#General Samukai
spect-era · 1 year
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Girls love it when day of the departed put the worst people in the same room <3
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localguy2 · 2 years
Do you guys know the origin behind this video?
I saw only a small mention of this on the Ninjago wiki, searched it up on YT and this is what popped up
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I once had a idea
What if day of the departed was actually a important part of Hands of time with being more than Cole being human again?
I’ll divide this idea in 3 parts
The changes on day of the departed
The changes on hands of time
And the upcoming changes of the next seasons (I’ll won’t actually write all since is too much to write of)
1-instead of Pythor being a villain we will put a small great devourer has he’s replacement with a fang blade on her mouth but she will be the size of the statue on the city of ouroboros (this is mostly so Pythor return to villainy will be more than attacking Lloyd with a stick) the fights will go like this
Lloyd vs the great devourer (avenging he’s father of the corrupting the devourer caused)
Kozu vs Jay and Brown ninja (once again not personal with Jay but with the brown ninja)
Samukai and Chen vs Nya and Kai (Samukai kidnapped Nya in the pilot so this makes sense of a rematch between the Two and a revenge for Nya)
Krypto vs Zane
Only Chen dies while Lloyd gets to put in a dormant state the not so great devourer and makes the beast shrink into a normal giant snake size, Krypto would be partially destroyed but I’ll rise again once Zane goes to the other after thinking he killed krypto,Kozu gets trapped by the other stone warriors since the brown ninja kept the good old Helmet,Samukai gets roped and Anya taunts him. Morro does the same he did in the original special and warned wu and the Ninjas which have their respective villains trapped. Cole defeats Yang and when they thought the villains returned to the realm of the departed Morro was there like “something isn’t right”, after day of the departed Morro goes with Yang and Yang explains how the spell is not working has it should since they were supposed to return to the Cursed realm and thought it had to work with the departed realm as well but seemingly without the cursed realm the villains were stuck in this realm hill they die again but in Morros case he returned has a ghost so he got the worse part of the deal. The villains go to check on the villains they had captured but Kozu escaped with the Helmet, the same goes for Samukai and the great devourer and according to the security tapes Krypto freed them
2-hands of time:
Samukai returned to the underworld which was now abandoned and seems the skeleton army dissolved after they fought the serpentine and now Samukai wants to defeat the ninjas for dissolving he’s kingdom
Krypto:goes around hacking all the technology he finds with the technoblade he had (which will be the ice technoblade) he ends up to hack a motorcycle and goes to the desert to hide but not before leaving lots of corrupted tech to attack the ninjas, he ends up teaming up with Samukai but both want to betray each other when they have the chance.
Kozu:with a battalion of stone warriors he goes to free the giant stone warrior and now wants to make a new stone army using the great devourer
Great devourer:Once it wakes up the snake becomes docile going around like a child but that’s until Kai goes to the museum to and the great devourer feels her offsprings causing Kai to discover Krux identity
When they get the slow motion hand Morro talks about using the blades to fix their mistake so garmadon would have never been bite,the serpentines never got freed and he never died in the first place but Master wu says “even if I regret all of those things and more, the past molds our future selfs and by changing the past we change ourselves and I love my ninjas the way they are” but then Krypto and Samukai intervene stealing it revealing their plan to use them to go back in time (Samukai to go back just when he dies so he can rule when Garmadon disappears and Krypto to destroy Zane to prevent the defeat of the overlord) Krypto reveals he entered in borg industry’s serves and discovered their location thanks to Pixal knowing it, Morro thanks to being a ghost he’s inmune to the forward Time blade for being a eternal spirit, so he takes the time blade leaving the twins with none but they do get to kidnap sensei wi,The rest of the ninjas get in the hands of time lair has usual.
After that Samukai and Krypto get in the time hands lair thanks to pixal once again and we have a fight between Morro and Krypto with the Time blades but both gets defeated by the twins with the time blades and Kozu with the pause time blade, pausing Morro and taking the forward and slow mo time blades and with that it was thing of no time for Kozu to give the time blades to the twins.
But before… Nya and Kai (and the devourer) get to the meet their parents in which the true is revealed by how Krux used the vermillion to poison Kai with a lesser venom similar to the one that affected Garmadon but in exchange for the cure their parents went to work with him, and they’re accompanied by Kozu who has the pause time blade since he sends a Scout Soldier to follow the Vermillion after they rampage for metal through the city. Kozu got to discover the place of the time blade and got there first and got it first but made a deal with the twins to give him vermillion to make more stone soldiers which the twins accept since they know stone warriors are more indestructible and valuable than any vermillion soldier. The stone soldiers quickly defeat the heroes and then they return to the base finishing the machine and go back in time while Kozu starts massacring some vermillion left behind by the time twins using their blood on statues to make more stone soldiers and he starts invading ninjago but the devourer overpowers the control of the twins over the vermillion making them fight back against the stone warriors, in the chaos Morro flys to the portal in the sky chasing the twins with Kay and Nya. Kozu reveals the real plans Is how the twins undoing the past will drive into the destruction of the devourer awakening the stone army once again but this time without golden power so no one will be able to defeat the overlord
Most things go the same except for Morro staying with Wu to fight. Morro falls in the past while Wu goes like usual
After that we get a scene of Morro being tempted to help he’s past self to go back home but decides to give him a advice “kid I know he meant no harm, if he still loves you he’ll welcome you with open arms” past Morro will remember this which will lead to future Morro redeeming himself at the end of possession. Now Morro will try for things to stay mostly the same in the past
Meanwhile the hands of time return to the present while wu turns into a baby and goes to the future. They are welcomed by the great devourer which frees the vermillion from their control and go back with their mother, meanwhile Samukai gets abandoned by Krypto which try’s to steal the time blades but gets stopped by same, but the hacked car of the nindroid runs over Zane allowing the nindroid to escape
Status of the villains
Kozu:arrested with the rest of the stone army
Great devourer:I’m a sanctuary with her offsprings
Hands of time:both arrested in the highest technology prison of ninjago
Morro:somewhere in Ninjago (will become important in sons of Garmadon)
3-upcoming seasons
Morro:he’s the one who brings baby wu to the ninjas but stays in the shadows so Garmadon won’t know about he’s presence (I’m still thinking about events after)
Kozu:will join the sons of Garmadon knowin full well what’s going to happen
Samukai:he mostly does nothing till crystalized joining the other criminals to help defeat the crystal king but this may change
Krypto:goes to prime empire and subsequently becomes a virus and recurring threat through the season
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destinysbounty · 7 months
I understand why Garmadon is usually considered the main villain of Ninjago as a series. Like, I get that on a meta level. It's not an altogether inaccurate assessment of his character. But it's still kinda funny bc this man is only an antagonist for like half of his screentime. Observe:
Pilots - Villain. Kidnaps Nya, deliberately orchestrates Samukai's death, overall acts like a spooky demon man, etc.
