showtimeatfreddys · 6 months
Botw painting!
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I can’t believe I havent posted this on here yet. I did this Breath of the Wild canvas paiting in a sort of stained glass style with my sister @punkiebuttons…maybe a year ago? It’s one of my bigger and favorite projects that I’ve ever done and it currently hangs in my bedroom. I might to a digital version sometime as well, maybe with shading and shining affects so it really looks like glass? Anyway I hope you all enjoy!
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tanuki-civic · 9 months
Changes in Gerudo culture(Old)
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(PLEASE READ: okay so this is a really old post that just stayed in my drafts for a long time. I thought I would just go ahead and post it because why not? I realized and found new things so take this post with a grain of salt)
I’ve been thinking about this for a while now, and I’m surprised to not see anyone else discussing this. In Memory #6 “The Gerudo Assault,” I pick up a couple things about the Gerudo soldiers in the background.
Also I won't be talking about Riju's, Ganondorfs or Kotake and koume's clothing sense their style is more unique to them, I'll only referring to npc's
Gerudo Fashion
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I’ll start with the hair sense that’s the biggest distinction. Modern day Gerudo usually sports long hair tied up. If their hair is short it’s stylized in a feminine way, likely to attract potential husbands. On the contrary, in the past Gerudo didn't seem to style their hair to appease men. The hairstyles I spotted were a Mohawk, buzzed, and one where the top of the crown of the head was shaved and the ponytail remained.
The clothing style hasn’t really changed, it’s primarily keeping the same form: pants, heels, hooped earring's, a small top and a necklace. The most significant change has to be the patterns. Present day, the patterns are bright and eye-catching. The tops also are typically a different color from the pants, still in the same color scheme though. Shop keepers, elderly women and middle aged women have the same colored tops. Some of the jewelry -while still being gold- is studded with gems.
The elderly women maintain their traditional style while incorporating additional accessories. Their hair is put into a bun and is decorated with striking chains. Furthermore, they sport a vest and a belt with more gold chains.
Past Clothing
Hyrules founding Gerudo Appear to prioritize functionality for battle rather than fashion. I say this because there is a lack of color or flashy patterns. Their choices are guided by what appears appealing and practical in combat. I wasn’t able to discern any noticeable patterns on the gerudos pants but, there was a white pattern on the top. What was the pattern? I couldn’t tell, likely a homage to another game. Pants and tops are a dark purple, their jewelry is less bold, the only noticeable thing being a ruby pendant. The reasoning for the style is a reference to ocarina of times Gerudo guard.
It’s worth noting that the thunder sage dresses more like modern day Gerudo, perhaps that style is a sign of rebellion to Ganondorf?
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former Gerudo seem to be wearing war makeup, I don't think the green lipstick is war makeup though. Likely they thought it looked pretty and that's why they wear it.
Now there is a little bit more variety in the colors, the colors I found were green, blue and white. I'm sure I'm missing a few, but those where the most common colors I found.
Controlling Molduga
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true-intha-blu · 1 year
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It is something I have been doing for quite some time now. Way before Tears of the Kingdom came out and playing the game pushed me to now finally work on it. It will be a fanfiction on Ao3 FEATURING!!!
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Gerudo Link!!! I have always been fascinated as Link not born as a Hylian and acting as a foil to Ganondorf being a male Gerudo. But Link is not a king in this one. Far from it. Just a small time Scout for the tribe, he feels as though he is an outsider to his own people despite of his best efforts to protect and help others. Then suddenly through events is banished to the forbidden lands by breaching an ancient taboo in an act of selfless heroism. Becoming embroiled in a rebellion again the Hyrule Sovereignty.
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The Gerudo people are not the people of the dessert, they had been banished from their homeland for centuries due to the actions of the last King of the Gerudo who brought nothing but pain and suffering. They instead are part of a Land with No Name, hearty nomads who treat their banishment with respect and adherence. While stable, it is no secret that Link's birth is viewed as an ill omen. At least his sister Aryll always has her big brother's back.
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I want to go back to some classic roots for Zelda so this includes companions! Meet P.I.N! Personal Interface Navigator. A strange bracelet that transform into a psuedo fairy made of something called Sheikah tech? Apparently it is fairly new and still in development. But Pin is the most advanced thing they have so far and they are following Link because... well....
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Link will meet many allies, including Sheik, the hot headed Sheikah warrior. He will be invaluable in aiding Link as he navigates through strange new lands and speaking through P.I.N. for advice or if Link is just lonely. He is a ruthless assassin who is eager to fight back against the oppressive Hyrule Sovereignty.
