#Ghost Stan AU
Round 1-Bracket 5:
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beetlbi · 7 days
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GF au where Stan died/disappeared under ~mysterious~ circumstances just before breaking Fords science project. The only thing left behind was a still running perpetual motion machine and an empty bag of toffee peanuts
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opera-ghost · 1 year
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phantom of the opera + twitter
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tornrose24 · 1 month
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Bill ultimately didn't learn anything from this experience.
When I made this response regarding Bill in the RE7 and 8/Village AU, there was curiosity in regards to how Bill got on Scratch's bad side, and @jackie-gremlin-ghost was wondering if I would draw it out. Coincidentally I was considering it long ago, but now I have my excuse.
(In case it helps, Bill is meant to be the Eveline equivalent, Scratch is the Donna equivalent, and Stan is the Joe Baker eqivalent.)
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mayonnaise-sock · 2 months
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They haven’t even noticed anything different and kenny is like “are they fucking stupid why haven’t they said anything i’m literally see through”
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bigtreefest · 4 months
Chapter 9: Looking Over Fences
From: You Catch More Bees With Honey Series
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Pairing: Mob! Bucky x Farmer! Reader
Summary: Things may seem alright on the other side of the fence if you’re not consciously looking at it, but both sides are on the struggle currently
Word count: 2,268
Content/warnings: Mentions/allusions to self harm that are a poor joke, mob themes, mentions of blood, mentions of death, threats, annoyance, pushy behavior and lowkey misogyny, possibly a very bad decision, Peter being a sweet lil brother essentially
Author’s Note: This is lined up so the phone call she makes at the end would occur in Ch. 5 of The Rainmaker
I hope you guys are liking this AU, and I’d love to hear all your thoughts. Comments, reblogs, and asks are greatly appreciated!
Dividers by @firefly-graphics
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The following week since Bucky had left the farm was…okay. It was fine. And to be honest, you didn’t really care for much that was going on outside your own bubble. You fielded the occasional call or text from Steve or Decks, never from Bucky, trying to make it seem like everything was okay, but that was pretty much it.
Peter was helpful, monitoring shipments that started to come in, but more so, you could feel the way he was monitoring you. Perhaps to make sure you didn’t jump off one of the bridges you’d helped to design in town. But what did that matter? They were like ten feet off the riverbed anyway. And it’s not like you were faring that poorly. You were just a little sad, but not enough for it to affect you, but the people closest to you in your life thought differently than that. And by closest, right now you meant physical proximity: Peter and Curtis.
Everywhere you went, if you turned around and squinted enough, you could still see Peter in a distant corner. He definitely needed to work or his stealth skills, or perhaps he was purposely making sure you could see him, letting you know you didn’t have to be alone. That was too bad, though, because that was all that you wanted. To be left alone and sulk and just do your work like the good farmer you are.
So you did, and tried to ignore your shadow figure following you around in jeans and a shirt you’d made Curtis bring him from the store in town. He was just so tiny that he was swimming in everything else you had for the boys, and you weren’t really sure if he would want your old, nasty clothes. The ones you were hardly wearing anymore after your got back late at night, in favor of the only thing Bucky had left behind: a single Henley.
But really, it was fine. It was okay, and you were going to be fine. If only Curtis would stop asking! You could handle everything on your own, just like you had before. That’s what mattered, right? The only one you could really rely on was yourself, and no one needed to see how much pain you were actually in besides him. The one who got to be so happy with his sweet girl while you were separated, independent, alone. Any time you made a snide comment about it outside the soft likeness you were known for prior to these mood swings, Curtis simply let it roll off his back, giving you a tight hug, and moving on, avoiding the subject once again.
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Bucky was miserable. Just like you, he threw himself into work to try and ignore the pain. He needed someone around, though. Struggling alone wasn’t as easy as it used to be, so he searched for help. What the hell was this attempt at a healthy coping mechanism? One that landed him in the apartment of your best friend, no less.
Bucky had tried to find Steve upon his return, the second in command still working double time, plus essentially a new part-time job of flirting. Steve didn’t say it, but Bucky could see it. Plus, he got an earful from Sam about their developing situation in the debrief of preparation for coming back to work. Good for Steve, not relatable. The only chance he could get to find his elusive best friend was to track down his car and jump in. So after Steve had picked up snacks for what appeared to be a movie date, Bucky snuck into the trunk to hide. Any attention, or just human presence, especially that of someone you seemed to enjoy so much would work.
