#Girl its a doll.
the-halfling-prince · 8 months
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"How do we know you're not gonna kill us and take our food and water?"
"I don't want your stuff, I have my own stuff."
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crimezi · 1 year
end an argument for me
and for the sake of my data add your region/country, reblogs would help for proving my bias wrong
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angel-cryptid · 3 months
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let's talk about fashion! ♡
1. what kind of style you would wear in an ideal world where you wouldn't be judged?
2. what are your inspirations?
3. could you show an outfit you would wear for a specific situation of your election (for school, a date, formal event, etc)?
mine: I honestly lovee dollcore and lolita, with a little bit of stereotypical coquette ♡ basically very dolly stuff with angel vibes. inspired by k-12. long dresses, babydoll dresses and lots of bows. with light cold pink and white.
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what I would wear to school (+really cute shoes) ♡
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tags (anyone can join): @escarghosted @scary-friend @coffin--coffee @cult-of-lambs @lanadelreystan101 @d3cayingdolly @songofthesea111 @heavenlyyuri @carm3n-carm3n @sweetl4mb @sugarcandydoll @sugardonutzz
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zip-toonz · 11 months
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First day out with my son Bogos!
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the-dragon-girl-27 · 4 months
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Lu Li La Lu Li La to watashi wa utau no
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peacockrulz · 6 months
doll x n maybe? their dynamic is sort of fun
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Its life or death, you're in my world
and its life or death to be my girl
[requests are still open!]
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sanasanakun · 2 months
I think my favorite part of the dlc’s final boss is how it (can) directly mirror your Tarnished, and by extension, their relationship with Ranni. Obviously, this is coming from me, your resident Ranni glazer who will make everything about her if I can, so please understand this is my interpretation. 
My interpretation is that Miquella/Radahn act as a foil to Ranni/Tarnished, specifically when it comes to the themes of love, consent, and freewill. Now, I know it’s up in the air about how consenual the pact between Radahn and Miquella is. Personally, I see it as non-consensual; Miquella resurrected and controls a puppet of Radahn and/or bewitched him to be his “promised consort.” Given the theme of control with Miquella, I don’t think FromSoft would turn that around on us at the last second. Radahn’s situation is meant to be the final nail in the coffin; a demonstration of what Miquella’s “love” exactly means. Total control over one’s entire self and mind. Anyway, I digress, let’s get into how I see their situation mirroring, and acting as the antithesis, to Ranni and Tarnished. 
First, we’ll examine Miquella and Radahn. Miquella is presented almost throughout the entire game as a beloved figure. He is literally called “Miquella the Kind,” and his actions at the Haligtree paint him as an even more heroic figure. A demi-god who wants to help the weak, the oppressed, and anyone in between who has been scorned by the Golden Order. As we discover in the DLC, Miquella wants to create an “Age of Compassion.” But there’s always a catch, and Miquella’s plan is no exception. Why? Because his new age would remove the free will of everyone by giving him total control of how they feel, act, etc. He’ll make them happy and at peace because they’ll have no choice; they’ll have no self. This is exemplified in literal form with Radahn. The relationship between the two brothers presents itself as a one-sided obsession on Miquella’s part. Though we don't know a ton about them together, I think it’s safe to theorize Radahn didn’t willingly go along with Miquella’s plan. Radahn is canonically a fan of the Golden Order given his admiration of Godfrey and his father, Radagon. I can’t see him wanting to disrupt the current way of things. Plus, I don’t believe Maleania and Radahn would stage a fake war just to get Radahn into a position where he could be resurrected via Mohg. Too many hoops to jump through, so Occam’s Razor says Radahn rejected Miquella. 