Along the way Link will meet many foes and friends across the forbidden lands known as Hyrule.
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Hyrule is split into several actions and Link will come across the Hyrule Sovereignty that has employed advanced technology to server as their dominating military force that does not tolerate disruptions to their rule.
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The royal family itself is a mysterious group, aided by 7 sages of technology. The prince being the face while the mysterious princess Zelda serving as the people's holiest figure.
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Not all is at it seems. Beware of false confirmation and previous assumptions. Leave them at the door least you be stabbed in the back. In a world of Steam, Haze, metal and civil war, this is not the Hyrule you know. As I say this, I want to reflect and show my appreciation to the previous entries in Zelda, calling back from previous titles and themes, including musical instruments and stuff. I will be writing this fic as though I am making a game, with mechanics, dungeons, side quests and all the fixins with concept art and scenes drawn. It will take far before the first calamity mentioned in Breath of the Wild but takes place after all the other zelda games. After the somehow timeline merged. This is not going to be a dark fic. This fic will have as much charm and whimsy and weirdness as any other Zelda game if I can help it. There will be violence and rated M. So Stay tune for the first chapter of "The Legend of Zelda, Sanctum of Kings"
if somehow this becomes more popular.... I might consider, making it a comic or somethin.... I dunno. I am doing this mainly for myself really.
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yandereunsolved · 5 months
LGBTQ+ Gerudo Terms (headcanons)
ღ Vae — trans
ღ Voi — non-binary
ღ Sav'q — queer
ღ Var — trans-man
ღ Vaer — trans-woman
ღ Sav — agender
ღ Vov'aq — gender queer
ღ Zwe'aq — bigender
ღ Alle'aq — pangender
ღ Sava'aq — genderfluid
ღ Vehaer — demi-girl
ღ Vehar — demi-boy
ღ Eir — gay
ღ Eier — lesbian
ღ Zwes — bisexual
ღ Alles — pansexual
ღ Vieles — omnisexual
ღ Nie'q — asexual
ღ Oteneuq — questioning
ღ Vo'uq — intersex
ღ Sav'q oten — neo/other pronouns
彡 taglist: @moonhasmanyanimals @cxndiedvi0lets @bleper
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joculatrixster · 2 months
malludus beast is the best loz song yall just dont know about it bc u didnt play spirit tracks, LISTEN TO THIS SHIT RN AND TRY TO ARGUE https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bk_xjIFlfZA
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dentpx · 1 year
Also the non-linear storytelling completely results in….no storytelling imo. Nintendo is so aware of the fact that players might not do things in the order they want (if they even do them at all) so all the information has to be really minimal and repetitive in case somebody only does one temple or whatever. TP and OOT and MM and literally every other Zelda game put you directly in the path of the main antagonists or have really drastic things happen while you’re there. Where TOTK/BOTW it’s like, everything really intense happened a super long time ago and you watch a video about it and then go back to hunting frogs or whatever
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ask-hotw-itl · 2 years
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Dahira ref!
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mipmoth · 2 months
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The ancient sages helmets had such great designs it would've been cool if you could get them and they worked like Majoras Mask.
Repeating what the masks would do vvv
If they made treversing the sky harder then you could freely explore the sky with the Sage of Wind mask.
With the Sage of Fire mask you can roll fast on ground but also at the top speed climb up walls.
If they had added stuff underwater you could explore that with the Sage of Water mask and its a great way to move fast in water.
Mask of Lightning i think geurdo and hylians are too similar (the diffrence would be having round ears) so it doesn't transform you but it would let you summon lightning like Riju and Urbosa.
The Mask of Spirits is more difficult but it would either turn you zonai like mineru or turns you into a ghost that goes undetected by npc and monsters.
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toadallytickles · 5 months
NEST 2024 + Gatherings Going Forward (again)
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Attended my 4th NEST this year! This is just a quick point-form summary as I’m still dropping and wanted a write-up before I fly out this weekend to see my moms!
