#Giselle Witt
toonilumi · 1 year
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ocs but make them fancy
characters featured:
a lot once more
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quiredaragoff · 3 years
Halloween Kills | República Cinéfila
Halloween Kills | República Cinéfila
Si la cinta aclamada y gustada por el público y crítica mundial de Halloween (2018) era, además de una secuela oficial del icónico filme original del año 1978 como una relectura que se preguntaba cómo hacer un filme slasher en el presente, indagando en las repercusiones del pasado en las conductas actuales, la reciente película de Halloween Kills lleva esa operación discursiva hasta el…
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halloweendailynews · 3 years
[Interview] Giselle Witt on Playing Mindy in 'Halloween Kills'
After filming scenes for the 2018 Halloween that were ultimately not used in then final film, Giselle Witt was invited back to Haddonfield to play the new character “Mindy” in the highly anticipated sequel Halloween Kills, and we recently talked to Witt about what this opportunity means to her, becoming part of the Halloween franchise family, and more. In our exclusive new video interview,…
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reka-desmecht · 5 years
Missie 3-Ballet
Op 31 januari ben ik naar het ballet Bolèro gegaan in de Stadsschouwburg Antwerpen. De voorstelling bestond uit drie delen. Het begint met ‘Fall’ van Sidi Larbi Cherkaoui, een Vlaams-Marokkaanse danser en choreograaf. Die werd gevolgd door ‘Chronicle’ een stuk van Martha Graham. And last but not least ‘Bolero’ van de Franse Maurice Béjart. Dit was mijn allereerste balletvoorstelling. Ik zat helemaal achterin op de drieëntwintigste rij. Het was verboden om foto’s te nemen (ik zat toch super ver dus ik zou geen mooie foto’s gehad hebben) dus gebruik ik er een paar van de officiële website. 
De foto is om een of andere reden super slechte kwaliteit
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Fall - Chronicle - Boléro - zaterdag 26 januari 2019 - Staddschouwburg Antwerpen (Ballet Vlaanderen)
Ballet Vlaanderen stelde weer een drieluik aan choreografieën samen, van de hand van Sidi Larbi Cherkaoui, Martha Graham en de legendarische Maurice Béjart. Het werd een afwisselende avond, die wat mij betreft helemaal juist zat. Ballet Vlaanderen deed het publiek uit de stoelen rechtveren, niet in het minst omdat er weer gepresteerd werd op topniveau!
"Fall" ging in première in 2015, en wordt deze dagen weer opgevoerd in Antwerpen. Deze evocatie van de herfst is een prachtig staaltje esthetiek. Om te beginnen zijn er de zachte kleuren van de kostuums die zorgen voor een bijzonder mooi geheel, naast de wanden opgetrokken uit doeken die zich laten leiden door de wind die hen doet "dansen". De dansers zelf zijn als blaadjes, meegevoerd door de wind, zachtjes dwarrelend, door elkaar. Het geheel is een streling voor het oog! De muziek van Arvo Pärt die het geheel ondersteunt werkt meditatief. Wat een choreografie van Sidi Larbi Cherkaoui! Daarna is "Chronicle" van Martha Graham aan de beurt. Dit stuk, dat gecreëerd werd in 1936 wordt uitsluitend door de vrouwen gedanst en heeft voor mij dezelfde energie als "Giselle", de wervelende productie van enkele maanden geleden. Twee ballerina's die opvallen voor mij zijn Lara Fransen en Nicha Rodboon. Dit is een stukje naar hun hand (en voeten)! De Boléro van Béjart, het iconische werk dat in De Munt werd gecreëerd in januari 1961, blijft een prachtige apotheose. Het ritmische werk, sommige mensen noemen het orgastisch, blijft zorgen voor o's en a's vanuit het publiek. Het is een buitengewoon krachtig werk, en ik ben blij het eens gezien te hebben met een vrouwelijke "Melodie": Drew Jacoby! Haar interpretatie kan mij zeker bekoren. De prestatie van de twee dansers die het Ritme uitbeelden, Philipe Lens en Brent Daneels, behoort voor mij mee tot de hoogtepunten van de avond. Deze twee dansers die we eerder op de avond zagen in "Fall", beelden kracht uit, precisie en tomeloze passie. Dit is wat een mens gelukkig maakt, en doet snakken naar nog meer ballet! 
Mijn reactie hierop:
Ik hou van de zachte kleuren die Cherkaoui heeft toegepast. In plaats van de typische gele, oranje en bruine kleuren ging hij voor wit, grijs en beige. Ik herinner me nog een bepaald stuk zeer goed. Een danser werd opgeheven achter het gordijn, maar zijn lichaam zat voor het gordijn waardoor het leek dat de man aan het zweven was op het doek. Mannen en vrouwen draaiden in het rond net als blaadjes in de wind. Ik vind het heel straf dat ze niet duizelig zijn geworden van al dat draaien. De meisjes stonden alsof het niets was op hun pointes. Ik zag wel een minpuntje: De dansers waren niet altijd even synchroon. Ik heb het mijn vrienden gevraagd en zij dachten net hetzelfde. 
