#Georgia runoff elections
kitti-lee · 2 years
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filosofablogger · 1 year
♫ Georgia On My Mind ♫ (Redux)
Last time I played this song, January 5th 2021, our eyes were on the runoff elections for Senate in Georgia.  Little did we know then what the very next day would bring!   Today, Georgia is on our minds for another reason that I’m sure I don’t have to identify for you.  So, this song just seemed like a natural for the moment.  We’ve been in a state of constant stress and it’s only gonna get…
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fangirlofall · 2 years
Y’all IK we won the senate and it’s definitely important to celebrate, but if you’re in Georgia please, please, please vote in the runoff on December 6.
If we can get 51 instead of an exact tie it will give us a little wiggle room. For the past two years, a lot of the improvements Biden has attempted to make haven’t made it passed the Senate because one or two Democrats voted no and that was all it took; if we can get Georgia too, one Democrat can vote no and the legislation will still pass. The more seats we have the better chance we have for serious, meaningful change.
Please vote December 6th.
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spennythespoon · 2 years
Georgia Senate race really be like
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Edit 12/07/2022: Hell Yeah Warnock won
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iwriteaboutfeminism · 2 years
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It was back and forth for most of the night, but Warnock is the projected winner!
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deadpresidents · 2 years
"Since the last time I was here, Mr. [Herschel] Walker has been talking about issues that are of great importance to the people of Georgia. Like whether it’s better to be a vampire or a werewolf. This is a debate that I must confess I once had myself. When I was seven. Then I grew up. In case you’re wondering, by the way, Mr. Walker decided he wanted to be a werewolf -- which is great! As far as I’m concerned he can be anything he wants to be, except for a United States Senator. This would be funny if he weren’t running for Senate.” 
-- Former President Barack Obama, on Republican Senate candidate Herschel Walker, while campaigning on behalf of Rev. Raphael Warnock for Georgia’s U.S. Senate runoff election.
President Obama might be showing up frequently in Georgia as a surrogate for Reverend Warnock just because he’s having so much fun eviscerating Herschel Walker.
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odinsblog · 2 years
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Please do not let this fool get elected, Georgia
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calliopechild · 2 years
Latest GOP bullshit update!
Because the GOP believes in nothing like they believe in voter suppression, the only Saturday that would have been within the early voting period for the Georgia runoff is now unavailable because of a. a law Georgia Republicans rammed through last year to cut runoff election periods in half and b. a ludicrous rule related to Georgia state holidays. That means that the early voting period is now limited only to Nov. 28 to Dec. 2, which--per GOP standard bullshit--of course makes things difficult for everyone, but especially for the groups most likely to vote Democrat.
So it is super important that if you live in Georgia and can vote, you do so--and check your options/available days now. Confirm your voting status, check and double-check your voting place and the available hours, and start planning now if you might need to vote early or if you can go on Election Day. Below is a link on voting rights in Georgia re: getting time off from work to vote.
Losing the Georgia seat could cost the GOP the ability to deadlock progress there, so they are going to disenfranchise as many people and throw up as many extra barriers to voting as they can, because they know that’s the only way they can win. Spread the word so that anyone who was counting on a non-weekday voting day has enough advance notice to make new plans.
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stupidcowboykid · 2 years
you young people decided--and saved-- this year's midterms.
dont let yourself become disheartened by the election results. we held the line.
because young people voted, we did not see the "red wave" that conservatives so desperately wanted. because young people voted, we saw people of color elected, women elected, LGBTQ+ people elected, small amounts of marijuana decriminalized, antislavery ballot measures approved (i know, in 2022). Because young people voted, we have pro-choice, anti-racist, pro-union, candidates in office. Because young people voted, trump-endorsed candidates lost their elections.
the fact that we did not lose is a win. it could have been so, so much worse. thank you, young voters.
P.S. to the people with runoff elections (see Georgia), go vote again. we are so close.
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dogsofthepod · 2 years
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🎶here we are again🎶
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jenneferofjengaberg · 2 years
So anyways, the midterms didn't turn out as horrible as I feared, but there are things to talk about.
First, we lost the House. There are lots of races still uncalled, but it's pretty much a given. But Republicans will likely only have a narrow majority there.
Currently there are three outstanding Senate races that will decide control of the Senate. Arizona, Georgia, and Nevada. We have to win two of these to maintain control of the Senate.