Perhaps I wore my “tickle me I’m cute!” shirt on Friday- and perhaps it got me pinned and gang tickled by 4 friends UGH- I haven’t been gang tickled since last June which is WILD honestly. Kinda hoping wishing this June it happens again 👀
Learning that it’s okay to let people touch me. 🙄😒 From my past writing “AUNT 2024 + Gatherings Going Forward,” I shared that I’ve denied myself from playing with friends until everything felt perfect, but recognized that I set the bar way too high and that maybe I just fear that “awkward first session” because I’m really awkward with touching and this fetish. At NEST this year I’ve allowed friends I’ve met and connected with at previous gatherings to tickle me in the con-spaces to break that touch barrier in a fun, familiar way for everyone. I also let myself engage in pick-up sessions with friends to get that “awkward first session” out of the way! I had to reassure myself throughout the weekend that it was okay that they were touching me, and they were touching me because they wanted to~.
My nesting partner is choosy about the gatherings he attends as he wants to focus on those he has connected with already, and can find gatherings overwhelming at times. This NEST made me feel similar- I want to continue attending gatherings, and I love meeting new people, though going forward I’m going to focus on regular attendees and friends I know from previous gatherings. There are a lot of regulars and mutuals I would love to get to know better and potentially play with- I’m just really awkward and don’t know how to approach people, and in turn I feel I accidentally give off a closed-off vibe. I would like to be part of my friends’ friend group, I just don’t know how to integrate! NEST going forward, I would love to volunteer and help out more to continue making the gathering the best it can be!
Oh, I had my first Wawa experience! I tried their Caramel Cookies and Cream Frozen Cappuccino, IT WAS SO GOOD, Starbucks Frapps could never. definitely kept me up way past my bedtime! 😋 Also the mascot is a (Canada) Goose because Wawa was originally a dairy farm in Wawa, Pennsylvania, and the Ojibwe word “we’we” means “Snow Goose.” Now I need a Sheets experience~.
I got to try out @ticklingduck's vibrating tickling rods! @mister-ttt and I did record content including them! They are like a small Pursonic (without it stopping after 2 minutes~)! 😏 I also BOUGHT ONE!! 🎉 @ticklingduck's socials: Etsy, Twitter, Tumblr.
Wore my Geurdo Link cosplay on auction night, even though I was not participating in the auction, and I was extremely shy so I just sat in the audience and didn’t really show it off LMAO!! (Still editing the tickle video featuring this cosplay, previews are in the NEST Server and on my OF~).
I’ve had the literal pleasure of forming a play partner dynamic with a local friend, and he has really built up my confidence, self-esteem, and has helped me be more self-sex-positive. It was exciting to carry that sex-positivity into some sessions this weekend, and I learned that I really like being consensually sexually violated by friends.. 🥴💦 don't look at me.
This weekend really validated my growth and boundaries. Finding this gathering somewhat personally hard to navigate because I wasn’t meeting my exact wants (a me-issue, not NEST's), that helped me recognize that I’m not the same person I was at my first NEST and other 2019 gatherings, and that I’m truly growing. I wasn’t able to navigate NEST like I did in 2019, so now I know I’m on the right path and know what I’m exactly looking for.
And finally on the last day of the gathering, I’m sitting in the lobby in my lazy travel fit, not showered, sporty wind-breaker, capris, my glasses, pink paw print socks + sandals of course, and a guy I’m pretty sure was not part of the NEST group asked me if I was “Kyle-“ and there were other men around. I say no, and guy just wanders back to where he came from. Assigned Kyle at NEST. I have not felt gender euphoria in a long time. 🥹
anyway, the end. looking forward to the next gatherings~
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spaceless-vacuum · 1 year
Hi my friend sent me the request you did for them. And I love it so much
Can I request yandere gagons for yandere links playtonic x baby dragon's female reader ( been playing tears of the kingdom. And you can ride and climb the dragons.)
Like the found the little reader coming out of her egg and is kinda different then the other dragons she More like a naga dragon looking one but is to cute
Please and thank you ( I didn't know if you do ganondorf's so I put links on there to if you can't do the ganondorf s have a great day
Oot Ganondorf was a powerful sorcerer who was born to the Geurdo and raised by two witches. He has stolen from everyone and knows no bounds and murdered people, nothing can or will stand in his way. When he first finds your egg he's more confused with what's inside. Will you even hatch?
He doesn't know the power he holds but he can’t tell from the moment he sees your egg that you're his. The rare object is his birthright. In his eyes and no one was going to stop him from keeping it.
After some research he found out he came across a rare dragon egg. One that hadn't been seen in centuries. Despite it being such a rare gift the limits and knowledge on you were limited. He had no clue what to think, what you could or would do, or even how to raise you. He thought about passing you along to someone else to raise but as he kept you close and spent more time with you the two of you began to imprint on each other.
