#General Diane Beckman
whogirl2011 · 10 months
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I made this quite a while ago but forgot completely about posting it! How fitting to post this on Sloane's birthday! This is a meme I made after the last one I did of Sloane being the voice of Robin in gotham knights. Bonita Friedericy who plays Nana in Dwight in shining armor also played General Diane Beckman in one of my other favorite shows called Chuck with Zachari Levi. Thought it would be funny to make this. Nobody messes with her boy!
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unleashthejohncasey · 6 years
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Happy International Women's Day to the beautiful badass women of Chuck!
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nocontextchuck · 4 years
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A lil snippet from Liaison 2
While Fox News should always be taken with a grain of salt for obvious reasons, their source on this particular matter seems to be good. 
In the mid-2000’s the CIA and NSA joined together on a project that used then-state-of-the-art technology to implant information into the human brain. Titled “Project Intersect,” it was, apparently, at the time, the bell of the spy world ball. 
At the time of writing, we only know that it was spearheaded by recently-passed CIA and NSA director Diane Beckman and the late Langston Graham, a CIA director killed under mysterious circumstances shortly after the project would have gone live, and the reason Beckman took over both agencies. 
This is big. The idea that information (and possibly even entire professional-level skill sets) could be implanted into the human brain, to somehow be called upon or triggered at a moment’s notice is the stuff of classic Science Fiction. 
If we had this technology in 2005, what happened to it? Was it ever expanded? The fact that a less intense version was never rolled out to the general public to capitalize on tells us that the risk factors were, in all likelihood, too great for mass market use. 
So what happened to the original? Are there people out there, among us, walking around with large chunks of government secrets and the ability to do Kung Foo settled in their brains? Did the project fail so spectacularly that those who tested out Project Intersect were killed by it? 
We may never know the truth. The answers may have died with Diane Beckman.
Danny Concannon 
The Washington Post
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davidcarner · 6 years
Pros and Cons  Ch 9, Daddy’s Girl
A/N: I'm going to need everyone to remain calm. Chuck and Sarah are actually going on a date…no joke, no misdirection, a date. I didn't say it would be good or perfect, but it is a date. And, since no one can really answer which date is the first date, I have decided to mix the two first dates together. We are moving toward some big things. I'm thinking this one has 20 chapters or so, and 13 are in the books. We'll see. I give you Pros and Cons, Ch 9, Daddy's Girl
Disclaimer: Don't own Chuck, and I don't know if I can ever write this slow of a burn ever again.
Casey was happy, he was in a tee shirt and his boxers, had a hotpocket, bottle of Johnny Walker, Santa Fe Trail staring Ronald Reagan was just starting on TV, and he had settled into his comfortable recliner. He leaned back, grunted in pleasure and the TV cut off. Casey glared at the TV and the screen changed. His eyes got big as he noticed Diane Beckman sitting at her desk. She looked up at the monitor in front of her she would use to communicate with and raised an eyebrow.
"Successful mission, Casey?" Beckman asked.
"Yes, General," Casey replied. Beckman shook her head.
"It's Diane, Casey," Beckman replied. "You're out of the life now."
"Of course, General," he replied. Beckman smirked.
"Fine, MAJOR," she replied. Casey grinned, looked down, and crossed his legs. The look on Beckman's face said it really didn't do much. "Let's get to the point. What exactly is Carmichael Solutions doing?"
"I've signed documents, General, I can't go telling secrets, you know that," Casey replied. Beckman smiled.
"I see some things never change," Beckman answered. "Good," she added. "Then let me tell you some things. What you have stumbled onto is a cell within the CIA, FBI, NSA, and other government agencies. They are a part of an organization calling themselves the Ring."
"Christ," Casey muttered.
"Oh, it's gets better, Major," Beckman said. "That email you intercepted, that is something that has been on our radar for months."
"What?" Casey said, puzzled.
"I know you can't tell me anything, but let me tell you something," Beckman said, grinning. "There's a man in prison, he goes by Jack Burton, and he has said that he can give us what we want, info on the Ring, parts of the Ring, ways to infiltrate them, and if that info should come out…" she trailed off, grinning.
"Jack Burton gets out of jail," Casey said. Beckman nodded.
"Best I can tell his daughter knows nothing of this," Beckman added. "It also appears Roberts Pharmaceutical might be a front for the Ring." Casey grinned. "If that has anything to do with anything," Beckman said innocently.
"I should probably talk to Burton," Casey said.
"You probably should," Beckman agreed. "You should probably also talk things over with your boss, because I think we could use a civilian contractor on this, Major." Casey nodded.
"Always good talking to you, General," Casey said.
"John," Beckman said, taking off her glasses and leaning forward. "It's been two years, I'm sure we can get you medical clearance."
"I have a team, General," Casey replied. Beckman smiled.
"Good," she said. "You'll have a pass at the gate waiting for you. Good luck, John," and with that, she signed off. Casey's TV went back to the movie.
"Bartowski, what have you stepped it?" Casey muttered to himself.
The cell door opened and Jack Burton walked out. He saw the big burly man sitting in the chair. This wasn't a normal visit. Either this guy was some type of cop, he looked it, or he knew someone who was. Jack was betting on him being a cop. Jack's normal smirk was on his face. He knew when he sent that letter he was opening up a can of worms. He sat down across from Copface and all the guards left, surprising Jack. Jack studied the man across from him. Clearly he was physically intimidating, and he was sure cop face had used that to his advantage in the past. Jack's smirk grew. Intimidation wasn't doing to do anything to Jack. He had nothing to lose in the game he was playing, and nothing was more dangerous than a conman with nothing to lose.
"I think they messed up my conjugal visit request." Copface grunted a laugh and had a smirk of his own. Jack nodded. This guy was old school, and Jack respected that. "Who are you with Copface?"
"Former NSA," he replied. "Name's Casey, I work for Bartowski Solutions now." Jack blinked. He hadn't expected that. "Heh, you're not the only one that can surprise someone Burton." Jack leaned forward, his arms on the table, hands clasped together.
"Is she okay?" Jack asked. Casey saw the concern on his face. Real concern. There was a lot of things he used to do, some of them he had trouble sleeping over. When Chuck hired him, Chuck had put him in charge of ops. Chuck told him he had complete faith in him, but Casey wasn't to do anything he couldn't live with. There were a lot of things Casey could live with, but this, this wasn't one of them. He nodded. Jack nodded in relief and closed his eyes. When he opened them he raised his head, the smirk returning.
