#General Cannabis (CO)
Could you give some examples of the misinformation in the English fandom? I speak almost no Japanese and even I've noticed times where the translation didn't quite seem to match up with what little I know but it seemed to me to just be adding a joke where there was none. I'd like to know lore I have wrong though.
[Referencing this post!]
A disclaimer before I properly respond to this ask; in sharing some examples and my thoughts, I am not faulting any fan translators or localizers that work on the TWST EN team. Translation and localization are very valued yet difficult tasks; there isn’t always an easy equivalent between languages, and it can be so challenging to capture linguistic nuances. I’m sure that everyone is just doing their best at what they are passionate about and/or being paid to do.
Again, I speak about this not with any malicious intent, but to elaborate on a point mentioned in my original post about differences between JP and EN fandoms (that being that misinformation readily spreads in EN compared to JP due to a significant language barrier).
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It would be impossible to list off every single mistranslation or odd localization choice (both for fan translations and for the official TWST EN) 💦 They can also range in severity of mistranslation, from minor word choices which affect understanding of characters to generally confusing sentences to completely incorrect notes, lore, or story beats.
For a few detailed examples and explanations, please check out these posts:
Incorrect subject (Jade’s line on his character page on the official Twisted Wonderland EN website; all of the character lines on the website have been changed into something else now, so if you were to go check you wouldn’t find the initial error.)
Selected word does not fit the context (A phrase is used by a NPC to describe Sebek; this parricular fan translated equivalent does not quite suit the scenario/other words used.)
Misunderstanding of character’s intent (Jade explaining Floyd’s reason for the sea creature nicknames in episode 4 of the main story.)
This is a far more egregious example, but there was also this case in which an interview was translated in such a way that led to an extended period of unrest and conflict within the English-speaking part of the fandom.
Some more humorous mistranslations I’ve seen are:
“Jade drinks cannabis tea” (Jade Broom Bloom Birthday vignettes; he mentions that he uses some of the weeds (not cannabis) he picks up on his mountain hikes to brew tea. Japan still considers cannabis an illicit substance, and possession of it is illegal + punishable by a minimum sentence of 5 years in jail. Rough mistranslation aside, it’s unlikely Disney would allow for their highly marketable characters to be portrayed as using “weed”.)
“Team Puta” (main story, episode 6; the correct translation is “Team Hepta”, as Hepta is a Greek word meaning “seven”. Each of S.T.Y.X.’s teams is named similarly using other Greek words. “Puta” doesn’t make sense for S.T.Y.X.; it’s the Spanish word for a profanity. Why would one of their divisions be named that?)
“Jester Judge” (Glorious Masquerade; the title is used in reference to Frollo, the “Just Judge” of the City of Flowers. However, the adjective prior to judge has been mistranslated as “Jester”. Given Frollo’s personality and how his self-righteous actions are described, “just” makes much more sense than “jester”, which would imply that he is a fun-loving person.)
The disappearance of Cater’s sisters (main story, episode 1; when Cater introduces his unique magic to Yuu and co., he specifies that his clones aren’t his siblings. More specifically, Cater claims he “has no siblings”, which is incorrect. He canonically has two older sisters (which is even brought up in the localized version of Cater’s Labwear vignettes.) The vanishing sisters in the main story likely occurs due to a mistranslation of the Japanese phrase for siblings and relies on context to assign gender to said siblings. ***Note: the localization in general tends to add jokes that weren’t there in the original or it axes certain lines altogether.***
“The episode 6 plot twist is…?” (this is a personal anecdote; I once spoke to a fellow TWST fan who hadn’t yet read episode 6 (which was entirely out at the time) and they told me they had heard from other people that Idia’s unique magic was associated with his hair. They had also heard that he Overblots when the flames are put out and that this was what originally killed Ortho. I thought they were joking at first, but they genuinely believed it to be true 💦 when none of that is…)
I believe a lot of these mistranslations occurred due to the differences between Japanese and English. There are four separate alphabets for Japanese, whereas English only has one, and this can complicate translation. Furthermore, Japanese has certain nuances (such as omission of the subject and/or the same phrase meaning multiple different things depending on the context in which the phrase is used) which can lead to wonky translations.
Inputting certain phrases into Google translate or looking it up in a dictionary if you don’t know it may give only the most commonly used translation which doesn’t take the context of the rest of the sentence into consideration (which could entirely change the translation of the word). For example, やばい (yabai) is typically translated as “terrible” or “this is bad”; it has a generally negative connotation. However, it can actually have several meanings, with many of them actually being positive depending on the context.
Something that I’ve noticed is very popular in the English-speaking fandom are live reactions; they’re quick and snappy ways to get summaries of new TWST content as soon as it drops. These can sometimes be difficult for readers (who likely rely on the threads to understand what is going on) to discern what has legitimately happened in the story and what is just the fan translator having fun/saying something silly or exaggerating for effect (because they’re just as excited about new TWST content as we are to read about it!). It admittedly leads to some people taking the exaggerated parts/jokes/the fan translator goofing around as legitimate story beats. It’s understandable that the average fan would do this, as they do not understand Japanese to the point of being able to discern what is true vs what is false; of course they would put their trust in someone who does understand the language. In this case, it’s not a mistranslation so much as it is a misunderstanding. I believe this may be what Anon means when they say “the translation didn't quite seem to match up with what little [they] know but it seemed to [them] to just be adding a joke where there was none”.
A recent example of this occurred during Glorious Masquerade. In canon, Malleus outright declares that he is mad and wants to kill Rollo for deceiving him with a fake invitation. However, many excited Malleus fans added (in their initial personal reactions to the event) that it was cute that he was getting emotional because he was “mad at Rollo for trying to hurt Yuu” which… isn’t necessarily true. But since this was mixed in with legitimate summary/translations for the event, this led some readers to assume that this information was, indeed, not a joke but true while also completely overlooking the actual canon reason provided by Malleus himself for seeking devastating revenge against Rollo.
I hope that clarifies a few things!
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Following Hunter Biden’s Tuesday conviction on three felony gun charges related to buying a firearm while using crack cocaine, two Republican congressmen are challenging the conviction, one for reasons having to do with cannabis.
"Hunter might deserve to be in jail for something, but purchasing a gun is not it," wrote Rep. Thomas Massie (R-KY) on his X platform. "There are millions of marijuana users who own guns in this country, and none of them should be in jail for purchasing or possessing a firearm against current laws."
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A long-time advocate for gun rights for cannabis consumers, Massie made it clear he was not defending President Biden's son generally, only his ability to buy firearms, noted The Hill.
Massie, who has criticized his party for not addressing marijuana reform, co-sponsored a cannabis reform bill in January 2023 that would have allowed medical marijuana patients to buy and possess firearms.
Hunter Biden’s attorneys sought to dismiss the case last December, claiming that the statute used against him was unconstitutional and could criminalize millions of lawful marijuana users. The federal law banning cannabis users from buying or possessing firearms has faced multiple challenges, including a pending Supreme Court case. Although Biden’s case involved crack cocaine, Massie also criticized the question on the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) form that deprives people of their Second Amendment right if they admit to being an unlawful user of a controlled substance.
Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-FL) also questioned the conviction’s validity though he did not directly link it to marijuana reform. "The Hunter Biden gun conviction is kinda dumb tbh," wrote Gaetz after the verdict.
The trial is the first ever involving the offspring of a sitting president. The charges could lead to maximum prison sentences of 10 and 5 years, respectively, with each count also carrying a maximum fine of $250,000.
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This class begins in the orchard and makes it's way towards the garden as Ellisa shows trainers the various fruits they may encounter on their journey. Light rain in the early morning and a breeze helped cool things off a little, but the afternoon sun eventually burned through the clouds.