He brought you with him to Hyrule as he swore allegiance and he often rants to your egg about news and how the days pass. His plots and schemes remain his to know about but he loves to just talk to you. Once you hatch it's after the young hero emerges from the woods but before he faces or challenges Link.
The serpent-like creature was too small and weak to care for itself. He took care of you. Keeping you close all the time (not that you would stand to be put down) he kept you with him hidden in his pockets. Sneaking your food during meetings. You ate fruits and meats most happily and he was glad to see you thrive even in these conditions. It would take awhile until you grew up but he had hoped it would be sooner rather than later. He had plans that needed to go underway soon. 
Wind waker Ganondorf has this deeper character to him where he states his reasons for wanting to take over Hyrule is so he can give his people a better life. While i dont think this is actually the case, I think it stems more from the fact that he believes by some sort of bid he owns hyrule by right and can rule it better. What better way to take it all over than a dragon?
Flying through the air or swimming in the ocean either way will be a wonderful tool for conquering. At first when he finds the egg he assumes he'll use you like a tool the same way he does his bird. Once you hatch though he takes one look into those beady little eyes and realises, no… No, I can't do that to this creature. He does care for even his bird (he uses chickens hidden around the rocky shores of his fortress as enrichment and will throw the hideous creature people who cross him for food to hunt down)  but he can't think of you as a tool. Not even as a pet.
You're intelligent, far more so than he would ever expect and you've… What's the word? Tamed? Imprinted? Like the rito- eh it doesnt matter.
He doesn't know how to care for you but you're very smart and intuitively the both of you work it out. As you grow older and his plans start to grow bolder as he starts to kidnap the maidens. He keeps you by his side for this. Planning to keep you safe and by his side for his final fight. Talking to you and keeping you safe as you grow older.
Totk Ganondorf would have found you while planning to challenge Raru. Leaving his kingdom to swear fealty also meant being able to travel through hyrule proper and taking claim to whatever he figured he might need. He found you hidden away in some temple and was skewed with jealousy. Raru never did know what power he wielded and this was just another show of it. Items of rare and extravagant power are best suited to those that would use them.
This man is tainted with hate and the moment he sees the egg he has his claws in you. Planning for what he'll do once you wake up. A dragon is a terrible thing to waste. He keeps you warm with blankets and hides you until he's back home. You sit still until it's time for you to hatch and he trusts few with the task of guarding you.
You're a very sweet dragon in comparison to his cool exterior.  He only allows you to circle his keep and to go no further than that, lest you be discovered before he can put his plans into motion. When he goes to kill Sonia and enact his revenge he takes you with him. Hiding you in the room he killed the queen in so you may witness his rise as king in front of zelda and everyone else.
When he manages to slip away you dash after him, remaining out of sight. He also takes you with him to the keep that was made his tomb. He knows that as an immortal dragon you're doomed to stay alive all those years without him, and it stops you from running off. He impressions you with him. 
Unless you showed absolute fealty, keeping you here with him is a mercy. Otherwise he'd have to hunt you down and corrupt you with malice and neither of you would want that. He believes in you to stay there. Staying asleep until he wakes up himself. After damaging Link and ensuring Zelda is gone he goes underground with you by his side. Waiting for the fabled swordman to challenge him; he plans to fight with you by his side.
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I am solely getting the game just because he's there and speaking. Fusion seems nice , it's good to have the mystery of whatever is going on with that alternate Princess. BUT HE IS EVERYTHING I want from Zelda games in terms of characterization and hope this version of him strikes a good balance between twilight princess' "I'm the greatest " and wind waker "I won but at what cost?" especially with him being considered a fake Geurdo now by the modern gerudo.
