#Gavrilo Petrović
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GaLena Stimboard for @shinmiyovvi 🗡️🌹💖
(Artwork centered belongs to @shinmiyovvi )
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shinmiyovvi · 1 year
CoD Zombies Salvatorix Crew Face Claims
I know I haven't talked about them for months now but this is the opportunity to give time for these bimbinis to shine again! Took me a bit but it was worth the try to find good face claims of the crew. Without further a do...
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Louis Hofmann for Stefan von Hoffmann
Yes, they have the same last name but with a different spelling. I was looking for German actors on the internet just for starters to look for potential candidates until I saw Louis Hofmann. He caught my attention and went to look for other photos of him, observing and imagining him being Stefan's face claim so I quickly didn't choose any candidates. His face looks very calm and gives off an intelligent and calculating vibe to it which the two are one of Stefan's traits as a person and also a team leader to his crew.
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Grigory Dobyrin for Gavrilo Petrović
Huge thanks to @maninthebox242 for showing me pictures of this man, he is so fine to look at 👉👈 Anyways, he may be Russian but who cares, saw his green eyes and his sexy beard and I was like "Fuck it, we ballin." and went to make him as Gavi's face claim. Now I cannot stay silent whenever I draw Gavi because I will daydream about him having Grigory as his fc.
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Jericho Rosales for Marcelito Gonzalez
This struck me while thinking of some potential face claims for the crew and the first thing I was thinking about was for Marcel. As I was spacing out, my brain just went to remember that time I watched Bonifacio: Ang Unang Pangulo and remember Jose Rizal was played by Jericho Rosales. My mind just clicked and quickly made him as Marcel's fc with no other candidates available but only for Jericho. I chose him because of how I grew up just seeing him from any telenovela series that I binged watch every afternoon or every evening, depending on the series' schedule.
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Adrien Brody for Lorenzo Beneventi
I mentioned this from the Main Ocs that Adrien was the first one that I had on mind for Dragomir but I disregarded it and make it for Lorenzo's. His facial structure was the driving force of me to make him as Lorenzo's face claim and also the fact that I watched Peaky Blinders and remembered him makes me think about a Mafia Au for our Italian boi.
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Junichi Okada for Ryuji Tanaka
This was a very hard decision I had since I chose three candidates for Ryuji's face claim, that being Shun Oguri, Joe Odagiri, and Junichi Okada. I turned Shun as a reserve for now until I am left with Joe and Junichi. Both are present in war movies that I've watched before (Junichi was a Japanese pilot in The Eternal Zero while Joe was an IJA officer in the movie My Way). Both played their roles phenomenally but Junichi begins to grow in me considering that he has a similar facial hair with Ryuji.
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Stacy Martin for Rochelle Levesque
The very first actress I laid my eyes on while searching for French actresses and I gotta say, her facial structure is what I wanted Rochelle to have. She has that cute yet beautiful face of hers and how her eyes looks very dreamy and elegant to look at. This will also apply to Primis Rochelle but since her Ultimis counterpart is a member of the Salvatorix Crew so I had to put it here.
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Anna Kendrick for Mirabelle Hawkins
I have some other candidates with me like Elizabeth Olsen, Emma Stone, and Scarlet Johnson but I stumbled upon Anna Kendrick and went to search about her on the interest. I never imagine she was part of the Pitch Perfect series and the one who sang Cups (Where everyone uses a cup while singing it and it was a thing before). Her eyes was the key factor of making her as Mira's face claim as it has a slight dark bluish shade on her eyes.
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radosius · 6 years
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My grand grand mother Marta Petrović with her brother Gavrilo , the begining of XX century.