Foraging 101: Apricorns and Berries
Apricorns are the fruit of a tree in the Order Rosales. This taxonomic group includes many well known plants, such as roses, bulk, razz, pecha, rawst, aspear, figy, nanab, wepear, and apicot berries, apples, pears, strawberries, raspberries, black berries, mulberries, most stone fruits, almonds, hops, nettle, and cannabis. The apricorn tree grows best in cool climates, making the versitile plant impossible to grow in some regions.
If the plant is native to your region, you'll be looking for short, stocky trees bearing large fruit. Color is not a good indicator, as common apricorns come in a variety of colors, and fancy varieties can produce even more. Instead, shape is the best way to identify. They should be roughly the size and shape of a navel orange, with a hard, woody cap where the stem protrudes. The fruit is very similar to western Persimmons: horribly bitter and tough until very over ripe. In order to eat these strange fruits, you must either let them ripen way past maturity, until they are almost fermented, or freeze and blend them to make them palatable. Various colors taste slightly different, with white being the most bland and versitile. While they are still young and hard, Apricorns can be harvested and hollowed out to make Pokéballs and other vessels.
Ancient Hisui (modern Sinnoh) had a brown variety of Apricorn that seems to have since gone extinct. Records show that while these were not eaten, they were incredibly useful, as all kinds of Pokéballs were made from them.
I do not recommend attempting to craft your own Pokéballs from Apricorns without sufficient training. Today, even small business owners will purchase the electronic parts of Pokéball making from Silph Co. to ensure the safety of the Pokémon, as ancient methods could be faulty and did not contain the same saftey measures that modern producers have invented. Instead, you can harvest and sell them to local businesses for their craft, or turn them into an edible snack with the previously mentioned methods above.
Berries are one of the most reliable food sources around the world. Most varieties grow well in any climate, and can be found on nearly every route in every region. Some regions have government programs in place to grow berries in specific, easy to locate places along routes to help trainers survive. You can find these locations close to the path in well kept flower beds. The domestically grown berries will always grow on short shrubs, roughly 1.5 foot in diameter and no more than 4 foot tall. It is common courtesy to plant a new berry in the place of what you harvested, and water every berry plant you come across, as they are fast growing and supply many trainers. Sitrus and Oran berries contain the highest nutritional value of the known berries, so are safe bets when unsure what to plant. If you're lost off the path, you may encounter more wild varieties of berries, which will grow in slightly unfamiliar ways. Some may grow on trees, vines, low creeping plants, tall stalks, or thorny bushes. The fruit itself should appear nearly identical to those found on paths, though are generally smaller and less sweet. Do not plant these berries in flower beds on paths, as they aren't as reliable as domestically grown berries and take up too much space.
When in doubt, it's better to pass up on potentially safe food than to accidentally poison yourself. Exercise caution when foraging. Try a tiny lick of fruit in a safe space and wait an hour to see the effects before eating the whole thing if you aren't 100% certain it's edible.
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maullworkers · 2 years
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hey look, it’s florian bonavita! he’s twenty-one years old, he’s lived in shrike heights for his whole life, and he’s currently working at come what may. i heard he’s pretty abrasive, but i think he’s so sensual at the same time. can he make it out alive? ― lorenzo zurzolo, bisexual, male + he/him.
full name: florian niccolò bonavita. nicknames: flor, flo, ian, bonnie. prefers florian. age: twenty-one. birthday: november 18th. zodiac: scorpio (and it shows). gender: male. pronouns: he/him/his. sexuality: bisexual. place of birth: shrike heights, colorado. current residence: shrike heights, colorado. hobbies: writing, photography, sketching, video games, astrology, entertaining, sleeping. vices: cigarettes, cannabis, alcohol, sex. personality: adventurous, affectionate, bold, charming, courteous, efficient, empathetic, friendly, generous, hospitable, independent, mature, passionate, sensual, uninhibited. abrasive, addictive, cocky, compulsive, defensive, evasive, frivolous, impulsive, insecure, needy, reckless, self-indulgent, sleazy, uncouth, verbose.
content warnings for florian’s background includes brief mentions of divorce and sex.
withdrawn as a child after taking his parent’s divorce to heart. not friendless attending school in shrike heights but quiet and easily gone unnoticed.
his father leaves when florian is five. florian doesn’t see him again until he turns nine. this is when he begins living with his father during summers. his father never lives in the same place for long enough for florian to return to any given place.
he realises in his teens that he doesn’t have to be the quiet, ordinary and lacklustre person he is in shrike heights when he spends his summers elsewhere with his father. he begins assuming different personalities each place he goes and this helps him build a real confidence and extraordinary persona.
by his mid teens florian grows into himself and the confidence he’s crafted. he becomes more popular and known around shrike heights, and he commits to just one more authentic persona even when spending his summers elsewhere.
he’s much more respectable in shrike heights than what he is elsewhere. he begins sleeping around during the summers and only commits to people when back in his hometown. he ends every relationship he has before he leaves every summer.
his routine is broken when he moves out at age eighteen and his father no longer picks him up to take him to stay wherever he’s moved to this year. florian realises he’s burnt a lot of bridges here.
he lives through a few bumpy years before he’s found himself once again. he builds more connections, gets a job at the brand new mall that is much better than his position at the grocery store, and he settles into adulthood - until his co-workers start dropping like flies in the shrike heights attacks.
the attacks 
on wednesday 1st june, 1988, florian was attacked by the statue. he was substantially injured, left with severe bruising to his neck, substantial bruising to his body, a deep cut on his side and substantial blood loss.
on sunday july 17th, 1988, florian was attacked by the jack-o-lantern killer. he was substantially injured, left with a stab wound, resulting in substantial blood loss.
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moya-cbd · 1 year
The Uniqueness Of CBD
CBD is a phytocannabinoid that is a trapeno-phenolic molecule made of 21 carbon atoms, which is formed as a result of de-carboxylation (co² heating in the presence of oxygen) from the substance of origin –  cannabigerolic acid (CBDA) and is not linked to the receptors of the CB1 or CB2 system but acts through a large number of other mechanisms of action that are recently revealed in the scientific study.
Cannabidiol does not cause intoxicating effects (non-Intoxicating) and does not feel the feeling of elation (High) in its effect at all. On the contrary, cannabidiol has a calming general effect, which prevents anxiety and psychosis while simultaneously suppressing inflammation throughout the body and soothing pain, nausea and vomiting.
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Welcome to The Land of Forests and Rainfall
You can call me Fox or Rayn (🦊,💧, or 🌧️ also work)
Pronouns are mostly he/him or they/them, though mutuals can use ey/em, fox/fox's, or 🦊 to refer to me if they want to
I'm 27, ♉ ☀️, ♎ 🌝, ♊ rising
I'm Welsh, Anishinaabe (Algonquin), Scotch-Irish, and Melungeon. I'm white passing.
Pagan (eclectic grey witch with a focus on ancestral tradition, Appalachian folk magicks, duality/balance, deity work, sigils, blood and bones, divination, spirit work, and energy work)
I'm trans masculine and non-binary, specifically I'm a demi-guy. I'm okay with being referred to as a trans man, trans masc, nonbinary, genderqueer, demiboy/demiguy/demimasculine. I also sometimes just reference my gender with a modified version of the Mars symbol.
I'm pansexual and on the aromantic spectrum (demiromantic and greyromantic both fit), and I'm also polyamorous. My primary partner and I live together and we coparent my two children.
I'm a parent, a Mister Mom, if you will. I have two kids, Squish (he/him age 4) and Bunny (she/her, born summer of 22).
