#German Open Badminton results
bocciaraf · 2 years
A sporting account… on Tumblr?
Bit of an experiment, this. Hopefully not a mistake.
Hello. I’m Rafael. I play boccia, which is a Paralympic sport (e.g., a sport which is in the Paralympics, like goalball, wheelchair rugby, etc). It’s a cousin of pétanque, lawn bowls, curling, and all those other sports whose ancient ancestor is someone going “I bet I can get my rock closer to that pebble over there than you can get yours”. Boccia is played indoors, in a space almost exactly the same size as a badminton court, as individuals, in pairs, or teams of 3. In the UK the overwhelming emphasis is on individual play, although pairs and teams competition is growing in global significance.
I’m a member of the newly reformed England squad, run by our governing body Boccia England, and I’m classified as a BC3 athlete - that means that instead of throwing or kicking the balls, we roll them down a ramp instead. The ramp is positioned, and balls set up on it for us, by a Ramp Operator - for me, that’s either one of my personal assistants, or increasingly, my partner. The RO isn’t allowed to see what’s going on on the court, they have to keep their back to it at all times during matchplay - they’re only allowed to physically help, not tactically help.
Playing boccia changed my life - I’ve always been a competitive person but until I discovered the sport in 2012, aged 27, had not only no access to participate in sports but no idea that a sport I could meaningfully play even existed. My sporting career is a direct legacy of the 2012 London Paralympics; it was the presentation of the Boccia UK Squad at the opening ceremony which resulted in the penny dropping. I was at my first club session within a few weeks, and attended my first competition a few weeks after that - I won a bronze medal, and was hooked.
My breakout year was the 2018-2019 season; our last complete season before the pandemic brought everything to a screeching halt. That year I zoomed my way through the Heathcoat Cup national finals - our ‘second division’ competition, a precious space for beginner and improving players to learn their trade without getting steamrollered by the pros - which qualified me directly into the BE Cup Finals, which is the de facto England national championship. I won my pool, unbeaten, and ultimately came 4th, which saw me begin the 2019-2020 season ranked 5th in England, behind two international athletes and two England players.
After that came a funny couple of years; half a season and two bronze medals in BE Cup Qualifiers before the pandemic stopped everything, and then a heavily modified “Back to Boccia” season for 2021-2022, at which I won the gold medal at two of the three Back To Boccia Cup events, went and won the qualifying tournament for the German National Boccia Championships in Düsseldorf - broadening my horizons as a dual national - before being selected for my very first Boccia UK Challenger. The Challengers are events run by BUK to provide the UK national squad, and selected others from the home countries, with additional formal competition experience. At the Gloucester Challenger there were 4 Boccia UK-supported athletes; two men from the World Class Programme and two women being supported in their development with coaching and world-class equipment, including Paralympian Scott McCowan, who had come 4th in Tokyo just nine months earlier. I beat all four UK athletes, and ultimately came second to my England colleague Matt Berry. That silver medal is my greatest achievement, to date. Matt and I followed that up with another one-two finish at the special, pandemic-edition competition run within the talent pathway as a substitute for the England national championships, which resulted in my being selected for my very first UK National Championships, where I lost only to the two McCowan brothers, Paralympians both, and ultimately came 6th. Just a fortnight later I was in Berlin, where I won the silver medal in the German National Championships.
I’ve just kicked off the 2022-2023 season with a very solid 5th place at the first BE Cup qualifier competition, and I’m off up to the SMILE Boccia Open tomorrow, to train up a shiny new personal assistant as a ramp operator. Wish us luck!
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noisytyrantmoon · 1 year
Final Blog Assignment
Post #1
I will be studying the Belgian culture for my blog project. I chose Belgium, because I'm not familiar with its culture, and I want to learn more about it. This will help me with interacting with people in other cultures, because it will help break down cultural barriers, as well as how to love and appreciate those who are different from me by recognizing other people’s beliefs, customs, and values to interact with them without judgement or prejudice. Learning about other cultures also helps with intercultural communication, because we can relate better to people with cultural differences and even understand ourselves better, resulting in more cultural connection and less cultural conflict. 
There are many aspects of culture in Belgium. One important aspect is religion. Roughly half of Belgium’s population identifies as Roman Catholic, 5% identifies as Muslim, 9.2% is atheist, and 32.6% doesn’t identify with a religion. 
There are also many languages spoken in the country, with large amounts of people speaking French, German, Dutch, English, or a combination of the four.  
A common hobby in Belgium is playing sports. Many people enjoy playing volleyball, tennis, table tennis, badminton, and soccer. 
Cleanliness is very important to people in Belgium, and it is common to see people washing the pavement in front of their house or sweeping the street. 
A traditional dish in Belgium is moules-frites, or fresh mussels that are cooked in olive oil and white wine with garlic, thyme, and shallots. It is also served with potato fries. 
Many people say that we study other cultures from the perspective of our own culture. We grow up in our own cultures and believe things such as decorating trees in the winter is normal and that everyone does it, or that we dress or act in certain ways. We also have our own religions and local practices. 
Then, we encounter another culture and want to understand it. There may be some similarities to our own culture, but there are also many differences. Religions have their own cultures, as does the same religion in a different location have its own culture. A completely different religion or ethnicity has an even vaster difference from our parent culture.  
To ensure that the information I collect is accurate and unbiased from the perspective of individuals who live in that culture, I will get information from reliable sources online. I will also keep an open mind and try not to be judgmental when learning about cultural differences without labelling them as “good” or “bad,” “right” or “wrong.” That’s what is so special about cultural differences: everyone believes in different things, and there are so many perspectives on various topics.
Post #2
Family is very important in Belgium. Members of the immediate family share pretty much every meal together. Both immediate members and relatives are often very close to each other, as well – though contact with neighbors isn’t as close (even in smaller villages), because people tend to value privacy. Parents typically support their kids financially until they reach adulthood. While both parents work, women are usually responsible for doing chores around the house, as well as taking care of the kids. In general, families in Belgium have up to three kids. Many kids enjoy playing sports, going to concerts and cinemas, and scouting on weekends. 
While women hold many of the child rearing responsibilities, there are also plenty of other options – especially for parents with busier schedules. For example, all Belgian parents can use public childcare that is subsidized by the government. Public daycare is very popular, and people are usually put on a waiting list. It is recommended that parents register with several daycare centers after their pregnancy is confirmed. Belgium also has other childcare options for kids aging from a few months to two years. These include preschools, nurseries, au pairs, and childcare provided by your employer. 
There is also an emphasis on older people being active in the community. In Belgium, people think that people should continue to participate in social, economic, cultural, spiritual, and civic activities instead of just being physically active or participating in the labor market. This is especially important when it comes to healthy ageing. Older people are encouraged to become more active in their communities because of the potential benefits of participation for health and overall wellbeing. 
Globalization and migration impact family structure in many ways. In Belgium specifically, migration has many effects on the country. Compared to other countries in the European Union, Belgium does not perform very well regarding immigrants’ integration into the workforce. Discrimination is still a prominent issue coming into the country from other places, despite the legal framework. 
