#Giorno’s mafioso
lady-wallace · 2 years
Just caught something new while re-watching the JoJo Part 5 anime and wanted to share because I don’t think I’ve seen anyone mention it before.
Watching the part with Giorno’s backstory again, I’m actually 90% sure that the mafioso he saved was a Stand user and I find that really interesting.
During the scene where Giorno’s mafioso killed the drug dealer and the guy’s son goes after him, the kid seems to be physically unable to shoot the gun. This also seems to be the case with Giorno’s stepfather. In the scene where it shows him about to beat Giorno, it’s less like he stops because he is scared of consequences and more like he stops because he physically cannot raise his hand against Giorno. Whether this was intentional or not, I thought it was interesting to think of the mafioso having a stand ability too.
It also makes sense seeing as he appears to hold a position at least to the same level as Bucciarati in Passione, which wouldn’t make it unreasonable to assume he had been given the chance to pass the lighter test from Polpo as well. If he did have a Stand I can only assume the ability is some sort of control/command based power, which he would have utilized in the scenarios above as a way to stop something from happening, either by physically controlling an object, or forcing someone to obey a command. I think it would be interesting to explore the nuances of a power like that.
But just some thoughts. I’d be interested to hear what other people have to say on this subject.
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takunwilliams · 2 years
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Bucciaratii JJBA Golden Wind 
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shoechoe · 1 year
While it doesn't entirely address all of the issues with how Passione is handled canonically, I think Testimone Di Gangster takes a more grounded approach if that's something you're interested in. I won't go too into details since I'm unsure if you've read it yet, but I will say that it doesn't glorify certain Passione members as more honourable or, err, whatever a gang-star is, even if it's from the perspective of a Passione member.
Testimone Di Gangster has been on my list to check out for a while now, but it kind of slipped my mind after I finished Purple Haze Feedback (and then of course Invader Zim... happened)- thank you for reminding me that I do need to read it. I do love it when Passione is expanded upon beyond the vague and loose information we get in VA, so Testimone Di Gangster sounds promising.
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cinnbar-bun · 7 months
So she’s Giorno’s half sister?
Ja! So like how Giorno was in Japan she grew up in America then got basically dragged to Italy by Man X after Giorno did his thing. Now Giorno has a new sister! So cool!
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orphetoon · 5 months
Ayo! gotta say, LOVE your Haruno Higashikata AU! got two questions:
1: what role does Gio play in part 4?
2: If nobody's done so already, I must put forth the obligatory question of "what if G. Giovanni & H. Higashikata met?" whether or not D4C rules apply is at your own discretion. I suppose their respective GERs could just revert their own actions (in this case, approaching each other) should they accidentally annihilate each other.
giorno in a lot of the slice of life parts is a lot of:
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at least in stories not directly related to him lol
there is an added element of ✨joestar family drama✨ which is the main focus of this au, but during the kira parts gio is investigating but usually w josuke and okuyasu as opposed to jotaro
if this au gio met regular gio i don’t think they would like. hate each other or anything. without rambling abt the changes the broad strokes of the character are still the same (being saved by a mafioso vs being adopted, wanting to fix the drug problem vs wanting to fix the mess dio/the arrows have caused)
they’d be chill if not a little uncomfortable with the differences. this au josuke would be very worried abt regular gio tho
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ddarker-dreams · 7 months
mini love report — giorno giovanna
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relationship health diagnosis — 80%*
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symptom one — intuitive
giorno's uncanny ability to read others got him far in life. it's a skill so interwoven into his being that it's as involuntary as breathing. from the instant he laid eyes on you, he started work on a mental profile. depending on what he wants, he'll make slight adjustments to how he interacts with you. he's hyper-aware of your likes and dislikes at all times. fortunately for you, his intentions aren't malevolent. the adjustments aren't drastic but you'd probably find it weird if you ever learned about this (you won't).
this information goes to ensuring you're comfortable around him. he finds intimacy a vulnerable, fragile thing that must be handled with care. you can feel the quiet intensity of his gaze most toward the start of your relationship, although it never goes away. he's searching for any sign of discomfort or unspoken cues to continue.
eventually, he'll come to trust that you'll voice misgivings if you have any and that he can ease up.
symptom two — resolute
once this man sets his mind on something, there's no stopping him. this staunch determination can be good, bad, or a discordant mix of the two. what differentiates him from other ambitious individuals is his patience and opportunism. he'll pursue you for years if need be. giorno doesn't want to conquer your heart, no, he longs to be worthy of having it. after all, if you've caught his attention, you must be special.
challenges may arise when 'determined' shifts to 'obstinate.' regardless of how opposed you are in a disagreement, he never disregards your perspective. the lone exception is when your safety is involved. should he believe you doing something imposes a risk, it's like trying to convince a brick wall. he'll still hear you out but you both know his mind is made up. he won't relent until you capitulate. he's methodical in dissuasion; never raising his voice or condescending you. he's well-mannered and considerate as ever.
you come around to his side faster than you'd care to admit.
symptom three — respectful yet sly
while mindful of your boundaries (thanks papa jonathan), giorno knows what mischief he can get away with (sorta thanks papa dio). for a man who has garnered the fearsome reputation he has, he's surprisingly impish. he'll quietly fluster you before getting your picture taken together, so that he can capture your expression forever. at dinners with important figures, when the conversation gets painfully boring, his hand will brush over your thigh beneath the table. he acts confused by your admonishment as if he hadn't instigated it.
occasionally, when thinking back on interactions from your teenage yours, you experience an epiphany. what you thought to be an innocent comment had flirtatious undertones! if you bring this up to him, he'll smile softly and say he's 'glad you finally noticed, even if it took a while...'
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primary area of concern
he's what you might call 'morally flexible.' there are some lines he'll never cross — promoting illicit substances or harming children are the premier examples — yet he's still a mafioso. as the don of passione, he regularly engages in dubious practices. should you ever ask about his undertakings, he's honest up to a point. he knows how to make unpleasant subjects palatable. the thought of regularly lying to you makes his stomach churn.
giorno settles for misdirection and obfuscation. it's so subtle, so well done that you'll likely remain none the wiser. he masterfully steers you away from topics you're better off not knowing (in his view). he admits to lesser wrongdoings to satiate your curiosity.
no matter how he spins it to himself, however, this is still lying. it's just a fancy, roundabout version.
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giorno may have this debonair flair to him, yet beneath the polish sits a lonely heart. he's worried he'll accidentally spoil your relationship (especially if you're close friends before he confesses), or otherwise bring some harm upon you. he wouldn't ever be able to forgive himself. you're someone he can be himself around. the charm he always exudes changes shape in your presence. he's a bit less smooth, more prone to blushing and fidgeting. he's just really good at hiding it.
he'll be a steadfast partner (and hopefully husband) come hell or high water. he's gentle and kind in a way no one beside you can illicit. you make him want to be better so that he's never at risk of losing you.
