inexable · 6 days
Kamala Harris: The Final Stretch Strategy
With just weeks to go before Election Day, Kamala Harris is pulling out all the stops. Senior adviser Brian Fallon discusses plans to broaden her reach across diverse platforms, focusing on her relatable middle-class background and aiming to counter Trump's economic narrative. Harris's approach seems dual: painting Trump as both unserious and a serious threat. How effective do you think this strategy will be in swaying undecided voters? Can this diverse media strategy really close the significant gender gap among young male voters? Share your thoughts!
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qubesmagazine · 10 days
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talk2move-fundraising · 2 months
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🌍Die politische Landschaft der Jugend wandelt sich, wie eine Analyse der Financial Times zeigt. Die Politikwissenschaftlerin Simone Abendschön betont, dass neben dem Geschlecht auch Bildung, sozioökonomischer Status und weitere Faktoren die Wahlentscheidung beeinflussen. Menschen als vielfältige Individuen zu sehen, ist dabei entscheidend. Quelle: zdf Heute 🤔 Was denkst DU über diesen Trend?
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sifytech · 6 months
Bridging the Gender Gap in AI-Based Roles
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Only 22% of AI professionals across the world are women. Adarsh examines the reasons for this gender disparity. Read More. https://www.sify.com/ai-analytics/bridging-the-gender-gap-in-ai-based-roles/
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leadindia011 · 1 year
We will delve into the Women Reservation Bill, discussing its historical background and legal aspects in Hindi. Stay tuned to gain a comprehensive understanding of this crucial legislation. The Women Reservation Bill aims to uplift and empower women in the political arena by allocating a certain percentage of seats exclusively for them. Supported by UNESCO, this bill has gained significant attention and debate over the years. We begin by exploring the historical significance of the Women Reservation Bill. By examining its origins and evolution, we aim to provide you with a broad perspective on this crucial piece of legislation. Understanding its historical context is essential in comprehending its impact on women's representation today. Moving forward, we delve into the legal aspect of the Women Reservation Bill. We analyze the different provisions, debates surrounding its implementation, and the current status of the bill in our legal system.
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presexpre · 1 year
Women in Bangladesh’s RMG Industry in Leaving Row
In the 1990s, nearly 90 percent of Bangladesh's Ready-Made Garment (RMG) employees were female. According to one report, the percentage was 76% in 1995 and will drop to 54% by 2021. Moreover, 51% of those who left the industry in 2021 were female...
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thxnews · 1 year
Who Are the Lucky Six "Ambassadors for a Day" in Argentina?
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  The British Embassy in Argentina has recently revealed the six talented young Argentine women, aged between 19 and 26, who emerged victorious in the latest edition of the "Ambassador for a Day" competition. This unique opportunity will provide them with a firsthand experience of diplomatic work, allowing them to join a network of female leaders from different countries in the region.  
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Ambassador for a day competition winners. Photo by British Embassy, Buenos Aires. UK.GOV.  
Empowering Women and Fostering Inclusion
The primary objective of the program is to promote women's inclusion in various professional fields and society as a whole, contributing to their empowerment by equipping them with the necessary tools to unleash their full potential.   Selected Candidates by Area of Interest In the area of Democracy and Human Rights, Lucía Lago Krummer (19), an International Relations student at the University of Belgrano, and Ornella Dotti (19), a Law student at the University of Buenos Aires, have been chosen as the "ambassadors for one day." In the realm of Economic Relations and Trade, the winners are Josefina Blasco Firpo (19), a Political Science and International Relations student at the National University of Rosario, and Martina Fillmore (19), an International Relations student at the Catholic University of Córdoba. Lourdes Arena (26), a Biotechnology graduate from the National University of Tucumán, has been selected in the field of Science and Innovation. Candelaria De Paula Marelli (21), an Environmental Management student at the Argentine University of the Business, has been chosen as the representative in the area of Climate Change.  