Access to education is also strongly and positively correlated to immigrants’ integration into the workforce. Children of immigrants tend to do much better in terms of employment, but they do not have equal access to higher education as Belgian natives. Belgium has a low rate of equity when it comes to origins of the education system. In fact, it has one of the lowest levels of all OECD countries. 
Other major factors that play into the integration of immigrants into the workforce include acquisition of Belgian citizenship, proficiency in one of the national languages, and ethnic discrimination. Recognition of qualifications can also have an impact on it.
Post #3
People in Belgium tend to be religious. The dominant religion in Belgium is Catholicism, especially in the Flanders, and they attend Mass on Sundays and other holy days of obligation. In fact, about 60% of the country’s population identifies as Catholic. However, about a third of Belgium’s population identifies as non-religious. Regular attendance at Church has also decreased throughout the country. Some of the minor religions in Belgium are Muslim, Protestant, and Jewish. Catholic people believe that God is with us at every moment. They value life, family, truth, and justice. They follow the ethical rules in the Ten Commandments. These include respecting God and other authority figures like parents, honoring the Sabbath, and prohibition on things such as lying and stealing. Catholic people see death as a change rather than an ending. People’s physical bodies are buried or cremated, but Catholic people believe that people receive a spiritual resurrection body and possibly have an eternal life with God. The final decision will be made when the whole of creation is judged. Catholic people believe that, while human bodies die, their soul does not die; they believe that the soul is immortal. 
As mentioned, most of Belgium’s population identifies as Catholic, but the second largest group is made up of people who are either atheists or do not identify with a religion, as well as some other minority groups. The government officially recognizes Roman Catholicism, Protestantism, Anglicanism, Orthodox, Christianity, Judaism, Islam, and secular humanism. In fact, people are encouraged to embrace their own religious beliefs – regardless of what they are. Belgium’s Constitution states that people are allowed freedom of worship, including in public, and freedom of expression, so long as no crime is committed during these freedoms. No individual is required to participate in any religious activity or ceremony or observe a religious group’s days of rest. The state cannot interfere with the appointment of religious clergy or block the publication of religious documents. The law even prohibits any sort of discrimination against religious orientation. The federal law also prohibits inciting religious hatred, including Holocaust denial, and people can face up to a year in prison for Holocaust denial. There is an antisemitism law that prohibits discrimination based on nationality, race, skin color, national origin, or ethnicity, and courts have interpreted it so that it may be applied to cases of antisemitism. This shows that Belgium takes religious discrimination seriously and that it will not be excused. 
Post #4
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1830: Belgium declared independence from the Netherlands. Liberals and revolutionaries rebelled against conservative kings and governments. The movement started in France when Charles X's publication of four ordinances dissolving the Chamber of Deputies, which halted freedom of the press and modified electoral laws so that 3/4 of the electorate lost votes, were followed by strikes and protests. Liberals throughout the rest of Europe were encouraged to hope for a general social revolution. In 1831, Belgium was officially declared as a separate nation from the Netherlands.
1993: The Constitution changed to recognize the three regions of Belgium: Flanders, Wallonia, and Brussels. Belgium became a fully-fledged federal state. The different regions got more freedom, and their parliaments were directly elected. More competences (such as agriculture and oversight over their own governments) were appointed to each region. The regional governments were given constitutional powers, so they were no longer dependent on the government. Thus, Belgium shifted from a unitary government to a federal government.
1999: Dioxin contamination scandal. In January 1999, 500 tons of feed contaminated with about 50 kilograms (110 pounds) of polychlorinated biphenyls (or PCBs, which are highly carcinogenic compounds) and one gram of dioxins (persistent organic pollutants) were issued to animal farms in Belgium (though some was also sent to the Netherlands, France, and Germany - just to a lesser extent). Many pigs and cows were impacted in the farms in Belgium, and they resisted demands from the EU that they remove beef and pork from sales, which put Belgium at risk for legal action. It wasn't until July 1999 that Belgium finally banned beef and pork products from being sold.
One film that tells part of Belgium's history is "Lumumba." This movie tells the story of African leader Patrice Emery Lumumba. Called the "politico of the bush" by journalists, Lumumba rose to leadership as the Prime Minister when Belgium granted the Congo's independence in June of 1960. He lasted two months in office.
Post #5
There isn’t a single official language in Belgium. Instead, the language used depends on the region of the country that you are in. The three languages that are spoken in Belgium are French, German, and Dutch. Many people in the country speak English, as well. However, according to Babbel, the most spoken language in Belgium is Dutch, with 60% of the population speaking it. About 40% of the country’s population speaks French, and only 1% speaks German – though it is still considered an official language. 
According to the dictionary, a lingua franca is “a language that is adopted as a common language between speakers whose native languages are different.” Using English as a lingua franca can impact your ability to communicate effectively with people from other cultures in many ways. It allows people to communicate with each other when they may not have been able to do so otherwise, and it makes communication clearer. It is much easier than solely relying on nonverbal communication to interact with someone from another culture. However, there are different variations of English in different countries, such as with slang. This can make it a little difficult at times to understand what someone is saying. 
Here are some basic words and phrases in the languages used in Belgium: 
French- Bonjour 
German- Hallo 
Dutch- Hallo 
French- Oui 
German- Ja 
Dutch- Ja 
French- Non 
German- Nein 
Dutch- Nee 
French- S'il te/vous plait (“te” is familiar, while “vous” is used in more formal settings) 
German- Bitte 
Dutch- Alsjeblieft 
Thank you: 
French- Merci 
German- Danke 
Dutch- Bedankt 
Can you help me: 
French- Pouvez-vous m’aider 
German- Kannst du mir helfen 
Dutch- Kun je me helpen 
I don’t understand: 
French- Je ne comprend pas 
German- Ich verstehe nicht 
Dutch- Ik begrijp het niet 
I don’t speak (name of language): 
French- Je ne parle pas francais 
German- Ich spreche kein Deutsch 
Dutch- Ik spreek geen nederlands 
My name is: 
French- Mon nom est 
German- Ich heiße 
Dutch- Mijn naam is 
The French words were easy for me to pronounce, because I have a little bit of experience in speaking it. However, I am not sure how to say most of the German and Dutch words. I have absolutely no experience with speaking either of those languages, and there were some words where two vowels were next to each other, so I do not know how they are supposed to be pronounced. To learn the words better, I think that it is important to just practice saying them out loud, so I can get the pronunciation correct. 
The phrase "language influences our view of reality" implies the fact that the language we use affects the way we make sense of the world around us. Language not only helps us communicate with each other, but it also impacts how we feel, what we do, and how we perceive the world around us. It can also determine how we approach difficult problems and affect our views on space and time. 
Post #6
It is important to understand as much as possible about nonverbal language when interacting with people from that culture, because different people from around the world interpret actions in social situations in different ways. Understanding cultural differences in nonverbal communication is especially important for those who want to go into international business or who may want to visit or move to another country, or even get a job in another country. 
Nonverbal communication can be difficult to interpret accurately, because the meanings for different actions vary from person to person. Nonverbal communication is also continuous. Unlike the stop-start nature of verbal communication, nonverbal messages flow from one situation to another. 