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*the universe has tried (and failed) to wrench you apart (0-20) your friends are praying that you'll break up (21-40) 'well it could/has be worse' bargaining mindset (41-60) a lil messiness as a treat (61-80) pure and wholesome (81-100)
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illubean · 10 months
Hello! Could you write cuddling hcs for bucci gang?
Cuddling Headcanons
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Characters: Bruno Bucciarati, Leone Abbacchio, Guido Mista, Narancia Ghirga, Fugo Pannacotta, Giorno Giovanna, Trish Una Type: Fluff, Headcanons, Gn!reader
man I love the bucci gang so much :( I think p5 might be my fav even though the ending absolutely destroyed me
Warnings: none
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Bruno Bucciarati
I think he likes the more traditional way of cuddling, you know face to face and stuff?
he likes to have one arm around your waist and the other stroking your hair (unless you're bald??)
if he's busy he doesn't mind having you in his lap while he works
one arm would be secured around your waist yet again while the other one writes away at whatever he's doing
if you fall asleep before he's finished, he would carry you to the bedroom and lay down with you
he kisses you on the forehead before apologizing for working so long :(
he tells you how much he loves you, even if you aren't awake to hear it
Leone Abbacchio
Abbacchio likes laying on your chest as a reminder you're still with him and that your heart is beating :((
he also likes it when you lay on his chest
he would hold you close and say something like "Hear that mia cara/mio caro? You will always be close to my heart"
he likes to cuddle with you for comfort
this man has been through a lot, even though he's not big on pda in private he likes to be close to you as reassurance
(can you tell he's my personal fav)
Guido Mista
ah yes my favorite stinky man
first off make sure this guy showers before even thinking about cuddling with him unless you want to smell like man sweat
I think Mista likes cuddling any way he can rest a hand on your chest or ass
nothing inherently sexual, just a layer of extra affection
he likes being the big spoon so he can slip a hand in the front of your shirt
or when you lay on top of him so he can put his hands on your ass
he also likes being able to plant kisses on the top of your head
Narancia Ghirga
as previously stated in another piece, he's the biggest cuddle bug of the group
he likes laying in a position where he can wrap all his limbs around you like a sloth
or alternatively he lays sprawled out on top of you, giving you no means of escape
when he wants to cuddle he WILL get his cuddles
if you're busy, he doesn't care and will 100% come up to you and wrap himself around you
he would also whine about you not giving him enough attention
"c'monnn, forget the papers and come cuddle with me!"
he's not above sitting in your lap either
basically, when he's in a cuddly mood you're not getting rid of him <3
Fugo Pannacotta
another one who likes laying on your chest
or on your lap
he likes cuddling in a way where you can easily run your fingers through his hair
it's a nice way for him to cool down after something agitates him <3
he cuddles with you when he feels like he needs to relax
give him gentle head massages!!! it puts him at ease
you're his rock and he doesn't know what he'd do without you
Giorno Giovanna
honestly? it doesn't matter to him how you cuddle, as long as you're close to him
sometimes he needs a break from all the mafioso craziness, seeking you out for that break
it doesn't matter if you guys are laying on top of each other or simply sitting shoulder to shoulder, Giorno just enjoys having you present <3
I think he likes to hold hands while cuddling
it makes him feel grounded and he forgets about all the stress of being a newly initiated don
Trish Una
she likes to sit up cuddled next to you underneath a blanket
like the stereotypical way couples do when watching movies
she likes resting her head on your shoulder with one of your arms wrapped around her <33
she likes cuddling with you when she's sleepy, whether that be laying down together or sitting next to each other on the train
another one who likes holding hands
though she probably won't outright say it, she's grateful to be this close to you
it makes her feel protected in the midst of all the "boss' daughter" shenanigans
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mantis-dea · 1 year
Bruno Bucciarati's Type Headcanon
Bruno is someone with a deep-seated desire for a loving relationship and perhaps, a family of his own. As the years go by, his desire increasingly starts to surface.
However, the path he walks is fraught with danger and uncertainty. Serving as Giorno’s right-hand man in Passione, his life is intertwined with the complex world of Italy’s strongest mafias.
As Team Bucciarati works tirelessly to clean up Passione and protect their territory from rival factions attempting to seize power, Bruno finds himself constantly away on perilous missions, often with little respite between them. His absence can range from days to weeks, and sometimes even longer.
The weight of his responsibilities and the knowledge that his life is constantly on the line weigh heavily on Bruno's heart. He is aware of the dangers he faces, and it pains him to imagine someone he cares about worrying and waiting for his return, only for that day to never come. He has seen too many comrades who had family fall, and it's a fear that haunts him.
He believes that suppressing this desire is the responsible thing to do.
Bruno not dating means several less things to worried about.
What if someone kidnaps his s/o and uses them as leverage?
What if he promised a night out, but he could not make it?
What if a rival member decides to kill his s/o?
Because of these factors, luck would truly have to be on s/o’s side, especially if they are a civilian.
As a generality, Bruno’s type would be someone who is kind, gets his weird sense of humor, and exudes a calming presence that makes spending time together effortless. Whether he and his s/o are fishing, listening to Miles Davis, or simply relaxing, being near his s/o soothes him.
On the other hand, while I do think Bruno values calm and stability in a partner more, I can also see Bruno liking someone slightly chaotic. Someone who he enjoys sharing a laugh with. Someone who does stupid things to get him to laugh. However, he's not looking for an extremely chaotic personality, as his demanding work already saps his energy and exposes him to such individuals regularly.
Additionally, this person must accept his line of work.
If his s/o is not part of the mafia, he won’t disclose his involvement unless they begin to suspect, or the relationship is about to go to the next level.
Bruno would want them to see him as a person first before they make a decision. Afterall, he is in Passione to eradicate drugs amongst the youths.
Bruno is most likely to enter a romantic relationship with a fellow member of Passione. His future s/o would need to have some experience within the organization, preferably working alongside Bruno on numerous missions where they shared the same living quarters.
There are two reasons why Bruno would date a fellow Passione member:
1.) Bruno will be less apprehensive about dating knowing they are perfectly capable of defending themselves.
2.) They understand the mafioso lifestyle. Though the disappointment will still be present, they won’t be resentful or surprised when he’s away for extended periods of time. This shared perspective significantly reduces potential strains and misunderstandings. Moreover, Bruno can have open discussions with his significant about Passione's members and issues, providing a valuable source of insight and support.
If his s/o is a civilian, they must be the one of the luckiest people ever.
For this civilian to catch Bruno’s attention, they’d have to do something truly “significant” in his eyes. It will most likely be an act of kindness.
Helping an elderly lady with groceries.
Buying a kid who didn’t have money an ice cream.
S/o trying to skim board in a fountain, only to fall face first into the water, attempting to avoid crashing into a kid.
I also have a one-shot where civilian s/o exchanges a bag of apples that Bruno was gifted for a bag of oranges. She was watering plants on her balcony when she overheard the conversation about him not being fond of apples. She runs down and exchanges the bags with him.