I'm physically disabled (EDS, seizures, spinal injury, TBI, and others) and neurodivergent (bipolar, autistic, ADHD, c-PTSD, and others)
My hobbies include hiking, writing and storytelling, mini farming, crafting, consuming true crime and true horror content, science fiction, cannabis culture, body modification, history, and cooking.
My fandoms are TUA, Bojack Horseman, Marvel, DC, Homestuck, Psycholonials, The Fifth Element, Pokemon, AHS, and Rick and Morty.
I'm generally inclusive of all labels and identities. I support the ace and aro communities. I also support the bi, omni, polysexual, and other mspec communities. I support neo pronouns and neo genders, as well as micro genders. I support people referring to themselves in whatever way is most accurate for them. I don't support or engage with LGBTQ infighting.
I'm pro-choice, pro-baby formula, pro-lgbtqia rights (including rights to become a parent), pro-equality, pro-Islam, pro-Judaism, pro-land back, pro-blm, pro-cannabis, pro-sex work, body positive
Minors (I don't plan on posting anything nsfw on my main but both as a parent and as someone who's been on here since I was a minor, I'm not okay with it)
TERFS, truscum, transmed, and other transphobes, homo/bi/pan/queer/aphobes and LGBTQIA gatekeepers or exclusionists
anti-semites, islamaphobes, paganphobes, and all others who don't respect certain religions
Racists of any kind including pro-blood quantum and anti-BLM
pedos including maps, nomaps, groomers, DDLG
ableists including pro-autism $peaks, anti-medicine, anti-psychiatry, antivaxxers
pro-ED/thinspo (those seeking recovery welcome)
Child abuse/neglect apologists including pro-home birth,"freebirthers", pro-bed sharing/co-sleeping, pro-ABA, "breast is best", "unschoolers"/anti-education
anyone who supports PETA, one million moms, a$, multi-level marketing, homeopathy, or other bigoted/scam organizations
people who post NSFW on their main blog
People who fetishize/sexualize transphobia, racism, child abuse, mental illness/ableism, or other systemic abuse
any other bigots I didn't mention, any other people who hurt people (especially kids), and general assholes
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cannabis-craftsman · 2 days
Exploring Weed Dispensaries Near You in Sacramento, California
Sacramento, California, the state capital known for its rich history and vibrant culture, has also emerged as a prominent hub for cannabis enthusiasts. Since the legalization of recreational marijuana in California in 2016, the cannabis industry in Sacramento has flourished, offering a wide array of products to suit various needs and preferences. 
If you’re searching for a “weed dispensary near me” in Sacramento, you’re in for a treat. This article will guide you through the local dispensary scene, helping you understand what to expect and how to choose the right one for you.
The Evolution of Cannabis in Sacramento
Before diving into the dispensaries, it’s essential to recognize how the cannabis landscape has evolved in Sacramento. The city has a long history with cannabis, from its medical use dating back to the early 1990s to the current recreational market. 
This evolution has led to a diverse array of dispensaries, each offering unique products, experiences, and atmospheres.
Sacramento is home to a mix of large, well-known dispensaries and smaller, boutique establishments. This diversity allows consumers to choose based on their preferences — whether they seek a more extensive selection of products or a personalized shopping experience.
Understanding the Types of Dispensaries
When searching for a weed dispensary near you, it’s helpful to know that there are generally two types of dispensaries: medical and recreational.
Medical Dispensaries: These are designed primarily for patients who have a medical marijuana card. They often carry a broader selection of high-CBD strains and products designed for therapeutic use. If you have a specific medical condition or are seeking relief from chronic pain, a medical dispensary may be the right choice.
Recreational Dispensaries: These establishments cater to adult consumers who want to purchase cannabis for recreational use. They typically offer a wide variety of products, including flower, edibles, concentrates, and more. In Sacramento, many dispensaries operate under both licenses, allowing access to both medical and recreational users.
Top Weed Dispensaries in Sacramento
Here are some of the highly-rated dispensaries you might consider visiting:
1. Blüm Sacramento
Located in the heart of the city, Blüm offers a modern and welcoming atmosphere. This dispensary is known for its knowledgeable staff and an extensive selection of products, including premium flower, edibles, and vape products. 
The store emphasizes quality and transparency, often showcasing lab results for their products. Their commitment to customer education makes it a great place for both newcomers and seasoned cannabis users.
2. Sacramento Cannabis Co.
Sacramento Cannabis Co. prides itself on its friendly service and inviting environment. They carry a wide range of products, from artisanal edibles to top-shelf flower. 
This dispensary is known for hosting community events and educational workshops, making it a fantastic choice for those looking to deepen their understanding of cannabis.
3. The Green Solution
The Green Solution is a popular choice among locals, offering a curated selection of cannabis products. They provide an easy-to-navigate menu that makes it simple to find what you’re looking for. 
Their knowledgeable budtenders are always ready to assist with product recommendations, whether you’re in search of something to help you unwind after a long day or a boost of creativity.
4. Canna Culture
If you’re seeking a more boutique experience, Canna Culture might be the perfect fit. This small but mighty dispensary focuses on quality over quantity, offering a carefully curated selection of products. 
Canna Culture is particularly known for its organic and sustainably sourced options, making it a favorite among eco-conscious consumers.
Navigating the Dispensary Experience
When you arrive at a dispensary, here are a few tips to enhance your experience:
Bring Identification: California law requires that all customers present a valid ID proving they are at least 21 years old for recreational purchases, or a medical marijuana card for medical dispensaries.
Know What You Want: Before heading to a dispensary, it can be helpful to have an idea of what you’re looking for. Are you interested in flower, edibles, or concentrates? Understanding your preferences can streamline the process.
Ask Questions: Don’t hesitate to ask the budtenders questions. They are there to help you navigate the various products and can provide valuable insights based on your needs and preferences.
Start Low and Go Slow: If you’re new to cannabis, start with low doses, especially with edibles. It’s essential to give your body time to adjust to the effects.
The Importance of Community
One of the most significant aspects of the cannabis culture in Sacramento is its sense of community. Many dispensaries actively engage with local organizations, hosting events that promote education and responsible use. 
This community-oriented approach not only fosters a positive image of cannabis but also creates a supportive environment for both new and experienced users.
Finding a weed dispensary near you in Sacramento is more than just locating a store; it’s about discovering a space that aligns with your cannabis needs and preferences. 
Whether you’re a medical patient seeking relief or a recreational user exploring new experiences, Sacramento’s diverse dispensary landscape has something for everyone. 
As you embark on your cannabis journey, remember to enjoy the process, ask questions, and, most importantly, embrace the community that comes with it. Happy exploring!
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smithdavid6 · 28 days
Medical Marijuana for Sickle Cell Anemia
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Medical marijuana is a drug-alternative with soothing characteristics. It contains therapeutic compounds with medicinal effects on the human body. Although marijuana is not legal on the Federal level, it is still being used for medicinal reasons in various states, including Florida. However, only certain illnesses can be managed using medical marijuana, including anxiety, epilepsy, sickle cell anemia, and cancer symptoms. However, you must get a Florida medical marijuana card in adherence to the laws. Moreover, it is crucial to contact a medical marijuana expert for complete knowledge of medical marijuana.
In this article, we will discuss what sickle cell anemia is and how you can use medical marijuana in Florida to manage this disease.
Sickle Cell Anemia- An Overview
Sickle cell anemia is a genetically transmitted disorder that causes red blood cells to become rigid and look like sickles.In general, the red blood cells are round and flexible, however in SCA they become sickle-shaped and lead to issues with blood regulation within the body.  
SCA can cause episodes of pain called crises that can last for a lifetime and affect the quality of life for those coping with this illness. In most cases, sickle cell anemia cannot be treated. However, medical treatments and alternative drugs can help reduce disease-related symptoms.
