#Gary and Pete somehow come along too
prayantis · 1 year
Cash is the type of dad that Jimmy calls and is like “you wanna pick me up earlier” and then Cash is “ok” and gets him
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What do you think a post-meds/post-therapy (bc he obviously needs both), mentally healthy Gary would look like? Most of what we see in-game is off-meds-and-super-paranoid Gary, and it made me wonder how much of his personality is genuine and how much is borne from megalomania and paranoia. Idk - I saw your anon answers about Petey/Jimmy and I thought that you would probably have a really interesting take, so here we are!
sorry if this ask took so long to answer, anon!!
first of all thank you sm for your nice words????? promise i'll try my best <3
so, somehow i think that we mostly got a quite close picture during the initial missions of chapter 1 (maybe up until halloween???), maybe just a bit more cruel - but i still do think that he's. generally quite mean?? i think it's implied that he gets along quite decently (or at least is able to communicate) with derby harrington, and honestly that does mean something. like he's still an unhinged sixteen years old trying to have fun in high school, except this time he's actually trying to have fun instead of... what he went through during the game
i don't think he'd be any less witty than we generally see him also. he'd love cracking stupid and even mean jokes, at the expenses of others, too. and also causing someone to get at each other's throats to slip away himself and witness the shitshow- like that time that he got wade and the bullies to come at casey and they were all sent to the principal's office instead of all the cliques against jimmy and each other, for example
i keep the stance that he would have. zero emotional intelligence. like he's very smart and, although all of his interpretations of everyone's thoughts were heavily fueled by paranoia, he's still good at understanding others' tought processes. i can still see him knowing the exact remarks to make to unsettle someone, or organizing elaborate pranks just a bit less radical than taking over the school. but he'd still have a hard time coming to terms with how he can hurt other people with words, esp when it's about small things and unintentional coincidences.
(gary: "i mean, i just made a joke about handcuffs." pete: "gary, his brother was arrested yesterday, of course you hurt him." jimmy: "the question now is, do you care?" pete, who's trying desperately to make gary Think About Others' Feelings: "JIMMY. PLEASE")
also i think a healthier gary would also be tendentially introvert?? i think he'd be a bit less interested in hanging out with or even understanding kids he's not especially close to, preferring instead reading or playing videogames (he feels like a horror games player to me??? it's a nice headcanon shall i say); once he's established the relationship with someone though he might as well text them in the middle of the night to tell them a thought he's had, an idea or really just anything he might want to share
(also like. what he first thought was making him better than everyone else, superhuman and above everyone else is, now that his mania is gone feels actually a bit... lonely? like he's found out that it makes him neither worse or better than others, so him feeling on a wholly different wavelength of thought than most other kids is a bit tiring sometimes. but he learns to kind of just. vibe along with the other people of the environment???)
more in general, i figure he'd be kind of the kid in the back of the classroom, occasionally cracking jokes or throwing paper planes but generally just . getting along with the others or pulling stupid pranks to have a laugh, then going up to his best friends and being like “hey how do you think it would look if we set a drop of hand sanitizer of fire? just a drop no massive fire i promise” (idk if you ever tried but that is funny to watch actually) and hanging out in the afternoon
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jimothy-hopkins · 2 years
Before the Fallout
Bonjour, c’est moi, Jimothy-Hopkins with my first Bully fanfic. Please enjoy and give feedback! Many loves!
“Hopkins! Get up!” Shouted the familiar voice of Jimmy’s morally questionable best friend, Gary smith. The blankets being enthusiastically yanked from Jimmy’s body.
“Wh- Gary get out!” Jimmy barked, sitting up groggily.
“I’m sorry friend, but your room is just as much mine as it it yours. Get to packing Moron.” He scoffed, running his hands along the chemistry set Jimmy had set up.
“Pack? Gary what are you talking about?” Jimmy asked, knitting his brows.
“Come on Hopkins, you really think I’m gonna let us stay at this dump for thanksgiving break? You without me is a pitiful thought. Now get up. We have like an hour.” Gary said, shoving Jimmy’s broad shoulder as he exited the room.
Jimmy was left on his bed, half asleep and a bit dumbfounded. His brain still trying to process the conversation that transpired. Once it finally delivered, Jimmy instantly sat up, yanking a empty book bag from the bottom of his wardrobe and opening the closet doors. He just randomly threw clothes in. Anything that would get him by for a week. He didn’t know where Gary was taking him, and maybe that should’ve been a red flag. He’d noticed that Gary had began to get more and more erratic through the month. He didn’t know wether it was the beam cola or the holiday hype.
As jimmy threw in another pair of socks, his door burst open again as Gary enthusiastically swung himself around the doorframe. The lanky teenager strutting over as his hands aggressively slapped the Ginger’s broad shoulders.
“Come on moron, they’re here early.” The brunette told him as he dramatically slid off Jimmy’s back.
“Who is here?” Jimmy asked, turning as he rustled on his backpack.
“My dad, duh.” Gary scoffed, a black suitcase in hand.
“Why is your dad here?” Jimmy inquired, now irritated by Gary’s erratic mood.