In Belgium, one example of nonverbal communication is through touch. According to IOR Global Services, women greet each other with three “air” kisses on the cheek (IOR, 2022). This is also a common greeting between a man and a woman. On the other hand, men greet each other with a handshake. When shaking hands, it is important to maintain steady eye contact and not look away. 
Another element of nonverbal communication in Belgium is through one’s attire. There is no specific dress code for anyone, and you’ll typically see all sorts of clothing styles, brands, and colors out in public. However, many people dress more conservatively and smartly. Popular western casual clothing (such as jeans t-shirts, and sneakers) is common to see. Belgians do not usually make a big deal about what other people are wearing or dressing up when going out. If you go to a party wearing jeans and a shirt, nobody will care – unless there is a dress code put in place by the host. It is also polite to bring gifts. Bringing flowers for the host or hostess and candy or a small gift for children is appreciated. 
In Belgium, people like to have their personal space. Gestures such as slapping your friend on the back are considered aggressive and an invasion of space. People stay about an arm’s length away from each other during conversation. 
I feel like it would take some time to get used to interacting with other people using their cultural norms for sitting and standing in line. In Belgium, men stand up when a woman enters the room. That would make me feel very uncomfortable, because I’m very reserved and do not like being the center of attention. Men also stand on public transportation while women sit, which is very different from the United States. 
When it comes to organizing time, people in Belgium are very flexible and open-minded. They value privacy, a safe and comfortable life, hard work, and self-discipline. People also value a life-work balance and enjoy spending time with their families. 
People in Belgium are meticulous with their time and are very punctual. Punctuality is regarded as a virtue, especially when it comes to business-related events. On the other hand, in the case of social events, the arrival time of guests may vary according to community and class.
Post #7
In Belgium, school is compulsory for kids aged 5-18. Pupils must attend school full-time until they are 15 years old. After they turn 15, students have the option to participate in part-time schooling and opt in a learning path that combines part-time vocational education with part-time employment. Access to education is free until the end of compulsory education, so until the student turns 18. However, certain fees (such as the cost of books, school trips, sports, and other extracurricular activities) can be charged to the parents. Preschool is also available for children aged 2-5. It is not obligatory for children until the age of five, most children participate in pre-primary education. 
The school day begins between 8:00 and 8:30 depending on the school and ends between 3:30 and 4:00. Generally speaking, students go to school Monday through Friday, with Wednesday afternoons and weekends off. 
About 72% of high school graduates in Belgium will enter a four-year college degree before the age of 25. The share of women among general upper secondary education graduates is 56%, while men make up 52% of all vocational college graduates. 51% of Belgium’s population aged 25-34 has a college degree. The completion of a bachelor’s degree or equivalent is 38% in the French community in Belgium and 52% in the Flemish community. 
In the United States, students in secondary schools take English, foreign language classes (namely Spanish, since it is the second most spoken language in the country), math, social studies, and science. Students also take elective classes such as art, photography, and family and consumer sciences. In college, the most popular majors are math, computer science, business, biology and biomedical sciences, education, psychology, political science, environmental science, engineering, and social sciences and humanities. 
Similarly, some of the topics taught in Belgian schools include math, history/geography, German and French (German is the language of instruction, while French is taught as a student’s first foreign language), science, music/art, social sciences, and sports (or physical education in the United States). These subjects, along with religion and ethics classes, are required until the end of compulsory education. With a few exceptions (languages and religion/ethics), the school decides on the selection and number of hours of individual subjects. The schools are committed to offering several options for students. 
The most popular areas of study in universities in Belgium are social sciences (economics, international relations, and political science, respectively), the humanities, journalism, and medicine. University rates vary based on your nationality, the region where you study, the type of university you choose, the chosen academic program, and so on. Something to keep in mind is that the tuition policy is fair, and universities offer scholarships and grants. 
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teemates-blog · 6 years
This Awesome Easter Egg in Aquaman, if You’ve Been to Hawaii, You Must Know it!
Recently, DC, which had been lagged behind in its competition against Marvel, completely turned the game ahead by a first-rate movie, Aquaman. After being released in China, it immediately launched a wave of enthusiasm. The box office broke through 650 million in just 3 days. The Douban score is 8.2, and scores on other platforms are up to 9 or above.
Double gains in public praise and the box office, this movie was seen as "the best superhero movie of 2018". This time, DC can finally enjoy its victory for a moment.
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The movie highly restores the comic story , and truly presented the magical underwater world. Of course, the man who stars as the "king of the ocean" in the movie, Jason Momoa, is one of the biggest selling points that drives people to cinema.
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A Walking Hormone, Best Candidate for Aquaman
Staring as as Aquaman, Jason Momoa has a muscular physique of 6'4" height and 210 pounds. I believe many girls rush to the theater only for the masculine look of Jason, regardless of the jealous boyfriend sitting beside them.
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Many people knew Jason from the character of the Dothraki king, Khal Drogo, of Game of Thrones. Coming from the mainland of Westeros, Jason seemed to be just right for the role of Aquaman because of his deep connection with the ocean. Like Aquaman, Jason is also a mixed-race.His father is of Native Hawaiian descent, while his mother is of German, Irish, and Native American ancestry.
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He has grown up at the beach and had never been away from the ocean. Before entering show business, Jason would always go to a surf shop for a part-time job during his vacation. Another happy coincidence, Jason majored in marine biology in college. It is no wonder that Jason can communicate with marine life freely in the movie.His deep understanding and love for the ocean, gave Jason all the bravado and charisma needed to fit the role of Aquaman.
Not Easy to Be Aquaman
In order to give a better performance in Aquama, Jason Momoa did tons of fitness training, endeavoring to engrave his body lines, especially the muscle lines of the chest and back.
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Nevertheless, a muscular physique was not enough to make him a star. Like the story in the movie, Jason had also experienced low points in life and eventually paved the hard road. In 2011, Jason appeared as the Dothraki king, Khal Drogo in Game of Thrones . However, Hollywood never lacks of tough guy, so the audience is a bit tired. Jason’s character died in the first season of Game of Thrones.
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Fortunately, fate takes care of those who are well-prepared. The Dothraki king deeply impressed DC director Zach Schneider. He invited Jason to the audition of Batman vs. Superman . After receiving the call, Jason didn't even ask which character it was and went to the director straightly. He thought to himself: was there another Batman besides Ben Affleck for me to play? Finally, he took the character of Aquaman. Sometimes, you just need a little luck to succeed.
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In the movie, Aquaman’s real name is “Arthur Curry”. He is the son of Atlanna, the princess of the underwater nation of Atlantis, and a lighthouse keeper. He has a semi-human and semi-Atlantis lineage, so the burden of communication between humans and Atlantis falls on his shoulders.
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From a very young age, Arthur shows various super powers from normal people. He can swim at supersonic speeds, and possesses superhuman strength. He not only can breathe freely underwater and on land, but also can communicate with marine lifeforms. Super cool, isn't it!
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The movie tells a story that after learning he is the heir to the underwater kingdom of Atlantis, the adult Arthur returns to the ocean to destroy his brother's dirty plot and becomes the king of Atlantis.