"So do you want to ask me?" Jack asked.
"Ask you what?" Casey replied. "Sarah's not in on it, that's her name, but you knew that didn't you." The smirk on his face told him it was. "The angle? That's what I'm supposed to ask, isn't it? I really don't care about the angle, I'm more concerned if we're being setup."
"Are they together yet?" Casey raised an eyebrow. "Oh, come on, everyone knows it but those two." Casey grinned and shook his head. "Christ," Jack muttered and looked down, shaking his head. He looked up at Casey, his eyes narrowing. "Kid waited on her for over two years." Casey nodded.
"I guess when you wait for two years you wonder what's the rush," Casey replied.
"Or, you lose your nerve," Jack replied.
"That's what this is all about, them being together?" Casey asked. Jack shook his head.
"You ever really screw something up with someone you love?" Jack asked. Casey nodded his head once, stiffly. It was obvious Jack had hit a nerve. "You ever wish there was something you could do to fix it?" Casey nodded again. "Those two…they belong, you know?" Casey nodded again. "I want to walk my little girl down the aisle when she marries that schnook, and she needs to marry that schnook, just like he needs to marry her." Casey leaned forward.
"You're doing all of this, messing with criminal organizations, just to put those two together and walk her down the aisle?" Casey sat back, amazed.
"You think I'm an absolute idiot, don't you? A conman who's gotten snookered in the game." Jack shook his head. "I owe her, I screwed up her life by getting her into that life, and I need to fix it." Casey studied him. "Casey, what would you do?"
"God, country, family," Casey said, extending his hand. Jack grabbed it, and grinned. "So, how can I help?"
"Well, here's where it gets tricky," Jack replied. "I think Jill Roberts is hip deep in this mess, and I think Roberts Pharmaceutical is going to be a huge problem."
"Maybe I should keep an eye on her," Casey replied. Jack grinned and leaned back, arms crossed.
"I like you Copface, if I get out, I have some cigars I think you might like." Casey grinned.
Sarah's eyes opened and she sniffed. What was that smell? Chocolate? She went and opened the door and heard voices.
"Seriously, Chuckles, I have things to do today, and I need to talk to her," Carina said.
"You brought the chocolate croissants, right? Then she'll be here any second, trust me, I know Jenny, I mean Sarah, and her food," she heard him say. She paused in the hallway.
"How long?" Carina asked.
"How long what?" Chuck replied. Sarah wanted to peak, she wanted to tell him she was right there, but she also wanted to know what this was about.
"How long have you been in love with her?" Carina asked. There was silence, except for Sarah's heart threatening to beat out of her chest.
"Honestly, somewhere between when she stole my and Bryce's fries and her kissing me on the cheek that first night." It took all of her power not to gasp. She put her hand to her mouth, and tears were about to come down her cheeks. "I had a girlfriend, it was wrong, she was hitting on Bryce, not me."
"Was she?" Carina asked. No, Sarah thought. She had come over to see Bryce, but Chuck captured her. He captured her heart that first night and he had had it ever since. Fine, he was dropping a bombshell like that, then she was going to fight dirty. She smiled, snuck back to her room, and text Carina. "Huh, guess who just text me," she said, looking at Chuck. "You have a date tonight?"
"Yeah," Chuck said, shrugging. Carina grinned.
"Oh, Chuckles, you are so in over your head," she said, getting up and heading to Sarah's room. Chuck sat there, wondering what was going on. Ten minutes later, the two left, both of them having smiles on their faces.
"See you later, Chuck," Sarah said, a wicked grin on her face. Chuck sat there by himself for a minute.
"Why do I have a feeling I'm in big trouble?" Chuck asked. He got up, went to his laptop and started searching.
Several hours later, Chuck was rolling up his sleeves. She had said nothing fancy, and that's what he was going for, cool and casual. He was wearing a blue button up, jeans, and his trademark Chuck's. He had no idea what to expect tonight, but when Carina and Sarah had returned, Carina was openly laughing at him. Chuck just shrugged, glad the two were close. Sarah needed friends, at least he hoped they were friends. Sarah had a garment bag that she protected and wouldn't let Chuck anywhere near. He came out of his bedroom, and saw Carina and Bryce sitting on the couch. They both had knowing smiles on their faces.
"Mom, Dad, will you be waiting up?" Chuck asked, smirking at them.
"I just hope she doesn't break you," Carina said.
"Carina, cool it," Chuck said. "Sarah and I are going out for a nice night out. Like the three of us used to." Bryce shook his head.
"One big difference, the third wheel won't be there this time," Bryce replied. Chuck stared at him. "Come on, Chuck, you both wanted me to not be there, but needed me to be there because of 'reasons'. You had a girlfriend, she didn't want you to think she was trying to steal you from your girlfriend, and the whole she was a con artist thing."
"We are going out and having a nice time," Chuck insisted. "Like we used to. We'll see how it goes. I'm not putting any pressure on her to do anything she doesn't want to do."
"Yeah, but will you stop her if she does everything she wants to?" Carina asked.
"Carina, she's been in prison for over two years, she's allowed to go out and just have fun," Chuck said. Carina's smile grew even bigger and she put a hand to her face, trying to hide the snicker.
"It will dawn on him in a minute," Bryce said, near tears from trying to hold in the laughter.
"What will dawn on him?" Sarah asked.
"How you've been 'without' for a bit," Carina said. She got up, slapped a box of condoms in his hand, and her and Bryce left the house. Chuck stared at the box, his ears red. He looked at Sarah. She was wearing a purple dress with her hair down. He was enchanted. She walked towards him, took the box, glanced at it, dropped it in her clutch, and snapped the clutch shut. Chuck's eyes shot up to hers. She bounced a shoulder, raised an eyebrow, grinned, and offered him her arm. He took it, still unable to speak.
"Where are you going, Missy," Casey muttered to himself. He had been watching Jill Roberts house all day, hoping she was just going to stay inside. A little while earlier, a heavyset man had shown up at her house. Casey had snapped a picture and sent it to Anna, she had told him this was Bernie Ominsky, the man who had possession of the artifact when it was stolen. The two had argued for a bit and when he left, Jill seemed quite upset. He watched Jill get into her car and he began to follow her. He called Anna, told her he was on the move, and activated the tracking device in his car. It paid to be careful.
