#Georgina orwell
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asoue text posts (part 2 is up check the tag)
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asoue + reductress
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beatricebidelaire · 2 months
the other day i was thinking about olaf being described as tall in the books, and then i paused to consider, was he "much taller than average", or just "seemed tall from a child's perspective"? after all, olaf's age, according to DH, is "however old children think old people are". so when he was described as tall, could that just be that he looked tall to the three kids.
so i thought, were other people described as tall? off the top of my head the one thing i recall is, jacques was described as " not as tall as olaf" and "not as thin as olaf", and possibly the only adult character whose height is directly compared to olaf's iirc
for comparison's sake, i went back to check if other adults were described as tall as well. olaf and each of his disguises were repeatedly described as tall. within his troupe. the bald man has been described as tall, and fernald, while in disguise, has also been described as tall. charles and sir were both described as tall at some point. so were georgina, esme, jerome. and some more.
esme, like olaf and fernald, has also been described as tall when in disguise and using a fake name. she's also been described as slender.
denouements are also tall, and more than once described as "tall and skinny, with legs and arms sticking out at odd angles"
side note: this has nothing to do with height but: georgina is described to have blond hair. this is interesting because in the books it wasn't that often that a character's hair color is specified. aside from georgina, olivia is described to have blonde hair - "with a flick of her wrist, she unraveled the turban, and her long, blond hair fell down around her tearstained face" (she, on the other hand, was not described as tall)
references below:
 a tall figure striding toward the Baudelaire children. (tbb)
the children turned to see a very tall man with very short hair. He was wearing a bright blue vest and holding a peach. (tmm)
a tall man with a violin under his chin and an angry glare in his eyes. (taa)
Dr. Orwell was a tall woman with blond hair pulled back from her head and fashioned into a tight, tight bun. (tmm)
in walked a tall, slender woman, also dressed in a pinstripe suit. (tee)
Officer Luciana was a very tall woman wearing big black boots, a blue coat with a shiny badge, and a motorcycle helmet with the visor pulled down to cover her eyes. (tvv)
a tall, skinny figure walking down the B aisle STOP. (thh)
a tall man wearing a suit with long, narrow stripes down it. (tee)
A tall skinny man in rumpled overalls stood up from one of the folding chairs as the Chief of Police stepped off the platform with a lipsticked smile on.  (tvv)
He wasn’t as tall as Count Olaf, and he wasn’t quite as thin, and there wasn’t dirt under his fingernails, or a nasty and greedy look in his eyes. (tvv)
a tall skinny woman with curly hair squinting down at them, and in the third was a man with a very wrinkled face who was still asleep. (tcc)
He was very tall and skinny, and his arms and legs stuck out at odd angles, as if he were made of drinking straws instead of flesh and bone. (tpp)
even the tall, skinny figure of either Frank or Ernest, who would occasionally rush by them on errands of his own. (tpp)
it was a man, tall and skinny, with his legs and arms sticking out at odd angles, as if he were made of drinking straws instead of flesh and bone. (tpp)
taxi driver from tpp:
the children felt a shadow over them, and looked up to see a tall, skinny figure standing over them. In the darkness the children could not see any of his features, only the glowing tip of a skinny cigarette in his mouth. (tpp)
The door of the sauna swung open, and Klaus saw a tall, dim figure step into the steam. (tpp)
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ASOUE Character Playlists
You can find the list of ship playlists (both romantic and platonic) here
Violet Baudelaire
Klaus Baudelaire
Sunny Baudelaire
Beatrice II
Quigley Quagmire
Carmelita Spatz
Count Olaf
Esmé Squalor
Beatrice Baudelaire
Dr. Georgina Orwell
Kit Snicket
Jacques Snicket
Lemony Snicket
Jerome Squalor
Geraldine Juliene
Olivia Caliban (Book!Verse)
Olivia Caliban (Show!Verse)
Jacquelyn Scieszka
I am constantly editing/changing these, most of them aren't really in a coherent order yet and some of them are currently ridiculously short because I haven't quite found the niche of songs for that character yet, but hey! Here you go ^.^ (also I will be making and linking a masterpost for each one explaining why I chose all of the songs, but if anyone ever has any song recommendations or wants to know about a specific song that's already on there, feel free to send me an ask!)