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You don’t want to miss this splendid movie of course, and certainly not the Easter Eggs too. It is said there are 22 Easter Eggs in the movie. Have you found all of them? 
Here is one special “Easter Egg” in the movie that could be easily missed but is a must-have. 
As a king, he should not only have a splendid life experience, but also a place of birth that‘s definitively not mediocrity. Jason Momoa was born in Hawaii, the paradise on earth.
Speaking of Hawaii, one could easily think of those words: vacation, the ocean, the blue sky, the white clouds,the comfortable temperature, and the relaxing mood. Everything of Hawaii reminds you of the good, it is no wonder that Jason has the handsome looks for Aquaman.
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This time, let’s look at Hawaii from a different perspective. Let’s take a look at the golf courses with the most picturesque scenery and all the natural landscapes.
The golf courses presented, Kapalua Plantation Course and Kapalua Bay Course, are known as Hawaii's must-haves. They are located at Kapalua Bay.
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The Superb Layout of the Plantation
Consistently ranked as the #1 golf course in Hawaii, The Plantation Course was designed by Ben Crenshaw and Bill Coore. The course, of lengthy 7,411 yard par 73, was designed on a grand scale in keeping with its location on the slopes of the West Maui Mountains. With dramatic elevation changes, this course offers plenty of downhill tee shot challenges for the pros.  With the aid of the aggressive slope of the 18th fairway - you will enjoy hitting one of the longest drives of your life.
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It all starts from the first hole, with a par 4 and downhill 520 yards. Standing here, you can absolutely feel the magnificent scenery and the charm of the slopes.
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The 5th hole, which is heavily tilted, is only about 500 yards. However, due to the slope of the fairway, the wind and influence of the deep valley makes it even more challenging.
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PGA Tournament Venue
The first tournament of the PGA Tour, the Tournament of Champions, has been held here since 1999. Many golf champions happened here. Dustin Johnson, Justin Thomas, Jordan Spieth, Tiger Woods, and Sergio Garcia all achieved excellent results here. Every year,  previous winners of The Grand Slams, the World Golf Championship and the PGA Tour of would gather around in the tournaments. It is worth watching!
“World’s best”, Not Only for Courses, But Also the Food!
Delicious food is not less than the beautiful scenery. Following my lead, I would make sure you do not miss any delicious cuisine. The restaurant with the best view lies between the 18th hole and the 1st hole. You can enjoy the food while watching the game. Watching games, playing golf and enjoying the cuisine,the three best things are combined perfectly here for you to experience.
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You must try the French toast made from the Maui sweet bread. It is known as the “Best French Toast on the Planet".
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Have You Tried Seascape Golf Before?
If Kapalua Plantation Course has a beautiful sea view in every hole, then the adjacent Kapalua Bay Golf Course can offer you a wonderful experience of playing over the ocean. Kapalaua Bay Course is famous for its breathtaking 17th hole. Seascape golf, why not have a try?
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17th hole in Kapalaua Bay Course
Just to Imagine,after  swinging the club, your gaze follows the fast moving white ball. You couldn’t help but be caught by the splendid views of the mountain and the ocean when you search for the ball in the fresh air. The beauty of the scenery is packed with a view, what other word is there to describe your feeling at the moment, besides “enjoyable”? Take a long and deep breath in the light and salty ocean breeze. Everything is just too perfect!
If you are lucky enough, you could even spot some rainbows over the course after raining.
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Place of the Champions and Stories
The Bay Course opened in 1975 and in that time has hosted over 20 major professional tournaments. Great champions and stories have emerged here, such as Greg Norman’s first win on America soil, Ian Woosnam and David Llwellyn’s thrilling victory for Wales in the World Cup of Golf and Morgan Pressel’s nail-biting win at the Kapalua LPGA classic.  Two of the most popular PGA players ever, Fred Couples and Davis Love III, have each earned victories here - twice.
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pictures from the last round  in Sentry Tournament of Champions by Dustin Johnson, Kapalaua Bay Course, Lahaina, Hawaii, 7th Jan, 2018.
Take a Good Rest after One Round
As in any resorts, hotels are necessary. The hotels in Kapalua would make it uneasy for you to say goodbye.
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The Ritz-Carlton
In addition to the ocean view, there are hot springs and professional badminton courts. There are other facilities available, too. I have to mention the most famous restaurants in Maui are Kapalua Cliff House and Merriman's Maui. Kapalua Cliff House offers the perfect sunset seascape meal and Merriman has Maui exquisite cuisine. My appetite was left on Hawaii and it is now calling me.
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There is a sense of place that captures the soul and inspires guests to return again and again.
Kapalua Resort has more to explore than just golf courses. Its 22,000-acre natural paradise setting is home to exotic species found nowhere else on the planet. Marine life teems and thrives in protected sanctuaries. 
High atop the resort in the West Maui Mountain range, Pu’u Kukui is one of the largest private nature preserves in Hawaii. This majestic haven is home to 20 percent of Hawaii's native plants, including three native bird species, five extremely rare snails, and 18 native plants found nowhere else in the world.
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The two golf courses are certified Audubon sanctuaries, protecting 23 species of birds. This revered designation by Audubon International is a result of the resort's sound environmental management practices to preserve and protect wildlife living on or near the golf courses.
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They are also Hawaii State Marine Life Conservation Districts, and home to ancient lava formations, splendid coral gardens and spectacular marine life, making some of Hawaii's most spectacular snorkeling sites.
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Credit: Jeasea
Having seen all these beautiful views, don’t you want to grab your bag and just go? Hold on sec. Please don't hesitate to follow us if you like what we introduced here.
