#German Permanent Residency
credasmigrations · 11 months
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Gain the key to a stable future with German Permanent Residency. Live, work, and study indefinitely, sponsor family, access healthcare, education loans, and social benefits. Secure your path to citizenship and embrace a vibrant life in Germany. Your gateway to endless opportunities awaits!
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For many reasons, people often worry about the procedure to get a Germany PR visa. Depending on how long you plan to stay and if you can meet the conditions, you can apply for PR Visa in Germany.  In this article, we will explain the procedure for applying for a PR visa in Germany after studying.
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lovelycrimsonredsnow · 2 months
Im bored soooo
•Doors entities lore•
The Eyes:
°one of the oldest residents other than seek and figure
° they used to be the receptionist for the hotel, ringing people in and handing them their keys. They appear so often in the first 20 doors to greet the visitor like they used to back around the late 1890's. Unfortunately if the player looks at them for to long they get fatigue and pass out. Eyes is aware of this but still thinks it's rude to at least not look at him once and greet them properly. It's quite rude to just barge in the hotel like that, much less steal the items and money that naturally spawn. How barbaric.... They think.
° regardless of gender eyes will attempt to reprimand them for stealing....except by then the player is either dead or gone into the next room, it agitates them so much. >:(
° despite looking like a biblically accurate angel, eyes has no direct connection to guiding light or curious light. They don't even know they exist actually
° they can be quite moody, especially if a player ignores him. They won't snap at anyone but they'll end up ranting again to either seek or jack.
° they can and will talk for hours straight, they hyperfocus on a single thing, a very small detail. Like rush being 00000.01 centimeters off from his usual path or hide being a quarter of a second late to kick a player out of his closets, it's quite annoying actually.
° unlike eyes he's really quiet, doesn't talk alot and when he does ...oh my. His voice is naturally very loud and commanding, which he secretly hates.
° he views all players as trespassers that must be escorted out. He appears in the first 20 doors normally and forces the player to walk the other way to the exit...which does not work since they just go forward when he tries to go behind them.
° he was an officer before...the uh.... incident™ 👀
° like figure, he knows nearly always who's in the hotel and where their at. While it's extremely frustrating for him since they normally get away, he doesn't to bother to try again since they end up dying to figure or ambush anyway.
° he's seen guiding light a few times, he attempted to talk to them but they disappeared. He also finds it annoying how they help the player.
The figure:
° the oldest resident along with seek, he stays in the library most of the time organizing books and guarding door 51.
° as suspected he was the librarian for the hotel and supplied things like candles and lighters around the nearby hallways so the guests could see what books they were reading. He was actually very kind, not quite a talker but he would hum alot and make other noises frequently.
° since he's blind he can't read most of the books in his library anymore...:( thankfully some of the other entities got him braille books they got from players or Jeff. He reads those quite a lot since he's very fond of reading in general.
° he knows where every book goes has them neatly placed on the shelves, he gets quite angry when players mess with his perfectly organized library and it's so frustrating for him since he has to ask seek to help him put those back since he can't see what they are and therefore where they should go :(
° rush and ambush are permanently banned from the library after he caught them running through it trying to catch a player and messed up multiple shelves...he also hates loud noises since his hearing is sensitive. That's also why screech is banned-
° he can actually hear when seek or the others are chasing a player throughout the entire hotel. His hearing is that good.
° he always knows the combination for the lock, if by some chance he doesn't hate you and you don't mess with his books/your really quiet he might give you it so you can leave.
° probably the nicest entity there other than Jeff and El goblino If you don't piss him off.
° he's not part of the hotel staff actually, he was a German soldier that stayed there after world war 1.
° after the incident™ he got stuck there along with everyone else. He is rather very quiet like halt yet has a mischievous side and likes to scare the players when he's bored.
° which needless say pisses off hide since they don't like anyone in their closets...
° jack tells everyone he was a captain of a ship at one point, everyone thinks he's lying but he did captain a ship when he came to America (which is where he saw the hotel)
° he's rather spiteful and if you don't get scared when he appears in front of a door he will block the nearest closet when he hears rush...
° he doesn't really like anyone at the hotel other than eyes and Sally. He's actually bonded with her quite a bit since she's quiet yet silly like him.
° he hates halt and will fight him without a single thought, seek has to separate them frequently or they'll reck the hotel.
° he listens to eyes rant a lot, not because he wants to comfort them but because he wants to hear the tea 👀🍵
° he's probably one of the meanest entities there if your just passing through, he's not malicious though...(Unless you made Sally cry) Just mean.
(keep in mind these are all just my au not canon nor do I claim them to be canon :>)
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cosmogyros · 25 days
It's fucking weird how rude people are about immigration sometimes. And I don't just mean bigots being biased and stuff. I mean that, on a REGULAR basis, people ask me if I'm thinking about "going back to the US". And I'm just like... no? What do you mean "back to the US"? I live in Germany. I LIVE IN GERMANY.
I literally fucking started learning German and obsessing on German culture in high school, then I went to college in the US and majored in German Studies, including two study-abroad programs in Germany, then I moved to Germany for grad school and lived there for three years and worked in various German-speaking jobs while studying, then I had to temporarily return to the US but found a German-translation-based job at the US branch of a German company, and made a bunch of German or at least German-speaking friends in my new US city, and then a few years later I was able to move back to Germany, where I got a work visa sponsored by my employer and a full-time salaried job, and after a few more years I acquired my permanent residency, and soon I'll be applying for citizenship.
