#Geminoid HI-1
windouzukid · 9 months
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Geminoid HI-1 is an android copy of its creator, Hiroshi Ishiguro. It reproduces the voice and head movements of Ishiguro (or another operator) and is intended to study what it means to be human.
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Geminoid DK (Aalborg University, Osaka University, Kokoro, and ATR )-A realistic android that was designed for research for human-robot interaction. It was modelled after the Danish professor Henrik Scharfe, who can remotely operate the android as his robotic surrogate.
Geminoid F- An android copy of a twenty something year old Japanese woman  that was designed to be remotely operated. The android can change it’s facial expressions to mimic the operator's behavior which means it can smile, frown, and other things.
Geminoid HI-1- An android copy of its creator, Hiroshi Ishiguro. It reproduces the voice and head movements of Ishiguro and is intended to study what it means to be human.
Hiroshi Ishiguro- A roboticist at Osaka University in Japan has built many robots but over the last couple of years he has decided to create human like androids so he could get a better understanding of humanity but from another view point ie an androids. The androids are designed to imitate a human and already have opened doors to some answers but most of them have lead to more questions about ourselves and robots.
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cutesummerout · 7 years
Soon You Will Meet These Robots On The Road!!Are You Ready?
We’re not yet  fully effective at  developing humanoid robots which are identical like biological humans, but that doesn’t mean we’re not trying. Here are 10 real robots which are helping us accomplish this futuristic milestone.
Nevertheless, there are robots which perform or display at least 1 or 2 of these criteria fairly well. Finally, roboticists will pool together their experience, making the initial generation of super-realistic humanoids. We are not that far!! Question is when we are seeing the robots on Road.. Walking with Us?? Is it very soon??
Here are ten which are taking us closer to that ambitious aim.
 The SCHAFT Bipedal Robot
Getting robots to walk steady and confidently on two legs was a tremendous challenge for researchers. A bipedal robot called SCHAFT shows that for a few tasks, a torso isn’t demanded. This sturdy, stocky robot is already performing some purposeful work, but it could eventually lead to more Loaded humanoid robots. This is from the Stable of Google Research.
  Erica and Geminoid DK
Erica is the brainchild of Hiroshi Ishiguro, director of the Intelligent Robotics Laboratory at Osaka University in Japan. Ishiguro is famed for his super-realistic humanoid robots (including his doppelganger, Geminoid HI-4), but Erica, in addition to looking very human-like, was designed to interact naturally with her human companions by integrating a number of abilities, such as voice recognition, human monitoring, and natural motion generation.
REEM-C is a prototype humanoid robot developed by Spain’s PAL Robotics. In 5.4 legs and 176 lbs, its form is loosely based on human proportions, but it’s packed with a couple incredible capabilities.
Romeo, a 55-inch-tall humanoid robot, was designed by France’s Aldebaran Robotics to assist people, like older people, who have lost their physical autonomy. Romeo’s size and physical capabilities allow him to open doors, climb stairs, and reach objects on a desk. His developers are hoping that he’ll eventually be able to carry things, including people.
 Ocean One
This aquatic android is among the more advanced robots’ve seen in some time, effective at swimming to depths which are traditionally off limits to human divers.
Developed at Stanford University University’s Artificial Intelligence Lab, OceanOne is outfitted with very very sensitive palms which relay haptic feedback to the navigator’s controls, allowing for a shared sense of touch. The robot is designed to examine coral reefs in the Red Sea, where conventional autonomous under water vehicles (AUVs) are at risk of damaging the delicate seafloor structures.
Developed by Boston Dynamics (with, ahem, a bit of help from the United States of Defense), this absurdly realistic humanoid robot is being used to test the performance of protective clothing. Compounds in PETMAN’s artificial skin can detect any compounds which are leaking throughout the suit, and its high-technology skin disrupts human anatomy inside the outfit by generating perspiration and regulating temperature.
 Junko Chihira
Described as a trilingual android, Junko Chihira is now in development at Toshiba. Unlike PETMAN and lots of the other robots on this list, she isn’t the most agile android in the world, but she’s obtained incredible interaction abilities, with the capacity to make human-like facial expressions.
The Evergreen ASIMO—Honda’s iconic humanoid robot. ASIMO may be turning 17 later this year, but this teenage android has got a lot going for it, thanks to a steady stream of improvements.
ASIMO is lighter and bit smaller than its predecessors, allowing it to move around with added grace and agility. The bot can pick up a sealed container filled with juice, unscrew the top, pick up a cup with its other hand, pour the juice, and carefully place both the cup and container back on the table. To make this possible, Honda has equipped ASIMO with sensors in its hands allowing it know that it’s holding something, and to know how much it weighs. With Honda behind its development, ASIMO continues to be one of the most technologically advanced robots on the planet.
Last but not the list is Sofia.
Sophia the may not have a heart or brain, however it will have Saudi Arabian citizenship.
Sophia was developed by Hanson artificial intelligence, diode by AI developer David Hanson. It spoke at this year’s Future Investment Initiative, control within the Saudi Arabian capital of national capital.
What do you think is the future of fashion? #future #fashion #AI pic.twitter.com/yTft4h38Fj
— Sophia (@RealSophiaRobot) January 6, 2018
Sofia  is one of the most widely known android and just looking at it you can realize that very soon Human & Android is going to Co-Exist in the world!! Actually Very Soon!!
