bittwitchy · 3 months
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in a thousand languages a word for this desire
for loving you for loving you loving you (insp.)
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paigemathews · 2 years
Technically, the show made it canon with Wyatt scaring off Piper’s dates, but the cousins and Paige definitely can do the glowing eyes thing. Definitely a thing that (at least some of them) can eventually do on command, because hi, an upper-level Warren witch turning glowing eyes on you is a nat 20 for intimidation, but it also happens involuntarily when they’re using a lot of magic or their emotions get intense while using magic. Why? Because the show canonically made that a possibility and having a witch with glowing eyes is cool as fuck man!!
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rhoddys · 1 year
I was literally gonna make a post about how more things should be glow in the dark and it just hit me
Grue charlie plushie that has glow in the dark eyes 😦
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Star born child.
Imagine dis…
Ever since we were a child, we often would ask our parents where stars came from as we gazed along the night sky. Some parents would reply they were just fireflies that got stuck when they flew over, some say those are little children playing as mother moon guards over them, and some say that they were our ancestors watching over us as we slept.
But you know what I said? I said that stars were made by a little elfish young boy with stark white hair, white pupil-less glowing eyes, freckles that looked like constellations, wearing a black and silver accented princely outfit, puffy white shoes that had little bells on it that seemed to giggle each step and a cape that looked like the galaxy. He loved the space so much that he created stars from the smallest of them to the largest and brightest one up in the night sky.
Some JL members were drifting along space inside their space vehicle as they had just finished another mission that required them in space. Despite being mainly Earth’s exclusive protectors they have made alliances and friends were, made along the way with many different species, yet they also made enemies from space from the countless people they have overthrown or defeated in space just by being fleshy humans.
As they were drifting into space Superman couldn’t help but still sense a deep feeling of longingness and awe every time he looked into the deep abys despite looking at the same view since the JL space HQ was made. Longing for what could be his planet’s history and culture that could be in one of the endless planets and stars that were present today and in awe at the vast space that kept expanding for more planets and life that were to be made.
Flash was the first to notice something was amiss when it was his turn to watch over the controls to ensure a safe and smooth travel back to Earth.
He was just watching the endless void when he began hearing some sounds resembling a child’s giggle out of utter glee and the ringing of bells. Now remember he is a man of science and will refuse any supernatural action despite working with the greatest magicians Earth has to offer. The giggles seemed to continue as the lights kept flickering out without any interference and both sets of sounds kept echoing and bouncing off the walls, he kept hearing a creak on metal behind him, and he kept “misplacing” some snacks and the mug he just placed next to him, it kept him all night to the point that by the next day, Green Lantern had found him slouched by the controls muttering to him about a devil child haunting the league as he felt being mocked him as he kept looking at his back.
Cyborg is the next one to hear the mysterious sounds but instead of the giggles he unfortunately teased the Flash about but a static noise-like sound filtered his ears.
Ever since his accidents he has noticed that his hearing and eyesight have increased exponentially due to the machines that upgraded two of his senses.
At first, he thought he was picking up a foreign radio signal/ message between two planets that have a rather large frequency but when that signal began interfering with his sight and hearing he knew there was something wrong. There are very few frequencies that can really interfere with his sense since his accident and now powers/ abilities originated from an explosion of the mother box. He cannot keep himself awake due to the amount of static that invades his hearing and sight he later lost consciousness and suddenly awoke in one of their med bays.
Batman was the first one to see their mysterious haunting of a child. Despite barely believing the Flash due to his history of pranking and history of delirious muttering whenever he watched too many horror films as well had Cyborg being grilled for every detail he can remember before he passed out, he will never admit it to anyone that he had frozen the moment he saw it.
He was just making his rounds around the space shuttle of the JL when he heard a child’s giggles accompanied by the light giggles of bells. He is immediately on guard as they are in the middle of space if anything snuck in it can’t be good news.
As he was surveying the area, he found his gaze towards a small child. A small elfish little child with stark white hair, white pupil-less shining eyes, constellation-like freckles, dressed in a black and silver accentuated royal attire, and puffy white shoes with little bells on them. He seems to have not noticed him Batman keeps quiet and begins observing, the said mystery child is still giggling without a care in the world when he suddenly pauses and takes a look at a seeming space to his right. Frowning as if there was something wrong the child suddenly jerked up as if he had a bright idea, slowly raising his arms and began to move his arms in such fluid motion as if he was creating something but what? Suddenly a large bright invaded in front of him forcing him to close his eyes at the assault of light. When he gains his vision again, he sees the mysterious boy looking all happy and proud with the way he puffed up his chest as well as the bright smile on his face. As he turns to the boy’s direction which was before a space was now replaced by a newly made small dwarf star that he was positive wasn’t there moments ago, brightly twinkling. Batman was so engrossed in what had just transpired that as he focused on the said star he noticed movement, at the corner of his eyes he saw the mysterious boy had spotted him and immediately disappeared into the vast void of space.
The next day he held the meeting about the said mysterious boy, you can hear the Flash boasting he was right to the other members about having the space shuttle haunted when Batman noticed both Martian Manhunter and Green Lantern stutter and look of disbelief in their faces and promptly asked what was that. Martian Manhunter went first, when Batman described the said child it reminded him of the Martian’s ancient texts, history, books, and scrolls if you will. That said child was said to be their god as in the past they had been on the brink of extinction due to the barrage of asteroids heading their way, as he had appeared to save them and he also gave them the knowledge to advance by themselves. Martian Manhunter ended his statement that he had heard it when he was just a Martian youngling as it was taught to every young Martian that their great guardian was watching them in space. Green Lantern explained that what Batman had seen was something that the Green Lantern Corps was supposed to be the only people who knew of his existence. He had shown himself a few times when a Lantern was in a precarious situation or on the verge of it some lanterns have witnessed him creating a planet or stars depending on which in his will, and some have seen the said boy expand the universe to his will as if we were taking a stretch. The guardians in the Lantern Corps have tried multiple times to guard the said boy as it was obvious that he some kind of ethereal being creating life and other celestial beings but he always disappeared so it became some sort of an ongoing mission to protect and watch over the boy whenever one of the lanterns spot him.
Danny was enjoying his ghostly life, after years he had been neglecting his primary obsession which is his fascination with the celestial bodies in favor of his secondary obsession of protection whenever he had stayed on earth it had felt like it was caging him, suffocating himself and his core, especially when he became the Ghost King. Writing reports all day as well as ensuring the zone was up and running, he had felt himself getting more exhausted by the say. So, when Clockwork had gone to him and told him to practice his primary obsession as a form of taking a vacation Danny was ecstatic.
He created countless stars, from the largest of them all form the smallest of dwarfs. He had created solar systems created a multitude of planets and let life thrive on the barren place. He let the vast space be his canvas for his obsession, he let the stars he formed and created form different constellations.
If only those green guys stopped being so stalkerish every time they encountered him, he thought that he had escaped the whole stalker gig when he became the Ghost King better yet when he escaped the life of being a superhero.
Now he can't help but keep looking at the floating space shuttle as if he had just gone to a new space museum, Danny appeared to sense some interesting people in the shuttle. People who had been touched by death, people whom he felt a slight connection with, and other species from different planets.
PS: If someone out there wanted to continue or make a fic about this you are free to do so, don’t forget to tag me though.
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gasi3niczk4 · 3 months
Hejka,ogólnie to dosyć niedawno trafiłam na Tumblra i niby już kiedyś wcześniej miałam posty i liczyłam kcal ale nie wiem o tym zbyt dużo więc jakbyś chciała popisać i trochę mi o tym wszystkim opowiedzieć to byłabym bardzo wdzięczna🩷
hejka!! wiec na początek moze podstawy
ugw - wymarzona waga
gw - małe kroki ku wymarzonej wadze np (gw1 63kg gw2 60 gw3 57 ugw 54)
sw - waga początkowa
cw - aktualna waga
lw - najniższa waga
hw - najwyzsza waga
binge - napad
fast - post
liquid fast - post, polegający na spożywaniu samych płynnych kalorii (napoje,musy,soki itp)
omad - jeden posilek w ciagu dnia
mono - jeden rodzaj jedzenia na caly dzien (np. same jajka)
Idąc dalej, ana to nasz przewodnik w życiu. Ana dba o to abyśmy byli piękni i nie poddawali się w dążeniu do naszych celów.
najbardziej znanym sposobem jest picie dużych ilości wody, jesli posiadacie wrażliwe zęby mozecie wysmarowac je cytryna przez co nic nie zjecie z bólu, tabletki typu slimstrong oraz polecam tez zajac sie czyms co lubicie, ja osobiscie lubie rysowac by zająć czas i nie zepsuć fasta. Gdy czujecie ze zaraz cos zjecie, jedzcie mase gum!! Nie dosc ze zajmiecie czyms glowe to pomyslcie sobie ze z miętowym posmakiem to jedzenie nie bedzie takie dobre
to moje osobiste safe foody, które polecam🎀
•wafle ryżowe
•ogórki w każdej postaci
•chleb tostowy
•lody sopelki i kaktusy
•serki proteinowe
wymienie tutaj swoje fear foody
•fast foody
•ser żółty
•nie ciągnij fasta na siłe, gdy bedzie ci slabiej zjedz chociaz 100kcal aby pozniej nie bylo napadu na 2k kcal
•nie przebywaj w miejscach z dużą ilością jedzenia, ponieważ jest to kuszące
•zaplanuj sobie dietę na tydzien i probuj sie do niej stosowac
•pij bardzo duzo wody, conajmniej 2l
•planuj dzien wczesniej co chcesz zjesc na nastepny dzien, to motywuje
•nie mów nikomu że chudniesz, efekty to udowodnią
DODATKOWO DOŁĄCZAM MOJE APLIKACJE❤️ w razie pytań śmiało piszcie!!
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perfecnotperfect · 3 months
Nie udało ci się schudnąć do wakacji? Pamiętaj jeszcze możesz schudnąć do nowego roku szkolnego i pokazać jak bardzo zaliczyl*ś glow up aby te szmaty były zazdrosne
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idiotdriftinginspace · 4 months
(if I'll ever finish this, it'll most likely be next may, ops ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ )
this is updated version, i hope
Well, this is what happens when my brain just combines the two things i like into one... I mean, you can't blame me, 'cuz it's TRANSFORMERS AND SUBNAUTICA! How could I NOT combine these two things?!
So behold: Unicron And Earth as merformers? is that a word? term? I just for whatever reason decided to Play with their designs with alien fish. Anyway- these two belong to @lets-try-some-writing
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and some rambling under cut, good luck, you'll need it
Uhhh spoilers for Subnautica ig
So the moment i let my mind wander, I get hit with this kind of ideas. Why Subnautica of all things? BECAUSE I LOVE THAT GAME AND THE REAPER LEVIATHAN AND SEE EMPEROR FIT PERFECTLY-
Ok, so the idea of a beastformers that turn into Subnautica fauna (and i guess flora as well, thank you Botanica from Beast Mashines for existing), was spinning around inside my head for quite some time now - JUST YOU WAIT, I WILL DRAW THEM, so many OCs to make, hopefuly this summer break.
UNICRON- my initial thought was just Reaper Leviathan: the mandibles on his back instead of wings, something similar to Tarantulas, mmm yes. Both he and Earth have four eyes only because both reaper and see empress four of them. All of them are aliens and have natural glowing body parts, so why not, my brain just said let's go crazy and didn't wait for an answers besides WE NEED MORE TRANSFORMERS WITH 4 EYES.
But then i rememberd that there's a bigger fish- THE SEA DRAGON. He dose have these matching spikes on his body, and the back appendages? tentacles? Are similar to Sea Emperors and is living in the deepest parts on the map. However, Sea Empress os the biggest alive creature in game (for aby fellow Subnautica nerds, o know that Gargantuan Leviathan i WAAAY bigger, but his design is eh, probably not the best here, maybe the colar thiengies could be like a cape?). But then i hit me- UNICRON CAN BE A REAPER AND SEA DRAGON HYBRID! It basicly gives me the ability to put all the parts of both fishes that match Unicrons og body the best and a "logical" explenation as to why he would be always bigger than Earth. With hybrids, sometimes they are bigger than parental species, so as hybrid he could be unnaturaly bigger, and with Sea Dragon parts he can live in the deepest game bioms.
EARTH- the Sea Emperor because yes. Also In game it's te Sea Empress babies that produce enzyme 42, the only thing that managed to destroy the deadly bacteria (GREEN BACTERIA, YOU KNOW WHAT ELSE IS GREEN? TOX-EN) and save/give life to the entire planet again, and she is a curious, young, litle thing like the hatchlings; i'm guessing that's why she's so small in authors drawing. She's a baby
(huh now that i'm thinking about it, maybe Primus should be Sea Emperor, Unicron just a Reaper and Earth a Sea Dragon, after all wild fires are a recurring events...version 2 ig?)
I really wanted to have it done by the end of may, but uhh i'm working on some other thing, that was suposed to be just a sketch, and instead it just grew bigger, and my brain is just demanding full render XD And it will now take even more time despite it being almost finished, because the moment i discovered tha faster and easier method for shading and lightning throu clipping masks, i knew I'd use it there, so XD But hey at least i know it'll look better now ( ≖‿ ≖ )
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boundinparchment · 5 months
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A moment between Dottore and his young daughter. Established Dottore/Original Female Character. Part of the Heretic and Forsaken series. On AO3 here.
“Ya ruhi” > “my soul”
“Abi” > “Father”
A faint tugging barely tore Zandik’s attention away from the report in front of him. Without breaking his focus, he spoke softly, only enough edge in his voice to warn, never scare.
“Remember: be gentle.”
“Blue,” came the reply, proud and excited.
“Yes, that’s blue. What else is blue, ya ruhi?” he prompted.
Out of the corner of his eye, the Harbinger caught a tiny hand reaching for his hair. She was dexterous for her age, eager and excited; however, she didn’t know her strength and Zandik was well aware of the consequences of it. Deftly, he reached up and redirected her hand so she gripped his fingers instead.
“Yes, my hair is blue. So is yours.”
He skimmed the rest of the report and then cast the paper aside. There was still plenty to do, especially in the aftermath of it all. He needed to oversee soil and water samples for traces of elemental energy, evaluate Leyline flare-ups from residual memories that didn’t burn properly, allocating resources and smoothing over conflicts. The latter was hardly his problem directly but Pierro would ask and it was better to have an answer ready.
Without Archons, humanity could take back the reins, finally. They would know this world and all its secrets and wonders.
It would be better. Born through revitalizing fires, sprouting from the ashes anew.
It was refreshing to hear his language from someone else and caught him every time. He'd been away for so long, shunned from it, but he could never truly erase the traces. Karina emphasized that she wanted their child to know who they were, where they came from, and language was vital. He agreed (after all, he'd studied dozens of them himself) and was filled with an odd sense of pride every time he watched eyes glow when something clicked in her growing mind.
His daughter shifted in his lap and tapped her hand to his cheek softly before she experimented and brushed over the scruff he hadn’t bothered with as of late. She giggled, running her hand one way and then another. He never grew out an entire beard (too much maintenance) but some mornings, there was no time for more than scrubbing away the day’s dirt. Especially when Karina was away.
Zandik carefully pried her hand from his face and blew kisses into her palm. She squealed and his heart lurched at the sound.
This world needed more of that.
“Having fun, ya ruhi?” he teased.
Her smile was an echo of her mother’s; congenial and sweet in a way his never could be. Eyes like emeralds, so verdant that he’d been bizarrely relieved. But then he was left with the question of how recessive red eyes were after all; he would find out eventually, he supposed, if Karina was willing. Such gems contrasted with a head full of thick blue curls, her one defining and unmistakable trait of her parentage.
“Yes! Love abi!”
“I love you, too. It’s late. Do you want to—“
The little girl threw her arms wide, narrowly missing her father’s nose. Her diction would come with time, he reminded himself as he collected her in his arms.