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Yeah, I hope the fact that he is an "anomaly" in Gerudo will be talked about or at least that we'll have a bit of lore about him 🥲
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izunias-meme-hole · 1 year
Ganondorf/Ganon Designs Ranked Part 3 (BOTW Era)
Geurdo King Attire
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This design is a perfect accumulation of everything Ganondorf has been throughout the series, and my personal favorite. He’s more in touch with his heritage here, but the design itself is a mixture between OOT, Twilight Princess, Wind Waker, and Demise’s design. Also the samurai aesthetic is a nice touch. 10/10
Demon King
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This design embodies what Demise was, but at its core it’s still pretty much Ganondorf. The horns, fire-like hair, yellow and black eyes, and gloom/malice robe that’s merged onto his skin all look demonic, but every other feature he has cement that it’s still Ganondorf underneath all of that. 10/10
Calamity Ganon (Spirit)
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While technically not a beast form for Ganon himself, Calamity Ganon was still Breath of The Wild’s Ganon. It definitely has a dragon feel to it, but it’s too obscured by shadows. 9/10
Calamity Ganon (AoC)
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I cannot believe I forgot this design because it’s indeed so cool. It resembles Ganondorf a lot, except it’s more corpse-like. However he’s too big for one, and for two… why is his design overcomplicated? Sorry, but this is another 7/10
Calamity Ganon (BOTW)
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I love this design. It abandons the pig motif in favor of the haunting visual of spider-like demon with Ganondorf’s features, highlighting that this WAS a man once upon a time. Still, because of it being so over complicated, it’s sadly a 9/10
Dark Beast Ganon
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This is literally bacon. 5/10
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Now that we have slightly clearer images of Mummydorf, I gotta say that his design is so clean. He’s gaunt, scarred, his jewelry is broken, his robe is torn, and he looks like a legit corpse. Also those eyes are haunting. Alas it’s not the best of the 4 new designs TOTK gave Ganon. 9/10
Demon Dragon Ganon
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The pig has been abandoned in favor of a dank ass dragon. Instant 10/10
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thezoraprince · 2 years
Profanity - Sidon x reader
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“okay, so this is prolly gonna be a lil long, but bare with me. its very heavily implied in game that almost every race has their own language, but most of them know how to speak the hylian tounge on top of their native one. the geurdo are a good example, as well as how sidon thanks link for calming ruta.
now, i dunno about you but whenever im learning a new language, not once as anyone ever told me how to swear in it. ( unfortunately.. ) so its safe to assume that sidon knows how to curse in his language - though i doubt he does considering its rather unbecoming, at least in the eyes of the council - but he would have 0 idea what his sweetheart is talking about if they every curse. and i think thats a little funny.
personally, i can be a bit of a potty mouth. never disrespectfully, i know my times and my place but my oh my if i stub my toe for example.. shits goin down and its goin down very dramaticly. ( i got suspended one time for this very thing actually.. it was pretty funny. )
my point is! i like cultural, biological, and language based differences and this would prolly be something funny you could mess with. ( depending on your thoughts towards cursing. ik some people hate it. )
it just makes me giggle. you dont even have to do it honestly, i just needed someone to hear this because its so true and nobody i ever talk to wants to be a hyperfixated nerd with me. >:(
👀 BUT IF YOU DID DO IT 💪🏻🦈” - @millie-berra​
this is hilarious! unfortunately being in the us, languages aren’t really a focus here, and i do wish i had studied more in school. HOWEVER!!! when i have tried to learn, that’s one of the first things i’ve done. also, i feel as if Sidon wouldn’t really know what profanity is in his own language meant in all honesty. i mean, he may, but being in they Zora Royal Family, i would assume that most would watch their language around him and other members.
i hope you enjoy!!! <333
y/n - your name
tw: profanity (obviously)
it was a bright, sunny afternoon
you and sidon were seated on the hillside above veiled falls
the both of you were FINALLY getting some much needed free time together
as he’d been running errands for what seemed like hours
and you
you’d been doing whatever you do when Sidon’s away
as your free time was coming to an end, you began your journey back down to the domain
and somehow you managed to stub your toe HARD on a rock
Sidon’s eyes grew wide
but not in a ‘don’t say that’ sort of way
more in confusion and curiosity 
“Are you alright, y/n?”
“Sorry, that just REALLY fucking hurt!”
he’s more than happy to carry you the rest of the way
he has some questions
“I hate to ask this, because I should know, but… what was that word?”
and you’re silent
“Because I’ve never heard it before. I’m sure it’s a not-so-used word in the Hylian language, and that’s probably why I haven’t heard it. What does it mean?”
you purse your lips together
“Umm… It’s not a very nice word.”
“What do you mean?”
and then you whisper
“It’s profanity…”
his face lights up
and then his expression quickly changes
“Oh… that explains why.”
“I apologize, Sidon. I really do.”
“No need to, y/n. It was a moment of agony, I’m sure. But… does that word mean you’re in pain?”
“No, it can have several different meanings.”
“Like what?”
you sigh
“I’ll explain later. It’s uhh… probably not what you’d expect.”