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Lakshya Sen Beats Local Hope to Advance to Korea Open Second Round
Lakshya Sen Beats Local Hope to Advance to Korea Open Second Round
World championships bronze medallist Lakshya Sen staved off a spirited challenge from local hope Choi Ji Hoon to enter the men’s singles second round of the Korea Open Super 500 badminton tournament here on Tuesday. IPL FULL COVERAGE | SCHEDULE | RESULTS | ORANGE CAP | PURPLE CAP Sen, who has been in sensational form in the last six months with back-to-back final finishes at German Open and All…
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nikmansports · 5 years
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Tahniah Haikal dan Wan Arif! Juara German Junior Open! Saya percaya ini title pertama peringkat remaja antarabangsa bagi negeri Kelantan (Haikal) dan Terengganu (Wan Arif) dalam sejarah badminton negeri masing2! Kalau ada yang lain, maaf ya👍😁 Reposted from @malaysiabadmintonlovers RESULT: YONEX GERMAN JUNIOR 2020 🇩🇪 . Category: Junior International Grand Prix Date: 04-08 March Venue: Große Halle des Sportforums Berlin, Germany . [DAY 5] [08/03/2020] [SUNDAY] . (FINAL) . ✅ MD: Arif Junaidi/Muhammad Haikal [MAS] Win (13-21 21-18 21-16) [vs] Muhammad Rayhan Nur Fadillah/Rahmat Hidayat [INA] 0:46 Minutes . Sweet revenge! Congrats & Good job! 👍🏻 @wanarifff_ @karlnzr . 🥇GOLD: Arif Junaidi/Muhammad Haikal [MAS] 🥈SILVER: Muhammad Rayhan Nur Fadillah/Rahmat Hidayat [INA] 🥉BRONZE: Yong Jin/Jae Hyeon Kim [KOR] . Congratulations to all winners! 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 . #YGJO2020 #YonexGermanJuniorOpen2020 #BadmintonMalaysia #MalaysiaBadmintonLovers - #regrann (at Nikman Sports) https://www.instagram.com/p/B9ekp9YDpa6/?igshid=8aeizhlbff8u
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P V Sindhu, Lakshya Sen to Lead Indian Challenge
P V Sindhu, Lakshya Sen to Lead Indian Challenge
India’s latest badminton sensation Lakshya Sen and double Olympic medallist P V Sindhu will lead the Indian campaign at the Korea Open Super 500 tournament scheduled to start on Tuesday. IPL FULL COVERAGE | SCHEDULE | RESULTS | ORANGE CAP | PURPLE CAP With back-to-back finals at German Open and All England Championships, Sen is in the form of his life and will look to be third time lucky as he…
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yusufahmd · 6 years
The German, who never won a French Open title during his career, and has in the past praised Nadal for his dominance on clay, is confident of the 32-year-old claiming his 11th French Open title, despite looking less than a 100 percent. from Sports News: Cricket News, Latest updates on Tennis, Football, Badminton, WWE Results & more https://ift.tt/2JHjTuE
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nikolasfuturist · 7 years
In The Future of Blockchain-based Elections we look at Sierra Leone’s recent election, VW’s battery shock, a mind-uploading service, making music with machine learning, and Nikolas Badminton on surveillance technology in China.
Sierra Leone just ran the first blockchain-based election
The citizens of Sierra Leone went to the polls on March 7 but this time something was different: the country recorded votes at 70% of the polling to the blockchain  using a technology that is the first of its kind in actual practice.
The tech, created by Leonardo Gammar of Agora, anonymously stored votes in an immutable ledger, thereby offering instant access to the election results.
“Anonymized votes/ballots are being recorded on Agora’s blockchain, which will be publicly available for any interested party to review, count and validate,” said Gammar. “This is the first time a government election is using blockchain technology.”
Read more at TechCrunch
VW Just Gave Tesla a $25 Billion Battery Shock
Volkswagen AG secured 20 billion euros ($25 billion) in battery supplies to underpin an aggressive push into electric cars in the coming years, ramping up pressure on Tesla Inc. as it struggles with production issues for the mainstream Model 3.
The world’s largest carmaker will equip 16 factories to produce electric vehicles by the end of 2022, compared with three currently, Volkswagen said Tuesday in Berlin. The German manufacturer’s plans to build as many as 3 million of the cars a year by 2025 is backstopped by deals with suppliers including Samsung SDI Co., LG Chem Ltd. and Contemporary Amperex Technology Ltd. for batteries in Europe and China.
Read more at Bloomberg
A startup is pitching a mind-uploading service that is “100 percent fatal”
Next week, at YC’s “demo days,” Nectome’s cofounder, Robert McIntyre, is going to describe his technology for exquisitely preserving brains in microscopic detail using a high-tech embalming process. Then the MIT graduate will make his business pitch. As it says on his website: “What if we told you we could back up your mind?”
Read more at MIT Technology Review
Making music using new sounds generated with machine learning
Here we see Doug from the Google Brain Team talk about Magenta. One project, NSynth Super, is an open source experimental instrument that gives musicians the ability to explore completely new sounds generated by the NSynth machine learning algorithm
Drex talks to Nikolas Badminton – Black Tech in China – How does it work?
See more of Nikolas’ thinking on the modern work at 2018, the Year of Radical Creativity.
The post The Future of Blockchain-based Elections appeared first on Futurist Speaker Nikolas Badminton.
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topsolarpanels · 7 years
Put us on the map, please: China’s smaller cities go wild for starchitecture
From mountain-shaped apartment blocks to the centre of braised chicken reinventing itself as Solar Valley, Chinas second( and third) tier cities are hiring big-name architects to get them noticed
From egg-shaped concert hall to skyscrapers reminiscent of big pairs of pants, Chinas top cities are famously full of curious monuments to architectural ambition. But as land costs in the main metropolises have shot into the stratosphere, developers have been scrambling to buy up plots in the countrys second and third-tier cities, spawning a new generation of delirious plans in the provinces. President Xi Jinping may have issued a directive last year prohibiting oversized, xenocentric, weird houses, but many of these schemes were already well under way; his diktat has proved to be no obstacle to mayoral hubris yet.
From Harbin City of Music to Dezhou Solar Valley, provincial capitals are branding themselves as themed enclaves of culture and industry to attract inward investment, and commissioning ratings of bold buildings to match. Even where there is no demand, city bureaucrats are relentlessly selling off land for developing, hawking plots as the primary form of income accounting for 80% of municipal revenues in some cases. In the last two months alone, 50 Chinese cities received a total of 453 bn yuan( 54 bn) from land auctions, a 73% increase on last year, and its the provincial capitals that are resulting the way.
At the same time, Xis national culture drive has find countless museums, concert halls and opera houses spring up across the country, often used as sweeteners for land bargains, conceived as the pearls at the centre of glistening mixed-used visions( that sometimes never arrive ). Culture, said Xi, is a precondition of the great renaissance of the Chinese people, but it has also proved to be a powerful lubricant for ever more real estate supposition even if the production of content to fill these great vestibules cant quite keep up with the insatiable build boom. From mountain-shaped apartment blocks to cavernous libraries, heres a glimpse of whats emerging in the regions.
Fake Hills, Beihai
A render of how the Fake Hills would look. Illustration: MAD architects
Forming an 800 metre-long cliff-face along the coast of the southern port city of Beihai, the Fake Hills housing block is the work of Ma Yansong, Chinas homegrown conjuror of sinuous, globular sorts whose practise is appropriately named MAD. Having examined at Yale and worked with Zaha Hadid in London, where he nourished his penchant for blobs, Ma has spent the last decade dreaming up improbable mountain-shaped megastructures across the country.
Less scenic mountain and more lumpen collision of colossal cruise-liners The first phase of construction on Fake Hills has been completed. Photograph: MAD
As it rises and falls, the undulating roofline of Fake Hills kinds terraces for badminton and tennis tribunals, as well as a garden and swimming pool. Sadly the overall impact is less scenic mountain range than a lumpen collision of colossal cruise-liners.
Greenland Tower, Chengdu
Greenland Tower, Chengdu. The build harks back to the crystalline dreamings of early 20 th-century German designer Bruno Taut. Illustration: Adrian Smith and Gordon Gill Architecture
A crystalline spire rising 468 metres above the 18 million-strong metropolis of Chengdu, the Greenland Tower will be the tallest building in southwestern China, standing as a sharply chiselled monument to the countrys( and by some counts the worlds) largest real estate developers, Greenland Holding. It is designed by Chicago-based Adrian Smith and Gordon Gill, designers of Dubais Burj Khalifa, who say the faceted shaft is a reference to the unique ice mountain topography of the region. It harks back to the crystalline dreams of early 20 th-century German architect Bruno Taut, who imagined a dazzling glass city crown to celebrate socialism and agriculture; whether Sichuans farmers will be welcomed into the penthouse sky garden remains to be seen.