“Exactly. We’ll inspect the lab and make sure everything is safe. And then it’s bedtime.”
He felt the pout more than he saw it, an idle hand playing with his earring as they walked.
“Sleep is important, ya ruhi,” he chastised carefully.
She couldn’t fall into his habits. As wide as her eyes were about the world, she had time for it all. And he wouldn’t sacrifice her wellbeing for his selfishness of wanting these moments to last longer.
The quiet was better than outright protest, but only just. Her acceptance of authority made these moments easier, certainly. Soon enough, she’d be telling everyone no and seeing how far she could get.
Soon enough, she’d be too big to be carried.
Zandik shifted her slightly to rearrange his hold as he pushed open the door to the laboratory. Nothing as grand as what he had at the Palace but large enough that he could do as he needed. He went about, pointing to things and speaking clearly, letting her touch what wasn’t dangerous, asking her simple yes or no questions. Now was not the time to engage in larger topics but if she asked, he answered in ways that felt complete enough for now.
She could learn about crystalflies properly another time.
He watched her face light up as he tidied up his desk and locked away important papers. Really, the most imperative things were in his mind, but written records were crucial.
An excited hand pointed to the metal arm resting on a stand atop his desk. The plating was removed, wires dangling in organized heaps, the sharp fingers angled like a claw.
“That’s right,” Zandik said before he kissed the girl’s temple. “Mama’s arm.”
Karina came back with a strained expression and the arm in her good hand. The device was made of the strongest metal and the finest circuitry; he’d crafted it with care he didn’t know he was capable of. She’d handed over the arm with an apologetic kiss and then hugged their daughter tight with her good arm, holding back an expression he hadn’t seen since…
“Abi fix mama?” She said it with an upwards inflection, the way she did when a toy broke or something went wrong. Worried for nothing except her mother being able to hug her.
Zandik held the child in his arms a little tighter.
“Yes. Yes, abi will fix mama’s arm.”
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thrawns-babygirl · 1 year
The Gallery (Thrawn x F!Reader 18+)
SO! A few things before we get started.
I know nothing about art. I tried my best to make this seem somewhat believable but I'm not an artist, nor will I ever be.
The "dates" I used were in the form of the 'Coruscant Reckoning Calendar' or C.R.C since the battle of Yavin hasn't happened yet and I hate BBY and ABY as in universe measures of time. However they aren't real dates I just threw random numbers into the format and hoped it looked semi believable
I am aware this is really derivative and I'm sorry in advance lmao
This is my first time writing Thrawn, and while I read copious amounts of Thrawn fanfic, I'm still nervous about how I write him so constrictive criticism is encouraged.
I hope y'all enjoy this, I had fun writing it. Been over a month since i wrote anything and it shows.
Rating: E (18+) Word Count: 3800+ Warnings: Unprotected PiV, Oral (F receiving), the tiniest breeding kink if you squint and tilt your head sideways, Art
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You looked around the halls of the Imperial Palace and sighed. These galas were boring, atrociously so. But alas, if you wished to maintain funding for your gallery you had to at least make an appearance, rub elbows with the Imperial elite, sweet talk some moderately intoxicated senator or delegate into agreeing that your program was in fact not a waste of credits, and was actually something that the Empire should foster. A civilization without the arts was barely a civilization at all. You sigh, swirling the obnoxiously expensive drink you have in your hand as you stare up at a large canvas painting on the walls of the hall.
Pre Republic era, oil on canvas, looks to be-
“Coruscanti in origin, an interesting blend of ancient human styles native to the planet with a Duros influence, I’d date it around 3591.39.5, what do you think?” as smooth, calculated voice drawls from beside you.
You hum in thought, as you continue looking up at the artwork. “Perhaps earlier, the dot work is absolutely indicative of Duros influences, maybe even around 2280.124.43, when Duros traders started using hyperspace routes to explore the galaxy and foster trade” you turn to face the mystery man and stiffen as you notice the crisp white uniform of a Grand Admiral, but perhaps even more intriguing was his cerulean blue skin, and more intriguing than that, his red eyes that glow softly.
Without taking his eyes off the painting he continues “an interesting theory, however, I would date it after that. The artist was obviously human, their style indicating that they grew up around humans, the brushwork is similar to most works of that period, however the Duros influence would indicate it would have been some time after Humans had made contact with other races. Humans of that era were exceptionally isolationist, their artwork reflects that, this piece shows of an artist who is comfortable with outsiders enough to incorporate them into their medium” the man takes another sip of his drink before turning to you, fixing you with those enchanting eyes “what do you think?”
You’re taken aback, this man, this Grand Admiral, knows what he’s talking about, in fact he may even know more than you about the topic, you scramble to think of something, anything to say. Your face heats up as you think back on human art and history from that era and realise, he’s right. You take a sip of your drink to steel your nerves, warmth flooding your cheeks that you hope he doesn’t notice as you turn back to the painting.
“I think you might be right; I forget about how isolationist humans were back then; it would have taken a long time before they would have taken on facets of other species art in their own” you say thoughtfully as you look up at the painting. It really was a beautiful piece of art. You look back at the stranger to find him also gazing up at the painting with a thoughtful look on his face. Perhaps this art enthusiast of a Grand Admiral was the person you were looking for this whole time? Steeling yourself again you turn and give him your name.
“I curate the Royal Imperial Gallery here on Coruscant, a pleasure to make your acquaintance” You incline your head respectfully as he turns to face you again.
“Grand Admiral Mitth’raw’nuruodo, however you may call me Thrawn, and I am aware of who you are” Thrawn takes another sip of his drink as he turns his gaze back up to the painting. You eye him curiously as he drinks, his throat bobbing as he swallows and turns back to you.
“You do?” your tone slightly more accusatory than you wanted it to be, Imperial Grand Admirals tended to be the types of people who rallied against your requests for more funding, claiming that the money could be better spent on the Imperial Navy or the Stormtrooper Corps.
Thrawn’s mouth quirks slightly, as if he were attempting to stifle a smile before he speaks again, his voice low “Of course, I am a regular at your institution, I also appreciate your holo galleries so that I may appreciate new instillations while I am away on long campaigns. It is obviously, a crude imitation of having the original piece in front of me, but I will make do with what I can” he eyes you seriously. “I especially appreciated your most recent display of Pantoran tapestries. Pantora is a hub of so many different species and cultures, their art always provides an interesting challenge to see what visiting species influenced what pieces”.
You stare at him wide eyed as he speaks, this man, this Grand Admiral, was an art enjoyer, no an art enthusiast. Perhaps this meeting was destined, perhaps he was the one who would help you retain funding for your gallery before it was all syphoned off and spent on warfare. You open your mouth to speak but it’s like he could read your mind. “I have already spoken with the Emperor, he agrees with me that maintaining the fine arts is important for any society. Your funding is secure” he turns back towards the painting and takes another sip of his drink.
He spoke to the Emperor himself? And the Emperor himself agreed to maintain your funding? Your head was spinning. This is not at all what you expected when you came here tonight, you were expecting to have to plead your case to stuffy senators and businesspeople for them to even consider the possibility that your gallery was worth it. You shake your head as you realise you’ve been staring at him in stunned silence for longer than what would be considered polite. “I… Thank you Grand Admiral. That is… that is wonderful news” you fight to keep the emotions out of your voice, finishing your drink quickly “I don’t know how I can repay you” his lip quirks again in that almost smile before he too finishes his drink.
“No thanks is necessary, and please call me Thrawn, although I would love to hear about what new instillations you are planning for the gallery in the coming months, I have some time planetside and would be remiss to not attend a new display should you be preparing anything exciting” he waves over a serving droid as he talks and takes two more glasses of the overly expensive amber liquid, offering you one which you politely accept before he takes a sip of his.
And just like that, the hours melt away as you walk with Thrawn around the hall, speaking quietly to one another about the intricacies of the art hanging on the walls, from paintings to tapestries to the small statues lining the hall, Thrawn had something to say about all of it. For a military man, he was very, very well educated.
And very, very handsome.
You shake your head as you finish your drink, maybe you have had one too many glasses of Chandrillan Sweet Wine you think to yourself as Thrawn continues speaking about the techniques used to weave a particularly intricate tapestry the two of you were standing in front of. You wanted to listen to him, you really did, but watching the way his lips wrapped themselves around the words he was speaking combined with the melodic sound of his voice had your mind wandering to places that could be considered vastly unprofessional.
As if sensing your fleeting attention to what he was saying he turns to face you, raising a single eyebrow as his lips quirked once again in a ghost of a smile. “Apologies my lady, I do tend to get ahead of myself when discussing art, if you wish to take your leave I will not be offended” you falter slightly because no, you don’t want to leave, you could spend forever listening to his peculiar accent and you rack your brain for something that would keep him in your presence. So, you decide to take a small risk.
“No Thrawn, not at all, in fact I was just wondering if you would perhaps like to join me for a small excursion to the gallery. I could give you a sneak peek of the next exhibition we will be opening in the coming weeks, provided traditional Rodian woodwork is a topic you would be interested in?” you say hopefully, willing the heat away from your cheeks as you place your empty glass on a passing serving droid.
He smiles this time, not just a slight movement of his lips, but a genuine smile that has your heart beating slightly faster and your face burning. He too places his glass on a passing droid and gestures with his hand towards the door. “Lead the way”
The speeder ride towards the gallery is quiet, the lights of Coruscant illuminating the cab as the pilot droid takes you both towards the gallery. You shift in your seat, gazing at his profile from the corner of your eye. His long nose and pronounced cheek bones illuminated by the slight glow of his eyes. You wish you could think of something to say as you fiddle with the hem of your dress, but he doesn’t seem to mind the silence, in fact he seems to be the type that enjoys comfortable silence over inane small talk, so you keep your lips sealed, willing yourself to stop acting like a blushing schoolgirl as the cab stops in front of the gallery.
The gallery is dark, quiet, giving it an almost eerie quality as you walk through the halls, you unlock the door to your office and step to the side to allow Thrawn through, turning on the lights to reveal a small room, a moderately sized desk with a few shelves and a window that looks over the city.
“We haven’t gotten all the pieces yet, so this is only a taste of the style of art we will be displaying soon” you unlock another door that leads to a storeroom, pulling on some gloves, passing him a pair and grabbing a few of the intricately carved wooden sculptures to show the Grand Admiral. He takes them off you and studies them closely, his intense eyes scanning over every detail of the wood before moving over to another sculpture, then another. At the last sculpture he pauses, studying it even more intently than the others before looking up at you. “Do you know the importance of this piece?” he inquires as he holds the small wooden figure towards you.
You take it off him, studying it closely, noting the ridges and bumps. Unfortunately, Rodian art and wood carvings in particular have never really been your area of expertise, although you have a feeling that you’re about to learn. “Unfortunately, Thrawn I am not very well versed in Rodian woodworking, I have a few on staff that would know more than I do” you place the statuettes back into the storeroom and lock the door before turning back to him only to find him looking at you intently.
“That particular sculpture is known as a ‘Prwiss’ it was used as part of a fertility ritual on Rodia centuries passed. The statue would be placed near the bed of the couple attempting to conceive as they partook in intercourse in order to increase the likelihood of fertilization” he explains evenly.
You feel heat rising to your cheeks. ‘Definitely too much wine’ you think to yourself. The words ‘intercourse’ and ‘fertilization’ shouldn’t have such a visceral effect on you. All you can think of is having such a statue over your own bed as Thrawn runs his large hands all over your body, as he thrusts in and out-
“Do you know of my species?” Thrawn asks suddenly. You shake your head, mouth dry as you respond “No… I don’t” his shoulders rise and fall slightly, something that could potentially indicate a chuckle from the stoic man.
“I am Chiss” he says slowly walking towards you “and being Chiss has many benefits” he continues approaching you, in any other context, you could almost compare his slow steps to a predator stalking its prey.
“My eyes for example, I am able to see things that humans cannot. Heat for example” he says as he stops directly in front of you. You blush again, a fact made worse now knowing he’s been able to see your blushing so clearly the entire night the two of you have been together. You swallow, not trusting your voice as he stares you down. You take an unconscious step backwards, Thrawn following you until the backs of your legs meet the solid material of your desk.
“At first I simply thought that you were flushed from the alcohol but… now I have come to a different conclusion” he leans his face closer to yours, you can feel his warm breath against your lips as he holds his lips above yours. A moment for you to back away should you not wish him to go further.
You stare into his bright eyes as your face warms further and heat pools between your legs. Would he be able to see that beneath the layers of your dress? Your thoughts are abruptly cut off as he places his lips over yours, one hand coming up to cup your cheek as he presses you against your desk. You meet his lips in a passionate kiss, the heat from the night reaching a boiling point as he removes his gloves and places his hands on your hips, following his lead you do the same before tangling your hands in his soft hair.
After what feels like an eternity he pulls back, his lips slightly swollen from the kiss and a faint dusting of purple along his sharp cheekbones. He presses you further against your desk and you get the hint, moving some small items out of the way before sitting on the desk.
Thrawn attacks your lips again, a hunger present behind his movements as he situates himself between your legs, his fingers digging into the skin of your hips as he begins kissing along your jaw, down your neck. You gasp as you feel him suck a dark mark into the skin just above your collarbone, you tug at the soft strands of his hair eliciting a low growl that rumbles through his chest as he moves his hips against your core. You can feel a definite hardness in the front of his pristine while uniform pants as he moves his body against yours, dragging small sounds of pleasure out of you.
His hands begin moving all over your body, running up your sides around to your back where he begins unfastening your dress, his movements pausing for a moment as he looks at you. You answer his unspoken question with another fiery kiss as his hands work methodically behind you to unfasten your dress, letting it pool on the desk as he moves over towards your breasts. His long fingers tweaking and pinching at your nipples through the thin material of your bra as his other hand moves down your side to help totally remove the dress from you.
He pulls the dress over your head, pausing to haphazardly fold it and place it on your desk before his hands are all over you again. One runs along your thigh while the other expertly unclasps your bra, he pulls the fabric away from your body before moving his lips to your jaw and neck again. You move your hands to his hair again as he kisses down your neck towards your chest.
“Watching the blush crawl up your skin” he mumbles against your neck, voice husky “is truly the most beautiful thing in this entire gallery” he says before taking one of your nipples in his mouth and sucking, rolling the nub around his mouth, his tongue lathing over it. His tongue has an odd texture to it, you note, as he shifts his focus to your other breast, and you can’t help but wonder what that tongue would feel like against your clit. You arch into his touch as he kisses along your chest, lightly biting into the soft flesh, leaving dark marks against your skin as he slowly begins moving to his knees, kissing down your body as he goes, pausing at the fabric of your panties and placing a long passionate kiss on the damp fabric before he pulls the delicate material to the side and sinks his tongue into your cunt.
You moan, throwing your head back in bliss as he eats you like a man starved, lapping at your juices with fervour, your hands finding their way back into his soft hair as his tongue works magic against you. He alternates between rolling his tongue around your clit and shoving it as deep inside you as the muscle will go, bringing you closer and closer to the edge.
You tug on his hair causing him to groan into you, the vibrations making your walls clench as he focuses extra attention on your clit and suddenly the wave of pleasure crests as you climax, your eyes screwed shut and hips moving on their own accord as you all but ride his face through the precipice of your orgasm.
As you come down you open your eyes and look down at him, noting the sound of flesh on flesh and the movement of his arm another white-hot wave of arousal runs down your spine as you realise, he’s stroking himself.
A Grand Admiral of the Imperial Navy, on his knees in your office, touching himself while pleasing you with his mouth. The thought alone is almost enough to send you over the edge again.
His glowing red eyes look up at you, and he slowly stands from his position kneeling on the floor. You hold your breath as he rises, trying not to look too eager to get a look at what is between his legs. Do Chiss look like humans? Is he totally alien down there? Your eyes widen as your question is answered, despite the colour and a few, quite pleasurable looking, ridges, he looks remarkably human. Remarkably human and remarkably large.