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Het tweede stuk was een totale wending. Het podium was zwart evenals de kleren. De muziek was krachtdadig en abrupt. Ik heb nog nooit van het stuk ‘Giselle’ gehoord, maar ik hoop dat het even leuk is. De dans bestond uit terugkerend elementen: vrouwen die paraderen in een stoet en sterke sprongen (ik was zeer geïnspireerd en heb ze daarna zelf geprobeerd. Ik heb zeer veel respect voor mensen die zo een inspanning kunnen volhouden)
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Ik kende het stuk Bolèro van Ravel al. Ik heb zelf een vereenvoudigde versie van dit gespeeld op mijn viool.                                                                                De voorstelling heeft inderdaad voor een paar o’s en a’s gezorgd. Het was helemaal donker en plots verschijnen er twee bleek-witte armen (zo wit dat sneeuwwitje jaloers zou zijn). De armen leken op de vleugels van een zwaan en het leek net alsof hij op water aan het dobberen was        .                                  Ik heb geen idee waarom ze hier over Drew Jacoby spreken, want ik heb een man gezien: Wim Vanlessen. Hij sloot zijn danscarrière af met deze Bolèro. De review is wel geschreven over 26 januari terwijl ik op 31 januari ben gaan kijken. Wim omschrijft Bolèro als een soort trancedans en ik geef hem daarin volledig gelijk. Ik werd bij wijze van spreke gehypnotiseerd door de herhaaldelijke bewegingen.                                                                                                            Dit ballet was een groot succes en heeft mij inderdaad doen snakken naar nog meer.
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lance-of-fury · 6 years
#FFxivWrite2018 Day 7: Serendipitous
“We ain’t make m’stakes, Giselle. Jus’happy lil accidents.”
“...I don’t know, Alainne. That geometry doesn’t look right at all.”
A huff of air leaves Alainne’s nostrils. Brown eyes are cast up at her companion- the faerie that sat on her shoulder, an aetheric construct of her own creation. “Whaaat? Yer th’one that taught me th’damn thing!” A fit of annoyance sees the quill in her hand tossed idly off to one side.
“You can lead someone to water, but you can’t make them drink,” the fae creature mutters in reply. Sighing, she flutters off of her summoner’s shoulder; glitterdust follows in her wake, a flickering tracer as she makes her way to the quill. “And an imprint in the mind does not equate to perfect ability to copy. You’ve only proven that.”
“Aw, c’mon now! Lookit this-” Pages are flipped in her grimoire, turning to one page in particular. The very tome itself was different from the average Arcanist’s tool, for a variety of reasons. First and foremost was the fact that it was not nearly as prim and proper as the foci of other mages; though loving care was put into preserving the book, the leather is nearly as much crease and crack as it is solid material. Pages are dog-eared, bent, folded more than once; stains from ink and food and other unknown sources were scattered about. Most importantly, however, was the point that she wished to make: that there were tracing after tracing of geometries upon it. Clear signs of practice. “I do m’work!”
The quill, in height, was nearly the size of the faerie that picked it up. Thankfully, it weighed significantly less, so she is able to lift it (albeit with both hands). Encumbered so, she chooses to walk back over to the book, quill-tip placed to some scant white space left on the paper. “While this is true, and I’ve certainly seen enough of your work to know, Nymian geometries are more advanced than what you have done before.”
“Yeah? B’cause I think I did just fine, thank ya very much!”
“Then try to cast the spell.”
Almost indignantly, Alainne snatches up her book. Back to the page of ancient mathematics, she goes, tracing a finger across the more-jagged-than-she-would-prefer lines. She would never admit this, of course- a woman has to have her pride. Aether wells at her fingertips, tracing across the design; it rises off the page in crimson designs. Cross-hatched spellcraft shifts in the air, and Alainne slams the book shut--!
...Only for the whole structure to crumble in a flash of sparkling aether.
“See?” Giselle quips, a diminutive hand flicking up to the remnants.
“Shutit,” Alainne mutters in response. Shoulders slump as she visibly deflates, another rush of air flipping stray hairs at her forehead up. “Yer bloody Ad-” A brief pause. “Aldo...Adlim...Ad-”
“That. S’hard, aight?” Lightly calloused fingers open the book again, the spell being re-crafted in enchanted ink.
Now, the faerie balances the quill against herself, so that her hands might be better freed. One lifts up to her lips as she chuckles, the sound itself alike to tinkling bells. “And this is why I said as I do. You’ve a sharp mind, Alainne, but you need to practice to-”
“WITTE!” The door to the study SLAMS open, and in barges a man. A roegadyn, burly and gruff, one muscled arm holding the door. “GET YER ARSE BACK OUT ‘ERE, Y’GOT WORK T’DO!”
The shout and slam bring the young woman to yelp, hopping a few ilms off the floor. The aether within the ink is suddenly ignited in the process- her geometry activates, the design of aether forming again. It surrounds the new arrival- and just like the past, it shatters into those sparkles.
Sparkles that then proceed to get in the Roegadyn’s eyes. A shout of discomfort and pain leaves him; heavy footfalls carry him backwards as he fervently scrubs at his eyes. “DAMMIT, WITTE, Y’SOD- JUS’ GET OUT ‘ERE!” WHAM. As loud as he came, the Roegadyn leaves.