"How serious are they?" Sarah asked. The two had been laughing and talking all night. Chuck had missed this so much. Bryce had been right. When they would go out, while Sarah might sit with Bryce it was her and Chuck that talked. They just had this natural chemistry together, Chuck thought they had a trust, and they did. She told him more than anyone else, not just everything.
"Well, they were dating when we met so," Chuck shrugged. "I'm so calling her Mrs. Awesome."
"She will kill you," Sarah said, grinning. "Does she know we're doing this?"
"No, because unlike you, who's going around telling everyone we know," Chuck began with a smile on his face. Sarah picked up the paper wrapper from the straw and threw it at him. "I'm trying to keep certain people from losing their minds and exploding."
"You're totally scared she's gonna show up and squeal."
"Terrified," Chuck admitted. Sarah laughed. She watched him through her lashes. Chuck grinned at her. "How's the food?"
"It's good," she said, really enjoying the Mexican food. She took a deep breath about to say more, but Chuck didn't notice and rambled on.
"Morgan and I found it awhile back," he said, shrugging. Sarah gave him a look. "What can I say, Morgan knows food, and if you must know he's been encouraging me to ask you out."
"Really?" Sarah said.
"Yeah, no matter how many times I told him I wasn't in your league or that you were dating Bryce," he said, staring off into space. "I can't believe I messed that one up so bad."
"Let's table Bryce, because, well, just because."
"Done," Chuck said, glad to get off the subject.
"Why do you keep thinking I'm out of your league?" she asked.
"Um, have you met you?" Chuck asked, grinning. Sarah lifted her chin, and just watched his eyes. "You're really going to make me say it, aren't you? You- wow, okay. Fine. All right, we'll play it your way. A girl like you. Or more appropriately, a woman like you. Considering the fact that you could probably kick the ass of everyone in this joint, after being in the joint." She laughed at that. "And a... a smart one at that. Not to mention cool and... extremely beautiful. And, and you can stop me anytime with the compliments if they're becoming, you know..."
No," she said, smiling. "No, that was very sweet."
"Sweet? Golly gee, thanks for making me feel like I'm eight," Chuck said, teasing. Sarah shook her head at him.
"Well, you're not so bad yourself," Sarah said, truthfully.
"Please. I'm fantastic," he said, leaning back and joking.
"Yeah," she replied softly and seriously. "You are." Chuck was beginning to think nothing could ruin this night.
"Casey, why are you stopping there?" Anna said over the coms.
"Because Jill is here and Uncle Bernie is here as well," Casey replied. "Plus a bunch of goons, what's going on?"
"This isn't good," Anna said. "Chuck and Sarah are in that restaurant, El Cuchillo."
"Christ," Casey muttered.
"Sarah, look, I know you've had a rough time, I know you came from a rough childhood," Chuck began.
"I've got a ton of baggage, Chuck," Sarah replied honestly. Both of them had begun to lean in to each other. "Baggage no one should have to deal with."
"I can be your baggage handler," he said. He shut his eyes, and she giggled. "That sounded so cheesy."
"No, it sounded honest," Sarah replied. "It sounded honest and exactly like Chuck Bartowski."
"Listen, we've been through a lot, but you and I we make a good team," Chuck said.
"The best," Sarah said.
"Think maybe we should try this?" Chuck asked. Sarah's eyes got wide, and she was about to answer when she saw someone she had hoped never to see again.
"Chuck?" the voice said. Chuck froze and looked at Sarah. She was trying to hold in the anger.
"Tell me that's not," Chuck began in a low voice. Sarah nodded. Chuck closed his eyes. When he opened them, he looked right at Sarah. "Think we can table this conversation for a bit, because I'm not done."
"Me, either," Sarah said, winking.
"Chuck Bartowski," the voice came again, this time it wasn't a question. "And you," the voice came with venom.
"Trust me?" Chuck whispered. Sarah nodded. Chuck's hand came across and took Sarah's, her eyes going wide. Chuck turned toward the voice.
"Hello, Jill, what do you want?" Chuck asked as nicely as he could as he turned. Behind Jill was a large man. He opened his coat and Chuck saw a gun. "So lovely to see both of you." Chuck looked at Sarah and then back to Jill.
"I think you have something we want," Bernie said.
"We've already ate all our appetizers," Chuck said.
"I want the artifact," Bernie said.
"I don't know anything about an artifact, Sir," Chuck replied. Bernie put his hand on the handle of the gun.
"Then I guess I don't need you, do I?" Bernie asked.
"But do you need your kidney?" Casey asked from behind Bernie.
"I was just messing with them," Bernie said, with a grin on his face. Casey reached around to take the gun from Bernie and tossed it to Chuck. Chuck didn't know what to do with it. Sarah took it and put it in her clutch.
"Figures she'd know how to use a gun," Jill muttered.
"Why are you here bothering us?" Chuck asked, scooting over beside Sarah since everyone was sitting down so as not to make a scene. How no one hadn't seen all that he still wasn't sure.
"What do you know about the artifact?" Bernie asked insistently.
"I don't know what you're talking about," Chuck replied.
"Why did you take the job?" Jill asked.
"What job?" Chuck replied.
"The email that you intercepted last night," Jill replied. Chuck buried his head in his hands.
"Obviously he had no idea it was you," Casey replied. "Bryce takes care of all of that. Why did you hire them?"
"Because the email I got suggested you," Jill replied.
"Here's an idea," Chuck offered, raising his head up. "Ask whoever sent you the email." Jill looked embarrassed.
"She has no idea," Sarah said. It might have been a bit smug…it was a lot smug, and Chuck liked it. "Wait, how did you know we were here?"
"I've had people tailing him," Bernie said, pointing at Chuck. Chuck had had enough.
"Go," Chuck said. Jill started to say something. Chuck shook his head. "Go," he said. Jill got up, started to leave, and turned.
"I want to hire you," she said.
"No," Chuck replied.
"Chuck," she began. Sarah reached into her clutch and gave the gun to Casey. She pulled on Chuck's arm. He threw down some money, and they left Jill trying to follow. "Wait, Chuck." Chuck spun.
"You cheated on me, and tried to get back by having Sarah thrown in jail, I never want to see you again," Chuck hissed. "You tried to ruin my life twice, why would I ever help you?" Chuck walked out of the restaurant, with Sarah right behind him. "I'm so sorry," he said. She pulled him in for a hug. "I've ruined our evening." She pulled away and gently took his head in her hands.