Season 1 - I mean he's kind of a general nuisance, sure, but aside from stealing the Golden Weapons he doesn't do anything objectively evil here? Not only does he help them save Lloyd, but he also defeats the Great Devourer. If we're being purely technical from a narrative standpoint, he's an ally in this season.
Season 2 - Back to being a villain again, but gets redeemed/restored at the very end.
Seasons 3-5 - Good guy! A mentor figure for the ninja, in fact! Just an all around good dad and funny guy.
Seasons 8-9 - Villain. Oh my god is he a villain. I don't even have to explain this one. Pilots-era spooky demon vibes except it's dialed up to like 200.
Season 10 - Once again a reluctant ally for the ninja, as he helps them stop the Oni invasion, but he's also a dick about it. Season 1 vibes but this time directly solely at Lloyd.
Season 15 - Morally gray antihero type. not very good at being a good person, and is even worse at being a good father, but he's trying his best.
Dragons Rising - Honestly idk if he's even alive. Fingers crossed, I guess?
Like sure, yeah, I'm not gonna raise a fuss about it when someone says Garmadon is the main villain of the show. Technically speaking, they're not entirely wrong. But it's very silly to me because Garmadon is only a villain sometimes. Sometimes he's a bad guy trying to take over the world, sometimes he's a loving father, and other times he's just a morally gray asshole minding his own business. And y'know what, I respect that about him.
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beba-780 · 7 months
Emperor of Ninjago (5)
• After a few years, Lloyd had already turned 12, and even the information Kai provided to Skylor still didn't help the rebels advance. Harumi continued to visit Lloyd regularly and the training that Kai taught Lloyd was getting better and better, and even Kai ended up being the strongest soldier in Garmadon's army, even though he still couldn't fully confront Garmadon, Kai had already managed to several victories against generals. Samukai and Kozu.
• The Resistance, despite having valuable information from Skylor, was still unable to make Garmadon's forces withdraw from the kingdoms still before Garmadon's forces and ensure that the labor camps were destroyed to free all the slaves and prisoners who worked there. Wu still focused on finding the Green Ninja, but the Ninjas always returned unsuccessful in their mission. The Ninjas became the main leaders of the rebellion and Morro continued his violent attacks against Garmadon's armies in different parts of Ninjago.
• Unexpectedly one day Garmadon ordered Kai to prepare Lloyd to escape from the palace, since the Overlord was close to completely recovering his power and wanted to possess Lloyd's body to have his new body since he was not yet able to generate a body himself, Garmadon hearing that knew he had to do everything he could to save Lloyd.
• Garmadon took the Fire Sword from its hiding place and when he summoned Kai to his chambers in private he revealed that the Overlord planned to possess Lloyd to take over his body moment Garmadon asked Kai to quickly plan to escape the palace with Lloyd so he could keep him safe. Garmadon also gave the Fire Sword to Kai so that the Overlord wouldn't keep one of Ninjago's most powerful weapons.
• Kai planned his escape from the palace with Lloyd in detail. Thanks to his maps of the palace, Kai managed to discover secret passages and underground tunnels that led to the outskirts of the palace.
• Kai told Skylor what the Overlord wanted to do with Lloyd and she gave him a map indicating the location of Wu's camp, Skylor had given this map to Kai so he could take Lloyd to safety once he was there they will escape from the palace. When Kai showed the Fire Sword to Lloyd it suddenly began to glow once Lloyd touched it out of curiosity. Kai knew at that moment that Lloyd was the prophesied Green Ninja, since from what he discovered from his research, the Golden Weapons would reveal who would be the chosen one.
• Knowing that Lloyd was the Green Ninja terrified Kai more since if anyone else knew about it, they would not hesitate to kill the boy, thanks to Garmadon giving him the key to his Vengestone bracelets Kai managed to recover his elemental power, but his fire was still somewhat weak from the years of inactivity, it just needed time to recover, but Kai knew he had to flee the palace with Lloyd quickly.