Both remaining in the room do not move. Rather, both stare at the door, eyes of brown and gold watching as the last of the sparkles drift harmlessly to the floor.
Giselle is the first to break the silence. “...How curious. Your shield, when shattered, formed into physical sparkles...enough to blind the man.”
“...Yeah, uh- seems tha’ way.”
“Alainne, I believe you’ve just effectively created a new spell.”
“Ha!” Her confidence is renewed, and a toothy grin brightens her features. “See! Ain’t no m’stakes. Jus’happy accidents~!”
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thegoddamnhawkman · 6 years
Prompt #16: Bond
(ft. a guest appearance from @lance-of-fury‘s Alainne Witte and associated faerie)
“Okay, everyone ready?”
Nova sat hunched over the controls of her new magitek cycle, a gift from her adopted father that she only had a limited amount of time riding. Naturally, though, given her adrenaline-junkie-ness, the first thing she’d done was find a long, straight patch of road where she could open it up. What was the point of having something fitted with a giant engine if you didn’t go fast?
“’m good,” Alainne chirped. The dark-haired hyur was behind her on the bike’s seat, arms wrapped tightly around her waist and head resting on her hunched shoulders where she could get at least something of a view of what was happening in front of them. “Whenever y’are.”
The two faeries that were orbiting them settled down, one onto each of Alainne’s shoulders. Sophie, Nova’s sullen partner, was content to just watch in silence. Giselle, Alainne’s, was curious about the whole thing. “This seems incredibly unsafe. How fast does this thing go, anywa-”
As soon as everyone was settled, Nova kicked the bike into gear and opened the throttle, leaving Giselle’s question to trail off into a terrified “-aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaAAAAHH!”
Alainne let out a wordless shriek of what Nova thought was more glee than terror. The biggest surprise of the three, though, was Sophie, who joined Alainne in excitement. “WOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!”
A couple of miles and a couple of extremely freaked-out farmers later, Nova finally slowed the bike down and pulled off at a clearing at the side of the road, leaving its ceruleum engine to idle itself down with a rumble. She let Alainne dismount and then hopped off herself, and was immediately met by the dark-haired hyur hurtling into her arms, laughing. “That was awesome, holy shite!”
Sophie soared around them in ever-widening circles, cackling her tiny head off. “I’ve never gone so fast! I love it, can we do it again?”
Finally came Giselle, wobbling her way away from the bike and alighting on the ground, where she let out a noise like a cat ejecting a hairball and vomited sparkles everywhere.
“Didn’t know faeries could get nauseous,” Nova mused as she lowered Alainne to the ground and glanced up at the excited Sophie, who had just done a barrel roll. 
“Neither did I,” Giselle volunteered, then made a disgusted noise as everyone including Sophie burst into laughter. “I’m glad you’re all enjoying yourselves.”
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oflockwolves · 6 years
top ten characters from other people
Ahhh I love a lot of muses, like I can sincerely say that every muse I have ever written with is special in their own way. So I am just going to mention a mix of muses I have written for ages against or just some who I have been writing recently with and have absolutely fallen in love with!! This isn’t top ten, this just ten off the top of my head! I love y’all okay?? 
Logan Sitek 
Gabrielle Nott 
Lienna Greengrass 
Valerius Mulciber 
Lucy Witt 
Isabelle Cresswell
Giselle Delacour
Isabella Hernandez
Rosalie King 
Noah Finch
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giallofever2 · 6 years
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2007 … Italian Premiere in Roma with Dario & Asia Argento October 23/2007 Asia Argento & Dario Argento ... ... attends the 'La Terza Madre/Mother of Tears/The Third Mother/Mother Of Tears' premiere during Day 6 of the 2nd Rome Film Festival .. in Rome, Italy Festa del Cinema di Roma La Terza Madre Also Known As (AKA) Argentina (DVD title) La madre de las lágrimas Bulgaria (Bulgarian title) Майката на сълзите Brazil O Retorno da Maldição - A Mãe das Lágrimas Spain La madre del mal Finland Mother of Tears France Mother of Tears - La troisième mère Greece (DVD title) I mitera ton lygmon Hungary Könnyek anyja Italy (literal English title) The Third Mother Japan サスペリア・テルザ 最後の魔女/Sasuperia Teruza saigo no majo Japan (English title) (short title) Suspiria Terza Poland Matka lez Portugal Mãe das Lágrimas: A Terceira Mãe Serbia Majka suza Russia Мать слёз Taiwan Mu nai yi bo wu guan USA (working title) Exhumed USA Mother of Tears World-wide (English title) Mother Of Tears World-wide (English title) Mother of Tears: The Third Mother
