#Gideon Slander lol
sasarahsunshine · 3 years
Okay. Okay. Hear me out. Spencer is a vampire. And nobody knows (except Diana ofc). So he tells Gideon and Gideon is weird about it and then he leaves and Spencer is heartbroken cause his only semi-reliable father figure left and didn’t really accept him. (I live for Gideon slander I apologize.) So so- The team sees that Spencer’s feeling down and when they ask about it (it probs takes a while and several times of asking) everything comes out and then BAM! Found family, absolutely no romance, just 10/10 family dynamics cause y e s
BAU AS FAMILY! BAU AS FAMILY! (I also live for Gideon slander, so you're welcome here!)
I love BAU as family fics so much. Even though I tend to lean towards romance in these asks, the found family trope will always be, hands down, my favorite trope of all time.
Reid would be so devastated when Gideon leaves, because he thinks he left because of him. "He couldn't handle knowing what I am." He struggles for a couple of months, not drinking as much blood as he should ("maybe I can wean myself off of it? and be normal?"), and he's definitely not doing well. The team notices, worries he's doing drugs or drinking too much or something.
Finally, Penelope comes up with a plan. They have a "party" at Rossi's (who is still getting used to this new team, but he's starting to fit in more and more with each passing day). Derek forces Spencer to come, going out of his way to pick up the kid from his apartment. "Come on, Pretty Boy. We haven't spent time together outside of work in months. Just do this, for me?"
"Fine," Spencer mumbles, slipping his shoes on and numbly following Derek to his car. The whole drive is silent, Spencer's forehead leaning against the window. He feels weak, sluggish, depressed. Nobody will ever accept him for who--what-- he is. Nobody will ever love him beyond his mind. He's only useful to this team because of his intelligence. He'll always be alone, always--
"Hey, Pretty Ricky, we're here."
Spencer slowly crawls out of the car, squinting at the literal mansion that towers over him and Derek. "Wow."
"Yeah," Derek chuckles, "Come on. I bet Prentiss is already half a bottle deep into some wine."
But instead of the party he was expecting, Spencer is greeted with the team standing around the kitchen, chatting, drinking wine, smiling. Penelope pulls him into a hug and offers him a glass, which he takes hesitantly (he doesn't like drinking alcohol- it doesn't really do anything for him anyways-- wait). He sniffs the wine. This isn't wine.
He looks up at the team in shock.
"This is... blood?"
Hotch is sipping from his own glass (his is definitely wine, not blood, lol). Penelope nods, "Yeah. I um, did some research. You were acting all weird and sad, and you got super pale- and I mean like, paler than normal pale for you- and one time I swore I saw fangs so like-" she interrupts herself and smiles sheepishly, "Well, I found out what you are. And we wanted to show you that we still love you, and we're not scared of you. And we wanna help you, with whatever it is you're going through."
And Spencer just... cries. He smiles, setting the wine glass down and hugging Penelope. Because the team knows. They know he's a monster, but they threw this... party? For him? To tell him that they accept him? And they love him?
Then we get a whole group hug because I am cheesy. And Spencer just feels these intense emotions coursing through him and he can't contain them, just breaking down into sobs as his knees buckle and the team holds him up.
Whoops this got long-
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hotchley · 3 years
I was just going through my screenshots and I found some from a few months ago where ppl were rude and anti hotchniss in the tags of one of my posts and now I’m feeling fucking awful again. Why do people
Like they probably don’t even remember writing that but it’s left such an impression on me?? If you don’t have something nice to say just don’t say it at all 😐 „oh but if you put sth on the internet you have to be prepared for criticism and negativity“ it’s a fucking headcanon you dumbfuck I also don’t go around saying awful things about your ships
Sorry I’m just rly mad rn
Why do I always get the ships that are hated on so much. Clintasha (what my main blog is abt) also gets so much fucking hate everywhere. Tumblr is the only half safe space. They get absolutely bashed on tiktok, on insta you better not mention that you ship them so marvel fans that don’t ship them follow you and don’t think youre weird and a few weeks back someone on twitter said that everyone who ships clintasha has been in a psychiatric facility and deserves to be there and ppl were agreeing with them?? like à la „HAKBDJSBDJDK YOU DIDNT [name]“ „SHAJDJ THEYLL COME FOR YOU HAHAHA“ I just don’t get it. Why try to ruin something that brings joy to others and doesn’t harm anyone? Clintasha personally helped me through a time where my life was absolutely fucking awful. Reading about them helped me cope. I’m so angry
~ 🐝
No I get what you mean though
Also I know that media has an effect on people, but people really do take the ship hate too far like if you don't like a ship, that's fine, but there's no need to post about it. Nobody ever looks at filtered tags and then ignores it unless it's actually triggering. We're all just too curious.
