystorama • Fabricut • Garnet Hill • Loloi • Tuft & Needle
My One Room Challenge Posts
Follow along from the beginning! • Week 1: My Daughter’s Room • Week 2: The Design Plan
And check out my previous One Room Challenges! • Spring ’16: Our Bedroom and Den • Fall ’16: Front and Back Entry, Stairs, and Hallways • Fall ’17: My Home Office
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Proenza Schouler Hava Leather Chain Crossbody Bag, White/Black
Proenza Schouler two-tone calfskin crossbody bag with whipstitch trim.
Polished silvertone hardware.
Woven chain-link shoulder strap.
Flap top with lift-lock closure.
Back zip pocket.
Slip pocket under flap.
Interior, leather lining; slip pocket.
5"H x 6.5"W x 2.5"D.
"Hava" is made in Italy.
DesignerAbout Proenza Schouler:Lazaro Hernandez, who worked at Michael Kors, and Jack McCollough, who worked at Marc Jacobs, met at Parsons School of Design. They collaborated on a senior project that became enormously successful, and in 2002 they launched Proenza Schouler (a combination of their mothers' maiden names). The duo was immediately lauded by fashion's highest critics for their design prowess, fresh approach to modern luxury, and technical sophistication.
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Neiman Marcus Evening Wear Gowns Dresses
Womens Evening Accessories Red Sole Pumps
Womens Evening Gowns Jersey Sequin
Mother Of The Bride Dresses Gowns
Little Black Dresses Black Cocktail Shift Dresses
Sachin & Babi Noir Strapless Stretch Satin Mermaid Gown, Medium Blue
GREY by Jason Wu Long-Sleeve Stretch Jersey Midi Dress, Midnight
Jill Jill Stuart Velour Bell-Sleeve Shift Dress, Black
Gucci Viscose Jersey & Lace Gown, Black
Carolina Herrera Half-Sleeve V-Neck Lace Cocktail Dress, Black
Edie Parker Jean Paws Box Clutch Bag, Gold/Silver
Halston Heritage Satin Racerback Column Gown, Gray
Badgley Mischka Satin Halter Ball Gown, Emerald
Lafayette 148 New York Sleeveless Floral-Print Cloqué Shift Dress, Multi
Sachin & Babi Noir Two-Tone Stretch Jacquard Mermaid Gown, Coral
St. John Collection Beaded Short-Sleeve Illusion Gown, Black
Edie Parker Flavia Fade Box Clutch Bag, Black/Multi
Carolina Herrera Off-the-Shoulder Bell-Sleeve Cocktail Dress, Black
Elizabeth and James Catriona Sleeveless Silk Drawstring Ruffle Gown, Brick
Dolce & Gabbana Strapless Lace Bustier Dress, Black
Marchesa Notte Sleeveless Embellished Ponte Gown, Black
Rickie Freeman for Teri Jon 3/4-Sleeve Combo Ball Gown
St. John Collection Printed Shimmer-Knit Sleeveless Dress, Caviar/Multi
TOM FORD Tank Dress w/Leather Racerback, Black
Elizabeth and James Cynnie Micro Shearling Fur Crossbody Bag, Black
Badgley Mischka Long-Sleeve V-Neck Embellished-Waist Gown, Navy
Manolo Blahnik Hangisi Crystal-Buckle Shimmery 105mm Pump, Gold
Halston Heritage Sleeveless Printed V-Neck Tunic Dress
Tadashi Shoji Off-the-Shoulder Pintucked Ponte Cocktail Dress
Shoshanna Sleeveless Velvet Polka-Dot Cocktail Dress, Black
Needle & Thread Supernova Cold-Shoulder Embellished Gown, Black
Halston Heritage Cold-Shoulder Belted Cocktail Dress, Scarlet
Jill Jill Stuart Sleeveless Pleated Chiffon Halter Gown, Off White
Judith Leiber Couture La Revue Airstream Crystal Evening Clutch Bag, Champagne/Multi
Alexis Zoya Sleeveless Leather Shift Dress, Blue
Theia Sleeveless V-Neck High-Low Cocktail Dress
La Femme Strapless Fil Coupe Mermaid Gown, Black/Nude
La Petite Robe di Chiara Boni Nuria 3/4-Sleeve Yoke-Cutout Cocktail Dress
TOM FORD Python T-Strap 65mm Slide Sandal, Gray
Elie Saab Sleeveless Embroidered Tulle Dress, Multicolor
Stuart Weitzman Poco Glitter Kitten-Heel Pump, Pewter Noir
Manolo Blahnik Hangisi Crystal-Buckle Satin 105mm Pump, Champagne
Salvatore Ferragamo Thalia Cocktail Leather Clutch Bag, Nero
Christian Louboutin Galu Half-d'Orsay 100mm Red Sole Pump, Gold
Lela Rose Floral-Appliqué Sleeveless Midi Dress
Halston Heritage Sleeveless Structured Taffeta Gown, Scarlet
Joie Arjun Bell-Sleeve Silk Dress, Black
MICHAEL Michael Kors Ciara Beaded Pointed-Toe Pump, Gray/Multi
Rickie Freeman for Teri Jon Cap-Sleeve Ponte Fit-and-Flare Cocktail Dress, Garnet
VBH Jazz Octagonal Crossbody Bag, Black
Monique Lhuillier Strapless Sequined Mermaid Gown, Navy
Herve Leger Cutout Fit-&-Flare Bandage Dress, Rose Gold Foil
Gucci GG Marmont Mini Matelassé Chain Bag, White
ZAC Zac Posen Katerina Sleeveless Satin Mermaid Gown, Red
Christian Louboutin So Kate Patent Red Sole Pump, Black