“We’re going to my house for the break. I already said we’d be going somewhere. Now come on.” Gary ordered, snatching Jimmy by the hand and walking him out.
Once they walked outside, Jimmy was met with the cool autumn air. The leaves an array or warm colors, piles of them scattered along the ground. Most students were calling parents to pick them up or talking to friends. A lot of the student body left for breaks, even small ones such as Labor Day. Any time away from Bullworth was always a good time. The ginger trying to keep pace with his taller companion’s strides. Jimmy was by no means unfit, rather Gary took longer strides, and was harder to keep up with. Especially at his brisk pace. Who in their right mind had this much energy at 8 in the morning?
“Where’s Pete?” Jimmy questioned, taking notice that their shy friend was nowhere to be found.
“He’s in Poland with his dad’s family.” Gary explained with an eye roll. “Not that he’d come if we asked him too.”
“Poland? What the fuck?” Jimmy squalled in confusion.
“He goes like, every year. Like how Bif Taylor goes to France every summer to see his family.” Gary sighed.
“Now I feel poor.” Jimmy grumbled.
“You are poor moron.” Gary shoved, but was quick to reel Jimmy back in as they made their way to the front gates.
Jimmy glanced up, seeing just about one of the nicest cars ever, and the most intimidating man next to it. The man was a tower, tall enough to stare Norton Williams in the face. His hair was a mix of mahogany brown and silvery grays. A beard framed his face as well. He was well trimmed and looked even bitchier than Derby Harrington somehow. Maybe it was his gray pinstripe suit.
“I see you’ve brought a friend Garret?” He asked, raising a thick brow. The brunette dropping Jimmy’s hand instantly.
“Yes sir. His name is James Hopkins, but we call him Jimmy. Jimmy, this is my dad.” Gary introduced, his tone and manners sifting completely.
“Nice to meet you Jimmy.” His father smiled, holding out a aged hand, Jimmy took it. A shiver ran down his back looking the man in the eyes. They were empty, almost black.
As Jimmy let go, a finicky man in formal attire stepped out of the vehicle. The skinny man not uttering a word as he took their luggage and loaded it into the back. Gary’s father turning towards the car door and crawling back into the passenger seat. Gary motioning to the doors in the backseat, opening it for Jimmy. As if to be a gentleman on a first date. Jimmy rolled his eyes as he climbed inside. The interior of the car was fresh. He could still pick up that new car smell amongst the rich cologne. The two boys sat next to each other, the skinny chauffeur closing Gary’s door as he made his way back to the drivers side, sliding in as he cranked up the engine.
“Your mother is waiting for us in the airport.” Mr. Smith said, eyeing Gary in the rear view mirror.
“Yes sir.” The son nodded, leaning back as the car rolled down the streets.
This whole situation put Jimmy off. He didn’t like how quickly Gary switched up. He knew Gary, hew knew him quite well. They’d been friends since august. Maybe best friends would be a better term, since they were always in a pair. When Pete wasn’t around at least. But never once in those three months of friendship had he ever seen Gary bend like that. Not even to prefects or teachers. He always had a smart comment, but as soon as he saw his father Gary seemed to do a factory reset. Jimmy knew something was up. It was hush hush rich people stuff.
In the 15 or so minutes it took to the airport it was silent. Not even the radio was turned on. The only noise was their stale breaths and the rumble of the cars wheels as it dove on. Jimmy gazed out at the suddenly clouded sky as they pulled into the airport. The doors unlocking as they hurried themselves. Gary seemed to be in more of a rush, almost snatching his suitcase from the Chauffeur, but slowing his body language as he caught a starry look from his fire. The brunette walking up to the shorter teenager, helping him with his bag, which Jimmy would’ve rejected if he hadn’t fed off the stiff energy from Mr . Smith.
The atmosphere shifted as they walked into the airport. Mr Smith guiding them down halls and up escalators. Jimmy hadn’t ever seen an airport like this. He didn’t know that there were supposed to be private assistants that would take your bags, offer you sparkling water, and a meat and cheese platter. He also figured that it had to be something for rich people. People with a stupid amount of money. The only normal thing was the overly intrusive security. The ginger shuddering at the infamous cause of it.
Jimmy followed Gary and his father into a gate, where a small woman waited. She was wearing a large red velvet trench coat with heeled winter boots and a white scarf. Gary went to her, giving the woman a tight hug, the delicate lady patting his back as she smiled, pulling away.
“My, Garret haven’t you filled in.” She chuckled, a slight British accent.
“Oh hush mom. I’m the same.” Gary chuckled. “I want you to meet my friend James, we call him Jimmy.” He smiled as he pulled Jimmy back under his arms.
“Oh, hello. I’m Garret’s mother. Pleasure to meet you.” Mrs. Smith said, gently taking Jimmy’s hand to shake. He analyzed her features, noticing she and Gary shared the same jaw and cheekbone structures. While Gary took on his fathers nose and eyes. It was like Gary was an in between uncanny mishmash of these two. Then again, that was what everyone looked like, and uncomfortable randomized combo of their parents.