And especially on tumblr, if you don't like a ship, you filter the tag and that's the end of it. I don't particularly care about j/emily (I don't want it to show up in the tag lol) which is why I don't post about it. But I don't take a post about them and make it negative because somebody else likes that and they aren't hurting anyone.
ALSO!! I swear to god, I have NEVER in my life followed a Hotchniss shipper that shit on the other ships?? Everyone is so calm and so chill and just like: you ship what you want and I won't comment, but they get so much stick? I don't even understand??
Like with CM, Hotchniss is not the problem. Nobody ever seems to care when Reid gets infantilised in his relationships with grown men, or when he gets paired with Rossi/Gideon but somebody ships Hotchniss and suddenly they're a bad person??
WAIT CLINTASHA GETS HATED ON?? WHY?? There's nothing inherently problematic about it, is there? Like seriously. It's not an abusive power dynamic or anything like that I'm so confused.
I get what you mean though. Certain ships shouldn't exist, but you don't need to hate on ones that aren't problematic because it's not that big of a deal. People aren't hurting anyone with there preferences so stop acting like they are! That's why the only ship slander accepted on my blog is Rossi/Reid and Gideon/Reid and the obvious ones that aren't actually ships because they're abusive
It's hard, but you can't let the fandom make you hate the media. Read your fics and be happy that you just let other people live <3
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How would you rank the main couples from each tsc series? From healthiest to unhealthiest.
sizzy: i might be biased since they're my faves but i stand by what i said. some might argue with this because of the cheating thing but it has been established none of them had sealed a close a relationship (or even if they had a relationship) at the time so...
malec: pretty healthy and it's only taking the 2nd spot because of the early stages of their relationship where the whole immortality thing was a bid deal
cl*ce: any relationship that has an incest discourse as its biggest legacy isn't the one you want to capitalize on 💀
gabrily: i genuinely don't remember any moment that could take the gold from them.
sophiedon: probs could be 1st and the only reason why it isn't is because gabriel was smarter than gideon when it came up to creating excuses to see his crush lamo
jessa: yes i wanted to rank them as 1st but i must be honest with my feelings and my feelings are always about jem. always thought that jessa had a big potential of hurting jem on the way and i don't like the secret on certain aspects of their relationship right after they got engaged.
chenry: my babies !!!! i want to rank them righer but all the years of marriage and miscommunication unfortunately stay on their way to the podium
wessa: the bad boy and good girl couple is never the healthiest and we all know it. remember when will read tessa's letters to nate without her permission and we were supposed to believe tessa was okay with it? invasion of privacy ain't it, folks.
diana x gwyn (i don't remember their ship name): i don't even know if they can be considered a main tda couple i just wanna praise them lol
haline: i love my moms and the only reason they're not first is because i want to praise gwyn and diana
kierarktina: tbh they're super healthy and my blog is forbidden for any kierarktina slander
blackstairs: julian having a secret room full of paintings of emma is still creepy to me and there are multiple times where he just ignored how he made emma afraid/uncomf so yikes
(this one is hard af why are the tlh couples like that???)
gracetopher: they only interacted twice and that's the only reason why i can't find an unhealthy thing on their relationship. (outsiders' views are being ignored, so the issues with james and matthew aren't being taken in consideration)
thomastair: it should be healthier but the "you deserve to be deeply hated" "i'll throw you into the thames", not matter if they were empty or not, leave i sour taste in my mouth.