After witnessing an act of kindness, there is a low chance that Bruno may strike up a conversation with you. If you are close by him after the incident occurred, he may comment about it out loud.
As time passes, If Bruno sees s/o consistently after the initial incident, he will begin to think about them more frequently, noting just how often they keep crossing paths. If he’s in a crowd, he finds himself doing a quick glance to see if you are there.
After a series of encounters – four or five to be exact–, with each one seemingly involving him or his future s/o running into one another, he becomes drawn to them. He eventually initiates a conversation, sharing a chuckle at the uncanny frequency of their meetings. With each interaction, Bruno finds himself falling deeper in love, and s/o becomes a constant presence in his thoughts.
He starts to believe fate is trying to bring you two together. Unexpectedly, after some pep talk from Mista of all people, he finally goes and asks them out for dinner.
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despicablebisexual · 11 months
just thinking about being the one person bruno contemplates giving up the gang life for...
bruno x gn!reader, smut, MDNI, angst, cw: minor amount of violence and gore
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somehow, he was back, and bruno didn't ask any questions when giorno was there to welcome him back from whatever place he had been
giorno just silently cried, a rare show of emotional vulnerability from the young teenager
so, bruno decides to live this time, live like he'd never have another second chance again
and of course, the first thought that comes to mind is finally asking out the beautiful worker from the small bakery right around the corner
he's seen you for months, carefully decorating intricate cakes, biting your lip as you finally nail the design you've been working on for months, but he's never bothered to approach since he figured that him being a mafioso would rightfully scare you off
but, he's been miraculously granted another chance and he knows he must take it
so he walks in one day, a single flower held behind his back, and confidently asks if you're available
and of course, you all but shout that you'll go out with him
the gorgeous mafioso that had captured your attention so many months ago, but then disappeared out of the blue for several weeks had finally asked you out, and you weren't going to waste this chance
but, he's a mafioso, a man with an insurmountable amount of money, which scares you (as does his profession)
you, the keeper of a small-time bake shop
you're expecting him to show up in a fancy sports car and take you for a spin on the wild side, show you a life completely different from yours
but, he manages to surprise you when he knocks on your door the next night, dressed casually in a gray sweater and black jeans, and tells you he's packed a picnic for you two to enjoy out on the beach
the sun sets over the two of you as you enjoy a full on buffet that he insists was fully prepared by him (you have your suspicions)
it's a wonderful first date, the pinks and oranges reflecting off the glistening water and in bruno's deep blue eyes while he talks
he's equal parts a great listener and a great talker, filling in all the gaps when you're not sure what to say
all the rumors from the older women around town stating he was quite the catch are true, you realize that night
and when he kisses you for the first time, you know you're going to fall completely head over heels for him
several months pass by and bruno's got the world in his hands
he's the underboss of italy's biggest crime syndicate
he's got more money than he could ever hope for
he's got a loyal crew always ready to stand by his side
but most importantly,
he's got you...
you, his wonderful partner whom he loves with all his heart
over the course of the beginning of your relationship, he'd be insistent you stayed away from everything pertaining to Passione
even though it stood for something better now, aiming to cleanse the streets of italy from the filthy drug trade, it's still a dangerous place to be caught up in
especially with you not having a stand
no one has ever met you, and they never will
(well, giorno knows OF you... bruno thought it best to at least tell giorno considering he's the boss, but he didn't even need to. giorno knew immediately what was going on once he noticed how many times bruno came back to the Passione headquarters with little treat bags from your shop)
anyway, he keeps you tucked away
far from any prying eyes, any danger, and far, far away from anything related to stands
he wanted your love to be authentic, one-of-a-kind, something they'd write about in books one day, not tainted with the poison that is mafia life
and your love certainly felt that way
each time he made love to you, it was like the heaven's aligned
the taste of you was enough to drive him wild, he'd spent countless hours professing his love to you by kissing and sucking eagerly at your most sensitive parts between your thighs
he'd praise you constantly for your seemingly divine beauty, and how blessed he felt to be the one to receive your affection, especially when you were knelt between his legs
but, he'd fight an internal battle each time he was with you
the angel on his shoulder would direct him to lay you down gently and put on slow r&b while he lazily thrust into you, not even bothering to focus on his own pleasure but instead just on yours
the gentle sound of your moans and sighs and professions of love like music to his ears
but the devil on his shoulder, the one that made him the ruthless mafioso he was, would constantly tell him to give in to your demands and mercilessly fuck into you while your nails scratched down his back
the oh-so welcome sound of you screaming and gasping out how good it felt to be the object of his desire
yes, it was a dilemma he struggled with indeed
but at the end of each night, when you two were laid on top of the sheets, catching your breath after an all too long love-making session
bruno would smile into your hair, so perfectly content in those moments
no mafia, no stands, no acting as the righteous hand of Passione
just you
just you, with your bruno
he'd struggle for months, tossing and turning at nights
giorno brought him back to fulfill his duty, to help him with his cause
and girono was more than a boss
he was his friend, his precious comrade who he owed his life to (literally)
but you were this perfect thing, this beautiful, innocent being that gave him a new way to live
he was no longer the traitorous gangster he once was, he was someone you said you'd want to spend the rest of your life with
someone to taste test all the new cake flavors, someone to walk alongside of in the setting sun, someone to have and to hold
he'd walk in and out of the finest jewelers in italy, searching for the one ring that would be perfect
and it'd be a heavy weight in his pocket on the day he finally found it in Milan
he knew your ring size already, having got the measurements while you slept
(sticky fingers might have helped by zipping off your finger for a second)
he'd basically skip down the street, intent on making his way back to giorno and telling him he would be retiring by the end of the year
in his two years as the underboss, he'd helped giorno build an empire already
he trained countless new and exisiting stand users, he'd made great friends with neighboring houses, and mista was more than prepared to step up now
his future plans? help you out with the bake shop
the owner you'd be working for for the past three years was retiring and decided to leave it in your possession
you two would get married, have a couple kids, run the shop, leave it to one of them eventually, move to a house by the seaside (maybe even his hometown!) and grow old together
it'd be perfect
then he'd get the call
giorno would be frantic on the other end, explaining a serial killer stand user was loose in Naples
one that trish alerted them to, as she said the killer explained he had a bone to pick with whoever overthrew diavolo, and was targeting loved ones
and he'd been watching for quite some time now
he immediately zipped to your apartment, finding the door wide open
fear churning in his stomach, he'd storm the small apartment, searching for any sign of you
when all he found was a single finger perfectly cut off and preserved
his heart stopped
a ring finger, giorno confirmed
your ring finger.
they never found your body, nor your killer, not even after months of searching on end, going to neighboring countries and speaking with other syndicates around Europe
it'd be months, years later before bruno would ever even crack a smile like he used to
he just wasn't the same anymore, this wasn't a death that gold experience requiem could change, and bruno had nowhere else to turn
so, he'd spend the next years committing himself completely to his underboss duties
Passione would be feared, and not just for their untouchable boss
the underboss would be scarier, the man who could walk through walls and kill you with a single command of his stand
traitor after traitor, he'd interrogate anyone who'd so much as questioned giorno's authority, even minorly
everyone would come to fear his wrath
and in each interrogation, each time he'd zip someone's head almost completely off and remove all their limbs and beat them to the brink of death
he'd be searching
for the person who knew what happened to you
no one would know anything
who would remember the worker from the little bake shop around the corner that had closed so many years ago?
no one
no one knew you, and bruno had no evidence of your existence besides an unworn ring and a cold and empty bed
he'd be left to turn back to the cold, gangster life
until one day, giorno would let him rest in peace finally
and he'd be reunited with you
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maxwell-grant · 6 months
So... Thoughts on The Penguin trailer?