And people still sometimes ask me whether I'm considering "going back to the US". Like... dude? Would you ask a Mexican living in the US about their plans for "going back to Mexico"? That is rude as fuck.
Immigration is fucking hard. Why on earth would I have gone through all this shit just to throw it up in the air like "Oh well, never mind!"
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hospitadoodad · 28 days
I beg of you, take literally two minutes to look at the ’History’ section on the Wikipedia page for the Falkland Islands and you’ll realise how ridiculous you sound. The Spanish colonists were no more native to the islands than the British, and they left them over two hundred years ago. The reason people like Antonio Rivero were still on the Falkland Islands is that they were brought in as workers to be non-permanent residents. Antonio for instance was brought in by the very merchant who had established a settlement for the purposes of hunting seals, said merchant being German himself and so not by any means a native of the island. Why did the merchant (Luis Vernet) have to bring in outsiders to work on the island? Because there was no local population to speak of.
Antonio Rivero’s actions sealed the fate of the Islands since all five of his victims were employees of the same merchant (Luis Vernet) whom had been granted rights to all of the Eastern Falklands by the Buenos Aires government, and who corresponded closely with the British consul. It is important to note that none of those employees were British. It was the murders that drove out the small population of workers on the island and led to the British to establish their authority because by virtue of not legally owning the islands, they could not prosecute Antonio Rivero and his compatriots for the murders. The very first British resident to ever set foot on the Islands was there to capture the murderers so they could be tried.
In short; Antonio Rivero was an Argentinian man working in a settlement sanctioned and supported by the Argentinian government, who decided to murder 5 people, 2 of whom were Argentinians, and thus literally drove away the local population and forced the British government to assert its authority.
>empty blog >defends imperial military outpost thousands of km away from UK >cites wikipedia as a credible source >no other sources
Opinion discarded.
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scotianostra · 10 months
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On December 2nd 1971 the last two permanently resident families leave the island of Scarp, off Harris in the Western Isles.
It was 52 years ago this week that the last native residents evacuated the island of Scarp with a family leaving on a small boat packed with furniture as their two cows swam behind them. The departure of Mr and Mrs Angus MacInnes and their two sons marked the end of an era on the island which was home to more than 200 people in the late 19th Century.
A newspaper report documented the exit of the MacInnes family, who came ashore half-a-mile away at Hushinish Beach on Harris before settling on a croft at Govig.
The article, printed in the Press and Journal, noted how the island was then “left to the Old Etonians” given its remaining residents were Andrew Miller Mundy, whose father once owned the North Harris Estate, and his school friend Andrew Cox, who temporarily moved to the island earlier that year with his wife and their baby, India.
After the MacInnes family left, life on Scarp continued for several more weeks until a heavy storm cut the island off with provisions running ‘dangerously low’. Mundy, in London at the time, sent a helicopter in to rescue his girlfriend, a model who he later married, with food also choppered into Scarp - just in time for Christmas.
Mundy later relocated permanently to Harris, trained himself to catch lobsters and worked the waters around St Kilda for a decade. He became a popular figure to many, representing Harris at council level for many years and was admired for his dedication to wildlife and conservation. Scarp, meanwhile, has seen little human life since the early 1970s. Those who inherited the island’s crofting rights still keep sheep on Scarp with rams taken over for tupping and lambs returned to Stornoway for sale in September.
The ruins of several old buildings remain scattered over the island with a handful of holiday homes bringing in visitors from time to time.
From a high of over 200 the population of Scarp was still a relatively healthy 100-150 at the turn of the 20th Century. The island is rocky and the north part is over 300m in height with a steep drop to the sea. The village, which is now in serious disrepair is located in the south-east corner where it is partly sheltered from the Atlantic winds. The only land capable of cultivation is near the village on the east coast. The local economy would have been very basic - potatoes, cabbages, oats, milk, fish. Billingsgate market in London would have been the destination for much of the lobster caught by the Scarp fishermen.
The village on Scarp had no electricity and the only means of illumination would have been oil lamps. There was piped water and the village did have a small shop. The telephone line was installed in 1947. Despite these few basic comforts Scarps population like so many other small islands around Scotland continued to decline. In 1966 the Church of Scotland refused to replace the lay preacher and a year later the village school closed. Two years later it was the Post Offices turn to close its doors for the last time and with it so ended all mail deliveries to and from the island.
As the islands infrastructure continued to deteriorate the next thing to go was the telephone cable. This was severed in a storm and the GPO simply refused to repair it. This was just about the last straw for the remaining islanders.
The people may have left but Scarp still gets mentioned in many a conversation to due the adventures of German rocket scientist Gerhard Zucher. The German boffin attempted to develop a rocket which could 'fire' mail from Scarp to Harris and vice versa. Unfortunately the first launch simply exploded on the spot. A second firing from Harris to Scarp was a success but the project was quickly forgotten....but still very much lingers in the legends and stories of Scarp.
Although there are no permanent residents, a handful of holiday homes still welcome visitors
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Redneck Neighbor Doug: Why Belters are Space Cajuns
If Mandalorians are space rednecks, then Belters from The Expanse are space Cajuns. This is not up for debate, according to the nerdiest Southern man of all time, my neighbor Doug, who, it turns out, loves this show too. I'm 99% sure he's also a TNG and Battlestar fan, but that would just kill me with exhaustion if we went into full deets about it.
