#Georges Guéret
genevieveetguy · 1 year
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I can't accept the proximity of my face and my vagina.
A Real Young Girl (Une vraie jeune fille), Catherine Breillat (1976)
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kritikycz · 5 years
Angelika, markýza andělů - Rozdíly mezi německou kinoverzí a českými DVD
Nedávno mi můj kamarád z Německa poslal balíček, ve kterém jsem nalezla DVD s německou verzí Angeliky. Je to v podstatě rarita, protože sehnat Angeliku v němčině je téměř nemožné (pokud nemáte přebytečných 50 Euro, abyste si na Ebay zakoupili nelegální kopie). Oficiálně lze v Německu sehnat pouze francouzskou verzi. Mnohem větší radost jsem však měla z toho, že moje DVD…- Více na https://www.kritiky.cz/zajimavosti/2019/angelika-markyza-andelu-rozdily-mezi-nemeckou-kinoverzi-a-ceskymi-dvd/
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byneddiedingo · 2 years
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Jean-Paul Belmondo and Charles Vanel in Magnet of Doom (Jean-Pierre Melville, 1963) Cast: Jean-Paul Belmondo, Charles Vanel, Michèle Mercier, Malvina Silberberg, Stefania Sandrelli, Todd Martin, E.F. Medard, Barbara Sommers, André Certes, Andrex, Jerry Mengo, Delia Kent, Ginger Hall. Screenplay: Jean-Pierre Melville, based on a novel by Georges Simenon. Cinematography: Henri Decaë. Production design: Daniel Guéret. Film editing: Monique Bonnot, Claude Durand. Music: Georges Delerue. I don't know what the title Magnet of Doom means -- the original French title is L'aîné des Ferchaux, which means "The elder Ferchaux" -- but its elusive quality seems about right for Jean-Pierre Melville's shaggy dog of a movie. Ostensibly a thriller, a genre of which Melville was a master, Magnet of Doom meanders as much as the road trip which its central characters, Michel Maudet (Jean-Paul Belmondo) and Dieudonné Ferchaux (Charles Vanel), set out upon. Especially in its peregrinations through the United States, it reminds me a bit of Wim Wenders's Alice in the Cities (1974) and even more of Jim Jarmusch's Stranger Than Paradise (1984), two films that I suspect owe a bit to Melville's movie, and even more to Henri Decaë's cinematography for it. The story, such as it is, details the flight from prosecution in France of crooked banker Ferchaux, accompanied by Michel, a young man he hires as a secretary. Since Michel is a lean, lithe ex-boxer played by lean, lithe ex-boxer Belmondo, there's a touch of homoeroticism in Ferchaux's choice of secretary, especially since the interview is perfunctory and it becomes clear that Michel doesn't really know how to type -- he does it with two fingers. Mostly Michel's job is to drive Ferchaux on his trip through the States to New Orleans. At the outset, Michel is taciturn and submissive, doing Ferchaux's bidding without question. But after they make a stop at a bank in New York City where Ferchaux has a safe-deposit box full of cash that he loads into a suitcase, Michel begins to assert himself a little: One of his first stops on their trip is in Hoboken, N.J., so he can see the birthplace of Frank Sinatra, whom he idolizes. And after they pick up an improbably pretty hitchhiker named Angie, played by Stefania Sandrelli, he begins to turn the tables on Ferchaux, ordering the older man into the back seat and stopping to go for a swim in a river with Angie. Ferchaux regains control, however, by flinging the cash from the suitcase off a cliff, holding on to a wad of money that he can use to maintain dominance. Michel and Angie clamber down the hill to retrieve what they can of the money. But when they stop at a service station and Michel goes to the restroom while Ferchaux dozes, Angie absconds with the suitcase containing the recovered cash and hitches a ride with a trucker. Michel gives chase and outruns the truck, gets the money back, and orders the trucker to leave and Angie to resume hitchhiking. The rest of the film is a series of power plays between Ferchaux and Michel as they wait in a cabin near New Orleans for the arrival of the money Ferchaux has arranged to be sent to him upon the closing of his main account in New York, after which they plan to avoid extradition by taking up residence in Venezuela. But the older man begins to suffer health problems and Michel starts to collaborate with the authorities who are pursuing Ferchaux. This summary makes the film sound more cut-and-dried than it is, however. The pacing is, if not off, at least off-beat, sometimes engaging, sometimes lethargic, and sometimes frustrating. Melville's take on America makes it worth watching, and the performances of Belmondo and Vanel are as good as one might anticipate. It's the kind of film you watch just to try to anticipate what's going to happen next, and you usually can't.
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sarahc351 · 4 years
Après Rennes, Fougères, Sens-de-Bretagne, Saint-Georges-de-Reintembault, Hédé-Bazouges et Saint-Jouan-des-Guérets, c’est un nouveau projet d’installation de migrants qui devrait voir le jour dans les prochaines semaines, du côté de Liffré, toujours en...
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djrimbaud · 8 years
MAURICE FOMBEURE •• LE RETOUR DU SERGENT Musique : Michel Fugain Interprète : Michel Fugain Le sergent s’en revient de guerre, Les pieds gonflés, sifflant du nez. Le sergent s’en revient de guerre Entre les buissons étonnés. [A gagné la croix de Saint-Georges, Les pieds gonflés, sifflant du nez, A gagné la croix de Saint-Georges, Son pécule a sous son bonnet.] Bourre sa pipe en terre rouge, Les pieds gonflés, sifflant du nez, Bourre sa pipe en terre rouge Puis soudain se met à pleurer. Il revoit tous ses copains morts, Les pieds gonflés, sifflant du nez. Il revoit tous ses copains morts Qui sont pourris dans les guérets. Ils ne verront plus leur village, Les pieds gonflés, sifflant du nez. Ils ne verront plus leur village, Ni le calme bleu des fumées. Les fiancées, va, marche ou crève, Les pieds gonflés, sifflant du nez, Envolées comme dans un rêve Les copains s’les sont envoyées. Et le sergent verse une larme, Les pieds gonflés, sifflant du nez. Et le sergent verse une larme Le long des buissons étonnés. — Chansons de la grande hune
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kritikycz · 5 years
Angelika, markýza andělů - Angélique Marquise des Anges (1964)
První snímek z pětidílné série filmů natočených velmi volně na motivy románu Anne a Serge Golonových vypravuje o krásné a odvážné markýze Angelice, která byla provdána za nenáviděného a později vroucně milovaného hraběte de Peyrac. Sám král Ludvík XIV. záviděl bohatému šlechtici jeho manželku a proto ho dal ve vykonstruovaném procesu uvěznit a odsoudit k smrti. Angelika se marně pokoušela zachránit svému muži…- Více na https://www.kritiky.cz/specialy/2019/angelika-markyza-andelu-angelique-marquise-des-anges-1964/
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