“Nice to meet you ma’am.” Jimmy nodded, releasing her hand as they went up, boarding the luxury private jet.
Jimmy had no clue flights could go by that fast. That hour and a half felt like only 15 minutes. The drive to Gary’s place felt even shorter than that. Probably because Jimmy slept through most of it, and quietly talked to Gary through the rest. Now, they were in Gary’s classroom sized bedroom, the brunette turning at him with a evil grin.
“Why are you looking at me like that?” Jimmy asked, staring at him from where he sat on a bean bag twice his size.
“Wanna ride horses?” Gary asked, wiggling his brows.
“We just sat down.” Jimmy groaned.
“We’ve been sitting for the past three hours James.” Gary argued.
“Don’t you just sit on a horse too?” Jimmy asked, throwing up his hands.
“Uh, no. We don’t just sit there moron. Riding is a sport, not a flex.” Gary snapped, growing offended.
“Says the one who’s parents make millions of making horses run!” Jimmy shouted.
“James you haven’t even been here for five minutes are you’re already being difficult.” Gary snarled.
“Whatever.” The ginger said, relaxing back into his beanbag.
He heard the rustling of sheets, and loud footsteps thinking of the carpeted floors. Jimmy glancing up.
“What are you doing Gary?” He asked.
“Putting my riding clothes on, moron.” Garry huffed.
“Are you seriously mad? Man if you want me to go I’ll go geez.” Jimmy sighed, sitting up.
“Then put on some skinny jeans.” Gary demanded.
“Dude, no way.” He refused.
“If you don’t wear riding gear you’re not riding.” Gary smirked.
“You little- fine, ok I’ll do it.” Jimmy grumbled, pulling the jeans from his bag in defeat.
Once changed, Gary gingerly led him out of the massive mansion, past the fountain, through the garden, and all the way down to the barn. The smell of horse hit Jimmy, making his face scrunch a bit. Gary pulling back the large doors leading in. On either side of the barn we’re long lineups of tall thoroughbreds. All ranging from black to gray. Jimmy was intimidated, he didn’t know horses were actually this big. Their heads were almost as big as bike tires. All of the stalls had gold name plates on them. Some of the name were absolutely outrageous. Who would name a horse Love Letters from Romeo? That was a mouthful.
Jimmy looked up, watching as Gary put on a helmet, throwing a spare at Jimmy, who barely caught it. The brunette walking down the aisle before stopping at a stall. His gloved hands opening it, stepping inside momentarily before bringing out a chunky little horse.
“I’ll tack up for you.” Gary said, placing the pony on crossties.
“Do I have to ride the pony?” Jimmy asked.
“You couldn’t even reach the stirrups on any of the others.” Gary cackled, waving the ginger off as he got into the almost robotic routine.
Jimmy waited, taking a seat on a hay bake as he watched Gary do his work. Within a few minutes the little pony was all tacked up. The chunky little steed proudly bearing flashy pink accessories and a small all round english saddle. Gary leaving for a moment, once again rustling in the stalls before he led out a large bay mare. She had an almost bald face with four white knee socks and a flaxen white mane and tail. Jimmy was almost scared, the sheer size of the thoroughbred was enough to make him not wanna even try to get on. He hated to admit, but Gary was right. The pony really was just his size. The brunette again repeated the tacking process. Brush, pick hooves, brush a little more, saddle pad, saddle, little horse leg warmers, and the bridle.
“Come on, I’m gonna teach you to get on. You’ll learn like the basics when we’re on the trails.” Gary said, grabbing the horse’s reins, handing the pony’s off to Jimmy.
As they walked, Jimmy took in the scenery. Gary really did live in a nice place. Everything was all golden and a comforting warm. The pair stopping to mount, Gary gently guiding the ginger on what to to, and begrudgingly applauding him when Jimmy did it well. Soon, the only sounds around them were the clack of horse hooves and the wind.
“This is nice.” Jimmy commented.
“Yeah, it is. I always forget how much I like doing this.” Gary replied, adjusting his jacket.
“Do you have to dress that gay when you ride?” Jimmy snickered.
“Riding attire isn’t gay, moron. It’s classy.” Gary defended with narrowed eyes.
“That sound like something Gord would say.” Jimmy cackled.
Gary stifled a laugh, before straightening his face again. “At least I make work look effortless.”
“This is easy work, Smith.” The shorter taunted.
“Oh you think so?” Gary asked, before clicking as his mare shifted to a trot.
“Hey, wait up.” Jimmy called, repeating Gary’s actions. His body jostling as the fjord moved to a trot. Jimmy yelping as he slowed the pony back down to a walk.
“Was that easy?” Gary mocked, asking his mare to slow back down by sinking into his saddle a bit.
“Yeah Gary I get it now.” He breathed, finally catching the pace of the other once more.
They rode down the trails, concrete shifting to smooth sandy dirt. The sun setting through the trees. Jimmy had never been more at peace. It was just him, his friend, and nature. As cheesy as it sounded he was actually having a lot of fun.
Nothing would’ve ever prepared him enough for the hell and heartbreak he’d endure that December.
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