The vision of the stoic Grand Admiral, still dressed in his white uniform with his trousers open and his rock-hard length on display is enough to make you lick your lips, your pussy clenching around nothing as fresh wave of arousal washes over you.
He takes himself in his hand, stroking himself a few times, placing the blunt head of his cock against your wet entrance before pausing. “A moment” he says as he looks around your office, retrieving your key card from the desk next to you before walking over to the storeroom and taking out the statue he had spoken about before and placing it on the desk next to you before taking his place between your legs at your entrance again.
He places both hands on your hips as he lines himself up with your slick cunt and slowly pushes inside of you. His uniformed chest rising and falling as he struggles to maintain his tenuous control over himself. The feeling of his girth stretching you open has you gritting your teeth, and screwing your eyes shut. Each ridge of his cock rubbing perfectly against every nerve making you see stars.
You’re both panting as he bottoms out, a low rumbling groan coming from deep in his chest as the feeling of your walls choking his length has him gritting his teeth as you wrap your legs around his waist, pulling him even closer, even deeper.
He lets out a hiss as he begins moving his hips, you resist the urge to close your eyes at the pleasure, wanting to watch each reaction you could earn from the usually pristine grand admiral. Watching the way his jaw clenches, the muscles around his neck tensing, the way his nostrils flare as he struggles to maintain his composure is like a drug to you.
You moan as his thrusts begin to become more forceful, the sound of flesh against flesh filling the confines of your office. He leans over your body, his lips finding yours again as his hips move with more purpose, harder and faster, the ridges of his girth causing you to cry out, his mouth swallowing your sounds as his pace continues to get more intense, more passionate.
He brings one of his hands down in between your bodies, his long, skilled fingers expertly finding your clit, drawing tight circles over it as he pounds relentlessly into you. The sensations becoming too much too quickly as another orgasm begins building in your core, your muscles tensing around him as your walls flutter and tighten, forcing his mouth to part from yours as he lets out a low moan of your name.
Hearing his voice, full of hunger and desperation moaning your name is what does it for you, pleasure cascades through your body as you wrap your arms around his back to ground you, the course texture of his uniform heightening the experience as wave after wave of pure ecstasy rips a harsh moan of his name from your lips.
His pace becomes even more forceful, his hips slamming almost painfully against yours as he chases his own high. His mouth finds your neck again, biting down as you feel his muscles tense, letting out a long low groan against your neck as he finishes inside you. You feel each throb and pulse of his cock as he fills you, his hips moving in short thrusts as he rides out his own high, his breathing ragged.
You both stay there, panting, bodies entwined as you come down. He gives you a long, passionate kiss before extracting himself, pulling out slowly, he looks down at your cunt, his cum slowly beginning to leak out of you and his mouth quirks again, into that ghost of a smile, like he’s proud of himself, before he moves your panties back into place and begins to straighten himself out.
You have no idea what to say as he tucks himself away and smooths his hair, after a short time, he looks immaculate yet again, barely a hair out of place, nor a crease on his uniform, meanwhile you look like well fucked mess, hickeys and love bites litter your neck and chest as you move off your desk on unstable legs to grab your bra and dress, you pause as you see the small statue, the ‘Pwriss’ as Thrawn had called it sitting on your desk. You blush as you move to put it away in the storeroom again.
Thrawn is standing, back straight as he looks at you from across your office, hands clasped behind his back. “I appreciate you taking the time to show me the artwork the gallery has to offer” he inclines his head politely “I’m glad the sculptures were to your liking” you smile at him as you redress.
“Oh yes, I suppose the sculptures were lovely too”.  
Not tagging my usual Crosswhore taglist because IDK how many of you are interested in Thrawn, but I'm tagging some people I think might be interested. Let me know if you don't want me to tag you in the future.
@khapikat222 @vibratingbonesbis@al-astakbar
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magmagicstyle · 1 year
⚠️WARNING⚠️: Edward is an asshole… BUT THAT’S NOTHING NEW AT THIS POINT… Some insults, and violence but nothing too exaggerated... Also! We kinda hate Bella but not really, because let’s be honest… Edward is kinda a manipulative bitch. Unhealthy relationships (Bella and Edward).
Pairings: male!reader x The Volturi kings.
“Very well, my dear, we shall do as you want.” Aro finished the exchange by getting closer to you and caressing your face, smiling when he noticed how you were thinking of him and his brother in unholy positions, just to avoid giving the plan away. Then he leaned towards you and kissed your lips with passion before pulling away and looking at you with a devilish but comforting smirk. “We trust you, darling.”
Every time that you say you're gonna leave
That's when you get the very best of me
You know we need it like the air we breathe, air we breathe, yeah
I love you so much that I hate you right now
it's so hard to blame you cause you're so damn beautiful
So damn beautiful
After your kings decided to trust you with the task of managing the whole newborn situation, they decided that it was time for you to have a guard on your own. In their words, it was like a special guard, formed by only the best of the best. Vampires that wouldn’t doubt at the moment of killing anything that could pose a treat to you, and that wouldn’t think twice before dying for you -even if you didn’t like that idea as much as the killing one-.
That took you to the exact moment where you stood in the middle of the grand hall of the Volturi castle, bathed in the soft glow of candlelight, you were flanked by Aro, Caius, and Marcus, the three reigning kings of the Volturi and your fated mates. In front of you, a bit closer to the main door of the grand hall, the loyal and esteemed members of the Volturi guard stood. They were the vampires that your mates had designated to protect and defend you. You already knew Jane, Alec, Demetri, Felix and Nikolas. There was a face that you didn’t have the pleasure of meeting before. His name was Raine from what you heard before in the hallways and between whispers, hopefully, you weren’t mistaken. All the vampire’s eyes were filled with a mixture of respect and affection. Something a bit surprising since you hadn’t interacted with the last two mentioned.
Raine, seemed to have a commanding presence and unwavering loyalty, you didn’t need to look at him too long to feel that. He stepped forward, and his gaze met yours, and, just like that, as easy as breathing (even if you didn’t have to) a smile tugged at the corners of his lips. It was comforting, like a silent reassurance of the bond you shared. At that exact moment, you understood that Raine was going to be more than a member of the guard; he would become your protector, your confidant, and maybe with time, he would be like a brother to you.
"I know you haven’t interacted as much or well… never, so… Allow me to introduce Raine," Aro declared, his smooth voice reverberating through the hall, accompanied with a deep and amused chuckle. "A formidable warrior, devoted companion, and beloved mate to our esteemed guard, Nikolas. His unwavering dedication to the Volturi and to your safety knows no bounds. So, we are sure that you will be safe with him…"
The weight of Aro's words hung in the air, affirming the significance of Raine's role not only as a member of the guard but as your protector. Raine inclined his head with pride, his eyes never leaving yours, silently reaffirming his commitment to your well-being.
Jane, the petite yet powerful force within the guard, stepped forward next. Her gaze, filled with respect and admiration, swept across the room, acknowledging the honour bestowed upon her to protect you. Her loyalty to the Volturi and her unwavering dedication to your safety was unmatched.
"You already know Jane," Marcus announced, his voice laced with reverence. "So, we hope that you know that her unwavering loyalty and exceptional abilities make her an invaluable asset to our cause. So, as your protector, she will ensure your safety with her unique gift and unyielding determination."
“Of course, my love… Jane is always welcome with me… She’s aware of that, and she knows that I’m always grateful for her presence and company…” You said softly while looking at the young girls with a warm smile.
Jane's eyes met yours, reflecting a profound understanding and shared experiences. She knew the depth of your bond with the kings and the magnitude of the responsibility entrusted to her. Not only that, but she personally appreciated you. You were like a comforting parental figure and mentor. You calmed her down when her emotions got the better of her and you encouraged her to practice with her powers. Meanwhile, you, in her gaze, found reassurance that your safety was in capable hands.
Alec and Demetri followed suit, they didn’t need any introduction at all, their presence commanding and their commitment unwavering. They had proven themselves time and again, earning their place within the guard and their role as your protectors. Besides, they were also your friends, always willing to talk with you in your free time or just spend with you the few minutes your mates were busy with they royal duties. The loyalty and shared experiences of the two vampires cemented the unbreakable bond that tied them to you. With his unwavering strength and fierce determination, Felix stood tall beside his comrades. His role as a guardian extended beyond physical protection; he was a steadfast companion, ready to shield you from any threat. The trust you had built with Felix over the time you were in the castle made him an integral part of your journey. From the moment you met, he acted like a caring and annoying older brother, always ready to mess with you and protect you when necessary.
And then there was Nikolas, a seasoned member of the guard, his wisdom and experience enriching the group dynamics. Nikolas had been by your side for countless moments, and his loyalty was never tested, because it was so obvious that he believed in the king’s rules and laws that he never need to be put in trial for anything. He was one of the oldest members of the Volturi, so obviously, his guidance and presence carried weight within the guard.
"These are your protectors," Aro proclaimed, his voice filled with pride and reverence. If you could compare your amazing mate to something else, you would think of a child in Christmas morning, when he knows he was able to get the perfect gift for someone. "They have been chosen not only for their exceptional skills and unwavering loyalty but for the love and devotion they hold for you. Together, they form a formidable force, bound by their duty to safeguard your well-being."
Of course, as Aro's words echoed through the hall, a sense of gratitude and warmth enveloped you. This guard was not merely a group of protectors; they were going to be your family, bound by love and a shared purpose. Each member was starting to play a unique role in your life, and you only hoped that with time their presence would turn into a testament to the strength of the bond you were feeling between you and them.
Stepping forward, Aro extended his hand toward you, a gesture of camaraderie and trust. You took his hand, feeling the weight of his words resonate within you. With your new guard by your side, you were prepared to face whatever challenges lay ahead, knowing that their love, loyalty, and shared experiences would guide you through the darkness.
You approached a bit, your steps were measured and confident, a regal grace imbued in every movement. It was only when you were directly in front of your new guard that you stopped walking. "Thank you for joining me," you spoke, your voice carrying a mixture of gratitude and warmth. "It is an honour to have you by my side, to know that I am protected and cherished."
Nikolas met your gaze, his voice steady yet filled with sincerity. "I am privileged to serve you, to stand as your shield and your confidant. My loyalty is unwavering, as is my commitment to your well-being." The members of the guard, Jane, Alec, Demetri, Felix, and Raine, stood alongside you, their expressions a mix of respect and camaraderie.
You smiled, a true and kind smile that was rare but obviously genuine, it was an expression that lit up your features and that was mostly reserved for your adored mates. "Together, we are stronger," you said, your voice carrying a note of conviction. "In each of you, I see unwavering dedication and unwavering loyalty. I trust in my kings' choices and I believe that we will navigate the path ahead with grace and determination."
Felix stepped forward, his gaze meeting yours with unwavering intensity. "We will protect you with our lives," he affirmed, his voice filled with resolve. "Our duty extends beyond duty itself. It is a commitment to your happiness and well-being, to safeguarding the love and connection that binds you with our kings and with us all as your subjects and companions."
Your eyes softened, a flicker of emotion passing through your features. "I am grateful to all of you, for your presence, and your unwavering support," you replied, your voice tinged with genuine gratitude. "To have such loyal companions by my side gives me strength and reassurance."
A few days later, in the dimly lit chamber of the Volturi castle, you stood before a large table where Raine, Jane, Alec, Demetri, Felix, and Nikolas were gathered. The air crackled with anticipation as you prepared to give them their assignment. The kings weren’t there, trying to avoid any type of involvement with the planning in case Alice was trying to see their choices and plans. The last thing they needed was the little vampire acting like some type of prophet and trying to blame the Volturi for the newborn’s attack on the Cullens.
"Raine, Jane, Alec, Demetri, Felix," you began, your voice carrying a commanding tone. You hated when you had to act like a boss in front of your guard. You didn’t want the coven to be like that, like an enterprise, without feelings or any type of warmth, but sadly, considering how stupid the Cullens were acting and how they were about to go to war against lots of newborns that would destroy them without a second thought, you had to be serious and bark orders while thinking of a strong strategy that would help the smaller coven.
"I have a task of utmost importance for you.” You started your explanation while looking at the vampires in front of you. “The existence of our kind is at stake, and it is your duty as representatives of the Volturi clan to handle this matter with precision and efficiency."
Raine, with his piercing gaze and an air of quiet strength, nodded, his expression serious in the usually laid-back face. Jane, with her captivating aura of power and authority, even for her young appearance, stood by Raine's side, ready for any challenge. Alec, exuding calmness and a commanding presence, prepared himself for the mission. Demetri, with his unparalleled tracking abilities, exuded confidence and determination, and Felix, radiating sheer physical strength, stood tall and resolute. You knew they were all ready for whatever plan your mind had created. They would follow you without a doubt, ready to end with the threat towards your kind.
"Jane, you will take charge of the operation. Your keen intellect and combat prowess will be invaluable in this endeavour. Besides, we all know how extraordinary is your gift… Raine, the newborns probably won’t have any idea of who you are, so… I’ll need you to use your power to disorient and incapacitate them, stop their abilities, make them feel weak. Alec, reinforce their illusions and provide cover when needed. Demetri and Felix, you two will be in charge of tracking and subduing them… ensure their compliance." You paused for a moment, allowing the weight of the the task to settle upon them.
"And Nikolas," you continued, your voice filled with warmth and gratitude, "I will need you to stay by my side. You know that I consider you a loyal protector and confidant, besides… The kings would feel better if you stayed behind to protect me… You, surely know, that your presence is essential to my safety."
Nikolas, who had been standing silently in the background, nodded understandingly. He knew his duty was to safeguard you, and he accepted the responsibility with unwavering dedication. That was his main task from the moment you arrived in Volterra, to protect you, to defend you against anyone who tried to hurt you.
"While you won't be joining the others on this mission, your role here is just as crucial," you reassured him. "I trust in your abilities to protect me, and I know that I am in capable hands."
Nikolas met your gaze with a determined expression. "You can count on me, my prince…" he affirmed, his voice filled with loyalty.
After making sure that Nikolas understood why it was so important for him to stay with you while the others went to fight, you turned your attention back to the rest of the guard.
"I have every confidence in your abilities. Show the newborns the might of the Volturi, but exercise restraint and judgment. Our goal is to restore order and ensure the safety of our kind, not to needlessly destroy. If there’s someone salvageable, anyone, that would be a good addition to the clan, or if someone shows true regret and is willing to learn the rules and follow the law, let’s give them a chance. The Vulturi don’t give second chances, but let’s consider that those newborns, never had a chance to begging with."
As the team prepared to depart, you stepped forward, your gaze filled with unwavering trust and gratitude.
"Remember, you are not alone. Together, we will face the challenges that lie ahead. Your bond as a team is as essential as your individual talents. Protect one another, trust one another, and return to me victorious. The kings and I trust in your abilities and your good thinking…"
With those words, the group of Volturi representatives turned to leave, their resolve unwavering. The weight of their duty pressed upon their shoulders, but they carried it with honour and determination.
As you sat in the quiet meeting room of the Volturi castle, your gaze fixed on the regal figure of Jane as she prepared to leave. Everyone else had already left. The meeting is long over. And you couldn’t help but think that the room exuded an air of solemnity, the walls adorned with ancient tapestries depicting scenes of the Volturi's immortal reign. Maybe it was the words that were exchanged just a few seconds ago, maybe it was just how the sunlight filtered through the tall windows, casting gently rays that danced upon the polished marble floor, creating a serene ambience. You weren’t sure. Still, you had a second mission, the planning was over, and now… the second part of the plan needed to start.
Seizing the moment, you rose from his seat, your expression calm yet resolute. This was going to be quite difficult for you, but still, you knew this was necessary. Your eyes met Jane's, locking onto her crimson gaze with a steadiness that bespoke your unwavering resolve.
"Jane," You called out, your voice carrying a quiet intensity that cut through the stillness of the room.