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Symptoms of SCA
The symptoms of SCA manifest during the early life of an individual. Some of the symptoms of sickle cell anemia include:
White eyes
Swollen feet and hands
Acute chest syndrome
Delayed growth or puberty
Vision issues
Pain crises characterized by stabbing pain that can last from days to weeks
Do you have any of the mentioned symptoms? If yes, then it is best to seek guidance from a healthcare professional.Self-diagnosing and taking medication without consulting a doctor can have negative health consequences.
Treatments for SCA
The treatment for SCA often involves pain management techniques. It can include painkillers and blood transfusions. Stem cell therapy is also a technique that can help patients, whereas some other treatment options are:
As a traditional treatment option, it may prevent red blood cells from sickling and clumping together. It can also reduce the destruction of some red blood cells in the body, thereby, improving blood flow to the organs.
It is a pain reliever that can help reduce the number of pain crises you have.
Apart from conventional medications, alternative drugs such as medical marijuana can also be used to address pain and other symptoms of SCA.
Let’s take a closer look at the role of medical marijuana as an alternative therapy for SCA.
Medical Marijuana for SCA
Medical marijuana is an alternative treatment option for sickle cell anemia. Patients in Florida can benefit from this drug after getting a valid medical marijuana card. Some ways in which MMJ can benefit patients are:
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Pain management
Chronic pain is among the main symptoms of SCA, ranging from mild to severe and lasting for extended periods. Medical marijuana shows effectiveness in managing chronic pain for individuals with SCA.
Research indicates that medical cannabis compounds can aid in managing pain and easing patients’ symptoms associated with SCA. In most cases, opioids are prescribed for pain relief; however, they can be addictive and may cause unwanted side effects.
Medical marijuana offers a safer and more effective alternative to opioids, especially considering its anti-inflammatory nature that can help reduce pain linked with sickle cell anemia.
Although numerous studies support the fact that MMJ can aid in managing pain in sickle cell anemia, there are several other benefits of MMJ. These include improvements in mood, quality of life, and the prevention of secondary conditions.
Patients with sickle cell often experience depression as a co-occurring sign of illness. Medical marijuana can help in this regard, as it has mood-boosting effects. Medical cannabis compound THC, known for its high, interacts with brain receptors, leading to increased dopamine production and reduced symptoms of anxiety, depression, and stress.
Sleep Improvement
Moreover, medical marijuana can address sleep problems common in sickle cell disease. Its antioxidant and antibacterial properties can also help reduce the risk of infections, further contributing to patient wellness and improved life quality.
Contact a Medical Marijuana Expert
Medical cannabis has numerous benefits to offer for SCA patients seeking natural treatment options. However, there are certain side effects of MMJ such as dry mouth, red eyes, paranoia, etc. Therefore, contacting a medical marijuana doctor is recommended.
A medical marijuana doctor is state-licensed to offer MMJ services. They can ease your journey toward alternative therapy by offering marijuana recommendations and the right dosage for better results.
Medical marijuana is a considerable option for patients with sickle cell anemia. Its vital compounds can ease the life quality of patients by relieving pain and other debilitating SCA symptoms. Nonetheless, it is best to get a valid Florida medical marijuana card, which is an important document for lawful use of marijuana products. Thus, approaching a medical marijuana doctor is necessary.
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sa7abnews · 2 months
5 beer ingredients that are banned in the United States
New Post has been published on https://sa7ab.info/2024/08/06/5-beer-ingredients-that-are-banned-in-the-united-states/
5 beer ingredients that are banned in the United States
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When River North Brewery founder Matt Hess first discovered amburana wood, he immediately wanted to use it in a recipe. The wood, which comes from trees native to South America, offers a distinct profile with spicy notes of cinnamon. Hess thought it would aptly complement one of the brewery’s signature high-alcohol beers. After receiving some amburana samples, Hess’ team made an imperial saison aged on amburana wood spirals. It turned out well enough that River North decided to enter the beer into the 2023 Great American Beer Festival competition. However, the Brewers Association, which organizes the event, derailed those plans. Beers made with amburana aren’t eligible for the competition, the trade group said, because the wood is considered a banned ingredient per the Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau, which sets formula- and label-approval guidelines for breweries. Hess was surprised, especially considering recipes featuring amburana had won awards in the past. In 2018, for example, a Kentucky brewery won GABF gold for a blended stout that had, in part, been aged in amburana barrels. Closer to home, Denver Beer Co. won multiple GABF awards for amburana-aged beers in 2020. Hess isn’t sure when the BA started blocking amburana beers from competition, but he knows why. “That wood has been banned because it contains trace amounts of coumarin,” Hess said. Coumarin is a flavor compound that naturally occurs in some plants, but studies have shown that high amounts of coumarin can be toxic to certain animals. Indeed, the Food and Drug Administration, the country’s foremost authority on food safety, banned coumarin in consumable food products many decades ago. The TTB defers to the FDA when determining if a brewery’s product is legal to sell should it include novel ingredients. The BA follows those guidelines to determine if a beer is eligible for its competitions. “In the case of amburana wood, TTB has told us that FDA unequivocally communicated to them that amburana wood used to age beer… is not GRAS (generally recognized as safe),” Marc Sorini, general counsel at the Brewers Association, told The Denver Post. Here are five ingredients you might be surprised are banned as food additives, including in beer. It’s worth noting that Indigenous and Asian cultures historically used several of these plants for their medicinal properties. Amburana wood Amburana wood comes from trees native to South America. It contains coumarin, a compound shown to have toxic properties in pharmaceutical studies. The FDA banned coumarin in food in 1954. Drinkers may see amburana wood, commonly called Brazilian oak, used in spirits like whiskey and cachaça. It’s unclear why the wood is permitted for use in liquor but not beer. Still, that hasn’t stopped many brewers from trying it out. Cannabis Cannabis-infused beverages are widely available in the U.S. and many breweries make them, though not in Colorado. So how is it that cannabis ended up on this list? In short, a convoluted network of conflicting regulations at both the state and federal levels. Arvada-based Ceria Brewing Co. was a pioneer in the marijuana-infused beverage space when it released its first THC beer, Grainwave Belgian-style white ale, in 2018. But as of early 2023, those beers are no longer available in the company’s home state. (Tiney Ricciardi, The Denver Post) Cannabis plants contain many compounds called cannabinoids, some of which are psychoactive like tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) and others that aren’t, such as cannabidiol (CBD). Both hemp and marijuana are cannabis plants, distinguished only by their THC content. Marijuana, a federally scheduled drug, is high in THC; hemp is low in THC and was legalized nationwide in 2018. As a rule of thumb, alcohol and THC are not allowed to commingle in a single beverage. THC-infused beers exist in states where marijuana is legal, but they are regulated like edibles. In Colorado, those beers may not contain alcohol and they are prohibited from being served at bars. Non-alcoholic seltzers infused with CBD and THC from hemp have become popular in states where marijuana remains illegal. Because many seltzers do not meet the TTB’s definition of a malt beverage or fermented beverage, they often fall out of the agency’s purview, Sorini at the Brewers Association said. Tonka beans Like amburana wood, tonka beans contain coumarin. The FDA banned the use of coumarin, tonka beans and tonka extract in food in 1954 after “pharmacological investigations showing that it has toxic properties,” the federal register states. Tonka beans have a flavor profile — including notes of vanilla, clove and almonds — that chefs and brewers love, but to try a beer made with them, you’ll have to go to Canada or Europe. Related Articles
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Safrole (sassafras) Despite its historic use as a root beer flavoring agent, oil derived from the root of the sassafras tree, called safrole, was banned in 1960. The FDA cited long-term pharmaceutical studies that found the compound caused liver cancer in its decision. Sweet flag (calamus) plant Sweet flag is a grass-like plant that grows near swamps and rivers. In 1968, the FDA banned it because studies found cancer-causing chemicals in some varieties. The agency banned the use of all calamus in food until studies prove specific varieties are not harmful. Subscribe to our new food newsletter, Stuffed, to get Denver food and drink news sent straight to your inbox.