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yandereunsolved · 6 months
Imagine what yandere Chain would be like with a yiga darling that comes from Wilds Hyrule. Legend learns that Ravio tried to steal from the yiga in Wilds Hyrule and obviously got caught. The Chain travels through the perilous Geurdo Desert to save him. After disarming every yiga in the base, they find that they missed one. Ravio is flirting with this Yiga Clan member—wait, Ravio is flirting with them? 
Ravio calls dibs on yiga darling. He is the one who found them first, after all. Sure, he snuck in to steal all of the precious gems, weapons, and other things the clan had hoarded over the years. He was blessed to find something much more valuable. You wouldn't be able to understand that he is a darling. Years of training under Sooga have sharpened your mind and hardened your heart. You just don't have the emotional intelligence to understand how devoted he truly is to you. He didn't realize it at first. It's just your dominance. You know how to put him in his place if he starts being too touchy or perverted around you. Does it stop him? No. It entices him. Like a rabbit to its treasured carrot. He just wants to eat you up.
Time is the one that convinces the group to take you in for interrogation. Which evolves into you being held hostage by a bunch of love-sick heroes that were chosen by the goddesses you swore against. Time treats you like a child, and it infuriates you. He is always giving you advice and besting you in sparring. That's his way of courting you and showing you that you need him. He'd be the perfect husband for you. He could protect you if any yiga from any version of Hyrule tried to come after you. He could make you feel good and be your protector. He's tired of having to protect everyone and lead them. He only wants to do that with you. How beautiful you would look between him and Malon. She already adores you as well, based on what Time has told her of you. He also has the Fierce Deity mask in his arsenal. He isn't afraid of getting the deity involved if it keeps you with him.
Twilight almost mimics Times yandere ways. He is also the only one Twilight will listen to when it comes to you. If Time wants time with you, then he gets it. Even if it is at the cost of him spending time with you. Which does make sense considering Time is his ancestor. He treats you like you are his younger sibling. He is always quick to lend a hand to you. He is always second to scold you after Time for your yiga ways. He always protects you when in his wolf form. Those platonic yandere brother tendencies develop into romantic partner feelings after you save his life. It was more of an accidental thing.
They were traveling through a version of Gerudo Desert when a Molduga appeared out from under them. They were all quick to fight back against the beast while trying to get you away from the battle.
They always do that, every time. They have contemplated crippling you just so you lose your soldier persona faster, as well as you being more dependent on them.
The Moldulga had thrown Twilight deep into the sands, and some stray Lizafolos had been attracted. He was injured and was about to be impaled when you saved him. That was the hottest thing he had ever seen. Your determination and reflexes made the wolf part of him howl. He could just feel himself falling that fast for you. After all, you can't hate the heroes that much if you saved one of them, right?
That means you must be madly in love with him.
Sky barely interacts with you. You just get a lot of stares and awkward moments with him. Something about you just makes his mind go blank and his heart begin to pound. It confuses him even more when he learns what a yiga is. He pours his obsessive feelings out when Fi is around. He constantly talks about you to them and fantasizes. Fi becomes interested and eventually approves of Sky's infatuation. They know it isn't healthy, but it just makes him so happy. They have to admit that they don't know a lot about relationships in the first place. So they'll help Sky by giving him things to talk about with you. The mastersword may just always accidentally end up in your care, so Fi can help Sky stalk you. Some of the others panic with the fact that Sky is fine with leaving the mastersword in your hands. What if you use it as a bargaining tool against them? Of course, Fi is there, but they side with Sky on all matters. So Fi could keep you from them. Good for Sky, bad for the rest of The Chain.
Legend hates how passive and strong you are. You just have this wall that he wants to break down so badly. You have done awful things, at least from what he has learned about the yiga. So what gives you the right to act so perfect all the time? He does his best to humiliate you in any way possible. He knows you hide your face behind that stupid mask all the time, so he either hides it or breaks it. If you get another one, he does the same thing again. This does present a bit of a problem when Four offers to make you new armor, one without yiga symbols. He inadvertently allowed the two of you to get closer. Goddesses, damn it all!
He just needs to break you down so he is able to find his way into your heart. What was once a passive interest in your lack of emotion became a convoluted infatuation with you. He will do anything to make you show any emotion on your features. Your expressions are like ambrosia from the Golden Three. He'll pick out your worst insecurities if he has to, put you in the most compromising positions, give you love potions, anything—he'll slaughter the entirety of the Yiga Clan if only to see the absolute myriad of emotions wildly strewn across your face.
