#God Hathor
flightlessartist · 11 months
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✦ find me on instagram @the.flightless.artist ✦
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Scenery and imagery from the Hathor temple at Dendera, built in the Greco-Roman period
photos taken by me in August, 2023
Some parts of this temple, when I visited, were off limits. However it was very hard to distinguish what was and wasn’t off limits, so my companion and I wandered everywhere. We also bought passes to the different hidden chambers of the temple; well worth the price in my opinion. You descend or ascend cramped, steep stairs to get to seemingly secret and certainly hidden tunnels filled with vivid imagery of the Gods and worship. Unfortunately, the Dendera calendar filled with zodiacs, has been stolen and replaced with a black cast of what it once was. The original now rests in a museum in Europe.
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alkiores · 6 months
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A couple of illustrations for a couple of artbooks (can't show them in full yet) and one future postcard ✨
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magicalbunbun · 28 days
More of your ennead au when please?
Just designed new y/n look
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Big woman.
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Hathor costume design in Gods of Egypt in 4k
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incorrect-hs-quotes · 5 months
HORUSS: 8=D < Chat, what do you think?
HORUSS' headmates MAAHES, HATHOR, THOUTH, SOBECK, and SERKET, simultaneously: =883>}] Please don't call us that.
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bear-facets · 7 months
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harshing hathor's vibe at the club (digital, 2024)
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flaroh · 1 year
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Hathor Amongst the Papyri 🐮🌾𓁥𓃒
Thank you Megan for the commission!🧡
This was a gift for the client's friend who really likes cows and ancient history 🐮
When commissioning me, they supplied some reference images of Cow!Hathor, and I fell in love with the way the original artists had drawn the papyrus in geometric patterns. I added my own colour flare to the heads of the plants, but still based the hues on a traditional ancient Egyptian palette.
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milky-rozen · 7 months
[ Dendera Zodiac Challenge - Part I 🩵💛 ]
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godslavecomic · 7 months
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Sobek/Hathor Valentines painting❤️✨
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Very late, but I’m still trying to get the hang of gouache and traditional media again.
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fuchsiamilk · 1 month
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This was supposed to be a group shot of Egyptian demons but I lost the motivation. Here’s the remains of the sketch of Khonsu and Hathor.
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x-z-x · 4 days
→ Seth x Goddess!OC [Habibah]
✦ Synopsis: Hathor gives birth to her first descendant, and Seth is the last to find out.
✦ Word Count: 5357
✦ Warnings: Incest / Smut + Erotic Asphyxiation.
✦ Spanish Version: Arena y Metal
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“What’s happening with Hathor?”
The gods turned at the new voice, and some faces showed displeasure at seeing the latest addition to the room. Seth raised an eyebrow at their reactions, while Sekhmet smiled widely, ready to provide answers.
“Apparently, her daughter is causing trouble,” she said with malicious laughter.
“Since when does she have descendants? Who among you was it?” he asked, slightly aggressive due to the confusion.
“None,” Maat sighed, crossing her arms. “She had an affair some time ago and...”
Seth made a sound indicating his opinion on how foolish it was for her to end up pregnant, then watched them with suspicion, wondering if this had been a secret kept just from him.
“What did she do to make Hathor run through the halls in tears?”
“She was born with her mother’s beauty. She enjoys dancing and travels with a troupe to different cities for performances, but her appearance is drawing quite a lot of attention,” Bastet explained.
“Seriously, the problem is that she has too many suitors?” he scoffed.
“It’s more than that; some are deities who are starting to fight and cause chaos,” Maat said, emphasizing the gravity of the situation. “We asked Hathor to impose order and demand that her daughter act according to her divine title, but...”
“Divine? Did her daughter ascend?” he asked, less sympathetically.
“She is the Goddess of Precious Stones and Metals. Everything we use was crafted by her,” Thoth said, pointing to the impressive necklace he wore.
Isis smiled with mockery, but Seth dismissed the situation as a waste of time and left the place, heading to his temple. Upon arrival, contrary to what he had said, he ordered his most loyal servants to find the young woman who captivated everyone. However, the information didn’t arrive until several months later, and by then, any interest had faded.