• Kai had told Lloyd about the plan to flee the palace and how the Overlord wanted to possess him to have a new body, Lloyd knew the danger this represented and decided to follow Kai's orders, but before Lloyd managed to inform Harumi and Knowing that they would not see each other again for a while, she said goodbye to her best friend. Kai also said goodbye to Harumi and asked her not to tell anyone about her escape plan. Harumi promised to keep it a secret.
• Lloyd also said goodbye to his father for the last time when he was free from the control of the Overlord and the poison of the Great Devourer, Garmadon knew that he might not see his son again because if the Overlord found out about Lloyd's escape, Garmadon would be completely possessed by the Overlord and affected even more by the poison of the Great Devourer and that would cause him to not be able to have any more lucid moments.
• Kai and Lloyd managed to escape from the palace by using one of the tunnels that connected the city's sewers, Kai also managed to take several books and scrolls of the prophecy and the Overlord, as well as maps of the palace and information about the bases and fields of Garmadon's work. But upon leaving the sewers they were discovered by several guards who tried to capture them. Kai luckily stole a horse and together with Lloyd managed to escape from the kingdom, where they spent weeks trying to reach the Resistance base.
• Obviously along the way they were attacked by groups of guards, thieves and sometimes they ended up in the middle of fights between Garmadon's soldiers and several rebels. But Kai and Lloyd still managed to stay together. Also, along the way Kai began to tell Lloyd about his previous life as the Red Ninja, Lloyd still did not understand why Kai did not tell him about his true identity, but he understood that it was so he could protect himself from the guards Garmadon's when they lived in the palace.
• When they reached the nearby areas of the Resistance base Kai and Lloyd were ambushed by the same Ninjas and a group of rebels who were guarding the area, Kai managed to stop the ambush by revealing the Fire Sword and its elemental power, Cole, Jay, Zane and Nya still couldn't believe that Kai was actually alive. Obviously the reunion was emotional, but there was still confusion wondering how Kai was alive and why he brought Prince Lloyd to the rebel base.
• Kai explained how he survived the attack where they believed he had died, but he did not explain almost the entire story of his life in the palace, in addition, he also explained that he became Lloyd's personal guard and that he discovered that the prince It was the Green Ninja, obviously at first they didn't believe Kai but they would confirm it by being present at Wu. Kai and Lloyd were taken to the rebel base and Wu still couldn't believe that Kai was alive and that his nephew Lloyd was really alive, when he heard that Kai had said that Lloyd could be the Green Ninja Wu immediately placed the Four Golden Weapons in front of to Lloyd and they began to shine brightly, thus confirming that Lloyd was actually the Green Ninja.
• This had shocked the rebels completely, they could not believe that the son of their greatest enemy would be the Green Ninja, although Wu mentioned that this could be logical since Lloyd has the same blood as the First Master and could have inherited the powers of Onís and Dragons. Furthermore, Wu motivated everyone that Lloyd could be a better ruler than Garmadon, which the rebels accepted but still distrusted the prince, since they did not know much about Lloyd due to Garmadon keeping him hidden in the palace and the rebels only knew of its existence thanks to the information Skylor provided them.
• Obviously when Lloyd started living in the Resistance base he was not very well received, unlike Kai, who at least was immediately accepted back into the Resistance, Lloyd knew that his father made a lot of people suffer and that made him feel sad to Lloyd. However, Kai was the one who always reassured him and told him that he was not to blame for the actions that the Overlord instilled in his father.
• Kai even mentioned to Lloyd that once the war was over, Lloyd would not have to take the throne, Kai assured Lloyd that he could choose to live a quieter life and leave the throne to his uncle if he wished. Lloyd was still unsure of his decision, but at least he was glad to know that Kai was always on his side.
• The only one who did not accept Lloyd within the Wu base was Morro, although he no longer had a voice within his old base, he still did not accept that Lloyd would be a good ruler once the war was over, Kai was the only who defended Lloyd from all who opposed him remaining on the base. It is for that reason that only Kai began to train Lloyd better, then the other Ninjas would take care of his other training.
• Nya was the first from the base to approach Lloyd, she was the only one who immediately supported Wu and Kai's decision, Nya let Lloyd see her inventions and also allowed him to help her with weapons and other private inventions of hers. Furthermore, Nya also helped in her training, they both went to a waterfall where Nya always practiced and there she taught Lloyd how to use the spear, even though the sword was Lloyd's favorite weapon.
• Wu also participated in Lloyd's training, he even taught him meditation techniques so that he could relax his mind and concentrate better, in addition, they became closer as uncle and nephew by having several conversations about themselves over a cup of tea.
• Cole, Zane and Jay also grew fond of Lloyd over time, the three of them had a different training system, in addition, when they were not training Lloyd entered his daily activities, Jay taught him about mechanics, Zane gave him first aid lessons in case of emergencies and let him sometimes play with his falcon, Cole gave him treats and accompanied him on some explorations with some rebels.
• Even sometimes some children his age let Lloyd participate in their games and training, even though Lloyd was far ahead in experience than the other children, he still always managed to surprise them. Those actions that Lloyd did at the base gradually earned him the trust of the other rebels. But Morro and his group were the only ones who still distrusted Lloyd.
• The years passed and Lloyd became stronger and stronger, even though he was already 16 years old Wu mentioned that Lloyd was not yet ready to face his father, but Kai knew that Lloyd was never ready to face his father, but still He had faith in Lloyd, after all he raised him for a long time, the only thing that worried Kai was the decisions Lloyd would make during his future battles against his father's forces and the Overlord.
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qu13ll3-choichoi · 5 months
(WIP) Day of The Dead Special Fanart is coming soon!