I'm trying to reign in my optimism a bit and be a little more cautious, but so far: ahahahah oh man, oh man oh man, I'm really excited for this.
God I gotta get back on my Sopranos watch, I gotta start making time for it again. I mean, it's been a terrific show so far, I'm not just watching it because of this, but out of everything we've seen so far this trailer is the biggest "we're doing The Sopranos" thing I've seen from them yet.
I love the mention of Rex Calabrese here and the recontextualization of his character, and how Oswald views him. For comparison's sake: In Batman Eternal, Rex Calabrese was brought up as a brutal ruler who ripped throats out with his teeth and terrified all the other cops and crime families into obeying him and who understood the natural order through which he was supplanted by Falcone, who was then supplanted by Penguin. But here, he talks about Rex Calabrese as a childhood hero who helped people, who was given a funeral parade as a show of love from the people. That's the kind of person Oz idolizes, the kind of life he wants and is starting to think he will never get to have.
Here's one of the big reasons why this is already the best take on Gangster Penguin there's ever been, and the thing I love the most about this trailer, and something that absolutely defined him in the movie as well: Oswald is completely delusional about what being a gangster actually means.
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Oswald here is a guy who had his heart broken in the movie because Falcone, the guy he followed and obeyed and looked up to with every breath, turned out to be a backstabbing piece of shit, with Oswald clearly kept in the dark about the nastier things Falcone got up to. He gets very offended at the suggestion he murdered Annika or that he did the Riddler's serial killer rat maze trap, and in that deleted scene where he tries to pay Selina and keep her from going underground, he clearly wants to be the guy who treats his staff allright and pays them what they need and tries to shield her from the grubby animals downstairs that he on some level finds disgusting (even though they're on his club, and he's providing them with what they want, and he's shielding the worst one of all).
And now he's sitting here talking about his old hero, a gangster from his neighborhood who reached out to people in the street and helped them, who died with his pride in hand and was beloved by his community for it. The kind of guy that Oswald emotionally talks about as someone he wants to be like, as he's getting ready to go to war and shoot and stab and blow up people in a crumbling nightmare city.
This is, in spite of everything, a guy who is very, very preoccupied with being some kind of gentleman, or at least more of a gentleman than the criminals he cavorts with, and a guy whose vision of himself doesn't match the reality of what he does, and a guy who has made a ridiculous cartoon of himself in order to try and forcing that childish idea into reality. This is a Penguin who lives and dresses and acts as an absurd child's idea of a rich and powerful man, except what that entails has changed.
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Instead of wanting to be the romantic aristocrat, instead of playing the cultured gentleman thief, this Oswald wants to be the friendly gangster. He wants to be the neighborhood king who runs soup kitchens and helps old ladies cross the street and inspires beaten-down insecure loser kids like him to strive for more, the mafioso who looks out for women and kids and isn't scared of the cops and gets funeral parades for being such a swell guy who just does a little crime ova here every now and then, eeyy, c'maan.
Oswald here has the same dream as Giorno Giovanna, from JoJo Part 5, and he saw Rex Calabrese as the distant mysterious gangster who looked out for Giorno and invisibly kept bullies from picking on him and made the neighborhood treat him decently, who showed him what real power, power to protect himself and others, looks like, and he very clearly wanted to project that kind of fantasy onto Falcone, who is an actual gangster, and thus doesn't act remotely the way Oswald thinks they ought to act.
Oswald here wants to be the Depression-era honorable mafioso, just as outdated and fictional and mismatched a character in our time as the gentleman thief aristocrat was to the 1940s, and to me that feels like the first time anyone's really made Penguin-as-Gangster be a concept worth it's weight and play into makes him so engaging a character. It's just instead of being a burglar and crimelord who reads Raffles and quotes Shakespeare, this Oswald is a Tony Soprano who prays every night to be Don Corleone once he grows up.
And he might even get his chance! Because the way things are going in Gotham, with the city destroyed and in need of rebuilding, with the entire infrastructure crumbled and the mob having lost their figureheads and supply, and Oswald holding one of the few structures not completely totaled, he has the opportunity of a lifetime here to swoop in and play the Capone/Dillinger to this Depression-flavored Gotham.
And I'm really curious as to where he's heading within the show: whether he's going to make this fantasy of his work and be the reasonable flexible-but-unbeatable crimelord and the sole player remaining in town, or whether the downfall of organized crime in Gotham and the rise of the weirdos means that our beloved waddling freak is going to have to come to terms with what he actually is, and grab his colorful suits and his new name and make some umbrella guns to embrace and ride his bizarre awfulness into the sunset.
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lady-of-endless · 5 months
omg hai ! i was waiting for u to have no pending hcs. can u write some hcs about bruno and giorno preparing to and then proposing to their s/o? :> love ur stuff btw ;3
Author's Note: I'm so sorry for making you wait. Thank you for this request and above all thank you for your appreciation. Seeing you in my notifications makes me happy. Hope you'll enjoy it! The GIFs are not mine and I thank the owners.
Bruno Bucciarati, Giorno Giovanna x reader proposal headcanons
Bruno Bucciarati
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- He will take care of everything alone, planning each detail. At least that's how it goes at first for only a little while because the others decide to join in, too happy that he finally decided to take this step. He will be pestered with crazy ideas from everyone.
- At first, he thinks about doing something big for you, after all, it's what you fully deserve. Something elegant, grand. But he starts thinking that it probably wouldn't be comfortable and heartfelt for you. He fell in love with how profound you are so something fancy and over the top wouldn't be as impressive to you as others think.
- After feelings of excitement and joy because he had reached this point in his life, comes nervousness. A heavy worry about what can go wrong. He's anxious and it's rare to see him like lose his cool like that, it's visible to everyone. However, Bucciarati will slowly calm down by replaying in his mind all the conversations you two had about the future so many times. He wants to make all the dreams you have about this moment come true.
- However, the strongest emotion of all, it's devotion. Devotion is a very powerful feeling that comes from a sense of commitment and loyalty. For Bucciarati, it also comes from a sense of admiration and respect that he has for you. He wants to show you all of these with this proposal.