Still, Hathor didn’t hesitate to confront him when she learned he knew her precious daughter was coming to the city. Nervous and agitated, it only encouraged the man to dismiss her concerns even more.
“Don’t mess with my baby! I’ll deal with the suitors, erase every trace of affection, and nothing will happen!” she growled, frowning.
“Now you choose to act? Battles and conflicts have arisen because of her, and that’s my territory.”
“She’s the victim, don’t blame her! If you do anything...”
“What?” Seth raised an eyebrow, a challenging smile on his face. “Do you think you can stand up to me?”
Hathor turned crimson, her violet eyes' pupils becoming vertical slits, her aura extremely threatening.
“I’ll do whatever it takes to destroy you if you interfere with her. I don’t care if I have to alter the feelings of every living being to have them protect her and turn against you,” she declared, sparks flying from the tips of her fingers. Then she turned and left the hall.
“Since when does she dare to speak to me like that?” he muttered angrily, tapping his nails against the throne he occupied.
Choosing to go regardless of the circumstances, he instructed them to prepare less conspicuous clothing and to cover his red hair well to remain unnoticed. Wrapped in linen, he set out at dusk for the designated area, frowning at the large number of people already occupying the front rows.
“Sir, please come this way,” a young woman with fine jewelry and a broad smile announced.
“Don’t touch me,” he growled as she grasped his arm.
“Please, I have instructions from the lead interpreter to take you to the front row,” she explained, maintaining her charm.
Seth squinted and moved forward, noticing that several mortals dressed like her were organizing the spectators. Both women and men watched him pass by, curious about who he was as they were led to more favorable spots. When he stopped, they led him to a cushioned area just a few meters from the makeshift stage.
As the sun set, torches were lit, and the musicians settled into their places, quietly chatting among themselves. It took some time before the performance began, and after a while, a man finally welcomed the audience and announced the start of the show. The first to perform were a mixed group dancing in pairs or small ensembles before breaking formation to interact with the audience. Seth admired the performance, wondering where they had found so many beautiful and talented people, while the crowd laughed and applauded at the artists’ infectious enthusiasm.
Minutes passed in a different activity for him, the final act arriving as a curtain was lifted to reveal several female silhouettes that captured everyone’s attention. A different rhythm began to play, and the fabric was released by the men holding it on ladders. Nine women showed their backs, with one standing out at the tip of the V formation. Gradually, they turned, and finally, the face of the girl Seth had come to see appeared, his mouth slightly open in awe.
With a confident and seductive smile, and lips as red as rubies, the goddess lifted her eyelids to reveal dark purple irises, with long lashes inherited from her mother. She walked slowly as the other women scattered across the stage. In perfect synchronization, they began their choreography with incredible flair. Crystals and golden beads intertwined and flew through the air as they twirled, the decorations sparkling as brightly as she did, leaving the audience breathless.
Seth’s red eyes followed every movement, admiring the curves that swayed with mischievous grace. Ignored until she decided to get closer to the prime spot, she crouched with a predatory air and crept to the edge of the platform, supporting herself on her hands and knees. The crowd cheered excitedly as she maintained eye contact, rising at one point and slowly swaying her hips. She traced her legs, thighs, waist, and neck in an extremely sensual display before turning and calling one of the men dancing nearby.
Euphoria erupted at the potential of what might happen, with Seth grinding his teeth and watching almost without blinking as she placed both hands on the man’s shoulders and began to caress him. He held her and spun her around, recognizing her intentions, and stroked her exposed abdomen while maintaining a challenging gaze toward the god. At this point, due to the heat from the large torches and the dance, she glistened with a light sheen of sweat and had cheeks flushed like beautiful garnets.
"I’ll wait for you," she said, her voice fading into the music and the noise.
Seth read her lips and watched as she threw a bracelet at his feet. Some people tried to reach for it, but he covered it with his hand, glaring at them so intensely that they backed off.
Once the event ended, he decided to wait for a signal. Suddenly, the bracelet began to heat up, pulling him with an unseen force in a specific direction. He let it guide him through a couple of crowded streets before turning into an alley, where the woman awaited, leaning against a wall and inspecting her nails.
