#Girl in the Yellow Raincoat
feral-cat-in-an-alley · 2 months
Am I crazy for kind of wanting to see a Little Nightmares fic that includes one of the kids throwing a tantrum? They're NINE, they aren't going to be perfect pictures of maturity and level-headedness. I somebody to acknowledge that they're little kids and make them act like little kids. That includes being a bit embarrassing and loud and annoying, but it's part of being a little kid.
I like angst and dark topics as much as the next person, but they're kids, and stressed kids nonetheless. They deserve to be able to be mad, to kick and scream. Are those good ways to react to being upset? No. But kids don't make logical decisions, they make emotional decisions.
TL;DR - The Little Nightmares kids deserve to be able to throw a tantrum and be kids
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cynthiadasorceress · 3 months
Little Nightmares headcanons
I made most of these for an au I'm working on, also I gave RCG and RK actual names. RK is named Enkai and RCG is named Saki.
If they met, Six and Enkai would behave like siblings
Mono doesn't like the sound of static because he can hear whispering voices in it
All four kids (Saki, Enkai, Mono, and Six) would kill over mac 'n' cheese...
...Even if Enkai is lactose intolerant
Saki acts like a mother figure to the others
Though Enkai is their favorite person, the nomes will still follow Mono around sometimes
None of the kids, save for Saki, can spell
Six has ridiculously sharp teeth
Six's 'actual' name is Haru, though she prefers Six
Enkai is good at cooking
Saki will braid people's hair when she's bored
Mono is the term 'ray of sunshine' taken literally -- he's generally sweet, but he's not afraid to get his hands dirty
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hezuart · 1 year
Hey, you've posted your headcanons about Mono and RK (I refuse to call him 'seven') and did an 'unhinged character bingo' with them. What about headcanons about and the aforementioned bingo for Six? (And maybe RCG too?)
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cupilart · 2 years
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Spoiled + Light + Dolls: I could triple check but as far as I know RCG never uses a hand lighter like in the IOS teaser trailer. How much of the marketing was the ‘is that Six??’ misdirection I wonder?
Music + Shadows: Six’s shadow jams with some (maybe?) glitched remains. Six is also having a good time herself providing the tunes. 
TV + Hands + Monster. WOW! A celebrity visit! 
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owlstar97 · 1 year
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iss600 · 1 year
Frysta: 1946
My take on the Little Nightmares series. My A.U. takes the direction of combining The Nowhere with real-world history. Expect color-coding as there's often so much stuff that it's the best way to make things easy. One thing to note is that VLN and LN are both yellow: VLN is a lighter yellow but since Tumblr doesn't have that, it'll be the same yellow as LN. And despite TSoN happening before LN3, it will always be listed below LN3 things (so orange goes above purple) because it's a podcast. This A.U. treats it as both the prequel of LN3 and a sequel-DLC/sidequest/addition to LN3, if that makes any sense.
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The Details
1946 refers to the year my A.U. takes place, one year after World War ||. The world that it takes place in is a Nowhereified version of our own with vague "countries".
The world is split into 4 locations: The Frozen North (Europe-inspired), The Blazing South (Africa-inspired), The Wild West (N.&.S.-American-inspired) and The Distant East (Asian-inspired & Oceania-inspired). Each of these areas have a very specific country that influences them with the rest of the continents having different pieces of their respective countries added in here and there.
The story is split into several parts:
Part 0: The Nest
Part 1: The Maw
Part 2: The Pale City
Part 2.5: The Nightmares
Part 3: The Spiral
Part 0 is a prolog oneshot that sets the groundwork for what happened to Raincoat and Six and Red-Scarf. The story actually starts with The Maw; since it was written prior to LN2 being a confirmed prequel, The Pale City is the sequel to Six's journey on The Maw during LN1. And because it was finished before Part 3, The Spiral will also be a sequel. Noone's story in Part 2.5 won't be written out either as it's already been told and the characters involved will be part of The Spiral instead.