 The post Soon You Will Meet These Robots On The Road!!Are You Ready? appeared first on B U Z Z G R A B.
from https://www.buzzgrab.com/human-robot/ from http://buzzgrab.blogspot.com/2018/01/soon-you-will-meet-these-robots-on.html
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nofomoartworld · 8 years
These Intimate Photos Will Make You Rethink Your Fear of Robots
His aim was to capture a phenomenon called "the uncanny valley," which makes robots seem creepier as they become more humanlike, but when photographer and non-practicing MD Max Aguilera-Hellweg set out to take portraits of androids for his new book Humanoid, he simply couldn't find it. Instead, he found himself smitten by these animate machines. "I didn't experience the valley with any of the robots in any way," he tells Creators. "I felt the opposite."
Over the past seven years, Aguilera-Hellweg toured the world to catalog androids. Today, the fruits of his labors debut in the form of Humanoid, a hardcover from Blast Books that contains the best of his portraits. As the photographer gained access to some of the most renowned robotics labs around, sometimes spending hours alone photographing a single subject, his initial position of skepticism quickly changed to intimacy. Soon, he began to grant personhood to humanoids.
Bina48 and Nick Meyer, a local artist who was employed to care for Bina48.
"You walk in the room and the first thing you do is genderize them," he says. "It makes you connect with them. Before your realize it you're having a conversation." Aguilera-Hellweg knows this is a trick. Developers use our sensibilities—like our our willingness to identify—to make their androids seem more alive. Real hair, realistic skin, and artificial muscles give the machines humanlike form. Eye-tracking and facial recognition software make them act aware. "And then it suddenly says your name and fools you into thinking it actually knows who you are," Aguilera-Hellweg says. "But it's just a toaster with special programming."
"Rock star" Joey Chaos is extremely opinionated on political issues and the meaning of punk. From Hanson Robotics, Plano, Texas.
Aguilera-Hellweg is fascinated by his subjects and the social games they play. He spent the better part of a day at Hanson Robotics with punk rock-inspired robot Joey Chaos, until he finally captured that one shot that revealed the "being" beneath Joey's synthetic flesh. "That's what I realized I was looking for," he says. "And that's the question I began to ask myself. What is the essence of this thing? Where is the person?"
Geminoid HI-1, ATR, modeled off of its creator in Hiroshi Ishiguro Laboratory, Kyoto.
He isn't alone in this intimacy. The anonymous Japanese women on the cover of Humanoid considers her robotic replica as a sort of sister. Hishiro Ishiguro, one of Japan's top roboticists, has literally gone under the knife to make himself look more like his android doppelganger. Ishiguro's surgery was so drastic, Aguilera-Hellweg once mistook the real life roboticist for a next generation android. "That sounds so fucking crazy," he says. "But, if you knew Hishiro, you'd just get it."
Yume, aka Actroid-DER1 is a dramatic entertainment robot. Originally built in Japan, Yume currently resides at the Department of Emerging Media, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.
Most current humanoids seem like the vanity projects of mad scientists, but they're the ancestors of more advanced machines. The tricks used today by Hanson, Ishiguro, and others will inform tomorrow's robots, which will help care for the elderly, rescue the endangered, and likely integrate into most aspects of our lives.
"Some of this nonverbal communication is very fast, very intuitive," Aguilera-Hellweg says. "The robot can read your eyes and facial gestures and you can read his. The possibilities of this kind of communication are endless."
Valkyrie, an astronautical android built by NASA at the University of Massachusetts, Lowell.
Geminoid F and her anonymous model in Kyoto, Japan.
Max Aguilera-Hellweg's new book, Humanoid, is available from March 24. To learn more about the photographer click here.
Early Explorers' Illustrations Inspire Uncanny Robot Paintings
Industrial Robot Reprogrammed to Get Bored and Curious Like a Living Thing
A Robot Challenged a Sword Master to a Battle of Blades
from creators http://ift.tt/2nkCdO2 via IFTTT
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rmitchs1-blog · 8 years
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Max Aguilera-hellweg is a photographer for national geographic. 
The reason I am looking into these robots are because they still have an aspect of what we are going to be researching and making an art work out of. This is a realistic robot what can speak and communicate with people and that is why I am comparing what our group is looking at (which is a robot that is designed to go to small spaces to fix things) and a realistic talking robot. 
Where do people draw the line at what we should create and what should be left uncreated/ made. A lot of people will be against realistic robots because they feel like if they keep creating these type of machines that humans will be less meaningful. 
There is a fine line between machines and realistic organisms that act and work like humans do. And I feel like this photographer has captured this very well in his work. He shows how realistic they look towards humans at face to face but once you look more closely at them and take a look from behind you can see the wires hanging out the back of the skull. 
In away were always developing and I think people are so caught up with films such as Terminator and Irobot that they're scared of what they don’t understand. And that is one aspect our group has realised. 
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Hiroshi Ishiguro is a roboticist at Otaku University in Japan and creator of the Geminoid series, a series of humanoid androids made to look very realistic. They are made for studying human-robot interaction, in particular people's emotional responses when they face an android representing another person. These robots are controlled by a human operator in order to interact with people.
Geminoid HI-1 was created in Ishiguro own image. The incredible realism comes from silicone molds cast from Ishiguro's own body.
Geminoid F is a female android and is the first android actress in the Japanese film Sayonara. Directors have expressed how much easier it is to direct a robot rather than a person. However, human actors which act along side Geminoid F have expressed how there is still an emotional detachment when acting with a machine.
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