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blatantmilfposting · 2 months
Georgina Orwell actually does use the cane for chronic leg pain sorry I don't make the rules
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reptilesroom · 1 year
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lyeekha · 3 months
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erenfox · 18 days
My Biggest What-Ifs of A Series of Unfortunate Events (Series Only)
The Night of the Opera:
1. What if Beatrice and Lemony had just taken the fucking sugar instead of the whole ass Sugar Bowl?
2. What if Olaf's father had never been shot by the poison dart?
The Bad Beginning:
1. What if Violet, Klaus and Sunny had never gone to the Briny Beach that day?
2. What if Violet and Klaus had never figured out Olaf's scheme to marry Violet irl?
The Reptile Room:
1. What if Monty's dumbass had just straight up recognised Olaf?
2. What if the Baudelaires had actually been fooled by Olaf's disguise, or had just pretended to be fooled?
The Wide Window:
1. What if Josephine hadn't been charmed away by Olaf, being still distraught about Ike and all?
2. What if the Quagmire parents had actually come down via their plane to help the Baudelaires + Josephine?
The Miserable Mill
1. What if Violet and Klaus never figured out Georgina's scheme?
2. What if Violet had never yelled 'Fire' and taken out all the workers from their trance?
The Austere Academy
1. What if Larry had never lost the book like a stupid dumbass?
2. What if the Quagmires had never been caught by Olaf?
The Ersatz Elevator
1. What if Olivia had never met Jacques?
2. What if the Baudelaires had identified Esme's true nature beforehand?
The Vile Village
1. What if the absolute fucking idiots of the village had just listened to the Baudelaires?
2. What if the Baudelaires had managed to escape with Hector and the Quagmires?
The Hostile Hospital
1. What if Esme had found the Sugar Bowl before Kit arrived?
2. What if the Snicket File had somehow gotten destroyed before either the Baudelaires or Olaf got to see it?
The Carnivorous Carnival
1. What if Olaf had identified the Baudelaires in their pretty terrible attempt of a freak outfit?
2. What if the Baudelaires had never been reunited with Olivia or watched any of the VFD Files?
The Slippery Slope
1. What if the Baudelaires had never met Quigley?
2. What if Quigley had never been separated from the Baudelaires?
The Grim Grotto
1. What if the Baudelaires had never been intercepted by Fiona?
2. What if Fernald hadn't helped the Baudelaires to escape?
The Penultimate Peril
1. What if the Baudelaires had never met Dewey?
2. What if the Sugar Bowl had been saved by someone at last?
The End
1. What if the Baudelaires had never figured out Ishmael's scheme, and had gotten successfully drugged enough to forget their past?
2. What if Olaf hadn't been a dumbass and released the Medusoid Mycelium on the island?
The Epilogue
1. What if Beatrice II had not managed to survive the returning trip?
2. What if Lemony had never received Beatrice II's letter?
(help im ✨mentally dying✨)
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afterthegreatunknown · 6 months
@unfortunatetheorist to your question for the 'ask blog' ask game:
Why did the Netflix series decide to swap Esmé and Georgina's hair colours from the book canon (and what, if any, is the significance behind this decision)?
Personally, I think they went for acting abilities over appearances for the roles; no real significance to it. But to play into the argument of that there is logic to the hair color swap:
Madame Lulu said that Esme is not a real blonde, which could mean Esme in-universe has natural dark hair (I thought it feels of a jab/insult than legit claim, but...)
Regarding Georgina, IIRC Klaus after he said his dad didn't trust optimists or optometrists, Georgina goes into a little 'I wonder' talk about the person that is clearly about herself, and mentions plastic surgery to assume a new identity. It's possible Georgina post plastic surgery she either dyed her natural blonde hair as part of her new identity, or she was a bottle blonde who stopped dying her hair and went back to her natural dark hair color.
Regarding your question for the ask game itself...
"Am I a bottled blonde? Darling, I swear to you that this is my natural hair color. If I were ever to dye my hair a different color, know that I would do so when it's in. And currently, a dye-job is out."
"It's a shame that some people choose to ignore it."
"You think that I-oh, that's the funniest thing I ever heard!"
"I assure you that I don't dye my hair, just like how I don't hypnotize anyone to get the best dates possible for balls and parties."
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friedwizardwhispers · 6 months
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milf-lover42 · 3 months
I've been thinking about Georgina Orwell an alarming amount this past week but I think I've exhausted all the good fan content out there 💔, tumblr posts, fanfics, hell even whatever pinterest gave me has run dry. I'm sad, I'm contentless, and I'm shamefully in love with Georgina Orwell.
That was longer than I thought itd be but basically the point is that if you have any advice for where to look next then I will take it, and if not then I am humbly asking you for any headcanons or anything you have 🙏
Dear anon I am so so unbelievably sorry for the time it has taken to get to you. I, an Esmé kinner, and my partner, a Georgina kinner, think about this ask every day and have been dying to answer you. Life has just been all over the place.