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Entrepreneurship Essentials
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Entrepreneurship Essentials
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True Entrepreneurship: Creating Value For Others
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wtfcannabis15 · 4 months
24/7 Weed Delivery in Montreal: Convenience at Your Doorstep
Exploring the Benefits and Legal Landscape of Round-the-Clock Cannabis Delivery
The convenience of having everyday essentials delivered to your doorstep has become a staple in modern urban life. In Montreal, this convenience has now extended to cannabis products, with 24/7 weed delivery services becoming increasingly popular. These services cater to the needs of medical and recreational users alike, providing a seamless and accessible way to obtain cannabis products at any time of day or night. This article delves into the benefits, legal considerations, and the rising trend of 24/7 weed delivery in Montreal.
The Rise of 24/7 Weed Delivery
As cannabis legalization continues to evolve in Canada, the demand for convenient access to weed has surged. Montreal, known for its vibrant culture and progressive attitudes, is at the forefront of this trend. The introduction of 24/7 weed delivery services is a response to this growing demand, allowing consumers to order their favorite products from the comfort of their homes without worrying about store hours or travel times.
These services operate through online platforms or mobile apps, where customers can browse a wide range of cannabis products, including flowers, edibles, concentrates, and accessories. Orders can be placed at any time, and delivery is often completed within an hour, ensuring quick and efficient service.
Benefits of 24/7 Weed Delivery
The most apparent benefit of 24/7 weed delivery is the unparalleled convenience it offers. Whether you need a late-night replenishment or an early morning pick-me-up, these services are designed to cater to your schedule. This flexibility is particularly beneficial for individuals with medical conditions who may require cannabis for symptom management at irregular hours.
For many users, discretion is a key concern when purchasing cannabis. 24/7 delivery services provide a discreet alternative to visiting a physical store. Orders are typically delivered in unmarked packaging, ensuring privacy and confidentiality for the customer.
Wide Selection
Online platforms often boast a more extensive selection of products compared to brick-and-mortar stores. This variety allows customers to explore different strains, products, and brands, tailoring their purchase to their specific needs and preferences. Additionally, detailed product descriptions and customer reviews can guide informed decision-making.
Safety and Compliance
Reputable 24/7 weed delivery services operate within the legal framework established by Canadian and provincial regulations. This ensures that the products are sourced from licensed producers and undergo stringent quality control measures. Consumers can trust that they are receiving safe, lab-tested cannabis products.
Legal Considerations
While the convenience of 24/7 weed delivery is enticing, it's essential to understand the legal landscape surrounding cannabis in Montreal. Cannabis is legal for both medical and recreational use in Canada, but there are specific regulations governing its sale and distribution.
Age Restrictions
Customers must be at least 21 years old to purchase cannabis in Quebec. Delivery services are required to verify the age of the recipient upon delivery, ensuring compliance with legal age restrictions.
Purchase Limits
There are limits on the amount of cannabis that can be purchased and possessed at any given time. For recreational users, this is generally 30 grams of dried cannabis or its equivalent. Medical users may have different limits based on their prescription.
Licensed Operators
To ensure safety and compliance, consumers should choose delivery services that operate legally and have the necessary licenses. This guarantees that the products are sourced from authorized producers and meet quality standards.
The advent of 24/7 weed delivery in Montreal marks a significant step forward in the accessibility and convenience of cannabis products. These services cater to a modern lifestyle, providing quick, discreet, and reliable access to a wide range of cannabis products around the clock. As the legal landscape continues to evolve, consumers can look forward to even more innovations in how they obtain their cannabis, making it easier than ever to enjoy the benefits of this versatile plant.
For More Info:-
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President Joe Biden turns the Medical Marijuana Research Bill into law, changing how American scientists can do research on marijuana.
As anticipated by Marijuana Moment last week, the White House announced on Friday that President Biden signed the Medical Marijuana and Cannabidiol Research Expansion Act, "which establishes a new registration process for conducting research on marijuana and for manufacturing marijuana products for research purposes and drug development."
The bipartisan bill was introduced in July, quickly passed in the House in the same month, and unanimously approved by the Senate in November.
Rep. Earl Blumenauer (Democrat), who sponsored the bill, released a joint press statement along with Cannabis Caucus Co-Chairs Barbara Lee (Democrat), Dave Joyce (Republican), and Brian Mast (Republican) stressing the importance of such achievement.
"For decades, the federal government has stood in the way of science and progress—peddling a misguided and discriminatory approach to cannabis. Today marks a monumental step in remedying our federal cannabis laws. The Medical Marijuana and Cannabidiol Research Expansion Act will make it easier to study the impacts and potential of cannabis," the statement reads.
Furthermore, the Representatives highlighted how fundamental is medical research on marijuana to understand the full medicinal potential of the plant to treat a wide array of medical conditions and pledged to work on ending the war on drugs through a series of upcoming proposals that will reshape the status of marijuana at the federal level.
The law significantly eases the lives of scientists who wish to study marijuana for medical purposes, as they had to follow strict regulations that could delay their research.
The new legislation removes federal restrictions in order to ease research from studying the plant and speeds up the application process to approve marijuana-related scientific studies.
Under the new law, the federal government has to ensure an adequate, uninterrupted supply of marijuana available to scientists for studies on medical marijuana.
Therefore, researchers will be able to learn more about the plant's medical properties and request large amounts of marijuana to use for research.
In fact, the legislation now requires that within 60 days of receiving a researcher's application, the U.S. Attorney General has to approve it, request more information, or deny it specifying the reasons. If researchers submit more information upon request, the Attorney General has 30 days to decide.
Universities and research institutions will now be able to acquire U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) license to grow, manufacture, distribute, dispense and possess marijuana for research purposes, with guidance from the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) and the U.S. Food And Drug Administration.
Scientists who wish to do marijuana research may update their protocol without informing the DEA if the quantity and form of marijuana, the source, and the storage conditions of the material won't change.
The legislation also encourages the FDA to develop marijuana-derived medicines and addresses the HHS to determine the potential medical benefits of marijuana or cannabidiol (or CBD) as a drug.
The Medical Marijuana and Cannabidiol Research Expansion Act also intervenes in the doctor-patient relationship by allowing physicians to discuss the currently known potential harms and benefits of marijuana cannabinoids, such as CBD, as a treatment or the known possible damages and benefits of marijuana and its compounds.
Nevertheless, the legislation doesn't allow scientists to obtain marijuana from state-run dispensaries and won't reschedule marijuana at the federal level.
In fact, marijuana will remain illegal at the federal level under Schedule I of the Controlled Substances Act.
However, the legislation represents a significant step forward for medical research on marijuana in the U.S.
Before the new law, doing research on marijuana was very difficult in the U.S. as scientists needed approval from multiple agencies to conduct studies, which could sometimes take years.
Furthermore, scientists were only allowed to use marijuana grown by the University of Mississippi, although the DEA has recently awarded six other marijuana cultivation licenses for research to U.S. companies.
Biden's signature of The Medical Marijuana and Cannabidiol Research Expansion Act follows the executive order in October pardoning about 6,500 individuals convicted for marijuana possession at the federal level.
On that occasion, he also asked the Secretary of the HHS and the Attorney General to "initiate the process of reviewing how marijuana is scheduled under federal law."