- He decides to propose to you on a trip to the coast of Napoli. More precisely, his hometown. The last time he was there, his heart was torn apart, now he wants to create a new memory there, a loving one that is going to heal even the last thing in him that's broken. Some might say that it seems too self-centered but it's not. You asked him to take you there so many times after he opened up about his childhood and what happened.
- One late night, Abbachio will notice Bucciarati alone looking at the ring, lost in thought. He will understand right away that Bucciarati is asking himself if you'll say yes to him, after everything you know about him and everything you've been through because of him being a mafioso. Abbachio will sit down next to him sighing, before reassuring him that your wish to be with him will surpass anything, he just knows it.
- Of course, Bucciarati wrote down his confession and even memorized it but as he gets on one knee, his mind goes blank. He ends up talking from his heart.
"I know I was supposed to wait until the right time, but my heart can't stand without telling you. Everything feels right for me when I'm with you. I never thought I would be so lucky to find someone like you and not be taken away from my life. You fill the missing pieces of my heart. Will you marry me?"
Giorgio Giovanna
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- He too prefers getting everything done alone and that's why he doesn't tell anyone, knowing how the others will want to be involved with the preparations. However, everyone starts noticing how he's more distracted than usual but no one knows what's on his mind that's so important.
- He wants to do something intimate, different than those basic ideas he has seen, and away from any hassle. Giorno thinks that this moment is only yours. A profound moment between your bound hearts.
- Giorno chooses a sunny place, close to the sea. More exactly, on the Amalfi Coast, where the Bougainvillea flowers bloom (visual). Why? Because he knows how your face lights up when he uses his stand ability and flowers bloom around. His heart also skips a beat when he sees you around flowers, it makes it look like his paradise. And because it's a calm place not many know about.
- The emotion Giorno feels the most is longing. Longing, that sense of yearning for something or someone. Giorno yearned for you and now he yearns for a future with you. It took him some time to make this transition, but now it's so very intense.
- At first, for a long time after deciding it's time to propose to you, Giorno doesn't feel nervous about it because he knows that you two shared a dream for a profound commitment. But in time, as the moment approaches, there is one question that makes him overthink everything.
- Giorno sometimes will look at you from afar and clench his hand around the ring in his pocket. One time, it's noticeable. Mista stepped closer to him, sensing something wrong, but not saying a word yet. Without moving his gaze from you, Giorno asks himself in a quiet tone so that Mista can hear too, if he will be able to make you this happy forever. Mista nodded, understanding everything but not knowing how to reassure him. He tells Giorno that because he worries about your happiness, he is already halfway there.
- Giorno doesn't want to write down his confession, thinking that such a thing shouldn't be planned. He wants to speak from the bottom of his heart, holding your hands as he always did when he was alone with you. However, when he's on one knee, he starts wishing he had written down at least some phrases because he's lost. When he looks into your eyes, he knows, he is ready.
“As I look at you now, I realize that the world is a better place with you in it. I cherish every second we have together, and I feel like I can breathe freely when you are beside me. I don't want a future without you. I, Giorno Giovanna, have another dream now. To make you happy. Will you let me try and will you marry me?”
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silliestnico · 5 months
i don't think giorno giovanna's survivors guilt after the end of part five and his trauma as a whole is spoken about enough. i do think he is more emotionally repressed than jotaro at times. as you read through this i want you to keep in mind that anytime there's a scene with young giorno before saving the mafioso's life, he never smiles, which is incredibly unusual for a child aged 1-5.
let's begin at his conception, giorno doesn't know who dio is, where he is, if he's even alive, or what he really looks like. all he has as proof that dio was real is himself and a single polaroid. the reason he doesn't know what dio looks like is because he isn't even fully facing the front of the camera. it's highly likely that when giorno was young, anytime he saw a tall, blond, muscular man, whether it be on the tv, in a magazine, or in real life, he thought 'is that my dad?'
his life in japan wasnt good either. his mother would abandon him as a toddler at night to go out partying. bearing in mind, he was still being bottlefed at this point. in the scene where it pans through the apartment(?) he and his mother lived in, it showed a baby bottle with a little milk left inside. giorno was so afraid at night he couldn't even cry, a baby/toddler not crying is not fucking normal. 
now onto his life in part 5 onwards. throughout part 5, the viewer rarely sees him express the extreme of any emotion, aside from pain after giving himself the antidote to purple haze's attack, and anger during his and cioccolata's fight. even as he's greiving the loss of his allies, he doesn't express much in terms of sorrow, yes, he cries when he can't save narancia, and his voice sounds incredibly hurt when he can't save narancia or abbacchio, but his reaction is still relatively calm compared to the likes of mista and narancia respectively, which brings me back to my point of him being more emotionally repressed than jotaro - the viewer sees jotaro express extreme emotions, whereas they don't with giorno. it almost feels like giorno is a side character in his own part because of how little focus is put on him and his trauma by the fandom.
upon moving to italy, he may have thought the neglect and abuse would stop, and it probably did for a short time, until his stepfather decided to start beating him. as i previously mentioned, during majority of the scenes with young giorno, he never smiles. he doesn't smile at his mothers wedding, which should presumably be a happy occasion, not during the ceremony when his stepfather is kind to him, not in the photographs shown later on. giorno also didn't have a safe space outside of his abusive household either, he was relentlessly bullied by his peers for being half japanese, having anti-immigrant rhetoric spouted at him anytime he was near his bullies. his life only started to look up after he saved the mafioso's life. even then, his stepfather was angry at the fact he couldn't beat his like four year old stepson for merely existing. yes his bullies stopped tormenting him, but, there was likely still underlying resentment on their side.
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especiallyqhere · 2 months
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🏹JJBA Golden Arrow AU🏹
What if, in another timeline, Diavolo uses King Crimson Requiem to disappear from reality... But in doing so, something goes incredibly wrong. The energy from the arrow disperses stand energy throughout the world and Giorno Giovanna inherits vampirism from his father DIO! He is turned into a Dhampir as he is half human.
Already established:
Stands often act like a life leech on the user, with short range stands draining less subconscious energy than long range - of course it's dependent on the strength of the user but prolonged powers can cause body, mental, or internal issues to the user (these negatives are called Ailments).
Polnereff is unfortunately killed in this AU (Sorry Polnareff nation I've failed us) due to Diavolo gaining the power of the arrow.
Giorno has learnt how to heal at the start of the AU due to an accident he had as a child (getting into a knife fight with a mafioso child.)