Bucky was exhausted. His nights were sleepless again, but now for different reasons. He couldn’t sleep without you. He didn’t want to sleep without you. But his body didn’t get the message as he was pulled under by the gentle rocking of Steve’s SUV.
He woke up to the familiar, gentle voice in his place amongst the grocery bags. He couldn’t believe he’d fallen asleep in such an uncomfortable suit. It was one of his trash suits: one of the scratchy ones, one of the ones he didn’t care if it got a little bloody. To be honest, he didn’t care right now. Who did he have to impress? This was the first time he’d been out of the house in a week. But this was better than no clothes, and why waste something designer when no one was important around to see it? This mindset was completely different than two months ago.
Bucky groaned and sat up from the trunk, telling Steve his true feelings, something rarely voiced, so who was Steve to turn away from that vulnerability? Bucky really just needed someone, and even though Steve really wanted this private time with Decks, his best friend needed him more. In response to Bucky’s request to joint them, Steve’s lips formed a tight line and his nostrils flared with a frustrated, but sympathetic huff.
“Fine. Come on upstairs.”
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The time with Decks and Steve really helped Bucky, even though he could tell he was very evidently interrupting something. Once the movie was over and Decks was asleep, Bucky checked his phone to see a new message: another employee dead.
As the weeks went on, employee deaths had been on the rise with even a few occurring at first when he was at the farm. It initially seemed like weird chance events. A missing employee here and there, unfortunately, was normal when you owned so much of the city. They would usually turn up again, but this time it was different. Employees were dying, both innocent and mob-associated alike. This was targeted, and he knew exactly who was doing it: Lloyd. He was closing in on business, looking to intimidate. This was going to fill Bucky’s time well, combined rage from these slaps in the face, as well as the constant berating you were starting to face from Cole (as Peter had reported), working as fuel to the fire of reclaiming his rule over the city.
Not only did business suck, but if someone asked Steve and Sam, they’d say their boss was a menace to society, and not in the good way. He was running himself, and them by proxy, into the ground. Nothing was ever enough for him, and they were catching the brunt of that. Maybe there was a way to fix it, but what was coming wasn’t quite what they had in mind. With all the shit going on in the city, they hoped things were better for you.
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You had no idea what Bucky was going through besides the small things that Peter updated you on, but you hope it wasn’t as bad as having to put on a fake smile for an annoying, fake farmer.
It was as if Cole was consciously waiting for Bucky to leave your farm for him to start coming around again. It was like clockwork, with a gift from him earlier in the week, followed by an in-person sometime visit in the second half. It was like he was hoping to find you to more vulnerable like this. If that was the metric he was going on, though, he was severely underestimating your abilities. Bucky had been gone for three weeks, and Cole seemed unrelenting.
At least your rage at his persistence gave you something to fill your days with. And Peter was a delightful gossip, making impressions of the clumsy and pushy ‘farmer.’
You didn’t really have the desire to keep any of the gifts you were receiving but the cow, though, which was quickly growing, ready soon to move into her shed out back. First, it was the little things, like her, but then things started getting bigger. A Turner’s drink fridge. Where was that supposed to go? Then a hydroponics tower. That…well, actually, that one was kinda nice. Those things were expensive, and you hadn’t gotten the chance to invest in them yet. But what could a singular one possibly do for you? And then a tractor. One not even graded for the type of work you had to do. Each gift was punctuated by him forcing his way into your house right at dinner time, and sitting with you and Peter until you could shove him out, polite as ever.
His last visit, though. That one was a little bit different. You could see the smug look on his face as he ate off your cutlery. It was an insult that the plates and utensils your family, and Bucky, once used were touching his mouth. You’d purposely set those ones aside, reused for only him each time, and marked them mentally to be blown up once this all blew over. You were sure Peter would enjoy that, too. And hopefully it was sooner rather than later, but until then, it was one dinner at a time.
You walked Cole out to the porch, like you did every time, but instead of walking straight out to his truck, this time, he lingered for a second, turning around and looking down at you.
“Listen up, Sweet Peach. Sure, my capacities right now, every time I visit you, are limited, but I’ve got friends in low places. I’m not gonna give up. Either you give me the farm, or my buddy Lloyd starts a war with your boyfriend.”
A threat like that made you lose your usually cool demeanor for a second. “Cole, absolutely not!” This came out of nowhere.