Jane paused, her graceful movements halted as she turned to face you. Her porcelain features held a trace of curiosity, her piercing eyes sparkling with a mix of curiosity and expectation. She was ever an enigma, capable of both unspeakable power and surprising depths of empathy. Still, when you looked directly at her, she felt so young, so inexperienced in life, like a child wanting comfort and protection. Sometimes, in secret, when nobody could see your thoughts or feel your emotions, you let yourself think of her and Alec as your children. Still, you weren’t sure that it would be welcomed so you kept those feelings to yourself.
With a composed demeanour, you continued talking, your words were measured yet purposeful. "Before you depart on this mission, I have something important to convey," You stated, voice projecting a confidence borne from the knowledge that every word had been carefully considered.
Jane's brows arched ever so slightly, her attention fully captured. She remained silent, awaiting the revelation that would shape their course of action.
"In the event that you and the others discover information that could alter our plans, that could change everything," You explained, words deliberate and laden with significance, tone of voice soft but serious. You weren’t joking about this, and it was clear that you truly believed that something would change your guard’s course of action. "I ask that you exercise your judgment and take the necessary actions to ensure our success. But please, do not inform me of any such developments."
Your request hung in the air, the weight of its implications palpable. You understood the reason behind it—the need to shield the choices of the kings and your own decisions from the penetrating gaze of Alice. After all, knowing her, it was obvious that she would also see your choices related to the newborn threat. She always thought that her gift was almost perfect, and she would make sure to try to use it against any plan that the Volturi could create. The unspoken tension that had surrounded them all since the meeting's inception now found its voice in this solemn exchange.
Jane's gaze softened, her features betraying a glimmer of understanding. She nodded in acknowledgement, a silent agreement forged between you and her. Though you knew that Jane changing the plans depending on the situation would leave you in the dark, you understood that it was necessary and accepted the essential part of this arrangement, knowing it would safeguard their endeavours from the prying eyes of those who might manipulate fate.
With that, Jane resumed her departure, her figure gracefully gliding through the doorway. Meanwhile, you remained behind, contemplating the gravity of your shared secret. In this moment of quiet reflection, you took an unnecessary deep breath and prepared yourself for the unknown, ready to face the consequences of a future shaped by the choices of others. Right now, you quite loathed Alice and her stupidly useful gift.
Is it easier to stay is it easier to go I don't wanna know oh but I know that I'm never ever gonna change and you know that you're always gonna stay the same
Is it easier to stay is it easier to go I don't wanna know oh but I know that I'm never ever gonna change and you know you don't want it any other way
As the moon reached its highest point, casting a luminous glow upon the enchanting and mysterious gardens of Volterra, the Volturi kings prepared for a momentous occasion. You weren’t aware of this, but it was there, surrounded by the whimsical beauty of nature that helped them hide from the chaotic world and stay in that small piece of heaven and safeness, that they had meticulously arranged a scene that would forever mark their love and devotion into your heart.
The gardens came alive with the soft glow of innumerable fairy lights, delicately twinkling like stars suspended from the branches of ancient trees. Their ethereal radiance bathed the surroundings in a warm, romantic ambience, enveloping the space in a magical embrace.
They knew it wasn’t the best time for this type of surprise, but they couldn’t help it. They were tired of hiding you, of acting like they didn’t consider you their equal. They wanted for you to be able to stand proudly by their side when they had to judge a rebellious clan, they wanted for the rest of the vampires outside their coven to respect you and fear you like they respected and feared them. They desired to be able to listen to your ideas and plans without having to hide because of your lack of a royal title. It wasn’t fair, you were one of the smartest people they’d ever met, and they didn’t want to keep insulting you by ignoring that fact. You were their mate, the only being that was solely made to be by their side, you weren’t made to be hidden and to stay put like a trophy, you were born to rule, to protect and defend what you and they considered important. Unlike them, you showed the compassion that they had lost many years ago, and they felt that it was time that the vampires of their world had a ruler they could turn to, not only to accuse another coven but to seek help and comfort.
They looked at the garden, a cosy seating area nestled beneath the sprawling canopy of a centuries-old oak tree, adorned with cushions and blankets in hues of velvety midnight blue and rich crimson. Soft, plush pillows were carefully arranged, inviting you to sink into their comforting embrace. The idea was to show the comfort and kindness that you usually showed to them and to your friends inside the Volturi guard.
A table, draped in elegant silk, stood nearby, adorned with crystal glasses that glimmered as they caught the moon's tender light. The lack of silverware, plates and food was quite obvious, but they couldn’t do anything about that. It wasn’t like you could eat, so the idea of sharing a meal would be ridiculous and wasteful. Still, they had mixed some blood with your favourite wines from when you were alive, wanting to show you that they cared not only for the current you, but also for the things that had made you into the being they loved so much. This careful mixture of alcohol and blood was a token of the kings' unwavering commitment and affection. Just like that, from the carefully opened bottles that rested in the middle of the tastefully decorated table, a tantalizing fragrance permeated the air. It was a delicate blend of freshly picked roses, intertwined with the aroma of rich, aged blood. A symphony of scents of sorts, a harmonious combination that reflected both the beauty and the primal essence of their immortal existence. An existence that they hoped to share with you by their side.
As you entered the gardens, your footsteps were muffled by the lush grass. It wasn’t possible, not at all, but the kings could almost feel how their hearts quickened with anticipation. The Volturi guard, standing sentinel around the designated area, exuded an aura of reverence and support, they had decided to take a moment to maintain this moment untouched by the responsibilities of everyone outside. Their tasks were simple, make sure that you four wouldn’t be interrupted. Each member of the guard, adorned in their regal attire, wore a gentle smile, their eyes conveying unwavering love and acceptance.
Aro, your charismatic and visionary king, the spokesman of the three kings, stepped forward, his eyes gleaming with a mischievous sparkle. "Ah, my love, we have orchestrated this moment with utmost care and affection, for we have longed to profess our love for you in a setting as extraordinary as the bond we share."
Then, Caius, your strong king, let his stoic facade softened by the warmth of his emotions and spoke with a resolute tenderness. "In your presence, we have found solace and completeness. The depths of our hearts are forever entwined with yours. Tonight, we offer you the promise of a love that transcends time and fate."
Finally, your quiet but caring king… Marcus, the always introspective, with his gaze full of profound intensity, whispered words that carried the weight of centuries. "The course of our immortal existence has been irrevocably altered since the moment we met you. Your presence fills our lives with purpose, and your love has breathed new life into our souls."
With their words hanging in the air, the Volturi kings stepped closer, their eyes locked on your own, their hands extended in a gesture of unwavering commitment. Aro, his voice both commanding and gentle, continued, "In this enchanted garden, beneath the moon's tender gaze, we ask for the honour of your hand in a union that surpasses mortal bounds. Will you become our beloved, our partner in eternity?"
This is it… They were finally asking you the biggest question of your inmortal life…
Overwhelmed by the sheer magnitude of love and devotion before them, your heart swelled with emotion. Tears of joy danced in your eyes as you gazed at the kings and the extraordinary scene they had meticulously crafted. The tears would never fall, unable to find release thanks to your unnatural anatomy, but still, the emotion was there, your face and whole body were showing off the multiple feelings that were going through your heart and mind at the moment. It was a moment that surpassed your wildest dreams. You knew they wanted to marry you, you were aware of the fact that this would eventually happen but… Now? Like this? This was better than any dream, better than any imagined scenario that you had created in your mind. This was a thousand times better because this came directly from them.
You knew this wasn’t the time to be shy, you needed to convey all your feelings and you were planning to do it. Your kings had created such a beautiful proposal for you, there was no way you wouldn’t correspond to their feelings in the best way you could. So… with a voice filled with love and unwavering conviction, you replied.
"I spent most of my life until now… chasing a love that would never come true… But it’s in your arms, that I have found solace, passion, and unwavering support. To be chosen by you, to be cherished and loved by all three of you, is a gift beyond measure. With all my heart, I accept your proposal, knowing that our love will continue for the rest of our lives and that, it’s only your love, the thing that I was truly craving when I was lost….”
And the hardest part of all is that we're only built to fall
Is it easier to stay is it easier to go I don't wanna know oh but I know that I'm never ever gonna change and you know that you're always gonna stay the same
On the other side of the world, a similar, but quite different picture was starting to appear as the sun began its descent beyond the horizon, casting a soft golden glow across the meadow of the forest of Forks.
There, Bella stood on the delicate precipice between love and doubt. With the warmth of the evening air wrapped around her, mingling with the scent of grass and wildflowers, she asked herself if this whole situation was what she actually wanted. Still, she stood there, waiting faithfully doing her best to stay immobile as she waited for Edward to arrive.
Bella’s heart was heavy with conflicting emotions, doubts creeping into her mind like shadows, whispering their insidious words. She couldn’t help it, the problems, the fights, Edward's own actions in front of you and in front of the kings of the vampires, all of those little things were starting to pile up and they threaten to pour out of her heart, filling her head and soul with doubt and questions that nobody seemed to want to answer. Also, a part of her questioned if Edward truly loved her as deeply as he professed. After all, the way he reacted to meeting his ex-partner, even after he told him that it was you that was hanging onto a relationship long over, it was confusing. You had already moved on, so… Why was Edward so upset about it? Why did the brunette make such a scene accusing his ex-lover of horrible things and trying to attack them? And then… his actions towards her during their trip back to Forks, his reluctance to turn her into a vampire, to make her inmortal so they could be together forever… Did he really love her and cherish her as much as he said to do? Or were his words merely empty promises, masking a more self-serving desire to keep her in his world for a while? Like a little pet, a little thing you want to love, knowing that they wouldn’t live as long as you do… Did Edward see her as just a fleeting love? Maybe he saw her as something he could play with and pretend to love with the reassuring thought that she would grow old and die while he would stay young forever…
Bella gazed at the shimmering light filtering through the trees, the same light that had once illuminated their undying love. She still remembers the hidden encounters, the kisses in the forest and laying in the same meadow as Edward while talking sweet nothings to each other. She remember how he explained about you, about his disturbed ex-lover that dreamed of a wedding that would never happen and that fantasied about a relationship that was long dead. At the time, she was so worried for Edward, so saddened by the fact that he was tied to you, and so resentful for the fact that she had to hide her love under those threes and little bits of lights… But now, the same lights and soft shadows cast doubts upon her heart, casting darkness upon the very foundation of their relationship.
At this point, she couldn’t help but ask herself if anything of what Edward told her was even true. When she met you, you attacked her and yes, acted crazy but… were your actions really the act of someone delusional and trapped in the past? Or were those the doings of someone that was betrayed and lied to by the man they loved? Edward and herself -even if now she was ashamed of it- had made fun of you behind your back, joking about your mind being trapped in a delusion where your ex-boyfriend was still in love with you… and yet, now, she was the one who felt trapped.
She was entangled in a web of her own dreams and desires, her own personal simulated world. She felt weak, stupid… She let herself be moved by the allure of immortality, the idea of being the only one in the life of a creature that was designed to be perfect, the idea of forever being with Edward, of being loved for all eternity, the idea of being so important for someone that he was willing to ignore his own nature just to love her… that lies, that illusion held her captive. So, still with all those doubts and worries plaguing and poisoning her mind and heart, she stayed there, standing motionless, waiting for her boyfriend.
And just a few seconds later, there he appeared, a figure emerging from the depths of the forest, it was just the blink of an eye for Bella, but suddenly, he was in front of her, looking directly at her expression while his eyes glowed with an intensity that had once mesmerized her. Now, she wasn’t sure what she felt looking at that unnatural gleam in his eyes, she was just glad that he couldn’t hear her thoughts, thankful for the shield nature had given her. Edward had approached her with a confidence that both comforted and unnerved her. His voice, so sweet and melodic, echoed through the meadow, blending with the whispering breeze. She felt like he was trying to touch her with his words, cover her and hide her from the world… She used to be grateful for that feeling…
"Bella," he said, his voice laced with tenderness… but was it real? "I have loved you from the moment I laid eyes on you. Every beat of my heart, every fibre of my being, longs for you. There is no doubt in my mind that you are my destiny, my forever."
His words reached her ears, but her heart yearned for more than mere declarations. Besides, his promises and sweet nothings seemed to stay there, unclear and almost impossible to be true. Did he yearn for her because of his love? Or was it because of some weird instinct that he couldn’t control? The doubts that plagued her thoughts begged for reassurance, a tangible proof of his unwavering commitment, a way to show that he truly loved her and wasn’t only following what he thought he had to do...
Was this proposal an act of genuine love, or a desperate attempt to keep her bound to him?
As Edward dropped to one knee, a small velvet box in his hand, Bella's heart fluttered with a mixture of hope and trepidation. What? She wasn’t confused, she understood what his words and actions meant but… She wasn’t even eighteen just yet… She was barely finishing high school… Did she want to tie herself to Edward without a chance of experimenting with other things in life? She wasn’t legally allowed to drink, she hadn’t thought of universities or if she wanted to work in something in particular… Hell, she was still a virgin!
But there it was… The delicate ring nestled within the box glimmered in the waning sunlight, a symbol of an eternity she had once craved. The commitment and future she once asked for… She even pushed Edward to take her back after he tried to leave her when the first vampire attacked her… Then she saved his life and almost pushed him to commit to her forever…
Did she genuinely want this? Weren’t all teenagers allowed to do a couple of stupid things before becoming real adults? Still, how could she say “no”?
At that moment, looking at that gorgeous ring in that delicate velvet box and looking at Edward that was waiting for an answer with a small and charming smile, she felt the weight of his expectations pressing upon her, and she wondered if she could truly deny him.
Her mind raced, questioning the very essence of their love. Was it pure and selfless, or did it stem from a possessive need to control her destiny? Did Edward want her because of her? Or did he want her just to avoid losing something else that he considered his? Doubts clouded her mind and she knew that if she didn’t control herself, she would start shaking… Still, she found herself hesitating, unable to voice her doubts. The fear of losing him and the dreams she had woven around their future kept her silent. She spent so much time thinking of being with him. She risked her life, ruined other relationships, and forgot about the other possibilities of her future just to stay by his side, so… If she decided to say “no”, what would be of her? What would she do? At this point, she wasn’t sure if she could be Bella without Edward by her side…
At that moment, the conflict within Bella reached its climax. She couldn't deny the love she felt for Edward, nor could she ignore the doubts that now consumed her thoughts. Still, there was no more time, Edward was there, in one knee, waiting for her answer and she was about to get all that she thought she wanted… She just needed to ignore the questions. It wouldn’t be so hard, and maybe with time, she would get used to it…
And so, with a mixture of reluctance and resignation, she whispered, "Yes, Edward. I will marry you."
As he slid the ring onto her finger, sealing their fate, Bella couldn't shake the lingering doubts that were whispered in the recesses of her mind. But for now, she would bury them beneath a facade of acceptance, hoping that time would reveal the truth behind Edward's words and intentions. In any case, she at least knew that Edward loved her or cared for her to the point of wanting to marry her and that would be enough… That needed to be enough.
-It won’t be…- Her mind whispered, almost like answering to her silent promise. Weirdly enough, the voice sounded so much like yours that she couldn’t help but feel like she was making a mistake. Still, it felt like it was too late to change her mind now. She was going to marry Edward, and with that, she would turn into a vampire, like she was always meant to be. She was sure that with time, everything would fall into place. The doubt was, where would she fit in the whole picture once that happened?
Is it easier to stay is it easier to go I don't wanna know oh but I know that I'm never ever gonna change and you know you don't want it any other way
I love you so much that I hate you right now
It's so hard to blame you cause you're so damn beautiful
A/N: Hey guys, sorry for taking so long. Here's the update, hope you like it.
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misiamamotylki · 2 months
Jeżeli są tu nowe osoby, które chcą w to wejść - nie warto, to nie jest sposób na szybkie schudnięcie. To jest sposób na świadome wyniszczenie organizmu, ciąganie się po szpitalach, problemy z wysraniem się, wypadającymi włosami, zębami, łamiącymi się paznokciami, brzydkim oddechem, nadmiernym owłosieniem, nadmiernymi gazami, problemami z oddychaniem i wiele innych. Jeżeli nie zacząłeś to nie zaczynaj.