Although the new law doesn't implement more reform at the federal level, it may pave the way for new federal legislation on marijuana, such as the SAFE Banking Act, that may ease the federal restrictions on the marijuana industry.
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if-you-fan-a-fire · 1 year
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"Brooks Given Three Years, Fined $900 On Drug Charges," Windsor Star. June 25, 1943. Page 3. --- War Plant Inspector Is Sentenced ---- Sold Marijuana; Five Others Await Trial for Possession of Narcotic Weed ---- On three convictions of violating the Narcotic Drugs Act, John R. Brooks, 41 years old, of Sandwich West, a parts inspector in a Windsor war industry, was sentenced to serve a total of three years in the Kingston Penitentiary, and fined a total of $200, by Magistrate J. A. Hanrahan today in county police court.
USED IN CIGARETS The first and most serious of the convictions for which Brooks was sentenced, was for the sale of a drug called marijuana made from the leaves of a Mexican plant the scientific name of which is cannabis sativa. The ground-up leaves are rolled into cigarets called muggles by those who use them.
In sentencing Brooks, Magistrate Hanrahan said: "The United States Commissioner of Narcotic Drugs has stated that murders, suicides, robberies, criminal assaults, holdups and burglaries have been directly traced to the use of marijuana. It is well recognized by law enforcement agencies as a drug producing criminal tendencies.
"Obviously, trafficking in this deadly narcotic must be viewed by the courts with the utmost gravity," continued the magistrate. "Those depraved enough to gain financially by its sale, heedless of the dangerous and often terrible consequences to its unfortunate users, or to their victims in the general public, must be prepared when convicted to accept the severe penalties the offence merits."
SENTENCES GIVEN Brooks was sentenced to two years in the penitentiary and fined $500 on the first charge of selling marijuana. On the other two charges which related to the sale of what purported to be marijuana but which actually was the leaves of another plant, Brooks was fined $200 and sentenced to six months in the penitentiary on each of the charges.
The investigation of the case against Brooks was made by Corporal R. L. Woodhouse of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police. W. E. Kelly, special prosecutor for the Dominion Department of Justice, represented the Crown in Brooks' trial, and he was defended by Hon, James H. Clark, K.C.Five residents of the Windsor district who are charged with being in possession of marijuana which Brooks was charged with selling to them, will be tried before Magistrate Hanrahan on Monday. These accused are Michael and Herman Rainone, R. J. Bezaire, Ross W. Grey, and Julien Noismer.
[This weed seizure was one of the largest in Ontario to this point, and involved six criminal defendants, with Brooks getting a severe and mandatory penitentiary term. None of the others went to the penitentiary. The judges lecture is the standard bit of fear mongering about cannabis use typical among the anti-drug movement, who were functionally a rebranding of the defeated temperance and prohibition movements. Catherine Carstairs notes in Jailed for Possession (p. 31) that cannabis use was extremely rare in early 20th century Canada, figuring in almost no crime statistics until the Great Depression. That cannabis was even illegal is something of a mystery according to Carstairs - even in the 1950s it was relatively unknown even among habitual consumers of other controlled substances. Its status as an illegal drug appears to have originated in the 1911-1912 The Hague Opium Conference, attended by William Lyon Mackenzie King, where study and control of ‘Indian weed’ was discussed. The American government argued at later international meetings for a global ban on recreational use, which was put in use in 1925, though the United States did not pass federal laws against cannabis use until 1937. The Canadian government appears to have acted on the American lead. Another point to note is the fundamentally racist and classist framing of the 'marijuana panic': it was seen as a foreign, unseemly drug, only trafficked and consumed by similar types. One of Brooks' co-defendants was wearing a zoot suit; two others were French-Canadians, and Brooks himself was a Black Canadian, although this goes unmentioned in the newspaper coverage. It's also an interesting view of skilled labour in the war plants around Windsor - Brooks was an inspector parts, overseeing the quality of other workers on an assembly line. He had no previous criminal record, except 10 days in jail years before, was married with 5 kids and three grandchildren, and had worked as a truck driver before the war. He was convict #7361 at Kingston Penitentiary, and worked as a carpenter before being transferred in October 1943 to the low-security Collin's Bay Penitentiary. He was paroled in mid-1945. His wife Lilian died in 1946, and no mention of Brooks is made in her obituary...]
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wewerecore · 6 months
CORE presents The Co-Op 2024 - Update
We at COal REgion Pro-Wrestling would like to first thank our super sponsors for The Co-Op 2024, the United States Space Force and General Dynamics. They share CORE's commitment to bringing forward ideas that shape our world.
Thursday April 4th, 2024 - 23rd Street Armory - Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
- After thirty years The Co-Op has partnered with the National Wrestling Alliance to revive Eastern Championship Wrestling! Since the legendary Philadelphia based independent promotion closed up shop in 1994, fans have been clamoring for Eastern Championship Wrestling to return. Hardcore fans have continued to chant the initials of Eastern Championship Wrestling at events all over the globe, and finally it returns to Philadelphia for a one night stand as part of The Co-Op.
Eastern Championship Wrestling - Super Spring Sizzler Spectacular
01. Tony Stetson (with Johnny Hot Body) vs. Damien Stone 02. The Sandman vs. Miguel Perez Jr. 03. Tommy Dreamer and Johnny Gunn vs. The Dark Patriot and Jason Knight 04. Tatsumi Fujinami vs. Osamu Nishimura 05. Three Way Dance: Stevie Richards vs. 2 Cold Scorpio vs. Mikey Whipwreck 06. Eastern Championship Wrestling Heavyweight Title Match: Shane Douglas (with Mr. Hughes) vs. Tito Santana
Friday April 5th, 2024 - 23rd Street Armory - Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
- One of the most talked about matches from last year's annual wrestling week returns with a new format. Eight women will take part in a one-night tournament. The winner of the tournament will face off against Lindsay Snow in the main event. The winner of that match will not only win Lindsay Snow's Kaiju Cannabis Cup II, but will win control of this event next year! - In special non-tournament action, despite her recent success in TNA, Jody Threat still wants revenge for the vicious attack she suffered at the hands of Athena. Jody Threat has challenged Athena's top minion Billie Starkz to a grudge match. - Also in non-tournament action, Queen Aminata and Raychell Rose will defend the SHIMMER Tag Team Championship against Miu Watanabe and Rika Tatsumi.
Lindsay Snow's Kaiju Cannabis Cup II
01. Hyan vs. Kenzie Paige 02. Yuki Kamifuku vs. Alexxis Falcon 03. Killer Kelly vs. Ram Kaichow 04. Nicole Matthews vs. Jessie McKay 05. Non-Tournament: Billie Starkz vs. Jody Threat 06. Semi-Finals: X vs. X 07. Semi-Finals: X vs. X 08. SHIMMER Tag Team Championship Match: Queen Aminata and Raychell Rose (Champions) vs. Hakuchumu (Miu Watanabe and Rika Tatsumi) 09. Finals: X vs. X .0. Kaiju Cannabis Cup Match: Lindsay Snow vs. X
Saturday April 6th, 2024 - 23rd Street Armory - Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
- Jeff Jarrett's Spring Breakers returns by popular demand. Jeff Jarrett again takes the pencil from Sonjay Dutt and guarantees great wrestling action presented in a wholly unique party-like atmosphere. - Two masked tag team wrestlers calling themselves The Devil's Masked Man A and The Devil's Masked Man B have demanded a spot on this card. The Devil's Masked Men claim to be the rightful holders of the Ring Of Honor Tag Team Championship titles, according to these men they were fired from AEW for being "too dangerous" and replaced by Mike Bennett and Matt Taven. Jeff Jarrett has honored their request and they will have a chance to prove the legitimacy of their claims starting at Jeff Jarrett's Spring Breakers 2.