Directed by Dario Argento
Music by Claudio Simonetti
Writing Credits Jace Anderson Dario Argento Walter Fasano Adam Gierasch Simona Simonetti
Filming Dates 30 October 2006 - January 2007
Release Dates Canada 6 September 2007 (Toronto International Film Festival) Italy 24 October 2007 (Rome Film Festival) Italy 31 October 2007 France 27 January 2008 (Gerardmer Film Festival) Russia 21 February 2008 (DVD premiere) Belgium 4 April 2008 (Brussels International Festival of Fantasy Films) Netherlands 11 April 2008 (Amsterdam Fantastic Film Festival) Turkey 18 April 2008 (Istanbul Film Festival) USA 25 April 2008 (San Francisco International Film Festival) UK 27 April 2008 (Dead by Dawn Horror Film Festival) UK 28 April 2008 (DVD premiere) USA 23 May 2008 (Seattle International Film Festival) Taiwan 6 June 2008 USA 6 June 2008 (limited) Brazil 11 June 2008 (DVD premiere) Canada 15 July 2008 (Fantasia Film Festival) France 16 September 2008 (DVD premiere) Greece 14 October 2008 (DVD premiere) Poland 30 October 2008 (DVD premiere) Argentina 13 November 2008 (DVD premiere) Netherlands 27 January 2009 (DVD premiere) Japan 28 February 2009 (Yubari International Fantastic Film Festival) Japan 25 April 2009 (Tokyo) Philippines 17 June 2009 Finland 7 October 2009 (DVD premiere) Hungary 21 October 2009 (DVD premiere) Mexico 10 February 2010
technical specifications Runtime 1 hr 42 min (102 min) (unrated) (USA) 1 hr 38 min (98 min) (Toronto International) (Canada) 1 hr 30 min (90 min) (DVD) (Argentina)
Filming Locations Terni, Umbria, Italy
Cinecittà Studios, Cinecittà, Rome, Lazio, Italy
Rome, Lazio, Italy
Turin, Piedmont, Italy
Cast Asia Argento… Sarah Mandy Cristian Solimeno… Detective Enzo Marchi Valéria Cavalli … Marta Colussi Philippe Leroy … Guglielmo De Witt Daria Nicolodi … Elisa Mandy Coralina Cataldi-Tassoni… Giselle Mares Udo Kier … Father Johannes Adam James… Michael Pierce Moran Atias… Mater Lachrymarum Robert Madison… Detective Lissoni Jun Ichikawa… Katerina Tommaso Banfi… Father Milesi Paolo Stella… Julian Clive Riche … Man in Overcoat Massimo Sarchielli… The Hobo Barbara Mautino… Valeria Gisella Marengo… Catacomb Witch #1 Marica Coco… Catacomb Witch #2 Diego Bottiglieri… Indian Franco Leo… Monsignor Brusca Silvia Rubino… Elga Claudio Fadda… Demon #1 Roberto Donati… Demon #2 Gianni Gatta… Demon #3 Luca Pescatore… Paul Pierce Alessandro Zeme… Luigi Antonio Pescatore… Plainclothes Detective Stefano Fregni… Taxi Driver Simonetta Solder… Young Mother James Kelly Caldwell… TV Announcer Simone Sitta… Witch Guide Daniela Fazzolari … Witch Alessandra Magrini… Witch Camilla Gallo… Witch Maria Biondini … Witch Federica Botto… Witch Serena Brusa… Witch Eleonora Marcucci… Witch Eleonora Misiti… Witch Rebecca Perlati… Witch Ivana Zimbaro … Witch Araba Dell'Utri… Witch
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col22promo · 8 years
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THE COLONY; a literate original roleplay
Adeline Cadogan | Uninfected; Chloe Grace Moretz FC Alois Van Asch | Increased Hearing; Baptiste Radufe FC Ashley “Ash” Bisbee | Deluded; Dave Franco FC Austin Kelsey | Uninfected; Adam Brody FC Axel Bohr | Praeteria; Jai Courtney FC Bennett Adrien Jackson | Telekinesis; Jay Baruchel FC Caelan “Kip” Whitmer | Empatheia; Logan Lerman FC Clayton Boyd | Empatheia; Grant Gustin FC Cody Campbell | Uninfected; Tyler Posey FC Cressida Jago | Telekinesis; Chloe Bennet FC Draco Pavlović | Telekinesis; Alex Pettyfer FC Elsa Copland; | Empatheia; Holland Roden FC Ireland Krii | Uninfected; Nicholas Hoult FC Jelka Dreher | Praeteria; Scarlett Johansson FC Johnathan Jackson Shaw | Uninfected; Chris Evans FC Jonas “Chopsticks” Regan | Telekinesis; Jacob Tremblay FC Jouko Kyung | Telepathy; John Cho FC Kai Fletcher | Uninfected; Colton Haynes FC Kalan Desai | Increased Vision and Hearing; Dev Patel FC Kevin Tsai | Uninfected; Godfrey Gao FC Killian Weaver | Telepathy; Jack Falahee FC Kit “Trig” Balker | Increased Senses; Colin Ford FC Kostya Vladislav | Telepathy; Yuri Pleskun FC Kyra Zabala | Empatheia; Troian Bellisario FC Lissy McCall | Uninfected; AnnaSophia Robb FC Maddox Xiao | Telepathy; Harry Shum Jr FC Madison Vega | Deluded; Lindsey Morgan FC Maisie Pace | Telekinesis; Jessica Parker Kennedy FC Maja Wallace | Praeteria; Maisie Williams FC Marcel “Hamlet” Gusterson | Deluded; Aaron Tveit FC Michael “Bones” Sikes | Telepathy; Rick Genest FC Nora Fellsridge-Reagan | Increased Senses; Adelaide Kane FC Petra Starr | Uninfected; Kiersey Clemons FC Reagan “Emery” Gladstone | Empatheia; Cillian Murphy FC Rhea Zaveri | Uninfected; Emeraude Toubia FC Stacey Ricks | Uninfected; Zac Efron FC Tate Rothchild | Uninfected; Janelle Monae FC
Abner Rhodes | Uninfected; JR Bourne FC Cambie Andrews | Uninfected; Anne Hathaway FC Cameron Lietz | Telepathy; Michiel Hiusman FC Curtis Cuthbert | Uninfected; Michael Fassbender FC Cooper Erikson | Telekinesis; Jesse Eisenberg FC Emmett Briers | Uninfected; Nico Tortorella FC Gaius Fitrei | Uninfected; Idris Elba FC Giselle Vandenhouton | Uninfected; Helena Bonham Carter FC Honor Bradley | Telekinesis; Elizabeth Olsen FC Joyce Clark | Telepathy; Rashida Jones FC Kyffin Jones | Uninfected; Jensen Ackles FC Lorelai Larsen | Uninfected; Sarah Gadon FC Mathias Witte | Uninfected; Nikolaj Coster Waldau FC Mei Zhu Fitrei | Uninfected; Fan Bingbing FC Mitch “Dougie” Douglas | Telekinesis; Mark Ruffalo FC Narcissa Shor | Telepathy; Tatiana Maslany FC Nikki Craft | Increased Hearing; Maggie Q FC Perry Griffiths | Praeteria; Johnny Depp FC Rina Jago | Uninfected; Lucy Liu FC Samuel Andrews | Uninfected; Daniel Craig FC Wren Phillips | Uninfected; Julian Morris FC
Dante Orion Carrington | Uninfected; Tom Hiddleston FC Quinn Dervilia | Uninfected; Luke Evans FC
HOME | PLOT | SURVIVORS | INFECTIONS | 2157 was the end of the world.
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kenpiercemedia · 3 years
Now Playing: Universal Pictures "Halloween Kills" (10/15/2021)
With only 11 days left to go before the Halloween day, Universal Pictures is continuing the terrifying saga of Michael Myers aka “The Shape” with the out in theaters today release “Halloween Kills”. This picks up where the 2018 film left off and if you’ve missed any of our other posts about the film just click HERE to open up the run of them. I know a lot of our readers are big continuity buffs…
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kenpiercemedia · 3 years
Universal Pictures: “Halloween Kills” Official Trailer
Last December we got what was cited as the second teaser for the upcoming Horror film “Halloween Kills” and since I foresee a number of other clips coming our way I will just add THIS TAG to all our posts should the readership wish to keep pace with anything that relates to the film. You’re going to want to have seen “Halloween” from 2018 before you see this one since it’s a continuation of the…
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kenpiercemedia · 4 years
Universal Pictures: "Halloween Kills" Teaser Trailer (Coming 2021)
Universal Pictures: “Halloween Kills” Teaser Trailer (Coming 2021)
Hey fiends, and for this one I so do mean “fiends” because I am here to showcase the very first teaser trailer for the upcoming film “Halloween Kills”. This is the sequel to “Halloween” which came out in 2018 and was a film that dispensed with the half dozen or so other films that followed the dreaded path of mayhem put down by Michael Myers. It’s a short clip but I’ve secured the brief premise…
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giallofever2 · 6 years
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2006/2007 … on Set / behind the scenes pics La Terza Madre Also Known As (AKA) Argentina (DVD title) La madre de las lágrimas Bulgaria (Bulgarian title) Майката на сълзите Brazil O Retorno da Maldição - A Mãe das Lágrimas Spain La madre del mal Finland Mother of Tears France Mother of Tears - La troisième mère Greece (DVD title) I mitera ton lygmon Hungary Könnyek anyja Italy (literal English title) The Third Mother Japan サスペリア・テルザ 最後の魔女/Sasuperia Teruza saigo no majo Japan (English title) (short title) Suspiria Terza Poland Matka lez Portugal Mãe das Lágrimas: A Terceira Mãe Serbia Majka suza Russia Мать слёз Taiwan Mu nai yi bo wu guan USA (working title) Exhumed USA Mother of Tears World-wide (English title) Mother Of Tears World-wide (English title) Mother of Tears: The Third Mother