It was Shadow who first introduced Fours obsession into the world. The Colors hadn't seen Shadow in forever. Yet, now he was here, playing mischievous pranks on you. The others never seemed to notice Shadow except for you and Four. He made himself only noticeable to the two or five of you, depending on how you look at it. The others could sense him, but they just shook off the odd feeling. You began to grow closer with him, and Four couldn't have that. All of The Colors were arguing about what to do about him. Vio was especially upset, and Four was teetering on the edge of constantly splitting. The only thing that calmed them down was when they shooed Shadow away and were near you. It's like the darker version of himself understood the feelings that were just beneath the surface. Shadow made sure they grew so that not only could he be infatuated with you, but Four as well. It was something so sick and twisted that all four of them couldn't fight it. They protected you from Shadow's influence when they should've been protecting you from themselves all along.
It turns into a game of The Colors looking to mark you in different ways. Sure, they work together, but one is more dominant than the others in Fours mind and body most days. With your Yiga training, you were able to understand what was happening pretty quickly—well, part of it. You knew Four and Shadow were somehow connected. You knew that he must have a disorder or a strange genetic mutation because of how his eye colors kept changing on the daily—sometimes hourly. It was not a perfect blend with you around. They were all so needy for some part of you. They craved just an ounce of your affection and love.
Legend and his dumb fuckery gave them the perfect opportunity. All of a sudden, every chance Four could, he would whisk you away. He says that it's just because he is making you a special set of armor and weapons. The others will be irked and grumble about it, but they know it's four the best. Even Time approves of the armor and weapons being made for you. Of course, there is a catch to this. There always is.
They're essentially baby-proofed with a magical enchantment made by Legend and Hyrule. If you try to use your weapons without one of their permissions, they'll be too heavy to use and rendered useless. If you refuse to take your armor off or use it in whatever way one of the Links deems inappropriate, it'll basically turn from armor into something that demobilizes and swaddles you. Don't try to argue against it. You're blessed by Hylia herself that they even let you have armor or weapons, period. That's only because they are incredibly paranoid about you being harmed in way hylianly possible.
Four will reveal his secrets to you one day. He just has to make sure that you can't run first.
Hyrule sees you as above him in many ways. He doesn't really see himself as the hero, but you seem to be confident in your yiga position. You are so competent and level-headed. Hyrule falls in love with yiga darling almost as fast as Ravio does. You are just so perfect in his eyes. Your rough edges seem to round when he heals you with his magic. Not to mention that your body is so plush and soft. He feels himself growing red from pointed ear to pointed ear anytime he has to get near your body. It's just so perfect. It's nothing like this. He's lanky, and because of his fairy genes, he just seems to be unable to put on a lot of muscle. You though? You look like you were crafted by Din herself.
You are closest to Wild, much to the others chargin. You are from his Hyrule, and you met the hero while he was on his quest to save it. He didn't kill you after he had disarmed you only a couple of years ago. He may have defeated Master Kohga, but you didn't have the heart to hate him after that. You go to him whenever you need a break from the others. You always choose him to watch you if the others are arguing over who gets to watch you during nightwatch. You always compliment his food, and you interact with him the most. Wild even had the gall to teach you Hylian sign!
So many of the other Links hold such great resentment towards him for that. That was such an intimate thing for you to learn. Wild isn't the smartest of the bunch. A different Link should have taught you that! Cal is the most envious of the fact that Wild got to teach it to you. He is only semi-verbal and uses a lot of sign to communicate with the others. Not as much as Wild, but still! That's why the others use his trauma against him a lot. They'll tell you all the negative things about Wild in an effort to put a wedge in your relationship with him. Hyrule will go as far as to poison your food, so you no longer trust him to cook your meals.
Sages yandere tendencies evolve from simple indifference in you traveling with them to aggressive in nature. Whenever he sees you, it's like a switch is flipped in his brain, and he suddenly becomes paranoid and fidgety. He has dealt with the Yiga Clan far too much. He wants to suppress these feelings. He wants to make them go away. So instead of just acting passive toward you, he acts aggressive. He's very much a more extreme version of a tsundere. He acts like he wants to murder you, which a part of him does just so he doesn't have to feel vulnerable ever again. The other part of him just wants to strip you of anything yiga, so you can be this defenseless little thing that he has to protect. He wants to make you feel as vulnerable as he feels around you.