blackdale: i don't like the age gap i don't like the whole "command me" thing
jordelia: cordelia just keeps getting hurt in this (even if it isn't james' fault) and 90% of the moments we can james "loves" cordelia is when he's horny
kamanna: no explanations needed
ps: i didn't rank kitty because they're not, technically, a couple in tda but i would probably place them above blackstairs and below kierarktina just because 1) tda has a lot of healthy relationships between mature adults and 2) kit and ty invented miscommunication lmao
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bau-lover · 3 years
Some Other Things About Me: CM Edition
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Okay, so I figured it’d be a good idea to lay out some important things about me and CM
Initially when was watching the show, I didn’t really ship anyone in particular but since coming to Tumblr, I feel like my neutrality when it comes to ships on the show has been tainted lol
I’m going to try my best not to discriminate so I’ll post evenly if it’s something regarding ships but for the most part I probably won’t just to avoid any drama or chaos about it
Obviously I’m in love with Derek Morgan but I love ALL the BAU boys😌 Derek just has a special place in my heart lol
I LOVE GARCIA, JJ, and EMILY!! Those are my girls! Don’t get me wrong, I love Tara and Kate and Alex ofc, but those three are my OG girls (you may occasionally see me complaining about Garcia but it’s all in good fun, I love her lol)
I’m a Reid fan for sure, but Morgan will always be my number one, and recently with all the Hotch content I’ve been seeing lately, I think Hotch has silently crawled into that #2 spot that Reid was sitting comfortably at🤷🏽‍♀️😂Love Papa Rossi too ofc💀
Season 7 is my favorite season but I love them all in general. Of course there are some episodes I like more than others or don’t care for as much as I do others, but that’s typical I guess
My favorite episode is a tight tie between Mr.Scratch and It Takes a Village (if my header didn’t give it away lol), but the season finales for season 7 and 8 and 9 are all a tie of second place for me
I love me some Dr. Tara Lewis! (I didn’t like that wig they put on my good sis when she first came to the show but my love for her trumps my hate for that wig lol
I don’t think I have a least favorite character on the show (I literally love everyone lol) but I’m sure as it may come up through my rewatch that there have been certain moments where I’m not a big fan of a character but it’s always temporary lol
I’m not great at making gifs😭but I’m gonna try my best cause it’s a great way to destress from schoolwork sometimes. If I don’t get to it then I may try to make some once the semester is over. If anyone is a gif maker and wants to give me some tips or advice, feel free to do so! I wanna learn😂
In this place we love and respect Mrs.Savannah Morgan😌 I love her and I’d be lying if I said I didn’t wanna be her😂so there will be no Savannah slander here
I don’t want to hate on any characters or ships because I love everyone on the show pretty equally, with the exception of Derek, so because of that I’d appreciate it if no one brings any hate onto them here either. I want to make this a safe space.
Feel free to have a conversation with me! Remember, I’m just speaking my mind and voicing my options while I rewatch, so don’t take anything as fact! I may say something while watching and completely change my mind after, so don’t take whatever I post as a pretext for what I think or believe to be truth about anything related to the show. My opinion is always subject to change, so don’t think it’s set in stone!
If there’s anything I’m out of line about or dead wrong about, let me know! But please do it in a respectful and polite manner! Life and school is already stressful enough, the last thing I would want is to come here and get heckled😂especially if it has something to do with me talking about CM
My opinion on the whole reboot rumors: I joined the CM bandwagon super late, so ofc I’d LOVE to see a reboot, but realistically, I doubt it’s gonna happen. But I hope I’m proven wrong! It’ll only be good (to me, at least) if they bring back the original cast (which they most likely won’t). If they did decide to bring the show back, if there’s no elite 7 then I want nothing to do with it lol
I am a proud Elle Greenaway fan😂sis didn’t have to go out the way she did, I can only imagine how great the dynamic between her and Prentiss would’ve been😭
At first I didn’t like Gideon😂I thought he was kinda weird and rude but after a couple of episodes I got really used to him and found him pretty amusing. When he left I wasn’t super sad or anything, but when he died I felt more upset for Reid’s sake more than anything 😭 Funny guy though, odd but funny lol
I love Kate and wished she stayed longer, same with Alex and STEPHEN!! I LOVED STEPHEN! My heart literally shattered when he died😭 he deserved better, they did him so dirty on the show
By now, you can probably assume I was completely heartbroken when Morgan left (which I totally was, I literally had to take a break from watching for at least a week straight) but for some reason, the nail in the coffin for me was Hotch leaving not long after, only to be replaced by Prentiss. Don’t get me wrong, I absolutely LOVE Emily and all, but idk, the show just never really felt the same to me after those two left. I still watched it of course but those two being gone was just a sore spot I never think I truly got completely over🤷🏽‍♀️ (I’m well aware of the whole Thomas Gibson drama and everything but the way he was written off was just so tragic, I personally liked the Mr.Scratch story a lot so I thought they could really get somewhere with it had he stayed. I get why he had to go but I guess I just regret that he had to leave🤷🏽‍♀️ (My Hotch favoritism might be showing a bit here😂)
That’s all for now folks! But anything else that comes up or crosses my mind will definitely be spoken here!