Onto our friends in the Belt and why they have so much in common with the French-Americans who reside in the wilder parts of the deep American south of Louisiana, Mississippi, and Alabama.
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I will elucidate now, via Doug, on what Belters and Cajuns do that make them…them:
They make do: First thing we see in the entire series is how much the Belters are royally crapped on by life. They live in space, which permanently alters their bodies, to the point where they can not survive on a planet. To quote, “Belters work the docks, loading and unloading precious cargo…never meant for us”. They don’t have the wealth of Earth or the incredible military drive of Mars, but they’re scrappy, innovative, and do what they can to survive, whether it’s by smuggling, pirating, or allying themselves with powerful folks. Like the French folks in Acadia who got flung from their homes to the bayous of Louisiana, Mississippi, and Alabama, who scrape a living by fishing, boatmaking, bartending, and/or serving as a member of the X-Men. Cajuns and Belters do what they can to survive, giving them an edge that others do not have.
They party hard: Belters love drinking, having parties on their ships and in port, banging everyone on the crew, and overall just being wild. After all, you never know when you’re going to get your air or water cut off by the Inners, might as well live it up. And Cajuns, well, they invented Mardi Gras and their saying is ‘Laissez les bons temps rouler’ or ‘let the good times roll’. Life isn’t easy on a swamp that is constantly wacked by floods or hurricanes, but they party as much as they can. Just like the Belters.
Their women: Some of the best damn characters in the series are the angry ladies of the Belt (Camina Drummer and Naomi Nagata). Man, they something else. They’re loving, fierce, smart, crazy, and can go from Bambi to Banshee in five seconds. Cajun women love to host parties, help with church, and cook and make an amazing roux from dirt and crayfish, but God help you if you piss one off. Those pot carrying arms can snap a neck quicker than a blue crab shell. 
They speak in patois: Ever heard Cajun French? It ain’t from Paris, that’s for sure. It’s mixed up and raw and beautiful in its own right, and for many generations, it was looked down upon by English-speaking neighbors. Belter creole is similar, a smashed up beauty of a language that has come out of life in space, filled with English, Chinese, Farsi, German, Hindi, and other languages. It even has a similar lilt to the bayou! 
They are ungovernable: There’s a reason the Cajuns were never quite able to fully rebel against the various governments that took over their swampy goodtimes. They’re loyal to each other and their land, and that’s about it. Belters are the same–they’ve tried with the OPA, and even then, there’s different factions and squabbling (Anderson Dawes vs Fred Johnson, for example) and it’s only until there’s a genuine, alien threat to they get all united (plus Camina Drummer comes to power, but that’s neither here nor there). 
They’re good at figuring out solutions: Cajuns live in gator and snake infested swamps that flood and hurricanes smash through routinely. But they live and thrive regardless, with their pirogues and their bridges and their houses on the water. Same with Belters: their lives are lived in space, with crappy gravity and air. But they’re scrappy and tough and figure out how to survive. A Redditor pointed out that many of the more ambitious, driven Earthers left generations ago to live on the Belt, as the option was staying on Earth and living on an increasingly overcrowded, shitty planet. Not unlike the ancestors of the Cajuns who left France. 
The Spice Must Flow: Belters have to pack their shitty food full of peppers and spices to make it palatable, to the point one of the nicknames for their most famous dishes is called ‘red kibble’. And have you ever had proper Cajun food? Crawfish, alligator, boudin, and frogs are freaking amazing when done properly, although my fancy British friends were horrified that I enjoyed them. Pass me them mudbugs with some Cachere’s seasoning, collards, and corn, I wanna feel the pain. 
They work in weird and hard places: See above for both Belters and Cajuns. Jobs Cajuns have had range from oil fields to swamps to cities filled with yellow fever. But they take it and have a good sense of humor about it. Same with Belters–they work on rough ships, in radiation filled places in space, and don’t bitch about it. To quote the gaunt Belter, ‘They built the solar system on our backs’. 
Everything and anything can be used as a weapon: A gun? Peshang! Guns are for fancy Inners. Belters will use guns, AND pipes, chairs, each other, elevators, fists, a toothbrush, shives, you name it, they’ve killed with it. They’re tough and scrappy, and so are the Cajuns, whose fights are notorious in the bayou and beyond. Don’t mess with them. 
So yeah, Space Cajuns.
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socialjusticeinamerica · 10 months
This small platform was one of many built during WWII by the British to hold anti-aircraft artillery that would shoot at incoming German planes.
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lboogie1906 · 3 months
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Tuskegee Airman Captain Wendell Oliver Pruitt (June 20, 1920 - April 1945) a pioneering pilot of the 15th Air Force, was born to Elijah and Melanie Pruitt. He graduated from Sumner High School, attended Stowe Teachers College, and transferred to Lincoln University Missouri. Lincoln University was one of the three Negro colleges that conducted civil pilot training and is the institution that laid the foundation for his short-lived career.
He obtained his private pilot license from Jefferson City Airport. He graduated from Lincoln and was accepted into the Army Air Corps Flying School at Tuskegee. Upon completion of pre-flight training and gunnery school as well as primary, basic, and advanced flying, he was commissioned second lieutenant in December 1942. He was assigned to the 302nd squadron, which was designated as the 332nd Fighter Group. He teamed up with Lt. Col. Lee A. Archer Jr., a member of the Tuskegee Airmen who piloted aircraft during WWII, to form the “Gruesome Twosome” in the 332nd Fighter Group.