Now that’s great and all, but the real meat I want to analyze comes from the actual boss fight, or more specifically, the twos’ body language during the fight. Radahn is an empty shell. He doesn’t have any dialouge aside from small grunts. He doesn’t address us at all, which is entirely unlikely for how he’s been described. He’s a ferocious warlord who values the strength of both his allies and enemies. At the very least, he would address someone as prolific and talented as the PC Tarnished. Yet, he doesn’t. Radahn is literally there to act as “the muscle;” he is the strong and powerful lord that Miquella admired him to be. However, by making Radahn only act like this, Miquella has erased the true essence of what made Radahn. He lacks his soul. Miquella might be the more interesting of the two when it comes to body language. I think Miquella’s theme of control really shines with how he places himself on Radahn during the battle. He is literally draped over Radahn with his arms wrapped around his neck. Obviously, at first glance this is meant to imitate an embrace, solidifying the two as both a team and lovers. Yet, Miquella’s position doubles in meaning when considering his need to control. The arms could represent a collar, with Miquella acting as the leash. His hovering gives off a “helicopter” vibe (for a lack of a better term). While playing I called him a “helicopter parent,” comparing him to where they are constantly looking over your shoulder and trying to direct you. Essentially, Miquella is caging Radahn in his embrace, revealing his need to control the situation and Radahn himself. Miquella is the personification of control; he won’t allow free will to happen because he thinks it causes too much pain and uncertainties. And Radahn, he embodies the fate of those who would live under the Age of Compassion; he is a puppet. Specifically, he is Miquella’s puppet in both battle and love. He doesn’t have a choice in the matter at all. 
So, how is this the antithesis to our beloved blue wife and the Tarnished? Ranni doesn’t appear to help the Tarnished during their fight with the duo, which I’ve seen a few complain about. While I would love to fight alongside my support princess (and I have downloaded the mod lol), I think Ranni appearing would undermine the character FromSoft has established and her relationship with the Tarnished. Ranni is very hands off. She gives her vassals the tools to work with and then tells them to do what they wish with it. She never forces you to do anything you don’t want to. When you confront her about her role in the death of Godwyn, she willingly admits it and then asks you if you’d like to pledge service to her. She doesn’t say, “You know my secrets, therefore you will be in my service so I can keep an eye on you.” Instead, it’s a choice; a choice for someone far below her in class and power, but she gives it to you nonetheless. For Ranni, the ability to choose and live the way you desire is incredibly important. She seems to dislike outside forces messing with the ability to expereince life (as she says feel, see, taste, etc). 
Therefore, in the final battle with Miquella and Radahn, Ranni is there with you via the tools she’s provided and the faith she has in you (you can interpret this as her blessing with the “we will see each other once more”). She doesn’t need to be hovering over you, arms wrapped around your neck; she trusts the Tarnished above all else to succeed and fight for her. But should they choose not to, she’ll be heartbroken but she won’t stop you. As for the Tarnished, our character is not a shell of a person. They are someone teeming with ambition and the will to fight for their chosen successor. They fight because they want to be there and challenge whatever comes to face them; they don’t need Ranni telling them “go fight Miquella and Radahn for me pls.” 
Their “Age of the Dark Moon” also is the antithesis to Miquella’s “Age of Compassion.” Whereas his is about control, Ranni wants to remove all outer god influence from the world. She wants people to experience their lives without the intervention of any god; to experience life on their own terms, whether they want otherworldly guidance or not. She literally takes her order and leaves the planet (?) with it and you. 
Ok, that’s enough of me rambling about whatever the fuck comes to my sleep deprived mind. I have a flight to catch in three hours, so I’m gonna leave it here. In closing, Ranni good I love her very much mwah<3
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kylejsugarman · 4 months
u don't check mercari for like 5 minutes and when u go back to the app, its like "sold listing: jly4 american girl doll for 5 dollars" "sold listing: 16 white body dolls for 1 dollar" "sold listing: kirsten's entire og collection for 1 shiny penny" within the last 60 seconds
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dennydreadful · 4 months
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my half of an art trade for pikicharms on gaia
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natsmagi · 3 months
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why doesnt the big natsume just eat the little natsume
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they-them-that · 11 months
The fatphobia from MH fans is getting progressively worse with each new plus sized doll. First Draculaura, then Abbey, now Catty. And it's crazy how people think their problem with an entire body type is constructive criticism. Like no hon, you're just being an asshole 🤐
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voidedjuice · 1 year
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"All certified dollmakers have their personal crests, which their dolls carry. The crests are decorated with the dollmaker's signature flower, and are traditionally placed in a central position on their dolls' bodies.
For living dolls made to hold a ghost inside them, the crest is placed around the seal keeping it sealed inside the doll. This is done to symbolize the agreement between dollmaker and ghost, for the ghost to serve the dollmaker and the dollmaker to help the ghost be relieved from their burdens."
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sluttyclowngirl · 2 months
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Midnight skinny dip since it’s so hot out 🥵
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noodle-artist · 2 years
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kylejsugarman · 1 year
american girl doll story conflicts these days be like "this girl has a supportive family and best friend and expensive hobby......BUT can she do her hobby AND another hobby?? and can she. Shine?? 🤔"
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