A Unique Opportunity for the Winners
The competition winners will have the privilege of joining British Ambassador Kirsty Hayes and other members of the diplomatic mission in activities directly related to their respective fields of interest. They will also attend meetings with the Embassy's work teams, engage with various organizations and experts associated with the Embassy, and become part of the Latin American network of Ambassadors for a Day. Moreover, the winners will have the chance to participate in virtual or in-person meetings with British ambassadors and deputy heads of mission. They will gain access to increased opportunities to attend courses or talks on women's empowerment and will be invited to future British Embassy events and activities pertaining to their areas of interest.  
Excitement and Enthusiasm
Expressing her delight, British Ambassador to Argentina, Kirsty Hayes, stated, "This is the second year we have organized this competition. We had a record number of participants, and we are pleasantly surprised by the level of preparation and enthusiasm shown by the Argentine students. Last year, we shared enriching experiences with the first cohort of Ambassadors for a Day, and I am eagerly looking forward to meeting the newly selected students." Ambassador Hayes further emphasized that the initiative seeks to promote inclusion and greater participation of women in society. She expressed her satisfaction in witnessing the shared objective among numerous young women who are determined to bridge the gender gap through their commitment to education and professional development.  
A Rigorous Selection Process
Over 200 women took part in the competition, specifically designed for university students or recent graduates. The selection process required candidates to submit a video response to the question, "Why do you want to be ambassador for a day?" Additionally, they had to complete an online questionnaire and participate in an interview with Embassy officers during the final round.  
Looking Ahead
The winners will be contacted in the coming weeks to determine a suitable date for their participation in Embassy activities. As they prepare to embark on this extraordinary journey, these six young Argentine women have the opportunity to become a source of inspiration for countless others, demonstrating the power of perseverance and the potential for positive change in society. By fostering women's empowerment and inclusion, the British Embassy's "Ambassador for a Day" competition is sowing the seeds for a more equitable and prosperous future, one where women's voices are amplified, and their contributions celebrated.   Sources: THX News & British Embassy Buenos Aires. Read the full article
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adyashamishra · 1 year
Gender differences in education are a type of sex discrimination in the education system affecting both men and women during and after their educational experiences. Men are more likely to be literate on a global average, although higher literacy scores for women are prevalent in many countries.
The gender based inequalities in education prevalent around the world, according to UNESCO, are mainly determined by “poverty, geographical isolation, minority status, disability, early marriage, pregnancy and gender-based violence”.
On an average, girls are more motivated than boys to perform well in schools and colleges – at least during elementary level. By the time girls reach high school, however, some may try to down play their own academic ability to make themselves more likeable by both sexes (Davies, 2005).
Even if this occurs, it does not affect their grades; from kindergarten through twelfth grade, girls earn slightly higher average grades than boys (Freeman, 2004).
This fact does not lead to similar achievement, however, because as youngsters move into high school, they tend to choose courses or subjects conventionally associated with their gender –math and science for boys, in particular, and literature including the arts subjects for girls.
By the end of high school level, this difference in course selection makes a measurable difference the academic performance of boys and girls in these subjects.
So, as we have reached towards the end of this blog we can conclude by saying that the status of men and women in every field is quite interpretative. How much are they equal or are not completely depends upon the point of view of a particular individual.
At last, I would urge my readers to stay tuned with me for more such blogs on various interesting topics. Thanks & regards,
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buzzbitezz · 2 years
Why is female LFPR low in India ?
India is one of the fastest-growing economies in the world, yet it is facing a crisis in its female labour force participation rate (FLFPR). The FLFPR has been steadily declining over the past few decades, and this trend has only accelerated in recent years. These are all important questions that have been at the forefront of discussions about the female labour force participation rate (FLFPR)…
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scienza-magia · 2 years
Giornata mondiale dell'ONU delle donne nella ricerca scientifica
E' la Giornata delle donne e delle ragazze nella scienza. Lucia Votano, il divario è un problema di tutta la società. Torna anche quest'anno la Giornata Internazionale delle Donne e delle Ragazze nella Scienza, indetta dall'Unesco per l'11 febbraio: un evento che riconosce il ruolo fondamentale che le donne svolgono nelle discipline tecnico-scientifiche, le cosiddette discipline Stem, a dispetto dei tanti stereotipi che caratterizzano ancora la partecipazione femminile in questi ambiti. Secondo l'ultimo rapporto Unesco del 2021, infatti, solo il 33% dei ricercatori sono donne, nonostante rappresentino il 45% delle laureate e il 55% degli studenti di Master.