Jezeli nie zapomne bede tutaj dokumentować moj "glow up"😜.
Moim marzeniem jest osiagniecie wagi 32kg (BMI 14,5)
Aktualnie nie jestem nawet blisko, dzisiejsza waga 51,5kg (BMi 21,7)
Obliczyłam sobie że jeżeli jadłabym codziennie 1000kcal, najpóźniej osiągnełabym tą wagę w czerwcu 2025. Idealnie na wakacje...
Wiadomo, będę robić wszystko aby jeść mniej i dokonać tego szybciej ale to mój bezpieczny limit.
Uznałam że będę ważyć się "co kilogram" w ten sposób który sobie wyliczyłam - pierwszy kg powinien zejść 26.07 i dopiero wtedy się zważę. Osiągnełam największą życiową wagę i boję się na nią wchodzić.
Dzisiejszy dzień poszedł całkiem gładko.
Spożyte 1004kcal
Spalone: 254kcal na bieżni + 8000kroków (184kcal)
Bilans: 566
W deficycie: 1146kcal
do schudnięcia pierwszego kg: 1146kcal/9000kcal
Jeżeli jest tu jakaś osoba +15 lat, która jest świadoma swoich wyborów i chce się wspierać to zapraszam na dm ❤️
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litnerdwrites · 2 months
I was out all day yesterday, so I couldn't upload it then, so here it is now. Day seven, extended version. I do have plans to make this a series, and once I have all three series planned out, I'll be sure to ask who's you want to see first. Be sure to look out for more Euphemia content until then too. On a side note, did anyone see Kerri's stories, where she was scrolling through the first few pages of Throne of Secrets. We got a glimpse at the first couple of pages and honestly, ever teaser just makes me more impatient to read it.
This is probably my favourite piece, and the longest that I've written. Even though it's extended, there's so much more that I wanted to add, that I'll probably put into the series. I really loved writing Lust, and trying to balance gentle, romantic side with his lustful, jovial one. Although, I don't think there was much room for the latter here but I'll be sure to give it ago in the series. What are some of your favourite Lust moments from the trilogy? Let me know! @princeofsinweek
Day 7: Lust/Lover
Speak Now - Lust x OC
TW: Almost forced marriage, abuse (father striking his daughter, plus forced fiancé hurting bride), mentioned death of a parent, mentioned canon typical violence.
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Amara was stone faced as her ladies maids tittered around her, tugging, tucking and tidying up her hair in preparation. They had tried to make smalltalk at first, but when she didn’t respond, they quickly gave up. 
She wanted to grimace at her reflection. She wanted to tear the pins and veil from her hair. She wanted to smear the makeup from her face, even if she had to break a few nails and tear her skin to do it. She wanted to rip the silk and lace from her body, and throw it to the pigs. 
She wanted to run.
But she couldn’t. 
All because she had nowhere to go. Noone to turn to. 
The gown itself was classic. An a-line gown made of silk, with a sweetheart neckline, and thick lace sleeves. The ivy patterned lace reached right to where her neck met her head, and somehow managed to irritate her skin. Yet, despite her growing discomfort, she remained like a statue, even as the maids began wondering if she even lived or not. 
“You will wed the Prince, and you will finally make yourself useful to me,” 
Even as it echoed in her own mind, her father’s voice remained harsh, arguably colder than even the northernmost flaming tombs. It became his usual attitude after her mother had been killed by who Amara now knew was the Goddess of Death in an act of vengeance. The father she knew and loved lasted until the funeral, but once people began moving on with their lives, things began to change. Gone was the gentle, doting father she knew, and in his place was a shell of a man who only sought power and fame. 
Even at the expense of his own daughter.
Part of her, thinking back to that night, when she felt as though things had turned around for her. 
Growing sick of the scent of alcohol and sex in her home, she’d wandered to one of the many cliff sides in Palermo. 
She wasn’t sure how long she’d sat there, eyes locked on the crashing waves below, but not really looking at them. 
It would be so easy to just… Push herself forward, and let herself fall. So, so easy. 
But, before she could properly contemplate the idea, he was pulled from her  thoughts by the distant sound of music. As if in a trance, she made her way down the side of the cliff wondering if it was the cold, or anticipation that had her limbs trembling. What she hadn’t expected was to find a bonfire, and a single male dancing on the beach. 
The sculptures that nobles commissioned from renowned artisans to line their overly elaborate halls must’ve been inspired by the man. His skin was gold, and hair dark. His charcoal eyes seemed to glow under the light of a flaming circlet that wrapped around his head. Yet, somehow, she got the impression that if she met his gaze, she’d feel like she was trapped in a darkened abys
se of desire. 
“If you like what you see, then why not join?” The male’s voice jolted her from her thoughts. 
He had been across the beach a moment ago, but now he stood right in front of her. Too close. His face was too close, as he bent at the waist to examine her. It was only then, when she felt that flaming circlet flicker against her forehead that she realized how… Wrong- no. Not wrong. How… Strange it was. 
“Doesn’t your head get hot during the summer?” she had blurted out, before slapping a hand over her mouth. 
The man’s eyes widened, and he had jerked back, clearly surprised by the question. He observed her, eyes narrowing somewhat, before leaning back, letting his lips spread into a grin.
“There are no summers where I’m from,” he shrugged. She blinked up at him, hands still pressed to her mouth, but eyes wide and curious. He seemed so jovial when she first saw him, then he looked like he could see all of her secrets laid bare, before going back to seeming like he was having fun. “Should you not be more concerned by this?” he cocked his head to the side.
Amara dropped her hands from her mouth, and blinked up at him again. After a few moments under his expectant gaze, she raised a brow, and rocked on the soles of her feet, answering with a shrug. “No. My mother was a witch,” 
Lust’s brows shot up. 
“You seem remarkably comfortable sharing that, when all it would take is the wrong person overhearing for you to be condemned,” 
“You aren’t exactly human either, in case you hadn’t noticed,” she pointed out, “I know enough about malvagi to know that if you wanted me dead, I’d be dead. Clearly, you don’t. Not as of yet, anyway,” 
Lust’s brows shot up again, as he circled her. 
Amara held her chin high, eyes tracking the male. 
Silence stretched on for what felt like hours, though was likely only minutes.
“Do you know who I am, Stella Stregah?” he finally asked.
“A Malvagi,” she stated, matter of factly, before looking behind him, “Why are you having a bonfire all alone?” 
“Would you care to join me?” was the only response he gave.
“Will you attempt to use your powers on me?” she asked.
“Dance with me, and perhaps you’ll find out,” the demon bowed at the waist, offering his hand to her. 
Amara eyed him skeptically, but shrugged and accepted.
Music filled her ear again, though there was no discernible source, as the demon guided her through the steps. Amara let him. She followed his lead, though never once made eye contact with the demon. 
“Which one are you?” 
“I am the Prince of Lust,” 
She narrowed her eyes on him. Taking a moment to examine herself, and thinking over their interactions thus far. It didn’t seem like he used his powers on her.
“Why haven’t you tried to influence me with your sin, yet?” 
“Believe me, I’ve been trying,” Lust huffs. 
“Our powers can only inflate emotions that are already present. When I reached out to inflate yours, I sensed no emotion to inflate. Either you truly feel nothing, or they’re so deeply buried that even I can’t find them,” 
“Is that why you considered jumping from the cliff, Stella Stregah?” 
Lust raised a brow, examining the way her face scrunched. 
“That’s not your concern, Malvagi.” Amara snapped, moving to pull away.
He chuckled, yanking her into a spin, before she could, then caught her, and pushed her into a dip, hand cupping the thigh of her raised leg. His face was mear inches from hers.
“No need to be so wrathful, little witch. Let go of your troubles for a night. Release those pent up feelings and give in to your desires,” 
“I’m not sleeping with you,” she told him, point blank. 
“I never said you should. Not unless those are your desires,” Lust shrugged, not rising from the dip, letting his hand trail down her leg, “Dance. Drink,” she glanced behind him to see a table of drinks and food she hadn’t noticed before, and on the other side, comfortable looking chairs were laid out around the bonfire, “Rest. Talk. Sing. Give into whatever brings your pleasure,” 
“You mean to feed your sin,” 
“Perhaps. But can you deny that giving in to pleasure, forgetting what ails you, even for a single night, would be bad?” 
It wouldn’t. She knew it wouldn’t. 
“Surely you have plenty of people available to feed your sin,” 
“Yet I crave you,” 
Amara’s eyes narrowed. 
“If I give into pleasure, you won’t use your sin on me?” 
“Not unless you ask, little witch,” 
“Then it’s a deal. Just for tonight.” 
“Just for tonight.” 
It hadn’t been just for a night. 
She had returned two nights later, and made the same deal again, swearing it was the last time. Then again. And again. And again. And again. 
Eventually, she gave into more and more of her desires, spending more than a couple of those nights with him making love on the beach, or in a cave. One time, he’d even appeared in her bedroom while her father was out drinking. Lust had wrinkled his nose when he appeared, be it at the sorry state of the place she lived in, or the clear evidence of her father’s vices, despite his  own position, she couldn’t tell. 
Eventually, she’d found herself coming to enjoy the jovial prince’s company. Perhaps it was unwise to do so, given what she knew of the malvagi, yet, she couldn’t bring herself to regret it. Even as she began to desire more than just his body. Instead, she longed for tender nights where he held her by the fire after a particularly vigorous session of love making in a cave. 
Foolishly, she longed for the scowl he gave at her proposal to roast marshmallows over his flaming crown, before reluctantly agreeing if only she never shared it with her brothers, only to watch her oh, so tenderly as she made s’mores for them. Above all, she longed for the high she felt in his presence, which she recently learned wasn’t due to his sin, but rather her own feelings, and delusions.
That was all it was. Delusions. 
Princes of Hell are content to rule alone, with no desire to share their power with anyone. 
Now, at least she had her memories to hold onto as she got married. Then, when Prince Zarus would transform her into one of his own at the reception, right before injecting her with his venom, she’d likely lose all senses, or memories of her Prince. Perhaps that would be the mercy. To forget all of it, and be lost in the oblivion for the rest of eternity. 
A sharp knock snaps her from her thoughts. In the mirror, she watched the lady’s maids quickly shuffle out, but glanced away at her father’s entry. She refused to even look at him. 
He, obviously, noticed this too, but for once, did not strike her. Instead, he examined her.
“You don’t look like a whore, for once,” he comments. Amara said nothing. “Don’t look so sullen when you walk down the aisle. You are to wed royalty, and if you wish for comfort in your new life, do not let the prince tire of you.” 
“Don’t pretend this is for me,” she whispers, “All this is so you can gain wealth, power and immortality. You care nothing for how I feel about the matter.” Tears well in her eyes as she gazes at her reflection, feeling like an imposter. 
Her father approached, ignoring her flinch as he placed his hands on her shoulders, leaning beside her head to watch her in the mirror.  
She refused to meet his gaze.
“Nonsense. You’re the precious,” his hands squeezed uncomfortably tight, voice strained, “daughter that my wife left behind before she died. I am merely doing what is best, so that you might live a life of comfort,” 
Amara wanted to retort. To hurl insults and decor at him, but knew the guards would happily inject her before the wedding started, upon their Prince’s orders, and drag her down the aisle in that state of euphoria if that’s what it took. She didn’t want that. She wanted to put it off as long as she could. Yet, she also wanted to be rid of her father. 
Mercifully, another knock at the door dragged her father away with one, final, painful squeeze of her shoulders. 
She barely noticed the newcomer enter after her father, the woman draped in silver, emanating a familiar sensuality. Amara’s eyes snapped to hers as she pressed a finger to her lips. A slip of paper drops in front of her, before she uses transvenio to make her escape. 
Eyes wide, Amara reaches for the paper, slowly unfolding it. 
My dearest Amara, You don’t have to say yes. Meet at the back door and I can take you away from here, somewhere you’d be happy. I’d give absolutely anything for that, so I ask that if you wish to escape this, then come find me. I’ll be there until the reception ends.  Forever yours, Prince Lust. 
The message burst into flames, leaving behind a slip of paper with a map drawn on it. It appeared to lead from her room to the place he was waiting. The only issue were the guards outside her room. With furrowed brows, she shoved the paper into her pocket, hoping she’d have a chance on the way to the altar. 
Finally, when her father came to collect her, she walked to the end of the hall. 
“Father. I- I forgot my necklace! Could you go back and get it?” 
“Just leave it, before we’re late,” he assures, with thinly veiled irritation and faux kindness.
“But it was a gift from the Prince. He’d be terribly angry if I don’t,” she tried.
Her father raised a brow, but nodded to the guards, who turned back. She and her father had watched them head back up the hall, to her room, before she turned on her heel, reaching for the paper. She’d made it halfway up the hall before a firm grip pulled her back. 
“Where do you think you’re-” he noticed the paper. His eyes slid over the map, narrowing on it. Before she knew what was happening, a sharp sting was felt across her face, strong enough to send her to the ground, “You whore! You think you can escape this? You think you can embarrass me?!”
She shrank under his ire, more tears welling in his eyes. 
“I- I’m sorry-”
He yanked her up by the arm. 
“No. But you will be. Just you wait until the reception is over,” he hissed, “Now compose yourself,” 
She did her best as they stood in the hallway, certain that the guards heard everything. A put of dread opened up in her stomach and minutes ticked by far too slowly, yet far too quickly at the same time. Each second was like a step towards the gallows. 
She barely processed the guard’s return or her father clasping the necklace around her. She didn’t bother to hide her stiffness, or heartbreak, even as her father snapped at her to smile. As far as she was concerned, this was as good as walking to the executioner’s block. 
The doors to the throne room opened, revealing the altar, where the immortal throne, where Zarus, sat at the end of an aisle laid with red and black petals. 
Amara didn’t care much what plant they were from, only that it felt like a mocking reminder that the path to her future was scattered with more and more burdens to laden her shoulders. 
She didn’t notice when she got to the altar.
She didn’t acknowledge the priest, or her fiance. 
She stood in stony silence, with the eyes of bloodsucking monsters pinned to her. 
The lines she dreaded most were coming.
She hardly felt like she could breath, much less speak. 
She wanted to run.
She had to run.
She needed to run. 
“Do you, Amara Willows, take Prince Zarus to be your Prince and your husband, and to serve him and his court, for the rest of eternity?” 
Her throat dried up. 
She couldn’t speak.
“Amara?” a distant voice called.
She couldn't discern who.
She could feel her father’s harsh glare on her, and the Prince’s hand tightening on hers. 
“Amare Willows, do you take-” 
She couldn’t take it. She ran. Amara practically jumped off the altar, gown bunched in her hands, as she raced for the doors. There was yelling, and she felt pain in her foot as she stumbled, shoe falling off in the process, but she refused to acknowledge the pain as she made for the doors. It only really sunk in as two guards caught her arms in a bruising grip.
“Let me-” 
“Aren’t you supposed to ask those with objections to ‘speak now’ or some bullshit?” 
Amara’s head snapped towards the door at the familiar voice. Charcoal eyes met her own, and the flames that circled his head flickered somewhat brighter. As per usual, he wore an embroidered suit jacket and pants, foregoing the shirt. 
It was him. 
He was here. 
Her prince was here. 
“There is none in this court who would dare object to their Prince’s union,” scowled Zarus. 
“Luckily I’m not part of this court then,” Lust grins, ever the jovial one, “So allow me to say with all sincerity in my non-existent heart,” he mocked, only, there was something different. His eyes had an intensity about them that she’d never seen before, “that I object,” 
“Lu-” she tried to reach out, only for Zarus to appear in front of her. 
The guards back off when Zarus grabs her wrist. 