#austrohungarian Serbs, Kameraten Moravic, Srpske Moravice
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mentalnahigijena · 4 years
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Crtice - VII
Tek u doba romantizma pojavljuje se nakon duga vremena ratovanja crnogorski duhovni preporod posebno izražen u djelima crnogorskog vladara i pisca Petra II. Petrovića Njegoša. U poznatom djelu Gorski vijenac iz 1847. najbolje je izrazio Crnogorsko biće i opisao posebne crte Crnogorskog pravoslavlja. Iako se ideja o srpskom porijeklu crnogorskoga naroda pojavljuje već u 18. vjeku, tek u devetnaestom srpstvo postaje središnja ideologija moderne crnogorske države. Pod utjecajem učitelja Sime Milutinovića Sarajlije mladi Njegoš je usvojio srpsku nacionalnu svijest. Sima Milutinović Sarajlija utemeljio je mit da su nakon Kosovske bitke srpska plemena pobjegla u crnogorske planine, iako Crnogorci nisu učestvovali u tom boju, kao i mit da je Karađorđević vukao porijeklo iz plemena Vasojevića. Ni jedno ni drugo nema temelja u istoriskim izvorima. Najveći je crnogorski pjesnik Njegoš dotad tradicionalno shvaćanje „srpske vjere“ kao vjerskog opredeljenja, sinonima za pravoslavnu vjeru, koju su Srbi i raširili na crnogorski prostor, pretvorio u nacionalno-političku ideologiju dinastije Petrović. Kao nitko prije njega veliki Njegoš upisuje ideju metafizike Kosova u crnogorsku duhovnost, prema kojoj Crnogorci trebaju ispuniti kosovski zavjet obnovom svetoga Dušanova carstva. Nedostaje razvoja širokih kulturnih pokreta prije početka 20. vjeka. Uoči Berlinskog kongresa u Crnoj Gori nije uopšte postojao stalež inteligencije. Prvi su pokreti inteligencije narasli pod jakim utjecajem Njegoševa doživljaja srpstva na počecima 20. vjeka, kada kralj Nikola šalje mladu inteligenciju na školovanje u Beograd. Upravo će taj prvi val beogradske inteligencije biti nositelj podgoričkoga puča iz 1918., čiji su istaknuti pripadnici poput Marka Dakovića i Puniše Račića zahtijevali bezuvjetno utapanje Crne Gore u srpstvu i srpskoj državi. Čini se da je nepostojanje univerziteta imalo sudbonosne efekte po opstanak Crne Gore, kao i romantičarsko uvjerenje da su Srbija i Crna Gora jedinstveno biće u velikosrpskoj perspektivi, pri čemu se nije uzimalo u obzir više od petsto godina odvojene prošlosti, koja je odredila i njihov različit, ali i zaseban vjekovni razvoj. Nije trebalo dugo čekati na odgovor protiv bezuslovnog ujedinjenja sa Srbijom u versajskoj Jugoslaviji. Božićni Ustanak protiv duha i načela Podgoričke skupštine izbacio je na površinu zelenaški pokret s vjernim pristašama kralja Nikole, koji su se okupljali oko nekadašnjega vojnog i političkog vrha „cara junaka“. Zanimljivo, zelenaši su se narodnosno smatrali Srbima, ali su se razilazili oko načina ujedinjenja s bjelašima zahtijevajući da ostane priznata crnogorska državnost u obliku posebne autonomne i teritorijalne jedinice. Crnogorci jedini organiziraju oružani ustanak protiv novoga stanja nastala po uspostavi Kraljevine Srba, Hrvata i Slovenaca. U glavne ustaničke krajeve pokrenuli su se Katunska nahija i pleme Rovca. Ustanak su u krvi ugušili udruženi odredi srpske žandarmerije i vojske djelujući ruku pod ruku s unutarnjim bjelaškim grupama. Izašavši iscrpljena teretom rata i dvjema okupacijama, austro-ugarskom i srpskom, Crna Gora svedena je na običnu pokrajinu na rubu države, kojom se upravljalo iz birokratskog ureda u Beogradu. Po ukinuću crnogorske države i svrgavanju dinastije Petrović-Njegoš, ukinuta je i Crnogorska pravoslavna crkva. Prema odlukama kralja Aleksandra njezina je imovina nacionalizirana i predana pod upravu novouspostavljene srpske partijaršije sa sjedištem u Beogradu. Koliko je Srpska pravoslavna crkva dugovala političkoj vlasti svoje utemeljenje i širenje na cijelom području nove Jugoslavije, najbolje je svjedočio postupak stjecanja autokefalije 1922., kada je kralj zapovjedio vladi Kraljevine SHS da plati carigradskoj patrijaršiji milijun i pol zlatnih franaka kako bi ujedinjena srpska crkva stekla nezavisan status u pravoslavlju. Tako je Srpska pravoslavna crkva pod tutorstvom države proširila jurisdikciju i na područje Crne Gore, u kojoj će ostati prisutna do danas. Neke od najvažnijih ličnosti SPC-a u 20. vjeka dolazile su iz Crne Gore, patrijarsi Varnava Rosić iz Pljevalja te Gavrilo Dožić iz plemena Morače. Isto tako, najistaknutiji srpski teolog toga vremena Nikolaj Velimirović starinom je bio iz Bjelopavlića. CPC se obnovila 1993., titovi komunisti nijesu smatrali zgodnim upustiti se u obnovu CPC-a kao što je bio slučaj s Makedonskom crkvom, kada su se 1967. otvoreno uključili u njezino osnivanje unatoč protivljenjima iz SPC-a. Razloge takvu njihovu ponašanju trebalo bi tražiti dijelom u tome što Crnogorci nisu bili nacija u punopravnom smislu, nego iznimka titoizma u odnosu na druge priznate nacije, budući da se službeno učilo da im je etnogeneza srpska. Usporedno s nastankom zelenaškog pokreta