"No, Chuck, she did, again, and I'm tired of her," Sarah replied. "She's come between us too much, and I'm not letting it anymore, do you understand me." He nodded, having no clue. "No, you don't right now, do you? Come on." She got in the car and drove to his beach, the one he used to tell her about when he needed to think and he wasn't able to talk to her. She was jealous of that beach, because it got the memories she didn't get to have. It wasn't the beach's fault she didn't have those memories, and honestly, it wasn't Jill's fault it was hers, but she wasn't going to let the past define her anymore. She was going to have memories with Chuck, new memories, good memories, she swore it. As they sat down and just held each other for hours, talking about the past, about nothing, about everything, and then laughing, she swore she was going to be there for Chuck Bartowski the way he had been there for her.
A/N: YO ADRIAN I DID IT! A DATE! Next time, there's a carrot tossed and a nerd who finds out exactly how Sarah feels about him. It's like there's a bomb about to go off….did I give it away? Hope you liked it, reviews and PMs are always welcomed…Take Care
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captainsantiagos · 7 years
‘If you ever want to save the world again, you know where I am.’
General Diane Beckman ❤️❤️
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dorcasrempel · 5 years
For better deep neural network vision, just add feedback (loops)
Your ability to recognize objects is remarkable. If you see a cup under unusual lighting or from unexpected directions, there’s a good chance that your brain will still compute that it is a cup. Such precise object recognition is one holy grail for artificial intelligence developers, such as those improving self-driving car navigation.
While modeling primate object recognition in the visual cortex has revolutionized artificial visual recognition systems, current deep learning systems are simplified, and fail to recognize some objects that are child’s play for primates such as humans.
In findings published in Nature Neuroscience, McGovern Institute investigator James DiCarlo and colleagues have found evidence that feedback improves recognition of hard-to-recognize objects in the primate brain, and that adding feedback circuitry also improves the performance of artificial neural network systems used for vision applications.
Deep convolutional neural networks (DCNN) are currently the most successful models for accurately recognizing objects on a fast timescale (less than 100 milliseconds) and have a general architecture inspired by the primate ventral visual stream, cortical regions that progressively build an accessible and refined representation of viewed objects. Most DCNNs are simple in comparison to the primate ventral stream, however.
“For a long period of time, we were far from an model-based understanding. Thus our field got started on this quest by modeling visual recognition as a feedforward process,” explains senior author DiCarlo, who is also the head of MIT’s Department of Brain and Cognitive Sciences and research co-leader in the Center for Brains, Minds, and Machines (CBMM). “However, we know there are recurrent anatomical connections in brain regions linked to object recognition.”
Think of feedforward DCNNs, and the portion of the visual system that first attempts to capture objects, as a subway line that runs forward through a series of stations. The extra, recurrent brain networks are instead like the streets above, interconnected and not unidirectional. Because it only takes about 200 ms for the brain to recognize an object quite accurately, it was unclear if these recurrent interconnections in the brain had any role at all in core object recognition. Perhaps those recurrent connections are only in place to keep the visual system in tune over long periods of time. For example, the return gutters of the streets help slowly clear it of water and trash, but are not strictly needed to quickly move people from one end of town to the other. DiCarlo, along with lead author and CBMM postdoc Kohitij Kar, set out to test whether a subtle role of recurrent operations in rapid visual object recognition was being overlooked.
Challenging recognition
The authors first needed to identify objects that are trivially decoded by the primate brain, but are challenging for artificial systems. Rather than trying to guess why deep learning was having problems recognizing an object (is it due to clutter in the image? a misleading shadow?), the authors took an unbiased approach that turned out to be critical.
Kar explains further that “we realized that AI models actually don’t have problems with every image where an object is occluded or in clutter. Humans trying to guess why AI models were challenged turned out to be holding us back.”
Instead, the authors presented the deep learning system, as well as monkeys and humans, with images, homing in on “challenge images” where the primates could easily recognize the objects in those images, but a feedforward DCNN ran into problems. When they, and others, added appropriate recurrent processing to these DCNNs, object recognition in challenge images suddenly became a breeze.
Processing times
Kar used neural recording methods with very high spatial and temporal precision to determine whether these images were really so trivial for primates. Remarkably, they found that although challenge images had initially appeared to be child’s play to the human brain, they actually involve extra neural processing time (about an additional 30 ms), suggesting that recurrent loops operate in our brain, too.
 “What the computer vision community has recently achieved by stacking more and more layers onto artificial neural networks, evolution has achieved through a brain architecture with recurrent connections,” says Kar.
Diane Beck, professor of psychology and co-chair of the Intelligent Systems Theme at the Beckman Institute and not an author on the study, explains further. “Since entirely feedforward deep convolutional nets are now remarkably good at predicting primate brain activity, it raised questions about the role of feedback connections in the primate brain. This study shows that, yes, feedback connections are very likely playing a role in object recognition after all.”
What does this mean for a self-driving car? It shows that deep learning architectures involved in object recognition need recurrent components if they are to match the primate brain, and also indicates how to operationalize this procedure for the next generation of intelligent machines.
“Recurrent models offer predictions of neural activity and behavior over time,” says Kar. “We may now be able to model more involved tasks. Perhaps one day, the systems will not only recognize an object, such as a person, but also perform cognitive tasks that the human brain so easily manages, such as understanding the emotions of other people.”
This work was supported by the Office of Naval Research and the Center for Brains, Minds, and Machines through the National Science Foundation.
For better deep neural network vision, just add feedback (loops) syndicated from https://osmowaterfilters.blogspot.com/
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mrandyzavala · 8 years
Staffing Update
Internal Transfers: We are happy to announce the following internal moves.
Kristin Barber-ES ELL
Brian Lavender-HS Social Studies
Ryan Maney-ES STEM Coach
Dagne Furth-HS Full-time
Brad Beckman-HS Full-time
Brenda Petersen-AHOS-P
Deb Lancashire-MS Humanities
Kristy Godbout-ES Gr 4
Tony Tovar--Assistant Director of Activities
Steven Sgourdos-HS Social Studies
Kristy Goodman-ES ELL Coach
Emily Hays-ES PS4 (Husband, Rich, is a math teacher and daughter.)