He flew 70 combat missions overseas. He is credited with permanently disabling a German destroyer, shooting down three enemy planes in the air, and destroying several others on the ground. His air victories earned him the rank of captain as well as several awards and honors, including the Distinguished Flying Cross and the Air Medal with six Oak Leaf Clusters. St. Louis proclaimed December 12, 1944, as Captain Wendell O. Pruitt Day. He and a student were killed in a plane crash while in training.
The city of St. Louis named the federally subsidized, high-rise Pruitt-Igoe Housing Project after him. Pruitt-Igoe was originally segregated with the Wendell O. Pruitt apartments reserved for African American residents, and the William L. Igoe apartments reserved for white residents. In 1984, the Pruitt Military Academy was established in St. Louis. American Veteran posts in Michigan and Missouri honor his name today. #africanhistory365 #africanexcellence
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credasmigrations · 6 months
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The German Permanent Residence Visa benefits international migrants. This blog provides detailed information on the German PR visa permit, its conditions, and how to obtain it.
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bluegekk0 · 7 months
Idk why but for some reason the words I associate with Grimm and fpk are partner, lover, or boyfriend. Not husband.
I know you had the meme redraw of Grimm and FPK getting married with the officiant being Elderbug with the caption being "We have gay s3x" or something like that.
But anyway, are they legally married or did they just have a ceremony? How would it have gone? Would their wedding be based on weddings in Hallownest or something that Grimm saw in another kingdom?
I'm not sure how a legal marriage would work in Hallownest, especially since at this point it's just a bunch of independent settlements, as opposed to an united kingdom/country, but yes, they married each other shortly before they decided to try for a child, so about 2 years after they reunited.
Not much really changed for them when it comes to formality, mostly because I don't think that's really a thing in Hallownest, or at least in Dirtmouth (they don't even have a last name to share, among other things). I think they really just wanted to take that next step in their relationship, and "husbands" shows a much closer bond than "partners" or "lovers" (this one they never used, Grimm was especially against calling FPK his lover; it reminded him of his many casual experiences in the past, and he didn't want to ever paint FPK as just another lover of his).
As to what the wedding would look like... I think wedding traditions vary greatly between the different communities in Hallownest. Dirtmouth's traditions are nearly non existent since most of its population died or left Hallownest, and there are very few records on what a traditional wedding in that community looked like. The wedding between WL and FPK was completely different, soul and the Kingsoul fragments being a key part of it, and there was a huge event accompanying it, with many important guests from different kingdoms being present.
Despite his love for spectacles, Grimm wanted their wedding to be small in scale, more intimate, an idea FPK very much shared. One tradition I really like from Celtic rituals is handfasting, the act of tying the hands of the two partners with some kind of cloth or ribbon. So that would be a part of their wedding, the main element of the ceremony, very small in scale but one that carries much symbolism for them, signifying their eternal bond. I do love the idea of Grimm witnessing this tradition in another land and wanting to share it with FPK. The cloth used to tie their hands during the ceremony is basically their equivalent of wedding rings, and they keep it safely displayed in their house.
After the main ceremony, they would hold a small feast for the Dirtmouth community in the main Troupe building (by that point, the Troupe built more permanent homes and structures, as opposed to the tents they lived in prior). Or perhaps there is some kind of longhouse-esque building in the town where the residents gather for such events? I do quite like that idea, especially since my vision of the Hallownest region takes a lot of inspiration from Nordic/Germanic elements (playing Skyrim solidified that vision even further hahaha).
Of course, the actual feast would be significantly smaller in scale than the event held at WL and FPK's wedding, the Dirtmouth community was still very small at that point, so it was really just FPK, Grimm, their family and their friends, though they did also invite any newcomers - they value the community greatly, so they wanted their wedding to also bring the Dirtmouth folk together.
Then everything returned to normal, basically. Like I said, there were no formalities involved, they already lived together, and again, they had no last name to share. They did receive a letter from Lurien congratulating them on the marriage, with a small wedding present attached. I mentioned if before, but he's the only remaining Dreamer who is now the head of the City of Tears; he's on good terms with FPK and Grimm, the latter of whom he has a certain deal with, regarding Grimm's vampiric activities and the bandits plaguing the city. So he would eventually hear that the two got married, and would send them his best wishes.
And no, WL was not present at the wedding. FPK tries to stay on friendly terms with her but it's very clear that they're not close. She congratulated them but did not attend the ceremony herself, she was too occupied with her mansion court and its business, and besides, it would be incredibly awkward for everyone involved (and with FPK's history with her and their unhappy marriage, not to mention his fear of upsetting her that still resides in his mind years after they separated, chances are that her presence would ruin the special day for him). She was perfectly fine with it, though. By that point she had already moved on and had her own life, so she wasn't upset about the wedding or not attending it.