izdignula se i Crnogorska (federalistička) stranka. U političkoj areni borila se za reorganizaciju Jugoslavije na federalističkim osnovama, čime bi se osigurao i poseban položaj Crne Gore kao članice tako složeno organizirane države. Najistaknutija ličnost stranke i crnogorske građanske politike u međuratno doba bio je Moračanin Sekula Drljević. Drljević je bio na glasu kao vrstan govornik, poznat po čuvenim istupima u beogradskoj Narodnoj skupštini. Tek je od početka 1930-ih počeo napuštati uvjerenje da su Crnogorci provincijalno ime unutar srpskog korpusa te se svesrdno zalagao ideji o posebnom crnogorskom narodu. Drljević je studirao u Zagrebu, gdje je razvio uske veze s međuratnim HSS-om i s mnogim pripadnicima hrvatske inteligencije. Intelektualni Zagreb jako je utjecao na uobličenje novorođenoga crnogorskog nacionalizma, što se da osjetiti u mislima i idejama kako Drljevića, tako i jednog drugog pobornika crnogorske nezavisnosti, novinara i publicista Savića Markovića Štedimlije. Dovoljno je napomenuti da je Štedimlijino djelo o Osnovama crnogorskog nacionalizma štampao u Zagrebu 1937., tačno u vrijeme kada grad osvajaju ideje o nezavisnoj hrvatskoj državi. Čini se da je taj utjecaj Zagreba, premda neusporedivo manji od Beograda kao neusporedivo glavnog središta školovanja crnogorske inteligencije podjednako i bjelaške i komunističke, trajao duže u kontinuitetu nego što bi se moglo pretpostaviti. U atmosferi Hrvatskog proljeća i Deklaracije o jeziku još je jedan zagrebački đak i jezikoslovac, Vojislav Nikčević, progovorio o posebnosti crnogorskog jezika. Poslije je napisao, malo prije obnove crnogorske neovisnosti, pravopis i gramatiku crnogorskog jezika.
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blueskymostar-blog · 7 years
The beginning of the First World War in Sarajevo
The assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria, heir presumptive to the Austr-Hungarian throne, and his wife Sophie, Duchess of Hohenberg, occurred on 28 June 1914 in Sarajevo when they were mortally wounded by Gavrilo Princip.
Princip was one of a group of six assassins coordinated by Danilo Ilic, a Bosnian Serb and a member of the Black Hand secret society. The political objective of the assassination was to break off Austria-Hungary's South Slav provinces so they could be combined into a Yugoslavia. The assassins' motives were consistent with the movement that later became known as Young Bosnia. The assassination led directly to the First World War when Austria-Hungary subsequently issued anultimatum to the Kingdom of Serbia, which was partially rejected. Austria-Hungary then declared war, triggering actions leading to war between most European states.
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In charge of these Serbian military conspirators was Chief of Serbian Military IntelligenceDragutin Dimitrijevic, his right-hand man Major Vojislav Tankosic, and the spy Rade Malobaic. Tankosić armed the assassins with bombs and pistols and trained them. The assassins were given access to the same clandestine network of safe houses and agents that Malobabić used for the infiltration of weapons and operatives into Austria-Hungary.
The assassins, the key members of the clandestine network, and the key Serbian military conspirators who were still alive were arrested, tried, convicted and punished. Those who were arrested in Bosnia were tried in Sarajevo in October 1914. The other conspirators were arrested and tried before a Serbian court on the French-controlled Salonika Front in 1916–1917 on unrelated false charges; Serbia executed three of the top military conspirators. Much of what is known about the assassinations comes from these two trials and related records.
 Under the 1878  Treaty of Berlin, Austria-Hungary received the mandate to occupy and administer the Ottoman Vilayet of Bosnia, while the Ottoman Empire retained official sovereignty. Under this same treaty, the Great Powers (Austria-Hungary, Britain, France, the German Empire, Italy, and the Russian Empire) gave official recognition to the Principality of Serbia as a fully sovereign state, which four years later transformed into a kingdom under Prince Milan IV Obrenović who thus became King Milan I of Serbia. Serbia's monarchs, at the time from the royal House of Obrenović that maintained close relations with Austria-Hungary, were content to reign within the borders set by the treaty.
This changed in May 1903, when Serbian military officers led by Dragutin Dimitrijević stormed the Serbian Royal Palace. After a fierce battle in the dark, the attackers captured General Laza Petrović, head of the Palace Guard, and forced him to reveal the hiding place of King Alexander I Obrenović and his wife Queen Draga. The King and Queen opened the door from their hiding place. The King was shot thirty times; the Queen eighteen. MacKenzie writes that "the royal corpses were then stripped and brutally sabred."