You had to find a way to hit his pride. Maybe that could cause him to back down without retaliation. “What’s the valor in me handing it over, anyway? It would be worth so much more if you earned it. I know you’ve got something to prove, just like in high school.”
You did your best not to cringe at the memory. You obviously didn’t care about back then and it still pained you to think of it. Living in the past wasn’t something you did, but it was very evidently something he was caught up on. “Work to earn my farm, maybe you’ll earn my respect…and possibly a little something else.”
You bit your lip trying to be suggestive. Ugh, this was humiliating, but his entire manner of carrying himself shifted from his poor attempt at intimidation to intrigue. After all these years he still couldn’t help himself trying to win you over, and he was still a doofus.
“Oh yeah? And how do you suppose I do that?”
You tapped your bottom lip with your pointer finger, humming. “Mmm, how about a wager? Winner takes all, or at least just my farm. I win, Lloyd doesn’t wage war, either. Deal?”
“Wait, wait. A wager on what?” He licked his lips, still giving you a look that made you sick to your stomach.
“How about a game of pool? And tell you what, I’ll be extra nice since you’ve never seen me play and I just want to make sure we’re even.” You said it in your sweetest tone, a pout on your lips and your eyes as wide and sparkling as a doe. “You can pick who plays for your side, but here are the ground rules: no professional players. No pre-professional, either. Friends, allies, and acquaintances only. Keep the playing field even. But, the caveat is that I get to do the same. Whichever side wins the game, wins the prize. Do we have a deal?”
Cole stood there for a second, nodding and thinking it over. “So you’re trying to win my compliance? Didn’t think you were the type to treat your livelihood like a game, but lucky for you, I am.”
It’s true, you hate that it had to come to this, but you held out your hand for him to shake, just for him to limply grab it. How he got this far in business, you’ll never know, because that handshake was terrible, yet binding for the young-ish heir. Oh wait, that’s right, he got this far because his parents did it for him. Bucky would never let that handshake fly, but maybe he would understand. This was a threat facing both of you, and according to the breadcrumbs you’d heard from Peter, it could be even worse on Bucky’s end. That, on top of what Cole said about waging war added to your concern.
“Deal.” Cole dropped your hand and you tucked it behind you back, ready to wash it as soon as you could get inside.
“Good. Now get off my property. I’ll meet you at the bar next week. Saturday. 6pm.”
He nodded with a wink and walked down the porch steps to his lifted truck, tripping on the gravel on the way there, not daring to look back to catch your snicker. You could see his huff when he slid into the front seat, after having jumped up into the tall vehicle. The engine roared as he drove away, creating ruts. You rolled your eyes and crossed your arms as you walked back inside.
You heart was racing. The stakes were unbelievably high, but you didn’t have much of an option. Either win this bet and end it once and for all, or chance him trying to take things by force. So it wasn’t really much of a choice at all when you laid it out.
You had a few phone calls to make…
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Bonus A/N: The grass is always greener, but it looks like both Bucky and Bee are standing on dead lawns.
Taglist: @mrsnikstan @scuzmunkie @openup-yourmind @vicmc624 @multifandomreader73 @hawkeyes-queen @blackhawkfanatic @morgthemagpie @buckybarnessimpp @calwitch @thesarcasmqueen-22 @ronearoundblindly
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sp0o0kylights · 1 year
Eddie had done this often enough that the last person he expected to see at the door was a well-built dude with some sports jersey on. 
“Oh hey.” Sports Guy said, not looking remotely surprised to see them (nor was he hysterical, panicking, nervous, rushing Eddie inside or doing anything people normally did when it came to a home haunting.) “Eddie right? With Hellfire?” 
“That’s me.” Eddie said, giving a dorky little tug at his shirt, right over the Hellfire Hunters emblem, and regretted it immediately. 
“Come in.” Sports Guy said, stepping aside with a wave. 
His house wasn’t quite a mansion, but it was enormous, and Eddie could barely listen as Sports Guy began giving a run through of the layout of his home. 
“It mostly stays outside, but we’ve caught it in the house a few times.” He was saying as he went, pointing out various things that sounded an awful lot more like Eddie was here to catch a racoon than a ghost. 
Halfway through his spiel a literal herd of children, led by a curly headed kid who shrieked “Steve! Don’t catch it without me!” before shooting down some stairs, and Eddie become concerned some wires had been crossed.
“You understand you hired ghost hunters, right? We’re here to…” Eddie paused, because for the first time in his life, it felt so stupid to say what he did for a living. “Hunt ghosts?” 