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hotchley · 3 years
Hi, it is i, bumblebee anon🥳✨
If you want to I’ll gladly tell u abt my hotchniss headcanons:) I think abt them way too much anyways. I’ve told one or two people about them but never rly put it on the internet cuz I’m quite nervous about what some people would say, I’ve gotten hate for shipping hotchniss before lmao so that wasn’t so nice, but ye
I kind of actually need to be sleeping rn bc I don’t get enough sleep anyway so I’ll just tell you the basic outline of them! If you wanna hear more just tell me and I’ll write you an essay on them!🥰
I’ve got like two main ones:
The first one is about young hotchniss, but less just about the feelings but about the ✨plot✨bc ems best friend had a camera and filmed literally anything that got in her way so she basically has on cam how em and aaron fell in love 👍👍 and I have all these headcanon abt what happens in some of the videos or what you see in the photos and ye🤗 additions would be their friend also making/filming their wedding video and/or the friend passing the legacy of the camera on to ems and aarona daughter: cue the chaos that ensues when a toddler gets a camera. Naturally, all the videos and pictures taken by their daughter are a lot more random and funnier. the team somehow finding all the videos and pictures and finding out about hotchniss that way
The second one is basically just: em and aaron have two children (don’t rly have names for them yet but I’ve been calling the boy jack even tho it feels wrong idk). It’s 2020, corona just began and their daughter and son come home from their respective colleges. Chaos ensues when they make a tiktok acc (and kind of go viral??) oh and aaron is retired and constantly doing stuff in the garden and Emily is unit chief and dealing well with the working from home thing. Just imagine the possibilities for the tiktoks, “things in our home with FBI agents that make perfectly sense: *thousands of alarms* *bullet proof glass* *weapons stored everywhere* *fbi mugs* *talking abt murder at dinner*”. Oh and I actually have one of the tiktoks written out lol wait let me find it. Here is it.
They do that „1 day in the life of an FBI agent“ thing and jack asks Emily when she usually wakes up so he can wake up at that time too. So they’re both in the kitchen at six and Emily makes herself a coffee but doesn’t want jack to drink one even though he’s fucking tired. And what you see in the tiktok is jack asking „mom why do you not want me to drink coffee at six in the morning again and why do u get to drink one“ Emily just continues her task without looking at him or the camera „well first of all I haven’t slept and second of all ur still so young I don’t want you to have a caffeine addicted“ jack raises an eyebrow „so you weren’t caffeine addicted when you were my age??“ „oh jack when I was your age I was addicted to stuff you don’t even wanna hear of“ „for example?“ she turns to face jack and with a deadpan face says „your dad?“
~ 🐝
I'm putting everything below the keep reading, for easy scrolling x
You can always tell me about them!
Aww don't be nervous :((
Ugh, the ship hate really irritates me, if you don't like a ship, just leave it. Don't worry though. The only ship slander I will ever commit is shipping someone with their abuser, or Reid/Rossi and Reid/Gideon because... why?
(Also if someone wants to send you hate, they can fight me. /hj)
Yes! Sleep!! It's important!!
Oh my god, I love that. She's one of those friends that just KNOWS when two people are meant to be together, so even though Aaron and Emily are like: nooo, she's like: yesss!!
But then everything happens and she's like: oh... but then!! They find their way back to each other, and Emily never lets Aaron feel guilty for still loving Haley- because let's be honest, everyone is a little bit in love with Haley, and they're just perfect once more.
YES!! They have a daughter named Meredith Haley Hotchner-Prentiss because I say so, and the camera gets passed down to her, and although the photos are from the most random angles, and usually not very good, they mean everything to the parents and end up everywhere.
(I like to think Hotch gets one framed before him and Emily move in together/make their relationship public) and the team find out when they come round and Jack is like: look at my favourite photo!!
I mean, I've already said I would want their daughter to be called Meredith Haley, but for a son... maybe Derek Jason? After his godfather and the man that was a mentor to his father for a few years?
I love the idea of them making TikToks! They would walk into Emily's meetings, and she would look so stressed and done with the job, then they would head out into the garden and Hotch would be like: look at my tulips!!
PFFT!! YOUR DAD!! Jack just lets out a groan, and leaves because they're both so embarrassing
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