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I'll be posting the complete thing close/later on Dia De Los Muertos (November 1)!
The character with the most votes goes first, second-to-most as second, third to third, and fourth to fourth!
I also just found out that Chen is actually skinny, according to Cryptor saying "skinny man in (little) girl robes can't control his chair". I used to draw Chen a little pudgy.
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roselock22 · 1 year
How about child Pythor, Aspheera and the other Serpentine generals as children?
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Here we go! Including Young Samukai and Young Wu and excluding the earth snakes
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sepublic · 6 months
When four-armed Garmadon was first revealed back in 2012, a lot of people, myself included, thought that it was because he like. Absorbed Samukai's essence, or something like that. Like it was to show him becoming more powerful and taking on traits of past villainous factions he allied with. So naturally, I thought it'd have been cool if after S1, Garmadon ended up having a snake tail instead of legs, just like Pythor and the other Serpentine generals. I suppose with S2, he would've developed stone skin and/or armor, becoming indestructible; Maybe wearing the helmet he has in the 2013 sets. I wonder if the Helmet of Shadows was originally supposed to have the Stone Warrior mouthguard, but then the animators removed it so Garmadon could emote more.
Garmadon did end up taking traits from the Overlord, too! But more because of the Overlord assimilating him, rather than the other way around. So in addition to uncanny claws, he'd have dragon wings on his back. With the added height of a second torso and the snake tail, plus the Helmet of Shadow's horns, Garmadon would've put on some real height.
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More Dod stuff, meet two of the highest ranking members of the Garmadons faction, Generals Kozu and Aspheera.
(I tried to draw Samukai. It sucked, and I Do Not Want to draw him, so I've decided that he got sick of having to follow the Garmadons, so he and some of the Skulkin have split off to do their own thing)
Kozu and the rest of the Stone Army were revived by Misako after she recovered the crest from the Helmet of Shadows from Dark Island. The spell that binds the will of the Stone Warriors to whoever is in possession of the crest has since been removed by Misako (having the indestructible members of your army be controlled by something that can be lost/stolen is a massive weak-point, so she got rid of it before it could be used against her family), and the Stone Warriors follow her out of actual loyalty (and also bc they dont really know any life outside of war)
Kozu is Lloyd's most responsible babysitter
Releasing and recruiting Aspheera was Garmadons idea. It was purely bc he figured it would bother Wu. He was right.
Aspheera gleefully leads the Serpentine forces who allied themselves with the Garmadons (most of the Constrictai, all of the few surviving Anacondrai, about half of the Venomari and Fangpyers, and a handful of Hypnobrai) against Wu and his allies. She wields various magics as easily as she breathes, a more jack-of-all-trades kind of sorceress than Misako. I also made it so she still has her Hypnobrai eyes, instead of having them be changed bc of her imprisonment for whatever reason. Since she's an ancient Serpentine, shes from a time before the Tribes all evolved into the five different ones in modern Ninjago, so she has a few traits from different tribes (I'm debating on whether or not she has any kind of venom)
She takes great pleasure in seeing how annoyed and off-put Wu gets when she flirts with both Garmadon and Misako. Misako doesn't play into it, but she also doesn't stop Aspheera bc she thinks its just as funny as Aspheera does. Garmadon has not noticed that Aspheera is flirting with either of them.
Aspheera is Lloyds favorite babysitter.
Initially I was going to have Cryptor on here too, with a story about Borg Industry making the Nindroid army to help Wu combat the Garmadons, before the Army was hacked by Unagami and brought onto the Villains side, but I actually like the idea of Cryptor being a Hero while also being a massive asshole.
So next post will have him, Wu, and some of the other Heroes