I would say that these headcanons are just that, and if you disagree then that’s fine, but truthfully I think of what we have come up with over the years as the real and actual truth and canon of the series. With that in mind! Here you go, I hope you enjoy!
Lore headcanons
First and foremost!
No matter the version, book, show, or continuation of the movie that never happened… Georgina survived her “death” at the Mill. In show canon, obviously there’s just an escape chute in the furnace, easy peasy, everyone has said this.
In book canon… yeah okay sure she tripped and was sawed in half at the mill. However, that woman has surely seen an Alice Cooper concert and knows how to fake a gory death live. She probably taught him how to do it to be honest.
So. She lives through Miserable Mill no matter the version. That woman is unkillable.
Georgina’s family is Old VFD. Like the Orwells were founding members type shit. Maybe it was her parents, maybe her grandparents or further, but either way, she was raised knowing everything. She was one of few members capable of learning about VFD and its inner workings from her own family - long before they died. She is the last keeper of every secret. She knows more things about the history of the organization than most of the sugarbowl gen can even begin to piece together. If VFD had nuclear weapons, Georgina Orwell would be the only one left who knew the codes, and that includes the Sinister Duo. Because of this, she’s very disconnected from the other members that we know of because they just don’t know about the truly dark information that VFD has kept secret from itself. She is technically still VFD, and in her earlier life was a dedicated member in some capacity, but she has no strong allegiance to it aside from her secret keeping (though that is more familial allegiance) when the SBG undergoes their schism.
Characteristic headcanons
BOTH of her knees are bad, that’s why she carries a cane. She doesn’t always need it (see: how often she simply holds it instead of actually placing it on the ground in the show), the pain flares up at different intervals and usually only in one leg at a time, but she always carries one A) because it is her sword and B) because that way no one can ever tell if it’s a good or bad day for her as far as knee pain goes.
She takes her coffee with no creamer, but does use sugar. It just varies in quantity per day. NEVER creamer or milk. Also is totally someone that’s a “don’t talk to me before my morning coffee” person. She doesn’t ever say this, she doesn’t have a nonsense mug that says it. However, if you try to speak to her before her coffee she will simply ignore you. She doesn’t get mad or glare or anything. She just… does not care until she’s had coffee. So it’s best to just wait because you won’t get anything out of her until then.
Tea she takes plain, nothing in it, no milk, no sugar, no lemon, nothing. Just. Tea. She isn’t a tea snob by any means, she will drink any tea she is given. If it’s bad tea she’ll just think that it wasn’t great, could be improved, but will take NO steps to improve it herself. She doesn’t even look at what type she is buying and she has no favorites. She likes tea enough to buy and make it but she literally does not care enough to select one. She just picks one at random every single time. She has had some truly horrible teas in her time without complaining or changing her habits once.
If you ask her what matcha is she will have NO idea what the fuck you are talking about.
Thank you so much for the ask, I love talking about my wife. I have so many more headcanons but pretty much all of them revolve around the idea that she and Esmé are together pre and post series (I am writing a fic slowly but surely to better explain this dynamic) and that they adopt Carmelita after the hotel. In the case that you are not an Eswell shipper I am keeping them to myself for the time being, but should you want that specific Georgina content I am more than happy to oblige! Just shoot me another ask and I will begin to compile it for you.
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asoue + tumblr
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beatricebidelaire · 3 months
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academic-vampire · 2 months
What’s your opinion of George Orwell’s writings?
I really like the one Orwell book I’ve read so far, the classic Animal Farm. The writing style in Animal Farm is similar to what I may call a “fable style.” I found the message to be very clear and straight to the point—there isn’t much room for interpretation. Usually, I wouldn’t be a massive fan of this, but the message was broad enough to be applied somewhat expansively. I think his style is humorous, profound, and critical. I enjoyed applying it to the modern day as I read it, so in other words, his application points are pretty broad, too. I plan to read more of him soon. What about you?
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rushed edit but i just had the epiphany of my life
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mamsellechosette24601 · 5 months
“She is the greatest to advise All I have to say and all that comes to my mind I hope she knows she is divine I hope she knows she’s the one for my kind Girl you know, you are divine
And I hope to god That she sees it on my face When she looks at me that way Oh god I’m afraid You won’t take my girl from me I will love her anyway She tells me she’s afraid I tell her it’s okay They love to chase me
And I love her lips, her kiss and the way she looks at me Girl, they say I’m just a kid who is playing with the devil disguised in jeans But she is just so beautiful She says I’m not alone It’s easy
I hope to god that she sees on my face When she looks at me that way Girl, I’m in trouble You can see it on my face I would do it all again” - Ana Hazl
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