“On what grounds? You have no right to interfere in our affairs,”  
“I do when you take a member of my court,” 
“My daughter has never been a member of your vile court!” Her father interrupted, his face going red, from embarrassment or rage, she couldn’t tell. 
“You see, that’s where you're wrong,” Lust starts, as he begins his way up the aisle, “She and I had made a deal, that involved her allowing me to fuel my sin through her several times a week. Marrying you would prevent her from holding up her end of the bargain,” 
Her eyes widened as she recalled the deal she made, time and time again. 
“Each corner of The Underworld has its own set of laws. Human law, the law of the Shifting Isles, dictates that a woman may not enter such agreements without her father or husband’s consent, deferring only to their female line in the absence of a male relative,” her father snapped. 
“Yes, however, each law can be overturned by The King,” 
“Not without valid reason to-” 
“And there is,” a new voice called. 
The man who just entered is burly, with dark hair, tied back with leather, and upswept, dark eyes. A scar is carved through his right cheek, a silver gleam against his darker features, and fine black suite. Despite how bored the man seems, the way his hand remains in reach of what appears to be a dagger’s sheath makes it clear that he’s been assessing everything with a warrior’s eye. He came prepared for violence. 
Lust told her about him before. Anir. The King’s second. 
“Consent is the most important aspect of courtship and marriage. Yet your bride doesn’t appear to want to be here at all,” Lust muses.
“What nonsense-” her father snapped, but was cut off by a withering glare from Anir. 
“The King has asked me to confirm this. If it is true, then he’s willing to recognise House Lust’s claim of the woman, and has ordered me to leave behind a declaration of war as a result,” Anir holds an envelope between two fingers. 
“This is ridiculous-” her father attempted again, only to be cut off again.
“Of course my bride wishes to be here,” Zarus turns from Anir to Amara, grip tightening painfully on her wrist, “don’t you?” 
Amara winces, unable to speak from the strength with which he was holding her. Anir examined her, waiting, but the pain in her wrist became too much. She was sure he was crushing the bone, even before she heard a snapping sound coming from there. She wanted to cry out, only for the pressure on her wrist to vanish in a moment. 
That was the moment the petals scattered on the aisle started coming closer. It was as if she was falling.
It wasn’t until warm arms wrapped around her waist, pulling her to a warm chest, that she saw Lust kneeling beside her. Through her gaze, though blurred with unshed tears, she noticed a female demon, the one from before, gripping the Prince’s hand almost as tightly as he did her’s. Tighter perhaps. 
A warm hand gently guided her face away from the sight, so that she might meet the gaze of her prince instead. 
“I’m sorry. I couldn’t make it,” she whispered, thinking to her failed attempt at escape,” 
“It’s okay, little witch. I’m here now,” Lust whispers, cradling your body. 
You turn to see the man, Anir, approaching too. His gaze is calculating as he observes you, likely trying to figure out what to report to his prince. 
“What’s important now is that you’re honest,” he tells you sternly, though not unkindly, “If you don’t wish to marry Zarus, speak now, Miss Willows,” 
Her heart races at his words, at the opportunity to escape. She wants to reach for it, to grasp it but-
“But where will I go?” she asks weakly. 
Lust, who was cradling her wounded wrist in his hand, smiled gently at her. Like he had many times before. 
“You’ll come with me,” he whispered. 
“But why? You have so many demons to feed your sin, so why-” 
“Because I want you,” he reminds her, “I’ll tell you as many times as you need. I want you. Not anybody else,” he leans down to your ear, “Come back with me, to House Lust. Join my court officially. Be mine. Let me make you my princess, and then be mine. Mine for eternity,” 
“Hush. Let me finish,” he waits for you to nod before speaking, “In return, I’ll give you all the comfort and pleasure you want. I won’t have dalliances with anyone else. I won’t look at anyone else. Nobody but you. I’ll give you whatever your heart desires, if you just say ‘yes’” 
He’s practically begging, in front of the entire vampire court, and his brother’s second, no less. 
You don’t bother to contain your tears as you lean up, wrapping your good arm around him. 
“Miss Willows-” Anir begins. 
“Amara, I forbid-” 
“Yes,” she manages to get out through her sobs, not breaking your gaze from Lust’s, “I want to go to House Lust. I want to leave this place,”
Anir nods, beginning to address the room again, but you pay it no mind. Instead, she wrapped her arms around Lust’s shoulders, mindful of the injured wrist, and buried your face there. The demon from earlier tried to console her, only for Lust to wave her away. He could feel her emotions. The fear, and heartache for her situation, all overshadowed by relife, joy, and desire for her freedom, for Lust. He felt no need to inflate it, instead, he gently encouraged her to let it out however she needed. 
It was only when Lust deposited her on a bed covered in deep plum silks, and overly stuffed pillows.
“Care for a bath?” he asked.
“As long as it stays one. I’m far too tired to do anything right now,” she murmured to him.
Lust chuckled, but agreed, as he helped her from, what he called, an inordinate amount of fabric, as she giggled and reminded him that it was only two layers.
“Two layers too many,” he huffed, before tearing the dress from her body and depositing her in the bat. 
While she soaked, Lust gently wiped the makeup from her face, before pressing a kiss to her temple. He brought some ointment and bandages for her wrist, silently wrapping it, before carrying her back to bed.
“If you don’t wish to sleep bare, I could have some night clothes brought,” he gently offered, as he helped her dry off.
Amara shook her head.
“I’ve slept beside you, naked, in caves, and on sand. I think I’ll be fine to do so while wrapped in the most comfortable silks I’ve ever seen,” she assured.
Lust smiled, nodding, before reaching for something from the bedside.
“I only wish for your comfort, little witch, before I make good on one of my promises,” 
Amara blushed at the reminder.
“You don’t-”
He ignored her as he took a ring in one hand, hew good wrist in the other. 
“I want to. Let me make you my princess. My fiance. My only lover,”
She stared at him, noting sincerity in his dark eyes. Amara nodded.  
“Then, from now until eternity, be mine, Lust,” 
Lust slid the ring to her finger, then pressed a kiss to her lips.
“Mine,” he nipped at her.
She giggled, and nipped back.  
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wolfawaycamp · 4 months
emma and nick wake up in the woods the morning after turning and sort out what happened the night before, specifically what happened at the campfire
(preferably abi is still alive)
🐼Admittedly, I snagged this one to practice writing Nick's POV, but I'm also so emo for Furblygbank already so we're kind of killing two birds with one stone. Thanks for the ask, anon :)
The rising sun’s golden hue was almost blinding to Nick’s bleary eyes. He’d just woken up in the middle of the woods in his underwear and needed a second to regain his grip on reality. The last thing he remembered was…red. Like, an entire red room. Before that, he was in the poolhouse, and Abi —
Did he kill Abi?
“Hello? Anyone in there?”
Nick blinked and squinted at the person pestering him. Emma was leaning over him with her hand outstretched, and she was soaked with blood. He refused her hand and scrambled to his feet, attempting to string his words together into a poor facsimile of a sentence. “What…where did…why are you bloody?”
Emma looked him up and down. “I could ask you the same question. Let me guess; you were also attacked by a big scary animal with glowing eyes and massive claws?”
“Yeah…right after you pashed me in front of Abi at the campfire and left to go have fun with Jacob.” Nick didn’t mean to sound bitter, especially since it seemed as though Emma had had an equally shitty night, but he’d admit that he was a bit…jealous. Of what? He didn’t know.
“Oh, come on.” Emma rolled her eyes. “Don’t act like you weren’t at least a little bit into it.”
Were they really doing this? Right now, when he was wrestling with the notion that he very well could have murdered his crush when he was — he didn’t know what had happened to him — transformed? Nick lowered his gaze toward the dew-laden grass embracing his bare feet. He would have thought it beautiful or poetic or something if he wasn’t currently having a mental breakdown. “Emma, I—I think I may have killed Abi.”
She stared at him with a tired expression. “Nick…” her voice trailed off. “...we should go try to find the others. I was with Jacob, but he—he turned into one of those things.” Great. It was spreading. “Do you have any idea where we are?”
Nick assessed their surroundings; they were near where he and Abi had collected sticks and watched the sunset not even a day ago. He could pinpoint the lodge from here. “Um…I think the lodge is this way. Yeah, definitely this way.” Nodding toward their destination, he began to tentatively walk in that direction.
Emma followed. “Hey, for the record, I think Abi might be okay.”
“I was sitting in the van trying to hide from these old guys with guns, and then I think I turned into one of whatever these things are, and I saw Abi. She was running away from me.” Emma winced. “And I think Dylan shot me.”
“Dylan? Are you sure it wasn’t a hallucination?” Nick couldn’t believe he was amused by that thought. Perhaps this god-awful night wasn’t as bad for the other counselors as it had been for him.
“You know, Nick, I’m not really sure any of what’s happened tonight was real, including this conversation, so no, I’m not,” Emma sighed. The exhaustion was setting in for both of them. Nick wondered what the chances were that they could take a quick power nap back at the lodge. Probably slim.
They trekked together in silence until Nick couldn’t take it. “Are we bad people?”
Emma shot him an offended glance. “I don’t think kissing someone on a dare makes you a bad person.”
Nick knew it wasn’t that black and white. That kiss was not just a kiss. “No, but choosing to kiss someone you know your best friend likes, and who also likes them back, and bragging about it afterward might.”
“It got you two to go and have a nice, romantic kiss in the moonlight, didn’t it?” Emma replied dismissively.
“N—no. No, Emma. We were attacked. I got bitten by that animal and then I told Abi I only liked her because she was stupid and easy to manipulate. She was nothing but kind to me and I—” Nick inhaled sharply. His eyes stung at the sudden recollection of those last moments. “Easy pickings. Right off the bone,” he’d growled before tossing her across the poolhouse. Who says that? Who does that?
“Hey, come back to me. I’m…I’m sorry.” Emma’s voice was soft. She placed a hand on his arm. “You’re right; kissing you was a dick move. You two were just so scared to make the first move that I thought I could fix it with a little drama. I’d say it backfired pretty spectacularly.”
Nick said nothing. At this rate, he’d be a sobbing mess by the time they reached the lodge.
Emma continued. “I don’t know what happened between you two, but I do know that Abi’s got a big heart and she likes you a lot. She won’t hold a grudge against you for something out of your control. Me, on the other hand…I’m not so sure after all of this. I think I’ve burned that bridge.”
I think we both have, Nick thought as the lodge came into view. Maybe it would have been better for him to have killed Abi. He wasn’t prepared to face her yet. He probably would never be.
Right as they reached the bottom steps, the front door opened. Abi stood in the doorway, blood and sweat matting her already dark red hair and the remnants of a nasty bite still visible on her shoulder. “Oh my god.” She rushed down the stairs toward them.
“Abi…” Nick started, but the air was knocked out of him before he could pull an apology out of his arse. She wrapped him in a tight embrace.
“You’re okay. I thought I’d killed you,” her voice buzzed in his chest.
Nick had no idea how to respond to that. Wasn’t he supposed to be the rabid monster who was killing people? “L—likewise.”
Abi lifted her head and looked at Emma. “You too. Come here.” She reached out her arm and pulled Emma close.
“Abs, we’re not exactly clean right now,” Emma said in a nervous huff of laughter. “You don’t have to—”
“Oh, shut it. I’ll take bloody friends over werewolves any day.”
Werewolves? Was that what he was? Fucking hell.
The three of them held onto each other in silence. They’d survived the night. Maybe there was still hope for their fractured bond to do the same.
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corazondebeskar-reads · 9 months
well it's love, make it hurt: The Life Day Special
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well it's love, make it hurt series
bonus: The Life Day Special
series masterlist
(This takes place several years after the series epilogue.)
dom!Din Djarin x sub!f!reader
Words: 5.1k
Summary: You, Din, and Grogu return to Batuu for your first Life Day celebration as a clan.
Warnings: bdsm, d/s dynamics, enthusiastic consent, preestablished safeword etc, dom!din djarin x sub!reader, soft din djarin, din djarin is a good dad, vaginal sex, author plays god with the timelines (sorry), canon adjacent?, canon divergence?, no use of y/n, tooth-rotting fluff, Life Day Fluff
also on ao3
dividers by @saradika-graphics
12 ABY - Autumn
You kept your apartment.
It wasn’t home, not anymore, but something in the back of your mind wouldn’t relax its jaws and release the safety. So you kept it.
Which is how you end up winning the argument and taking Grogu to Batuu for his first Life Day celebration (since meeting Din, at least).
“You never cared about Life Day before,” Din complained half-heartedly. He’s getting a little too good at faking his expressions now; you miss the early days when his exposed face was an open book. But the sulking doesn’t reach his eyes, so you roll yours exaggeratedly.
“They love Life Day at the Outpost. It was hard not to get involved.”
"Involved" meant too many themed drinks at the Cantina and then feeling bad for yourself in your quiet apartment, but Din didn’t need to know that.
All he needed to know was how your heart had ached, watching the families under the soft glow of the celebratory blue orbs. How you sat alone at the bar as whoever got stuck behind it for the night told you of sharing joy and harmony with their families during the day.
It was enough to convince him. He couldn’t begrudge you Life Day with a family.
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So here you were, dusting off the counters in your old flat, Grogu bouncing on the couch with absolutely terrifying stunts.
You know now of his abilities, but that doesn’t mean your heart doesn’t skip a beat when he flips through the air. Amid his squeals of joy and your thorough cleaning, you hadn’t noticed Din leave the room.
You find him in the bedroom, sitting on the edge of the mattress he had just made up with clean bedding. The blinds in your apartment are all drawn, and none of you don your armor inside.
Your first thought is how small he looks. You’re used to seeing him in just his underclothes now, so the sight of him in the fitted black flightsuit shouldn’t be jarring. Maybe it’s the way his lips are pursed, or brows scrunched together. Maybe it’s the way he’s clutching the baby’s vibrant red robe in both hands.
“You don’t have to wear one.” You try for a light tease, but it just sounds a little anxious.
He looks up, alarmed at your tone. But it’s not him you’re afraid of. It’s whatever’s got him looking so sad. He can read it, though. You’ve always been an open book to him.
He sighs, eyes closing for a moment, and you feel something catch inside your throat.
“C’mere,” he says, patting the bed. You take your place beside him, slipping an arm around his warm body. He leans against you, head resting on your shoulder, and you press your lips to his hair.
“What’s wrong, cyare?” you whisper.
“Nothing’s wrong,” he says, but you’re not convinced. “I just… I don’t remember them a lot. My parents. I should, I think, but there isn’t much there. My father covered in flour in the kitchen. My mother laughing at him. Just… glimpses.”
You don’t dare say a thing, but you do run your hand up and down his arm, humming acknowledgment when he pauses.
“I’m not upset. Don’t go feeling bad,” he says, and you look at him to parse the warning. “My last memories of them were in robes like these.”
“Oh, Din—”
“I told you not to feel bad. It can’t really hurt me anymore. I just haven’t thought about it like this in a long time.” He takes another deep sigh, tugging you with him to lie back on the bed. He rolls to his side and pulls you close.
“I don’t think they were for Life Day, just that they were red. I had one, too. Their hair was dark, like mine. But I can’t remember anything else.”
You let the silence sit for a moment. You watch each other’s eyes, deep and shadowed. You get it. You stopped being able to see your ghosts long ago.
“They’d be proud of you,” you whisper.
“Yeah,” he scoffs. “A mercenary for a son.”
You shake your head as best you can with the bed against your cheek and reach up to push errant curls behind his ear. Your hand slides to cradle his face. “No. An honorable man. A strong warrior. A loving father.”
Something is churning in his eyes, something he can’t let in right now, not today. He blinks it away and kisses you, winding his hands into your hair and shirt, drawing you as close as he can until the grief is replaced by need.
You’re not sure how he ends up on top of you, but his lips never leave yours, and he licks inside like he can swallow you whole. You’d let him, of course. You give him what he needs: a soft, pliant outlet for his pain.
You do stop him, though, when he goes to tug off your flightsuit.