The attackers threw the corpses of King Alexander and Queen Draga out of a palace window, ending any threat that loyalists would mount a counterattack
The new dynasty was more nationalist, friendlier to Russia and less friendly to Austria-Hungary. Over the next decade, disputes between Serbia and its neighbors erupted, as Serbia moved to build its power and gradually reclaim its 14th century empire. These conflicts included a customs dispute with Austria-Hungary beginning in 1906 (commonly referred to as the "Pig War"); the Bosnian crisis of 1908–1909, in which Serbia assumed an attitude of protest over Austria-Hungary's annexation of Bosnia-Herzegovina (ending in Serbian acquiescence without compensation in March 1909); and finally the two Balkan Wars of 1912–1913, in which Serbia conquered Macedonia and Kosovo from the Ottoman Empire and drove out Bulgaria.
 Serbia's military successes and Serbian outrage over the Austro-Hungarian annexation of Bosnia-Herzegovina emboldened Serbian nationalists in Serbia and Serbs in Austria-Hungary who chafed under Austro-Hungarian rule and whose nationalist sentiments were stirred by Serb "cultural" organizations.
In the five years leading up to 1914, lone assassins – mostly Serb citizens of Austria-Hungary – made a series of unsuccessful assassination attempts in Croatia and Bosnia-Herzegovina against Austro-Hungarian officials.[11] The assassins received sporadic support from Serbia.
 The murder of the heir to the Austro-Hungarian Empire and his wife produced widespread shock across European royal houses, and there was initially much sympathy for the Austrian position. Ordinary people did not really care about what happened, and on the evening of the assassination the crowds in Vienna listened to music and drank wine, as if nothing had happened.
Within two days of the assassination, Austria-Hungary and Germany advised Serbia that it should open an investigation, but Secretary General to the Serbian Ministry of Foreign Affairs Slavko Gruic, replied "Nothing had been done so far and the matter did not concern the Serbian Government." An angry exchange followed between the Austrian Chargé d'Affaires at Belgrade and Gruic.
After conducting a criminal investigation, verifying that Germany would honor its military alliance, and persuading the skeptical Hungarian Count Tisza, Austria-Hungary issued a formal letter to the government of Serbia. The letter reminded Serbia of its commitment to respect the Great Powers' decision regarding Bosnia-Herzegovina, and to maintain good neighborly relations with Austria-Hungary. The letter contained specific demands aimed at preventing the publication of propaganda advocating the violent destruction of Austria-Hungary, removing the people behind this propaganda from the Serbian Military, arresting the people on Serbian soil who were involved in the assassination plot and preventing the clandestine shipment of arms and explosives from Serbia to Austria-Hungary.
This letter became known as the July Ultimatum, and Austria-Hungary stated that if Serbia did not accept all of the demands in total within 48 hours, it would recall its ambassador from Serbia. After receiving a telegram of support from Russia, Serbia mobilized its army and responded to the letter by completely accepting point demanding an end to the smuggling of weapons and punishment of the frontier officers who had assisted the assassins and completely accepting point which demanded Serbia report the execution of the required measures as they were completed. Serbia partially accepted, finessed, disingenuously answered or politely rejected elements of the preamble and enumerated demands. The shortcomings of Serbia's response were published by Austria-Hungary. Austria-Hungary responded by breaking diplomatic relations.
The next day, Serbian reservists being transported on tramp steamers on the Danube crossed onto the Austro-Hungarian side of the river at Temes-Kubin and Austro-Hungarian soldiers fired into the air to warn them off. The report of this incident was initially sketchy and reported to Emperor Franz-Joseph erroneously as "a considerable skirmish".
Austria-Hungary then declared war and mobilized the portion of its army that would face the (already mobilized) Serbian Army on 28 July 1914. Under the Secret Treaty of 1892 Russia and France were obliged to mobilize their armies if any of the Triple Alliance mobilized. Russia's mobilization set off full Austro-Hungarian and German mobilizations. Soon all the Great Powers except Italy had chosen sides and gone to war.