Sun-Moon mansion, Dezhou
A contender to Silicon Valley the Sun-Moon mansion of Solar Valley, Dezhou. Photo: Alamy
Once known as a centre of braised chicken production, the city of Dezhou in the north-eastern province of Shandong now brands itself as Solar Valley, a renewable energy centre intended to rival Californias Silicon Valley. At its heart is the Sun-Moon mansion, a vast fan-shaped office build powered by an arc of solar panel on its roof. It is the brainchild of Huang Ming, aka Chinas sun king, an oil industry technologist turned solar energy tycoon who heads the Himin Solar Energy Group, the worlds biggest producer of solar water heaters as well as purveyor of sun-warmed toilet seats and solar-powered Tibetan prayer wheels.
Harbin Opera House
Harbin Opera House, with the St Petersburg of the east in the background. Photograph: View Pictures/ Rex/ Shutterstock
Nicknamed the St Petersburg of the east, the far northern city of Harbin has long had a thriving cultural scene as a gateway to Russia and beyond. In the 1920 s, manners from Paris and Moscow arrived here before they reached Shanghai, and it was home to the countrys first symphony orchestra, made up of mostly Russian musicians.
Inside Harbin Opera House. Photo: Opinion Pictures/ Rex/ Shutterstock
Declared city of music in 2010, Harbin has recently pumped millions into a glitter new concert hall by Arata Isozaki, a gargantuan neo-classical conservatory and an 80,000 sq metre whipped meringue of an opera house by MAD. Shaped like a pair of snowy dunes, up which guests can climb on snaking routes, the building contains a sinuous timber-lined auditorium designed as an eroded block of wood.
Tianjin Binhai library
Tianjin Binhai library. Illustration: MVRDV
Due to open this summer in the sprawling port city of Tianjin, this space-age library by Dutch architects MVRDV is imagined as a gaping cave of volumes, carved out from within an oblong glass block. The shelves form a terraced scenery of seating, wrapping around a giant mirrored sphere auditorium that nestles in the middle of the space like a pearl in an oyster.
Inside the space-age Tianjin Binhai library. Illustration: MVRDV
Along with a new theater, congress centre and a science and technology museum by Bernard Tschumi, the building forms part of a new cultural one-quarter for the city, itself being swallowed into the schemed Beijing-Tianjin mega-region population 130 million, thats more than Japan .
Huaguoyuan Towers, Guiyang
Arups twin towers are almost complete. Illustration: LWK& Partners
Nowhere in China is the disparity between economic reality and architectural ambition more stark than in Guiyang, capital of rural Guizhou, the poorest province in the country, which has the fifth most skyscraper schemes of any Chinese city. The twin 335 -metre towers of the Huaguoyuan development, by Arup, are now almost complete, standing as the centrepiece of a new mixed-use office, retail and amusement complex, while SOM is busy conjuring the even higher Cultural Plaza Tower, a 521 -metre glass spear that will soar above a new riverfront world of shopping malls and theatres. It has the glitz and gloss of any other Chinese citys new central business district, but as Knight Franks David Ji points out: It will be hard for a city like Guiyang to find quality renters to fill the space.
Yubei agricultural park, Chongqing
Will Alsops Yubei agricultural park. Illustration: Will Alsop
Architectural funster Will Alsop may ultimately have found his calling in the supercharged furnace of Chinas second-tier cities booming leisure economy, crafting a number of fantastical dreamworlds from his new satellite studio in Chongqing where he is busy constructing a new culture quarter around his own office, with a eatery, bar and distillery. He is also plotting an enormous agricultural leisure park in Yubei, 20 miles north of the city, designed to cater to the new middle classes nascent appreciation of the countryside, a place hitherto links with peasants and poverty. The rolling landscape will be dotted with cocoon-like treehouses, a flower-shaped hotel and a big lagoon covered by an LED-screen canopy, so visitors can enjoy projected blue skies despite the smog.
Zendai Himalayas centre, Nanjing
A limestone mountain range: Zendai Himalayas Centre, Nanjing. Illustration: www.i-mad.com
Erupting across six city blocks like a limestone mountain range, the Zendai Himalayas Centre is likely to be Mas most literal interpretation yet of his doctrine of fusing architecture and nature. Taking inspiration from the traditional style of shanshui scenery brush paint( literally meaning mountain-water ), the 560,000 sq metre complex is designed to look as if it has been eroded by millennia of gust and water , not thrown up overnight by an army of migrant labourers. Once again, Ma appears to be forgetting that elegant feathery brushstrokes dont often translate well into clods of glass and steel. It is one of many such green-fingered strategies in Nanjing, including Stefano Boeris vertical wood towers and the Sifang art park, where Steven Holl, SANAA, David Adjaye and others have constructed pavilions in a rolled landscape as another decoy for a luxury real estate project.
Huawei campus, Dongguan
A render of Huawei campus, Dongguan, which is based on 12 European towns
Telecoms giant Huawei has courted suits for copying from challengers in the past, but its love of imitating clearly extends to architecture too. The companys new campus, under construction on a 300 -acre site in Dongguan, is based on 12 European townships. There are the dreaming steeples of Oxford, the quaint redbrick houses of Bruges, the palazzos of Verona and the chateaux of Burgundy, all connected by a meander Swiss railway. It might look like a theme park, but the employees will have little time for leisure: Huaweis founder likens his staff to a pack of hungry wolves and offers them a dedicated employee arrangement to voluntarily forgo paid holiday and overtime.
Guardian Cities is dedicating a week to the huge but often unreported cities on the front line of Chinas unprecedented urbanisation. Explore our coverage here and follow us on Facebook. Share stories via WeChat( GuardianCities) and by employing #OtherChina on Twitter and Instagram
Read more: www.theguardian.com
The post Put us on the map, please: China’s smaller cities go wild for starchitecture appeared first on Top Rated Solar Panels.
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sportsflu · 7 years
We all have a pre-notion in our mind about “ sport” in India is to talk just about “CRICKET” but slowly this trend is changing & people have started displaying their  love  to “BADMINTON”.
It was 2016 RIO OLYMPICS when P.V.SINDHU & CAROLINA MARIN square off in final of Indian open that ( BARC) Broadcast Audience Research  Council India , said, that it generated 17.3 million impressions.
We can easily notice the makeshift in viewership which  signifies the new public love for Badminton and it gets more firmed when Navendu  Jain of Enkay India Rubber -in charge of distribution of Adidas launched its badminton equipment ranging from beginner to elite level. He said that “ Badminton  has ability to surpass cricket  & football in India” .Even German  company  also  launched  its Badminton  range.
With all Kidami Srikanth making history after history or its P.V.Sindhu, Saina Nehwal or Pullela Gopichand they all have achieved  a remarkable  success in arena of sports and have become faces of Badminton.
Now, Badminton  has become a non-cricket sporting event on television and started  occupying place in their list of favorite sports.