Aged-up Wind is naturally smitten with you from the first time he lays eyes on you. You remind him of a pirate. You like to steal and battle, just like him. He's often butting into whatever conversation you are having with another Link. He is shameless about it as well. He'll take up all of your time and try to convince you to come back to his Hyrule. They're holding you here against your will. Having only one yandere Link to deal with is better than a dozen. You both could be rulers over the Great Sea. That's his secret fantasy; the rest of his brothers envying him for having you while you both get married and have a bunch of awe-inspiring offspring. That's how he'd stake his claim on you against the others.
Warriors sees you as a threat at first. He is always on edge and ready for you to attack. Eventually, his apprehension turns to curiosity, which evolves into being enamored with you. He agrees with the rest about you needing to be protected and to never be in battle again, but at the same time he is tempted. He is the one that allows you to train, as long as it's with him or under his supervision. He loves testing your abilities while training. He admires your physique and has to restrain himself from touching you. He just wants his hands to explore your body. You could do the same to him. You wouldn't mind; he's pretty sure you wouldn't mind. The fact that you are from the Yiga Clan only interests him more. There's so much knowledge about their battle tactics and customs that you are keeping from them. Wars mimics Legend in the way that he will break you down emotionally to learn more about you. Wars needs to know about where you came from because, in a way, he understands. He's dealt with the training, having to deal with royalty, and saving the world. You're a soldier, just like him. You must understand that on some level. He just feels this automatic connection. It's like he's found the one he's been looking for all his life. A lover in the guise of an enemy. 
Cal is the last one to fall for you. He can't believe that yiga scum would cause so many versions of himself to fall in love. Until he sees the softer side of you, just for a moment. Then, you have him hooked. He starts to see you as a victim of them. You are just someone who needs to be reformed and protected. He devotes every second of his free time to teaching you how to be an individual, not just another yiga soldier. Perhaps his teaching includes having to get up close and personal with you. He has never kissed anyone before, but he'd be more than willing to practice with you. You know—to help you reform yourself. 
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monpalace · 1 year
I’m thinking thots at work, what do we think Wild’s [Name] would be like? -🧚🏽‍♀️
i feel like she'd be the leash that stops him from literally killing himself with whatever dumbshit that comes to mind and wild's the puppy that finds something (in this case, [name]) and refuses to leave it?
maybe she's someone who works at the castle who survived the calamity and was put into something like the chamber of resurrection in hopes they'd find each other and she'd keep him from doing more dumb shit because someone realized "hey, [name] and zelda are the only ones link listens to. they're literally his impulse control. but zelda's not here and [name]'s not immortal, so we should probably put her in like, a cryo-chamber or something" and then handed her off to the sheikah and said "do something please"
or she's some sort of mysterious figure who always appears out of nowhere (and gets to places you'd least expect to find them in) and isn't there when you turn around to look at them? like, maybe she showed up on the great plateau when wild first woke up, was questioned by the king as to how she got there, she just hits him with a "don't worry 'bout it sweetheart," and sticks with wild until he's ready before literally disappearing once he lands on the ground outside the great plateau? then at some point, he finds her again, asks where she's been, and he gets hit with "i was out having fun and getting what i needed to be done," before sticking with him for a few more days and ultimately disappearing again
imagine if she just showed up in the lost woods while he was about to get the master sword and absolutely scared him with "you'll probably want to get more health for that. it'll knock a lot out of you." "how do you know?" "just know that i know and be thankful that i told you," before going off to trade with some koroks and disappearing??
or what if she's a good friend of link's (or lover. idk) that died over the course of the hundred years he's been asleep? she's a ghost like the king, but because she doesn't have to guide him and help him relearn things (the king took that upon himself), she's just there to keep him company? because either zelda or the gerudo (keeping the geurdo to my heart no matter what 🤞🏽) managed to turn her into a spirit/ghost that's not exactly similar to the champions in the sense she isn't stuck to one spot/person and has her own separate set of rules? maybe she's not able to be seen by anyone else except wild so he has to do this, that, and the third to not look insane when she's talking to him in front of people? then, when everything's said and done, she doesn't disappear like the champions or the king because she's was created by the gerudo/zelda?-- or, if zelda made her, she's significantly weaker than 100 years before (and grows weaker the longer wild takes to beat ganon) since zelda's grown weaker as well, but as time passes post-ganon's defeat, she grows stronger?
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gengarghast · 1 year
TW// TotK Spoilers
Oh my god just fucking bolting over to Riju and jumping from a rooftop to enter bullet time and firing an arrow to kill the lone remaining Moth Gibdo during the attack on Geurdo Town is the most "GET DOWN MR. PRESIDENT" that I've ever fucking felt
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