“Put that on the docket for later, riduur. We’ve got a tree to see.”
He whines but stops trying to peel you bare. He does not, however, let you get up, the hard line of his cock pressing against where you’re burning for him. One hand dips into the mattress while the other comes up to hold the back of your neck and draw you into a deep kiss.
He grinds against you as he licks into your mouth, making you cry out into his.
“Din,” you whine, weakly pushing at his shoulder. Your heart’s not in it, but you feel obligated to try.
He smirks into the kiss, and the cockiness of it just about does you in. Which is, of course, when he pulls completely back. He goes from having you pinned and nearly coming in your pants to standing at the side of the bed with his head cocked.
“What’re you doing lounging around, cyare? I thought we needed to leave?”
“I’m gonna kill you,” you groan. “C’mon, please?”
“We wouldn’t want to be late,” he chides, already halfway through the door to the living room.
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The town is dark, amber lights dimmed or extinguished in preparation for the ceremony. The warm breeze carries the low chatter in and out of the streets as people mingle and relax.
The tree is set up in the open rotunda of docking bay seven, the usual tables shoved against the walls. The restaurant is open, and people are drifting in and out of the cantina.
It’s weird to be back. You feel like a holo, flickering in and out. You see faces you recognize, but of course, they don’t recognize you. Not behind the steel.
In the end, you’re glad. Not having to feel obligated to make small talk about everything that’s changed over the years is a relief.
Until you see Moshi holding a little red bundle that looks suspiciously like an infant.
You let go of Din’s hand and go over. “Who trusted you with a baby?”
Moshi startles, and you remember the helmet. But he pauses and squints. “Is that you, kid? What’s with the bucket?”
“I asked you first.”
But he doesn’t need to answer. The hood of the baby’s Life Day robes falls back, and their little antennae pop free.
“Is that—”
“Yeah. We got married.”
You bite your tongue. You want to ask, but you don’t want to be rude.
“Yes, all three of us,” Moshi takes pity on your politeness.
“That’s wonderful. Congratulations,” you say. Then you laugh.
Moshi looks taken aback.
“No, I’m sorry. I just realized we both got married and have little green babies,” you say and wave Din over.
You visit for a few minutes after everyone has been introduced before breaking off to wander toward the tree.
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Din has Grogu in the birikad facing outward, but he still wraps an arm underneath and another around him. He’s bouncing him a little; you suspect it’s unintentional. His head is ducked down so he can murmur, letting Grogu hear him without the modulator picking it up.
The three of you had read a holobook together in bed last night about the meaning of the holiday, and you’d bet all the credits in your pouch that Din’s pointing out the things you saw in the illustrations.
It makes your chest feel weirdly tight, and you hang back a few steps so you can soak in the sight.
So this is what you’ve been missing out on. All those years spent yearning without really understanding. Joy, family, harmony. Your throat tightens as you watch your little clan.
The thing is, you know Din wants more kids. He’s never said it. But you know.
You’re just not ready.
And with the stupid hilt that hangs on your riduur’s belt, you’re not sure it’s a good idea. It scares you a little.
Okay, it scares you a lot.
But you’ve agreed not to discuss it until after this little vacation, so you avoid looking at it and thinking about what comes next.
You find your way to them before the lighting ceremony. One of the prominent Wookie community members gives a little speech, each sentence followed by their translator in Basic. The local schoolchildren put on a little performance.
It’s all cute and quaint, and you wonder, not for the first time, if that’s the life Grogu deserves.
You never wonder for long. He’s a Mandalorian; he’s not suited for this calm and quiet. This is not the life for your family, and that’s okay.
Din slides his arm around your waist, and you reach up to hold one of Grogu’s hands, the other of which is wrapped around his father’s glove. You look at your riduur and know he’s smiling back at you behind the visor.
Neither of you watch the lighting, too busy watching it reflect in Grogu’s wide eyes, the way he gasps when the orbs begin to glow. He reaches for them, and both of you whisper, “Grogu, no!” before he tries to summon one.
He blinks, eyes rapidly tearing up, so you take the chance to offer him a sweetbread.
“You spoil him,” Din teases like he hadn’t done the same thing earlier.
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Late that night, when you’ve wandered the market and taken in the crafts and wares, you pick up boxes of kaadu sliders and warm, buttery five-blossom bread before you head back to the apartment.
The baby, who’d been snacking all night, is asleep against Din’s chest, head flopped back against the beskar, and little limbs dangling from the holes in the carrier. Clutched in one hand is a little toy orb in a jute net.
(“You spoil him,” you had mocked in a poor imitation of his voice when he handed over far too many credits to the vendor.)
You carefully help undo the fastenings so Din can ease him into the pram. When he’s settled, and the lid closed, Din lifts his helmet off and places it on the counter next to the food.
He looks ravenous.
You are, too, but when you’re reaching for the takeout and he’s reaching for your beskar’gam, you realize you’re hungry for different things.
It only takes a second for you to get on board with him, though. You each unlatch the others’ armor with reverence, setting it on the long island that separates your kitchen and living room. He has far more pieces than you, but it gives you the chance to drop to your knees to remove his thigh and shin plates.
You hand each piece to him, your mind already filling with a quiet hum. When you look up at him, his fond gaze is almost worshipful, and you start to look away, the intensity curling in your stomach.
He catches your chin, holding it firmly. You squirm under his silent focus but don’t pull away. Finally, he grants mercy with a small smile and a stroke of his hand against your cheek before he helps you up.
His hands never leave you, sliding to your neck to pull you in for a kiss before grazing down, brushing the side of your breasts, tickling over your ribs, and landing on your hips. You press your foreheads together—something he loves even helmetless.
“Thank you,” he murmurs, “for tonight. I’m glad we came.”
“Me too,” you whisper before you’re unable to resist and catch his lips for a decidedly unchaste kiss.
He walks you backward to the bedroom, closing the door behind him without breaking the kiss. He peels you out of your flightsuit, stripping you until the only thing left is the thin chain around your neck.
He leaves the overhead lights off but indulges in one of the sconces near the door—ever since you were married, he hates to fuck in the dark, hates to have any part of you hidden from him.
You don’t mind. It means you get to see every time his eyebrows rise and fall or his lips twitch from pleasure and mirth. The way his face crinkles with laugh lines and age.
And his eyes. You don’t think you’ll ever get enough. He can hide nothing behind them, laying himself bare for you to greedily drink in.
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You correctly assume he’s up to something when, instead of groping you, he digs through his bag.
Except—”Hey, that’s my pack. What’re you looking for?”
He doesn’t respond, but you can see enough of his profile to watch the smirk sprawl out. It’s positively devious, and you shudder a little.
When he walks back to you, he hands you… your pajamas. You look up at him with a furrowed brow, clutching the soft shorts and tank top in your lap.
“I thought—”
He holds a finger to your lips. “Get dressed.”
You obey. You don’t fail to notice he hasn’t given you undergarments.
When you finish tugging the tank top down over your stomach, he wraps an arm around your waist, drawing you close.
“I was thinking about the first time we met here,” he says. There’s a preternatural glint in his eyes. Or maybe it’s just the glare of the sconce, but it feels unnerving.
“What about it?” Your voice wavers a little. You just know he’s up to no good.
“Oh, I don’t know. Just that, if there hadn’t been the extenuating circumstances—”
(a funny way to think of the time you thought he was dead and also tried to kill him, but okay)
”—it might have been fun. You know, catching you like that.”
Your brain catches up. “You want to hunt me.”
His responding chuckle is dark and rough. He’s already looking at you like prey. “I do. I want you to run from me, sweetheart, and then when I catch you, well. I suppose you’ll find out.”
Your heart has kicked up twice as fast, and your cunt aches. “What if I want to be caught?”
“I know you do. But you’re going to be a good girl and play this little game for me. You’re going to try very hard to evade me, so it’ll be all the sweeter when I get you.”
Shit. Kriffing stars. You’re burning so hot you think you may combust. “You can’t just say things like that,” you whisper, voice cracking.
He laughs, full out this time but not any less intimidating. “Like what? That there’s nowhere you can hide from me, pretty girl? That once I catch you, I’m going to help myself to a reward?”
You’re dripping; you know you are. You have to be, with the way all your bones have turned molten and your whole body throbs with need.
It’s not lost on him. “Better get your wits about you, ner lened’ika. Whether you get to cum or not depends on how hard you try to get away.”
It takes you a moment. You’re more or less fluent, now, but sometimes your brain gets tripped up by modifiers.
“Lene… lened’i—hey. That’s not playing fair.” You’re burning, the flush spreading from your ears to your chest rapidly.
“Am I wrong? You’re not my little target? My quarry?”
You bury your face in your hands. “You gotta lay off if you want me to be able to do this.”
He laughs. “You on the edge already, cyare?”
“You know I am.”
“Alright, fine. I was going to give you a ten-minute headstart. You can have fifteen.”
You open your mouth to complain, but he quirks an eyebrow. “Thank you, sir,” you grumble.
“Better get your shoes on, sweetheart. Timer’s about to start,” he goes to stroll back into the living room to collect his helmet.
He stops and turns back to you, brows knitted with worry.
“I want some rules.”
The concern falls away, chased by the return of his smirk. “Okay, I can give you some rules.”
“No. I want to make some rules.”
“I’ll hear them,” he grants.
You’re a tempestuous sea of excitement and frustration. He’s not wrong, this sounds fun, but his cockiness is driving you to a boil. The innate obedience only he can draw from you is still in control, but stars do you want to just act up and get fucked.
“If I don’t get armor, neither do you. Just helmets,” you start with the most reasonable of your demands.
He nods.
“No jetpack.”
He has to pause and consider that one. “Fine.”
“You can’t bring any tools. No climbing hooks, no grappling line, nothing.”
“Fine—except these.” He holds up his set of binders, and the sight goes straight to your cunt.
You gulp instead of responding, wide eyes trained on the cuffs.
“Is that a problem?” he asks, with the smuggest grin.
You just shake your head. He already knows how little of a problem it is. Instead, you give your final demand.
“I get thirty minutes.”
“Try that again, and you’ll get five.”
Fuck. There’s no way you’re making much longer than your fifteen. You’re already sweating and trembling a little.
“Don’t make it easy on me,” he warns. “Or I’ll make it easy on you.”
That shouldn’t be an effective threat. But here you are, whimpering at the idea of him not roughing you up a little.
“I know,” he says, oozing fake sympathy at your whines, “you’re always easy for me, huh?”
You narrow your eyes, reaching for your helmet. Right before you put it on, you give him a sweet smile and say, “I’ll see you back here in the morning.”
You slide it over your head in time to enjoy the way his eyes darken, and his mouth draws thin. Before he can retort, which you can see brewing in the way the tip of his tongue ducks out to wet his lips, you throw open the door and run.
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Your first thought is to stay in town. There are many hiding places, and it’s your home turf; you’d have a clear advantage. But you don’t want him to have to wait, to drag you back to privacy.
No. You’re hoping he fucks you on the ground wherever he finds you.
Instead, you’ll need to lose him before you climb the spires. You know the best area to cross them, but that’ll mean nothing if he follows you right there.
It doesn’t take much time to get out of town and past the old ruins to the river. You let your boots stick in the mud just a second too long when you enter the stream, leaving silt and whatever isn’t washed away on the rocky bank on the other side.
You take the trail to the edge of the towering trunks where your prints would fade and then use the infrared in your visor to backtrack carefully. There are a couple of sloppy spots, but you’re hoping his dick will be too hard for him to catch them.
When you get back in the river, you pull your boots off and carry them, wading through until it takes you around a bend and near the waterfall.
This is where you hesitate and lose time. The waterfall would be a good cover, but you’ll have to get fully wet to hide behind it. Also, the cavern there is rough and not really where you’d like to be stuck if he finds you.
But if you climb up, you won’t be able to use the river to hide anymore. Going against the strong current wasn’t much of an obstacle to this point, but a misstep up there would have more severe consequences.
In the end, you tuck your boots away behind a rocky outcropping at the base of the falls and sneak off barefoot along the hillside toward the ancient petrified forest. Maybe if you hurry, the wet footprints will dry.
When you reach the top of a spire and settle on the other side, you chance a look around, hoping his shiny head will give him away.
But you don’t see anything. Not with any of the scopes in your visor, either. There’s no way it was that easy. No way he hasn’t caught up.
Unless he’s already found you, and he’s hidden, making you sweat. Fuck.
That’s when you realize your foot stings, and you look down to find a cut on your heel. You must have scraped against the bark. It’s not a serious wound, but it poses a bigger problem as you peer down and verify that, yep, there’s blood on the side of the spire.
You wipe the blood off your foot and onto your shorts before putting pressure on the cut for a minute, trying to decide the best path forward. Once it’s not actively seeping, you descend the spire, keeping the hurt side of your foot as far away from the surface as possible.
You know it’ll start bleeding again when you start running, but maybe you can put distance between the initial drops and yourself.
You’re running out of options. It’s tough to admit to yourself, but you knew the risk when you abandoned your boots.
It’s harder than you thought to climb a tree with three limbs, but you don’t want to risk rubbing blood against the bark. Once you’re high enough into the branches, you cross over into another tree, and another, and another until you’ve put some distance between yourself and the spires.
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You startle when the comm inside your helmet crackles.
“Are you hurt?” he demands without greeting.
Shit. “I’m fine. Why?”
“Don’t lie to me, cyare. I saw blood.”
Does it count if you don’t lie again? Was it even technically a lie? “Lots of creatures out here, Din. Carnivorous ones, even.”
He huffs but doesn’t push. “Ready to give up yet, sweetheart? You sound out of breath.”
“Aw, can’t find me?” you tease. “Thought I was always easy?”
He growls, and you’re sure it was something threatening and hot, but you’re distracted by the fact that you could hear it. Without the helmet.
Which means you’re trapped. He doesn’t know where you are, but he’s close.
Your visor shows blood droplets on the ground and, sort of hilariously, along the bottom of a spray of leaves from when you had swung from one branch to another. Hopefully, it’s random enough to throw him off.
You’re holding every muscle still, letting the only rustle through the trees remain the light breeze. It’s not long before you hear the crunch of his boots.
He knows you’re close. For a man that can move silent as a snake to be making that much noise—well, he’s taunting you for certain.
He may know you’re close, but he’s not found you yet. You breathe with the breeze and hold quiet when it's still. It’s one of those awful moments where you watch as he comes up right beneath your branch just in time for a droplet of blood to roll off the sole of your foot.
With the forest as tense as your muscles, there’s nothing to divert its path. It slides right down his visor.
You don’t wait for him to look up. You launch yourself out of the tree on the opposite side, hitting the ground hard but rolling out of it. Dodging the thick trunks is difficult when all you can focus on is the sound of his pursuit.
He’s faster than you. It’s just the truth. You can outmaneuver him and maybe even outlast him, but when it comes to these short bursts of speed, it’s not even a close call.
So you’re ready when he tackles you. Well, when he tries to. Din is not a small man, and so he hurtles past you onto the ground when you dodge to the side and bring yourself to a sudden halt. You peel off in another direction while he springs to his feet.
This is such a different game of lothcat and womprat than you’re used to with quarry. You and Din are so in sync and so intimately familiar with the other’s movements that there’s no better match in the world. And at the same time, it’s so fucking infuriating.
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The next time he comes close, he actually gets one cuff around your wrist, but you’re already twisting out of his grasp. You think you’re getting away, but before you put enough distance, he catches you off guard.
He fucking binds himself with the other cuff. It’s maybe the hottest thing he’s ever done; it was so clever you kind of want to suck his dick about it. But, of course, that would be giving in. So, instead, you use your free arm to wiggle the pin out from your hair at the nape of your neck and try to stick it just right in the lock.
By the stars, it actually works. You’re off before he realizes what happened.
“Hey! You said no tools!” he yells, his voice echoing through the empty forest.
You didn’t, actually. You said he couldn’t bring tools. But you don’t waste the energy to remind him.