One of the chief reason of its popularity  is starting of Indian  Badminton  League founded in 2013 that  paved the way of its popularity. It brought Badminton  to the drawing rooms of general public & slowly-slowly the perspective have started changing and now the  result is that we are on the position to discuss now do Badminton  have enough calibration to outcast cricket?
Unlike cricket where dramas take place day or another , Badminton is a peaceful  game or say spectator friendly game which is of little duration and doesn’t require much  equipment  unlike cricket. Also we can feel the connection  as we all have grown up by playing this game. • So till Badminton  doesn’t outcast cricket , we all have done our fingers crossed and hopes are always high.
The post Badminton -The next Cricket in India appeared first on SportsFlu.
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horsetalknz · 7 years
Burghley dressage leaders Mark Todd and Leonidas II. © Mike Bain
New Zealand’s Mark Todd has made an excellent start to his Burghley Horse Trials campaign, taking the dressage lead with a mark of 36.7 in the four-star event in Britain.
Todd, 61, has won Burghley five times, the last in 1999, so is keen for a win this century. His first ride there was nearly 40 years ago.
Todd and his German-bred 13-year-old Leonidas II made an elegant picture, the bay gelding remaining obedient yet lively and light in his paces as well as beautifully supple.
In a star-studded line-up, the double Olympic champion heads the USA’s Lauren Kieffer on Veronica ll by just 0.3 of a penalty, with world number one and FEI Classics leader Michael Jung now in third on La Biosthetique Sam.
“Finally, this horse is starting to grow up. When I got him as a six-year-old he was so impetuous, but now he knows what he’s meant to do and I’ve got every confidence in him,” Todd said.
He felt it was one of the best tests Leonidas II had done, and he’s now looking forward to the Mark Phillips-designed cross-country.
Kieffer and the mare Veronica have a second place at Kentucky 2016 and 17th at Badminton this year under their belt, but it is their first visit to Burghley.
“Most of the American riders are sitting on thoroughbreds, so we’re pretty happy about tomorrow’s cross-country,” Kieffer said, “but Burghley is something that’s in a class of its own and we have all studied it pretty carefully.”
Two more senior riders, Andrew Nicholson (NZL), 55, on Nereo and Britain’s Kristina Cook, 46, on Calvino ll, scored under 40 penalties and are in close contention in fourth and fifth places. Nicholson, currently fourth in the FEI Classics, has also won Burghley five times, although never on the 17-year-old Nereo, his winning mount at Badminton this year.
Andrew Nicholson and Nereo are well placed going into the cross-country phase of Burghley. © Mike Bain
Cook, a multiple winner of team medals, including at the recent FEI European Championships in Poland, is renowned for her skill as a cross-country rider but has never won a CCI4*, and her mark of 39.6 may give her the best chance yet.
“I don’t really do dressage in the 30s! So I’ll be going for it tomorrow. Calvino is only small-framed but he has the heart of a lion,” Cook said.
Some of Todd’s compatriots are also well placed after the dressage, with Tim Price and Ringwood Sky Boy sixth on 41.3, and he is also 17th equal with Xavier Faer on 46.5. Caroline Powell and Onwards and Upwards scored 49.5 to sit in 27th with Nicholson and Qwanza right behind them on 49.6. Powell is also in 44th with Spice Sensation on 55.7.
Cross country challenges
Todd said he planned to take all the direct routes. “Burghley is always Burghley. It is big. I would say he has maybe made it a little less technical than last year but you would be very foolish to take it cheaply,” he said.
Nicholson, who is also a five-time winner at Burghley, has a similar game plan for his two mounts.
“I will start off positively and ride according to plan,” he said. “My main plan is to go direct everywhere. Once you start going long ways you can mount up an awful lot of time faults.”
Tim Price also has two on the card and is confident both will give a good showing.
“It is a three-phase game here,” he said. “I think these horses are both all-rounders. They are not out and out dressage horses, so they have both done their optimum work (with their dressage) and that is the best I can expect from them. I think they could both be well in touch with a good result with a couple of good days ahead of them.”
Caroline Powell is predicting the hard and fast conditions will see a few come home “pretty close to the time”.
“I think it is going to jump big and it will have its problems,” she says. “You go clear and inside time and you will be sitting in a better spot. It is never a dressage competition here.”
Tina Cook will be first out on the cross-country course on Saturday at 11.30am on Star Witness, currently 40th after dressage.
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Mark Todd and Leonidas II. © Mike Bain
Andrew Nicholson and Nereo. © Mike Bain
Michael Jung and Sam. © Mike Bain
Tim Price and Ringwood Sky Boy. © Mike Bain
Zara Tindall and High Kingdom. © Mike Bain
Tina Cook and Calvino.  © Mike Bain
Zara Tindall and High Kingdom. © Mike Bain
Andrew Nicholson and Nereo. © Mike Bain
Result after dressage: 1: Sir Mark Todd/Leonidas II (NZL) 36.7 2: Lauren Kieffer/Veronica II (USA) 37.0 3: Michael Jung/La Biosthetique Sam FBW (GER) 38.9
Full results
Zara Tindall and High Kingdom are in 33rd equal place. © Mike Bain
Todd’s tilt for No.6: Sir Mark takes Burghley Horse Trials lead New Zealand's Mark Todd has made an excellent start to his Burghley Horse Trials campaign, taking the dressage lead with a mark of 36.7 in the four-star event in Britain.