Ryan and Debora Layt-Aquatics and MS Learning Support (and two children)
Rhema Stradford Dai-ES K
Namoi Vogt-ES K
Lianne Taruc-ES Gr 2
Kelly Heins-ES Gr 1
Zachary Wiegman-MS Gr. 6 Math/Sci
Diane Lancashire-ES PE
Charell Milton-ES Gr 2
Jennifer Mendes-HS Assistant Principal (Husband, Daniel, is a PE and Tech teacher and two children.)
Charles Gao-Accountant
Charles graduated from Fudan University of Further Education with major in Economics and Finance. Prior to joining Concordia, he worked as an accountant in Shanghai Jinchen Property Management Co., LTD. His main responsibilities included filling monthly payment vouchers, bookkeeping, and assuring the reasonability of receivables and payables. He will start by March 1.
Chris Cheng (Repair and Housing Coordinator)
Chris started work this week. He is replacing Anita Yuan.
Hiring Status
Family Life Counselor-- contract offered
Enrollment Management Coordinator--
Apply by Tues., Feb. 14. This will be an internal hire, go to Employment section of the website. The Enrollment Management Coordinator supports the Directors of Admissions and Marketing & Communications by completing work in the key areas of: Enrollment--New business development, Potential Customer follow-up, Retention strategies for current families, Overflow support with tours and prospect meetings; Research and analysis to inform data-based decision making; and Oversight of revenue generating programs.
Curriculum & Assessment Coordinator-interviewing
Director of MarCom-interviewing
Primary (Gr. 1) Classroom Teacher--growth position for fall
Potential-English Language Learner (ELL) Coach
Potential-MS Humaities
Support Staff openings:
ES Teaching Assistant or Grade Level Assistant (PRC only)
Accountant (PRC only)
from Concordia International School News http://ift.tt/2lutPYK
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mrmarknewman · 8 years
Staffing Update
Internal Transfers: We are happy to announce the following internal moves.
Kristin Barber-ES ELL
Brian Lavender-HS Social Studies
Ryan Maney-ES STEM Coach
Dagne Furth-HS Full-time
Brad Beckman-HS Full-time
Brenda Petersen-AHOS-P
Deb Lancashire-MS Humanities
Kristy Godbout-ES Gr 4
Tony Tovar--Assistant Director of Activities
Steven Sgourdos-HS Social Studies
Kristy Goodman-ES ELL Coach
Emily Hays-ES PS4 (Husband, Rich, is a math teacher and daughter.)
Ryan and Debora Layt-Aquatics and MS Learning Support (and two children)
Rhema Stradford Dai-ES K
Namoi Vogt-ES K
Lianne Taruc-ES Gr 2
Kelly Heins-ES Gr 1
Zachary Wiegman-MS Gr. 6 Math/Sci
Diane Lancashire-ES PE
Charell Milton-ES Gr 2
Jennifer Mendes-HS Assistant Principal (Husband, Daniel, is a PE and Tech teacher and two children.)
Charles Gao-Accountant
Charles graduated from Fudan University of Further Education with major in Economics and Finance. Prior to joining Concordia, he worked as an accountant in Shanghai Jinchen Property Management Co., LTD. His main responsibilities included filling monthly payment vouchers, bookkeeping, and assuring the reasonability of receivables and payables. He will start by March 1.
Chris Cheng (Repair and Housing Coordinator)
Chris started work this week. He is replacing Anita Yuan.
Hiring Status
Family Life Counselor-- contract offered
Enrollment Management Coordinator--
Apply by Tues., Feb. 14. This will be an internal hire, go to Employment section of the website. The Enrollment Management Coordinator supports the Directors of Admissions and Marketing & Communications by completing work in the key areas of: Enrollment--New business development, Potential Customer follow-up, Retention strategies for current families, Overflow support with tours and prospect meetings; Research and analysis to inform data-based decision making; and Oversight of revenue generating programs.
Curriculum & Assessment Coordinator-interviewing
Director of MarCom-interviewing
Primary (Gr. 1) Classroom Teacher--growth position for fall
Potential-English Language Learner (ELL) Coach
Potential-MS Humaities
Support Staff openings:
ES Teaching Assistant or Grade Level Assistant (PRC only)
Accountant (PRC only)
from Concordia International School News http://ift.tt/2lutPYK
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mrrolandtfranco · 8 years
Staffing Update
Internal Transfers: We are happy to announce the following internal moves.
Kristin Barber-ES ELL
Brian Lavender-HS Social Studies
Ryan Maney-ES STEM Coach
Dagne Furth-HS Full-time
Brad Beckman-HS Full-time
Brenda Petersen-AHOS-P
Deb Lancashire-MS Humanities
Kristy Godbout-ES Gr 4
Tony Tovar--Assistant Director of Activities
Steven Sgourdos-HS Social Studies
Kristy Goodman-ES ELL Coach
Emily Hays-ES PS4 (Husband, Rich, is a math teacher and daughter.)
Ryan and Debora Layt-Aquatics and MS Learning Support (and two children)
Rhema Stradford Dai-ES K
Namoi Vogt-ES K
Lianne Taruc-ES Gr 2
Kelly Heins-ES Gr 1
Zachary Wiegman-MS Gr. 6 Math/Sci
Diane Lancashire-ES PE
Charell Milton-ES Gr 2
Jennifer Mendes-HS Assistant Principal (Husband, Daniel, is a PE and Tech teacher and two children.)
Charles Gao-Accountant
Charles graduated from Fudan University of Further Education with major in Economics and Finance. Prior to joining Concordia, he worked as an accountant in Shanghai Jinchen Property Management Co., LTD. His main responsibilities included filling monthly payment vouchers, bookkeeping, and assuring the reasonability of receivables and payables. He will start by March 1.
Chris Cheng (Repair and Housing Coordinator)
Chris started work this week. He is replacing Anita Yuan.
Hiring Status
Family Life Counselor-- contract offered
Enrollment Management Coordinator--
Apply by Tues., Feb. 14. This will be an internal hire, go to Employment section of the website. The Enrollment Management Coordinator supports the Directors of Admissions and Marketing & Communications by completing work in the key areas of: Enrollment--New business development, Potential Customer follow-up, Retention strategies for current families, Overflow support with tours and prospect meetings; Research and analysis to inform data-based decision making; and Oversight of revenue generating programs.