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Ancora tanti stereotipi da superare nella Giornata delle donne e delle ragazze nella scienza 2023 (fonte: Phhere) © ANSA/Ansa Cifre in crescita rispetto agli anni precedenti, ma che non sono ancora sufficienti a colmare il divario di genere: "Non basta aumentare i numeri di partenza, perché il divario si allarga moltissimo man mano che si sale di livello", dice all'ANSA Lucia Votano, la prima donna a dirigere i Laboratori Nazionali del Gran Sasso dell'Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare (Infn). "Dobbiamo renderci conto che non si tratta solo di una rivendicazione femminile - aggiunge Votano - ma di una problema che riguarda l'intera società: parliamo delle discipline che garantiranno la crescita economica del Paese, è come se un atleta cercasse di partecipare ad una gara con una gamba più corta dell'altra". La ricercatrice sottolinea, in particolare, il ruolo fondamentale che riveste la scuola, fin dalla materna, nel saper offrire a tutti la possibilità di accedere alle stesse opportunità: "Non bisogna solo puntare a premiare il merito, ma soprattutto a permettere a ciascuno di esprimere al meglio le proprie potenzialità, che possono essere anche molto diverse da individuo a individuo. E andrebbe anche fatta una revisione seria dei metodi di insegnamento delle materie scientifiche", prosegue Lucia Votano. "Ad esempio, materie come matematica e fisica non vengono mai affrontate da un punto di vista storico, cosa che invece aiuterebbe a creare maggiori connessioni con le altre materie". In un video la voce di 20 ricercatrici a voce della scienza al femminile, nei messaggi di venti ricercatrici raccolti dal ministero per l'Università e la ricerca in collaborazione con i principali enti e centri di ricerca italiani, in occasione della Giornata Iinternazionale per le donne e le ragazze della scienza che si celebra oggi: “La scienza è un modo per conoscere le cose, per vincere le proprie paure”, “Mi affascina scrutare materiali nel profondo”, “Ho studiato fisica per capire il mondo e la racconto per provare a migliorarlo”, sono alcuni dei messaggi, accanto a: “La scienza descrive un mondo senza confini e mi piace l’idea di continuare a stupirmi proprio come facevo da bambina”, “Credo nella ricerca”. “Contribuiamo al progresso!”. Superare gli stereotipi di genere, incoraggiare le studentesse a seguire le proprie passioni, promuovere la #formazione e le carriere scientifiche. Sono loro, le nostre ste(a)m#WomenInScienceDay #stem pic.twitter.com/4ViE1qthyR — Ministero dell'Università e della Ricerca (@mur_gov_) February 11, 2023 Sono immagini positive, indirizzati soprattutto alle più giovani incoraggiarle a studiare le scienze e a intraprendere la carriera scientifica. I 20 messaggi sono stati raccolti in un video dal ministero della Ricerca, in collaborazione con gli enti di ricerca Area Science Park; Agenzia spaziale italiana (Asi); Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche (Cnr); Agenzia nazionale per le nuove tecnologie, l’energia e lo sviluppo economico sostenibile (Enea); Istituto nazionale di astrofisica (Inat); Istituto nazionale di documentazione, innovazione e ricerca educativa (Indire); Istituto nazionale di ricerca metrologica (Inrim); Istituto nazionale di fisica nucleare (INFN); Istituto nazionale di geofisica e vulcanologia (Ingv); Istituto nazionale di oceanografia e di geofisica sperimentale (Ogs). Le 20 ricercatrici hanno voluto dare un incoraggiamento a tutte le giovani donne perché seguano le proprie passioni e inclinazioni. Un momento di riflessione personale che è anche uno stimolo per l’intera comunità nel perseguire obiettivi di parità di