Jeff Jarrett's Spring Breakers 2: Port Of Call Philadelphia
01. Mikey Whipwreck and Tajiri vs. DAMNATION T.A. (Daisuke Sasaki and KANON) 02. The TrustBusters (Sonny Kiss and Slim J) vs. The Devil's Masked Man A and The Devil's Masked Man B 03. Riho vs. Rhio 04. Private Party (Isiah Kassidy and Marq Quen) vs. Schadenfreude International (Chris Brookes and Takeshi Masada) 05. Mistico, Titan, Star Jr., and Flip Gordon vs. Los Super Astros (El Merenguero/Super Loco/Jose Estrada Jr./Miguel Perez Jr.) 06. Mark Briscoe vs. Axel Tischer 07. Satnam Singh/Jay Lethal/Sonjay Dutt/Karen Jarrett/X vs. Effy/Allie Katch/Dark Sheik/Sawyer Wreck/Maki Itoh 08. Texas Chainsaw Massacre Deathmatch: Leatherface vs. Jeff Jarrett
Sunday April 7th, 2024 - 23rd Street Armory - Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
CORE Pro #127 04/07/24 White Flag 23rd Street Armory - Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
- CORE returns for the first time since Christmas night of 2023!
CORE - White Flag 01. Big Dan Champion/Joshua Bishop/Hyan/Kylie Paige vs. Hang Your Head In Shame (James Drake/Zack Gibson/Killer Kelly/Xia Brookside) 02. Nic Nemeth and Ryan Nemeth vs. folkstyle (Shaw Mason and Tim Bosby) 03. Giant Baba Yaga and Fuego Del Sol vs. "Cool Hand" Angelo Parker and Ruby Soho 04. YOICHI vs. Mad Dog Connelly 05. Hallowicked and Frightmare vs. Astronauts (Fuminori Abe and Takuya Nomura) 06. The 37KAMIINA (Yuki Ueno and MAO) vs. Starboy Charlie and Marcus Mathers 07. Queen Aminata and Raychell Rose vs. STARS (Mayu Iwatani and Momo Kohgo) 08. Konosuke Takeshita vs. Titus Alexander
Other Events:
CORE Rage Party 04/05/24 Union Transfer - Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
The biggest party you’ll ever attend! Festivities will kick-off thirty minutes after Ring Of Honor's Supercard Of Honor
Featuring live music and all your favorite wrestlers. Performances from… William Patrick Corgan's Zwan Destroyer Graham Parker CMAT And a special DJ set by Gronk!
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roarwellnessorg · 6 months
How a Personalized Approach to De-Addiction Centres in Delhi Would be Beneficial?
Addiction is a complicated disease that can affect anyone, regardless of age, background, or socioeconomic status. When we talk about our Country, then in a city like Delhi, with its fast pace & pressures, the risk of succumbing to substance abuse can be even greater. Well, fortunately, there are a range of De-Addiction Centre in Delhi providing desired support as well as a path to recovery. However, with so many options available, how do you consider the correct De-Addiction Centre for yourself or a loved one matters a lot. So, the key lies in a customized approach that considers individual requirements as well as circumstances.
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Here is the customized guide to help you navigate this important decision:
Understanding the Addiction:
The very first step is to understand the specific addiction you are mainly facing. Common drugs of abuse in Delhi typically include alcohol, cannabis, opioids, as well as stimulants. Each & every substance has its own withdrawal symptoms, treatment protocols, & relapse triggers. Getting Access to the specific addiction allows for a targeted approach through treatment programs designed especially for maximum effectiveness.
Assessing Individual Requirements:
Generally, addiction manifests differently in everyone. Factors like the severity of the addiction, co-occurring mental health problems, as well as personal support systems all play a major role in the recovery process. A customized approach involves a thorough assessment by qualified professionals at the De-Addiction Centre in Delhi. This may include medical evaluations, in-depth discussions, and psychological testing, about the addiction history with individual goals.
Drug De Addiction Centre
Getting Access to Multiple Treatment Options:
Modern De-Addiction Centres in Delhi offer a range of personalized treatment options to cater to individual needs. Here are some common approaches:
Detoxification: This medically supervised process helps manage withdrawal symptoms as well as achieve initial sobriety.
Medication-Assisted Treatment or MAT: MAT combines medications with behavioral therapy to address cravings and reduce the risk of relapse.
Individual Therapy: Individual therapy sessions provide a safe space to explore the root causes of addiction, develop coping mechanisms, as well as address any underlying mental health related problems.
Group Therapy: Group therapy delivers an opportunity to connect with others facing similar challenges, share experiences, as well as build a support network.
Family Therapy: Family therapy helps mend relationships affected by addiction as well as equips family members to deliver desired support during & after recovery.
Getting Access to the Desired Quality of Fit:
Getting the right Drug De Addiction Centre goes beyond just the range of services delivered.
Typically consider these factors for more promising approach:
Credentials and Experience: Seek out a facility with licensed practitioners who have dealt with the kind of addiction you are experiencing.
Location & Accessibility: Picking a treatment facility that is easily accessible can have a significant impact on treatment adherence.
Accommodations with Facilities: While Drug de Addiction centre deliver outpatient programs for those who can stay at house, others deliver inpatient programs with residential facilities. You can take into account your comfort level and personal demands.
Price with Coverage by Insurance: The cost of treatment varies throughout facilities. Verify whether addiction treatment is covered by your insurance plan, as well as look into the center's financing alternatives.
Reviews & Success Rates: It is a good idea to examine the success rates & read testimonials from former patients or their relatives.
In the end, you need to remember that a customized solution is vital for long-term recovery, so search for a centre that fosters a good sense of trust as well as allows open communication.
Reference URL : https://bit.ly/3Vz4ot4
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getbudslegalize · 8 months
Treating PTSD With Cannabis: Understanding The Risks And Benefits
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Treating PTSD With Cannabis: Understanding The Risks And Benefits
The use of cannabis as a medical remedy is an issue that has garnered a lot of attention and concern in recent times. Many veterans use cannabis to relieve symptoms of PTSD, and some states have even approved its use for medical purposes.However, existing research does not provide sufficient evidence to support cannabis as an effective treatment for PTSD. Some studies indicate that cannabis can be harmful, especially if used for prolonged periods.What Are The Factors Associated With An Increased Risk Of Cannabis Use Among Veterans?The use of cannabis has surged in the general population in recent years. Between 2013 and 2018, the number of Americans aged 12 and above who reported using cannabis in the past month skyrocketed from 19.8 million to 27.7 million.Additionally, daily use of cannabis has risen by 60% over the previous decade. Notably, cannabis use has also increased among US military veterans.In 2014, only 9% of veterans in the United States reported using cannabis in the past year. However, in 2019-2020, the prevalence of past cannabis use among veterans rose to 11.9%, exceeding 20% among veterans aged 18 to 44.Increased risk of cannabis use is associated with various factors like mental health problems: post-traumatic stress disorder, anxiety disorders, mood disorders, and other substance use disorders.Cannabis use disorder (CUD) refers to the problematic and prolonged use of cannabis. It's prevalent among veterans, with a lifetime prevalence rate of 9.2% as of early 2020. Additionally, in the last six months, 2.7% of veterans have been diagnosed with CUD.However, rates of current Cannabis use disorder are considerably higher among the subgroup of veterans with co-occurring PTSD, as well as among veterans with other psychiatric and substance use problems.