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shinmiyovvi · 1 year
My Cod Zombies Ocs as memes cause I have nothing to do and quite bored at the moment
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shinmiyovvi · 1 year
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The Salvatorix bois with their modern military uniform or simply their Modern Au version of themselves
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shinmiyovvi · 1 year
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Here are the reference sheets of the Salvatorix Crew 💖
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shinmiyovvi · 10 months
「Call of Duty Black Ops Zombies Oc Information: Salvatorix Crew」
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NAME: Marcelito Gonzalez
FULL NAME: Marcelito Crisanto E. Gonzales
AGE: 38
HEIGHT: 6'0"
PLACE OF BIRTH: Talisay, Cebu, Philippines
Bisaya (Dialect)
Marcelito (By Nicholas and Florina)
Lito (By Valena)
Cel (By Armando)
Crisanto (By Romulo and Ermelinda)
Tinyente Gonzales
Tol/Pare/Pre (By Javier)
Marci/Cris/Mahal/Sinta (By Leonora)
Marchel (By Lorenzo)
Farmer (formerly)
Carpenter (formerly)
Radio operator (formerly)
Lieutenant from the Philippine Scouts Tamaraw Unit
US Army, Philippine Scouts, Tamaraw Unit, Salvatorix Crew
(Note: The names that are crossed out are considered deceased)
Nicholas Gonzalez (Father)
Florina Evangelista (Mother)
Romulo Gonzalez (Uncle)
Ermelinda Gonzalez (Aunt)
Sgt. Armando Gonzalez (Cousin)
Cpl. Javier Serrano (Childhood friend)
Valena Villanueva (Childhood friend)
Agatha Villanueva (Childhood friend)
Leonora Sanchez (Childhood friend, ex lover)
Ramil Belmonte (Rival)
Dr. Stefan von Hoffmann (Ally)
Cmdr. Elliott Rousseau (Ally)
Capt. Gavrilo Petrović (Ally, best friend)
Sgm. Lorenzo Beneventi (Ally, best friend)
Lt. Ryuji Tanaka (Ally, best friend)
Rochelle Levesque (Ally)
Mirabelle Hawkins (Ally, potential love interest)
Marcel is an easygoing man who is relaxed and laid back. He rarely gets angry and always finds a way to solve a problem. He is the breadwinner of his family and a caring person towards his loved ones. Marcel likes to spend time with his friends and his cousin Armando as he is also one of the heartthrobs of the village but his heart belongs to Leonora only. He may not be the smartest but at least he is on average. Marcel is known for being the guy who you could always count on and the friend that everyone wanted to be with. He is skilled in Arnis which he and Licia usually spar together as he learned along the way with the help of his friend's guidance. But once you get him into his bad side, he will never let you slide. Only a few people know what Marcel looks like when he's angry and it's best to keep him sane and relaxed.
Marcel was born in Talisay, Cebu, Philippines from a low-income family. He was the only son of Nicholas and Florina Gonzalez and he felt alone and his mother couldn't bear a child anymore due to some complications. They moved to Tondo, Manila where his uncle Romulo let them stay at their second house, which was now handed to them. He and his cousin Armando don't get along that well which makes Ermelinda, his aunt, scold the two daily. He works with his parents at the farm and at the carpentry shop with Romulo and Armando to earn money at such an early age. He met Licia and her younger sister Agatha when they were spending time reading under the tree when Licia saw him getting a mango before falling on the ground, causing him to have some scars on his face due to his recklessness. Licia went to treat his wounds as Armando spotted the two together. Both cousins fight not just for their usual quarrels, but to get Licia's attention. As years pass by, he and Armando are on good terms as he befriends Javier Serrano, the son of a businessman who lives in a rich household but is a down-to-earth person. The four went to the same school as Marcel fell in love with a beautiful woman named Leonora Sanchez. He began to learn how to play the guitar with the help of his father who used to sing songs for his mother when he was courting Florina before. Marcel then goes to Leonora's house and sings love songs as a way of courting her and showing his feelings towards his soon-to-be lover. As he finished his studies and became a radio operator, he was reunited with Leonora as the two confessed their feelings and became lovebirds. When Marcel plans to marry her, the news strikes him when he finds out Leonora is being arranged with his high school rival and the son of a rich family, Ramil Belmonte who is Javier's acquaintance. Leonora doesn't like Ramil but her mother forces her to marry him, which Marcel doesn't want to cause any problems, and simply lets go of Leonora to follow her mother's wishes. Of course, it was a gut-wrenching decision as he could feel the guilt building inside him. Instead of fighting for his love, he lets that person he loves go.
He attends Leonora and Ramil's wedding, smiling a bit to see Leonora one last time before leaving the chapel. When WW2 came in, he joined the Philippine Scouts together with Armando and reunited with Javier soon after their deployment. When he heard about Licia's parents being held captive during the Bataan Death March, the three went after to look for her parents as he met Licia who was also trying to save her parents, and Agatha who became a comfort woman for the Japanese. They got separated when their plan of saving Ernesto and Lumina failed as Armando went with Licia and Marcel went with Javier. During their time in the jungle, Marcel and Javier see Leonora who is now a guerilla fighter which worries the two. He quickly goes up to Leonora, begging her to leave the Philippines for her own safety, but Leonora declines and she vows to herself that she will fight the war until her last breath. Marcel then got involved in a gunfight as he grabbed Leonora's hand and handed her to Javier, telling him to protect her while he and the other soldiers tried to repel the Japanese soldiers. As the IJA began to advance within the country, Marcel was now lost within the tropical forest where he met an American woman named Mirabelle Hawkins, a member of the US Army Nurse Corps who was seeking refuge in a nearby village outside the forest. The two stayed in an abandoned house as they hid from the Japanese soldiers. Mirabelle and Marcel began to have an exchange conversation with each other as Mirabelle felt pity for what he had been through, comforting him as she could. Her smile and sweet voice make Marcel feel like he's with Leonora, talking to him as they face this chaos together. This is where Marcel begins to have feelings for Mirabelle but he knows it will end up drastically for him so he keeps it to himself.