genere in termini di opportunità educative, di formazione e di carriere scientifiche. Donne nella scienza di ieri e di oggi, la storia in un video Donne di ieri e di oggi sono le protagoniste del video che racconta la transizione della figura femminile nell'ambito della ricerca scientifica, pubblicato da Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia (Iit) e Fondazione Ansaldo in occasione della Giornata Internazionale delle Donne nella Scienza. I filmati mostrano donne del passato, impegnate nella ex-centrale elettronucleare di Caorso (Emilia-Romagna) e negli stabilimenti Asgen di Genova, e del presente, al lavoro nei laboratori dei diversi centri Iit distribuiti in Italia. Il video di quest'anno vuole sottolineare come le donne siano sempre state presenti nella sfera scientifica. Seppur spesso osteggiate da una società che le voleva relegate a ruoli stereotipati, alcune scienziate sono riuscite a distinguersi facendosi spazio in una élite principalmente maschile, anche se venivano spesso considerate come eccezioni o, addirittura, venivano private del loro stesso successo e tenute nell'ombra. Le cose ora stanno finalmente cambiando e la pubblicazione di questo video punta proprio a supportare un cambiamento culturale in modo che non sia più necessario promuovere politiche di inclusione. Iit e Fondazione Ansaldo sono impegnati a promuovere l'uguaglianza di genere e l'inclusione attraverso iniziative pubbliche. Nello staff dell'Iit la componente femminile arriva al 43% e, dal 2020, l'Istituto si è dotato di un ufficio dedicato a diversità e inclusività, che ha il compito di redigere ed attuare un documento strategico che delinea gli obiettivi e le azioni da intraprendere per promuovere l'uguaglianza di genere. Anche Fondazione Ansaldo negli ultimi anni si è impegnata a promuovere, attraverso la valorizzazione del patrimonio archivistico di cui è custode, la storia dell'emancipazione femminile e dell'ingresso delle donne nel mondo del lavoro, offrendo percorsi didattici ad hoc per le scuole e con la mostra #Women allestita a partire dal 2020. Read the full article
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eisbecherovka · 7 months
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ilredeiladri · 3 months
SE Staffel 1 Rewatch (Folge 5-7)
Ich bin bisschen überfordert davon, dass die ältesten Schüler*innen in der ersten Staffel einfach so alt sind wie Maxi in S27, aber ihr Geschichten tausendmal spannender sind und sie mir viel älter vorkommen. Was ist das?!
Mir ist das nie so aufgefallen, weil ich Wölfchen immer als recht streng aufgefasst hab, aber eigentlich ist er super unsicher und lässt sich ständig von den Schüler*innen mit ihren blöden Kommentaren aus dem Konzept bringen. Und als er hört, wie die Schüler*innen über seinen Unterricht lästern, trifft ihn das voll? Hab jetzt ein bisschen Mitleid mit ihm, er versucht doch nur seinen Stoff zu vermitteln 🥲 (Liebe aber alle Szenen mit ihm und Pasulke. Wölfchen immer so "xy ist wichtig, das muss sofort erledigt werden" und Pasulke dann jedes Mal "jaja, mach ich... irgendwann... vielleicht" und Wolfert so *surprised Pikachu face*)
Liebe Toms überdramatischen Gesten. Er fühlt alles so richtig XD
Der italienische Eisdielen-Besitzer Luigi wird von einem türkischen Schauspieler mit dem breitesten gefakten italienischen Akzent ever gespielt. Mindestens alle drei Sätze muss ein italienisches Wort eingebaut sein (meistens Mamma Mia!). Bin sehr froh, dass das heutzutage in der Regel nicht mehr so gemacht wird 😅 (In der Eisdiele läuft übrigens natürlich Eros Ramazzotti^^)
"was meinst du, wie wird das; im Internet surfen?" 🥹
Guppy gendert. Richtig mit Gendergap. Bin bisschen verliebt jetzt!