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How Does Chronic Cannabis Use Affect The Quality Of Life For Individuals?Cannabis use can lead to both medical and psychiatric problems. These problems are more likely to occur if cannabis is used frequently, chronically, and started during adolescence.However, it is also possible that people who frequently use cannabis may have certain characteristics that contribute to these problems.Medical problems associated with cannabis use include chronic bronchitis, abnormal brain development among early adolescents, and impairment of short-term memory, motor coordination, and the ability to perform complex psychomotor tasks such as driving.Psychiatric disorders can manifest themselves in various forms such as psychosis, depression, and suicidal tendencies. Individuals with a genetic predisposition may be more susceptible to developing these conditions. Furthermore, such disorders can also lead to a decline in cognitive abilities.Moreover, frequent and chronic cannabis use can harm the quality of life. Persistent cannabis use has been observed to be linked to decreased academic achievement, financial instability, and increased antisocial behavior.Furthermore, chronic cannabis use can lead to addiction and can cause clinically significant withdrawal symptoms.What Role Does The Human Endocannabinoid System Play In PTSD?Research has consistently demonstrated that the human endocannabinoid system plays a crucial role in PTSD.Individuals suffering from PTSD have a higher concentration of cannabinoid type 1 (CB1) receptors than those who are healthy or have been exposed to trauma. As a result, using cannabis can result in temporary relief from PTSD symptoms.However, there are some drawbacks to using medical cannabis regularly for people with PTSD, such as developing tolerance to cannabis (due to the lower number or function of CB1 receptors) and addiction.Previous research has indicated that CB1 receptors can recover after stopping marijuana use, but quitting may be especially hard for people with PTSD.
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What Is The Current Scientific Evidence On The Therapeutic Effectiveness Of Cannabis For Treating PTSD?Cannabis is often used by people suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder, but there is no concrete scientific evidence demonstrating its therapeutic effectiveness. To evaluate whether whole-plant cannabis could be a safe and effective treatment for PTSD requires randomized, placebo-controlled clinical trials, which are the most reliable method of testing medical hypotheses.So far, only one such study has been conducted on 80 U.S. military veterans suffering from PTSD. The study was divided into two phases. In the first phase, participants received one of three types of whole-plant cannabis (high THC, high CBD, or a balanced combination of THC and CBD) or a placebo, and their symptoms were assessed. None of the three types of cannabis showed a significant difference compared to placebo in reducing PTSD symptoms.In the second phase, 74 participants were assigned to one of three types of whole-plant cannabis, without a placebo. Only the group that received the balanced combination of THC and CBD showed a significant decrease in PTSD symptoms. However, without a placebo group, it is not possible to determine whether this result is due to cannabis or other factors.Additionally, studies examining the effect of whole-plant cannabis use on long-term PTSD symptoms have provided mixed results.A recent comparative analysis between cannabis users and non-users suffering from PTSD highlighted that the former showed a greater reduction in symptoms over one year.However, this study only included people who were already using cannabis to relieve PTSD symptoms before participating in the research. This means that these are not people who have started a new treatment with cannabis, but people who have already experienced the effects of cannabis on their symptoms.It is possible that this selection criterion favored the participation of individuals who believed that cannabis was beneficial for their PTSD and who were therefore more likely to report an improvement in symptoms related to its use. Additionally, the study did not consider other variables that could influence differences in symptom reduction between groups, putting it at high risk of bias.In contrast, another study found that medical cannabis users with self-reported PTSD experienced short-term symptom relief when using cannabis, but no long-term changes in PTSD symptoms. Additionally, other research indicates that chronic cannabis use can exacerbate trauma-related symptoms over time.Preliminary studies indicate that oral CBD can reduce anxiety in individuals with and without clinical anxiety.These findings have led to the development and testing of CBD treatments for individuals suffering from social anxiety and post-traumatic stress disorder.
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What Is The Impact Of Problematic Cannabis Use On The Treatment Of PTSD?Habitual cannabis use could compromise the benefits of veterans following validated treatments for post-traumatic stress disorder.Some evidence indicates that a diagnosis of CUD is associated with less symptom reduction during residential treatment for PTSD and that persisting or initiating cannabis use after treatment for PTSD is related to a worsening of post-traumatic stress disorder symptoms.However, other studies have found no relationship between cannabis use at the beginning and PTSD symptoms at the end of treatment. It is possible that functional problems related to cannabis use, rather than a neurobiological effect of cannabis, influence the effectiveness of treatment for PTSD.According to a recent study, early cannabis use increases the likelihood of dropping out of cognitive-behavioral and pharmacological treatments for PTSD, while also leading to poor adherence to trauma-focused psychotherapy.What Are The Main Difficulties Faced By People With Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder When Trying To Abandon Cannabis Use?People with PTSD face greater barriers to quitting cannabis and treatment for CUD.Compared to those who do not suffer from this disorder, they experience greater dependence and are more likely to continue using cannabis in the 6 months following the attempt to quit.However, these individuals may benefit from several validated treatments for CUD, such as cognitive behavioral therapy, motivational intervention, and crisis management.Therefore, providers should still adopt these solutions to promote abstinence or decrease cannabis use.In Conclusion Clinical RecommendationsMarijuana is not an appropriate therapy for patients with PTSD, and healthcare providers should inform them of the risks and alternatives.According to VA/DoD guidelines for PTSD, patients should receive scientifically validated treatments for their disorder and not use cannabis or derivative products, which have not proven effective and can cause side effects and addiction.PTSD providers should educate patients about the harms of chronic cannabis use and recommend specialized substance use disorder (SUD) counseling if needed. FAQs about Treating PTSD With Cannabis Best strains for PTSD and anxiety? If you are looking for medical marijuana strains to alleviate PTSD and anxiety, there are several options available. Different strains have different effects, so choosing the right one that suits your needs is essential. Therefore, choosing the right one that caters to your specific needs is crucial. Some of the best medical marijuana strains for PTSD and anxiety include:- Tropicana Cookies - Gushers - Northern Lights - Trainwreck - White Widow What makes PTSD worse? PTSD is a mental health condition that can be triggered by experiencing or witnessing a traumatic event. While many factors can contribute to the development of PTSD, certain things may worsen the symptoms. These can include ongoing stress, lack of support from family or friends, alcohol or drug use, and exposure to additional traumatic events. It’s essential to seek professional help if you or someone you know is experiencing symptoms of PTSD to manage and treat the condition effectively. What are the best edibles for PTSD? If you’re looking for edibles to help with PTSD, there are a few things to keep in mind. Firstly, it’s important to choose products that are high in CBD, which is known for its calming and anxiety-reducing effects.It’s also a good idea to look for edibles labeled as “Indica” strains, as these tend to be more relaxing and less stimulating than their “Sativa” counterparts.Finally, be sure to start with a low dose and work your way up slowly, as edibles can be potent and long-lasting. As always, it’s best to consult with a healthcare professional before trying any new treatment for PTSD. PTSD evaluation for medical card? If you’re wondering whether you can get a medical card for PTSD, it’s important to know that the rules and requirements vary depending on your state and country. You may need to undergo an evaluation to determine if you meet the criteria for a medical card. It’s best to consult with a healthcare provider or a licensed medical professional for more information on the process and requirements in your area. What are the short-term impact of cannabis on PTSD? Cannabis has been suggested as a possible treatment for PTSD. However, there is limited research on the short-term effects of cannabis on PTSD symptoms.It is important to note that while some individuals may experience temporary relief from symptoms such as anxiety and insomnia, cannabis use can also have negative effects, such as increased feelings of paranoia and impaired cognitive function.More research is needed to fully understand the potential benefits and risks of using cannabis as a treatment for PTSD. What are the benefits of cannabis for PTSD? Cannabis has been suggested as a potential treatment option for PTSD, particularly for improving sleep quality and reducing symptom severity. 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