Side tangent, but I'm definitely steering FPK's dynamic with WL to be a bit more... distant, I suppose. Exploring what their marriage was like in the AU made me realize that them being close friends now wouldn't really make sense, if anything, it would be a bit unfair to FPK. That's not to say they dislike one another, far from it, but FPK definitely puts a lot more effort than he really needs to with maintaining the good terms. He'd be well within his right to just forget about her after how poorly she treated him while they were married, but I think him being slightly naive and too kind for his own good is a very interesting aspect of his personality. And while WL still has many regrets about her treatment of him, I think making their dynamic more distant would be better for both of them. No spiteful exes deal, no cliche hatred between WL and FPK's new partner, I think them keeping a distance is more reasonable and mature. So basically, instead of seeing them as friends, WL treats FPK and Grimm as special guests whenever they visit her mansion. Formal and a tad awkward, very fitting for her personality, but still showing good will on her side.
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shesreligion · 6 months
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˘ 。 𝐃𝐎𝐂   : astley - benefield , cameron . . . access granted .
*      full   name   ,   cameron   james   astley   -   benefield   ,   seventh   duke   of   westminster   .   nickname(s)   ,   cam   ,   the   duke   ,   cj   .   age   ,   thirty   four   years   old   .   date   of   birth   ,   february   second   .   place   of   birth   ,   cheshire   ,   england   .   hometown   ,   cheshire   ,   england   .   current   residence   ,   london   ,   england   .   nationality   ,   british   .   languages   ,   english   (   first   language   )   ,   welsh   (   conversational   )   .   gender   ,   cis   man   .   pronouns   ,      he   /   him   .   orientation   ,   heterosexual   /   heteromantic   .   status   ,   married   .   occupation   ,   aristocrat   ,   businessman   :   owner   of   a   multi   billion   dollar   real   estate   company   .   positive   traits   ,   debonair   ,   charismatic   ,   adaptable   ,   patient   ,   logical   .   negative   traits   ,   underhanded   ,   arrogant   ,   guarded   ,   forgetful   ,   perfectionist   .   character   parralels   ,   cameron   sullivan   ,   harvey   spector   ,   simon   basset   ,   tywin   lannister   ,   terry   benedict   ,   michael   gray   .   zodiac   ,   aquarius   . 
*      face   claim   ,   lucien   laviscount   .   race   ,   biracial   :   black   &   white   .   ethnicity   ,   english   ,   german   ,   antiguan   .   hair   ,   dark   brunette   nearly   black   hair   ,   keeps   it   fairly   short   but   you   can   still   catch   a   slight   curl   pattern   .   eyes   ,   big   brown   eyes   ,   piercingly   so   .   height   ,   six   foot   .   voice   ,   soothing   and   calm   tone   with   a   strong   posh   accent   .   usual   expression   ,   a   rather   smug   look   ,   with   a   permanent   smirk   lingering   .   tattoos   ,   none   .   allergies   ,   shellfish   .  
*      biological   father   ,   alexander   astley   -   benefield   (   †   )   .   faceclaim   ,   hugh   grant   .   occupation   ,   aristocrat   ,   former   realtor   .   biological   mother   ,   andrea   astley   -   benefield   (   formerly   williams   )   .   faceclaim   ,   angela   bassett   .   occupation   ,   aristocrat   ,   philanthropist   ,   and   former   politician   .   sister   ,   utp   astley   -   benefield   .   faceclaim   ,   utp   .   occupation   ,   utp   .   pet(s)   ,   and   airedale   terrier   named   hugo   and   a   black   greyhound   named   charlie  .   financial   class   ,   upper   class   :   generational   wealth   .   notable   family   members   ,   king   of   england   (   godfather   )   ,   nora   williams   (   aunt   ,   oscar   winning   actress   )   ,   robert   astley   (   great   grandfather   x4   ,   first   duke   of   westminster   )   .   
𝙵𝙸𝙻𝙴 : background . . . access granted .
in    1990    the    country    home    of    eaton    hall    would    welcome    a    new    resident    ,    lord    cameron    astley    -    benefield    ,    the    eldest    child    of    the    aristocratic    astley    -    benefield    family    .    his    father    was    the    6th    duke    of    westminster    and    the    ceo    of    astley    group    limited    (    an    international    real    estate    company    )    ,    and    his    mother    was    a    politician    turned    philanthropist    later    in    life    .    
there    is    no    luxury    that    compares    to    the    one    in    which    he    was    brought    up    in    :    the    godson    of    the    king    ,    he    was    set    up    for    success    from    the    the    day    he    was    born    .    this    did    not    make    for    an    easy    life    ,    though    ,    on    the    contrary    –    life    as    the    heir    apparent    to    dukedom    meant    following    a    slew    of    rules    &    always    remembering    ,    love    was    very    much    so    conditional    .    to    make    one    step    out    of    line    was    not    an    option    ,    and    so    he    tucked    his    head    &    followed    his    parents    lead    with    every    step    he    took    .    the    perfect    picture    of    a    little    lord    . 
the    veil    only    starting    to    slip    when    he    left    cheshire    to    attend    eaton    college    .    the    first    few    years    went    by    smoothly    ,    sticking    true    to    himself    (    or    atleast    to    who    he'd    always    been    told    he    should    be    )    .    time    away    from    home    can    muddy    one's    views    though    and    soon    enough    the    security    that    came    with    attending    eaton    transformed    into    an    arrogant    confidence    that    he    could    act    out    of    character    :    the    partying    started    ,    then    sneaking    girls    onto    campus    grounds    ,    alcohol    &    drugs    soon    following    closely    behind    . 