Rubin Singer Strapless Two-Tone Mermaid Gown, Black/Ecru
Jimmy Choo Ren Suede Caged 100mm Sandal, Red
ph15 Sleeveless Colorblock Ponte Cocktail Dress, Fuchsia/Orange
Nancy Gonzalez Gotham Crocodile Flap Clutch Bag, Green Matte
Parker Braelyn Metallic-Stripe Cocktail Dress
TOM FORD Snakeskin Crisscross 105mm Slide Sandal, Gold
Saint Laurent Sequined V-Neck Ruffled-Sleeve Dress, Silver
Carolina Herrera Sleeveless Illusion Vine Midi Dress, Black
Aidan Mattox 3/4-Sleeve Laser-Cut Jersey Dress, Black
Talbot Runhof Donde Ruched Satin Cocktail Dress, Marble
Joie Makana Floral-Print Sleeveless Dress, Black
Aquazzura Wild Thing Suede 105mm Sandal, Black
Marc Jacobs Bicolor Long-Sleeve Drop-Waist Dress, Black
Jenny Packham Sleeveless Beaded Peplum Gown
Milly Short-Sleeve Mermaid Midi Dress, Black
Halston Heritage Halter Back-Cutout Cocktail Gown, Bone
Erin Fetherston Sleeveless Jacquard Belted Fit & Flare Dress
TOM FORD Leather Wallet-on-Chain, Black
Herve Leger 3/4 Flutter-Sleeve Bandage Dress, French Blue
Valentino Rockstud Slingback 100mm Pump, Sasso
Zac Posen Embroidered Guipure Sleeveless Ball Gown, Multi Garden
Rachel Gilbert Acacia Embellished Fluted Dress, Black
Jovani Sleeveless Ruffle-Trim Crepe Column Gown
Black Halo Long-Sleeve Ruffle Ponte Column Gown, Navy
Tadashi Shoji Sleeveless Floral Chiffon Gown, Blue
Manolo Blahnik Hangisi Crystal-Buckle Satin Flat
Co Sleeveless Belted Ruffled-Hem Dress, Mauve
Parker Sleeveless Beaded Keyhole Cocktail Dress, Silver/Black
Aquazzura Roma Lace-Up Suede 75mm Pump, Black
Valentino Lace Off-the-Shoulder Mini Dress, Metallic Red
Zac Posen Fitted Floral-Print Cocktail Dress, Red/Multi
Edie Parker Jean Twist Acrylic Clutch Bag, Obsidian
Rickie Freeman for Teri Jon Long-Sleeve Embroidered Tulle & Silk Chiffon Gown, Champagne
Sachin & Babi Noir Tiered Satin Cocktail Dress, Onyx
Jovani Off-the-Shoulder Two-Tone Lace Cocktail Dress
St. John Collection Allure Knit Scoop-Neck Cap-Sleeve Sheath Dress, Caviar
Nancy Gonzalez Butterfly Crocodile Box Clutch Bag, Champagne
Jenny Packham Bow-Sleeve Column Gown W/Cutouts, Red
Judith Leiber Couture Cassidy Crystal Cowboy Boot Evening Clutch Bag, Silver/Multi
Alexis Remi Short-Sleeve Lace Sheath Dress, Pink
Naeem Khan Floral Embroidered Long-Sleeve Gown, Pink/Multicolor
Zac Posen Pleated Off-the-Shoulder Mermaid Gown, Dark Red
Erin Fetherston Eliza Colorblock Fit-&-Flare Dress, Black/Sapphire
Deborah Drattell Lucia Stretch Belt w/Jeweled Feather Pin
Valentino Rockstud Noir Caged 65mm Pump, Black
Manolo Blahnik Chaos Pearly Ankle-Wrap Sandal, Black
Alexis Hazel Ruffle-Trim Asymmetric Dress
French Connection Viven Velvet Dress w/Lace Trim, Black
St. John Collection Guipure-Lace Short-Sleeve Sheath Dress
Armani Collezioni Polka-Dot Jacquard Sleeveless Dress, White/Black
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oxventure-text-posts · 7 months
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a-casual-egg · 5 months
I think whoever you ship Edie with could make a pun based on Edie's last name for Valentine's Day. They could call her their Valentine or something, and knowing who plays Edie, she'd love it.
I think Billie would say it dramatically and very affectionately. (He maybe even dips Edie before he says it then kisses her after). I think Silas would be a bit hesitant/embarrassed to say it (like he's blushing and rubbing the back of his neck as he says it because he's not used to being so sweet and affectionate). Last but certainly not least, I think Garnet would say it very smoothly, almost casually, and it makes Edie blush. (Internally, Garnet is panicking bc she's not great at flirting and is a mess around pretty girls)
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a-casual-egg · 11 months
The final chapter is done! Garnet finally gets to kiss Edie!
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oxventure-text-posts · 9 months
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He’s both their moral support
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a-casual-egg · 9 months
Nate's final story about him and Junie is done, and Garnet confesses her feelings to Edie.
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a-casual-egg · 1 year
I've started to write a Garnet x Edie fic
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a-casual-egg · 11 months
The chapter before the chapter where they kiss is up
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