viejospellejos · 8 months
El martillo de los Looney Tunes:
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hagofbolding · 4 months
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It's them...
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ana-bananya · 1 month
Some resources for Congo
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On the ground efforts in the DRC to support:
Focus Congo
Friends of the Congo
Action Kivu
City of Joy women's community
Panzi Foundation
The Ntibonera Foundation
Save the Children
Humanitarian support for displaced civilians in the DRC
Voluntaryism In Action - Community gardens in the DRC
Emmanuel's Peace African Hope Organization ($5,441/$45,000)
The Humanitarian Crisis in Congo will not go unheard (£4,049/£10,000)
Agissons Ensemble ($10,375/$20,000)
Goma Upendo ($18,205 CAD/$50,000 CAD)
Goma Actif (€57,561/€75,000)
Support displaced women in eastern DRC, organized by the Congolicious Foundation (€12,478/€50,000)
Medical and sanitary supplies to support women & children in Congo, Nigeria, and Sudan ($425 CAD/$3,000 CAD)
Give2Goma ($57,434/$100,000)
Together for Congo (€6,886/€12,000) *The gfm is till set at the initial goal of €6k but €12k is the next target to help fund a second shipment of aid
Nurses For Humanity ($4,686/$50,000)
BEL AV ($2,690/$30,000)
Support Congolese Refugees: Help Us Bring Hope to Refugees ($16,729 CAD/$100,000 CAD)
Relief for displaced civilians in the DRC (€6,929/€20,000) *the funds from this campaign will help ship clothes and shoes to deliver to displacement camps
Congolese families that need your support:
The Busimba Family ($15,110/$20,000)
Leon's Family ($1,492/$25,000)
Amina'a Family ($1,161/$5,000)
Help Mugisha come to Columbia ($1,952/$2,500)
Additional resources
Send a Letter to U.S. Lawmakers to demand that Your Tax Dollars Stop Funding Conflict in the Congo
Amnesty International report on cobalt mining in the DRC
Amnesty International report on human rights abuses in the DRC
Understanding the Congolese Crisis: A Starting Guide by @/baobaboperation on ig
Info, updates, and resources on Congo and Sudan by @/red_maat on ig
Who is funding the violence in the Congo? by @/voluntaryisminaction on ig
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mileenaxyz · 7 months
I love this man. He's really on the ground, building shelters, feeding and clothing people. 🥹 He's working tirelessly in Congo.
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dickotadrevis · 13 days
I feel fucking horrible. I hope all the people who's DMs with me that Tumblr closed are doing ok. Listen. This is my silly account. This is where I do stupid shit; but I have to make an exception right now. It's been almost a week and staff still hasn't gotten back to me about my main account being shadowbanned and I can see people reblogging my art and memes here so I'm clearly visible. https://rentry.co/victorsfundraiserlist_directory <- This is my list of fundraisers who contacted me and those I was able to compile for DRC and Sudan. Please share them. Many of them are extremely far from their goals and they're all trying to survive fucking genocide.
I'll spotlight a few campaigns here, but they are by no means the only ones you should pay attention to. Please at least look at all of them.
My friend Hazem, who I was just congratulating a few days ago, had to raise his fundraiser goal so he can transfer the funds he raised for his family in Ghazza.
his campaign is vetted here (281)
Amir is a disabled child who is in direct danger of dying since he's unable to continue his vital treatments and special diet. He needs to evacuate Ghazza IMMEDIATELY but has only raised €2,379.
vetted here
This campaign is an evacuation fund for 5 WHOLE FAMILIES suffering under the Sudan genocide. They are all displaced and had their belongings stolen. They're exposed to the elements every day and have been in this situation for OVER A YEAR. They've only reached 1/3 of their goal.
vetted here
Elaf and her family lost their home and their belongings after it was raided by the RSF and have been displaced multiple times. They have no access to basic resources and Elaf's mother is in danger of her medical conditions worsening. They still have 1/3rd of their goal left to raise in order to evacuate.
vetted here
The Congolese humanitarian organization Goma Upendo is working to help support the displaced and impoverished people throughout the region. They have only raised $20,787 CAD out of their $50,000 goal right now.
Another incredible humanitarian organization in the Congo is Focus Congo, who are working to provide medical care and shelter to those suffering under the genocide. They also have a campaign to fund their work here. They're not even halfway to their goal.
Everyone, please share these and the rest of the campaigns in that directory. All of them deserve your attention and all you can do to help. Don't let them go unheard.
(by the way, I know the about section on the site says "DM me at @/victormcdicktor" but I'm sharing this earlier than expected so that account is still shadowbanned. If you need to contact me before I get unbanned DM me here, ty)
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aranchide · 8 months
Very worrying news from the DRCongo.
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You saw the national football team cover their mouth, and point their fingers to their head in the CAN match against Ivory Coast last Wednesday?
It was to raise awareness for the surge in violence committed by M23 rebels in eastern Congo - with support from a neighbouring government, to destabilize a region that "happens to hold a lot of the world's very valued minerals".
People are being murdered, houses are being burnt. One again, thousands are fleeing their home, and join the refugee camps around Goma that already in October last year housed around 600.000 people.
Also Goma itself is surrounded, the supply lines for food from the country side to the city interrupted.
Why can't the international community do nothing more than empty declarations of solidarity and wishing for peace. The UN mission - which hardly had a mandate to intervene in case of violence against Congolese citizens - has had no positive impact.
Maybe we could finally consider putting pressure one the Rwandan goverment and its allies to actually put an end to these 30 years of violence and ruined lives in this region.
The same region that provides the world with materials for our phones, electrical and solar panels btw.
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skullchicken · 8 months
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@hagofbolding I am following the latest pages hootin and hollerin and eating popcorn.