things    only    took    a    turn    for    the    worse    as    he    went    on    to    university    –    much    more    lazy    with    hiding    his    antics    .    tabloids    often    having    a    field    day    ,    and    the    young    lord    found    his    face    on    several    tabloids    throughout    the    nation    :    "    playboy    lord    cops    a    feel    "    ,    "    drug    lord    of    oxford    "    ,    and    "    cameron    tosses    copper    coins    at    '    peasants    '    on    campus    "    ,    where    only    a    few    headlines    that    graced    covers    during    his    time    at    oxford    univeristy    .    to    say    he    was    on    the    outs    within    his    family    would    be    an    understatement    ,    this    was    around    the    time    the    conditions    to    his    parents    love    came    into    play    .    set    himself    straight    or    be    stripped    of    everything    (    title    and    claim    to    the    company    )    . 
to    many's    surprise    he    graduated    from    oxford    ,    leaving    england    soon    after    to    lay    low    .    taking    up    residence    in    new    york    city    for    five    years    .    a    necessary    evil    .    during    this    time    he    joined    the    family    business    ,    working    on    the    american    end    of    it    &    it    became    clear    rather    quickly    he    had    quite    the    knack    (    be    it    charm    )    to    sell    a    property    to    just    about    anyone    who    would    listen    to    him    .    slowly    but    surely    finding    his    way    back    into    his    parents    good    graces    –    he    was    a    reformed    bad    boy    ,    american    tabloids    would    claim    whenever    they    could    catch    a    glimpse    of    him    .    instead    channeling    his    off    color    antics    into    business    moves    .    he    would    do    anything    to    sell    a    property    ,    even    if    it    meant    screwing    over    someone    else    :    it    didn't    matter    who    you    were    or    what    you    had    .    all    that    mattered    was    cameron    was    the    one    to    seal    the    deal    .    ruthless    to    the    bitter    end    .     
his    run    in    america    came    to    an    end    in    2017    ,    with    him    &    his    family    surrounding    his    father's    hospital    bed    .    with    such    a    great    loss    came    even    greater    responsibility    ,    now    the    7th    duke    of    westminster    and    the    new    ceo    of    astley    group    limited    .    this    was    the    time    to    show    the    british    people    just    how    much    of    a    changed    man    he    was    –    but    does    a    tiger    ever    truly    change    it's    stripes    ?    the    partying    subsided    ,    the    illicit    substances    gone    (    for    the    most    part    )    ,    but    the    playboy    tag    remained    .    a    new    woman    every    few    months    .    scorned    woman    left    at    every    corner    of    the    world    ,    and    cameron    was    more    or    less    left    unphased    .    his    focus    solely    on    preforming    his    duties    –    to    make    his    late    father    proud    of    what    he    could    accomplish    .    
just    years    later    all    that    focus    was    rewarded    when    cameron    was    deemed    the    united    kingdoms    richest    millennial    &    appointed    deputy    lieutenant    of    chesire    ,    a    showing    that    he'd    excelled    in    both    the    business    and    in    the    eyes    of    his    godfather    . 
the    last    thing    on    a    long    list    of    changes    that    needed    to    be    made    from    his    teen    years    finally    comes    to    fruition    when    the    duke    gets    down    on    one    knee    .    a    conscious    decision    ,    in    the    eyes    of    the    public    ,    to    be    faithful    to    one    woman    –    to    get    married    (    to    the    perfect    trophy    wife    ,    he'd    claim    )    .          
𝙿𝙴𝚁𝚂𝙾𝙽𝙰𝙻𝙸𝚃𝚈 : the duke of charm . . . access granted . 
the    duality    of    cameron    is    one    to    be    studied    ,    on    the    surface    he    is    charismatic    and    friendly    –    disarmingly    so    .    the    sort    of    guy    you    simply    want    around    .    overwhelmingly    respectful    and    courteous    at    every    turn    (    especially    if    there    are    eyes    on    him    )    but    for    the    most    part    ,    if    he's    allowed    you    to    know    him    well    enough    ,    you    can    see    through    it    .    it's    all    an    act    ,    much    like    most    of    his    life    :    when    he    was    younger    he    acted    clean    cut    to    appease    his    parents    ,    as    he    grew    into    his    own    he    acted    out    for    global    attention    ,    and    now    he    plays    up    the    act    of    the    honorable    duke    for    the    sake    of    business    ventures    .    everything    he    does    is    done    for    one    sole    purpose    –    his    own    self    interest    .    it's    not    about    caring    ,    it's    about    winning    .    there    is    a    certain    air    he    carries    himself    with    some    would    call    it    arrogance    ,    he    prefers    unwavering    confidence    .    he    knows    when    he    walks    into    a    room    he    is    the    grand    prize    .    his    loyalty    is    a    fickle    thing    to    most    ,    outside    of    his    family    and    country    (    not    the    people    in    it    ,    the    actual    country    )    .    his    lack    of    care    for    other's    shines    when    it    comes    to    his    forgetfulness    ,    you    could    tell    him    your    favorite    color    and    five    minutes    later    he'd    have    no    clue    .    he'll    claim    he's    far    too    busy    &    hardworking    to    fixate    on    mundane    details    but    the    truth    is    he's    far    more    interested    in    what    he    has    to    say    than    anyone    else    ,    unless    it's    about    him    .    despite    his    pit    falls    ,    there    is    no    doubt    there    are    pros    to    being    in    his    orbit    .    cameron    knows    one    speed    and    it's    fast    .   .   .    very    much    so    a    proponent    of    work    hard    ,    play    harder    .          
coming soon . . .