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ninjago-shipping · 2 years
Master list
(B! equals Bizarro and M! equals the Ninjago movie, just so y’all know)
Abandoned || Morro x Echo Zane x Benthomaar
Absent || Maya x Libber x Misako
Abyss || B!Cole x Cryptor
AcidicFluid || Nya x Chamille x Tox
AcidRain || Tox x Nya
Adaption or Mirror || Skylor x Chamille
Aftershock || B!Jay x Cole
Allied || Lord Garmadon x General Kozu
AmberNightshade || Skylor x Chamille x Tox
AmberPhoenix || Nya x Skylor
AmberPrincess || Skylor x Harumi
Ambershock || Skylor x Jay
Anchor || Benthomaar x Zane
ArcticWolf || Zane x Akita
Arson || B!Jay x B!Cole x B!Zane x Kai
Ash || Garmadon x Ray
Avalanche || Zane x B!Cole
BadBoy || Lloyd x Brad x Gene
Bear || Cole x Kataru
BlackIce || B!Zane x Zane
BlackLightning || B!Cole x Jay
Blacksmith || Lou x Ray
BlackWire || Cole x Pixal
Blizzard || Morro x Zane
Blizzaro || B!Zane x Morro
Blue || Nya x Jay x Zane
BlueWire || Jay x Pixal
Boomer || Sensei Wu x Krux
Braincell || Nya x Zane
BrainFreeze || Neuro x Zane
Brimstone || Echo Zane x Cole
Brine || Cole x Morro x Nya
Bronze || Dareth x Karlof
Bruise or Geode || Cole x Jay
Cake || Cole x cake
Cannonball || Captain Soto x Ultra Violet
Cave || Cole x Benthomaar x Morro
Chaos || B!Kai x B!Cole x B!Jay x B!Zane
Checkmate || Zane x Nadakhan
Cherry || Skylor x Vania
Chrome || Karlof x Neuro
CinnamonWafer || Char x Glutinous
Citrus || Morro x Echo Zane
Cliché || M!Jay x M!Nya
Cloudburst || Nya x Morro
Coffee or Self-centered || Dareth x Garmadon
Coliel || Cole x Seliel
Conductor || Kai x Zane x Jay
Conya or Petrichor || Cole x Nya
Copper || Dareth x Cyrus Borg
Coral || Benthomaar x Cole
Corrosive || Tox x Skylor
CorruptedCode || Mr. E x Cryptor
Corruption or Staff || Staff!Kai x Ice Emperor Zane
CriminalMinds || Miss Demeanor x Ultra Violet x Reflectra
CrimsonLightning || Mr. E x Jay
CrimsonTech || Jay x Zane x Mr. E
Crypthor or Lackey || Cryptor x Pythor
Cryptzu || Cryptor x Kozu
Crystal || Morro x Cole x Zane
Cryxal || Cryptor x Pixal
Cursed || Morro x M!Zane
D&D or Upply || Fungus x Plundar x Korgran
DarkGeode || B!Jay x B!Cole
DarkGlacier || B!Cole x B!Zane
DarkHistory || Garmadon x Krux
DarkHumor || Jay x Shade
DarkLava || B!Kai x B!Cole
DarkOpposite || B!Kai x B!Zane
DarkPlasma || B!Kai x B!Jay
DarkTechno || B!Zane x B!Jay
DarkThinking || Shade x Neuro
Dayle or Gareth || Dareth x Gayle Gossip
DeepSeaEnergy || Benthomaar x Lloyd
Derecho || Jay x Morro x Nya
Destiny || Kai x Morro
Dilf || Garmadon x all the Ninjago dads
Disaster || Jay x Kai x Morro x Cole
Disco || Jay x Reflectra x Zane
DisintegratedSmoke || Paleman x Ash
Doglocke || Dogshank x Flintlocke
Drought || Pythor x Kalmaar
DryIce || Kai x Ice Emperor Zane
Dumbass || Jay x Kai x Cole
DustDevil || Morro x Ultra Violet
Eclipse || Kai x Shade
Ecstatic || Vania x Jay x Benthomaar x Echo Zane
Edge || Cryptor x Morro x Shade x Chamille x Tox
ElectricBoogaloo || Jay x PoulErik
ElectricEel || Libber x Maya
Electricstorm || Jay x Morro
ElectricVirus || Jay x Overlord
ElectroGlacier || Cole x Mr. E x Zane
ElectroIce or Gaydar || Zane x Mr. E
Ember || Kai & Skylor (queerplatonic!!)
EnergyEfficient || Lloyd x Pixal
Entombed || Pythor x Aspheera
Envy || Staff!Kai x Morro
Eruption || B!Cole x Kai
EternalWinter || Ice Emperor Zane x Vex
Everlasting || Echo Zane x Morro AND Morro x Zane
Eyecandy || Kai x Cole x Morro
Eyepatch || Clutch Powers x Ronin
Feral || Akita x Benthomaar
Fever || Kai x Neuro
Firefly || Kai x Vania
FireStarter || B!Kai x Jay
Firewall || Kai x Pixal
Fireworks || B!Jay x Kai
Fixation || Lou x Ed
Flood || Kalmaar x Nya
Fog || Nya x Shade
ForeverAlone || Sensei Wu x tea
Forge || Kai x Karlof
Forgiven || Brad x Lloyd
Forgotten || Echo Zane x Cryptor x Morro
FourArms || Lord Garmadon x General Kozu x Samukai
Fowl || Libber x Clouse
FriedChicken || Jay x Fugi-Dove
FriedSquid || Jay x Kalmaar
Frostbite || B!Zane x Kai
Future || Cyrus Borg x Acronix
Gambit || Ronin x Soul Archer
GarmaBorg || Garmadon x Cyrus Borg
Garmacest || Garmadon x Lloyd
GarmaChen || Garmadon x Master Chen
GarmaClouse || Garmadon x Clouse
GarmaKai || Garmadon x Kai
GarmKruxSako || Garmadon x Krux x Misako
Garsako or Harbinger || Garmadon x Misako
Gaymer || Superstar Rockin’ Jay x “Rocky Dangerbuff” x Rockstar!Kai x “Snake Jaguar”
Gemstone || Cole x Plundar
General || Cryptor x White Nindroid