The two were spotted by the Japanese soldiers as they began to escape them, Marcel lost sight of Mirabelle but got reunited with Javier and his other comrades. Javier told Marcel that Leonora was in safe hands, meaning she was now with an American soldier he said that Leonora would still continue to fight until the war was over, which frustrated Marcel a bit but he calmed down soon after. Marcel found out that Armando died protecting Licia but she was later captured by the IJA as Marcel was starting to lose hope. As the years go by, Marcel becomes sick and gets fatigued while fighting the Japanese. As he was looking for an abandoned house for medicine, a portal suddenly opened and Marcel lost his balance and entered the portal. He was now inside a bunker where he saw Dr. Stefan von Hoffman and his assistant Dr. Alfred Fischer who was the one opening the portal. He also saw three men, that being Sgm. Lorenzo Beneventi, Cmdr. Elliott Rousseau, and Capt. Gavrilo Petrović. He was too sick to identify those people around him as he didn't realize that Mirabelle was there. Marcel slowly stood up while holding his rifle in a fragile manner before losing consciousness and dropping to the floor Gavrilo and Mirabelle quickly helped the unconscious lieutenant. As he was recovering from his sickness and fatigue, Stefan told him that he would need his help and the others for something crucial: Stopping Richtofen from his plans and retrieving the test subjects from his grasp. Stefan also told Marcel about a woman; implying that maybe Marcel knew about her until the doctor showed him a photo of Licia, which he quickly tells him that he knew her and is indeed her friend. As the other chosen people are being welcomed by the two German doctors, Marcel agrees to help them save Licia and go back to the Philippines together and live a normal life as the group, now called Salvatorix Crew, begins their chaotic journey into the lands of Aether.
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shinmiyovvi · 7 months
Salvatorix Crew Face Claim (Revised)
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Louis Hoffman for Stefan von Hoffmann
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Otto Seppalainen for Alfred Friedrich
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Gregory Fitoussi for Elliott Rousseau
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Dragan Micanovic for Gavrilo Petrović
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Jericho Rosales for Marcelito Gonzalez
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Adrien Brody for Lorenzo Beneventi
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Hiroshi Tamaki for Ryuji Tanaka
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Stacy Martin for Rochelle Levesque
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Anna Kendrick for Mirabelle Hawkins
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shinmiyovvi · 2 years
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Here are the members of the Salvatorix Crew 💖
From left to right:
1st Lt. Marcelito Gonzalez (I revived him cause I feel bad for killing him)
Capt. Gavrilo Petrović (His shoulder board means Captain 1st Class)
Dr. Stefan von Hoffmann
Lt. Ryuji Tanaka
Mirabelle Hawkins
Rochelle Levesque (Ultimis)
Sgt. Major Lorenzo Beneventi
Their height comparisons:
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Alt versions:
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Gavi without his hat (Jesus he looks so handsome here help me 😭💖):
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shinmiyovvi · 11 months
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My ask box is now open for questions for my ocs! They be taking over the ask box for now and will be open everyday. Do not worry because I'm going to put their names here for you to know who they are:
Valena Villanueva
Gong Ji Eun
Arthur Frensby
Dragomir Ostrowski
Salvatorix Crew:
Stefan von Hoffmann
Alfred Friedrich
Elliott Rousseau
Gavrilo Petrović
Marcelito Gonzalez
Lorenzo Beneventi
Ryuji Tanaka
Rochelle Levesque
Mirabelle Hawkins
Shadows of Evil:
Eleanor Marchetti
William Remington
COD Modern Warfare Reboot:
Capt. Noemi "Sorro" Trinidad
Detective Taeyeon Lisa Foster
Boris Fedorov (Russian mobster)
Mariano Bernardi (Italian mobster)
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shinmiyovvi · 11 months
Since it is now F/Ovember, the three main f/os will be taking over the ask box for the month. I will not include the other 3 since I am quite shy or still trying to practice using the right words and ensure they're still the same character as they were in a certain franchise. Anyways, the 3 F/OS that will take over the ask box are:
Primis Nikolai Belinski (Codz)
Capt. Gavrilo Petrović (OC, Codz) Note: Color may change to yellow or green depending if I am answering it on my phone of pc
Boris Fedorov (OC)
I will try to keep an eye on the ask box for any questions and if you are curious about my two ocs, you can ask them or me as well. Anyway, have fun!