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Navy pullover 2017/5/12
Chichester High School For Girls, often referred to as CHSG, is a girls' secondary school with academy status, located in Chichester, West Sussex which became comprehensive in 1971. It takes girls from the age of 11-18. The school held dual specialist Science College and Arts College status before converting to academy status in September 2013. The number of children on roll is 1463 including over 400 students in the 6th form, which is fully integrated with Chichester High School for Boys. It also shares a Combined Cadet Force contingent with Chichester High School for Boys.The school's campus was originally in the Stockbridge area of Chichester. Buildings were then built in Kingsham Road, next to Chichester High School for Boys and the school was split between the two sites for a few years, until a large scale building project at Kingsham was completed and the school could fully relocate there.Chichester curriculumDuring their first year girls take English, Mathematics, Science, History, Geography, Religious Studies, Art, Music, Design Technology, French and Information Technology.During their fourth and fifth years, girls work towards their GCSE examinations. By the end of the third year all girls will have taken English Language, English Literature, Mathematics, Religious Education and Science. In addition to these core subjects pupils choose, in a wide variety of combinations, four other subjects from History, Geography, French, German, Latin, Spanish, Music, Art, Performing Arts and Design Technology. In the Sixth Forms all pupils are expected to take AS-level in four main subjects, going on to A-level in at least three. There are many to choose from including English Literature, French, German, Spanish, Italian, Latin, Greek, History, Geography, Economics, Business Studies, Political Studies, Religious Studies, Mathematics, Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Design Technology, Physical Education, Music, Music Technology, Art, History of Art, Theatre Studies, Statistics and Photography. FacilitiesRecently, the school has benefited from a considerable building programme including: a purpose built building which has languages, English, science and design technology, a new Learning Resources Centre, a new administrative and reception area and the synthetic Astroturf pitch has been refurbished. The sixth form centre has been extended to accommodate sixth formers. A new sports hall has recently been completed. The South Downs Planetarium, supported by Sir Patrick Moore, a local resident, was opened on the site on 5 April 2002.UniformDress at the school consists of a white shirt, white blouse, navy trousers, navy pullover, navy skirt and a navy blazer. Variations include various society badges worn to meetings of the respective societies. Furthermore, in summer students can buy and wear a white polo shirt that has the school badge embroidered on it.SportsThe school has extensive sporting facilities, including an international-standard irrigated all-weather hockey pitch, large sports hall, tennis courts, gym hall, dance studio and extensive grounds for a whole range of competitive sports such as: netball, hockey, tennis, squash, athletics, badminton, etc. A separate sports centre has just been completed, providing students with modern sports facilities.The sixth formThe Sixth Form is divided into Lower 6th and Upper 6th. Sixth Formers enjoy a number of privileges, including their own common rooms and dining room. It currently has about 400 students and achieved A-Level results of 99% A-E grades and 48% with either A or B grades in the June 2009 exams.Combined Cadet ForceOver the years Chichester High School Combined Cadet Force has gained many awards and built up a very good reputation of being one of the best in the country. Its aim is to "provide a disciplined organisation in a school so that pupils may develop powers of leadership by means of training to promote the qualities of responsibility, self reliance, resourcefulness, endurance and perseverance". It is not a pre-service organisation, although it acknowledges that one of its objectives is "to encourage those who have an interest in the services to become Officers of the Regular or Reserve Forces", and many previous cadets have. It has an Army section affiliated with the Princess of Wales's Royal Regiment and an RAF section but no Navy section due to an agreement at the time of the formation with the local Sea Cadets. The Army section regularly goes to Longmoor and Browndown Battery for training exercises and the RAF section makes forays to MOD Boscombe Down and other local airbases for Air Experience Flying. The contingent uses the L98A1 Cadet GP Rifle, the L82 Cadet Target Rifle and the Lee–Enfield Rifle No.8.Old CicestriansThe school has an "Old Girls" society called the Old Cicestrians that is made up of former pupils.
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nicholxu-blog · 7 years
Navy Pullover--2017/05/12
Chichester High School For Girls, often referred to as CHSG, is a girls' secondary school with academy status, located in Chichester, West Sussex which became comprehensive in 1971. It takes girls from the age of 11-18. The school held dual specialist Science College and Arts College status before converting to academy status in September 2013. The number of children on roll is 1463 including over 400 students in the 6th form, which is fully integrated with Chichester High School for Boys. It also shares a Combined Cadet Force contingent with Chichester High School for Boys.
The school's campus was originally in the Stockbridge area of Chichester. Buildings were then built in Kingsham Road, next to Chichester High School for Boys and the school was split between the two sites for a few years, until a large scale building project at Kingsham was completed and the school could fully relocate there.
Chichester curriculum
During their first year girls take English, Mathematics, Science, History, Geography, Religious Studies, Art, Music, Design Technology, French and Information Technology.
During their fourth and fifth years, girls work towards their GCSE examinations. By the end of the third year all girls will have taken English Language, English Literature, Mathematics, Religious Education and Science. In addition to these core subjects pupils choose, in a wide variety of combinations, four other subjects from History, Geography, French, German, Latin, Spanish, Music, Art, Performing Arts and Design Technology. In the Sixth Forms all pupils are expected to take AS-level in four main subjects, going on to A-level in at least three. There are many to choose from including English Literature, French, German, Spanish, Italian, Latin, Greek, History, Geography, Economics, Business Studies, Political Studies, Religious Studies, Mathematics, Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Design Technology, Physical Education, Music, Music Technology, Art, History of Art, Theatre Studies, Statistics and Photography.
Recently, the school has benefited from a considerable building programme including: a purpose built building which has languages, English, science and design technology, a new Learning Resources Centre, a new administrative and reception area and the synthetic Astroturf pitch has been refurbished. The sixth form centre has been extended to accommodate sixth formers. A new sports hall has recently been completed. The South Downs Planetarium, supported by Sir Patrick Moore, a local resident, was opened on the site on 5 April 2002.
Dress at the school consists of a white shirt, white blouse, navy trousers, navy pullover, navy skirt and a navy blazer. Variations include various society badges worn to meetings of the respective societies. Furthermore, in summer students can buy and wear a white polo shirt that has the school badge embroidered on it.
The school has extensive sporting facilities, including an international-standard irrigated all-weather hockey pitch, large sports hall, tennis courts, gym hall, dance studio and extensive grounds for a whole range of competitive sports such as: netball, hockey, tennis, squash, athletics, badminton, etc. A separate sports centre has just been completed, providing students with modern sports facilities.
The sixth form
The Sixth Form is divided into Lower 6th and Upper 6th. Sixth Formers enjoy a number of privileges, including their own common rooms and dining room. It currently has about 400 students and achieved A-Level results of 99% A-E grades and 48% with either A or B grades in the June 2009 exams.
Combined Cadet Force
Over the years Chichester High School Combined Cadet Force has gained many awards and built up a very good reputation of being one of the best in the country. Its aim is to "provide a disciplined organisation in a school so that pupils may develop powers of leadership by means of training to promote the qualities of responsibility, self reliance, resourcefulness, endurance and perseverance". It is not a pre-service organisation, although it acknowledges that one of its objectives is "to encourage those who have an interest in the services to become Officers of the Regular or Reserve Forces", and many previous cadets have. It has an Army section affiliated with the Princess of Wales's Royal Regiment and an RAF section but no Navy section due to an agreement at the time of the formation with the local Sea Cadets. The Army section regularly goes to Longmoor and Browndown Battery for training exercises and the RAF section makes forays to MOD Boscombe Down and other local airbases for Air Experience Flying. The contingent uses the L98A1 Cadet GP Rifle, the L82 Cadet Target Rifle and the Lee–Enfield Rifle No.8.
Old Cicestrians
The school has an "Old Girls" society called the Old Cicestrians that is made up of former pupils.
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ismimaulidyati · 8 years
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Result Final Yonex German Open Grand Prix Gold 2017 Men Singles Chou Tien Chen (TPE) defeat Tzu Wei Wang (TPE) 21-16 ; 21-14 Women Singles Akane Yamaguchi (JPN) defeat Carolina Marin (ESP) Walkover Men's Doubles Kim Astrup / Anders Skaarup Rasmussen (DEN) defeat Mads Conrad Petersen / Mads Pieler Kolding (DEN) 21-17 ; 21-13 Women's Doubles Yuki Fukushima / Sayaka Hirota (JPN) defeat Huang Dongping / Li Yinhui (CHN) 15-21 ; 21-17 ; 21-15 Mixed Doubles Zhang Nan / Li Yinhui (CHN) defeat Lu Kai / Huang Yaqiong 22-20 ; 21-11 Photo : #Repost from @badminton_updates Images Credit - YONEX German Open Badminton Championships (Facebook) #GermanGPG2017 #GermanGPG (at innogy Sporthalle)
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