Ghost || Seliel x Morro x Cole
GhostRider || Mr. E x Morro
Girlboss || Gayle Gossip x Patty Keys
Glacier || Cole x Zane
Gloomy || B!Cole x Morro
GoldenCircuit || Pixal x Kai x Zane x Skylor
GoldenMatter || Overlord x Lloyd
GorgonVenom || Machia x Tox
GreasedLightning || B!Jay x Jay
Greed || B!Kai x Morro x B!Jay
GreenCheer || M!Lloyd x M!Chen
Greenflame || Kai x Lloyd
Greenstorm || Lloyd x Morro
Greenwisp || Lloyd x Jay
Grief || Lou x Lilly x Ray x Maya
Gunpowder || Kai x Ash
Hacker || Ronin x Zane
Hailstorm || Jay x Cole x Zane
Hazard || Kai x Echo Zane
HeavyMetal || Cole x Zane x Pixal
Hellstorm || Kai x Zane x Morro
Holly or Llokita || Lloyd x Akita
Hope || Young Wu x Faith
Hotwire || Kai x Pixal x Zane
HowlingWind || Bansha x Morro
Hubris || Dareth x Clutch Powers
Iceberg || Zane x Nya x Cole
Ice Samurai or Samuraice || Nya x Pixal x Zane
Icestorm || B!Zane x Nya
Inferno || Kai x B!Kai
Inventor || Cyrus Borg x Dr. Julien
Island || Nya x PoulErik x Jay
Ivory || Hailmar x Vania
JadedSnake || Harumi x “Snake Jaguar”
JadeStorm or Morrumi || Morro x Harumi
JadeWolf || Harumi x Akita
Jagged || Cole x Ice Emperor Zane
Jaya || Jay x Nya
Jaycule || Kai x Zane x Cole x Jay AND Jay x Nya
JetFaith || Jet Jack x Faith
Junk || Ed x Edna x Dr. Julien
Kailor || Kai x Skylor
Killjoy or Vore || Pythor x Overlord
Kitsune || Morro x Akita
Lava || Cole x Kai
LavaLamp || Cole x Skylor x Kai
Legacy || Morro x Cole x Zane x Jay x Kai
Leviathan || Great Devourer x Wojira
Life or Lloya || Lloyd x Nya
LightningDjinn || Jay x Nadakhan
LightningFast || Jay x Griffin
LightSpeed || Paleman x Griffin
Lorumi/Llorumi || Lloyd x Harumi
Loner || Kai x Ronin
Loulien || Lou x Dr. Julien
Lullaby || Lou x Maya
Maelstrom || Morro x Wojira
Magma || B!Kai x Cole
Mechanic || Jay x Zane x Nya x Pixal
Mellow || Lou x Lilly
Miasma || Morro x Tox
Mirage || Kai x Chamille
Misfit || B!Jay x B!Kai x B!Cole x B!Zane x Morro
Misfortune || Nadakhan x Delara
Moriel or Phantom || Morro x Seliel
Morwu || Morro x Sensei Wu
Moss || Cole x Lloyd
MotorOil || Cole x Mr. E
Mountain || Cole x Kai x Zane
Mudshock || Jay x Nya x Cole
Mudslide || B!Cole x Nya
Mystery || Echo Zane x Cryptor
Nemesis || Sensei Wu x Aspheera
Neon || Scott x Jay
Nightlight || Shade x Paleman
Nightshade || Tox x Chamille
Oblivion || Staff!Kai x Cole
Obsession || Kai x Master Chen
Obsidian || Cole x B!Cole
Opposite || Zane x Kai
Ore || Karlof x Cole
Outdated || Zane x Cryptor
Outlaw || “Rocky Dangerbuff” x “Snake Jaguar”
PaperStar || Sally x Antonia
Parrot || Fugi-Dove x Captain Soto
Permafrost || Ice Emperor Zane x Pixal
Pixane || Pixal x Zane
Plasma || Jay x Kai
PlayDate || Nya x Dogshank
PolyMaster || All the Elemental Masters including the ninja
Polyninja || Kai x Jay x Zane x Cole
PolyPonytail || Nya x Pixal x Skylor
PolySerpent || Great Devourer x Fire Fang x Wojira x Anacondrai Serpent(Clouse’s pet snake)
Popsicle or Unique || Zane x Lloyd
Pride || Morro x B!Kai
PunkRock || Ultra Violet x “Rocky Dangerbuff”
Purple || Pixal x Ultra Violet
Pyrotechnic || B!Kai x Zane
Pythales or Skythor || Pythor x Skales
Quiet || Mr. E x Harumi
Raincloud || Vania x Benthomaar
Rainforest || Cole x Nya x Lloyd
Ratmen || Ronin x Dareth x Clutch Powers
Reaper || Cole x Ice Emperor Zane x Morro
Record || Lou x Dareth
Recovery || Lloyd x therapy
Redemption || Morro x Skylor
ResonatedGravity || Jacob x Gravis
Resurrected || Zane x Morro x Pixal
Revenge || Mr. F x Aspheera
Riptide || Nya x Ultra Violet
Risk || Jay x Morro x Kai
Roadrunner || Ultra Violet x Fugi-Dove
Rogue || Ronin x Okino
Ronya || Ronin x Nya
Rose || Gene x Brad
Royalty || Benthomaar x Vania x Harumi
Sacrifice || Nya x Lloyd x Zane
Salamander || Kai x Clancee
SaltwaterTaffy || Glutinous x Gripe
SameVoiceActor || Dr. Julien x Garmadon
Samurai || Nya x Pixal
SamuraiCheerleader || Nya x Unnamed background girl
Sandstorm or Spirit || Cole x Morro
Scruff || Dareth x Ronin
Seabreeze || Benthomaar x Morro
Seafoam || Benthomaar x Echo Zane
Shenanigans || B!Jay x Morro
Shockwave || Nya x Jay x Pixal
ShortMetal || Mindroid x Cryptor
Skeleton || Morro x Ghoultar
Skelma || Skales x Selma
Sleet || Kai x Zane AND Zane x Nya (Nya and Kai are both dating Zane)
Smelt || Kai x Cryptor
SmokeShade || Ash x Shade
S’mores || Dareth x Zane
SnakeBlizzard || “Snake Jaguar” x Morro
Snakecell || Nya x “Snake Jaguar”
SnakeGlacier || “Snake Jaguar” x Cole
Spell || Master Chen x Clouse