Ages of all the main characters HERE
Bruno and Leone are not in a relationship at the start of the AU (it is a side-story within the AU)
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AU (A03) Chapters:
Part 3 - COMING SOON... & MORE
AU Art:
Giorno Character Sheet
Abbacchio Character Sheet
Bruabba First Meet Art + Idea
Thank you ask art (Giorno/Narancia)
Character Ages + Ailments (Tw/blood)
Bruno and Trish Chapter 2 Art
AU Diavolo/Doppio Arts
Sketches & other bits:
First ideas and Bruno Character Sheet (OLD)
Giorno's Transformation mini-fic (OLD)
Team Bucciarati Sketches (NOT COMPLETE)
Bruno, Leone, Giorno and Trish Full Design
Shaded AU Sketch of Screenshot
Trish & Doppio Interactions + silly sketches [Spoilers]
Chapter 2 Sneak Peek w/ Polnareff
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depravitymoon · 7 months
How long would the the Bucci Gang members harras-I mean court their senpais prior to the kidnapping phase? Under normal circumstances, who would be successful in hiding the yan part of their affection, and who would inevitably slip up during this courtship phase?
Oooo, this ask fits well into talk about mental instability.
60% of this will based on their mental stablilty, 10% is how manipulative they are, and another 10% of it will be based on their own personality, 20% is based on how hard or easy it is for them to go yandere. (Sorry for the math lol).
Tldr: For most of the them, it just depends on when you trigger their Yandere side during the courting phase instead of a time frame. Trish is the best at hiding her yan side. Narancia, Mista, and Fugo will slip up the fastest.
The longer version:
Narancia never really hides that he's yandere. You would just end up brushing off his yandere tendencies as being friendly until he crosses some lines, but once he does that, it's too late. Narancia wouldn't kidnap you, but he will not leave your home when asked to. You probably wouldn't know Narancia was courting you being he's always acted like an over affectionate friend within the 3 to 6 months you knew him.
Mista will kidnap you once to show that he can, but he really just wants to have a 'normal' relationship with you. The reason? Because you found out he's a ruthless mafioso and you wanted no part of Passione nor his violent life. When do you find out? I would say within a year. It's going to make for an awkward 1 year anniversary.
As soon as you wont give Bruno the family he wants, he's kidnapping you. Otherwise, Bruno would just use manipulation tactics to keep you close to him. As long as you do what Bruno says, there will be no need for kidnapping. I would say Bruno's one of the more successful Yandere that can hide it, but he'll slip up when his baby fever shows and he gets too overprotective of you.
Trish plans on kidnapping you as soon as she falls in love with you. Well, not kidnapping. More like ruins your life so feel compelled to only rely on her. She's very good at hiding how yanderu she is thanks to Spice Girl. In fact, it's mainly Spice Girl pulling the strings while Trish can focus on courtship you properly.
For Abbacchio's yandere side, it really depends. Ultimately, as soon as he thinks you're in danger. What makes him yandere is his paranoia of losing such a good person like you to some tragedy. He refuses to lose you like he lost his partner. Abbacchio might be too tsundere to properly court and just stalks you with Moody Blues. You most likely didn't even know he had a crush on you at all.
Yandere Giorno is someone I imagine is successful hiding his Yan tendencies. However, he'll slip up because he does have a power trip thanks to being Don and having GER. You can date Giorno for years and not know what he's really like.
As soon as you piss Fugo off, his Yan colors show. This one I truly have no timeline for because it all depends on what type of darling you are to Fugo. However, Fugo will definitely screw up and will be forced to use yandere tactics to keep you near.
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princelylove · 10 months
Synopsis: Post-canon vento aureo, you are Giorno Giovanna’s bodyguard, and his obsession. 
Warnings: typical possessive yandere behavior, reader is trapped later on, not sfw later on but it’s just masturbation, I’m a Giorno pussy truther it’s not explicitly stated but I want you to know
Length: A little over 2k.
Giorno Giovanna is something out of a dream. It’s difficult to not stare. His presence itself is enchanting, although often overwhelming.
He’s often misunderstood. Misrepresented. He’s a complex individual, it’s unfair to put his psychology in the same category as someone more simple-minded.
You can’t think of why his presence overwhelms you. His perfume is subtle, he’s well mannered, well spoken, well educated and cultured, well groomed, and relatively charming. There’s just something off about him, in your point of view. 
Giorno is naturally graceful, he’s only become more pleasing to the eyes as he’s gotten older. The way he holds his fingers up for birds to rest on him is something out of a fairytale.
You took this job because of the pay. Never mind the fact that your client is handsome, and generally pleasant to be around. His other bodyguards aren’t so bad either- Guido’s a nice man, when he’s not working. Sheila E seems fine to be around as well, but you haven’t really interacted with her much. They’ve both warned you about how Giorno is to be your absolute top priority- you’re not a mafioso, you’re just a bodyguard. It must be nice to have someone’s absolute loyalty like that, you think.
The way Giorno asks to be taken home to his room… It almost makes you believe that he really does need you. He seems soft compared to the others- like he isn’t hardened by the burden of life, or whatever that ‘Murolo’ guy was on about. 
Giorno’s voice is comforting and refreshing. His tone is quiet, and soft. You’re only really certain he’s speaking when he makes harder sounds, such as ‘t’ or ‘k.’ The way he looks at you with his doe eyes, and soft tone… it eats you alive to not succumb to his will. 
This misinterpretation would cost you your life, as Giorno falls head over heels at such a romantic, protective gesture of guiding him up his own staircase and reassuring him that all is well, you’re right there. 
He smiles. You can’t help but watch his lips as he speaks in that same soft spoken manner.
“Thank you, but you’re dismissed for the night.”
Giorno’s obsession drives him. He is nothing without hope, there is always a way for him to achieve his goals. He doesn’t really understand why he keeps getting off track- his only love is justice, and hope, it doesn’t make any sense for his mind to cling to a human being. 
Humans are vile things, really.  His stepfather was evil, his mother was evil, his peers were evil- there was no good in humanity besides from him.
There are humans who are good, there’s just a lot of problems that need fixing before he feels comfortable saying that all of humanity hasn’t failed him. 
Giorno is often well intentioned; It kills him to see people go through what he did. If he had the ability to protect others from the fate he once had, why not? He just knows he can do better. There is always more to be done, always more to improve upon. Self betterment is the path to freeing the soul. 
That has nothing to do with his methods, or his real opinion on the majority of people.
Giorno’s dream is to protect the innocent, above all else. 
His misanthropic point of view still seeps into the way he handles most situations. Passione hasn’t had a single slip up in many, many years. Having faith in your own men, and having faith that everyone other than your possessions will do what they can to get up in the world is a bit depressing, but it’s been working. 
As long as his possessions adore him, they won’t leave for something better. Not that you could leave Passione, betrayal means death, but Giorno will do everything in his power to not feel the sting of being left alone.
Giorno is most comfortable when he knows he has everyone in the room wrapped around his well manicured pinky finger. He doesn’t particularly mind playing into their fantasies, or allowing them a sense of control. You can think that you’re the boss in your relationship with Giorrno, but that’s never going to be true, even if you’re physically stronger than him. 