Lastly, I named about near every single character there is, and I do mean nearly every single one. I have a list topping 70+ named characters, each with meaning and everything. Since the summaries and future posts will use the A.U. names, here's the guide to the main characters right off the bat. The guides with the rest of them will follow soon after
Raincoat - Raina Corinn Alv
Six - Six/Sasha Kazeko Kenshin
Runaway Kid - Sevrino Hjälte Forsstrom
Mono - Mono/Marco Martello Manson
Low - Laurent Corbeau
Alone - Ally McAonar
Noone - Ruth Oona Outis-Modie (in future posts, she will always be called "Oona")
And now, onto the details.
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Part 1: The Maw
Deep within The Pale City lies The Maw, a restaurant of child slaves, orphaned and abandoned, working to survive in this cruel world. Rumors fly about workers being slain and eaten by the gluttonous Guests when they outlive their usefulness; others say they were caught and branded a member of the Nome Samhälle and only the most daring of dreamers say they escape their servitude. Regardless of these rumors, Sasha refuses to bow to the will of the Governess and will escape The Maw or die trying.
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Part 2: The Pale City
The Maw may be over, but The Pale City still chokes the citizens and leaves a world destitute of morality. Viewers glue themselves to their TVs and radios as they wish to escape and ignore the bombed out buildings and sinkholes from war. While Sasha may dislike Marco, the two will need to work together if they wish to survive and shut down the infernal Signal Tower that mocks them from high above, watching and waiting. Nowhere stands no chance if it stays.
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Part 3: The Spiral
Outside, deep in the deserts far out in Nowhere stands The Spiral, a desolate land of eternal energy, efficiency and suffering. Stone buildings crumble as whipping winds of sand stir up across the many cities inside of it. From the Necropolis to the Fun Fair, only evil lurks and lives here, if anything does indeed dare exist in the harsh conditions. Laurent and Ally dare challenge these ideals, scavenging and surviving as they search for a way out. Laurent holds out hope; Ally wants answers.
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Raincoat: Technical and smart with a side of kindness, caring and a maturity a few years beyond her age, Raincoat is legend among the orphans. A determined survivalist, inventor, builder and escapist, she left the orphanage in a hot air balloon years ago, but was caught and enslaved by the Pretender. Her enslavement hasn’t put out her escapist fire though and people know she’s still cooking up the perfect escape plan. Now if only she could get rid of the Pretender.
Six: A lonely orphan, determined to survive, Sasha is a cheerful but jaded and brainy survivalist. She’s resolute in escaping the servitude and death in The Maw and never stops moving forward in her plans. As an orphan, she learned she had to depend on or trust only herself and she isn’t one to make friends or help others. Never one for teamwork, Sasha prefers to be a lone wolf and is capable of surviving her world just fine without anyone else. The hunger pains she gets do hinder her but she refuses to let them cripple her attempts and will satiate them with anything she can regardless of what it is. While she has no fighting skills at her disposal, her lighter and brains are more than enough for her.
RK: Never one for being confined, Sevrino made a name for himself for his hundreds of attempted escapes from servitude in The Maw and the orphanage itself. Time after time, he would escape; a determined fire in his soul fueled by cleverness and deviousness with a dash of trickery and stealth aiding him each time. Even his ankle shackle didn’t kill his spirit for escape and adventure. Eventually, he was caught by the Lady and branded a Nome; but Sevrino took it in stride, priding himself in his new status with the Nomes and now, he acts as their ambassador between the world and them.
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Mono: A perceptive, hardened survivalist steadfast and resolute in surviving the horrors of Pale City, Marco isn’t one to ever give up, becoming uncommonly single-minded when he sets himself a task. Having lived his life in perpetual prosecution and forever on the run for a sin that is not his, he’s detached himself from his emotions and personality, numbing himself completely and becoming a sociopath out of survival. Purposeful and headstrong with a mysterious power in his blood, Marco is a tough and determined soul who’s always prepared to fight off any threat that comes his way. The bag on his head is worn to ensure his personality and emotions are forever hidden and to offer him traces of escapist respite in forgetting that the world hates him and wishes he fails but he knows it won’t hide him forever.