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choices are based on me and people I know. cookies to you if you can dm me which of the choices apply to me correctly :)
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darkmaga-retard · 3 days
For the first time in modern history, Switzerland’s population has surpassed the 9 million mark. We’ve seen the same phenomenon happen throughout the West. Populations are rapidly growing despite low birth rates, all due to immigration.
Over 27% of Switzerland’s population is now composed of migrants, with immigration increasing by 11.7% in 2023. Foreigners in Switzerland composed a mere 10% of the population a decade ago. Switzerland has not seen such a drastic uptick in immigrants since the end of the Second World War when Italian and German immigrants sought to flee their war-torn countries. Under European Union guidelines, Switzerland first opened its borders to foreigners in 2002. The People’s Party unsuccessfully attempted to curtail newcomers in 2014. Then the EU stepped in and forced all member states to adopt open border policies. Now, workers from the European Free Trade Association composed 72% of all new arrivals in 2023.
In 2022, data revealed that 40% of permanent residents were migrants (nearly 3 million people), but a third did have some Swiss nationality. Around 52,000 instances of illegal immigration was on record for 2022, but of no surprise the majority of illegal migrants are nowhere to be found within the data. The number of foreigners have been steadily increasing year after year, with immigration rising 14.8% from 2021 to 2022. Switzerland has seen people entering its borders from both the Balkan route and Mediterranean crossings.
There is a steep cost associated with a boom in the population. No one dares to question how this drastic change in the population will change society itself as many of these newcomers do not share the same traditions and values as the native Swiss population.
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askbombasticblake · 18 days
My idea for a Resident Evil sequel
Someone call @just-shower-thoughts cuz this idea came to me during the steamy cleansing ritual.
So we all know that RE sequels & remakes are inevitable, due to how much of a cash cow that franchise is. Thus, I decided to jot down my own idea for a hypothetical RE9 or RE10 (or Resident Evil X, since this franchise is just campy enough to give it's 10th game that title a la Final Fantasy).
The plot is as follows:
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Sheva Alomar and Rebecca Chambers are sent to a small town in Germany by the BSAA to track down rumors of BOW sightings.
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Once they touch down, they're informed by their local contact that German citizens have been going missing, with the word on the street linking all the disappearances to a terrorist group known as Eisengeier.
With this knowledge, they set out to begin their investigation, but are suddenly attacked by a crazed local. Forced to defend themselves, they are left with no choice but to neutralize him. This causes them to be labeled as criminals, due to the lack of any obvious signs that he was a zombie, and they're forced to go on the run.
The first third of the game then becomes that of Cat-and-Mouse, with the two ladies trying to evade the law and gather intel to clear their names and resume their mission.
Eventually, they uncover a grand conspiracy, showing that Eisengeier has infiltrated the local government and has been kidnapping citizens with the help of law enforcement. They also learn that Eisengeier is being funded by an international arms dealer who calls himself Stroheim Stromberg. Armed with this knowledge, they set out to uproot the corrupt officials and obtain the location of Stroheim. This culminates in a boss battle wherein the Eisengeier official transforms into a monster by cannibalizing the politician he was working with, leading to his subsequent destruction. Before he dies, our duo are able to acquire the location of his boss: A castle tucked away in the forested mountains on the island of Usedom.
The second third of the game begins once they get to the island, where in they find that Eisengeier have completely taken over the Polish-owned side, and must fight their way through to get to the mountains. At the end of their first skirmish, they're confronted by an Eisengeier officer, who violently mutates before attacking them. This, along with the final boss battle from the previous third, confirms that much like the Ganados and Majini before them, both the members of Eisengeier and the civilians they've been kidnapping have been experimented on and turned into monsters. With this new intel, our two heroines set out to the mountains.
The path to the castle is long and hard, as they keep finding small villages that have been taken over by Eisengeier that they have to clear out. One village is even home to an expansive secret lab, which is where the meat of this part of the game takes place. In this lab, they learn more about Eisengeier, its mission statement (i.e. very obvious Neo-Nazi eugenics BS), and the secret behind this particular brand of zombie infestation: A variation of the T-Virus that's been mutated and amplified by the blood of their primary subject, who's revealed to be none other than Jake Muller.
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This causes Sheva & Rebecca to adjust their mission statement to include rescuing Jake, if possible. The second third ends with a boss battle, wherein an Eisengeier scientist, predictably, injects himself with the virus and transforms into a monster, forcing the ladies to set the lab to self-destruct to ensure not only his death, but also the permanent end to the group's horrific experiments.
The final 3rd begins when the duo finally reaches the castle, and they're forced to confront all the horrors within. Hordes of kidnapped infected, kitted up Eisengeier troops, lieutenants that are very obviously Reiching it up before they go monster mode, the whole nine yards. This all culminates in their rescue of Jake, who informs them of the truth regarding Stroheim Stromberg: His real identity is that of an overweight, balding, wheelchair-bound American named Enos Randallson, who funded Eisengeier to play out his delusional fantasy of "evolving into an Aryan God, just like Jake's father".
Why yes, this is supposed to be poking fun at Proud Boys. Why do you ask?