You probably think you are, too. Bodyguards are meant to be strong, it’s a part of the job description- why would someone strong hire three bodyguards? Giorno’s lack of height and subtle muscle make him look like he isn’t a threat, you might compare his body to a ballerina. A weapon would work against him, maybe… if it didn’t turn into a small animal every time you picked one up without asking for permission first. 
Giorno will often play damsel in distress to get what he wants. Even if it isn’t his preference, he’s fine with taking on whatever role he needs to take in order to maintain control. 
He keeps Guido happy by pretending to be considerably more delicate than he really is. He’s easily frightened, and happy to play into Guido’s need to be needed. He showers him with praise fairly often- and will do the same to you, if you react well enough. 
Giorno keeps Sheila E happy by allowing her to ask him as many questions as she’d like. She’s still young- a little bit of curiosity won’t kill him. Why, when he was her age, he was probably more curious. No harm done, it’s nice to stimulate himself with questions he normally wouldn’t think of. 
Those two are easy to please. He… doesn’t know how to keep you happy, yet. The last thing he needs is a resentful bodyguard. Attention, money, affection, and basic human needs are all bartering chips to Giorno. 
He doesn’t want to kiss you on the cheek, it makes him feel easy, but if you want special attention, and that’s the way to get you obsessed with him, fine. Run your hand over his stomach and watch him purr. He’ll fool around with you for a little bit, but he stops you before it can go any further. You’re his bodyguard, this is so inappropriate… If you think you can move on from this and go back to just watching him, let’s just pretend this never happened.
When you come in the next day, he trails his index finger down your spine, and smiles at the way you shiver for him.
He seems like the prissy type, you think. Like he’d die if he got dirty or his hair was out of place. You’re just joking, it’s a way to pass the time while you’re at work… you can’t help but smile at the lack of dirt under his fingers despite handling plants all day. 
Giorno smiles back, eager to know what could possibly be making your lips curl up into a smile. 
“Do you like her? She’s gotten so big, lately. I think it’s all the attention I’ve been giving her.” 
Giorno is referring to the philodendron in his arms- a rather large pot with a clingy pile of vines sitting in the dirt. It’s his favorite at the moment, seeing it sprawled out always seems to put him in a good mood. 
“She’s great, sir.” You respond. You’re not really meant to talk to him too much- a bit of advice from Guido rings in your ears whenever Giorno attempts conversation with you.
‘When you’re watching him, you should watch the room, rather than him… it’s kinda easy to get lost in staring. Dude’s pretty.’ 
… You kind of see his point. 
Giorno has all the power in the world. He is life itself. He forbids evil from reaching the truth. But he’s soft, isn’t he. He needs someone to watch over him, to protect him. 
Maybe you’re content with a job like this. It’s not like he’s an awful boss. 
Giorno has always felt like a bird in a cage, placed next to a big window. Just out of reach of his fantasies. He won’t allow anything to be out of his reach, now that he’s free. 
Giorno won’t take what is not his. You have a choice, even if it’s clear what you should be picking. 
His hand rests on top of yours. You’re holding his fingers, and just placed a kiss to his porcelain skin. It’s meant to be symbolic- becoming a formal member of passione and a long-term bodyguard instead of part time is a fairly big deal. 
The words ‘freedom’ and ‘fate’ ring in Giorno’s ears. They aren’t foreign subjects to him. Fate has always been his, and freedom is something he’s always wanted. 
“You’ve become mine, my beloved.” He coos. You might feel your face heating up at such a statement. 
He plans on keeping you now that you’re officially one of his possessions. Your owner is not the one who rests in your bed, but the one who disrupts your sleeping schedule. 
Giorno isn’t sure what to do with himself when he finds himself wanting to be yours instead of the other way around. 
He’d let you take him. He fantasizes about it often- sometimes while you’re on the other side of his door, unaware that he’s touching himself to the thought of you being even slightly possessive towards him. 
You’re already his. He owns you, body and soul, there’s no question about it, but he wants you to want him, and not just in the physically attractive sense. Well. Right now he means in the physically attractive sense. 
What does it matter, though? Of course you’re his, you’re a living being. As far as Giorno’s concerned, life is his, and he is life’s. 
Oh, God, shut up. He can’t think about the technicalities, he’s too busy shoving his fingers into himself and trying to imagine what sort of tone you’d take with him- Would it be loving? Would you be firm? Would you scold him for looking at another? He needs it, he can’t live without it, devote yourself to him and expect a level of access to him in return, he’d happily slut himself out if it was for you and you alone-
You knocking takes him out of the mood entirely. His hands shoot out of his pants, and he backs himself up against the door to make sure you don’t come in.
“Yes, dearest?” He’s trembling. 
“Just making sure you’re alright, I haven’t heard you make any noise in a while…” 
“Oh! I’m fine, I was just… reading, and now I’m getting changed…”
Giorno has a habit of talking when he’s nervous, on those rare occasions, so him choking up like this is entirely unprecedented.
He makes a mental vow to never let you witness him like that again. 
You’re not really sure how you ended up moving with him into his new house.
It’s not like you’re the best person for the job. A live-in bodyguard is a lot more than what you originally signed up for, and when you voice this complaint, Giorno doesn’t seem to take it into account. 
He sighs a little, and makes a gentle reminder: You do as he says, and this is what he is commanding you to do. 
It’s not so bad living in a big house where all you ever do is make sure Giorno doesn’t drop dead. You’ve adjusted well to it, but it’s had it’s ups and downs. 
He’s gotten a lot more attentive, something you have mixed feelings on. 
Should you choose to hide from his ever-present stare, Giorno would pretend to not be able to find you, but speak.
“It’s instinct to fear what you do not understand. Your body serves you very well, darling.”
He opens the closet, where you obviously are not. 
“But I mean you no harm. You are very precious to me.”
The door shuts, and he flicks the lamp off- the only non-natural light in the room. The moon is full, and the curtains are always pulled back- Giorno loves the sun.
His eyes have already adjusted, but he’s sure yours have not.
“Let’s stop playing for tonight, dear. I’ll let you keep that hiding spot provided you return to me in ten seconds. I’ll even close my eyes.”
He starts to count out loud.
“Ten, nine…”
Oh God. What should you do? He’s pissed- you know it.
“Eight, seven, six.”
It’s better to obey. Just give in. You’re not risking his stand pulling you out by your hair again.
“Five, four…”
As you start to crawl out, you wince at the light coming back on.
There’s nothing on his face, not even a smile. The way he looks down at you as if it’s his rightful position is something you’ve become accustomed to, but it still hurts.
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coochellati · 3 months
We all know how much we love our Bruno smut and how hot he can be in them 😩
Which leads me to ask, how much experience do you think he has? Do you think he’s had past partners or flings? Or is he a virgin who’s learned techniques to please his partner motivated by his want to please them? And for funsies, what do you think is his length? 👀
Hi!!! First of all, I wanted to thank you for sending me this ask, because now I get an excuse to talk about my thoughts surrounding his love life!!! This is a topic I am very passionate about.