I think we're going to win in Arizona. There are a lot of votes still coming in, but most of the outstanding votes are coming from blue counties and early ballots, which tend to favor Democrats.
Nevada isn't looking good. The Republican candidate is leading by almost two points and there's a lot less outstanding votes there. And Cortez Masto (D) is underperforming even in blue counties like Clark (Las Vegas) and Washoe (Reno).
That leaves us with Georgia. Warnock (D) just barely edged out Herschel Walker (R), but because Georgia's election rules say that the winner must reach 50% of the votes, it's going to a runoff on December 6th. This is really important. We pretty much have to win Georgia in order to control the Senate, and stop all kinds of Republican nonsense for the next two years (impeaching Biden, national abortion ban, legislation banning the forgiveness of student loans, disruption of aid to Ukraine, etc.)
There's also reason to worry because there was a Libertarian candidate on the ballot in Georgia who probably drew some votes away from Walker (In America, Libertarians are just Republicans with extra steps or Republicans who like weed), and they won't be present in the runoff election. If even half of that guy's voters decide to vote for Walker, Warnock will be toast.
Consequently, he'll need a big fundraising/advertising push, so that he can motivate everyone who voted for him in the midterms to turn out and vote again on December 6th, less than a month away. Here's what you can do to help:
If you live in Georgia, vote in the runoff election! It's too late to register to vote for that election, but you can submit a request now for an absentee ballot for that election if you're already registered.
You can also volunteer for the Warnock Campaign. Things like phone banking and knocking on doors to get out the vote are crucial.
Donate. If you can afford it, even small contributions can help the campaign buy advertising and get the word out about the runoff election.
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Georgia Supreme Court reinstates six-week abortion ban.
         With less than two weeks before the Georgia Senate run-off, the Georgia Supreme Court has reinstated a six-week abortion ban. See CNN Politics, Georgia Supreme Court reinstates six-week abortion ban. Political “experts” in Georgia claim that ruling will have little effect on the runoff. See Channel 11alive.com, Political impacts of Georgia abortion ban and Senate runoff. Per Political strategist Brian Robinson,
“Voters have been tuned out, traveling, seeing family, watching football, not necessarily talking about politics or reading about politics . . . And people aren't going to vote in a referendum on an abortion issue.”
         That’s right, a male political strategist believes that women voters are too busy “watching football” to worry about the criminalization of reproductive liberty. Spoken like a man who is being paid to suppress turnout. Mr. Robinson apparently missed the results of the 2022 midterms.
[Robert B. Hubbell Newsletter]
[Georgia folk :: early voting starts today in the runoff.  Please vote]
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filosofablogger · 2 years
A Few Thoughts From The Bouncing Mind
A Few Thoughts From The Bouncing Mind
I don’t know if it’s the weather, the holidays or what, but I cannot seem to concentrate on any single topic long enough to write a more in-depth post for the past few days.  I need to have a heart-to-heart talk with my brain, I think.  Or would that be a heart-to-brain talk?  Is the brain even available for a chat, or is it out to lunch?  For now, though, I will share with you just a few of the…
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whenweallvote · 2 years
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The Georgia runoff election is December 6, 2022. 𝘉𝘶𝘵 𝘸𝘩𝘺 𝘸𝘢𝘪𝘵? In-person early voting will begin no later than November 28 — and in some counties, even sooner. 
Make your plan to vote early at weall.vote/georgia 🍑
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tomorrowusa · 2 years
One of the biggest differences between a 50-50 Senate and one with a 51-49 Democratic majority is committee assignments. In a 50-50 chamber, all of the committees are also evenly divided. That gives Republicans extra procedural tools to slow down business, even if they can’t stop things up entirely. But in a 51-49 Senate, Democrats will have majorities on all of the committees. This really comes to play in confirmations of presidential appointments, where the GOP has been able to gum up the works for the past two years. With 51 senators, Biden will be able to get a lot more appointments through, including those very important lifetime judicial appointments. And with Republicans controlling the House, the chances of Congress doing any substantive legislation is slim, so confirmations will be an even bigger part of the Senate’s business.
Jacob Rubashkin at FiveThirtyEight on why the Democratic net gain of one US Senate seat makes a huge difference.
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iwriteaboutfeminism · 2 years
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