"I learned of your existence only recently, unlike the rest," he remarked with a hint of reproach.
"It’s understandable. From what I’ve been told, your temper is rather volatile and aggressive," she said, shrugging as if it didn’t matter much. "What brings you here?" she asked, tilting her head and closing the distance between them, but soon found herself trapped as sand coiled around her legs.
"As the God of War and the Desert, I’ve come to deal with the trouble you’re causing with your suitors."
She averted her gaze and rolled her eyes silently, prompting Seth to issue a warning sound that forced her to speak.
"Do you have somewhere more private?"
Seth narrowed his eyes, considering the question before grabbing her by the arm and vanishing in a whirlwind.
"This is…" she hesitated, looking around.
"My temple," he finished, shedding the unnecessary linen, letting his red hair fall freely over his shoulders.
"Wow," she murmured, gently touching a strand. "I could make so many things to enhance this color. It’s so beautiful..."
Seth grabbed her wrist high in warning, allowing her to smile and lick his hand without breaking eye contact.
"Careful, or I’ll cut out your tongue."
She snorted, pulling free and turning her back to him, elegantly walking toward the massive stairs leading to the main building. The jewels and gemstone threads hanging from her chimed harmoniously with each step, glowing brighter as she neared the torches.
"It’s huge. I wouldn’t mind spending a few weeks here," she teased, brushing a wall with her fingers.
Seth followed at a measured distance, his eyes tracking her every move, taking in everything she was. Since he first saw her, an unfamiliar, overwhelming need had been growing inside him, frustratingly hard to ignore.
"Did I offer for you to stay?"
"Don’t you want me to? I’m good company," she turned, walking backward. "Why do you think those who know me fight over having me?" she winked.
"If that’s all, why don’t they forget me when I leave? What makes them cling so tightly?" she slowed her pace, drawing closer. "You saw it tonight—the crowd gets excited just watching me... Even you."
Seth clenched his teeth in frustration, and she stuck her tongue out teasingly.
“Do you have your mother’s permission to be mingling with gods?”
“I haven’t needed her approval in centuries,” she laughed. “I told her today I’d try to avoid causing chaos. Who knows, maybe getting close to the God of War is the solution.”
“You’ll be more trouble than pleasure.”
Her laugh rang out at that, before she pretended to ponder deeply.
“Do you have musicians? Maybe a private dance would change your mind.”
“We have matters to settle first,” he replied indifferently, though she knew a little push would make him fall. “What’s your name?”
"I'll tell you depending on what you decide after my dance."
He clenched his jaw, hating the carefree tone in her voice and the mischievous glint in her eyes. The constant smile was unnerving, making it seem like she was the one in control.
"Why do you live like a nomad, performing shows?"
"Mortal or immortal, every being is born with a family they can cherish—or not. My mother is one of the best things that’s ever happened to me, and she'll always have a place in my heart. But the rest doesn’t really matter much. I met people who share my interests, people I enjoy spending my days with. They trust me, and I trust them, so I chose them," she explained, a new air surrounding her. "I won't leave that caravan, not when everyone I care about has an expiration date."
"You have feelings unbefitting of a deity."
"What is a god without humanity? If you don’t understand the people you’re meant to protect, represent, and serve, how can you be an empathetic and respectable ruler?" she asked, her eyes filled with pure seriousness. "I know I’ll never rule Egypt, but that doesn’t make me indifferent to those who pray to me."
"By the way you speak, I have no doubt you’re close to Osiris and Isis."
"Well thought out, both had a big hand in raising me," she responded, crossing her arms and shifting her weight to one hip.
"Whatever," he mimicked her stance, looking her up and down. "Are you incapable of ordering your lovers to stop fighting over you?"
"Most haven’t even managed to lay a finger on me; they fight purely for the desire to do so. I’ve intervened, but the one who really should be stepping up here is Nephthys and encouraging peace."
"I don't question that. They should’ve turned to her from the start."
"She’s your sister. If she doesn’t act, you could ask her."
"Who do you think I am, a messenger?" He raised an eyebrow.
"Wow," she sighed, tilting her head. "So what now, we sleep together and let the rumor spread to scare the gods?"