“I know. Dustin--that’s the curly haired kid that just ran by--brought it home by accident. The kids named it Dart but it keeps ruining my rhododendrons. 
Steve nodded, face serious. “I’m in line for winning the county's best garden prize at the fair this year. Check in is in a month. If I replace any more flowers with store bought ones they’re gonna disqualify me.” 
Steve the Sports Guy lived in a giant fricken house, with a buttload of children, and was worried about a ghost haunting his flowers. 
Eddie wasn’t sure what the hell he’d just fallen into, but he was desperate to learn more. 
Not just because Steve was the hottest man he had ever seen in his life. 
(...Maybe because Steve was the hottest man Eddie had seen in his life but who could blame him? Those biceps, god!)
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monthgirl · 11 days
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my take on monster falls au is that the monsters/supernatural beings are role swapped with humans.
now what that means human cryptids are separated in different types by clicks example: Goths, preps, jocks, nerds etc.
the world is that of monster so it should reflect that. imagine that scene in snow white where running and the trees look like monster. yeah monster gravity falls basically looks that scene. everyone is wake during the night and everyone sleeps in the day.
Stan is a dragon instead of a gargoyle because of dragons association with greed and hording riches. ford is also a dragon but Shermie pines takes after their mother who is sea monster in this universe where the stan twins take after their father who is a dragon. original I was going to make the dipper and Mabel fauns but I decided go against the grain and made them sea monster like the gilman.
I just wanted to do something with what monster types they would be.
human bill cipher is basically an evil version of van hellsing. doesn't have magic but extremely well armed and knows every monsters weakness. he hunts monsters out of sadistic pleasure then to protecting others of his species. also he looks like cannon human bill by Alex Hirsh.
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azierumart · 8 months
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i spiderman memed them… @ferretwhomst
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riricitaa · 1 year
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princess-josie-riki · 9 months
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South Park - The Ghosts of the Boys
This isn't the first time I drew Stan, Kyle and Kenny as ghosts (I also drew Cartman as a ghost a lot). This time, I drew them as ghosts (along with Ghost!Cartman) with the three of them in different colors as Cartman. Stan is now violet, Kyle is now green, Kenny is now golden and Cartman is still blue. This is for an AU involving the main four boys as ghosts. In this pic, Stan and Kyle are mad at Cartman, thinking that he had something to do with it while Kenny is just confused (especially considering that he dies all the time) while Cartman assures his friends that it's way more fun being a ghost.
Ghost!Stan: "Cartman, what the hell did you do to us?"
Ghost!Kyle: "Change us back, fatass!"
Ghost!Kenny: "Mmph?"
Ghost!Cartman: "Relax, you guys! It's way more fun being a spooky ghost!"
South Park (c) Trey Parker, Matt Stone, South Park Studios, MTV Entertainment Studios and Comedy Central Ghost concepts of the Boys, Ghost AU and artwork (c) me
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runtwithwolves · 3 months
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stilesgrace159 · 21 days
IT RP Idea: Vampire Richie, Werewolf Stan, & Ghost Eddie all in one house together trying to live life and figure shit out. Basically, a being human AU. And also Bill is a monster hunter. SOMEONE PLEASE RP THIS WITH ME!! (My discord is Olliegee21)
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blacksheep-alien · 22 days
ignore this.
I'm making a gravity falls au for the sake of making an au and nothing more. It's called the "ghost-triplet au" and it's basically plays with the idea that Mable and dipper were supposed to be triplets but the 3rd baby (the youngest) died in the womb or maybe a short while after childbirth. And because this is a show where canon ghosts were confirmed in literally the first couple of episodes, this little dude becomes a weird spirit that only the twins can see. At first mabel and dipper were excited because they "have the same imaginary friend!" But once the ghost triplet can move things/possess people ....look ill iron out the details later. If ever. If anyone is interested in adding ANYTHING onto this, go right ahead. I don't mind. But like. Credit me I guess? And tag it "Ghost triplet au" so I can see it.
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tornrose24 · 2 months
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Had to keep drawing more of Bill Cipher from the RE Village au because some stuff from his backstory (as told straight from the triangle himself) are too funny to keep to myself, needed some elaboration, or were just begging to be drawn out.
I don't really have a 'preferred human design' for Bill–I just made what fit the AU.
(Also, I imagine there would be puppet versions of the lords like in those promos.... but we get the crappy sock puppets for now)
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southparkghostkids · 6 months
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