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I'm very excited to share these headcanons because they’re something I’ve heavily discussed with @phosphor-escent / @cornerfortherats (Maggie) at random times during the past few months. She is a lovely person to hold a deep, analytical conversation about Bruno with. (And a lovely person all-around.)
Discussion is under the cut!!
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Bruno Bucciarati has never been in a relationship, nor has he slept around. (He doesn’t strike me as the type to have one night stands—loyalty is one of his defining character traits.)
As for why he lacks experience, I believe that Bruno would be very hesitant to let someone into his dangerous life.
Whether you like it or not, being associated with Bruno Bucciarati means being tied to Passione, a reality he's well aware of. Having connections to the organization can be dangerous—Bruno's enemies could use his loved ones against him. Being someone who prioritizes the safety of those he cares for over his own, the fear of loved ones becoming harmed due to his affiliations is enough to prevent him from forming deep relationships.
After the events of Golden Wind, I imagine Bruno would have been promoted to either Underboss or Consigliere within Passione. Passione is an immensely powerful organization, especially under Giorno's leadership. (If you consider Purple Haze Feedback to be canon, you'll know that Giorno's Passione has power beyond anything Diavolo could have ever imagined, surpassing even that of any president.)
With such a high-ranking position, Bruno would undoubtedly have a significant target on his back—not that he wasn't already in a highly sought-after position as Capo.
Being an existing member of Passione may make it easier to form a relationship with Bruno, but it certainly doesn't make it easy. If Bruno holds a higher rank, (which is almost certain if Giorno is boss, and still quite likely even if Bruno is a Capo,) he'd know that the person he's involved with would become an even more significant target than they already are.
Naturally, that raises the question: what if this person holds the same rank as Bruno or even higher? Given Bruno's serious approach to his career, he would likely maintain professionalism, trying to avoid letting personal feelings interfere.
(I would also like to note that if the person he cared about wasn't in Passione and expressed a desire to join, Bruno would do everything in his power to keep them out of the organization, likely outright forbidding it.)
At this point, you may be thinking, "Why does Coochellati think getting into a relationship with Bruno would be so difficult? Other mafiosos get into relationships--just look at Tiziano and Squalo!" While yes, it is true that typical mafiosos aren't afraid to form close relationships with others, we know Bruno isn't your typical mafioso. To begin with, "typical mafiosos" don't become career criminals at the age of twelve. (This leads nicely into my next point.)
So, what's the underlying reason behind my belief that Bruno would have a hard time getting into a relationship?
Childhood Trauma.
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At the ripe age of seven, Bruno Bucciarati experienced his parents' divorce. Divorce can be traumatizing--according to the University of Illinois Chicago, "Children of divorced parents are at an increased risk of [having] interpersonal relationship difficulties."
While not every child of divorce struggles in forming and maintaining relationships, evidence from Golden Wind suggests that this could be a factor for Bruno. His actions and behaviors indicate that his upbringing has left a lasting impact on the way he forms and maintains relationships.
The moment he was made to choose which parent he wanted to live with was likely traumatic, especially with the high stakes he was presented with. Despite knowing that living with his mother would provide him the opportunity to attend a good school, he knew his father needed his presence. He chose to risk the strong possibility of a bright future for his father's sake, and at just seven years old, Bruno had already learned to prioritize others' needs over his own. This only intensified over time--by the age of twelve, Bruno was willing to murder to protect his father, quick to throw away any hopes of having a good future.
Throughout Golden Wind, we repeatedly see Bruno sacrificing himself for the needs of others. For someone with a pattern of this behavior and is acutely aware of the danger his associations present, it’s more likely he would jeopardize his happiness to ensure his potential partner isn’t affected by his actions. Bruno would most likely push them away or cut contact entirely, depending on how closely connected to them he is.
How good is Bruno in bed?
Despite not having much experience, he’d be pretty damn good, I’d think. Why?
Being good in bed requires understanding what your partner needs, which can be achieved through communication and reading body language. Being able to read someone well is a highly valued skill in the bedroom, and Bruno is well known for his intuition.
Remember his lie-detecting ability?
Bruno can discern a liar by the taste of their sweat, but he doesn't need that ability to detect deception. He knew Giorno was lying long before tasting his sweat—why else would he have placed Leaky Eye Luka’s eyeball in Giorno’s hand? So, how did he know Giorno was lying? Although Bruno mentioned that Giorno wasn’t perspiring, (which he might have lied about,) he must have figured out Giorno was lying through other means. While the exact method is unclear, it’s evident that Bruno can read people like a book. Therefore, it wouldn’t be hard for him to understand your needs.
Additionally, to be good in bed, keen confidence is essential--this is another trait Bruno is famously known for. The Grateful Dead arc is a brilliant example of how well Bruno can act under pressure. In his fight against Prosciutto, Bruno quickly and confidently made the decision to throw himself and Prosciutto off the train to negate The Grateful Dead's aging effects, ensuring the safety of his squad and Trish. If Bruno can keep a cool head while jumping from a speeding train, it wouldn't be a stretch to believe that he would be confident in the bedroom--especially as he becomes more comfortable with you sexually.
During your first time together, he may feel pressured to ensure that you're enjoying yourself. Though Bruno typically maintains a good poker face under stress, his attempt to project his usual confidence may feel slightly off. Perhaps he isn’t speaking as often, or his hands feel more clammy than usual—small details like this reveal his nervousness. Regardless of whether you notice these signs, he’d focus so much attention on his partner that they wouldn’t perceive his anxiety. After all, this is about making his partner feel good.
(I like to imagine that Bruno would let out an unintentional whimper the first time he slides in.)
Another thing to note: as mentioned before, Bruno prioritizes the needs of those around him over his own. Golden Wind also shows us that he’s more comfortable when he's in control of a situation. These traits suggest he’d initially prefer taking on a dominant role in the bedroom, as it gives him control over ensuring his partner is feeling good.
Now for the best part.
I'm going to do you one better and give you a whole d!ck headcanon.
7.3 inches long, 2.625 inches wide. slight curve up. Uncut. Lion (CCA279) at the base, softens into Peach (F0C49C) mid-shaft. Tip is Atomic Tangerine (DF9C86.)
Here's a gradient for reference:
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(As for cut or uncut? 2.6% of Italians are circumcised, so I’m willing to bet money that Bruno isn’t one of them. [This statistic was found in a study done in 2016.])
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WHEW, I think that's everything--I hope at least. I'm sure I will have more to add to these thoughts in the future.
Before ending this, I wanted to quickly say that even though I (sometimes) state my headcanons as if they are fact I understand that this just is my interpretation of Bruno—everyone has differing opinions. It’s important to note that others’ headcanons are just as valid as mine. (I just happen to really like writing in an argumentative essay style, and this post is written in a style akin to it.)
Again, thank you for sending me this ask; I had a ton of fun writing my response. :)
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