Directed by Dario Argento
Music by Claudio Simonetti
Writing Credits Jace Anderson Dario Argento Walter Fasano Adam Gierasch Simona Simonetti
Filming Dates 30 October 2006 - January 2007
Release Dates Canada 6 September 2007 (Toronto International Film Festival) Italy 24 October 2007 (Rome Film Festival) Italy 31 October 2007 France 27 January 2008 (Gerardmer Film Festival) Russia 21 February 2008 (DVD premiere) Belgium 4 April 2008 (Brussels International Festival of Fantasy Films) Netherlands 11 April 2008 (Amsterdam Fantastic Film Festival) Turkey 18 April 2008 (Istanbul Film Festival) USA 25 April 2008 (San Francisco International Film Festival) UK 27 April 2008 (Dead by Dawn Horror Film Festival) UK 28 April 2008 (DVD premiere) USA 23 May 2008 (Seattle International Film Festival) Taiwan 6 June 2008 USA 6 June 2008 (limited) Brazil 11 June 2008 (DVD premiere) Canada 15 July 2008 (Fantasia Film Festival) France 16 September 2008 (DVD premiere) Greece 14 October 2008 (DVD premiere) Poland 30 October 2008 (DVD premiere) Argentina 13 November 2008 (DVD premiere) Netherlands 27 January 2009 (DVD premiere) Japan 28 February 2009 (Yubari International Fantastic Film Festival) Japan 25 April 2009 (Tokyo) Philippines 17 June 2009 Finland 7 October 2009 (DVD premiere) Hungary 21 October 2009 (DVD premiere) Mexico 10 February 2010
technical specifications Runtime 1 hr 42 min (102 min) (unrated) (USA) 1 hr 38 min (98 min) (Toronto International) (Canada) 1 hr 30 min (90 min) (DVD) (Argentina)
Filming Locations Terni, Umbria, Italy
Cinecittà Studios, Cinecittà, Rome, Lazio, Italy
Rome, Lazio, Italy
Turin, Piedmont, Italy
Cast Asia Argento… Sarah Mandy Cristian Solimeno… Detective Enzo Marchi Valéria Cavalli … Marta Colussi Philippe Leroy … Guglielmo De Witt Daria Nicolodi … Elisa Mandy Coralina Cataldi-Tassoni… Giselle Mares Udo Kier … Father Johannes Adam James… Michael Pierce Moran Atias… Mater Lachrymarum Robert Madison… Detective Lissoni Jun Ichikawa… Katerina Tommaso Banfi… Father Milesi Paolo Stella… Julian Clive Riche … Man in Overcoat Massimo Sarchielli… The Hobo Barbara Mautino… Valeria Gisella Marengo… Catacomb Witch #1 Marica Coco… Catacomb Witch #2 Diego Bottiglieri… Indian Franco Leo… Monsignor Brusca Silvia Rubino… Elga Claudio Fadda… Demon #1 Roberto Donati… Demon #2 Gianni Gatta… Demon #3 Luca Pescatore… Paul Pierce Alessandro Zeme… Luigi Antonio Pescatore… Plainclothes Detective Stefano Fregni… Taxi Driver Simonetta Solder… Young Mother James Kelly Caldwell… TV Announcer Simone Sitta… Witch Guide Daniela Fazzolari … Witch Alessandra Magrini… Witch Camilla Gallo… Witch Maria Biondini … Witch Federica Botto… Witch Serena Brusa… Witch Eleonora Marcucci… Witch Eleonora Misiti… Witch Rebecca Perlati… Witch Ivana Zimbaro … Witch Araba Dell'Utri… Witch
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col22promo · 8 years
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THE COLONY; a literate original roleplay
Adeline Cadogan | Uninfected; Chloe Grace Moretz FC Alois Van Asch | Increased Hearing; Baptiste Radufe FC Ashley “Ash” Bisbee | Deluded; Dave Franco FC Austin Kelsey | Uninfected; Adam Brody FC Axel Bohr | Praeteria; Jai Courtney FC Bennett Adrien Jackson | Telekinesis; Jay Baruchel FC Caelan “Kip” Whitmer | Empatheia; Logan Lerman FC Clayton Boyd | Empatheia; Grant Gustin FC Cody Campbell | Uninfected; Tyler Posey FC Cressida Jago | Telekinesis; Chloe Bennet FC Draco Pavlović | Telekinesis; Alex Pettyfer FC Elsa Copland; | Empatheia; Holland Roden FC Ireland Krii | Uninfected; Nicholas Hoult FC Jelka Dreher | Praeteria; Scarlett Johansson FC Johnathan Jackson Shaw | Uninfected; Chris Evans FC Jonas “Chopsticks” Regan | Telekinesis; Jacob Tremblay FC Jouko Kyung | Telepathy; John Cho FC Kai Fletcher | Uninfected; Colton Haynes FC Kalan Desai | Increased Vision and Hearing; Dev Patel FC Kevin Tsai | Uninfected; Godfrey Gao FC Killian Weaver | Telepathy; Jack Falahee FC Kit “Trig” Balker | Increased Senses; Colin Ford FC Kostya Vladislav | Telepathy; Yuri Pleskun FC Kyra Zabala | Empatheia; Troian Bellisario FC Lissy McCall | Uninfected; AnnaSophia Robb FC Maddox Xiao | Telepathy; Harry Shum Jr FC Madison Vega | Deluded; Lindsey Morgan FC Maisie Pace | Telekinesis; Jessica Parker Kennedy FC Maja Wallace | Praeteria; Maisie Williams FC Marcel “Hamlet” Gusterson | Deluded; Aaron Tveit FC Michael “Bones” Sikes | Telepathy; Rick Genest FC Mira Sigar | Deluded; Katherine McNamara FC Petra Starr | Uninfected; Kiersey Clemons FC Reagan “Emery” Gladstone | Empatheia; Cillian Murphy FC Rhea Zaveri | Uninfected; Emeraude Toubia FC Roy Walters | Deluded; Dane Dehaan FC Stacey Ricks | Uninfected; Zac Efron FC Tate Rothchild | Uninfected; Janelle Monae FC
