#Garnet x Silas
oxventure-text-posts · 6 months
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There's more but these are the first few that come to mind
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a-casual-egg · 4 months
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stickthisbig · 1 year
Ship meme thoughts on Dob x Prudence and Edie x Silas?
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Dob/Prudence: Prudence would think that they were friends with benefits and Dob would say "oh yeah, totally" and be absolutely lying through his teeth. Then again I'm pretty sure that Prudence genuinely thinks they're really married, so. Also what's up with the stuff he kept saying about her during Squid Pro Quo? Inquiring minds want to know.
Edie/Silas: I didn't mean for this to happen but here we are. I love them a lot and I want everyone to come on this ride with me.
(I still hold out hope for some good Edie/Garnet content, but they've yet to see each other since the premiere. Do I hear a V relationship calling my name? I think maybe I do)
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wardogxicarus · 5 years
Apatite Tic, Garnet Core (Since my last one was answered xD)
Meme [x] |  Stonework Headcanons | @anotherhumanpet
Apatite Tic: Does your muse have any sort of verbal tics or impediments?
While Silas doesn’t possess any tics like stuttering, he does have a tendency to rumble in thought prior to answering questions. 
Garnet Core: What sorts of things would they be willing to do for friends? For family? For their significant other(s)?
Providing skills and equipment for survival or thriving is Silas’ main thing. He’s also the sort to call out someone he cares about if they’re doing something stupid or dangerous, usually with the intention to get them pointed in a better direction. 
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oxventure-text-posts · 4 months
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I had to use this post with them, too
[Image Description: Mike Channel as Silas Flint and Jane Douglas as Garnet Munro. Silas is looking down, and his face is in shadow from his hat. Garnet's arms are folded, and she's looking at Silas fondly. In the bottom middle of the image, there is a Tumblr post by aromantic-diaries that reads "QPRs are so fucking awesome are you telling me I get to be someone's lame ass boyfriend without actually having to date them???". End Image Description.]
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a-casual-egg · 2 months
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a-casual-egg · 5 months
I know the most popular ships for oxventure deadlands are Edie ships (b*untybelle, b*sonbelle, q*een of d*amonds <- censored so they don't appear in the tags of those ships) but I'd like to point out other oxventure deadlands ships that I think are good, silly, or (at least) interesting.
Silas x Garnet: I view them as a qpr. I think they'd playfight a lot and make fun of people/things together. They don't strike me as people who would enjoy or do pda. They keep their soft moments to themselves. They cuddle when they're alone and press their foreheads together instead of kissing. After a long day of work, they just flop next to the other and tell them about their day. Silas gives Garnet his duster if she's cold, and she pulls it close to her bc 1) it does keep her warm, and 2) it smells like Silas, and that's comforting to her.
Silas x Billie: The literally only m/m ship that's possible (unless you hc one of the girls as a trans dude). They'd have a cat and dog energy. Silas is very skeptical of Billie, and Billie just has heart eyes. Giant loud extrovert and his grumpy introvert.
Garnet x Billie: It's similar to b*sonbelle to me in the way that it's girlboss x malewife. Garnet is so cool, calm, and collected, while Billie is just so silly and passionate. They both have a background in entertainment with being a croupier and a performer. I think Billie would do something so stupid to impress Garnet, and she would just smile fondly. They'd probably relax by watching a movie that one of them likes, and one of them will infodump about it while the other listens lovingly.
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a-casual-egg · 6 months
Woe another Garnet and Silas fic be upon ye
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a-casual-egg · 5 months
I think whoever you ship Edie with could make a pun based on Edie's last name for Valentine's Day. They could call her their Valentine or something, and knowing who plays Edie, she'd love it.
I think Billie would say it dramatically and very affectionately. (He maybe even dips Edie before he says it then kisses her after). I think Silas would be a bit hesitant/embarrassed to say it (like he's blushing and rubbing the back of his neck as he says it because he's not used to being so sweet and affectionate). Last but certainly not least, I think Garnet would say it very smoothly, almost casually, and it makes Edie blush. (Internally, Garnet is panicking bc she's not great at flirting and is a mess around pretty girls)
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oxventure-text-posts · 9 months
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He’s both their moral support
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a-casual-egg · 9 months
Billie is introducing his parents to the posse at a party but can't find Nate or Edie.
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a-casual-egg · 4 months
yay, ship bingo!! piratewoods for you as well, and bisonbelle, please? :D or silas/garnet, but i know this ship bingo isnt really made for QPR ships so they might not get many hits gbfjdgfjk
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[Image Description: A five by five bingo board with the following spots highlighted "They keep me up at night", "I just want them to be happy, is that too much to ask?!", a drawing of a person slamming a table as they cry, "I swear to god if anything happens to them I will cry", "Aesthetically pleasing", "THEY NEED TO KISS ALREADY", "FREE SPACE", "I enjoy and or/create fanworks of them", An edited photo of Tom from Tom and Jerry holding up a sign that reads "YES!!!!!!!!", a drawing of a blushing stick figure with big eyes, there is text above them the drawing that reads "omg squeeeee sajkdfhsdljkhkfSJs dfkjlaslkdfjkaskldfj klasdklfjkasdjlf", "I AM SO NORMAL ABOUT THEM (LYING)", and "They are sooooooo silly :3". End Image Description.]
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[Image Description: A five by five bingo board with the following spots highlighted "They keep me up at night", "I ship them because of canon", a drawing of a person with a smug expression doing a thumbs up, there is an arrow pointing to them and text above it that reads "deranged", "I just want them to be happy, is that too much to ask?!", a drawing of a person slamming a table as they cry, "I swear to god if anything happens to them I will cry", "Aesthetically pleasing", "THEY NEED TO KISS ALREADY", "FREE SPACE", "I enjoy and or/create fanworks of them", "OTP/OT3", An edited photo of Tom from Tom and Jerry holding up a sign that reads "YES!!!!!!!!", a drawing of a blushing stick figure with big eyes, there is text above them the drawing that reads "omg squeeeee sajkdfhsdljkhkfSJs dfkjlaslkdfjkaskldfj klasdklfjkasdjlf", "I AM SO NORMAL ABOUT THEM (LYING)", and "They are sooooooo silly :3". End Image Description.]
Silas x Garnet qpr:
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[Image Description: A five by five bingo board with the following spots highlighted "They keep me up at night", I just want them to be happy, is that too much to ask?!", "I ship them platonically", a drawing of a person slamming a table as they cry, "I swear to god if anything happens to them I will cry", "Aesthetically pleasing", "FREE SPACE", "I enjoy and or/create fanworks of them", "They need to bite each other harder and more often", An edited photo of Tom from Tom and Jerry holding up a sign that reads "YES!!!!!!!!", a drawing of a blushing stick figure with big eyes, there is text above them the drawing that reads "omg squeeeee sajkdfhsdljkhkfSJs dfkjlaslkdfjkaskldfj klasdklfjkasdjlf", "I AM SO NORMAL ABOUT THEM (LYING)", and "They are sooooooo silly :3". End Image Description.]
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