"You’re really persistent. Do you want me that badly?" He clicked his tongue, grinning smugly.
The question drew a dry laugh from her as she stepped closer.
"I won’t deny you’re incredibly attractive, but even before you showed up at the performance, I knew I was in the mood for some fun tonight. If you don’t join me, I’ll find someone else to satisfy me."
Seth exhaled and held her gaze, his heart racing as he fought the urge to look away, feeling as if she were pulling him closer to the edge of a cliff.
"I believe you promised to dance and change my mind, didn’t you?"
"Finally, we’re getting to the important part," she said, pleased, taking a step back. "Lead me to your musicians."
Without delay, he took the lead and left her waiting outside as he entered a room. From the corridor, she could hear the hurried greetings of men and women as they scrambled to follow his commands, a few accidental notes sounding in the shuffle. A considerable line of people soon filed out, their eyes widening as they caught sight of her. She smiled, reveling in the way some let their jaws drop in astonishment.Seth exhaled and held her gaze, his heart racing as he fought the urge to look away, feeling as if she were pulling him closer to the edge of a cliff.
"I believe you promised to dance and change my mind, didn’t you?"
"Finally, we’re getting to the important part," she said, pleased, taking a step back. "Lead me to your musicians."
Without delay, he took the lead and left her waiting outside as he entered a room. From the corridor, she could hear the hurried greetings of men and women as they scrambled to follow his commands, a few accidental notes sounding in the shuffle. A considerable line of people soon filed out, their eyes widening as they caught sight of her. She smiled, reveling in the way some let their jaws drop in astonishment.
“What’s keeping you all busy?” Seth asked from the back, his voice causing everyone to snap out of their stupor and hasten their movements.
"If you decide not to have sex with me, I’m glad to know I won’t have to look far for another partner."
He shot her a sidelong glance, gritted his teeth, and then tossed his hair back.
"Let’s go."
They walked calmly, with Seth entering first into a vast room where a massive mattress lay nearly at floor level. Posts with large curtains were arranged to shield the bed from view, while four attendants lit incense and prepared alcohol.
"Release the side curtains."
Another small group hurried to comply, loosening the ties and leaving only one section uncovered.
"Interesting," the goddess remarked, taking a few steps around the room.
The musicians arranged their instruments and took positions concealed by heavy drapes, their role clearly to observe the guest.
"Prepare as you wish," Seth said with an indifferent gesture before heading to the bed and reclining against a large mound of pillows.
Two women approached with golden goblets filled with wine, which both accepted before the temple owner instructed them to leave.
As she drank calmly, she approached the musicians to discuss her preferences. They exchanged opinions and reached an agreement on how to proceed. Satisfied with the outcome, she moved several meters from the bed and took her place directly in front of the open section.
“Ready?” she asked.
“Are you?” he replied, raising an eyebrow as the incense began to fill the room.
Winking, she emptied his glass in one gulp and raised it in the air. At this signal, the musicians began to play as she turned her back to him, keeping her arm extended above her head.
As she swayed her hips slowly, the gold she wore started to melt and reshape. It dripped down her arm, first forming a small head and then an elongated body. The newly formed snake coiled and descended to rest around her neck. With both hands on the sensitive area, she turned slowly and smiled with her eyes closed, letting herself be carried away by the music. She caressed her collarbones and shoulders before extending her arms, while the serpentine creation moved across her chest and encircled her. Suddenly, a piece of fabric fell away, revealing a breast.
As if nothing had happened, she continued her dance, the metal caressing and embracing every part of her body as it descended. Her adorned wrists and fingers skimmed her skin and created perfect movements in the air, captivating the onlookers who held their breath as the serpent approached the garment covering her most intimate area.
Unperturbed, she turned and placed both hands on the back of her legs, carefully lifting a bit of the fabric. The serpent coiled one of its segments around her thigh to keep her hand in place, taking advantage of the opportunity to slither beneath her skirt.
A murmur rose from the left side, and the woman glanced over her shoulder to see Seth’s unblinking gaze, though one of his eyebrows twitched involuntarily at a comment she couldn't quite decipher. With a smile, she arched her back and bent her body backward, her free fingers caressing from her abdomen up to the exposed breast, squeezing it with delight.