Cambie Andrews | Uninfected; Anne Hathaway FC Cameron Lietz | Telepathy; Michiel Hiusman FC Curtis Cuthbert | Uninfected; Michael Fassbender FC Cooper Erikson | Telekinesis; Jesse Eisenberg FC Emmett Briers | Uninfected; Nico Tortorella FC Gaius Fitrei | Uninfected; Idris Elba FC Giselle Vandenhouton | Uninfected; Helena Bonham Carter FC Joyce Clark | Telepathy; Rashida Jones FC Kyffin Jones | Uninfected; Jensen Ackles FC Lorelai Larsen | Uninfected; Sarah Gadon FC Mathias Witte | Uninfected; Nikolaj Coster Waldau FC Mei Zhu Fitrei | Uninfected; Fan Bingbing FC Mitch “Dougie” Douglas | Telekinesis; Mark Ruffalo FC Narcissa Shor | Telepathy; Tatiana Maslany FC Nikki Craft | Increased Hearing; Maggie Q FC Perry Griffiths | Praeteria; Johnny Depp FC Rina Jago | Uninfected; Lucy Liu FC Samuel Andrews | Uninfected; Daniel Craig FC Wren Phillips | Uninfected; Julian Morris FC
Dante Orion Carrington | Uninfected; Tom Hiddleston FC Quinn Dervilia | Uninfected; Luke Evans FC
HOME | PLOT | SURVIVORS | INFECTIONS | 2157 was the end of the world.
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col22promo · 8 years
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THE COLONY; a literate original roleplay
Adeline Cadogan | Uninfected; Chloe Grace Moretz FC Alois Van Asch | Increased Hearing; Baptiste Radufe FC Ashley “Ash” Bisbee | Deluded; Dave Franco FC Austin Kelsey | Uninfected; Adam Brody FC Axel Bohr | Praeteria; Jai Courtney FC Bennett Adrien Jackson | Telekinesis; Jay Baruchel FC Caelan “Kip” Whitmer | Empatheia; Logan Lerman FC Clayton Boyd | Empatheia; Grant Gustin FC Cody Campbell | Uninfected; Tyler Posey FC Cressida Jago | Telekinesis; Chloe Bennet FC Draco Pavlović | Telekinesis; Alex Pettyfer FC Elsa Copland; | Empatheia; Holland Roden FC Ireland Krii | Uninfected; Nicholas Hoult FC Jelka Dreher | Praeteria; Scarlett Johansson FC Johnathan Jackson Shaw | Uninfected; Chris Evans FC Jonas “Chopsticks” Regan | Telekinesis; Jacob Tremblay FC Jouko Kyung | Telepathy; John Cho FC Kai Fletcher | Uninfected; Colton Haynes FC Kalan Desai | Increased Vision and Hearing; Dev Patel FC Kevin Tsai | Uninfected; Godfrey Gao FC Killian Weaver | Telepathy; Jack Falahee FC Kit “Trig” Balker | Increased Senses; Colin Ford FC Kostya Vladislav | Telepathy; Yuri Pleskun FC Kyra Zabala | Empatheia; Troian Bellisario FC Lissy McCall | Uninfected; AnnaSophia Robb FC Maddox Xiao | Telepathy; Harry Shum Jr FC Madison Vega | Deluded; Lindsey Morgan FC Maisie Pace | Telekinesis; Jessica Parker Kennedy FC Maja Wallace | Praeteria; Maisie Williams FC Marcel “Hamlet” Gusterson | Deluded; Aaron Tveit FC Michael “Bones” Sikes | Telepathy; Rick Genest FC Nora Fellsridge-Reagan | Increased Senses; Adelaide Kane FC Petra Starr | Uninfected; Kiersey Clemons FC Reagan “Emery” Gladstone | Empatheia; Cillian Murphy FC Rhea Zaveri | Uninfected; Emeraude Toubia FC Stacey Ricks | Uninfected; Zac Efron FC Tate Rothchild | Uninfected; Janelle Monae FC
Abner Rhodes | Uninfected; JR Bourne FC Cambie Andrews | Uninfected; Anne Hathaway FC Cameron Lietz | Telepathy; Michiel Hiusman FC Curtis Cuthbert | Uninfected; Michael Fassbender FC Cooper Erikson | Telekinesis; Jesse Eisenberg FC Emmett Briers | Uninfected; Nico Tortorella FC Gaius Fitrei | Uninfected; Idris Elba FC Giselle Vandenhouton | Uninfected; Helena Bonham Carter FC Honor Bradley | Telekinesis; Elizabeth Olsen FC Joyce Clark | Telepathy; Rashida Jones FC Kyffin Jones | Uninfected; Jensen Ackles FC Lorelai Larsen | Uninfected; Sarah Gadon FC Mathias Witte | Uninfected; Nikolaj Coster Waldau FC Mei Zhu Fitrei | Uninfected; Fan Bingbing FC Mitch “Dougie” Douglas | Telekinesis; Mark Ruffalo FC Narcissa Shor | Telepathy; Tatiana Maslany FC Nikki Craft | Increased Hearing; Maggie Q FC Perry Griffiths | Praeteria; Johnny Depp FC Rina Jago | Uninfected; Lucy Liu FC Samuel Andrews | Uninfected; Daniel Craig FC Wren Phillips | Uninfected; Julian Morris FC
Dante Orion Carrington | Uninfected; Tom Hiddleston FC Quinn Dervilia | Uninfected; Luke Evans FC
HOME | PLOT | SURVIVORS | INFECTIONS | 2157 was the end of the world.