With Jake now in their party, the trio mobilize to confront Enos. Rather than accepting his defeat like a man, he throws a prolonged, nasally hissy fit that ends with him injecting himself with the modified virus and transforming into the grotesque final boss. The battle ends with the three spouting off one-liners before blasting him in the face with three rocket launchers, and the game itself ends when they escape the castle with the last piece of evidence they need to have the rest of Eisengeier arrested by proper German authorities.
And there you have it. My idea for Resident Evil 9/Resident Evil X. Pretty basic, but I still think it would be a very campy romp. What do you think?
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massensterben · 27 days
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dossier   —   Bertholdt Huber.
FULL  NAME.     Bertholdt Felix Huber  MEANING.     Bertholdt (from Old High German: Berhtwald ‘bright ruler’) Felix (from Latin: Felix ‘fortunate, happy’) Huber (from German: Huber ‘free farmer’)  NICKNAME.     Bertl (childhood nickname), Bert, ‘tall guy’ GENDER.     cis male ETHNICITY.     eldian HEIGHT.     192cm (850) / 197cm (854) AGE.     16 (850) / 20 (854) ZODIAC.     capricorn    (diligent, ambitious, responsible, pessimistic, devoted) SPOKEN  LANGUAGES.     eldian, marleyan, paradisian dialect
physical  characteristics !
HAIR  COLOR.     black EYE  COLOR.     grey-green SKIN  TONE.     tan BODY  TYPE.     athletic, lean, long limbs ACCENT.     faint marleyan accent when speaking eldian  VOICE.     low, often speaks softly DOMINANT  HAND.     left handed, but trained to use his right hand, became quasi-ambidextrous in the process (he can only write quickly with his right hand) POSTURE.     keeps his head low, straight back, prefers to not take up much space SCARS.   none / (God of Destruction verse: several long but faint scars across his torso and limbs) TATTOOS.   none MOST  NOTICEABLE  FEATURE(S).  his height and his nose
childhood !
PLACE  OF  BIRTH.     the internment zone in Liberio HOMETOWN.     Liberio, Marley MANNER  OF  BIRTH.     natural (at home) FIRST  WORDS.     “up” SIBLINGS.     none  PARENTS.     mother : Hannelore Katznick,  a young eldian woman who only had a brief romantic relationship with Bertholdt’s father. she attempted to make the relationship work for the sake of the child when she became pregnant, but ultimately decided to leave the family soon after the baby was born. she had no further contact with Bertholdt. she eventually got married to a younger man. father : Wolfram Huber, a war veteran who was famous among eldians in his day as an outstanding soldier. he was wounded and discharged with honors, and worked as a factory worker thereafter. the chemicals he worked with permanently damaged his lungs and he became bedridden by the time Bertholdt was three. he died in 854.  PARENT  INVOLVEMENT.  Bertholdt’s mother was only involved during the first three months of Bertholdt’s life and then never again. Bertholdt’s father was already up in years when his child was born but did his best to provide for him. their relationship was warm but quiet; they did not have many heart to hearts. Bertholdt very early had to take on a caretaker role for him. this rankled his father immensely and changed his more sensitive approach to one of growing dissatisfaction. he fully intended for his son to join the military and the warrior program seemed a promising venture, not to mention the benefits. Bertholdt’s relationship with his father afterwards became more strained and more based on expectations and ceaseless health concerns. they parted on good terms but Bertholdt felt emotionally neglected by the time he left for Paradis. Bertholdt remembers him fondly, even so, and believes himself to have an irrevocable duty to him. 
adult  life !
OCCUPATION.   warrior with the Warrior Unit of Marley, briefly employed as a soldier with the Paradisian Survey Corps CURRENT RESIDENCE.  survey corps barracks / warrior HQ living quarters  CLOSE  FRIENDS.   Reiner Braun, Marcel Galliard, Armin Arlert, Christa Lenz, Ymir  RELATIONSHIP  STATUS.  verse dependent!  FINANCIAL  STATUS.  fully dependent on his employers  DRIVER’S  LICENSE.     no; (acquires a license in 854) CRIMINAL  RECORD.   terrorism, kidnapping, mass murder, other crimes VICES.   jealousy, insecurity
sex  &  romance !
SEXUAL  ORIENTATION.  bisexual ROMANTIC  ORIENTATION.  biromantic  PREFERRED  EMOTIONAL  ROLE.  submissive, supporting  PREFERRED  SEXUAL  ROLE. dominant, servicing   LOVE  LANGUAGE.   quality time, acts of service  LIBIDO.   average, increases when affected by strong emotions RELATIONSHIP  TENDENCIES.   he prefers something subtle and casual over bold gestures and declarations of love, as long a he knows he can rely on his partner and find in them a constant to ground him, he will move mountains for them. 
miscellaneous !
THEME  SONG.     officially: apple seed & alternative drive; Achilles Come Down - Gang of Youths HOBBIES  TO  PASS  TIME.     reading, drawing, spending time with friends MENTAL  ILLNESSES.   post traumatic stress disorder (survivor’s guilt, depression, anxiety) PHYSICAL  ILLNESSES.     none LEFT  OR  RIGHT  BRAINED.     left PHOBIAS.  syringes, restraints  SELF  CONFIDENCE  LEVEL.  confident in his physical abilities, appears to lack confidence when it comes to mental capabilities VULNERABILITIES.    deeply devoted to his comrades, explosive temper when stressed, lacks communication skills
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