The serpent gradually released her, and she turned to show how it emerged from the front, starting to rise and drag the fabric up to the edge of revealing her inner thigh. However, she made sure not to expose too much, guiding it to change direction slightly. She pivoted on one foot, preparing for the imminent drumbeat, and at that moment, she fell to her knees with her hands extended and her hair cascading forward.
She slowly straightened up, and the musicians adjusted their rhythm to match her movements. Seated in a W shape with her legs apart, she locked eyes with Seth and felt the intense heat from his red gaze, which made her smile. She then turned her attention to one of the women who had earlier caught her eye. Attractive and alluring, the woman was a tempting prospect if Seth chose to let her go. In an instant, the protagonist contemplated how to seduce her, but the god’s voice interrupted her thoughts.
Everyone snapped out of their trance and ceased their actions, the musicians hurriedly gathering their instruments and leaving the room. Within minutes, they were alone, and she approached the foot of the bed, tilting her head with curiosity.
“Didn’t you like the performance?”
Seth took a deep breath, finished his wine, and threw the glass off the bed with a loud clink. He adjusted himself and gestured with his index finger, signaling her to come closer. She smiled and took a few steps onto the bed, getting on all fours and crawling towards him until she was on top. The serpent, curious, slithered over the red-haired man’s body as they locked eyes.
“It was disrespectful of you to look at someone else when you should have been trying to convince me.”
“Is that why you cut off the dance? I was just assessing the best option in case you decided to pass on such an incredible opportunity,” she defended herself, moving closer until their faces were only a few centimeters apart. “So, what’s your answer?”
After a moment of silence, he placed his right hand on her head to close the distance. Their lips met and quickly intertwined, his feeling incredibly soft mixed with the aroma of the wine they had drunk.
"When you decided to meet me, had you planned this?" she asked as he pulled away, his hand caressing the small of her back.
"You’re the first descendant of Hathor, and she had hidden you from me jealously. It was just curiosity," she replied. "And you? Why did you give me the bracelet?"
"Isn’t it obvious? You captivated me the moment I saw you. I definitely wanted us to share a bed."
Seth flashed a small sidelong smile and brushed her hair back, the intertwined lines of gems shining in his hand as he gathered it.
“What’s your name?” he asked, even more dazzled by her incredible appearance up close.
She smiled and tilted her head towards one of the curtains, as if deciding whether to reveal the information. Finally, she turned back and kissed the palm resting on her cheek.
“Habibah, which means ‘the one who is loved,’” she confessed, with a look of complicity.
“Your mother really knew what she was doing, because that’s how everyone seems to feel when they meet you.”
“Even the God of War and the Desert?”
“I’m not like the others. Do you think you can make me feel the same way?” he said with a touch of challenge, but sounding more like an invitation to continue what they had started.
Accepting the challenge and everything it implied, she kissed him deeply, her tongue exploring his. Seth caressed her warm skin and then pressed down, aligning their bodies so that she could feel his erection. Without hesitation, she began to move her hips, and he let out a pleased sigh, his hands finding their way to her waist.
Habibah ran a hand through his red hair and descended slowly, tracing her way down his chest until she focused on one of his nipples. Seth gritted his teeth, undid the clasp of the upper fabric, and started to caress what was within reach, instructing her to lie down.
Without hesitation, she moved a few pillows and settled against the soft mattress, watching as the serpent coiled around the man’s arm like a perfect and beautiful accessory. He barely noticed the gold, focusing instead on returning her affections. Habibah closed her eyes and took a deep breath as his lips arrived at her breasts. She caressed his shoulders and back, lightly scratching as she felt him burning like the desert under the sun.
The incense began to take effect, lightening their minds and giving way to an intense desire that drove them to hold each other with urgency. Their hips searched for each other frantically, moaning against one another in broken kisses, their legs and arms entwined in a connection with no clear beginning or end.