Curriculum & Assessment Coordinator-interviewing
Director of MarCom-interviewing
Primary (Gr. 1) Classroom Teacher--growth position for fall
Potential-English Language Learner (ELL) Coach
Potential-MS Humaities
Support Staff openings:
ES Teaching Assistant or Grade Level Assistant (PRC only)
Accountant (PRC only)
from Concordia International School News http://ift.tt/2lutPYK
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unleashthejohncasey · 6 years
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2x17 Chuck Versus the Predator
14 notes · View notes
nocontextchuck · 4 years
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davidcarner · 7 years
Chuck and Sarah vs The Break Up Ch 2, The Truth Comes Out
A/N: Just post this random one-shot I thought. No one will like it. Welp. Wrong again. Don't think I can't feel some of you Mollyverse fans giving me the stinkeye, and no Mollyverse isn't going anywhere, I may update it less, but it is my fluffy feel-good story….although let's be honest, there will be fluff in this. How long is it going, who knows. But, let's have some fun with it, whatta ya say? Ch 2, The Truth Comes Out
Disclaimer: I don't own Chuck nor a Beastmaster.
Chuck watched Casey at the Buy More. Casey kept glancing his direction, not sure what was going on. He was trying to sell another grill, but the constant staring…it was too much, he lost the sale. Casey stormed over to the Nerd Herd desk.
"Bartowski, what are you doing?" He hissed, trying not to draw attention to them. "I mean do you have a thing for all you partners?" Chuck just stared at him.
"I know you call me moron a lot," Chuck began. "I know you hate lady feelings, but what happened earlier, there's only one way I can think that it happened." Chuck stuck his hand out. "Thank you, John." Casey looked at Chuck and then his hand.
"If I shake your hand, you'll quit looking at me?" he asked. Chuck nodded.
"I mean as much as I enjoy looking at your chiseled jaw, I do have a cover to pull off," Chuck said. Casey grunted, but he wasn't really sure to throw up, or take the compliment. He reached out and took Chuck's hand, and pulled him in.
"Remember, you got what you asked for," Casey said, grinning. "But do you really know what you asked for?" Chuck's eyebrows raised. "We both know how well the two of you communicate, I mean moving in together will just open the sharing floodgates, won't it."
"I'm not going to do it to her," Chuck said. Casey's eyebrows shot up. Chuck shook his head. "No, not that, wait, I mean I am," Casey started smirking. Chuck shook his head again. "Agh! I mean, forget that. What I am saying is I'm not going to push, I'm going to let her tell me what she wants, when she wants." Casey looked ready to burst into laughter.
"You, mister lets-talk-about-every-single-one-of-our-feelings-and-what-kind-of-sandwich-I'd-bring-to-a-deserted-island are not going to push?" Casey asked, highly amused. He chuckled and walked off. "That may be the funniest thing I have ever heard in my life." Chuck's phone rang. He looked down and saw it was Sarah.
"Hey, Sarah," Chuck said, trying to play it cool. "What's up?" he asked, popping the "p"
"What are you doing?" she asked.
"Well, Casey and I were talking, and now I'm just waiting for my shift to end so I can go on a date with you," Chuck said, thinking he had gotten out of it.
"I mean, the way you were staring at him…" Sarah trailed off. "Look, I'm not judging, but is there something I should know. Now is the time."
"What!? No, no. Nothing like that, it's just," Chuck said and looked around. "Someone got to the general," he said.
"What do you mean?" she asked.
"Sarah, the packet was ready for you when you got there today," Chuck said. "Someone who wanted the team to remain the same."
"Casey hates you," Sarah said.
"You say the nicest things," Chuck replied. "No, Casey hates doing surveillance on me." Sarah was quiet for a second.
"Chuck, I need to go," she said.
"Sarah, there is one thing I need to know," Chuck said. Sarah took a deep breath. She knew what was coming. She knew she had to let him in if she was going down this road with him, and make no mistake she was going down this road, it just scared her. Scared her so badly.
"What is it, Chuck?" she asked, as many nerves pushed out of her voice as possible.
"Jenny," he began, she swallowed. "Is that with an 'I' or a 'Y'?" Sarah chuckled. Every time she thought she had Chuck Bartowski figured out, he went and changed things.
"'Y,' she said softly. "Of all the things that's what you needed to know?"
"What can I say," he began. "Sarah doesn't talk much about Jenny and her time in…I don't even know where you were Jenny at."
"San Diego," she said softly.
"You didn't have to tell me," he began.
"I want to," she insisted.
"Sarah, you tell me as much or as little when you want," Chuck said. "I already know all I need to know." Sarah grinned.
"I think I'm going to really enjoy my new job," she said.
"Signed the paperwork yet?" he asked.
"I need to make a few phone calls and get some clarifications on some things before I do," she replied. "You obviously haven't quit the Buy More yet."
"Well, let's be honest, I could just not show up for a month and there's a good chance no one would really notice," he replied.
"You don't give yourself enough credit," Sarah replied. "That place would fall apart without you. I need to go. Bye, Chuck."
"Bye, Sarah." With that, Sarah hung up, went downstairs, and pushed the button to contact Beckman. After a few moments, Beckman appeared on the screen, and she looked at her watch.
"I'm going to have to have a long talk with Casey," Beckman said. "He was only a few minutes off with how long it took you to contact me."
"He's behind all of this, isn't he?" Sarah asked. Beckman pursed her lips, and decided what the hell.
"Agent Walker," she began. "We are intelligence agencies, we're not stupid." Sarah crossed her arms, looked away, and couldn't help but grin.
"Well, he was right," Sarah muttered. She looked up and saw Beckman's grin. "Chuck always wondered if you didn't think something was up. I've done nothing unprofessional, General." Beckman stared at her.
"Sarah, why the hell not?" Beckman asked.
"General!" she exclaimed, shocked.
"It's Diane, Sarah," she said, sighing. "Listen, I know you know the stories about me in Berlin." Sarah grinned. Beckman couldn't help herself and did the same thing. "Roan and I sat the world on fire, and we walked away from it all, because of the greater good. As much as he is a pain in my ass, Bartowski is right. What about your greater good? I've seen your records, everything that Graham had you do. Sarah, this is your chance."
"No kill order, no termination order?" she asked. Beckman shook her head.
"No, Sarah, that was a mistake," Beckman said.
"Mistake?" Sarah asked her eyebrows up. Beckman realized then that Sarah didn't know.