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shinmiyovvi · 2 years
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Hello there, dear traveler. My name is Shin and it seems you have stumbled upon this abomination of a blog. Now as you can see, this blog is rather full of out of nowhere reblogs and a bunch of art content coming from yours truly. I hope you'd love to see my works here, mostly my ocs that is even though I'm quite tired and lazy. This blog is a multifandom account so expect to see different content from different fandoms that I enjoyed and loved.
(Note: There will be updates on this pinned post so keep that in mind)
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F/ovember Event (Will only open during November)
Slavic F/os height chart
Ask the OCs
Self ship Moodboards (The Writer and Artist | The Bear and Shibe | Smoldering Cigars and Alluring Love)
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Call of Duty: Modern Warfare (Reboot):
Capt. Noemi Rayne "Sorro" Trinidad (Outfit Reference) (Info)
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Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War:
Kaoru Sasaki (Bell Oc)
Dimitri Volkov (Bell Oc)
Viktoriya "Scythe" Orlov
"Len" Villanueva
"Art" Frensby
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Call of Duty Black Ops Zombies
Main ocs:
Valena Villaneuva (Ultimis) (Primis) | (Trivia)
Gong Ji Eun (Ultimis) (Primis) | (Trivia) | (Reference)
Arthur Frensby (Ultimis) (Primis) | (Trivia)
Dragomir Ostrowski (Ultimis) (Primis) | (Trivia)
Salvatorix Crew:
Stefan von Hoffmann (Info) (Trivia)
Elliott Rousseau (Info) (Trivia)
Gavrilo Petrović (Info) (Trivia)
Marcelito Gonzalez (Info) (Trivia)
Lorenzo Beneventi (Info) (Trivia)
Ryuji Tanaka (Info) (Trivia)
Mirabelle Hawkins (Info) (Trivia)
Rochelle Levesque (Ultimis) (Primis) | (Trivia)
Self Insert:
"Shin" (Ultimis Reference) (Primis Reference)
Voice Claims:
Ultimis | Primis | Salvatorix
Height References:
Primis (This also applies to Ultimis) | Salvatorix (I cannot draw since there are so many of them)
Face claims:
Ultimis and Primis | Salvatorix
Side characters:
Valena: Primis (Family | Friends and others) | Ultimis (Family | Friends and others)
Ji eun: Primis (Family | Friends and others) | Ultimis (Family | Friends, and others)
Arthur: Primis (Family | Friends and others) | Ultimis (Family | Friends and others)
Dragomir: Primis (Family | Friends and others) | Ultimis (Family | Friends and others)
This includes Ultimis, Primis, and Salvatorix in the form of a calendar so I won't forget something from them
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Golden Kamuy:
Hozumi Tsukimoto
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Detective Taeyeon Lisa Foster (Info)
Boris Fedorov (Info)
Mariano Bernardi (Info)
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This portion will be full of my written works of fan fiction that will be posted here, Ao3, and in Wattpad. You can just check my Ao3 page here and my Wattpad account here, as this portion will be updated in the near future.
- Three Connected Souls Series (Discontinued) - Loyalty Or Betrayal (Ongoing?) - A New Better Tomorrow (Discontinued) - Under the Red Moon (2.0 Nikolai Belinski x Fem!Oc) (TBA) - Echoes of a Certain Past Series (Codz Oc fic) - Painted Roses (Modern Au!Ji Eun x Modern Au!Arthur)
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shinmiyovvi · 1 year
Since I presume it'll be a bit till we get proper info, any fun facts or small things you wanna share about your oc crew??
I forgot to continue this due to how busy I am ajdnshdhs, anyways:
Ryuji Tanaka:
- Basically the middle child of the family. Akira Tanaka is the oldest while Shintaro Tanaka is the youngest.
- a loudmouth and a hothead.
- If you get into his soft side, he's basically caring, but don't make him angry.
- His bandana is from his late friend who died during the war due to his plane being shot down by Allied forces.
- He is considered as charming to everyone around him.
- Whenever he's alone, he makes origami cranes, kimono, etc.
Gavrilo Petrović (Another hubby 👉👈):
- The tall, calm, and gentle boi.
- The most concern one when it comes to his crew. He will do everything to protect them from harm.
- Loves to make flower bouquets and crowns, usually would give it to his lady friends and to his sister and mother.
- Gentle boi is handsome as hell.
- The oldest of the crew (Basically 46).
- Loves to read literature as his past time. He would also look at the sky and feel the wind while thinking about happy stuff.
Lorenzo Beneventi:
- Pasta boi is the most chaotic being in the crew. Will beat the shit out of you if you messed with him or his crew.