Habibah slipped a hand between them, urgently seeking his erection, which she attended to with skillful movements until she lifted the fabric that covered his intimacy. Seth created some distance and propped himself on his knees, removing the minimal clothing and setting it aside before focusing on her. Completely naked and adorned only with jewelry, she settled herself as he took her legs and dragged her over his thighs. The movement elicited a small surprised sound from Habibah, and he watched her expectantly while caressing the outer side of her legs.
“Do it,” she encouraged, brushing his stomach with a hand.
Seth tightened his grip, leaving momentary marks before releasing her and taking his erection. With a single movement, he inserted the tip and then thrust in a steady rhythm until he reached the deepest point. Both moaned, and the woman arched her back with a wide smile while pulling the sheets.
“You’re incredibly wet,” he growled, his cheeks flushed with satisfaction.
“You say that as if it’s something strange. Don’t women get excited with you?”
She shivered with excitement and pleasure as a sharp, red gaze emerged among the fiery hair. The intense tickling sensation made her laugh with delight until she nearly screamed as he began to thrust forcefully. Breathless, she tried to steady herself amidst the sounds of raw impact, the heat and pleasure spreading like waves from the center of her body to every corner.
"You shouldn’t be competing with the God of War," he said with a proud expression.
"I don’t mind losing," she replied honestly, though she knew it would only fuel the fire further.
Seth narrowed his eyes but soon regained his composure, placing his hands on the mattress with a feigned calm as she wrapped her legs around his body. She swayed her hips, feeling his member pressing down, and he resumed the movement with great force after a hiss. Habibah pulled him towards her by the nape to kiss him, shivering as his tongue entered and took control. The thrusts were relentless, with a stamina reminiscent of someone who had fought countless battles to defend Egypt.
With tearful eyes, she admired the man moving above her, pushing aside her strands of hair to see him better, noticing the earrings that moved violently in sync with their owner.
"I’ll make you some prettier ones," she said, brushing against the fine, rectangular gold plate.
"How can you think of that in the middle of sex?"
"Maybe you should try harder," she pressed, noticing how the atmosphere shifted in the blink of an eye.
The room fell silent, and Habibah's skin tingled as she realized she had made a mistake.
"Turn around," he commanded as he withdrew from her, not waiting for her to move and grabbing her by the arm to start repositioning her.
Any doubt vanished when she lost her breath again, feeling Seth penetrate her abruptly and hold her by the neck with considerable force. She was left gasping for air and tried to grab his wrist, but the sand made her hands stick to the bed.
"Such behavior with someone who was born long before you is very inappropriate," he growled, his abs tensing as he gradually adjusted the angle to graze the spot that would drive her wild. "Talking less and learning would do you a lot of good."
Involuntarily, Habibah’s eyes rolled back as he found her most sensitive area, her legs wanting to give out but unable to do so due to the force with which he held her.
“Se… th…” she called, her muscles trembling in a way she had never experienced before.
“Hmm?” he asked, loosening his grip.
A bit of awareness returned to her as she tried to ask for a breath amidst the perfect administrations. However, Seth increased his effort, making it impossible for her to speak.
Cursing inwardly, she let her head drop as moisture dripped down her thighs, slightly staining the sheets. Seth held her by the hips for added stability and wrapped sand around her neck, the itching heightening the effects of pleasure and strangulation. Any cries and moans were muffled or cut off, with only a few gasps escaping as he breathed heavily and occasionally growled in deep satisfaction.
Struggling to swallow and relishing the challenge, Habibah briefly focused and set the serpent in motion. The god's hips lost their rhythm, and she glanced over her shoulder to see the golden creature firmly wrapped around the redhead's throat.
“T-Two…” she tried to say, and he deliberately loosened his grip. “Two can play… this game,” she smiled proudly, though she soon rolled her eyes and propped herself up on her elbows.
He breathed heavily, the metal not yielding in the slightest and intensifying his own sensations.
“I knew you’d be a pain if I brought you to the temple,” he growled, his brow furrowed.
Habibah tried to laugh, but a strange sound escaped as she felt the onset of her orgasm.
“But I… I also give you pleasure,” she defended, feeling her lungs burn and forcing the gold to make him suffer the same way she did.