"Casey was ordered to when the new intersect went online," Beckman explained. "I don't think he would have though." Sarah stood there. "Sarah, you have to understand something, they are building a new intersect, they are going to try and put it in an agent, and that's why your job is permanent, so Chuck isn't terminated. You have to protect him for the rest of his life." Sarah couldn't stop the grin.
"I can't believe I'm asking this, but can't you put some skills or something in the updates Chuck gets?" Sarah asked. Beckman sighed.
"Then they'd want him to be a full agent," Beckman explained.
"Chuck should never be an agent, or have a red test, but the skills would protect him and the intersect," she countered. Beckman thought for a second.
"That has a lot of merit," she said. "I'm not promising anything, but it also might not be a bad idea for you and Casey to train Chuck." Sarah nodded, she looked around, and groaned at herself.
"I've been around Chuck too long, but, what about this place?" Sarah asked. Beckman dug through her papers, and did a double take.
"A dance club," she said, looking at Sarah, a little stunned. Sarah looked around.
"I can see it," she said. "So, a new building with a medical clinic, and Chuck's security company, and a new place to live. Anything I have missed?" Beckman smiled.
"You obviously haven't got all the way through the orders, but you are now in charge of Team Bartowski," she said. Sarah's mouth dropped. "And, the security company, it's all Chuck's."
"Diane," she began, but couldn't. Beckman shook her head.
"I've made a lot of mistakes, you two deserve a chance, but it won't be easy," she said. "You are going to have to open up, and realize he isn't perfect."
"What do you mean?" Sarah asked. Beckman stared at her.
"Sarah, he makes mistakes, you are worthy of him. CIA psyops 101, find someone so down on themselves and convert them to a machine. Destroy their humanity and self-worth." Sarah sighed. Before she met Chuck she wouldn't have thought that was true about herself, since knowing him, she knew it was the gospel.
"You need to also realize he thinks he's not worthy of you," Beckman said. Sarah looked confused. "Sarah, he's a nerd, he's been rejected and broken at every turn, and he thinks you'd rather be with someone more like yourself…a spy."
"Psyops 101?" Sarah asked. Beckman nodded. "So, how do I convince him?" Beckman leaned forward.
"Talk to him," she said, grinning. "Earlier was the perfect example, you two both were so busy trying to protect the other, you didn't really know what the other wanted, or thought they wanted." Sarah nodded. "Plus, it would be beneficial in the field if you two weren't bickering all the time." Sarah started to say something. "Casey," Beckman said, and Sarah shut her mouth. "Remember you are in charge of this op, so if you think someone else needs to be read in, then you have my okay, as long as there is a reasonable explanation. If I know Chuck, he's going to want the bearded one, I think it's a bad idea, but I did say you could handle things however you see fit." She paused, studied Sarah for a moment, and continued. "Sarah what you are about to do is something that is hardly ever done, something rarely condoned by the intelligence community, and has every chance of blowing up in all of our faces…but it's about damn time." Beckman smiled, and cut the feed. Sarah grinned, looked around, and felt like celebrating. Maybe she should call Ellie…she had to tell Ellie…everything…Sarah didn't feel like celebrating any more.
"What did you do to Blondie this time?" Lester asked Chuck who had his head down working on a phone. Chuck lifted his head up.
"I'm really not sure what your talking about." Chuck said.
"Move it, Lester," Sarah said, having found Chuck. Lester grinned.
"He made you mad, didn't he?" Lester asked. Sarah looked at Chuck who shrugged with "you gotta do what you gotta do" look. She gave him a, "you sure?" look, and it was on. "You now the best way to make him mad?" Sarah grinned like a possessed succubus.
"Take one of his coworkers right in front of him?" she asked, slamming Lester up against the desk, and pinning him there with her body. Chuck looked on, amused. "I don't think this is enough, Lester. I think we're going to have to make love right here."
"Oh, look, someone needs me for an install. Now! I'm so sorry!" Lester said, having slipped her grip, (honestly, Sarah let him) and ran away.
"Now do Chuck that way," Jeff said. Sarah shrugged, grabbed Chuck by his tie, and dragged him across the desk, and planted one on him. "Wow!" Jeff hip bumped Sarah out of the way, grabbed Chuck's tie, and leaned in to kiss him, before Lester showed up, and pulled Jeff away. The two power walked away Lester reminding Jeff he was into girls, and they had sales to make. Chuck looked terrified.
"I think I owe my life to Lester," Chuck said.
"You definitely weren't kissing me again until multiple tests were run," Sarah replied. Chuck looked at her, thought about what she said, and grinned. She grinned and leaned across the desk close to him. "You know what would get you all sorts of kisses?"
"No, what's that?" he asked, leaning in, not paying attention.
"For you to tell Ellie about what's been going on for the past two years," she said, her lips millimeters away from him. Chuck shot backwards, his face pale, him shaking his head.
"No, no, no, no, no," Chuck said. "You have to help me with this, Sarah. She'll kill me."
"She won't kill you," Sarah said.
"Then you do it!"
"Oh, there is no way I'm doing it by myself," Sarah said. Casey walked by, hearing that line, turned, gave them a look, grunted, and walked on.
"Is that all he thinks we talk about?" Chuck asked.
"We go out of our way to not talk about it," Sarah replied.
"Right, that's our thing, not talking about our thing," Chuck said.
"You followed all that just came out of your mouth?" Sarah asked, grinning.
"Not even close," Chuck replied. "We need to go tell Ellie."
"Come on," Sarah said.
"I have work," he replied. Sarah grinned at him.
"What are they going to do, fire you?" she asked. Morgan came up to the two.
"Notice anything weird?" Morgan asked. Sarah looked around.
"Yeah, things are selling like crazy," Sarah said. Morgan smiled.
"The new sales policy is to sale an item for whatever someone will give them for it," Morgan said. Chuck's eyebrows went up.
"This is going to go so bad," Chuck said.
"That's the beauty of it," Morgan said, and wandered off. Chuck turned to see the confused expression on Sarah's face.
"You do know Lester is in charge and the assistant manager now, right?" Chuck asked. Sarah grinned.
"Hey, Lester," she yelled. Lester looked terrified. "I'm taking Chuck for the rest of the day."
"Go home, Bartowski," Lester yelled.
"Sarah would like to thank you," Chuck yelled back. Lester scampered away. Chuck turned to Sarah. "I think he's scared of you."
"So let me get this right, you're a spy," Ellie said to Sarah. "You're an analyst that has a computer thingy in his head because of Bryce Larkin, and you're moving in together across the courtyard."