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Low: The optimist to Ally’s realist, Laurent is able to hold his masked head high as he treks through a world that cannot tolerate his presence. Out in The Spiral, he’s glad to have company although some company is less wished for than others. Unlike many, his hope remains eternal as he searches for the way home, obsessive in nature and relentless in finding salvation and peace.
Alone: The incurably curious tinkerer, Ally is the realist of her friendship and keeps her head level. She’s not here to leave or simply survive, she’s here to live and find out what’s wrong with the endlessly-running underground that is The Spiral. She’s Laurent’s best friend (even nicknamed him) and she’s proud of herself, accomplishments and friendship without fail. Sometimes cocky and aggressive, she’s far from insane like those that wish her dead.
Noone: Oona is a haunted soul, plagued by nightmares and sickness of unknown origins for all. With a lot on her plate, she tries her best but the things she sees, hears and feels are less than pleased with her unwanted appearances and overstayed welcomes. Though her residency with doctors doesn’t do much for her, she’s determined to rid herself of these horrors before she dies trying or worse happens.
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queen0fm0nsterz · 1 year
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Little Nights qrtd the first one. Happy canonical gay people I guess
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stara-makes-comics · 2 years
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more spirited away redrawn as little nightmares (that I forgot to post)
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fireboos99 · 9 months
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the current art trend but I cheat by picking characters from the same series (and then add a third because my sibling is an enabler)
Anyway, instead of spending forever trying to pick one fav from two separate series, I just draw the blorbos because I cannot be stopped
(the addition of Rain (RCG) in the alternate image was @moonwhing's idea. well, sorta, she gave me an alternative version of Six saying the line, Rain readying a bat (something Moon decided she has, haha) and Mono being the one to say "damn", but I decided to just merge her idea with my initial one (I thought it'd be funnier/more fitting for Mono to say the line and Six to be the second character there (I headcanon Six to be very quiet/doesn't talk much)))
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feral-cat-in-an-alley · 3 months
Little Nightmares au I'm making because I want these kids to be happy
Spoilers for all the games!
Au where RCG, Six, Mono, and RK all meet (in their respective games, of course) and live/stay together
In Very Little Nightmares, RCG doesn't wait and runs away as soon as the Pretender 'dies', causing another chase sequence, but allowing her (RCG) to unite with Six and escape alive.
In Little Nightmares 2, RCG and Six meet Mono in the Hunter's cabin after being kidnapped. In the scene where Six catches Mono and drops him, this time RCG catches him and pulls him up. This leads to Mono and Six making up eventually, though it takes a while.
In Little Nightmares, RCG, Mono, and Six all wake up earlier (I think it's earlier?), which causes them to meet RK, who joins them because of safety in numbers. Because RK's with the others now, he doesn't get turned into a Nome and survives with the others.
I don't know how some of this would work in practice, but I don't really care, I just want my babies to be happy.
I don't know what to call it, so if you have any ideas feel free to drop it in the replies
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rainalexisart · 6 months
raincoat girl and an rabbit🐰
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hezuart · 1 year
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Little Nightmares characters as Tinkerbell Fairy Talents! 
After speaking over it with @ciipher-arts (who knows more about the Tinkerbell movies than I do) With her advisement, I decided to assign talents via colorscheme instead of any other truer association with their darker original powers. 
I caught COVID this past week and sketched these out while I was sick in bed. It was therapeutic. 
*Mono's color scheme is a fight between olive green and brown depending on the lighting, so here I decided he'll represent brown.   *Noone, the last character, is from the Sounds of Little Nightmares. We don't know what she looks like outside of having a dress and a head silhouette. (And the silhouette has a purple background) So It's likely this depiction is inaccurate, but there were no other orange-schemed characters that fit the "animal" talent. Plus, Noone always loved moths as a child, so it may as well be her. (I'll make an official design page for her at some point, but I heavily based her design off of Jane from Peter Pan 2) 
Six, Mono, the runaway kid, the girl in the yellow raincoat, the pretender, Noone, Low, Alone (C) Little Nightmares 
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incorrect-nightmares · 8 months
RCG: i have a new raincoat!
six: WE have a new raincoat
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beanbun-pasta · 10 months
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Happy 6th birthday to a game that means a lot to me!
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