- His hobby is cooking and plays guitar a lot.
- Is literally being in a relationship with Mirabelle (Pasta boi is lover boi).
- He's more roudy than Ryuji.
- Him and Ryuji usually tends to fight with each other so Gavi or Marcel will handle the two.
Stefan von Hoffmann:
- The leader of the crew.
- Backstabbed Richtofen so hard, German man is pissed as hell.
- He has an assistant named Alfred Fisher.
- A sucker for sweets, but also loves to eat different cuisines.
- He always push himself too hard even though he's sick. Mirabelle would take care of him while the others tries to make their plan of their own of how to save the test subjects (Ultimis).
Marcelito Gonzales
- Licia's childhood friend (Had to revive him cause I just feel bad for killing him like that so I'll make changes on her info.)
- Mostly the chill one of the group as he's into playing the guitar and being adventurous.
- Knows how to make bracelets which he made Licia one once he gets to see her once again for him to give it to her.
- Has a girlfriend names Leonora Sanchez, Licia's highschool friend.
- He likes to go to haunted houses with Licia when they were still kids, it ended up very badly.
Rochelle Levesque:
- The one who would basically flip when she lost her scarf.
- Has a crush on Arthur (Until they really ended up being with each other.)
- She has a Primis counterpart (Who got killed during a gang fight, which left Primis Arthur devastated.)
- A florist and a tailor.
- She tends to make flower bouquets together with Gavi during their free time as she shares her knowledge to him about different kinds of flowers.
Mirabelle Hawkins:
- Lorenzo's one and only beloved
- The medic of the group.
- She is the one who would take care of her crew who are sick, especially Stefan.
- Mira tends to be with Marcel, which left Lorenzo a bit jealous.
- She is basically the mom friend of the crew. If you need some advice or someone to talk to, Mira will be there to listen and comfort you.
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shinmiyovvi · 9 months
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Call of Duty Black Ops Zombies
Main Ocs
Valena Vilanueva (Ultimis: Info | Trivia | Reference) (Primis: Info | Trivia | Reference)
Gong Ji Eun (Ultimis: Info | Trivia | Reference) (Primis: Info | Trivia | Reference)
Arthur Frensby (Ultimis: Info | Trivia | Reference) (Primis: Info | Trivia | Reference)
Dragomir Ostrowski (Ultimis: Info | Trivia | Reference) (Primis: Info | Trivia | Reference)
Salvatorix Crew
Stefan von Hoffmann (Info | Trivia | Reference)
Alfred Friedrich (Info | Trivia | Reference)
Elliott Rousseau (Info | Trivia | Reference)
Gavrilo Petrović (Info | Trivia | Reference)
Marcelito Gonzalez (Info | Trivia | Reference)
Lorenzo Beneventi (Info | Trivia | Reference)
Ryuji Tanaka (Info | Trivia | Reference)
Rochelle Levesque (Info | Trivia | Reference)
Mirabelle Hawkins (Info | Trivia | Reference)
Shadows of Evil
Eleanor Marchetti (Info | Trivia | Reference)
TBA (Info | Trivia | Reference)
Col. Ramiro Necalli (Info | Trivia | Reference)
Treyton Kollins (Info | Trivia | Reference)
Dr. Devonna Gresham (Info | Trivia | Reference)
Roderich McNerlin (Info | Trivia | Reference)
Self Insert
"Shin" (Ultimis: Info | Trivia | Reference) (Primis: Info | Trivia | Reference)
Height Reference:
Ultims/Primis (Casual) | Ultimis/Primis | Salvatorix | SoE | Victis
Face Claims:
Ultimis/Primis | Salvatorix | SoE | Victis
Voice Claims:
Ultimis/Primis | Salvatorix | SoE | Victis
Tarot Cards
XVII | VIII | XII | I (Primis) XIII | XVIII | IX | IV (Ultimis)
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Call of Duty Black Ops Cold War/ Bo6 Zombies
Len Villanueva (Info | Reference)
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That's Not My Neighbor
Wilbert Colemann (Info and Trivia | Reference)
Delora Steding (Info and Trivia | Reference)
Dr. Stanford Abelforth (Info and Trivia | Reference)
Noriku Hirawa (Info and Trivia | Reference)
Lazaro Palmiotto (Info and Trivia | Reference)
Ollie Palmiotto (Info and Trivia | Reference)
Ruslan Gulliver (Info and Triva | Reference)
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Wattpad page | Ao3 page
Painted Roses (Modern Au ArJi)
Echoes of a Certain Past Series (Codz Oc Backstories)
The Devil's Accord (Original Work)
(No Title yet until further announcement )
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F/ovember Event (Will only open yearly during November)
Slavic Trio F/os height chart
Ask The Ocs
Meet the Artist
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