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col22promo · 8 years
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THE COLONY; a literate original roleplay
Adeline Cadogan | Uninfected; Chloe Grace Moretz FC Alois Van Asch | Increased Hearing; Baptiste Radufe FC Ashley “Ash” Bisbee | Deluded; Dave Franco FC Austin Kelsey | Uninfected; Adam Brody FC Axel Bohr | Praeteria; Jai Courtney FC Bennett Adrien Jackson | Telekinesis; Jay Baruchel FC Caelan “Kip” Whitmer | Empatheia; Logan Lerman FC Clayton Boyd | Empatheia; Grant Gustin FC Cody Campbell | Uninfected; Tyler Posey FC Cressida Jago | Telekinesis; Chloe Bennet FC Draco Pavlović | Telekinesis; Alex Pettyfer FC Elsa Copland; | Empatheia; Holland Roden FC Ireland Krii | Uninfected; Nicholas Hoult FC Jelka Dreher | Praeteria; Scarlett Johansson FC Johnathan Jackson Shaw | Uninfected; Chris Evans FC Jonas “Chopsticks” Regan | Telekinesis; Jacob Tremblay FC Jouko Kyung | Telepathy; John Cho FC Kai Fletcher | Uninfected; Colton Haynes FC Kalan Desai | Increased Vision and Hearing; Dev Patel FC Kevin Tsai | Uninfected; Godfrey Gao FC Killian Weaver | Telepathy; Jack Falahee FC Kit “Trig” Balker | Increased Senses; Colin Ford FC Kostya Vladislav | Telepathy; Yuri Pleskun FC Kyra Zabala | Empatheia; Troian Bellisario FC Lissy McCall | Uninfected; AnnaSophia Robb FC Maddox Xiao | Telepathy; Harry Shum Jr FC Madison Vega | Deluded; Lindsey Morgan FC Maisie Pace | Telekinesis; Jessica Parker Kennedy FC Maja Wallace | Praeteria; Maisie Williams FC Marcel “Hamlet” Gusterson | Deluded; Aaron Tveit FC Michael “Bones” Sikes | Telepathy; Rick Genest FC Nora Fellsridge-Reagan | Increased Senses; Adelaide Kane FC Petra Starr | Uninfected; Kiersey Clemons FC Reagan “Emery” Gladstone | Empatheia; Cillian Murphy FC Rhea Zaveri | Uninfected; Emeraude Toubia FC Stacey Ricks | Uninfected; Zac Efron FC Tate Rothchild | Uninfected; Janelle Monae FC
Abner Rhodes | Uninfected; JR Bourne FC Cambie Andrews | Uninfected; Anne Hathaway FC Cameron Lietz | Telepathy; Michiel Hiusman FC Curtis Cuthbert | Uninfected; Michael Fassbender FC Cooper Erikson | Telekinesis; Jesse Eisenberg FC Emmett Briers | Uninfected; Nico Tortorella FC Gaius Fitrei | Uninfected; Idris Elba FC Giselle Vandenhouton | Uninfected; Helena Bonham Carter FC Honor Bradley | Telekinesis; Elizabeth Olsen FC Joyce Clark | Telepathy; Rashida Jones FC Kyffin Jones | Uninfected; Jensen Ackles FC Lorelai Larsen | Uninfected; Sarah Gadon FC Mathias Witte | Uninfected; Nikolaj Coster Waldau FC Mei Zhu Fitrei | Uninfected; Fan Bingbing FC Mitch “Dougie” Douglas | Telekinesis; Mark Ruffalo FC Narcissa Shor | Telepathy; Tatiana Maslany FC Nikki Craft | Increased Hearing; Maggie Q FC Perry Griffiths | Praeteria; Johnny Depp FC Rina Jago | Uninfected; Lucy Liu FC Samuel Andrews | Uninfected; Daniel Craig FC Wren Phillips | Uninfected; Julian Morris FC
Dante Orion Carrington | Uninfected; Tom Hiddleston FC Quinn Dervilia | Uninfected; Luke Evans FC
HOME | PLOT | SURVIVORS | INFECTIONS | 2157 was the end of the world.
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