Es gibt den ersten Budhi/Katharina-Kuss einfach direkt in der ersten Szene mit den beiden. Da hatten die Writer auch keine Lust, deren Beziehung irgendwie zu entwickeln XD ("wenn du mir das Geheimnis erzählst, kriegst du einen Kuss" - "ok" eaaaaaasy^^)
Okay, Alarm, Alarm!!! 🚨 Oliver crossdressing!!! Und er fühlts. Und Wolf fühlts auch ("ich könnt mich glatt in dich verlieben" yes please?) Und dann gibt es eine Tic Tac Toe Performance mit Oliver, Wolf und Ingo in Drag? Und Oliver und Wolf slowdancen da halb im Hintergrund während Ingos Rap-Part??? Wie ist das passiert?! Muss ich da jetzt ne Fanfiktion drüber schreiben oder was?! 😱
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channeledhistory · 6 months
Die Präsidentin des Bayerischen Lehrer- und Lehrerinnenverbands, Simone Fleischmann, zeigt sich erleichtert, dass sich die Vorgabe der Staatsregierung nur auf den Schriftverkehr beschränkt und weitergehende Verbote ausgeblieben sind. "Ganz schlimm wäre es jetzt gewesen, wenn uns auch noch gesagt werden würde, wie wir sprechen dürfen", sagt sie dem BR.
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barbie-pop-feminismus · 8 months
This "joke" is exactly why the barbie movie was made.
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The jokes weren't funny, they took the money.
Popfeminismus hin oder her: Der Barbie-Film hat eine Debatte über patriarchale Strukturen und Feminismus ausgelöst. Mehr noch: Es wurde über Konsumkultur diskutiert, über Kapitalismus, Fashion, Gendergaps und Hyperfemininity. Und dabei ist BARBIE, der Film, Peak-Popkultur. Sogar das Kino soll BARBIE je nach Quelle und Glaubenssatz gerettet oder zum Fall gebracht.
Und jetzt noch ein halbes Jahr später regt er immer noch Debatten an, siehe Golden Globes.
"The year women saved Hollywood"
Die L.A. Times ernannte 2023 als das Jahr in dem die Frauen Hollywood retteten. Ja genau, Frauen! Trotz der Tatsache, dass Frauen nur 33 % der Filmprotagonistinnen waren (2022) und nur 11% dieser Filme von Frauen in der Regie gedreht wurden (laut einer Studie von Women in Television and Film an der San Diego State University).
Seit dem Kinostart von Barbie im Juli 2023 hat BARBIE über 1.3 Billionen US-Dollar eingespielt und hatte weltweit großen Erfolg. Darüberhinaus ist es der umsatzstärkste Film einer Regisseurin überhaupt. Die L.A. Times kürte es zu dem Jahr der Frau aufgrund der großen Erfolgen von Künstlerinnen in Film und Fernsehen, Musik und auch den Erfolgen der hartnäckigen SAG-AFTRA Präsidentin Fran Drescher im Hollywood-Streik.
Warum ist das jetzt wichtig?
Barbie hat durch ihre weibliche Präsenz in Regie und Produktion die Debatte zum Frauen in der Filmbranche, aber vor allem in der Gesellschaft angestoßen. Es ist eine neues Bewusstsein zu sehen, dass sich seit der #MeToo-Debatte immer weiter entwickelt.
Die Debatten, die geführt wurden gegen und für Barbie, haben mit unter dazugeführt, dass Menschen bei sexistische Witzen und Bemerkungen etwas sagen.
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'Barbie' is based 'on a plastic doll with big boobies' · - Jo Koy, Moderator Golden Globes
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mymetric360 · 11 months
🤔Do you think educational disparities will change relationship between men and women?
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adyashamishra · 1 year
In this blog, we shall discuss the economic aspect. The gender pay gap (or the gender wage gap) is a metric that tells us the difference in remuneration (or wages, or income) between men and women. It’s a measure of inequality and captures a concept that is broader than the concept of ‘equal pay for equal work’.
Differences in remuneration between men and women capture the differences in line with possible dimensions, including education, experience and occupation of a person in the workforce. Discrimination in ‘hiring practices’ can exist in the absence of wage gaps – for example, if women know that they will be treated unfairly, then they may not choose to join the labour market.
Similarly, it is possible to witness large pay gaps in the absence of discrimination in hiring practices – for example, if women get fair treatment but apply for lower-paid jobs.
The implication is that observing differences in remuneration between men and women is neither necessary nor sufficient to prove discrimination in the workplace. Both discrimination and inequality are important. However, they are not one and the same.
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