Spitfire || Zoltar x Kai
Static || Ice Emperor Zane x Jay
Steam || Ray x Maya
Steampunk || Jay x Echo Zane
StolenData || Skylor x Pixal
StolenDestiny || Ronin x Morro
StolenKiss || B!Jay x Nya
StoneCold || Cole x B!Zane
Strike || Libber x Krux
Sunflower || Vania x Echo Zane
SunScale || Kai x Great Devourer
Sunshine || Cole x Ultra Violet
Supernatural || Snake!Jay x Ghost!Cole x Zane x Anacondrai!Kai
Surge || M!Jay x Morro
Survival || Vinny x Garmadon
Tar || Shade x Tox
Taser || Cryptor x Jay
Tea || Sensei Wu x Mystake
TeaPost || Mystake x Mailman
Techno || Zane x Jay
TickTock || Zane x Acronix
TheyDeservedBetter || Show!Garmadon x Koko
Thief || Ronin x Clutch Powers x Plundar
ThinkFast || Neuro x Griffin
ThunderSnow || Morro x Jay x Zane
ThunderWave || Jay x Benthomaar
Timecest || Krux x Acronix
Tragedy || Maya x Lilly
TraitorousTrio || Sensei Wu x Aspheera x Pythor
Transformer || Ash x Chamille
Travel || Libber x Misako
Trident || Nya x Benthomaar
Trojan || Zane x B!Jay
TropicalStorm || Jay x Nya x Benthomaar
Turquoise or Waterlily || Harumi x Nya
UltraE || Ultra Violet x Mr. E
Upgrade || Unagami x Mechanic
User-Friendly || Zane x Overlord
VanillaCake || Vania x Cole
Venom || Ultra Violet x Tox
Vintage || Lou x Sensei Wu
Vinyl || Lou x Garmadon
Violent || Harumi x Ultra Violet
VioletSnake || Ultra Violet x “Snake Jaguar”
Virus || B!Zane x Jay
Void || Cryptor x Cole
Vortex || Morro x Ice Emperor Zane
Warrior || Nya x Murtessa
WetDog || Nya x Akita
Whiplash || Aspheera x Acronix
Wildfire || Tox x Skylor x Kai
Windpower || Morro x Pixal
Wrath || Staff!Kai x Morro x Ice Emperor Zane
Wusako || Sensei Wu x Misako
YingYang or Balance || Overlord x First Spinjitzu Master
Zanecule || Kai x Cole x Zane x Jay AND Pixal x Zane
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theplatypusblue · 11 months
A small list for posterity’s sake:
Samukai had four arms.
Garmadon had four arms.
General Kozu had four arms (as did The Overlord, but he was just possessing Garmadon, so whatever)
Nadakhan had four arms.
The Hands of Time had a collective total of four arms ig.
Mr. E had four arms when wearing the Mask of Vengeance. (It’s kinda redundant tho, since Garmadon is already a main villain in that season but whatever)
Crystal King had four arms.
So basically there was a dearth in four-armed villains from seasons 3-5, but then we bounce back in season 6-10 (I’m counting garm as a villain in moto, even if he’s changed sides somewhat, he’s in the middle enough for it to count). After that, the wild brain seasons don’t have any four-armed villains besides CK (that I remember), and neither does dragons rising (so far). Did I miss anything??
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ninjagobrackets · 2 years
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Welcome to the best ninjago side character bracket!!
This bracket is randomly generated! Also I had some weird autocorrect on the bracket itself so default to the list below :)
Round 1A (closed)
Jay’s mom vs the preeminent
Acronix vs Lilly
Nadakhan vs Clancee
Faith vs Kapau and Chope
Akita vs Monkey Wrench
Edna vs Okino
Nelson vs Soto
Ultraviolet vs No-Eyed Pete
Round 1B (closed)
Adam vs Skylor
Brad vs Commissioner
Pythor vs Killow
Plundar vs Great Devourer
Jacob vs Skales
Kalmaar vs Scott
Ed vs Ray
Cyrus Borg vs Fungus
Round 1C (closed)
Chen vs Darreth
Samukai vs Echo Zane
Vangelis Vania vs Neuro
Jet Jack vs Auto
Cryptor vs Flintlocke
Antonia vs Maya
Miss Demeanor vs Twitchy Tim
Haurmi vs Gene
Round 1D (closed)
Falcon vs Unagami
Mystake vs Mr. E
Griffin Turner vs Karlof
The Mechanic vs Hutchins
Morro vs Yang Wojira
Aspheera vs Dr Julien
Nyad vs Korgran
Benthomaar vs Misako
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This first part isn’t necessarily relevant to the question, but to get it out of the way: When I’m writing Ninjago: Rewritten, I’m gonna be using the show as a groundwork and building off of it, meaning some things might be the same or have the same gist, and some things may be wildly different. It all kinda depends.
Now, my goal right now for Samukai is to give him more character and screen time in general, because that’s what I think he lacked in the canon pilots.
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sesealotuz · 2 years
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I posted 148 times in 2022
That's 147 more posts than 2021!