On a related note: dear followers, please read Fairmeadow ^^
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foulwitchknight · 5 months
Please help Patricia Orti & Kentrello Austin raise funds to provide aid for the people in Kanyaruchinya refugee camp in Goma located in Congo! Please donate if you can and share!
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blujayarchives · 5 months
hello, i’ve never made a post like this but with the increased conflict in dr congo and as a congolese person in a more privileged position, i feel a responsibility to do SOMETHING, especially after the recent bomb attack near goma, killing at least 12 ppl, including children. i’ll leave an article below to read more about it as well as some charities. thx even if all u did was read this to the end xx
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blackcatfilmprod · 7 months
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Just got back from the Fairy Tales Exhibition at GOMA. Where I got to view art works from feature artists Abdul Abdullah, Del Kathryn Barton, Destiny Deacon, Gustave Doré, Rachel Feinstein, Trulee Hall, Carsten Höller, Anish Kapoor, Yayoi Kusama, Ron Mueck, Tracey Moffatt, Henrique Oliveira, Polixeni Papapetrou, Patricia Piccinini, Kiki Smith, Jana Sterbak and many others.
They also feature film costumes and props from Mirror Mirror (2012), The Labyrinth (1986), Tim Burton’s Alice in Wonderland (2010), etc.
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"I'm sorry. I'm rusty. I feel disconnected. This is hard. We're out of touch. I'll start again. I'll try to be simple. The last time I saw you, you asked me to tell you what I wanted. You said you couldn't tell. You don't even have a favourite colour, you said. But that's not true. My favourite colour is your favourite colour. My favourite meal, yours. Why does this make you so angry? I have my own mind but my desire is not thinking; it's an echo, a reverberating shock. I am so much yours, I am no longer myself. Is that so wrong?"
From 'May 1st '
Sharon Hayes, 2012
At the Glasgow Museum of Modern Art
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busyreadingerotica · 2 months
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Iris Van Herpen | Sculpting The Senses
Gallery of Modern Art
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hagofbolding · 2 months
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just fairmeadow things
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ana-bananya · 4 months
Hi! My last donation post reached the 100 link limit so this is my new one. I'm going to work on getting individual lists for each cause and linking them here, so it's a bit more organized than the last one.
I have added a few new links, but for the time being, I am focusing on the campaigns I have listed. While I do not have the capacity to take on anymore campaigns, I will still reblog ones I see others post about to help share them.
I will do my best to keep the links updated with their progress.
DISCLAIMER: I do not vet fundraisers. I do not know enough of the vetting process to do so properly. The few posts I've made where I've spoken with people were just me trying to help show proof they are credible and help them share information. I did this for Wafaa and her family, but I am refraining from doing it for others as it's led to some people thinking I'm a vetter when I'm not and I'm uncomfortable with that. My intention in sharing that post was to help others be able to draw their own conclusions about whether or not to trust the fundraiser. The only other accounts you will see me share information about are ones sent to me by Wafaa or her brother Mohyi because they can vouch for those people.
As for the fundraisers linked on this post, they are all either vetted by others or credible enough to be shared. Majority of the links will take you to the original posts I made when I first shared the fundraiser, where I share how they are vetted or where I got it from. The links for organizations will take you directly to their website or socials.
Links to more causes:
Hurricane Beryl Relief resources
Arab.org - Daily clicks
World Food Programme trivia game - play to generate donations
‼️ indicates that a fundraiser has experienced a decrease in donations or has been without donations for some time
Stand with Jordan: Transgender Refugee's Battle ($135/$700 - VERY low on funds) ‼️
Help the LGBTQ Refugees of the Kakuma Camp ($194/$1,000) ‼️
The Levin House Child Foundation (gfm: £5,429/£35,000 - VERY low on funds) ‼️
Support an Uyghur orphan's education (79.10% raised) ‼️
Uyghur Human Rights Project
Static & Noise - Film and Advocacy
P4H Global Education Development
P4H Canal Support
Hope for Haiti
Action Against Hunger
List of resources for Haiti made by @/hobiebrownies on twitter (places to donate, accounts to follow, news sources, and educational links)
Thread of gfms for Haiti
Progression Society Art School Fund - A New Start ($3,312 CAD/$5,500 CAD) ‼️
Rohingya Refugees
Donate to help provide education to K-12 students living in the Rohingya refugee camps in Bangladesh. ($5,725/$15,000) ‼️
Stand with Rohingya Families Escaping Genocide in Aceh: The Rohingya Women's Network ($6,130 AUD/$10,000 AUD) ‼️
Qurbani Emergency Aid for Rohingya Refugees ($11,470/$12,000)
Advocating for Peace and Building Hope: RCP Appeal (£12,030/£50,000 - VERY low on funds) ‼️
Donate to the Humanitarian crisis in northwest Nigeria ($2,505 CAD/$15,000 CAD - VERY low on funds) ‼️
Medical and sanitary supplies to support women & children in Congo, Nigeria, and Sudan ($420 CAD/$3,000 CAD - VERY low on funds) ‼️
Claire Aid Foundation
Action Against Hunger
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mileenaxyz · 5 months
As I was saying...this world is a shitfest.
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tearsofrefugees · 2 months
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Goma, Democratic Republic of Congo
Women gather on a hill in the Rusayo camp, home to tens of thousands of war-displaced people, on the outskirts of Goma. Since mid-2022, hundreds of thousands of Congolese have found refuge around Goma after fleeing fighting further north between the Congolese army and the Rwandan-backed M23 rebellion. Every month, more than 2,000 women are treated in camps around the city by Doctors Without Borders after being sexually assaulted, mostly by ‘armed men’ while trying to find food in the surrounding forests and fields.
Photograph: Alexis Huguet/AFP/Getty Images
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