"Yes," Chuck said, currently hiding behind Sarah. She was supposed to protect him after all. They had told Ellie and Awesome everything, after they signed all the NDAs. She hadn't yelled…yet. She hadn't squealed…yet. She hadn't done anything…yet.
"Okay, Chuck quit hiding behind Sarah, I'm not going to hurt you." Sarah gave him a look that said, "I told you so." He gave one back of, "You're supposed to protect me." She rolled her eyes. "So they want me to work on the…Intersect?" Sarah nodded. "Because of my time in neurology?" Sarah shrugged.
"I guess," she said. "I'm not 100% sure about that part, Ellie. The general will explain it more. Here is what they are offering you, and here is what they are offering you, Devon." They both took their compensation packages, looked at the numbers, then at each other, and then at Sarah.
"We're not going in the field, right?" Ellie asked. Sarah shook her head, grinning. Devon held out a pen to her. She signed and then so did Devon.
"Awesome!" he said. "Now I get to be a spy doctor. I've always wanted to." Ellie looked at Chuck and Sarah with sadness in her eyes.
"We'll talk about the danger you two are in later, because we need to have that conversation," Ellie began. Sarah grabbed Chuck before he could hide behind her again. "I guess I get now why you two always said it's complicated." Chuck nodded. Tears began to flow down her cheeks. Devon looked at Chuck, confused. Chuck sat down beside Ellie and put an arm around her. "I was going to ask you to be a bridesmaid, but I see now that would be silly." Sarah's face fell. Chuck turned to Sarah, and then back to Ellie.
"Uh, Ellie, Sarah is still your friend," Chuck said. Ellie shook her head.
"Sarah, explain to Chuck how it's not real," Ellie said. "Please, tell him before he falls any further in love with you. I'm trying really hard not to be mad at you, but he's going to get his heart broken." Sarah pulled on Chuck, and he stood up, she moved him out of the way and sat down in front of the force that was Ellie Bartowski.
"Ellie," she said, her voice close to breaking. "I don't think you understand." Ellie looked up at her, confused. "Do you think what I told you is normal SOP? Do you think spies are given permanent assignments like this at random?"
"Well, I don't really know," Ellie began. Sarah smiled and nodded.
"Ellie, this happened because of the Bartowskis," she said. Ellie looked at Chuck then back to Sarah. "Not just Chuck, but you as well, Ellie. You should have been an interrogator. See it wasn't enough that Chuck wormed his way into my heart and worked on removing walls I had built for years, but his sister, who is my friend, prodded, asked questions, and snuck her way into my heart as well. You see, Ellie, I am compromised, not just by Chuck Bartowski, but by Ellie Bartowski, and Devon Wodocomb for that matter." Devon grinned at her. Ellie started to smile. Her face was tear-stained, but the smile was starting to grow. "You three have completely compromised me, and I will do everything within my power to protect you three. And, if the offer is still there, I would love to be a bridesmaid."
"Really?" Ellie asked. Sarah grinned and nodded. Ellie looked from Chuck to Sarah.
"You have your own apartment across the courtyard?" she asked. Chuck gulped, he tried to touch Sarah's shoulder to get her to stand up, and move back, but she slapped at his hand. Outside, John was coming home from his shift, and noticed everyone was gathered in the Bartowski apartment. Feeling like the fat kid who got picked last, he opened the door of his apartment and put on the headphones to listen in on what was going on.
"Yes, Ellie, we are moving in together," Sarah said. "It's for the cover, but, what we do there is our business." Chuck took another step back, knowing what was coming.
"You two," she said, pointing at both of them. "You're for real?" Sarah reached back to take Chuck's hand but realized he was quite a bit away she gave him a look, and he came forward to take it. Sarah turned back to Ellie.
"Yes, we're for real," she answered. Ellie popped up off the couch. Sarah did the same a little startled. Ellie sprung forward catching both of them in a bear hug, squealing at a high decibel. John, who had sat down in a kitchen chair to listen, flipped over from the noise, knocking off the headphone. Chuck swore window panes rattled.
"Black Canary's got nothing on you, Ellie," Chuck said.
"I thought she was blonde," Sarah chocked out from being bear hugged. Chuck stared at her, mouth agape. Sarah winked a him. "Ellie, you're killing us." Ellie let go, and backed up, her smile about to break her face.
"You don't know how happy you made me," she said. Sarah smiled.
"Good, because I have another job for you," Sarah said. Ellie nodded. She looked at Chuck, and sighed. "I've given this a lot of thought, and you know every player who knows about Chuck's life now." Ellie shut her eyes.
"We have to tell Morgan," she said. Chuck started to protest, and Ellie held up her hand. "Chuck, you know how he's going to be."
"But, what can he do, because you know he's going to want to be with all of us," Sarah said. Chuck and Ellie shared a look.
"You know, he's a tactician at heart," Chuck began. Ellie nodded. "If a game gives him a problem, he works out the solution, literally. He'd be great at logistics."
"The bearded gnome?" Casey growled. "At least I won't have to listen to surveillance."
Back at the Bartowski apartment Sarah thought everything had been worked out.
"I guess we ought to go check on Casey," Sarah said. Chuck was shaking his head no, but she didn't catch it.
"What's wrong with John?" Ellie asked. Sarah chuckled.
"Well, that squeal you let out, may have burst his ear drums if he was listening in on surveillance," Sarah said. Ellie's face became enraged. John threw down his headset, ran to the door, opened it, and sprinted across the courtyard to his Crown Vic just as Ellie opened the door.
"I know where you live, Casey!" Ellie screamed.
"Chuck me!" Casey muttered to himself as he drove away.
A/N: Before you yell Beckman is out of character, think about the Beckman we knew by the end. She loved those two in her own way just like Casey. I have the darndest feeling that Beckman learned all sorts of shaddy stuff about Graham. We also know she lost a love life to her job. Is it out of character? We'll never know because she was never put in that situation.
Some of you have pointed out that Ellie keeps dying in my fanfics, well she's not in this one! And I love Ellie and Sarah Lancaster, this is going to be fun. Again, I don't know how long this goes, but, as long as it's fun, we'll see. Til next time!
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pamelasquinzel · 11 years
When Beckman fires the rocket launcher in Chuck Versus The Seduction Impossible, I lose it and just die from laughter
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chuck-confessions · 12 years
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