A desperate, frustrated groan escaped from the man, who felt the constriction sending electric waves to his erection. He clenched his jaw and threw his head back, pushing into her with renewed urgency to provoke the impending climax.
Both seemed to have lost control of their consciousness and bodies as they moved, overwhelmed by the need to escape the pleasure consuming them. They were on the brink of fainting, allowing brief moments of calm before their necks were swiftly constricted again.
Habibah's spasms intensified, reaching a climax that opened a new world of pleasure. Her legs trembled uncontrollably, making lascivious sounds as the moisture increased significantly with the release. The pressure of her walls became too much for Seth to bear, and the stimulation pushed him to his limit, culminating inside her. He trembled and groaned loudly, delivering the final thrusts with some difficulty until the stimulation became overwhelming and he stopped.
Both the metal and the sand loosened, and they both breathed heavily, their eyelids drooping as they collapsed onto the mattress, savoring the comfort. Habibah, lying face down, slowly turned to look at the man, who had one arm draped over his forehead as he steadied himself. He looked just as beautiful, if not more so, with an enviable profile and eye and hair color that she would love to highlight with various creations.
“That was good,” the young woman sighed, stretching her arms.
Seth watched her, unknowingly mimicking her movements, silently admiring the beauty that had captivated him at a single glance. They chatted a bit and decided that this would be the only round, though their mouths didn't escape some additional entanglements until they surrendered to sleep.
When the sun was high, the god cracked open his eyes and, groggy, took a few minutes to become aware of his surroundings. Floral scents filled the air, none of which were familiar, so he looked around and noticed Habibah’s absence. Frowning, he sat up, ready to get up and find out if she had left, but then he heard a noise in the room and, cautiously, drew back the curtains.
Facing away from the window, the goddess examined herself in the mirror as she applied a type of oil to her face. Her hair was wet and slicked back, the sunlight streaming in and drying it quickly. She was visibly focused and didn't realize that Seth had awakened until his bare feet made a soft noise on the floor.
“Good morning,” Habibah smiled as she applied perfume.
“I see you found the bathrooms.”
“Yes, after the show and our entanglement, I needed to freshen up.”
“I still have the bracelet you threw at me.”
“It’s yours,” she said, looking at the object. “With it, if you ever get bored and miss me, you can find me wherever I am and relive last night,” she winked playfully.
Seth clicked his tongue and looked at the accessory, feeling his stomach churn. The stones sparkled as much as she did in the sun.
“I’ll keep that in mind.”
“Still, you should be prepared for when my mother sees you wearing something of mine,” she warned, stretching her neck to examine the marks he had left.
“Not much she can do,” he brushed off, placing a hand on his hip. “Are you heading to the caravan?”
“Yes, I need to let them know I’m okay and ready for tonight’s performance.”
“How long will you stay in the city?”
“Until the next full moon.”
They fell silent for a moment, and Seth crossed his arms, looking out the window at the clear sky.
“Stay here.”
“Excuse me?” Habibah raised both eyebrows, admiring his chiseled face.
“During the night, don’t sleep in the caravan. Come here.”
“Every night?” she asked, surprised.
Seth nodded, and she blinked, perplexed, but then gave a quick affirmative gesture.
“I would love to, thank you.”
“I’ll go take a bath. Do as you wish in the temple.”
“Are problems included?” she asked mischievously, and he tilted his head.
“If so, I’ll punish you.”
“Somehow, that sounds very promising. Maybe you should give me a lesson,” she laughed, playful and seductive.
“I’ve just gotten up,” he said with a yawn, still feeling the remnants of the previous night. “We’ll catch up later.”
“Of course, I’ll make sure to say goodbye before I leave.”
As she watched his back, Habibah dropped any pretense and smiled slyly, knowing that the man was falling for her. He wasn’t different from any other human or deity, but Seth was undoubtedly the one she truly desired, and she would give him everything if he surrendered at her feet.
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blackrainbowblade · 1 year
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It's chaos on my altar. Just gods and Pharaohs everywhere! I need to decide a layout, but for now, everyone got a polishing and some fresh incense.
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alkiores · 2 months
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magicalbunbun · 1 year
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Some drawings form last God au
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wanderingskemetic · 4 months
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