22 posts created (15%)
126 posts reblogged (85%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 30 of my posts in 2022
#ninjago - 10 posts
#nioook ocs - 8 posts
#ninjago villain - 5 posts
#ninjago harumi - 4 posts
#ninjago lloyd - 3 posts
#ninjago acronix - 3 posts
#little dumb ocs - 3 posts
#twst x reader - 2 posts
#ocs - 2 posts
#my ocs art - 2 posts
Longest Tag: 66 characters
#pls help i didnt do much research before i feel so dumb and stupid
My Top Posts in 2022:
more bad sketches of my oc !d!d!!! (HAS BEEN UPDATED)
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See the full post
8 notes - Posted April 26, 2022
new lmk oc!!! Li Hua (she/it)
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9 notes - Posted May 4, 2022
they share the same hairstyle. whihc i would love to call. "the horse ponytail"
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god i fuckng hate nadakhan tho 🤜🤜🤜
13 notes - Posted April 12, 2022
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115 notes - Posted June 5, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
My middle brother who doesnt know much about ninjago makes fun of the villians -
Harumi - Ms. red eye bitch
Acronix - One of the travel times - naruto
Morro - Ghostbuster
Garmadon S8 - Garmadon s8
Krux - naruto 2
Chen - the snake of 87'
Mr.E - Mr. R
Unagami - red bow tie hair lookin shit
Lloyd - Lloyd Evil
Great devourer- Snake eye bitch
Skales - snake eye bitch 2
Pythor - snake o' bitches
Clouse - Teams of apples
Garmadon S1 - Garmadon s7
Omega - looking shit dark man
Ronin - he took a big shit at 87'
Sensei Yang - Sensei bitch
Killow - The Rock
Ultra Violet - Miss Challie
Kozu - The real shit of 87'
General Cryptor - Roasters Skeletons
Skull Sorcerer - He looks like a bamboo
Samukai - King of shitness
Preeminent idk - The premenint of sht of 87'
Ice Emperor - Dark of lord X
Overlord - Garmadon but he took a big shit
Aspheera - Ancient Snake Eye btich 3
Nadakhan - He looks like his mom died because of his ugliness and because of his wife dumped him in the trash
Iron Baron - Material Guy
See the full post
117 notes - Posted April 18, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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Here's what CM!Garmadon looks like. He's a lot younger-looking, and like his son has a dragon form. The difference is, Garmadon was born with his dragon, who he named Ebony.
Like I mentioned in Lloyd's post, Garmadon is also a snake-mutant (from the Great Devourer venom) and a witch.
And it's hidden by his pants, but his left leg is missing below the knee, but unlike Lloyd his prosthetic is made of metal instead of pure energy. Garmadon is also slightly hunched over so he looks a little shorter than he actually is (6'1").
Now, Garmadon is a first-gen Ninjagian and a second-gen Elemental Master (at best) as well as being born from two human parents (there ain't any of that confusing dragon/oni hybrid crap) so he's not gonna be as incredibly tall as half the Ninja are. He was considered tall for his time, especially since he's taller than both of his parents (Wu is too).
Instead of being a tall, muscular, and visibly powerful Dark Lord, CM!Garmadon is a frail and thin old man (though he doesn't look old) who spent the past several years as Samukai's prisoner in the Underworld (as seen in the previous version of Origins).
If you're wondering what that white thing on his hip is, CM!Garmadon's on a ventilator after his time in the Underworld. He's missing a lung (he lost it a good 20 years before the Serpentine War) and the dank, smoky atmosphere of the Underworld messed up his remaining one. (Heroforge doesn't have a cannula option but he does have one)
Garmadon's eyes aren't naturally red, and they're not red from the venom (although their shape is). It's actually because of his witch magic. A witch's magic aura differs between them, although some have similar colors to each other (Garmadon and Lloyd's are both red, although Lloyd's is a darker shade).
When a witch uses their magic, their eyes light up the color of their magic, but there is a chance for their eyes to become that color permanently if they undergo a Witch Rage (more on that in another post). This is what happened to Garmadon (and Wu, actually).
CM!Garmadon, unlike his canon counterpart, is probably the least vicious person you could meet. He's incredibly smart and clever, yes, and a brilliant strategist as well as a smooth talker, but he's generally really sweet and excitable like his son, as well as easily distracted (mostly by shiny things or animals).
He's also a librarian and used to keep a garden before his Fall. Now, living with the Ninja, he just sticks around and helps Zane cook (he loves cooking and is the only one in his family who can).
Bonus: he's also color-blind and drinks blood (although he doesn't strictly CRAVE it like a vampire does in the myths, but he can sustain himself on it if he needs to; it's how he survived in the Underworld so long)
The only obvious physical traits that Lloyd inherited from Garmadon (minus the snake traits) are the eye shape, crooked smile, and curly hair. Other than that he takes after his mother.
0 notes
beba-780 · 3 months
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(1) In part one there are sketches showing the various processes that Kai was subjected to once he began training in Emperor Garmadon's army once he was released from prison and free of any suspicion related to the rebels. The generals subjected Kai to extreme physical tests that led him to be brutally beaten by the other recruits in an attempt to make everyone see the importance of strength in Emperor Garmadon's army.
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(2) Since Kai had to keep his powers a secret by Garmadon's orders when he was free from the Overlord, Kai had to quickly get used to the statistics of training. Kai had to fight several experienced soldiers daily in order to increase his resistance and strength, even though it wore him down physically and mentally.
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(3) If Kai failed to complete the training routine, Garmadon's generals, especially Samukai and Kozu, subjected Kai to punishment, either by whipping him in front of all the other recruits to be an example of the punishment that awaits them if they do not complete their training or just for pleasure since they know that Kai was part of the rebellion against Garmadon. And if Kai was not whipped he was sent to an isolation cell where he was deprived of food and water for three days.
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(4) Despite receiving advanced medical treatment from the palace doctors, Kai still showed daily physical pain, over time he got used to it but sometimes these pains prevented him from doing other activities, one of them was when he was taking care of Lloyd or when he went on scouting missions with other soldiers. Kai took various medications that relaxed the pain in his muscles, despite trying to hide it from Lloyd, the little prince was always suspicious of Kai's pain.
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