Also, you hadn’t exactly planned it. It was only accessible since you had none of your normal clothing or protections in the way. But he didn’t need to know that.
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It’s over the next time he catches up to you. After taking off, you hadn’t heard him follow. He’d gone back to being the silent predator and come at you from a different angle.
He tackles you from the side, and after a brief bout of wrestling, he pins you on your stomach and clasps the binders around both wrists. He’s using his whole body weight to hold you down, and your eyes roll back when he rolls his hips against you just right.
He’s so fucking hard; you feel your arousal gush in response.
He sits back, straddling your thighs, and lands a harsh smack to your ass. “Giving up?” he teases.
You squirm under him, but it’s no use, and you both know it. He laughs, and it sends a chill down your spine that’s somehow molten by the time it reaches your cunt.
He spanks you a few more times for good measure, sharp and strong, before he lifts just enough to yank your shorts down.
“Fuck, I can’t wait for this cunt,” he groans. And he doesn’t. He pulls out his cock, already swollen and leaking with need, and drives it right to your core.
No matter how slick you already are, it’s a glorious stretch. You cry out, and he reaches over and turns the volume on your helmet off.
“Scream for me all you want, sweetheart. Fuck, you take it so well.”
You’re still struggling a little, more out of instinct than desire to get away. Your brain protests being captured, but it changes its tune fairly quickly when the thick head of his cock knocks against something blissful.
“Yield, lened’ika,” he snarls, pushing one broad hand between your shoulder blades to pin you against the soil.
“No,” you try to snarl back, but it doesn’t come out quite as intimidating as you hoped, breaking on a moan.
He yanks your hips up a little, fucking up into you with no mercy. You’re so full, so stuffed with him, and each movement batters against your walls and sends sparks across your hazy eyes.
“Yield,” he snarls, smacking his hand against the side of your ass and then helping himself to a fistful.
You actually consider it, but the only sounds you can make are soft little huffs as he knocks the air from you on each thrust.
He reaches around and rubs your clit. Your hips jerk uncontrollably as he grinds the pad of his finger down.
You let out something akin to a sob.
“Gotta yield first,” he says.
“I yield,” you whimper.
“What was that, cyare? I didn’t quite hear you.”
“I yield,” you moan as he pinches your clit. “Please, you win, please.”
“Good girl,” he groans. “Alright, give it to me.”
You cum as he rubs two fingers against your clit, flicking in opposition of each other in the way he knows will make you fall to pieces.
He draws one orgasm after another until you’re limp, dirt smudged across your visor. Your hips still buck weakly back to his.
He pulls out and flips you over, pinning your bound hands underneath you. He straddles your waist and tugs at his cock until he cums over the front of your helmet.
You gasp, and though it turns into a moan, you’re indignant. “Did you really just—”
He laughs. “It’s not as nice as when it’s on your pretty face, but it still suits you,” he teases.
He doesn’t miss the way his comment makes you squeeze your thighs together. He rubs a hand over your tits, pinching at your nipples until you whine.
“C’mon, cyare. Let’s go back, and I’ll clean you up.”
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He does. When you get back, thankfully unseen and having retrieved your boots, he plucks your helmet off. He really did mean to polish it right away, but you kiss him with such hunger that he takes care of the rest of you first.
Once you’ve gone boneless and mindless from his tongue, he reluctantly leaves the bed to clean up. You join him a few moments later, having foregone the soiled pajamas in favor of the tunic he was going to sleep in and a pair of panties.
You wrap your arms around his waist from behind, leaning against his broad back and pressing kisses against the warm, scarred skin.
“I think I’m ready,” you say.
He hums in question.
“To get rid of this place.”
He turns around to wrap his arms around you. “Here I was just thinking it has its perks.”
He rests his forehead against yours. “Yeah. It’s been nice, don’t you think? To have somewhere familiar.”
You search his eyes and find only a soft warmth, like the flicker of a hearth.
“Let’s keep it,” he whispers against your lips. His hand winds into your hair to bring you in for a kiss.
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raeynbowboi · 2 years
Creating a Thematic Bard
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Through Bardic Magical Secrets, any Bard can pick up any 6-8 spells of their choosing depending on their subclass. I thought I’d go through some thematic options for a Bard to choose from to cater to different themes and archetypes the Bard aspires to do. For each, I will offer the 8 spells I would recommend if you were to play as a Lore Bard, and if you pick a different subclass, just elimate two of the options.
HEAVENLY CHOIR 6th Spiritual Weapon, Spirit Guardians 10th Flame Strike, Destructive Wave 14th Holy Weapon, Summon Celestial 18th Divine Word, Holy Aura
THAT INFERNAL BARD 6th Hellish Rebuke, Summon Lesser Demons 10th Summon Greater Demon, Planar Binding 14th Summon Fiend, Tasha’s Otherworldly Guise 18th Planar Ally, Shapechange
WOODLAND WOODWINDS 6th Spike Growth, Plant Growth 10th Grasping Vine, Wrath of Nature 14th Transport Via Plants, Wall of Thorns 18th Tree Stride, Guardian of Nature
NECRODANCER 6th Animate Dead, Summon Undead 10th Spirit of Death, Danse Macabre 14th Create Undead, Finger of Death 18th Negative Energy Flood, Antilife Shell
PYRODANCER 6th Scorching Ray, Fireball 10th Ashardalon’s Stride, Flame Strike 14th Immolation, Investiture of Flame 18th Fire Storm, Meteor Swarm
CRYODANCER 6th Ice Knife, Rime’s Binding Ice 10th Ice Storm, Cone of Cold 14th Investiture of Ice, Otiluke’s Freezing Sphere 18th Wall of Ice, Control Weather
WET T-SHIRT CONTEST 6th Tidal Wave, Wall of Water 10th Control Water, Maelstrom 14th Watery Sphere, Summon Elemental 18th Tsunami, Water Breathing
TAKE THE WORLD BY STORM 6th Thunder Step, Lightning Bolt 10th Control Winds, Storm Sphere 14th Chain Lightning, Investiture of Wind 18th Whirlwind, Storm of Vengeance
DOWN TO EARTH 6th Max’s Earthen Grasp, Erupting Earth 10th Stone Shape, Wall of Stone 14th Bones of the Earth, Move Earth 18th Investiture of Stone, Earthquake
A DANCE OF DRAGONS 6th Chromatic Orb, Dragon’s Breath 10th Elemental Bane, Summon Draconic Spirit 14th Fizban’s Platinum Shield, Draconic Transformation 18th Illusory Dragon, Shapechange
BARDS GONE FEYWILD VOL VII 6th Summon Fey, Spirit Guardians 10th Conjure Woodland Beings, Healing Spirit 14th Heal, Conjure Fey 18th Mass Heal, Wish
FIND ME SUMMON TO LOVE 6th Conjure Animals, Summon Undead 10th Summon Aberration, Summon Draconic Spirit 14th Summon Fiend, Summon Celestial 18th Summon Construct, Summon Elemental
ROCKY HORROR NIGHTMARE SHOW 6th Dissonant Whispers, Fear 10th Phantasmal Killer, Dream 14th Mental Prison, Feeblemind 18th Maddening Darkness, Weird
CLOAK AND DAGGER 6th  Counterspell, Pass Without Trace 10th Death Ward, Steel Wind Strike 14th Contingency, Simulacrum 18th Feeblemind, Foresight
NECROSIS 6th Inflict Wounds, Wither and Bloom 10th Blight, Enervation 14th Harm, Finger of Death 18th Abi’s Horrid Wilting, Destructive Wave
STEP THREE: PROPHET 6th Augury, Clairvoyance 10th Divination, Commune  14th True Seeing, Detect Thoughts 18th Astral Projection, Foresight
GLOWING REVIEWS 6th Blinding Smite, Spirit Guardians 10th Destructive Wave, Wall of Light 14th Sunbeam, Crown of Stars 18th Guiding Bolt, Sunburst
SIMPLY PSIONIC 6th Mind Spike, Tasha’s Mind Whip 10th Raulothim’s Psychic Lance, Telekinesis 14th Rary’s Telepathic Bond, Synaptic Static 18th Telepathy, Psychic Scream
SONG OF WAR 6th Hunter’s Mark, Spiritual Weapon  10th Staggering Smite, Steel Wind Strike (or) Swift Quiver 14th Holy Weapon, Blade Barrier 18th Conjure Volley, Blade of Disaster
SHIELD MASTER 6th Armor of Agathys, Shield 10th Otiluke’s Resilient Sphere, Wall of Force 14th Fizban’s Platinum Shield, Globe of Invulnerability 18th Forecage, Invulnerability
MAGIC MIKE 6th Magic Missile, Glyph of Warding 10th Arcane Eye, Bigby’s Hand 14th Arcane Gate, Symbol 18th Demiplane, True Polymorph
SPELLBREAKER 6th Absorb Elements, Counterspell 10th Circle of Power, Synaptic static 14th Fizban’s Platinum Shield, Forecage 18th Feeblemind, Antimagic Field
SOME ASSEMBLY REQUIRED 6th Spiritual Weapon, Spirit Guardians 10th Guardian of Faith, Bigby’s Hand 14th Mordenkainen’s Sword, Blade Barrier 18th Max’s Earthen Grasp, Blade of Disaster
TWO-FACED 6th Alter Self, Water Breathing 10th Guardian of Nature, Stoneskin 14th Tasha’s Otherworldly Guise, Draconic Transformation 18th Animal Shapes, Shapechange MASTER OF ILLUSIONS 6th Blur, Pass Without Trace 10th Phantom Steed, Creation 14th Mental Prison, Nystul’s Magic Aura 18th Illusory Dragon, Weird
A DANCE WITH DEATH 6th Wither and Bloom, Vampiric Touch 10th Blight, Enervation 14th Contingency, Soul Cage 18th Clone, Invulnerability
MERCY MAIN 6th Aura of Vitality, Beacon of Hope 10th Aura of Purity, Aura of Life 14th Heal, Regenerate 18th Mass Heal, True Resurrection
PLAGUED BY GUILT 6th Hex, Bestow Curse 10th Vitriolic Sphere, Contagion 14th Eyebite, Harm 18th Feeblemind, Weird
BLUE EXORCIST 6th Counterspell, Remove Curse 10th Dispel Evil and Good, Banishing Smite 14th Forbiddance, Plane Shift 18th Forecage, Imprisonment
BARD EX MACHINA 6th Elemental Weapon, Tiny Servant 10th Fabricate, Creation 14th Animate Objects, Summon Construct 18th Mighty Fortress, Blade of Disaster
CONCLAVE OF THE HOUND DOG 6th Hunter’s Mark, Conjure Animals 10th Swift Quiver, Conjure Volley 14th Guardian of Nature, Dominate Beast 18th Animal Shapes, Insect Plague
OATH OF MERRIMENT 6th Blinding Smite, Crusader’s Mantle 10th Find Greater Steed, Destructive Wave 14th Staggering Smite, Banishing Smite 18th Circle of Power, Holy Weapon
 And of course, you can always mix and match. Going for a Fire Dragon theme? Mix the Pyrodancer and A Dance of Dragons spell lists. As an example:
LOVE AMONG THE DRAGONS 6th Dragon’s Breath, Fireball 10th Flame Strike, Summon Draconic Spirit 14th Investiture of Flame, Draconic Transformation 18th Illusory Dragon, Meteor Swarm
These are all the bard themes I could think of, but if you can think of some more that I missed, or have better suggestions for some of my choices, let me know your own thematic magical secrets builds. Obviously, these were made with the Lore Bard in mind, since it gets the most magical secrets, but I’m sure some synergize better with other bard types, such as Song of War with the College of Valor. I just used Lore as the default. How well do these magical secrets builds work for you?
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changingplumbob · 8 months
Samir at 5
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I knew I wanted to have Reece and Samir going through a police report, but I figured to do that I would actually have to know what happened... So I did what I do and brainstormed via writing. I don't tend to do writing in the first person, but it felt right for this situation.
Here's Samir's experience of the attack that killed his parents. Content warning for death obvs (nothing is shown, just written).
Non English words Ab (Arabic) meaning father Abi (Arabic) meaning my father Ommi (Arabic) meaning mother
I’m not sure why I’m awake. I was having a bad dream, but now I’m awake I can’t remember what happened. I’m just left with the fear. Then I hear it. Through the wall comes a rhythmic... thumping? It doesn’t make any sense. Am I still dreaming?
Ab told me to be brave though. I want Ab to be proud of me. I pick up my stuffed bunny Babbit and hug him close. Slowly I crawl out of bed and approach my door, the tiles under my feet are cold. I press my ear to the wood and listen. I can hear Ommi crying. It sounds like Abi is comforting her. I know she likes my hugs, so I should go help. She always hugs me when I cry.
Nervously I inch open my door. I thought the noise was loud before. Oh, I was wrong. It’s much louder out here. I want to go back and hide in bed, but Ommi needs a hug. I leave my room slowly, Ab has his back to me and can’t see. If I want to get to Ommi I have to go past that front door. Out here I can tell it’s more than just thumping. There's a scratching noise to. It sounds like something wild is trying to get in.
We had a wild racoon under the house a month ago. Ab said it was sick and I wasn’t to touch it. Sometimes it would throw itself against the floorboards under my room. It would scratch at the beams beneath my bed, but that stopped last week so it must be better now. Perhaps it’s come back with its friends to steal more of our old fruit. As I tiptoe past the door, I hear something I can’t place. It’s a low deep growling. I’m sure it can’t be a racoon now and I freeze in place. I don't know what to do.
“Samir!” Ommi calls my name and I turn to her. She looks pale. I’ve never seen her pale before. Abi turns to me. He looks afraid. I didn’t know Ab could be afraid. He always chides me for jumping at noises in the woods, telling me nature is our friend and I must learn to be brave. I don’t think what’s at the door is our friend. I hug Babbit tighter.
“Hide Samir!” Ab and Ommi both move towards me then. I feel bad, maybe I’ve been caught doing something wrong. I back up. Then there’s a rush of air that blows me backwards along with the sound of wood tearing apart. Babbit isn't in my hand anymore. From the floor I can’t believe what I see. It’s not... it's not right. I can't be awake yet.
Moving through the doorframe is something large and not human. I don’t take it all in, I can’t, because of the eyes. They are bright red with flaming light, glowing. Sort of like the candles on my birthday cake last week. But this blaze isn’t fun, it scares me. Is it here to set me on fire?
I look around me for Babbit and start to scream for my parents when it happens. Broken light showing something sharp, and too big, I can't move away. Pressure on my skin and then I’m in agony. I think I hear Abi screaming, but it's starting to sound far away. You shouldn't yell at monsters, they'll just get mad, that's why I leave the one under my bed alone.
I look and can see my nightshirt is torn. Deep gashes cover my chest and I’m bleeding. I’ve bled before. I’ve lost count of how many trees I’ve fallen out of. Ommi always patches me up after. This is... different. The gashes are throbbing rhythmically, just like the thumping at the door was.
“Please, just let us-“ I can hear that Abi has his words cut off. I try to wake up but I can’t. It’s a nightmare, why can’t I wake up? I shouldn’t be dreaming this much pain. Then Ommi is over me, pressing something on my chest. I try to tell her it hurts, that I need Babbit, that I just want to give her a hug, but I can’t get any words out.
“Hold on Samir, hold on” I try to. I try to stay awake but it hurts so much... it hurts too much. Then Ommi is on top of me, pressing into me, I don’t know why. She’s heavier than I thought. I try to move but the weight of the blanket and her keeps me pinned. I can breathe but its tricky, and I can't see anything under Ommi. As I begin to feel less I can hear far too much. Strangled sobbing, strange tearing noises, a gurgling above me, my heartbeat in my head. Behind it all that low deep growl uttering nonsense words. Then everything is numb, and everything is dark.
Samir now does NOT remember all of this by the way, his brain has made him forget most of it. He does have nightmares about it from time to time, but like many dreams once he wakes up they mostly slip away.
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